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Results &
Call for Action
February 2014
By Russian NeuroWeb
Working Group
‘Collective vision’. Artwork by Alex Grey
• Introduction
• Key elements of NeuroWeb design
• Implications for bodies, individual & collective minds
• User applications
• Organizational: how to make NeuroWeb live?
• Appendix
Next gen prosthetics Brain-brain interface communication
Brain mapping initiatives
Remotely controlled robotics
• Next 10 to 20 years will witness the coming of NeuroWeb – the next stage of
communicational technologies, Internet 4.0 that involves our bodies and
minds into the totality of communication by applying brain-computer and
brain-brain interfaces supported by artificial intelligence & semantic
technologies. Key technologies that precede NeuroWeb will be available
before or around 2020.
• Between 2025 & 2035, the ‘cognitive revolution’ will take place, with
NeuroWeb technologies inducing transformations of the human identity,
individual & collective intelligence, and various domains of economy, culture
& social life.
• Taking into account the drastic changes brought by NeuroWeb, it is important
and highly relevant to define NeuroWeb future architecture and design
principles, as well as R&D programs that will lead to the emergence of
commercially viable technologies.
• We propose to form an international working group (Council of NeuroWeb)
that will work on the elements of the concept of NeuroWeb and will
consolidate efforts of various businesses and institutions towards this goal.
This presentation presents ideas and early concepts that may lay a foundation
to the creation of such group 5
• NeuroWeb will be built over the existing Internet architecture and will
become the next stage of its development.
• Emergence of fully-fledged neuro-communication will give various
possibilities and features to the users, such as:
– Support and collaborative work of users with high-level artificial intelligence
acting as their ‘exocortex’ (external & artificial components of mind outside the
brain) that will augment and enhance the functions of their individual and
collective minds
– Use for artificial receptors and manipulators in local and remote modes by
individuals and collectives in the same way as their natural receptor-effector
systems (greatly expanding abilities of their natural bodies)
– More efficient ways for collective coordination and creative work in
organizations and distributed working groups: increased processing of
information, increased reaction speed, ability to respond to situations of higher
complexity etc.
– Wider range of non-verbal communication that will allow users to share
emotions and experiences with other people (and also with higher animals)
– Use of special altered states of conciseness for increased efficiency of
operator / dispatcher work and creative work in distributed collectives.
• As founders of the initiative, we represent a team working with strategizing,
collective vision design & startup acceleration in innovative sectors including
education, biotech, ICT and others. Our team has conducted ‘future
mapping’ for ca.20 various industries, with over 10 thousand experts
participating. We have found a repeating pattern of different industry maps
(transport, space, education, entertainment etc.), sort of ‘attractor of the
future’ that revolves around the NBIC convergence, and in particular the
emergence of the neuro-communicative space that we call NeuroWeb.
• Understanding the perspectives of NeuroWeb requires the discussion of
– the architecture of NeuroWeb, i.e. the key elements of this future network
– the technological path that leads towards NeuroWeb, including possible
applications of technologies that may emerge along the path
– the ‘human side’ of NeuroWeb: what practices will be required to use NeuroWeb,
and how it will be used for entertainment, creativity, management, education,
self-development etc.
– the risks of NeuroWeb technologies and how these can be mitigated
• Recognizing the importance of these issues, in late 2012 we have first come
up with the initiative to create the international Neuroweb roadmap that
could serve as a beacon for research & technology groups 7
• Between December 2012 and February 2013 our team has created the
early design of the NeuroWeb roadmap.
• In May 2013 we have launched the Russian working group on NeuroWeb
that has included around 20 leading Russian scholars on neurophysiology,
cognitive psychology, collective intelligence, semantics, artificial
intelligence, communicative technologies etc. The aim of the group is to
discuss potential directions of NeuroWeb development, including
principles and architecture of NeuroWeb design.
• In August 2013 we have published the first version of NeuroWeb
Manifesto that initiates the ‘polylogue’ discussion on the foundations of
• The Russian foresight of NeuroWeb has been conducted in October &
November 2013. It has brought together nearly 100 leading scholars and
practitioners in NeuroWeb-related disciplines.
• Our next step in 2014 is to create the global NeuroWeb Council and the
global NeuroWeb Roadmap that will involve leading international
experts. The key workshop will be held at the end of October 2014 in
Moscow. 8
• Introduction
• Key elements of NeuroWeb design
• Implications for bodies, individual & collective minds
• User applications
• Organizational: how to make NeuroWeb live?
• Appendix
• NeuroWeb is the realization of Internet that allows new dimensions* of
communication between humans, or with other living organisms, or with
artificial agents and robots, using neural interfaces
– that directly read information from neural systems of their users, bypassing the
range of intermediary natural / artificial input systems (and sometimes adaptive
mental operations such as verbalizations)
– (and also possibly) directly transmit information into neural systems of their users
bypassing the natural sensory systems (video-, audio- and other sensory channels)
• By definition, NeuroWeb is enabled by technologies that read, transmit, store,
process and generate information in central & peripheral neural systems of
human agents
• Also NeuroWeb encompasses all aspects of technological realization in
Internet that would exist by the time such communication becomes possible
(ca. 2020-25), including technologies of the Internet of Things and the Internet
of Artificial Agents
* There is no point in implementing ‘fully functional’ NeuroWeb unless it provides users with opportunities that
did not exist in earlier realizations of Internet, i.e. NeuroWeb should generate new qualities: speed, depth, and
range of communication that surpass those offered by Internet that employs interfaces with natural sensory &
effectory systems of human body.
Internet of
Internet of
Artificial Agents
Internet of
Brain-brain interfaces that would
allow direct communications
between human neural systems
(or between human & higher
Artificial agents that imitate and
support activities of the
individual & collective mind
Interfaces between individual
natural minds and artificial
components of mind (exocortex)
that support individual &
collective mental activities
Interfaces between individual
natural minds or collective
(hybrid) minds and artificial
body organs
Artificial organs of individual &
collective bodies, including
sensors, manipulators, cyber-
bodies & non-antropomorphic
* For options marked by asterisk, we are not aware of actual projects implemented at this
moment, but these projects are seen as highly feasible by professionals in the industry
Medicine & sport
Media &
Military & industrial
• Solutions for
functionally impaired
(prosthetics /
exoskeletons / sensory
feedback etc.)
• Wearable devices for
health monitoring /
preventive medicine
• Mind augmentation
• Sports based on, or
enhanced by, neuro-
devices *
• Neuromarketing
(including new
advertising technologies)
• Neurointerfaces for
gaming & enhanced
game experience
• Science-art using
• Sensoriums: neuro-
devices that allow
complex and unusual
experiences in gaming,
movies and other types
of entertainment *
• Remote control of military
robotics and more effective
combat in complex
environments (e.g. DARPA
Silent Talk, partial control of
military fighters etc.)
• Human-machine control
systems for complex industrial
processes and safety
management, including
distributed operator
workstations for dangerous
industrial objects (cranes,
mining equipment, underwater
automatics etc) *
Continuing expansion of
Growing bandwidth and data storage capacity (growth from 1 to 40
ZB annual data in 10 yrs by 2020, 50-100 Mbps is a common
household bandwidth by 2020, transition to ipv6)
Internet of Things
From 10 BN to 50 BN connected devices in 2020
Robotics as a booming area (billions of industrial & household
devices by 2020)
Semantic technologies
and advancements in
Artificial Intelligence
BigData: sensemaking of information through data-processing in R&D,
management, healthcare, education & everywhere (BigData become
BigLiveData by 2020+)
Semantic translation to semantic Internet (Internet 3.0)
Semantic processing in AI: stronger image recognition algorithms +
increased computational power (quantum computing)
Human body interfaces &
naturalization of
Wearable devices ‘quantifying self’ (1 BN by 2020) and body
becoming interface (Kinect, Tobii etc.)
Naturalization & miniaturization of devices (from monitors to
Google Glass in 2014 to monitor contact lense by 2025)
Neural system modelling Human brain emulation
(Human Brain Project in EU, BRAIN Initiative in US)
Development of inexpensive high-resolution neuro-interfaces
suitable for mass-market applications
Network architecture: increase in broadband width sufficient
for neuro-information transfer + network protocols for neuro-
information communication
Artificial agents and ‘exocortex’ technologies:
agents that mirror and support mental functions in real time
Growth of wearable applications & wearable
data communication over Internet
Development of psychotechnics that support and enhance
NeuroWeb communications. Training programs for early users
General brain emulation to individual brain mapping
(that allows increasing precision of BCI operation and brain-brain communication)
2014 2018 2025
AROUND 2023-25
Experimenting with non-
verbal computer interfaces
2014 2020 2030
Biometry-web: Internet communication that employs
intensive use of various biometry related data from
wearables, eye trackers, body motion & facial
expression recognition etc.
Neuroweb: Internet
communication employs
neural system readings
alongside biometry data
Biometry reading (for control, learning etc.): wearables (GSR,
myogram, pulse, temp, etc.), non-invasive neurointerfaces,
eye trackers, body & facial motion scan
High-res neurointerface
Biometry meta-language: complex pattern recognition for
multi-dimensional space of body-and-mind states (presented
by combinations of indicators), supported by BigLiveData
Re-mapping of mult-dim
body-mind state space
as neural patterns
Biometry control: biofeedback training to help master the
variety of body-mind states + psycho-techniques that allow fast
switching between these states.
Biofeedback training &
techniques for neural pattern
Artificial agents that mirror & support complex mental
activities controlled with biometry
Artificial agent-based
Biometry-Web Rise of NeuroWeb
2014 2020 2030
Network capacity growth:
User bandwidth est.10-100 Gbps. In principle, TCP/IP & ipv6 should be
enough (all of this should be created for IoT around 2025-2030)
Standardization of biometry transfer protocols for various wearable
applications, including transfer of neural data
(emergence of neuro:// standard?)
Creation of techno-mediums: artificial agents that maintain
individual maps of neural systems and relate them to external
interfaces (incl. ‘Language of NeuroWeb’)
Language of NeuroWeb: artificial agent that maintains the
‘universal language of mind’, including representations of part of
the mind that interact with external environment (verbal & non-
verbal) as well as ‘deeper’ states of mind
Ongoing development & improvement of neural interfaces
for higher precision & reliability, lower cost & easier installation
Biometry-Web Rise of NeuroWeb
representation of
existing ’controls’
Growing complexity of technological environments has to be matched by the
complexity of control interfaces. This growth of complexity in control systems can be
achieved twofold:
• NATURALIZATION OF INPUTS: From highly limited input devices
such as keyboard and mouse we move to ‘natural interfaces’
that involve body pose (Kinect), muscle tension (Myo) or eye
focus (Tobii)
• DIRECT NEURAL INPUT: From ‘natural interfaces’ we move to
direct reading of neural patterns through neural interfaces
• INCREASED GRANULARITY: From basic neural readings we
move to more detailed high-resolution readings of neural
ensembles and individual neurons (e.g. ‘neural dust’)
creation of new
• OLD PONY, NEW TRICKS: Our body (or our neural system)
learns how to use sophisticated options provided by new
interfaces such as sequences of actions (in the same way as we
change gears when driving or use hotkeys when typing). These
sequences can be learnt e.g. through biofeedback training.
• LITTLE DEMONS: We can use Artificial Intelligence to support
complex mental operations that involve use of interfaces
(these AIs would shadow and then replicate our routinized
actions, becoming our personal replacements for routine
NeuroWeb requires
neurointerfaces that
can be tolerated and
used by the majority
of population (i.e.
minimal cultural
barriers to its use)
Non-invasive: low precision of neuron reading. Higher precision
requires special preparation (e.g. contact gel & skull shaving).
Suitable for basic manipulations (e.g. arcade gameplay) but not
for complex tasks.
Product examples: Emotiv, NeuroSky
Invasive implants: high precision of neuron reading. Electrodes or
optogenetic implants would allow induction of neuron states (not
only reading but also transfer of information). High cultural
resistance – most people reject the idea of implantation.
Product examples: medical applications (e.g. prosthetics control)
Invasive microimplants: high precision of neuron reading. Lower
chance of cultural resistance (implanted through injection, not
brain surgery, and not visible, which is more acceptable).
Product examples: ‘neural dust’ (no real product exists yet)
Non-invasive combinations: low precision neural interfaces +
additional body interfaces (wearables, body motion tracking, eye
tracking). Multiple channels compensate imprecision of neural
interfaces. Can work as an intermediary solution for NeuroWeb.
Product examples: no integrated products exist yet (elements of
technology available in the market: Kinect for motion tracking,
Tobii in eye tracking, Emotiv in neural interfaces, various wearable
*Here we list only
feasible solutions that
already exist in various
design stages
Neural interface
level: reading of
actual synaptic states
and/or activation of
new neuron states
Artificial agent (most
likely, built into the
neural interface) uses
the map of individual
neural system to
convert to and from
digital signals received
from the Internet
Neural data is sent over the
network and can be additionally
stored, retrieved or processed by
artificial agents in the network if
‘Language of NeuroWeb’ is the semantic space of
neural pattern states that allows to convey greater
variety of states & meanings compared to
conventional interfaces. Most likely, this language
will be primarily based on same modalities as our
sensoric system.
Neural signal space should be
sufficiently detailed in order to
differentiate between different
brain patterns. The brain plasticity
implies that such patterns not only
will be read, but also created by
the brain specifically to use
Interaction between neural
interface and accompanying AI
should be accompanied by their
mutual ‘training’
Map of individual neural system
should differentiate between
individual synaptic states
as well as neural ensemble
Artificial agents learns to mirror & support various
mental functions of an individual (that may also
become new ‘words’ in the ‘language of NeuroWeb’)
Artificial agent that maps & re-maps the semantic
space of individual body&mind states (represented
by biometric or neural patterns) and constantly
updates its matching to the ‘language of NeuroWeb’
Human agent that learns to use the variety of new
interfaces. Most likely, such interfaces will require that
an agent to enter specialized body-mind states,
especially in collective work – therefore, users of
Biometry-Web and NeuroWeb will be trained for
interface-specific psychotechniques (such training will
be provided, at least in part, by biofeedback devices).
2014 2020 2030 2040
Biometry-Web (pre-
NeuroWeb) [2014-24]
Rise of NeuroWeb
Fully-fledged NeuroWeb
Developing ‘hard technologies’ of NeuroWeb:
network, BCIs, Ais, data protocols
Ultrafast learning technologies:
precursor for efficient exocortex use
‘Blue Mind’: BigData digital models
of mental processes
Studies of productive body-mind
states for collective intelligence
Digital & pharmaceutical control over
transition to productive body-mind states
Explication of tools & protocols for
control & directing of collective
intelligence processes
Collective intelligence in NeuroWeb: from
NeuroWeb-collectives to
‘mind forests’ (stable collective minds)
‘NeuroWeb language’: communication
protocols based on BigLiveData digital
models of mental processes
Experiments with
Direct connection
• Introduction
• Key elements of NeuroWeb design
• Implications for bodies, individual & collective minds
• User applications
• Organizational: how to make NeuroWeb live?
• Appendix
Future of individual minds
Future of collective minds
RISE OF AVATARS: Artificial agents that replicate
various mental functions (avatars) will multiple
through BigLiveData
DOORS OF PERCEPTION: Ability of control over
special states of consciousness
becomes a competitive advantage
augmented individuals, exocortex, collective
minds & multiple bodies
dissolves the boundaries of individual identity
effector organs, body sharing & body co-ownership
will blur the body boundaries
complexity management
MIND FORESTS: Rise of stable collective minds that
also become the climax of personal
uniqueness & authenticity
HYBRID MINDS: Artificial intelligence becomes the
integrating technology for sustainable collectives
NEW TUNES: Control over shared non-verbal
experience becomes the way to tune
and coordinate processes of collective intelligence
Future of body
input-output devices to organs in our bodies (in particular,
neural interfaces will become an integral part of the brain )
END OF EMBODIED MIND: Mind gradually becomes
independent (and possibly completely separated)
from the body over time
Boundaries of individual bodies &
minds become blurred, as new forms
emerge on the collective mind level
Blurred Body
• Human body will expand and include remote & distributed organs
and bodies (artificial or partially natural), such as remotely
controlled robots & devices. Over time, as humans start to get
cyber augmentations, their own individual bodies will also become
available to access from others, with option of body sharing.
Radical Longevity
• Radical longevity technologies will develop, including emergence of
cyber-bodies, nano- and bio-technologies that will allow to restore,
adjust and transform the body if necessary.
Naturalization of
Neural Interfaces
• Initial interfaces may be electrode implants or non-invasive
solutions, that will be later replaced by microinvasive implants. In
the longer run, there is a possibility of a ‘NeuroWeb port’ organ
that can be grown as a natural part of neural system.
• The emergence of fully-fledged digital copies of individuals in the
Net may put forward a practical question of digital immortality, a
possible ‘life’ of the body-independent mind in the Net. At this
stage, we know too little about the mind and the self to understand
whether ‘digital immortality’ is possible at all.
Black Swan
Rise of Avatars
• BigLiveData models of individual activities will transform into artificial
agents that will support daily routine activities of individuals (i.e. digital
copies of particular behavioral patterns replicated by articifical agents).
Players which can provide such agents will be BigData operators like
Doors of
• As more routine functions will be transferred to such agents, the
demand for unique skills & abilities increases. Productive use of special
states of consciousness will be among the primary ways to find the
personal uniqueness.
• Special states of consciousness can also help productive work in
NeuroWeb (getting sufficiently ‘transparent’ mind to interact with
other individuals & groups in NeuroWeb). NeuroWeb ‘driving license’
will require the basic control over such states of consciousness.
Blurred Mind
• Agents develop into quasi-independent sub-personalities of an
individual that can act on his/her behalf. Ultra-fast learning tools are
used to synchronize between these agents and an individual (over time
these tools will evolve into direct download from exo-cortex to neuro-
cortex). As every individual becomes a cloud of natural & digital sub-
personalities, the boundaries of the individual mind dissolve.
• Mind becomes gradually independent from specific natural & artificial
embodiments, and starts to fluctuate in the Net between multiple
collective minds. (Individual mind becomes a ‘spot’ in NeuroWeb)
Rise of Collective
• First NeuroWeb groups emerge as pragmatic solutions for complexity
management of strategic & operational tasks. They are based on new
standards of collective intelligence (and, potentially, new types of
thinking) with the support of exocortex. Such groups will often include
not only humans connected via Neuroweb, but also cyberbodies and
non-antropomorphous robots.
Hybrid Minds
• NeuroWeb group communication & operation is supported by next
generation Artificial Interlligence, most likely based on deep learning
architecture & quantum computing.
• Transition of NeuroWeb group technologies into mass market
applications allows to launch mass-scale NeuroWeb services, e.g.
transfer of individual experiences and body-mind states (primarily in
domains of education & entertainment: neuro-teaching, neuro-gaming,
neuro-dreaming etc.)
• Shared experiences are used to tune the creation & coordination of
NeuroWeb groups (in the same way as tribal trance practices). They
become collective rhythms of the new kind
Psychozoic Era
• Distributed & shared bodies, co-use of artificial parts of mind in
exocortex, shared access to natural neural networks and other possible
NeuroWeb technologies create a multitude of hybrid forms of multi-
body multi-mind natural& artificial structures. This leads to ‘Psychozoic
Explosion’ of various collective mind forms embedded in biological,
artificial and virtual substrates.
2025 2035 2045
Bodies • distributed bodies with
artificial components
• mass use microinvasive
neural interfaces allow
Neuroweb access
• ‘I change bodies’: bodies
with shared access
protocols, use of multiple
• Neuroweb access organ
(gene modification)
• ‘digital immortality’?
(mind can exist
independently from
body in the Web)
• protocols for transfer of
images, thoughts,
emotions & mental
states (AI-supported)
• NeuroWeb access
protocols supported by
altered states of
• age of ‘threats to identity
& privacy’ (neural hacking
and its consequences)
• augmented individuals
(ultra-fast, ultra-strong,
highly creative etc.) that
exist in post-verbal reality
• total transparency
of individual lives
• individual minds are
‘spots’ in NeuroWeb
blurred multi-
• ‘neural collectives’ for
complex coordination &
design tasks (supported
by strong AIs) that use
multiple bodies with
artificial components
(e.g. combat groups)
• first ‘mind forests’: stable
forms of hybrid collective
embedded minds with
artificial components
(emergence of collective
• Psychozoic Era:
emergence of
multitude of forms
of collective &
hybrid minds
2014 2020 2030 2040
Biometry-Web (pre-
NeuroWeb) [2014-24]
Rise of NeuroWeb
Fully-fledged NeuroWeb
New Mowgli & ‘dyslexic generation’:
software-based education from very early
age (without properly designed new
pedagogy) may give rise to a new generation
which lacks important skills such as verbal
communication or abstract thinking
Cognitive myopia & T9-zation: use of solutions
that prompt user choices (incl. those in
neuromarketing) may lead to degradation of
complex cognitive functions (e.g. strategic & long-
term thinking) in a substantial share of population
Psycho-Divide: groups that actively explore
NeuroWeb options (incl. altered states of
consciousness) will get advantages over the rest of
population, the separation leading to severe
conflicts. Some groups may collectively enter into
states of mind labeled by others as insanity.
Neural hacking: individuals may be ‘hacked’
through NeuroWeb, their memories or
experiences stolen or altered, and risk to mental
health inflicted
Dogs on the leash: corporations &
government agencies may seek to control
NeuroWeb on the ground of its risks to
population – with possible abuses of
power & potential for total mental control.
Who is the
subject of
Transformations driven by NeuroWeb creation will induce changes in the fundamental protocols of
the human cultures, including ethical rules and norms. In particular, the shifts in individual &
collective body & mind organization will put forward big questions such as:
Emergence of new types of subjects
(collective ‘mind forests’, distributed
robotic bodies controlled by AIs,
hybrid human-machine minds etc) will
challenge ethics based on the
assumption that the key acting
subject is a human individual.
• What will be the individual mind in the ‘ocean of
collective consciousness’ in NeuroWeb, especially as
the detachment of mind from body might occur?
• How will collective subjects be identified, and what
will be the rights of such subjects?
• What will be the rights of human-level artificial
intelligent subjects?
What are the
boundaries of a
technologies will blur the
boundaries between ‘self’
and ‘other’, ‘natural’ and
‘artificial’, ‘living’ and
‘non-living’, etc.
• Is it ethical to destroy artificial agents (incl. artificial sub-personalities
owned by oneself and others)?
• Artificial bodies – can they be co-owned and co-used by different
individuals, is it ethical to access and use someone else’s body part,
and on what terms?
• As robots and AIs will become parts of our personalities in
NeuroWeb, to what extent we will remain humans and not machines
(hence the question of free will)?
• As we move forward on the path of self-transformation, introducing
greater modifications of minds and bodies, what human motivations
will remain? What will happen to deepest manifestations of
interhuman relations such as love, friendship etc.?
Control over
• Should governments control minds of their citizens to prevent
negative consequences of NeuroWeb, or let citizens use open
relational protocols for the potential emergence of positive
NeuroWeb technologies will
pose major risk for the
future traditional social
institutions, including states
Elements of future ethics:
• (interiorized ethics that was tacitly translated through cultural norms will be replaced by)
exteriorized and transparent set of community- and context-specific behavioral rules that are
supported by quantitative evaluation systems: e.g. gamified bonus systems and achievement
badges, new currencies (game currencies, local currencies, creative currencies etc.)
• ‘total transparency’ of human societies (hence the requirement for authentic & sincere
behavior) will become the ground for establishment of new ethical foundations within human
social groups
• artificial agents will serve as translators not only between domains of knowledge & meanings,
but also between ethical systems of groups / communities (this poses a threat to conventional
ethical systems, as such translations may deviate from original meanings)
• through NeuroWeb the new subject of action will emerge, and it is Humanity as a whole. Rights
and qualities of this subject are unclear, but its actions will be evident
• traditional holders of systems of ethics, the religion and the state, come under attack, since
they do not retain any exclusive right to hold this position
• the revisal of ethical systems again becomes an important and a highly applied task that will
require the collective contribution of the greatest minds of our time
• design of ethical systems becomes a concise community-based process, and communities with
experimental ethical systems emerge in the NeuroWeb (in the same way as modern web
communities model wars, political and economic competitions)
• NeuroWeb development will require the ‘ethics designer toolkit’, an explicit and a universal
system for design of community-based behavioral rules
• Introduction
• Key elements of NeuroWeb design
• Implications for bodies, individual & collective minds
• User applications
• Organizational: how to make NeuroWeb live?
• Appendix
• Biometric wearables become
commonplace. Biometry-
related data actively
employed in healthcare and
behavior-related games
• Biometry enters education:
biometry-adjusted learning,
body-mind states learning
• Neurally controlled
prosthetics becomes
• Experiments on first groups
connected by neural
• Semantic web solutions
• Human-computer interfaces
based on natural verbal &
non-verbal interactions
• First wave of NeuroWeb
solutions in the market
• Dementia, epilepsy and other
brain disorders largely
• Artificial agents actively used
to support thinking & acting
• Personalized smart-drugs
• Personalized computer-aided
lifelong learning dominates
• Special-state-of-consciousness
training for productive
NeuroWeb use
• Domestic robotics & IoT
become commonplace
• Widespread realistic virtual
worlds & augmented reality
• NeuroWeb takes 40-50%
human Internet
• Organizations and
networks rebuilt around
NeuroWeb solutions
• NeuroWeb based
entertainment &
• Personal human-level
Artificial Intelligence
supporting daily routines
becomes widespread
The emergence of NeuroWeb gives new qualities to individual users at least across
three dimensions: speed, depth & range of communications.
Quality Why this quality is achieved
Speed Data processing by natural sensory systems & brain subsystems can be replaced
by computer processing. Reaction time gains can be between 20-100
Potentially, it will also be possible to bypass natural learning mechanisms and
activate neural ensembles for direct ultra-fast learning (theoretically possible,
but no apparent engineering solutions are foreseen yet)
more efficiently)
Direct reading of information from brain and transfer into brain allows more
precise communication that allows to convey meanings, emotions & states of
Natural mental functions can be supported & enhanced by artificial agents that
mirror them: e.g. large expansion of memory, enhancement of calculative
abilities & abstract thinking etc.
Enhancing body with additional sensory & effector organs, even with no direct
representation in human anatomy (e.g. dosimeters, flying manipulators etc.)
Accessing to deeper areas of the brain bypassing the normal process of their
activation could lead to unusual & exciting experiences
Similar applications for higher animals can create potential for their verbal
communication with humans, or development of their new mental qualities
such as thinking
NeuroWeb enhancement Area of application Feasibility
Increased reaction speed Anywhere where reaction time is important, e.g. military, sports,
gaming, industrial & transportation operations etc.
Increased learning speed Ultra-fast learning in education & work through ‘direct download’
(esp. work of NeuroWeb collectives)
More precise (even direct)
communication of emotions,
states of mind & experiences
Applications in entertainment & education: sharing experiences
with other, enhancing learning & entertaining processes
Group therapy in virtual worlds
Enhancement of mental
functions by artificial agents
that mirror them
Augmented individuals in all areas of economic & social life, as
well as in healthcare. Full copies of mind in the Net – a path to
‘digital immortality’?
Enhancing body with additional
sensory & effector organs
Healthcare, industrial, military, sport & daily applications of
enhanced bodies
Direct communication with
deeper brain structures
Application in entertainment (incl. ‘explorations of mind’ such as
artificially constructed emotions, neuro-dreaming, neurosports)
Verbal & neural communication
with higher animals
Large opportunities for new level of communication &
collaboration with higher animals
NeuroWeb technologies would unlock an immense variety of applications across all
domains of human activity (partially these opportunities will be unlocked with Biometry-
Web). Some examples of these applications are given below (and their feasibility
estimate given current technological level).
Organizational Individual
Industry Government Entertainment Education
• operational control
over complex
technical systems
dispatching) [plants,
city services,
spaceships etc.]
• development of
architectural /
solutions (esp. early
stages of design)
• military & emergency
applications (special
task combat force,
emergency operation
centers etc.)
• collective control
over government
functions (e.g.
collective intelligence
for government
decision making)
• enhanced games &
• shared experiences
& states of mind
(incl. neuro-
• neurogaming &
• NeuroWeb groups
for massive
multiuser online
gaming (strategy,
arcades etc.)
• direct control over
learning efficiency,
engagement etc.
• learning of body-
mind state control
• group therapy &
transformation in
• ultra-fast learning
in NeuroWeb
Beyond individual applications,
NeuroWeb will be intensively
used to work with various forms
of collective intelligence
Scenario 1 Scenario 2
Primary driver Organizational users Consumers
Increased efficiency in
complex environments
Unusual experiences
‘Quantified self’ control over aspects
of life
Focused applications of
NeuroWeb collectives in
industrial operations,
distributed design,
emergency control and
military applications
Special applications of neural
technologies that cannot be
provided by technologies based on
natural sensory & effector systems
(e.g. direct control over learning
process in distant learning, teaching
body-mind states through
biofeedback & gaming etc.)
Spillover Creation of NeuroWeb
collectives in entertainment
(e.g. gaming) and education
(group learning)
Organizational applications in HR
area (e.g. team building, increased
productivity etc.)
• Introduction
• Key elements of NeuroWeb design
• Implications for bodies, individual & collective minds
• User applications
• Organizational: how to make NeuroWeb live?
• Appendix
• It is highly probable that within the next decade first commercial NeuroWeb
prototypes will be created by one or several corporate or government
players that will attempt to define the standards of this new generation of
• However, we believe that the importance of NeuroWeb for the future of
civilization, and the potential that it holds for the evolution of humankind,
require that its design should be made through open collaboration of
researchers, engineers and future users, and that its essential backbone
technologies should belong to all of humanity.
• The present stage of NeuroWeb development is a stage when the principles
of its design and operation can be defined (in the same manner as early
Internet designs and defining protocols were created by J.C.R. Licklider,
R.Kahn & V.Cerf, T.Berners-Lee and others)
• The Council of NeuroWeb could become an international working group
that seeks to close interdisciplinary gaps and maintain a productive
roadmap for NeuroWeb development through interaction of key
stakeholders and ‘big-think’ visionaries.
Core of the Council:
Neurophysiologists & Engineers
• Neurophysiologists, BCI and
biodeedback systems
• Cognitive scientists &
• Collective Intelligence experts
• Artificial Intelligence specialists,
semantic web , semantics and
linguistic technology specialists
• Network protocol developers,
programmers and engeneers
Future application co-designers
• Healthcare
• Wellness Industry
• Psychotherapy
• Education &
Child Development
• Media & Entertainment
‘BigThink’ experts
• Futurology
• Big History & evolutionary
• System & complexity thinkers
Research &
(in partner
Startups &
International NeuroWeb Council
(annual meetings & ongoing interactions)
Inter-university program(s) MSc Neuroinformatics
with foresight & project-based learning components that become
‘breeding grounds’ for NeuroWeb experts & technologies
NeuroWeb Council could help maintain the dialogue between key stakeholders
through Foresight, help coordinate independent research efforts & applications for
mutual benefits, and support a focused (international) educational program
2013 2014
Creation of Russian
NeuroWeb group,
Russian NeuroWeb
Foresight (2013)
Continuing work on research & application projects
initiated through foresight
Creation of international
working group & Global
NeuroWeb Foresight (2014)
412015 2016
Continuing work of
International NeuroWeb Council
Launch of (international) educational program in
Neuroinformatics (2015)
Launch of a Foundation to help
finance applied projects in
NeuroWeb (2015-16)
1. Provide us with feedback on our NeuroWeb ‘map of the future’
in this presentation, and link us to other interested parties
2. Participate in (or otherwise support) our International Foresight
aimed to create the Global NeuroWeb Roadmap in 2014
3. Participate in (or otherwise support) the International
NeuroWeb Council aimed to coordinate research efforts that
work towards creation of NeuroWeb technologies (including
the support of international R&D cooperation)
4. Participate in (or otherwise support) the design & hosting of
the international Master program in Neuroinformatics
5. Organize (or otherwise support) events that help promote
NeuroWeb concepts & cause
6. Collaborate with Group or Council members on specific
research / application projects that can help advance
• Introduction
• Key elements of NeuroWeb design
• Implications for bodies, individual & collective minds
• User applications
• Organizational: how to make NeuroWeb live?
• Appendix
Dr. Pavel Luksha, co-founder`
Professor of SKOLKOVO Moscow School of Management. Member of Expert
Council of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives, co-founder of Russian R&D Directors
Club. Expertise in education and mentoring of technological startups and executive
teams focused on R&D and innovation.
Leader of Education 2030, Skills 2030 and NeuroWeb Foresight projects, author of
Future Agendas for Global Education, creator of Rapid Foresight methodology.
Co-leader of RF Group (, leading Russian think-and-do tank in
education. Program Director of Russian Foresight Fleet (largest future-awareness
educaton project in the world).
Research in evolutionary economics, information theory & systems thinking.
Dr. Timour Shchoukine, co-founder
CEO at – biofeedback and neurointerface research laboratory. Subliminal
biofeedback and collective biofeedback methods creator. 15 years of biofeedback
practice experience. Biofeedback device startup co-founder.
Initiative 2045 co-founder (responsible for scientific expert work, technological
project roadmap creation, research project planning & management, volunteers
network creation and managemen)
Expert in invention problem solving (TRIZ) methodology.
Team member of Education 2030 & Skills 2030 Foresights, RF Group.
Co-leader of NeuroWeb Foresight.
Research in Biofeedback methodology, AI-based image recognition in EEG analysis.
Co-author of several science-art biofeedback based projects.
Researcher at Psychosemantics laboratory of Psychology department of Moscow
State University, Russia 44
Russian Venture Company
Center for Strategic
Research North-West
Alpha Smart Systems
Council on Artificial
Intelligence, Institute of
Philosophy, RAS
Optical Neural Technology
Research Center, System
Studies Institute, RAS
Laboratory for Neurophysiology
and Neuro-Computer Interfaces,
Moscow State University
Institute of Psychology,
Russian Academy of Sciences
2045 Strategic Social
Future Biotech Russia
Professor Alexander Kaplan
Neurophysiologist, founder of the first Russian
Laboratory on Neuro-Computer Interfaces, Moscow
State University
Professor Vitaly Dunin-Barkovsky
Head of the Neuroinformatics group of the Optical
Neural Technology Center, Russian Academy of
Professor David Dubrovsky
Chief of the Research Council on Artificial
Intelligence, Russian Academy of Sciences
Professor Petr Schedrovitsky
Vice-director of Philosophy institute, Russian
Academy of Science. Key Russian expert on
Collective Intelligence
Professor Akop Nazaretyan
Senior Research Fellow of the Oriental
Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences. Key Russian
expert in Big History
Dr. Anatoly Levenchuk
President of TechnoInvestLab (leading Russian
advisory in complex systems engineering &
semantic data integration, member of ISO15926)
Dr. Vladimir Konyshev
CEO Neurobotics (leading Russian technological company in
the area of neural & biometry interfaces, and BCI-controlled
Dr. Dmitry Kuzmin
Research Associate in Neuroscience, University College
London. Chairman of Future Biotech, partner at RusBio
Dr. Anatoly Prokhorov
Executive producer, media&educational project ‘Smeshariki’
(Kikoriki), Vice-President of National Children Foundation.
Oleg Bakhtiyarov,
Head of Psychonetics Laboratory (leading research center
on new pscyhotechnics that support collective intelligence
& complexity management)
Dr. Dmtry Bulatov
Senior curator at National Centre for Contemporary Arts.
Key Russian expert on science art employing neuro-
Alan Francis
Master at Taoist and Gurgieff traditions, co-founder of
Oregon/Portland Gurdjieff Foundations.

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Neuro web foresight en vfeb2014 eng

  • 1. NeuroWeb Roadmap: Preliminary Results & Call for Action February 2014 By Russian NeuroWeb Working Group ‘Collective vision’. Artwork by Alex Grey
  • 2. PRESENTATION STRUCTURE • Introduction • Key elements of NeuroWeb design • Implications for bodies, individual & collective minds • User applications • Organizational: how to make NeuroWeb live? • Appendix 2
  • 4. THERE IS MAJOR RESEARCH EFFORT UNDER WAY IN VARIOUS AREAS OF NEUROSCIENCE … Next gen prosthetics Brain-brain interface communication Brain mapping initiatives … BUT ITS LONG-TERM IMPLICATIONS ARE NOT EXPLICATED Remotely controlled robotics 4
  • 5. THE COMING OF COGNITIVE REVOLUTION • Next 10 to 20 years will witness the coming of NeuroWeb – the next stage of communicational technologies, Internet 4.0 that involves our bodies and minds into the totality of communication by applying brain-computer and brain-brain interfaces supported by artificial intelligence & semantic technologies. Key technologies that precede NeuroWeb will be available before or around 2020. • Between 2025 & 2035, the ‘cognitive revolution’ will take place, with NeuroWeb technologies inducing transformations of the human identity, individual & collective intelligence, and various domains of economy, culture & social life. • Taking into account the drastic changes brought by NeuroWeb, it is important and highly relevant to define NeuroWeb future architecture and design principles, as well as R&D programs that will lead to the emergence of commercially viable technologies. • We propose to form an international working group (Council of NeuroWeb) that will work on the elements of the concept of NeuroWeb and will consolidate efforts of various businesses and institutions towards this goal. This presentation presents ideas and early concepts that may lay a foundation to the creation of such group 5
  • 6. NEUROWEB AS THE NATURAL DEVELOPMENT OF INTERNET • NeuroWeb will be built over the existing Internet architecture and will become the next stage of its development. • Emergence of fully-fledged neuro-communication will give various possibilities and features to the users, such as: – Support and collaborative work of users with high-level artificial intelligence acting as their ‘exocortex’ (external & artificial components of mind outside the brain) that will augment and enhance the functions of their individual and collective minds – Use for artificial receptors and manipulators in local and remote modes by individuals and collectives in the same way as their natural receptor-effector systems (greatly expanding abilities of their natural bodies) – More efficient ways for collective coordination and creative work in organizations and distributed working groups: increased processing of information, increased reaction speed, ability to respond to situations of higher complexity etc. – Wider range of non-verbal communication that will allow users to share emotions and experiences with other people (and also with higher animals) – Use of special altered states of conciseness for increased efficiency of operator / dispatcher work and creative work in distributed collectives. 6
  • 7. NEUROWEB ROADMAP INITIATIVE • As founders of the initiative, we represent a team working with strategizing, collective vision design & startup acceleration in innovative sectors including education, biotech, ICT and others. Our team has conducted ‘future mapping’ for ca.20 various industries, with over 10 thousand experts participating. We have found a repeating pattern of different industry maps (transport, space, education, entertainment etc.), sort of ‘attractor of the future’ that revolves around the NBIC convergence, and in particular the emergence of the neuro-communicative space that we call NeuroWeb. • Understanding the perspectives of NeuroWeb requires the discussion of – the architecture of NeuroWeb, i.e. the key elements of this future network – the technological path that leads towards NeuroWeb, including possible applications of technologies that may emerge along the path – the ‘human side’ of NeuroWeb: what practices will be required to use NeuroWeb, and how it will be used for entertainment, creativity, management, education, self-development etc. – the risks of NeuroWeb technologies and how these can be mitigated • Recognizing the importance of these issues, in late 2012 we have first come up with the initiative to create the international Neuroweb roadmap that could serve as a beacon for research & technology groups 7
  • 8. ROADMAP DESIGN TIMELINE: WHAT HAS BEEN DONE SO FAR • Between December 2012 and February 2013 our team has created the early design of the NeuroWeb roadmap. • In May 2013 we have launched the Russian working group on NeuroWeb that has included around 20 leading Russian scholars on neurophysiology, cognitive psychology, collective intelligence, semantics, artificial intelligence, communicative technologies etc. The aim of the group is to discuss potential directions of NeuroWeb development, including principles and architecture of NeuroWeb design. • In August 2013 we have published the first version of NeuroWeb Manifesto that initiates the ‘polylogue’ discussion on the foundations of NeuroWeb • The Russian foresight of NeuroWeb has been conducted in October & November 2013. It has brought together nearly 100 leading scholars and practitioners in NeuroWeb-related disciplines. • Our next step in 2014 is to create the global NeuroWeb Council and the global NeuroWeb Roadmap that will involve leading international experts. The key workshop will be held at the end of October 2014 in Moscow. 8
  • 9. PRESENTATION STRUCTURE • Introduction • Key elements of NeuroWeb design • Implications for bodies, individual & collective minds • User applications • Organizational: how to make NeuroWeb live? • Appendix 9
  • 10. WHAT IS (WHAT WILL BE) NEUROWEB • NeuroWeb is the realization of Internet that allows new dimensions* of communication between humans, or with other living organisms, or with artificial agents and robots, using neural interfaces – that directly read information from neural systems of their users, bypassing the range of intermediary natural / artificial input systems (and sometimes adaptive mental operations such as verbalizations) – (and also possibly) directly transmit information into neural systems of their users bypassing the natural sensory systems (video-, audio- and other sensory channels) • By definition, NeuroWeb is enabled by technologies that read, transmit, store, process and generate information in central & peripheral neural systems of human agents • Also NeuroWeb encompasses all aspects of technological realization in Internet that would exist by the time such communication becomes possible (ca. 2020-25), including technologies of the Internet of Things and the Internet of Artificial Agents * There is no point in implementing ‘fully functional’ NeuroWeb unless it provides users with opportunities that did not exist in earlier realizations of Internet, i.e. NeuroWeb should generate new qualities: speed, depth, and range of communication that surpass those offered by Internet that employs interfaces with natural sensory & effectory systems of human body. 10
  • 11. KEY INTERFACES OF NEUROWEB Internet of Humans Internet of Artificial Agents Internet of Things Brain-brain interfaces that would allow direct communications between human neural systems (or between human & higher animal) Artificial agents that imitate and support activities of the individual & collective mind Interfaces between individual natural minds and artificial components of mind (exocortex) that support individual & collective mental activities Interfaces between individual natural minds or collective (hybrid) minds and artificial body organs Artificial organs of individual & collective bodies, including sensors, manipulators, cyber- bodies & non-antropomorphic robotics 11
  • 12. SOME OF KEY NEUROWEB TECHNOLOGIES ARE ALREADY BEING DEVELOPED AS PRODUCTS AND R&D IN THREE DIFFERENT AREAS * For options marked by asterisk, we are not aware of actual projects implemented at this moment, but these projects are seen as highly feasible by professionals in the industry Medicine & sport Media & entertainment Military & industrial applications • Solutions for functionally impaired (prosthetics / exoskeletons / sensory feedback etc.) • Wearable devices for health monitoring / preventive medicine purposes • Mind augmentation drugs • Sports based on, or enhanced by, neuro- devices * • Neuromarketing (including new advertising technologies) • Neurointerfaces for gaming & enhanced game experience • Science-art using neurointerfaces • Sensoriums: neuro- devices that allow complex and unusual experiences in gaming, movies and other types of entertainment * • Remote control of military robotics and more effective combat in complex environments (e.g. DARPA Silent Talk, partial control of military fighters etc.) • Human-machine control systems for complex industrial processes and safety management, including distributed operator workstations for dangerous industrial objects (cranes, mining equipment, underwater automatics etc) * 12
  • 13. TRENDS IN INFORMATION & COMMUNICATION THAT SUPPORT CREATION OF NEUROWEB Continuing expansion of Internet Growing bandwidth and data storage capacity (growth from 1 to 40 ZB annual data in 10 yrs by 2020, 50-100 Mbps is a common household bandwidth by 2020, transition to ipv6) Internet of Things From 10 BN to 50 BN connected devices in 2020 Robotics as a booming area (billions of industrial & household devices by 2020) Semantic technologies and advancements in Artificial Intelligence BigData: sensemaking of information through data-processing in R&D, management, healthcare, education & everywhere (BigData become BigLiveData by 2020+) Semantic translation to semantic Internet (Internet 3.0) Semantic processing in AI: stronger image recognition algorithms + increased computational power (quantum computing) Human body interfaces & naturalization of interfaces Wearable devices ‘quantifying self’ (1 BN by 2020) and body becoming interface (Kinect, Tobii etc.) Naturalization & miniaturization of devices (from monitors to Google Glass in 2014 to monitor contact lense by 2025) Neural system modelling Human brain emulation (Human Brain Project in EU, BRAIN Initiative in US) 13
  • 14. KEY STEPS TO NEUROWEB IMPLEMENTATION Development of inexpensive high-resolution neuro-interfaces suitable for mass-market applications Network architecture: increase in broadband width sufficient for neuro-information transfer + network protocols for neuro- information communication Artificial agents and ‘exocortex’ technologies: agents that mirror and support mental functions in real time Growth of wearable applications & wearable data communication over Internet Development of psychotechnics that support and enhance NeuroWeb communications. Training programs for early users General brain emulation to individual brain mapping (that allows increasing precision of BCI operation and brain-brain communication) 2014 2018 2025 VIABLE & SCALEABLE NEUROWEB MODEL AROUND 2023-25 Experimenting with non- verbal computer interfaces 14
  • 15. AN INTERMEDIARY STEP: BEFORE NEUROWEB, THERE WILL BE BIOMETRY-WEB 15 2014 2020 2030 Biometry-web: Internet communication that employs intensive use of various biometry related data from wearables, eye trackers, body motion & facial expression recognition etc. Neuroweb: Internet communication employs neural system readings alongside biometry data Biometry reading (for control, learning etc.): wearables (GSR, myogram, pulse, temp, etc.), non-invasive neurointerfaces, eye trackers, body & facial motion scan High-res neurointerface readings Biometry meta-language: complex pattern recognition for multi-dimensional space of body-and-mind states (presented by combinations of indicators), supported by BigLiveData Re-mapping of mult-dim body-mind state space as neural patterns Biometry control: biofeedback training to help master the variety of body-mind states + psycho-techniques that allow fast switching between these states. Biofeedback training & techniques for neural pattern activation Artificial agents that mirror & support complex mental activities controlled with biometry Artificial agent-based exocortex Biometry-Web Rise of NeuroWeb
  • 16. KEY ELEMENTS OF NEUROWEB ARCHITECTURE CREATION 16 2014 2020 2030 Network capacity growth: User bandwidth est.10-100 Gbps. In principle, TCP/IP & ipv6 should be enough (all of this should be created for IoT around 2025-2030) Standardization of biometry transfer protocols for various wearable applications, including transfer of neural data (emergence of neuro:// standard?) Creation of techno-mediums: artificial agents that maintain individual maps of neural systems and relate them to external interfaces (incl. ‘Language of NeuroWeb’) Language of NeuroWeb: artificial agent that maintains the ‘universal language of mind’, including representations of part of the mind that interact with external environment (verbal & non- verbal) as well as ‘deeper’ states of mind Ongoing development & improvement of neural interfaces for higher precision & reliability, lower cost & easier installation Biometry-Web Rise of NeuroWeb
  • 17. TWO WAYS FOR NEURAL INTERFACE DEVELOPMENT 17 representation of existing ’controls’ Growing complexity of technological environments has to be matched by the complexity of control interfaces. This growth of complexity in control systems can be achieved twofold: • NATURALIZATION OF INPUTS: From highly limited input devices such as keyboard and mouse we move to ‘natural interfaces’ that involve body pose (Kinect), muscle tension (Myo) or eye focus (Tobii) • DIRECT NEURAL INPUT: From ‘natural interfaces’ we move to direct reading of neural patterns through neural interfaces • INCREASED GRANULARITY: From basic neural readings we move to more detailed high-resolution readings of neural ensembles and individual neurons (e.g. ‘neural dust’) creation of new ‘controls’ • OLD PONY, NEW TRICKS: Our body (or our neural system) learns how to use sophisticated options provided by new interfaces such as sequences of actions (in the same way as we change gears when driving or use hotkeys when typing). These sequences can be learnt e.g. through biofeedback training. • LITTLE DEMONS: We can use Artificial Intelligence to support complex mental operations that involve use of interfaces (these AIs would shadow and then replicate our routinized actions, becoming our personal replacements for routine operations)
  • 18. NEUROWEB ACCESS: POSSIBLE NEURAL INTERFACE SOLUTIONS* NeuroWeb requires high-precision inexpensive neurointerfaces that can be tolerated and used by the majority of population (i.e. minimal cultural barriers to its use)    Non-invasive: low precision of neuron reading. Higher precision requires special preparation (e.g. contact gel & skull shaving). Suitable for basic manipulations (e.g. arcade gameplay) but not for complex tasks. Product examples: Emotiv, NeuroSky Invasive implants: high precision of neuron reading. Electrodes or optogenetic implants would allow induction of neuron states (not only reading but also transfer of information). High cultural resistance – most people reject the idea of implantation. Product examples: medical applications (e.g. prosthetics control) Invasive microimplants: high precision of neuron reading. Lower chance of cultural resistance (implanted through injection, not brain surgery, and not visible, which is more acceptable). Product examples: ‘neural dust’ (no real product exists yet) Non-invasive combinations: low precision neural interfaces + additional body interfaces (wearables, body motion tracking, eye tracking). Multiple channels compensate imprecision of neural interfaces. Can work as an intermediary solution for NeuroWeb. Product examples: no integrated products exist yet (elements of technology available in the market: Kinect for motion tracking, Tobii in eye tracking, Emotiv in neural interfaces, various wearable solutions) *Here we list only feasible solutions that already exist in various design stages 18
  • 19. BRAIN-BRAIN NEUROWEB COMMUNICATION: HARDWARE/SOFTWARE AI1 AI2 NI1 NI2 Neural interface level: reading of actual synaptic states and/or activation of new neuron states Artificial agent (most likely, built into the neural interface) uses the map of individual neural system to convert to and from digital signals received from the Internet Neural data is sent over the network and can be additionally stored, retrieved or processed by artificial agents in the network if necessary ‘Language of NeuroWeb’ is the semantic space of neural pattern states that allows to convey greater variety of states & meanings compared to conventional interfaces. Most likely, this language will be primarily based on same modalities as our sensoric system. Neural signal space should be sufficiently detailed in order to differentiate between different brain patterns. The brain plasticity implies that such patterns not only will be read, but also created by the brain specifically to use interfaces Interaction between neural interface and accompanying AI should be accompanied by their mutual ‘training’ Map of individual neural system should differentiate between individual synaptic states as well as neural ensemble patterns 19 AI
  • 20. MUTUAL ADAPTATION IN BIOMETRY-WEB & NEUROWEB INTERFACES 20 Artificial agents learns to mirror & support various mental functions of an individual (that may also become new ‘words’ in the ‘language of NeuroWeb’) Artificial agent that maps & re-maps the semantic space of individual body&mind states (represented by biometric or neural patterns) and constantly updates its matching to the ‘language of NeuroWeb’ Human agent that learns to use the variety of new interfaces. Most likely, such interfaces will require that an agent to enter specialized body-mind states, especially in collective work – therefore, users of Biometry-Web and NeuroWeb will be trained for interface-specific psychotechniques (such training will be provided, at least in part, by biofeedback devices). AI AI
  • 21. BEYOND HARD TECHNOLOGIES: DESIGNING HUMAN PROTOCOLS FOR NEUROWEB 2014 2020 2030 2040 Biometry-Web (pre- NeuroWeb) [2014-24] Rise of NeuroWeb [2025-35] Fully-fledged NeuroWeb [2035+] 21 Developing ‘hard technologies’ of NeuroWeb: network, BCIs, Ais, data protocols Ultrafast learning technologies: precursor for efficient exocortex use ‘Blue Mind’: BigData digital models of mental processes Studies of productive body-mind states for collective intelligence Digital & pharmaceutical control over transition to productive body-mind states Explication of tools & protocols for control & directing of collective intelligence processes Collective intelligence in NeuroWeb: from NeuroWeb-collectives to ‘mind forests’ (stable collective minds) ‘NeuroWeb language’: communication protocols based on BigLiveData digital models of mental processes Experiments with exocortex Direct connection exocortex-neurortex
  • 22. PRESENTATION STRUCTURE • Introduction • Key elements of NeuroWeb design • Implications for bodies, individual & collective minds • User applications • Organizational: how to make NeuroWeb live? • Appendix 22
  • 23. Future of individual minds Future of collective minds RISE OF AVATARS: Artificial agents that replicate various mental functions (avatars) will multiple through BigLiveData DOORS OF PERCEPTION: Ability of control over special states of consciousness becomes a competitive advantage BLURRED MIND BOUNDARIES: Rise of augmented individuals, exocortex, collective minds & multiple bodies dissolves the boundaries of individual identity BLURRED BODY BOUNDARIES: new sensory & effector organs, body sharing & body co-ownership will blur the body boundaries RISE OF COLLECTIVE INTELLIGENCE as a key form of complexity management MIND FORESTS: Rise of stable collective minds that also become the climax of personal uniqueness & authenticity HYBRID MINDS: Artificial intelligence becomes the integrating technology for sustainable collectives NEW TUNES: Control over shared non-verbal experience becomes the way to tune and coordinate processes of collective intelligence ?KEY TRENDS FOR BODY, INDIVIDUAL & COLLECTIVE MIND Future of body NATURALIZATION OF INTERNET INTERFACES: from special input-output devices to organs in our bodies (in particular, neural interfaces will become an integral part of the brain ) END OF EMBODIED MIND: Mind gradually becomes independent (and possibly completely separated) from the body over time Boundaries of individual bodies & minds become blurred, as new forms emerge on the collective mind level
  • 24. FUTURE OF BODY IN NEUROWEB 24 Blurred Body Boundaries • Human body will expand and include remote & distributed organs and bodies (artificial or partially natural), such as remotely controlled robots & devices. Over time, as humans start to get cyber augmentations, their own individual bodies will also become available to access from others, with option of body sharing. Radical Longevity • Radical longevity technologies will develop, including emergence of cyber-bodies, nano- and bio-technologies that will allow to restore, adjust and transform the body if necessary. Naturalization of Neural Interfaces • Initial interfaces may be electrode implants or non-invasive solutions, that will be later replaced by microinvasive implants. In the longer run, there is a possibility of a ‘NeuroWeb port’ organ that can be grown as a natural part of neural system. Digital Immortality • The emergence of fully-fledged digital copies of individuals in the Net may put forward a practical question of digital immortality, a possible ‘life’ of the body-independent mind in the Net. At this stage, we know too little about the mind and the self to understand whether ‘digital immortality’ is possible at all. Black Swan
  • 25. FUTURE OF INDIVIDUAL MIND IN NEUROWEB 25 Rise of Avatars • BigLiveData models of individual activities will transform into artificial agents that will support daily routine activities of individuals (i.e. digital copies of particular behavioral patterns replicated by articifical agents). Players which can provide such agents will be BigData operators like Google. Doors of Perception • As more routine functions will be transferred to such agents, the demand for unique skills & abilities increases. Productive use of special states of consciousness will be among the primary ways to find the personal uniqueness. • Special states of consciousness can also help productive work in NeuroWeb (getting sufficiently ‘transparent’ mind to interact with other individuals & groups in NeuroWeb). NeuroWeb ‘driving license’ will require the basic control over such states of consciousness. Blurred Mind Boundaries • Agents develop into quasi-independent sub-personalities of an individual that can act on his/her behalf. Ultra-fast learning tools are used to synchronize between these agents and an individual (over time these tools will evolve into direct download from exo-cortex to neuro- cortex). As every individual becomes a cloud of natural & digital sub- personalities, the boundaries of the individual mind dissolve. • Mind becomes gradually independent from specific natural & artificial embodiments, and starts to fluctuate in the Net between multiple collective minds. (Individual mind becomes a ‘spot’ in NeuroWeb)
  • 26. FUTURE OF COLLECTIVE MIND IN NEUROWEB 26 Rise of Collective Intelligence • First NeuroWeb groups emerge as pragmatic solutions for complexity management of strategic & operational tasks. They are based on new standards of collective intelligence (and, potentially, new types of thinking) with the support of exocortex. Such groups will often include not only humans connected via Neuroweb, but also cyberbodies and non-antropomorphous robots. Hybrid Minds • NeuroWeb group communication & operation is supported by next generation Artificial Interlligence, most likely based on deep learning architecture & quantum computing. Shared Experiences • Transition of NeuroWeb group technologies into mass market applications allows to launch mass-scale NeuroWeb services, e.g. transfer of individual experiences and body-mind states (primarily in domains of education & entertainment: neuro-teaching, neuro-gaming, neuro-dreaming etc.) • Shared experiences are used to tune the creation & coordination of NeuroWeb groups (in the same way as tribal trance practices). They become collective rhythms of the new kind Psychozoic Era • Distributed & shared bodies, co-use of artificial parts of mind in exocortex, shared access to natural neural networks and other possible NeuroWeb technologies create a multitude of hybrid forms of multi- body multi-mind natural& artificial structures. This leads to ‘Psychozoic Explosion’ of various collective mind forms embedded in biological, artificial and virtual substrates.
  • 27. NEUROWEB EVOLUTION: IMPLICATIONS FOR BODIES & MINDS 27 2025 2035 2045 Bodies • distributed bodies with artificial components • mass use microinvasive neural interfaces allow Neuroweb access • ‘I change bodies’: bodies with shared access protocols, use of multiple bodies • Neuroweb access organ (gene modification) • ‘digital immortality’? (mind can exist independently from body in the Web) [BLACK SWAN POSSIBILITY] Individual minds • protocols for transfer of images, thoughts, emotions & mental states (AI-supported) • NeuroWeb access protocols supported by altered states of consciousness • age of ‘threats to identity & privacy’ (neural hacking and its consequences) • augmented individuals (ultra-fast, ultra-strong, highly creative etc.) that exist in post-verbal reality • total transparency of individual lives • individual minds are ‘spots’ in NeuroWeb blurred multi- personal environment Collective minds • ‘neural collectives’ for complex coordination & design tasks (supported by strong AIs) that use multiple bodies with non-antropomorphic artificial components (e.g. combat groups) • first ‘mind forests’: stable forms of hybrid collective embedded minds with artificial components (emergence of collective meta-minds) • Psychozoic Era: explosive emergence of multitude of forms of collective & hybrid minds
  • 28. ‘CLOUD OF THREATS’ TO BE MITIGATED 28 2014 2020 2030 2040 Biometry-Web (pre- NeuroWeb) [2014-24] Rise of NeuroWeb [2025-35] Fully-fledged NeuroWeb [2035+] New Mowgli & ‘dyslexic generation’: software-based education from very early age (without properly designed new pedagogy) may give rise to a new generation which lacks important skills such as verbal communication or abstract thinking Cognitive myopia & T9-zation: use of solutions that prompt user choices (incl. those in neuromarketing) may lead to degradation of complex cognitive functions (e.g. strategic & long- term thinking) in a substantial share of population Psycho-Divide: groups that actively explore NeuroWeb options (incl. altered states of consciousness) will get advantages over the rest of population, the separation leading to severe conflicts. Some groups may collectively enter into states of mind labeled by others as insanity. Neural hacking: individuals may be ‘hacked’ through NeuroWeb, their memories or experiences stolen or altered, and risk to mental health inflicted Dogs on the leash: corporations & government agencies may seek to control NeuroWeb on the ground of its risks to population – with possible abuses of power & potential for total mental control.
  • 29. NEUROWEB ETHICS: BIG QUESTIONS 29 Who is the subject of action? Transformations driven by NeuroWeb creation will induce changes in the fundamental protocols of the human cultures, including ethical rules and norms. In particular, the shifts in individual & collective body & mind organization will put forward big questions such as: Emergence of new types of subjects (collective ‘mind forests’, distributed robotic bodies controlled by AIs, hybrid human-machine minds etc) will challenge ethics based on the assumption that the key acting subject is a human individual. • What will be the individual mind in the ‘ocean of collective consciousness’ in NeuroWeb, especially as the detachment of mind from body might occur? • How will collective subjects be identified, and what will be the rights of such subjects? • What will be the rights of human-level artificial intelligent subjects? What are the boundaries of a subject? NeuroWeb-related technologies will blur the boundaries between ‘self’ and ‘other’, ‘natural’ and ‘artificial’, ‘living’ and ‘non-living’, etc. • Is it ethical to destroy artificial agents (incl. artificial sub-personalities owned by oneself and others)? • Artificial bodies – can they be co-owned and co-used by different individuals, is it ethical to access and use someone else’s body part, and on what terms? • As robots and AIs will become parts of our personalities in NeuroWeb, to what extent we will remain humans and not machines (hence the question of free will)? • As we move forward on the path of self-transformation, introducing greater modifications of minds and bodies, what human motivations will remain? What will happen to deepest manifestations of interhuman relations such as love, friendship etc.? Control over NeuroWeb • Should governments control minds of their citizens to prevent negative consequences of NeuroWeb, or let citizens use open relational protocols for the potential emergence of positive consequences? NeuroWeb technologies will pose major risk for the future traditional social institutions, including states
  • 30. NEUROWEB ETHICS: IN SEARCH OF ANSWERS Elements of future ethics: • (interiorized ethics that was tacitly translated through cultural norms will be replaced by) exteriorized and transparent set of community- and context-specific behavioral rules that are supported by quantitative evaluation systems: e.g. gamified bonus systems and achievement badges, new currencies (game currencies, local currencies, creative currencies etc.) • ‘total transparency’ of human societies (hence the requirement for authentic & sincere behavior) will become the ground for establishment of new ethical foundations within human social groups • artificial agents will serve as translators not only between domains of knowledge & meanings, but also between ethical systems of groups / communities (this poses a threat to conventional ethical systems, as such translations may deviate from original meanings) • through NeuroWeb the new subject of action will emerge, and it is Humanity as a whole. Rights and qualities of this subject are unclear, but its actions will be evident Implications: • traditional holders of systems of ethics, the religion and the state, come under attack, since they do not retain any exclusive right to hold this position • the revisal of ethical systems again becomes an important and a highly applied task that will require the collective contribution of the greatest minds of our time • design of ethical systems becomes a concise community-based process, and communities with experimental ethical systems emerge in the NeuroWeb (in the same way as modern web communities model wars, political and economic competitions) • NeuroWeb development will require the ‘ethics designer toolkit’, an explicit and a universal system for design of community-based behavioral rules 30
  • 31. PRESENTATION STRUCTURE • Introduction • Key elements of NeuroWeb design • Implications for bodies, individual & collective minds • User applications • Organizational: how to make NeuroWeb live? • Appendix 31
  • 32. HOW WILL NEUROWEB RELATED REALITY LOOK LIKE? 32 AROUND 2020 AROUND 2030 AROUND 2040 • Biometric wearables become commonplace. Biometry- related data actively employed in healthcare and behavior-related games • Biometry enters education: biometry-adjusted learning, body-mind states learning • Neurally controlled prosthetics becomes widespread • Experiments on first groups connected by neural interfaces • Semantic web solutions • Human-computer interfaces based on natural verbal & non-verbal interactions • First wave of NeuroWeb solutions in the market • Dementia, epilepsy and other brain disorders largely eliminated • Artificial agents actively used to support thinking & acting • Personalized smart-drugs • Personalized computer-aided lifelong learning dominates education • Special-state-of-consciousness training for productive NeuroWeb use • Domestic robotics & IoT become commonplace • Widespread realistic virtual worlds & augmented reality • NeuroWeb takes 40-50% human Internet connection • Organizations and networks rebuilt around NeuroWeb solutions • NeuroWeb based entertainment & education • Personal human-level Artificial Intelligence supporting daily routines becomes widespread
  • 33. POTENTIAL APPLICATIONS OF NEUROWEB 33 The emergence of NeuroWeb gives new qualities to individual users at least across three dimensions: speed, depth & range of communications. Quality Why this quality is achieved Speed Data processing by natural sensory systems & brain subsystems can be replaced by computer processing. Reaction time gains can be between 20-100 milliseconds Potentially, it will also be possible to bypass natural learning mechanisms and activate neural ensembles for direct ultra-fast learning (theoretically possible, but no apparent engineering solutions are foreseen yet) Depth (natural functions performed more efficiently) Direct reading of information from brain and transfer into brain allows more precise communication that allows to convey meanings, emotions & states of mind Natural mental functions can be supported & enhanced by artificial agents that mirror them: e.g. large expansion of memory, enhancement of calculative abilities & abstract thinking etc. Range (additional artificial functions) Enhancing body with additional sensory & effector organs, even with no direct representation in human anatomy (e.g. dosimeters, flying manipulators etc.) Accessing to deeper areas of the brain bypassing the normal process of their activation could lead to unusual & exciting experiences Similar applications for higher animals can create potential for their verbal communication with humans, or development of their new mental qualities such as thinking
  • 34. POTENTIAL APPLICATIONS OF NEUROWEB (2) 34 NeuroWeb enhancement Area of application Feasibility Increased reaction speed Anywhere where reaction time is important, e.g. military, sports, gaming, industrial & transportation operations etc. High Increased learning speed Ultra-fast learning in education & work through ‘direct download’ (esp. work of NeuroWeb collectives) Low More precise (even direct) communication of emotions, states of mind & experiences Applications in entertainment & education: sharing experiences with other, enhancing learning & entertaining processes Group therapy in virtual worlds Medium Enhancement of mental functions by artificial agents that mirror them Augmented individuals in all areas of economic & social life, as well as in healthcare. Full copies of mind in the Net – a path to ‘digital immortality’? Medium Enhancing body with additional sensory & effector organs Healthcare, industrial, military, sport & daily applications of enhanced bodies High Direct communication with deeper brain structures Application in entertainment (incl. ‘explorations of mind’ such as artificially constructed emotions, neuro-dreaming, neurosports) Low Verbal & neural communication with higher animals Large opportunities for new level of communication & collaboration with higher animals Medium NeuroWeb technologies would unlock an immense variety of applications across all domains of human activity (partially these opportunities will be unlocked with Biometry- Web). Some examples of these applications are given below (and their feasibility estimate given current technological level).
  • 35. TWO KEY USER GROUPS DURING EARLY YEARS OF NEUROWEB 35 Organizational Individual Customers Industry Government Entertainment Education • operational control over complex technical systems (collective dispatching) [plants, city services, spaceships etc.] • development of complex architectural / engineering solutions (esp. early stages of design) • military & emergency applications (special task combat force, emergency operation centers etc.) • collective control over government functions (e.g. collective intelligence for government decision making) • enhanced games & movies (‘Sensoriums’) • shared experiences & states of mind (incl. neuro- dreaming) • neurogaming & neurosports • NeuroWeb groups for massive multiuser online gaming (strategy, arcades etc.) • direct control over learning efficiency, engagement etc. • learning of body- mind state control • group therapy & personal transformation in NeuroWeb ‘psychodrama worlds’ • ultra-fast learning in NeuroWeb Beyond individual applications, NeuroWeb will be intensively used to work with various forms of collective intelligence
  • 36. TWO MAIN SCENARIOS OF NEUROWEB PROLIFERATION 36 Scenario 1 Scenario 2 Primary driver Organizational users Consumers Value proposition Increased efficiency in complex environments Unusual experiences ‘Quantified self’ control over aspects of life First applications Focused applications of NeuroWeb collectives in industrial operations, distributed design, emergency control and military applications Special applications of neural technologies that cannot be provided by technologies based on natural sensory & effector systems (e.g. direct control over learning process in distant learning, teaching body-mind states through biofeedback & gaming etc.) Spillover Creation of NeuroWeb collectives in entertainment (e.g. gaming) and education (group learning) Organizational applications in HR area (e.g. team building, increased productivity etc.)
  • 37. PRESENTATION STRUCTURE • Introduction • Key elements of NeuroWeb design • Implications for bodies, individual & collective minds • User applications • Organizational: how to make NeuroWeb live? • Appendix 37
  • 38. CAN NEUROWEB CREATION BECOME AN OPEN PROCESS? • It is highly probable that within the next decade first commercial NeuroWeb prototypes will be created by one or several corporate or government players that will attempt to define the standards of this new generation of networks • However, we believe that the importance of NeuroWeb for the future of civilization, and the potential that it holds for the evolution of humankind, require that its design should be made through open collaboration of researchers, engineers and future users, and that its essential backbone technologies should belong to all of humanity. • The present stage of NeuroWeb development is a stage when the principles of its design and operation can be defined (in the same manner as early Internet designs and defining protocols were created by J.C.R. Licklider, R.Kahn & V.Cerf, T.Berners-Lee and others) • The Council of NeuroWeb could become an international working group that seeks to close interdisciplinary gaps and maintain a productive roadmap for NeuroWeb development through interaction of key stakeholders and ‘big-think’ visionaries. 38
  • 39. THE TECHNOLOGY-FOCUSED CORE OF THE COUNCIL SHOULD BE SUPPORTED BY USER APPLICATION DESIGNERS & ‘BIG THINK’ VISIONARIES Core of the Council: Neurophysiologists & Engineers • Neurophysiologists, BCI and biodeedback systems developers • Cognitive scientists & psychologists • Collective Intelligence experts • Artificial Intelligence specialists, semantic web , semantics and linguistic technology specialists • Network protocol developers, programmers and engeneers Future application co-designers • Healthcare • Wellness Industry • Psychotherapy • Education & Child Development • Media & Entertainment 39 ‘BigThink’ experts • Futurology • Big History & evolutionary thinkers • System & complexity thinkers
  • 40. ELEMENTS OF COLLECTIVE WORK Foresight Research & development (in partner institutions) Startups & other applications International NeuroWeb Council (annual meetings & ongoing interactions) Inter-university program(s) MSc Neuroinformatics with foresight & project-based learning components that become ‘breeding grounds’ for NeuroWeb experts & technologies 40 NeuroWeb Council could help maintain the dialogue between key stakeholders through Foresight, help coordinate independent research efforts & applications for mutual benefits, and support a focused (international) educational program
  • 41. OUR WORK PLANS 2013 2014 Creation of Russian NeuroWeb group, Russian NeuroWeb Foresight (2013) Continuing work on research & application projects initiated through foresight Creation of international working group & Global NeuroWeb Foresight (2014) 412015 2016 Continuing work of International NeuroWeb Council Launch of (international) educational program in Neuroinformatics (2015) Launch of a Foundation to help finance applied projects in NeuroWeb (2015-16)
  • 42. TO ALL OUR FUTURE PARTNERS: WHAT WE CAN DO TOGETHER 1. Provide us with feedback on our NeuroWeb ‘map of the future’ in this presentation, and link us to other interested parties 2. Participate in (or otherwise support) our International Foresight aimed to create the Global NeuroWeb Roadmap in 2014 3. Participate in (or otherwise support) the International NeuroWeb Council aimed to coordinate research efforts that work towards creation of NeuroWeb technologies (including the support of international R&D cooperation) 4. Participate in (or otherwise support) the design & hosting of the international Master program in Neuroinformatics 5. Organize (or otherwise support) events that help promote NeuroWeb concepts & cause 6. Collaborate with Group or Council members on specific research / application projects that can help advance NeuroWeb 42
  • 43. PRESENTATION STRUCTURE • Introduction • Key elements of NeuroWeb design • Implications for bodies, individual & collective minds • User applications • Organizational: how to make NeuroWeb live? • Appendix 43
  • 44. LEADERS OF NEUROWEB ROADMAP PROJECT Dr. Pavel Luksha, co-founder` Professor of SKOLKOVO Moscow School of Management. Member of Expert Council of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives, co-founder of Russian R&D Directors Club. Expertise in education and mentoring of technological startups and executive teams focused on R&D and innovation. Leader of Education 2030, Skills 2030 and NeuroWeb Foresight projects, author of Future Agendas for Global Education, creator of Rapid Foresight methodology. Co-leader of RF Group (, leading Russian think-and-do tank in education. Program Director of Russian Foresight Fleet (largest future-awareness educaton project in the world). Research in evolutionary economics, information theory & systems thinking. Dr. Timour Shchoukine, co-founder CEO at – biofeedback and neurointerface research laboratory. Subliminal biofeedback and collective biofeedback methods creator. 15 years of biofeedback practice experience. Biofeedback device startup co-founder. Initiative 2045 co-founder (responsible for scientific expert work, technological project roadmap creation, research project planning & management, volunteers network creation and managemen) Expert in invention problem solving (TRIZ) methodology. Team member of Education 2030 & Skills 2030 Foresights, RF Group. Co-leader of NeuroWeb Foresight. Research in Biofeedback methodology, AI-based image recognition in EEG analysis. Co-author of several science-art biofeedback based projects. Researcher at Psychosemantics laboratory of Psychology department of Moscow State University, Russia 44
  • 45. ORGANIZATIONS SUPPORTING RUSSIAN NEUROWEB PROJECT 45 Russian Venture Company Neurobotics Center for Strategic Research North-West Alpha Smart Systems Council on Artificial Intelligence, Institute of Philosophy, RAS Optical Neural Technology Research Center, System Studies Institute, RAS Laboratory for Neurophysiology and Neuro-Computer Interfaces, Moscow State University Institute of Psychology, Russian Academy of Sciences 2045 Strategic Social Initiative Future Biotech Russia
  • 46. KEY MEMBERS OF RUSSIAN WORKGROUP Professor Alexander Kaplan Neurophysiologist, founder of the first Russian Laboratory on Neuro-Computer Interfaces, Moscow State University Professor Vitaly Dunin-Barkovsky Head of the Neuroinformatics group of the Optical Neural Technology Center, Russian Academy of Sciences Professor David Dubrovsky Chief of the Research Council on Artificial Intelligence, Russian Academy of Sciences Professor Petr Schedrovitsky Vice-director of Philosophy institute, Russian Academy of Science. Key Russian expert on Collective Intelligence Professor Akop Nazaretyan Senior Research Fellow of the Oriental Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences. Key Russian expert in Big History Dr. Anatoly Levenchuk President of TechnoInvestLab (leading Russian advisory in complex systems engineering & semantic data integration, member of ISO15926) Dr. Vladimir Konyshev CEO Neurobotics (leading Russian technological company in the area of neural & biometry interfaces, and BCI-controlled robotics) Dr. Dmitry Kuzmin Research Associate in Neuroscience, University College London. Chairman of Future Biotech, partner at RusBio Ventures Dr. Anatoly Prokhorov Executive producer, media&educational project ‘Smeshariki’ (Kikoriki), Vice-President of National Children Foundation. Oleg Bakhtiyarov, Head of Psychonetics Laboratory (leading research center on new pscyhotechnics that support collective intelligence & complexity management) Dr. Dmtry Bulatov Senior curator at National Centre for Contemporary Arts. Key Russian expert on science art employing neuro- technologies. Alan Francis Master at Taoist and Gurgieff traditions, co-founder of Oregon/Portland Gurdjieff Foundations. 46