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                 MISS.RASHIDA MEHMOOD


                     UMER ZIA           52
                     MUHAMMAD WASIF     56
                     SYED MOHSIN        58
                     SIDRA MUMTAZ       68
                     MUNEEBA SATTAR      69


                     16 FEBRUARY 2010


                  11:20 A.M


 PREFACE                                   4
 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT                           5
 DEDICATION                                6
 BRIEF HISTORY OF VIOLENCE                 7
 INTRODUCTION                              9
     1. VIOLENCE                            11
     2. CHILDREN
     1. SAMPLE
     3. METHOD

 QUESTIONNAIRE                             21

 DATA PRESENTATION                         23
 MAIN FINDINGD                             27
 CONCLUSION TO REPORT                      28
 LITERATURE REVIEW                         29
 REFERENCES                                31

Our topic” The effects of violence on children” is a very vast subject that deals with almost all
the problems faced in our society nowadays. The most harmful impacts of violence in the home
are visited on the children, and they have no way of making sense of this. Their lives and
sensibilities are destroyed by the very people who are entrusted to care for them, to harbor
them from harm, and preserve their human dignity. Directly or indirectly, as some of the children
witnessing violence in the home will replicate their dysfunctional upbringing with their own
children. In a violent upbringing, many young children develop no sense of a woman's
experience of self-esteem. They see their mother as a whipping post, and they feel her
frustration and defeat. We have a right to be angry when one culture impinges on the safety of
another. But should we spend billions of dollars to improve beach and border patrols and
intelligence, and to amass defensive weapons while our children continue to be victimized by
the worst type of terrorism on the planet. This report will help the readers to know the effects of
violence on children. Different snap shots and facts and figures have been provided in our
report for better understanding of the subject. We hope to provide the reader with sound
knowledge about the effects of violence on children and how violence is generated so that the
readers are well aware about the effects of violence and to solve these problems someone from
our society will provide help to end violence.

First we thank to ALLAH ALMIGHTY, Who strengthened us to prepare

        this project successfully. Whatever we have achieved in our life is by His Grace.

 We also thank HOLLY PROPHET MUHAMMAD (PBUH), who is the best source of guidance
                          and inspiration of all mankind.

            We also like to present a lot of thanks to our honorable instructor Miss Rashida
Mehmood and her assistant Miss Shaheen Kouser who directed us in every ups and downs
during our project and proved to be a great help in completing our report.

We would certainly like to thank the institutions like PU, LGS, FCU AND UET in which we have
been doing survey for our report.

         We also like to thank all those people who cooperated and helped us in completing
                                           our report.

      At last but not the least we would like to thank our respected seniors and honorable

Oh God! Open our Eyes,

         To see what is beautiful,

     Our mind to know what is true,

     Our heart to love what is good.

               This Report is


Holly Prophet Muhammad [PBUH]
      The Greatest Social Reformer


 My Beloved Parents who taught me

          The first word to speak

         The first alphabet to write


             First step to take


    My Respectable Teachers
    Who are always remain in my heart

And are nearest, dearest and deepest to me.


The subject of violence has never been taken up seriously; especially violence against children
went unnoticed for centuries in the western society. In Europe corresponding to the primus first
sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, as historians have suggested that the age of child
constituted no guarantee and also little protection against a variety of now what are commonly
known as illegal or unacceptable actions which include:

       Forced sex
       Physical beating
       Labor exploitation
       Child prostitution
       Adult bullying and even

Prior to the sixteenth and seventeenth century, there was no evident perception on childhood
delicacy or childhood innocence. According to the historians the acceptance of child protection
and also the nourishment of the child were accidental by-products, rather than a main purpose,
of family life and child fostering. There was not even a single person from the law that could
define the children as a special class and claim that adults were criminally ridicule when they
engaged life-threatening forms of punishment against the young. Children and adults were
everywhere linked. Children did not attend the schools for a long period of time and as artists
and writers portrayed them, children were everywhere visible and underfoot in the full line of
social spaces where adult men and women worked, played, slept, bathed, prayed and
consorted. In short children did not have any or few protection spaces that could avoid physical
assault and injuries to their body, mind, or soul.

There are many examples that can illustrate that violence existed from the beginning.
Everybody knows when America dropped an atom bomb on Hiroshima that was a mass
destruction billions of people including small children became victims of this brutality. Then
again we witnessed world war which was another site of violence. Unfortunately we have been

witnessing violence from the beginning of our lives. Following are the examples of violent
activities being made in the history:

       Caesar's campaigns
       Boudicca’s uprising
       Albigensian Crusade
       Mongol Empire
       Timor’s conquests
       Aztec human sacrifice
       Reconquest of Ireland
       Revolt in the Vendee
       American Civil War
       World War
       Soviet Union.
       Vietnam War

Our topic is concerned with violence on children before going deep into the subject we should
have a little knowledge about the history of violence, so we have come across many. Violence
has been there since the beginning of the century. We will discuss violence on children and the
effects of violence in our report in detail. Let us discuss our subject in detail by giving



Violence is the expression of physical or verbal force against self or other, compelling action
against one's will on pain of being hurt. Worldwide, violence is used as a tool of manipulation
and also is an area of concern for law and culture which take attempts to suppress and stop it.
The word violence covers a broad spectrum. It can vary from between a physical altercation
between two beings where a slight injury may be the outcome to war and genocide where
millions may die as a result.

The United Nations Secretary-General's Study on Violence against Children has been a global
effort to paint a detailed picture of the nature, extent and causes of violence against children,
and to propose clear recommendations for action to prevent and respond to it. This is the first
time that an attempt has been made to document the reality of violence against children around
the world, and to map out what is being done to stop it. Since 2003, many thousands of people
have contributed to the study in consultations and working groups, through questionnaires and
in other ways. Children and young people have been active at every level.

Why this study?
Every day, in every country, girls and boys suffer and witness violence. Violence against
children cuts across boundaries of culture, class, education, income and ethnic origin, and
occurs in many different settings. Some of it is allowed by national laws and may be rooted in
cultural, economic and social practices. This has devastating consequences for children's health
and well-being. It is clear that children cannot be kept waiting for the prevention and protection
to which they have an unqualified right. The United Nations General Assembly asked the

Secretary-General to conduct an in-depth study on violence against children and to make
recommendations to respond to it.

Responding to violence
A lot has already been done to prevent and respond to certain forms of violence against
children. States have ratified international agreements to protect children and ensure their rights
and, on the basis of these, have amended laws and developed national plans of action. Few
states, though, have thoroughly reviewed their legal framework to address violence against
children more effectively. Putting laws into practice also remains a challenge. Advocacy,
awareness-raising and training have helped increase understanding of violence against
children. There have been important initiatives in areas such as eliminating the worst forms of
child labor, addressing female genital mutilation/cutting and providing services to children on the
streets. Programs to support parents and develop their parenting skills play a vital role in
protecting children, and young people themselves are active in many ways in preventing and
responding to violence. Despite all this, much remains to be done.


A child (plural: children) is a human between the stages of birth and puberty. The legal definition
of “child” generally refers to a minor, otherwise known as a person younger than the age of


The United Nations convention on the rights of the child defines a child as “a human being
below the age of 18 years unless under the law applicable to the child, majority is attained
earlier. Ratified by 192 of 194 member countries. Biologically, a child is anyone in the
development stage of childhood, between infancy and adulthood.

The words “children” and “violence” are pivotal to the undertaken write-up “the effect of violence
on children”.

A child begins his life as an infant as passes through the different stages of development prior to
become a grown-up individual. Therefore, first of all, children are recognized as proper subjects
of inquiry and concern. Locke (1794) proposed that the newly-born child was like a blank state
or tabula rasa upon which experience would write its story. Contact with adults and the outside
world would establish the character and mental ability that would be the child’s gift or curse
throughout life. Locke believed that because childhood shaped later behavior and was the
period during which lifelong habits are formed, it deserved a great deal of attention. If parents
took the time to guide their children into the path of reason, to teach them socially desirable
habits, to help them to control their appetites and impulses, they would surely see the fruit of
their labor as their children grew into rational and responsible members of society.

It was Rousseau (1762) who insisted that the needs of children change as they pass through
certain developmental stages; hence, he introduced the concept of developmental stages.

Child development is always at interaction with the environment in which he exists. This
environment is comprised of parents, siblings, peers, friends, teachers and other adults of the
society. Learning and shaping of behavior as an individual is the outcome of this interaction.
This provides the spider web of various segments, which is phenomenons that make the child to
achieve various milestones in the journey of his life.

Physical growth accompanied by the social, mental, emotional, intellectual developments. The
cognitive development,(piaget;1970) takes place, which too, is subject to interaction and is in
terms of structure of mental operation. Psychologists apply principles of information processing
when they ask, how the human brain adds and deletes knowledge, where and how it stores and
processes information, how memory works, and under what conditions the brain receives clear
or confused signals (Ziegler 1983). This is how personality takes its roots.

After the formal operational stage (piaget 1970) adolescence starts. It paves the way to youth.
Youth comprises that period in life, when the individual is in the process of transfer from the
dependent irresponsible age of childhood. He is no longer a child, but neither he is an adult. It is
a transitional period during which he seeks new freedom and recognition. The youth is made up
of persons 12-24 years of age. This is the age range where the individual can undergo
exploitation and maneuver by someone influential to him rather than the early stages of life. At
adolescence the person is looking at the pieces and recognizing the particular pattern of self-
hood, of inner, maturing identity, which initiates awareness of self-reorganization. This self-
reorganization actually is the beginning of identity crisis.

Hall (1904) depicts adolescences as a period of “storm and stress” which does mean a period of
description and extremism this view of Hall, may undergo a controversial debate, however,
childrearing practices and conceived as shaping the kind of personality which in the adult-hood
will be harmonious with the norms of the society (whiting and child 1953).


There is no specific place or origin for the occurrence of violence. Violence can take place
anywhere in any form in the world. Violence has many forms which will be discussed later but
first we should know where violence occurs? Violence can occur in the following:

       In the home and family
       In schools and educational settings
       In care and justice systems
       In work settings
       In the community

Now we shall discuss how violence can occur in the above in detail.


Family is amongst those who have a lot of ability to protect their children and also provide their
children for their physical and emotional safety. Human rights treaties recognize the right to a
private and family life and home. But unfortunately in recent year’s violence against children by
parents and other family members have been noticed. Violence in home can include physical,
sexual and psychological as well as deliberate neglect. In the context of discipline it has been
observed that children frequently face physical, cruel or humiliating punishment. Insults, name-
calling, isolation, rejection, threats, emotional indifference and belittling are all forms of violence
that can damage a child's well-being. Most frequently children are sexually abused by someone
they know, often a member of their own family. At an early age harmful traditional practices are
generally imposed on children by their family or community leaders.


Schools play an important role in protecting children from violence. Though educational settings
too can expose many children to violence and may also teach them violence. They are exposed
to corporal punishment, cruel and humiliating forms of psychological punishment, sexual and
gender-based violence, and bullying. Although corporal punishment is banned in schools by 102
countries but still not fully enforced. Fighting and bullying are also examples of violence against
children in schools. Often bullying is associated with discrimination against students from poor
families, mediocre, or those with particular personal characteristics such as appearance or a
disability. Schools can also be affected by the events taking place in wider community-for
example, gang culture or gang-related criminal activities associated with drugs.


According to an estimated amount 8 million of the world’s children are in the residential care
systems. Relatively few are there because they have no parents; most are in care because of
their disability, family disintegration, violence in the home and also the social and economic
factors and conditions like poverty. In some institutions children are faced with violence by other
children and as well as their care-givers. Staff of the residential care unit may discipline them
with beatings or restraints, or by locking them up, children with disabilities face violence in the
guise of treatment, such as being subjected to electric shock to control their behavior or given
drugs to make them more 'compliant'. Children are given detention and then they are frequently
subjected to violence by the staff. Corporal and other forms of violent punishments are accepted
as legal in penal institutions in at least 77 countries. Detention of children with adults is routine
in many countries, and this puts them at increased risk.


Across all religions, violence whether physical, sexual and psychological affects many millions
of children all over the world who are working legally or illegally. It may be used to force children

to work or punish or control them in the workplace. Some categories of illegal work has been
defined as “worst forms of child labor” and hence considered as violence against children.
Employers inflict most of the workplace violence, although those who inflict violence may also
include co-workers, foremen, customers, police, criminal gangs and intermediaries. Most of the
girls are also seen working in domestic labor which is often not regulated. They report
maltreatment such as physical punishment, humiliation and sexual harassment. The exploitation
of children in prostitution or child pornography is not only a form of violence in itself; it also puts
the exploited children at risk of physical and psychological violence, as well as neglect.


Just like home community is a source of protection and solidarity for children but it can also be a
site of violence which includes peer violence, violence related to guns and other weapons,
gangs and police violence and brutality, physical and sexual violence and trafficking. Violence
may also be associated with the mass media and new information and communication
technologies. Marginalized groups of children, such as street children are often affected by
community violence. The mass media sometimes portray violence as normal or glorify it. Cyber-
bullying through the Internet or mobile phones has been documented in recent times.

Since we have discussed violence that occurs in community, educational institutions, homes
etc. now we will describe that what the effects of those violent activities on children are. When
children are exposed to violence they are most likely to adopt the behavior they witness. The
effects of violence on children are described below:


       Research shows that 50% of the men who frequently assault their wives also frequently abuse their

       Child abuse is 15 times more likely to occur in families where domestic violence is present.

Men who have witnessed their parents' violence are three times more likely to abuse their own wives
        than children of nonviolent parents.

        Children who witness violence at home may display emotional and behavioral problems as varied as
        withdrawal, low self-esteem, nightmares, self-blame, and aggression against peers, family members
        and property.

        A comparison of delinquent and non-delinquent youth found that a history of family violence or abuse
        is very significant when comparing the differences between the two groups.

        Over 3 million children are at risk of exposure to parental violence each year.

We have described the effects of violence on children very clearly. Now there is another issue that how
violence is being taught to children, what the resources are, we highlight this study so that people all over
the world come to know that what are the main reasons children are becoming violent and aggressive in
their lives. Following are the ways violence is being taught to children.


        Children see parents put down and strike each other.

        Parents encourage their children to fight back or be bullies.

        Toy guns or other toy weapons are supplied to children.

        Violence is encouraged in competitive sports.

        Violence and sexual aggression are seen as entertainment in TV media, song lyrics and computer

To sum up the discussion of effects of violence we come across the following:
       Cognitive effects
       Emotional effects
       Behavioral effects and
       social effects

 “Children and violence-the effects of violence on children” is a very vast topic and a lot of data
can be collected from books, newspapers and even internet which is the biggest source for
collection of data. Our subject is concerned with the effects that violence creates in children. In
our report we have discussed a brief history on violence for example different kinds of war that
took place in every century. We also discussed that how violence occurs and what are its
resources. Secondly we also discussed briefly on different kind of effects of violence and how

different children react on violence differently. We have also told that how violence is being
taught to children.

The following terms are of special relevance to our discussion of samples, the
importance of sampling, and by the methods by which samples are selected:


         A selected portion from the elements within the population, with these elements
actually being measured or observed.


             The set of all possible elements that could theoretically be observed or measured;
this is sometimes referred to as the universe.


         The actual measurement or observation of all possible elements from the population;
this can be viewed as “sample” that includes the entire population.

Why a sample instead of a census?

Sample is preferred over census because:

       In census each and every element of the population is studied to check or find the final
       result, while
       In sample only or selected part of population is studied to find final result.

       We need less time and less cost in conducting a sample survey as compared to census.

       Moreover, a well organized sample survey gives more accurate result as compared to

        After having knowledge about above mentioned information it will be easy for you to
understand about sampling.


  “The process of using a small number of items or parts of a large population to make
                       conclusion about the whole population”

                                     TYPES OF SAMPLING



                          In probability sampling each person or element in the population
has some known or calculable chance of being included in a sample. However, every person or
element may not have an equal chance for inclusion.


                                     In non-probability sampling, not every unit in the population
has a chance of being included in the sample, and the process involves at least some degree of
personal subjectivity instead of following predetermined, probabilistic rules for selection.

In our project work, we have chosen Non-Probability sampling method because we use a
technique in which every member does not have equal chance of selection.

                  “It is a collection of any number of related observations.”

                                      Types of data collection

                PRIMARY DATA                                     SECONDARY DATA

Primary data:

                 The data which have been collected for the first time and have not undergone any
statistical treatment is called primary data.

Secondary data:

                  The data which has been undergone at least one statistical treatment is called
secondary data.

                                 Sources of collection of data

            Primary data                                                secondary data

Through direct personal observation                                   Through internet and
media resources

Through indirect oral investigation                                   Private sources

Through questionnaire                                                     Official sources

Estimates through local correspondence                                Technical and trade

Method of collection of data:

                                  The data which we will collect is primary data and the method
which we apply to collect this data is questionnaire in following institutions:





Violence basically means the intentional use of physical force or power, threatened or actual, against
oneself, that either results in or has a high likelihood of resulting in injury, death, psychological harm,
mal-development or deprivation. Our topic tells that what the effects of violence are on children.

We the students of BBA are conducting a survey to have knowledge about the effects of violence on
children. Our report objective is to get facts and figures and also the analytical data on children. We will
highly appreciate if you fill this questionnaire which will help us in making our report.

                                           QUESTIONNAIRE                          DATE: ……………………..

NAME:                            GENDER:                INSTITUTION:                                 AGE:

    (1) Do you think that parents can generate violence in children?
    (a) Yes                (b)No                (c) Strongly Agree         (d) Strongly Disagree
    (2) Do cartoons generate violence in children?
    (a) Agree              (b) Disagree         (c) Strongly Agree          (d) Strongly Disagree
    (3) Do you believe that home environment can be responsible for generating violence?
    (a) Yes                 (b) No              (c) Mostly                  (d) Sometimes
    (4) Violence is?
    (a) Developed           (b) In-born         (c) Both                    (d) Don’t Know
    (5) Children face anger and frustration when faced with domestic violence?
    (a) Agree               (b) Disagree         (c) Strongly Agree         (d) Strongly Disagree
    (6) Do you blame media for generating violence?
    (a) Yes                (b)No                (c) To some extent           (d) always
    (7) Do you think breaking the cycle of violence requires professional intervention?
    (a) Yes                (b) No               (c) Sometimes                (d) Don’t Know
    (8) Do you think that children’s mental health is negatively affected by thoughts of nuclear war?
    (a) Agree              (b) Disagree         (c) Strongly Agree          (d) Strongly Disagree

(9) Do you believe that some children are more affected by violence than others?
(a) Yes               (b) No              (c) In Some Cases          (d) Strongly Agree
(10) Children accept violence in reality after playing violent games?
(a) Agree             (b) Disagree        (c) Strongly Agree            (d) Strongly Disagree
(11) Being violent is way to release from stress and pressure?
(a) Yes               (b) No              (c) Sometimes                 (d) Always
(12) Violence can be produced by not fulfilling desires?
(a) Agree              (b) Disagree       (c) Strongly Agree            (d) Strongly Disagree
(13) Children are capable of differentiating between fiction and reality?
(a) Yes               (b) No              (c) Depends on age            (d) Don’t Know
(14) Is it okay for parents to slap their teenage children who talk back to them?
(a) Agree             (b) Disagree        (c) Strongly Agree            (d) Strongly Disagree
(15) Do horrifying reality images generate violence in children?
(a) Yes               (b)No               (c) Strongly Agree            (d) Strongly Disagree
(16) Punishment is essential for the disciplinary of children?
(a) Yes               (b) No              (c) Depends on situation       (d) Don’t Know
(17) Do you allow your children to play violent video games?
(a) Yes               (b) No               (c) Sometimes
(18) Do children have feelings of worthlessness, and inability to think or concentrate?
(a) Agree            (b) Disagree          (c) Strongly Agree           (d) Strongly Disagree
(19) Do you posses an unforgiving attitude for that person who insults you or harms you?
(a) Yes               (b) No               (c) Sometimes                 (d) Always
(20) Do you think that violence on television is a problem?
(a) Yes               (b) No               (c) Sometimes                 (d) Don’t Know
(21) Do you think violence has lasting effect on the health of teens?
(a) Yes               (b) No               (c) Strongly Agree           (d) Strongly Disagree
(22) How violent you are?
(a) Yes, always       (b)Not at all        (c) Sometimes                (d) Depends


         First we chose UET to hold a questionnaire on “The effects of violence on children” to
         find the opinion of different people. We choose the sample:
                 Institute of business and management(IB&M)
                 Department of electrical engineering
                 Department of chemical engineering


                The questionnaire that has been solved by the students whose age range from

We solved the questionnaire in UET and the data that we compiled from these questionnaires is
given below in the table:


   1. Parents can generate violence in children
   2. Cartoons generate violence in children
   3. Children face anger and frustration when faced with domestic violence
   4. Children’s mental health is negatively affected by thoughts of nuclear war
   5. Children accept violence in reality after playing video games
   6. Violence can be produced by not fulfilling desires
   7. Is it okay for parents to slap their children who talk back at them
   8. Horrifying reality images generate violence in children
   9. Do children have feelings of worthlessness, and inability to think or concentrate
   10. Violence has a lasting effect on the health of teens

The graph below shows the percentage of people that agree, disagree, strongly agree or
strongly disagree that the above mentioned factors of violence affect children.



Secondly we have chosen PU to hold a questionnaire on “The effects of violence on
children” to find the opinion of different people. We choose the sample:

       Department of IBA
       Department of Mass Communication
       HR Department





Now we have chosen FCU to hold a questionnaire on “The effects of violence on
children” to find the opinion of different people. We choose the sample
        Mathematics Department
        Biological Department
        Business Department






       Finally we have chosen LGS to hold a questionnaire on “The effects of violence on
       children” to find the opinion of different people. The age range we have selected for this
       questionnaire is from 10-16, now we want to know what the views of children are.

                        YES    NO     STRONGLY AGREE      STRONGLY DISAGREE




Now we have calculated percentage of different responses from different institutions, and we
have come to know that how much percentage of people agrees, disagree, strongly agree or
strongly disagree whether violence effects the children or not. Now we will like to show a
general graph of all the institutions and responses of people we have gathered so far.


                                    GENERAL GRAPH
                        YES    NO      STRONGLY AGREE    STRONGLY DISAGREE

                                 17%                        40%


                  Through sampling and data collection we have come to know the different
opinions of people. We have through a number of well known institutions like:

       Punjab university Lahore
       UET Lahore
       Forman Christian university Lahore
       Lahore grammar school

By going to the above mentioned institutions we delivered questionnaires to the students and
through those filled questionnaires we have come to know different responses. We have made
graphs of our findings so it will be easy for others to understand and have knowledge about
what people think about the effects of violence on children.

First we calculated the percentage of students and their responses to yes, no, strongly agree
and strongly disagree from UET. Following are the findings from UET:

       52% of the students think that violence does effect children
       27% of the students believe that violence has no effect on children
       18% are those students who have strong opinions that violence has effect on children
       Only 3%of the students totally disagree to the subject

Now we will show the percentage of responses we found from PU:

40% of the students say that violence effects children
       35% of the students object to the statement
       17% of the students strongly agree
       While 8% of the students strongly disagree

Percentage of responses collected from FCU shows that:

       39% of the students are in favor of the topic
       35% are against
       11% strongly agree with the topic
        15% strongly disagree

The response of students from LGS shows that:

       35% agree with the topic
       39% disagree
       19% strongly agree
       Only 7% strongly disagree

Now we have compiled the data and have come to develop a general idea about the response
of students from all the institutions we have been.

       40% people agree that violence does have effect on children
       35% people think that violence has no effect on children
       17 % are the people who strongly agree that violence effects children
       Only 8% people strongly disagree

                              CONCLUSION TO OUR REPORT

Violence in the basis upon which we live. Wherever we go there is some form or act of violence.
Most people have lost the concept of right and wrong. The line that once stood between them is
now blurred. People find that they do no harm when they commit an act that's wrong. Violence
is seen in many forms today that there was ever before. Media has a large part in broadcasting
violence. Violence is due to some of these issues such as easy access to weapons, the people
who commit crimes have low self-worth and self esteem and religion has become a lesser and
lesser part of society. In the United States they have the Second Amendment which is the right
to bear arms. This means anyone in the United States can have a gun. In the States it is said
that they have enough guns to arm all the adults and half of the children. Then they wonder why
their children go out and shoot people at their school. From our report we have come to have
knowledge about all types of violence and the effects that are produced by violence on children.
We have also described that in response to violence how children behave and react towards
situations. Now we will give a brief review of literature in which we will tell what should be done
to prevent violence.


Our discussions focused on three types of violence: physical and psychological punishment,
gender based violence and child sexual abuse. We then prepared our own initiatives and
actions to address these issues.

In other cases adults think that punishment is good for children and do not see it as abuse.
Since many adults themselves were beaten or psychologically punished as children they may
believe it is necessary for adults to punish children for the children’s own good. Also, parents
may not know different ways of bringing up children. In many countries parents think it is their
duty to get girls married at a young age. Young brides may be tortured and harassed by their
husband’s family for not understanding family matters. We also discussed many other forms of
gender-based violence. When children suffer violence, they sometimes learn to fight violence
with violence. This is how cycles of violence are continued.
We have also discussed causes of violence… Sometimes cultural, traditional and / or religious
practices can be harmful for children. At times poverty can cause neglect and violence since
parents do not have enough money to fulfill their needs or educate their children. Patterns of
violence are also reproduced from one generation to another, making a cycle. Adults like
teachers, may lack knowledge of children’s rights or the affect of physical and psychological
punishment. Discrimination and unequal power relations in society also make violence against
children worse. Some countries do not have laws on violence against children, or their laws may
not be enough to protect children. Often children are not aware of how to get legal help. There
are not enough counseling and psycho-social services to rehabilitate children who have been

Being aware that violence poses a large burden on the physical and mental health of children,
with long lasting consequences on their holistic development, often only manifested later in life.

We, the participants, recognise the importance of a child rights approach in order to bridge the
gap between standards and reality, and the challenge of changing perceptions in society, in
structures of governance and at an individual level, of what are acceptable ways of behaving
towards children. We agree to take the following actions as a matter of priority:

Develop and put into action, with the active assistance of civil society organisations, measures
at all levels to prevent violence against children through interdisciplinary and participatory
approaches that include professionals from different sectors and backgrounds, parents and
children, and which are supported at the highest possible political level;

Ratify relevant international treaties, enact, amend or repeal all domestic legislation as
necessary in order to prohibit all forms of violence against children including corporal
punishment and humiliating treatment, and take all necessary measures to prevent and sanction
such offences against children; also pay special attention to the development of juvenile justice
procedures to prevent violence against children in all stages of the process;

Give the highest visibility and political importance to the prevention of violence against girls and
boys, including, for example, the launching of public information campaigns to raise awareness
about the scope and negative consequences of all forms of violence; and to do this by means of
developing sustainable partnerships with children, parents, civil society, the private sector, new
information technology industries and mass media;

Upgrade technical, legal, procedural and institutional capacity across relevant sectors, such as
education, health, justice, protection services and labour inspections to identify violence and put
in place appropriate evidence-based strategies and explicit family and child policies to prevent
violence, support child victims and strengthen reporting, referral and response;

Seek to establish, analyse and regularly monitor, the extent of different forms of violence
against children, collect disaggregated data by sex, age and other relevant factors, including the
sources of discrimination that make some groups of children particularly vulnerable to violence,
and systematically evaluate the appropriateness and effectiveness of interventions to protect
children from violence, as well as efforts to provide timely assistance and address the
consequences of abuse, including its social and economic cost for society;

Intervene in an early, effective, gender sensitive and child friendly manner to prevent
victimization and re-victimization, through development of sensitive procedures and
mechanisms, including provision of confidential advice; child-friendly judicial proceedings, and
supportive health and protection services to ensure the physical and psycho-social recovery of
affected children and young offenders;

Develop systematic and integrated education on child protection, encourage training for
parents, all relevant professional groups and the mass media, that include information on
human rights standards, on non-violent methods of conflict resolution and discipline, as well as
on child development and the rights of children with special needs;

Strengthen and develop further all forms of international and cross-border co-operation,
including prevention of criminal activities, in order to prevent and combat all forms of violence
against children and to ensure that perpetrators of such violence do not escape justice and
receive appropriate treatment;

Create opportunities for children and young people to play a more active role in addressing
violence, equipping children with the knowledge and skills to be better able to recognise
violence, and establishing mechanisms to ensure their participation in situation analysis,
research and monitoring, and in the design of laws and policies that affect them;

We, participants from all the countries of the European and Central Asian Region, agree that
these 9 steps will be the first important steps that we will take at domestic and regional level to
address violence against children.



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  • 4. Our topic” The effects of violence on children” is a very vast subject that deals with almost all the problems faced in our society nowadays. The most harmful impacts of violence in the home are visited on the children, and they have no way of making sense of this. Their lives and sensibilities are destroyed by the very people who are entrusted to care for them, to harbor them from harm, and preserve their human dignity. Directly or indirectly, as some of the children witnessing violence in the home will replicate their dysfunctional upbringing with their own children. In a violent upbringing, many young children develop no sense of a woman's experience of self-esteem. They see their mother as a whipping post, and they feel her frustration and defeat. We have a right to be angry when one culture impinges on the safety of another. But should we spend billions of dollars to improve beach and border patrols and intelligence, and to amass defensive weapons while our children continue to be victimized by the worst type of terrorism on the planet. This report will help the readers to know the effects of violence on children. Different snap shots and facts and figures have been provided in our report for better understanding of the subject. We hope to provide the reader with sound knowledge about the effects of violence on children and how violence is generated so that the readers are well aware about the effects of violence and to solve these problems someone from our society will provide help to end violence. 4
  • 5. First we thank to ALLAH ALMIGHTY, Who strengthened us to prepare this project successfully. Whatever we have achieved in our life is by His Grace. We also thank HOLLY PROPHET MUHAMMAD (PBUH), who is the best source of guidance and inspiration of all mankind. We also like to present a lot of thanks to our honorable instructor Miss Rashida Mehmood and her assistant Miss Shaheen Kouser who directed us in every ups and downs during our project and proved to be a great help in completing our report. We would certainly like to thank the institutions like PU, LGS, FCU AND UET in which we have been doing survey for our report. We also like to thank all those people who cooperated and helped us in completing our report. At last but not the least we would like to thank our respected seniors and honorable classmates. 5
  • 6. Oh God! Open our Eyes, To see what is beautiful, Our mind to know what is true, Our heart to love what is good. This Report is To Holly Prophet Muhammad [PBUH] The Greatest Social Reformer To My Beloved Parents who taught me The first word to speak The first alphabet to write And First step to take And My Respectable Teachers Who are always remain in my heart And are nearest, dearest and deepest to me. 6
  • 7. BRIEF HISTORY OF VIOLENCE The subject of violence has never been taken up seriously; especially violence against children went unnoticed for centuries in the western society. In Europe corresponding to the primus first sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, as historians have suggested that the age of child constituted no guarantee and also little protection against a variety of now what are commonly known as illegal or unacceptable actions which include: Castration Seduction Sodomy Forced sex Battering Physical beating Labor exploitation Child prostitution Abandonment Adult bullying and even Infanticide Prior to the sixteenth and seventeenth century, there was no evident perception on childhood delicacy or childhood innocence. According to the historians the acceptance of child protection and also the nourishment of the child were accidental by-products, rather than a main purpose, of family life and child fostering. There was not even a single person from the law that could define the children as a special class and claim that adults were criminally ridicule when they engaged life-threatening forms of punishment against the young. Children and adults were everywhere linked. Children did not attend the schools for a long period of time and as artists and writers portrayed them, children were everywhere visible and underfoot in the full line of social spaces where adult men and women worked, played, slept, bathed, prayed and consorted. In short children did not have any or few protection spaces that could avoid physical assault and injuries to their body, mind, or soul. There are many examples that can illustrate that violence existed from the beginning. Everybody knows when America dropped an atom bomb on Hiroshima that was a mass destruction billions of people including small children became victims of this brutality. Then again we witnessed world war which was another site of violence. Unfortunately we have been 7
  • 8. witnessing violence from the beginning of our lives. Following are the examples of violent activities being made in the history: Caesar's campaigns Boudicca’s uprising Albigensian Crusade Mongol Empire Timor’s conquests Aztec human sacrifice Reconquest of Ireland Revolt in the Vendee American Civil War World War Soviet Union. Vietnam War Our topic is concerned with violence on children before going deep into the subject we should have a little knowledge about the history of violence, so we have come across many. Violence has been there since the beginning of the century. We will discuss violence on children and the effects of violence in our report in detail. Let us discuss our subject in detail by giving introduction. 8
  • 9. 9
  • 10. INTRODUCTION VIOLENCE Violence is the expression of physical or verbal force against self or other, compelling action against one's will on pain of being hurt. Worldwide, violence is used as a tool of manipulation and also is an area of concern for law and culture which take attempts to suppress and stop it. The word violence covers a broad spectrum. It can vary from between a physical altercation between two beings where a slight injury may be the outcome to war and genocide where millions may die as a result. The United Nations Secretary-General's Study on Violence against Children has been a global effort to paint a detailed picture of the nature, extent and causes of violence against children, and to propose clear recommendations for action to prevent and respond to it. This is the first time that an attempt has been made to document the reality of violence against children around the world, and to map out what is being done to stop it. Since 2003, many thousands of people have contributed to the study in consultations and working groups, through questionnaires and in other ways. Children and young people have been active at every level. Why this study? Every day, in every country, girls and boys suffer and witness violence. Violence against children cuts across boundaries of culture, class, education, income and ethnic origin, and occurs in many different settings. Some of it is allowed by national laws and may be rooted in cultural, economic and social practices. This has devastating consequences for children's health and well-being. It is clear that children cannot be kept waiting for the prevention and protection to which they have an unqualified right. The United Nations General Assembly asked the 10
  • 11. Secretary-General to conduct an in-depth study on violence against children and to make recommendations to respond to it. Responding to violence A lot has already been done to prevent and respond to certain forms of violence against children. States have ratified international agreements to protect children and ensure their rights and, on the basis of these, have amended laws and developed national plans of action. Few states, though, have thoroughly reviewed their legal framework to address violence against children more effectively. Putting laws into practice also remains a challenge. Advocacy, awareness-raising and training have helped increase understanding of violence against children. There have been important initiatives in areas such as eliminating the worst forms of child labor, addressing female genital mutilation/cutting and providing services to children on the streets. Programs to support parents and develop their parenting skills play a vital role in protecting children, and young people themselves are active in many ways in preventing and responding to violence. Despite all this, much remains to be done. CHILDREN A child (plural: children) is a human between the stages of birth and puberty. The legal definition of “child” generally refers to a minor, otherwise known as a person younger than the age of majority. LEGAL DEFINITION 11
  • 12. The United Nations convention on the rights of the child defines a child as “a human being below the age of 18 years unless under the law applicable to the child, majority is attained earlier. Ratified by 192 of 194 member countries. Biologically, a child is anyone in the development stage of childhood, between infancy and adulthood. The words “children” and “violence” are pivotal to the undertaken write-up “the effect of violence on children”. A child begins his life as an infant as passes through the different stages of development prior to become a grown-up individual. Therefore, first of all, children are recognized as proper subjects of inquiry and concern. Locke (1794) proposed that the newly-born child was like a blank state or tabula rasa upon which experience would write its story. Contact with adults and the outside world would establish the character and mental ability that would be the child’s gift or curse throughout life. Locke believed that because childhood shaped later behavior and was the period during which lifelong habits are formed, it deserved a great deal of attention. If parents took the time to guide their children into the path of reason, to teach them socially desirable habits, to help them to control their appetites and impulses, they would surely see the fruit of their labor as their children grew into rational and responsible members of society. It was Rousseau (1762) who insisted that the needs of children change as they pass through certain developmental stages; hence, he introduced the concept of developmental stages. Child development is always at interaction with the environment in which he exists. This environment is comprised of parents, siblings, peers, friends, teachers and other adults of the society. Learning and shaping of behavior as an individual is the outcome of this interaction. This provides the spider web of various segments, which is phenomenons that make the child to achieve various milestones in the journey of his life. Physical growth accompanied by the social, mental, emotional, intellectual developments. The cognitive development,(piaget;1970) takes place, which too, is subject to interaction and is in terms of structure of mental operation. Psychologists apply principles of information processing when they ask, how the human brain adds and deletes knowledge, where and how it stores and processes information, how memory works, and under what conditions the brain receives clear or confused signals (Ziegler 1983). This is how personality takes its roots. After the formal operational stage (piaget 1970) adolescence starts. It paves the way to youth. Youth comprises that period in life, when the individual is in the process of transfer from the dependent irresponsible age of childhood. He is no longer a child, but neither he is an adult. It is a transitional period during which he seeks new freedom and recognition. The youth is made up of persons 12-24 years of age. This is the age range where the individual can undergo exploitation and maneuver by someone influential to him rather than the early stages of life. At adolescence the person is looking at the pieces and recognizing the particular pattern of self- hood, of inner, maturing identity, which initiates awareness of self-reorganization. This self- reorganization actually is the beginning of identity crisis. 12
  • 13. Hall (1904) depicts adolescences as a period of “storm and stress” which does mean a period of description and extremism this view of Hall, may undergo a controversial debate, however, childrearing practices and conceived as shaping the kind of personality which in the adult-hood will be harmonious with the norms of the society (whiting and child 1953). WHERE VIOLENCE OCCURS? There is no specific place or origin for the occurrence of violence. Violence can take place anywhere in any form in the world. Violence has many forms which will be discussed later but first we should know where violence occurs? Violence can occur in the following: In the home and family In schools and educational settings In care and justice systems In work settings In the community Now we shall discuss how violence can occur in the above in detail. IN THE HOME AND FAMILY Family is amongst those who have a lot of ability to protect their children and also provide their children for their physical and emotional safety. Human rights treaties recognize the right to a private and family life and home. But unfortunately in recent year’s violence against children by parents and other family members have been noticed. Violence in home can include physical, sexual and psychological as well as deliberate neglect. In the context of discipline it has been observed that children frequently face physical, cruel or humiliating punishment. Insults, name- calling, isolation, rejection, threats, emotional indifference and belittling are all forms of violence that can damage a child's well-being. Most frequently children are sexually abused by someone they know, often a member of their own family. At an early age harmful traditional practices are generally imposed on children by their family or community leaders. 13
  • 14. IN SCHOOLS AND EDUCATIONAL SETTINGS Schools play an important role in protecting children from violence. Though educational settings too can expose many children to violence and may also teach them violence. They are exposed to corporal punishment, cruel and humiliating forms of psychological punishment, sexual and gender-based violence, and bullying. Although corporal punishment is banned in schools by 102 countries but still not fully enforced. Fighting and bullying are also examples of violence against children in schools. Often bullying is associated with discrimination against students from poor families, mediocre, or those with particular personal characteristics such as appearance or a disability. Schools can also be affected by the events taking place in wider community-for example, gang culture or gang-related criminal activities associated with drugs. IN CARE AND JUSTICE SYSTEMS According to an estimated amount 8 million of the world’s children are in the residential care systems. Relatively few are there because they have no parents; most are in care because of their disability, family disintegration, violence in the home and also the social and economic factors and conditions like poverty. In some institutions children are faced with violence by other children and as well as their care-givers. Staff of the residential care unit may discipline them with beatings or restraints, or by locking them up, children with disabilities face violence in the guise of treatment, such as being subjected to electric shock to control their behavior or given drugs to make them more 'compliant'. Children are given detention and then they are frequently subjected to violence by the staff. Corporal and other forms of violent punishments are accepted as legal in penal institutions in at least 77 countries. Detention of children with adults is routine in many countries, and this puts them at increased risk. IN WORK SETTINGS Across all religions, violence whether physical, sexual and psychological affects many millions of children all over the world who are working legally or illegally. It may be used to force children 14
  • 15. to work or punish or control them in the workplace. Some categories of illegal work has been defined as “worst forms of child labor” and hence considered as violence against children. Employers inflict most of the workplace violence, although those who inflict violence may also include co-workers, foremen, customers, police, criminal gangs and intermediaries. Most of the girls are also seen working in domestic labor which is often not regulated. They report maltreatment such as physical punishment, humiliation and sexual harassment. The exploitation of children in prostitution or child pornography is not only a form of violence in itself; it also puts the exploited children at risk of physical and psychological violence, as well as neglect. IN THE COMMUNITY Just like home community is a source of protection and solidarity for children but it can also be a site of violence which includes peer violence, violence related to guns and other weapons, gangs and police violence and brutality, physical and sexual violence and trafficking. Violence may also be associated with the mass media and new information and communication technologies. Marginalized groups of children, such as street children are often affected by community violence. The mass media sometimes portray violence as normal or glorify it. Cyber- bullying through the Internet or mobile phones has been documented in recent times. Since we have discussed violence that occurs in community, educational institutions, homes etc. now we will describe that what the effects of those violent activities on children are. When children are exposed to violence they are most likely to adopt the behavior they witness. The effects of violence on children are described below: THE EFFECTS THAT VIOLENCE HAS ON CHILDREN Research shows that 50% of the men who frequently assault their wives also frequently abuse their children. Child abuse is 15 times more likely to occur in families where domestic violence is present. 15
  • 16. Men who have witnessed their parents' violence are three times more likely to abuse their own wives than children of nonviolent parents. Children who witness violence at home may display emotional and behavioral problems as varied as withdrawal, low self-esteem, nightmares, self-blame, and aggression against peers, family members and property. A comparison of delinquent and non-delinquent youth found that a history of family violence or abuse is very significant when comparing the differences between the two groups. Over 3 million children are at risk of exposure to parental violence each year. We have described the effects of violence on children very clearly. Now there is another issue that how violence is being taught to children, what the resources are, we highlight this study so that people all over the world come to know that what are the main reasons children are becoming violent and aggressive in their lives. Following are the ways violence is being taught to children. WAYS IN WHICH VIOLENCE IS BIENG TAUGHT TO CHILDREN Children see parents put down and strike each other. Parents encourage their children to fight back or be bullies. Toy guns or other toy weapons are supplied to children. Violence is encouraged in competitive sports. Violence and sexual aggression are seen as entertainment in TV media, song lyrics and computer games. To sum up the discussion of effects of violence we come across the following: Cognitive effects Emotional effects Behavioral effects and social effects “Children and violence-the effects of violence on children” is a very vast topic and a lot of data can be collected from books, newspapers and even internet which is the biggest source for collection of data. Our subject is concerned with the effects that violence creates in children. In our report we have discussed a brief history on violence for example different kinds of war that took place in every century. We also discussed that how violence occurs and what are its resources. Secondly we also discussed briefly on different kind of effects of violence and how 16
  • 17. different children react on violence differently. We have also told that how violence is being taught to children. 17
  • 18. The following terms are of special relevance to our discussion of samples, the importance of sampling, and by the methods by which samples are selected: Sample: A selected portion from the elements within the population, with these elements actually being measured or observed. Population: The set of all possible elements that could theoretically be observed or measured; this is sometimes referred to as the universe. Census: The actual measurement or observation of all possible elements from the population; this can be viewed as “sample” that includes the entire population. Why a sample instead of a census? Sample is preferred over census because: In census each and every element of the population is studied to check or find the final result, while In sample only or selected part of population is studied to find final result. We need less time and less cost in conducting a sample survey as compared to census. Moreover, a well organized sample survey gives more accurate result as compared to census. After having knowledge about above mentioned information it will be easy for you to understand about sampling. 18
  • 19. SAMPLING “The process of using a small number of items or parts of a large population to make conclusion about the whole population” TYPES OF SAMPLING PROBABILITY SAMPLING NON-PROBABILITY SAMPLING PROBABILITY SAMPLING: In probability sampling each person or element in the population has some known or calculable chance of being included in a sample. However, every person or element may not have an equal chance for inclusion. NON-PROBABILITY SAMPLING: In non-probability sampling, not every unit in the population has a chance of being included in the sample, and the process involves at least some degree of personal subjectivity instead of following predetermined, probabilistic rules for selection. In our project work, we have chosen Non-Probability sampling method because we use a technique in which every member does not have equal chance of selection. 19
  • 20. DATA COLLECTION “It is a collection of any number of related observations.” Types of data collection PRIMARY DATA SECONDARY DATA Primary data: The data which have been collected for the first time and have not undergone any statistical treatment is called primary data. Secondary data: The data which has been undergone at least one statistical treatment is called secondary data. Sources of collection of data Primary data secondary data Through direct personal observation Through internet and media resources Through indirect oral investigation Private sources Through questionnaire Official sources Estimates through local correspondence Technical and trade journals Method of collection of data: The data which we will collect is primary data and the method which we apply to collect this data is questionnaire in following institutions: UNIVERSITY OF ENGENEERING AND TECHNOLOGY LAHORE (UET) UNIVERSITY OF THE PUNJAB LAHORE (PU) FORMEN CRISTIAN UNIVERSITY (FCU) LAHORE GRAMMAR SCHOOL (LGS) 20
  • 21. UNIVERSITY OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY LAHORE INSTITUTE OF BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT TOPIC: CHILDREN AND VIOLENCE “ANALYSIS OF THE EFFECT OF VIOLENCE ON CHILDREN” Violence basically means the intentional use of physical force or power, threatened or actual, against oneself, that either results in or has a high likelihood of resulting in injury, death, psychological harm, mal-development or deprivation. Our topic tells that what the effects of violence are on children. We the students of BBA are conducting a survey to have knowledge about the effects of violence on children. Our report objective is to get facts and figures and also the analytical data on children. We will highly appreciate if you fill this questionnaire which will help us in making our report. QUESTIONNAIRE DATE: …………………….. NAME: GENDER: INSTITUTION: AGE: (1) Do you think that parents can generate violence in children? (a) Yes (b)No (c) Strongly Agree (d) Strongly Disagree (2) Do cartoons generate violence in children? (a) Agree (b) Disagree (c) Strongly Agree (d) Strongly Disagree (3) Do you believe that home environment can be responsible for generating violence? (a) Yes (b) No (c) Mostly (d) Sometimes (4) Violence is? (a) Developed (b) In-born (c) Both (d) Don’t Know (5) Children face anger and frustration when faced with domestic violence? (a) Agree (b) Disagree (c) Strongly Agree (d) Strongly Disagree (6) Do you blame media for generating violence? (a) Yes (b)No (c) To some extent (d) always (7) Do you think breaking the cycle of violence requires professional intervention? (a) Yes (b) No (c) Sometimes (d) Don’t Know (8) Do you think that children’s mental health is negatively affected by thoughts of nuclear war? (a) Agree (b) Disagree (c) Strongly Agree (d) Strongly Disagree 21
  • 22. (9) Do you believe that some children are more affected by violence than others? (a) Yes (b) No (c) In Some Cases (d) Strongly Agree (10) Children accept violence in reality after playing violent games? (a) Agree (b) Disagree (c) Strongly Agree (d) Strongly Disagree (11) Being violent is way to release from stress and pressure? (a) Yes (b) No (c) Sometimes (d) Always (12) Violence can be produced by not fulfilling desires? (a) Agree (b) Disagree (c) Strongly Agree (d) Strongly Disagree (13) Children are capable of differentiating between fiction and reality? (a) Yes (b) No (c) Depends on age (d) Don’t Know (14) Is it okay for parents to slap their teenage children who talk back to them? (a) Agree (b) Disagree (c) Strongly Agree (d) Strongly Disagree (15) Do horrifying reality images generate violence in children? (a) Yes (b)No (c) Strongly Agree (d) Strongly Disagree (16) Punishment is essential for the disciplinary of children? (a) Yes (b) No (c) Depends on situation (d) Don’t Know (17) Do you allow your children to play violent video games? (a) Yes (b) No (c) Sometimes (18) Do children have feelings of worthlessness, and inability to think or concentrate? (a) Agree (b) Disagree (c) Strongly Agree (d) Strongly Disagree (19) Do you posses an unforgiving attitude for that person who insults you or harms you? (a) Yes (b) No (c) Sometimes (d) Always (20) Do you think that violence on television is a problem? (a) Yes (b) No (c) Sometimes (d) Don’t Know (21) Do you think violence has lasting effect on the health of teens? (a) Yes (b) No (c) Strongly Agree (d) Strongly Disagree (22) How violent you are? (a) Yes, always (b)Not at all (c) Sometimes (d) Depends 22
  • 23. DATA PRESENTATION OF UET First we chose UET to hold a questionnaire on “The effects of violence on children” to find the opinion of different people. We choose the sample: Institute of business and management(IB&M) Department of electrical engineering Department of chemical engineering SAMPLE SIZE: The questionnaire that has been solved by the students whose age range from 18-22. We solved the questionnaire in UET and the data that we compiled from these questionnaires is given below in the table: DATA ARRANGING FROM QUESTIONNAIRE 1. Parents can generate violence in children 2. Cartoons generate violence in children 3. Children face anger and frustration when faced with domestic violence 4. Children’s mental health is negatively affected by thoughts of nuclear war 5. Children accept violence in reality after playing video games 6. Violence can be produced by not fulfilling desires 7. Is it okay for parents to slap their children who talk back at them 8. Horrifying reality images generate violence in children 9. Do children have feelings of worthlessness, and inability to think or concentrate 10. Violence has a lasting effect on the health of teens The graph below shows the percentage of people that agree, disagree, strongly agree or strongly disagree that the above mentioned factors of violence affect children. STRONGLY UET AGREE 18% STRONGLY DISAGREE 3% YES 52% NO 27% 23
  • 24. DATA PRESENTATION OF PU Secondly we have chosen PU to hold a questionnaire on “The effects of violence on children” to find the opinion of different people. We choose the sample: Department of IBA Department of Mass Communication HR Department PU YES NO STRONGLY AGREE STRONGLY DISAGREE 8% 17% 40% 35% 24
  • 25. DATA PRESENTATION OF FCU Now we have chosen FCU to hold a questionnaire on “The effects of violence on children” to find the opinion of different people. We choose the sample : Mathematics Department Biological Department Business Department FCU YES NO STRONGLY AGREE STRONGLY DISAGREE 15% 39% 11% 35% 25
  • 26. DATA PRESENTATION OF LGS Finally we have chosen LGS to hold a questionnaire on “The effects of violence on children” to find the opinion of different people. The age range we have selected for this questionnaire is from 10-16, now we want to know what the views of children are. LGS YES NO STRONGLY AGREE STRONGLY DISAGREE 7% 19% 35% 39% Now we have calculated percentage of different responses from different institutions, and we have come to know that how much percentage of people agrees, disagree, strongly agree or strongly disagree whether violence effects the children or not. Now we will like to show a general graph of all the institutions and responses of people we have gathered so far. 26
  • 27. GENERAL REPRESENTATION OF THE GRAPH GENERAL GRAPH YES NO STRONGLY AGREE STRONGLY DISAGREE 8% 17% 40% 35% MAIN FINDINGS: Through sampling and data collection we have come to know the different opinions of people. We have through a number of well known institutions like: Punjab university Lahore UET Lahore Forman Christian university Lahore Lahore grammar school By going to the above mentioned institutions we delivered questionnaires to the students and through those filled questionnaires we have come to know different responses. We have made graphs of our findings so it will be easy for others to understand and have knowledge about what people think about the effects of violence on children. First we calculated the percentage of students and their responses to yes, no, strongly agree and strongly disagree from UET. Following are the findings from UET: 52% of the students think that violence does effect children 27% of the students believe that violence has no effect on children 18% are those students who have strong opinions that violence has effect on children Only 3%of the students totally disagree to the subject Now we will show the percentage of responses we found from PU: 27
  • 28. 40% of the students say that violence effects children 35% of the students object to the statement 17% of the students strongly agree While 8% of the students strongly disagree Percentage of responses collected from FCU shows that: 39% of the students are in favor of the topic 35% are against 11% strongly agree with the topic 15% strongly disagree The response of students from LGS shows that: 35% agree with the topic 39% disagree 19% strongly agree Only 7% strongly disagree Now we have compiled the data and have come to develop a general idea about the response of students from all the institutions we have been. 40% people agree that violence does have effect on children 35% people think that violence has no effect on children 17 % are the people who strongly agree that violence effects children Only 8% people strongly disagree CONCLUSION TO OUR REPORT Violence in the basis upon which we live. Wherever we go there is some form or act of violence. Most people have lost the concept of right and wrong. The line that once stood between them is now blurred. People find that they do no harm when they commit an act that's wrong. Violence is seen in many forms today that there was ever before. Media has a large part in broadcasting violence. Violence is due to some of these issues such as easy access to weapons, the people who commit crimes have low self-worth and self esteem and religion has become a lesser and lesser part of society. In the United States they have the Second Amendment which is the right to bear arms. This means anyone in the United States can have a gun. In the States it is said that they have enough guns to arm all the adults and half of the children. Then they wonder why their children go out and shoot people at their school. From our report we have come to have knowledge about all types of violence and the effects that are produced by violence on children. We have also described that in response to violence how children behave and react towards situations. Now we will give a brief review of literature in which we will tell what should be done to prevent violence. 28
  • 29. LITERATURE REVIEW Our discussions focused on three types of violence: physical and psychological punishment, gender based violence and child sexual abuse. We then prepared our own initiatives and actions to address these issues. In other cases adults think that punishment is good for children and do not see it as abuse. Since many adults themselves were beaten or psychologically punished as children they may believe it is necessary for adults to punish children for the children’s own good. Also, parents may not know different ways of bringing up children. In many countries parents think it is their duty to get girls married at a young age. Young brides may be tortured and harassed by their husband’s family for not understanding family matters. We also discussed many other forms of gender-based violence. When children suffer violence, they sometimes learn to fight violence with violence. This is how cycles of violence are continued. We have also discussed causes of violence… Sometimes cultural, traditional and / or religious practices can be harmful for children. At times poverty can cause neglect and violence since parents do not have enough money to fulfill their needs or educate their children. Patterns of violence are also reproduced from one generation to another, making a cycle. Adults like teachers, may lack knowledge of children’s rights or the affect of physical and psychological punishment. Discrimination and unequal power relations in society also make violence against children worse. Some countries do not have laws on violence against children, or their laws may not be enough to protect children. Often children are not aware of how to get legal help. There are not enough counseling and psycho-social services to rehabilitate children who have been abused. Being aware that violence poses a large burden on the physical and mental health of children, with long lasting consequences on their holistic development, often only manifested later in life. We, the participants, recognise the importance of a child rights approach in order to bridge the gap between standards and reality, and the challenge of changing perceptions in society, in structures of governance and at an individual level, of what are acceptable ways of behaving towards children. We agree to take the following actions as a matter of priority: 1. Develop and put into action, with the active assistance of civil society organisations, measures at all levels to prevent violence against children through interdisciplinary and participatory approaches that include professionals from different sectors and backgrounds, parents and children, and which are supported at the highest possible political level; 2. Ratify relevant international treaties, enact, amend or repeal all domestic legislation as necessary in order to prohibit all forms of violence against children including corporal punishment and humiliating treatment, and take all necessary measures to prevent and sanction such offences against children; also pay special attention to the development of juvenile justice procedures to prevent violence against children in all stages of the process; 29
  • 30. 3. Give the highest visibility and political importance to the prevention of violence against girls and boys, including, for example, the launching of public information campaigns to raise awareness about the scope and negative consequences of all forms of violence; and to do this by means of developing sustainable partnerships with children, parents, civil society, the private sector, new information technology industries and mass media; 4. Upgrade technical, legal, procedural and institutional capacity across relevant sectors, such as education, health, justice, protection services and labour inspections to identify violence and put in place appropriate evidence-based strategies and explicit family and child policies to prevent violence, support child victims and strengthen reporting, referral and response; 5. Seek to establish, analyse and regularly monitor, the extent of different forms of violence against children, collect disaggregated data by sex, age and other relevant factors, including the sources of discrimination that make some groups of children particularly vulnerable to violence, and systematically evaluate the appropriateness and effectiveness of interventions to protect children from violence, as well as efforts to provide timely assistance and address the consequences of abuse, including its social and economic cost for society; 6. Intervene in an early, effective, gender sensitive and child friendly manner to prevent victimization and re-victimization, through development of sensitive procedures and mechanisms, including provision of confidential advice; child-friendly judicial proceedings, and supportive health and protection services to ensure the physical and psycho-social recovery of affected children and young offenders; 7. Develop systematic and integrated education on child protection, encourage training for parents, all relevant professional groups and the mass media, that include information on human rights standards, on non-violent methods of conflict resolution and discipline, as well as on child development and the rights of children with special needs; 8. Strengthen and develop further all forms of international and cross-border co-operation, including prevention of criminal activities, in order to prevent and combat all forms of violence against children and to ensure that perpetrators of such violence do not escape justice and receive appropriate treatment; 9. Create opportunities for children and young people to play a more active role in addressing violence, equipping children with the knowledge and skills to be better able to recognise violence, and establishing mechanisms to ensure their participation in situation analysis, research and monitoring, and in the design of laws and policies that affect them; We, participants from all the countries of the European and Central Asian Region, agree that these 9 steps will be the first important steps that we will take at domestic and regional level to address violence against children. 30
  • 32. 32