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Neo4j	Basic	Training
Welcome	everyone	
Please	say	hi	to	each	other.	
We'll	spend	the	rest	of	the	day	together.
What	are	we	going	to	learn	today?	
•  Querying	graph	pa;erns	with	Cypher,		
•  Designing	and	implemen@ng	a	graph	database	model	
•  Evolving	an	exis@ng	graph	to	support	new	or	changed	requirements.
•  Intro	to	graphs	and	graph	modeling		
•  Evolving	the	graph	model	
•  Missing	domain	concept	
•  Rela@onship	bundling	
•  Modeling	guidelines	
What	are	we	going	to	do	today?
Op:onal	Modules	
•  Further	evolving	the	graph	model	
•  Specific	rela@onship	types	
•  Refactoring	large	graphs	
•  Mul@ple	models	
•  Your	turn
Thank	you	for	your	@me	
Any	other	ques@ons?	
Feedback	form:	gives	a	discount
Intro	to	graph	modeling
•  Intro	to	the	property	graph	model	
•  The	airport	dataset	
•  The	modeling	workflow	
•  Load	CSV	data	
What	are	we	going	to	do?
The	labelled	property	graph	
•  Nodes	
•  Rela@onships		
•  Proper@es		
•  Labels	
name:	“Dan”	
born:	May	29,	1970	
twi;er:	“@dan”	
name:	“Ann”	
born:		Dec	5,	1975	
Jan	10,	2011	
brand:	“Volvo”	
model:	“V70”	
Property	Graph	Model	Components	
•  Represent	the	objects	in	the	graph	
•  Can	be	labeled	
Property	Graph	Model	Components	
• Represent	the	objects	in	the	
• Can	be	labeled	
•  Relate	nodes	by	type	and	direc-on	
name:	“Dan”	
born:	May	29,	1970	
twi;er:	“@dan”	
name:	“Ann”	
born:		Dec	5,	1975	
Jan	10,	2011	
brand:	“Volvo”	
model:	“V70”	
Property	Graph	Model	Components	
• Represent	the	objects	in	the	
•  Can	be	labeled	
• Relate	nodes	by	type	and	
•  Name-value	pairs	that	can	go	on	
nodes	and	rela@onships.	
The	modeling	workflow	
1. Derive the
2. Obtain the
3. Develop a
4. Ingest the
5. Query/Prove
our model
The	modeling	workflow	
1. Derive the
2. Obtain the
3. Develop a
4. Ingest the
5. Query/Prove
our model
The	Modeling	Workflow
Find	the	most	popular	airports	
As	an	air	travel	enthusiast	I	want	to	know	how	airports	are	connected	
So	that	I	can	find	the	busiest	ones
The	flights	dataset
What	data	do	we	have?
Derive	ques:ons	
Is	Airport	A	connected	to	Airport	B?	
As	an	air	travel	enthusiast	I	want	to	know	how	airports	are	connected	
So	that	I	can	find	the	busiest	ones
Iden:ty	en::es	
Is	Airport	A	connected	to	Airport	B?	
Iden:fy	rela:onships	between	en::es	
Is	Airport	A	connected	to	Airport	B?	
airport	CONNECTED_TO	airport
It’s	a	graph!	
Is	Airport	A	connected	to	Airport	B?	
It’s	a	graph!	
Is	Airport	A	connected	to	Airport	B?	
Labels	are	for	categorizing	nodes.
Proper@es	are	for	defining	a;ributes	of	nodes	or	rela@onships.		
We	need	an	airport	code	to	uniquely	iden@fy	each	airport.
Modeling	different	connec:ons	
Busy	airports	will	have	mul@ple	connec@ons	between		them.	We	can	
model	this	in	different	ways:	
As	an	air	travel	enthusiast	I	want	to	know	how	airports	are	connected	
So	that	I	can	find	the	busiest	ones
Sample	data
Copy	folders	
• import	
• plugins	
from	USB	S:ck	
to	the	default.graphdb	folder		
(or	$NEO4J_HOME)	
Prepare	your	Neo4j	graph.db	directory
1.  Start	the	server.	
2.  It	should	be	running	on:	http://localhost:7474		
3.  Log-in	with	default	creden@als		
user:	neo4j	password:	neo4j	
4.  Choose	a	new	password	
We’re	good	to	go!	
Make	sure	you’ve	got	Neo4j	running
Find	the	most	popular	airports	
Open	your	browser	to	http://localhost:7474	and	execute	the	following	
Play	the	guides	in	your	browser	un:l	you	see...
The	MERGE	command
The	MERGE	command	is	a	combina@on	of	MATCH	and	CREATE.	If	the	pa;ern	
already	exists	then	it	will	return	it;	if	not	it	will	create	it.
MERGE	(las:Airport	{code:	"LAS"})	
We	can	MERGE	nodes...
...or	rela:onships...	
MATCH	(las:Airport	{code:	"LAS"})	
MATCH	(lax:Airport	{code:	"LAX"})	
MERGE	(las)-[:CONNECTED_TO]->(lax)
...or	both	
MERGE	(las:Airport	{code:	"LAS"})	
MERGE	(lax:Airport	{code:	"LAX"})	
MERGE	(las)-[:CONNECTED_TO]->(lax)	
MERGE	(las:Airport	{code:	"LAS"})-[:CONNECTED_TO]->(lax:Airport	
{code:	"LAX"})
Con:nue	playing	the	guide	
Con@nue	the	guide	in	your	browser
The	modeling	workflow
As	an	air	travel	enthusiast	
I	want	to	know	how	airports	are	connected	So	that	I	can	find	the	busiest	ones	
The	modeling	workflow	
MATCH	(origin:Airport	{code:	"LAX"})	
						(destination:Airport	{code:	"LAS"})	
RETURN	origin,	destination,	flight	
CREATE	(lax:Airport	{code:	"LAX"})	
CREATE	(las:Airport	{code:	"LAS"})	
CREATE	(las)-[connection:CONNECTED_TO	{		
				airline:	"WN",	
				flightNumber:	"82",	
				date:	"2008-1-3",	
				departure:	1715,	
				arrival:	1820}]->(lax)	
|		Origin	|	Dest	|	FlightNum		|	
|		IAD				|	TPA		|	335								|	
|		IAD				|	TPA		|	3231							|	
|		IND				|	BWI		|	448								|	
|		IND				|	BWI		|	3920							|	
Is	Airport	A	connected	to	Airport	B?	
Modeling	airports	
As	an	air	travel	enthusiast	I	want	to	know	how	airports	are	connected	
So	that	I	can	find	the	busiest	ones
As	an	air	travel	enthusiast	I	want	to	know	how	airports	are	connected	
So	that	I	can	find	the	busiest	ones
As	an	air	travel	enthusiast	I	want	to	know	how	airports	are	connected	
So	that	I	can	find	the	busiest	ones
As	an	air	travel	enthusiast	I	want	to	know	how	airports	are	connected	
So	that	I	can	find	the	busiest	ones
As	an	air	travel	enthusiast	I	want	to	know	how	airports	are	connected	
So	that	I	can	find	the	busiest	ones
Loading	CSV	data
Load	CSV	
A	clause	in	the	Cypher	query	language	that	lets	us	iterate	over	CSV	files	
and	create	graph	structures	based	on	the	data	contained	in	each	row.
Load	CSV	
LOAD	CSV					//	load	csv	data	
WITH	HEADERS	//	optionally	use	first	header	row	as	keys	in	"row"	map	
FROM	"url"			//	file://	URL	relative	to	$NEO4J_HOME/import	or	http://	
AS	row							//	return	each	row	of	the	CSV	as	list	of	strings	or	map	
//	...	rest	of	the	Cypher	statement	...
Load	CSV	
[USING	PERIODIC	COMMIT]	//	optionally	batch	transactions	
LOAD	CSV					//	load	csv	data	
WITH	HEADERS	//	optionally	use	first	header	row	as	keys	in	"row"	map	
FROM	"url"			//	file://	URL	relative	to	$NEO4J_HOME/import	or	http://	
AS	row							//	return	each	row	of	the	CSV	as	list	of	strings	or	map	
[FIELDTERMINATOR	";"]	//	optionally	alt.	delimiter	
//	...	rest	of	the	Cypher	statement	...
Consider	this	CSV	file	
|		Origin	|	Dest	|	FlightNum		|	
|		IAD				|	TPA		|	335								|	
|		IAD				|	TPA		|	3231							|	
|		IND				|	BWI		|	448								|	
|		IND				|	BWI		|	3920							|	
Create	nodes	
LOAD	CSV	WITH	HEADERS	FROM	"file:///flights.csv"	AS	row	
CREATE	(:Airport	{code:	row.Origin})	
CREATE	(:Airport	{code:	row.Dest})	
|		Origin	|	Dest	|	FlightNum		|	
|		IAD				|	TPA		|	335								|	
|		IAD				|	TPA		|	3231							|	
|		IND				|	BWI		|	448								|	
|		IND				|	BWI		|	3920							|	
Create	rela:onships	
LOAD	CSV	WITH	HEADERS	FROM	"file:///flights.csv"	AS	row	
CREATE	(origin:Airport	{code:	row.Origin})	
CREATE	(destination:Airport	{code:	row.Dest})	
CREATE	(origin)-[:CONNECTED_TO	{flightNumber:	row.FlightNum}]->(destination)	
|		Origin	|	Dest	|	FlightNum		|	
|		IAD				|	TPA		|	335								|	
|		IAD				|	TPA		|	3231							|	
|		IND				|	BWI		|	448								|	
|		IND				|	BWI		|	3920							|	
Find	exis:ng	nodes	and	rela:onships	
LOAD	CSV	WITH	HEADERS	FROM	"file:///flights.csv"	AS	row	
MATCH	(origin:Airport	{code:	row.Origin})	
MATCH	(destination:Airport	{code:	row.Dest})	
MATCH	(origin)-[:CONNECTED_TO	{flightNumber:	row.FlightNum}]->(destination)	
|		Origin	|	Dest	|	FlightNum		|	
|		IAD				|	TPA		|	335								|	
|		IAD				|	TPA		|	3231							|	
|		IND				|	BWI		|	448								|	
|		IND				|	BWI		|	3920							|	
Update	exis:ng	nodes	and	rela:onships	
|		Origin	|	Dest	|	FlightNum	|	UniqueCarrier		|	
|		IAD				|	TPA		|	335							|	WN													|	
|		IAD				|	TPA		|	3231						|	WN													|	
|		IND				|	BWI		|	448							|	WN													|	
|		IND				|	BWI		|	3920						|	WN													|	
LOAD	CSV	WITH	HEADERS	FROM	"file:///flights.csv"	AS	row	
MATCH	(origin:Airport	{code:	row.Origin})	
MATCH	(destination:Airport	{code:	row.Dest})	
MATCH	(origin)-[c:CONNECTED_TO	{flightNumber:row.FlightNum}]->(destination)	
SET	c.airline	=	row.UniqueCarrier
Idempotently	create	nodes	and	rela:onships	
LOAD	CSV	WITH	HEADERS	FROM	"file:///flights.csv"	AS	row	
MERGE	(origin:Airport	{code:	row.Origin})	
MERGE	(destination:Airport	{code:	row.Dest})	
MERGE	(origin)-[:CONNECTED_TO	{flightNumber:	row.FlightNum}]-
|		Origin	|	Dest	|	FlightNum		|	
|		IAD				|	TPA		|	335								|	
|		IAD				|	TPA		|	3231							|	
|		IND				|	BWI		|	448								|	
|		IND				|	BWI		|	3920							|	
Let’s	give	it	a	try	
Con@nue	the	guide	in	your	browser
End	of	Module	
Intro	to	Graph	Modeling	
Ques:ons	?
Missing	domain	concept
What	are	we	going	to	do?	
•  Profile	queries	
•  Introduce	a	missing	concept	in	the	domain	
•  Constraints	and	indexes	
•  Write	our	first	refactoring	query
Start	playing	the	next	guide….	
...if	you	aren’t	playing	it	already	
Profiling	queries
How	do	I	profile	a	query?	
By	prefixing	the	query	with:
shows	the	execu@on	plan	without	actually	execu@ng	it	or	returning	any	results.
How	do	I	profile	a	query?	
By	prefixing	the	query	with:
shows	the	execu@on	plan	without	actually	execu@ng	it	or	returning	any	results.
executes	the	statement	and	returns	the	results	along	with	profiling	informa@on.
How	do	I	profile	a	query?	
MATCH	(origin:Airport)-[c:CONNECTED_TO]	
WHERE	destination.code	=	"LAS"	
RETURN	origin,	destination,	c	
How	do	I	profile	a	query?	
MATCH	(origin:Airport)-[c:CONNECTED_TO]	
WHERE	destination.code	=	"LAS"	
RETURN	origin,	destination,	c	
MATCH	(origin:Airport)-[c:CONNECTED_TO]	
WHERE	destination.code	=	"LAS"	
RETURN	origin,	destination,	c	
Anatomy	of	an	execu:on	plan
Rows	come	in	
Do	some	work	
Rows	go	out
What’s	our	goal?	
At	a	high	level,	the	goal	is	
simple:	get	the	number	of	db	
hits	down.
What	is	a	database	hit?	
an	abstract	unit	of	storage	
engine	work.		
Let’s	profile	some	queries	
Con@nue	playing	the	guide	in	your	browser
Introducing	a	missing		
domain	concept
Introducing	a	missing	domain	concept	
Some@mes	we	design	a	model	and	amer	working	with	it	for	a	bit	we	
realise	that	we’ve	missed	an	important	domain	concept.
Introducing	a	missing	domain	concept	
Some@mes	we	design	a	model	and	amer	working	with	it	for	a	bit	we	
realise	that	we’ve	missed	an	important	domain	concept.	
In	our	case	we’re	missing	nodes	to	represent	Flights
Introducing	a	missing	domain	concept
Flight	as	a	first	class	ci:zen	
Flight	as	a	first	class	ci:zen	
MATCH		(o:Airport)-[:CONNECTED_TO]->(d:Airport)	
Constraints	and	indexes
Unique	Constraints	
We	create	unique	constraints	to:		
•  ensure	uniqueness		
•  allow	fast	lookup	of	nodes	which	match	label-property	pairs.
Unique	Constraints	
We	create	unique	constraints	to:		
•  ensure	uniqueness		
•  allow	fast	lookup	of	nodes	which	match	label-property	pairs.	
CREATE	CONSTRAINT	ON	(identifier:Label)	
This	is	the	first	of	the	refactoring	pa;erns	that	we’ll	encounter	today.	
We	have	this	pa;ern:	
And	we’ll	create	a	new	node	using	the	proper@es	of	the	CONNECTED_TO	
Refactoring:	Derive	node	from	rela:onship
We	create	indexes	to:		
•  allow	fast	lookup	of	nodes	which	match	label-property	pairs.
We	create	indexes	to:		
•  allow	fast	lookup	of	nodes	which	match	label-property	pairs.	
CREATE	INDEX	ON	:Label(property)
What	gets	indexed?	
The	following	are	index	backed:	
•  Equality	
•  Range	searches	
•  (Non-)	existence	checks
How	are	indexes	used	in	neo4j?	
Indexes	are	only	used	to	find	the	star@ng	point	for	queries.		
Use	index	scans	to	look	up	rows	in	
tables	and	join	them	with	rows	
from	other	tables	
Use	indexes	to	find	the	star@ng	
points	for	a	query.		
Let’s	get	on	with	the	refactoring	
Con@nue	playing	the	guide	in	your	browser
End	of	Module	
Missing	Concept	
Rela:onship	Bundling
Rela:onship	Bundling	
So	far	we’ve	been	wri@ng	queries	from	the	perspec@ve	of	an	air	travel	
In	this	sec@on	we’re	going	to	evolve	the	model	based	on	the	needs	of	a	
frequent	traveller	who	wants	to	find	flights	on	a	specific	date.
What	are	we	going	to	do?	
•  Write	a	query	to	book	a	flight	on	a	specific	day	
•  Profile	our	flight	booking	query	
•  Op@mise	our	model	to	deal	with	this	query
Find	a	flight	to	book	
As	a	frequent	traveller	I	want	to	find	flights	from	<origin>	to	
<des@na@on>	on	<date>	So	that	I	can	book	my	business	flight
Start	playing	the	next	guide….	
...if	you	aren’t	playing	it	already	
Bundling	flight	rela:onships
Bundling	flight	rela:onships	by	airport	day	
Searching	for	flights	by	day	is	a	bit	problema@c.	We	have	to	scan	every	
rela@onship	between	origin	and	des@na@on	airports	and	analyse	
proper@es	on	each	flight	to	work	out	which	ones	we’re	interested	in.
Bundling	flight	rela:onships	by	airport	day	
Searching	for	flights	by	day	is	a	bit	problema@c.	We	have	to	scan	every	
rela@onship	between	origin	and	des@na@on	airports	and	analyse	
proper@es	on	each	flight	to	work	out	which	ones	we’re	interested	in.	
We	can	reduce	this	problem	by	bundling	flights	together	by	
Our	current	model
Introducing	AirportDay
Refactoring	to	Airport	Day	
Bundling	flight	rela:onships	by	airport	day
Refactoring:	Derive	node	from	property	
This	refactoring	creates	a	new	node	using	the	property	of	an	exis@ng	node.	
We	currently	have	this	pa;ern:	
And	we’ll	create	a	new	node	using	the	date	property	of	the	flight	node:	
Let’s	get	on	with	the	refactoring	
Over	to	you!
End	of	Module	
Bundling	Rela:onships	
Modeling	Guidelines
•  Recap	of	the	Property	Graph	Model	
•  Modeling	choices	
•  Refactorings	
What	are	we	going	to	do?
Nodes,	rela:onships,		
labels,	proper:es
Our	model
Nodes	are	for	things
Labels	for	grouping
Rela:onships	for	structure
Proper:es	for	a]ributes
Modeling	choices
Properties vs.
Proper:es	vs	Rela:onships
We	only	need	to	pull	out	a	node	if	we’re	going	to	query	through	it,	
otherwise	a	property	will	suffice.	
But	if	we	pull	out	every	single	property	then	we	end	up	with	an	RDF	
model	and	lose	the	benefit	of	the	property	graph	
Proper:es	vs	Rela:onships
Rela:onship	Granularity
Symmetric	rela:onships	
Bidirec:onal	rela:onships
No	need	to	have	the	rela:onship	in	both	direc:ons
Use	single	rela:onship	and	ignore	direc:on	in	queries	
MATCH	(:Person	{name:'Eric'})-[:MARRIED_TO]-(p2)	
General vs. Specific
General	Rela:onships
General:	Find	flights	on	a	specific	date	
MATCH	(origin:Airport	{code:	"LAS"})-[:HAS_DAY]->(originDay:AirportDay),	
						(destinationDay:AirportDay)<-[:HAS_DAY]-(destination:Airport	{code:	"MDW"})	
WHERE	=	"2008-1-3"	AND	=	"2008-1-3"	
RETURN,	flight.number,	flight.airline,	flight.departure,	flight.arrival	
ORDER	BY,	flight.departure
Specific	Rela:onships
Specific:	Find	flights	on	a	specific	date	
MATCH	(origin:Airport	{code:	"LAS"})-[:`2008-1-3`]->(originDay:AirportDay),	
						(destinationDay:AirportDay)<-[:`2008-1-3`]-(destination:Airport	{code:	"MDW"})	
RETURN,	flight.number,	flight.airline,	flight.departure,	flight.arrival	
ORDER	BY,	flight.departure;
General:	Find	flights	by	year	and	month	
MATCH	(origin:Airport	{code:	"LAS"})-[:HAS_DAY]->(originDay:AirportDay),	
RETURN,	flight.number,	flight.airline,	flight.departure,	flight.arrival	
ORDER	BY,	flight.departure
Specific:	Find	flights	by	year	and	month	
MATCH	(origin:Airport	{code:	"LAS"})	
RETURN,	flight.number,	flight.airline,	flight.departure,	flight.arrival	
ORDER	BY,	flight.departure
Best	of	both	worlds?
Derive	node	from	rela:onship	
Derive	node	from	property	
Derive	rela:onship	from	property	
(airport)-[:HAS_DAY]->(airportDay	{date:	"2008-1-3"})	
(airport)-[:`2008-1-3`]->(airportDay	{date:	"2008-1-3"})
Evolving the Model
Revealing	nodes
Revealing	nodes?	
End	of	Module	
Modeling	Guidelines	
Ques:ons	?

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Introduction to Neo4j
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