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Naturalisitic Observation Essay
Naturalistic observation takes place as scientists perform observations in a naturally occurring
situation, without becoming actively involved. In performing naturalistic observations, a scientist
does not make an effort to manipulate or change what is occurring. The purpose of this kind of
experimentation is to create a detailed record of the events that happen and of perceptible
associations between events, without having any control on the results. Apparently the objective in
performing naturalistic observation is to arrange the data collection so that what is going on is
comprehensible to the observer, but is not so important or conspicuous that they become the focus of
attention or matter to participants.
Natural observation is the ... Show more content on ...
I also hypothesize that 80% of these participants who are wearing a seat belt will be Caucasian and
75% of them will be African American.
To gather my data, I began by preparing a chart. This chart included seven columns that described
twenty five cars, a yes and a no column, a female and male column and an African American and a
Caucasian participant's column. I continued my research by situating myself in front of the
University Center at approximately noon on April 28th. . I positioned myself on a bench to the right
because that is where cars enter the parking lot. I sat there with my sunglasses on as if I was waiting
for someone or just catching some sun. As cars came through the entrance, I would glance over in
that direction, with sunglasses on so that it doesn't appear that I looking straight into the car. I
recorded in my chart each time a new car entered. When I had observed twenty five drivers, my
chart showed that out of these twenty five drivers, twelve were women and thirteen were men.
. The observations showed there were distinctions between the number of men wearing seat belts
and women wearing them as well as a difference observed how many Caucasian drivers wore seat
belts and how many African American drivers did. My results conclude that 91.6% of women wear
their seat belts while only 42.6% of males use it. I was also able to conclude that 69.2% of the black
participants wore their
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Critique Of The 's Theory
Critique of Experiment 2
Many experiment fall folly due to the many factors they need to get correct. Like most studies the
practitioner needs to create a hypothesis that is actually testable and test it on a group of people they
can get. The participants are the foundation to the whole study. With them you are able to prove
whether your hypothesis was correct or not. These and many more factors are why psychological
studies are incredibly to execute and do properly.
The hypothesis of this study states, "Participants who had been primed with the elderly stereotype
would walk more slowly compared to participants who had not been primed with the stereotype–
relevant stimuli". This basically means that the experimenter believes that words related to the
elderly population and none related will affect the rate in which the participants walk. Their
hypothesis seems achievable because in my experiences I find that we as people relate to word
association and because of this our behaviors can be slightly modified to match the words presented.
This hypothesis is seems testable because it doesn't seem completely absurd due to the actual
experiment they planned to conduct.
In this specific study, they are aiming to construct an environment where participants will have to
unscramble words either related to elderly concepts or non–elderly concepts. The participants
chosen from this study were all Undergraduate NYU students, 30 males and females. I think each
participant qualifies
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Introduction And Formulation Of Problem ( 116 Points )
Part I: Introduction & Formulation of Problem (116 points)
1. What are the researcher(s)' credentials and their institutional affiliation? The article published
2000 by Franklyn W. Dunford, who is Senior Research Associate at The Regents of The University
of Colorado. He is publishing books: Domestic Violence Experience in Omaha, Nebraska, 1986–
1987 (ICPSR 9481), The Omaha domestic violence police experiment 1989. National evaluation of
diversion projects: Executive Summary 1982.Dunford`s experience behavioral science. The article
topic is an assessment of interventions for men assaults their wives. In this article, Author
researched about couple 's behavior for wife abuse. He investigated three different 12–month
involvements for servicemen who had been confirmed as having physically abused their wives were
used and the conclusions inspected. Dunford (2000).
2. How is previous research in the field been reviewed? Previous research programs have been ruled
out as failures for the author, stating there is a "lack of information about how to best treat men who
abuse their wives or cohabitant partners," save for one literature conducted before the Sand Diego
Navy experiment conducted in 1991 used on Marine Corps that found one useful evaluation for an
3. What are the purposes of the research? Are they clearly stated? The purpose of the research was to
evaluate experimentally whether or not cognitive–behavioral
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Vicarious Trauma, Compassion Fatigue, And Professional...
Vicarious trauma
Counselor impairment can be caused by multiple factors. Vicarious trauma, compassion fatigue, and
professional burnout associated with impairment, because it can changes the way the counselor
thinks and behaves in maladaptive ways (Newell, Gordon & MacNeil, 2010; Kadambi, 2004). All
counselors have a legal and ethically responsibility to prevent this form happening (ACA, 2014;
LPC Act, 2014; State of Oklahoma, 2007). Although there is some research on how to identified
vicarious trauma, there is still a void cohesive preventive treatment compared to the need (Newell,
Gordon & MacNeil, 2010). Professionally, vicarious trauma, compassion fatigue, and professional
burnout is high risk for affecting highly trained, previously competent counselors (ACA, 2014; LPC
Act, 2014; State of Oklahoma, 2007). This issue should be at a high priority level for counselor,
because it can change thinking processes (Newell, Gordon & MacNeil, 2010; Kadambi, 2004).
Therefore, it can alter client's care significantly. However, the counselors have to know the concepts
associated with negate impairment and know preventive measures (ACA, 2014; LPC Act, 2014;
State of Oklahoma, 2007).
Researcher hypothesizes that clinicians unique setting has three factor which creates an environment
that vicarious trauma can be more than others (Kadambi, 2004). First, counselors are exposure to
emphatic engagement with the client's trauma. Second, counselors have to face
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Music Tempo's Effect on Heart Rate Essay
Introduction Being a college student in this day in age is never easy. We are always on the move and
become stressed very easily. One of the ways students deal with the pressure of ongoing
assignments, papers, and various projects is to simply listen to music. Music is very popular to our
specific age group, but is consuming different styles of music necessarily a healthy alternate to the
stress? How does music affect the heart rate and what different types of music have a greater affect
on heart rate? Music most definitely has emotional value. Heart rate can be directly influenced by
these emotional changes. Our group decided to test music tempo's effect on heart rate. This
experiment is relevant to one's health because it is ... Show more content on ...
As you can see form Chart B, we calculated percent change between the different types of music.
When our subjects listened to heavy–metal music, their heart rates increased on average. When our
subjects listened to classical music, their heart rates decreased on average, below resting heart rate.
Our tables do not show the negative side of the spectrum, but still show the percent change in heart
rate, which is what we were trying to accomplish. Due to classical music actually lowering heart
rate, our hypothesis was not proven complete. Relate back to our hypothesis. We hypothesized that
fast tempo music would increase heart rates while slower paced music will keep heart rate at about
the same. Still, if you relate back to the table and Chart A, we have still conducted positive evidence
to prove that music does play a role in a change of heart rates. Each subject did experience a change
in heart rate, both positive and negative. This experiment does relate back to the original real–world
issue of heart rate. Being able to understand how to control heart rate is very important. If someone
has heart problems or an irregular heart beat they need to be aware of certain music that could
potentially be harmful to them. Like–wise, if someone were trying to be in a good mood or simply
be hyper, they would enjoy listening to high
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Isopod Behavior Lab Report
Stephen Pidliskey
P1 Park
Background Information:
In our lab we were working with isopods, also known as pill bugs or rollie pollies. The isopods that
we worked with were land isopods. They like to live in moist places under untouched objects such
as boards, bricks, rotting logs and or rocks. Basically, they will live anywhere! If you are lucky
enough, you can even find them next to buildings where it is moist and if there is food. All living
organisms like certain things and don't like certain things, for example; most animals will try to eat
something sugary or sweet, like a piece of candy. While the same animal my not wanting to eat
something that is not sugary or sweet like peas.
Every organism ... Show more content on ...
At the beginning of our lab we had placed the pill bugs in the petri dish with dry filter paper and we
observed their behavior. The pill bugs were going around the inside rim of petri in circles following
each other, almost as if it were a game of tag. The pill bugs never seemed to stop moving, flipping
over and were constantly climbing. Some of the pill bugs even tried to escape from the petri dish,
but our group was quick to make that didn't happen. As our lab went on, we placed the 4 different
pieces of filter paper with solutions on them and then added 4 pill bugs to it. We collected lots of
information during this procedure.
This table represents how many pill bugs were on each slice of filter paper, that had a different
solution on each of them, over 30 second intervals lasting 5 minutes. This is what were recorded our
data on for this part of the lab.
The purpose of our experiment was to observe the behavior of the pill bugs. We were trying to find
exactly whether the pill bugs would be attracted or repelled by the chemicals. The chemicals used
were vinegar, water, salt solution and a sugar
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A Study On Chronic Coffee Consumption Has Preventative On...
The primary objective of this research was to produce a study that displayed that chronic coffee
consumption has preventative effects in mammals. This paper will allow me to trace the method that
the scientists used in this particular mice experiment. Using the scientific method during the mice
experiment allowed the scientists to ask certain questions, make observations, and receive answers
to their questions. During this experiment twenty one mice were tested to determine whether water
or diluted black coffee would lower the mice blood glucose levels. Through my research and
examination of this experiment I will develop a hypothesis and come to a conclusion on the basis of
the research provided.
Identifying the Steps, Observations, and Hypothesis
The identified steps of the scientific method are ask a question, do background research, construct a
hypothesis, test your hypothesis by doing an experiment, analyze your data and draw a conclusion,
and communicate your results. The observations the scientist made leading up to this experiment
were that mice, which are mammals, have a relatively similar body system to that of a human. The
fact that mice's DNA is so similar to that of a human and that their life span is so short, scientist can
observe how this experiment will affect their bodies in a much faster frame of time. The hypothesis
drawn from this experiment seems to be at odds with the blood glucose in the mice that consumed
the coffee rather than the water had dropped
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Techniques Used For Gather Data
There are a few ways, techniques used to gather data in sociology. For this study, we are utilizing
techniques of observation, this was done by going out somewhere, like a mall, and watching what
the people around you are doing and the activities that are taking place. My observations took place
at the Steeplegate Mall in Concord New Hampshire on a Friday in mid–April around four o'clock. I
was shocked by what I saw, the mall was no longer as active as it was when I use to go while I was
in middle and high school. Our book states that it was around the 1800's when social observers
started to use scientific methods to test their ideas (Henslin). Now a days most people know what
scientific methods are and what they are about, it includes ... Show more content on
Observations can be done out in the field or in a laboratory setting, this is a field study that we had
to do. Strengths and weaknesses of observations can be affected by the locations used, what you are
studying and how much you are trying to observe, the strengths and weaknesses of the observer will
affect it too. A strength of observation is that it is the best way to find out natural behavior of people.
If they do not know that they are being watched then they will not act any different, but when
someone knows that they are being watched they tend to act differently even if they do not mean to.
Some other strengths are directness, being what you have seen for yourself, and that it can happen
on your own time. A weakness is that what you think you might be seeing might not be what is
actually happening, like someone standing at a checkout counter might not be buying something but
just has a question for the person working or maybe they are friends and just wanted to talk. Some
more weaknesses are that the data can be biased, observer effect, and can be time consuming or you
might have to repeat if mess up somehow. Directness is very important in observation because if it
was indirect it would not be what you have seen or heard yourself. It is a strength from not having to
rely on someone else, they could decide not to do it and you are waiting for their data or they could
tell people what they are doing which would change your
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Analysis Of Blomberg 's ' The King Of The Mountain...
This week's reading takes a more in depth look at the current synoptic problem. Blomberg lightly
discusses the main hypotheses (Oxford, Griesbach, and Q) by engaging in their strengths and
weaknesses alike. He also discusses the possible synoptic sources, mainly "L", "M", and "Q". He
does briefly relay some more historical figures, early church fathers mostly, and their seemingly
archaic views on synoptic priority compared to the scholastic achievements in more recent eras.
McKnight gives a closer look at the Oxford or "two–source" hypothesis. He strives to show the
Oxford hypothesis as winning the king–of–the–mountain scholastic debate using the various
scholars who have debated the heaviest in favor of the Markan priority, mainly Streeter. Even as
passionately as McKnight stands on this on–going biblical debate, Farmer gives just as obsessive a
plea for Matthean priority as he discusses the Griesbach or "two–gospel" hypothesis. However,
Farmer puts his discussion into terms less eloquently than McKnight does. Farmer very succinctly
plots his discussion into steps as if teaching to a room of theological second–graders. While, as a
scientist myself, I can appreciate the calculative style he uses to win the spot at the top of the
mountain, I feel that this debate is scarcely that simple of an answer.
The synoptic problem itself still challenges me. When this debate was first revealed to me in an
undergraduate course, a most basic biblical overview, I fancied myself on the
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Applications of the Scientific Method: Everyday Life
Selina Mathieu
Strayer University
Professor Olivia Uitto
SCI 110
August 9, 2015
The scientific method is a process for experimentation used to explore observations and answer
questions. It is used unconsciously by many on a daily basis and understanding how to apply the
method can be valuable in making decisions and solving problems. For this assignment, I have
chosen to use the scientific method to demonstrate how to organize my cluttered apartment to fit two
storage units thus eliminating two bills and lowering my debt.
First I will ask a question or make an observation such as how will I fit two storage units into my
small apartment ... Show more content on ...
I would then test my hypothesis again and realize I can accept it. Finally, a conclusion must be
reached to wrap up the scientific method. By following the steps, I find that I would be able to fill
my apartment much better, save or make money, and make numerous donations. I also found that
these moves could be done much faster if I had help, so informing friends and family of my decision
would also work. For an even smoother outcome, I would have to be sure that all the materials I
would need were readily available. I would need paper and pens, a camera, and measuring tape for
the initial part of my experiment. I would have to make a list of places to donate to and make sure
they are able to give me receipts for tax purposes. There are also those in need that could use some
of the extra items I have to make it through the upcoming winter. Making a schedule of my
availability helps ensure I have enough time to focus on this project without running into other
schedules. Adding a deadline and some goals can help motivate one to stay on task so as not to push
the project to the side and increase debt.
The scientific method can easily be used in everyday life and in some instances is required in order
to get thru the day successfully. I would guess that we are taught throughout our lives to perfect such
methods and we became so used to the perfection that we can now apply the method without laying
out the steps but it helps to write them down to
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The World Of The Holocaust
From 1933 to 1945 over 11 million people were slaughtered over the course of those 12 years. This
event in history is known as the Holocaust. The people who lost their lives were Jews, Gypsies,
Political prisoners, Roma, Jehovah Witnesses, homosexuals, and anyone who opposed the Nazi rule.
The prisoners were sent to concentration camps where they were tortured, forced to work, starved,
placed in gas chambers for mass extermination, and experimented on by Nazi doctors as if they
were not human. The Holocaust was put in place by Adolf Hitler, Chancellor of Germany at the
time. Hitler wanted the people slaughtered in order to form a master race, known as the Aryans. His
master race plan was only a side goal, his first objective was to ... Show more content on ...
The committee at the Nuremburg trials never even took into consideration the use of the data and so
it can be used in citation. However, some of the data should most definitely not be cited, most
notably the Dachau Hypothermia Experiments. The goal of the experiments was to establish the
most effective way of treating hypothermia in patients. However it was done in a very brutal way
that cannot be repeated in the future. Many scientists have used the data in citation, but a just as a
large amount of scientists have denounced the data and any paper that uses the data as a source. The
Nazi data collected from the Dachau hypothermia experiments should not be used due to the lack of
ethics used to obtain the results, the misuse of the scientific method, and the falsity of the data.
Ethically, the Dachau hypothermia experiments were a calamitous endeavor and the scientists doing
the experiments knew what they were doing was wrong. Before the Allied forces took the
concentration camps the Nazi scientists "In an attempt to conceal the atrocities, the original,
incriminating records of most of the concentration–camp studies of humans were destroyed before
the camps were captured by the Allied forces" (Berger 1435). This proves that the doctors were not
shrouded by the memorization of Nazi propaganda. They knew what they were doing was a clear
violation of human rights. In the experiments the doctors would take the patients, "They were
usually stripped naked and
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Essay about Cross-Cultural Observation
Cross–Cultural Observation: Macy's Department Store
In order to observe the interactions between individuals from different cultural background, my
partner: Gina Nguyen and I went to the Macy's department store, located downtown Boston. We
selected this store because of the size and their reputation of having a diverse workforce. Gina and I
started our observation at 3:30pm on Wednesday, October 24, 2012 and finished it at 4:20pm. We
were observing the interactions between the coworkers, as well as the ones between the staff
members and the customers.
Before we started our observation, we read the assignment together, just to make sure we were on
the same page. After that we selected some spots in the store where we were able to ... Show more
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I also noticed that all of them seemed to enjoy what they were doing, or at least that was the
impression they were making.
Over the course of the observation, I notice that there were three types of interactions between the
workers: professional, strictly related to a work question; personal/friendly, showing a tighter
connection between each other; and interactions based on avoidance, when workers interacted only
for a couple of seconds, with almost no communication.
There were a couple of instances when I observed professional interactions between employees; the
interesting fact is that most of them happened between persons with different cultures. For example
there was a Latino white male that had a conversation with an African–American woman, the male
was explaining and showing her something on a computer. Their attitude was distant, which could
be explained by employment rules like sexual harassment. There was a space between them that
suggested the fact that they knew each other but did not engage in other conversations outside work.
Their voice tone suggested a that there was no power distance, however I felt a certain level of
intimidation in the voice of the female, which I believe to be because of the fact that she asked for
help in the computer situation.
This type of interaction happened between the Latino white male and an African–American male as
well, however this time I felt an attitude of equality from
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What Are the Methods of Inquiry and How Are They Used in...
1. What are the methods of inquiry and how are they used in criminal investigation?
The method of inquiry is based on gathering observable, empirical and measureable evidence.
Basically, methods of inquiry are ways that an investigator gathers the information for the case that
they are investigating. Methods of inquiry are used in criminal investigation by collecting evidence,
statement collection, and going through electronic databases and even the internet. The methods of
inquiry are all used in conjunction to reconstruct the crime scene. The methods are also used by
utilizing the five W's, who, what, when, where, and why, and also how. There are three methods of
inquiry that are used in an investigation and those are authority method, ... Show more content on ...
In my opinion, the investigators must apply the scientific method in every one of the investigations
that they do. The investigators must take all the information into their minds and ask themselves
what happened, how did it happen, and why did this crime happen. Once the investigator comes up
with the answers then will conduct experiments to see if their idea was the ultimate conclusion of
what happened.
So for an example, the investigator can say, this is a murder, the person was stabbed, and the motive
was this person was caught having an affair. After the investigator comes up with his hypotheses
he/she will then test it, if the evidence does not support his/her theory then he would start over on
figuring out what, why and how it all occurred.
4. Discuss the three primary sources of information for criminal investigators and provide detailed
practical examples of each source listed.
The three primary sources of information are Physical Evidence and Scientific Examinations,
Documentation, and information form people. Each source is valuable to an investigation in its own
Physical evidence/scientific examinations is the evidence found at the scene of the crime. This can
include clothing, blood, fingerprints, weapons and much more. An example of physical evidence
could be any listed above but also a bloody knife or a casing from a bullet.
Documentation can be found in logs, records, and electronic data that
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Essay about Observe a Sixth Grade English Class at Bain...
Observe a Sixth Grade English Class at Bain Middle School
I observe at Roosevelt Middle School, which is in River Forest, in
Mrs. Braun's sixth grade English class on Tuesdays in the morning. As
I have observed, I have noticed that the classroom is student–centered. During computer time, Mrs.
Braun focused more on helping the students get into the computer program to start the assignment
than on having enough time to get the assignment done.
Several times, Mrs. Braun gave helpful comments on how to do things on the computer or in the
program, such as how to install automatic spell check. Mrs. Braun was also very patient as she was
being asked questions while she was trying to explain the assignment. From what I saw, some ...
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Braun, and then vocabulary is covered. Then a vocabulary assignment is given with any other new
assignments on what is being cover in class. Next the teacher reads or goes over any assigned
readings from the book that is being covered in class. This is the same basic routine for period two.
The third period is computer time and the routine seems to vary. There is a quick transition from
activity to activity during these routines.
The classroom environment is that of a basic classroom setting. There are some decorations and
other things hanging on the wall. Among the decorations is a hand–made calendar on the wall by
Mrs. Braun's desk.
There is a history of each student's last name on the wall on the other side of Mrs. Braun's desk.
There seems to be a controlled temperature and lighting in the classroom and they are set at an
adequate setting. The room is arranged with five groups of desks in a circular type shape. In the
middle of the room is a cart where new assignments are put and reading journals are kept. There are
different locations throughout the room for different supplies. With the layout of the room, it seems
there is adequate space to move around and do in–class activities. The physical space also seems
conducive to teaching and learning. The physical space, including seating and grouping
arrangements, seems to enhance cooperation and learning because there seems to be fewer
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Evaluation Of The And Emotional Development
Throughout the assessments, I found Julia to be average or superior to developmental milestones for
children her age. To assure all areas were observed, I allowed a week to monitor the assessment data
for two checklists. I observed social and emotional development over a three day span to allow for
situational stimuli and behavior adjustments from a quick trip to visit her paternal grandparents.
Finally, to pull all my information together, I completed a time sampling assessment to observe
actions during free play. This time sampling focused on general intellectual behaviors which may
indicate a level of giftedness in comparison with other children her age. With all the observations
completed, I have analyzed each of the assessment work sheets. Observation of Julia's gross motor
skills in relationship to abilities of children 3–5 years was completed using a checklist. The checklist
indicated whether or not a specific skill was observed during the week of observation. This check
list indicates Julia is on target developmentally. Because she is athletic and likes to play physically,
her gross motor skills are strong. Using the checklist to "determine areas in which ... additional
support and help" (Bentzen, 2009, p. 8) is needed, attention should focus on balance and strength.
Using balance skills would produce the greatest qualifiers in her development. To do this, Julia may
be taught to walk on a masking tape line, a jump rope line, or use a two–by–four balance
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Participant Observation : Observation, Interviews, And...
Participant Observation
How does one observe while simultaneously participating? It is an awkward position for the
researcher to be in–the very nature of the term "participant observation" is at odds with each other;
therefore the author must keep a degree of distance in order to fully observe and record their
observations. At the same time, the author must do as the locals do, which is: it is very important for
the researcher to connect with members of the population. As the researcher gets to know the
members of a group he or she will be studying, it is important that they learn to make friends
quickly so they can be accepted in the community and obtain quality research in the form of
observation, interviews, and accurately record field notes. Additionally, the researcher will have to
take all their personal thoughts, interviews, and observations and organize the data with an eye
towards their own biases and subjectivities. These are some of the positive aspects of participation
observation, but there are many potential drawbacks as well.
In Participant Observation (58–62), James Spradley defines the five different types of participant
observation as: non–participatory, passive participation, moderate participation, active participation,
and complete participation. In Life in Riverfront, Mariko and Toshi Sanos conduct much of their
participant observation at the senior day–care center. They wrote that they wished to learn more
about 'visiting as sharing' since it is
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Is The Self Reference Effect More Effective On Children 's...
Is the Self Reference Effect More Effective On Children's Memory Rather Than Adults?
Madison Herley
Professor Cooke
General Psychology 101
April 21, 2016
The study will investigate the self reference effect with two different age groups. The two age
groups will be young and older adults, trying to obtain material. The first group is told to relate that
information to themselves or past experiences and, the second group is only told to review the
material given. The purpose of this experiment is to see if the self reference effect is more beneficial
to children rather than adults. To conduct this study, the observer has to use the naturalistic research
stragesty and also see the within experimental designs. In order to have a positive income on the self
reference effect. Throughout, my research I have found, "like young adults, older adults exhibited
superior recognition for self–referenced items relative to the items encoded with the alternate
orienting tasks, but self–referencing did not restore their memory to the level of young adults"
(Gutchess, A. H., Kensinger, E. A., Yoon, C., & Schacter, D. L. 1). Thus, from past research
experiments the self reference effect has seen to be more limited in adults than children.
Does the self reference effect more beneficial to children than adults? My study is based on how the
self reference effect will help children's memory rather than adults because children's brains are still
developing. "Children develop a cohesive
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Artemia Franciscana and Preference Regarding the Effects...
The Artemia franciscana can survive in extreme conditions of salinity, water depth, and temperature
(Biology 108 laboratory manual, 2010), but do A. franciscana prefer these conditions or do they
simply cope with their surroundings? This experiment explored the extent of the A. franciscanas
preference towards three major stimuli: light, temperature, and acidity. A. franciscana are able to
endure extreme temperature ranges from 6 ̊ C to 40 ̊ C, however since their optimal temperature for
breeding is about room temperature it can be inferred that the A. franciscana will prefer this over
other temperatures (Al Dhaheri and Drew, 2003). This is much the same in regards to acidity as
Artemia franciscana, in general thrive in ... Show more content on ...
Referring to the experiment`s hypotheses that the A. franciscana prefers light, temperatures between
20–24 ̊ C, and a basic (pH 8) environment; the results regarding the first treatment, light, were
initially vague. According to the experiment results, the A. franciscana did not show a clear
preference towards light or dark because both sections contained high concentrations of them; the A.
franciscana also strayed from the uncovered section. Several factors may shed light on the results
such as the A. franciscanas physical appearance; they possess three light–sensitive eyes that can
adjust to both low and high light intensities (Fox, 2001). This means that although they may prefer
light they can survive in darker habitats as well; relating back to the experiment the A. franciscana
may have been content with wherever they were, resulting in limited movement.
For the temperature treatment, it was decisive in that the A. franciscana showed a steady increase in
concentration from section 1 to 4. This expands on the hypothesis that suggests A. franciscana
prefers an optimum temperature between 20–24 ̊ C because from the results of the experiment A.
franciscana seemed to prefer even higher temperatures. Al Dhaheri and Drew (2003) state that A.
franciscana stop reproducing at temperature above 30 ̊ C and compared to the experiments results. It
can be concluded that A. franciscana prefer warmer temperatures, but reproduce at lower
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Essay on Classroom Observation Report
Classroom Observation
On Monday February 24, 2014 I visited Mrs. Randus' third and fourth grade split class at Kline
Elementary. Her classroom consisted of a mixture of third and fourth grade students who were tested
and labeled as gifted in various subject matters. Mrs. Randus was responsible for teaching the
children language and reading skills. The class consisted of an equal number of boys and girls, along
with a wide variety of cultures. According to my observation, Cushner, McClelland, and Safford
(2000) were correct when they stated, "Schools, in particular, are cultural crossroads in ... Show
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The web page also contains a daily trivia question that is worth extra credit if answered correctly.
Mrs. Randus' classroom exemplified a third wave school (Cushner et al., 2000). The technology was
very impressive and up to date. The students of her class are very lucky to be on the cutting edge of
When the children returned from recess some of them returned to their seats and began to work on
projects, while others crowded around the computers to view the new additions to their web site.
The children looked excited and eager to learn. It was obvious from the beginning of the observation
that Mrs. Randus practices progressivism (Clark, 2000). Her students were given the free will to do
as they pleased when first entering the classroom. By letting her students explore the contents of the
class web page, they were learning through discovery and working together in communities around
the computers. It was also evident when she started class with a vote that she practices the
progressivism theory of education (Clark, 2000). She asked the children if they wanted to go to the
library first or start class with a game of vocabulary bingo. The excited students choose bingo, took
their seats, and gave their full attention to Mrs. Randus.
Throughout the bingo game the children were very attentive and eager to show their knowledge of
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Lab 1 Essay
Exercise 1: Data Interpretation
Table 1: Water Quality vs. Fish Population
Dissolved Oxygen 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
Number of Fish Observed 0 1 3 10 12 13 15 10 12 13
1. What patterns do you observe based on the information in Table 1?
Develop a hypothesis relating to the amount of dissolved oxygen measured in the water sample and
the number of fish observed in the body of water.
Read more: http://www.experiment––to–write–a–
3. What would your experimental approach be to test this hypothesis?
4. What are the independent and dependent variables?
5. What would be your control?
6. What type of graph would be appropriate for this data set?
7. ... Show more content on ...
When Sally eats healthy foods and exercises regularly, her blood pressure is 10 points lower than
when she does not exercise and eats unhealthy foods. Testable
H: People that eat healthy and exercise regularly will have significantly lower blood pressure than
people who do not eat healthy or exercise
4. The Italian restaurant across the street closes at 9 pm but the one two blocks away closes at
10 pm.
5. For the past two days the clouds have come out at 3 pm and it has started raining at 3:15 pm.
Testable (This is a tough one)
H: When clouds come out at 1500 hours plus or minus 15 minutes, Rain will happen 15 minutes
after the observed clouds.
6. George did not sleep at all the night following the start of daylight savings. Not testable
Exercise 3: Conversion
For each of the following, convert each value into the designated units. 1. 46,756,790 mg = _______
2. 5.6 hours = _______ seconds
3. 13.5 cm = ________ inches
4. 47 °C = ______ °F
Exercise 4: Accuracy and Precision
1. During gym class, four students decided to see if they could beat the norm of 45 sit–ups in a
minute. The first student did 64 sit–ups, the second did 69, the third did 65, and the fourth did 67. 2.
The average score for the 5th grade math test is 89.5. The top 4th graders took the test and scored
89, 93, 91 and 87.
2. Yesterday the temperature was 89 °F, tomorrow it's supposed to be 88°F and the next day it's
supposed to be
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Understanding How Manufacturers Consider Consumer Food...
When a manufacturer begins making a new food product, there are a number of different factors that
are considered. For instance, they consider nutrition facts, as well as cost and growth of a product.
Most importantly manufacturers consider consumers' food color preferences. Prior literature review
research tells us that in order for manufactures to consider consumers' opinions they conduct study
In the article Gazing behavior, choice and color of food: Does gazing behavior predict choice? ,
researchers found that what look more appealing to the eye are products that consumers tend to go
after. It was also evident that color is a big deciding factor of consumers wandering eye. The eye
tends to fixate on the greens, pinks, and yellows. (Slavica, Radoslav, Đorđe, and Jelena 2013). In the
article Knowledge of food quality and additives and its impact on food preference, researchers were
able to find that most consumers know nothing about the nutritional side of what they consume
(Grujic, Grujic, Petrovic,Gajic 2013). It seems as if presentation is more important than the
ingredient label. The last study is centered on the preferences consumers have about the color of
orange juice. Within this study, researchers are able to conclude that consumers want their juice to
be orange in color verses being red or yellow (Fernandez–Vazquez, Stinco, Melendez–Martinez,
Heredia, and Vicario 2011).
How manufacturers consider consumers' food color preference applies to the everyday
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Roly Poly Lab Essay
Pillbug "Roly–Poly" Behavior LaB

Purpose: The purpose of this lab is to observe the behavior of the Armadillium vulgare (roly– poly
bug), as well as hypothesize whether it will be attracted to, repelled by, or unresponsive to certain
1. Observing the pillbug: examine the pillbug's shell and body, shell shape, color, texture, number of
legs, number of antennae, motion, speed, and sex after close examination.
2. Formulate hypotheses: choose substances (powders and liquids) and suggest whether the pillbug
will be attracted to, repelled by, or unresponsive to each substance.
3. Perform an experiment: using a control, test the pillbug's reaction to the substances
4. ... Show more content on ...
Yes, data can prove a hypothesis to be true.
Scientific Theory
A pillbug has 14 body divisions
If a pillbug curls into a ball, it can be concluded that it feels threatened.
Pillbugs that back away from a substance are repelled by the substance.
1. A scientific theory is a concept that ties together many varied conclusions into a generalized
2. It is important to use one substance at a time when testing a pillbug's reaction because in this
experiment we are trying to determine whether or not the pillbug is repelled by, attracted to, or
unresponsive to a specific substance. If you use more than one substance at a time, it will not
determine whether the pillbug is attracted to, repelled by, or unresponsive to a substance, especially
if the pillbug is already headed towards the direction of a substance.
3. No, the scientific method cannot explain all observations. In order for the scientific method to
explain all observations, it must be able to answer a question about something that can be measured.
The question: Do pillbugs have a color preference ? cannot be tested by the scientific method.
1. 11 mm equals 1.1 cm
2. 950 mm equals 0.95 m
3. 2.1 liters equals 2100 ml
4. 122°F equals 50° C
5. 4.100 mg equals 0.0041 g
19. Locating
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Essay on The Airport on Thanksgiving Eve
Thanksgiving holiday is one of the few holidays that we do not have in Thailand. I never understood
the significance of this holiday apart from its two–day school break until I traveled on Thanksgiving
eve this past holiday. A taxi driver who drove me to the airport hinted about its importance by saying
that, "Tonight is one of the busiest travel periods of the year." I did not completely comprehend his
claim until I saw how crowded the airport was. It seemed to me that everyone headed home to
celebrate Thanksgiving with his or her family. However, what was most amusing that night was a
scene of tens or even hundreds of people waiting for their family members at arrival gate. I was not
clear why there were lots of people so I decided to do ... Show more content on ...
In addition, because of the different constraints between controlled environment in laboratories and
the real world, we cannot use experiments to answer the question. Therefore, ethnography is the
most suitable procedure to answer this question.
To conduct my ethnography, I observed people who waited for their family members at the airport
by sitting near the gate and watching their reactions. Without asking for their opinions or reasons
about their behaviors, I eliminated potential Hawthorne effects which is people changed their
actions once they realized that someone observed them. I paid attention to the number of people
waiting together to determine the relationship between the waiting and arriving people, their actions
while they waited and their reaction once they met their person. According to my observations,
people brought the whole family with them if the person they waited for was part of a family and
they were alone if the arrived person was one's boy/girlfriend. They had similar emotions such as
being tired and bored while they waited. No one had any positive facial expressions but they refused
to sit and wait in the back. Everyone wanted to be the first one to see the person to whom they
waited for. When the long awaited person arrived, their emotions changed dramatically. Everyone
had smiles on their faces and they started to hug
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The Dual Coding Theory Of The Human Mind And Its Functions
Assignment introduction
Psychology is the scientific study of the human mind and its functions, including how it influences
our behaviour. Cognitive psychology is the study of human mental processes and their role in
thinking, feeling and behaving. It studies processes like attention, language use, memory, thinking,
problem solving, perception and creativity. Memory is the mental capacity to retain and revive
events, facts, impressions etc or recall and recognise previous experiences. We can remember
information for seconds, hours, weeks, months or years after the physical stimuli that was present
has ceased to occur or exist. This study will be based upon the dual coding theory (Pavio 1971)
which was a theory that explained the powerful ... Show more content on ...
Bower studied the effect of creating a visual image to assist verbal recall. In one experiment, the
participants were given out 100 different cards, one at a time which each had two unrelated words
on it , like 'cat' and 'tree'. The participants either had to remember the pair or create a visual scene in
which both objects were featured. When the participants were given a cued recall test (given the first
of each pair of words), the group who created a visual scene recalled 80% of the target words,
whereas those who did not remember an image could only recall 45%. It was proven that the images
which were more unusual were easier to remember, for example it would be better to visualise a cat
living inside a tree, rather than a cat climbing up a tree as the first scene is more unlikely and
Experimental Hypothesis:
Individuals are more likely to recall words if it is given in picture form rather than just the word
shown alone.
Null Hypothesis:
Being shown images compared to just being showing the word does not change an individual's
ability to recall the word.
The method of the study was to test whether being shown images to remember a word improves
recall of the given words in lab conditions.
The design of this experiment was independent measures under lab conditions to ensure that the
most valid and comparable results were provided. Before the controlled experiment took
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Essay scientific method
*Adapted from LabPaq CK–GCC
Purpose: The purpose of this experiment is to learn about and use the Scientific Method. The
discussion of physical properties such as density, color, texture, smell, and solubility will take place.
Observations and Experimental Data:
Table 1: Making Observations
A. Torn paper
Vertical tear: easier to tear, more visible fibers, more jagged edges and uneven tear.
Horizontal tear: harder to tear, less fibers visible, less jagged edges and more of a straight line tear.
B. Appearance of rock salt crystals
Before crushing: Jagged edges, very few smooth surfaces, size was 9mm x 6mm, cubic crystal shape
with ridge like features. Color was ... Show more content on ...
After about two to three minutes the re–observation showed that some of the crystal has completely
been absorbed by water.
3. In light of your previous response, what can you conclude about salt? In light of my previous
response I can conclude that salt is formed from the evaporation of water and that a chemical
reaction occurs.
C. Do all the grains of sand look like they are made out of the same material?
All the grains of sand do not look like they are made out of the same material.
1. Propose a hypothesis to explain your observations on the appearance of sand.
If I add water to all the grains of sand equally the shape of the grains will change.
2. Describe what was initially observed when several drops of water were added to several granules
of sand initially, and in 2–3 minutes? When drops of water were initially added to sand the water
didn't move of absorb the sand. After about two to three minutes the sand shifted to the outer areas
of the water capsule and remained unchanged. 3. In light of your previous response, what can you
conclude about sand? That sand even with its different appearances were made from the same
particles and water had no effect on their physical properties.
D. Water and oil act differently on the small–scale reaction surface. Propose a
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Difference Between Male And Females
In this naturalistic observation study I looked at the differences between male and females regarding
their actions upon greeting another person. I looked at the frequency in which they hugged or
performed a different action (e.g. waving, speech, other etc.). Ultimately this information was used
to find whether males or females hug when greeting more often than the other gender. The variable
of interest in this experiment are gender and the action upon greeting.Gender is conceptually defined
as the state of being male or female (typically used with reference to social and cultural differences
rather than biological ones). The action upon greeting is conceptually defined as what both males
and females do (e.g. hug or wave, etc.) when meeting with someone of familiarity. My hypothesis
for this observation was that upon greeting someone girls will hug more often than guys.
In this naturalistic observation in order to remain out of the environment and keep away from
intervening I recorder data a distance away from the main trafficked area of greeting. This was so
my actions or presence would not prohibit the sample population from proceeding with their natural
behavior. My sampling location was only at the Shapiro Undergraduate Library. The time sampling
used was an hour from 6:30 to 7:30 pm. When choosing my sample population I chose people
greeting around the ground floor entrance to the library that were in eyesight of my data recording
position. The sample population in this
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Effects Of School Drug Policies On Student Marijuana Use
The scientific journal article, Longitudinal Effects of School Drug Policies on Student Marijuana
Use in Washington State and Victoria, Australia states that Marijuana is the most used taboo drug
worldwide and an estimated 181 million of the world's adults used marijuana in 2011. School–based
prevention programs/policies have become the most prominent mode of drug prevention for
adolescents. The main object of the study in this scientific journal article is adolescent students
marijuana use. There are multiple goals of this study. The first goal of the study is to determine if
student marijuana use can be predicted by the amount in which the school enforces their drug
policies. The second, is to determine if student marijuana use can be predicted by the different ways
in which schools respond to drug use in school The last goal, is to determine if student marijuana
use can be predicted based upon the level that a school's drug policy is based on refraining from
using marijuana and the minimization of harm. The hypotheses of this study are affirming the goals.
The first is that student marijuana use can in fact be predicted by the amount that the school enforces
their drug policies. The second is that student marijuana use can in fact be predicted by the different
ways in which schools respond to the drug use in their school. The last hypothesis is that, student
marijuana use can in fact be predicted by the level that a school's drug policy is based on refraining
from using
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Candle Lab Report Essay
Experimenting with a Candle
Justin Nguyen
Mrs. Howley
Mod F
Purpose: the purpose is to learn how the process of a candle burning. The goals of this experiment
are to practice in the art of observation, the art of questioning, and the development of a better
understanding of this process.
Hypothesis: through this experiment, we will learn how candle is working.
* Candle * Note card * Matches or butane lighter * Aluminum foil * 1L beaker * Balance
I. Candle Observation
1. Attached the candle to a note card by using melted wax. 2. Observe the candle carefully. Record
as many observations as you can. 3. After that, light the candle. Observe the candle when it's ...
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What makes it release gas???
Experiment 2: Prediction: the candle will turn off because there are no fuels.
1. Cut a piece of aluminum foil into a square with 3cm sides. 2. Use a pen tip to make a hole in the
center of the foil. Make the hole as same side as the wick. 3. Place the aluminum over the wick. 4.
Light the wick and observe for several minutes.
Observation: the light turns off.
Question: what type of material does the aluminum foil that make the light turns of???
Experiment 3
Prediction: it will create fog
1. Light the candle 2. Lift a clean, dry 1 liter beaker with both hands and place it inverted over the
candle. 3. Lift the beaker off the candle and place upright on the lab bench. 4. Observe the beaker
Observation: there is fog around the beaker.
Question: is it because of the heat of the light released that make the beaker foggy.
Experiment 4 Prediction: the light will turn off Procedure: 1. Light the candle 2. Lift a clean, dry 1
liter beaker with both hand, place it over the candle 3. Observe the beaker carefully. 4. Wait for the
beaker to cool and then clean it.
Observations: the light turns off while the beaker was place over the candle.
Question: is it because of the oxygen that make the light turn of??
Experiment 5: Prediction: the candle will get shorter while it gets burn. Procedure: 1. Determine the
mass of a candle and
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English 101 Essay
1. Describe the function of the following pieces of safety equipment and how each might be used:
(10 points)
a. Eye Wash (2 points)
b. Fire blanket (2 points)
c. Shower (2 points)
d. Chemical Spill Kit (2 points)
e. Biological Spill Solution (2 points)
––Answer below:
a. Eye Wash: Can be used if there is a chemical that has been splashed into the eyes. Flush for 15–20
b. Fire Blanket: To extinguish fires. How would you use this? (–1)
c. Shower: In case of a chemical spill or fire on your body. Stay in the water for at least 15–30
d. Chemical Spill Kit: There are different spill kits for every type of chemical spill. For instance,
you would use a different kit to clean up mercury versus an acid ... Show more content on ...
84.2 f
.:5. What is the purpose of the control group in the Scientific Method? Briefly explain and use
examples. (5 points)
––Answer Below:
The purpose of the control group is the keep the experiment consistent throughout for the best
results. For instance, four white carnations are placed in four vases with plain tap water. Two of
them have other liquids added to them, making the plain tap water flowers the control group. They
stay consistent
The group then becomes the standard of comparison.
.:6. Design a (hypothetical) experiment that adheres to the Scientific Method. Be sure to include all
the necessary requirements at each step and give examples at all of the steps. Start with an
observation, whether it's real or made up, state the null hypothesis, and design an experiment
(including an experimental and control group, random sampling, sample size, and reproducibility)
that will allow the student to reject or fail to reject the hypothesis, and state the conclusion (20
**Note that the point value of this question is 20 points. It is imperative that one thoroughly
understands and can apply the Scientific Method as it is necessary to the understanding of all
science. Take the time to ensure the answer is thorough, inclusive, and complete.
––Answer Below:
There are four white carnations each in their own vases. All four have plain tap water added to them.
One will also have bleach added, the
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Essay on Bus310 Accounting Theory and Accountability
GHHT: Chapter 1: Theory in Action 1.1 The article describes how a particular theoretical approach
has been replaced by another. Explain why one theory replaces another, and who, or what,
determines whether an existing theory survives. A theory is primarily meant to explain or predict an
event, behaviour or outcome. Proponents of a theory look for evidence to support the theory. This
evidence should be independently observed and consistent after repeated observations. Some
theories are speculative or ideas or guesses floated to encourage researchers to undertake the
observations required to prove or disprove the theory. The question often debated is what comes ...
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2. Does the reintroduction of a theory mean that it should not have been replaced in the first place?
Theories about how the economy works and what will happen in the economy where there is
monetary policy or fiscal policy intervention are appropriate in assisting policy–makers understand
the possible implications of decisions they make or are under consideration. However, they are
rarely complete models and often outcomes cannot be predicted. Reintroduction of a theory suggests
that new evidence in support of the theory has been reported. 3. Should a theory be discarded if it
does not specify the means of achieving a stated objective? Explain your answer. The theory itself
doesn't have to specify the means of achieving a stated objective; however, it has to provide a sound
basis for explaining, defining and predicting behaviour. The application of the theory can have many
elements and it is in the interpretation of what will induce the predicted effects in the economy
predicted by the theory which will result in predicted or other stated outcomes. Q2) Readings 1.
Principal images that have shaped the development of accounting theory: Historical record: One of
the early objectives of historical cost accounting was stewardship. This meant that financial reports
were a report on how well management had safeguarded the
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Compare And Contrast Matthew And The Gospel Of Mark 7 : 24-14
Alex Todd
Religion 110
10 October 2017
When looking in the Gospel of Matthew 15:21–28 and the Gospel of Mark 7:24–30 one can find
that each of these pieces of their respective gospels have both some similarities and differences.
There is evidence of overlap between these two which are quite easy to find whilst one is reading
the sections of each. There also are points in which these two accounts diverge from one another by
either telling a certain part of the other gospel in a different way, removing content from one of the
other gospels, or adding something that may not have been referenced or described in the other.
Either way these accounts from Matthew and Mark both have connections to each other even if not
visible on the surface.
Starting with differences, in the Gospel of Matthew 15:21–28, Matthew seems to have actually
referred to Jesus in the text a few times, whereas in the Gospel of Mark 7:24–30 Jesus is continually
referred to as "he" by Mark. Not once is Jesus' actual name mentioned anywhere throughout the text
in which Mark is describing the events of what was going on. Although it might be worthy to note
that in other portions throughout Mark's Gospel Jesus is indeed mentioned by Mark.
The beginning of Matthew 15:21–28 recounts how Jesus left his disciples and went out to Tyre and
Sidon. Mark too recounts Jesus leaving Tyre. However, Mark does not mention Sidon in the opening
lines of his account. Matthew also added Jesus replying to the woman reminding her
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Pillbugs and Sowbugs and Moist Environment Experiment
Introduction: Pillbugs and sowbugs are terrestrial isopods that belong to the order Isopoda and the
arthropod class crustacean. According to the Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology, the
terrestrial isopods have evolved from the marine forms. However despite the fact that they seek
moist environments they must also avoid an overly moist environment (Journal of Insect Science,
2008). The two different species resemble one another phenotypically. However, pillbugs are a dark
gray and the sow bugs are a light gray with posterior projections. Pillbugs also curl into a ball when
they feel endangered and the sow bugs do not. The pill bugs used in this experiment were female.
Isopods primarily live in dark, damp habitats in order to prevent dehydration (Isopod Behavior Lab).
The purpose of this experiment was to determine the type of environment isopods prefer. First we
tested to see if the isopods preferred a dry or moist environment and then we tested to see if they
preferred the potting soil or the leaf litter environment. For the observation of isopods in response to
moisture experiment it was said that each of the two different species would prefer a different
environment. For part two, Observation of Isopods in response to other variables, it was
hypothesized that the Isopods would prefer the potting soil or the leaf litter environment. Materials
and Methods: Groups of four were constructed. For the first experiment, each group was given an
isopod chamber. One
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Biology And Biology : An Elementary Way Of Studying Living...
The fundamental concept on how biology and chemistry interacts starts with the understanding of
living things. History have provided biologist an elementary way of studying living organisms
through the use of a microscope, and direct observation. However, science have advanced, and
direct observation could not provide qualitative and quantitative data for biologist to gain advanced
knowledge in understanding how organism converting food to muscle and bone. The plants ability
to use water and sunlight, and have a parallel understanding that cells need the same things to
sustain life, continue growth, and provide the ability to reproduce. This basic discovery that
biologist came to realizes is that chemistry and biology must work together as a cohesive unit in
order to understanding multiply exchanges between atoms, molecules, and cells. This video provides
a simplistic view about metabolism and how energy is measured. Metabolism is used to sustain life,
it is explained as the chemical reactions that go on within the cells of the human body. This process
allows for food intake to be converted into energy. Energy is measured by Jooles, the basal energy
requirement is the scale in providing the minimum amount of energy needed to sustain life. This
video also provides the foods that would give you the most energy, and the major concerns about
storing more energy than the body needs. Too much energy produced fat which is stored in the body,
and used when necessary. The video
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What Makes A Theory?
Assholes* A Theory; Is the Title Theoretically Correct??? When one thinks of a theory, the normal
assumption is an abstract statement that includes but is not limited to convoluted ideas, exorbitant
amounts of math or calculations, and enough difficult or complicated words to fill a dictionary. Then
comes the overwhelming wave of emotions following the question, "Why do I care??" Aaron James,
a Harvard graduate and a Professor of Philosophy at UC Irvine, wrote a book that you may be
interested in. The title of said book is Assholes* A Theory. The ideas covered in this book are all
about what makes a person an asshole and the concepts surrounding the different possible types of
assholes. However, the question stands, does this book present a legitimate theory?? The answer to
that is no; the book Assholes* A Theory by Aaron James does not demonstrate a theory as it lacks
qualities that are essential to theories. Before I explain how this book does not demonstrate a theory;
we first have to define what a theory is. A theory is an explanation for a set of proven hypothesis. A
theory also needs evidence as well as having to withstand repeated testing yielding the same result.
(Wikipedia Theory) This book better fits the description of a hypothesis which is an explanation for
observable phenomenon. Hypotheses also suggest correlation between the multiple phenomena
presented in a situation. The first bit of evidence presenting this book is a hypothesis rather than a
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Can Marx's Theory of History Be Truly Scientific? Essay
Karl Marx is one of the most influential figures in history. Since his death and the widespread
distribution of his works, his legacy has affected almost everybody alive on the planet today. He has
had a huge influence on the arts: Literature, art, theatre, film and even music. Peter Singer, in his
book about Marx likened his impact on the world to that of Jesus or Mohammed. His biggest
influence, however, has been on the world of politics. One very small example of this could be the
Welfare State which exists in the UK; we owe the idea such institutions as pensions, free education,
health care and social security benefits to Marx. If he didn't suggest these institutions directly, his
writings have affected their emergence in some way. ... Show more content on ...
I will draw upon the work of other philosophers to try and establish what makes a science and then
see how Marx's theory fits in with these ideas.
The debate of whether or not Marx is a scientist is an important factor in how reliable some people
view his works. As I have just mentioned, today we tend to see science as the main area of
discovery. We believe what scientific studies tell us because things can be proved. E.g. If I assert
that drug A cures this disease. We give 100 patients the drug; if they are all cured we prove our
hypothesis. We believe things that we see, this is how we have come to view science as so
There are many definitions of what makes something scientific; many people have tried to write
about it. According to the Collins English Dictionary, something is a science when a systematic
study gives knowledge of natural or physical phenomena.
To see or not if Marx's theory is or can be scientific we need to look at, firstly at a fuller definition
of science, and then at how much scientific method Marx used to formulate his study.
Karl Popper provided one of the clearest and most comprehensive criteria for what makes something
a science. In "The logic of scientific discovery"(1934) Popper talked about how a science is not
purely observations about the world around us. There are many fields of research, based on this
notion of observation, which aren't necessarily scientific. Popper emphasized the idea of "test
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The Assessment Process Of The Early Childhood Classroom
Module 1 Assessments Explain the Assessment process as used in the early childhood classroom
The assessment process in the classroom can be completed in several different ways, but they are
effective in helping children. Some steps may include observations, testing, and evaluations. These
assessments can help the caregivers provide the children with the best care possible and available
for them. These observations and test may be completed from several sources and situations to
ensure the test are accurate. Compare and contrast "traditional assessment" and "authentic
assessment" giving several examples of each. When talking about traditional assessment and
authentic assessment there are ways they can be expressed as being different. Authentic assessment
is ongoing and applies to all areas in the school or childcare setting. These are practical and express
intellectual challenges. This can be completed by matching games, puzzles, and identifying objects.
Caregivers and teachers must observe and keep track of the child's progress to ensure they are
meeting their goals. This is another task a teacher must perform on top of teaching. Traditional
assessment emphasizes uniform and rote testing. In traditional settings the child's behavior is looked
at in group settings not just a one on one forum. Things are looked at from a group stand point for
examples are the children sharing, interacting with others, and feeling like they belong in a group
and not just one individual.
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The Theory Of Weapon Focus
Part A The experiment is based off the theory of "Weapon Focus" by Loftus, Loftus, and Messo
(1987) and states that the control group (seeing no weapon) would perform better than the
experimental group (seeing a weapon) on a quiz that tested the participants on the surroundings of
the PowerPoint slides. This is because the weapon is a dangerous and unusual object in a calm and
conventional setting so people pay more attention to it. The background study performed by Loftus,
Loftus, and Messo was using slides shown for 1.5 seconds each and after 15 minutes, they tested the
participants on a 20 multiple–choice miscellaneous questionnaire of which 7 questions pertained to
the woman holding the weapon or no weapon. Then, participants were ... Show more content on ...
My null hypothesis is that the control group will not perform better than the experimental group and
operationalized by using the analytical Mann–Whitney U test. My prediction is that the control
group will perform better than the experimental group because they do not see the weapon in the
slides. Therefore, they will spend more time looking at the surroundings. The experimental group
will be focused more on the weapon because it is out of place with its surroundings. Therefore, they
will spend less time looking at the surroundings and more time looking at the weapon. This is
supported by Loftus, Loftus, and Messo (1987) in "Weapon Focus" that the experimental group will
spend more time looking at the weapon and so their eyewitness testimony is not reliable and they
will not be able to remember the surroundings.
Section B The independent variable was the woman holding the knife or not holding the knife. The
dependent variable was the participants' ability to recall the surroundings pertaining the woman's
appearance and clothes. This was operationalized by having participants look at PowerPoint slides
and then taking a test. The aim was to test weapon focus. The experiment was a clinical single–
blind. Participants were asked to sign a consent form (APPENDIX A).
Section C Participants were from a high school as a convenient sample. They are juniors and in the
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Evaluating Scientific Paradigms And Predict The...
Evaluating Scientific Paradigms to Predict the Credibility of Medieval Science
Science is the fundamental backbone to understanding how the world works. From the start of
historic civilizations to modern era, science has evolved drastically and continues to change based
off of pre–existing notions formulated by pre–existing notions to those. This cycle of taking ideas
that have been previously established and creating new and falsifiable hypotheses revolve around
scientific paradigms. These scientific paradigms provide accepted models that give scientists a
starting point, per se, for further research and progression beyond that point. Scientists understand
that everything they know now can later be proven false or altered to ... Show more content on ...
Using the scientific method helps prove previous ideas to be true by creating falsifiable hypotheses,
and not being able to prove them false. Thusly, allowing scientists to accept the "Null Hypothesis",
which states that there is no correlation between your results and hypothesis. Furthermore, referring
to the Null Hypothesis attempts to give experimental data meaning. If experimental results cannot
prove something false, and correlates with the subject at hand, you would reject the "Null
We can test the fallacy of folk magic by executing the following experiment. We hypothesized that,
because there are five total cards, each representing one different symbol, the participant will
correctly guess five of the twenty–five cards, about twenty percent by chance. Below this number
says the student has no psychic ability, above says otherwise . To test this hypothesis, we collected
data from twenty–five different students and correlated the data to folk magic's consistency. We had
students draw twenty–five cards, one card at a time, and gave them the chance to correctly name
each drawn card. Not only did we test the credibility of folk magic, but we conducted a similar
experiment with respect to Astrology's fallacy. We obtained data from a wide variety of students
with different backgrounds and cultures, but analyzed one individuals results. The student obtained
8 journal entries that described a person's
... Get more on ...
A Research On Positive Accounting Theory
positive accounting hypothesis (PAT) estimates that, in flawed markets, accounting decision may be
controlled by directors looking to impact reported income and capital structure (Watts and
Zimmerman, 1978). Specifically, the positive accounting hypothesis (PAT) contends that accounting
decisions are liable to be spurred by components, for example, supervisors ' extra arranges, the
company 's obligation/value proportions and the more extensive political impact of outsiders (Watts
and Zimmerman, 1978; 1986).
The primary goal of this critique is to clarify how administration accounting created and the reasons
that have been propelled in scholastic writing to bolster this improvement. Since the field is so
expansive, we decided to study ... Show more content on ...
Notwithstanding, despite the fact that the all the more pessimistically minded would truly subscribe
to this perspective, there has been an extremely emotional upturn in an enthusiasm for moral
contemplations by business pioneers and expert business associations part of the way as a
consequence of the requests of social orders which have needed to tolerate the expense of
tremendous corporate breakdown and the deceitful business exercises of a minority of business
experts. Actually the subject has turned into an industry with a few books on it being distributed, a
few courses, courses, workshops and addresses gave to the subject, various models declared
furthermore, an always expanding number of remarks and verbal confrontations in people in general
Positive Accounting Theory (PAT) concerned with predicting such actions as the choices of
accounting policies by firms & how firms will respond to proposed new accounting standard.
PAT uses theory to predict the choices that management will make regarding their choice of
accounting policies.
This theory is introduced as a way to merge efficient securities markets with economic
PAT takes the view that firms will conduct themselves in the way that maximizes their own best
Managers do not always do what is best for shareholders, but what will be the most beneficial to
their organization.
The choices that an organization makes are dependent on
... Get more on ...

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Naturalisitic Observation Essay

  • 1. Naturalisitic Observation Essay Naturalistic observation takes place as scientists perform observations in a naturally occurring situation, without becoming actively involved. In performing naturalistic observations, a scientist does not make an effort to manipulate or change what is occurring. The purpose of this kind of experimentation is to create a detailed record of the events that happen and of perceptible associations between events, without having any control on the results. Apparently the objective in performing naturalistic observation is to arrange the data collection so that what is going on is comprehensible to the observer, but is not so important or conspicuous that they become the focus of attention or matter to participants. Natural observation is the ... Show more content on ... I also hypothesize that 80% of these participants who are wearing a seat belt will be Caucasian and 75% of them will be African American. To gather my data, I began by preparing a chart. This chart included seven columns that described twenty five cars, a yes and a no column, a female and male column and an African American and a Caucasian participant's column. I continued my research by situating myself in front of the University Center at approximately noon on April 28th. . I positioned myself on a bench to the right because that is where cars enter the parking lot. I sat there with my sunglasses on as if I was waiting for someone or just catching some sun. As cars came through the entrance, I would glance over in that direction, with sunglasses on so that it doesn't appear that I looking straight into the car. I recorded in my chart each time a new car entered. When I had observed twenty five drivers, my chart showed that out of these twenty five drivers, twelve were women and thirteen were men. . The observations showed there were distinctions between the number of men wearing seat belts and women wearing them as well as a difference observed how many Caucasian drivers wore seat belts and how many African American drivers did. My results conclude that 91.6% of women wear their seat belts while only 42.6% of males use it. I was also able to conclude that 69.2% of the black participants wore their ... Get more on ...
  • 2. Critique Of The 's Theory Critique of Experiment 2 Many experiment fall folly due to the many factors they need to get correct. Like most studies the practitioner needs to create a hypothesis that is actually testable and test it on a group of people they can get. The participants are the foundation to the whole study. With them you are able to prove whether your hypothesis was correct or not. These and many more factors are why psychological studies are incredibly to execute and do properly. The hypothesis of this study states, "Participants who had been primed with the elderly stereotype would walk more slowly compared to participants who had not been primed with the stereotype– relevant stimuli". This basically means that the experimenter believes that words related to the elderly population and none related will affect the rate in which the participants walk. Their hypothesis seems achievable because in my experiences I find that we as people relate to word association and because of this our behaviors can be slightly modified to match the words presented. This hypothesis is seems testable because it doesn't seem completely absurd due to the actual experiment they planned to conduct. In this specific study, they are aiming to construct an environment where participants will have to unscramble words either related to elderly concepts or non–elderly concepts. The participants chosen from this study were all Undergraduate NYU students, 30 males and females. I think each participant qualifies ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Introduction And Formulation Of Problem ( 116 Points ) Part I: Introduction & Formulation of Problem (116 points) 1. What are the researcher(s)' credentials and their institutional affiliation? The article published 2000 by Franklyn W. Dunford, who is Senior Research Associate at The Regents of The University of Colorado. He is publishing books: Domestic Violence Experience in Omaha, Nebraska, 1986– 1987 (ICPSR 9481), The Omaha domestic violence police experiment 1989. National evaluation of diversion projects: Executive Summary 1982.Dunford`s experience behavioral science. The article topic is an assessment of interventions for men assaults their wives. In this article, Author researched about couple 's behavior for wife abuse. He investigated three different 12–month involvements for servicemen who had been confirmed as having physically abused their wives were used and the conclusions inspected. Dunford (2000). 2. How is previous research in the field been reviewed? Previous research programs have been ruled out as failures for the author, stating there is a "lack of information about how to best treat men who abuse their wives or cohabitant partners," save for one literature conducted before the Sand Diego Navy experiment conducted in 1991 used on Marine Corps that found one useful evaluation for an intervention. 3. What are the purposes of the research? Are they clearly stated? The purpose of the research was to evaluate experimentally whether or not cognitive–behavioral ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Vicarious Trauma, Compassion Fatigue, And Professional... Vicarious trauma Introduction Counselor impairment can be caused by multiple factors. Vicarious trauma, compassion fatigue, and professional burnout associated with impairment, because it can changes the way the counselor thinks and behaves in maladaptive ways (Newell, Gordon & MacNeil, 2010; Kadambi, 2004). All counselors have a legal and ethically responsibility to prevent this form happening (ACA, 2014; LPC Act, 2014; State of Oklahoma, 2007). Although there is some research on how to identified vicarious trauma, there is still a void cohesive preventive treatment compared to the need (Newell, Gordon & MacNeil, 2010). Professionally, vicarious trauma, compassion fatigue, and professional burnout is high risk for affecting highly trained, previously competent counselors (ACA, 2014; LPC Act, 2014; State of Oklahoma, 2007). This issue should be at a high priority level for counselor, because it can change thinking processes (Newell, Gordon & MacNeil, 2010; Kadambi, 2004). Therefore, it can alter client's care significantly. However, the counselors have to know the concepts associated with negate impairment and know preventive measures (ACA, 2014; LPC Act, 2014; State of Oklahoma, 2007). Definitions Researcher hypothesizes that clinicians unique setting has three factor which creates an environment that vicarious trauma can be more than others (Kadambi, 2004). First, counselors are exposure to emphatic engagement with the client's trauma. Second, counselors have to face ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Music Tempo's Effect on Heart Rate Essay Introduction Being a college student in this day in age is never easy. We are always on the move and become stressed very easily. One of the ways students deal with the pressure of ongoing assignments, papers, and various projects is to simply listen to music. Music is very popular to our specific age group, but is consuming different styles of music necessarily a healthy alternate to the stress? How does music affect the heart rate and what different types of music have a greater affect on heart rate? Music most definitely has emotional value. Heart rate can be directly influenced by these emotional changes. Our group decided to test music tempo's effect on heart rate. This experiment is relevant to one's health because it is ... Show more content on ... As you can see form Chart B, we calculated percent change between the different types of music. When our subjects listened to heavy–metal music, their heart rates increased on average. When our subjects listened to classical music, their heart rates decreased on average, below resting heart rate. Our tables do not show the negative side of the spectrum, but still show the percent change in heart rate, which is what we were trying to accomplish. Due to classical music actually lowering heart rate, our hypothesis was not proven complete. Relate back to our hypothesis. We hypothesized that fast tempo music would increase heart rates while slower paced music will keep heart rate at about the same. Still, if you relate back to the table and Chart A, we have still conducted positive evidence to prove that music does play a role in a change of heart rates. Each subject did experience a change in heart rate, both positive and negative. This experiment does relate back to the original real–world issue of heart rate. Being able to understand how to control heart rate is very important. If someone has heart problems or an irregular heart beat they need to be aware of certain music that could potentially be harmful to them. Like–wise, if someone were trying to be in a good mood or simply be hyper, they would enjoy listening to high ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Isopod Behavior Lab Report Stephen Pidliskey 09/15/07 P1 Park ISOPOD BEHAVIOR LAB REPORT Background Information: In our lab we were working with isopods, also known as pill bugs or rollie pollies. The isopods that we worked with were land isopods. They like to live in moist places under untouched objects such as boards, bricks, rotting logs and or rocks. Basically, they will live anywhere! If you are lucky enough, you can even find them next to buildings where it is moist and if there is food. All living organisms like certain things and don't like certain things, for example; most animals will try to eat something sugary or sweet, like a piece of candy. While the same animal my not wanting to eat something that is not sugary or sweet like peas. Every organism ... Show more content on ... At the beginning of our lab we had placed the pill bugs in the petri dish with dry filter paper and we observed their behavior. The pill bugs were going around the inside rim of petri in circles following each other, almost as if it were a game of tag. The pill bugs never seemed to stop moving, flipping over and were constantly climbing. Some of the pill bugs even tried to escape from the petri dish, but our group was quick to make that didn't happen. As our lab went on, we placed the 4 different pieces of filter paper with solutions on them and then added 4 pill bugs to it. We collected lots of information during this procedure. This table represents how many pill bugs were on each slice of filter paper, that had a different solution on each of them, over 30 second intervals lasting 5 minutes. This is what were recorded our data on for this part of the lab. Conclusions: The purpose of our experiment was to observe the behavior of the pill bugs. We were trying to find
  • 7. exactly whether the pill bugs would be attracted or repelled by the chemicals. The chemicals used were vinegar, water, salt solution and a sugar ... Get more on ...
  • 8. A Study On Chronic Coffee Consumption Has Preventative On... The primary objective of this research was to produce a study that displayed that chronic coffee consumption has preventative effects in mammals. This paper will allow me to trace the method that the scientists used in this particular mice experiment. Using the scientific method during the mice experiment allowed the scientists to ask certain questions, make observations, and receive answers to their questions. During this experiment twenty one mice were tested to determine whether water or diluted black coffee would lower the mice blood glucose levels. Through my research and examination of this experiment I will develop a hypothesis and come to a conclusion on the basis of the research provided. Identifying the Steps, Observations, and Hypothesis The identified steps of the scientific method are ask a question, do background research, construct a hypothesis, test your hypothesis by doing an experiment, analyze your data and draw a conclusion, and communicate your results. The observations the scientist made leading up to this experiment were that mice, which are mammals, have a relatively similar body system to that of a human. The fact that mice's DNA is so similar to that of a human and that their life span is so short, scientist can observe how this experiment will affect their bodies in a much faster frame of time. The hypothesis drawn from this experiment seems to be at odds with the blood glucose in the mice that consumed the coffee rather than the water had dropped ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Techniques Used For Gather Data There are a few ways, techniques used to gather data in sociology. For this study, we are utilizing techniques of observation, this was done by going out somewhere, like a mall, and watching what the people around you are doing and the activities that are taking place. My observations took place at the Steeplegate Mall in Concord New Hampshire on a Friday in mid–April around four o'clock. I was shocked by what I saw, the mall was no longer as active as it was when I use to go while I was in middle and high school. Our book states that it was around the 1800's when social observers started to use scientific methods to test their ideas (Henslin). Now a days most people know what scientific methods are and what they are about, it includes ... Show more content on ... Observations can be done out in the field or in a laboratory setting, this is a field study that we had to do. Strengths and weaknesses of observations can be affected by the locations used, what you are studying and how much you are trying to observe, the strengths and weaknesses of the observer will affect it too. A strength of observation is that it is the best way to find out natural behavior of people. If they do not know that they are being watched then they will not act any different, but when someone knows that they are being watched they tend to act differently even if they do not mean to. Some other strengths are directness, being what you have seen for yourself, and that it can happen on your own time. A weakness is that what you think you might be seeing might not be what is actually happening, like someone standing at a checkout counter might not be buying something but just has a question for the person working or maybe they are friends and just wanted to talk. Some more weaknesses are that the data can be biased, observer effect, and can be time consuming or you might have to repeat if mess up somehow. Directness is very important in observation because if it was indirect it would not be what you have seen or heard yourself. It is a strength from not having to rely on someone else, they could decide not to do it and you are waiting for their data or they could tell people what they are doing which would change your ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Analysis Of Blomberg 's ' The King Of The Mountain... This week's reading takes a more in depth look at the current synoptic problem. Blomberg lightly discusses the main hypotheses (Oxford, Griesbach, and Q) by engaging in their strengths and weaknesses alike. He also discusses the possible synoptic sources, mainly "L", "M", and "Q". He does briefly relay some more historical figures, early church fathers mostly, and their seemingly archaic views on synoptic priority compared to the scholastic achievements in more recent eras. McKnight gives a closer look at the Oxford or "two–source" hypothesis. He strives to show the Oxford hypothesis as winning the king–of–the–mountain scholastic debate using the various scholars who have debated the heaviest in favor of the Markan priority, mainly Streeter. Even as passionately as McKnight stands on this on–going biblical debate, Farmer gives just as obsessive a plea for Matthean priority as he discusses the Griesbach or "two–gospel" hypothesis. However, Farmer puts his discussion into terms less eloquently than McKnight does. Farmer very succinctly plots his discussion into steps as if teaching to a room of theological second–graders. While, as a scientist myself, I can appreciate the calculative style he uses to win the spot at the top of the mountain, I feel that this debate is scarcely that simple of an answer. The synoptic problem itself still challenges me. When this debate was first revealed to me in an undergraduate course, a most basic biblical overview, I fancied myself on the ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Applications Applications of the Scientific Method: Everyday Life Selina Mathieu Strayer University Professor Olivia Uitto SCI 110 August 9, 2015 The scientific method is a process for experimentation used to explore observations and answer questions. It is used unconsciously by many on a daily basis and understanding how to apply the method can be valuable in making decisions and solving problems. For this assignment, I have chosen to use the scientific method to demonstrate how to organize my cluttered apartment to fit two storage units thus eliminating two bills and lowering my debt. First I will ask a question or make an observation such as how will I fit two storage units into my small apartment ... Show more content on ... I would then test my hypothesis again and realize I can accept it. Finally, a conclusion must be reached to wrap up the scientific method. By following the steps, I find that I would be able to fill my apartment much better, save or make money, and make numerous donations. I also found that these moves could be done much faster if I had help, so informing friends and family of my decision would also work. For an even smoother outcome, I would have to be sure that all the materials I would need were readily available. I would need paper and pens, a camera, and measuring tape for the initial part of my experiment. I would have to make a list of places to donate to and make sure they are able to give me receipts for tax purposes. There are also those in need that could use some of the extra items I have to make it through the upcoming winter. Making a schedule of my availability helps ensure I have enough time to focus on this project without running into other schedules. Adding a deadline and some goals can help motivate one to stay on task so as not to push the project to the side and increase debt. The scientific method can easily be used in everyday life and in some instances is required in order to get thru the day successfully. I would guess that we are taught throughout our lives to perfect such methods and we became so used to the perfection that we can now apply the method without laying out the steps but it helps to write them down to ... Get more on ...
  • 12. The World Of The Holocaust From 1933 to 1945 over 11 million people were slaughtered over the course of those 12 years. This event in history is known as the Holocaust. The people who lost their lives were Jews, Gypsies, Political prisoners, Roma, Jehovah Witnesses, homosexuals, and anyone who opposed the Nazi rule. The prisoners were sent to concentration camps where they were tortured, forced to work, starved, placed in gas chambers for mass extermination, and experimented on by Nazi doctors as if they were not human. The Holocaust was put in place by Adolf Hitler, Chancellor of Germany at the time. Hitler wanted the people slaughtered in order to form a master race, known as the Aryans. His master race plan was only a side goal, his first objective was to ... Show more content on ... The committee at the Nuremburg trials never even took into consideration the use of the data and so it can be used in citation. However, some of the data should most definitely not be cited, most notably the Dachau Hypothermia Experiments. The goal of the experiments was to establish the most effective way of treating hypothermia in patients. However it was done in a very brutal way that cannot be repeated in the future. Many scientists have used the data in citation, but a just as a large amount of scientists have denounced the data and any paper that uses the data as a source. The Nazi data collected from the Dachau hypothermia experiments should not be used due to the lack of ethics used to obtain the results, the misuse of the scientific method, and the falsity of the data. Ethically, the Dachau hypothermia experiments were a calamitous endeavor and the scientists doing the experiments knew what they were doing was wrong. Before the Allied forces took the concentration camps the Nazi scientists "In an attempt to conceal the atrocities, the original, incriminating records of most of the concentration–camp studies of humans were destroyed before the camps were captured by the Allied forces" (Berger 1435). This proves that the doctors were not shrouded by the memorization of Nazi propaganda. They knew what they were doing was a clear violation of human rights. In the experiments the doctors would take the patients, "They were usually stripped naked and ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Essay about Cross-Cultural Observation Cross–Cultural Observation: Macy's Department Store In order to observe the interactions between individuals from different cultural background, my partner: Gina Nguyen and I went to the Macy's department store, located downtown Boston. We selected this store because of the size and their reputation of having a diverse workforce. Gina and I started our observation at 3:30pm on Wednesday, October 24, 2012 and finished it at 4:20pm. We were observing the interactions between the coworkers, as well as the ones between the staff members and the customers. Before we started our observation, we read the assignment together, just to make sure we were on the same page. After that we selected some spots in the store where we were able to ... Show more content on ... I also noticed that all of them seemed to enjoy what they were doing, or at least that was the impression they were making. Over the course of the observation, I notice that there were three types of interactions between the workers: professional, strictly related to a work question; personal/friendly, showing a tighter connection between each other; and interactions based on avoidance, when workers interacted only for a couple of seconds, with almost no communication. There were a couple of instances when I observed professional interactions between employees; the interesting fact is that most of them happened between persons with different cultures. For example there was a Latino white male that had a conversation with an African–American woman, the male was explaining and showing her something on a computer. Their attitude was distant, which could be explained by employment rules like sexual harassment. There was a space between them that suggested the fact that they knew each other but did not engage in other conversations outside work. Their voice tone suggested a that there was no power distance, however I felt a certain level of intimidation in the voice of the female, which I believe to be because of the fact that she asked for help in the computer situation. This type of interaction happened between the Latino white male and an African–American male as well, however this time I felt an attitude of equality from ... Get more on ...
  • 14. What Are the Methods of Inquiry and How Are They Used in... 1. What are the methods of inquiry and how are they used in criminal investigation? The method of inquiry is based on gathering observable, empirical and measureable evidence. Basically, methods of inquiry are ways that an investigator gathers the information for the case that they are investigating. Methods of inquiry are used in criminal investigation by collecting evidence, statement collection, and going through electronic databases and even the internet. The methods of inquiry are all used in conjunction to reconstruct the crime scene. The methods are also used by utilizing the five W's, who, what, when, where, and why, and also how. There are three methods of inquiry that are used in an investigation and those are authority method, ... Show more content on ... In my opinion, the investigators must apply the scientific method in every one of the investigations that they do. The investigators must take all the information into their minds and ask themselves what happened, how did it happen, and why did this crime happen. Once the investigator comes up with the answers then will conduct experiments to see if their idea was the ultimate conclusion of what happened. So for an example, the investigator can say, this is a murder, the person was stabbed, and the motive was this person was caught having an affair. After the investigator comes up with his hypotheses he/she will then test it, if the evidence does not support his/her theory then he would start over on figuring out what, why and how it all occurred. 4. Discuss the three primary sources of information for criminal investigators and provide detailed practical examples of each source listed. The three primary sources of information are Physical Evidence and Scientific Examinations, Documentation, and information form people. Each source is valuable to an investigation in its own way. Physical evidence/scientific examinations is the evidence found at the scene of the crime. This can include clothing, blood, fingerprints, weapons and much more. An example of physical evidence could be any listed above but also a bloody knife or a casing from a bullet. Documentation can be found in logs, records, and electronic data that ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Essay about Observe a Sixth Grade English Class at Bain... Observe a Sixth Grade English Class at Bain Middle School I observe at Roosevelt Middle School, which is in River Forest, in Mrs. Braun's sixth grade English class on Tuesdays in the morning. As I have observed, I have noticed that the classroom is student–centered. During computer time, Mrs. Braun focused more on helping the students get into the computer program to start the assignment than on having enough time to get the assignment done. Several times, Mrs. Braun gave helpful comments on how to do things on the computer or in the program, such as how to install automatic spell check. Mrs. Braun was also very patient as she was being asked questions while she was trying to explain the assignment. From what I saw, some ... Show more content on ... Braun, and then vocabulary is covered. Then a vocabulary assignment is given with any other new assignments on what is being cover in class. Next the teacher reads or goes over any assigned readings from the book that is being covered in class. This is the same basic routine for period two. The third period is computer time and the routine seems to vary. There is a quick transition from activity to activity during these routines. The classroom environment is that of a basic classroom setting. There are some decorations and other things hanging on the wall. Among the decorations is a hand–made calendar on the wall by Mrs. Braun's desk. There is a history of each student's last name on the wall on the other side of Mrs. Braun's desk. There seems to be a controlled temperature and lighting in the classroom and they are set at an adequate setting. The room is arranged with five groups of desks in a circular type shape. In the middle of the room is a cart where new assignments are put and reading journals are kept. There are different locations throughout the room for different supplies. With the layout of the room, it seems there is adequate space to move around and do in–class activities. The physical space also seems conducive to teaching and learning. The physical space, including seating and grouping arrangements, seems to enhance cooperation and learning because there seems to be fewer distractions ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Evaluation Of The And Emotional Development Throughout the assessments, I found Julia to be average or superior to developmental milestones for children her age. To assure all areas were observed, I allowed a week to monitor the assessment data for two checklists. I observed social and emotional development over a three day span to allow for situational stimuli and behavior adjustments from a quick trip to visit her paternal grandparents. Finally, to pull all my information together, I completed a time sampling assessment to observe actions during free play. This time sampling focused on general intellectual behaviors which may indicate a level of giftedness in comparison with other children her age. With all the observations completed, I have analyzed each of the assessment work sheets. Observation of Julia's gross motor skills in relationship to abilities of children 3–5 years was completed using a checklist. The checklist indicated whether or not a specific skill was observed during the week of observation. This check list indicates Julia is on target developmentally. Because she is athletic and likes to play physically, her gross motor skills are strong. Using the checklist to "determine areas in which ... additional support and help" (Bentzen, 2009, p. 8) is needed, attention should focus on balance and strength. Using balance skills would produce the greatest qualifiers in her development. To do this, Julia may be taught to walk on a masking tape line, a jump rope line, or use a two–by–four balance ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Participant Observation : Observation, Interviews, And... Participant Observation How does one observe while simultaneously participating? It is an awkward position for the researcher to be in–the very nature of the term "participant observation" is at odds with each other; therefore the author must keep a degree of distance in order to fully observe and record their observations. At the same time, the author must do as the locals do, which is: it is very important for the researcher to connect with members of the population. As the researcher gets to know the members of a group he or she will be studying, it is important that they learn to make friends quickly so they can be accepted in the community and obtain quality research in the form of observation, interviews, and accurately record field notes. Additionally, the researcher will have to take all their personal thoughts, interviews, and observations and organize the data with an eye towards their own biases and subjectivities. These are some of the positive aspects of participation observation, but there are many potential drawbacks as well. In Participant Observation (58–62), James Spradley defines the five different types of participant observation as: non–participatory, passive participation, moderate participation, active participation, and complete participation. In Life in Riverfront, Mariko and Toshi Sanos conduct much of their participant observation at the senior day–care center. They wrote that they wished to learn more about 'visiting as sharing' since it is ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Is The Self Reference Effect More Effective On Children 's... Is the Self Reference Effect More Effective On Children's Memory Rather Than Adults? Madison Herley Professor Cooke General Psychology 101 April 21, 2016 Abstract The study will investigate the self reference effect with two different age groups. The two age groups will be young and older adults, trying to obtain material. The first group is told to relate that information to themselves or past experiences and, the second group is only told to review the material given. The purpose of this experiment is to see if the self reference effect is more beneficial to children rather than adults. To conduct this study, the observer has to use the naturalistic research stragesty and also see the within experimental designs. In order to have a positive income on the self reference effect. Throughout, my research I have found, "like young adults, older adults exhibited superior recognition for self–referenced items relative to the items encoded with the alternate orienting tasks, but self–referencing did not restore their memory to the level of young adults" (Gutchess, A. H., Kensinger, E. A., Yoon, C., & Schacter, D. L. 1). Thus, from past research experiments the self reference effect has seen to be more limited in adults than children. Does the self reference effect more beneficial to children than adults? My study is based on how the self reference effect will help children's memory rather than adults because children's brains are still developing. "Children develop a cohesive ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Artemia Franciscana and Preference Regarding the Effects... Introduction The Artemia franciscana can survive in extreme conditions of salinity, water depth, and temperature (Biology 108 laboratory manual, 2010), but do A. franciscana prefer these conditions or do they simply cope with their surroundings? This experiment explored the extent of the A. franciscanas preference towards three major stimuli: light, temperature, and acidity. A. franciscana are able to endure extreme temperature ranges from 6 ̊ C to 40 ̊ C, however since their optimal temperature for breeding is about room temperature it can be inferred that the A. franciscana will prefer this over other temperatures (Al Dhaheri and Drew, 2003). This is much the same in regards to acidity as Artemia franciscana, in general thrive in ... Show more content on ... Discussion Referring to the experiment`s hypotheses that the A. franciscana prefers light, temperatures between 20–24 ̊ C, and a basic (pH 8) environment; the results regarding the first treatment, light, were initially vague. According to the experiment results, the A. franciscana did not show a clear preference towards light or dark because both sections contained high concentrations of them; the A. franciscana also strayed from the uncovered section. Several factors may shed light on the results such as the A. franciscanas physical appearance; they possess three light–sensitive eyes that can adjust to both low and high light intensities (Fox, 2001). This means that although they may prefer light they can survive in darker habitats as well; relating back to the experiment the A. franciscana may have been content with wherever they were, resulting in limited movement. For the temperature treatment, it was decisive in that the A. franciscana showed a steady increase in concentration from section 1 to 4. This expands on the hypothesis that suggests A. franciscana prefers an optimum temperature between 20–24 ̊ C because from the results of the experiment A. franciscana seemed to prefer even higher temperatures. Al Dhaheri and Drew (2003) state that A. franciscana stop reproducing at temperature above 30 ̊ C and compared to the experiments results. It can be concluded that A. franciscana prefer warmer temperatures, but reproduce at lower ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Essay on Classroom Observation Report Classroom Observation On Monday February 24, 2014 I visited Mrs. Randus' third and fourth grade split class at Kline Elementary. Her classroom consisted of a mixture of third and fourth grade students who were tested and labeled as gifted in various subject matters. Mrs. Randus was responsible for teaching the children language and reading skills. The class consisted of an equal number of boys and girls, along with a wide variety of cultures. According to my observation, Cushner, McClelland, and Safford (2000) were correct when they stated, "Schools, in particular, are cultural crossroads in ... Show more content on ... The web page also contains a daily trivia question that is worth extra credit if answered correctly. Mrs. Randus' classroom exemplified a third wave school (Cushner et al., 2000). The technology was very impressive and up to date. The students of her class are very lucky to be on the cutting edge of technology. When the children returned from recess some of them returned to their seats and began to work on projects, while others crowded around the computers to view the new additions to their web site. The children looked excited and eager to learn. It was obvious from the beginning of the observation that Mrs. Randus practices progressivism (Clark, 2000). Her students were given the free will to do as they pleased when first entering the classroom. By letting her students explore the contents of the class web page, they were learning through discovery and working together in communities around the computers. It was also evident when she started class with a vote that she practices the progressivism theory of education (Clark, 2000). She asked the children if they wanted to go to the library first or start class with a game of vocabulary bingo. The excited students choose bingo, took their seats, and gave their full attention to Mrs. Randus. Throughout the bingo game the children were very attentive and eager to show their knowledge of the ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Lab 1 Essay TEMPLATE Exercise 1: Data Interpretation Table 1: Water Quality vs. Fish Population Dissolved Oxygen 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 Number of Fish Observed 0 1 3 10 12 13 15 10 12 13 1. What patterns do you observe based on the information in Table 1? Develop a hypothesis relating to the amount of dissolved oxygen measured in the water sample and the number of fish observed in the body of water. Read more: http://www.experiment––to–write–a– hypothesis.html#ixzz26ZmBPR9y 2. 3. What would your experimental approach be to test this hypothesis? 4. What are the independent and dependent variables? 5. What would be your control? 6. What type of graph would be appropriate for this data set? 7. ... Show more content on ... When Sally eats healthy foods and exercises regularly, her blood pressure is 10 points lower than when she does not exercise and eats unhealthy foods. Testable H: People that eat healthy and exercise regularly will have significantly lower blood pressure than people who do not eat healthy or exercise . 4. The Italian restaurant across the street closes at 9 pm but the one two blocks away closes at 10 pm. 5. For the past two days the clouds have come out at 3 pm and it has started raining at 3:15 pm.
  • 22. Testable (This is a tough one) H: When clouds come out at 1500 hours plus or minus 15 minutes, Rain will happen 15 minutes after the observed clouds. . 6. George did not sleep at all the night following the start of daylight savings. Not testable Exercise 3: Conversion For each of the following, convert each value into the designated units. 1. 46,756,790 mg = _______ kg 2. 5.6 hours = _______ seconds 3. 13.5 cm = ________ inches 4. 47 °C = ______ °F Exercise 4: Accuracy and Precision 1. During gym class, four students decided to see if they could beat the norm of 45 sit–ups in a minute. The first student did 64 sit–ups, the second did 69, the third did 65, and the fourth did 67. 2. The average score for the 5th grade math test is 89.5. The top 4th graders took the test and scored 89, 93, 91 and 87. 2. Yesterday the temperature was 89 °F, tomorrow it's supposed to be 88°F and the next day it's supposed to be ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Understanding How Manufacturers Consider Consumer Food... When a manufacturer begins making a new food product, there are a number of different factors that are considered. For instance, they consider nutrition facts, as well as cost and growth of a product. Most importantly manufacturers consider consumers' food color preferences. Prior literature review research tells us that in order for manufactures to consider consumers' opinions they conduct study groups. In the article Gazing behavior, choice and color of food: Does gazing behavior predict choice? , researchers found that what look more appealing to the eye are products that consumers tend to go after. It was also evident that color is a big deciding factor of consumers wandering eye. The eye tends to fixate on the greens, pinks, and yellows. (Slavica, Radoslav, Đorđe, and Jelena 2013). In the article Knowledge of food quality and additives and its impact on food preference, researchers were able to find that most consumers know nothing about the nutritional side of what they consume (Grujic, Grujic, Petrovic,Gajic 2013). It seems as if presentation is more important than the ingredient label. The last study is centered on the preferences consumers have about the color of orange juice. Within this study, researchers are able to conclude that consumers want their juice to be orange in color verses being red or yellow (Fernandez–Vazquez, Stinco, Melendez–Martinez, Heredia, and Vicario 2011). How manufacturers consider consumers' food color preference applies to the everyday ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Roly Poly Lab Essay Pillbug "Roly–Poly" Behavior LaB  Purpose: The purpose of this lab is to observe the behavior of the Armadillium vulgare (roly– poly bug), as well as hypothesize whether it will be attracted to, repelled by, or unresponsive to certain substances. Methods 1. Observing the pillbug: examine the pillbug's shell and body, shell shape, color, texture, number of legs, number of antennae, motion, speed, and sex after close examination. 2. Formulate hypotheses: choose substances (powders and liquids) and suggest whether the pillbug will be attracted to, repelled by, or unresponsive to each substance. 3. Perform an experiment: using a control, test the pillbug's reaction to the substances 4. ... Show more content on ... Yes, data can prove a hypothesis to be true. Conclusion Scientific Theory A pillbug has 14 body divisions If a pillbug curls into a ball, it can be concluded that it feels threatened. Pillbugs that back away from a substance are repelled by the substance. THOUGHT QUESTIONS: 1. A scientific theory is a concept that ties together many varied conclusions into a generalized statement. 2. It is important to use one substance at a time when testing a pillbug's reaction because in this experiment we are trying to determine whether or not the pillbug is repelled by, attracted to, or unresponsive to a specific substance. If you use more than one substance at a time, it will not determine whether the pillbug is attracted to, repelled by, or unresponsive to a substance, especially if the pillbug is already headed towards the direction of a substance. 3. No, the scientific method cannot explain all observations. In order for the scientific method to explain all observations, it must be able to answer a question about something that can be measured.
  • 25. The question: Do pillbugs have a color preference ? cannot be tested by the scientific method. METRIC MEASUREMENTS & MICROSCOPY REVIEW QUESTIONS: 1. 11 mm equals 1.1 cm 2. 950 mm equals 0.95 m 3. 2.1 liters equals 2100 ml 4. 122°F equals 50° C 5. 4.100 mg equals 0.0041 g THOUGHT QUESTIONS: 19. Locating ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Essay on The Airport on Thanksgiving Eve Thanksgiving holiday is one of the few holidays that we do not have in Thailand. I never understood the significance of this holiday apart from its two–day school break until I traveled on Thanksgiving eve this past holiday. A taxi driver who drove me to the airport hinted about its importance by saying that, "Tonight is one of the busiest travel periods of the year." I did not completely comprehend his claim until I saw how crowded the airport was. It seemed to me that everyone headed home to celebrate Thanksgiving with his or her family. However, what was most amusing that night was a scene of tens or even hundreds of people waiting for their family members at arrival gate. I was not clear why there were lots of people so I decided to do ... Show more content on ... In addition, because of the different constraints between controlled environment in laboratories and the real world, we cannot use experiments to answer the question. Therefore, ethnography is the most suitable procedure to answer this question. To conduct my ethnography, I observed people who waited for their family members at the airport by sitting near the gate and watching their reactions. Without asking for their opinions or reasons about their behaviors, I eliminated potential Hawthorne effects which is people changed their actions once they realized that someone observed them. I paid attention to the number of people waiting together to determine the relationship between the waiting and arriving people, their actions while they waited and their reaction once they met their person. According to my observations, people brought the whole family with them if the person they waited for was part of a family and they were alone if the arrived person was one's boy/girlfriend. They had similar emotions such as being tired and bored while they waited. No one had any positive facial expressions but they refused to sit and wait in the back. Everyone wanted to be the first one to see the person to whom they waited for. When the long awaited person arrived, their emotions changed dramatically. Everyone had smiles on their faces and they started to hug ... Get more on ...
  • 27. The Dual Coding Theory Of The Human Mind And Its Functions Assignment introduction Psychology is the scientific study of the human mind and its functions, including how it influences our behaviour. Cognitive psychology is the study of human mental processes and their role in thinking, feeling and behaving. It studies processes like attention, language use, memory, thinking, problem solving, perception and creativity. Memory is the mental capacity to retain and revive events, facts, impressions etc or recall and recognise previous experiences. We can remember information for seconds, hours, weeks, months or years after the physical stimuli that was present has ceased to occur or exist. This study will be based upon the dual coding theory (Pavio 1971) which was a theory that explained the powerful ... Show more content on ... Bower studied the effect of creating a visual image to assist verbal recall. In one experiment, the participants were given out 100 different cards, one at a time which each had two unrelated words on it , like 'cat' and 'tree'. The participants either had to remember the pair or create a visual scene in which both objects were featured. When the participants were given a cued recall test (given the first of each pair of words), the group who created a visual scene recalled 80% of the target words, whereas those who did not remember an image could only recall 45%. It was proven that the images which were more unusual were easier to remember, for example it would be better to visualise a cat living inside a tree, rather than a cat climbing up a tree as the first scene is more unlikely and bizarre. Experimental Hypothesis: Individuals are more likely to recall words if it is given in picture form rather than just the word shown alone. Null Hypothesis: Being shown images compared to just being showing the word does not change an individual's ability to recall the word. Method The method of the study was to test whether being shown images to remember a word improves recall of the given words in lab conditions. Design The design of this experiment was independent measures under lab conditions to ensure that the most valid and comparable results were provided. Before the controlled experiment took ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Essay scientific method LAB 1 – THE SCIENTIFIC METHOD *Adapted from LabPaq CK–GCC Purpose: The purpose of this experiment is to learn about and use the Scientific Method. The discussion of physical properties such as density, color, texture, smell, and solubility will take place. Observations and Experimental Data: Table 1: Making Observations Procedure Observation A. Torn paper Vertical tear: easier to tear, more visible fibers, more jagged edges and uneven tear. Horizontal tear: harder to tear, less fibers visible, less jagged edges and more of a straight line tear. B. Appearance of rock salt crystals Before crushing: Jagged edges, very few smooth surfaces, size was 9mm x 6mm, cubic crystal shape with ridge like features. Color was ... Show more content on ... After about two to three minutes the re–observation showed that some of the crystal has completely been absorbed by water. 3. In light of your previous response, what can you conclude about salt? In light of my previous response I can conclude that salt is formed from the evaporation of water and that a chemical reaction occurs. C. Do all the grains of sand look like they are made out of the same material? All the grains of sand do not look like they are made out of the same material. 1. Propose a hypothesis to explain your observations on the appearance of sand. If I add water to all the grains of sand equally the shape of the grains will change. 2. Describe what was initially observed when several drops of water were added to several granules of sand initially, and in 2–3 minutes? When drops of water were initially added to sand the water didn't move of absorb the sand. After about two to three minutes the sand shifted to the outer areas of the water capsule and remained unchanged. 3. In light of your previous response, what can you
  • 29. conclude about sand? That sand even with its different appearances were made from the same particles and water had no effect on their physical properties. D. Water and oil act differently on the small–scale reaction surface. Propose a ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Difference Between Male And Females In this naturalistic observation study I looked at the differences between male and females regarding their actions upon greeting another person. I looked at the frequency in which they hugged or performed a different action (e.g. waving, speech, other etc.). Ultimately this information was used to find whether males or females hug when greeting more often than the other gender. The variable of interest in this experiment are gender and the action upon greeting.Gender is conceptually defined as the state of being male or female (typically used with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones). The action upon greeting is conceptually defined as what both males and females do (e.g. hug or wave, etc.) when meeting with someone of familiarity. My hypothesis for this observation was that upon greeting someone girls will hug more often than guys. In this naturalistic observation in order to remain out of the environment and keep away from intervening I recorder data a distance away from the main trafficked area of greeting. This was so my actions or presence would not prohibit the sample population from proceeding with their natural behavior. My sampling location was only at the Shapiro Undergraduate Library. The time sampling used was an hour from 6:30 to 7:30 pm. When choosing my sample population I chose people greeting around the ground floor entrance to the library that were in eyesight of my data recording position. The sample population in this ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Effects Of School Drug Policies On Student Marijuana Use The scientific journal article, Longitudinal Effects of School Drug Policies on Student Marijuana Use in Washington State and Victoria, Australia states that Marijuana is the most used taboo drug worldwide and an estimated 181 million of the world's adults used marijuana in 2011. School–based prevention programs/policies have become the most prominent mode of drug prevention for adolescents. The main object of the study in this scientific journal article is adolescent students marijuana use. There are multiple goals of this study. The first goal of the study is to determine if student marijuana use can be predicted by the amount in which the school enforces their drug policies. The second, is to determine if student marijuana use can be predicted by the different ways in which schools respond to drug use in school The last goal, is to determine if student marijuana use can be predicted based upon the level that a school's drug policy is based on refraining from using marijuana and the minimization of harm. The hypotheses of this study are affirming the goals. The first is that student marijuana use can in fact be predicted by the amount that the school enforces their drug policies. The second is that student marijuana use can in fact be predicted by the different ways in which schools respond to the drug use in their school. The last hypothesis is that, student marijuana use can in fact be predicted by the level that a school's drug policy is based on refraining from using ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Candle Lab Report Essay Experimenting with a Candle Justin Nguyen Mrs. Howley 11/16/11 Mod F Purpose: the purpose is to learn how the process of a candle burning. The goals of this experiment are to practice in the art of observation, the art of questioning, and the development of a better understanding of this process. Hypothesis: through this experiment, we will learn how candle is working. Materials: * Candle * Note card * Matches or butane lighter * Aluminum foil * 1L beaker * Balance I. Candle Observation Procedure 1. Attached the candle to a note card by using melted wax. 2. Observe the candle carefully. Record as many observations as you can. 3. After that, light the candle. Observe the candle when it's ... Show more content on ... What makes it release gas??? Experiment 2: Prediction: the candle will turn off because there are no fuels. Procedure: 1. Cut a piece of aluminum foil into a square with 3cm sides. 2. Use a pen tip to make a hole in the center of the foil. Make the hole as same side as the wick. 3. Place the aluminum over the wick. 4. Light the wick and observe for several minutes. Observation: the light turns off. Question: what type of material does the aluminum foil that make the light turns of??? Experiment 3 Prediction: it will create fog Procedure: 1. Light the candle 2. Lift a clean, dry 1 liter beaker with both hands and place it inverted over the candle. 3. Lift the beaker off the candle and place upright on the lab bench. 4. Observe the beaker carefully. Observation: there is fog around the beaker. Question: is it because of the heat of the light released that make the beaker foggy.
  • 33. Experiment 4 Prediction: the light will turn off Procedure: 1. Light the candle 2. Lift a clean, dry 1 liter beaker with both hand, place it over the candle 3. Observe the beaker carefully. 4. Wait for the beaker to cool and then clean it. Observations: the light turns off while the beaker was place over the candle. Question: is it because of the oxygen that make the light turn of?? Experiment 5: Prediction: the candle will get shorter while it gets burn. Procedure: 1. Determine the mass of a candle and ... Get more on ...
  • 34. English 101 Essay 1. Describe the function of the following pieces of safety equipment and how each might be used: (10 points) a. Eye Wash (2 points) b. Fire blanket (2 points) c. Shower (2 points) d. Chemical Spill Kit (2 points) e. Biological Spill Solution (2 points) ––Answer below: a. Eye Wash: Can be used if there is a chemical that has been splashed into the eyes. Flush for 15–20 minutes. b. Fire Blanket: To extinguish fires. How would you use this? (–1) c. Shower: In case of a chemical spill or fire on your body. Stay in the water for at least 15–30 minutes. d. Chemical Spill Kit: There are different spill kits for every type of chemical spill. For instance, you would use a different kit to clean up mercury versus an acid ... Show more content on ... (–2) 84.2 f .:5. What is the purpose of the control group in the Scientific Method? Briefly explain and use examples. (5 points) ––Answer Below: The purpose of the control group is the keep the experiment consistent throughout for the best results. For instance, four white carnations are placed in four vases with plain tap water. Two of them have other liquids added to them, making the plain tap water flowers the control group. They stay consistent The group then becomes the standard of comparison.
  • 35. .:6. Design a (hypothetical) experiment that adheres to the Scientific Method. Be sure to include all the necessary requirements at each step and give examples at all of the steps. Start with an observation, whether it's real or made up, state the null hypothesis, and design an experiment (including an experimental and control group, random sampling, sample size, and reproducibility) that will allow the student to reject or fail to reject the hypothesis, and state the conclusion (20 points.) **Note that the point value of this question is 20 points. It is imperative that one thoroughly understands and can apply the Scientific Method as it is necessary to the understanding of all science. Take the time to ensure the answer is thorough, inclusive, and complete. ––Answer Below: There are four white carnations each in their own vases. All four have plain tap water added to them. One will also have bleach added, the ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Essay on Bus310 Accounting Theory and Accountability BUS310 ACCOUNTING THEORY AND ACCOUNTABILITY WORKSHOP 1 SOLUTIONS 1) GHHT: Chapter 1: Theory in Action 1.1 The article describes how a particular theoretical approach has been replaced by another. Explain why one theory replaces another, and who, or what, determines whether an existing theory survives. A theory is primarily meant to explain or predict an event, behaviour or outcome. Proponents of a theory look for evidence to support the theory. This evidence should be independently observed and consistent after repeated observations. Some theories are speculative or ideas or guesses floated to encourage researchers to undertake the observations required to prove or disprove the theory. The question often debated is what comes ... Show more content on ... 2. Does the reintroduction of a theory mean that it should not have been replaced in the first place? Theories about how the economy works and what will happen in the economy where there is monetary policy or fiscal policy intervention are appropriate in assisting policy–makers understand the possible implications of decisions they make or are under consideration. However, they are rarely complete models and often outcomes cannot be predicted. Reintroduction of a theory suggests that new evidence in support of the theory has been reported. 3. Should a theory be discarded if it does not specify the means of achieving a stated objective? Explain your answer. The theory itself doesn't have to specify the means of achieving a stated objective; however, it has to provide a sound basis for explaining, defining and predicting behaviour. The application of the theory can have many elements and it is in the interpretation of what will induce the predicted effects in the economy predicted by the theory which will result in predicted or other stated outcomes. Q2) Readings 1. Principal images that have shaped the development of accounting theory: Historical record: One of the early objectives of historical cost accounting was stewardship. This meant that financial reports were a report on how well management had safeguarded the ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Compare And Contrast Matthew And The Gospel Of Mark 7 : 24-14 Alex Todd Religion 110 10 October 2017 When looking in the Gospel of Matthew 15:21–28 and the Gospel of Mark 7:24–30 one can find that each of these pieces of their respective gospels have both some similarities and differences. There is evidence of overlap between these two which are quite easy to find whilst one is reading the sections of each. There also are points in which these two accounts diverge from one another by either telling a certain part of the other gospel in a different way, removing content from one of the other gospels, or adding something that may not have been referenced or described in the other. Either way these accounts from Matthew and Mark both have connections to each other even if not visible on the surface. Starting with differences, in the Gospel of Matthew 15:21–28, Matthew seems to have actually referred to Jesus in the text a few times, whereas in the Gospel of Mark 7:24–30 Jesus is continually referred to as "he" by Mark. Not once is Jesus' actual name mentioned anywhere throughout the text in which Mark is describing the events of what was going on. Although it might be worthy to note that in other portions throughout Mark's Gospel Jesus is indeed mentioned by Mark. The beginning of Matthew 15:21–28 recounts how Jesus left his disciples and went out to Tyre and Sidon. Mark too recounts Jesus leaving Tyre. However, Mark does not mention Sidon in the opening lines of his account. Matthew also added Jesus replying to the woman reminding her ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Pillbugs and Sowbugs and Moist Environment Experiment Introduction: Pillbugs and sowbugs are terrestrial isopods that belong to the order Isopoda and the arthropod class crustacean. According to the Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology, the terrestrial isopods have evolved from the marine forms. However despite the fact that they seek moist environments they must also avoid an overly moist environment (Journal of Insect Science, 2008). The two different species resemble one another phenotypically. However, pillbugs are a dark gray and the sow bugs are a light gray with posterior projections. Pillbugs also curl into a ball when they feel endangered and the sow bugs do not. The pill bugs used in this experiment were female. Isopods primarily live in dark, damp habitats in order to prevent dehydration (Isopod Behavior Lab). The purpose of this experiment was to determine the type of environment isopods prefer. First we tested to see if the isopods preferred a dry or moist environment and then we tested to see if they preferred the potting soil or the leaf litter environment. For the observation of isopods in response to moisture experiment it was said that each of the two different species would prefer a different environment. For part two, Observation of Isopods in response to other variables, it was hypothesized that the Isopods would prefer the potting soil or the leaf litter environment. Materials and Methods: Groups of four were constructed. For the first experiment, each group was given an isopod chamber. One ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Biology And Biology : An Elementary Way Of Studying Living... The fundamental concept on how biology and chemistry interacts starts with the understanding of living things. History have provided biologist an elementary way of studying living organisms through the use of a microscope, and direct observation. However, science have advanced, and direct observation could not provide qualitative and quantitative data for biologist to gain advanced knowledge in understanding how organism converting food to muscle and bone. The plants ability to use water and sunlight, and have a parallel understanding that cells need the same things to sustain life, continue growth, and provide the ability to reproduce. This basic discovery that biologist came to realizes is that chemistry and biology must work together as a cohesive unit in order to understanding multiply exchanges between atoms, molecules, and cells. This video provides a simplistic view about metabolism and how energy is measured. Metabolism is used to sustain life, it is explained as the chemical reactions that go on within the cells of the human body. This process allows for food intake to be converted into energy. Energy is measured by Jooles, the basal energy requirement is the scale in providing the minimum amount of energy needed to sustain life. This video also provides the foods that would give you the most energy, and the major concerns about storing more energy than the body needs. Too much energy produced fat which is stored in the body, and used when necessary. The video ... Get more on ...
  • 40. What Makes A Theory? Assholes* A Theory; Is the Title Theoretically Correct??? When one thinks of a theory, the normal assumption is an abstract statement that includes but is not limited to convoluted ideas, exorbitant amounts of math or calculations, and enough difficult or complicated words to fill a dictionary. Then comes the overwhelming wave of emotions following the question, "Why do I care??" Aaron James, a Harvard graduate and a Professor of Philosophy at UC Irvine, wrote a book that you may be interested in. The title of said book is Assholes* A Theory. The ideas covered in this book are all about what makes a person an asshole and the concepts surrounding the different possible types of assholes. However, the question stands, does this book present a legitimate theory?? The answer to that is no; the book Assholes* A Theory by Aaron James does not demonstrate a theory as it lacks qualities that are essential to theories. Before I explain how this book does not demonstrate a theory; we first have to define what a theory is. A theory is an explanation for a set of proven hypothesis. A theory also needs evidence as well as having to withstand repeated testing yielding the same result. (Wikipedia Theory) This book better fits the description of a hypothesis which is an explanation for observable phenomenon. Hypotheses also suggest correlation between the multiple phenomena presented in a situation. The first bit of evidence presenting this book is a hypothesis rather than a ... Get more on ...
  • 41. Can Marx's Theory of History Be Truly Scientific? Essay Karl Marx is one of the most influential figures in history. Since his death and the widespread distribution of his works, his legacy has affected almost everybody alive on the planet today. He has had a huge influence on the arts: Literature, art, theatre, film and even music. Peter Singer, in his book about Marx likened his impact on the world to that of Jesus or Mohammed. His biggest influence, however, has been on the world of politics. One very small example of this could be the Welfare State which exists in the UK; we owe the idea such institutions as pensions, free education, health care and social security benefits to Marx. If he didn't suggest these institutions directly, his writings have affected their emergence in some way. ... Show more content on ... I will draw upon the work of other philosophers to try and establish what makes a science and then see how Marx's theory fits in with these ideas. The debate of whether or not Marx is a scientist is an important factor in how reliable some people view his works. As I have just mentioned, today we tend to see science as the main area of discovery. We believe what scientific studies tell us because things can be proved. E.g. If I assert that drug A cures this disease. We give 100 patients the drug; if they are all cured we prove our hypothesis. We believe things that we see, this is how we have come to view science as so important. There are many definitions of what makes something scientific; many people have tried to write about it. According to the Collins English Dictionary, something is a science when a systematic study gives knowledge of natural or physical phenomena. To see or not if Marx's theory is or can be scientific we need to look at, firstly at a fuller definition of science, and then at how much scientific method Marx used to formulate his study. Karl Popper provided one of the clearest and most comprehensive criteria for what makes something a science. In "The logic of scientific discovery"(1934) Popper talked about how a science is not purely observations about the world around us. There are many fields of research, based on this notion of observation, which aren't necessarily scientific. Popper emphasized the idea of "test ... Get more on ...
  • 42. The Assessment Process Of The Early Childhood Classroom Module 1 Assessments Explain the Assessment process as used in the early childhood classroom The assessment process in the classroom can be completed in several different ways, but they are effective in helping children. Some steps may include observations, testing, and evaluations. These assessments can help the caregivers provide the children with the best care possible and available for them. These observations and test may be completed from several sources and situations to ensure the test are accurate. Compare and contrast "traditional assessment" and "authentic assessment" giving several examples of each. When talking about traditional assessment and authentic assessment there are ways they can be expressed as being different. Authentic assessment is ongoing and applies to all areas in the school or childcare setting. These are practical and express intellectual challenges. This can be completed by matching games, puzzles, and identifying objects. Caregivers and teachers must observe and keep track of the child's progress to ensure they are meeting their goals. This is another task a teacher must perform on top of teaching. Traditional assessment emphasizes uniform and rote testing. In traditional settings the child's behavior is looked at in group settings not just a one on one forum. Things are looked at from a group stand point for examples are the children sharing, interacting with others, and feeling like they belong in a group and not just one individual. ... Get more on ...
  • 43. The Theory Of Weapon Focus Part A The experiment is based off the theory of "Weapon Focus" by Loftus, Loftus, and Messo (1987) and states that the control group (seeing no weapon) would perform better than the experimental group (seeing a weapon) on a quiz that tested the participants on the surroundings of the PowerPoint slides. This is because the weapon is a dangerous and unusual object in a calm and conventional setting so people pay more attention to it. The background study performed by Loftus, Loftus, and Messo was using slides shown for 1.5 seconds each and after 15 minutes, they tested the participants on a 20 multiple–choice miscellaneous questionnaire of which 7 questions pertained to the woman holding the weapon or no weapon. Then, participants were ... Show more content on ... My null hypothesis is that the control group will not perform better than the experimental group and operationalized by using the analytical Mann–Whitney U test. My prediction is that the control group will perform better than the experimental group because they do not see the weapon in the slides. Therefore, they will spend more time looking at the surroundings. The experimental group will be focused more on the weapon because it is out of place with its surroundings. Therefore, they will spend less time looking at the surroundings and more time looking at the weapon. This is supported by Loftus, Loftus, and Messo (1987) in "Weapon Focus" that the experimental group will spend more time looking at the weapon and so their eyewitness testimony is not reliable and they will not be able to remember the surroundings. Section B The independent variable was the woman holding the knife or not holding the knife. The dependent variable was the participants' ability to recall the surroundings pertaining the woman's appearance and clothes. This was operationalized by having participants look at PowerPoint slides and then taking a test. The aim was to test weapon focus. The experiment was a clinical single– blind. Participants were asked to sign a consent form (APPENDIX A). Section C Participants were from a high school as a convenient sample. They are juniors and in the ... Get more on ...
  • 44. Evaluating Scientific Paradigms And Predict The... Evaluating Scientific Paradigms to Predict the Credibility of Medieval Science Abstract Science is the fundamental backbone to understanding how the world works. From the start of historic civilizations to modern era, science has evolved drastically and continues to change based off of pre–existing notions formulated by pre–existing notions to those. This cycle of taking ideas that have been previously established and creating new and falsifiable hypotheses revolve around scientific paradigms. These scientific paradigms provide accepted models that give scientists a starting point, per se, for further research and progression beyond that point. Scientists understand that everything they know now can later be proven false or altered to ... Show more content on ... Using the scientific method helps prove previous ideas to be true by creating falsifiable hypotheses, and not being able to prove them false. Thusly, allowing scientists to accept the "Null Hypothesis", which states that there is no correlation between your results and hypothesis. Furthermore, referring to the Null Hypothesis attempts to give experimental data meaning. If experimental results cannot prove something false, and correlates with the subject at hand, you would reject the "Null Hypothesis". Methods We can test the fallacy of folk magic by executing the following experiment. We hypothesized that, because there are five total cards, each representing one different symbol, the participant will correctly guess five of the twenty–five cards, about twenty percent by chance. Below this number says the student has no psychic ability, above says otherwise . To test this hypothesis, we collected data from twenty–five different students and correlated the data to folk magic's consistency. We had students draw twenty–five cards, one card at a time, and gave them the chance to correctly name each drawn card. Not only did we test the credibility of folk magic, but we conducted a similar experiment with respect to Astrology's fallacy. We obtained data from a wide variety of students with different backgrounds and cultures, but analyzed one individuals results. The student obtained 8 journal entries that described a person's ... Get more on ...
  • 45. A Research On Positive Accounting Theory positive accounting hypothesis (PAT) estimates that, in flawed markets, accounting decision may be controlled by directors looking to impact reported income and capital structure (Watts and Zimmerman, 1978). Specifically, the positive accounting hypothesis (PAT) contends that accounting decisions are liable to be spurred by components, for example, supervisors ' extra arranges, the company 's obligation/value proportions and the more extensive political impact of outsiders (Watts and Zimmerman, 1978; 1986). The primary goal of this critique is to clarify how administration accounting created and the reasons that have been propelled in scholastic writing to bolster this improvement. Since the field is so expansive, we decided to study ... Show more content on ... Notwithstanding, despite the fact that the all the more pessimistically minded would truly subscribe to this perspective, there has been an extremely emotional upturn in an enthusiasm for moral contemplations by business pioneers and expert business associations part of the way as a consequence of the requests of social orders which have needed to tolerate the expense of tremendous corporate breakdown and the deceitful business exercises of a minority of business experts. Actually the subject has turned into an industry with a few books on it being distributed, a few courses, courses, workshops and addresses gave to the subject, various models declared furthermore, an always expanding number of remarks and verbal confrontations in people in general media Positive Accounting Theory (PAT) concerned with predicting such actions as the choices of accounting policies by firms & how firms will respond to proposed new accounting standard. PAT uses theory to predict the choices that management will make regarding their choice of accounting policies. This theory is introduced as a way to merge efficient securities markets with economic consequences PAT takes the view that firms will conduct themselves in the way that maximizes their own best interests. Managers do not always do what is best for shareholders, but what will be the most beneficial to their organization. The choices that an organization makes are dependent on ... Get more on ...