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Napoleon Bonaparte Essay
Writing an essay on the topic of Napoleon Bonaparte presents a considerable challenge due to
the vast amount of information available and the complexity of his life and legacy. Napoleon
Bonaparte was a pivotal figure in history, known for his military prowess, political acumen, and
ambitious reforms. His impact on Europe and the world reverberates to this day, making the task
of encapsulating his significance into a single essay daunting.
To adequately address the topic, one must delve into Napoleon's early life, his rise to power
during the French Revolution, his military campaigns, his governance as Emperor of France, and
the consequences of his rule. Additionally, one must analyze Napoleon's character, his strategic
decisions, and his lasting influence on politics, warfare, and society.
Furthermore, the interpretation of Napoleon's legacy is highly subjective and contentious, with
differing perspectives among historians and scholars. Some view him as a visionary leader who
modernized France and spread revolutionary ideals, while others condemn him as a power-
hungry dictator responsible for widespread warfare and oppression.
Navigating through these diverse viewpoints requires thorough research, critical analysis, and the
ability to construct a coherent argument supported by evidence. Moreover, crafting an engaging
and insightful essay on such a well-studied topic demands originality and creativity to offer fresh
insights or perspectives.
In conclusion, tackling an essay on Napoleon Bonaparte necessitates grappling with complexity,
ambiguity, and historiographical debates. It demands rigorous research, analytical skills, and the
capacity to synthesize vast amounts of information into a cohesive narrative. Despite its
challenges, exploring Napoleon's life and legacy offers invaluable insights into the nature of
power, leadership, and historical change.
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Napoleon Bonaparte Essay Napoleon Bonaparte Essay
The Physics of Boomerangs Essay
The Physics of Boomerangs The successful flight of a boomerang looks as though it
never should happen. Its more or less circular flight path comes from the interaction
of two physical phenomena: the aerodynamic lift of the arms of the boomerang and
the spinning boomerang s maintenance of angular momentum. Briefly put, the airfoil
at the boomerang s forward rotating edge provides more lift than its rearward rotating
edge. This elevates one side of the boomerang. The spinning object maintains angular
momentumby turning at a right angle to its axis of rotation. When the spin and the
velocity of boomerang are just right, it flies away and returns in an aesthetically
satisfying circle.
The boomerang s distinctive flight starts with ... Show more content on ...
But when a fluid encounters an obstruction in an open situation a current in a river
hitting a stick or an airfoil in the air the same general rule applies. As the fluid
accelerates around an object, its pressure decreases. If an airfoil is moving through
the air, then the air accelerates as it goes over it. If the air foil were symmetrical,
the air pressure would drop on both sides and the foil would have no net force
acting on it. But if one side of a foil were curved and the other flat, then the pressure
on the curved side would be less and the foil would be drawn in the direction of the
lower air pressure (or the higher pressure on the flat side would push the foil in the
direction of the curved side). For example, when rules allow, race cars have an
upside down foil along their bottoms to increase down force and with it, their
cornering ability. Much more commonly, airplane wings and helicopter rotors use the
curved foil to create low pressure areas on their top sides to allow the higher pressure
under the wing/rotor to push the wing/rotor upward.
The introductory chapter of John Allen s Aerodynamics: The Science of Air in Motion
describes a complex interaction between the object the the air in motion around it. He
explains that the
Memories In The Giver
Have you ever wondered why memories are so important? In the book, The Giver,
the author, Lois Lowry, writes about a boy named Jonas, whose life changes after
receiving the most honored, important job. Jonas believes he is different because he
holds the memories. Jonas experiences develop a theme over the course of The Giver
by teaching the reader that without memories one cannot fully understand a topic.
Although some readers may believe that you can understand a topic perfectly without
the memories, Jonasexperiences show that he can only understand a situation
completely with the memories.
Without the memories you won t understand your actions. For example it states in
Communication Styles in Negotiation
Communication Styles in Negotiation
Communication styles in negotiation are probably one of the most important skills or
characteristics one will develop over a lifetime. From the point a human being begins
to develop cognitive skills, the process of learning and understanding situations
become more apparent. One will learn from a very young age the dynamics and
characteristics of communication and its role in negotiation. To better understand the
communication process, one must be able to recognize how they communicate,
whether it is on an assertive, aggressive, passive, or passive aggressive level of
communication. The manner in which one conveys his/her message is critical, and
the many methods in which they do it is ... Show more content on ...
In Negotiation fifth edition, threats are defined by five linguistic dimensions:
polarizing, immediacy, intensity, lexical diversity, and high power language style.
Polarizing language is the choice of words when describing ones position to make
it appear positive and the use of negative words when describing an opponent s
side. Verbal immediacy is the measurement given through vocabulary that lets the
recipient of the message know the level of urgency affiliated with the message.
Immediacy can be either high or low depending on whether one wants to engage or
distance oneself from the other party. Language intensity identifies how strong one
feels about the situation through use of vocabulary. Possible results of language
intensity are either high or low depending on the level of feelings one wants to
portray to the opposing party. Lexical diversity is the degree of vocabulary that
one uses. Holding a rich vocabulary gives the impression of competence, while
possessing a low level of lexical diversity gives the impression of inexperience.
Last, the extent of a high powered language style means the manner in which one
uses language as the means of being effective. Using a low power language style is
identified by politeness and hesitations; while using a high power language style is
recognized by verbal dominance and clarity. Therefore
Establishing Architecture For Large Enterprise Solutions
Establishing Architecture for Large Enterprise Solutions in Agile Environment
Sujatha Dantuluri Software Architecture Karsun Solutions LLC Herndon, USA
Abstract Companies are adopting Agile, Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe), Lean to
deliver software faster to the market. These stack of methodologies ensure early
delivery and faster time to recover from mistakes. While developing software
iteratively we need to ensure design and quality are not compromised to speed. SAFe
proposes to use emergent architecture and design which develops iteratively.
However, for large, complex systems with multiple system integration points and high
volume of transactional data, doing architecture and design iteratively will lead to
excessive rework,... Show more content on ...
In order to establish an architecture for a system, we need to know the purpose and
scope of the application, its importance and relationship to the overall strategic
goals of the organization based on known requirements of the system being
developed. However in an Agile environment where the requirements are groomed
iteratively and change is constant, establishing architecture and design would be a
daunting task. Especially if the system being developed is large enterprise level
solution, iterative architecture and design could result in a lot of rework and
redundancy. If there are many integration points and functionality spans across
multiple applications, defining enterprise level architecture helps the software
being developed to align with strategic goals of the enterprise, helping business
capabilities to be shared across organizations. But establishing such architecture in
an Agile environment would be challenging. This paper addresses this issue and
establishes a process for architecture development for enterprise level applications.
The paper defines a process to develop a software solution which spans across
multiple legacy applications using Agile principles . The approach explained in the
paper has been adopted for the development of software which modernizes legacy
data capture and is intended to establish a framework for enterprise level services in
the future. The solution spans across 6 legacy software systems.
Informative Essay On Shonda Rhimes
A Snapshot of a Visionary
If you don t get The Catch of your dreams and your marriage is a Scandal, there
will come a time when you will need to know How To Get Away With Murder. If
not then you will hide behind Grey s Anatomy, but the coroner will get a hold of you
and then your life will be totally Off The Map!
If you haven t guessed by now, we are referring to the legendary Shonda Lynn
Rhimes, a young woman who is talented and wildly successful beyond her years.
Born only 47 years ago on January 13, 1970, Shonda Rhimes is an American
television producer, screenwriter and author. She is best known as the creator, head
writer, executive producer, and showrunner of many acclaimed television shows,
including Grey s Anatomy, its spin off Private... Show more content on ...
She gently reminds us to feel the hum, and become the hum . So what is this
elusive hum ? Shonda wants us to embrace this hum because she says it makes
everything good. I don t think anyone has seen or captured this essence, but there
is a concept similar to this in the academic literature flow . In his bestselling book
Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience (Csikszentmihalyi, 1990), the author
reveals that any experience becomes genuinely satisfying if you re in a state of
consciousness called flow . In this state, you experience profound and deep
enjoyment and creativity. This state is as close to the hum as we can get. Of
course, Shonda Rhimes wants to upstage Mr. Csikszentmihalyi because her
definition of the hum is on a higher plane than the simple flow state. Shonda tells
us the hum is music, drugs, God whispering in your ear, telling you to strive for
greatness at any cost (Rhimes, 2014). Yes, that sounds so much better than flow .
If you want the same level of success as Shonda, then never let go of the hum .
Because if you do, you instantly know that you are overworked and burned out.
And when you lose the hum, like Shonda once did, you will ask If the song of your
heart ceases to play, can I survive this silence? . Your very survival is now at
(probably) Since 2007 P1 STUDENT PASSES EXAM !! By PAUL MERISON
Blank quits Lloyds By PAUL MERISON Sir Victor Blank has retired from Lloyds
Banking Group.Blank was Chairman of Lloyds, but went before he was sacked ,
according to Lloyds insiders. Blank had been heavily criticised for being the main
person behind the takeover of HBOS, which had far worse losses than Lloyds
predicted. He is now being held accountable for this decision. Win Bischoff has now
taken over as Chairman. No doubt the Nominations Committee began their
succession planning process some time ago, as they must have known Mr. Blank
was likely to go. P1 student Fred Goodwin has passed his... Show more content on ...
Investors Raise Their Voices There was a time when big shareholders, typically
institutions, were very quiet investors who let Boards get on with running
companies with barely a murmur of complaint. But not any more it seems. In recent
months, many companies have heard their biggest shareholders complaining, both
at the AGM and beforehand in the Press, about everything from strategy to director
pay issues. Whilst the biggest shareholders often have small percentage holdings
they are getting listened to more and more. They have found ways to increase the
volume of their stakeholder voice by using the Press, or by voicing their concerns
through an umbrella body such as the Association of British Insurers. The ABI s
members control a large percentage of the overall stock market, meaning that
companies are far more likely to have to listen. Why are they suddenly shouting? A
mixture of poor performance, the institution s own investors shouting at them, and a
belief that better governance leads to improved profits and a better share price. Shut
up! Or Else!!! It is reported that the NEDs at RBS warned the Chairman and CEO
that the Bank was exposed to too much risk but were threatened with the sack if they
kept being disruptive! Hard to be independent NEDs when there is an intimidation
threat! 3 Date today 14/06/10 NEWS Tell SID! In 2007, Cadburys Chairman Sir John
Sunderland unexpectedly announced his retirement, after a series of meetings between
Changing Voting Restrictions
Have you ever felt like the government is trying to take away your voice? Well if
you allow them to take away your right to vote with new restrictions on who can or
can not vote then that is what they are basically doing.It would be taking away the
already small voice you have in your governmental system. If they were to change the
requirements then it would cause mass confusion of electionday, it would be erasing
what some people fought for to earn the right to vote, and the votingrate is low
One of the main reasons why we should not change the voting restrictions it that it
would cause mass confusion when it came to election day. Election day is already
heptic enough when it comes time for the american people to vote for their next
commander in chief. It would just add on to the craiz and confusion if people went
to go vote and was not allowed to because of a new type of restriction out that they
did not know of. For example, during the 2016 election between Hillary Clinton and
Donald Trump there were 14 different states that had new voting laws. One of the 14
states that changed their voting laws was Connecticut. When election day came
around people that were working the polls in Connecticut was improperly insisting
for voters to show photo ... Show more content on ...
For example, in 1807 women and black men were not allowed to vote in any state.
It was not until 1870 when congress finally passed the 15th amendment allowing
any male can vote, but women were not allowed to vote until the 1918 s. If we had
more restrictions then it would be like we went back in time when certain people
did not have the right to vote. ( History of Voting Rights ) The last reason why we
should not have any more voting restrictions is because we already have a low
voting rate as it is. If we had any more requirements than the voting rate would be
Analysis Of The Book Carrol
Carrol, is the casserole done yet? I m starving. I haven t eaten since 5:30. It s 5:45
now, said Carrol. She bent down and gave a small piece of chicken to their cat, Lucky.
Exactly, said Ben through his wrinkly cracked lips, I still haven t filled up my
second stomach yet, earning a grin from gray haired Carrol, across the kitchen,
leaning on the counter.
Carrol smiled and replied, We still have Alice to wait on. Oh, I m so excited. We
haven t seen her in so long.
She was interrupted by the loud chime of the doorbell. Ben leaned on his cane to
stand up, and slowly made his way to the windowless front door. Once he opened
the door, Carrol heard the small chatter of Ben and her daughter, Alice. As she took
the casserole out of the oven, she heard Ben invite her into the kitchen in his deep
gruff voice.
There stood rosy cheeked Alice, with her curly blonde hair and bundled in her gray
sweaters and trench coat. Behind her stood a small, thin boy with a sniffling, red
nose and wireframe glasses. He carried a small black duffel bag on his shoulder, and
wore a mud green coat.
Mom, it s so great to see you! exclaimed Alice.
Alice, you as well. Ah, who is this? Carrol said, looking back at the boy.
Oh, said Alice in her cheerful voice, This is Ethan.
He held out a gloved hand, and introduced himself, Pleasure to meet you, he said
through a congested, nasally voice. Carrol shook his hand as Ethan sniffed the
kitchen air. What is that I smell? he said.
Caffeine Intermolecular Forces Lab Report
The partial charges throughout caffeine molecules create dipoles, which in turn affect
the intermolecular forces between caffeine molecules. Caffeine s polarity permits the
formation of dipole dipole interactions between two caffeine molecules. The partial
positive end of one caffeine molecule will be attracted to the partial negative end of
another caffeinemolecule, creating a relatively strong intermolecular force. The
strength of this force will increase sublimation and melting points and decrease
volatility because more energy will be required to overcome the dipole dipole
forces. Because solutes dissolve in solvents with similar intermolecular forces,
caffeine s polarity allows the molecule to be soluble in polar solvents. The dipole
dipole... Show more content on ...
Various countries consumed caffeine containing plants as a source of energy in the
past, while still being unaware that the compound within the plants was causing the
stimulating effects. In 1819, Friedlieb Runge discovered and isolated caffeine, which
gave rise to the production of new caffeine containing products. Most individuals
today consume caffeine in the form of coffee because of its ability to decrease fatigue
and drowsiness. Although caffeine is soluble in water at room temperature, the
molecules will not completely dissolve; therefore, coffee is made with hot water to
dissolve a greater quantity of the caffeine molecules. Caffeine produces its stimulating
effect by interfering with adenosine, a chemical in the nervous system that releases
signals to notify the body when sleep is needed. Adenosine is a by product of brain
function and it will accumulate in the body throughout the day. Eventually adenosine
levels will reach a maximum, causing adenosine to start binding to receptor sites to
notify the brain to slow down cellular activity. Caffeine and adenosine are both
alkaloids (organic compounds composed of many nitrogen atoms) with similar
shapes, ring structures and covalent bonds, which allows caffeine to bind to
adenosine receptors. Caffeine will occupy all adenosine receptor sites, causing the
brain to maintain cellular activity and not induce
Persuasive Essay On Godrej Ezee
It is officially winter season plus holiday season and the perfect way to celebrate
the holiday season is spreading smiles on the faces of all. But Godrej Ezee went a
step ahead and decided to spread smile and warmth to all. Yes, folks they have
come with an innovative and compassionate campaign that moved me completely
and motivated me to participate in the campaign with zeal. To elaborate Godrej
Ezee recently started a campaign urging the nation to come together and save the
lives of underprivileged children in the harsh winters. All you need to do is give
your old winter clothes that you use no more to these kids and provide them
warmth in the cold winter days. This is probably the best way to bring a smile on
anyone s face. It would bring
Mesopotamian American Culture Essay
The Maisin people of Papua New Guinea have lived for generations making their
living from handmade horticulture gardens, subsidised by hunting, fishing and
gathering. The labour in the production of food is divided with men doing the
work of clearing the gardens as well as hunting and fishing, while the women do
the longer and tasks of gardening, gathering and making clothes. A garden, once
clear, is used for around two years before the thin topsoil is used up and it is left to
be reclaimed by the jungle. These gardens are used to grown taro, sweet potatoes
and other crops as well as wuwushi, a tree whose bark is used to make clothes, that
are central to the Maisin both culturally and are used for trade. Furthermore, the
economy of the Maisin is based on sharing and mutual trust.... Show more content on ...
This constant giving and taking insures resources are spread through out the village.
It also binds the community together through moral obligation to those who help
each other. This mentality caries on past local neighbourhoods and into the entire
society, men who help other men to build their house will expect both food and the
favour in return, clans who give a young woman as a wife to another will receive
feasts and gifts for the children she bears. With the introduction of money into this
culture relations became more complicated but the root of the system remains the
same. Young people who go off to work and make money bring back gifts of clothes
and other amenities when they visit home for the entire village. They could also host
family members at their city houses for months at a time. In this culture the greatest
threats are those who refuse to participate out of greed, these selfish people are a
threat to the community and would be considered dead to even their own
Examples Of Preservation Of Titanic
I think the titanic should be preserved because it s decayin right now. The titanic
should be preserved because it s rusting away. The people that died on the ship,
their family mite want it preserved. They might want a peice to remember, and that
everybody will remember. The titanic could be in a mueseum and let everybody
remember it and what happened in 1912. This was the biggest ship in 1912, and
over a thousand people died. This ship should go down in history. This is a history
telling of the titanicthe people that died family s would want that to happen. If they
preserve the titanic, it would go down in history. All of the artifacts they will find in
the titanic will be extrodinary. They will find family airlooms that
Susan B Anthony In The Progressive Era
The Progressive Era was full of people wanting to change their surroundings and laws
in life. There were abolitionists, women s rights activists, education reformists, and
many other titles that people took to change the inhumane lives that they were being
lead by. One woman in particular, Susan B. Anthony, took on more than just one of
these titles. She took on much more than most others would or could have.
Anthony was born in February of 1820 in Adams, Massachusetts. She was raised in a
Quaker family with activist traditions. Having been brought up in this kind of
household she learned at a young age what was moral and had a keen sense of justice.
Growing up in a Quaker household Anthony was taught that drinking liquor was
While ... Show more content on ...
The legislature refused as most of the 28,000 signatures were those of women and
children. This act on the State legislatures part led to Anthony and Stanton s
movement of women s suffrage.
Another one of Susan B. Anthony s greatest impacts is her importance in women s
suffrage. After her and Stanton s petition for more laws on limiting the sales of
alcohol was declined because the amount of women s signatures was greater than the
amount of men s
Anthony became greatly infuriated on the point that woman had no say in the
government. In
1866, Stanton and Anthony founded the American Equal Rights Association and
started printing a newspaper in Rochester, The Revolution, in 1868. In 1869 the
suffrage movement split, with
Anthony and Stanton s National Association continuing to campaign for a
constitutional amendment, and the American Woman Suffrage Association adopting
a strategy of getting the vote for women on a stateВbyВstate basis. Wyoming became
the first territory to give women the vote in 1869. In the 1870 s Anthony campaigned
vigorously for women s right to vote, and
Emma Perkins Creative Writing
Weird. Amusing. Odd. These words would describe my best friend. Emma Perkins
is one of my best friends. She seems to be always there when I do something stupid
or dangerous. She could as well be the cause. One night, an idea had struck me. This
would not end well for me or for those who I would choose to involve.
First, a plan had fully formed the night before I was to execute it. The plan
involved a ton of different memes and paper. The memes ranged from ancient to
dead to recent. For half an hour, I was cutting out memes and coloring them. In
between the meme cutting, I was attempting to fold a paper box to fit the memes
inside. The memes were barely enough to fulfill the empty space in the box. I
added more memes like doge. I finally was finished with a final product. The final
product would serve as an engagement ring and box. I was going to propose to
Emma Perkins.
The next day, I ... Show more content on ...
It started when a few acquaintances and friends started clapping and cheering.
Suddenly, the entire lunchroom erupted with clapping. I was laughing and dying on
the ground, well not literally. I was highly embarrassed as I was expecting it to just
between Emma and I. One question rose to my mind. Why were people clapping?
Emma and I both looked at each other with a questionable look. It wouldn t be long
before people started swarming closer. The lunch lady questioned us about what had
occurred. My friend answered. More questions were asked. A majority of them was
about what exactly happened and if we were dating. Throughout the day, we were
referred to as the lesbian couple and many curious on what our relationship was. That
was a very amusing day.
Why did I think that was a good idea? Ever since that day, people still think that we
are dating. I learned that all my ideas are not good ideas. Some are worse than
others. Now, Emma and I have an interesting memory added to the memories of
stupid things that we did
Papyrus Comparison
Papyrus stood on the edge of Snowdin. Yes, This was truly a much better way to
capture the human. An even playing field, giving the human a proper chance to
defend themselves. Although it would be a futile effort, as there was no way The
Great Papyrus could lose to such a small creature. But the human would have the
satisfaction of knowing they tried their very best. Then they would begrudingly
shake his hand, declaring that they would train even harder and defeat The Great
Papyrus once and for all, resulting in a lifelong passionate friendship built on
respect, admiration, and rivalry! This was the best way to form a friendship. Undyne
had told him so several times, usually as she was crying over the phone about a new
human history book... Show more content on ...
Which, really, was quite rude of them, leaving without so much as a note telling
him where they went. He would have to chide them for worrying their captor so.
And improve the facilities so that next time they wouldnt even want to leave.
Luckily, they were waiting for him at the same place they had their battle only
moments ago, giggling as though they had bested him in a game of some sort. i
suppose this proves what i said we really are bound together 2 bones in the skeletal
anatomy of fate thats how you appear here now even though its very impossible for
you to escape Amazing! i feel a sincere.... wait a second! I still have to capture you!
Whoopsie doopsie! The battle went exactly as the former did. Hopefully the human
would give up after being defeated so easily twice in a row, Papyrus thought, as he
carefully carried the unconscious human back into his capture zone, laid them
carefully on the doggie bed, and searched for something to help improve the
facilities a bit. When the human escaped a third time, met him in the exact same
spot, and once again lost without even attempting to fight or dodge, Papyrus found
himself becoming more and more exasperated. He had other things he wanted to do
today! His puzzles needed checked on! He needed to check and make sure Sans did
something today! And he had a training session planned with Undyne later
Peachtree 2010 Essay
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Peachtree by Sage Complete Accounting 2010 provides strong foundation accounting
for small businesses, plus features like job costing, time and billing, and thorough
inventory capabilities. Its multi user option helps improve productivity while
providing screen level security and a clear audit trail. More than 125 customizable
business reports and financial statements are available. Save time with simplified
navigation, integration with Microsoft Excel, multi tasking screens, and comparative
budgeting. Audit Trail helps you track errors and deter fraud. Achieve better business
results through accurate accounting and business controls with Peachtree by Sage
Complete Accounting 2010. The Peachtree complete ... Show more content on ...
Peachtree is compatible with Windows 2000 SP3, Vista and XP SP2. At the least,
Internet Explorer 6.0 is required for this program, but it is provided as long as you
have the extra 70 MB of space. For availability of the services of this accounting
system, you must have access to the Internet and a 56 Kbps modem at the very least.
Users of Peachtree by Sage had so many positive things to say about it. They were
very impressed with its capabilities to replace several accounting programs with just
one. They also noted that in comparison to other systems Peachtree is far more
affordable versus buying different systems for various uses. They praised the
versatility of this program with its multiple uses that supports multiple users.
The multiple user function is ideal for use by three or four people and if you
require something for a larger set up, there is a quantum version available. People
were impressed with the speed and stability displayed by the Peachtree system, as
well as its ability to make changes in inventory and keep track of expense tickets and
sales invoices.
Peachtree accounting software is an all around beneficial system for all types of
companies and individuals. With most accounting systems being too complex and
inflexible, Peachtree s smoothly run, convenient and user friendly system is a like a
breath of fresh air to its users. Is it any wonder why Peachtree Complete Accounting
2009 by Sage is the top choice worldwide?
Women s Rights By Judith Jarvis Thomson s A Defense Of...
Starting from centuries ago, leading up to the popular culture of today, there have
been numerous debates on the rights for humanity; more specifically women s
rights. What rights women should or should not have, as well as what rights women
do or do not have, has been expanding in almost all aspects of society in recent
years. In fact even in our most modern and well known political events was centered
around this topic, and that was our 2017 presidential election. Human rightsare
women s rightsand women s rights are human rights Says Hillary Clinton. However
what does the matter of women s rights entail? For instance, should abortionbe
considered one of the select inalienable rights for women? This topic of human rights,
... Show more content on ...
Because each individual state has their own set of laws beneath the federal line, there
are many technicalities that are now involved with the process making it somewhat
difficult, if not impossible, for a woman to receive an abortion. In fact, according to
The Guttmacher Institute, 45 states allow individual health care providers to refuse
to participate in an abortion, and 42 states allow institutions to refuse to perform
abortions. In other words, somewhat similar to the opinion of Thomson, an abortion
may only be performed if the physician or institute deem the circumstances right. This
is where I see the issue with circumstantial permissibility; it subliminally gives more
right to certain woman than to others. To explain this idea further one could examine
Thomson s first clear point in regards to her argument as well as the underlying
theme of her piece, human rights. Her first point is The right to life . She begins with
the question of whether the right to life holds more weight than the right to decide
what one does with one s own body. It is here that Thomson seems to open up a
multitude of sides for this argument; one s right to life may outweigh another s right
to their own body, some have more right to life than others depending on their
circumstances, some do not have more right to life than others depending on their
circumstances, etc. However, despite bringing these numerous positions into the
argument, she does
The Church Of England Was Only A Half R
Jessica Annobil
Mrs Harris
The Church of England was only a half reformed church in the period 1559 1603 . To
what extent is this statement valid? (45marks)
This statement is valid to a considerable extent. This is due to the fact that before
Elizabeth came to the throne her siblings had been before her, Edward VI (1547
53) and Mary I (1553 59), these two had a contrasting religious beliefs and both
implemented harsh penalties for those who did not conform to their religious reform.
This is one aspect of the Mid Tudor crisis which then creates a problem for Elizabeth
in enforcing religion successfully as Parliament now consisted of both
Catholics and Protestants. It is for this reason that some may consider the Church of
England to be ... Show more content on ...
But it was still not
Jessica Annobil
Mrs Harris
treasonable to be a Catholic priest. This shows the contradictions to the religious
system due to the
Elizabethan Religious Settlement s failure to establish a state religion. This control of
Protestant gentry in Parliament, referred to by J. Neale as a Puritan Choir , suggested
that there was grid lock within Parliament due to remnants of Edward VI s Protestant
Parliament in addition to Queen
Mary I s Catholic addition, meaning decisions would be hard to make and religious
reform would take time. As a result, we see there is a lot of proposed reform during
the middle years of
Elizabeth s reign, however very few of the proposed legislation is passed, for
example in 1571 2 there were bills introduced proposing further reform but none were
passed. This shows that though the radical Protestants had attempted to push for
reforms, Elizabeth I had blocked some, suggesting she did not want to reform the
Church of England using the radical Protestant ideals.
Though Elizabeth s aim was to return England to the Protestant faith, she declared
that she did not want to make windows into men s souls , meaning she didn t care
what people thought or believed, as long as they were outwardly Church of England
rather than Catholic. Suggesting
Elizabeth I may not have wanted to set a harsh doctrine in which people had to
follow, as Mary I
Negative Consequences Of Fighting In Hockey
It s All Fun and Games When Someone Gets Hurt
Since the beginning of hockey, fans have gone crazy for the entertainment fights
bring to the games. The punches thrown, blood drawn and players knocked out
certainly excites the crowd and are part of the culture of the game. In fact, it is so
widely accepted, that teams specifically hire big guys to be enforcers that protect the
rest of the team and throw the punches no one else cares to. Despite its duration in
the league, do these fights have negative consequences as well? Lately, there has
been great controversy over whether or not to continue to allow fighting in the
league. The N.H.L. hasn t declared any rule against fighting, but rather, has created a
set of rules to outline the penalties and define the responsibilities of fights (National
Hockey League: Official Rules 2014 2015). What the N.H.L. lacks, however, is a
statement with evidence to support why they have chosen to allow fighting. With the
current uproar, the League should consider the unfortunate facts and reassess their
decision. The official rules, specifically rule 46, cover everything ... Show more
content on ...
Still, should fighting in hockey be banned? Unfortunately, in order to bring a halt to
many of the issues that strike controversy today (e.g. concussions, depression,
anxiety, morality) it seems that an ultimatum against fighting in hockey is needed.
Truly, these issues need to be taken into consideration; they are too prevalent not to.
While the N.H.L. has written extensive rules to keep fights in control when they do
occur, the League has yet to explain any benefits from facilitating the fighting at all.
So whether the league decides to allow fighting or not, the decision should be made
and should be made with caution and appropriate evaluation of evidence. Clearly, the
evidence for banning fights is pervasive; thus, if the League desired that fighting
remain in
A Summary Of Hunting
Supporters of hunting state that most of the money earned from people coming in to
hunt goes to local communities, however those communities will almost never see
any of it. Many local communities hold charity or fundraising events by inviting
hunters to come hunt because they spend thousands to hunt one animal. For example,
the Namibian government held on of these fundraisers, and allowed the black rhino to
be hunted. They then claimed that the money went to a conservation for black rhinos,
but the money was nowhere to be found. This is a clear statement for how the money
really is going rather than what supporters of huntingclaim to be saying. According to
an article written by Teresa Telecky, she argues that even though lots of money is
Comparing Classical Music To Jean Paul Martini s
Besides for movies, popular song artists have also been inspired by classical tunes.
For example, Elvis Presley s iconic ballad Can t Help Falling in Love oddly has a
similar tune to Jean Paul Martini s Plaisir d amour. However, many listeners do
not realize it because they have not heard Martini s composition before. He wrote it
around 1776 as a French love song being one of the few classical pieces with lyrics
being sung operastyle (Faithfull, 2017). Almost 200 years later, Presley borrowed
the tune to craft his own love song. The slower tempo along with the major key for
both compositions created a lulling, ethereal, and passionate song. This shows that
classical musichas the ability to transcend time as well as meaning. Not only was
Presley... Show more content on ...
The composer must write out all the notes for each instrument, scores and parts
must be printed and distributed, players need to be hired and take time to rehearse,
venues and instruments must be rented, sound recorders must be purchased, and
final production of the piece occurs (Fineberg, 2006, p. 67). All of this and more is
invested into one composition that many teenagers will not ever hear. According
to a survey done by Stage of Life, only 3.9% of adolescents between the ages of 13
19 would consider classical music their preferred genre (Life, 2012). That means if
there are forty million teenagers in the United States, a little over 1.5 million
would willingly choose to listen to the piece. Comparatively, the same survey
found 18.4% preferred popular music a little less than 7.5 million teens. For pop
music, the NPR estimated a hit song to cost one million dollars to produce (Chase,
2011). In the grand scheme of things, disregarding how much it takes to produce
classical music, the profit will never be larger than pop music s profit. Yet it is still
being recorded, but why? As looked at before, classical music is still relevant and
used in modern media. Different compositions or elements are used to create a mood
that effectively combines what is happening on screen
Lilith Alternate Ending
Another Member of the Band There once was a girl named Lilith. She is an
outcast and lives on the streets. Lilith is often called name like, freak and fox girl.
She was part fox and everyone hated her for that. One day she was roaming the
streets and came across Freddy Fazbear s Pizza. It was dark and so the nightguard
was there. She snuck inside and looked around. Wow was all she could say, for she
had never seen a place like this. While she was looking around the nightguard
spotted her on the camera and thought she was an animatronic, because of her fox
ears and tail. He started freaking out since the camera didn t go static everytime she
moved. Now Lilith was now heading towards the office where the freaking out
nightguard was. When she got there the... Show more content on ...
Lilith fell asleep, in Foxy s arms, long before that. Foxy looked at her and smiled,
for she had been the only person who was not afraid of him. A couple minutes after
the pizzeria closed Lilith began to wake. When she woke up Foxy noticed the ears
and tail and asked her about it. She only sat there quiet. He sighed and thought of
an idea. Foxy asked her if she wanted to meet the others. Without a second thought
she jumped up and nodded excitedly. Foxy chuckled at her enthusiasm and walked
over to the main stage with her following. When she got to the stage she was
frightened for a second when they waved but then it soon turn into happiness.
Foxy and the others chuckled at how happy she was. Once they all introduced
themselves she told them her name and asked why Mike asked her if she was
going to kill him. They shook their heads and sighed. Chica was the first to speak
and she just gave a simple explanation. Lilith nodded and thought to herself, so that
s why I felt like there were other kids here. What she didn t realize was that she said it
aloud and all four of them heard her. They all gave her confused looks and she saw
this shook her head,
The Motor Effect
2.1 Motors use the effect of forces on current carrying conductors in magnetic fields
2.1.1 The motor effect
The motor effect is where a force acts on a current carrying conductor in a magnetic
The right hand palm rule is used to find certain properties: fingers point to magnetic
field, thumb points in DC direction and palm points to direction of the force.
2.1.2 Factors affecting the force acting on the current carrying conductor Forces are
experienced by the electrons in the conductor and are affected by: * Length of
conductor (longer conductor means more electrons hence more electrons
experiencing the force) * Strength of magnetic field (more force on electrons) *
Amount of current in conductor (more current ... Show more content on ...
ie there is a change of magnetic flux through a circuit. Faraday s experiment: Connect
a coil of many turns to a zero centered galvanometer. Move a small magnet in and out
of the coil and we can observe a small current is produced when the magnet is moved
but no current when there was no movement. By varying the speed (relative motion)
of the movement and strength of magnet, the galvanometer flickered more therefore
more current produced. Distance also affects this.
2.2.2 Magnetic field strength and magnetic flux density Magnetic flux density (B) is
a measure of the number of lines of force per unit area. It is also equivalent to the
strength of the magnetic field and is measured in Weber (Wb)
2.2.3 Magnetic flux Magnetic flux (П†) is a measure of the number of lines of force
emerging through an area. It is the product of magnetic flux density and area :
П†=BA measured in Webers (Wb)
2.2.4 Size of the induced emf The induced emf is proportional to the rate of change of
magnetic flux through the circuit.
2.2.5 Len s Law Len s law: the direction of the induced emf is such that it opposes
the change that produced it. Len s law is a consequence of the law of conservation of
energy because if the induced emf aided the motion, then the conductor would
accelerate causing a greater emf, which would cause further acceleration, etc ... an
infinite amount of energy would be created.
2.2.6 Len s Law and back emf
2.2.7 Back emf in electric motors
2.2.8 Eddy
Keynote-024 Case Study
The KEYNOTE 024 trial was designed by Merck representatives and academic
advisors. According to European legislation, Merck, as the Sponsor, designated, per
country, a national principal coordinator, responsible for coordinating the work of
the principal investigators at the different trial sites in each member state of the
multicentre trial, according to national regulations. Each coordinator agreed to
allow: 1) the respect of local laws, rules and regulations relating to the conduct of the
clinical trial; 2) a regulatory authority inspection of trial related documents and
procedures and 3) the access to all trial related source data and documents. The Code
of Conduct, a collection of goals and considerations that govern the ethical and
Homework Chapter 3 Essay
Multiple Choice
1) Module
2) Divide and Conquer
3) Header
4) Call
5) Return
6) Top down Design
7) Flowchart
8) Local Variable
9) Scope
10) Argument
11) Parameter
12) By Value
13) By Reference
14) Global variable
15) Global
True or False
1) False
2) True
3) True
4) False
5) True
6) False
7) False
8) True
9) True
10) False
11) True
12) False
Short Answers
1) You can call the module several times instead of writing it out each time.
2) The header is the starting point and the body is a list of statements that belong to
the module.
3) It will return back to its previous point in the program.
4) A local variableis declared inside the module only. Only the statements inside the
module can access it.
5) A ... Show more content on ...
Module main() call salesTax
End Module
Module salesTax(Integer Value)
Declare Integer tax
Set tax = value * 0.02 * 0.04
Display tax
End Module
3. How Much Insurance? Many financial experts advise that property owners should
insure their homes or buildings for at least 80 percent of the amount it would cost to
replace the structure. Design a modular program that asks the user to enter the
replacement cost of a building and then displays the minimum amount of insurance he
or she should buy for the property.
Module main()
Call amount
Display cost
End Module
Module amount
Declare Integer cost
Display Enter price
Set cost = value * .80
End Module
4. Automobile Costs Design a modular program that asks the user to enter the
monthly costs for the fol lowing expenses incurred from operating his or her
automobile: loan payment, in surance, gas, oil, tires, and maintenance. The program
should then display the total monthly cost of these expenses, and the total annual cost
of these expenses.
Module main()
Declare Integer number
Display Enter loan
Input loan
Declare Integer number
Display Enter insurance
Input insurance
Declare Integer number
Display Enter gas
Input gas
Declare Integer number
Display Enter oil
Input oil
Declare Integer number
Display Enter tires
Input tires
Declare Integer number
Display Enter maintenance
Input maintenance
Call totalCost(
Medieval Warfare and the Medieval Weapons Used
Medieval Warfare And The Weapons Used
Back in the middle ages the world was a completely different place, full of dangers
around every corner such as cutthroats and thugs, thieves, and sneaky killers, our
world today still has dangers such as those, though they may not be as plentiful, they
are definitely as dangerous if not worse.
So this is where we shall start to get lost into a barrage of info on medieval warfare,
and the weapons used in the battles fought during this age.
During the time from 476 CE and the 14th century warfare was completely different
from what it is today. Today warfare is carried out from long distances usually, with
modern guns, and even missiles that can be launched from thousands of miles away
to decimate the opposing forces, there is even vehicles with mounted guns which are
motor driven that can also be used to fight enemy forces. But that is today and we
are talking about yesterday, or about a thousand years ago.
During the middle ages we fought mainly hand to hand combat with melee weapons
such as swords, daggers, spears, axes, and clubs. but we still had some ranged
weapons in our arsenal during that time, such as bows, crossbows, throwing spears,
and throwing axes, we even had some explosives that could be used during that time
such as cannons and small hand grenades they might have been pretty
underdeveloped and primitive, but they were very advanced at that time. but with
weapons and the threat of attack there is also defensive
Compare And Contrast John Lewis And H M
Different companies follow different approaches of their management and leadership.
It depends on different variables like different structures and types of organizations
etc. This different approach of management and leadership allows us to know where
improvements are needed and what particular style might be the most beneficial for
the company. This report is about the topic stated above using the two renowned
companies our John Lewis and H M.
Effectiveness of Different Leadership at John Lewis
John Lewis is also known as John Lewis Partnership because all its permanent
employees are also partners of the firm. It is Britain s one of the successful retail
shop that employs over 69,000 people. The company has a democratic leadership and
... Show more content on ...
He claimed that this theory is to encourage production efficiency and productivity.
According to his theory Taylor says that inefficiency can be controlled through
scientific management of production. This theory is defined as concerned with
knowing exactly what you want men to do and then see in that they do it in the best
and cheapest way . Taylor said scientific management affects both workers and
employers, and stresses the control of the labor force by management. This theory is
applicable to all kind of organization. Taylor s scientific theory is based on four
principles: (Scientific Management: Theories, Principles Definition,
Character Analysis Of King Loar s King Lear
Audiences love knowing who is the villain of a story. There s a certain power in
seeing something not visible to the other characters, recognizing a seed of hatred
blooming behind the scenes. It brings a sense of satisfaction, actively rooting against
the antagonist so that the hero can win. Seeing the difference between good and bad
isn t easy in real life, but in a fictional world all of the rules change, and the audience
knows the truth. In King Lear, Goneril and Regan, daughters to the king, are almost
immediately cemented into the role of antagonists due to characters reactions to
them and insider knowledge the audience gains when listening to their private
talks. However, we only make this leap because certain characters in the play want
us to. But what if those characters are wrong? Maybe the world of the play already
believes Goneril and Regan are the villains, but as an outside audience we have the
option to give the sisters a chance to prove themselves. Looking at their actions,
listening to their words, nothing about the two sisters implies that they re
bloodthirsty or traitors to their family. Instead, Regan and Goneril instead seem to
be protecting themselves from an unloving and possibly abusive father. In the first
scene of the play, Goneril, Regan, and Cordelia must tell their dad how much they
love him in order to receive their inheritance. Goneril and Regan flatter their dad
extensively, but Cordelia refuses to speak because her love is too great to put
Instructional Programs For Technology Education
To develop meaningful instructional programs for technology education, goals need
to be in place to direct the outcomes of curriculum development and teaching. They
go beyond everyday teaching objectives; they are directed at long term learning and
programmatic outcomes.
Performance standards measure how much of the content the student is proficient.
Opportunity to learn standards ensure the learning is student focused, everyone has a
right to education and that education should be learner centered. For an educational
technology standard to be most effective it needs to recognize these three standards.
International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) has accomplished this with
its National Educational Technology Standards (NETS). The standards provided by
NETS provide a comprehensive set of goals to encourage a technology integrated
Introducing educational technology into the developing world is multidimensional
and requires many basic issues to be recognized and addressed. It is becoming
recognized that telecentres and the use of ICT in developing countries to assist in
meeting the Millennium Development Goals is becoming increasingly viable.
Focus Area #1: Technology Operations and Concepts
Throughout this program, you have developed your technical skills by using various
tools, applications, hardware, and software such as the Internet, Microsoft Word,
Excel, and PowerPoint. You have also used a Web editor along with other Web based
What Is The Diction In East Of Eden
In John Steinbeck s, East of Eden, the characters go through difficult obstacles to
get to where they want to be in their lives; whether the obstacles are internal or
external. In this passage, one can see the conflict that Charles has within himself
when writing to Adam, his half brother. This is done by the authors use of
graceless diction, by choosing words like scratch, splash, and race, giving Charles
letter a distressed or hurried tone, his repeated use of dashes throughout the
passage, making Charles seem unsure of what to say, and his chilling use of
similes when describing the house through Charles eyes. Steinbeck does this in
order to make Charles seem on edge due to his solitude on the farm. In this
passage, Steinbeck tells the reader that Charles is distressed, by his word choice.
One can see how Charles is hurting, due to the fact that he is all alone and is left to
reflect on himself and his actions. The words scratch, splash, and race, give the
audience a rushed feeling; when the pen breaks, so does he. All of a sudden Charles
has so many thoughts; his brain is working faster than his pencil can write. This shows
... Show more content on ...
When Charles writes, It s like the whole house was alive and eyes everywhere, and
like there were people behind every door just ready to come in if you looked away,
it shows the paranoia he feels. The thought of the house and the people hiding,
judging him makes Charles feel even more alone then he already is. That is why
he is reaching out to his brother by writing to him. The watching eyes represent the
animosity he feels towards himself. By being alone, he realizes the kind of person
he really is. Steinbeck does this in order to show complexity in Charles character.
When writing to Adam, he asks himself if who he is, is by his choice or by a higher
being. This appeals to the free will or fate theme that goes throughout the
Essay on Citizen Kane Scene Analysis
Citizen Kane Scene Analysis The scene we re analyzing starts off with a shot of
the New York Daily Inquirer. It s a close shot, taking up the entire screen. I feel this
close up is to show the viewer that the newspaper company is going to be the
primary focal point for Kane, and his two partners at this point in the film. After
the close up, the camera pans down to show Kane and Leland sitting in a car looking
up at the building. Kane says Take a good look at it Jedidiah, it s going to look a lot
different one of these days. Despite the look on Kane s face being one of optimism
and promise, this statement gives leeway to all of the bad things to follow. Kane
specifically says, look a lot different as opposed to anything else (i.e.... Show more
content on ...
Mr. Carter, the bewildered editor in chief, who is confused by which man is Kane,
meets both gentlemen, where Kane introduces himself and Leland, whom he
reiterates is his dramatic critic . Kane seems a little taken back from the formality
of the situation as the entire floor is standing due to his arrival, and after he
requests everyone to be seated, he is off the races so to speak completely changing
the environment of the company. The scene immediately becomes chaotic with
Bernstein falling into the room, the dialogue being loud, and hurried, whimsical
music being played, and a very broken conversation being had between Kane and
Mr. Carter at the entrance to his office, while people are moving things into the
office. The next shot is a continuation of showing how Kane is making immediate
changes to the company. It starts with Kane sitting at his desk (Mr. Carter s
previous office), while a weary and exasperated Mr. Carter standing at the desk,
being given another broken and chaotic conversation, while Leland interrupts with a
cartoon drawing, Kane interrupts twice in regards to being hungry, and Bernstein
budding in to agree with Kane. The conversation is about a missing persons report
that was in The Chronicle, a rival newspaper, and Kane is telling Mr. Carter that he
wants it covered by the Inquirer as
Singing In The Rain Analysis
The film Singing in the Rain was produced in 1952 but still takes the world with
storm. The musical film, which was directed by Gene Kelly and Donen Stanley stars
Donald O Connor, Gene Kelley, Jean Hagen, and Debbie Reynolds has a lot for the
audiences to desire and learn from. The film presents a skillful use of setting, music,
makeup, costumes and standard photography (Cannon 2). The piece combines many
effects together to catch the attention of the audiences. In fact, the viewers enjoy both
the musical part and the visual element separately, something that makes it a well
thought piece. In other words, it is both a romantic piece, though a smog as well.
Being a musical film, Singing in the Rain represents a classical music, making it an
An Evaluation Of The Uncertainty Of Precipitation Type...
Herein, an evaluation of the uncertainty of precipitation type observations and its eect
on the validation of forecast precipitation type is undertaken.The forms of uncertainty
considered are instrument/observer bias and horizontal/temporal representivity of the
observations.Instrument/observer biases are assessed by comparing observations
from the Automated Surface Observing Station (ASOS) and meteorological
Phenomena Identification Near the Ground (mPING) networks.Relative to the
augmented ASOS, mPING observations are biased toward ice pellets(PL) and away
from rain (RA).Consequently, when mPING is used to validate precipitationtype
forecasts, the Probabilities of Detection (PODs) for RA (PL) are decreased
(increased) relative to those... Show more content on ...
Forecasts of precipitation type are created by post processing algorithms that are
applied to numerical model output.Hence, errant diagnoses may be a product of poor
algorithm assumptions.There is a wide range of approaches and degrees of
complexity to precipitation type algorithms.Some use bulk properties from the
temperature and humidity profiles (eg.Baldwin et al.1994; Bourgouin 2000;
Schuur et al.2012; Elmore et al.2015b; Chenard et al.2015), others attempt to
calculate or infer the liquid water content of falling hydrometeors (Ramer 1993; Czys
et al.1996; Reeves et al.2016), while still others use mixing ratios from microphysical
parameterization schemes as the primary discriminant (ThВґeriault et al.2010; Ikeda
et al.2013).As a result, dierent algorithms may produce very dierent results,
particularly when the environmental temperature is near 0C (Manikin et al.2004;
Manikin 2005; Reeves et al.2014).In some cases, strong biases exist.For example,
the Baldwin algorithm has a well known bias toward PL.The Ramer algorithm is
known to be biased toward FZRA and the algorithm described in Schuur et al.(2012)
is strongly
Twelfth Night Tropes
In like manner,Shakespeare s tragedies:Comedies like Twelfth Night as well suffer
from the same problem as Hamlet and Macbeth where tropes are not transferred as
well and usual is mistaken as an original property of the person who copies the
tropes from any shakespeare s many works .Tropes that are within Twelfth Nightare
the Woman who disguises herself for a man,Separation of sibling due to some
conflict, and Climax that leads to all problems getting resolved.The last one is quite
broad,but is usual result in movies who take uses the play s model.Movies who put
to uses such tropes are following:Just One of the
Guys,She s The Man,Mulino,and Parent Trap.Each one these exemplify the tropes
found within the play Twelfth Night .Taking look at one... Show more content on ...
play; the siblings share the common thread of separation that is shared by the main
Voila and her brother Sebastian where the two are separated the at the hands of a
storm in that leads to Viola take on a new persona to survive their new
environment is similar the two twin sisters becoming two separate people due to
the rift formed by the divorce that acts as the movie wreck.The Movie Mulan ,a
disney film,use the trop that resurfaces throughout shakespeare s works
disguises.The main character Mulan whilst being a nobleman daughter such as
the cause voila;Mulan and Voila in both stories dawn roles a males due to ensure
their safety.Though both differ in reasoning shows how flexibility of this trope
being able to shift for what is needed a plot.Mulan take a firm manly persona in
order to protect her father from being drafted back into the war against the
mongols.The Causes of Voila to develop her male character is due to more of a
necessity being highlighted in the fact she had to survive after near death encounter
with a wreck.Voila male personality and creation is not solely something she creates
on her own but a device the captain helps create, and is the person who set in motion
trying suggest the
Dialogue In The Pigman And Stop The Sun
Love me or hate me, both are in my favor...If you love me, I ll always be in your
heart...If you hate me, I ll always be in your mind. William Shakespeare. By using
dialogue, the author helps visualize the feeling in the conversations. In the stories
The Pigman by Paul Zindel and Stop The Sun by Gary Paulsen, the authors used
dialogue to develop the setting, personalities, and characters in the stories. In The
Pigman, the author uses dialogue to develop the seriousness of the conversations.
In the story, the author uses dialogue to show how bad a conversation can get by
writing Do you realize I ve been trying to get your mother for an hour and a half and
the line s been busy? Bore bellowed. Those things happen. I was talking
For-Profit Colleges Case Study
1.What do for profit colleges and what particular group do for profit colleges appear
to be marketing to?
For profit schools, through clever showcasing, guarantee another opportunity for
those who ve gotten off track, a brighter future for those trapped in an endless cycle,
and no less than, a school instruction custom fitted to the individuals who don t have
sufficient energy, cash, or capacity to attend a local college or university.
What are the pros and cons of for profit college institutions?
For profit establishments have a tendency to have much more night, end of the week,
and online courses than they re not revenue driven partners. In the event that booking
around work or childcare is an issue in your family unit, the additional ... Show more
content on ...
That implies their understudies regularly get their confirmation or affirmation
significantly more rapidly than they would at a conventional school or college.
While for profit colleges have gained credibility in many different industries, there
are still fields of work where they are not viewed as adequate. Ensure you have
explored the field you need to think about completely with the goal that you know
precisely how potential managers will respond to a degree from a for profit college.
If you are the kind of individual who likes sitting in a classroom with an educator
and kindred understudies, be careful. Most for profit organizations are vigorously
centered around online courses. That is the manner by which they re ready to be so
adaptable with planning and course stacks. Consider deliberately what your best
realizing condition is before you select.
For profit colleges are not generally cheap. Some will cost you the same amount of
as a private college. Know that any training credits you take out should be paid back
in the long run, regardless of whether you graduate or not. Precisely consider your
money related circumstance deliberately before
Marketing Strategy of Bionade Essay
I Marketing Strategy Plan
1 Company and Product
1.1 Company overview
The BIONADE GmbH is a small German manufacturer and distributor of the organic
lemonade brand Bionade . The family owned enterprise has 107 employees and is
located in
Ostheim, a small town in the northern Bavaria region of Germany. Sigrid Peter
Leipold is the industrial business manager, owner and executive manager of the
Privat Brauerei Peter KG
Associate Partner and the BIONADE GmbH and BIONADE International GmbH .1
As an offshoot of the private beer brewery (Rhoehnpils), the BIONADE GmbH was
incorporated in
1995. The brewery master in this time Dieter Leipold invented the beverage,
especially the technical producing process. It is made by a ... Show more content on ...
в‡’пЂ Increase sales twice in the next year up to 33 million litres in 2007.
в‡’пЂ Increase market share of the domestic soft drink market up to 0.14% in 2007.
в‡’пЂ Increase marketing budget up to 8 % of turnover from 2007.
в‡’пЂ International market entrance start in 2007
в‡’пЂ Further research on new products
The current external environmental forces are mainly support the organisation s
Changed consumer patterns regarding a higher consumption of healthy food, as
well as the faster lifestyle and the bad image of global companies in the group of
younger adults are the main reasons for the increased sales of Bionade. The brand
is characterised as unique, innovative, healthy, value added, credible, social and
green . The marketing strategy is based on a mass market penetration strategy in the
domestic market and a new market entry strategy in the international markets. The
main objective is to keep the current competitor advantages of the unique product
in hole. Increase brand awareness and sales by the development of the product line.
The product line will be extended by new package sizes and materials. A 0,33 l and a
0,5 l PET bottles are planned to make the product more practicable for sportive and
on the street users.
To increase brand awareness classical advertising (print and radio), free
Essay On Electronic Vehicle Control
Electronic Stability Control (ESC) ESC systems sense parameters such as yaw
rate, steering wheel angle and lateral acceleration in order to detect differences
between the intended and actual path of the vehicle. The system is then linked to
the ABS and engine management system in order to differentially apply the brakes
and/or reduce the engine power to individual wheels, thus generating yaw
moments to correct the vehicles path. These systems are known by a variety of
other proprietary names such as Vehicle Dynamic Controller (VDC) and Vehicle
Stability Control (VSC) but are referred to generically as ESC in this report.
Market penetration of ESC systems was estimated at 27% in Europe in 2002, and
is expected to reach 50% in Europe by 2007 (Reed Electronics Research, 2003).
Previous research indicates that ESC significantly reduced instability in test
manoeuvres where substantial instability was encountered. It also suggests that ESC
does not influence vehicle behaviour when a driver attempts to operate outside the
physical limits of the vehicle. No significant disbenefits of ESC systems were found,
and clear evidence of positive influence on safety and accident reduction was cited
(Grover Knight, 2005). ESC is also now strongly recommended to all consumers by
the EuroNCAP organisation (EuroNCAP, 2005). It is suggested that ESC must work
to constrain vehicle behaviour to that expected by normal human driving behaviour. It
does this either by producing similar
Racial Identity And Ethnic Identity
Paper One My racial identity and ethnic identity are tied to my everyday
experiences as an African American. I identify as African American or black
because it s my culture. I born by two black parents and grew up in a black
household. Although I was often told by my parents that I m black, I would say
that the term Black was given to me before I even entered the world. The term Black
was given to Africans by Europeans when they took us as slaves to the Americas.
Ever since then, the one drop rule applied to anyone with African heritage in the
United States. In What White Supremacist taught a Jewish Scholar About Identity by
Abby L. Ferber, she proves that raceis a social construct. While researching the
readings of white... Show more content on ...
However, no matter how much Asian Americans assimilate into mainstream America
through economic gains, White Americans will still view Asian Americans as non
My other identities directly impact my experience as being black because I deal
with heterosexism everyday. Furthermore, because I identity as a man and was
born male, I don t experience cissexism nor sexism. All of my identities are
important to me because it makes me who I am and includes me with others who
share my identity. For example, in Why Are All The Black Kids Sitting Together by
Beverly Daniel Tatum, she explains the reasoning behind why black students sit
together in the cafeteria. Tatum states that the reason why is because they all
understand each other experiences. Unlike people who don t share my identities, I
am able to relate to those that do and share my experiences. In the end, this creates a
safe place for me because I know my thoughts are valid and understood.
Although my identities create shared experiences, sometimes it conflicts with those
who don t share my identities. In some cases, I assume people view me as a
stereotypical black person because I m black. In Defining Racism by Tatum, she talks
about how people can internalize stereotypes because of racism. Growing in the
United States, the
My Weaknesses Of A Writer
I have a good deal of weakness like using too many clauses or using different
clauses that I do not need in sentences. Sometimes I over use the same words, using
different constructions of sentences, using a passive voice when it is not need, and
have a problem proofreading. I also have some good strengths as a writer, like staying
on topic, choosing a great title, and being a detailed writer. I may have more
strengths and weakness but some of those I not aware of and would like to know so
I can become a better writer.
When writer a paper I like to use different words from the words I always use. I
would search for different words but sometimes when I use a new word it does not
go with the sentence so then I will use the same word yet again. Another weakness
for me I think I some over use clauses. I would like to be able to know when I
should delete words or sentences. Like when I am, using is or are I think of ways to
either delete the sentence or add something in the sentences to make it sound better.
When using phrase that mentions a word in a sentence should closely follow that
word but sometimes I do not notice it right away until I use it again. ... Show more
content on ...
Sometimes I think that the person that is reading my paper does not understand what
I am trying to say. I know I am a detailed writer so sometimes when the person
reading cannot connect to what I am writing about I get frustrated. When I am
writing I get like to get straight to the point, I want my readers to connect with me
and to finish reading my story. At times, I oversee noticeable errors, like sentences
with grammatical errors that I should have caught to either correct it or remove it
from my writing. Proofreading is one of my biggest weakness as a writer that I
would love to work on and become better writer or find different strategies to help me
in this
Intellectual Disabilities In The 60 s Analysis
Intellectual Disabilities in the 60 s
Constance de Leon
Touro University
Concept Analysis Behaviorism
Briel Josephson
January 15, 2017 Intellectual Disabilities in the 60 s
Disabilities were viewed in many different ways by different societies and even
differently by different families within a society. After WWII the view of different
types of people changed. Views on people with disabilities changed because of the
number of veterans who returned with physical and mental disabilities and because
the number of people with disabilities who were employed for the first time in the
war effort. Another reason that people with disabilities were viewed differently was
because President Roosevelt was unable to walk because of polio. President Kennedy
had a sister that had an intellectual disability. So people began to view people with
disabilities differently. My familyalso viewed disabilities differently than most
families. My brother, Sammy, who was born in 1955 had Down s syndrome. My
grandmother had a sister named Bam that had an intellectual disability. This caused
our family to view intellectual ... Show more content on ...
These included candy wreaths, an annual rummage sale, United Way donations,
Women s Club and special events which included a concert by recording stars.
There were also personal donations. My grandparents (Eddie and Rose White)
donated the land the building was built on. The center served 25 children and classes
were taught from 9:00 to 11:30 am five days a week. The center had one full time
teacher and the rest of the staff were volunteers. I remember volunteering. The town
and community supported the Training Center. The children that went there had
varying disabilities. When the schools were required to include these children in the
early 70 s, the school district bought the training center and the land it was on from
the Society for Exceptional Children. ( Portales News Tribune,
The Importance Of Education For A Company s Chief...
Although schooling is extremely important it is not the only thing people need in
order to become a company s chief executive. There are many skills that are helpful
to have in this particular career. A person must be organized because of all the
planning they will have to be doing, have patience due to the stressful obstacles that
will surely be in the way, which ties in directly with problem solving. Also, they
would be dealing with a lot of people so speaking skills and communication is
something that they can definitely not struggle with. The abilities a chief executive
must obtain are written expression, speech clarity and recognition, written
composition and deductive reasoning, and oral comprehension (O Net). All of which
will help move a person move ahead of competitive peers.
When the group discussed relocating to other states Florida and New York were our
top choices. The Bureau of Labor Statistics say that 13,970 people are currently are
employed as chief executives in Florida. For entry positions the average pay is
$202,300 a year. This is very good pay however, the growth level in the next five to
ten years is barely 2.4% (Bureau of Labor Statistics). Which is not very promising
for a person with this career goal in mind. In New York, they currently employ
17,060 people as this type of executive. The Bureau of Labor Statistics also says
they have a better growth rate at 3.8%, but still not very promising for those going
into this career. The pay in New York is
Comparing The Epics And The Epic Heroes
Comparison of the Epics In every epic, there are common themes that present
themselves throughout the story, such as war. The epics Gilgamesh, Beowulf, and
The Mahabharata, share similar characteristics in terms of their strength, values, and
journeys. In each of the epics that will be discussed, there is the occurrence of
fighting for honor and to have a legacy. The epic heroes follow many of the
guidelines that Joseph Campbellhas written in his book Herowith a Thousand Faces.
Joseph Campbell believed that the stages of a hero were to have a call to
adventure, he is introduced in his ordinary world, he is hesitant and may not want
to fulfill his mission, the person is encouraged by someone old and wise, the
person is committed to their journey, there are tests and people to help the hero,
the hero faces his last, challenging quest, he potentially faces death, the hero
survives his journey and is rewarded in some way, he has a journey back to his
home and could face more danger, the hero is transformed by his experience, and
the hero brings back treasures. Gilgamesh shows the characteristics of hero
according to Joseph Campbell because he faces many challenging quests in
particular his most dangerous is going to the king and queen of (idk) (where) to find
the secret of immortality, Gilgamesh survives his journey back from (where),
Gilgamesh is transformed because he becomes less shellfish, on the journey home he
could have possibly been in danger because of the deadly
Chewing Gum Comparison
Contrast to what most people believe, chewing gum is ancient. There has been
evidence of man chewing tree sap as far back as the ancient Greeks. The Greeks
used resien from the mastic tree as an early form of gum. It wasn t until 1848 that
John B. Curtis saw the potential of producing gum. His first product was called State
of Maine Pure Spruce Gum. Curtis was not the only one who saw the potential in
gum. Thomas Adams was working with chicle, which is sap from the sophodilla tree,
to use as a substitute for rubber. He eventually gave up and added flavoring to his
mixture, creating chewing gum. In 1871 Adams invented a machine with the sole
purpose of producing chewing gum. Since the time of Curtis and Adam, chewing
gum has changed. Some qualities... Show more content on ...
Powdered sugar is used as a coating to keep the gum from sticking to the machinery.
The chewing gum is then transported to a temperature controlled room until it is the
right consistency, and then wrapped and packaged. After the gum is packaged it is
ready to be distributed to the public. There are many different kinds of gum that can
be grouped into three different classifications. Each classification targets different
ages and needs of the consumer. The first classification is bubble gum. Bubble gum
targets the younger generation with its sweet and colorful characteristics. Knowing
how to blow an air bubble in the elastic treat is a trick every child must learn.
Chewing gum is meant for most ages. It have a minty flavor that freshens breath and,
in some brands, kills bacteria. The only downside to chewing gum is that it is not as
rubbery as bubblegum, which makes blowing bubbles difficult. The last classification
is medicated gum. Medicated gum can be used to quickly get medication into your
bloodstream. Other medication gums, like nicotine gum, are used to cure an unhealthy
Avatar Research Paper
The Avatar humanoid race of Na vi connects to Eywa, the guiding force and deity of
their planet Pandora, through their braid, or queue. The Na vi species couples with
the Eywa entity, or in my words consciousness, to keep the planet s ecosystem in
balance, to download memories and knowledge, and to communicate with deceased
ancestors. These Avatars are connected to a network of knowledge and data through
the shared symbiotic relation they have with the land of the planet, and the Eywa
consciousness. In the film Avatar, the human earthspecies is add odds with the culture
of this planet, as the Avatars are connected to their world in such a symbiotic
dimension our human selves simply cannot understand the nature of their species. My
overarching... Show more content on ...
The focus of the experiment was on the inward reflection that transpires while
undergoing the psychoactive affects of the substance. The researches conducted the
experiment in an ideal environment for the participants to counter any potential
adverse affects. Overall, the experiences the subjects went through were so vivid and
profound the positive affects were sustained long after the experiment concluded.
Structured interviews followed up the subject s experiences and all information and
affects were verified. The substantial and enduring affects of psilocybin have been
shown in cigarette smokers seeking discontinuation, cancer patients suffering from
depression and anxiety due to life ending distress, and even in the enhancement of
long term meditators mystical experiences. The basic finding of the research is
psilocybin can influence mystical experiences having positive long term implications
on ones life (T, 2016). Scientific research is enabling the consequences and effects of
these substances to be known, actualized, and verified. As mentioned in the research
findings, The fact that psilocybin can occasion most people studied to have mystical
type experiences almost identical to those occurring naturally, raises the matter that
United Airlines Case Analysis Essay
Business Strategy
1. United Airlines is owned by the UAL Corporation and was incorporated on
December 30, 1968. The actual company was formed may years before this
actually in 1925 and was a private mail carrying service between Pasco, Washington,
and Elko, Nevada, and from these humble beginnings they formed a were able to
start a company that would come to be a global leader in the airline service. From the
1960 s to the 1980 s the company had 6 different presidents and started to expand
and venture into different aspects of business other then airlines and were unable to
have any success. These companies that they purchased were not a success and were
later resold.
During the late 1980 s United purchased the Pan American Airways... Show more
content on ...
2. United Airlines likes to use strategic planning to try and stay ahead of the
competition but in its history it has not always worked. United Airlines has tried to
make mergers without the approval of the union and were not able to complete it
when the department of justice said that the merger would not happen because it
would bring a loss in competition. One of the things that has helped the business,
is that they use a hub and spoke method for their passengers. This allows the
company to provide many different air ports and terminals that its customers can
use and also helps to stream line flight schedules and saves the company millions
of dollars every year. Partnering with these major companies to form a global
alliance helps to circumvent national laws, share resources to develop additional
routes and global marketing strategies. The major alliances were Star, Oneworld,
SkyTeam, and Wings. The agreememnt that these companies made to work together
saved all of the millions of dollars and was able to help all of the companies to
compete globally.
3. Obviously one of the biggest financial impacts that the company has faced was the
terrorist attacks on September 11th and the financial and economic impact that this
event caused on its own. United airlines responded to the attacks by installing bullet
proof doors on all the cockpits and
What Is Adolf Hitler s Role In The Third Reich
Alex Dutton
Reading/Language Arts
12 January, 2014
Adolf Hitler and his role in the Third Reich
The topic that I chose was Identify Adolf Hitler and his role in the Third Reich.
Adolf Hitler was an Austrian born German politician that was also the leader of the
Nazi Party. He was a decorated veteran of World War 1. Hitler joined the German
Worker s Party in 1919. Hitler had a side of him that was good and during his
imprisonment in the mid 1920 s he wrote his memoir, Mein Kampf which means (my
struggle). Hitler had gained his popularity from the support on attacking the Treaty of
Versailles and promoting the Pan Germanium for the Nazi Propaganda.
The Third Reich was Hitler s Government. After Hitler was appointed Chancellor of
Germany he had begun to eliminate all political oppositions and their powers.
Hitler s role is the Third Reich was leader. He is the one who brought the
government to Germany and made it possible. Adolf s rise in power wasn t of the
quick side. He ran for control three times and out of those three two times he lost to
his opponent who was president at that time Paul von Hindenburg. Hitler took office
in the year 1934 until the year 1945 when he died because of suicide. ... Show more
content on ...
With Hitler having all of the control over the government he set up a systematic
suppression. While Hitler was a not so nice man some if not all the people in the
world were shocked when Hitler had one of the best anti smoking advertisements. He
was opposed to smoking and didn t like it at all. On top of all of that he was spared a
life when he fell into a lake and a priest of all people saw him fall in and saved him.
Now if this was after all of the horrible things that he has done then it may have been
a different
Non Violence Quotes
I intend on believing non violent acts of retreat justifying righteous strategies; which
persuades society to create a common bond. Therefore, by resisting towards your
opponent your able to present a spiritual conscious mind. In this case it inspires others
to join the event. If your able to kill them with kindness it usually exceeds their
limitation of source to continue on. As Martin Luther King has speak on his behalf
We are out to defeat injustice and not white persons who may be unjust. As Martin
Luther King stated to gain the perceptions of others you must mentally break down
your opponent by showing them you can bypass all of their malicious acts. His quote
says that their not aiming for the potential threat, but to eliminate the rights to
permanently ending the hatred. For instance, if there is violence towards others, then
the wage... Show more content on ...
He was a messiah for the tortured and oppressed humanity. Ghandi is a spirit of
non violence, peace and love. One of his famous quotes An eye for eye only ends
up making the whole world blind. This quote creates an intense consequence to
show others that the path you seek will not purposely be beneficial. But instead by
doing this is leads to the destruction of both. Strength does not come from physical
capacity. It comes from an indomitable will. Muscle mass cannot equal the power
of a person who has steeled themselves to accomplishing a goal. The power of the
will and determination to achieve whatever is necessary.His vision enlighten others
due to his resourceful thoughts and techniques; being able to view a perspective of
having the possibilities for change in oneself and in others, and having the power to
act on those possibilities. Which allows us to developes a sense of safety and
acceptance of our anger with each other that guides our emotional energies towards
constructive, effective
The Legal Position And Right Of Residents
The legal position and right of residents in different tenures vary considerably. Both
owner occupiers and social renters have significant legal rights that are not usually
available to tenants in the PRS (Tenure Trends in the UK Housing System, 2010).
As mentioned previously, at about the start of the 20th century during the First World
War, rent controls were put in place to limit the initial rent that a landlordcould
charge as well as any subsequent increase in response to housing shortages. The
Rents Act 1915 was passed to provide security of tenure and to restrict rents in the
PRS and remained in play for most of the 20th century. The rent acts contributed as a
significant interference with the property ... Show more content on ...
Though around the middle of the 20th century where security of tenure was still
strong in the PRS, there were scurrilous landlords that would evict tenants unlawfully,
a prime example being Peter Rachman, he was known for his exploitation and
intimidation of his tenants. In response to the Rachman scandal the Eviction Act 1964
was passed in an attempt to deal with similar problems.
The PRS underwent a mini revival during the 1990s due to a combinations of factors,
such as changes to tenancy arrangement in the 1988 and 1996 Housing acts, the
availability of housing benefits and the state of home owning market (Stuart Lowe,
With the introduction of the Assured Short hold Tenancy (AST) in the Housing Act
1988, granted the landlord the right to guaranteed possession after the initial six
month period, in other words giving landlords stronger rights. The Housing Act 1996
furthered strengthened a landlord s position by making AST the default tenancy
except expressed. The Act defines several criteria for an AST to be set up e.g. the
property must be set as separate accommodation, the property must be the tenant s
main home, the tenant should be an individual, thus there are uncertainties that the
AST s lack of security creates long term problems for tenants. Therefore a landlord
may choose to evict the
Election Budget Essay
Liu 5 Jing Liu Prof. Sharifian Government 2306 26 Oct 2017 Unit2 Assignment
Running for office usually costs a lot of money. The candidate needs to spend a
great deal of money on advertising on television, internet and social media websites
etc. Hiring expertise consultants and campaign staff, purchasing databases and
sophisticated polling information, and covering overhead expenses, all rely on the
money resource. Campaign costs vary in a broad number range. According to an
analysis by Texas Tribune, the money spent by each candidate varied from
$3,197,957.56 for U.S. House to $0. While the highest cost per vote reached $61.52.
The analysis reveals campaigns that won or lost on the cheap, as well as those that
paid heavily for their... Show more content on ...
Knocking on doors in the district and introducing my stands is another action.
Next step, I will seek support from PAC organization, such as Texas Parent PAC, by
telling them about my stand about education and environment protection and gain
their support. Based upon my platform, I think the Texans Uniting for Reform and
Freedom (TURF) will support me, due to my stand for non toll public
transportation agrees with their position of promoting non toll, sensible
transportation solutions. The other interest group may support me is Environment
Texas , whose efforts focus exclusively on protecting Texas air, water and open
spaces. These ideas are same with my stands for encouraging usage of mass
transportation to improve air quality and encouraging renewable energy and
protecting environment . Two SIGs might oppose me will be Equality Texas and
Texas Equity PAC , which are two of interest groups advocates for the LGBT
rights. Although I respect everyone s right for their own sexual identity, my stands
for the facility utilization should be based on biological birth gender might result in
their opposition. My Slogan will be For us and for kids, For today and for
tomorrow! Because my platform stands for the language education and facility
utilization at school will make our kids get more benefit and be safer in public
school. My platform stands for promoting the mass transportation and
Descriptive Essay On The Park
I was walking towards the park my father always took me to do my project when I
was little, Let me go! I heard a girl scream.
I tried to see where it was coming from, as I looked across the green grass wondering
if it was my imagination or not. The grass had been recently mowed and the trees
had animals on them as if the whole city was perfect. I heard it again, Please let me
I decided to put my textbooks and the designing journal down on the bench. In the
city we live in, there is no crime so nobody would steal my stuff. I tried to hear
where the scream came from. As I walked around the whole park, the sound grew
fainter. I found where the sound was coming from. I hid behind a big, green, and
growing tree. She looked tired but strong. The guards didn t look happy. It was rare
seeing them since there is no crime in Yasashi. They had her in handcuffs. She
scanned the park. We locked eyes. Her eyes were a beautiful shade of purple. Her
eyes were a like mine. Except my eyes were a little brown and slowly turned
purple.In Yasashi it was common for people to have brown eyes. So it was rare
seeing another person like me who had purple eyes. So it was rare seeing another
person with purple eyes. She was dressed in a blue muscle tee with black leather
skinny jeans. Her hair is blue ombre hair and short, it complimented her purple eyes.
She was dressed like she was ready to fight anyone. While I was dressed in a dark
purple graphic tee, black skinny jeans, and a blue
Arctic Survival
While our team was composed of completely different preference types (as classified
by the Myers Briggs Type Indicator), we believe that such varying opinions led to our
group s success in the Subarctic Survival Simulation. In fact, our group boasted the
highest team percentage change in the activity 43 percent. The team percentage
change represents the improvements made in the ranking of survival tools through
our team s discussion from our individual assessments. The change shows how the
group s gain score (24.4) relates to the average individual score (56.4). Additionally,
our gain score was the highest in the class, further showing the strengths of our
teamwork during the survival simulation. When assessing the overall... Show more
content on ...
Obviously in jest, the comment gave the team pause to get back on track. Our use
of humor kept C type conflicts from becoming A type conflicts. We must keep in
mind, though, that our group s use of humor was so effective because it was used
appropriately we were able to clear our heads of the task momentarily, but not to
the point of ineffectiveness. As we learned in discussion, what we perceived to be
one of our greatest strengths was also one of our greatest weaknesses. Deborah
Ancona et al. reference the idea of psychological safety in their piece, Team Process
Observation Guide . The idea of psychological safety states that with comfortability
with other team members, individuals are more likely to take risks in proposing ideas
(Ancona et al. M5 13). To a fault, all team members enjoyed working with one
another in this activity. Even with such comfortability, there were very few polarizing
or risky suggestions. More often than not, members proposed modifications of one
another s ideas. For instance, instead of completely striking down the importance of
the snowshoes, a member argued that ranking the flashlight higher might be useful
for survival. Another problem that occurred during the discussion was a lack of
concentration. At times, the discussion moved too quickly from one subject to another.
Greed Is Good By Neel Burton
Introduction Throughout society, several individuals ponder on the notion: How
does greed lead to one s demise? However, before discussing the consequences of
greed, one must consider its motives. Greed is developed when an individual faces
adversity early on in life or becomes envious of others because it motivates them to
search for an alternative that fills the void of deprivation. To guarantee that their
desire is fulfilled, their greed will lead them to perform impulsive and irrational
actions, resulting in their demise.
Motives for Greed The origins of greed stem from encountering hardships at a
young age and becoming excessively jealous of others. Within an article titled: Is
Greed Good, Neel Burton argues that greed often arises from early negative
experiences such as parental inconsistency, neglect, or abuse. In later life, feelings
of anxiety and vulnerability, often combined with low self esteem, lead the person
to fixate on a particular substitute for what she once needed but could not find
(Burton). When an individual is prematurely exposed to adversity, they are withheld
from fulfilling their desires or needs because their oppression prevents them from
doing so. As a result, they dwell obsessively upon an alternative for what he or she
is deprived of, leading to their greediness because they will go to great lengths to
ensure that their desires are achieved. Furthermore, in Othello, Iago expresses, Till I
am even d with him, wife for wife, / Or
A Brief History Of Wikipedia Analysis
In the article A Brief History of Wikipedia the author Dan Fletcher explains how
Wikipedia was founded and the complications they fixed. In the first paragraph, he
was explaining how Wikipedia started with its first article on a Norwegian actress
Beate Eriksen. That the article reached 3 million entries from other people, and how
impressive it was. Then he talks about how went live on Jan. 15,
2001 and how fast it made its self popular on the Ethernet. During the proses of
popularity since Wikipedia had an issue with the Church of Scientology messing with
articles so they blocked their IP from the website, and people volunteered to monetize
and fix articles that were messed with bad intentions. Later in the article, Wikipedia

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  • 4. Communication Styles in Negotiation Communication Styles in Negotiation Introduction Communication styles in negotiation are probably one of the most important skills or characteristics one will develop over a lifetime. From the point a human being begins to develop cognitive skills, the process of learning and understanding situations become more apparent. One will learn from a very young age the dynamics and characteristics of communication and its role in negotiation. To better understand the communication process, one must be able to recognize how they communicate, whether it is on an assertive, aggressive, passive, or passive aggressive level of communication. The manner in which one conveys his/her message is critical, and the many methods in which they do it is ... Show more content on ... In Negotiation fifth edition, threats are defined by five linguistic dimensions: polarizing, immediacy, intensity, lexical diversity, and high power language style. Polarizing language is the choice of words when describing ones position to make it appear positive and the use of negative words when describing an opponent s side. Verbal immediacy is the measurement given through vocabulary that lets the recipient of the message know the level of urgency affiliated with the message. Immediacy can be either high or low depending on whether one wants to engage or distance oneself from the other party. Language intensity identifies how strong one feels about the situation through use of vocabulary. Possible results of language intensity are either high or low depending on the level of feelings one wants to portray to the opposing party. Lexical diversity is the degree of vocabulary that one uses. Holding a rich vocabulary gives the impression of competence, while possessing a low level of lexical diversity gives the impression of inexperience. Last, the extent of a high powered language style means the manner in which one uses language as the means of being effective. Using a low power language style is identified by politeness and hesitations; while using a high power language style is recognized by verbal dominance and clarity. Therefore
  • 5. Establishing Architecture For Large Enterprise Solutions Establishing Architecture for Large Enterprise Solutions in Agile Environment Sujatha Dantuluri Software Architecture Karsun Solutions LLC Herndon, USA Abstract Companies are adopting Agile, Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe), Lean to deliver software faster to the market. These stack of methodologies ensure early delivery and faster time to recover from mistakes. While developing software iteratively we need to ensure design and quality are not compromised to speed. SAFe proposes to use emergent architecture and design which develops iteratively. However, for large, complex systems with multiple system integration points and high volume of transactional data, doing architecture and design iteratively will lead to excessive rework,... Show more content on ... In order to establish an architecture for a system, we need to know the purpose and scope of the application, its importance and relationship to the overall strategic goals of the organization based on known requirements of the system being developed. However in an Agile environment where the requirements are groomed iteratively and change is constant, establishing architecture and design would be a daunting task. Especially if the system being developed is large enterprise level solution, iterative architecture and design could result in a lot of rework and redundancy. If there are many integration points and functionality spans across multiple applications, defining enterprise level architecture helps the software being developed to align with strategic goals of the enterprise, helping business capabilities to be shared across organizations. But establishing such architecture in an Agile environment would be challenging. This paper addresses this issue and establishes a process for architecture development for enterprise level applications. The paper defines a process to develop a software solution which spans across multiple legacy applications using Agile principles . The approach explained in the paper has been adopted for the development of software which modernizes legacy data capture and is intended to establish a framework for enterprise level services in the future. The solution spans across 6 legacy software systems.
  • 6. Informative Essay On Shonda Rhimes A Snapshot of a Visionary If you don t get The Catch of your dreams and your marriage is a Scandal, there will come a time when you will need to know How To Get Away With Murder. If not then you will hide behind Grey s Anatomy, but the coroner will get a hold of you and then your life will be totally Off The Map! If you haven t guessed by now, we are referring to the legendary Shonda Lynn Rhimes, a young woman who is talented and wildly successful beyond her years. Born only 47 years ago on January 13, 1970, Shonda Rhimes is an American television producer, screenwriter and author. She is best known as the creator, head writer, executive producer, and showrunner of many acclaimed television shows, including Grey s Anatomy, its spin off Private... Show more content on ... She gently reminds us to feel the hum, and become the hum . So what is this elusive hum ? Shonda wants us to embrace this hum because she says it makes everything good. I don t think anyone has seen or captured this essence, but there is a concept similar to this in the academic literature flow . In his bestselling book Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience (Csikszentmihalyi, 1990), the author reveals that any experience becomes genuinely satisfying if you re in a state of consciousness called flow . In this state, you experience profound and deep enjoyment and creativity. This state is as close to the hum as we can get. Of course, Shonda Rhimes wants to upstage Mr. Csikszentmihalyi because her definition of the hum is on a higher plane than the simple flow state. Shonda tells us the hum is music, drugs, God whispering in your ear, telling you to strive for greatness at any cost (Rhimes, 2014). Yes, that sounds so much better than flow . If you want the same level of success as Shonda, then never let go of the hum . Because if you do, you instantly know that you are overworked and burned out. And when you lose the hum, like Shonda once did, you will ask If the song of your heart ceases to play, can I survive this silence? . Your very survival is now at
  • 7. P1 STUDENT PASSES EXAM THE P1 TIMES THE ACCA S FAVOURITE NEWSPAPER (probably) Since 2007 P1 STUDENT PASSES EXAM !! By PAUL MERISON Blank quits Lloyds By PAUL MERISON Sir Victor Blank has retired from Lloyds Banking Group.Blank was Chairman of Lloyds, but went before he was sacked , according to Lloyds insiders. Blank had been heavily criticised for being the main person behind the takeover of HBOS, which had far worse losses than Lloyds predicted. He is now being held accountable for this decision. Win Bischoff has now taken over as Chairman. No doubt the Nominations Committee began their succession planning process some time ago, as they must have known Mr. Blank was likely to go. P1 student Fred Goodwin has passed his... Show more content on ... Investors Raise Their Voices There was a time when big shareholders, typically institutions, were very quiet investors who let Boards get on with running companies with barely a murmur of complaint. But not any more it seems. In recent months, many companies have heard their biggest shareholders complaining, both at the AGM and beforehand in the Press, about everything from strategy to director pay issues. Whilst the biggest shareholders often have small percentage holdings they are getting listened to more and more. They have found ways to increase the volume of their stakeholder voice by using the Press, or by voicing their concerns through an umbrella body such as the Association of British Insurers. The ABI s members control a large percentage of the overall stock market, meaning that companies are far more likely to have to listen. Why are they suddenly shouting? A mixture of poor performance, the institution s own investors shouting at them, and a belief that better governance leads to improved profits and a better share price. Shut up! Or Else!!! It is reported that the NEDs at RBS warned the Chairman and CEO that the Bank was exposed to too much risk but were threatened with the sack if they kept being disruptive! Hard to be independent NEDs when there is an intimidation threat! 3 Date today 14/06/10 NEWS Tell SID! In 2007, Cadburys Chairman Sir John Sunderland unexpectedly announced his retirement, after a series of meetings between
  • 8. Changing Voting Restrictions Have you ever felt like the government is trying to take away your voice? Well if you allow them to take away your right to vote with new restrictions on who can or can not vote then that is what they are basically doing.It would be taking away the already small voice you have in your governmental system. If they were to change the requirements then it would cause mass confusion of electionday, it would be erasing what some people fought for to earn the right to vote, and the votingrate is low enough. One of the main reasons why we should not change the voting restrictions it that it would cause mass confusion when it came to election day. Election day is already heptic enough when it comes time for the american people to vote for their next commander in chief. It would just add on to the craiz and confusion if people went to go vote and was not allowed to because of a new type of restriction out that they did not know of. For example, during the 2016 election between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump there were 14 different states that had new voting laws. One of the 14 states that changed their voting laws was Connecticut. When election day came around people that were working the polls in Connecticut was improperly insisting for voters to show photo ... Show more content on ... For example, in 1807 women and black men were not allowed to vote in any state. It was not until 1870 when congress finally passed the 15th amendment allowing any male can vote, but women were not allowed to vote until the 1918 s. If we had more restrictions then it would be like we went back in time when certain people did not have the right to vote. ( History of Voting Rights ) The last reason why we should not have any more voting restrictions is because we already have a low voting rate as it is. If we had any more requirements than the voting rate would be even
  • 9. Analysis Of The Book Carrol Carrol, is the casserole done yet? I m starving. I haven t eaten since 5:30. It s 5:45 now, said Carrol. She bent down and gave a small piece of chicken to their cat, Lucky. Exactly, said Ben through his wrinkly cracked lips, I still haven t filled up my second stomach yet, earning a grin from gray haired Carrol, across the kitchen, leaning on the counter. Carrol smiled and replied, We still have Alice to wait on. Oh, I m so excited. We haven t seen her in so long. She was interrupted by the loud chime of the doorbell. Ben leaned on his cane to stand up, and slowly made his way to the windowless front door. Once he opened the door, Carrol heard the small chatter of Ben and her daughter, Alice. As she took the casserole out of the oven, she heard Ben invite her into the kitchen in his deep gruff voice. There stood rosy cheeked Alice, with her curly blonde hair and bundled in her gray sweaters and trench coat. Behind her stood a small, thin boy with a sniffling, red nose and wireframe glasses. He carried a small black duffel bag on his shoulder, and wore a mud green coat. Mom, it s so great to see you! exclaimed Alice. Alice, you as well. Ah, who is this? Carrol said, looking back at the boy. Oh, said Alice in her cheerful voice, This is Ethan. He held out a gloved hand, and introduced himself, Pleasure to meet you, he said through a congested, nasally voice. Carrol shook his hand as Ethan sniffed the kitchen air. What is that I smell? he said.
  • 10. Caffeine Intermolecular Forces Lab Report The partial charges throughout caffeine molecules create dipoles, which in turn affect the intermolecular forces between caffeine molecules. Caffeine s polarity permits the formation of dipole dipole interactions between two caffeine molecules. The partial positive end of one caffeine molecule will be attracted to the partial negative end of another caffeinemolecule, creating a relatively strong intermolecular force. The strength of this force will increase sublimation and melting points and decrease volatility because more energy will be required to overcome the dipole dipole forces. Because solutes dissolve in solvents with similar intermolecular forces, caffeine s polarity allows the molecule to be soluble in polar solvents. The dipole dipole... Show more content on ... Various countries consumed caffeine containing plants as a source of energy in the past, while still being unaware that the compound within the plants was causing the stimulating effects. In 1819, Friedlieb Runge discovered and isolated caffeine, which gave rise to the production of new caffeine containing products. Most individuals today consume caffeine in the form of coffee because of its ability to decrease fatigue and drowsiness. Although caffeine is soluble in water at room temperature, the molecules will not completely dissolve; therefore, coffee is made with hot water to dissolve a greater quantity of the caffeine molecules. Caffeine produces its stimulating effect by interfering with adenosine, a chemical in the nervous system that releases signals to notify the body when sleep is needed. Adenosine is a by product of brain function and it will accumulate in the body throughout the day. Eventually adenosine levels will reach a maximum, causing adenosine to start binding to receptor sites to notify the brain to slow down cellular activity. Caffeine and adenosine are both alkaloids (organic compounds composed of many nitrogen atoms) with similar shapes, ring structures and covalent bonds, which allows caffeine to bind to adenosine receptors. Caffeine will occupy all adenosine receptor sites, causing the brain to maintain cellular activity and not induce
  • 11. Persuasive Essay On Godrej Ezee It is officially winter season plus holiday season and the perfect way to celebrate the holiday season is spreading smiles on the faces of all. But Godrej Ezee went a step ahead and decided to spread smile and warmth to all. Yes, folks they have come with an innovative and compassionate campaign that moved me completely and motivated me to participate in the campaign with zeal. To elaborate Godrej Ezee recently started a campaign urging the nation to come together and save the lives of underprivileged children in the harsh winters. All you need to do is give your old winter clothes that you use no more to these kids and provide them warmth in the cold winter days. This is probably the best way to bring a smile on anyone s face. It would bring
  • 12. Mesopotamian American Culture Essay The Maisin people of Papua New Guinea have lived for generations making their living from handmade horticulture gardens, subsidised by hunting, fishing and gathering. The labour in the production of food is divided with men doing the work of clearing the gardens as well as hunting and fishing, while the women do the longer and tasks of gardening, gathering and making clothes. A garden, once clear, is used for around two years before the thin topsoil is used up and it is left to be reclaimed by the jungle. These gardens are used to grown taro, sweet potatoes and other crops as well as wuwushi, a tree whose bark is used to make clothes, that are central to the Maisin both culturally and are used for trade. Furthermore, the economy of the Maisin is based on sharing and mutual trust.... Show more content on ... This constant giving and taking insures resources are spread through out the village. It also binds the community together through moral obligation to those who help each other. This mentality caries on past local neighbourhoods and into the entire society, men who help other men to build their house will expect both food and the favour in return, clans who give a young woman as a wife to another will receive feasts and gifts for the children she bears. With the introduction of money into this culture relations became more complicated but the root of the system remains the same. Young people who go off to work and make money bring back gifts of clothes and other amenities when they visit home for the entire village. They could also host family members at their city houses for months at a time. In this culture the greatest threats are those who refuse to participate out of greed, these selfish people are a threat to the community and would be considered dead to even their own
  • 13. Examples Of Preservation Of Titanic I think the titanic should be preserved because it s decayin right now. The titanic should be preserved because it s rusting away. The people that died on the ship, their family mite want it preserved. They might want a peice to remember, and that everybody will remember. The titanic could be in a mueseum and let everybody remember it and what happened in 1912. This was the biggest ship in 1912, and over a thousand people died. This ship should go down in history. This is a history telling of the titanicthe people that died family s would want that to happen. If they preserve the titanic, it would go down in history. All of the artifacts they will find in the titanic will be extrodinary. They will find family airlooms that
  • 14. Susan B Anthony In The Progressive Era The Progressive Era was full of people wanting to change their surroundings and laws in life. There were abolitionists, women s rights activists, education reformists, and many other titles that people took to change the inhumane lives that they were being lead by. One woman in particular, Susan B. Anthony, took on more than just one of these titles. She took on much more than most others would or could have. Anthony was born in February of 1820 in Adams, Massachusetts. She was raised in a Quaker family with activist traditions. Having been brought up in this kind of household she learned at a young age what was moral and had a keen sense of justice. Growing up in a Quaker household Anthony was taught that drinking liquor was sinful. While ... Show more content on ... The legislature refused as most of the 28,000 signatures were those of women and children. This act on the State legislatures part led to Anthony and Stanton s movement of women s suffrage. Another one of Susan B. Anthony s greatest impacts is her importance in women s suffrage. After her and Stanton s petition for more laws on limiting the sales of alcohol was declined because the amount of women s signatures was greater than the amount of men s Anthony became greatly infuriated on the point that woman had no say in the government. In 1866, Stanton and Anthony founded the American Equal Rights Association and started printing a newspaper in Rochester, The Revolution, in 1868. In 1869 the suffrage movement split, with Anthony and Stanton s National Association continuing to campaign for a constitutional amendment, and the American Woman Suffrage Association adopting a strategy of getting the vote for women on a stateВbyВstate basis. Wyoming became the first territory to give women the vote in 1869. In the 1870 s Anthony campaigned vigorously for women s right to vote, and
  • 15. Emma Perkins Creative Writing Weird. Amusing. Odd. These words would describe my best friend. Emma Perkins is one of my best friends. She seems to be always there when I do something stupid or dangerous. She could as well be the cause. One night, an idea had struck me. This would not end well for me or for those who I would choose to involve. First, a plan had fully formed the night before I was to execute it. The plan involved a ton of different memes and paper. The memes ranged from ancient to dead to recent. For half an hour, I was cutting out memes and coloring them. In between the meme cutting, I was attempting to fold a paper box to fit the memes inside. The memes were barely enough to fulfill the empty space in the box. I added more memes like doge. I finally was finished with a final product. The final product would serve as an engagement ring and box. I was going to propose to Emma Perkins. The next day, I ... Show more content on ... It started when a few acquaintances and friends started clapping and cheering. Suddenly, the entire lunchroom erupted with clapping. I was laughing and dying on the ground, well not literally. I was highly embarrassed as I was expecting it to just between Emma and I. One question rose to my mind. Why were people clapping? Emma and I both looked at each other with a questionable look. It wouldn t be long before people started swarming closer. The lunch lady questioned us about what had occurred. My friend answered. More questions were asked. A majority of them was about what exactly happened and if we were dating. Throughout the day, we were referred to as the lesbian couple and many curious on what our relationship was. That was a very amusing day. Why did I think that was a good idea? Ever since that day, people still think that we are dating. I learned that all my ideas are not good ideas. Some are worse than others. Now, Emma and I have an interesting memory added to the memories of stupid things that we did
  • 16. Papyrus Comparison Papyrus stood on the edge of Snowdin. Yes, This was truly a much better way to capture the human. An even playing field, giving the human a proper chance to defend themselves. Although it would be a futile effort, as there was no way The Great Papyrus could lose to such a small creature. But the human would have the satisfaction of knowing they tried their very best. Then they would begrudingly shake his hand, declaring that they would train even harder and defeat The Great Papyrus once and for all, resulting in a lifelong passionate friendship built on respect, admiration, and rivalry! This was the best way to form a friendship. Undyne had told him so several times, usually as she was crying over the phone about a new human history book... Show more content on ... Which, really, was quite rude of them, leaving without so much as a note telling him where they went. He would have to chide them for worrying their captor so. And improve the facilities so that next time they wouldnt even want to leave. Luckily, they were waiting for him at the same place they had their battle only moments ago, giggling as though they had bested him in a game of some sort. i suppose this proves what i said we really are bound together 2 bones in the skeletal anatomy of fate thats how you appear here now even though its very impossible for you to escape Amazing! i feel a sincere.... wait a second! I still have to capture you! Whoopsie doopsie! The battle went exactly as the former did. Hopefully the human would give up after being defeated so easily twice in a row, Papyrus thought, as he carefully carried the unconscious human back into his capture zone, laid them carefully on the doggie bed, and searched for something to help improve the facilities a bit. When the human escaped a third time, met him in the exact same spot, and once again lost without even attempting to fight or dodge, Papyrus found himself becoming more and more exasperated. He had other things he wanted to do today! His puzzles needed checked on! He needed to check and make sure Sans did something today! And he had a training session planned with Undyne later
  • 17. Peachtree 2010 Essay | | | | | | | | | Peachtree by Sage Complete Accounting 2010 provides strong foundation accounting for small businesses, plus features like job costing, time and billing, and thorough inventory capabilities. Its multi user option helps improve productivity while providing screen level security and a clear audit trail. More than 125 customizable business reports and financial statements are available. Save time with simplified navigation, integration with Microsoft Excel, multi tasking screens, and comparative budgeting. Audit Trail helps you track errors and deter fraud. Achieve better business results through accurate accounting and business controls with Peachtree by Sage Complete Accounting 2010. The Peachtree complete ... Show more content on ... Peachtree is compatible with Windows 2000 SP3, Vista and XP SP2. At the least, Internet Explorer 6.0 is required for this program, but it is provided as long as you have the extra 70 MB of space. For availability of the services of this accounting system, you must have access to the Internet and a 56 Kbps modem at the very least. Users of Peachtree by Sage had so many positive things to say about it. They were very impressed with its capabilities to replace several accounting programs with just one. They also noted that in comparison to other systems Peachtree is far more affordable versus buying different systems for various uses. They praised the versatility of this program with its multiple uses that supports multiple users. The multiple user function is ideal for use by three or four people and if you require something for a larger set up, there is a quantum version available. People were impressed with the speed and stability displayed by the Peachtree system, as well as its ability to make changes in inventory and keep track of expense tickets and sales invoices. Peachtree accounting software is an all around beneficial system for all types of companies and individuals. With most accounting systems being too complex and inflexible, Peachtree s smoothly run, convenient and user friendly system is a like a breath of fresh air to its users. Is it any wonder why Peachtree Complete Accounting 2009 by Sage is the top choice worldwide?
  • 18. Women s Rights By Judith Jarvis Thomson s A Defense Of... Starting from centuries ago, leading up to the popular culture of today, there have been numerous debates on the rights for humanity; more specifically women s rights. What rights women should or should not have, as well as what rights women do or do not have, has been expanding in almost all aspects of society in recent years. In fact even in our most modern and well known political events was centered around this topic, and that was our 2017 presidential election. Human rightsare women s rightsand women s rights are human rights Says Hillary Clinton. However what does the matter of women s rights entail? For instance, should abortionbe considered one of the select inalienable rights for women? This topic of human rights, ... Show more content on ... Because each individual state has their own set of laws beneath the federal line, there are many technicalities that are now involved with the process making it somewhat difficult, if not impossible, for a woman to receive an abortion. In fact, according to The Guttmacher Institute, 45 states allow individual health care providers to refuse to participate in an abortion, and 42 states allow institutions to refuse to perform abortions. In other words, somewhat similar to the opinion of Thomson, an abortion may only be performed if the physician or institute deem the circumstances right. This is where I see the issue with circumstantial permissibility; it subliminally gives more right to certain woman than to others. To explain this idea further one could examine Thomson s first clear point in regards to her argument as well as the underlying theme of her piece, human rights. Her first point is The right to life . She begins with the question of whether the right to life holds more weight than the right to decide what one does with one s own body. It is here that Thomson seems to open up a multitude of sides for this argument; one s right to life may outweigh another s right to their own body, some have more right to life than others depending on their circumstances, some do not have more right to life than others depending on their circumstances, etc. However, despite bringing these numerous positions into the argument, she does
  • 19. The Church Of England Was Only A Half R Jessica Annobil Mrs Harris The Church of England was only a half reformed church in the period 1559 1603 . To what extent is this statement valid? (45marks) This statement is valid to a considerable extent. This is due to the fact that before Elizabeth came to the throne her siblings had been before her, Edward VI (1547 53) and Mary I (1553 59), these two had a contrasting religious beliefs and both implemented harsh penalties for those who did not conform to their religious reform. This is one aspect of the Mid Tudor crisis which then creates a problem for Elizabeth in enforcing religion successfully as Parliament now consisted of both Catholics and Protestants. It is for this reason that some may consider the Church of England to be ... Show more content on ... But it was still not Jessica Annobil Mrs Harris treasonable to be a Catholic priest. This shows the contradictions to the religious system due to the Elizabethan Religious Settlement s failure to establish a state religion. This control of Protestant gentry in Parliament, referred to by J. Neale as a Puritan Choir , suggested that there was grid lock within Parliament due to remnants of Edward VI s Protestant Parliament in addition to Queen Mary I s Catholic addition, meaning decisions would be hard to make and religious reform would take time. As a result, we see there is a lot of proposed reform during the middle years of Elizabeth s reign, however very few of the proposed legislation is passed, for example in 1571 2 there were bills introduced proposing further reform but none were passed. This shows that though the radical Protestants had attempted to push for reforms, Elizabeth I had blocked some, suggesting she did not want to reform the Church of England using the radical Protestant ideals. Though Elizabeth s aim was to return England to the Protestant faith, she declared that she did not want to make windows into men s souls , meaning she didn t care what people thought or believed, as long as they were outwardly Church of England rather than Catholic. Suggesting Elizabeth I may not have wanted to set a harsh doctrine in which people had to follow, as Mary I
  • 20. Negative Consequences Of Fighting In Hockey It s All Fun and Games When Someone Gets Hurt Since the beginning of hockey, fans have gone crazy for the entertainment fights bring to the games. The punches thrown, blood drawn and players knocked out certainly excites the crowd and are part of the culture of the game. In fact, it is so widely accepted, that teams specifically hire big guys to be enforcers that protect the rest of the team and throw the punches no one else cares to. Despite its duration in the league, do these fights have negative consequences as well? Lately, there has been great controversy over whether or not to continue to allow fighting in the league. The N.H.L. hasn t declared any rule against fighting, but rather, has created a set of rules to outline the penalties and define the responsibilities of fights (National Hockey League: Official Rules 2014 2015). What the N.H.L. lacks, however, is a statement with evidence to support why they have chosen to allow fighting. With the current uproar, the League should consider the unfortunate facts and reassess their decision. The official rules, specifically rule 46, cover everything ... Show more content on ... Still, should fighting in hockey be banned? Unfortunately, in order to bring a halt to many of the issues that strike controversy today (e.g. concussions, depression, anxiety, morality) it seems that an ultimatum against fighting in hockey is needed. Truly, these issues need to be taken into consideration; they are too prevalent not to. While the N.H.L. has written extensive rules to keep fights in control when they do occur, the League has yet to explain any benefits from facilitating the fighting at all. So whether the league decides to allow fighting or not, the decision should be made and should be made with caution and appropriate evaluation of evidence. Clearly, the evidence for banning fights is pervasive; thus, if the League desired that fighting remain in
  • 21. A Summary Of Hunting Supporters of hunting state that most of the money earned from people coming in to hunt goes to local communities, however those communities will almost never see any of it. Many local communities hold charity or fundraising events by inviting hunters to come hunt because they spend thousands to hunt one animal. For example, the Namibian government held on of these fundraisers, and allowed the black rhino to be hunted. They then claimed that the money went to a conservation for black rhinos, but the money was nowhere to be found. This is a clear statement for how the money really is going rather than what supporters of huntingclaim to be saying. According to an article written by Teresa Telecky, she argues that even though lots of money is
  • 22. Comparing Classical Music To Jean Paul Martini s Besides for movies, popular song artists have also been inspired by classical tunes. For example, Elvis Presley s iconic ballad Can t Help Falling in Love oddly has a similar tune to Jean Paul Martini s Plaisir d amour. However, many listeners do not realize it because they have not heard Martini s composition before. He wrote it around 1776 as a French love song being one of the few classical pieces with lyrics being sung operastyle (Faithfull, 2017). Almost 200 years later, Presley borrowed the tune to craft his own love song. The slower tempo along with the major key for both compositions created a lulling, ethereal, and passionate song. This shows that classical musichas the ability to transcend time as well as meaning. Not only was Presley... Show more content on ... The composer must write out all the notes for each instrument, scores and parts must be printed and distributed, players need to be hired and take time to rehearse, venues and instruments must be rented, sound recorders must be purchased, and final production of the piece occurs (Fineberg, 2006, p. 67). All of this and more is invested into one composition that many teenagers will not ever hear. According to a survey done by Stage of Life, only 3.9% of adolescents between the ages of 13 19 would consider classical music their preferred genre (Life, 2012). That means if there are forty million teenagers in the United States, a little over 1.5 million would willingly choose to listen to the piece. Comparatively, the same survey found 18.4% preferred popular music a little less than 7.5 million teens. For pop music, the NPR estimated a hit song to cost one million dollars to produce (Chase, 2011). In the grand scheme of things, disregarding how much it takes to produce classical music, the profit will never be larger than pop music s profit. Yet it is still being recorded, but why? As looked at before, classical music is still relevant and used in modern media. Different compositions or elements are used to create a mood that effectively combines what is happening on screen
  • 23. Lilith Alternate Ending Another Member of the Band There once was a girl named Lilith. She is an outcast and lives on the streets. Lilith is often called name like, freak and fox girl. She was part fox and everyone hated her for that. One day she was roaming the streets and came across Freddy Fazbear s Pizza. It was dark and so the nightguard was there. She snuck inside and looked around. Wow was all she could say, for she had never seen a place like this. While she was looking around the nightguard spotted her on the camera and thought she was an animatronic, because of her fox ears and tail. He started freaking out since the camera didn t go static everytime she moved. Now Lilith was now heading towards the office where the freaking out nightguard was. When she got there the... Show more content on ... Lilith fell asleep, in Foxy s arms, long before that. Foxy looked at her and smiled, for she had been the only person who was not afraid of him. A couple minutes after the pizzeria closed Lilith began to wake. When she woke up Foxy noticed the ears and tail and asked her about it. She only sat there quiet. He sighed and thought of an idea. Foxy asked her if she wanted to meet the others. Without a second thought she jumped up and nodded excitedly. Foxy chuckled at her enthusiasm and walked over to the main stage with her following. When she got to the stage she was frightened for a second when they waved but then it soon turn into happiness. Foxy and the others chuckled at how happy she was. Once they all introduced themselves she told them her name and asked why Mike asked her if she was going to kill him. They shook their heads and sighed. Chica was the first to speak and she just gave a simple explanation. Lilith nodded and thought to herself, so that s why I felt like there were other kids here. What she didn t realize was that she said it aloud and all four of them heard her. They all gave her confused looks and she saw this shook her head,
  • 24. The Motor Effect 2.1 Motors use the effect of forces on current carrying conductors in magnetic fields 2.1.1 The motor effect The motor effect is where a force acts on a current carrying conductor in a magnetic field. The right hand palm rule is used to find certain properties: fingers point to magnetic field, thumb points in DC direction and palm points to direction of the force. 2.1.2 Factors affecting the force acting on the current carrying conductor Forces are experienced by the electrons in the conductor and are affected by: * Length of conductor (longer conductor means more electrons hence more electrons experiencing the force) * Strength of magnetic field (more force on electrons) * Amount of current in conductor (more current ... Show more content on ... ie there is a change of magnetic flux through a circuit. Faraday s experiment: Connect a coil of many turns to a zero centered galvanometer. Move a small magnet in and out of the coil and we can observe a small current is produced when the magnet is moved but no current when there was no movement. By varying the speed (relative motion) of the movement and strength of magnet, the galvanometer flickered more therefore more current produced. Distance also affects this. 2.2.2 Magnetic field strength and magnetic flux density Magnetic flux density (B) is a measure of the number of lines of force per unit area. It is also equivalent to the strength of the magnetic field and is measured in Weber (Wb) 2.2.3 Magnetic flux Magnetic flux (П†) is a measure of the number of lines of force emerging through an area. It is the product of magnetic flux density and area : П†=BA measured in Webers (Wb) 2.2.4 Size of the induced emf The induced emf is proportional to the rate of change of magnetic flux through the circuit. 2.2.5 Len s Law Len s law: the direction of the induced emf is such that it opposes the change that produced it. Len s law is a consequence of the law of conservation of energy because if the induced emf aided the motion, then the conductor would accelerate causing a greater emf, which would cause further acceleration, etc ... an infinite amount of energy would be created. 2.2.6 Len s Law and back emf 2.2.7 Back emf in electric motors 2.2.8 Eddy
  • 25. Keynote-024 Case Study The KEYNOTE 024 trial was designed by Merck representatives and academic advisors. According to European legislation, Merck, as the Sponsor, designated, per country, a national principal coordinator, responsible for coordinating the work of the principal investigators at the different trial sites in each member state of the multicentre trial, according to national regulations. Each coordinator agreed to allow: 1) the respect of local laws, rules and regulations relating to the conduct of the clinical trial; 2) a regulatory authority inspection of trial related documents and procedures and 3) the access to all trial related source data and documents. The Code of Conduct, a collection of goals and considerations that govern the ethical and scientific
  • 26. Homework Chapter 3 Essay Multiple Choice 1) Module 2) Divide and Conquer 3) Header 4) Call 5) Return 6) Top down Design 7) Flowchart 8) Local Variable 9) Scope 10) Argument 11) Parameter 12) By Value 13) By Reference 14) Global variable 15) Global True or False 1) False 2) True 3) True 4) False 5) True 6) False 7) False 8) True 9) True 10) False 11) True 12) False Short Answers 1) You can call the module several times instead of writing it out each time. 2) The header is the starting point and the body is a list of statements that belong to the module. 3) It will return back to its previous point in the program. 4) A local variableis declared inside the module only. Only the statements inside the module can access it. 5) A ... Show more content on ... Module main() call salesTax End Module Module salesTax(Integer Value) Declare Integer tax
  • 27. Set tax = value * 0.02 * 0.04 Display tax End Module 3. How Much Insurance? Many financial experts advise that property owners should insure their homes or buildings for at least 80 percent of the amount it would cost to replace the structure. Design a modular program that asks the user to enter the replacement cost of a building and then displays the minimum amount of insurance he or she should buy for the property. Module main() Call amount Display cost End Module Module amount Declare Integer cost Display Enter price Set cost = value * .80 End Module 4. Automobile Costs Design a modular program that asks the user to enter the monthly costs for the fol lowing expenses incurred from operating his or her automobile: loan payment, in surance, gas, oil, tires, and maintenance. The program should then display the total monthly cost of these expenses, and the total annual cost of these expenses. Module main() Declare Integer number Display Enter loan Input loan Declare Integer number Display Enter insurance Input insurance Declare Integer number Display Enter gas Input gas Declare Integer number Display Enter oil Input oil Declare Integer number Display Enter tires Input tires Declare Integer number Display Enter maintenance
  • 29. Medieval Warfare and the Medieval Weapons Used Medieval Warfare And The Weapons Used Back in the middle ages the world was a completely different place, full of dangers around every corner such as cutthroats and thugs, thieves, and sneaky killers, our world today still has dangers such as those, though they may not be as plentiful, they are definitely as dangerous if not worse. So this is where we shall start to get lost into a barrage of info on medieval warfare, and the weapons used in the battles fought during this age. During the time from 476 CE and the 14th century warfare was completely different from what it is today. Today warfare is carried out from long distances usually, with modern guns, and even missiles that can be launched from thousands of miles away to decimate the opposing forces, there is even vehicles with mounted guns which are motor driven that can also be used to fight enemy forces. But that is today and we are talking about yesterday, or about a thousand years ago. During the middle ages we fought mainly hand to hand combat with melee weapons such as swords, daggers, spears, axes, and clubs. but we still had some ranged weapons in our arsenal during that time, such as bows, crossbows, throwing spears, and throwing axes, we even had some explosives that could be used during that time such as cannons and small hand grenades they might have been pretty underdeveloped and primitive, but they were very advanced at that time. but with weapons and the threat of attack there is also defensive
  • 30. Compare And Contrast John Lewis And H M Different companies follow different approaches of their management and leadership. It depends on different variables like different structures and types of organizations etc. This different approach of management and leadership allows us to know where improvements are needed and what particular style might be the most beneficial for the company. This report is about the topic stated above using the two renowned companies our John Lewis and H M. Effectiveness of Different Leadership at John Lewis John Lewis is also known as John Lewis Partnership because all its permanent employees are also partners of the firm. It is Britain s one of the successful retail shop that employs over 69,000 people. The company has a democratic leadership and ... Show more content on ... He claimed that this theory is to encourage production efficiency and productivity. According to his theory Taylor says that inefficiency can be controlled through scientific management of production. This theory is defined as concerned with knowing exactly what you want men to do and then see in that they do it in the best and cheapest way . Taylor said scientific management affects both workers and employers, and stresses the control of the labor force by management. This theory is applicable to all kind of organization. Taylor s scientific theory is based on four principles: (Scientific Management: Theories, Principles Definition,
  • 31. Character Analysis Of King Loar s King Lear Audiences love knowing who is the villain of a story. There s a certain power in seeing something not visible to the other characters, recognizing a seed of hatred blooming behind the scenes. It brings a sense of satisfaction, actively rooting against the antagonist so that the hero can win. Seeing the difference between good and bad isn t easy in real life, but in a fictional world all of the rules change, and the audience knows the truth. In King Lear, Goneril and Regan, daughters to the king, are almost immediately cemented into the role of antagonists due to characters reactions to them and insider knowledge the audience gains when listening to their private talks. However, we only make this leap because certain characters in the play want us to. But what if those characters are wrong? Maybe the world of the play already believes Goneril and Regan are the villains, but as an outside audience we have the option to give the sisters a chance to prove themselves. Looking at their actions, listening to their words, nothing about the two sisters implies that they re bloodthirsty or traitors to their family. Instead, Regan and Goneril instead seem to be protecting themselves from an unloving and possibly abusive father. In the first scene of the play, Goneril, Regan, and Cordelia must tell their dad how much they love him in order to receive their inheritance. Goneril and Regan flatter their dad extensively, but Cordelia refuses to speak because her love is too great to put
  • 32. Instructional Programs For Technology Education To develop meaningful instructional programs for technology education, goals need to be in place to direct the outcomes of curriculum development and teaching. They go beyond everyday teaching objectives; they are directed at long term learning and programmatic outcomes. Performance standards measure how much of the content the student is proficient. Opportunity to learn standards ensure the learning is student focused, everyone has a right to education and that education should be learner centered. For an educational technology standard to be most effective it needs to recognize these three standards. International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) has accomplished this with its National Educational Technology Standards (NETS). The standards provided by NETS provide a comprehensive set of goals to encourage a technology integrated education. Introducing educational technology into the developing world is multidimensional and requires many basic issues to be recognized and addressed. It is becoming recognized that telecentres and the use of ICT in developing countries to assist in meeting the Millennium Development Goals is becoming increasingly viable. Focus Area #1: Technology Operations and Concepts Throughout this program, you have developed your technical skills by using various tools, applications, hardware, and software such as the Internet, Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. You have also used a Web editor along with other Web based
  • 33. What Is The Diction In East Of Eden In John Steinbeck s, East of Eden, the characters go through difficult obstacles to get to where they want to be in their lives; whether the obstacles are internal or external. In this passage, one can see the conflict that Charles has within himself when writing to Adam, his half brother. This is done by the authors use of graceless diction, by choosing words like scratch, splash, and race, giving Charles letter a distressed or hurried tone, his repeated use of dashes throughout the passage, making Charles seem unsure of what to say, and his chilling use of similes when describing the house through Charles eyes. Steinbeck does this in order to make Charles seem on edge due to his solitude on the farm. In this passage, Steinbeck tells the reader that Charles is distressed, by his word choice. One can see how Charles is hurting, due to the fact that he is all alone and is left to reflect on himself and his actions. The words scratch, splash, and race, give the audience a rushed feeling; when the pen breaks, so does he. All of a sudden Charles has so many thoughts; his brain is working faster than his pencil can write. This shows ... Show more content on ... When Charles writes, It s like the whole house was alive and eyes everywhere, and like there were people behind every door just ready to come in if you looked away, it shows the paranoia he feels. The thought of the house and the people hiding, judging him makes Charles feel even more alone then he already is. That is why he is reaching out to his brother by writing to him. The watching eyes represent the animosity he feels towards himself. By being alone, he realizes the kind of person he really is. Steinbeck does this in order to show complexity in Charles character. When writing to Adam, he asks himself if who he is, is by his choice or by a higher being. This appeals to the free will or fate theme that goes throughout the
  • 34. Essay on Citizen Kane Scene Analysis Citizen Kane Scene Analysis The scene we re analyzing starts off with a shot of the New York Daily Inquirer. It s a close shot, taking up the entire screen. I feel this close up is to show the viewer that the newspaper company is going to be the primary focal point for Kane, and his two partners at this point in the film. After the close up, the camera pans down to show Kane and Leland sitting in a car looking up at the building. Kane says Take a good look at it Jedidiah, it s going to look a lot different one of these days. Despite the look on Kane s face being one of optimism and promise, this statement gives leeway to all of the bad things to follow. Kane specifically says, look a lot different as opposed to anything else (i.e.... Show more content on ... Mr. Carter, the bewildered editor in chief, who is confused by which man is Kane, meets both gentlemen, where Kane introduces himself and Leland, whom he reiterates is his dramatic critic . Kane seems a little taken back from the formality of the situation as the entire floor is standing due to his arrival, and after he requests everyone to be seated, he is off the races so to speak completely changing the environment of the company. The scene immediately becomes chaotic with Bernstein falling into the room, the dialogue being loud, and hurried, whimsical music being played, and a very broken conversation being had between Kane and Mr. Carter at the entrance to his office, while people are moving things into the office. The next shot is a continuation of showing how Kane is making immediate changes to the company. It starts with Kane sitting at his desk (Mr. Carter s previous office), while a weary and exasperated Mr. Carter standing at the desk, being given another broken and chaotic conversation, while Leland interrupts with a cartoon drawing, Kane interrupts twice in regards to being hungry, and Bernstein budding in to agree with Kane. The conversation is about a missing persons report that was in The Chronicle, a rival newspaper, and Kane is telling Mr. Carter that he wants it covered by the Inquirer as
  • 35. Singing In The Rain Analysis The film Singing in the Rain was produced in 1952 but still takes the world with storm. The musical film, which was directed by Gene Kelly and Donen Stanley stars Donald O Connor, Gene Kelley, Jean Hagen, and Debbie Reynolds has a lot for the audiences to desire and learn from. The film presents a skillful use of setting, music, makeup, costumes and standard photography (Cannon 2). The piece combines many effects together to catch the attention of the audiences. In fact, the viewers enjoy both the musical part and the visual element separately, something that makes it a well thought piece. In other words, it is both a romantic piece, though a smog as well. Being a musical film, Singing in the Rain represents a classical music, making it an
  • 36. An Evaluation Of The Uncertainty Of Precipitation Type... Herein, an evaluation of the uncertainty of precipitation type observations and its eect on the validation of forecast precipitation type is undertaken.The forms of uncertainty considered are instrument/observer bias and horizontal/temporal representivity of the observations.Instrument/observer biases are assessed by comparing observations from the Automated Surface Observing Station (ASOS) and meteorological Phenomena Identiп¬Ѓcation Near the Ground (mPING) networks.Relative to the augmented ASOS, mPING observations are biased toward ice pellets(PL) and away from rain (RA).Consequently, when mPING is used to validate precipitationtype forecasts, the Probabilities of Detection (PODs) for RA (PL) are decreased (increased) relative to those... Show more content on ... Forecasts of precipitation type are created by post processing algorithms that are applied to numerical model output.Hence, errant diagnoses may be a product of poor algorithm assumptions.There is a wide range of approaches and degrees of complexity to precipitation type algorithms.Some use bulk properties from the temperature and humidity proп¬Ѓles (eg.Baldwin et al.1994; Bourgouin 2000; Schuur et al.2012; Elmore et al.2015b; Chenard et al.2015), others attempt to calculate or infer the liquid water content of falling hydrometeors (Ramer 1993; Czys et al.1996; Reeves et al.2016), while still others use mixing ratios from microphysical parameterization schemes as the primary discriminant (ThВґeriault et al.2010; Ikeda et al.2013).As a result, dierent algorithms may produce very dierent results, particularly when the environmental temperature is near 0C (Manikin et al.2004; Manikin 2005; Reeves et al.2014).In some cases, strong biases exist.For example, the Baldwin algorithm has a well known bias toward PL.The Ramer algorithm is known to be biased toward FZRA and the algorithm described in Schuur et al.(2012) is strongly
  • 37. Twelfth Night Tropes In like manner,Shakespeare s tragedies:Comedies like Twelfth Night as well suffer from the same problem as Hamlet and Macbeth where tropes are not transferred as well and usual is mistaken as an original property of the person who copies the tropes from any shakespeare s many works .Tropes that are within Twelfth Nightare the Woman who disguises herself for a man,Separation of sibling due to some conflict, and Climax that leads to all problems getting resolved.The last one is quite broad,but is usual result in movies who take uses the play s model.Movies who put to uses such tropes are following:Just One of the Guys,She s The Man,Mulino,and Parent Trap.Each one these exemplify the tropes found within the play Twelfth Night .Taking look at one... Show more content on ... play; the siblings share the common thread of separation that is shared by the main protagonist Voila and her brother Sebastian where the two are separated the at the hands of a storm in that leads to Viola take on a new persona to survive their new environment is similar the two twin sisters becoming two separate people due to the rift formed by the divorce that acts as the movie wreck.The Movie Mulan ,a disney film,use the trop that resurfaces throughout shakespeare s works disguises.The main character Mulan whilst being a nobleman daughter such as the cause voila;Mulan and Voila in both stories dawn roles a males due to ensure their safety.Though both differ in reasoning shows how flexibility of this trope being able to shift for what is needed a plot.Mulan take a firm manly persona in order to protect her father from being drafted back into the war against the mongols.The Causes of Voila to develop her male character is due to more of a necessity being highlighted in the fact she had to survive after near death encounter with a wreck.Voila male personality and creation is not solely something she creates on her own but a device the captain helps create, and is the person who set in motion trying suggest the
  • 38. Dialogue In The Pigman And Stop The Sun Love me or hate me, both are in my favor...If you love me, I ll always be in your heart...If you hate me, I ll always be in your mind. William Shakespeare. By using dialogue, the author helps visualize the feeling in the conversations. In the stories The Pigman by Paul Zindel and Stop The Sun by Gary Paulsen, the authors used dialogue to develop the setting, personalities, and characters in the stories. In The Pigman, the author uses dialogue to develop the seriousness of the conversations. In the story, the author uses dialogue to show how bad a conversation can get by writing Do you realize I ve been trying to get your mother for an hour and a half and the line s been busy? Bore bellowed. Those things happen. I was talking
  • 39. For-Profit Colleges Case Study 1.What do for profit colleges and what particular group do for profit colleges appear to be marketing to? For profit schools, through clever showcasing, guarantee another opportunity for those who ve gotten off track, a brighter future for those trapped in an endless cycle, and no less than, a school instruction custom fitted to the individuals who don t have sufficient energy, cash, or capacity to attend a local college or university. What are the pros and cons of for profit college institutions? Pros For profit establishments have a tendency to have much more night, end of the week, and online courses than they re not revenue driven partners. In the event that booking around work or childcare is an issue in your family unit, the additional ... Show more content on ... That implies their understudies regularly get their confirmation or affirmation significantly more rapidly than they would at a conventional school or college. Cons While for profit colleges have gained credibility in many different industries, there are still fields of work where they are not viewed as adequate. Ensure you have explored the field you need to think about completely with the goal that you know precisely how potential managers will respond to a degree from a for profit college. If you are the kind of individual who likes sitting in a classroom with an educator and kindred understudies, be careful. Most for profit organizations are vigorously centered around online courses. That is the manner by which they re ready to be so adaptable with planning and course stacks. Consider deliberately what your best realizing condition is before you select. For profit colleges are not generally cheap. Some will cost you the same amount of as a private college. Know that any training credits you take out should be paid back in the long run, regardless of whether you graduate or not. Precisely consider your money related circumstance deliberately before
  • 40. Marketing Strategy of Bionade Essay I Marketing Strategy Plan 1 Company and Product 1.1 Company overview The BIONADE GmbH is a small German manufacturer and distributor of the organic lemonade brand Bionade . The family owned enterprise has 107 employees and is located in Ostheim, a small town in the northern Bavaria region of Germany. Sigrid Peter Leipold is the industrial business manager, owner and executive manager of the Privat Brauerei Peter KG Associate Partner and the BIONADE GmbH and BIONADE International GmbH .1 As an offshoot of the private beer brewery (Rhoehnpils), the BIONADE GmbH was incorporated in 1995. The brewery master in this time Dieter Leipold invented the beverage, especially the technical producing process. It is made by a ... Show more content on ... в‡’пЂ Increase sales twice in the next year up to 33 million litres in 2007. в‡’пЂ Increase market share of the domestic soft drink market up to 0.14% in 2007. в‡’пЂ Increase marketing budget up to 8 % of turnover from 2007. в‡’пЂ International market entrance start in 2007 в‡’пЂ Further research on new products The current external environmental forces are mainly support the organisation s business. Changed consumer patterns regarding a higher consumption of healthy food, as well as the faster lifestyle and the bad image of global companies in the group of younger adults are the main reasons for the increased sales of Bionade. The brand is characterised as unique, innovative, healthy, value added, credible, social and green . The marketing strategy is based on a mass market penetration strategy in the domestic market and a new market entry strategy in the international markets. The main objective is to keep the current competitor advantages of the unique product in hole. Increase brand awareness and sales by the development of the product line. The product line will be extended by new package sizes and materials. A 0,33 l and a 0,5 l PET bottles are planned to make the product more practicable for sportive and on the street users. To increase brand awareness classical advertising (print and radio), free
  • 41. Essay On Electronic Vehicle Control Electronic Stability Control (ESC) ESC systems sense parameters such as yaw rate, steering wheel angle and lateral acceleration in order to detect differences between the intended and actual path of the vehicle. The system is then linked to the ABS and engine management system in order to differentially apply the brakes and/or reduce the engine power to individual wheels, thus generating yaw moments to correct the vehicles path. These systems are known by a variety of other proprietary names such as Vehicle Dynamic Controller (VDC) and Vehicle Stability Control (VSC) but are referred to generically as ESC in this report. Market penetration of ESC systems was estimated at 27% in Europe in 2002, and is expected to reach 50% in Europe by 2007 (Reed Electronics Research, 2003). Previous research indicates that ESC significantly reduced instability in test manoeuvres where substantial instability was encountered. It also suggests that ESC does not influence vehicle behaviour when a driver attempts to operate outside the physical limits of the vehicle. No significant disbenefits of ESC systems were found, and clear evidence of positive influence on safety and accident reduction was cited (Grover Knight, 2005). ESC is also now strongly recommended to all consumers by the EuroNCAP organisation (EuroNCAP, 2005). It is suggested that ESC must work to constrain vehicle behaviour to that expected by normal human driving behaviour. It does this either by producing similar
  • 42. Racial Identity And Ethnic Identity Paper One My racial identity and ethnic identity are tied to my everyday experiences as an African American. I identify as African American or black because it s my culture. I born by two black parents and grew up in a black household. Although I was often told by my parents that I m black, I would say that the term Black was given to me before I even entered the world. The term Black was given to Africans by Europeans when they took us as slaves to the Americas. Ever since then, the one drop rule applied to anyone with African heritage in the United States. In What White Supremacist taught a Jewish Scholar About Identity by Abby L. Ferber, she proves that raceis a social construct. While researching the readings of white... Show more content on ... However, no matter how much Asian Americans assimilate into mainstream America through economic gains, White Americans will still view Asian Americans as non white. My other identities directly impact my experience as being black because I deal with heterosexism everyday. Furthermore, because I identity as a man and was born male, I don t experience cissexism nor sexism. All of my identities are important to me because it makes me who I am and includes me with others who share my identity. For example, in Why Are All The Black Kids Sitting Together by Beverly Daniel Tatum, she explains the reasoning behind why black students sit together in the cafeteria. Tatum states that the reason why is because they all understand each other experiences. Unlike people who don t share my identities, I am able to relate to those that do and share my experiences. In the end, this creates a safe place for me because I know my thoughts are valid and understood. Although my identities create shared experiences, sometimes it conflicts with those who don t share my identities. In some cases, I assume people view me as a stereotypical black person because I m black. In Defining Racism by Tatum, she talks about how people can internalize stereotypes because of racism. Growing in the United States, the
  • 43. My Weaknesses Of A Writer I have a good deal of weakness like using too many clauses or using different clauses that I do not need in sentences. Sometimes I over use the same words, using different constructions of sentences, using a passive voice when it is not need, and have a problem proofreading. I also have some good strengths as a writer, like staying on topic, choosing a great title, and being a detailed writer. I may have more strengths and weakness but some of those I not aware of and would like to know so I can become a better writer. When writer a paper I like to use different words from the words I always use. I would search for different words but sometimes when I use a new word it does not go with the sentence so then I will use the same word yet again. Another weakness for me I think I some over use clauses. I would like to be able to know when I should delete words or sentences. Like when I am, using is or are I think of ways to either delete the sentence or add something in the sentences to make it sound better. When using phrase that mentions a word in a sentence should closely follow that word but sometimes I do not notice it right away until I use it again. ... Show more content on ... Sometimes I think that the person that is reading my paper does not understand what I am trying to say. I know I am a detailed writer so sometimes when the person reading cannot connect to what I am writing about I get frustrated. When I am writing I get like to get straight to the point, I want my readers to connect with me and to finish reading my story. At times, I oversee noticeable errors, like sentences with grammatical errors that I should have caught to either correct it or remove it from my writing. Proofreading is one of my biggest weakness as a writer that I would love to work on and become better writer or find different strategies to help me in this
  • 44. Intellectual Disabilities In The 60 s Analysis Intellectual Disabilities in the 60 s Constance de Leon Touro University Concept Analysis Behaviorism CTAV 602D Briel Josephson January 15, 2017 Intellectual Disabilities in the 60 s Disabilities were viewed in many different ways by different societies and even differently by different families within a society. After WWII the view of different types of people changed. Views on people with disabilities changed because of the number of veterans who returned with physical and mental disabilities and because the number of people with disabilities who were employed for the first time in the war effort. Another reason that people with disabilities were viewed differently was because President Roosevelt was unable to walk because of polio. President Kennedy had a sister that had an intellectual disability. So people began to view people with disabilities differently. My familyalso viewed disabilities differently than most families. My brother, Sammy, who was born in 1955 had Down s syndrome. My grandmother had a sister named Bam that had an intellectual disability. This caused our family to view intellectual ... Show more content on ... These included candy wreaths, an annual rummage sale, United Way donations, Women s Club and special events which included a concert by recording stars. There were also personal donations. My grandparents (Eddie and Rose White) donated the land the building was built on. The center served 25 children and classes were taught from 9:00 to 11:30 am five days a week. The center had one full time teacher and the rest of the staff were volunteers. I remember volunteering. The town and community supported the Training Center. The children that went there had varying disabilities. When the schools were required to include these children in the early 70 s, the school district bought the training center and the land it was on from the Society for Exceptional Children. ( Portales News Tribune,
  • 45. The Importance Of Education For A Company s Chief... Although schooling is extremely important it is not the only thing people need in order to become a company s chief executive. There are many skills that are helpful to have in this particular career. A person must be organized because of all the planning they will have to be doing, have patience due to the stressful obstacles that will surely be in the way, which ties in directly with problem solving. Also, they would be dealing with a lot of people so speaking skills and communication is something that they can definitely not struggle with. The abilities a chief executive must obtain are written expression, speech clarity and recognition, written composition and deductive reasoning, and oral comprehension (O Net). All of which will help move a person move ahead of competitive peers. When the group discussed relocating to other states Florida and New York were our top choices. The Bureau of Labor Statistics say that 13,970 people are currently are employed as chief executives in Florida. For entry positions the average pay is $202,300 a year. This is very good pay however, the growth level in the next five to ten years is barely 2.4% (Bureau of Labor Statistics). Which is not very promising for a person with this career goal in mind. In New York, they currently employ 17,060 people as this type of executive. The Bureau of Labor Statistics also says they have a better growth rate at 3.8%, but still not very promising for those going into this career. The pay in New York is
  • 46. Comparing The Epics And The Epic Heroes Comparison of the Epics In every epic, there are common themes that present themselves throughout the story, such as war. The epics Gilgamesh, Beowulf, and The Mahabharata, share similar characteristics in terms of their strength, values, and journeys. In each of the epics that will be discussed, there is the occurrence of fighting for honor and to have a legacy. The epic heroes follow many of the guidelines that Joseph Campbellhas written in his book Herowith a Thousand Faces. Joseph Campbell believed that the stages of a hero were to have a call to adventure, he is introduced in his ordinary world, he is hesitant and may not want to fulfill his mission, the person is encouraged by someone old and wise, the person is committed to their journey, there are tests and people to help the hero, the hero faces his last, challenging quest, he potentially faces death, the hero survives his journey and is rewarded in some way, he has a journey back to his home and could face more danger, the hero is transformed by his experience, and the hero brings back treasures. Gilgamesh shows the characteristics of hero according to Joseph Campbell because he faces many challenging quests in particular his most dangerous is going to the king and queen of (idk) (where) to find the secret of immortality, Gilgamesh survives his journey back from (where), Gilgamesh is transformed because he becomes less shellfish, on the journey home he could have possibly been in danger because of the deadly
  • 47. Chewing Gum Comparison Contrast to what most people believe, chewing gum is ancient. There has been evidence of man chewing tree sap as far back as the ancient Greeks. The Greeks used resien from the mastic tree as an early form of gum. It wasn t until 1848 that John B. Curtis saw the potential of producing gum. His first product was called State of Maine Pure Spruce Gum. Curtis was not the only one who saw the potential in gum. Thomas Adams was working with chicle, which is sap from the sophodilla tree, to use as a substitute for rubber. He eventually gave up and added flavoring to his mixture, creating chewing gum. In 1871 Adams invented a machine with the sole purpose of producing chewing gum. Since the time of Curtis and Adam, chewing gum has changed. Some qualities... Show more content on ... Powdered sugar is used as a coating to keep the gum from sticking to the machinery. The chewing gum is then transported to a temperature controlled room until it is the right consistency, and then wrapped and packaged. After the gum is packaged it is ready to be distributed to the public. There are many different kinds of gum that can be grouped into three different classifications. Each classification targets different ages and needs of the consumer. The first classification is bubble gum. Bubble gum targets the younger generation with its sweet and colorful characteristics. Knowing how to blow an air bubble in the elastic treat is a trick every child must learn. Chewing gum is meant for most ages. It have a minty flavor that freshens breath and, in some brands, kills bacteria. The only downside to chewing gum is that it is not as rubbery as bubblegum, which makes blowing bubbles difficult. The last classification is medicated gum. Medicated gum can be used to quickly get medication into your bloodstream. Other medication gums, like nicotine gum, are used to cure an unhealthy
  • 48. Avatar Research Paper The Avatar humanoid race of Na vi connects to Eywa, the guiding force and deity of their planet Pandora, through their braid, or queue. The Na vi species couples with the Eywa entity, or in my words consciousness, to keep the planet s ecosystem in balance, to download memories and knowledge, and to communicate with deceased ancestors. These Avatars are connected to a network of knowledge and data through the shared symbiotic relation they have with the land of the planet, and the Eywa consciousness. In the film Avatar, the human earthspecies is add odds with the culture of this planet, as the Avatars are connected to their world in such a symbiotic dimension our human selves simply cannot understand the nature of their species. My overarching... Show more content on ... The focus of the experiment was on the inward reflection that transpires while undergoing the psychoactive affects of the substance. The researches conducted the experiment in an ideal environment for the participants to counter any potential adverse affects. Overall, the experiences the subjects went through were so vivid and profound the positive affects were sustained long after the experiment concluded. Structured interviews followed up the subject s experiences and all information and affects were verified. The substantial and enduring affects of psilocybin have been shown in cigarette smokers seeking discontinuation, cancer patients suffering from depression and anxiety due to life ending distress, and even in the enhancement of long term meditators mystical experiences. The basic finding of the research is psilocybin can influence mystical experiences having positive long term implications on ones life (T, 2016). Scientific research is enabling the consequences and effects of these substances to be known, actualized, and verified. As mentioned in the research findings, The fact that psilocybin can occasion most people studied to have mystical type experiences almost identical to those occurring naturally, raises the matter that such
  • 49. United Airlines Case Analysis Essay Business Strategy 1. United Airlines is owned by the UAL Corporation and was incorporated on December 30, 1968. The actual company was formed may years before this actually in 1925 and was a private mail carrying service between Pasco, Washington, and Elko, Nevada, and from these humble beginnings they formed a were able to start a company that would come to be a global leader in the airline service. From the 1960 s to the 1980 s the company had 6 different presidents and started to expand and venture into different aspects of business other then airlines and were unable to have any success. These companies that they purchased were not a success and were later resold. During the late 1980 s United purchased the Pan American Airways... Show more content on ... 2. United Airlines likes to use strategic planning to try and stay ahead of the competition but in its history it has not always worked. United Airlines has tried to make mergers without the approval of the union and were not able to complete it when the department of justice said that the merger would not happen because it would bring a loss in competition. One of the things that has helped the business, is that they use a hub and spoke method for their passengers. This allows the company to provide many different air ports and terminals that its customers can use and also helps to stream line flight schedules and saves the company millions of dollars every year. Partnering with these major companies to form a global alliance helps to circumvent national laws, share resources to develop additional routes and global marketing strategies. The major alliances were Star, Oneworld, SkyTeam, and Wings. The agreememnt that these companies made to work together saved all of the millions of dollars and was able to help all of the companies to compete globally. 3. Obviously one of the biggest financial impacts that the company has faced was the terrorist attacks on September 11th and the financial and economic impact that this event caused on its own. United airlines responded to the attacks by installing bullet proof doors on all the cockpits and
  • 50. What Is Adolf Hitler s Role In The Third Reich Alex Dutton Reading/Language Arts Ms.Stewart 12 January, 2014 Adolf Hitler and his role in the Third Reich The topic that I chose was Identify Adolf Hitler and his role in the Third Reich. Adolf Hitler was an Austrian born German politician that was also the leader of the Nazi Party. He was a decorated veteran of World War 1. Hitler joined the German Worker s Party in 1919. Hitler had a side of him that was good and during his imprisonment in the mid 1920 s he wrote his memoir, Mein Kampf which means (my struggle). Hitler had gained his popularity from the support on attacking the Treaty of Versailles and promoting the Pan Germanium for the Nazi Propaganda. The Third Reich was Hitler s Government. After Hitler was appointed Chancellor of Germany he had begun to eliminate all political oppositions and their powers. Hitler s role is the Third Reich was leader. He is the one who brought the government to Germany and made it possible. Adolf s rise in power wasn t of the quick side. He ran for control three times and out of those three two times he lost to his opponent who was president at that time Paul von Hindenburg. Hitler took office in the year 1934 until the year 1945 when he died because of suicide. ... Show more content on ... With Hitler having all of the control over the government he set up a systematic suppression. While Hitler was a not so nice man some if not all the people in the world were shocked when Hitler had one of the best anti smoking advertisements. He was opposed to smoking and didn t like it at all. On top of all of that he was spared a life when he fell into a lake and a priest of all people saw him fall in and saved him. Now if this was after all of the horrible things that he has done then it may have been a different
  • 51. Non Violence Quotes I intend on believing non violent acts of retreat justifying righteous strategies; which persuades society to create a common bond. Therefore, by resisting towards your opponent your able to present a spiritual conscious mind. In this case it inspires others to join the event. If your able to kill them with kindness it usually exceeds their limitation of source to continue on. As Martin Luther King has speak on his behalf We are out to defeat injustice and not white persons who may be unjust. As Martin Luther King stated to gain the perceptions of others you must mentally break down your opponent by showing them you can bypass all of their malicious acts. His quote says that their not aiming for the potential threat, but to eliminate the rights to permanently ending the hatred. For instance, if there is violence towards others, then the wage... Show more content on ... He was a messiah for the tortured and oppressed humanity. Ghandi is a spirit of non violence, peace and love. One of his famous quotes An eye for eye only ends up making the whole world blind. This quote creates an intense consequence to show others that the path you seek will not purposely be beneficial. But instead by doing this is leads to the destruction of both. Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will. Muscle mass cannot equal the power of a person who has steeled themselves to accomplishing a goal. The power of the will and determination to achieve whatever is necessary.His vision enlighten others due to his resourceful thoughts and techniques; being able to view a perspective of having the possibilities for change in oneself and in others, and having the power to act on those possibilities. Which allows us to developes a sense of safety and acceptance of our anger with each other that guides our emotional energies towards constructive, effective
  • 52. The Legal Position And Right Of Residents 3.3BSECURITY OF TENURE The legal position and right of residents in different tenures vary considerably. Both owner occupiers and social renters have significant legal rights that are not usually available to tenants in the PRS (Tenure Trends in the UK Housing System, 2010). As mentioned previously, at about the start of the 20th century during the First World War, rent controls were put in place to limit the initial rent that a landlordcould charge as well as any subsequent increase in response to housing shortages. The Rents Act 1915 was passed to provide security of tenure and to restrict rents in the PRS and remained in play for most of the 20th century. The rent acts contributed as a significant interference with the property ... Show more content on ... Though around the middle of the 20th century where security of tenure was still strong in the PRS, there were scurrilous landlords that would evict tenants unlawfully, a prime example being Peter Rachman, he was known for his exploitation and intimidation of his tenants. In response to the Rachman scandal the Eviction Act 1964 was passed in an attempt to deal with similar problems. The PRS underwent a mini revival during the 1990s due to a combinations of factors, such as changes to tenancy arrangement in the 1988 and 1996 Housing acts, the availability of housing benefits and the state of home owning market (Stuart Lowe, 2004). With the introduction of the Assured Short hold Tenancy (AST) in the Housing Act 1988, granted the landlord the right to guaranteed possession after the initial six month period, in other words giving landlords stronger rights. The Housing Act 1996 furthered strengthened a landlord s position by making AST the default tenancy except expressed. The Act defines several criteria for an AST to be set up e.g. the property must be set as separate accommodation, the property must be the tenant s main home, the tenant should be an individual, thus there are uncertainties that the AST s lack of security creates long term problems for tenants. Therefore a landlord may choose to evict the
  • 53. Election Budget Essay Liu 5 Jing Liu Prof. Sharifian Government 2306 26 Oct 2017 Unit2 Assignment Running for office usually costs a lot of money. The candidate needs to spend a great deal of money on advertising on television, internet and social media websites etc. Hiring expertise consultants and campaign staff, purchasing databases and sophisticated polling information, and covering overhead expenses, all rely on the money resource. Campaign costs vary in a broad number range. According to an analysis by Texas Tribune, the money spent by each candidate varied from $3,197,957.56 for U.S. House to $0. While the highest cost per vote reached $61.52. The analysis reveals campaigns that won or lost on the cheap, as well as those that paid heavily for their... Show more content on ... Knocking on doors in the district and introducing my stands is another action. Next step, I will seek support from PAC organization, such as Texas Parent PAC, by telling them about my stand about education and environment protection and gain their support. Based upon my platform, I think the Texans Uniting for Reform and Freedom (TURF) will support me, due to my stand for non toll public transportation agrees with their position of promoting non toll, sensible transportation solutions. The other interest group may support me is Environment Texas , whose efforts focus exclusively on protecting Texas air, water and open spaces. These ideas are same with my stands for encouraging usage of mass transportation to improve air quality and encouraging renewable energy and protecting environment . Two SIGs might oppose me will be Equality Texas and Texas Equity PAC , which are two of interest groups advocates for the LGBT rights. Although I respect everyone s right for their own sexual identity, my stands for the facility utilization should be based on biological birth gender might result in their opposition. My Slogan will be For us and for kids, For today and for tomorrow! Because my platform stands for the language education and facility utilization at school will make our kids get more benefit and be safer in public school. My platform stands for promoting the mass transportation and
  • 54. Descriptive Essay On The Park I was walking towards the park my father always took me to do my project when I was little, Let me go! I heard a girl scream. I tried to see where it was coming from, as I looked across the green grass wondering if it was my imagination or not. The grass had been recently mowed and the trees had animals on them as if the whole city was perfect. I heard it again, Please let me go! I decided to put my textbooks and the designing journal down on the bench. In the city we live in, there is no crime so nobody would steal my stuff. I tried to hear where the scream came from. As I walked around the whole park, the sound grew fainter. I found where the sound was coming from. I hid behind a big, green, and growing tree. She looked tired but strong. The guards didn t look happy. It was rare seeing them since there is no crime in Yasashi. They had her in handcuffs. She scanned the park. We locked eyes. Her eyes were a beautiful shade of purple. Her eyes were a like mine. Except my eyes were a little brown and slowly turned purple.In Yasashi it was common for people to have brown eyes. So it was rare seeing another person like me who had purple eyes. So it was rare seeing another person with purple eyes. She was dressed in a blue muscle tee with black leather skinny jeans. Her hair is blue ombre hair and short, it complimented her purple eyes. She was dressed like she was ready to fight anyone. While I was dressed in a dark purple graphic tee, black skinny jeans, and a blue
  • 55. Arctic Survival While our team was composed of completely different preference types (as classified by the Myers Briggs Type Indicator), we believe that such varying opinions led to our group s success in the Subarctic Survival Simulation. In fact, our group boasted the highest team percentage change in the activity 43 percent. The team percentage change represents the improvements made in the ranking of survival tools through our team s discussion from our individual assessments. The change shows how the group s gain score (24.4) relates to the average individual score (56.4). Additionally, our gain score was the highest in the class, further showing the strengths of our teamwork during the survival simulation. When assessing the overall... Show more content on ... Obviously in jest, the comment gave the team pause to get back on track. Our use of humor kept C type conflicts from becoming A type conflicts. We must keep in mind, though, that our group s use of humor was so effective because it was used appropriately we were able to clear our heads of the task momentarily, but not to the point of ineffectiveness. As we learned in discussion, what we perceived to be one of our greatest strengths was also one of our greatest weaknesses. Deborah Ancona et al. reference the idea of psychological safety in their piece, Team Process Observation Guide . The idea of psychological safety states that with comfortability with other team members, individuals are more likely to take risks in proposing ideas (Ancona et al. M5 13). To a fault, all team members enjoyed working with one another in this activity. Even with such comfortability, there were very few polarizing or risky suggestions. More often than not, members proposed modifications of one another s ideas. For instance, instead of completely striking down the importance of the snowshoes, a member argued that ranking the flashlight higher might be useful for survival. Another problem that occurred during the discussion was a lack of concentration. At times, the discussion moved too quickly from one subject to another.
  • 56. Greed Is Good By Neel Burton Introduction Throughout society, several individuals ponder on the notion: How does greed lead to one s demise? However, before discussing the consequences of greed, one must consider its motives. Greed is developed when an individual faces adversity early on in life or becomes envious of others because it motivates them to search for an alternative that fills the void of deprivation. To guarantee that their desire is fulfilled, their greed will lead them to perform impulsive and irrational actions, resulting in their demise. Motives for Greed The origins of greed stem from encountering hardships at a young age and becoming excessively jealous of others. Within an article titled: Is Greed Good, Neel Burton argues that greed often arises from early negative experiences such as parental inconsistency, neglect, or abuse. In later life, feelings of anxiety and vulnerability, often combined with low self esteem, lead the person to fixate on a particular substitute for what she once needed but could not find (Burton). When an individual is prematurely exposed to adversity, they are withheld from fulfilling their desires or needs because their oppression prevents them from doing so. As a result, they dwell obsessively upon an alternative for what he or she is deprived of, leading to their greediness because they will go to great lengths to ensure that their desires are achieved. Furthermore, in Othello, Iago expresses, Till I am even d with him, wife for wife, / Or
  • 57. A Brief History Of Wikipedia Analysis In the article A Brief History of Wikipedia the author Dan Fletcher explains how Wikipedia was founded and the complications they fixed. In the first paragraph, he was explaining how Wikipedia started with its first article on a Norwegian actress Beate Eriksen. That the article reached 3 million entries from other people, and how impressive it was. Then he talks about how went live on Jan. 15, 2001 and how fast it made its self popular on the Ethernet. During the proses of popularity since Wikipedia had an issue with the Church of Scientology messing with articles so they blocked their IP from the website, and people volunteered to monetize and fix articles that were messed with bad intentions. Later in the article, Wikipedia