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Personal Self Assessment Essay
Self assessment is a process in which you examine yourself in attempt to discover and learn more
about yourself. Your likes, dislikes, behaviors, attitudes and habits can be found during this process.
You can use the discoveries to your advantage by accepting or changing strengths and weaknesses. I
plan on using this course to enhance my personal skills to become a better student and find success
in earning my Bachelor of Arts degree at Ashford University in Social Science.Self Assessment is
the first step in my successful future.
I can remember in high school, it seemed like I was always one of the last students finished with a
I was sometimes slower at completing a written paper or an assignment. In open
more content...
I have discovered some interesting things I have noticed in myself before taking this course. For
example, my learning style I have noticed is the visual learning style.
With this, I prefer to see and read information to full gain comprehension. If I forget the data, or
not clearly understand it the first time read, I have the option of reading it over. I do not always
trust myself to absorb all information the first time around. I take a lot of notes to look at. Notes
help me remember even though I may not read the again, I can refer to them in my mind after
writing them down. I am not sure if just anyone reading them would get anything out of it, but at
least I know what they mean.
I like to take my time with material, but am not always given the allotted time to do so. I also like
to keep a written list of things to do to refer to. I am comfortable with my learning style, accepted
it as my very own. I am not sure if changing it this late in life is such a good idea. I have got by this
far, it must work out for me.
I have identified my personality style as being extroverted, one who becomes easily energized by
others, and outwardly expressing thoughts as long as I am fully understanding context and material
being discussed. If I have no idea what is being addressed, I am better of keeping quiet to save
myself from
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Summary Of ' Me, Myself, And ' Essay
Me, Myself & Irene Dissociative Disorder
Jose Lugo, Jacob Rose, and Arturo Valdez
Eagle Pass High School
The movie Me, Myself & Irene gives a great example of the Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID).
The disorder is displayed by the main character Charlie, a cop, and has an alter named Hank. Charlie
and Hank are in the same body, but have completely different personalities. This is exactly what DID
is defined as, but there are some inaccuracies throughout that have a different, more reasonable
Keywords: Personalities, Disorder, DID, add more key words
The movie Me, Myself, & Irene is a story about a Rhode Island state trooper named Charlie.
Throughout the story Charlie is constantly a very nice guy that is take advantage of by his family
and his friends. However on one day he is pushed to far and because of this he develops a multiple
personality disorder. His multiple personality disorder makes Charlie get another personality known
as Frank. Charlie personality switches to frank when dealt with confrontation. He has a job to bring
a girl named Irene where she lives but
Me, Myself & Irene Dissociative Disorder
The film Me, Myself & Irene displays a main character Charlie, that had the Dissociative Identity
Disorder. The disorder is found in individuals that contain two or more distinct personality identities.
Each may have a unique name, personal history, and characteristics, most likely due to harsh past
events. Charlie is a cop that
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Defining Myself Essay
Sometimes a person may feel that they have no purpose in life. Finding out who you are just
takes the time of sitting down and thinking of the importance in your life. Who am I? I am
Mercedes Kimberly Kingston, and I am a person with different personalities, characteristics, and
identities. The many ways, in which I identify myself, in fact, are the ways that define who I am.
My Identity is something only I can fully define. I have a little brother, which makes me a sister; I
have two loving parents, which makes me a daughter; I am in college studying medicine, which
makes me a student; and I have wonderful friends in desperate need of support, which makes me a
wonderful best friend. Before anything, I am a big sister more content...
It is seen as an essential part of learning and using what you learn in class. But when you get loads of
class work and have very little time to finish it, then it becomes an unnecessary burden. Yet,
sometimes, for me, it is the fact that I procrastinate that prevents me from completing a task. For
college student, like myself who is working to pay for college, large amounts of class work
usually brings lots of stress and fear of not being able to get good grades in many of my classes.
Yet, I have support from my family, friends, and some peers who encourage me to put up a good
fight in reaching my goal. I am a student that has gone through so much to get here, where I am.
There were times that I had strong feelings that I would never be in college, just because of the
negative energy I forced upon myself. Since pre–K, I have had this problem that if I can't do
something I just give up, and stop trying. I still have this problem, but I have learned to get a control
on it. The biggest problem was graduating from high school. I never thought that I would ever
graduate. But I knew, as a student, I should at least try and show my teachers that I am putting effort.
And now, I'm in college, studying pre–med, and hoping to become either a pediatrician, or a NFL
Doctor. Growing up as a daughter to a single mom, was, I think, the best experience ever. I was, and
am still, very spoiled. I always had everything that I ever wanted. And
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How Do I See Myself?
Personal Profile How do I see myself? In the business world, interaction is necessary especially if I
want to be an effective employee. By learning about myself, understanding my needs, and knowing
how other people see me, I am able to recognize my skills and abilities, which leads to best
determining what jobs fits me the most and how to work effectively and efficiently. After completing
all the assessments in "Self–Assessment Library" by Stephen P. Robbins, I find myself to be a
sociable person on both the advancement and receiving end. I love interacting with people and
listening to them. Moreover, I like it when people give me feedback over what I have done as
opposed to asking for opinions over ideas. I work well in teams since I am a free spirit who
indulges with anyone. Compared to other people from my country, Saudi Arabia, my English
language skills are very good and are quite an asset when it comes to the research writing. Since
childhood, creation was an aspect of awe to me, the ability to picture ways of improvement and
sustenance were always an intriguing factor to me. I lead through experience and actual practice. I
am not actually a follower but I prefer a very interactive team that is full of practical ideas since I
usually take initiative to follow through. I am good at organizing things since people's reaction
always matter to me and I always want to impress them. I work towards that through the engagement
of personal trials and errors; thus, I get a
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Development of Self Essay
Development of Self
The development of self starts at a very young age. When a preschooler is asked how are they
different from other children, they usually look at their self concept. Self concept is their identity, of
their set of beliefs about what they are like as individuals. Most preschoolers give inaccurate
statements about their self concept. They usually overestimate their skills and knowledge.
Preschool–age children also begin to develop a view of self that reflects their particular culture
considers the self. An example of this would be to look at the different views as self between the
Western culture and the Asian culture. Western cultures believe that an individual should seek
attention of others by standing more content...
Children's views of self become more differentiated. As they get older, children discover that they
may be good at some things and not so good at others. Children's self– concepts become divided into
personal and academic spheres. During middle childhood children begin social comparison. Social
comparison is the desire to evaluate one's own behavior, abilities, expertise, and opinions by
comparing them to those of others. During middle childhood children deal with the crisis industry
versus inferiority stage. The stage is characterized by a focus on efforts to attain competence in
meeting the challenges presented by parents, peers, school, and other complexities of the modern
world. This is a time of their life where the child develops a self esteem. Self–esteem in an
individual's overall and specific positive and negative self–evaluation. Self concept reflects beliefs
and cognitions about the self, self–esteem is more emotionally oriented. The self–esteem of most
children tends to increase during middle childhood with a brief decline around age of 12. Some
evidence shows that members of minority groups have lower self–esteem then those of the majority
group. Children build a sense of self efficacy during their elementary years. Self efficacy refers to
learned expectations that one is capable of carrying out a behavior or producing a desired outcome
in a particular situation.
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Essay on Finding Yourself
How can one truly know who they are? It takes years of experience to understand yourself; your
likes, your dislikes, your abilities, and your passions. Sometimes society will agree with these things,
and sometimes it won't. Self–identity is the result of trial and error in terms of resistance to the
cultural norms of one's society, and the lessons learned through such resistance, as demonstrated in
Munro's An Ounce of Cure and Boyle's Greasy Lake.
An Ounce of Cure tells the story of a teenage girl, whom remains unnamed throughout the entire
story, who was brought up in a small town where drinking was frowned upon, thinking that she was
never good enough for her family. She had her heart broken by a boy at school and became depressed more content...
Alice Munro demonstrates the learning of oneself through the resistance to society via the girl in An
Ounce of Cure. Although she knew it wasn't a good idea, and that her parents and community
wouldn't approve of her drinking if they found out, she resisted that cultural norm and did it anyway.
By drinking too much and getting drunk to the point of being physically sick, she learns that it
was not the best idea. By the social consequences of the rumours spread across her town
afterwards, she suffers loneliness and learns that the boy who started her depression in the first
place was not worth the embarrassment, nor the experience itself. Munro depicts a teenage girl
growing up; learning about herself and coming to terms with who she is. The girl learns that
alcohol (and pills) are not the solution to a broken heart, and that her time was wasted being
miserable over a boy who dumped her.
Greasy Lake depicts the story of a young man, also without a name, who tried to build a reputation
for himself as a "dangerous character" (p. 33), much like many other young men of the era. He did
many things he considered 'bad', such as wearing torn–up leather jackets and sniffing glue. It was
popular for the people of his crowd to take their parents cars to Greasy Lake, a local hangout for
young adults which was in all reality just a dumpy murky pond. One night, the boy and his two
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Essay About Myself
School, to me and among many peers of my age, is not a distant term. I have spent one–third of my
life time sitting in classrooms, every week since I was seven years old. After spending this much
time in school, many things and experiences that happened there have left their mark in my
memory. Some are small incidences while some have had a great impact on me. However,
regardless the degree of significance, things that happened all contributed to shape the person that I
am now. I was accused of cheating for the first time when I was seven years old. It was during the
term final where the performance of the test indicates all the progress the student had made
throughout the semester, so its importance was never over emphasized. more content...
Everything started anew, I was all by myself. While I was busy getting used to the school and
making new friends, I also discovered a new passion, soccer. Through soccer I was able to meet
some of my most loyal friends. We would often get together and play soccer against other classes.
The school required a test for admission, so the competition was getting fierce. The teachers
focused a lot on our academics and tried to squeeze as much time as they can from us to study. As
the result, we were not allowed to play soccer during our free time because it hinders us from
studying. Maybe it is human tendency to break laws, but the gang of us didn’t want to
conform to that rule so sneaking a soccer ball to school and keep it away from the teachers
became an everyday challenge. It was amazing the kind of ideas we came up with for this task.
Soccer added spices into my otherwise boring school life, and it served as a channel between me
and my fellow classmates. Through soccer we found a common ground, that we were able to know
each other more and support each other no matter what happens. It gave us a sense of unity, and it
was very important to me. Even now I cherish the pact I had with them back then – the support that
helped me to stay on the right track during my rebel teenage years. My homeroom teacher at the
time had the most impact on me than any other mentors I had. People say
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The Self Essay
The Self Every situation that an individual is exposed to throughout life, helps mold our "self." As
humans we have the ability to see ourselves from the outside, and all through life we try to see what
others see and our "self" revolves around the generalized other. We observe how others perceive us
and we make conclusions depending on our observations. How we act around others depends on the
image we feel they have towards us.
Charles Horton Cooley, a symbolic interactionist, concluded that our sense of "self" develops from
interactions with others. Cooley described this process as more content...
On the other hand if you see yourself as an individual who can communicate without a problem and
you see that you can keep others interested in a given conversations, your reaction is more positive.
Through this looking– glass self we develop a "self" concept. Depending on the observations we
make concerning the reactions of others we develop feelings and ideas about ourselves. The
reflection we see in the mirror is either negative or positive depending on the feedback we get back
from those around us. Misjudgments of the reactions of others become part of our "self" concept
also the misinterpretations of how others think of us. Self concepts begins in childhood but it
continues to develop throughout life. As we observe how other people react to us, we modify our
The "self" is never a finished project, and it continues to change as our life takes different turns. Our
"self" reacts to the environment that we are in. As the "self" expands we put together the different
reactions making us a unique individual. Every individual has a different way of thinking and
therefore they make their own choices about certain situations. Going through different life changes,
means the "self" is expected to change to accommodate the life stage we find our selves in. The
way we perceived things when
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Reflection About Myself
After some time of reflecting over myself and characterizing my own self, I have came up with a
few characteristics of myself. These characteristics are words I feel can be used to describe
myself. The characteristics I have chosen are trustworthy, optimistic, and independent. I find
myself to be a pretty trustworthy person. I have been a person that people have been able to come
to me with a problem and ask for advice. I can also keep secrets pretty well. An example of
something that can contradict me being a trustful person is when I have to lie to someone to
keep someone's secret. An example of this is when I had to lie to my dad that my mom was out
of town. My parents are divorced and my dad lives about an hour away from Smithville. My mom
had to go out of town for a work trip. Since it was during the week, my mom did not want us to
have to go to my dads because it would be tough to get back and forth to school. We also knew
that my dad would be stubborn and persistent about having us stay at his house. So in conclusion,
my Grandma came and watched us while my mom was out of town and I told my dad that she
would be home. This trait did not really start to form until the beginning of my Freshman year. A
lot of my traits started last year because up until then, well, I as well as my other classmates have
not really been in an environment where the level of maturity is much higher than what we are
accustomed to. I find optimistic a word to describe me well because I am
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Myself Essay

  • 1. Personal Self Assessment Essay Self assessment is a process in which you examine yourself in attempt to discover and learn more about yourself. Your likes, dislikes, behaviors, attitudes and habits can be found during this process. You can use the discoveries to your advantage by accepting or changing strengths and weaknesses. I plan on using this course to enhance my personal skills to become a better student and find success in earning my Bachelor of Arts degree at Ashford University in Social Science.Self Assessment is the first step in my successful future. I can remember in high school, it seemed like I was always one of the last students finished with a test. I was sometimes slower at completing a written paper or an assignment. In open more content... I have discovered some interesting things I have noticed in myself before taking this course. For example, my learning style I have noticed is the visual learning style. With this, I prefer to see and read information to full gain comprehension. If I forget the data, or not clearly understand it the first time read, I have the option of reading it over. I do not always trust myself to absorb all information the first time around. I take a lot of notes to look at. Notes help me remember even though I may not read the again, I can refer to them in my mind after writing them down. I am not sure if just anyone reading them would get anything out of it, but at least I know what they mean. I like to take my time with material, but am not always given the allotted time to do so. I also like to keep a written list of things to do to refer to. I am comfortable with my learning style, accepted it as my very own. I am not sure if changing it this late in life is such a good idea. I have got by this far, it must work out for me. I have identified my personality style as being extroverted, one who becomes easily energized by others, and outwardly expressing thoughts as long as I am fully understanding context and material being discussed. If I have no idea what is being addressed, I am better of keeping quiet to save myself from Get more content on
  • 2. Summary Of ' Me, Myself, And ' Essay Me, Myself & Irene Dissociative Disorder Jose Lugo, Jacob Rose, and Arturo Valdez Eagle Pass High School Abstract The movie Me, Myself & Irene gives a great example of the Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID). The disorder is displayed by the main character Charlie, a cop, and has an alter named Hank. Charlie and Hank are in the same body, but have completely different personalities. This is exactly what DID is defined as, but there are some inaccuracies throughout that have a different, more reasonable explanation. Keywords: Personalities, Disorder, DID, add more key words The movie Me, Myself, & Irene is a story about a Rhode Island state trooper named Charlie. Throughout the story Charlie is constantly a very nice guy that is take advantage of by his family and his friends. However on one day he is pushed to far and because of this he develops a multiple personality disorder. His multiple personality disorder makes Charlie get another personality known as Frank. Charlie personality switches to frank when dealt with confrontation. He has a job to bring a girl named Irene where she lives but Me, Myself & Irene Dissociative Disorder The film Me, Myself & Irene displays a main character Charlie, that had the Dissociative Identity Disorder. The disorder is found in individuals that contain two or more distinct personality identities. Each may have a unique name, personal history, and characteristics, most likely due to harsh past events. Charlie is a cop that Get more content on
  • 3. Defining Myself Essay Sometimes a person may feel that they have no purpose in life. Finding out who you are just takes the time of sitting down and thinking of the importance in your life. Who am I? I am Mercedes Kimberly Kingston, and I am a person with different personalities, characteristics, and identities. The many ways, in which I identify myself, in fact, are the ways that define who I am. My Identity is something only I can fully define. I have a little brother, which makes me a sister; I have two loving parents, which makes me a daughter; I am in college studying medicine, which makes me a student; and I have wonderful friends in desperate need of support, which makes me a wonderful best friend. Before anything, I am a big sister more content... It is seen as an essential part of learning and using what you learn in class. But when you get loads of class work and have very little time to finish it, then it becomes an unnecessary burden. Yet, sometimes, for me, it is the fact that I procrastinate that prevents me from completing a task. For college student, like myself who is working to pay for college, large amounts of class work usually brings lots of stress and fear of not being able to get good grades in many of my classes. Yet, I have support from my family, friends, and some peers who encourage me to put up a good fight in reaching my goal. I am a student that has gone through so much to get here, where I am. There were times that I had strong feelings that I would never be in college, just because of the negative energy I forced upon myself. Since pre–K, I have had this problem that if I can't do something I just give up, and stop trying. I still have this problem, but I have learned to get a control on it. The biggest problem was graduating from high school. I never thought that I would ever graduate. But I knew, as a student, I should at least try and show my teachers that I am putting effort. And now, I'm in college, studying pre–med, and hoping to become either a pediatrician, or a NFL Doctor. Growing up as a daughter to a single mom, was, I think, the best experience ever. I was, and am still, very spoiled. I always had everything that I ever wanted. And Get more content on
  • 4. How Do I See Myself? Personal Profile How do I see myself? In the business world, interaction is necessary especially if I want to be an effective employee. By learning about myself, understanding my needs, and knowing how other people see me, I am able to recognize my skills and abilities, which leads to best determining what jobs fits me the most and how to work effectively and efficiently. After completing all the assessments in "Self–Assessment Library" by Stephen P. Robbins, I find myself to be a sociable person on both the advancement and receiving end. I love interacting with people and listening to them. Moreover, I like it when people give me feedback over what I have done as opposed to asking for opinions over ideas. I work well in teams since I am a free spirit who indulges with anyone. Compared to other people from my country, Saudi Arabia, my English language skills are very good and are quite an asset when it comes to the research writing. Since childhood, creation was an aspect of awe to me, the ability to picture ways of improvement and sustenance were always an intriguing factor to me. I lead through experience and actual practice. I am not actually a follower but I prefer a very interactive team that is full of practical ideas since I usually take initiative to follow through. I am good at organizing things since people's reaction always matter to me and I always want to impress them. I work towards that through the engagement of personal trials and errors; thus, I get a Get more content on
  • 5. Development of Self Essay Development of Self The development of self starts at a very young age. When a preschooler is asked how are they different from other children, they usually look at their self concept. Self concept is their identity, of their set of beliefs about what they are like as individuals. Most preschoolers give inaccurate statements about their self concept. They usually overestimate their skills and knowledge. Preschool–age children also begin to develop a view of self that reflects their particular culture considers the self. An example of this would be to look at the different views as self between the Western culture and the Asian culture. Western cultures believe that an individual should seek attention of others by standing more content... Children's views of self become more differentiated. As they get older, children discover that they may be good at some things and not so good at others. Children's self– concepts become divided into personal and academic spheres. During middle childhood children begin social comparison. Social comparison is the desire to evaluate one's own behavior, abilities, expertise, and opinions by comparing them to those of others. During middle childhood children deal with the crisis industry versus inferiority stage. The stage is characterized by a focus on efforts to attain competence in meeting the challenges presented by parents, peers, school, and other complexities of the modern world. This is a time of their life where the child develops a self esteem. Self–esteem in an individual's overall and specific positive and negative self–evaluation. Self concept reflects beliefs and cognitions about the self, self–esteem is more emotionally oriented. The self–esteem of most children tends to increase during middle childhood with a brief decline around age of 12. Some evidence shows that members of minority groups have lower self–esteem then those of the majority group. Children build a sense of self efficacy during their elementary years. Self efficacy refers to learned expectations that one is capable of carrying out a behavior or producing a desired outcome in a particular situation. Get more content on
  • 6. Essay on Finding Yourself How can one truly know who they are? It takes years of experience to understand yourself; your likes, your dislikes, your abilities, and your passions. Sometimes society will agree with these things, and sometimes it won't. Self–identity is the result of trial and error in terms of resistance to the cultural norms of one's society, and the lessons learned through such resistance, as demonstrated in Munro's An Ounce of Cure and Boyle's Greasy Lake. An Ounce of Cure tells the story of a teenage girl, whom remains unnamed throughout the entire story, who was brought up in a small town where drinking was frowned upon, thinking that she was never good enough for her family. She had her heart broken by a boy at school and became depressed more content... Alice Munro demonstrates the learning of oneself through the resistance to society via the girl in An Ounce of Cure. Although she knew it wasn't a good idea, and that her parents and community wouldn't approve of her drinking if they found out, she resisted that cultural norm and did it anyway. By drinking too much and getting drunk to the point of being physically sick, she learns that it was not the best idea. By the social consequences of the rumours spread across her town afterwards, she suffers loneliness and learns that the boy who started her depression in the first place was not worth the embarrassment, nor the experience itself. Munro depicts a teenage girl growing up; learning about herself and coming to terms with who she is. The girl learns that alcohol (and pills) are not the solution to a broken heart, and that her time was wasted being miserable over a boy who dumped her. Greasy Lake depicts the story of a young man, also without a name, who tried to build a reputation for himself as a "dangerous character" (p. 33), much like many other young men of the era. He did many things he considered 'bad', such as wearing torn–up leather jackets and sniffing glue. It was popular for the people of his crowd to take their parents cars to Greasy Lake, a local hangout for young adults which was in all reality just a dumpy murky pond. One night, the boy and his two friends Get more content on
  • 7. Essay About Myself School, to me and among many peers of my age, is not a distant term. I have spent one–third of my life time sitting in classrooms, every week since I was seven years old. After spending this much time in school, many things and experiences that happened there have left their mark in my memory. Some are small incidences while some have had a great impact on me. However, regardless the degree of significance, things that happened all contributed to shape the person that I am now. I was accused of cheating for the first time when I was seven years old. It was during the term final where the performance of the test indicates all the progress the student had made throughout the semester, so its importance was never over emphasized. more content... Everything started anew, I was all by myself. While I was busy getting used to the school and making new friends, I also discovered a new passion, soccer. Through soccer I was able to meet some of my most loyal friends. We would often get together and play soccer against other classes. The school required a test for admission, so the competition was getting fierce. The teachers focused a lot on our academics and tried to squeeze as much time as they can from us to study. As the result, we were not allowed to play soccer during our free time because it hinders us from studying. Maybe it is human tendency to break laws, but the gang of us didn’t want to conform to that rule so sneaking a soccer ball to school and keep it away from the teachers became an everyday challenge. It was amazing the kind of ideas we came up with for this task. Soccer added spices into my otherwise boring school life, and it served as a channel between me and my fellow classmates. Through soccer we found a common ground, that we were able to know each other more and support each other no matter what happens. It gave us a sense of unity, and it was very important to me. Even now I cherish the pact I had with them back then – the support that helped me to stay on the right track during my rebel teenage years. My homeroom teacher at the time had the most impact on me than any other mentors I had. People say Get more content on
  • 8. The Self Essay The Self Every situation that an individual is exposed to throughout life, helps mold our "self." As humans we have the ability to see ourselves from the outside, and all through life we try to see what others see and our "self" revolves around the generalized other. We observe how others perceive us and we make conclusions depending on our observations. How we act around others depends on the image we feel they have towards us. Charles Horton Cooley, a symbolic interactionist, concluded that our sense of "self" develops from interactions with others. Cooley described this process as more content... On the other hand if you see yourself as an individual who can communicate without a problem and you see that you can keep others interested in a given conversations, your reaction is more positive. Through this looking– glass self we develop a "self" concept. Depending on the observations we make concerning the reactions of others we develop feelings and ideas about ourselves. The reflection we see in the mirror is either negative or positive depending on the feedback we get back from those around us. Misjudgments of the reactions of others become part of our "self" concept also the misinterpretations of how others think of us. Self concepts begins in childhood but it continues to develop throughout life. As we observe how other people react to us, we modify our "self." The "self" is never a finished project, and it continues to change as our life takes different turns. Our "self" reacts to the environment that we are in. As the "self" expands we put together the different reactions making us a unique individual. Every individual has a different way of thinking and therefore they make their own choices about certain situations. Going through different life changes, means the "self" is expected to change to accommodate the life stage we find our selves in. The way we perceived things when Get more content on
  • 9. Reflection About Myself After some time of reflecting over myself and characterizing my own self, I have came up with a few characteristics of myself. These characteristics are words I feel can be used to describe myself. The characteristics I have chosen are trustworthy, optimistic, and independent. I find myself to be a pretty trustworthy person. I have been a person that people have been able to come to me with a problem and ask for advice. I can also keep secrets pretty well. An example of something that can contradict me being a trustful person is when I have to lie to someone to keep someone's secret. An example of this is when I had to lie to my dad that my mom was out of town. My parents are divorced and my dad lives about an hour away from Smithville. My mom had to go out of town for a work trip. Since it was during the week, my mom did not want us to have to go to my dads because it would be tough to get back and forth to school. We also knew that my dad would be stubborn and persistent about having us stay at his house. So in conclusion, my Grandma came and watched us while my mom was out of town and I told my dad that she would be home. This trait did not really start to form until the beginning of my Freshman year. A lot of my traits started last year because up until then, well, I as well as my other classmates have not really been in an environment where the level of maturity is much higher than what we are accustomed to. I find optimistic a word to describe me well because I am Get more content on