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My Philosophy as Christian Educator
My Philosophy as Christian Educator is Teaching with Competence and Christ-like
Character to Transform Lives for the glory of God. This philosophy I formulated is a product of
my experiences as Christian who has been involved in teaching the Word of God as Bible study
leader and mentor to my cell group. This has challenged me to develop a deeper and intimate
relationship with God by reading, meditating and putting into practice His Word, prayer and
consistent fellowship with the mature servants of God. In so doing, I do believe that
transformation happens from glory to glory and in effect I can become an agent of
transformation through teaching and learning process.
A. What is Christian Education?
1. Education centered on God
As Christian educator I believe that God must be the center of Christian
Education. He is to be seen and felt in the entirety of Christian education curriculum. God
must be the focal point of all theories and processes involve in the teaching and learning
process. Since this teaching and learning process is a communication of knowledge
which became wisdom when verified through application and experience. According to
Dr. Cates, “Knowledge may be defined as an understanding or a clear perception of truth.
The Biblical view of knowledge presupposes a source of all knowledge, for knowledge is
dependent on truth; and truth, in turn, is dependent on God.”
The Bible's opening statement reveals God as its main topic (Gen. 1:1). God
controlled the events in the lives of His people; He initiated the covenants and law; He
raised up leaders to instruct His people regarding personal and corporate righteousness.
And when a generation failed to follow God's truth, turmoil inevitably followed (Exodus
1). God is the source of knowledge rooted in truth. God, Himself, is truth, and has chosen
to reveal Himself through general and special revelation. By general revelation, we mean,
God revealed Himself through nature (Psalm 19:1-6; Rom. 1:18-21), human conscience
(Rom 2:14-16; Acts 17:22-23) and history (providence) (I Cor. 10:1-6; Ps 66; 77:11-20;
78). He also revealed Himself through Scripture (Acts 17:11; Rom 15:3-4) and through
Jesus Christ (Heb. 1:2-3; Jn. 1:18) known as special revelation. The implication of having
God as a fountain of knowledge which is also a foundation for the philosophy of
education is clear: God is the source of all truth, then all truth is God's truth.
2. Education rooted in the Scripture
As Christian educator I believe that the purpose to communicate biblical truth is
set forth as a motif in 2 Tim. 3:16-17, “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for
teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God
may be thoroughly equipped for every good work’ (NIV). All Scripture means all
Scripture is breathed from God which denoted that it originated from within the Creator
and was brought into existence and delivered by means of the breath God. In Matthew
4:4, written, “Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that proceeds out of
the mouth of God.”
As Christian educator I firmly believe that the foundation of truth is God's
revelation, contained primarily in the inspired Word, and this truth, though on its highest
level received by faith, can also be known through our reason, enlightened by the Holy
Spirit. The ultimate criterion of truth is found in the revealed Word, the Bible which is
the final authority for Christian faith and practice. The Scriptures as the inspired Word of
God should be a vital part of the content of the curriculum and integrated with all subject
matter. “The Bible should be the integrating factor around which all other subject matter
is correlated and arranged, and provides the criterion by which all other subject matter is
judged” (Dr. Cates, A Philosophy of Christian Education).
As Christian educator I must have commitment to “absolute truth-namely, that
truth throughout Holy Scripture is not subject to change. In a world that almost
universally considers truth relative (subject to change and revision), Christian educators
affirm the centrality of absolute truth” (Kenneth O. Gangel, Christian Education
Foundation for the Future).
As Christian educator I also believe that God's Christian Schools are built on the
premise that all truth is God's truth and that the Word of God is to be the key factor in the
communication of knowledge. It is important to note that any and all education that is
received should have the word of God as its foundation. This is not to imply that the
Bible is a textbook on anything and everything; but rather, that the Bible is to be the point
of reference from which we can evaluate all other areas and sources of knowledge. Every
teacher must know the Bible as the Word of God that is relevant to all subjects (Dr.
B. Who is Christian Educator?
1. Christian Educator is Gifted by God
As Christian educator I believe that the biblical gift of teaching originates from
God and endowed to believers who have been tasked to equip and edify the new
humanity in Christ towards Christ-like maturity growing and reflecting God’s truth and
love (Ephesians 4:11-16). Believers who experienced God’s transforming power through
the Gospel and given spiritual gift for teaching should teach according to the capacity
God has given them as a spiritual act of service to God (Rom. 12:1-2, 7). Teaching is one
of vital processes in the discipleship process of Great Commission (Matt. 28:19-20).
Christian educators owe their giftedness as teacher from God and it entails greater
accountability before Him (James 3:1). So, as Christian educator, I need to use God’s gift
responsibly, with greater accountability for the glory of God.
2. Christian Educator is Propagator of God’s Truth
As a Christian educator the teacher must be both a Christian and an educator. As a
Christian he has experienced the reality of God's truth, and he or she has God's Spirit to
empower him and his teaching (Dr. Cates).
As Christian educator, I must be upholder and propagator of God’s truth to
counter the ideals of relativize truth. One of the qualifications for eldership as part of
Paul’s instruction to Timothy is to appoint elder who is able to teach. Due to the
proliferation of false teaching inside and outside the church, the elder had the
responsibility to protect the community of Christ from being swayed away by false
teacher. It is therefore a must for an elder to teach their subordinates about the Gospel’s
truth which is rooted in the Scripture (2 Timothy 2:2; 3:14-16). The elder as teacher
should prevent moral degeneration and social deterioration rooted in self-love. As
Christian educator, I must be committed in all aspects of my life and work, with all my
being, to the truth to effect transformation in the society (2 Tim. 3:1-5).
3. Christian Educator as both transformed and transformer.
a. Teaching from the Outflow of Life
As Christian educator, I must have experienced the reality of what I am
attempting to teach or else I will just be a blind teacher leading blind students. The
nature of the teaching process give me some clues as to the function of the teacher.
That is to teach from the outflow of my own life. I need to experience the
transforming power of Christ in order to reflect Him in my life for my students to
imitate. I cannot teach my students what I don’t have and haven’t experienced. As
Christian educator, I must have experienced the reality of God's truth, and the
empowerment of God's Spirit in my teaching. As Christian educator I will be a guide
or resource person in the wonderful experience of learning. I will be a facilitator of
learning and my learners must know that I care about them (John 16:13; 1 Cor.
12:11). In the book of 1 Corinthians 11:1, Paul exhorts his readers to be followers of
him as he is of Christ. This must be true of me as teacher too, for as teacher I must
exemplify what I am trying to teach.
b. Teaching that Impacts Transformation
As Christian educator, I need to function in accordance with the mandate of God
to teach in accord with the educational principles contained in the Word of God
(Matt. 28:20). To educate means to change one's behaviour or to change life. As
Christian educator, I should rest satisfied with nothing less than spiritual results. I
need to impact holistic transformation. As teacher, I must constantly test my teaching
to see if it's resulting in mental, physical, economic and spiritual growth on the part of
my students and become productive members of society and fruitful citizens of God’s
kingdom (Luke 2:52; 3 John 2-4).
C. Competence…
1. Christ-centered Competence
As Christian educator, I must always walk by faith. For Biblical education
requires a submission of all intellect and will to the Lordship of Christ (1 Cor. 1:18-31; 2
Cor. 10:5). A teacher acted upon with trust in God is then fueled by a supernatural force –
Jesus himself! Christ accomplishes through the humble and obedient teacher that which
can only be ascribed to God’s ability. In the end, a teacher sees limitless possibilities for
what can be achieved. When the task is complete it is God, not the teacher, who receives
the credit (Prov. 3:5-6; Gal. 2:20; Phil. 1:20). This is why Christian schools and colleges
that “develop a Christ-centered and Biblically grounded program must consider this
standard: No Christian education without Christian teacher,” and must never, under any
condition compromise this standard. “Compromise of this standard, always results in the
progressive de-Christianizing of an institution” (Dr. Cates). Worldly teachers may
operate in their own strength and in their own wisdom, and they might be able to
accomplish good and even noble things. But Christian educator produces eternal results
because it comes from a different source. It’s not based upon the world’s wisdom or the
meager human resources of a teacher. These sources can only accomplish what can be
explained in natural and human ways and through the limited skills of a teacher. By
contrast, the inner fuel, guide, and force at work for Christian educator is the very power
of Christ, the Master Teacher! (Phil. 4:13).
2. Mastery of the Subject Matter
As Christian educator, I need to endeavour to master the subject matter related to
field I am teaching. “Since education deals primarily with the communication of
knowledge… Knowledge may be defined as an understanding or a clear perception of
truth. The Biblical view of knowledge presupposes a source of all knowledge, for
knowledge is dependent on truth; and truth, in turn, is dependent on God.” Mastering the
biblical truth will serve as principles in applying this truth in all other subjects. “Claim to
truth from other areas should be tested and evaluated by the philosophical and theological
truths of the Word of God” (Dr. Cates). The following lesson plan framework will be
useful to me in conveying God’s truth in whatever subject that I will be teaching:
a. Activity: Arouse interest to the subject matter (Jn. 4-7).
b. Analysis: Understanding complex ideas and synthesizing it to simple thought or
defining framework of known to unknown (Jn. 4:10-14).
c. Abstraction: Encourages participation in dealing with subject matter to deepen
one’s knowledge or impression (Jn. 4:15).
d. Application: Assimilates new truth into holistic progressive life (Jn. 4:29).
3. Holy Spirit Empowered Competence
As Christian educator I need to acknowledge that my gift for teaching is an
endowment from the Holy Spirit (Romans 12:7; 1 Cor. 12:11). So my uttermost
competence depends on the Holy Spirit who empower and guide me in the teaching-
learning process. I need to remember that Christian education is a supernatural task. The
presence of God’s Spirit in teaching takes Christian education beyond mere
programming, methodology, and techniques. As a Christian educator I need to rely on the
Holy Spirit. Seen in light of the Spirit's teaching ministry, Christian education demands
me to be submissive to the guidance and direction of the Holy Spirit. Christian educator
must work with God, not against Him. As Christian educator, I need to relate God's Word
to the students’ experiences. “A proper understanding of the work of the Holy Spirit
provides Christian educators with a balanced, blended approach to the question of content
and experience” (Dr. Cates). As Christian educator, I must recognize that, “in the final
sense, God, the Holy Spirit, is the teacher. It is God who does the teaching, a teacher is
merely a channel of His grace, an instrument doing the planting and watering. The
spiritual effectiveness of a teacher's work rests ultimately with the Holy Spirit” (Dr.
Cates). It is the Holy Spirit who convicts the unbelieving students with their sins and the
sinfulness before God and has the capacity to transform an individual from glory to glory
(1 Cor. 3:6; 2 Cor. 3:16-18).
D. Christ-like Character…
In order to exemplify Christ-like character as Christian educator, I need to observe the
1. Modelling Christian Virtues
As Christian educator, I need to become an example for my students in
exemplifying Christian virtues. As Paul urges Timothy to become an “example for the
believers” as Paul often sets himself up as an example for others and applies the same
responsibility to others (1 Tim. 1:16). He then enumerates five specific areas in which
Timothy is to be an example: speech, conduct, love, faith and purity. The first two have
an impact on his public ministry; the final three deal more with his personal life. Timothy
is to maintain a good example in “speech,” refers to everyday speech that is good for
building others as fits to the occasion that it may give grace to those who hear (Eph. 4:29;
1Tim. 4:6). He is also to be an example in “conduct.” The word conduct in the original is
referring to one’s entire way of life, or one’s general conduct (1 Tim. 3:15). On “love”
which manifest on self-sacrifice and selfless service for others as reflection of love to
God and as gratitude for God’s love to us (1 Tim. 1:5; Matt. 22:37-39; 1 John 3:16-18).
On “faith,” which refers to general trustworthiness of Timothy and what he believed.
Finally, Timothy is also to have “purity.” According to William Mounce, this word
occurs again in Pauline Epistle only in 1 Tim. 5:2, where Paul enjoins Timothy to treat
younger women “in all purity,” like they are his younger sisters. In other words, as
Christian educator, I need to treat and deal my students with moral purity. To sum up,
Timothy’s leadership must be by example, modelling the truth of the Gospel in daily
basis through his speeches, deeds, faith, love and purity. This is also true for me as
Christian educator, I need to exemplify Christian virtues in all aspects of life for my
students to emulate.
2. Shepherding Attitude
The word “shepherd” indicates feeding, protecting, caring for a flock. As
Christian educator, then, it is my responsibility to feed my student with knowledge and
moral wisdom, protect my students’ vulnerability from those who wants to oppress and
exploit them and care for them in all aspects of their lives in whatever capacity I have,
with love and compassion, teaching by example (1 Peter 5:1-4). I need to care for them
by displaying deeds of love, praying for them, visiting them when they are sick or
committing rampant absences, practicing hospitality for them, providing their needs when
their parents failed to provide, sharing the gospel to them and discipling them in the ways
and will of God. After all, this is the will of the Chief Shepherd, the Lord Jesus Christ,
with whom I am accountable and will receive a great reward (1 Pet. 5:5).
E. To Transform Lives…
1. Transformation asserted by the Holy Spirit
As Christian educator I need to believe that transformation happens when an
individual is confronted by or encountered the Word of God and the Holy Spirit
empowers him/her to respond positively by faith to Jesus Christ and experienced the
saving grace of God unto justification, sanctification and glorification. Christian
institution reveals the characteristics of true Christian education as to purpose, method,
and results. The purpose is to put the believer into right relationship with God, man, self,
and his surroundings. The method is by the Holy Spirit's assistance in the appropriation
of Biblical truth to the believer's life. The result will be a maturing believer who is able to
live a life that is in conformity with the Word of God. In essence, Christian education is a
process of guided learning where the teacher and the Holy Spirit combine efforts to help
the leaner to spiritually grow and mature, to more and more conform to the image of
Christ (Dr. Cates) (Romans 8:29-30; 1 Cor. 6:9-11; Galatians 5:16-23; Eph. 4:11-16).
2. Transformation affirmed by their Christian Living
As Christian educator, I shall endeavour to integrate spiritual discipline in my
lesson plan to nurture the students to have right and intimate relationship with God. The
students need to understand that spiritual discipline such prayer, singing songs to God,
reading and meditating God’s word, attending fellowship of believers and sharing their
faith to non-believers are vital processes for their growth and maturity as individual and
as productive members of society and citizens of God’s Kingdom. As Christian educator,
I shall seek to develop or employ Christian worldview, a perspective that enables students
to understand, appreciate, and live a Christian life in the world in which God has placed
them. As Christian educator, hopefully, I will help individual student develops the ability
to separate truth from error, not only in Bible doctrine, but also in the facts and issues of
everyday life. Thus, helping them to reflect Christian values such as love, faith and purity
in their day to day living.
3. Transformation attested by becoming agent of transformation.
The outcome of biblical teaching is always about transforming the lives of
human beings. Every time God called a Christian educator to a teaching task, God’s
purpose was to redeem and restore His people. Therefore, Christian educator does not
ever exist in a vacuum. As Christian educator, I am called by God to interact with and
impact people. Teaching is a means toward a people-transforming end. People are of
immense value to God and my teaching task should have the development and
transformation of people as its object. Those who experienced the transforming power of
God’s word and the Holy Spirit through teaching and learning process become an agent
of transformation as they obey the command of God to love Him and others and the
commission of Christ to make disciples serving as light and salt of the world (Heb. 4:12;
1 Peter 1:22-23; Titus 3:5; Eph. 5:8-14; Phil. 2:14-16; Matt. 5:13-16).
F. For the Glory of God
My aspiration as Christian educator to transform the lives of my students with total
dependency to God, the Holy Spirit, is neither for my self-satisfaction nor for my prominence
or personal legacy but for God’s glory. All glory belongs to the Lord God who is the
sovereign, infinite, immutable, all knowing, ever present and all powerful (1 Cor. 10:31). He
has the pre-eminence and supremacy in the teaching and learning process in the field of
Christian education.
Indeed, to bring transformation to people’s lives particularly for my students in the future
if God willing, I need to have a competence or teaching skill as Christian educator. I should’ve
experienced the redemptive power of Christ, the transforming power of the Word of God and the
Holy Spirit to impact change to the lives of my students. I need to depend on the God, the Holy
Spirit to convict or illumine the hearts of my students and transformed them into a new being in
Christ and maturing them into the full stature of Christ (John 16:8; Romans 8:29; Eph. 4:11-13).
I need to exemplify Christ-like character by modelling Christian virtues and shepherding
attitude. I need to guide, provide and protect my students. I need exemplify these Christ-like
characters for them to emulate. As I engage in teaching and learning process, I will challenge,
encourage and engage my students to develop themselves in all aspects of their being involving
physical, mental, social, economic and spiritual wellness. I will facilitate self-discovery
discussion and create an atmosphere of learning wherein they could discover their spiritual gifts
and harness their inherent potentials for them to be fruitful in God’s kingdom and productive
members of society. All these aspirations as Christian educator will only become possible
through the ever present help of our God Almighty, by acknowledging and submission to the
Lordship of Jesus Christ, adherence to God’s Word and total dependence to the power of the
Holy Spirit in the teaching and learning process. May the Lord God help me to become agent of
transformation as I live out my philosophy as Christian educator, “Teaching with competence
and Christ-like character to transform lives for the glory of God.”
474 Arayat St. Brgy. Malamig
City of Mandaluyong
My Philosophy
As Christian Educator
School Year 2018-2019
Prepared By:
Submitted To:

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Christian Educator Philosophy Teaching God's Truth

  • 1. My Philosophy as Christian Educator Introduction: My Philosophy as Christian Educator is Teaching with Competence and Christ-like Character to Transform Lives for the glory of God. This philosophy I formulated is a product of my experiences as Christian who has been involved in teaching the Word of God as Bible study leader and mentor to my cell group. This has challenged me to develop a deeper and intimate relationship with God by reading, meditating and putting into practice His Word, prayer and consistent fellowship with the mature servants of God. In so doing, I do believe that transformation happens from glory to glory and in effect I can become an agent of transformation through teaching and learning process. A. What is Christian Education? 1. Education centered on God As Christian educator I believe that God must be the center of Christian Education. He is to be seen and felt in the entirety of Christian education curriculum. God must be the focal point of all theories and processes involve in the teaching and learning process. Since this teaching and learning process is a communication of knowledge which became wisdom when verified through application and experience. According to Dr. Cates, “Knowledge may be defined as an understanding or a clear perception of truth. The Biblical view of knowledge presupposes a source of all knowledge, for knowledge is dependent on truth; and truth, in turn, is dependent on God.” The Bible's opening statement reveals God as its main topic (Gen. 1:1). God controlled the events in the lives of His people; He initiated the covenants and law; He raised up leaders to instruct His people regarding personal and corporate righteousness. And when a generation failed to follow God's truth, turmoil inevitably followed (Exodus 1). God is the source of knowledge rooted in truth. God, Himself, is truth, and has chosen to reveal Himself through general and special revelation. By general revelation, we mean, God revealed Himself through nature (Psalm 19:1-6; Rom. 1:18-21), human conscience (Rom 2:14-16; Acts 17:22-23) and history (providence) (I Cor. 10:1-6; Ps 66; 77:11-20; 78). He also revealed Himself through Scripture (Acts 17:11; Rom 15:3-4) and through Jesus Christ (Heb. 1:2-3; Jn. 1:18) known as special revelation. The implication of having God as a fountain of knowledge which is also a foundation for the philosophy of education is clear: God is the source of all truth, then all truth is God's truth. 2. Education rooted in the Scripture As Christian educator I believe that the purpose to communicate biblical truth is set forth as a motif in 2 Tim. 3:16-17, “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work’ (NIV). All Scripture means all Scripture is breathed from God which denoted that it originated from within the Creator and was brought into existence and delivered by means of the breath God. In Matthew 4:4, written, “Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.”
  • 2. As Christian educator I firmly believe that the foundation of truth is God's revelation, contained primarily in the inspired Word, and this truth, though on its highest level received by faith, can also be known through our reason, enlightened by the Holy Spirit. The ultimate criterion of truth is found in the revealed Word, the Bible which is the final authority for Christian faith and practice. The Scriptures as the inspired Word of God should be a vital part of the content of the curriculum and integrated with all subject matter. “The Bible should be the integrating factor around which all other subject matter is correlated and arranged, and provides the criterion by which all other subject matter is judged” (Dr. Cates, A Philosophy of Christian Education). As Christian educator I must have commitment to “absolute truth-namely, that truth throughout Holy Scripture is not subject to change. In a world that almost universally considers truth relative (subject to change and revision), Christian educators affirm the centrality of absolute truth” (Kenneth O. Gangel, Christian Education Foundation for the Future). As Christian educator I also believe that God's Christian Schools are built on the premise that all truth is God's truth and that the Word of God is to be the key factor in the communication of knowledge. It is important to note that any and all education that is received should have the word of God as its foundation. This is not to imply that the Bible is a textbook on anything and everything; but rather, that the Bible is to be the point of reference from which we can evaluate all other areas and sources of knowledge. Every teacher must know the Bible as the Word of God that is relevant to all subjects (Dr. Cates). B. Who is Christian Educator? 1. Christian Educator is Gifted by God As Christian educator I believe that the biblical gift of teaching originates from God and endowed to believers who have been tasked to equip and edify the new humanity in Christ towards Christ-like maturity growing and reflecting God’s truth and love (Ephesians 4:11-16). Believers who experienced God’s transforming power through the Gospel and given spiritual gift for teaching should teach according to the capacity God has given them as a spiritual act of service to God (Rom. 12:1-2, 7). Teaching is one of vital processes in the discipleship process of Great Commission (Matt. 28:19-20). Christian educators owe their giftedness as teacher from God and it entails greater accountability before Him (James 3:1). So, as Christian educator, I need to use God’s gift responsibly, with greater accountability for the glory of God. 2. Christian Educator is Propagator of God’s Truth As a Christian educator the teacher must be both a Christian and an educator. As a Christian he has experienced the reality of God's truth, and he or she has God's Spirit to empower him and his teaching (Dr. Cates). As Christian educator, I must be upholder and propagator of God’s truth to counter the ideals of relativize truth. One of the qualifications for eldership as part of Paul’s instruction to Timothy is to appoint elder who is able to teach. Due to the
  • 3. proliferation of false teaching inside and outside the church, the elder had the responsibility to protect the community of Christ from being swayed away by false teacher. It is therefore a must for an elder to teach their subordinates about the Gospel’s truth which is rooted in the Scripture (2 Timothy 2:2; 3:14-16). The elder as teacher should prevent moral degeneration and social deterioration rooted in self-love. As Christian educator, I must be committed in all aspects of my life and work, with all my being, to the truth to effect transformation in the society (2 Tim. 3:1-5). 3. Christian Educator as both transformed and transformer. a. Teaching from the Outflow of Life As Christian educator, I must have experienced the reality of what I am attempting to teach or else I will just be a blind teacher leading blind students. The nature of the teaching process give me some clues as to the function of the teacher. That is to teach from the outflow of my own life. I need to experience the transforming power of Christ in order to reflect Him in my life for my students to imitate. I cannot teach my students what I don’t have and haven’t experienced. As Christian educator, I must have experienced the reality of God's truth, and the empowerment of God's Spirit in my teaching. As Christian educator I will be a guide or resource person in the wonderful experience of learning. I will be a facilitator of learning and my learners must know that I care about them (John 16:13; 1 Cor. 12:11). In the book of 1 Corinthians 11:1, Paul exhorts his readers to be followers of him as he is of Christ. This must be true of me as teacher too, for as teacher I must exemplify what I am trying to teach. b. Teaching that Impacts Transformation As Christian educator, I need to function in accordance with the mandate of God to teach in accord with the educational principles contained in the Word of God (Matt. 28:20). To educate means to change one's behaviour or to change life. As Christian educator, I should rest satisfied with nothing less than spiritual results. I need to impact holistic transformation. As teacher, I must constantly test my teaching to see if it's resulting in mental, physical, economic and spiritual growth on the part of my students and become productive members of society and fruitful citizens of God’s kingdom (Luke 2:52; 3 John 2-4). C. Competence… 1. Christ-centered Competence As Christian educator, I must always walk by faith. For Biblical education requires a submission of all intellect and will to the Lordship of Christ (1 Cor. 1:18-31; 2 Cor. 10:5). A teacher acted upon with trust in God is then fueled by a supernatural force – Jesus himself! Christ accomplishes through the humble and obedient teacher that which can only be ascribed to God’s ability. In the end, a teacher sees limitless possibilities for what can be achieved. When the task is complete it is God, not the teacher, who receives the credit (Prov. 3:5-6; Gal. 2:20; Phil. 1:20). This is why Christian schools and colleges that “develop a Christ-centered and Biblically grounded program must consider this
  • 4. standard: No Christian education without Christian teacher,” and must never, under any condition compromise this standard. “Compromise of this standard, always results in the progressive de-Christianizing of an institution” (Dr. Cates). Worldly teachers may operate in their own strength and in their own wisdom, and they might be able to accomplish good and even noble things. But Christian educator produces eternal results because it comes from a different source. It’s not based upon the world’s wisdom or the meager human resources of a teacher. These sources can only accomplish what can be explained in natural and human ways and through the limited skills of a teacher. By contrast, the inner fuel, guide, and force at work for Christian educator is the very power of Christ, the Master Teacher! (Phil. 4:13). 2. Mastery of the Subject Matter As Christian educator, I need to endeavour to master the subject matter related to field I am teaching. “Since education deals primarily with the communication of knowledge… Knowledge may be defined as an understanding or a clear perception of truth. The Biblical view of knowledge presupposes a source of all knowledge, for knowledge is dependent on truth; and truth, in turn, is dependent on God.” Mastering the biblical truth will serve as principles in applying this truth in all other subjects. “Claim to truth from other areas should be tested and evaluated by the philosophical and theological truths of the Word of God” (Dr. Cates). The following lesson plan framework will be useful to me in conveying God’s truth in whatever subject that I will be teaching: a. Activity: Arouse interest to the subject matter (Jn. 4-7). b. Analysis: Understanding complex ideas and synthesizing it to simple thought or defining framework of known to unknown (Jn. 4:10-14). c. Abstraction: Encourages participation in dealing with subject matter to deepen one’s knowledge or impression (Jn. 4:15). d. Application: Assimilates new truth into holistic progressive life (Jn. 4:29). 3. Holy Spirit Empowered Competence As Christian educator I need to acknowledge that my gift for teaching is an endowment from the Holy Spirit (Romans 12:7; 1 Cor. 12:11). So my uttermost competence depends on the Holy Spirit who empower and guide me in the teaching- learning process. I need to remember that Christian education is a supernatural task. The presence of God’s Spirit in teaching takes Christian education beyond mere programming, methodology, and techniques. As a Christian educator I need to rely on the Holy Spirit. Seen in light of the Spirit's teaching ministry, Christian education demands me to be submissive to the guidance and direction of the Holy Spirit. Christian educator must work with God, not against Him. As Christian educator, I need to relate God's Word to the students’ experiences. “A proper understanding of the work of the Holy Spirit provides Christian educators with a balanced, blended approach to the question of content and experience” (Dr. Cates). As Christian educator, I must recognize that, “in the final sense, God, the Holy Spirit, is the teacher. It is God who does the teaching, a teacher is merely a channel of His grace, an instrument doing the planting and watering. The
  • 5. spiritual effectiveness of a teacher's work rests ultimately with the Holy Spirit” (Dr. Cates). It is the Holy Spirit who convicts the unbelieving students with their sins and the sinfulness before God and has the capacity to transform an individual from glory to glory (1 Cor. 3:6; 2 Cor. 3:16-18). D. Christ-like Character… In order to exemplify Christ-like character as Christian educator, I need to observe the following: 1. Modelling Christian Virtues As Christian educator, I need to become an example for my students in exemplifying Christian virtues. As Paul urges Timothy to become an “example for the believers” as Paul often sets himself up as an example for others and applies the same responsibility to others (1 Tim. 1:16). He then enumerates five specific areas in which Timothy is to be an example: speech, conduct, love, faith and purity. The first two have an impact on his public ministry; the final three deal more with his personal life. Timothy is to maintain a good example in “speech,” refers to everyday speech that is good for building others as fits to the occasion that it may give grace to those who hear (Eph. 4:29; 1Tim. 4:6). He is also to be an example in “conduct.” The word conduct in the original is referring to one’s entire way of life, or one’s general conduct (1 Tim. 3:15). On “love” which manifest on self-sacrifice and selfless service for others as reflection of love to God and as gratitude for God’s love to us (1 Tim. 1:5; Matt. 22:37-39; 1 John 3:16-18). On “faith,” which refers to general trustworthiness of Timothy and what he believed. Finally, Timothy is also to have “purity.” According to William Mounce, this word occurs again in Pauline Epistle only in 1 Tim. 5:2, where Paul enjoins Timothy to treat younger women “in all purity,” like they are his younger sisters. In other words, as Christian educator, I need to treat and deal my students with moral purity. To sum up, Timothy’s leadership must be by example, modelling the truth of the Gospel in daily basis through his speeches, deeds, faith, love and purity. This is also true for me as Christian educator, I need to exemplify Christian virtues in all aspects of life for my students to emulate. 2. Shepherding Attitude The word “shepherd” indicates feeding, protecting, caring for a flock. As Christian educator, then, it is my responsibility to feed my student with knowledge and moral wisdom, protect my students’ vulnerability from those who wants to oppress and exploit them and care for them in all aspects of their lives in whatever capacity I have, with love and compassion, teaching by example (1 Peter 5:1-4). I need to care for them by displaying deeds of love, praying for them, visiting them when they are sick or committing rampant absences, practicing hospitality for them, providing their needs when their parents failed to provide, sharing the gospel to them and discipling them in the ways and will of God. After all, this is the will of the Chief Shepherd, the Lord Jesus Christ, with whom I am accountable and will receive a great reward (1 Pet. 5:5).
  • 6. E. To Transform Lives… 1. Transformation asserted by the Holy Spirit As Christian educator I need to believe that transformation happens when an individual is confronted by or encountered the Word of God and the Holy Spirit empowers him/her to respond positively by faith to Jesus Christ and experienced the saving grace of God unto justification, sanctification and glorification. Christian institution reveals the characteristics of true Christian education as to purpose, method, and results. The purpose is to put the believer into right relationship with God, man, self, and his surroundings. The method is by the Holy Spirit's assistance in the appropriation of Biblical truth to the believer's life. The result will be a maturing believer who is able to live a life that is in conformity with the Word of God. In essence, Christian education is a process of guided learning where the teacher and the Holy Spirit combine efforts to help the leaner to spiritually grow and mature, to more and more conform to the image of Christ (Dr. Cates) (Romans 8:29-30; 1 Cor. 6:9-11; Galatians 5:16-23; Eph. 4:11-16). 2. Transformation affirmed by their Christian Living As Christian educator, I shall endeavour to integrate spiritual discipline in my lesson plan to nurture the students to have right and intimate relationship with God. The students need to understand that spiritual discipline such prayer, singing songs to God, reading and meditating God’s word, attending fellowship of believers and sharing their faith to non-believers are vital processes for their growth and maturity as individual and as productive members of society and citizens of God’s Kingdom. As Christian educator, I shall seek to develop or employ Christian worldview, a perspective that enables students to understand, appreciate, and live a Christian life in the world in which God has placed them. As Christian educator, hopefully, I will help individual student develops the ability to separate truth from error, not only in Bible doctrine, but also in the facts and issues of everyday life. Thus, helping them to reflect Christian values such as love, faith and purity in their day to day living. 3. Transformation attested by becoming agent of transformation. The outcome of biblical teaching is always about transforming the lives of human beings. Every time God called a Christian educator to a teaching task, God’s purpose was to redeem and restore His people. Therefore, Christian educator does not ever exist in a vacuum. As Christian educator, I am called by God to interact with and impact people. Teaching is a means toward a people-transforming end. People are of immense value to God and my teaching task should have the development and transformation of people as its object. Those who experienced the transforming power of God’s word and the Holy Spirit through teaching and learning process become an agent of transformation as they obey the command of God to love Him and others and the commission of Christ to make disciples serving as light and salt of the world (Heb. 4:12; 1 Peter 1:22-23; Titus 3:5; Eph. 5:8-14; Phil. 2:14-16; Matt. 5:13-16). F. For the Glory of God My aspiration as Christian educator to transform the lives of my students with total dependency to God, the Holy Spirit, is neither for my self-satisfaction nor for my prominence
  • 7. or personal legacy but for God’s glory. All glory belongs to the Lord God who is the sovereign, infinite, immutable, all knowing, ever present and all powerful (1 Cor. 10:31). He has the pre-eminence and supremacy in the teaching and learning process in the field of Christian education. Conclusion: Indeed, to bring transformation to people’s lives particularly for my students in the future if God willing, I need to have a competence or teaching skill as Christian educator. I should’ve experienced the redemptive power of Christ, the transforming power of the Word of God and the Holy Spirit to impact change to the lives of my students. I need to depend on the God, the Holy Spirit to convict or illumine the hearts of my students and transformed them into a new being in Christ and maturing them into the full stature of Christ (John 16:8; Romans 8:29; Eph. 4:11-13). I need to exemplify Christ-like character by modelling Christian virtues and shepherding attitude. I need to guide, provide and protect my students. I need exemplify these Christ-like characters for them to emulate. As I engage in teaching and learning process, I will challenge, encourage and engage my students to develop themselves in all aspects of their being involving physical, mental, social, economic and spiritual wellness. I will facilitate self-discovery discussion and create an atmosphere of learning wherein they could discover their spiritual gifts and harness their inherent potentials for them to be fruitful in God’s kingdom and productive members of society. All these aspirations as Christian educator will only become possible through the ever present help of our God Almighty, by acknowledging and submission to the Lordship of Jesus Christ, adherence to God’s Word and total dependence to the power of the Holy Spirit in the teaching and learning process. May the Lord God help me to become agent of transformation as I live out my philosophy as Christian educator, “Teaching with competence and Christ-like character to transform lives for the glory of God.”
  • 8. INTERNATIONAL BAPTIST COLLEGE 474 Arayat St. Brgy. Malamig City of Mandaluyong My Philosophy As Christian Educator School Year 2018-2019 Prepared By: VENUS DARANTINAO CARBONEL Student Submitted To: MS. VIOLETA GUTIERREZ Teacher