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Industry Profile

                                       Medical Tourism

Medical tourism (also called medical travel, health tourism or global healthcare) is a term
initially coined by travel agencies and the mass media to describe the rapidly-growing practice of
travelling across international borders to obtain health care. It also refers pejoratively to the practice
of healthcare providers travelling internationally to deliver healthcare.
Services typically sought by travelers include elective procedures as Ill as complex specialized
surgeries such as joint replacement (knee/hip), cardiac surgery, dental surgery, and cosmetic
surgeries. Individuals with rare genetic disorders may travel to another country where treatment of
these conditions is better understood. However, virtually every type of health care, including
psychiatry, alternative treatments, convalescent care and even burial services are available.
Broadly speaking, Medical Tourism has now become a common form of vacationing covering a
broad range of medical services. It is a combination of leisure, fun and recreation along with
healthcare and Illness. India offers a health holiday, leaving behind your tensions and coming into a
relaxing environment close to nature. At the same time you are able to receive an orientation that
will help you to improve your life in terms of your health and Ill being. It is like rejuvenation and
cleanup process at all levels-physical, psychological and expressive.
The first recorded instance of medical tourism dates back thousands of years to
when Greek pilgrims traveled from all over the Mediterranean to the small territory in the Saronic
Gulf called Epidauria. This territory was the sanctuary of the healing god Asklepios. Epidauria
became the original travel destination for medical tourism.
Spa towns and sanitariums may be considered an early form of medical tourism. In eighteenth
century England, for example, patients visited spas because they Ire places with supposedly health-
giving mineral waters, treating diseases from gout to liver disorders andbronchitis.

Medical Tourism in India

Medical tourism is a growing sector in India. India‟s medical tourism sector is expected to
experience an annual growth rate of 30%, making it a $2 billion industry by 2015. As medical
treatment costs in the developed world balloon - with the United States leading the way - more and
more westerners are finding the prospect of international travel for medical care increasingly
appealing. An estimated profit 150,000 rupees by these travel to India for low-priced healthcare
procedures every year.

Today India is one of the country which is being upgraded with the medical treatment such as Yoga
and Ayurveda along with other surgeries. However, a nice blend of top class medical expertise at
attractive prices is helping a rise in the number of Indian corporate hospitals attracting foreign
patients from all over the world.

In comparison with Thailand, Singapore and other Asian countries which have advanced medical
amenities and built in medical tourism options along with good hospitals, salubrious climate and
visitor destination, the quickly growing Indian corporate hospital sector has to still go a long way.

But, things are changing radically in favor of India, particularly in view of the high eminence
expertise of medical professionals, backed by the fast improving tools and nursing amenities, and
above all, the cost-effectiveness of the pack up.

 Why are people doing it?

Three Primary Reasons to Travel for Medical Care:

There are many reasons to travel abroad for medical care. The three primary reasons are cost,
quality of care, and availability of care.

Medical care costs in the United States are astronomical. The costs create a heavy burden for those
of us with health insurance, but they can bankrupt a person without. A 2008 Census Bureau report
should that 15% of Americans had no health insurance coverage at all. 45 percent of Americans
have no dental coverage.

Cost Savings

Shopping in a global market for medical providers can produce significant savings. In some cases,
the costs can be as little as 10% of what you would pay in the U.S. Here are some examples:

Hip Replacement: US: $45,000 – 92,000 – In India = $9,000

Gastric Bypass Surgery: US: $32,000 – In Costa Rica = $12,000

Dental bridge in the US about $2,500 – In Mexico = $250.

Quality of Care
You might think that you have to compromise quality of care for these cost savings. Of course, you
need to do your research on your provider. But, in fact this is something I should probably be doing
for our providers here at home as Ill.

There are international bodies such as JCI, patients beyond borders, and ISO that provide
certification of medical facilities and providers. The American Medical Association has also
recently release guidelines for use of medical tourism
Often I find that medical facilities catering to the medical tourism trade take great care to achieve
the highest levels of quality. I read account after account of people who Ire more than satisfied with
their level of service. Reputation is everything to a clinic trying to attract foreigners for medical
procedures. The top facilities are Ill aware of this.

Availability of Care

A third incentive for medical tourism is available care. I read a firsthand account from a
Parkinson‟s patient who was nearly wheel chair bound. He had watched his father die a slow and
painful death in a wheelchair from the same disease.

After some research he found a clinic in Mexico providing Stem Cell therapy. After only three Ieks
of treatment, he was walking upright and without a cane again. This same therapy was not available
in the US.

Medical Tourism is becoming a surprisingly popular alternative to local medicine. The extremely
high cost of modern medicine has brought an economy of scale to the industry. With procedures
costing hundreds of thousands of dollars in the U.S., the cost and burden of travel can easily be
offset for many situations.

Global leaders in the industry have taken notice and built world-class facilities with world-class
doctors to take advantage of the market, bringing back a sense of customer service to medicine with
it. The ability to shop this global market allows consumers to make personal choices about the
treatments that are best for them and fit their needs.

Medical Tourism is never going to replace our local family practice doctor doing regular exams, or
the care of our nearby emergency room. But for high cost, non-emergent treatments, medical
tourism is one more way that our world is getting a little bit smaller.

Why Medical Tourism..?

Fig.1 show the importance of medical tourism


Barriers in the medical tourism industry:

Fig.2 shows barriers in the medical tourism industry

 Scope of Medical Tourism in India:
 India is a good location to receive medical treatments and considered a leader in promoting
 medical                                                                                   tourism.
 Since the government is actively participating in the expansion of this industry, there is much
 investment in the facilities and resources needed for medical tourists. Including the production of
 an estimated 20, 000 - 30,000 doctors and nurses each year.
 At an approximate growth of 30% each year, studies conducted by government and private sectors
 in India estimate that medical tourism could bring between $1 billion and $2 billion US into India
 by                                                                                           2012.
 With all this investment, as well as the growing nature of this competitive market, patients from
 western countries are usually offered high quality service packages at a fraction of the treatment
 cost in the home country. These packages often include:
         post-operative vacation

Objective of the study
This project was done under four heads

                Business Development- I have Identifying new business opportunities for Building
                network & Business Associates for generating leads (foreign patients).
                New Age Media- I have been responsible for engaging the community via a
                number of new media tools and platforms, enhancing the BMTPL(Bonanza
                Medical Tourism Pvt. Ltd. ) brand and growing awareness of the people.
                Selling of Health Card- As a Health card sales representative, I was responsible
                for selling health care services to business and Individuals. My job was to
                demonstrate to the client that my product is convenient, more effective or more
                economical than its rivals.
                Marketing Research- Get Filled questionnaires for getting feedback & overview
                from the foreigners to check whether they are interested in taking medical
                treatment in India or not.

        The main limitation which I came across during my internship in business development is
        as I do not belong to Jaipur, so it is very difficult for me in making contact & getting
        business lead.
        In New Age Media the main limitation which I came across while posting of blogs &
        content development on social websites is as I am using the secondary data for posting
        building content. So it creates problem due to less content.
        In Selling of health card the main problem is as I don‟t have the comparative study of
        diagnostic center of the prices prevailing in the market.
        In marketing research I don‟t able to get enough number of foreigners as may-July is the
        off season, for proper marketing research BMTPL should go during the peak season(after
        summer season).

This report does not focus only on BMTPL the reference can be referred by other medical
       tourism also. Even the entire industry can used this information other than Bonanza
       Building network Business Associates for generating leads (foreign patients)
       Updating the Associates with new development and communicating them with new

                                  Research Methodology

Research Design- Both Descriptive and exploratory
Descriptive research is used to conduct the analysis in business development and new age media
project. Market research project is based on exploratory research

Sample size-

              Business development- 50
              New age media-
                                blogs-110
                                Social sites-75
                                Listing-50

            Research instrument- Questionnaire
                                 Secondary data

Company profile

                             About Bonanza Group
A financial powerhouse! That‟s what Bonanza is known for. Established in the year 1994,
Bonanza developed into one of the largest financial services and broking house in India within a
short span of time. Today, Bonanza is the fastest growing financial service with 5 mega group
companies under it. With diligent effort, acknowledged industry leadership and experience,
Bonanza has spread its trustworthy tentacles all over the country with pan-India presence across
more than 1611 outlets spread across 550 cities.

Now they enter into a new arm of providing services with Bonanza Medical tourism Pvt Ltd:

Their vision is to become the most recognized, preferred healthcare solutions provider for Indian
as well as international population. They look forward to provide a global health network that can
facilitate the medical necessities of the global population through the distribution of health &

Bonanza Medical Tourism will be your intermediary in health care vacation in India by providing
access to trained doctors, surgeons, and accredited hospitals as well as any compliments to your
vacation. They will design you the safest and best quality medical care and luxurious recovery
package in the beautiful destination of your choice, which allows you to return inspired by your
health and prepared to live a more contented life.

They operate with Multi-Specialty Hospitals, which provide secondary and tertiary healthcare to
patients. Their network of hospitals also include „centers of excellence‟ providing healthcare in
various areas, such as cardiac care, orthopedics, neurosciences, oncology, renal care,
gastroenterology, mother and child care among others. To deliver the best Indian healthcare, they
are partnered with a select number of leading medical specialists and private hospitals to offer the
highest possible standards to patients.

While our case management desk takes care of each and every necessity of your treatment,
our Centralized Travel Desk is committed to take care of your post operative stay. They offer
you the best stay options for your speedy and healthy recovery showcasing the best of Indian
hospitality. The tourism element and the feel of India will be an added advantage for your
attendant and family members. They ensure that you go back in high spirits and good memories.

Bonanza’s group Companies:

       Bonanza Medical Tourism Pvt Ltd
       Bonanza Portfolio Ltd
       Bonanza Commodity Brokers Pvt Ltd
       Bonanza Insurance brokers Pvt Ltd
       Bonanza Global DMCC Dubai
       Sunglow Fininvest Pvt Ltd
       Bonanza Corporate Solutions Pvt Ltd

SWOT Analysis of BMTPL

Strengths                                    Weaknesses

   •     Large market                           •   No market share

   •     Ability to build unique product        •   Initial Stages of product
   •     Goodwill and support of the whole
         group                                  •   Not enough resources

   •     Technology                             •   Delay in Building Strategy

                                                •  Does not have benefit of backward
Opportunities                                      integration.

   •     Add new products                       •   Major Hospital as direct
   •     Penetrate into a new segments
                                                •   Huge money involved in promotion
   •     Sales force development                    of such product
   •     Continuing to expand globally          •   Rising new players
   •     Use new form of channels and
         reach new market

Business Development

New business development concerns all the activities involved in realizing new business
opportunities, including product or service design, business model design, and marketing. When
splitting business development into two parts, I have: „businesses and „development‟. The first
things that come into mind when looking at business are: economics, finance, managerial
activities, competition, prices, marketing, etc. All of these keywords are related to risk and
entrepreneurship and clearly indicate the primary scope of the term „business
development‟. Development is very abstract and can be linked with some of the following
keywords: technological improvement, cost reduction, general Ilfare, improved relations,
movement in a (positive) direction, etc.

In the traditional definition of Business development, Business Development is mostly seen as
growing an enterprise, with a number of techniques. The mentioned techniques differ, but in fact
all of them are about traditional marketing. The main question in these issues is: how to find,
reach and approach customers and how to make/keep them satisfied, possibly with new products.
Since this definition is limited and lacks some essential factors in business developing, a complete
new definition of Business Development will be introduced. Of course, the theory on “traditional”
marketing is still correct and can be adopted from the old definition. When supplying a solution, it
is important to focus on the total offering you give instead of only focusing on the product or
service. An offering is a package consisting of different proportions of physical product, service,
advice, delivery and the costs, including price that are involved in using it. Hereby the advice,
adaptation to the customer and the costs are the most important factors to get the right
combination within the offering. Drawing on contingency theory, an idea central to new business
development is that different product-market- technology combinations can require
different marketing strategies and business models to make them a success To chart the factors
that are involved and create synergy between them, new business development draws heavily
upon the fields of technology and business networks. The new business development process is to

recognize chances and opportunities in a fast changing technological environment. Often
uncertainty arises because of new technology and their new markets.

            Business development in Bonanza Medical Tourism

Medical Tourism Promotion

The unique selling points of the medical tourism industry are its cost effectiveness and its
combination with the attractions of tourism. The latter also uses the ploy of selling the exotica of
the countries involved as Ill as the packaging of health care with traditional therapies and
treatment methods. Price advantage is, of course, a major selling point. The slogan, thus, is First
World treatment at Third World prices. The cost differential across the board is huge: only a tenth
and sometimes even a sixteenth of the cost in the west.

Since competitive advantages for the different components of the medical tourism system lie with
different players, forming inter-organizational networks with a common marketing front might
turn out to be a great idea. This coordinated move will synergize the operations and minimize the
scope of service failures.

E-marketing of medical tourism services will help the medical tourism firm to reach the customer
directly, bypassing the middlemen. This will help the firm to provide services at a lower price, on
time, and in a highly customized manner. Probably, such an e-platform can facilitate initial
consultations via tele-medicine facilities before the patient embarks upon the trip.

Since medical service is a credence (complex) service, long term relationship building and
maintaining the same will be the key to sustained business. No firm that wants to continue in this
business should look towards one-time transaction-specific approaches. Firms should tap on
referrals, positive words of mouth, etc since these carry more credential that an impersonal

Yet, patients are now learning more and more about their own illnesses, and are most familiar
with their available treatment options. Patient marketing, such as with an informative website,
transparent pricing schemes, or advertising placements such as within in-flight magazines have
thus become basic information and advertising platforms. However, healthcare providers need to
be aware of the varying influence that other stakeholders may have. For instance, the doctor‟s
opinion in conservative markets like Japan or Korea is seldom challenged. In contrast, a key
influencer in the Middle East might instead be the multinational corporations sponsoring their
expatriates for overseas treatment. As such, marketing efforts across different markets could be
targeted towards the patients, the referring doctors, hospitals, insurers, or corporations--depending
on who the actual decision-influencers are.

Hospitals that are successfully attracting foreign patients enlarge their geographical footprints
with representative offices or agencies in other countries. For example, CromIll Hospital in the
UK has representatives in India and Pakistan, while hospitals in Singapore are also setting up
offices such as in Indonesia or the Middle East. These agents help establish and maintain
relationships such as with local hospitals, doctors, embassies, sponsor corporations, or insurers.
Participating in different events also facilitates such relationships. For instance, trade shows,
exhibitions or training seminars allow healthcare providers to share their medical expertise, while
longer-term physician exchanges may also be organized in alliance with medical universities.

Task and Responsibilities
        Identifying new business opportunities
        Building network Business Associates for generating leads (foreign patients)
        Getting direct lead
        Updating the Associates with new development and communicating them with new
        Sharing of revenue as per agreement
        Deciding on share on case to case basis
        Empowering and extracting information and contacts with the associates
        Keep Business partners motivated

               Respective areas in which I work for business development

   1.   Doctors and hospitals
   2.   Escorts
   3.   Hotels
   4.   Tour and travelers
   5.   Handicraft
   6.   Money Exchanges

These are the main areas where business associate can be made. In these areas I had worked upon
Hotel and Gems & Jewelery.

A hotel is an establishment that provides lodging paid on a short-term basis. The provision of
basic accommodation, in times past, consisting only of a room with a bed, a cupboard, a small
table and a washstand has largely been replaced by rooms with modern facilities, including en-
suite bathrooms and air conditioning or climate control. Additional common features found in
hotel rooms are a telephone, an alarm clock, a television, a safe, a bar with snack foods and
drinks, and facilities for making tea and coffee. Luxury features include bathrobes and slippers,
a pillow menu, twin-sink vanities, and Jacuzzi bathtubs. Larger hotels may provide additional
guest facilities such as a swimming pool, fitness center, business center, childcare, conference
facilities and social function services.

What we think about Hotels:

Hotel Industry is one of the most substantial factors for Medical Tourism Industry. It could
provide the necessary substructures for Tourism. Therefore the growth in Medical Tourism
industry depends on growth in Hotel industry.

I think that hotel will give a big amount of profit. Because whenever any foreigner come India,
their first need would be a palace where they can stay & spend their most of the time. So I think
we should tie up with them on the commission basis.


Hotels have their own policy and regulation. A hotel is not a single entity, because in a hotel so
many workers work, and these all workers don‟t suppose to do work for any other firm, according
to their policy. So they can‟t do tie up with us.

Talking about owner of the hotel, some time they get ready for holding and standees, but they
don‟t want sign legal document. They argued that “yes, foreigners stay there but they don‟t do any
interaction with our staff member. If we started promoting your service, may be they can fed up
with us & we can lose our client. So In short we are not going to sell or promoting about your
company by words”.

List of Hotels which I have visited-

Serial     Name of the Shop
1          Arya Niwas
2          Jai Mangal Palace
3          HR Palace
4          Indiana Classic
5          Lal Mahal palace
6          Jas villas
7          Tordi Haveli
8          Vassanti Niwas
9          Barwara Kothi
10         Trident Jaipur

                                       Gems & Jewellery

Gems and Jewellery is an important emerging sector in the Indian Economy. Ranked among the
fastest growing sectors, it is also a leading sector for foreign exchange generation.

The gems and jewellery industry is very much fascinating being traditionally glamorous and
artistically modern. This business employees and engages millions; cover wide activities such as
raw material procurement from far flung Africa, Australia, Canada and Russia, and transforming
these into products in demand with the skills available in China, India, Italy and Turkey for the
sophisticated markets in the USA, Europe, Far East, Middle East and Asia.

List of Gems & Jewellery which I have visited

Serial    Name of the Shop
1         Shri Ganesham Jewellery
2         Maharaja Gems
3         Bhartiya Gems & Jewellery
4         Amit Emporium
5         Prahlad Das Omprakash
6         Raja Gems
7         Pink City
8         Shivam Gems
9         Paradise Gems
10        Treasure of Indian Art
11        Shri Gopal Gems & Jewellery
12        Tulsi (Om Prakash Paliwal)
13        Anand Gems
14        Jaipur Gems
15        Purnima Jewellery
16        Sunil Gems & Jewellery
17        Chirag Enterprise
18        Rajasthan Art Palace
19        Indian Crafts Bazaar
20        Shree Ganpati Arts

New age media

                                                                    The faces of Advertising too
                                                                    have changed. The concept of
                                                                    traditional advertising through
                                                                    newspapers has been replaced
                                                                    with new age digitalized
                                                                    advertising. The advent of the
                                                                    internet has opened up a
                                                                    medium where you could
                                                                    connect to millions of
                                                                    individual at any given point
                                                                    of time. Advertising agencies
                                                                    hire media planning and
                                                                    buying agencies that in turn
                                                                    deploy creative professionals
                                                                    to conceptualize and frame
                                                                    innovative ideas that will
                                                                    propel a business to a new
                                                                    level and in process brand

build it. Branding a commodity ensures mouth of word advertising in the latter stages that makes
continuity of matter for time to come.

In 2010, Social Media will rapidly escalate from novelty or perceived necessity to an integrated
and strategic business communications, service, and information community and ecosystem. Our
experiences and education will foster growth and propel us through each stage of the Social Media
Marketing evolution.

As Marketing Sherpa observes, “2010 is the year where social media marketers gain the
experience required to advance from novice to competent practitioner capable of achieving social
marketing objectives and proving ROI.”

To document the evolution in maturation of new media marketing, Marketing Sherpa published its
2010 Social Media Marketing Benchmark Report. The undercurrent of the report is rooted in the
shift from hype to methodology, observing that many marketers jumped on board Twitter,
Facebook, blogs, and other social media platforms without a plan for defining, achieving, or
measuring success. The general reaction of the more than 2,300 marketers who participated in the
report was that current social media tactics Ire counter-intuitive to proven marketing principles.

This is why I believe that business success stories shared to date Ire wonderful to read, but they
didn‟t necessarily serve as a framework for my work. Too many assumptions have been made and
business considerations compromised while they learned how to embrace and employ new media
in a very public spotlight.

What targets we all interns have:
        We have to make 110 blog sites as a target.
        We have to make 75 social sites as a target.
        We have to list bonanza in 75 website.
        We have to increase list of likes in facebook at least 90 likes more.
        Content development

Project on which I worked in New Age Media

        I had worked upon Blogs and on facebook. I have Created 110 ID on blog sites on the
        name of bonanza and in the other hand I increase the facebook likes from 20 to 45.

 Blog is a discussion or information site published on the World Wide Web consisting of discrete
entries ("posts") typically displayed in reverse chronological order so the most recent post appears
first. Anyone can Use a blog whenever they want to post articles on a regular basis for the world

to see. The blog allows to easily create these articles‚ and automatically indexes these articles by
date and categories.

                 Created 110 ID on blog sites on the name of bonanza.
                 Build up the content of bonanza from secondary data for the promotion
                Posted different content on all 110 sites according to the need of consumer,
                because every country have different blog sites preferred by them.

Problems which I have faced-

       Time constraints- As I am using the secondary data for posting & creating of blog. So it
       creates problem due to less content.

Page of BMTPL on My Blog

Selling of Health Card

Healthcare Scenario In India

India‟s health system can be categorized into three distinct

    a) In the initial phase of 1947-1983, health policy was assumed to be based on two broad

               That none should be denied healthcare for want of ability to pay, and
               That it was the responsibility of the state to provide healthcare to the people.

       This phase saw moderate achievements.

    b) In the second phase of 1983-2000, a National Health Policy was announced for the first
       time in 1983, which articulated the need to encourage private initiative in healthcare
       service delivery and encouraged the private sector to invest in healthcare infrastructure
       through subsidies. The policy also enhanced the access to publicly funded primary
       healthcare, facilitating expansion of health facilities in rural areas through National Health
       Programmes (NHPs).

    c) The third phase, post-2000, is witnessing a further shift and broadening of focus; the
       current phase addresses key issues such as public-private partnership, liberalization of
       insurance sector, and the government as a financier.

Healthcare Education and Research
The Government has set up regulatory bodies with the objectives of monitoring the standard of
medical education, and promoting Training and research activities in the country. The overall
objective is to sustain the production of medical and para-medical human Resources to meet the
requirement of healthcare delivery system in India.

Bonanza in Health services
BMTPL has started a service with name of Health Card. Health card is a card which is made for
give convenience to customer. By health card BMPTL gives opportunity to customer that they can
get different type of health services like routine body checkup and all for male and female. Now I
am going to explain BMTPL health card package.

                Bonanza Medical Tourism’s Health Cards Packages with Religare

                    Convenient Comprehensive Health Package (Male / Female)

        Test Name                         MRP

CBC                                        250

Blood Sugar Fasting                         70

Lipid Profile                              650

Blood Urea Nitrogen                        130

Serum Creatinine                           130

SGOT                                       130

SGPT                                       130

Total Bilirubin                             90

Urine Routine                               90

T3, T4, TSH                                480

Blood Group & Rh Factor                     60

ESR                                         80

Uric Acid                                  140

Serum Iron                                 250

GGT                                        350

HBsAg                                      310

RA Factor                                  280

Religare's Price                          3620

Bonanza Price                             1500

Total Difference                          2120

Difference in %                         58.56%

Added Advantages:

       Free Home Collection – So that your clients do not have to Visit any Hospital / Diagnostic
       Centers / Clinics, The package Test Specimen will collected from their home.

       The reports will be sent on your E-Mail ID and at your home Address.

Note: Candidates should observe 10-12 Hours of Fasting for the above package.

Advanced Comprehensive Health Check-Up Package

Male                                Female
Test Name                 MRP       Test Name                   MRP
CBC                       250       CBC                         250
Blood Sugar Fasting        70       Blood Sugar Fasting          70
Lipid Profile             650       Lipid Profile               650
Blood Urea Nitrogen       130       Blood Urea Nitrogen         130
Serum Creatinine          130       Serum Creatinine            130
SGOT                      130       SGOT                        130
SGPT                      130       SGPT                        130
Total Bilirubin            90       Total Bilirubin              90
HBsAg                     310       HBsAg                       310
Urine Routine              90       Urine Routine                90
TSH                       200       TSH                         200
PSA (For Male)            650       PAP Smear (For Female)      325
Blood Group & Rh           60       Blood Group & Rh Factor      60
ESR                         80      ESR                            80
Uric Acid                  140      Uric Acid                     140
Serum Iron                 250      Serum Iron                    250
ECG                        125      ECG                           125
X-ray (Chest)              150      X-ray (Chest)                 150
TMT / 2D Echo             1200      TMT / 2D Echo                1200
General Physical           150      General Physical              150
Examination                         Examination
Post Consultation          150      Post Consultation             150
Religare Price            5135      Total                        4810
Bonanza Price             2000      Selling Price                2000
Total Difference          3135                                   2810
Difference in %          61.05%                                 58.42%

Added Advantages:

       Free Home Collection for blood and urine samples – So that you can visit the centre at
       your convenience for the rest of non pathological tests (after prior appointment).

       For the non pathological investigations the card holder have to come down the our
       Religare Illness centre situated at shop no 5,6,7 sec-5 shopping center opp. IIS School, V T
       Road Crossing, Shipra Path, Mansarovar, Jaipur.

       The soft copy of the reports will send on customer‟s E-Mail ID.

Note: Candidates should observe 10-12 Hours of Fasting for the above package. Apart form this
packages the Bonanza Health cardholders can avail 15% discount on any pathological tests
(excluding International Tests).

Important clause:

   1. Profit Sharing –

              For the individual pathological investigations, the SRL will give 15% discount on
              MRP to the Bonanza Health Card Holder

Health Screening                         MRP
CBC                                       250
urine routine                              90
fasting sugare                             70
ECG                                       125
TSH                                       200
 Religare’s Price                         735
Bonanza’s Price                           400
Total Difference                          335
Discount in %                           45.58%

Basic Health Package                     MRP
CBC                                       250
urine routine                              90
fasting sugare                             70
ECG                                       125
TSH                                       200
Toltal chol                               160
Chest X-Ray                               150
Religare‟s Price                         1045
Bonanza‟;s Price                          574
Total Difference                          471
 Difference in %                        45.07%

Bonanza Medical Tourism’s Health Cards Packages with Narayana

                           Health Care Service Provider
                             Narayana Hrudayalaya Hospitals
                              Sec-28, Kumbha Marg, Pratap
                             Nagar, Sanganer, Jaipur-302033,

                               Complete Health Packages
Complete Health Check (Male)                     Complete Health Check (Female)
 Recommended for all Males with/without           Recommended for all Female with/without
  any Risk Factor to check the entire body          any Risk Factor to check the entire body
                 functions                                         functions
Age Group-> 35               Special Rates       Age Group-> 35                 Special Rate
Years                        of Bonanza          Years                          of Bonanza
Component           MRP                          Component             MRP
CBC                 150                          CBC                   150
Blood Glucose       60                           Blood Glucose         60
Fasting                                          Fasting
Post Prandial       60                           Post Prandial         60
Glucose                                          Glucose
LIPID PROFILE 600                                LIPID PROFILE         600
Liver Function      480                          Liver Function        480
Test                                             Test
S.Creatinine        75                           B.Urea & Urine        120
PSA (Age more        550                         S. Creatinine         75
than 50 years)/
S.Uric Acid          100                         Paps Smear           300
Blood Urea           70                          S.Uric Acid          100
Tread Mili Test or   900                         S.TSH                200
2D Echo
ECG                  100                         Tread Mili Test or   900
                                                 2D Echo
Ultrasound Upper     450                         Mammography          1000
Chest X-Ray PA       200                         Ultrasound LoIr      450
View                                             Abdomen
Consultation by      100                         Chest X-Ray PA       200
Internal Medicine                                View
Consultation by      100                         ECG                  100

Unine Routine        50                             Consultation by       100
                                                    Internal Medicine
One Extra            100                            Consultation by       100
Consultation                                        Gynecologist
                                                    Consultation by       100
                                                    One extra             100
Total                4095    2000                   Total                 5195      2600
Total Difference              2095                  Total Difference                2595
Differences in %             51.16%                 Differences in %               49.95%

Value Added Benefits:

The following are the value added benefits that can be availed by all the members under the
banner of Bonanza Medical Tourism Pvt.Ltd by presenting their identity:

   1. Free one extra Consultation by a specialty doctor after health Check.
   2. For the individual pathological investigations, the Narayana will give 10% discount
      on MRP to the Bonanza Health Card Holder.


   •    The value added benefits can be availed by all the members by presenting their identity.
   •    Hospital registration charge (Rs.50) shall be applicable for first time.

So these are our packages. I can compare them that BMTPL is giving more cheapest packages
then others. So it is a more profitable in the point of customer.

What I have done

But the journey of health card is not so easy. I have faced many problems like :

  1. No one is ready to buy in the beginning due to its price that was started from Rs 500 .
  2. BMTPL has tie-ups with only one diagnostic center (Narayna Hurdayalay Hospital) so and
     the people leaving out of that area have the problem to get the check-up done due to its far
  3. Market segmentation is not so easy.
  4. Lack of knowledge

Likewise I have faced many problems. Now I would like to mention about what I have done.

        I have given my contribution in the making of the design of health card details.
        I have gone in market to sale health card to customer. That selling was door to door
        The Target customers Ire sub brokers of Bonanza make money and others shops & offices

         I have called to 200 sub-brokers of Bonanza & Taken the appointment.
         After that I Followed those people who has given the positive response
         While visiting positive followers, many of them are asking for comparative study of the
         prices prevailing in the market.
         I have done the comparative study of all the Diagnostic centres (near c-scheme) &
         provided to Bonanza.

I have recommended to BMTPL that as many people have problem regarding location so Bonanza
have done tie-up with Religre & also reduces the cost of health card from 500 to 200

Market Research
Scope of Market Research:

This is our 4th project. I have worked this work in a team. We are the group of 3 people. We have
target of 100 questionnaire and we get success to fill all 100 questionnaires. Apart from this we
have given our 60 more questionnaire to one person who is helping to us for fulfill the
questionnaire. He will give all these questionnaires in the ending of July.

Target People

For our market research target people mainly are foreigners who can give exactly idea about our
stage or give idea about perception in their mind.

Target Area

       Amber form
       Jai garh

These areas were considered as our target area, because in these areas tourists can be found easily.

Model of Market Research

Target population:

        The target population in this research was Foreigners to check whether they are interested
        in taking medical treatment in India or not.

Sampling unit:

        The sampling units are Foreigners Visited Amber Fort, Jaigarh

Sampling method

       For this research we use non-probability sampling, Convenience Sampling & Exploratory

Sample size

       We have selected 100 respondents as the sample size due to limitation of time. The
        respondents can be any gender, any income level, any occupation and any education level.

Sources of data:

                      The data is basically primary in nature
                      It was obtained from the customers

Data Collection Method:

    Our communication approach was basically structured questioning, that is personal
     interview with the aid of printed questionnaires.

Data Analysis:

       The data is represented and analyzed in graphical form.

Graphical Analysis of Questionnaire:

   1. Have you ever travelled abroad for some medical help OR for any treatment?

               A.       YES                                 B.    NO



          60                          Have you ever travelled
                                      abroad for some medical
          40                          help or for any

                    Yes         No

           Only 20% people travel abroad for their treatment. Rests of 80% don‟t aware about
           it. It means Medical tourism is not so much popular yet. They don‟t even consider
           about it.

2. Have you ever come across India for your treatment?
               A.         YES                                   B.   NO

     50                              2. Have you ever
     40                              come across India
     30                              for your treatment?
                Yes         No

           Only 10% people come have came across India. Rests of 90% even don‟t about it
           that India is known for good and economic treatment.
           They aware about ayurveda. But they don‟t want to consider it.
3. How much you are spending per annum for your medical expenses in terms of insurance
   premium? (average, please mention currency)
           Individual - _____________
           Family –       _____________

                     40                                                       3. How much you are
                     30                                                       spending per annum for
                                                                              your medical expenses in
                     20                                                       terms of insurance
                           Nothing       Less then   Less then    Less then
                                            50$        100$         500$

           57% people don‟t give any answer. May be, they don‟t want to disclose it or maybe
           they don‟t have their medical insurance.
           Apart from this 13% people spend less than 50$ per annum on their health.
           23% people spend less than 100$ but greater than 50$ per annum.
           7% people spend less than 500$ but greater than 100$ per annum.
           It means they don‟t want to spend so much on their medical insurance or they don‟t
           need it.

4. Which are the most preferred destinations for your medical help?

                                                                                     4. Which are the most
                40                                                                   preferred destinations
                30                                                                   for your medical help?
                      Nothing    India      Germany      Africa   Singapore

           As I know only 20% people travel for their treatment. So according to survey 77%
           people don‟t have any destination for their medical help. Some people have
           knowledge even they have some choice also.
                13% of them preferred India as their medical destination.
                7% of them preferred Germany as their medical destination.
                And 7% of them preferred Singapore as their medical destination.
                But most of them preferred their own country,
5. Which is the most preferred treatment for which you would consider India as an option?
   (Kindly tick (    ) wherever applicable)

   Cardiac (Heart Related)

Orthopedics (Knee/Hip/Shoulder Replacement)
        Ophthalmology (Eye Care)
        Ayurvedic treatment
        Cosmetic Surgeries

                                                                                       5. Which is the most
          30                                                                           preferred treatment for
                                                                                       which you would
          20                                                                           consider India as an
               Nothing       Orthopedics   Ophthamology   Cosmetic

                  60% of people don‟t want any treatment from India. They don‟t think that India has
                  good facility and infrastructure in the field of medical. Rest 40% love to do these
                  type of treatment:
                  9% of them cover Transplants, ophthalmology and Dental.
                  31% of them love to do ayurvedic treatment.
                  It is clear that firstly foreigners don‟t have so much of interest in the medical
                  treatment. And in case they preferred, they love to do ayurvedic treatment.

    6. If you ever visited India for any treatment, then how would you rate our doctors and
       hospitals in terms of below services? (Please rate on a 1-10 scale)

1                   2                       3                    4                   5
                                      (Strongly           (Disagree)               (Neutral)            (Agree)            (Strongly
                                      disagree)                                                                              agree)
Proper co-ordination
Admission process
Room services
Nursing Staff quality

                            40                                                                                   6. If you ever visited India for
                                                                                                                 any treatment, then how
                            20                                                                                   would you rate our doctors
                                0                                                                                and hospitals in terms of
                                                                                                                 below services?
                                    Nothing Proper co-
                                                     Admission Room Nursing Doctor
                                            ordination process servicesstaff quality surgon

              87% of people don‟t give any response. Either they don‟t want to give any ansIr
              about this question or they didn‟t have experience about it.
              Rests of them give same feedback, 7% for all.

  7. If you would like to travel to India for any treatment then which cities will you prefer?

        A.        Metro cities only                                           B.  Cities with tourism

                                                                                         If you would like to travek to
             20                                                                          India for any treatment then
                                                                                         which cities will you prefer?
                      Nothing        Metro cities only Cities with tourism

              7% people do not give any response.
              33% people love to travel in metro cities only

60% people love to travel cities with tourism. It means if they get any facility
                related to medical tourism, they can easily adopt it

8. Have you heard of the below named hospitals in India?
         Narayana Hrudayalaya                        YES/NO
         Wockhardt Hospitals                         YES/NO
         Artemis Hospital                            YES/NO
         Moolchand Hospital                          YES/NO
         Bombay Hospital                             YES/NO
         Health Care Global Hospitals (HCG)          YES/NO
         Nanavati Hospital                           YES/NO

           50                                                                          Have you heard of these named
           40                                                                          hospital in India
                  Nothing   Wockhardt hospitalMoolchand hospital ealth care hospital

                        90% people don‟t aware about any of hospital. Even they don‟t ever listen
                        the name of it. Who tick over the name, most of them have been living
                        here for last some months, because of their training and job.
                        One of the foreigner marks on the Bombay hospital, only because he listen
                        the name of Bombay at once.

9. Have you ever availed the services of a medical tourism facilitator?
      A.            Yes                        B.           No

      60                          9. Have you ever
      50                          availed the services
      40                          of a medical tourism
      30                          facilitator?
             Yes       No

           No one said yes
           100% people don‟t ever listen the name of any medical tourism facilitator.

10. If yes, then please mention name:

      50                                If yes, please
      40                                mention name
             Yes        No

           Nobody knows about any medical facilitator, so they don‟t give any name.

11. What service offering you look forward from a medical tourism facilitator? (Kindly tick (
      ) wherever applicable)
          Assistance in choosing Best Treatment Plan

Comprehensive Information ( Hospital, Doctor and Treatment details)
             Visa Assistance ( Medical Visa )
             Treatment scheduling – Doctor‟s Appointments and Procedure Planning
             Accommodation near to the Hospital
             Foreign Exchange
             Post Treatment Follow-up back home

                      40                                                         11. What service offering you look
                      30                                                         forward from a medical tourism
                      20                                                         facilitator?
                           Nothing        Treatment scheduling

                     83% people didn‟t give any response.
                     Rests of them tick on all

12. Would you like to be an associate member to promote medical tourism in India at your
    residing country?

        A.           YES                                    B.              No

                70                                    Would you like to
                60                                    be an associate
                50                                    member to
                40                                    promote medical
                30                                    tourism in India at
                20                                    your residing…
                           Yes       No


               100% people don‟t want to become our associate.

I suggest BMTPL to do:

                Do survey in winters. Because at this time the amount of foreigners are too low,
                so at this time it is become very difficult to collect data from foreigners.

                Normally the foreigners who come here, they come here to visit, so they usually
                don't have knowledge about this. So I suggest bonanza to advertise itself on the
                India‟s popular site which introduce India, for example: lonely planet etc.

                They don‟t think that India provides a standard treatment, or India has a good
                infrastructure in the terms of medical treatment.

                Some of foreigners don‟t able to understand the language of us. Even they don‟t
                know English. It also becomes a big problem, so bonanza should consider this

                Response of Q.7 clearly indicates that foreigners love to travel cities with
                tourism, means they can consider medical tourism if

Study of Country

I have studied on the country of South Arabia that is “Ghana”. About this country I also give
presentation to my respective mentor. I have given all information which I have gained from
secondary data in the power point presentation.

For penetrating business (Medical Tourism) in Ghana

       Online marketing is a good option as number of internet users are good in number and
       through this we came to know the market potential.
       BMTPL can also do Tie–ups with reputed Hospitals and selected Doctors
       As Ghana is a booming sector so medical tourism can be good market.
       After doing the study I came to know that the People of Ghana prefer Medical Tourism so
       it is a good opportunity for Bonanza for penetrating business.


I would like to Recommend BMTPL should recruit localities of Jaipur who have
marketing skills & Confidence for generating Business.

BMTPL should approach Foreigners during Peak season(after summer), as less number of
people travel during summer in India.

BMTPL should build its web content so that if anyone visit its site could get more
appropriate information about medical tourism & Bonanza.

BMTPL should do proper Follow-up with their client and Business Associates for getting
more Lead & Business.

As I have done study on “Ghana”, so for penetrating business in Ghana online marketing
& Tie-ups with Hospitals is a good option.

Kotler, 2006
Ford et al., 2006;
Hakansson et al., 2004
Tidd et al., 200


            Bonanza Medical Tourism Pvt Ltd.

This questionnaire is only for the personal use. Bonanza Medical Tourism Pvt. Ltd (BMTPL) is doing this survey for getting some
information towards the medical tourism.

Kindly spare a minute to help us complete this survey on medical tourism industry in India. Your feedback is valuable to us.

    Q1. Have you ever travelled abroad for some medical help OR for any treatment?

                   A.          YES                                             B.        NO

    2. Have you ever come across India for your treatment?
                   A.          YES                                             B.         NO

    3. How much you are spending per annum for your medical expenses in terms of insurance
       premium? (average, please mention currency)
             Individual - _____________
             Family –       _____________

    4. Which are the most preferred destinations for your medical help?

    5. Which is the most preferred treatment for which you would consider India as an option?
       (Kindly tick (   ) wherever applicable)
              Cardiac (Heart Related)

Orthopedics (Knee/Hip/Shoulder Replacement)
             Ophthalmology (Eye Care)
             Ayurvedic treatment
             Cosmetic Surgeries
  6. If you ever visited India for any treatment, then how would you rate our doctors and
     hospitals in terms of below services? (Please rate on a 1-10 scale)

                                 1                2                3           4          5
                             (Strongly        (Disagree)        (Neutral)   (Agree)   (Strongly
                             disagree)                                                  agree)
Proper co-ordination
Admission process
Room services
Nursing Staff quality

  7. If you would like to travel to India for any treatment then which cities will you prefer?

        A.    Metro cities only                            B.  Cities with tourism

  8. Have you heard of the below named hospitals in India?
           Narayana Hrudayalaya                        YES/NO
           Wockhardt Hospitals                 YES/NO
           Artemis Hospital                            YES/NO
           Moolchand Hospital                  YES/NO
           Bombay Hospital                     YES/NO
           Health Care Global Hospitals (HCG)          YES/NO
           Nanavati Hospital                   YES/NO

  9. Have you ever availed the services of a medical tourism facilitator?
         A.       Yes                    B.        No

10. If yes, then please mention name:

   11. What service offering you look forward from a medical tourism facilitator? (Kindly tick (
         ) wherever applicable)
             Assistance in choosing Best Treatment Plan
             Comprehensive Information ( Hospital, Doctor and Treatment details)
             Visa Assistance ( Medical Visa )
             Treatment scheduling – Doctor‟s Appointments and Procedure Planning
             Accommodation near to the Hospital
             Foreign Exchange
             Post Treatment Follow-up back home

   12. Would you like to be an associate member to promote medical tourism in India at your
       residing country?

           A.       YES                            B.       No

Personal Information:

Name: ___________________________
Mobile Number with country code: ________________________
Email address: _____________________________________
Occupation: ___________________________________
City: ______________________
Country: _______________________
Age: ____________
Gender: ________________

Sites on which Blogs for Bonanza were Created


60   Aeonity Blog
61   Dudo
63   Floost
64   Schoolrace
65   Iluna
66   Skoola
68   Myopen Id
69   Xanga
70   Typepad
71   Live Journal
72   Blogtyant
73   Aweber
74   Terasite
76   Movabletype
80   Blogburner
87   blog toplist
91   Insane Journal
92   Open Dairy
 94   Jimdo login
 95   Fotki
 96   Metacritic
 97   Fotolog
 98   Blog
108    Ecademy


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  • 1. Industry Profile Medical Tourism Medical tourism (also called medical travel, health tourism or global healthcare) is a term initially coined by travel agencies and the mass media to describe the rapidly-growing practice of travelling across international borders to obtain health care. It also refers pejoratively to the practice of healthcare providers travelling internationally to deliver healthcare. Services typically sought by travelers include elective procedures as Ill as complex specialized surgeries such as joint replacement (knee/hip), cardiac surgery, dental surgery, and cosmetic surgeries. Individuals with rare genetic disorders may travel to another country where treatment of these conditions is better understood. However, virtually every type of health care, including psychiatry, alternative treatments, convalescent care and even burial services are available. Broadly speaking, Medical Tourism has now become a common form of vacationing covering a broad range of medical services. It is a combination of leisure, fun and recreation along with healthcare and Illness. India offers a health holiday, leaving behind your tensions and coming into a relaxing environment close to nature. At the same time you are able to receive an orientation that will help you to improve your life in terms of your health and Ill being. It is like rejuvenation and cleanup process at all levels-physical, psychological and expressive. History The first recorded instance of medical tourism dates back thousands of years to when Greek pilgrims traveled from all over the Mediterranean to the small territory in the Saronic Gulf called Epidauria. This territory was the sanctuary of the healing god Asklepios. Epidauria became the original travel destination for medical tourism. Spa towns and sanitariums may be considered an early form of medical tourism. In eighteenth century England, for example, patients visited spas because they Ire places with supposedly health- giving mineral waters, treating diseases from gout to liver disorders andbronchitis. Medical Tourism in India Medical tourism is a growing sector in India. India‟s medical tourism sector is expected to experience an annual growth rate of 30%, making it a $2 billion industry by 2015. As medical treatment costs in the developed world balloon - with the United States leading the way - more and more westerners are finding the prospect of international travel for medical care increasingly appealing. An estimated profit 150,000 rupees by these travel to India for low-priced healthcare procedures every year. 1
  • 2. Today India is one of the country which is being upgraded with the medical treatment such as Yoga and Ayurveda along with other surgeries. However, a nice blend of top class medical expertise at attractive prices is helping a rise in the number of Indian corporate hospitals attracting foreign patients from all over the world. In comparison with Thailand, Singapore and other Asian countries which have advanced medical amenities and built in medical tourism options along with good hospitals, salubrious climate and visitor destination, the quickly growing Indian corporate hospital sector has to still go a long way. But, things are changing radically in favor of India, particularly in view of the high eminence expertise of medical professionals, backed by the fast improving tools and nursing amenities, and above all, the cost-effectiveness of the pack up. Why are people doing it? Three Primary Reasons to Travel for Medical Care: There are many reasons to travel abroad for medical care. The three primary reasons are cost, quality of care, and availability of care. Medical care costs in the United States are astronomical. The costs create a heavy burden for those of us with health insurance, but they can bankrupt a person without. A 2008 Census Bureau report should that 15% of Americans had no health insurance coverage at all. 45 percent of Americans have no dental coverage. Cost Savings Shopping in a global market for medical providers can produce significant savings. In some cases, the costs can be as little as 10% of what you would pay in the U.S. Here are some examples: Hip Replacement: US: $45,000 – 92,000 – In India = $9,000 Gastric Bypass Surgery: US: $32,000 – In Costa Rica = $12,000 Dental bridge in the US about $2,500 – In Mexico = $250. Quality of Care You might think that you have to compromise quality of care for these cost savings. Of course, you need to do your research on your provider. But, in fact this is something I should probably be doing for our providers here at home as Ill. There are international bodies such as JCI, patients beyond borders, and ISO that provide certification of medical facilities and providers. The American Medical Association has also recently release guidelines for use of medical tourism 2
  • 3. Often I find that medical facilities catering to the medical tourism trade take great care to achieve the highest levels of quality. I read account after account of people who Ire more than satisfied with their level of service. Reputation is everything to a clinic trying to attract foreigners for medical procedures. The top facilities are Ill aware of this. Availability of Care A third incentive for medical tourism is available care. I read a firsthand account from a Parkinson‟s patient who was nearly wheel chair bound. He had watched his father die a slow and painful death in a wheelchair from the same disease. After some research he found a clinic in Mexico providing Stem Cell therapy. After only three Ieks of treatment, he was walking upright and without a cane again. This same therapy was not available in the US. Medical Tourism is becoming a surprisingly popular alternative to local medicine. The extremely high cost of modern medicine has brought an economy of scale to the industry. With procedures costing hundreds of thousands of dollars in the U.S., the cost and burden of travel can easily be offset for many situations. Global leaders in the industry have taken notice and built world-class facilities with world-class doctors to take advantage of the market, bringing back a sense of customer service to medicine with it. The ability to shop this global market allows consumers to make personal choices about the treatments that are best for them and fit their needs. Medical Tourism is never going to replace our local family practice doctor doing regular exams, or the care of our nearby emergency room. But for high cost, non-emergent treatments, medical tourism is one more way that our world is getting a little bit smaller. 3
  • 4. Why Medical Tourism..? Fig.1 show the importance of medical tourism Fig.1 4
  • 5. Barriers in the medical tourism industry: Fig.2 shows barriers in the medical tourism industry Scope of Medical Tourism in India: India is a good location to receive medical treatments and considered a leader in promoting medical tourism. Since the government is actively participating in the expansion of this industry, there is much investment in the facilities and resources needed for medical tourists. Including the production of an estimated 20, 000 - 30,000 doctors and nurses each year. At an approximate growth of 30% each year, studies conducted by government and private sectors in India estimate that medical tourism could bring between $1 billion and $2 billion US into India by 2012. With all this investment, as well as the growing nature of this competitive market, patients from western countries are usually offered high quality service packages at a fraction of the treatment cost in the home country. These packages often include: flight transfers hotels treatment post-operative vacation 5
  • 6. Objective of the study Purpose This project was done under four heads Business Development- I have Identifying new business opportunities for Building network & Business Associates for generating leads (foreign patients). New Age Media- I have been responsible for engaging the community via a number of new media tools and platforms, enhancing the BMTPL(Bonanza Medical Tourism Pvt. Ltd. ) brand and growing awareness of the people. Selling of Health Card- As a Health card sales representative, I was responsible for selling health care services to business and Individuals. My job was to demonstrate to the client that my product is convenient, more effective or more economical than its rivals. Marketing Research- Get Filled questionnaires for getting feedback & overview from the foreigners to check whether they are interested in taking medical treatment in India or not. Limitations The main limitation which I came across during my internship in business development is as I do not belong to Jaipur, so it is very difficult for me in making contact & getting business lead. In New Age Media the main limitation which I came across while posting of blogs & content development on social websites is as I am using the secondary data for posting building content. So it creates problem due to less content. In Selling of health card the main problem is as I don‟t have the comparative study of diagnostic center of the prices prevailing in the market. In marketing research I don‟t able to get enough number of foreigners as may-July is the off season, for proper marketing research BMTPL should go during the peak season(after summer season). Scope 6
  • 7. This report does not focus only on BMTPL the reference can be referred by other medical tourism also. Even the entire industry can used this information other than Bonanza Building network Business Associates for generating leads (foreign patients) Updating the Associates with new development and communicating them with new policies . Research Methodology Research Design- Both Descriptive and exploratory Descriptive research is used to conduct the analysis in business development and new age media project. Market research project is based on exploratory research Sample size- Business development- 50 New age media-  blogs-110  Social sites-75  Listing-50 Research instrument- Questionnaire Secondary data 7
  • 8. Company profile About Bonanza Group A financial powerhouse! That‟s what Bonanza is known for. Established in the year 1994, Bonanza developed into one of the largest financial services and broking house in India within a short span of time. Today, Bonanza is the fastest growing financial service with 5 mega group companies under it. With diligent effort, acknowledged industry leadership and experience, Bonanza has spread its trustworthy tentacles all over the country with pan-India presence across more than 1611 outlets spread across 550 cities. Now they enter into a new arm of providing services with Bonanza Medical tourism Pvt Ltd: Lifeline2Health. Vision Their vision is to become the most recognized, preferred healthcare solutions provider for Indian as well as international population. They look forward to provide a global health network that can facilitate the medical necessities of the global population through the distribution of health & wellness. Mission Bonanza Medical Tourism will be your intermediary in health care vacation in India by providing access to trained doctors, surgeons, and accredited hospitals as well as any compliments to your vacation. They will design you the safest and best quality medical care and luxurious recovery package in the beautiful destination of your choice, which allows you to return inspired by your health and prepared to live a more contented life. They operate with Multi-Specialty Hospitals, which provide secondary and tertiary healthcare to patients. Their network of hospitals also include „centers of excellence‟ providing healthcare in various areas, such as cardiac care, orthopedics, neurosciences, oncology, renal care, gastroenterology, mother and child care among others. To deliver the best Indian healthcare, they are partnered with a select number of leading medical specialists and private hospitals to offer the highest possible standards to patients. While our case management desk takes care of each and every necessity of your treatment, our Centralized Travel Desk is committed to take care of your post operative stay. They offer you the best stay options for your speedy and healthy recovery showcasing the best of Indian hospitality. The tourism element and the feel of India will be an added advantage for your attendant and family members. They ensure that you go back in high spirits and good memories. 8
  • 9. Bonanza’s group Companies: Bonanza Medical Tourism Pvt Ltd Bonanza Portfolio Ltd Bonanza Commodity Brokers Pvt Ltd Bonanza Insurance brokers Pvt Ltd Bonanza Global DMCC Dubai Sunglow Fininvest Pvt Ltd Bonanza Corporate Solutions Pvt Ltd SWOT Analysis of BMTPL Strengths Weaknesses • Large market • No market share • Ability to build unique product • Initial Stages of product development • Goodwill and support of the whole group • Not enough resources • Technology • Delay in Building Strategy • Does not have benefit of backward Opportunities integration. Threats • Add new products • Major Hospital as direct competition • Penetrate into a new segments • Huge money involved in promotion • Sales force development of such product • Continuing to expand globally • Rising new players • Use new form of channels and reach new market 9
  • 10. Business Development New business development concerns all the activities involved in realizing new business opportunities, including product or service design, business model design, and marketing. When splitting business development into two parts, I have: „businesses and „development‟. The first things that come into mind when looking at business are: economics, finance, managerial activities, competition, prices, marketing, etc. All of these keywords are related to risk and entrepreneurship and clearly indicate the primary scope of the term „business development‟. Development is very abstract and can be linked with some of the following keywords: technological improvement, cost reduction, general Ilfare, improved relations, movement in a (positive) direction, etc. In the traditional definition of Business development, Business Development is mostly seen as growing an enterprise, with a number of techniques. The mentioned techniques differ, but in fact all of them are about traditional marketing. The main question in these issues is: how to find, reach and approach customers and how to make/keep them satisfied, possibly with new products. Since this definition is limited and lacks some essential factors in business developing, a complete new definition of Business Development will be introduced. Of course, the theory on “traditional” marketing is still correct and can be adopted from the old definition. When supplying a solution, it is important to focus on the total offering you give instead of only focusing on the product or service. An offering is a package consisting of different proportions of physical product, service, advice, delivery and the costs, including price that are involved in using it. Hereby the advice, adaptation to the customer and the costs are the most important factors to get the right combination within the offering. Drawing on contingency theory, an idea central to new business development is that different product-market- technology combinations can require different marketing strategies and business models to make them a success To chart the factors that are involved and create synergy between them, new business development draws heavily upon the fields of technology and business networks. The new business development process is to 10
  • 11. recognize chances and opportunities in a fast changing technological environment. Often uncertainty arises because of new technology and their new markets. Business development in Bonanza Medical Tourism Medical Tourism Promotion The unique selling points of the medical tourism industry are its cost effectiveness and its combination with the attractions of tourism. The latter also uses the ploy of selling the exotica of the countries involved as Ill as the packaging of health care with traditional therapies and treatment methods. Price advantage is, of course, a major selling point. The slogan, thus, is First World treatment at Third World prices. The cost differential across the board is huge: only a tenth and sometimes even a sixteenth of the cost in the west. Since competitive advantages for the different components of the medical tourism system lie with different players, forming inter-organizational networks with a common marketing front might turn out to be a great idea. This coordinated move will synergize the operations and minimize the scope of service failures. E-marketing of medical tourism services will help the medical tourism firm to reach the customer directly, bypassing the middlemen. This will help the firm to provide services at a lower price, on time, and in a highly customized manner. Probably, such an e-platform can facilitate initial consultations via tele-medicine facilities before the patient embarks upon the trip. Since medical service is a credence (complex) service, long term relationship building and maintaining the same will be the key to sustained business. No firm that wants to continue in this business should look towards one-time transaction-specific approaches. Firms should tap on referrals, positive words of mouth, etc since these carry more credential that an impersonal advertisement. Yet, patients are now learning more and more about their own illnesses, and are most familiar with their available treatment options. Patient marketing, such as with an informative website, transparent pricing schemes, or advertising placements such as within in-flight magazines have thus become basic information and advertising platforms. However, healthcare providers need to be aware of the varying influence that other stakeholders may have. For instance, the doctor‟s opinion in conservative markets like Japan or Korea is seldom challenged. In contrast, a key influencer in the Middle East might instead be the multinational corporations sponsoring their expatriates for overseas treatment. As such, marketing efforts across different markets could be targeted towards the patients, the referring doctors, hospitals, insurers, or corporations--depending on who the actual decision-influencers are. 11
  • 12. Hospitals that are successfully attracting foreign patients enlarge their geographical footprints with representative offices or agencies in other countries. For example, CromIll Hospital in the UK has representatives in India and Pakistan, while hospitals in Singapore are also setting up offices such as in Indonesia or the Middle East. These agents help establish and maintain relationships such as with local hospitals, doctors, embassies, sponsor corporations, or insurers. Participating in different events also facilitates such relationships. For instance, trade shows, exhibitions or training seminars allow healthcare providers to share their medical expertise, while longer-term physician exchanges may also be organized in alliance with medical universities. Task and Responsibilities Identifying new business opportunities Building network Business Associates for generating leads (foreign patients) Getting direct lead Updating the Associates with new development and communicating them with new policies. Sharing of revenue as per agreement Deciding on share on case to case basis Empowering and extracting information and contacts with the associates Keep Business partners motivated Respective areas in which I work for business development 1. Doctors and hospitals 2. Escorts 3. Hotels 4. Tour and travelers 5. Handicraft 6. Money Exchanges These are the main areas where business associate can be made. In these areas I had worked upon Hotel and Gems & Jewelery. 12
  • 13. Hotels A hotel is an establishment that provides lodging paid on a short-term basis. The provision of basic accommodation, in times past, consisting only of a room with a bed, a cupboard, a small table and a washstand has largely been replaced by rooms with modern facilities, including en- suite bathrooms and air conditioning or climate control. Additional common features found in hotel rooms are a telephone, an alarm clock, a television, a safe, a bar with snack foods and drinks, and facilities for making tea and coffee. Luxury features include bathrobes and slippers, a pillow menu, twin-sink vanities, and Jacuzzi bathtubs. Larger hotels may provide additional guest facilities such as a swimming pool, fitness center, business center, childcare, conference facilities and social function services. What we think about Hotels: Hotel Industry is one of the most substantial factors for Medical Tourism Industry. It could provide the necessary substructures for Tourism. Therefore the growth in Medical Tourism industry depends on growth in Hotel industry. I think that hotel will give a big amount of profit. Because whenever any foreigner come India, their first need would be a palace where they can stay & spend their most of the time. So I think we should tie up with them on the commission basis. Reality: Hotels have their own policy and regulation. A hotel is not a single entity, because in a hotel so many workers work, and these all workers don‟t suppose to do work for any other firm, according to their policy. So they can‟t do tie up with us. Talking about owner of the hotel, some time they get ready for holding and standees, but they don‟t want sign legal document. They argued that “yes, foreigners stay there but they don‟t do any interaction with our staff member. If we started promoting your service, may be they can fed up with us & we can lose our client. So In short we are not going to sell or promoting about your company by words”. 13
  • 14. List of Hotels which I have visited- Serial Name of the Shop No. 1 Arya Niwas 2 Jai Mangal Palace 3 HR Palace 4 Indiana Classic 5 Lal Mahal palace 6 Jas villas 7 Tordi Haveli 8 Vassanti Niwas 9 Barwara Kothi 10 Trident Jaipur Gems & Jewellery Gems and Jewellery is an important emerging sector in the Indian Economy. Ranked among the fastest growing sectors, it is also a leading sector for foreign exchange generation. The gems and jewellery industry is very much fascinating being traditionally glamorous and artistically modern. This business employees and engages millions; cover wide activities such as raw material procurement from far flung Africa, Australia, Canada and Russia, and transforming these into products in demand with the skills available in China, India, Italy and Turkey for the sophisticated markets in the USA, Europe, Far East, Middle East and Asia. 14
  • 15. List of Gems & Jewellery which I have visited Serial Name of the Shop No. 1 Shri Ganesham Jewellery 2 Maharaja Gems 3 Bhartiya Gems & Jewellery 4 Amit Emporium 5 Prahlad Das Omprakash 6 Raja Gems 7 Pink City 8 Shivam Gems 9 Paradise Gems 10 Treasure of Indian Art 11 Shri Gopal Gems & Jewellery 12 Tulsi (Om Prakash Paliwal) 13 Anand Gems 14 Jaipur Gems 15 Purnima Jewellery 16 Sunil Gems & Jewellery 17 Chirag Enterprise 18 Rajasthan Art Palace 19 Indian Crafts Bazaar 20 Shree Ganpati Arts 15
  • 16. New age media The faces of Advertising too have changed. The concept of traditional advertising through newspapers has been replaced with new age digitalized advertising. The advent of the internet has opened up a medium where you could connect to millions of individual at any given point of time. Advertising agencies hire media planning and buying agencies that in turn deploy creative professionals to conceptualize and frame innovative ideas that will propel a business to a new level and in process brand build it. Branding a commodity ensures mouth of word advertising in the latter stages that makes continuity of matter for time to come. In 2010, Social Media will rapidly escalate from novelty or perceived necessity to an integrated and strategic business communications, service, and information community and ecosystem. Our experiences and education will foster growth and propel us through each stage of the Social Media Marketing evolution. As Marketing Sherpa observes, “2010 is the year where social media marketers gain the experience required to advance from novice to competent practitioner capable of achieving social marketing objectives and proving ROI.” To document the evolution in maturation of new media marketing, Marketing Sherpa published its 2010 Social Media Marketing Benchmark Report. The undercurrent of the report is rooted in the shift from hype to methodology, observing that many marketers jumped on board Twitter, Facebook, blogs, and other social media platforms without a plan for defining, achieving, or measuring success. The general reaction of the more than 2,300 marketers who participated in the report was that current social media tactics Ire counter-intuitive to proven marketing principles. 16
  • 17. This is why I believe that business success stories shared to date Ire wonderful to read, but they didn‟t necessarily serve as a framework for my work. Too many assumptions have been made and business considerations compromised while they learned how to embrace and employ new media in a very public spotlight. What targets we all interns have: We have to make 110 blog sites as a target. We have to make 75 social sites as a target. We have to list bonanza in 75 website. We have to increase list of likes in facebook at least 90 likes more. Content development Project on which I worked in New Age Media I had worked upon Blogs and on facebook. I have Created 110 ID on blog sites on the name of bonanza and in the other hand I increase the facebook likes from 20 to 45. Blogs Blog is a discussion or information site published on the World Wide Web consisting of discrete entries ("posts") typically displayed in reverse chronological order so the most recent post appears first. Anyone can Use a blog whenever they want to post articles on a regular basis for the world 17
  • 18. to see. The blog allows to easily create these articles‚ and automatically indexes these articles by date and categories. Steps- Created 110 ID on blog sites on the name of bonanza. Build up the content of bonanza from secondary data for the promotion Posted different content on all 110 sites according to the need of consumer, because every country have different blog sites preferred by them. Problems which I have faced- Time constraints- As I am using the secondary data for posting & creating of blog. So it creates problem due to less content. 18
  • 19. Page of BMTPL on My Blog 19
  • 20. Selling of Health Card Healthcare Scenario In India Overview India‟s health system can be categorized into three distinct a) In the initial phase of 1947-1983, health policy was assumed to be based on two broad principles: That none should be denied healthcare for want of ability to pay, and That it was the responsibility of the state to provide healthcare to the people. This phase saw moderate achievements. b) In the second phase of 1983-2000, a National Health Policy was announced for the first time in 1983, which articulated the need to encourage private initiative in healthcare service delivery and encouraged the private sector to invest in healthcare infrastructure through subsidies. The policy also enhanced the access to publicly funded primary healthcare, facilitating expansion of health facilities in rural areas through National Health Programmes (NHPs). c) The third phase, post-2000, is witnessing a further shift and broadening of focus; the current phase addresses key issues such as public-private partnership, liberalization of insurance sector, and the government as a financier. Healthcare Education and Research The Government has set up regulatory bodies with the objectives of monitoring the standard of medical education, and promoting Training and research activities in the country. The overall objective is to sustain the production of medical and para-medical human Resources to meet the requirement of healthcare delivery system in India. 20
  • 21. Bonanza in Health services BMTPL has started a service with name of Health Card. Health card is a card which is made for give convenience to customer. By health card BMPTL gives opportunity to customer that they can get different type of health services like routine body checkup and all for male and female. Now I am going to explain BMTPL health card package. Bonanza Medical Tourism’s Health Cards Packages with Religare Convenient Comprehensive Health Package (Male / Female) Test Name MRP CBC 250 Blood Sugar Fasting 70 Lipid Profile 650 Blood Urea Nitrogen 130 Serum Creatinine 130 SGOT 130 SGPT 130 Total Bilirubin 90 Urine Routine 90 T3, T4, TSH 480 Blood Group & Rh Factor 60 ESR 80 Uric Acid 140 Serum Iron 250 GGT 350 HBsAg 310 RA Factor 280 21
  • 22. Religare's Price 3620 Bonanza Price 1500 Total Difference 2120 Difference in % 58.56% Added Advantages: Free Home Collection – So that your clients do not have to Visit any Hospital / Diagnostic Centers / Clinics, The package Test Specimen will collected from their home. The reports will be sent on your E-Mail ID and at your home Address. Note: Candidates should observe 10-12 Hours of Fasting for the above package. 22
  • 23. Advanced Comprehensive Health Check-Up Package Male Female Test Name MRP Test Name MRP CBC 250 CBC 250 Blood Sugar Fasting 70 Blood Sugar Fasting 70 Lipid Profile 650 Lipid Profile 650 Blood Urea Nitrogen 130 Blood Urea Nitrogen 130 Serum Creatinine 130 Serum Creatinine 130 SGOT 130 SGOT 130 SGPT 130 SGPT 130 Total Bilirubin 90 Total Bilirubin 90 HBsAg 310 HBsAg 310 Urine Routine 90 Urine Routine 90 TSH 200 TSH 200 PSA (For Male) 650 PAP Smear (For Female) 325 Blood Group & Rh 60 Blood Group & Rh Factor 60 Factor ESR 80 ESR 80 Uric Acid 140 Uric Acid 140 Serum Iron 250 Serum Iron 250 ECG 125 ECG 125 X-ray (Chest) 150 X-ray (Chest) 150 TMT / 2D Echo 1200 TMT / 2D Echo 1200 General Physical 150 General Physical 150 Examination Examination Post Consultation 150 Post Consultation 150 Religare Price 5135 Total 4810 Bonanza Price 2000 Selling Price 2000 Total Difference 3135 2810 Difference in % 61.05% 58.42% 23
  • 24. Added Advantages: Free Home Collection for blood and urine samples – So that you can visit the centre at your convenience for the rest of non pathological tests (after prior appointment). For the non pathological investigations the card holder have to come down the our Religare Illness centre situated at shop no 5,6,7 sec-5 shopping center opp. IIS School, V T Road Crossing, Shipra Path, Mansarovar, Jaipur. The soft copy of the reports will send on customer‟s E-Mail ID. Note: Candidates should observe 10-12 Hours of Fasting for the above package. Apart form this packages the Bonanza Health cardholders can avail 15% discount on any pathological tests (excluding International Tests). Important clause: 1. Profit Sharing – For the individual pathological investigations, the SRL will give 15% discount on MRP to the Bonanza Health Card Holder Health Screening MRP Package CBC 250 urine routine 90 fasting sugare 70 ECG 125 TSH 200 Religare’s Price 735 Bonanza’s Price 400 Total Difference 335 Discount in % 45.58% Basic Health Package MRP CBC 250 urine routine 90 fasting sugare 70 ECG 125 TSH 200 Toltal chol 160 Chest X-Ray 150 Religare‟s Price 1045 Bonanza‟;s Price 574 Total Difference 471 Difference in % 45.07% 24
  • 25. Bonanza Medical Tourism’s Health Cards Packages with Narayana Health Care Service Provider Narayana Hrudayalaya Hospitals Sec-28, Kumbha Marg, Pratap Nagar, Sanganer, Jaipur-302033, Tel:-0141-5192939 Complete Health Packages Complete Health Check (Male) Complete Health Check (Female) Recommended for all Males with/without Recommended for all Female with/without any Risk Factor to check the entire body any Risk Factor to check the entire body functions functions Age Group-> 35 Special Rates Age Group-> 35 Special Rate Years of Bonanza Years of Bonanza Component MRP Component MRP CBC 150 CBC 150 Blood Glucose 60 Blood Glucose 60 Fasting Fasting Post Prandial 60 Post Prandial 60 Glucose Glucose LIPID PROFILE 600 LIPID PROFILE 600 Liver Function 480 Liver Function 480 Test Test S.Creatinine 75 B.Urea & Urine 120 Routine PSA (Age more 550 S. Creatinine 75 than 50 years)/ PFT S.Uric Acid 100 Paps Smear 300 Blood Urea 70 S.Uric Acid 100 Nitrogen Tread Mili Test or 900 S.TSH 200 2D Echo ECG 100 Tread Mili Test or 900 2D Echo Ultrasound Upper 450 Mammography 1000 OR LoIr Chest X-Ray PA 200 Ultrasound LoIr 450 View Abdomen Consultation by 100 Chest X-Ray PA 200 Internal Medicine View Consultation by 100 ECG 100 25
  • 26. Dietician Unine Routine 50 Consultation by 100 Internal Medicine One Extra 100 Consultation by 100 Consultation Gynecologist Consultation by 100 Dietician One extra 100 Consultation Total 4095 2000 Total 5195 2600 Total Difference 2095 Total Difference 2595 Differences in % 51.16% Differences in % 49.95% Value Added Benefits: The following are the value added benefits that can be availed by all the members under the banner of Bonanza Medical Tourism Pvt.Ltd by presenting their identity: 1. Free one extra Consultation by a specialty doctor after health Check. 2. For the individual pathological investigations, the Narayana will give 10% discount on MRP to the Bonanza Health Card Holder. Note: • The value added benefits can be availed by all the members by presenting their identity. • Hospital registration charge (Rs.50) shall be applicable for first time. So these are our packages. I can compare them that BMTPL is giving more cheapest packages then others. So it is a more profitable in the point of customer. What I have done But the journey of health card is not so easy. I have faced many problems like : 1. No one is ready to buy in the beginning due to its price that was started from Rs 500 . 2. BMTPL has tie-ups with only one diagnostic center (Narayna Hurdayalay Hospital) so and the people leaving out of that area have the problem to get the check-up done due to its far places. 3. Market segmentation is not so easy. 4. Lack of knowledge Likewise I have faced many problems. Now I would like to mention about what I have done. I have given my contribution in the making of the design of health card details. I have gone in market to sale health card to customer. That selling was door to door The Target customers Ire sub brokers of Bonanza make money and others shops & offices 26
  • 27. Steps- I have called to 200 sub-brokers of Bonanza & Taken the appointment. After that I Followed those people who has given the positive response While visiting positive followers, many of them are asking for comparative study of the prices prevailing in the market. I have done the comparative study of all the Diagnostic centres (near c-scheme) & provided to Bonanza. I have recommended to BMTPL that as many people have problem regarding location so Bonanza have done tie-up with Religre & also reduces the cost of health card from 500 to 200 27
  • 28. Market Research Scope of Market Research: This is our 4th project. I have worked this work in a team. We are the group of 3 people. We have target of 100 questionnaire and we get success to fill all 100 questionnaires. Apart from this we have given our 60 more questionnaire to one person who is helping to us for fulfill the questionnaire. He will give all these questionnaires in the ending of July. Target People For our market research target people mainly are foreigners who can give exactly idea about our stage or give idea about perception in their mind. Target Area Amber form Jalmahal Jai garh These areas were considered as our target area, because in these areas tourists can be found easily. 28
  • 29. Model of Market Research Target population: The target population in this research was Foreigners to check whether they are interested in taking medical treatment in India or not. Sampling unit: The sampling units are Foreigners Visited Amber Fort, Jaigarh Sampling method  For this research we use non-probability sampling, Convenience Sampling & Exploratory Research. Sample size  We have selected 100 respondents as the sample size due to limitation of time. The respondents can be any gender, any income level, any occupation and any education level. Sources of data: The data is basically primary in nature It was obtained from the customers Data Collection Method:  Our communication approach was basically structured questioning, that is personal interview with the aid of printed questionnaires. Data Analysis: The data is represented and analyzed in graphical form. Graphical Analysis of Questionnaire: 1. Have you ever travelled abroad for some medical help OR for any treatment? A. YES B. NO 29
  • 30. 100 80 60 Have you ever travelled abroad for some medical 40 help or for any treatment? 20 0 Yes No Interpretation: Only 20% people travel abroad for their treatment. Rests of 80% don‟t aware about it. It means Medical tourism is not so much popular yet. They don‟t even consider about it. 2. Have you ever come across India for your treatment? A. YES B. NO 90 80 70 60 50 2. Have you ever 40 come across India 30 for your treatment? 20 10 0 Yes No Interpretation: Only 10% people come have came across India. Rests of 90% even don‟t about it that India is known for good and economic treatment. They aware about ayurveda. But they don‟t want to consider it. 3. How much you are spending per annum for your medical expenses in terms of insurance premium? (average, please mention currency) Individual - _____________ Family – _____________ 30
  • 31. 60 50 40 3. How much you are 30 spending per annum for your medical expenses in 20 terms of insurance premium? 10 0 Nothing Less then Less then Less then 50$ 100$ 500$ Interpretation: 57% people don‟t give any answer. May be, they don‟t want to disclose it or maybe they don‟t have their medical insurance. Apart from this 13% people spend less than 50$ per annum on their health. 23% people spend less than 100$ but greater than 50$ per annum. 7% people spend less than 500$ but greater than 100$ per annum. It means they don‟t want to spend so much on their medical insurance or they don‟t need it. 4. Which are the most preferred destinations for your medical help? 80 70 60 50 4. Which are the most 40 preferred destinations 30 for your medical help? 20 10 0 Nothing India Germany Africa Singapore Interpretation: As I know only 20% people travel for their treatment. So according to survey 77% people don‟t have any destination for their medical help. Some people have knowledge even they have some choice also.  13% of them preferred India as their medical destination.  7% of them preferred Germany as their medical destination.  And 7% of them preferred Singapore as their medical destination.  But most of them preferred their own country, 5. Which is the most preferred treatment for which you would consider India as an option? (Kindly tick ( ) wherever applicable) Cardiac (Heart Related) Oncology(cancer) 31
  • 32. Orthopedics (Knee/Hip/Shoulder Replacement) Neurology Transplants Ophthalmology (Eye Care) Dental Ayurvedic treatment Cosmetic Surgeries IVF/Surrogacy All 60 50 40 5. Which is the most 30 preferred treatment for which you would 20 consider India as an option? 10 0 Nothing Orthopedics Ophthamology Cosmetic Surgeries Interpretation: 60% of people don‟t want any treatment from India. They don‟t think that India has good facility and infrastructure in the field of medical. Rest 40% love to do these type of treatment: 9% of them cover Transplants, ophthalmology and Dental. 31% of them love to do ayurvedic treatment. It is clear that firstly foreigners don‟t have so much of interest in the medical treatment. And in case they preferred, they love to do ayurvedic treatment. 6. If you ever visited India for any treatment, then how would you rate our doctors and hospitals in terms of below services? (Please rate on a 1-10 scale) 32
  • 33. 1 2 3 4 5 (Strongly (Disagree) (Neutral) (Agree) (Strongly disagree) agree) Proper co-ordination Admission process Room services Nursing Staff quality Doctor/Surgeon 100 80 60 40 6. If you ever visited India for any treatment, then how 20 would you rate our doctors 0 and hospitals in terms of below services? Nothing Proper co- Admission Room Nursing Doctor ordination process servicesstaff quality surgon Interpretation: 87% of people don‟t give any response. Either they don‟t want to give any ansIr about this question or they didn‟t have experience about it. Rests of them give same feedback, 7% for all. 7. If you would like to travel to India for any treatment then which cities will you prefer? A. Metro cities only B. Cities with tourism options 60 50 40 30 If you would like to travek to 20 India for any treatment then which cities will you prefer? 10 0 Nothing Metro cities only Cities with tourism Interpretation: 7% people do not give any response. 33% people love to travel in metro cities only 33
  • 34. 60% people love to travel cities with tourism. It means if they get any facility related to medical tourism, they can easily adopt it 8. Have you heard of the below named hospitals in India? Narayana Hrudayalaya YES/NO Wockhardt Hospitals YES/NO Artemis Hospital YES/NO Moolchand Hospital YES/NO Bombay Hospital YES/NO Health Care Global Hospitals (HCG) YES/NO Nanavati Hospital YES/NO 90 80 70 60 50 Have you heard of these named 40 hospital in India 30 20 10 0 Nothing Wockhardt hospitalMoolchand hospital ealth care hospital H Interpretation: 90% people don‟t aware about any of hospital. Even they don‟t ever listen the name of it. Who tick over the name, most of them have been living here for last some months, because of their training and job. One of the foreigner marks on the Bombay hospital, only because he listen the name of Bombay at once. 9. Have you ever availed the services of a medical tourism facilitator? A. Yes B. No 34
  • 35. 100 90 80 70 60 9. Have you ever 50 availed the services 40 of a medical tourism 30 facilitator? 20 10 0 Yes No Interpretation: No one said yes 100% people don‟t ever listen the name of any medical tourism facilitator. 10. If yes, then please mention name: 100 90 80 70 60 50 If yes, please 40 mention name 30 20 10 0 Yes No Interpretation: Nobody knows about any medical facilitator, so they don‟t give any name. 11. What service offering you look forward from a medical tourism facilitator? (Kindly tick ( ) wherever applicable) Assistance in choosing Best Treatment Plan 35
  • 36. Comprehensive Information ( Hospital, Doctor and Treatment details) Visa Assistance ( Medical Visa ) Treatment scheduling – Doctor‟s Appointments and Procedure Planning Accommodation near to the Hospital Foreign Exchange Post Treatment Follow-up back home 90 80 70 60 50 40 11. What service offering you look 30 forward from a medical tourism 20 facilitator? 10 0 Nothing Treatment scheduling Interpretation: 83% people didn‟t give any response. Rests of them tick on all 12. Would you like to be an associate member to promote medical tourism in India at your residing country? A. YES B. No 100 90 80 70 Would you like to 60 be an associate 50 member to 40 promote medical 30 tourism in India at 20 your residing… 10 0 Yes No Interpretation: 100% people don‟t want to become our associate. 36
  • 37. Recommendation I suggest BMTPL to do: Do survey in winters. Because at this time the amount of foreigners are too low, so at this time it is become very difficult to collect data from foreigners. Normally the foreigners who come here, they come here to visit, so they usually don't have knowledge about this. So I suggest bonanza to advertise itself on the India‟s popular site which introduce India, for example: lonely planet etc. They don‟t think that India provides a standard treatment, or India has a good infrastructure in the terms of medical treatment. Some of foreigners don‟t able to understand the language of us. Even they don‟t know English. It also becomes a big problem, so bonanza should consider this problem. Response of Q.7 clearly indicates that foreigners love to travel cities with tourism, means they can consider medical tourism if 37
  • 38. Study of Country I have studied on the country of South Arabia that is “Ghana”. About this country I also give presentation to my respective mentor. I have given all information which I have gained from secondary data in the power point presentation. For penetrating business (Medical Tourism) in Ghana Online marketing is a good option as number of internet users are good in number and through this we came to know the market potential. BMTPL can also do Tie–ups with reputed Hospitals and selected Doctors As Ghana is a booming sector so medical tourism can be good market. After doing the study I came to know that the People of Ghana prefer Medical Tourism so it is a good opportunity for Bonanza for penetrating business. 38
  • 39. Recommendations I would like to Recommend BMTPL should recruit localities of Jaipur who have marketing skills & Confidence for generating Business. BMTPL should approach Foreigners during Peak season(after summer), as less number of people travel during summer in India. BMTPL should build its web content so that if anyone visit its site could get more appropriate information about medical tourism & Bonanza. BMTPL should do proper Follow-up with their client and Business Associates for getting more Lead & Business. As I have done study on “Ghana”, so for penetrating business in Ghana online marketing & Tie-ups with Hospitals is a good option. 39
  • 41. Annexure Bonanza Medical Tourism Pvt Ltd. This questionnaire is only for the personal use. Bonanza Medical Tourism Pvt. Ltd (BMTPL) is doing this survey for getting some information towards the medical tourism. Kindly spare a minute to help us complete this survey on medical tourism industry in India. Your feedback is valuable to us. Q1. Have you ever travelled abroad for some medical help OR for any treatment? A. YES B. NO 2. Have you ever come across India for your treatment? A. YES B. NO 3. How much you are spending per annum for your medical expenses in terms of insurance premium? (average, please mention currency) Individual - _____________ Family – _____________ 4. Which are the most preferred destinations for your medical help? 5. Which is the most preferred treatment for which you would consider India as an option? (Kindly tick ( ) wherever applicable) Cardiac (Heart Related) Oncology(cancer) 41
  • 42. Orthopedics (Knee/Hip/Shoulder Replacement) Neurology Transplants Ophthalmology (Eye Care) Dental Ayurvedic treatment Cosmetic Surgeries IVF/Surrogacy All 6. If you ever visited India for any treatment, then how would you rate our doctors and hospitals in terms of below services? (Please rate on a 1-10 scale) 1 2 3 4 5 (Strongly (Disagree) (Neutral) (Agree) (Strongly disagree) agree) Proper co-ordination Admission process Room services Nursing Staff quality Doctor/Surgeon 7. If you would like to travel to India for any treatment then which cities will you prefer? A. Metro cities only B. Cities with tourism options 8. Have you heard of the below named hospitals in India? Narayana Hrudayalaya YES/NO Wockhardt Hospitals YES/NO Artemis Hospital YES/NO Moolchand Hospital YES/NO Bombay Hospital YES/NO Health Care Global Hospitals (HCG) YES/NO Nanavati Hospital YES/NO 9. Have you ever availed the services of a medical tourism facilitator? A. Yes B. No 42
  • 43. 10. If yes, then please mention name: 11. What service offering you look forward from a medical tourism facilitator? (Kindly tick ( ) wherever applicable) Assistance in choosing Best Treatment Plan Comprehensive Information ( Hospital, Doctor and Treatment details) Visa Assistance ( Medical Visa ) Treatment scheduling – Doctor‟s Appointments and Procedure Planning Accommodation near to the Hospital Foreign Exchange Post Treatment Follow-up back home 12. Would you like to be an associate member to promote medical tourism in India at your residing country? A. YES B. No Personal Information: Name: ___________________________ Mobile Number with country code: ________________________ Email address: _____________________________________ Occupation: ___________________________________ City: ______________________ Country: _______________________ Age: ____________ Gender: ________________ 43
  • 44. Sites on which Blogs for Bonanza were Created 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 44
  • 45. 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 Aeonity Blog 61 Dudo 62 63 Floost 64 Schoolrace 65 Iluna 66 Skoola 67 68 Myopen Id 69 Xanga 70 Typepad 71 Live Journal 72 Blogtyant 73 Aweber 74 Terasite 75 76 Movabletype 77 78 79 80 Blogburner 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 blog toplist 88 89 90 91 Insane Journal 92 Open Dairy 45
  • 46. 93 94 Jimdo login 95 Fotki 96 Metacritic 97 Fotolog 98 Blog 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 Ecademy 46