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B. Rama Sanjeeva Sresta, Dr. Y. V. Mohan Reddy / International Journal of Engineering
            Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622
                        Vol. 2, Issue4, July-August 2012, pp.2126-2131
     Dynamic Reanalysis of Beams Using Polynomial Regression
                   B. Rama Sanjeeva Sresta, **Dr. Y. V. Mohan Reddy
      (Department of Mechanical Engineering, G Pulla Reddy Engineering College, Kurnool, A.P., India,)
       (Department of Mechanical Engineering, G Pulla Reddy Engineering College, Kurnool, A.P., India,)

         The paper focuses on dynamic reanalysis           the complete set of modified simultaneous equations.
of simple beam structures using a polynomial               The solution procedures usually use the original
regression method. The method deals with the               response of the structure.
stiffness and mass matrices of structures and can
be used with a general finite element system. This         SOLUTION   APPROACH-                        FINITE
method is applied to approximate dynamic                   ELEMENT METHOD
reanalysis of cantilever simple beam structure and                  Initially the beam is divided into smaller
T-structure. Preliminary results for these example         sections using successive levels of division. Analysis
problems indicate the high quality approximation           of each section is performed separately. Using the
of natural frequencies can be obtained. The final          finite element technique, the dynamic analysis of
results from regression method and Finite element          beam structure is modeled.
method are compared.                                       [K-λM] [X]=0 ----------------- (1)
                                                           Where k, m are the stiffness and mass matrix
Keywords:      mass matrix, stiffness matrix,              respectively.
natural    frequency,  dynamic      reanalysis,                     The dynamic behavior of a damped structure
polynomial regression.                                     [4] which is assumed to linear and discretized for n
                                                           degrees of freedom can be described by the equation
INTRODUCTION:                                              of motion.
          Reanalysis methods are intended to analyze       M +C +Kx=f-------------(2)
efficiently new designs using information from                      Where M, C = αM+βK, and K are mass,
previous ones. One of the many advantages of the           damping and stiffness matrices, , and X are
substructure technique is the possibility of repeating     acceleration, velocity, displacement vectors of the
the analysis for one or more of the substructures          structural points and “f” is force vector. Undamped
making use of the work done on the others. This            homogeneous equation M +Kx=0. Provides the
represents a significant saving of time when
                                                           Eigen value problem (k-λm) = 0.
modifications once are required. Modification is
                                                           Solution of above equation yields the matrices Eigen
invariably required in iterative processes for optimum
design never the less, in the case of large structures     values λ and Eigen vectors
the expenses are still too high.[1]
          Therefore, development of techniques which       λ =                  ,   = [ 1, 2….. n]
are themselves based on previous analysis, and which
obtained the condensed matrices of the substructures                 The eigenvector satisfy the orthonormal
under modification, with little extra calculation time,    conditions M =I,          K =λ,        C = αI+βλ=ξ,
can be very useful. “General Reanalysis Techniques”        Using the transformation X = q in the equation of
are very useful in solving medium size problems and        motion, and premultiplying by       one obtains,
are totally essential in the design of large structures.
                                                              M + C + K q= f -------------(3)
Some steps in a dynamic condensation process are
particularly characterized by their computational                    It is important note, that the matrices,
effort, as for instance:                                      = M ,             = C ,                 K are not
 Stiffness matrix factorization                           usually diagonalised by the eigenvectors of the
 Resolution of certain systems of linear equation         original structure [3] Given an initial geometry and
 Resolution of an eigen problem to obtain the             assuming a change ΔY in the design variables, the
     normal vibration modes.                               modified design is given by
          Reanalysis methods [2] are intended to           Y = +ΔY. ------------------ (4)
analyze efficiently structures that are modified due to              The geometric variables Y usually represent
changes in the design. The object is to evaluate the       coordinates of joints, but other choice for these
structural response for such changes without solving

                                                                                                2126 | P a g e
B. Rama Sanjeeva Sresta, Dr. Y. V. Mohan Reddy / International Journal of Engineering
             Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622
                         Vol. 2, Issue4, July-August 2012, pp.2126-2131
variables is sometimes preferred. The displacement                  The parameter, α, is a constant, often called
analysis equations for the initial design are             the “intercept” while b is referred to as a regression
   r = R.                                                 coefficient that corresponds to the “slope” of the line.
where      = stiffness matrix corresponding to the        The additional parameter ε accounts for the type of
                                                          error that is due to random variation caused by
design , R= load vector whose elements are usually        experimental imprecision. The regression procedure
assumed to be independent of the design variables         assumes that the scatter of the data points about the
and r= nodal displacements computed at . The              best-fit straight line reflects the effects of the error
stiffness matrix and mass matrix of a typical plane       term,[12-15] and it is also implicitly assumed that ε
truss element are                                         follows a Gaussian distribution with a mean of 0.
                                                          Now, however, we will assume that the error is
K=                                    and                 Gaussian Figure 2 illustrates the output of the linear
                                                          model with the inclusion of the error term.

                                                          3.1.3 Multiple Linear Regressions
M=                                                                 The straight line equation is the simplest
                                                          form of the linear regression given as
                                                          Where α+βX represents the deterministic part and ε is
„A‟ is the cross sectional area, ‟l‟ is member length,    the stochastic component of the model.
of the beam „ „ is density of the beam.
                                                                    The simple linear population model equation
REANALYSIS               OF         REGRESSION            indicating the deterministic component of the model
METHOD                                                    that is precisely determined by the parameters α and
          The statistical determination of the            β, and the stochastic component of the model, ε that
relationship between two or more dependent                represents the contribution of random error to each
variables has been referred to as a correlation           determined value of Y. It only includes one
analysis, [6]whereas the determination of the             independent variable. When the relationship of
relationship between dependent and independent            interest can be described in terms of more than one
variables has come to be known as a regression            independent variable, the regression is then defined
analysis.                                                 as “multiple linear regression.” The general form of
                                                          the linear regression model may thus be written as:
1.1 Regression                                            Y =                      +…….+           + ε. ---------------
         The actual term “regression” is derived from     (6)
the Latin word “regredi,” and means “to go back to”                 Where, Y is the dependent variable, and X1,
or “to retreat.” Thus, the term has come to be            X2 … Xi are the (multiple) independent variables.
associated with those instances where one “retreats”      Multiple linear regression models also encompass
or “resorts” to approximating a response variable         polynomial functions:
with an estimated variable based on a functional          Y=                     +……. +           +, ------------- (7)
relationship between the estimated variable and one       The equation for a straight line is a first-order
or more input variables. In regression analysis, the      polynomial. The quadratic equation,
input (independent) variables can also be referred to     Y=                    ------------------ (8)
as “regressor” or “predictor” variables.
                                                          is a second-order polynomial whereas the cubic
3.1.1 Linear Regression
          Linear regression involves specification of a   Y=                                -------------- (9)
linear relationship between the dependent variable(s)     is a third-order polynomial.
and certain properties of the system under                Taking first derivatives with respect to each of the
investigation. Linear regression deals with some          parameters yields:
curves as well as straight lines.                             = 1,    = X,        = ---------------- (10)
                                                                   The model is linear because the first
                                                          derivatives do not include the parameters. As a
3.1.2 Ordinary Linear Regression                          consequence, taking the second (or higher) order
          The simplest general model for a straight       derivative of a linear function with respect to its
line includes a parameter that allows for inexact fits:   parameters will always yield a value of zero. Thus, if
an “error parameter” which we will denote as .           the independent variables and all but one parameter
 Thus we have the formula:                                are held constant, the relationship between the
                                                          dependent variable and the remaining parameter will
Y = α +β X +  ----------------- (5)
                                                          always be linear. It is important to note that linear

                                                                                                    2127 | P a g e
B. Rama Sanjeeva Sresta, Dr. Y. V. Mohan Reddy / International Journal of Engineering
            Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622
                        Vol. 2, Issue4, July-August 2012, pp.2126-2131
regression does not actually test whether the data          user. Figure (2) shows an example of creating a finite
sampled from the population follow a linear                 element for a cantilever beam.
relationship. It assumes linearity and attempts to find
the best-fit straight line relationship based on the data
sample. The dashed line shown in the figure (1) is the
deterministic component, whereas the points
represent the effect of random error.

                                                            Figure 2: Descretized Element

                                                            The polynomial equation for regression method,
                                                                   +    +                              .
                                                            These 3 values for both case studies
Figure 1: A linear model that incorporates a                   Young‟s modulus (E)          0.207×    N/
stochastic (random error) component.                           Density (ρ)                  7806 Kg/
                                                               Cross section of area (A) 0.029×0.029
3.1.4 Assumptions of Standard Regression
                                                            1.2 Case Study 1
 The subjects are randomly selected from a larger                     The Cantilever Beam of 1m length, shown
     population. The same caveats apply here as with        in figure () is divided into 4 elements equally element
     correlation analyses. The observations are             Stiffness Matrix and Mass Matrix are extracted.
     independent. The variability of values around the      Natural frequencies of the cantilever beam at each
     line is Gaussian.                                      node are found from MATLAB program by
 X and Y are not interchangeable. Regression               considering two situations-
     models used in the vast majority of cases attempt      a) width alone is increased by 5% and
     to predict the dependent variable, Y, from the         b) width and depth of the beam are increased by 5%
     independent variable, X and assume that the            each.
     error in X is negligible. In special cases where                  Reanalysis of the beam is done by
     this is not the case, extensions of the standard       Polynomial regression and the percentage errors are
     regression techniques have been developed to           listed in the table.
     account for non negligible error in X.
 The relationship between X and Y is of the
     correct form, i.e., the expectation function (linear
     or nonlinear model) is appropriate to the data
     being fitted.
 There are enough data points to provide a good
     sampling of the random error associated with the
     Experimental observations. In general, the
     minimum number of independent points can be
     no less than the number of parameters being            Figure 3: Cantilever beam with nodes and
     estimated, and should ideally be significantly         elements
                                                                      First natural frequencies of cantilever beam
NUMERICAL EXAMPLES                                          by increasing depth of the beam by 5%. The
         The polynomial regression method is                polynomial regression equation is given by
applied to a simple beam structures. In finite element               +     +
method, Discretization means dividing the body into         Fitting target of lowest sum of squared absolute error
an equivalent system of finite elements with                = 8.7272727289506574           ,
associated nodes. The element must be made small                  -3.6333      ,                           =      -
enough to view and give usable results and to be
large enough to reduce computational efforts. Small
elements are generally desirable where the results are         = 7.76275 ,                                 =      -
changing rapidly such as where the changes in               3.05561       ,
geometry occur. Large elements can be used where               = 8.07983                         C6 = 2.2512E+01
the results are relatively constant. The discretized
body or mesh is often created with mesh generation                   First natural frequencies of cantilever beam
program or preprocessor programs available to the           by increasing width and depth of the beam by 5%.

                                                                                                  2128 | P a g e
B. Rama Sanjeeva Sresta, Dr. Y. V. Mohan Reddy / International Journal of Engineering
            Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622
                        Vol. 2, Issue4, July-August 2012, pp.2126-2131
Fitting target of lowest sum of squared absolute error
= 1.8470358974358964          ,
      -6.30489      ,                                =   4.2 Case Study 2
4.028518       ,                                                  The dimensions of a T-structure are given in
                                                         figure (4). The Cantilever Beam is divided into 6
   = 4.028518        ,                =              -
                                                         elements. Then Element Stiffness Matrix, mass
1.0347691        ,                                       Matrix and natural frequencies are determined using
    = -1.0347691       ,               =             -   MATLAB. Polynomial regression method is applied
1.0347691        ,                                       to this structure. The results from polynomial
                                                         regression and FEM are compared for closeness.
Table 1: Increasing the Depth of the Beam
                 Natural    Natural
Widt             Frequenc Frequency            %Erro
h                y          Regression(H       r
                 Fem(Hz) z)
0.029 0.029      22.53      22.52              -0.044
0.029            23.65      23.64              -0.042
0.029 0.0319 24.78          24.69              -0.363
0.029            25.91      25.88              -0.115
0.029 0.0348 27.03          27.01              -0.074    Figure 4: T-Structure with nodes and elements
0.029            28.16      28.13              -0.106
       5                                                           The results are as follows: First natural
0.029 0.0377 29.29          29.27              -0.020    frequencies of cantilever beam by increasing depth of
       0.0391                                            the beam by 5%.
0.029            30.41      30.40              -0.033
       5                                                 Fitting target of lowest sum of squared absolute error
0.029 0.0406 31.54          31.53              -0.032    equal to 1.0240640782836770        ,
       0.0420                                                   -8.043993         ,                   =       -
0.029            32.67      32.66              -0.03
       5                                                 1.35761       ,
0.029 0.0435 33.79          33.76              -0.089
                                                              = 1.53493       ,                       =       -
Table 2: Increasing Width and Depth of the Beam
Width Height Natural        Natural        %Erro               = -3.99731       ,               =
                  Frequen Frequency        r             4.446583        .
                  cy        Regression(
                  Fem(Hz Hz)                                       Natural frequencies of cantilever beam by
                  )                                      increasing width and depth of the beam by 5%,
0.029    0.029    22.47     22.47          0             Fitting target of lowest sum of squared absolute error
0.0304 0.0304 23.60         23.61          0.0423        equal to 7.2417839254080818        ,
5        5                                 7
0.0319 0.0319 24.72         24.75          0.1213              -3.483496                         =
0.0333 0.0333 26.08         26.89          3.1058        7.71712       ,
5        5                                 2
0.0348 0.0348 26.97         27.03          0.2224          = 7.71712       ,                    =-
0.0362 0.0362 28.09         28.16          0.2491
5        5                                 9
0.0377 0.0377 29.22         29.59          1.2662
                                           5               = -1.8478                                 =-
0.0391 0.0391 30.34         30.38          0.1318
5        5                                 3             1.8478
0.0406 0.0406 31.56         31.90          1.0773
0.0420 0.0420 32.59         32.70          0.3375
5        5                                 2
0.0435 0.0435 33.80         33.83          0.0887

                                                                                              2129 | P a g e
B. Rama Sanjeeva Sresta, Dr. Y. V. Mohan Reddy / International Journal of Engineering
              Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622
                           Vol. 2, Issue4, July-August 2012, pp.2126-2131
Table 3:Increasing Depth of the Beam                CONCLUSION
                Natural   Natural                          From this work the following conclusions
                Frequen   Frequenc                are drawn. The FEM method is applied for dynamic
       Height   cy        y          %Error       analysis of cantilever beam and T-structure using the
                Fem       Regressi                MAT lab. Natural frequencies are obtained for
                (Hz)      on (Hz)                 cantilever and T-structure beams using FEM.the
0.02                                 4.4975×      polynomial regression method is used for obtaining
       0.029    444.69    444.71                  natural frequencies of cantilever beam and T-
0.02   0.0304                        4.2834×      structure by varying width and depth for dynamic
                466.91    466.93                  reanalysis.
9      5
                                     2.0443×               The results obtained from reanalysis using
       0.0319   489.16    489.17                  regression method are close to results obtained using
                                                  FEM. The minimum and maximum errors in
0.02   0.0333                        1.9550×      regression method when compared with the results
                511.49    511.50
9      5                                          obtained by FEM are
0.02                                 3.7479×
       0.0348   533.63    533.65
9                                                                 Minimum                   Maximum
0.02   0.0362                        1.7990×                      -0.36319        (with     -0.02000
                555.85    555.86                  Cantilever      increasing width)         3.10582
9      5
0.02                                 3.4600×      beam            0 (with increasing
       0.0377   578.02    578.04                                  width and depth)
                                     1.6657×                      0(with     increasing
0.02   0.0391                                                                               4.4975×
                600.33    600.34                                  width)
9      5                                          T-structure                               0.302235
                                                                  0(with     increasing
0.02                                                              width and depth)
       0.0406   622.57    622.57     0
0.02   0.0420                        3.1019×
                644.76    644.78                  REFERENCES:
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  • 1. B. Rama Sanjeeva Sresta, Dr. Y. V. Mohan Reddy / International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622 Vol. 2, Issue4, July-August 2012, pp.2126-2131 Dynamic Reanalysis of Beams Using Polynomial Regression Method * B. Rama Sanjeeva Sresta, **Dr. Y. V. Mohan Reddy * (Department of Mechanical Engineering, G Pulla Reddy Engineering College, Kurnool, A.P., India,) ** (Department of Mechanical Engineering, G Pulla Reddy Engineering College, Kurnool, A.P., India,) ABSTRACT: The paper focuses on dynamic reanalysis the complete set of modified simultaneous equations. of simple beam structures using a polynomial The solution procedures usually use the original regression method. The method deals with the response of the structure. stiffness and mass matrices of structures and can be used with a general finite element system. This SOLUTION APPROACH- FINITE method is applied to approximate dynamic ELEMENT METHOD reanalysis of cantilever simple beam structure and Initially the beam is divided into smaller T-structure. Preliminary results for these example sections using successive levels of division. Analysis problems indicate the high quality approximation of each section is performed separately. Using the of natural frequencies can be obtained. The final finite element technique, the dynamic analysis of results from regression method and Finite element beam structure is modeled. method are compared. [K-λM] [X]=0 ----------------- (1) Where k, m are the stiffness and mass matrix Keywords: mass matrix, stiffness matrix, respectively. natural frequency, dynamic reanalysis, The dynamic behavior of a damped structure polynomial regression. [4] which is assumed to linear and discretized for n degrees of freedom can be described by the equation INTRODUCTION: of motion. Reanalysis methods are intended to analyze M +C +Kx=f-------------(2) efficiently new designs using information from Where M, C = αM+βK, and K are mass, previous ones. One of the many advantages of the damping and stiffness matrices, , and X are substructure technique is the possibility of repeating acceleration, velocity, displacement vectors of the the analysis for one or more of the substructures structural points and “f” is force vector. Undamped making use of the work done on the others. This homogeneous equation M +Kx=0. Provides the represents a significant saving of time when Eigen value problem (k-λm) = 0. modifications once are required. Modification is Solution of above equation yields the matrices Eigen invariably required in iterative processes for optimum design never the less, in the case of large structures values λ and Eigen vectors the expenses are still too high.[1] Therefore, development of techniques which λ = , = [ 1, 2….. n] are themselves based on previous analysis, and which obtained the condensed matrices of the substructures The eigenvector satisfy the orthonormal under modification, with little extra calculation time, conditions M =I, K =λ, C = αI+βλ=ξ, can be very useful. “General Reanalysis Techniques” Using the transformation X = q in the equation of are very useful in solving medium size problems and motion, and premultiplying by one obtains, are totally essential in the design of large structures. M + C + K q= f -------------(3) Some steps in a dynamic condensation process are particularly characterized by their computational It is important note, that the matrices, effort, as for instance: = M , = C , K are not  Stiffness matrix factorization usually diagonalised by the eigenvectors of the  Resolution of certain systems of linear equation original structure [3] Given an initial geometry and  Resolution of an eigen problem to obtain the assuming a change ΔY in the design variables, the normal vibration modes. modified design is given by Reanalysis methods [2] are intended to Y = +ΔY. ------------------ (4) analyze efficiently structures that are modified due to The geometric variables Y usually represent changes in the design. The object is to evaluate the coordinates of joints, but other choice for these structural response for such changes without solving 2126 | P a g e
  • 2. B. Rama Sanjeeva Sresta, Dr. Y. V. Mohan Reddy / International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622 Vol. 2, Issue4, July-August 2012, pp.2126-2131 variables is sometimes preferred. The displacement The parameter, α, is a constant, often called analysis equations for the initial design are the “intercept” while b is referred to as a regression r = R. coefficient that corresponds to the “slope” of the line. where = stiffness matrix corresponding to the The additional parameter ε accounts for the type of error that is due to random variation caused by design , R= load vector whose elements are usually experimental imprecision. The regression procedure assumed to be independent of the design variables assumes that the scatter of the data points about the and r= nodal displacements computed at . The best-fit straight line reflects the effects of the error stiffness matrix and mass matrix of a typical plane term,[12-15] and it is also implicitly assumed that ε truss element are follows a Gaussian distribution with a mean of 0. Now, however, we will assume that the error is K= and Gaussian Figure 2 illustrates the output of the linear model with the inclusion of the error term. 3.1.3 Multiple Linear Regressions M= The straight line equation is the simplest form of the linear regression given as Y=α+βX+ε Where α+βX represents the deterministic part and ε is „A‟ is the cross sectional area, ‟l‟ is member length, the stochastic component of the model. of the beam „ „ is density of the beam. The simple linear population model equation REANALYSIS OF REGRESSION indicating the deterministic component of the model METHOD that is precisely determined by the parameters α and The statistical determination of the β, and the stochastic component of the model, ε that relationship between two or more dependent represents the contribution of random error to each variables has been referred to as a correlation determined value of Y. It only includes one analysis, [6]whereas the determination of the independent variable. When the relationship of relationship between dependent and independent interest can be described in terms of more than one variables has come to be known as a regression independent variable, the regression is then defined analysis. as “multiple linear regression.” The general form of the linear regression model may thus be written as: 1.1 Regression Y = +…….+ + ε. --------------- The actual term “regression” is derived from (6) the Latin word “regredi,” and means “to go back to” Where, Y is the dependent variable, and X1, or “to retreat.” Thus, the term has come to be X2 … Xi are the (multiple) independent variables. associated with those instances where one “retreats” Multiple linear regression models also encompass or “resorts” to approximating a response variable polynomial functions: with an estimated variable based on a functional Y= +……. + +, ------------- (7) relationship between the estimated variable and one The equation for a straight line is a first-order or more input variables. In regression analysis, the polynomial. The quadratic equation, input (independent) variables can also be referred to Y= ------------------ (8) as “regressor” or “predictor” variables. is a second-order polynomial whereas the cubic equation, 3.1.1 Linear Regression Linear regression involves specification of a Y= -------------- (9) linear relationship between the dependent variable(s) is a third-order polynomial. and certain properties of the system under Taking first derivatives with respect to each of the investigation. Linear regression deals with some parameters yields: curves as well as straight lines. = 1, = X, = ---------------- (10) The model is linear because the first derivatives do not include the parameters. As a 3.1.2 Ordinary Linear Regression consequence, taking the second (or higher) order The simplest general model for a straight derivative of a linear function with respect to its line includes a parameter that allows for inexact fits: parameters will always yield a value of zero. Thus, if an “error parameter” which we will denote as . the independent variables and all but one parameter Thus we have the formula: are held constant, the relationship between the dependent variable and the remaining parameter will Y = α +β X +  ----------------- (5) always be linear. It is important to note that linear 2127 | P a g e
  • 3. B. Rama Sanjeeva Sresta, Dr. Y. V. Mohan Reddy / International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622 Vol. 2, Issue4, July-August 2012, pp.2126-2131 regression does not actually test whether the data user. Figure (2) shows an example of creating a finite sampled from the population follow a linear element for a cantilever beam. relationship. It assumes linearity and attempts to find the best-fit straight line relationship based on the data sample. The dashed line shown in the figure (1) is the deterministic component, whereas the points represent the effect of random error. Figure 2: Descretized Element The polynomial equation for regression method, + + . These 3 values for both case studies Figure 1: A linear model that incorporates a Young‟s modulus (E) 0.207× N/ stochastic (random error) component. Density (ρ) 7806 Kg/ Cross section of area (A) 0.029×0.029 3.1.4 Assumptions of Standard Regression Analyses 1.2 Case Study 1  The subjects are randomly selected from a larger The Cantilever Beam of 1m length, shown population. The same caveats apply here as with in figure () is divided into 4 elements equally element correlation analyses. The observations are Stiffness Matrix and Mass Matrix are extracted. independent. The variability of values around the Natural frequencies of the cantilever beam at each line is Gaussian. node are found from MATLAB program by  X and Y are not interchangeable. Regression considering two situations- models used in the vast majority of cases attempt a) width alone is increased by 5% and to predict the dependent variable, Y, from the b) width and depth of the beam are increased by 5% independent variable, X and assume that the each. error in X is negligible. In special cases where Reanalysis of the beam is done by this is not the case, extensions of the standard Polynomial regression and the percentage errors are regression techniques have been developed to listed in the table. account for non negligible error in X.  The relationship between X and Y is of the correct form, i.e., the expectation function (linear or nonlinear model) is appropriate to the data being fitted.  There are enough data points to provide a good sampling of the random error associated with the Experimental observations. In general, the minimum number of independent points can be no less than the number of parameters being Figure 3: Cantilever beam with nodes and estimated, and should ideally be significantly elements higher. First natural frequencies of cantilever beam NUMERICAL EXAMPLES by increasing depth of the beam by 5%. The The polynomial regression method is polynomial regression equation is given by applied to a simple beam structures. In finite element + + method, Discretization means dividing the body into Fitting target of lowest sum of squared absolute error an equivalent system of finite elements with = 8.7272727289506574 , associated nodes. The element must be made small -3.6333 , = - enough to view and give usable results and to be 1.053659 large enough to reduce computational efforts. Small elements are generally desirable where the results are = 7.76275 , = - changing rapidly such as where the changes in 3.05561 , geometry occur. Large elements can be used where = 8.07983 C6 = 2.2512E+01 the results are relatively constant. The discretized body or mesh is often created with mesh generation First natural frequencies of cantilever beam program or preprocessor programs available to the by increasing width and depth of the beam by 5%. 2128 | P a g e
  • 4. B. Rama Sanjeeva Sresta, Dr. Y. V. Mohan Reddy / International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622 Vol. 2, Issue4, July-August 2012, pp.2126-2131 Fitting target of lowest sum of squared absolute error = 1.8470358974358964 , -6.30489 , = 4.2 Case Study 2 4.028518 , The dimensions of a T-structure are given in figure (4). The Cantilever Beam is divided into 6 = 4.028518 , = - elements. Then Element Stiffness Matrix, mass 1.0347691 , Matrix and natural frequencies are determined using = -1.0347691 , = - MATLAB. Polynomial regression method is applied 1.0347691 , to this structure. The results from polynomial regression and FEM are compared for closeness. Table 1: Increasing the Depth of the Beam Natural Natural Widt Frequenc Frequency %Erro Height h y Regression(H r Fem(Hz) z) 0.029 0.029 22.53 22.52 -0.044 0.0304 0.029 23.65 23.64 -0.042 5 0.029 0.0319 24.78 24.69 -0.363 0.0333 0.029 25.91 25.88 -0.115 5 0.029 0.0348 27.03 27.01 -0.074 Figure 4: T-Structure with nodes and elements 0.0362 0.029 28.16 28.13 -0.106 5 The results are as follows: First natural 0.029 0.0377 29.29 29.27 -0.020 frequencies of cantilever beam by increasing depth of 0.0391 the beam by 5%. 0.029 30.41 30.40 -0.033 5 Fitting target of lowest sum of squared absolute error 0.029 0.0406 31.54 31.53 -0.032 equal to 1.0240640782836770 , 0.0420 -8.043993 , = - 0.029 32.67 32.66 -0.03 5 1.35761 , 0.029 0.0435 33.79 33.76 -0.089 = 1.53493 , = - 6.65185 Table 2: Increasing Width and Depth of the Beam Width Height Natural Natural %Erro = -3.99731 , = Frequen Frequency r 4.446583 . cy Regression( Fem(Hz Hz) Natural frequencies of cantilever beam by ) increasing width and depth of the beam by 5%, 0.029 0.029 22.47 22.47 0 Fitting target of lowest sum of squared absolute error 0.0304 0.0304 23.60 23.61 0.0423 equal to 7.2417839254080818 , 5 5 7 0.0319 0.0319 24.72 24.75 0.1213 -3.483496 = 5 0.0333 0.0333 26.08 26.89 3.1058 7.71712 , 5 5 2 0.0348 0.0348 26.97 27.03 0.2224 = 7.71712 , =- 6 0.0362 0.0362 28.09 28.16 0.2491 1.8478 5 5 9 0.0377 0.0377 29.22 29.59 1.2662 5 = -1.8478 =- 0.0391 0.0391 30.34 30.38 0.1318 5 5 3 1.8478 0.0406 0.0406 31.56 31.90 1.0773 1 0.0420 0.0420 32.59 32.70 0.3375 5 5 2 0.0435 0.0435 33.80 33.83 0.0887 5 2129 | P a g e
  • 5. B. Rama Sanjeeva Sresta, Dr. Y. V. Mohan Reddy / International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622 Vol. 2, Issue4, July-August 2012, pp.2126-2131 Table 3:Increasing Depth of the Beam CONCLUSION Natural Natural From this work the following conclusions Frequen Frequenc are drawn. The FEM method is applied for dynamic Widt Height cy y %Error analysis of cantilever beam and T-structure using the h Fem Regressi MAT lab. Natural frequencies are obtained for (Hz) on (Hz) cantilever and T-structure beams using FEM.the 0.02 4.4975× polynomial regression method is used for obtaining 0.029 444.69 444.71 natural frequencies of cantilever beam and T- 9 0.02 0.0304 4.2834× structure by varying width and depth for dynamic 466.91 466.93 reanalysis. 9 5 2.0443× The results obtained from reanalysis using 0.02 0.0319 489.16 489.17 regression method are close to results obtained using 9 FEM. The minimum and maximum errors in 0.02 0.0333 1.9550× regression method when compared with the results 511.49 511.50 9 5 obtained by FEM are 0.02 3.7479× 0.0348 533.63 533.65 9 Minimum Maximum 0.02 0.0362 1.7990× -0.36319 (with -0.02000 555.85 555.86 Cantilever increasing width) 3.10582 9 5 0.02 3.4600× beam 0 (with increasing 0.0377 578.02 578.04 width and depth) 9 1.6657× 0(with increasing 0.02 0.0391 4.4975× 600.33 600.34 width) 9 5 T-structure 0.302235 0(with increasing 0.02 width and depth) 0.0406 622.57 622.57 0 9 0.02 0.0420 3.1019× 644.76 644.78 REFERENCES: 9 5 [1]. M.M.Segura and J.T.celigilete, “ a new 0.02 2.0084× dynamic reanalysis technique based on 0.0435 667.02 667.04 9 model synthesis” “Centro de studios e investigaciones tecnicas”, de Table 4: Increasing Width and Depth of the guipuzcoa(CEIT) apartado 1555, 20009 san Beam(T-Structure) Sebastian, spain (1994). Width Heigh Natural Natural %Error [2]. Z. Xie, W.S. Shepard Jr,” Development of a t Frequen Frequency single-layer finite element and a simplified cy Regression( finite element modelling approach for Fem(Hz Hz) constrained layer damped structures”, Finite ) Elements in Analysis and Design 45 (2009) 0.029 0.029 444.36 444.36 0 pp530–537. 0.030 0.030 465.79 466.43 0.1374 [3]. Uri kirsch , Michaelbogomolni , “analytical 45 45 00 modification of structural natural 0.031 0.031 487.97 488.81 0.1721 frequencies”Department of civil and 9 9 41 environmental engineering ,Technion- Israel 0.033 0.033 514.76 515.18 0.1787 institute of technology, Haifa 32000, Israel 35 35 2 [2006]. 0.034 0.034 532.30 533.55 0.2347 [4]. Uri kirsch, G.Tolendano,”Finite Elements in 8 8 41 Analysis and Design “Department of Civil 0.036 0.036 554.51 555.93 0.2560 and Environmental engineering , Technion 25 25 81 Israel institute of technology, Haifa 32000, 0.037 0.037 576.72 578.30 0.2739 Israel. 7 7 63 [5]. M. Nad‟a, “structural dynamic modification 0.039 0.039 598.87 600.68 0.3022 of vibrating system”* a Faculty of Materials 15 15 35 Science and Technology, STU in Bratislava, 0.040 0.040 629.67 630.65 0.1556 Paulínska 16, 917 24 Trnava, Slovak 6 6 35 Republic. 0.042 0.042 643.26 645.43 0.1818 [6]. Tirupathi R.Chandrupatla , “Ashok 05 05 86 D.Belegundu ,Rowan University Glassboro”, new jersey and the 0.043 0.043 667.06 667.79 0.1094 Pennsylvania state university, university 5 5 35 park, Pennsylvania. 2130 | P a g e
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