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Muscular Anatomy of
Upper Limb
Dr Bishnu Khatiwada
MD Resident
Radiodiagnosis, NAMS
Kathmandu, Nepal
Outline of Presentation
• Parts of Upper Limb
• Muscles of Upper Limb
• Triangles and Spaces
• Applied Radiology
• Multiple Choice Questions
Parts of Upper limb
• Shoulder girdle
1. Pectoral Part
2. Axilla
3. Scapular Part
• Arm
• Elbow
• Forearm
• Wrist
• Hand
Muscles of Shoulder Girdle
• Pectoral Region:
1. Pectoralis Major
2. Pectoralis Minor
3. Subclavius
• Scapular Region:
1. Suprainspinatus
2. Infraspinatus
3. Teres Minor
4. Subscapularis (Multipinnate)
5. Teres Major
Rotator Cuff Muscles
1. Suprainspinatus
2. Infraspinatus
3. Teres Minor
4. Subscapularis
Muscles connecting upper limb to
vertebral column
1. Trapezius
2. Lattisimus dorsi
3. Levator Scapulae
4. Rhomboideus Minor
5. Rhomboideus Major
Muscles of Arm (5)
• Anterior/Flexor Compartment:
1. Coracobrachialis
2. Biceps Brachii
3. Brachialis
• Posterior/Extensor Compartment:
-Triceps muscle- Long, Lateral and Medial
• Lateral Compartment:
-Deltoid muscle
Muscles of Anterior Compartment of Arm
Axial section through the upper humerus
Axial section through the upper arm at midhumeral level
Axial proton density weighted MRI section through the upper arm.
1. Biceps muscle - short head (flexor of the elbow)
2. Biceps muscle - long head (flexor of the elbow)
3. Brachialis muscle (flexor of the elbow)
4. Triceps muscle medial head (extensor of the elbow)
5. Triceps muscle lateral head (extensor of the elbow)
6. Triceps muscle long head (extensor of the elbow)
7. Basilic vein (neurovascular bundle)
8. Brachial artery (neurovascular bundle)
9. Median nerve (neurovascular bundle)
10. Cortex of humeral shaft
11. Medullary cavity
12. Subcutaneous fat in anterior aspect of the upper
Muscles of Forearm(20)
Muscles of the Front of Forearm
(Flexor Compartment)
• 5 Superficial Muscles:
1. Pronator Teres
2. Flexor Carpi Radialis
3. Palmaris Longus
4. Flexor Digitorum Superficialis (Sublimus)
5. Flexor Carpi Ulnaris
• 3 Deep Muscles:
1. Flexor Digitorum Profundus
2. Flexor Pollicis Longus
3. Pronator Quadratus
Muscles of Anterior compartment of Forearm
Muscles of the Back of forearm
(Extensor Compartment)
• 7 Superficial Muscles:
1. Anconeus
2. Brachioradialis
3. Extensor Carpi radialis longus
4. Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis
5. Extensor Digitorum
6. Extensor Digiti Minimi
7. Extensor Carpi Ulnaris
• 5 Deep Muscles:
1. Supinator
2. Abductor pollicis longus
3. Extensor pollicis brevis
4. Extensor pollicis longus
5. Extensor indicis
Muscles of Posterior compartment of Forearm
Axial proton density weighted MRI scan through the forearm.
1. Radius
2. Ulna
3. Extensor carpi radialis muscle (longus and brevis)
4. Extensor carpi ulnaris muscle
5. Extensor digitorum muscle
6. Extensor pollicis longus muscle
7. Abductor pollicis longus muscle
8. Flexor carpi ulnaris muscle
9. Flexor carpi radialis muscle
10. Flexor digitorum superficialis muscle
11. Flexor digitorum profundus muscle
12. Brachioradialis muscle
13. Position of radial artery and vein
14. Cephalic vein
Axial proton density weighted images at the level of distal radius and ulna (e);
and at the level of the distal pillars of the carpal tunnel (f).
1. Flexor carpi ulnaris tendon 11. Flexor digitorum profundus
2. Extensor carpi ulnaris tendon 12. Hook of the hamate
3. Extensor digiti minimi tendon 13. Hypothenar eminence
4. Extensor digitorum tendons 14. Guyon's canal
5. Extensor pollicis longus tendon 15. Flexor retinaculum
6. Extensor carpi radialis brevis tendon 16. Median nerve
7. Extensor carpi radialis longus tendon 17. Thenar eminence
8. Lister's tubercle 18. Distal tubercle of trapezium
9. Extensor pollicis brevis tendon 19. Flexor carpi radialis insertion
10. Flexor carpi radialis 20. Flexor pollicis longus tendon
Muscles of Hand (20)
• 3 Muscles of Thenar Eminence:
1. Abductor pollicis brevis
2. Flexor pollicis brevis
3. Opponens pollicis
• 1 Adductor of Thumb:
1. Adductor pollicis
• 4 Hypothenar Muscles:
1. Palmaris brevis
2. Abductor digiti minimi
3. Flexor digiti minimi
4. Opponens digiti minimi
• 4 Lumbricals: Cause flexion of MCP joint
• 4 Palmar interossei (@PAD)
• 4 Dorsal interossei (@DAB)
Muscular Spaces in Upper Limb
• Anterior wall:
1. Pectoralis Major
2. Clavipectoral fascia enclosing pectoralis mINOR
& Subclavius
• Posterior wall:
1. Subscapularis above
2. Teres major and Lattisimus dorsi below
• Medial wall: Upper 4 ribs with intercostal
muscles, and upper part of Serratus anterior
• Lateral wall: Upper part of Humerus,
Coracobrachialis & short head of biceps
• Contents of Axilla:
1. Axillary Artery & its branches
2. Axillary Vein & its branches
3. Axillary Lymph Nodes(5 groups) & Lymphatics
4. Infraclavicular part of brachial plexus
5. Long Thoracic & Intercostobrachial nerves
6. Axillary fat & areolar tissue
Triangular & Quadrangular Space
Cubital Fossa
• Medially: Pronater Teres
• Laterally: Brachioradialis
• Base: Line joining 2 epicondyles
• Apex: Joining of medial and lateral walls
• Floor: Brachialis & Supinator
• Roof: Skin, Superficial fascia (containing
median cubital vein, lateral & medial
cutaneous nerve of forearm), Deep fascia
• Contents of Cubital Fossa: (@MBBR)
1. Median Nerve
2. Brachial Artery termination & beginning of
radial & ulnar arteries
3. Biceps Tendon
4. Radial nerve & Radial collateral artery
Anatomical Snuff Box
• Anteriorly: ABductor pollicis Longus & Extensor
pollicis Brevis (@BL-EB of Pollicis)
• Posteriorly: Extensor pollicis longus
• Floor: First Metacarpal, Radial styloid, Scaphoid &
Trapezium (@FiRST)
• Contents:
1. Cephalic vein
2. Radial artery
3. Superficial Radial nerve
Flexor Retinaculum
• Strong fibrous band which bridges the
anterior concavity of carpus and converts it
into a tunnel, the carpal tunnel
• Structures passing deep to Flexor
Retinaculum (Carpal Tunnel):
1. Median Nerve
2. Tendon of FDS
3. Tendon of FDP
4. Tendon of FPL
• Structures passing Superficial to Flexor
1. Palmar cutaneous branches of Median &
Ulnar nerve
2. Ulnar Nerve, Artery & Vein
3. Palmaris longus
4. Flexor carpi ulnaris
Guyo ’s Canal
• Fibro-osseous canal superficial to the Flexor
Retinaculum, intimately related to pisiform &
hook of hamate
• Contains Ulnar nerve, artery and vein
• At the level of hook of hamate, the nerve
divides into a superficial palmar branch &
deep motor branch, such that fracture may
disrupt either or both branches by direct
contusion or persistent compression.
Applied Radiology
Impingment Syndrome
• Impingement of the supraspinatus tendon
occurs from abduction of the humerus, which
allows the tendon to be impinged between
the anterior acromion and the greater
• The normal supraspinatus tendon is said to be
uniformly low in signal on all pulse sequences.
• If the signal in the tendon gets brighter on the
T2WIs, it is abnormal.
Oblique Sagittal Image of a
Torn Rotator Cuff (T2WI)
Sagittal T1WI through the
Quadrilateral Space Syndrome
• Fatty Atrophy of Teres Minor Muscle
• This most commonly occurs from fibrous
bands or scar tissue in the quadrilateral space
impinging on the axillary nerve.
• Quadrilateral space syndrome is found in
about 1% of shoulder MRIs.
• These patients present clinically similar to a
rotator cuff tear, and many patients have had
needless surgery for presumed cuff pathology
when the real problem was quadrilateral
space syndrome.
This oblique sagittal Tl WI shows fatty atrophy of the teres
minor muscle (arrow)
Parsonage Turner Syndrome
An oblique sagittal T2WI with fat suppression shows edema in the
supraspinatus (S) and the infraspinatus (I) muscles consistent with
involvement of the suprascapular nerve
• Lateral epicondylitis:
 The term epicondylitis is misleading, as the
disorder is characterized by soft tissue changes in
the absence of epicondylar bony oedema or
 It is thought to reflect degeneration and tearing
of the common extensor tendon as a result of
chronic microtrauma secondary to traction forces,
as it is most frequently identified in athletes.
• Medial Epicondylitis:
Injury is primarily to the common flexor tendon
rather than to the underlying bone.
• De-Quervai ’s Tenosynovitis:
Chronic tenosynovitis in the first dorsal
compartment or a fibro-osseous tunnel at the
level of the radial styloid surrounding the
extensor pollicis brevis and abductor pollicis
• At MR imaging, there is focal peritendinous
fluid and apparent soft tissue thickening.
• Ga ekeeper’s Thu b/Skier’s Thu b :
The injury is characterized by disruption of the
ulnar collateral ligament at the base of the
thumb, integrity of which dictates the ability to
successfully appose the thumb and digits.
May be imaged by MRI following suspected
• Mallet Finger:
The term mallet finger is used to describe the
flexion deformity of the DIP joint resulting from
loss of extensor tendon continuity to the distal
• Boutonniere or buttonhole deformity :
Caused by disruption of the central slip of the
extensor tendon combined with tearing of the
triangular ligament on the dorsum of the
middle phalanx
Flexion at PIP and extension at DIP
Multiple Choice Questions
• Q. 1) Most common muscle to be congenitally
absent is:
A. Teres major
B. Pectoralis major
C. Flexor Pollicis Longus
D. Pronater Teres
Q. 2) Tendon most commonly affected by its
congenital absence is:
A. Pronator Teres
B. Flexor Digitorum Superficialis
C. Flexor Digitorum Profundus
D. Palmaris longus
• Q. 3) Which of the following is a composite
A. Pronator Teres
B. Flexor Digitorum Superficialis
C. Flexor Digitorum Profundus
D. Palmaris longus
Q. 4) The contents of Cubital fossa are:
A. Brachial Artery
B. Ulnar Artery
C. Median Nerve
D. Tendon of Biceps Brachii
E. Ulnar Nerve
• Q. 5) Lateral border of Cubital fossa is formed by:
A. Brachialis
B. Biceps
C. Brachioradialis
D. Pronator Teres
Q. 6) Carpal Tunnel contains all of the following
structures except:
A. Median Nerve
B. Flexor Pollicis Longus
C. Flexor Carpi Radialis
D. Flexor Digitorum Superficialis
• Q. 7) Modality of Choice for evaluation of
Musculoskeletal System is:
A. Plain Radiograph B. US C. CT D. MRI
Q. 8) De-Quervai ’s Disease classically affects:
A. Abductor pollicis brevis & Extensor pollicis longus
B. Abductor pollicis brevis & Extensor pollicis brevis
C. Abductor pollicis longus & Extensor pollicis longus
D. Abductor pollicis longus & Extensor pollicis brevis
• Q. 9) Muscles attached to the greater tubercle of
humerus are all except:
A. Suprainspinatus
B. Infraspinatus
C. Teres Minor
D. Subscapularis
Q. 10) The Pronator Quadratus has the same
innervation as of the following muscle:
A. Flexor Digitorum Superficialis
B. Palmaris Longus
C. Flexor Pollicis Longus
D. Flexor Digitorum Profundus of little finger
• Anatomy for Diagnostic Imaging, Stephanie
Ryan, 3rd edition
• B. D. Chaurasiya Human Anatomy, 5th edition
• Fundamentals of Diagnostic Imaging, Bryant &
Hel ’s, 4th edition
Thank You!!

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Muscular anatomy of upper limb, MRI Anatomy

  • 1. Muscular Anatomy of Upper Limb Dr Bishnu Khatiwada MD Resident Radiodiagnosis, NAMS Kathmandu, Nepal
  • 2. Outline of Presentation • Parts of Upper Limb • Muscles of Upper Limb • Triangles and Spaces • Applied Radiology • Multiple Choice Questions
  • 3. Parts of Upper limb • Shoulder girdle 1. Pectoral Part 2. Axilla 3. Scapular Part • Arm • Elbow • Forearm • Wrist • Hand
  • 4. Muscles of Shoulder Girdle • Pectoral Region: 1. Pectoralis Major 2. Pectoralis Minor 3. Subclavius • Scapular Region: 1. Suprainspinatus 2. Infraspinatus 3. Teres Minor 4. Subscapularis (Multipinnate) 5. Teres Major
  • 5. Rotator Cuff Muscles 1. Suprainspinatus 2. Infraspinatus 3. Teres Minor 4. Subscapularis
  • 6.
  • 7.
  • 8. Muscles connecting upper limb to vertebral column 1. Trapezius 2. Lattisimus dorsi 3. Levator Scapulae 4. Rhomboideus Minor 5. Rhomboideus Major
  • 9. Muscles of Arm (5) • Anterior/Flexor Compartment: 1. Coracobrachialis 2. Biceps Brachii 3. Brachialis • Posterior/Extensor Compartment: -Triceps muscle- Long, Lateral and Medial heads • Lateral Compartment: -Deltoid muscle
  • 10. Muscles of Anterior Compartment of Arm
  • 11.
  • 12. Axial section through the upper humerus
  • 13. Axial section through the upper arm at midhumeral level
  • 14. Axial proton density weighted MRI section through the upper arm.
  • 15. 1. Biceps muscle - short head (flexor of the elbow) 2. Biceps muscle - long head (flexor of the elbow) 3. Brachialis muscle (flexor of the elbow) 4. Triceps muscle medial head (extensor of the elbow) 5. Triceps muscle lateral head (extensor of the elbow) 6. Triceps muscle long head (extensor of the elbow) 7. Basilic vein (neurovascular bundle) 8. Brachial artery (neurovascular bundle) 9. Median nerve (neurovascular bundle) 10. Cortex of humeral shaft 11. Medullary cavity 12. Subcutaneous fat in anterior aspect of the upper arm
  • 16.
  • 17.
  • 19. Muscles of the Front of Forearm (Flexor Compartment) • 5 Superficial Muscles: 1. Pronator Teres 2. Flexor Carpi Radialis 3. Palmaris Longus 4. Flexor Digitorum Superficialis (Sublimus) 5. Flexor Carpi Ulnaris • 3 Deep Muscles: 1. Flexor Digitorum Profundus 2. Flexor Pollicis Longus 3. Pronator Quadratus
  • 20. Muscles of Anterior compartment of Forearm
  • 21. Muscles of the Back of forearm (Extensor Compartment) • 7 Superficial Muscles: 1. Anconeus 2. Brachioradialis 3. Extensor Carpi radialis longus 4. Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis 5. Extensor Digitorum 6. Extensor Digiti Minimi 7. Extensor Carpi Ulnaris
  • 22. • 5 Deep Muscles: 1. Supinator 2. Abductor pollicis longus 3. Extensor pollicis brevis 4. Extensor pollicis longus 5. Extensor indicis
  • 23. Muscles of Posterior compartment of Forearm
  • 24.
  • 25. Axial proton density weighted MRI scan through the forearm.
  • 26. 1. Radius 2. Ulna 3. Extensor carpi radialis muscle (longus and brevis) 4. Extensor carpi ulnaris muscle 5. Extensor digitorum muscle 6. Extensor pollicis longus muscle 7. Abductor pollicis longus muscle 8. Flexor carpi ulnaris muscle 9. Flexor carpi radialis muscle 10. Flexor digitorum superficialis muscle 11. Flexor digitorum profundus muscle 12. Brachioradialis muscle 13. Position of radial artery and vein 14. Cephalic vein
  • 27. Axial proton density weighted images at the level of distal radius and ulna (e); and at the level of the distal pillars of the carpal tunnel (f).
  • 28. 1. Flexor carpi ulnaris tendon 11. Flexor digitorum profundus 2. Extensor carpi ulnaris tendon 12. Hook of the hamate 3. Extensor digiti minimi tendon 13. Hypothenar eminence 4. Extensor digitorum tendons 14. Guyon's canal 5. Extensor pollicis longus tendon 15. Flexor retinaculum 6. Extensor carpi radialis brevis tendon 16. Median nerve 7. Extensor carpi radialis longus tendon 17. Thenar eminence 8. Lister's tubercle 18. Distal tubercle of trapezium 9. Extensor pollicis brevis tendon 19. Flexor carpi radialis insertion 10. Flexor carpi radialis 20. Flexor pollicis longus tendon
  • 30. • 3 Muscles of Thenar Eminence: 1. Abductor pollicis brevis 2. Flexor pollicis brevis 3. Opponens pollicis • 1 Adductor of Thumb: 1. Adductor pollicis
  • 31. • 4 Hypothenar Muscles: 1. Palmaris brevis 2. Abductor digiti minimi 3. Flexor digiti minimi 4. Opponens digiti minimi • 4 Lumbricals: Cause flexion of MCP joint • 4 Palmar interossei (@PAD) • 4 Dorsal interossei (@DAB)
  • 32.
  • 33.
  • 34. Muscular Spaces in Upper Limb
  • 35. Axilla • Anterior wall: 1. Pectoralis Major 2. Clavipectoral fascia enclosing pectoralis mINOR & Subclavius • Posterior wall: 1. Subscapularis above 2. Teres major and Lattisimus dorsi below • Medial wall: Upper 4 ribs with intercostal muscles, and upper part of Serratus anterior • Lateral wall: Upper part of Humerus, Coracobrachialis & short head of biceps
  • 36.
  • 37.
  • 38. • Contents of Axilla: 1. Axillary Artery & its branches 2. Axillary Vein & its branches 3. Axillary Lymph Nodes(5 groups) & Lymphatics 4. Infraclavicular part of brachial plexus 5. Long Thoracic & Intercostobrachial nerves 6. Axillary fat & areolar tissue
  • 40.
  • 41. Cubital Fossa • Medially: Pronater Teres • Laterally: Brachioradialis • Base: Line joining 2 epicondyles • Apex: Joining of medial and lateral walls • Floor: Brachialis & Supinator • Roof: Skin, Superficial fascia (containing median cubital vein, lateral & medial cutaneous nerve of forearm), Deep fascia
  • 42.
  • 43. • Contents of Cubital Fossa: (@MBBR) 1. Median Nerve 2. Brachial Artery termination & beginning of radial & ulnar arteries 3. Biceps Tendon 4. Radial nerve & Radial collateral artery
  • 44. Anatomical Snuff Box • Anteriorly: ABductor pollicis Longus & Extensor pollicis Brevis (@BL-EB of Pollicis) • Posteriorly: Extensor pollicis longus • Floor: First Metacarpal, Radial styloid, Scaphoid & Trapezium (@FiRST) • Contents: 1. Cephalic vein 2. Radial artery 3. Superficial Radial nerve
  • 45.
  • 46. Flexor Retinaculum • Strong fibrous band which bridges the anterior concavity of carpus and converts it into a tunnel, the carpal tunnel • Structures passing deep to Flexor Retinaculum (Carpal Tunnel): 1. Median Nerve 2. Tendon of FDS 3. Tendon of FDP 4. Tendon of FPL
  • 47. • Structures passing Superficial to Flexor Retinaculum: 1. Palmar cutaneous branches of Median & Ulnar nerve 2. Ulnar Nerve, Artery & Vein 3. Palmaris longus 4. Flexor carpi ulnaris
  • 48.
  • 49. Guyo ’s Canal • Fibro-osseous canal superficial to the Flexor Retinaculum, intimately related to pisiform & hook of hamate • Contains Ulnar nerve, artery and vein • At the level of hook of hamate, the nerve divides into a superficial palmar branch & deep motor branch, such that fracture may disrupt either or both branches by direct contusion or persistent compression.
  • 50.
  • 52. Impingment Syndrome • Impingement of the supraspinatus tendon occurs from abduction of the humerus, which allows the tendon to be impinged between the anterior acromion and the greater tuberosity. • The normal supraspinatus tendon is said to be uniformly low in signal on all pulse sequences. • If the signal in the tendon gets brighter on the T2WIs, it is abnormal.
  • 53. Oblique Sagittal Image of a Torn Rotator Cuff (T2WI) Sagittal T1WI through the glenoid
  • 54. Quadrilateral Space Syndrome • Fatty Atrophy of Teres Minor Muscle • This most commonly occurs from fibrous bands or scar tissue in the quadrilateral space impinging on the axillary nerve. • Quadrilateral space syndrome is found in about 1% of shoulder MRIs. • These patients present clinically similar to a rotator cuff tear, and many patients have had needless surgery for presumed cuff pathology when the real problem was quadrilateral space syndrome.
  • 55. This oblique sagittal Tl WI shows fatty atrophy of the teres minor muscle (arrow)
  • 56. Parsonage Turner Syndrome An oblique sagittal T2WI with fat suppression shows edema in the supraspinatus (S) and the infraspinatus (I) muscles consistent with involvement of the suprascapular nerve
  • 57. • Lateral epicondylitis:  The term epicondylitis is misleading, as the disorder is characterized by soft tissue changes in the absence of epicondylar bony oedema or inflammation.  It is thought to reflect degeneration and tearing of the common extensor tendon as a result of chronic microtrauma secondary to traction forces, as it is most frequently identified in athletes. • Medial Epicondylitis: Injury is primarily to the common flexor tendon rather than to the underlying bone.
  • 58. • De-Quervai ’s Tenosynovitis: Chronic tenosynovitis in the first dorsal compartment or a fibro-osseous tunnel at the level of the radial styloid surrounding the extensor pollicis brevis and abductor pollicis longus • At MR imaging, there is focal peritendinous fluid and apparent soft tissue thickening.
  • 59. • Ga ekeeper’s Thu b/Skier’s Thu b : The injury is characterized by disruption of the ulnar collateral ligament at the base of the thumb, integrity of which dictates the ability to successfully appose the thumb and digits. May be imaged by MRI following suspected trauma. • Mallet Finger: The term mallet finger is used to describe the flexion deformity of the DIP joint resulting from loss of extensor tendon continuity to the distal phalanx.
  • 60. • Boutonniere or buttonhole deformity : Caused by disruption of the central slip of the extensor tendon combined with tearing of the triangular ligament on the dorsum of the middle phalanx Flexion at PIP and extension at DIP
  • 61.
  • 62.
  • 64. • Q. 1) Most common muscle to be congenitally absent is: A. Teres major B. Pectoralis major C. Flexor Pollicis Longus D. Pronater Teres Q. 2) Tendon most commonly affected by its congenital absence is: A. Pronator Teres B. Flexor Digitorum Superficialis C. Flexor Digitorum Profundus D. Palmaris longus
  • 65. • Q. 3) Which of the following is a composite muscle? A. Pronator Teres B. Flexor Digitorum Superficialis C. Flexor Digitorum Profundus D. Palmaris longus Q. 4) The contents of Cubital fossa are: A. Brachial Artery B. Ulnar Artery C. Median Nerve D. Tendon of Biceps Brachii E. Ulnar Nerve
  • 66. • Q. 5) Lateral border of Cubital fossa is formed by: A. Brachialis B. Biceps C. Brachioradialis D. Pronator Teres Q. 6) Carpal Tunnel contains all of the following structures except: A. Median Nerve B. Flexor Pollicis Longus C. Flexor Carpi Radialis D. Flexor Digitorum Superficialis
  • 67. • Q. 7) Modality of Choice for evaluation of Musculoskeletal System is: A. Plain Radiograph B. US C. CT D. MRI Q. 8) De-Quervai ’s Disease classically affects: A. Abductor pollicis brevis & Extensor pollicis longus B. Abductor pollicis brevis & Extensor pollicis brevis C. Abductor pollicis longus & Extensor pollicis longus D. Abductor pollicis longus & Extensor pollicis brevis
  • 68. • Q. 9) Muscles attached to the greater tubercle of humerus are all except: A. Suprainspinatus B. Infraspinatus C. Teres Minor D. Subscapularis Q. 10) The Pronator Quadratus has the same innervation as of the following muscle: A. Flexor Digitorum Superficialis B. Palmaris Longus C. Flexor Pollicis Longus D. Flexor Digitorum Profundus of little finger
  • 69. References • Anatomy for Diagnostic Imaging, Stephanie Ryan, 3rd edition • B. D. Chaurasiya Human Anatomy, 5th edition • Fundamentals of Diagnostic Imaging, Bryant & Hel ’s, 4th edition