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Multiple Personality Disorder Research Paper
A topic that I choose was the multiple personality disorder. Multiple personality disorder is
described by the nearness of at least two unmistakable or split characters or identity expresses that
ceaselessly have control over the individual's conduct. With dissociative character issue, there's
likewise a powerlessness to review key individual data that is too expansive to be clarified as
unimportant absent mindedness. With dissociative character issue, there are likewise exceptionally
particular memory varieties, which vacillate with the individual's part identity. The "changes" or
diverse characters have their own particular age, sex, or race. Each has his or her own particular
stances, motions, and unmistakable method for talking. Now and ... Show more content on ...
Powerful treatment incorporates talk treatment or psychotherapy, prescriptions, hypnotherapy, and
adjunctive treatments, for example, workmanship or development treatment. Since in many cases
the side effects of dissociative issue happen with different issue, for example, tension and
wretchedness, dissociative turmoil might be dealt with utilizing similar medications endorsed for
those scatters. A man in treatment for a dissociative issue may profit by antidepressants or hostile to
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Disorder, Depressed, Delusional, Multiple Personality And...
Despite the fact terms such as OCD, depressed, delusional, multiple personality, and antisocial
began as clinical terms, they have become household terms that have taken on new meaning.
Individuals may use these words to describe someone else, or even themselves, although they
clearly do not suffer from such a disorder.
The following are examples of the differences:
OCD: In layman's terms, this is someone who is very neat and clean; however a clinical diagnosis of
this disorder is made "when obsessions or compulsions feel excessive or unreasonable, cause great
distress, take up much time, and interfere with daily functions." (Comer, 2015)
Delusional: A person may be described as delusional if they naively believe something that may not
be true. Clinically this term is fairly similar to layman's terms, but is obviously far more serious. A
person who suffers from delusional thoughts have "ideas that they believe wholeheartedly but they
have no basis in fact." (Comer 2015) ... Show more content on ...
This definition is very different than the actual clinical meaning, which defines someone with
antisocial personality disorder as someone who "persistently disregard and violate others' rights."
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Types Of Multiple Personality Disorder
What is multiple personality disorder? Multiple personality disorder also known as Dissociative
Identity Disorder is a severe condition in which two or more distinct identities, or personality states,
are present in and interchangeably take control of an individual. DID is a disorder categorized by
identity division rather than a creation of separate personalities. The disorder is not due to the direct
psychological effects of a substance or of a general medical condition. DID was called Multiple
Personality Disorder until 1994, when the name was changed for a better understanding of the
condition. Multiple personality disorder fails to integrate several aspects of identity, memory, and
perception in a single multidimensional self. Generally, a prime identity carries the individual 's
given name and is passive, dependent, guilty and depressed. When in control, each personality state,
may be experienced as if it has a different history, self–image and identity. The secondary
characteristics including name, age and gender, vocabularies, general knowledge, and main mood,
differentiate with those of the prime identity. Certain situations or stressors can cause a particular
personality to develop. The various identities may deny awareness of one another, be critical of one
another or seem to be in an open struggle. Causes of Multiple Personality Disorder Why some
people develop DID is not completely understood, but they commonly report having experienced
severe physical and
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Multiple Personality Disorder (Dissociative Identity...
Dissociative Identity Disorder, commonly referred to as Multiple Personality Disorder, exists as a
bizarre mental disorder in which a person acquires two or more distinct identities or personality
states. The disorder received much attention through such accounts as Sybil and The Three Faces of
Multiple Personality Disorder, caused from severe and inhuman sexual, physical, and mental abuse,
affects the individuals consciousness and in turn creates altar selves. Categorized into three different
groups, altar selves serve as a safety net for the individual, taking the memories out of the conscious
mind and walling off the unwanted recollections. Interestingly, altar selves maintain different
abilities, ages, ... Show more content on ...
Due to the rarity of multiple personality, skeptics believe the theory of false memory syndrome
explains the rise of Dissociative Identity Disorder within the past few decades.
Dissociative Identity Disorder, most prevalent in women due to the high incidence of sexual abuse,
begins in childhood or adolescence.
Typically, the child will exhibit symptoms such as frequent mood changes, irresponsibility, loss of
memory, and disruptive behavior. On account of altar personalities taking control of the body, the
child or adolescent may speak differently, display uncommon mannerisms, or get into more trouble
than usual. As in the case of Billy Milligan, the first person to get off a criminal charge due to
insanity by Multiple Personality Disorder, his mother noted he was either being the good or bad son.
Altar personalities or selves are grouped into three categories. The 'dominant' personality, the self
most frequently in evidence, exists as the weak, intelligent, law abiding citizen. He or she remains
unaware of the altars and does not remember the abuse which took place in earlier years. The
'dominant' personality ages with the body. The secondary personality, or the bad self, exists as the
carrier of anger and the taker of pain.
The secondary personality likes to get in trouble, play jokes on the dominant personality, and
frequently acts in a promiscuous manner. The secondary self remembers the abuse
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A Split Personality: The Cause and Effects of Multiple...
A Split Personality: The Cause and Effects of Multiple Personality Disorder Multiple Personality
Disorder, (also called Dissociative Identity Disorder) is an abnormal psychological phenomenon
which has baffled psychologists and psychiatrists for years. It is a syndrome marked by the clear
existence of two or more "personalities" (or identities) in a single person, each personality having
separate memories, behaviors, physical attributes, and even different gender than the patient. Studies
prove that Multiple Personality Disorder is often combined with other psychiatric disorders, such as
Avoidant Personality Disorder, Self–defeating ... Show more content on ...
Many people believe that the symptoms of Multiple Personality Disorder are created by
psychiatrists through certain treatment techniques (such as believed to be the case with Sybil Dorsett
and being so, the American Psychological Association recommends that Shirley Mason's case
should no longer be cited as a "classic example" of multiple personality. Skeptics have pointed out
that a number of US psychiatrists and therapists who were responsible for diagnosing patients with
Multiple Personality Disorder, did not report sexual abuse or the fact they were living with "alters"
who would take over certain situations for them (the patient) when they could not. The altar
personalities (if there were any to begin with) were not discovered until after treatment had begun.
However, skeptics do not
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Dissociative Identity Disorder And Multiple Personality...
Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), formerly known as Multiple Personality Disorder, is defined
as "a severe condition in which two or more distinct identities, or personality states, are present in–
and alternately take control of–an individual". In 1994, the name of the disorder was changed to
reflect a better understanding of the condition. DID is characterized by fragmentation, not by the
growth of separate identities. DID is not a new disorder. However, it has been misunderstood for
quite some time. In fact, some psychologists believe that evidence of DID had been inscribed on
cave walls during the Paleolithic Era in the form of shamans turning into animals. Furthermore,
experts believe that historic reports of demonic possession were actually cases of DID. In 1646, a
Swiss physician named Paracelsus reported that he had met a woman who claimed that she had been
robbed by her other personality who later had no memory of the robbery. This is known as the first
legitimate report of Dissociative Identity Disorder. A few more cases of DID were reported after
this, but in 1910, Eugen Bleuler coined the term "schizophrenia", and suddenly the amount of DID
cases significantly decreased. To this day, many people are frequently misdiagnosed with
schizophrenia when they are really suffering from DID. This is one of the many reasons why experts
are still conducting research regarding this disorder. There are many interesting characteristics of
DID. A person with
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Multiple Personality Disorder
Multiple Personality Disorder
One particular disorder in the medical field called Multiple Personality Disorder, has caused
controversy between those who believe it is real and those who think it is purely part of an
individual's imagination. Multiple Personality Disorder is characterized by the existence of two or
more distinct alters or personality states that persistently have control over a person. For those who
believe strongly in its existence, it poses very real consequences and hardships. Multiple Personality
Disorder has many causes, symptoms, and treatments; unfortunately, those who do not take it
seriously use it as a scape for other undiagnosed problems.
Many people may wonder what defines Multiple Personality Disorder. This ... Show more content
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While there is no confirmed cause of MPD, the psychological theory about how the condition
develops is as a response to childhood trauma. More than 60 thousand cases of MPD have been
diagnosed in America and 97% the victims diagnosed report childhood trauma, a combination of
emotional, physical and sexual abuse. The victim then, after learning to disassociate themselves
from the event will quickly learn this as a defense mechanism for other problems big or small. The
well–defined personalities aid diverse roles in helping the individual cope with life's dilemmas.
Additionally, "if the multiple personality disorder is caused by childhood trauma it is likely
remembered only as a series of perceptual information– fleeting images, olfactory, auditory, or
olfactory sensations". People with this disorder are most likely to forget most of their past and what
happened in the trauma. They only remember few details of what happened because they were
childs and do not have the capacity to put all together. Other main causes of Multiple Personality
Disorder include insomnia, stroke, Alzheimer's, and narcolepsy. Psychotherapists and researchers
conclude that part of what is happening is the isolation of damaging information. "Instead of
distributing space with the rest of the memories, the disturbing incidences are crammed into their
own little area, and the only way they can be accessed is through fragmented and incoherent neural
pathways". As the years have
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Living with Multiple Personalities
Living with Multiple Personalities
Most Americans have not heard of Multiple Personality Disorder, mostly because it only "affects
about 1% of the U.S. population" (Falco 3). MPD is a dissociative disorder that is considered the
most dangerous in its class. Dissociation is the disturbance of multiple cerebral functions that
constitute the thought of consciousness. The first reported case of MPD dates back to 1646. There
was a steady rise in reports during the 19th century, but concern about the disorder slowly faded
during the early 20th century because of patients faking their symptoms and the affairs between
therapists and patients. Reports also declined for a short period of time after a new disease called
Schizophrenia was ... Show more content on ...
Free association is a technique used by therapists to help a patient face their fears in order to get rid
of their alters (Mayer 8). Multiple Personality Disorder is a diverse disorder that has many negative
effects on the patient. All of the actions performed by the patient are generally performed or
influenced by the alters. These alters can become a problem during therapy because after therapy
sessions, new alters appear. Some of these alters are responsible for denying that the patient has any
disorders, which can make the disorder significantly harder to cure or diagnose. Other alters
impersonate each other in order to trick the therapist even though there is an amnestic barrier in the
mind at prevents alters from knowing about each other. Polyfragmenting, the splitting of alters,
occurs after the patient seeks medical attention. During therapy sessions, doctors have also
witnessed superalters, which are combined personalities. Patients are known to commit violent
crimes while they are in an unconscious state. The blackouts that are experienced limit the patient's
lifestyle significantly. They are not allowed to drive, maintain a job, or have close relationships with
other people. People to avoid victims of MPD because of how obvious it is when they they
Rocha 4 switch alters. Patients also tend to have destructive alters that damage the patient and those
that get in the
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Mental Health Rotation: Multiple Personality Disorder
Prep for Mental Health Rotation: Multiple Personality Disorder
Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) is a severe condition in which a person has two or more
distinct identities or personality states. This disorder can take control of an individual. MPD is a
disorder characterized by identity fragmentation rather than a development of separate personalities.
The disturbance is not due to the direct psychological effects of a substance or of a general medical
condition (Dissociative Identity Disorder). This once rarely reported disorder has become more
common. MPD reflects a failure to combine various aspects of identity, memory and consciousness
in a single two–dimensional self. Usually, the primary identity carries the individual's given name ...
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There are a lot of responsibilities that all health care providers should be aware of once the diagnosis
has been made. The initial task of therapy is to detoxify the patient's environment by stopping all
forms of abuse. Treatment must be geared toward developing trust (Cherry) and healthy coping
behaviors are encouraged by the care provider. The primary focus is to help patients learn to control
and contain their symptoms. Patients must learn to deal with dissociation, flashbacks and intense
affects such as rage, terror, and despair. Crisis plans are developed to help in identifying the cause of
any additional anxiety. Teaching patients to develop a list that ranges from simple to complex
activities is helpful. Once patients become engaged in the activities, the intensity of emotions
usually decreases and patients feel more in control. This reconnects them to personal strengths and
the choices that can be exercised. When dealing with patients with MPD care providers need to be
empathetic and supportive but most of all they need to be trust worthy
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Essay about Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD):
Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD): Have you ever been sitting day dreaming, or got lost in a
book or work? After you finish the book or your work, you come back to earth and remember what
occurred while you were day dreaming or lost in that book or work. With a person that has MPD, it
is not that easily done with most. Most individuals that have MPD do not remember anything that
had occurred within hours or minutes of the event. Some think MPD is a hoax created by movies
such as "Three faces of Eve" or "Sybil", but is that a fact. MPD is mental health disorders were
someone has an altered personality. MPD has been called many different things from split
personality to what is it referred to in this century as Dissociative Identity ... Show more content on ...
said that her therapist showed her and her alter selves how to live with one another by showing them
how to function and schedule their time. (G.L) MPD became know more after the movie Sybil
became very popular. It is a true story about a woman named Shirley Ardell Mason whose mother
physical and sexual abused her, while her father did nothing to stop the abuse. From the abuse that
Sybil mother forced upon her, Sybil gained sixteen different personalities (Dryden–Edwards) to deal
with the abuse. When a person has (MPD), the altered self controls the behavior of the individual.
When the abuse they have suffered from has encountered them again or something triggers a
memory from their past abuse, one of the altered personalities takes control of their body. After the
abuse or memory comes in contact, it only takes a second for the altered self to take control of the
body. The altered self will take control of the body and take the physical, mental, and emotional
abuse that the individual is suffering from. The altered often remembers the abuse their self or they
just will forget about the abuse. An individual can create as many as one hundred personalities to
cope with their abuse. In psychiatric hospitals, MPD occurs in females more often than males.
(Dryden–Edwards) MPD sometimes take a while to diagnose. When an individual feels like it is
time to seek help about their problem a doctor will then proceed with a mental health evaluation.
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Misconceptions Of Multiple Personality Disorder
Multiple personality disorder is now known as dissociative identity disorder (DID). It was called
multiple personality disorder till 1994, the is was changed to dissociative disorder. It helped better
reflect the understanding of the disorder. There were and still are a lot of misconceptions about DID.
First of all people think that the person has separate personalities but it's actually fragment or split
personality. As more cases and people were diagnosed with this disorder it became more
controversial to the medical world. This disorder is when someone's personality is separated into
two more distinct personality states/alters are present and take over/ control of the individual. People
believe this is a type of possession or an example of it. The person with DID experiences memory
loss when the alters take over that is to extreme for doctors or therapists to explain. This very rare
disorder affects about 1% of people (⅓) and is mostly caused by childhood trauma or abuse. Such as
extreme trauma, sexual, or emotional abuse. A person that has DID fail to have certain aspects of
identity, memory, and conscientious. When in control the alter thinks as if it has a distinct history
and self image. An alter has their own name, age, gender, vocabulary, general knowledge, and mood
that are all different then the primary identity (They can also be animals). The alters are there to help
the primary cope with different life situations. They are protectors from
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Multiple Personalities Disorder Analysis
Multiple Personality Disorders (MPD), or what has been re–classified, Dissociative Idenitfy
Disorder (DID), is a deliberating and frightening illness for the DID individual; as well as their
friends and family. The meaning of DID (Dissoiative Idenity Disorder) usually means that a person
has more than two self–states or identities, which often times appear like entirely different
personalities. When one is under the control of one identity, the person usually is unable to
remember some of the events, but is able to keep other personalities in control.
A well–known girl with multiple personalities is one of many victims of this diagnosis. Many
psychiatrist studied her behaviors, and learned from the documented history of her behaviors. ...
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Some Physical differences each alter within a multiple have their own history, personalities that are
unique to them, body movements, facial expressions, how they express their communication
verbally, also tone and pitch. Another indicator of a symptom of (MPD) Multiple Personality
Disorder, is handwriting style differences. Time loss is another symptom. The final symptom of
(MPD) Multiple Personality Disorder is depression that includes suicide and self–mutilation. With
self–mutilation, it includes body memories and nightmares. This symptom is the most common in
the breakdown of symptoms.
This disorder is typically treated with therapy and psychotropic medication. This medication must
be carefully monitored. Some of these people who suffer from this disorder, believe that have
multiple personalities which they then take on a life of their own within the individual. Their
personality is the sum of these identities, which have been split off at some point in the past. This
split usually causes multiple traumatic events to the individual. There are many different ways to act
towards someone with (MPD) Multiple Personality Disorder. 1.) Someone emphasizing, even if it's
difficult to imagine having alters. 2.) A person with dissociative identity disorder that might feel like
he or she "loses time" or left in a "dark place when their alter idenitities are in control. 3.) Do not
trivialize someone with (MPD) Multiple Personality
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Multiple Personalities in Sybil Essay
Multiple Personalities in Sybil Do you ever feel as though you are acting as a different person in
different situations? Do you ever feel as though acting "fake"? You are definitely not alone in your
thoughts and feelings, but do note that there is always something or someone more extreme than you
are. One such person is the character of Sybil Dorsett, in Flora Rheta Schreiber's novel, Sybil. The
novel, Sybil, takes a look at multiple personalities within a person. It is based on the research of Dr.
Cornelia Wilbur. Dr. Wilbur was a psychoanalyst who had been treating Sybil for about three
months. One day, Sybil, who was a schoolteacher, burst into the room in a hysterical speech. Her
fists were clinched with rage as she ... Show more content on ...
Wilbur began to learn more and more about each different personality. She figured that this was the
only answer or way to treat Sybil. She was going to have to treat each of Sybil's separate selves. The
way that she was going to have to eventually treat Sybil though was by going into the past and
bringing up some of the repressed memories that Sybil had from childhood. She would then have to
make Sybil bring together all of the different selves and come to terms with the past and the reality
of the present and future. Some of the more flamboyant personalities were Sybil, of course, who was
generally shy and withdrawn, Peggy, who was quite aggressive, Vicky, who is quite sophisticated,
Mary, who was quite obese, but yet motherly, Vanessa, who had the aura of an actress, baby–Ruthie,
who was very childlike, and two energetic, high–spirited young males, Mike and Sid. The treatment
of these different selves was going to be an enormous task any way that Dr. Wilbur looked at it.
Another odd that was stacked against her was that Sybil was in the guise of the other personalities at
least one–third of her life and had no recollection of ever doing any of the things that she did while
she was "another self". However, there was an interesting twist to that. The other selves were very
aware of Sybil and often spoke of her in sessions. They believed that she was another person and
often told Dr. Wilbur that they were there (at session) in Sybil's place for
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Causes And Effects Of Multiple Personality Disorders
There are many cases that can be found in psychological records for multiple personality disorders
also, known as dissociative identity disorder. Dissociative Identity, formerly known as multiple
personality disorder, is a condition in which an individual has a host personality along with at least
two or more personalities with each identity having his or her own ideas, memories, thoughts and
way of doing things (Bennick). Personality disorders are a group of mental illnesses, they involve
thoughts and behaviors that are unhealthy and inflexible. A person with a personality disorder has
trouble perceiving and relating to situations and people (Mayo Clinic). This causes significant
problems and limitations in relationships, social activities, work and school (Mayo Clinic). In some
cases, you may not realize that you have a personality disorder because your way of thinking and
behaving seems natural to you, but in all honesty, it's not. You also might blame others for the
challenges you face (Mayo Clinic). Personality disorders usually begin in the teenage years or early
adulthood (Mayo Clinic). There are many types of personality disorders. Some types may become
less obvious throughout middle age (Mayo Clinic). The most common types of personality disorders
are divided into three clusters. Many people with one personality disorder also have signs and
symptoms of at least one additional personality disorder. Personality disorders in cluster A are
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Multiple Personality Disorder in the movie "Identity"
"Jesus Christ, what in the fuck did you do to my face? Where the fuck is my face" (Identity) the
main actor in the movie Identity by Columbia Pictures presenting a Konrad Pictures production a
film by James Mangold. and shows his discomfort and his misunderstanding of what is going in his
life when he is face to face with many lawyers and a judge; along with the Doctors trying to
convince them that this man is not the killer of the people, but instead that was just one of his
identities that should no longer exist. Unknowingly, the Edward (the main actor) is having a had
time understanding why when he looks into a mirror he doesn't see his face but instead he sees the
face of the murdered. He soon comes to realized that he is that just a ... Show more content on ...
Many DID patients have received these forms of abuse up to twice a week for 50 months out of the
year (Piper and Merskey 593). The trauma of a young person's life will lead to the next phase of
forming DID which is repression. Through repression, these children will hide their traumatizing
events and will become amnesic for them. They set them into a separate part of there mind as hopes
to forget and eliminate these memories from existence. Since it is not possible for one to eliminate
such memories from their heads, they repress them. They are able to accomplish this to a large
extent. People under DID have a tendency to continue to repress any emotional experiences. These
negative experiences all build up and separated from a child's mental life and forms separate
personalities. DID and MPD (Multiple Personality Disorder) are commonly diagnosed as a form of
schizophrenia because these people tend to have a loss of connection within the brain which can
cause hallucinations, delusions and disorganized thinking. Multiple personalities can function
completely separate of each other. In other words, one of a person's personality will have no
recollection of the others doing (Bob 141). Thus, the severity and the frequency of traumas to a child
will have great impact on the depth of DID that a person will suffer.
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Multiple Personality Disorder Essay
Multiple Personality Disorder
Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) is a mental disease that exists in about one percent of the
population. Much research supports the existence of this disease and its origins, causes and effects
on the people in who suffer with it. This essay will clearly define Multiple Personality Disorder
along with a detailed synopsis of the disease itself. The diagnosis, alter personalities, different
treatments and views will indicate the disease is real. The American Psychiatric Association named
Multiple Personality Disorder in 1994 Dissociative Disorder. Multiple Personality Disorder is
diagnosed when a person has two or more personalities. These personalities have the ability to
control the person and ... Show more content on ...
An example apart from normal childhood lying would be if the child drew all over the walls and
when confronted, one could honestly see they do not remember the incident. There is also a lack of
diagnosis among children, only nine reported cases were in 1990.
During adolescence, a teenager will often turn to other things to deal with the stress of abnormal and
excessive forgetfulness or blackouts. An adolescent with MPD can oftentimes exhibit signs of bi–
polar disorder, insomnia, suicide threats and attempts, drug use, violent mood swings and panic
attacks. When a teenager exhibits these characteristics, MPD is not the first diagnosis to be
explored, rather, it is blamed on hormones or drug use. These things can only fuel MPD rather than
calm it.
Adulthood, or in the age range of 20 years to 30 years old is when a person with MPD is usually
diagnosed. This is a time in a person's life when the symptoms of MPD directly interfere with their
lives. Not knowing where you are or how you got there is a big issue if you are trying to raise
children or maintain a marriage. Also, as an adult, there is the freedom to seek help. Diagnosis of
Multiple Personality Disorder is a complicated process. It involves many psychological tests on the
patient as well as preliminary therapy to accurately determine if the patient has MPD. The
International Society for the Study of Dissociation revised guidelines in 1996 concerning treatment
options for persons
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For A Basis, I Had My Volunteer Take Multiple Personality
For a basis, I had my volunteer take multiple personality test. Starting with their Big Five traits this
lets me begin to understand the foundation of this person. According the Big Five Person A is very
introverted rather than extroverted. They were high in agreeableness, openness, consciousnesses and
low for neuroticism. But what really made this person who they were? Their background, interest
and how they ultimately define and view themselves. These aspects are going to open a better
understanding of what makes up Person's A personality. One way to address someone 's personally
is by seeing what they offer and put out for the world to see. How someone carries themselves is a
how you are firstly judged. Person A is a classic introvert ... Show more content on
Sometimes when there is disagreement or even fights may happen can be neglected for long periods
of time. "I was once in a fight with my best friend, and I didn't even realize it!" Person A stated that
they knew something was wrong but struggled to approach it because if something was wrong
wouldn't they come out and say so directly? Person A in the end always goes back to logic and is
struggling to sometimes grasp the emotional needs of others around them. Person A would rather
give a suggestion or fix a solution to a problem and doesn't see much appeal in simply talking about
it. Diving first right into the side of nature's role is the look on how Person's A surroundings shaped
them. The cultural you grow up in shapes who you are. The interactions with those around them, the
environment and diversity of other shapes Person A's mindset and beliefs. For Person A growing up
in America and in the same small city for all their life. This area, though small, is not isolated and
neighbors the city of Philadelphia and other diverse areas. Person A lives in a subculture of black
America that is surrounded by a more dominating one, a Caucasian American and black America.
Being introverted and introspected is Person's A way of taking in and dealing with the values and
mannerisms of both. Person A grew up in a marginally black population. However, the close family
of Person A also black differs from the majority around here by simply being raised by people who
had more
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Multiple Personality Disorder
We've all experienced the feeling that we've moved into a different life, dissociation from reality,
just mild like when we daydream, delve into a good book or become engrossed with a project. But
then after that, we do still come back to reality. However, some people are diagnosed with a
dissociative identity disorder or the popular multiple personality disorder (MPD). This differ from
mild dissociation that all of us commonly experience. People who have this live a fairly complicated
life. Sadly, people who have this experience traumatic physical, sexual or emotional abuse during
their childhood.
MPD is a severed form of dissociation from reality in which it reflects a person's extreme lack of
connectivity to the world he is in ... Show more content on ...
When put under hypnosis, the personality that could emerge may be responsive to the therapist's
requests. Underlying this somehow scary phenomenon, the person can be experiencing depression,
mood swings, and suicidal tendencies. Accompanying this disorder, these persons can also have
sleep disorders like insomnia or somnambulism. They may have anxiety disorders, alcoholism, and
eating disorders as well. They often have hallucinations, both auditory and visual, which aggravate
the situation. Even more alarming than the already frightening aspects of the disorder, some MPD
patients even have a tendency to self–persecute, sabotage themselves and inflict on the their own
bodies violence. They would also do what normal persons would not, like go into risky activities
and commit crime because they feel like they are being compelled to do it. In a way, they truly
believe that they have no other choice but to do it (WebMd).
As a person without the disturbing disorder, I could only read about stuff and think whether MPD is
real. But then, with so many accounts on people having multiple personality disorder, and then
experts giving out their diagnosis whether they are still confused or not, I still believe there are
people really with MPD. But then, we cannot discount the possibility that criminals can fake to have
another personality and they are compelled to do the criminal act they did, right? I also cannot help
but sympathize
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The And Multiple Personality Disorder
Hypnotherapy/Multiple Personality Disorder Hypnosis can help with therapeutic evolvement while
someone has Multiple Personality Disorder or MPD for short. Often times many cases of MPD are
found in the United States,according to Joseph Goldberg, a doctor at, 1 out of 100
people in the United States get MPD per year.The subject that has MPD does not realize they have a
problem,because the subject believes that what they are seeing and feeling are real. Many of the
cases of MPD are found after the subject has uncovered the angry personality,that most of the time
will encourage them to commit a crime or harm themselves. Which is caused because of the subject
being repeatedly abused emotionally physically and mentally at a young age. MPD is mostly used as
a coping mechanism for the subject to cope over the repeated abuse. The subject will then have to be
induced into taking Hypnotherapy to help the subject cope. If the subject did commit a crime while
having MPD, then the lawyer of the subject will most likely plead 'not guilty'. The lawyer of the
subject will use MPD as a defense and request that the subject go into a psychological facility
instead of going to a prison, so the subject can get the proper treatment and to stop the subject from
harming others or themselves. Many hospitals and psychologists do Rodriguez 2 In the book "All
Around the Town, Laurie Kenyon is kidnapped and raped at the age of four years old.Her abuse
continues on for two years.The
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'Multiple Personality Disorder In The Movie Split'
Do you like thrillers? If so did you see the movie Split? Split is a horror/thriller movie about a man
who suffers from Multiple Personality Disorder or (Split) Personality Disorder. This condition has
been studied upon for years by professionals in the medical field trying to figure out what Multiple
Personality Disorder (MPD) is and what causes someone to have this particular disorder, Multiple
Personality Disorder, is caused by childhood abuse and trauma. In order to truly understand what
causes Multiple Personality Disorder, some background information about the disorder needs to be
know. The American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders
defines Multiple Personality Disorder as "the existence of two or more personality states (each with
its own relatively enduring pattern of perceiving, relating to, and thinking about the environment
and self)" where "at least two of these personalities or personality states recurrently take full control
of the person's behavior {Kahan,Lamm,Levin,Spauster,1993}. In the recent decade there has been
an increase of awareness for childhood abuse in psychiatric patients
{Kahan,Lamm,Levin,Spauster,1993} which ... Show more content on ...
First of all for people to develop MPD the abuse would have to begin at somewhat of an early age.
Natural disasters though can cause trauma that particular experience trigger a different blocking out
mechanism than that would occur in MPD. Lastly, medical professionals have in fact proven MPD
is not just a fantasy. Although nothing is proven indefinitely rather childhood abuse, trauma, and
neglect is the cause of MPD, this specific reason just has the most evidence to support the
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Dissociative Identity Disorder : Multiple Personality...
Dissociative Identity Disorder, also known as Multiple Personality Disorder has intrigued a wide
variety of individuals from psychiatrists, Hollywood directors and even teenagers dreaming of
treating the disorder such as myself. DID, as abbreviated, is sometimes thought of as fake, this
disorder has been proven an actual disorder and is described in the DSM–5. This paper will include
a description of Dissociative Identity Disorder or DID, an exploration into the typical course of the
disorder, the prevalence rates, and differential diagnoses. In addition, the correct treatment of the
disorder including psychotherapy treatments and psychotropic medication will be discussed.
What is Dissociative Identity Disorder?
Dissociation is defined by The Oxford American Dictionary and Thesaurus as a, "disconnect or
separate." (Waite, Lindberg, Braham, & Jewell, 2010, p. 230) We know from the DSM–5 that a
person who has DID has at least two different and distinct personalities. These personalities, often
known as "alters" control the person and different times, some have described it as possession like.
The disorder must also cause problems to the individual in the form of personal stress about the
symptoms and cause disruptions in the occupational, social or other important areas of one's life.
Dissociative Identity Disorder is usually associated with traumatic childhood events. According to
the article, Survivors with Dissociative Identity Disorder: Perspectives
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The Theory Of Multiple Personality Disorder
Everybody forgets things now and then, but not usually personal information, location, name, age,
or their entire identity (Residential). This could be multiple personality disorder– or MPD for short.
Multiple personality disorder was first thought to be nonexistent, or extremely rare, but now after
thousands of diagnoses (Carter), multiple personality seems to be in the in the spotlight of
psychological disorders. Though multiple personality disorder only became a legitimate psychiatric
disorder in 1980, there had been cases reported before then. Various individuals believe that the first
reported case was by a man named Eberhart Gmelin who was a doctor. In 1791 he reported a
peculiar case, one of his patients often transformed into a French aristocrat; she was usually and
actually a middle–class German woman. (Carter). Many odd cases like Gmelin's were reported, but
were constantly misdiagnosed. Professionals argued over if it was a real disorder, or if it was an act
as an attempt to gain attention. Sigmund Freud, the father of psychoanalysis, did many studies of the
mind and its abilities to repress emotions. His opinions on hysteria and repression overshadowed the
diagnosis of multiple personality disorder in the early 1900's. Until the 1980s, it was disregarded,
then suddenly it bloomed into a large area of study. In the next decade, it is estimated that forty
thousand people were diagnosed with multiple personality disorder, twice as many than the previous
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Essay about Exploring Multiple Personality Disorder
Exploring Multiple Personality Disorder
In popular culture, Dissociation, and Dissociative Identity Disorder (previously known as Multiple
Personality Disorder––MPD) is considered a very exotic, rare and enigmatic psychological
phenomenon (11). It seems that, especially in the media and entertainment, multiple personality
disorder is stigmatized by a number of quite florid and nearly hysterical symptoms. Clinically,
however, Multiple Personality Disorder has been recognized for centuries and is currently estimated
to exist in 1% of the general population (1,8), and as much as 7% of the population may have
suffered from a dissociative disorder at some point in timem (9). Currently, DID (MPD) is most
generally defined as a disturbance ... Show more content on ...
This distancing mechanism is characterized by detachment from the self or surroundings, excluding
or loosing unwanted or unneeded feelings from awareness, and partial or total amnesia for the
emotions and cognitions associated with the traumatic event.
Such distancing mechanisms are very powerful modes of defense and serve to escape the emotional
and physical pain of the event by compartmentalizing the cognitions, sensory inputs, and behavioral
enactment of the traumatic experience (12). These compartmentalized elements are essentially
fragmented experiences, which fail to become integrated into an explicit narrative. In essence, this
process allows the individual to separate the traumatic memories from ordinary consciousness to
preserve some areas of healthy functioning (8,12). This entire process is referred to as dissociation.
Dissociation serves as a temporarily adaptive function, as it allows the individual to escape from the
traumatic event while it is underway (9). However repeated reliance on dissociative defenses can
lead to the inability to properly process information from past events and possibly future events into
a narrative (explicit memory) form (12). It is theorized that the repeated use of dissociation can lead
to the development of a series of separate entities or mental states which may eventually take on an
entity or identity of their own (8). These entities may become internal "personality states" which
reflect different
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Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) Essay
Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD)
Multiple personalities is a dissociative condition in which an individual's personality is apparently
split into two or more distinct sub–personalities, each of which may become dominant at different
times. People with multiple personality disorder suffer from internal chaos, roller–coaster emotions
and terrible memories. They also present confusing confusing and contradictory images to their
family and friends. But in spite of all this, MPD is a treatable disorder.
In theory, the developmental process behind MPD is a result of resorting to a mental escape from a
traumatic situation. This is essentially achieved when neither fleeing nor fighting can be used as a
defense option, ... Show more content on ...
These other personalities are called "alters" and may develop permanency, so that the identity of a
single child fragments into many children in a single body. These abused children are often warned
by their abusers to maintain secrecy. Therefore horrid memories get buried deep into the caves of the
unconscious, each alter shielding his or her own traumatic memory. This also allows each alter to
become more independent.
Multiple personality disorder is very rare and is only found in about one percent of the population. It
is also believed that seven percent of the population has experienced at least some sort of
dissociative disorder in their life. Certain feelings are common to people with multiple personalities.
Most MPD individuals usually suffer from unreasonable fear, and this fear often evolves into terror.
They also have large blocks of missing memories. Some symptoms of MPD are depression, anxiety,
excessive compulsive behaviour, seizures, epilepsy, blackouts, headaches, and fatigue.
Multiple Personalities is not just one disorder, but is made up of many different dissociative
There is no real cure for multiple personality disorder, the only treatment is forcing the repression of
the alter personalities. The first step in treating this disorder is to find a psychotherapist who is
familiar with dissociative disorders and who has taken special training in
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Dissociative Identity Disorder And Multiple Personality...
Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID for short and popularly known as multiple personality disorder)
is one of the more fascinating and simultaneously terrifying of the formal mental disorders.
Probably due in part to DID's fantastic, almost unbelievable nature, it is also one of the more
controversial disorders that has been formally included in the DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical
Manual of Mental Disorders). In the most recent DSM, DSM–5, the signature criteria for DID is the
"disruption of identity characterized by two or more distinct personality parts... (that) may be
observed by others, or reported by the patient" (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). This
disorder manifests as an individual displaying distinct and often radically ... Show more content on ...
These distinct identities can manifest themselves in various forms such as animals. The article
shows that the presence of altering identities can be caused by the amount of stress present in the
subject's daily life (Stiglmayr, 2008). "The average patient with DID has been in the mental
healthcare delivery system an average of 6.8 years and has received more than three other
diagnoses, reflecting either misdiagnoses or comorbidities, before receiving an accurate diagnosis of
DID" (Kluft 2005). This means that DID can be hard to diagnose right away . One of the scholarly
article examines Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) from a diagnostic perspective in an attempt to
produce a definitive categorization for the controversial disorder. The article begins by
acknowledging the controversy about DID by stating that many clinicians have doubts about
whether it even exists. Still, the disorder does appear in the DSM–IV and most recent addition, the
DSM–5, so it is respected by American Psychiatric Association. The diagnostic criteria for DID in
the DSM–IV requires the display of several core personalities that are totally unaware of one
another. Formally this is how DID is recognized, and its place within the DSM–IV at all bears
witness to the genuine nature of the disorder. Next, the article discusses one of the more popular
conceptions of DID: that it is a "defensive response that results naturally from continuous and
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The Flock: The Autobiography Of A Multiple Personality
"A Flock is what we're like" (The Flock: The Autobiography of A Multiple Personality"). Diagnosed
with Multiple Personality Disorder, Joan Frances Casey was not alone. With a mix of female and
male personalities, she uncovered a pattern of emotional and physical abuse. Casey was only in her
twenties and attended the University of Chicago. Her marriage was collapsing and she was having
an affair with one of her professors. She sought for help to balance her life and stop the threat of
suicidal thoughts. Lynn Wilson, a social worker was recommended by the university. After a few
sessions with Lynn, Lynn diagnosed her with Multiple Personality Disorder. Casey's strongest
personalities were Jo, Joan Frances, Missy, Isis, and Renee. Each personality
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Outline On Multiple Personality Disorder
Antimo Di Roberto
What is Multiple Personality Disorder?
Thesis: Multiple Personality Disorder is a dissociative disorder where two or more identities are
present in an individual and changes the way they act and remember things.
Purpose: To inform my audience of Multiple Personality Disorder.
I hope you will enjoy hearing about multiple personality disorder as much as I did when I first
learned about it.
Multiple Personality Disorder is when there are two or more identities in the same individual.
(WebMD, 2016.)
By learning more about this disorder, we can help people with it and understand what they are going
II. Multiple Personality Disorder is identified by two identities being present in the same individual.
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The main symptoms of multiple personality disorder is having two or more identities present within
one individual and dissociation (WebMD, 2014.).
Other symptoms can affect people with multiple personality disorder in their everyday life and are
not always present. 1. Depression a. Depression can affect the way you feel and act by making you
lose interest in everyday tasks and having a feeling of sadness. b. For example, someone with
multiple personalities can have personalities that depressed and others that are not. 2. Time loss. a.
People with multiple personality disorder can experience time loss from time time to time. b. This
happens when the other identities take over and when they return to their original identity, they have
no idea what happened.
[Now that we know the symptoms, we can talk about the causes of Multiple Personality Disorder.]
II. The
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Symptoms Of Multiple Personality Disorder
Imagine waking up and not knowing what you had just done; imagine having seven different people
living inside of your head all competing to become you. This is a daily struggle for those who are
suffering from Multiple Personality Disorder. There are many misconceptions in the United States
about Multiple Personality Disorder. First off, it is an actually disease, that cannot be just "turned
off". It is generally brought on by a traumatic event in that person's youth. More often than not it is
seen in those who were sexually abused by a family member. The brain has to devise a coping
mechanism to interact with their predators when they must see them in front of other people. They
tend to compartmentalize and hide these events and emotions causing them to morph into personas
they take on when stressful circumstances arise.
Multiple personality disorder was renamed in 1994 to Dissociative Identity Disorder. Dr. Charles
Raison (2010), Psychiatrist, Mental Health Expert, and affiliate of Emory University Medical
School, explains that those with DID often do not understand that they have this disorder due to the
disorder itself. DID in nature is a disorder that causes amnesia type symptoms for which one cannot
remember what he or she has done. An example Raison gives that almost everyone can relate to is
that of driving your car, spacing out, and missing a turn that you didn 't even realize you missed.
This too is a dissociative state for one is unable recall the last 2 miles
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Multiple Personality Disorders
"Multiple Personality Disorders"
Sometimes people undergo traumatic experiences in their lives that are either physical or mental and
maybe even a combination of both. If the experience was so intense, and so horrible, that the mind
didn't want to remember it, or possibly didn't know how to deal or cope with it, then that one
experience has the power to split a person's mind into "another personality". If this happens, the
other personality or personalities come out when a person who has MPD (Multiple Personality
Disorder) is put in a situation that he/she doesn't know how to handle or feels that the other
personality can handle it better. People suffering from MPD also have the risk of developing some ...
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Barb's husband says that homelife sometimes becomes chaotic. Barb revealed through one of her
personalities (DJ) that a dentist drilled in body when she was younger. "DJ" is one of Barbs
personalities and she smokes and has totally different thoughts. "DJ" has memories of abuse.
"Devon" is a teen male who likes to fight and goes to bars sometimes. Barb's father brought men
home to have sex with her. "Kari" is a personality who feels no responsibility of the household and
comes out to deal with memories. "Audrey" is a seven year old personality.
Beth plus has many personalities. Beth is married with children. Some of Beth's personalities
include: "Beth Ann" who is an eight year old girl. "Margaret", remembers bad side of abuser.
"Megan" remembers the good side of abuser. "Frenchy", twenty–three year old female
nymphomaniac who came out to deal with the sexual abuse. "Billy" is an eighteen year old male
who is the "protector" personality. "Cheyanne" is a six year old girl and was the first multiple to
appear to the therapist. "Janet" comes out to drive. "Carol" comes out to grocery shop. "Mary" is the
financial keeper. "Skeptic" claims that Beth is a liar and is acting everything. "Yardwoman" takes
care of the yard. Beth once caused her family to be $6,000 in debt because all her personalities had a
combined seventeen credit cards and ran them up. Beth was abused and raped from age ten until the
age fourteen.
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Multiple Personality Disorders: Dissociative Identity Di
As we talked about dissociative identity disorder in the lecture, it really interested me and I wanted
to learn more about it. Dissociated identity disorder is when a person has two or more distinct
identities, or personality states, that take control of them. The individual experiences extensive
memory loss, that is too great to be classified as ordinary forgetfulness. Sometimes it is even said to
be an experience of possession. This disorder can be developed as a coping mechanism from
extreme trauma or abuse at an early age. Dissociative identity disorder, formally called multiple
personality disorder, is said to date back to shamans changing into animals or embodying spirits in
Paleolithic cave paintings. Even some historical demonic possessions, ... Show more content on ...
In many cases, individuals that have been diagnosed with DID would also meet the criteria for
borderline personality disorder. Borderline personality disorder is a pattern of instability in
interpersonal relationships, self–image and emotions. Many people with this disorder have identity
disturbance. However, those with borderline personality disorder do not report having other
identities that they have no memory of. I'm not sure of any famous people or notable people that
have this disorder. However, after reading more about DID it sounds a lot like the new movie Split.
If you don't know what Split is, it's about a man that kidnapped a couple teenagers and holds them
hostage. While they are in captivity, they find out that the man that kidnapped them has many
personalities. Some of them are nice and want to help them, some are mean and try to hurt them, and
some are more passive. I think this disorder is very interesting and it kind of blows my mind that our
brain can switch to a totally different person. It really blew my mind when we talked in the lecture
about people that had one identity that was a heroin addict, and one that was not. It's crazy to me
that someone could take a drug that serious and have a part of them be unaffected by it until they
switch to their other
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Dissociative Identity Disorder : A Multiple Personality...
Abstract Dissociative identity disorder also known as DID is a multiple personality disorder.
Patients who have DID have multiple personalities that sometime they cannot control. There are
known cases of people with this disorder completely change and see their selves differently from
who they actually are, such as having a different name. There are many more symptoms to this
disorder also. A lot of researchers usually test and compare DID with PTSD in most studies and also
usually use all females, since DID is more common with females. This paper discusses the
psychological views and studies of dissociative identity disorder.
Dissociative Identity Disorder Dissociative Identity Disorder is also known as Multiple Personality
Disorder or DID. It is stated to be when a person has the presence of two or more distinct
personality states. Having this disorder makes you have multiple personalities and many people say
that your personality is not a type of behavior. In reality your personality is a behavior stated by
experts. With this disorder you have two or more distinct personalities that show at certain times.
For an example, a person with this disorder could be happy and joyful but even with the slightest
change in their surroundings can change their behavior or personality. Not only it can be their
personality that changes but the person with the disorder can also think they are someone else by
having a different unique name, characteristics, and their
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Dissociative Identity Disorder: Multiple Personalities
In this psychology research we are talking about mental illness; dissociative identity disorder also
known as multiple personalities.the existence of two or more distinct identities or personalities in an
individual, each with its own pattern of perceiving and acting with the environment. At least two of
these figures must take control of individual behavior routinely, and are also associated with a
degree of memory loss beyond the lack of normal memory. This loss of memory is called frequently
lost or amnesic time. To be diagnosed, symptoms should occur independently of substance abuse or
a general medical condition.People with dissociative identity disorder may experience often a
combination of symptoms that can resemble other psychiatric ... Show more content on ...
Schizophrenia patients away from their reality and dissociative identity disorder meanwhile not
affect the relationship with her. The split personality in Dissociative Identity Disorder occurs
internally, the sufferer creates his alters from conflicting interactions in his own mind, in
schizophrenia this phenomenon is seen externally as the voices coming from abroad to manifest and
is therefore not hallucinations and personality
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Autism, Multiple Personality Disorder and Socializing Essay
Autism, Multiple Personality Disorder and Socializing
"Where could anybody be without organizing their own thoughts"(Slater 1)? Imagine living in a
world where one could not communicate with anyone around them on a truly rational level, even
though the individual is completely rational. Imagine feeling so frightened by life, that one escapes
to an Alternate reality, where they become catatonic, or even take on forms of different personalities
to deal with everyday situations. Try not being able to communicate through one's own words, only
repeating what others have said in order to get along in life. This is what living with Autism is like.
Autism, through the book definition is a "complex developmental disability...that appears ... Show
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Multiple personality Disorder, (MPD) was first recognized in the 1700's but was not understood so
therefore was soon forgotten. Many cases showed up during the years, but was overlooked, or
misdiagnosed as either schizophrenia or psychosis. Many in the medical profession did not believe
that a person could have more than one personality in a body, unknowingly, even after the 1950's. In
1993, records show that three to five thousand people were being treated for MPD, compared to the
hundred cases reported ten years earlier. The disease is commonly found in adults who were abused
mentally, physically, emotionally, and or sexually as children, between birth to eight years of age.
The child uses a process called disassociation to separate himself/herself from the abusive situation.
This is when the child makes up a personality to take control of the mind and body. During abuse,
usually there is a personality for every emotion and feeling when the abuse is taking place.
Symptoms of the disease include: amnesia, hallucinations, depression, and suicidal thoughts, and
tendencies, and there can be anywhere from two to over a hundred different personalities. Usually
each personality will fall into one of the following categories: host, core, child, teenager, artistic,
adult, animals, intimate members, self–helpers, persecutor, rescuer and helper. The child is usually
under the age of twelve, with according behaviors,
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The Controversy Surrounding Multiple Personality Disorder...
The Controversy Surrounding Multiple Personality Disorder
Multiple Personality Disorder is a condition that many people probably have not heard of. Among
those who have heard of it, there are even less who actually know what it is. However, according to
Piper (1997) there were about 6,000 cases diagnosed in North America alone in 1986. Some experts
estimate that multiple personality disorder, or MPD, affects 5 to 10 percent of the population, or
about 100 million people worldwide. For such a widespread disorder, the public's lack of knowledge
about it is pretty shocking. One explanation for this lack of knowledge could be the fact that many
people, fueled by the beliefs of many noted psychologists, do not believe the ... Show more content
on ...
For the most part, what psychologists talk about as 'identity,' although a useful construct, is a
complete illusion." The example he gives is how people tend to act differently in different situations.
For instance, a teenage boy is usually one way around his friends, another way around his parents,
and yet another around his siblings or other family members. Richmond calls these different aspects
of personality "ego states."
Many psychologists don't even attempt to define personality. For example, Carroll (2003) gives the
following explanation for an alter personality: "The "alters" are said to occur spontaneously and
involuntarily, and function more or less independently of each other." This really gives no insight as
to what an alter personality truly is; it only describes what an alter does. Piper attempts to explain
alter personalities in stating "each personality has its own set of personality traits, such as language
abilities, style of speech, value systems, and cognitive styles." This gives a little clearer picture of
what a personality consists of, but it's not quite complete. One reason many are skeptical about
MPD could be that no one really understands what an alter personality is, so it is therefore hard to
believe they exist.
Besides the apparent presence of alter personalities, there are many other
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Dissociative Identity Disorder ( Multiple Personality )
Dissociative Identity Disorder can be difficult to diagnosis as mentioned before. However, a scale
has been developed to help a professional with their diagnosis of individuals that may suffer from
this mental illness. There have been many studies conducted to test the reliability and validity of this
scale. The scale is referred to as The Dissociative Experiences Scale (DES) and was developed to
help measure dissociation in individuals. The Dissociative Experiences Scale is a twenty–eight item
self–report questionnaire. How this scale works is that the individual is asked to mark on a line to
indicate where they fall on the continuum for each specific question. After the experiment, the scale
was able to show high rates in both reliability and validity. The scale had good test–retest supporting
its reliability and showed significant correlations supporting the scale's validity. Thus, The
Dissociative Experiences Scale was able to distinguish between individuals with a dissociative
identity, such as Multiple Personalities, and individuals without a dissociative identity (Bernstein &
Putnam, 1986). Dissociative Identity Disorder (Multiple Personality Disorder) has been portrayed in
various types of media throughout the world. Many characters in popular works of media including:
movies, television series, books, video games, and comics have shown the symptoms of
Dissociative Identity Disorder. Movies where the main character suffers from Dissociative
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Research Paper On Multiple Personality Disorder
Multiple Personality Disorder Multiple personality disorder others may know it as "Dissociative
Identity Disorder". Multiple personality disorder is an severe condition where a person takes two or
more split people in their head. And the other personalities alternate and take control of the originals
body. Some people say it is a " form of possession" and often times it is hard for the person to
remember present memories from the other personalities. It is to hard for them to remember that
kind of information. DID ( Dissociative Identity Disorder) was call Multiple personality disorder till
1994. Because scientists thought that DID was a better name for this disorder. DID has failure to
remember identity, memory, or consciousness. Each personality comes out with it own story. And
how they help or hurt and why they are their in the originals body.
Why do some people develop DID. For some cases when people experience DID it is because the
person has been through traumatic trauma in their childhood. And making more than one
personalities in their mind is their only way to cope with this kind of trauma towards them. It like
having you pulled back while the other personalities take over. Over 90 % of reports have been
made in the US among child abuse which could cause DID. A person can develop simi– systems on
DID like nightmares, flash–backs, or startled responses. Several studies say that DID is more
common to close siblings who also have the disorder than in the general
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Multiple Personality Disorder
We've all experienced the feeling that we've moved into a different life, dissociation from reality,
just mild like when we daydream, delve into a good book or become engrossed with a project. But
then after that, we do still come back to reality. However, some people are diagnosed with a
dissociative identity disorder or the popular multiple personality disorder (MPD). This differ from
mild dissociation that all of us commonly experience. People who have this live a fairly complicated
life. Sadly, people who have this experience traumatic physical, sexual or emotional abuse during
their childhood. MPD is a severed form of dissociation from reality in which it reflects a person's
extreme lack of connectivity to the world he is in ... Show more content on ...
The distinct personalities may serve diverse roles in helping the individual cope with life's
dilemmas. But what is complicated here is that when the person with MPD becomes a patient for
treatment, the initial 2 to 4 personality identified within that person can double and even triple that
can be further known over the course of treatment. Extremely rare though, there was even an
incident of one with 100 personalities (WebMd). Quite bothering is not it? Environmental factors or
various life events more often than not stressful ones, trigger quick shifts from one alter or
personality to another. And then, as I said awhile ago, the painful thing here is that almost all of the
individuals who developed the disorder have personal histories of disturbances that is recurring,
consuming and life–threatening. It also made me angry that these disturbances took place in tender
ages of less than 9. They were defenseless! No wonder they have to have coping mechanisms to
escape. The abuse does not only cover physical ones, there may be instances of no overt physical
cruelty, but they must have suffered neglect and emotional abuse. Some parents just do not know
what they went into when they decided to have these kids, they cannot even be responsible in caring
for the people they bear out in this world. They play so big a role in the
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Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) Essay example
Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD)
Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID)
Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD), which is now called Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), is
a Dissociative Disorder. This disorder is when a person has two or more distinct personalities that
often control the person's behavior. This disorder has many controversies because of the fact that it
is not scientifically proven.
One personality is usually restrained and rather dull while another one maybe very outgoing and
obnoxious. A person can have many personalities; there is no set number. Each personality acts
different and the original personality usually denies awareness of the others. There have ... Show
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Only one and that was the one who was a cruel, cold–hearted murder. I believe that this movie
shows why they can not use this disorder in court systems. Because there is no way that you can
prove that you have this disorder yet. The reason why this movie changed my views was because I
felt bad for this person who was abused and had different personalities and if I was on the jury I
would have let him go to. Now that I've seen this movie I would not have let him go.
Oprah also had someone on her show that claimed that they had Multiple Personality Disorder. As I
was watching this I thought wow, this guy really does have this. He was a normal everyday guy with
a family, a home, and a job. He spoke of having no memories of any bad child hood moments. He
had fourteen personalities; one was a little boy that likes to color. Seeing this really confused me
cause I didn't know what to think, weather this disorder is a real disorder or if these people were just
acting to get attention.
Psychologists have all different opinions of Multiple Personality Disorder. Many people think that it
is caused from childhood memories, mainly bad ones where a child was physically, mentally, or
emotionally abused. Most diagnosed people with Multiple Personality Disorder are women who
have reportedly suffered from some type of abuse as children. Others say that these people are
creating these personalities to cop with
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The Characteristics Of Multiple Personality Disorder
Many people consider they know themselves as they grow in age. People assume with difficult
struggles and challenges that they have gained insights into the secrets of life. However, that is not
the case with people who are diagnosed with Multiple Personality Disorder. This emotional illness
does not only control the life of their host but can damage their fire and strength in life. This
disorder is not just switching emotions; it goes deeper into the emotional side of a person, where a
dark past dwells within them that brings them this horrid illness. Multiple Personality Disorder is a
genuine emotional illness that countless people brush off as a myth. Psychiatrics describe "Multiple
Personality Disorder [often referred to as MPD][as] a chronic and recurrent emotional illness. A
person with MPD plays host to two or more personalities. Each identity has its own unique style of
viewing and understanding the world and may have its own name" ("Multiple Personality
Disorder"). Renamed as Dissociative Identity Disorder in 1994 by the American Psychiatric
Association, this disorder has been believed to be a myth by many, especially with the idea of its
rarity (Lilienfeld). However, as psychiatrics have described, the disorder includes multiple
personalities which have proven to be genuine and real, not a myth. Furthermore, with the
information collected, research shows that about 20,000 cases have been recorded between 1980–
1990 in the United States alone. The individuals who
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Multiple Personality Disorder Research Paper

  • 1. Multiple Personality Disorder Research Paper A topic that I choose was the multiple personality disorder. Multiple personality disorder is described by the nearness of at least two unmistakable or split characters or identity expresses that ceaselessly have control over the individual's conduct. With dissociative character issue, there's likewise a powerlessness to review key individual data that is too expansive to be clarified as unimportant absent mindedness. With dissociative character issue, there are likewise exceptionally particular memory varieties, which vacillate with the individual's part identity. The "changes" or diverse characters have their own particular age, sex, or race. Each has his or her own particular stances, motions, and unmistakable method for talking. Now and ... Show more content on ... Powerful treatment incorporates talk treatment or psychotherapy, prescriptions, hypnotherapy, and adjunctive treatments, for example, workmanship or development treatment. Since in many cases the side effects of dissociative issue happen with different issue, for example, tension and wretchedness, dissociative turmoil might be dealt with utilizing similar medications endorsed for those scatters. A man in treatment for a dissociative issue may profit by antidepressants or hostile to nervousness ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Disorder, Depressed, Delusional, Multiple Personality And... Despite the fact terms such as OCD, depressed, delusional, multiple personality, and antisocial began as clinical terms, they have become household terms that have taken on new meaning. Individuals may use these words to describe someone else, or even themselves, although they clearly do not suffer from such a disorder. The following are examples of the differences: OCD: In layman's terms, this is someone who is very neat and clean; however a clinical diagnosis of this disorder is made "when obsessions or compulsions feel excessive or unreasonable, cause great distress, take up much time, and interfere with daily functions." (Comer, 2015) Delusional: A person may be described as delusional if they naively believe something that may not be true. Clinically this term is fairly similar to layman's terms, but is obviously far more serious. A person who suffers from delusional thoughts have "ideas that they believe wholeheartedly but they have no basis in fact." (Comer 2015) ... Show more content on ... This definition is very different than the actual clinical meaning, which defines someone with antisocial personality disorder as someone who "persistently disregard and violate others' rights." (Comer, ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. Types Of Multiple Personality Disorder What is multiple personality disorder? Multiple personality disorder also known as Dissociative Identity Disorder is a severe condition in which two or more distinct identities, or personality states, are present in and interchangeably take control of an individual. DID is a disorder categorized by identity division rather than a creation of separate personalities. The disorder is not due to the direct psychological effects of a substance or of a general medical condition. DID was called Multiple Personality Disorder until 1994, when the name was changed for a better understanding of the condition. Multiple personality disorder fails to integrate several aspects of identity, memory, and perception in a single multidimensional self. Generally, a prime identity carries the individual 's given name and is passive, dependent, guilty and depressed. When in control, each personality state, may be experienced as if it has a different history, self–image and identity. The secondary characteristics including name, age and gender, vocabularies, general knowledge, and main mood, differentiate with those of the prime identity. Certain situations or stressors can cause a particular personality to develop. The various identities may deny awareness of one another, be critical of one another or seem to be in an open struggle. Causes of Multiple Personality Disorder Why some people develop DID is not completely understood, but they commonly report having experienced severe physical and ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. Multiple Personality Disorder (Dissociative Identity... Dissociative Identity Disorder, commonly referred to as Multiple Personality Disorder, exists as a bizarre mental disorder in which a person acquires two or more distinct identities or personality states. The disorder received much attention through such accounts as Sybil and The Three Faces of Eve. Multiple Personality Disorder, caused from severe and inhuman sexual, physical, and mental abuse, affects the individuals consciousness and in turn creates altar selves. Categorized into three different groups, altar selves serve as a safety net for the individual, taking the memories out of the conscious mind and walling off the unwanted recollections. Interestingly, altar selves maintain different abilities, ages, ... Show more content on ... Due to the rarity of multiple personality, skeptics believe the theory of false memory syndrome explains the rise of Dissociative Identity Disorder within the past few decades. Dissociative Identity Disorder, most prevalent in women due to the high incidence of sexual abuse, begins in childhood or adolescence. Typically, the child will exhibit symptoms such as frequent mood changes, irresponsibility, loss of memory, and disruptive behavior. On account of altar personalities taking control of the body, the child or adolescent may speak differently, display uncommon mannerisms, or get into more trouble than usual. As in the case of Billy Milligan, the first person to get off a criminal charge due to insanity by Multiple Personality Disorder, his mother noted he was either being the good or bad son. Altar personalities or selves are grouped into three categories. The 'dominant' personality, the self most frequently in evidence, exists as the weak, intelligent, law abiding citizen. He or she remains unaware of the altars and does not remember the abuse which took place in earlier years. The 'dominant' personality ages with the body. The secondary personality, or the bad self, exists as the carrier of anger and the taker of pain. The secondary personality likes to get in trouble, play jokes on the dominant personality, and frequently acts in a promiscuous manner. The secondary self remembers the abuse ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. A Split Personality: The Cause and Effects of Multiple... A Split Personality: The Cause and Effects of Multiple Personality Disorder Multiple Personality Disorder, (also called Dissociative Identity Disorder) is an abnormal psychological phenomenon which has baffled psychologists and psychiatrists for years. It is a syndrome marked by the clear existence of two or more "personalities" (or identities) in a single person, each personality having separate memories, behaviors, physical attributes, and even different gender than the patient. Studies prove that Multiple Personality Disorder is often combined with other psychiatric disorders, such as Avoidant Personality Disorder, Self–defeating ... Show more content on ... Many people believe that the symptoms of Multiple Personality Disorder are created by psychiatrists through certain treatment techniques (such as believed to be the case with Sybil Dorsett and being so, the American Psychological Association recommends that Shirley Mason's case should no longer be cited as a "classic example" of multiple personality. Skeptics have pointed out that a number of US psychiatrists and therapists who were responsible for diagnosing patients with Multiple Personality Disorder, did not report sexual abuse or the fact they were living with "alters" who would take over certain situations for them (the patient) when they could not. The altar personalities (if there were any to begin with) were not discovered until after treatment had begun. However, skeptics do not ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Dissociative Identity Disorder And Multiple Personality... Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), formerly known as Multiple Personality Disorder, is defined as "a severe condition in which two or more distinct identities, or personality states, are present in– and alternately take control of–an individual". In 1994, the name of the disorder was changed to reflect a better understanding of the condition. DID is characterized by fragmentation, not by the growth of separate identities. DID is not a new disorder. However, it has been misunderstood for quite some time. In fact, some psychologists believe that evidence of DID had been inscribed on cave walls during the Paleolithic Era in the form of shamans turning into animals. Furthermore, experts believe that historic reports of demonic possession were actually cases of DID. In 1646, a Swiss physician named Paracelsus reported that he had met a woman who claimed that she had been robbed by her other personality who later had no memory of the robbery. This is known as the first legitimate report of Dissociative Identity Disorder. A few more cases of DID were reported after this, but in 1910, Eugen Bleuler coined the term "schizophrenia", and suddenly the amount of DID cases significantly decreased. To this day, many people are frequently misdiagnosed with schizophrenia when they are really suffering from DID. This is one of the many reasons why experts are still conducting research regarding this disorder. There are many interesting characteristics of DID. A person with ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Multiple Personality Disorder Multiple Personality Disorder One particular disorder in the medical field called Multiple Personality Disorder, has caused controversy between those who believe it is real and those who think it is purely part of an individual's imagination. Multiple Personality Disorder is characterized by the existence of two or more distinct alters or personality states that persistently have control over a person. For those who believe strongly in its existence, it poses very real consequences and hardships. Multiple Personality Disorder has many causes, symptoms, and treatments; unfortunately, those who do not take it seriously use it as a scape for other undiagnosed problems. Many people may wonder what defines Multiple Personality Disorder. This ... Show more content on ... While there is no confirmed cause of MPD, the psychological theory about how the condition develops is as a response to childhood trauma. More than 60 thousand cases of MPD have been diagnosed in America and 97% the victims diagnosed report childhood trauma, a combination of emotional, physical and sexual abuse. The victim then, after learning to disassociate themselves from the event will quickly learn this as a defense mechanism for other problems big or small. The well–defined personalities aid diverse roles in helping the individual cope with life's dilemmas. Additionally, "if the multiple personality disorder is caused by childhood trauma it is likely remembered only as a series of perceptual information– fleeting images, olfactory, auditory, or olfactory sensations". People with this disorder are most likely to forget most of their past and what happened in the trauma. They only remember few details of what happened because they were childs and do not have the capacity to put all together. Other main causes of Multiple Personality Disorder include insomnia, stroke, Alzheimer's, and narcolepsy. Psychotherapists and researchers conclude that part of what is happening is the isolation of damaging information. "Instead of distributing space with the rest of the memories, the disturbing incidences are crammed into their own little area, and the only way they can be accessed is through fragmented and incoherent neural pathways". As the years have ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Living with Multiple Personalities Living with Multiple Personalities Most Americans have not heard of Multiple Personality Disorder, mostly because it only "affects about 1% of the U.S. population" (Falco 3). MPD is a dissociative disorder that is considered the most dangerous in its class. Dissociation is the disturbance of multiple cerebral functions that constitute the thought of consciousness. The first reported case of MPD dates back to 1646. There was a steady rise in reports during the 19th century, but concern about the disorder slowly faded during the early 20th century because of patients faking their symptoms and the affairs between therapists and patients. Reports also declined for a short period of time after a new disease called Schizophrenia was ... Show more content on ... Free association is a technique used by therapists to help a patient face their fears in order to get rid of their alters (Mayer 8). Multiple Personality Disorder is a diverse disorder that has many negative effects on the patient. All of the actions performed by the patient are generally performed or influenced by the alters. These alters can become a problem during therapy because after therapy sessions, new alters appear. Some of these alters are responsible for denying that the patient has any disorders, which can make the disorder significantly harder to cure or diagnose. Other alters impersonate each other in order to trick the therapist even though there is an amnestic barrier in the mind at prevents alters from knowing about each other. Polyfragmenting, the splitting of alters, occurs after the patient seeks medical attention. During therapy sessions, doctors have also witnessed superalters, which are combined personalities. Patients are known to commit violent crimes while they are in an unconscious state. The blackouts that are experienced limit the patient's lifestyle significantly. They are not allowed to drive, maintain a job, or have close relationships with other people. People to avoid victims of MPD because of how obvious it is when they they Rocha 4 switch alters. Patients also tend to have destructive alters that damage the patient and those that get in the ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Mental Health Rotation: Multiple Personality Disorder Prep for Mental Health Rotation: Multiple Personality Disorder Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) is a severe condition in which a person has two or more distinct identities or personality states. This disorder can take control of an individual. MPD is a disorder characterized by identity fragmentation rather than a development of separate personalities. The disturbance is not due to the direct psychological effects of a substance or of a general medical condition (Dissociative Identity Disorder). This once rarely reported disorder has become more common. MPD reflects a failure to combine various aspects of identity, memory and consciousness in a single two–dimensional self. Usually, the primary identity carries the individual's given name ... Show more content on ... There are a lot of responsibilities that all health care providers should be aware of once the diagnosis has been made. The initial task of therapy is to detoxify the patient's environment by stopping all forms of abuse. Treatment must be geared toward developing trust (Cherry) and healthy coping behaviors are encouraged by the care provider. The primary focus is to help patients learn to control and contain their symptoms. Patients must learn to deal with dissociation, flashbacks and intense affects such as rage, terror, and despair. Crisis plans are developed to help in identifying the cause of any additional anxiety. Teaching patients to develop a list that ranges from simple to complex activities is helpful. Once patients become engaged in the activities, the intensity of emotions usually decreases and patients feel more in control. This reconnects them to personal strengths and the choices that can be exercised. When dealing with patients with MPD care providers need to be empathetic and supportive but most of all they need to be trust worthy ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Essay about Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD): Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD): Have you ever been sitting day dreaming, or got lost in a book or work? After you finish the book or your work, you come back to earth and remember what occurred while you were day dreaming or lost in that book or work. With a person that has MPD, it is not that easily done with most. Most individuals that have MPD do not remember anything that had occurred within hours or minutes of the event. Some think MPD is a hoax created by movies such as "Three faces of Eve" or "Sybil", but is that a fact. MPD is mental health disorders were someone has an altered personality. MPD has been called many different things from split personality to what is it referred to in this century as Dissociative Identity ... Show more content on ... said that her therapist showed her and her alter selves how to live with one another by showing them how to function and schedule their time. (G.L) MPD became know more after the movie Sybil became very popular. It is a true story about a woman named Shirley Ardell Mason whose mother physical and sexual abused her, while her father did nothing to stop the abuse. From the abuse that Sybil mother forced upon her, Sybil gained sixteen different personalities (Dryden–Edwards) to deal with the abuse. When a person has (MPD), the altered self controls the behavior of the individual. When the abuse they have suffered from has encountered them again or something triggers a memory from their past abuse, one of the altered personalities takes control of their body. After the abuse or memory comes in contact, it only takes a second for the altered self to take control of the body. The altered self will take control of the body and take the physical, mental, and emotional abuse that the individual is suffering from. The altered often remembers the abuse their self or they just will forget about the abuse. An individual can create as many as one hundred personalities to cope with their abuse. In psychiatric hospitals, MPD occurs in females more often than males. (Dryden–Edwards) MPD sometimes take a while to diagnose. When an individual feels like it is time to seek help about their problem a doctor will then proceed with a mental health evaluation. The ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Misconceptions Of Multiple Personality Disorder Multiple personality disorder is now known as dissociative identity disorder (DID). It was called multiple personality disorder till 1994, the is was changed to dissociative disorder. It helped better reflect the understanding of the disorder. There were and still are a lot of misconceptions about DID. First of all people think that the person has separate personalities but it's actually fragment or split personality. As more cases and people were diagnosed with this disorder it became more controversial to the medical world. This disorder is when someone's personality is separated into two more distinct personality states/alters are present and take over/ control of the individual. People believe this is a type of possession or an example of it. The person with DID experiences memory loss when the alters take over that is to extreme for doctors or therapists to explain. This very rare disorder affects about 1% of people (⅓) and is mostly caused by childhood trauma or abuse. Such as extreme trauma, sexual, or emotional abuse. A person that has DID fail to have certain aspects of identity, memory, and conscientious. When in control the alter thinks as if it has a distinct history and self image. An alter has their own name, age, gender, vocabulary, general knowledge, and mood that are all different then the primary identity (They can also be animals). The alters are there to help the primary cope with different life situations. They are protectors from ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Multiple Personalities Disorder Analysis Multiple Personality Disorders (MPD), or what has been re–classified, Dissociative Idenitfy Disorder (DID), is a deliberating and frightening illness for the DID individual; as well as their friends and family. The meaning of DID (Dissoiative Idenity Disorder) usually means that a person has more than two self–states or identities, which often times appear like entirely different personalities. When one is under the control of one identity, the person usually is unable to remember some of the events, but is able to keep other personalities in control. A well–known girl with multiple personalities is one of many victims of this diagnosis. Many psychiatrist studied her behaviors, and learned from the documented history of her behaviors. ... Show more content on ... Some Physical differences each alter within a multiple have their own history, personalities that are unique to them, body movements, facial expressions, how they express their communication verbally, also tone and pitch. Another indicator of a symptom of (MPD) Multiple Personality Disorder, is handwriting style differences. Time loss is another symptom. The final symptom of (MPD) Multiple Personality Disorder is depression that includes suicide and self–mutilation. With self–mutilation, it includes body memories and nightmares. This symptom is the most common in the breakdown of symptoms. This disorder is typically treated with therapy and psychotropic medication. This medication must be carefully monitored. Some of these people who suffer from this disorder, believe that have multiple personalities which they then take on a life of their own within the individual. Their personality is the sum of these identities, which have been split off at some point in the past. This split usually causes multiple traumatic events to the individual. There are many different ways to act towards someone with (MPD) Multiple Personality Disorder. 1.) Someone emphasizing, even if it's difficult to imagine having alters. 2.) A person with dissociative identity disorder that might feel like he or she "loses time" or left in a "dark place when their alter idenitities are in control. 3.) Do not trivialize someone with (MPD) Multiple Personality ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Multiple Personalities in Sybil Essay Multiple Personalities in Sybil Do you ever feel as though you are acting as a different person in different situations? Do you ever feel as though acting "fake"? You are definitely not alone in your thoughts and feelings, but do note that there is always something or someone more extreme than you are. One such person is the character of Sybil Dorsett, in Flora Rheta Schreiber's novel, Sybil. The novel, Sybil, takes a look at multiple personalities within a person. It is based on the research of Dr. Cornelia Wilbur. Dr. Wilbur was a psychoanalyst who had been treating Sybil for about three months. One day, Sybil, who was a schoolteacher, burst into the room in a hysterical speech. Her fists were clinched with rage as she ... Show more content on ... Wilbur began to learn more and more about each different personality. She figured that this was the only answer or way to treat Sybil. She was going to have to treat each of Sybil's separate selves. The way that she was going to have to eventually treat Sybil though was by going into the past and bringing up some of the repressed memories that Sybil had from childhood. She would then have to make Sybil bring together all of the different selves and come to terms with the past and the reality of the present and future. Some of the more flamboyant personalities were Sybil, of course, who was generally shy and withdrawn, Peggy, who was quite aggressive, Vicky, who is quite sophisticated, Mary, who was quite obese, but yet motherly, Vanessa, who had the aura of an actress, baby–Ruthie, who was very childlike, and two energetic, high–spirited young males, Mike and Sid. The treatment of these different selves was going to be an enormous task any way that Dr. Wilbur looked at it. Another odd that was stacked against her was that Sybil was in the guise of the other personalities at least one–third of her life and had no recollection of ever doing any of the things that she did while she was "another self". However, there was an interesting twist to that. The other selves were very aware of Sybil and often spoke of her in sessions. They believed that she was another person and often told Dr. Wilbur that they were there (at session) in Sybil's place for ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Causes And Effects Of Multiple Personality Disorders There are many cases that can be found in psychological records for multiple personality disorders also, known as dissociative identity disorder. Dissociative Identity, formerly known as multiple personality disorder, is a condition in which an individual has a host personality along with at least two or more personalities with each identity having his or her own ideas, memories, thoughts and way of doing things (Bennick). Personality disorders are a group of mental illnesses, they involve thoughts and behaviors that are unhealthy and inflexible. A person with a personality disorder has trouble perceiving and relating to situations and people (Mayo Clinic). This causes significant problems and limitations in relationships, social activities, work and school (Mayo Clinic). In some cases, you may not realize that you have a personality disorder because your way of thinking and behaving seems natural to you, but in all honesty, it's not. You also might blame others for the challenges you face (Mayo Clinic). Personality disorders usually begin in the teenage years or early adulthood (Mayo Clinic). There are many types of personality disorders. Some types may become less obvious throughout middle age (Mayo Clinic). The most common types of personality disorders are divided into three clusters. Many people with one personality disorder also have signs and symptoms of at least one additional personality disorder. Personality disorders in cluster A are ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Multiple Personality Disorder in the movie "Identity" "Jesus Christ, what in the fuck did you do to my face? Where the fuck is my face" (Identity) the main actor in the movie Identity by Columbia Pictures presenting a Konrad Pictures production a film by James Mangold. and shows his discomfort and his misunderstanding of what is going in his life when he is face to face with many lawyers and a judge; along with the Doctors trying to convince them that this man is not the killer of the people, but instead that was just one of his identities that should no longer exist. Unknowingly, the Edward (the main actor) is having a had time understanding why when he looks into a mirror he doesn't see his face but instead he sees the face of the murdered. He soon comes to realized that he is that just a ... Show more content on ... Many DID patients have received these forms of abuse up to twice a week for 50 months out of the year (Piper and Merskey 593). The trauma of a young person's life will lead to the next phase of forming DID which is repression. Through repression, these children will hide their traumatizing events and will become amnesic for them. They set them into a separate part of there mind as hopes to forget and eliminate these memories from existence. Since it is not possible for one to eliminate such memories from their heads, they repress them. They are able to accomplish this to a large extent. People under DID have a tendency to continue to repress any emotional experiences. These negative experiences all build up and separated from a child's mental life and forms separate personalities. DID and MPD (Multiple Personality Disorder) are commonly diagnosed as a form of schizophrenia because these people tend to have a loss of connection within the brain which can cause hallucinations, delusions and disorganized thinking. Multiple personalities can function completely separate of each other. In other words, one of a person's personality will have no recollection of the others doing (Bob 141). Thus, the severity and the frequency of traumas to a child will have great impact on the depth of DID that a person will suffer. ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Multiple Personality Disorder Essay Multiple Personality Disorder Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) is a mental disease that exists in about one percent of the population. Much research supports the existence of this disease and its origins, causes and effects on the people in who suffer with it. This essay will clearly define Multiple Personality Disorder along with a detailed synopsis of the disease itself. The diagnosis, alter personalities, different treatments and views will indicate the disease is real. The American Psychiatric Association named Multiple Personality Disorder in 1994 Dissociative Disorder. Multiple Personality Disorder is diagnosed when a person has two or more personalities. These personalities have the ability to control the person and ... Show more content on ... An example apart from normal childhood lying would be if the child drew all over the walls and when confronted, one could honestly see they do not remember the incident. There is also a lack of diagnosis among children, only nine reported cases were in 1990. During adolescence, a teenager will often turn to other things to deal with the stress of abnormal and excessive forgetfulness or blackouts. An adolescent with MPD can oftentimes exhibit signs of bi– polar disorder, insomnia, suicide threats and attempts, drug use, violent mood swings and panic attacks. When a teenager exhibits these characteristics, MPD is not the first diagnosis to be explored, rather, it is blamed on hormones or drug use. These things can only fuel MPD rather than calm it. Adulthood, or in the age range of 20 years to 30 years old is when a person with MPD is usually diagnosed. This is a time in a person's life when the symptoms of MPD directly interfere with their lives. Not knowing where you are or how you got there is a big issue if you are trying to raise children or maintain a marriage. Also, as an adult, there is the freedom to seek help. Diagnosis of Multiple Personality Disorder is a complicated process. It involves many psychological tests on the patient as well as preliminary therapy to accurately determine if the patient has MPD. The International Society for the Study of Dissociation revised guidelines in 1996 concerning treatment options for persons ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. For A Basis, I Had My Volunteer Take Multiple Personality For a basis, I had my volunteer take multiple personality test. Starting with their Big Five traits this lets me begin to understand the foundation of this person. According the Big Five Person A is very introverted rather than extroverted. They were high in agreeableness, openness, consciousnesses and low for neuroticism. But what really made this person who they were? Their background, interest and how they ultimately define and view themselves. These aspects are going to open a better understanding of what makes up Person's A personality. One way to address someone 's personally is by seeing what they offer and put out for the world to see. How someone carries themselves is a how you are firstly judged. Person A is a classic introvert ... Show more content on ... Sometimes when there is disagreement or even fights may happen can be neglected for long periods of time. "I was once in a fight with my best friend, and I didn't even realize it!" Person A stated that they knew something was wrong but struggled to approach it because if something was wrong wouldn't they come out and say so directly? Person A in the end always goes back to logic and is struggling to sometimes grasp the emotional needs of others around them. Person A would rather give a suggestion or fix a solution to a problem and doesn't see much appeal in simply talking about it. Diving first right into the side of nature's role is the look on how Person's A surroundings shaped them. The cultural you grow up in shapes who you are. The interactions with those around them, the environment and diversity of other shapes Person A's mindset and beliefs. For Person A growing up in America and in the same small city for all their life. This area, though small, is not isolated and neighbors the city of Philadelphia and other diverse areas. Person A lives in a subculture of black America that is surrounded by a more dominating one, a Caucasian American and black America. Being introverted and introspected is Person's A way of taking in and dealing with the values and mannerisms of both. Person A grew up in a marginally black population. However, the close family of Person A also black differs from the majority around here by simply being raised by people who had more ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Multiple Personality Disorder We've all experienced the feeling that we've moved into a different life, dissociation from reality, just mild like when we daydream, delve into a good book or become engrossed with a project. But then after that, we do still come back to reality. However, some people are diagnosed with a dissociative identity disorder or the popular multiple personality disorder (MPD). This differ from mild dissociation that all of us commonly experience. People who have this live a fairly complicated life. Sadly, people who have this experience traumatic physical, sexual or emotional abuse during their childhood. MPD is a severed form of dissociation from reality in which it reflects a person's extreme lack of connectivity to the world he is in ... Show more content on ... When put under hypnosis, the personality that could emerge may be responsive to the therapist's requests. Underlying this somehow scary phenomenon, the person can be experiencing depression, mood swings, and suicidal tendencies. Accompanying this disorder, these persons can also have sleep disorders like insomnia or somnambulism. They may have anxiety disorders, alcoholism, and eating disorders as well. They often have hallucinations, both auditory and visual, which aggravate the situation. Even more alarming than the already frightening aspects of the disorder, some MPD patients even have a tendency to self–persecute, sabotage themselves and inflict on the their own bodies violence. They would also do what normal persons would not, like go into risky activities and commit crime because they feel like they are being compelled to do it. In a way, they truly believe that they have no other choice but to do it (WebMd). As a person without the disturbing disorder, I could only read about stuff and think whether MPD is real. But then, with so many accounts on people having multiple personality disorder, and then experts giving out their diagnosis whether they are still confused or not, I still believe there are people really with MPD. But then, we cannot discount the possibility that criminals can fake to have another personality and they are compelled to do the criminal act they did, right? I also cannot help but sympathize ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. The And Multiple Personality Disorder Hypnotherapy/Multiple Personality Disorder Hypnosis can help with therapeutic evolvement while someone has Multiple Personality Disorder or MPD for short. Often times many cases of MPD are found in the United States,according to Joseph Goldberg, a doctor at, 1 out of 100 people in the United States get MPD per year.The subject that has MPD does not realize they have a problem,because the subject believes that what they are seeing and feeling are real. Many of the cases of MPD are found after the subject has uncovered the angry personality,that most of the time will encourage them to commit a crime or harm themselves. Which is caused because of the subject being repeatedly abused emotionally physically and mentally at a young age. MPD is mostly used as a coping mechanism for the subject to cope over the repeated abuse. The subject will then have to be induced into taking Hypnotherapy to help the subject cope. If the subject did commit a crime while having MPD, then the lawyer of the subject will most likely plead 'not guilty'. The lawyer of the subject will use MPD as a defense and request that the subject go into a psychological facility instead of going to a prison, so the subject can get the proper treatment and to stop the subject from harming others or themselves. Many hospitals and psychologists do Rodriguez 2 In the book "All Around the Town, Laurie Kenyon is kidnapped and raped at the age of four years old.Her abuse continues on for two years.The ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. 'Multiple Personality Disorder In The Movie Split' Do you like thrillers? If so did you see the movie Split? Split is a horror/thriller movie about a man who suffers from Multiple Personality Disorder or (Split) Personality Disorder. This condition has been studied upon for years by professionals in the medical field trying to figure out what Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) is and what causes someone to have this particular disorder, Multiple Personality Disorder, is caused by childhood abuse and trauma. In order to truly understand what causes Multiple Personality Disorder, some background information about the disorder needs to be know. The American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders defines Multiple Personality Disorder as "the existence of two or more personality states (each with its own relatively enduring pattern of perceiving, relating to, and thinking about the environment and self)" where "at least two of these personalities or personality states recurrently take full control of the person's behavior {Kahan,Lamm,Levin,Spauster,1993}. In the recent decade there has been an increase of awareness for childhood abuse in psychiatric patients {Kahan,Lamm,Levin,Spauster,1993} which ... Show more content on ... First of all for people to develop MPD the abuse would have to begin at somewhat of an early age. Natural disasters though can cause trauma that particular experience trigger a different blocking out mechanism than that would occur in MPD. Lastly, medical professionals have in fact proven MPD is not just a fantasy. Although nothing is proven indefinitely rather childhood abuse, trauma, and neglect is the cause of MPD, this specific reason just has the most evidence to support the ... Get more on ...
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  • 81. Dissociative Identity Disorder : Multiple Personality... Introduction Dissociative Identity Disorder, also known as Multiple Personality Disorder has intrigued a wide variety of individuals from psychiatrists, Hollywood directors and even teenagers dreaming of treating the disorder such as myself. DID, as abbreviated, is sometimes thought of as fake, this disorder has been proven an actual disorder and is described in the DSM–5. This paper will include a description of Dissociative Identity Disorder or DID, an exploration into the typical course of the disorder, the prevalence rates, and differential diagnoses. In addition, the correct treatment of the disorder including psychotherapy treatments and psychotropic medication will be discussed. What is Dissociative Identity Disorder? Dissociation is defined by The Oxford American Dictionary and Thesaurus as a, "disconnect or separate." (Waite, Lindberg, Braham, & Jewell, 2010, p. 230) We know from the DSM–5 that a person who has DID has at least two different and distinct personalities. These personalities, often known as "alters" control the person and different times, some have described it as possession like. The disorder must also cause problems to the individual in the form of personal stress about the symptoms and cause disruptions in the occupational, social or other important areas of one's life. Dissociative Identity Disorder is usually associated with traumatic childhood events. According to the article, Survivors with Dissociative Identity Disorder: Perspectives ... Get more on ...
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  • 85. The Theory Of Multiple Personality Disorder Everybody forgets things now and then, but not usually personal information, location, name, age, or their entire identity (Residential). This could be multiple personality disorder– or MPD for short. Multiple personality disorder was first thought to be nonexistent, or extremely rare, but now after thousands of diagnoses (Carter), multiple personality seems to be in the in the spotlight of psychological disorders. Though multiple personality disorder only became a legitimate psychiatric disorder in 1980, there had been cases reported before then. Various individuals believe that the first reported case was by a man named Eberhart Gmelin who was a doctor. In 1791 he reported a peculiar case, one of his patients often transformed into a French aristocrat; she was usually and actually a middle–class German woman. (Carter). Many odd cases like Gmelin's were reported, but were constantly misdiagnosed. Professionals argued over if it was a real disorder, or if it was an act as an attempt to gain attention. Sigmund Freud, the father of psychoanalysis, did many studies of the mind and its abilities to repress emotions. His opinions on hysteria and repression overshadowed the diagnosis of multiple personality disorder in the early 1900's. Until the 1980s, it was disregarded, then suddenly it bloomed into a large area of study. In the next decade, it is estimated that forty thousand people were diagnosed with multiple personality disorder, twice as many than the previous century. ... Get more on ...
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  • 89. Essay about Exploring Multiple Personality Disorder Exploring Multiple Personality Disorder In popular culture, Dissociation, and Dissociative Identity Disorder (previously known as Multiple Personality Disorder––MPD) is considered a very exotic, rare and enigmatic psychological phenomenon (11). It seems that, especially in the media and entertainment, multiple personality disorder is stigmatized by a number of quite florid and nearly hysterical symptoms. Clinically, however, Multiple Personality Disorder has been recognized for centuries and is currently estimated to exist in 1% of the general population (1,8), and as much as 7% of the population may have suffered from a dissociative disorder at some point in timem (9). Currently, DID (MPD) is most generally defined as a disturbance ... Show more content on ... This distancing mechanism is characterized by detachment from the self or surroundings, excluding or loosing unwanted or unneeded feelings from awareness, and partial or total amnesia for the emotions and cognitions associated with the traumatic event. Such distancing mechanisms are very powerful modes of defense and serve to escape the emotional and physical pain of the event by compartmentalizing the cognitions, sensory inputs, and behavioral enactment of the traumatic experience (12). These compartmentalized elements are essentially fragmented experiences, which fail to become integrated into an explicit narrative. In essence, this process allows the individual to separate the traumatic memories from ordinary consciousness to preserve some areas of healthy functioning (8,12). This entire process is referred to as dissociation. Dissociation serves as a temporarily adaptive function, as it allows the individual to escape from the traumatic event while it is underway (9). However repeated reliance on dissociative defenses can lead to the inability to properly process information from past events and possibly future events into a narrative (explicit memory) form (12). It is theorized that the repeated use of dissociation can lead to the development of a series of separate entities or mental states which may eventually take on an entity or identity of their own (8). These entities may become internal "personality states" which reflect different ... Get more on ...
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  • 93. Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) Essay Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) Introduction: Multiple personalities is a dissociative condition in which an individual's personality is apparently split into two or more distinct sub–personalities, each of which may become dominant at different times. People with multiple personality disorder suffer from internal chaos, roller–coaster emotions and terrible memories. They also present confusing confusing and contradictory images to their family and friends. But in spite of all this, MPD is a treatable disorder. In theory, the developmental process behind MPD is a result of resorting to a mental escape from a traumatic situation. This is essentially achieved when neither fleeing nor fighting can be used as a defense option, ... Show more content on ... These other personalities are called "alters" and may develop permanency, so that the identity of a single child fragments into many children in a single body. These abused children are often warned by their abusers to maintain secrecy. Therefore horrid memories get buried deep into the caves of the unconscious, each alter shielding his or her own traumatic memory. This also allows each alter to become more independent. Multiple personality disorder is very rare and is only found in about one percent of the population. It is also believed that seven percent of the population has experienced at least some sort of dissociative disorder in their life. Certain feelings are common to people with multiple personalities. Most MPD individuals usually suffer from unreasonable fear, and this fear often evolves into terror. They also have large blocks of missing memories. Some symptoms of MPD are depression, anxiety, excessive compulsive behaviour, seizures, epilepsy, blackouts, headaches, and fatigue. Multiple Personalities is not just one disorder, but is made up of many different dissociative disorders. Treatment: There is no real cure for multiple personality disorder, the only treatment is forcing the repression of the alter personalities. The first step in treating this disorder is to find a psychotherapist who is familiar with dissociative disorders and who has taken special training in ... Get more on ...
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  • 97. Dissociative Identity Disorder And Multiple Personality... Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID for short and popularly known as multiple personality disorder) is one of the more fascinating and simultaneously terrifying of the formal mental disorders. Probably due in part to DID's fantastic, almost unbelievable nature, it is also one of the more controversial disorders that has been formally included in the DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders). In the most recent DSM, DSM–5, the signature criteria for DID is the "disruption of identity characterized by two or more distinct personality parts... (that) may be observed by others, or reported by the patient" (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). This disorder manifests as an individual displaying distinct and often radically ... Show more content on ... These distinct identities can manifest themselves in various forms such as animals. The article shows that the presence of altering identities can be caused by the amount of stress present in the subject's daily life (Stiglmayr, 2008). "The average patient with DID has been in the mental healthcare delivery system an average of 6.8 years and has received more than three other diagnoses, reflecting either misdiagnoses or comorbidities, before receiving an accurate diagnosis of DID" (Kluft 2005). This means that DID can be hard to diagnose right away . One of the scholarly article examines Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) from a diagnostic perspective in an attempt to produce a definitive categorization for the controversial disorder. The article begins by acknowledging the controversy about DID by stating that many clinicians have doubts about whether it even exists. Still, the disorder does appear in the DSM–IV and most recent addition, the DSM–5, so it is respected by American Psychiatric Association. The diagnostic criteria for DID in the DSM–IV requires the display of several core personalities that are totally unaware of one another. Formally this is how DID is recognized, and its place within the DSM–IV at all bears witness to the genuine nature of the disorder. Next, the article discusses one of the more popular conceptions of DID: that it is a "defensive response that results naturally from continuous and ... Get more on ...
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  • 101. The Flock: The Autobiography Of A Multiple Personality "A Flock is what we're like" (The Flock: The Autobiography of A Multiple Personality"). Diagnosed with Multiple Personality Disorder, Joan Frances Casey was not alone. With a mix of female and male personalities, she uncovered a pattern of emotional and physical abuse. Casey was only in her twenties and attended the University of Chicago. Her marriage was collapsing and she was having an affair with one of her professors. She sought for help to balance her life and stop the threat of suicidal thoughts. Lynn Wilson, a social worker was recommended by the university. After a few sessions with Lynn, Lynn diagnosed her with Multiple Personality Disorder. Casey's strongest personalities were Jo, Joan Frances, Missy, Isis, and Renee. Each personality ... Get more on ...
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  • 105. Outline On Multiple Personality Disorder Antimo Di Roberto What is Multiple Personality Disorder? Thesis: Multiple Personality Disorder is a dissociative disorder where two or more identities are present in an individual and changes the way they act and remember things. Purpose: To inform my audience of Multiple Personality Disorder. INTRODUCTION: I hope you will enjoy hearing about multiple personality disorder as much as I did when I first learned about it. Multiple Personality Disorder is when there are two or more identities in the same individual. (WebMD, 2016.) By learning more about this disorder, we can help people with it and understand what they are going through. II. Multiple Personality Disorder is identified by two identities being present in the same individual. ... Show more content on ... The main symptoms of multiple personality disorder is having two or more identities present within one individual and dissociation (WebMD, 2014.). Other symptoms can affect people with multiple personality disorder in their everyday life and are not always present. 1. Depression a. Depression can affect the way you feel and act by making you lose interest in everyday tasks and having a feeling of sadness. b. For example, someone with multiple personalities can have personalities that depressed and others that are not. 2. Time loss. a. People with multiple personality disorder can experience time loss from time time to time. b. This happens when the other identities take over and when they return to their original identity, they have no idea what happened. [Now that we know the symptoms, we can talk about the causes of Multiple Personality Disorder.] II. The ... Get more on ...
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  • 109. Symptoms Of Multiple Personality Disorder Imagine waking up and not knowing what you had just done; imagine having seven different people living inside of your head all competing to become you. This is a daily struggle for those who are suffering from Multiple Personality Disorder. There are many misconceptions in the United States about Multiple Personality Disorder. First off, it is an actually disease, that cannot be just "turned off". It is generally brought on by a traumatic event in that person's youth. More often than not it is seen in those who were sexually abused by a family member. The brain has to devise a coping mechanism to interact with their predators when they must see them in front of other people. They tend to compartmentalize and hide these events and emotions causing them to morph into personas they take on when stressful circumstances arise. Multiple personality disorder was renamed in 1994 to Dissociative Identity Disorder. Dr. Charles Raison (2010), Psychiatrist, Mental Health Expert, and affiliate of Emory University Medical School, explains that those with DID often do not understand that they have this disorder due to the disorder itself. DID in nature is a disorder that causes amnesia type symptoms for which one cannot remember what he or she has done. An example Raison gives that almost everyone can relate to is that of driving your car, spacing out, and missing a turn that you didn 't even realize you missed. This too is a dissociative state for one is unable recall the last 2 miles ... Get more on ...
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  • 113. Multiple Personality Disorders "Multiple Personality Disorders" Sometimes people undergo traumatic experiences in their lives that are either physical or mental and maybe even a combination of both. If the experience was so intense, and so horrible, that the mind didn't want to remember it, or possibly didn't know how to deal or cope with it, then that one experience has the power to split a person's mind into "another personality". If this happens, the other personality or personalities come out when a person who has MPD (Multiple Personality Disorder) is put in a situation that he/she doesn't know how to handle or feels that the other personality can handle it better. People suffering from MPD also have the risk of developing some ... Show more content on ... Barb's husband says that homelife sometimes becomes chaotic. Barb revealed through one of her personalities (DJ) that a dentist drilled in body when she was younger. "DJ" is one of Barbs personalities and she smokes and has totally different thoughts. "DJ" has memories of abuse. "Devon" is a teen male who likes to fight and goes to bars sometimes. Barb's father brought men home to have sex with her. "Kari" is a personality who feels no responsibility of the household and comes out to deal with memories. "Audrey" is a seven year old personality. Beth plus has many personalities. Beth is married with children. Some of Beth's personalities include: "Beth Ann" who is an eight year old girl. "Margaret", remembers bad side of abuser. "Megan" remembers the good side of abuser. "Frenchy", twenty–three year old female nymphomaniac who came out to deal with the sexual abuse. "Billy" is an eighteen year old male who is the "protector" personality. "Cheyanne" is a six year old girl and was the first multiple to appear to the therapist. "Janet" comes out to drive. "Carol" comes out to grocery shop. "Mary" is the financial keeper. "Skeptic" claims that Beth is a liar and is acting everything. "Yardwoman" takes care of the yard. Beth once caused her family to be $6,000 in debt because all her personalities had a combined seventeen credit cards and ran them up. Beth was abused and raped from age ten until the age fourteen. ... Get more on ...
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  • 117. Multiple Personality Disorders: Dissociative Identity Di As we talked about dissociative identity disorder in the lecture, it really interested me and I wanted to learn more about it. Dissociated identity disorder is when a person has two or more distinct identities, or personality states, that take control of them. The individual experiences extensive memory loss, that is too great to be classified as ordinary forgetfulness. Sometimes it is even said to be an experience of possession. This disorder can be developed as a coping mechanism from extreme trauma or abuse at an early age. Dissociative identity disorder, formally called multiple personality disorder, is said to date back to shamans changing into animals or embodying spirits in Paleolithic cave paintings. Even some historical demonic possessions, ... Show more content on ... In many cases, individuals that have been diagnosed with DID would also meet the criteria for borderline personality disorder. Borderline personality disorder is a pattern of instability in interpersonal relationships, self–image and emotions. Many people with this disorder have identity disturbance. However, those with borderline personality disorder do not report having other identities that they have no memory of. I'm not sure of any famous people or notable people that have this disorder. However, after reading more about DID it sounds a lot like the new movie Split. If you don't know what Split is, it's about a man that kidnapped a couple teenagers and holds them hostage. While they are in captivity, they find out that the man that kidnapped them has many personalities. Some of them are nice and want to help them, some are mean and try to hurt them, and some are more passive. I think this disorder is very interesting and it kind of blows my mind that our brain can switch to a totally different person. It really blew my mind when we talked in the lecture about people that had one identity that was a heroin addict, and one that was not. It's crazy to me that someone could take a drug that serious and have a part of them be unaffected by it until they switch to their other ... Get more on ...
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  • 121. Dissociative Identity Disorder : A Multiple Personality... Abstract Dissociative identity disorder also known as DID is a multiple personality disorder. Patients who have DID have multiple personalities that sometime they cannot control. There are known cases of people with this disorder completely change and see their selves differently from who they actually are, such as having a different name. There are many more symptoms to this disorder also. A lot of researchers usually test and compare DID with PTSD in most studies and also usually use all females, since DID is more common with females. This paper discusses the psychological views and studies of dissociative identity disorder. Dissociative Identity Disorder Dissociative Identity Disorder is also known as Multiple Personality Disorder or DID. It is stated to be when a person has the presence of two or more distinct personality states. Having this disorder makes you have multiple personalities and many people say that your personality is not a type of behavior. In reality your personality is a behavior stated by experts. With this disorder you have two or more distinct personalities that show at certain times. For an example, a person with this disorder could be happy and joyful but even with the slightest change in their surroundings can change their behavior or personality. Not only it can be their personality that changes but the person with the disorder can also think they are someone else by having a different unique name, characteristics, and their ... Get more on ...
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  • 125. Dissociative Identity Disorder: Multiple Personalities In this psychology research we are talking about mental illness; dissociative identity disorder also known as multiple personalities.the existence of two or more distinct identities or personalities in an individual, each with its own pattern of perceiving and acting with the environment. At least two of these figures must take control of individual behavior routinely, and are also associated with a degree of memory loss beyond the lack of normal memory. This loss of memory is called frequently lost or amnesic time. To be diagnosed, symptoms should occur independently of substance abuse or a general medical condition.People with dissociative identity disorder may experience often a combination of symptoms that can resemble other psychiatric ... Show more content on ... Schizophrenia patients away from their reality and dissociative identity disorder meanwhile not affect the relationship with her. The split personality in Dissociative Identity Disorder occurs internally, the sufferer creates his alters from conflicting interactions in his own mind, in schizophrenia this phenomenon is seen externally as the voices coming from abroad to manifest and is therefore not hallucinations and personality ... Get more on ...
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  • 129. Autism, Multiple Personality Disorder and Socializing Essay Autism, Multiple Personality Disorder and Socializing "Where could anybody be without organizing their own thoughts"(Slater 1)? Imagine living in a world where one could not communicate with anyone around them on a truly rational level, even though the individual is completely rational. Imagine feeling so frightened by life, that one escapes to an Alternate reality, where they become catatonic, or even take on forms of different personalities to deal with everyday situations. Try not being able to communicate through one's own words, only repeating what others have said in order to get along in life. This is what living with Autism is like. Autism, through the book definition is a "complex developmental disability...that appears ... Show more content on ... Multiple personality Disorder, (MPD) was first recognized in the 1700's but was not understood so therefore was soon forgotten. Many cases showed up during the years, but was overlooked, or misdiagnosed as either schizophrenia or psychosis. Many in the medical profession did not believe that a person could have more than one personality in a body, unknowingly, even after the 1950's. In 1993, records show that three to five thousand people were being treated for MPD, compared to the hundred cases reported ten years earlier. The disease is commonly found in adults who were abused mentally, physically, emotionally, and or sexually as children, between birth to eight years of age. The child uses a process called disassociation to separate himself/herself from the abusive situation. This is when the child makes up a personality to take control of the mind and body. During abuse, usually there is a personality for every emotion and feeling when the abuse is taking place. Symptoms of the disease include: amnesia, hallucinations, depression, and suicidal thoughts, and tendencies, and there can be anywhere from two to over a hundred different personalities. Usually each personality will fall into one of the following categories: host, core, child, teenager, artistic, adult, animals, intimate members, self–helpers, persecutor, rescuer and helper. The child is usually under the age of twelve, with according behaviors, ... Get more on ...
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  • 133. The Controversy Surrounding Multiple Personality Disorder... The Controversy Surrounding Multiple Personality Disorder Multiple Personality Disorder is a condition that many people probably have not heard of. Among those who have heard of it, there are even less who actually know what it is. However, according to Piper (1997) there were about 6,000 cases diagnosed in North America alone in 1986. Some experts estimate that multiple personality disorder, or MPD, affects 5 to 10 percent of the population, or about 100 million people worldwide. For such a widespread disorder, the public's lack of knowledge about it is pretty shocking. One explanation for this lack of knowledge could be the fact that many people, fueled by the beliefs of many noted psychologists, do not believe the ... Show more content on ... For the most part, what psychologists talk about as 'identity,' although a useful construct, is a complete illusion." The example he gives is how people tend to act differently in different situations. For instance, a teenage boy is usually one way around his friends, another way around his parents, and yet another around his siblings or other family members. Richmond calls these different aspects of personality "ego states." Many psychologists don't even attempt to define personality. For example, Carroll (2003) gives the following explanation for an alter personality: "The "alters" are said to occur spontaneously and involuntarily, and function more or less independently of each other." This really gives no insight as to what an alter personality truly is; it only describes what an alter does. Piper attempts to explain alter personalities in stating "each personality has its own set of personality traits, such as language abilities, style of speech, value systems, and cognitive styles." This gives a little clearer picture of what a personality consists of, but it's not quite complete. One reason many are skeptical about MPD could be that no one really understands what an alter personality is, so it is therefore hard to believe they exist. Besides the apparent presence of alter personalities, there are many other ... Get more on ...
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  • 137. Dissociative Identity Disorder ( Multiple Personality ) Dissociative Identity Disorder can be difficult to diagnosis as mentioned before. However, a scale has been developed to help a professional with their diagnosis of individuals that may suffer from this mental illness. There have been many studies conducted to test the reliability and validity of this scale. The scale is referred to as The Dissociative Experiences Scale (DES) and was developed to help measure dissociation in individuals. The Dissociative Experiences Scale is a twenty–eight item self–report questionnaire. How this scale works is that the individual is asked to mark on a line to indicate where they fall on the continuum for each specific question. After the experiment, the scale was able to show high rates in both reliability and validity. The scale had good test–retest supporting its reliability and showed significant correlations supporting the scale's validity. Thus, The Dissociative Experiences Scale was able to distinguish between individuals with a dissociative identity, such as Multiple Personalities, and individuals without a dissociative identity (Bernstein & Putnam, 1986). Dissociative Identity Disorder (Multiple Personality Disorder) has been portrayed in various types of media throughout the world. Many characters in popular works of media including: movies, television series, books, video games, and comics have shown the symptoms of Dissociative Identity Disorder. Movies where the main character suffers from Dissociative ... Get more on ...
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  • 141. Research Paper On Multiple Personality Disorder Multiple Personality Disorder Multiple personality disorder others may know it as "Dissociative Identity Disorder". Multiple personality disorder is an severe condition where a person takes two or more split people in their head. And the other personalities alternate and take control of the originals body. Some people say it is a " form of possession" and often times it is hard for the person to remember present memories from the other personalities. It is to hard for them to remember that kind of information. DID ( Dissociative Identity Disorder) was call Multiple personality disorder till 1994. Because scientists thought that DID was a better name for this disorder. DID has failure to remember identity, memory, or consciousness. Each personality comes out with it own story. And how they help or hurt and why they are their in the originals body. Why do some people develop DID. For some cases when people experience DID it is because the person has been through traumatic trauma in their childhood. And making more than one personalities in their mind is their only way to cope with this kind of trauma towards them. It like having you pulled back while the other personalities take over. Over 90 % of reports have been made in the US among child abuse which could cause DID. A person can develop simi– systems on DID like nightmares, flash–backs, or startled responses. Several studies say that DID is more common to close siblings who also have the disorder than in the general ... Get more on ...
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  • 145. Multiple Personality Disorder We've all experienced the feeling that we've moved into a different life, dissociation from reality, just mild like when we daydream, delve into a good book or become engrossed with a project. But then after that, we do still come back to reality. However, some people are diagnosed with a dissociative identity disorder or the popular multiple personality disorder (MPD). This differ from mild dissociation that all of us commonly experience. People who have this live a fairly complicated life. Sadly, people who have this experience traumatic physical, sexual or emotional abuse during their childhood. MPD is a severed form of dissociation from reality in which it reflects a person's extreme lack of connectivity to the world he is in ... Show more content on ... The distinct personalities may serve diverse roles in helping the individual cope with life's dilemmas. But what is complicated here is that when the person with MPD becomes a patient for treatment, the initial 2 to 4 personality identified within that person can double and even triple that can be further known over the course of treatment. Extremely rare though, there was even an incident of one with 100 personalities (WebMd). Quite bothering is not it? Environmental factors or various life events more often than not stressful ones, trigger quick shifts from one alter or personality to another. And then, as I said awhile ago, the painful thing here is that almost all of the individuals who developed the disorder have personal histories of disturbances that is recurring, consuming and life–threatening. It also made me angry that these disturbances took place in tender ages of less than 9. They were defenseless! No wonder they have to have coping mechanisms to escape. The abuse does not only cover physical ones, there may be instances of no overt physical cruelty, but they must have suffered neglect and emotional abuse. Some parents just do not know what they went into when they decided to have these kids, they cannot even be responsible in caring for the people they bear out in this world. They play so big a role in the ... Get more on ...
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  • 149. Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) Essay example Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD), which is now called Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), is a Dissociative Disorder. This disorder is when a person has two or more distinct personalities that often control the person's behavior. This disorder has many controversies because of the fact that it is not scientifically proven. One personality is usually restrained and rather dull while another one maybe very outgoing and obnoxious. A person can have many personalities; there is no set number. Each personality acts different and the original personality usually denies awareness of the others. There have ... Show more content on ... Only one and that was the one who was a cruel, cold–hearted murder. I believe that this movie shows why they can not use this disorder in court systems. Because there is no way that you can prove that you have this disorder yet. The reason why this movie changed my views was because I felt bad for this person who was abused and had different personalities and if I was on the jury I would have let him go to. Now that I've seen this movie I would not have let him go. Oprah also had someone on her show that claimed that they had Multiple Personality Disorder. As I was watching this I thought wow, this guy really does have this. He was a normal everyday guy with a family, a home, and a job. He spoke of having no memories of any bad child hood moments. He had fourteen personalities; one was a little boy that likes to color. Seeing this really confused me cause I didn't know what to think, weather this disorder is a real disorder or if these people were just acting to get attention. Psychologists have all different opinions of Multiple Personality Disorder. Many people think that it is caused from childhood memories, mainly bad ones where a child was physically, mentally, or emotionally abused. Most diagnosed people with Multiple Personality Disorder are women who have reportedly suffered from some type of abuse as children. Others say that these people are creating these personalities to cop with ... Get more on ...
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  • 153. The Characteristics Of Multiple Personality Disorder Many people consider they know themselves as they grow in age. People assume with difficult struggles and challenges that they have gained insights into the secrets of life. However, that is not the case with people who are diagnosed with Multiple Personality Disorder. This emotional illness does not only control the life of their host but can damage their fire and strength in life. This disorder is not just switching emotions; it goes deeper into the emotional side of a person, where a dark past dwells within them that brings them this horrid illness. Multiple Personality Disorder is a genuine emotional illness that countless people brush off as a myth. Psychiatrics describe "Multiple Personality Disorder [often referred to as MPD][as] a chronic and recurrent emotional illness. A person with MPD plays host to two or more personalities. Each identity has its own unique style of viewing and understanding the world and may have its own name" ("Multiple Personality Disorder"). Renamed as Dissociative Identity Disorder in 1994 by the American Psychiatric Association, this disorder has been believed to be a myth by many, especially with the idea of its rarity (Lilienfeld). However, as psychiatrics have described, the disorder includes multiple personalities which have proven to be genuine and real, not a myth. Furthermore, with the information collected, research shows that about 20,000 cases have been recorded between 1980– 1990 in the United States alone. The individuals who ... Get more on ...