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14 | Emphasis 2009/2



Enhanced pricing sophistication has reshaped the property & casualty insurance
landscape. A company’s sophistication will be determined by where it places itself along a
spectrum of pricing methods with five critical dimensions.

By Charles R. Wolstein and Christopher W. Hurst

Predictive modeling has been instrumental       I   competitive sensing                           could conclude that red cars tended to
in driving improvements in pricing sophis-                                                        have higher loss costs than white cars, the
                                                I   pricing strategy.
tication that have reshaped the competitive                                                       company first had to capture data on car
landscape in personal lines over the last                                                         color. A current example is advance quote
                                                Disaggregating pricing sophistication into
five to 10 years. Generally, more sophisti-                                                       discounts, whereby prospective policy-
                                                its components gives management and
cated raters have grown and profited at                                                           holders are eligible for a discount if they
                                                staff from across functions (from statistical/
the expense of less sophisticated raters.                                                         solicit a quote far enough in advance of
                                                analytic gurus, to line management, to
Pricing improvements continue to spread                                                           their current policy’s expiration date.
                                                strategic planners) a common vocabulary
throughout the industry — from large                                                              Obviously, if you don’t collect this infor-
                                                for understanding how to enhance pricing
companies to small, and from personal                                                             mation, you can’t incorporate this feature
                                                sophistication, consistent with the compa-
insurance to mainstream and specialty                                                             into your rating plan.
                                                ny’s business strategy, organizational
commercial lines.
                                                capabilities and competitive position.
                                                                                                  Sophistication along the data dimension
Nevertheless, some insurers have been slow                                                        is also a function of what you do with the
to adopt this transformative technology,                                                          data you have before applying modeling
                                                The first dimension is data. Arguably, the
creating big differences in pricing sophis-                                                       techniques. Companies’ databases are often
                                                predictive modeling breakthrough came as
tication across companies.                                                                        too aggregated to be useful for modeling,
                                                much from recognizing the power of data
                                                                                                  typically because they were designed for
                                                as a source of competitive advantage as
In prior articles we have described predic-                                                       univariate analysis. To maximize value
                                                from the application of advanced statistical
tive modeling, competitive market analysis                                                        for rating plan design, data need to be
                                                modeling techniques.
and price optimization. Here we provide                                                           accessed at nearly the transaction level.
a framework for understanding the key                                                             Also, data may require considerable
                                                The data you are able to use are a function
elements of pricing sophistication, using                                                         manipulation and restructuring. For exam-
                                                of the volume, type and quality of data that
personal auto insurance in the U.S. as an                                                         ple, a number of rating factors should be
                                                you capture. For each customer segment
example.                                                                                          considered not only at the individual
                                                analyzed, there must be sufficient and cred-
                                                                                                  driver level but also for households,
                                                ible data from which to draw meaningful
DECONSTRUCTING THE DIMENSIONS                                                                     offering additional potential price discrim-
                                                correlations with loss experience and
OF PRICING SOPHISTICATION                                                                         inators. Finally, inserting suitable default
                                                competitive prices. Often, thin-data seg-
Although many people think of pricing                                                             values for incomplete data (for recently
                                                ments can be supplemented with external
sophistication as primarily a function of                                                         programmed rating variables, for example)
                                                or competitive benchmarks to increase the
rating plan design, it is in fact multidimen-                                                     and/or estimating missing values through
                                                reliability of the resulting data set. Further,
sional. To discuss rating sophistication,                                                         modeling techniques can further enhance
                                                the data must be systematically captured
we will use the framework in Exhibit 1,                                                           the value of the starting database.
                                                and maintained in a structure that can be
on page 16, which displays five dimen-
sions along a spectrum of increasing                                                              The richer and more reliable the data about
sophistication:                                                                                   policyholders and the vehicles, property
                                                While data credibility is important, the
I   data                                                                                          and businesses they want to insure —
                                                type of information available is at least as
                                                                                                  whether collected internally or purchased
I   modeling approach                           important, because breadth of data tends
                                                                                                  from external sources — the richer and
                                                to enable the creative breakthroughs. To
I   rating plan design                                                                            more reliable the insights that can emerge
                                                take a simple example from the early days
                                                                                                  from the analysis.
                                                of predictive modeling, before one insurer
Emphasis 2009/2 | 15

                         Charles R. Wolstein is a Principal of Towers                              Christopher W. Hurst is a consultant with
                         Perrin in Washington, D.C. He has expertise in                            Towers Perrin in St. Louis. He specializes in
                         both life and property & casualty insurance,                              ratemaking, rating plan design, competitive
                         and specializes in distribution strategy and                              market analysis, and pricing strategy for per-
                         economics as well as organizational perfor-                               sonal and commercial lines, as well as reserv-
                         mance improvement. Mr. Wolstein received an                               ing for warranty lines of business. Mr. Hurst
                         M.B.A. with honors from Columbia Business                                 is a graduate of Northwestern University and
                         School with a dual concentration in finance                               a Fellow of the Casualty Actuarial Society.
                         and international business.

Modeling Approach                                 Finally, the more sophisticated modelers         At the upper end of the spectrum, compa-
Once a data set has been created, the com-        not only use more advanced modeling              nies are creating innovative rating variables
pany can apply a variety of statistical           techniques to better predict loss costs,         by leveraging new sources of external data
techniques to the data to develop a new           they also model other important factors          beyond credit scores (e.g., census data, GPS
rating plan. As with the other dimensions,        such as expenses, conversion/retention           technology) and nontraditional internal
available resources (e.g., time, financial,       and customer lifetime value.                     data (e.g., billing history, policyholder
skilled personnel) and the perceived value                                                         information collected for other lines of
of advanced approaches in meeting pricing         Rating Plan Design                               business). Such companies may also be
needs dictate where companies end up on           The rating plan design refers to the rating      increasing the level of dependency (or
the sophistication spectrum.                      variables and territory structure that deter-    “interactions”) between variables to fur-
                                                  mine the number of price points included         ther improve the risk-based accuracy of
On the low end of the spectrum, compa-            in the plan. Rating plan sophistication          the proposed premiums.
nies may either rely solely on competitive        is a function of the number of variables,
information and agent feedback to update          the segmentation of the variables and the        Territory structure is an important element
their rating plan, or do simple, univariate       interactions among the variables.                of rating plan design. At the low end of
analyses. With univariate analysis, indicated                                                      the sophistication spectrum for territorial
premium relativities are developed for            Many companies have historically associated      structure, companies adopt historical ISO
just one variable at a time, without regard       price sophistication with this aspect of         territory definitions in the U.S. This
to how these variables interact with other        their overall pricing scheme, although it is     approach is simple, inexpensive and conven-
variables (e.g., age versus gender). Such         only one of several important dimensions.        ient, especially for companies that don’t
a simple approach can lead to gross                                                                have enough data to develop their own
overstatement or understatement of charged        On the low end of the sophistication spec-       territory definitions. Moderately sophisti-
premiums by segment compared to rates             trum are companies that have not yet             cated companies develop and file their
developed using multivariate analysis.            adopted recent segmentation innovations          own territory definitions, typically based
                                                  (such as credit scoring and tiering) or even     on analysis of internal loss costs at the
In the middle of the spectrum are compa-          expanded the number of price points for          ZIP-code level.
nies that apply simple generalized linear         existing variables (e.g., moving from
modeling techniques with very few variable        banded age ranges to individual driver age       More sophisticated companies vary terri-
transformations and/or interactions among         rating factors). These insurers typically rely   tory definitions by coverage or peril — for
variables. Such approaches might include          on more traditional rating variables such        example, a company might have separate
just an age variable, whereas more                as age, gender, marital status and merit         personal auto territorial definitions for
advanced approaches could also include            rating to determine premiums. Today, rel-        liability, collision and comprehensive
age/gender or age/credit score combination        atively few insurers fall into this category     coverages, and distinct homeowners terri-
variables, among others. More advanced            — but many have moved only modestly              torial definitions for fire, theft, wind and
approaches might also include different           beyond this level, perhaps adding a narrow       other coverages. Some also adopt non-
transformations of a single variable using        tiering structure or a few new variables to      contiguous territorial definitions. Exhibit 2
curve-fitting techniques to transform a           their traditional rating plan. Reasons for       on page 17 illustrates how noncontiguous
variable, or other statistical techniques such    such a limited approach range from limited       territories can help achieve the goal of
as clustering, decision trees or neural net-      data and resources to lack of management         territory design with fewer territories.
works to group like values of the variable.       appreciation of the need or value.
16 | Emphasis 2009/2

 Five dimensions of rating sophistication

                    NONE                             LOW                             MEDIUM                        HIGH                    VERY HIGH

 Data                Limited (internal)           Internal                      Low, plus:                  Medium, plus:              High, plus:
                     Bureau                       Purchased credit                More internal data          Components of credit       Transformed variables
                                                                                  Externally purchased info   score                      (i.e., combinations of
                                                                                     Geo-demographic,         More detailed insured      internal/external info)
                                                                                     weather, etc.            data

 Modeling            None                         Univariate                      Simple multivariate         Complex models with        More complex models
 Approach                                                                                                     significant variable

 Rating Plan         Traditional “ISO” type       Few tiers                     Low, plus:                  Medium, plus:              High, plus:
 Design                 Age, gender, marital      Country/city/ZIP                More tiers                  Credit (proprietary)       Creative new variables
                       status, etc.               variations                      Multiple new variables      Interactions between       Cross-LOB variables
                     Follow historical ISO                                        Independent territories     variables                  Vary expenses by segment
                     territories                                                  (often ZIP-based)           Different and complex      Different rate for every
                                                                                                              territories varying by     ZIP, possibly for every
                                                                                                              coverage/peril             location

 Competitive         None                         Quantitative                    Small sample/profile        Rating engine              Rating engine
 Sensing                                          agent-driven

 Pricing             Cost-based                   Cost-based                      Cost-based                  Cost-based with            Price optimization
 Strategy            Uniform rate charges         Uniform rate charges            Limited cross-subsidy       competitive/marketing        Competitor behavior
                     by class                     by class                                                    consideration                Price elasticity
                     Possible variations          Possible variations by tier                                                              (consumer behavior)
                     across territories           to reduce cross-subsidies

It is the combination of territory design               on competitor rates. However, quite a few                  price points for this kind of sampling
and the number of discrete territorial rates            invest relatively modest amounts of time,                  approach to provide a reliable view of
that provides competitive advantage, not                effort and resources in this activity (see                 how they are pricing or how your rates
just the number of territories. If the number           “Overcoming the Challenges of CMA,”                        compare across your book of business.
of discrete territorial rates is limited (i.e.,         Emphasis 2008/1 for details on alternative
many territories have the same rate),                   methods).                                                  The most sophisticated companies are
having more finely specified territories                                                                           using comparative raters to run their entire
provides less value.                                    The low end of the spectrum is defined                     book of business through competitor rating
                                                        by qualitative, agent-driven competitive                   algorithms. This approach provides much
Competitive Sensing                                     insights. Indeed, if you sell through agents,              more comprehensive, reliable and specific
As rating plans have become increasingly                like it or not, you will hear from them                    information about how their rates compare
sophisticated and the number of potential               about how your prices compare to those                     to those of competitors.
price points has increased exponentially,               of competitors. The problem with this
understanding competitors’ rating approaches            type of input is that it tends to be anec-                 Pricing Strategy
and prices has become much more difficult.              dotal and, sometimes, skewed.                              The next step is to combine data, modeling,
But it has also become more important,                                                                             rating plan design and competitive sensing
given the consequences of falling behind                This deficiency is the same one that hampers               into a coherent and compelling pricing
competitors in pricing sophistication and               the most common approach to competitive                    strategy.
rate competitiveness. Pricing needs to                  sensing — rating a sample of risks using
reflect (or at least recognize) competitor              your best interpretation of competitors’                   Target competitiveness is one aspect of
rates, as well as insurance risk and cost               rating plans. This defines “medium” sophis-                pricing strategy, e.g., does the company
considerations.                                         tication along our spectrum. Historically,                 want to target rates at the midpoint of its
                                                        rating a sample basket of risks could                      competitive peer group or, say, in the top
Very few insurers these days fail to perform            provide a reasonable perspective on com-                   quartile? Another issue is cross-subsidiza-
some type of competitive analysis focusing              petitors’ pricing, but no more. Sophisticated              tion — how much do we want between
                                                        raters simply offer too many different
Emphasis 2009/2 | 17

 Indicated North Carolina personal auto territories — bodily injury (illustrative)

 Contiguous clusters                                                             Noncontiguous clusters

                                70%                                                                                               When the complexity and costs of further
                                                          59%                                                                     improvements outweigh their practical
    Percent of total variance

                                                      Pre-Clustering                                                              benefits, you have reached the point of
        within territories

                                                                                                                                  diminishing returns. But since companies
                                40%                                                                                               continue to invest in this area, even your
                                30%                                                                                               latest innovation will likely soon be out of
                                20%                           Contiguous
                                                                                                                                  date. Pricing sophistication really is the
                                10%           Noncontiguous                                                                       proverbial treadmill — you must keep
                                                                                                                                  moving simply to avoid losing ground. The
                                                                                                                                  more resource-constrained you are, the
                                      4   6   8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50
                                                                                                                                  harder it is to keep up. Sophisticated and
                                                                       Number of territories
                                                                                                                                  large competitors understand this dynamic
                                                                                                                                  and are continuing to press their advantage.
new and renewal business, across classes                                           I How should we prioritize our efforts to
                                                                                                                                  ENHANCING PRICING
of business, across territories? (Generally                                        realize the highest and fastest payback?
speaking, the lower the inadvertent cross-
                                                                                                                                  The case for enhancing pricing sophistica-
subsidies, the further to the right on the                                         How far you need to move along the spec-
                                                                                                                                  tion is clear. A decade ago, companies
sophistication spectrum.)                                                          trum is a function of your competitive
                                                                                                                                  that started down this path took a major
                                                                                   circumstances. If you routinely compete
                                                                                                                                  leap of faith, and have benefited from
Another fundamental consideration is the                                           against the large national players that have
                                                                                                                                  their trailblazing. Today, pursuing rating
basis for pricing. On this question, every-                                        been investing heavily in pricing sophisti-
                                                                                                                                  sophistication using predictive modeling
thing left of center on the spectrum can be                                        cation for a long time, you will need to
                                                                                                                                  techniques is “table stakes.”
thought of as traditional cost-based pricing.                                      move further along the spectrum to close the
At the high end of the spectrum, companies                                         competitive gap. If you tend to compete
                                                                                                                                  The questions, then, become tactical: in
are exploring price optimization, whereby                                          more with local and regional competitors
                                                                                                                                  what areas to move forward, how far to
price is a function of loss costs, competi-                                        that have not made such significant invest-
                                                                                                                                  move, how quickly to move. Understanding
tor rates and customer demand elasticity                                           ments in this area, then you need not move
                                                                                                                                  the dimensions of rating sophistication can
— factors that allow for optimum trade-                                            so far, at least for now. Keep in mind that
                                                                                                                                  help you think through these questions
offs between growth and profit (see “Price                                         you will always be at a disadvantage
                                                                                                                                  and establish your own road map, either to
Optimization for Profit and Growth,”                                               compared to every company that is more
                                                                                                                                  retain (or regain) competitive advantage or
Emphasis 2008/4). How this “free market”                                           sophisticated than you in its pricing.
                                                                                                                                  to close the gap with more sophisticated
thinking will fare in the face of the current
regulatory environment is a question that                                          Your company’s focus will depend on your
will play out over time.                                                           starting point in each dimension and the
                                                                                                                                  For comments or questions, call or e-mail
                                                                                   particular expertise you can leverage. Some
                                                                                                                                  Charles R. Wolstein at 1-703-351-4757,
CHOOSING A PATH                                                                    dimensions require more effort to address
                                                                                                                        , or
Our intent is to clarify the dimensions of                                         than others (e.g., addressing significant
                                                                                                                                  Christopher W. Hurst at 1-314-719-5846,
pricing sophistication to assist in answering                                      data deficiencies tends to be a long-term
some key questions, such as:                                                       effort with significant technology/infra-
I  How far do we need to go in each dimen-                                         structure implications).
sion to be able to compete effectively?

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Multiple Dimensions of Pricing Sophistication

  • 1. 14 | Emphasis 2009/2 PROPERTY & CASUALTY INSURANCE MULTIPLE DIMENSIONS OF PRICING SOPHISTICATION Enhanced pricing sophistication has reshaped the property & casualty insurance landscape. A company’s sophistication will be determined by where it places itself along a spectrum of pricing methods with five critical dimensions. By Charles R. Wolstein and Christopher W. Hurst Predictive modeling has been instrumental I competitive sensing could conclude that red cars tended to in driving improvements in pricing sophis- have higher loss costs than white cars, the I pricing strategy. tication that have reshaped the competitive company first had to capture data on car landscape in personal lines over the last color. A current example is advance quote Disaggregating pricing sophistication into five to 10 years. Generally, more sophisti- discounts, whereby prospective policy- its components gives management and cated raters have grown and profited at holders are eligible for a discount if they staff from across functions (from statistical/ the expense of less sophisticated raters. solicit a quote far enough in advance of analytic gurus, to line management, to Pricing improvements continue to spread their current policy’s expiration date. strategic planners) a common vocabulary throughout the industry — from large Obviously, if you don’t collect this infor- for understanding how to enhance pricing companies to small, and from personal mation, you can’t incorporate this feature sophistication, consistent with the compa- insurance to mainstream and specialty into your rating plan. ny’s business strategy, organizational commercial lines. capabilities and competitive position. Sophistication along the data dimension Nevertheless, some insurers have been slow is also a function of what you do with the Data to adopt this transformative technology, data you have before applying modeling The first dimension is data. Arguably, the creating big differences in pricing sophis- techniques. Companies’ databases are often predictive modeling breakthrough came as tication across companies. too aggregated to be useful for modeling, much from recognizing the power of data typically because they were designed for as a source of competitive advantage as In prior articles we have described predic- univariate analysis. To maximize value from the application of advanced statistical tive modeling, competitive market analysis for rating plan design, data need to be modeling techniques. and price optimization. Here we provide accessed at nearly the transaction level. a framework for understanding the key Also, data may require considerable The data you are able to use are a function elements of pricing sophistication, using manipulation and restructuring. For exam- of the volume, type and quality of data that personal auto insurance in the U.S. as an ple, a number of rating factors should be you capture. For each customer segment example. considered not only at the individual analyzed, there must be sufficient and cred- driver level but also for households, ible data from which to draw meaningful DECONSTRUCTING THE DIMENSIONS offering additional potential price discrim- correlations with loss experience and OF PRICING SOPHISTICATION inators. Finally, inserting suitable default competitive prices. Often, thin-data seg- Although many people think of pricing values for incomplete data (for recently ments can be supplemented with external sophistication as primarily a function of programmed rating variables, for example) or competitive benchmarks to increase the rating plan design, it is in fact multidimen- and/or estimating missing values through reliability of the resulting data set. Further, sional. To discuss rating sophistication, modeling techniques can further enhance the data must be systematically captured we will use the framework in Exhibit 1, the value of the starting database. and maintained in a structure that can be on page 16, which displays five dimen- accessed. sions along a spectrum of increasing The richer and more reliable the data about sophistication: policyholders and the vehicles, property While data credibility is important, the I data and businesses they want to insure — type of information available is at least as whether collected internally or purchased I modeling approach important, because breadth of data tends from external sources — the richer and to enable the creative breakthroughs. To I rating plan design more reliable the insights that can emerge take a simple example from the early days from the analysis. of predictive modeling, before one insurer
  • 2. Emphasis 2009/2 | 15 Charles R. Wolstein is a Principal of Towers Christopher W. Hurst is a consultant with Perrin in Washington, D.C. He has expertise in Towers Perrin in St. Louis. He specializes in both life and property & casualty insurance, ratemaking, rating plan design, competitive and specializes in distribution strategy and market analysis, and pricing strategy for per- economics as well as organizational perfor- sonal and commercial lines, as well as reserv- mance improvement. Mr. Wolstein received an ing for warranty lines of business. Mr. Hurst M.B.A. with honors from Columbia Business is a graduate of Northwestern University and School with a dual concentration in finance a Fellow of the Casualty Actuarial Society. and international business. Modeling Approach Finally, the more sophisticated modelers At the upper end of the spectrum, compa- Once a data set has been created, the com- not only use more advanced modeling nies are creating innovative rating variables pany can apply a variety of statistical techniques to better predict loss costs, by leveraging new sources of external data techniques to the data to develop a new they also model other important factors beyond credit scores (e.g., census data, GPS rating plan. As with the other dimensions, such as expenses, conversion/retention technology) and nontraditional internal available resources (e.g., time, financial, and customer lifetime value. data (e.g., billing history, policyholder skilled personnel) and the perceived value information collected for other lines of of advanced approaches in meeting pricing Rating Plan Design business). Such companies may also be needs dictate where companies end up on The rating plan design refers to the rating increasing the level of dependency (or the sophistication spectrum. variables and territory structure that deter- “interactions”) between variables to fur- mine the number of price points included ther improve the risk-based accuracy of On the low end of the spectrum, compa- in the plan. Rating plan sophistication the proposed premiums. nies may either rely solely on competitive is a function of the number of variables, information and agent feedback to update the segmentation of the variables and the Territory structure is an important element their rating plan, or do simple, univariate interactions among the variables. of rating plan design. At the low end of analyses. With univariate analysis, indicated the sophistication spectrum for territorial premium relativities are developed for Many companies have historically associated structure, companies adopt historical ISO just one variable at a time, without regard price sophistication with this aspect of territory definitions in the U.S. This to how these variables interact with other their overall pricing scheme, although it is approach is simple, inexpensive and conven- variables (e.g., age versus gender). Such only one of several important dimensions. ient, especially for companies that don’t a simple approach can lead to gross have enough data to develop their own overstatement or understatement of charged On the low end of the sophistication spec- territory definitions. Moderately sophisti- premiums by segment compared to rates trum are companies that have not yet cated companies develop and file their developed using multivariate analysis. adopted recent segmentation innovations own territory definitions, typically based (such as credit scoring and tiering) or even on analysis of internal loss costs at the In the middle of the spectrum are compa- expanded the number of price points for ZIP-code level. nies that apply simple generalized linear existing variables (e.g., moving from modeling techniques with very few variable banded age ranges to individual driver age More sophisticated companies vary terri- transformations and/or interactions among rating factors). These insurers typically rely tory definitions by coverage or peril — for variables. Such approaches might include on more traditional rating variables such example, a company might have separate just an age variable, whereas more as age, gender, marital status and merit personal auto territorial definitions for advanced approaches could also include rating to determine premiums. Today, rel- liability, collision and comprehensive age/gender or age/credit score combination atively few insurers fall into this category coverages, and distinct homeowners terri- variables, among others. More advanced — but many have moved only modestly torial definitions for fire, theft, wind and approaches might also include different beyond this level, perhaps adding a narrow other coverages. Some also adopt non- transformations of a single variable using tiering structure or a few new variables to contiguous territorial definitions. Exhibit 2 curve-fitting techniques to transform a their traditional rating plan. Reasons for on page 17 illustrates how noncontiguous variable, or other statistical techniques such such a limited approach range from limited territories can help achieve the goal of as clustering, decision trees or neural net- data and resources to lack of management territory design with fewer territories. works to group like values of the variable. appreciation of the need or value.
  • 3. 16 | Emphasis 2009/2 EXHIBIT 1 Five dimensions of rating sophistication NONE LOW MEDIUM HIGH VERY HIGH Data Limited (internal) Internal Low, plus: Medium, plus: High, plus: Bureau Purchased credit More internal data Components of credit Transformed variables Externally purchased info score (i.e., combinations of Geo-demographic, More detailed insured internal/external info) weather, etc. data Modeling None Univariate Simple multivariate Complex models with More complex models Approach significant variable interactions Rating Plan Traditional “ISO” type Few tiers Low, plus: Medium, plus: High, plus: Design Age, gender, marital Country/city/ZIP More tiers Credit (proprietary) Creative new variables status, etc. variations Multiple new variables Interactions between Cross-LOB variables Follow historical ISO Independent territories variables Vary expenses by segment territories (often ZIP-based) Different and complex Different rate for every territories varying by ZIP, possibly for every coverage/peril location Competitive None Quantitative Small sample/profile Rating engine Rating engine Sensing agent-driven Pricing Cost-based Cost-based Cost-based Cost-based with Price optimization Strategy Uniform rate charges Uniform rate charges Limited cross-subsidy competitive/marketing Competitor behavior by class by class consideration Price elasticity Possible variations Possible variations by tier (consumer behavior) across territories to reduce cross-subsidies It is the combination of territory design on competitor rates. However, quite a few price points for this kind of sampling and the number of discrete territorial rates invest relatively modest amounts of time, approach to provide a reliable view of that provides competitive advantage, not effort and resources in this activity (see how they are pricing or how your rates just the number of territories. If the number “Overcoming the Challenges of CMA,” compare across your book of business. of discrete territorial rates is limited (i.e., Emphasis 2008/1 for details on alternative many territories have the same rate), methods). The most sophisticated companies are having more finely specified territories using comparative raters to run their entire provides less value. The low end of the spectrum is defined book of business through competitor rating by qualitative, agent-driven competitive algorithms. This approach provides much Competitive Sensing insights. Indeed, if you sell through agents, more comprehensive, reliable and specific As rating plans have become increasingly like it or not, you will hear from them information about how their rates compare sophisticated and the number of potential about how your prices compare to those to those of competitors. price points has increased exponentially, of competitors. The problem with this understanding competitors’ rating approaches type of input is that it tends to be anec- Pricing Strategy and prices has become much more difficult. dotal and, sometimes, skewed. The next step is to combine data, modeling, But it has also become more important, rating plan design and competitive sensing given the consequences of falling behind This deficiency is the same one that hampers into a coherent and compelling pricing competitors in pricing sophistication and the most common approach to competitive strategy. rate competitiveness. Pricing needs to sensing — rating a sample of risks using reflect (or at least recognize) competitor your best interpretation of competitors’ Target competitiveness is one aspect of rates, as well as insurance risk and cost rating plans. This defines “medium” sophis- pricing strategy, e.g., does the company considerations. tication along our spectrum. Historically, want to target rates at the midpoint of its rating a sample basket of risks could competitive peer group or, say, in the top Very few insurers these days fail to perform provide a reasonable perspective on com- quartile? Another issue is cross-subsidiza- some type of competitive analysis focusing petitors’ pricing, but no more. Sophisticated tion — how much do we want between raters simply offer too many different
  • 4. Emphasis 2009/2 | 17 EXHIBIT 2 Indicated North Carolina personal auto territories — bodily injury (illustrative) Contiguous clusters Noncontiguous clusters 70% When the complexity and costs of further 59% improvements outweigh their practical 60% Percent of total variance Pre-Clustering benefits, you have reached the point of within territories 50% diminishing returns. But since companies 40% continue to invest in this area, even your 30% latest innovation will likely soon be out of 20% Contiguous date. Pricing sophistication really is the 10% Noncontiguous proverbial treadmill — you must keep moving simply to avoid losing ground. The 0% more resource-constrained you are, the 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 harder it is to keep up. Sophisticated and Number of territories large competitors understand this dynamic and are continuing to press their advantage. new and renewal business, across classes I How should we prioritize our efforts to ENHANCING PRICING of business, across territories? (Generally realize the highest and fastest payback? SOPHISTICATION speaking, the lower the inadvertent cross- The case for enhancing pricing sophistica- subsidies, the further to the right on the How far you need to move along the spec- tion is clear. A decade ago, companies sophistication spectrum.) trum is a function of your competitive that started down this path took a major circumstances. If you routinely compete leap of faith, and have benefited from Another fundamental consideration is the against the large national players that have their trailblazing. Today, pursuing rating basis for pricing. On this question, every- been investing heavily in pricing sophisti- sophistication using predictive modeling thing left of center on the spectrum can be cation for a long time, you will need to techniques is “table stakes.” thought of as traditional cost-based pricing. move further along the spectrum to close the At the high end of the spectrum, companies competitive gap. If you tend to compete The questions, then, become tactical: in are exploring price optimization, whereby more with local and regional competitors what areas to move forward, how far to price is a function of loss costs, competi- that have not made such significant invest- move, how quickly to move. Understanding tor rates and customer demand elasticity ments in this area, then you need not move the dimensions of rating sophistication can — factors that allow for optimum trade- so far, at least for now. Keep in mind that help you think through these questions offs between growth and profit (see “Price you will always be at a disadvantage and establish your own road map, either to Optimization for Profit and Growth,” compared to every company that is more retain (or regain) competitive advantage or Emphasis 2008/4). How this “free market” sophisticated than you in its pricing. to close the gap with more sophisticated thinking will fare in the face of the current competitors. regulatory environment is a question that Your company’s focus will depend on your will play out over time. starting point in each dimension and the For comments or questions, call or e-mail particular expertise you can leverage. Some Charles R. Wolstein at 1-703-351-4757, CHOOSING A PATH dimensions require more effort to address, or Our intent is to clarify the dimensions of than others (e.g., addressing significant Christopher W. Hurst at 1-314-719-5846, pricing sophistication to assist in answering data deficiencies tends to be a long-term some key questions, such as: effort with significant technology/infra- I How far do we need to go in each dimen- structure implications). sion to be able to compete effectively?