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1:1 Cross Media Marketing 2010

A practical guide to improving
 response and increasing ROI

By James D. Michelson Managing Partner, JFM Concepts LLC
1:1 Cross Media Marketing 2010
         A practical guide to improving response and increasing ROI

Executive Summary                                                                    Creating Effective Cross Media Marketing
It is both practical and cost effective for firms of any size                        There are four steps required to consider when
to conduct sophisticated 1:1 cross media marketing                                   launching a cross channel effort.
applications featuring highly personalized and relevant
content. The content can be delivered across any
media including direct mail, email, web pages, and
even from static advertising. These campaigns can be
executed without the acquisition of new marketing skill
and trained employees, the purchase of new software
and licenses, or the addition of expensive hardware. By
implementing an automated lead generation system,
a large universe of prospects can be narrowed to a
list of warm leads which can dramatically improves
response rates and Return on Investment (ROI). The
entire campaign can be tracked with detailed reporting
that is available 24/7 and can include all facets of the

First, the bad news. There is no silver bullet technology
that will generate leads and provide staggering ROI.
Each of the cross media channels can provide trackable
and measurable results when used properly, but they
need to be part of an overall marketing and sales plan
that capitalizes on the strengths and weaknesses of each
channel. A weak economy, downward price pressure,
the requirement to focus on quarterly or monthly results,
and other issues has taken a toll on sales and marketing
leaders. Because of these challenges, the average
tenure of a CMO is less than two years and an executive                                                                 Sample Cross Media campaign
in the sales organization gets less than nineteen months.                                                               with direct mail, email & variable
Perhaps survival is a greater challenge than success. In                                                                and static landing pages.
order to beat these odds, a better set of tools must be
used to justify marketing spend and to define results in                               Step 1: Developing Personas
an objective way.                                                                    While every customer is different, they have
                                                                                     demographic similarities that make them similar,
The good news is that there are simple and cost effective                            especially in relation to the product or service. The
ways to combine traditional marketing techniques with                                exact same product can be targeted to different
emerging technologies to fight this trend. A cross                                   groups by changing the channel and advertising
media strategy can provide measurable results which                                  message.
will allow the sales and marketing executive to make
informed decisions on where to focus company efforts.                                   Step 2: Determine Assets
                                                                                     The first step is to take an inventory of available
What Cross Media Marketing is: A method of using                                     data and collaterals that exist. The second part of
multiple channels to provide a unified marketing                                     this process is to assure that the collaterals portray
message that features a call to action on all of the                                 a consistent brand message. It is critical to control
channels employed to drive respondents to a single data                              materials being created outside of marketing by field
collection point in order to start a two way conversation.                           personnel or branch offices to assure that they match
                                                                                     the fit, feel, messaging, and data collection of the
What Cross Media Marketing is NOT: Anything else.

 6527 CARROLLTON AVENUE • INDIANAPOLIS, IN • 46220 • 800.735.2578 • FAX 800.859.4008 • WWW.JFMCONCEPTS.COM
          Presented by JFM Concepts, LLC - providers of turn key, all inclusive cross media marketing campaigns. © 2005-2010. All Rights Reserved.

                                                                         Page 2
1:1 Cross Media Marketing 2010
        A practical guide to improving response and increasing ROI

corporate effort. The amount of data lost in the field as
it sits in silos can be staggering.                                                  Real Time Personalization (RTP)
                                                                                     Real Time Personalization (RTP) is a revolutionary
   Step 3: Leverage Existing Efforts                                                 new way to approach cross media marketing. RTP
                                                                                     can identify and capture web visitors with amazing
Legacy marketing efforts and programs that command
                                                                                     accuracy. A static web address that can be delivered
fixed portions of the budget may occur for a variety
                                                                                     on virtually any marketing channel can immediately
of reasons. Even if these expenditures can not be
                                                                                     serve personalized web content. Business logic
eliminated or scaled back to meet the needs of a
                                                                                     is applied to each prospect after doing a real time
changing marketing environment, additional collection
                                                                                     lookup to the national consumer database. The result
mechanisms can still be added to engage customers in
                                                                                     is targeted and relevant personalization from interest
the required two way conversation.
                                                                                     created from a static piece. When a firm advertises
                                                                                     there is usually a corresponding spike in web traffic
By utilizing the various cross media tools, the case can
                                                                                     as customers investigate the offer. For every call
eventually be made for the future of the program in
                                                                                     received or order placed, 5-7 additional views occur
question. Only in the face of hard data will it possible
                                                                                     on the web. RTP captures those leads, identifies
to accurately judge if the expenditures are contributing
                                                                                     their demographic attributes and provides the data
appropriately to the bottom line.
                                                                                     required for the next step in the process.

Variable Data Printing (VDP) & Personalized                                          QR Codes
                                                                                     Popular in Asia and Europe, QR Codes can be used to
URLs (PURLs)                                                                         transfer data (usually a website or landing page link)
Variable Data Printing (VDP) continues to improve                                    to a prospects cell phone. There has been a lot of
the way marketing organizations communicate with                                     buzz at conferences and in blogs and websites lately
their customers. The goals are simple: drive explosive                               about QR Codes. The primary usage for marketers has
and profitable growth, reduce costs, and simplify                                    been to link url’s in various forms of advertising. For
marketing tasks. The more targeted and personalized                                  reading the barcode, most users must install specific
a campaign, the higher response rates and the ROI.                                   software on the mobile device to be used in order to
VDP is the perfect tool to build brand awareness, enter                              read the image. There are
the sales cycle at the right time, capture current sales                             numerous devices available
opportunities, and increase market share.                                            in the market with scanning
                                                                                     capability, usually using
Costs are being reduced by targeting the right prospect                              camera. Various software
with the right message at the right time. Response                                   providers have applications
rates are improving by contacting only the most likely                               that can be loaded onto
prospects and providing them with individualized                                     phones that do not come
content.     Opt-in marketing, which is also called                                  with the functionality pre-
permission based or consensual marketing, is a process                               installed, such as the iPhone.
by which customers are invited to receive a newsletter,
mailing list, or other recurring materials. This method
brings better results when these specific groups are
later solicited with highly personalized offers. Direct                              Email can be an effective and cost efficient way to
mail marketers can now utilize tactics pioneered on the                              communicate with clients and prospects. The key to
Internet in print.                                                                   success in this channel lies not only in list and content,
                                                                                     but also in the provision of a trackable mechanism

 6527 CARROLLTON AVENUE • INDIANAPOLIS, IN • 46220 • 800.735.2578 • FAX 800.859.4008 • WWW.JFMCONCEPTS.COM
          Presented by JFM Concepts, LLC - providers of turn key, all inclusive cross media marketing campaigns. © 2005-2010. All Rights Reserved.

                                                                         Page 3
1:1 Cross Media Marketing 2010
         A practical guide to improving response and increasing ROI

the recipient. Consider using a PURL to track individual                             respondents to a solicitation on line will opt-in by
click throughs and continue the dialogue. Unique 800#s                               filling in a form. The key is to capture visitors even if
can also provide measurement and QR Codes can be                                     they do not call or fill out a form.
used to instantly transfer data to a user’s mobile device.
                                                                                         Step 2 – Group the Responders
Social Media                                                                         The data collected in step one includes what
                                                                                     information they reviewed and demographic traits
Whether it’s LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook,                                            from the national consumer databases. Without
MySpace, YouTube or any one of a thousand                                            additional expense, this list can easily be segmented
other social media sites, the key to success                                         into groups. Advertisers will know not only who
is to generate interaction with the viewer.                                          responded to their ads but what traits they have in
First, provide interesting, timely, and relevant                                     common such as age, income, presence of children,
content. Second, offer a link to a landing page                                      credit worthiness and more. This intelligence allows
that can start the two way conversation. All                                         marketers to craft the product message specifically
sites can share one landing page for small firms                                     for the prospect.
with low traffic levels and larger organizations
can drive visitors to unique pages per channel                                           Step 3 - Select Touches & Execute Campaign
so that the efficacy of each can be measured.
                                                                                     Now that respondents have been identified
                                                                                     and segmented, we can use business logic to
Determining Customer Contact Preferences                                             determine what message to send.         Different
In order to run a success and cost effective cross channel                           campaigns can be run based on a variety of goals.
campaign, there are four steps required, regardless of
channel.                                                                             • Automatic follow-up: Automatically target
                                                                                       prospects that responded to the advertisement but
  Step 1 – Capture Visitors                                                            took no further action with a series of solicitations
The first step in the process is to implement a means                                  to turn them into customers.
to capture prospects that are responding to the                                      • Cross-sell & Up-sell: Prospects that purchased
advertising message but are not taking action to make                                  can receive follow on pieces to market additional
contact or move on the call to action. Marketers should                                products and services.
drive prospects to the web and discover the visitor’s                                • Life Cycle Management: Thank you notes, re-order
identity by employing Personalized URLs or Real Time                                   reminders, referral programs, and special events
Personalization (RTP).    The most common way to                                       can be coordinated around the sales cycle.
capture web visitors has been the use of personalized
urls (PURLs) which use variable data printing to target
known recipients with targeted content both in print
and once they arrive at a customized landing page.                                        • By adding Real Time personalization to the
This process can be pricey for cold solicitations and we                                    marketing already in place, firms can capture
do not always know in advance who is going to see the                                       an actionable list of interested prospects
message.                                                                                  • Respondents can then be grouped based
                                                                                            on demographics and response metrics
Static media and broadcast can drive prospects to                                           which are used to serve targeted messages
a landing page and using Real Time Personalization                                          that speak directly to customer needs and
create a demographic profile and serve personalized                                         personal characteristics.
content on the fly using only their name and zip code.                                    • Automatic touches to clients can take the
By adding real time personalization to the campaign’s                                       burden off the sales team and allow staff to
landing page and phone responses, marketers can                                             focus on the best leads.
create an actionable database of responders. Opt-in
or contact forms online are not enough. Only 1 in 15

 6527 CARROLLTON AVENUE • INDIANAPOLIS, IN • 46220 • 800.735.2578 • FAX 800.859.4008 • WWW.JFMCONCEPTS.COM
          Presented by JFM Concepts, LLC - providers of turn key, all inclusive cross media marketing campaigns. © 2005-2010. All Rights Reserved.

                                                                         Page 4
1:1 Cross Media Marketing 2010
        A practical guide to improving response and increasing ROI

                                                                                     significant environmental impact to limiting the paper,
Why Direct Mail In the Electronic Age?                                               ink, electricity, and fuel required to create, print, and
                                                                                     deliver millions of mail pieces. The best news is that
According to the United States Postal Service , the                                  the number of quality leads and sales generated does
average consumer is exposed to approximately 5980                                    not need to suffer as a result of “going green.”
marketing messages daily. On average, they notice 52
and pay mind to only 4. So how does your message
become one of the 4?

                 “The Mail Moment”

                                                                                     The first step in utilizing the power of VDP is the
                                                                                     creation of a uniform, detailed database. Since most
                                                                                     firms already have some advertising in place, real time
There is a daily “Mail Moment” in virtually every                                    personalization can be used to generate a lead list.
household and business in the United States. A                                       Purchasing mailing lists can also be an excellent start
staggering 98% of people check mail daily and 77% at                                 to creating a prospect file if you are beginning from
the first opportunity. No other marketing channel even                               scratch. Both B2B and B2C companies can utilize
comes close.                                                                         their own house files and a variety of commercial
                                                                                     services available from third party providers such as
The sorting process takes just a split second per                                    list brokers. Existing house files can be appended to
piece and has 3 results; bills, read, and junk. Variable                             fill in additional demographic and contact information
data pieces that speak directly to the prospect with                                 based on the needs of the campaign. For firms that
personalized information have the best chance                                        do not have the technical expertise or the manpower
of surviving the sorting process and being one of                                    to implement such a system, this task can easily be
the .00067% marketing messages that are noted.                                       outsourced.

Environmental Concerns                                                               The second step to launching a robust VDP campaign
                                                                                     is to conduct an analysis of the client base. In a recent
By targeting only the best prospects with relevant                                   project, we were able to segment the demographics of
content, firms can dramatically reduce the                                           a firm’s house file and found not only the age, income,
environmental impact of their direct marketing effort.                               geographic location, and marital status of the group’s
Rather than blanketing a city, marketers can select only                             best customers, but we were also able to isolate which
those prospects or those who profile as likely buyers                                mix produced the client with the highest spend per
that have already expressed interest in a product or                                 purchase. The campaign focused on prospects that
service and dramatically reduce wasted mail. There is a                              matched all of the desirable demographics.

 6527 CARROLLTON AVENUE • INDIANAPOLIS, IN • 46220 • 800.735.2578 • FAX 800.859.4008 • WWW.JFMCONCEPTS.COM
          Presented by JFM Concepts, LLC - providers of turn key, all inclusive cross media marketing campaigns. © 2005-2010. All Rights Reserved.

                                                                         Page 5
1:1 Cross Media Marketing 2010
          A practical guide to improving response and increasing ROI

Customized Copy, Offers & Art
On the web, 1:1 personalization allows each visitor                                   Variable data printing allows each prospect to be
to receive unique messaging. For mail, variable data                                  conditionally assigned content based on any number
printing allows you to give each prospect an individual                               of parameters. While there is no limit to how specific
mail piece with unique copy, offers, and art based                                    segmentation can get, it is best to keep the variables
on the key demographics discovered in the analysis                                    manageable. Three to five is a good range. A typical
process. VDP speaks personally to the target audience                                 application in a consumer product offering is to list
rather than treating every recipient in the same way. A                               recent purchases and make cross-sell or reorder
marketing campaign like the one featured here caters to                               suggestions. This process is very common among
many market segments. Manufacturers get a different                                   large online retailers such as, and it is
fit and feel than insurance agents. VDP finally makes                                 now possible to accomplish with traditional mail order
this level of customization an affordable reality for small                           customers. The more tailored and relevant an offer is
to medium sized companies.                                                            to the recipient, the more likely they are to respond.

   Your home. Your life.                                                              Unique URL’s & “Soft Leads”
       A Clean Home Provides A Healthy Environment For Your Family!                   A challenge with traditional campaigns featuring
                                                                                      a website has been the inability to know which
                                                                                      particular recipient looked online but never made
                                                                                      additional contact. These potential customers remain
                                                                                      anonymous unless there is a method to capture their
                                                                                      interest. With a little more technology, each prospect
                                                                                      in a marketing campaign can receive a unique URL
                                                                                      (uniform resource locator) which is a personalized
                                                                                      web address. With variable data printing, each piece
                                                                                      is individually printed so every customer can receive<TrackingName>
                                                                                      their own URL. The system can easily report a visit
                                                                                      to this page even if the prospect does not make a
                                                                                      purchase, fill out a contact form, or respond in any
                                                                                      other way to the offer. Sales forces can receive real
                                                                                      time alerts that indicate which specific customer
                                                                                      visited the web site, which campaign they are from,
                                                                                      and current contact information.
  Your home. Your life.                                                               It is critical that these “soft leads” are contacted
      A Clean Home Provides A Healthy Environment For Your Family!                    again. The conversion rate of these prospects can
                                                                                      be dramatic and significantly increase the response
                                                                                      rate of the entire campaign. In a small business,
                                                                                      good follow up techniques include hand addressed
                                                                                      packages of collateral materials or phone calls, but
                                                                                      there are many other ways to approach the next

                                                                                               The key to a successful marketing campaign is to
Photos and copy allow for easy segmentation and speak directly to
various personas in order to capture attention.
                                                                                               create a system where you can track results.

  6527 CARROLLTON AVENUE • INDIANAPOLIS, IN • 46220 • 800.735.2578 • FAX 800.859.4008 • WWW.JFMCONCEPTS.COM
           Presented by JFM Concepts, LLC - providers of turn key, all inclusive cross media marketing campaigns. © 2005-2010. All Rights Reserved.

                                                                          Page 6
1:1 Cross Media Marketing 2010
          A practical guide to improving response and increasing ROI

Opt-in Marketing & Surveys
Cross media marketing can greatly simplify the                                         To keep the program effective, materials must be
mechanics of opt-in marketing and conducting surveys                                   timely, informative, and relevant. Variable data
by providing channel specific urls that drive prospects                                printing is ideal for providing these highly tailored
to a landing page. Not only is traffic measured at the                                 marketing messages. Research has shown that this
site, but each channel can provide content tailored to                                 type of sales effort returns dramatically better results.
the particular offer. Since all the data is collected in one
location, data silos are avoided and follow on marketing
is greatly simplified.

Once the customer has visited the website to find more
information or to take a survey, the next logical step,
short of a sale, is to open an ongoing relationship.
Consider offering recurring materials such as a
newsletter or email bulletin to keep your information
and brand in front of the customer. The same database
that is used to produce the unique URL’s and display
the offer can also be used to automatically populate
the opt-in form for the prospect. This ensures success
for two key points: first, it makes the process painless
                                                                                       Reporting & Tracking
for the customer; and second, the data entered is not                                  A key advantage to using unique URL’s is the ability
mistyped, increasing accuracy.                                                         to more accurately calculate the effectiveness of
                                                                                       a campaign by recording visits to the web. It is
                                                                                       possible that an offer was relevant to the recipient
                                                                                       but it was not the right time to move forward, the
                                                                                       prospect was distracted, or the piece slipped their
                                                                                       mind. By identifying those recipients that showed
                                                                                       at least some level of interest to the offer, we can
                                                                                       begin to rank prospects and concentrate marketing
                                                                                       efforts on those most likely to respond. This level
                                                                                       of targeted marketing takes time to develop, but
                                                                                       has been extraordinarily successful for many firms.
                                                                                       When developing a VDP campaign, consider what
                                                                                       capabilities for tracking and reporting are available
                                                                                       in house and what additions will be required.

                                                                                       The Bottom Line
                                                                                       Cross media marketing campaigns are a cost-effective
                                                                                       and powerful tool for building and expanding a client
                                                                                       database, increasing brand awareness, staying in front
                                                                                       of customers, entering the sale cycle at the right time,
                                                                                       capturing current sales opportunities, and managing
                                                                                       customer life cycles. By using the data collected from
                                                                                       real time personalization, soft leads, surveys, and
Both personalization and segmentation can be continued on landing                      opt-in marketing, highly targeted campaigns can
pages that include one touch opt-ins and registrations to begin a two                  be developed that will increase response rates and
way conversation that involves our prospects and customers.                            improve ROI.

  6527 CARROLLTON AVENUE • INDIANAPOLIS, IN • 46220 • 800.735.2578 • FAX 800.859.4008 • WWW.JFMCONCEPTS.COM
            Presented by JFM Concepts, LLC - providers of turn key, all inclusive cross media marketing campaigns. © 2005-2010. All Rights Reserved.

                                                                           Page 7
1:1 Cross Media Marketing 2010
         A practical guide to improving response and increasing ROI

About The Author                                                                     Current Clients
                                                                                     JFM Concepts works through a network of partners to
James Michelson is an internationally recognized                                     provide cross media services to companies of every
thought leader on all aspects of cross media. He has                                 size.
extensive international experience in the development
of advanced cross media and one to one (1:1)
marketing campaigns in a variety of verticals. He has
developed and executed industry recognized cross
media marketing strategies for such firms as Caterpillar,
Marriott, Hartford Insurance, California Closets, The
Home Depot, and many more. He is a frequent speaker
at conferences, trade shows, and peer groups in a wide
variety of industries.

As the Managing Member of JFM Concepts, James
has developed and marketed an international brand
portfolio of software as a service products. His extensive
marketing experience creating custom direct marketing
campaigns that feature Personalized URLs (PURLs)
and variable data was utilized in the development of
the industry leading VDP Web® software as a service.
He has created a world wide network of partners and
resellers for the firm’s software platform and the turn
key marketing programs that provide soup to nuts
marketing support for companies of all sizes.

About JFM Concepts
JFM Concepts is a full service cross media marketing
technology firm featuring the VDP Complete®
marketing system and VDP Web® Online software as a
service. JFM specializes in creating variable data cross
media marketing technologies with Personalized URLs,
Email, SMS Text, QR Codes, Phone Tracking, Video,
QR Codes, and more for commercial printers, agencies,
and marketing departments of all sizes. The firm knows
that technology development and marketing should
come together to document both improved response
rates and improving return on investment (ROI).

          This paper is provided as a courtesy of JFM
          Concepts and may be reproduced only in its
          entirety without permission.

 6527 CARROLLTON AVENUE • INDIANAPOLIS, IN • 46220 • 800.735.2578 • FAX 800.859.4008 • WWW.JFMCONCEPTS.COM
          Presented by JFM Concepts, LLC - providers of turn key, all inclusive cross media marketing campaigns. © 2005-2010. All Rights Reserved.

                                                                         Page 8

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Cross Media Marketing 2010

  • 1. 1:1 Cross Media Marketing 2010 A practical guide to improving response and increasing ROI By James D. Michelson Managing Partner, JFM Concepts LLC
  • 2. 1:1 Cross Media Marketing 2010 A practical guide to improving response and increasing ROI Executive Summary Creating Effective Cross Media Marketing It is both practical and cost effective for firms of any size There are four steps required to consider when to conduct sophisticated 1:1 cross media marketing launching a cross channel effort. applications featuring highly personalized and relevant content. The content can be delivered across any media including direct mail, email, web pages, and even from static advertising. These campaigns can be executed without the acquisition of new marketing skill and trained employees, the purchase of new software and licenses, or the addition of expensive hardware. By implementing an automated lead generation system, a large universe of prospects can be narrowed to a list of warm leads which can dramatically improves response rates and Return on Investment (ROI). The entire campaign can be tracked with detailed reporting that is available 24/7 and can include all facets of the campaign. First, the bad news. There is no silver bullet technology that will generate leads and provide staggering ROI. Each of the cross media channels can provide trackable and measurable results when used properly, but they need to be part of an overall marketing and sales plan that capitalizes on the strengths and weaknesses of each channel. A weak economy, downward price pressure, the requirement to focus on quarterly or monthly results, and other issues has taken a toll on sales and marketing leaders. Because of these challenges, the average tenure of a CMO is less than two years and an executive Sample Cross Media campaign in the sales organization gets less than nineteen months. with direct mail, email & variable Perhaps survival is a greater challenge than success. In and static landing pages. order to beat these odds, a better set of tools must be used to justify marketing spend and to define results in Step 1: Developing Personas an objective way. While every customer is different, they have demographic similarities that make them similar, The good news is that there are simple and cost effective especially in relation to the product or service. The ways to combine traditional marketing techniques with exact same product can be targeted to different emerging technologies to fight this trend. A cross groups by changing the channel and advertising media strategy can provide measurable results which message. will allow the sales and marketing executive to make informed decisions on where to focus company efforts. Step 2: Determine Assets The first step is to take an inventory of available What Cross Media Marketing is: A method of using data and collaterals that exist. The second part of multiple channels to provide a unified marketing this process is to assure that the collaterals portray message that features a call to action on all of the a consistent brand message. It is critical to control channels employed to drive respondents to a single data materials being created outside of marketing by field collection point in order to start a two way conversation. personnel or branch offices to assure that they match the fit, feel, messaging, and data collection of the What Cross Media Marketing is NOT: Anything else. 6527 CARROLLTON AVENUE • INDIANAPOLIS, IN • 46220 • 800.735.2578 • FAX 800.859.4008 • WWW.JFMCONCEPTS.COM Presented by JFM Concepts, LLC - providers of turn key, all inclusive cross media marketing campaigns. © 2005-2010. All Rights Reserved. Page 2
  • 3. 1:1 Cross Media Marketing 2010 A practical guide to improving response and increasing ROI corporate effort. The amount of data lost in the field as it sits in silos can be staggering. Real Time Personalization (RTP) Real Time Personalization (RTP) is a revolutionary Step 3: Leverage Existing Efforts new way to approach cross media marketing. RTP can identify and capture web visitors with amazing Legacy marketing efforts and programs that command accuracy. A static web address that can be delivered fixed portions of the budget may occur for a variety on virtually any marketing channel can immediately of reasons. Even if these expenditures can not be serve personalized web content. Business logic eliminated or scaled back to meet the needs of a is applied to each prospect after doing a real time changing marketing environment, additional collection lookup to the national consumer database. The result mechanisms can still be added to engage customers in is targeted and relevant personalization from interest the required two way conversation. created from a static piece. When a firm advertises there is usually a corresponding spike in web traffic By utilizing the various cross media tools, the case can as customers investigate the offer. For every call eventually be made for the future of the program in received or order placed, 5-7 additional views occur question. Only in the face of hard data will it possible on the web. RTP captures those leads, identifies to accurately judge if the expenditures are contributing their demographic attributes and provides the data appropriately to the bottom line. required for the next step in the process. Variable Data Printing (VDP) & Personalized QR Codes Popular in Asia and Europe, QR Codes can be used to URLs (PURLs) transfer data (usually a website or landing page link) Variable Data Printing (VDP) continues to improve to a prospects cell phone. There has been a lot of the way marketing organizations communicate with buzz at conferences and in blogs and websites lately their customers. The goals are simple: drive explosive about QR Codes. The primary usage for marketers has and profitable growth, reduce costs, and simplify been to link url’s in various forms of advertising. For marketing tasks. The more targeted and personalized reading the barcode, most users must install specific a campaign, the higher response rates and the ROI. software on the mobile device to be used in order to VDP is the perfect tool to build brand awareness, enter read the image. There are the sales cycle at the right time, capture current sales numerous devices available opportunities, and increase market share. in the market with scanning capability, usually using Costs are being reduced by targeting the right prospect camera. Various software with the right message at the right time. Response providers have applications rates are improving by contacting only the most likely that can be loaded onto prospects and providing them with individualized phones that do not come content. Opt-in marketing, which is also called with the functionality pre- permission based or consensual marketing, is a process installed, such as the iPhone. by which customers are invited to receive a newsletter, mailing list, or other recurring materials. This method brings better results when these specific groups are Email later solicited with highly personalized offers. Direct Email can be an effective and cost efficient way to mail marketers can now utilize tactics pioneered on the communicate with clients and prospects. The key to Internet in print. success in this channel lies not only in list and content, but also in the provision of a trackable mechanism 6527 CARROLLTON AVENUE • INDIANAPOLIS, IN • 46220 • 800.735.2578 • FAX 800.859.4008 • WWW.JFMCONCEPTS.COM Presented by JFM Concepts, LLC - providers of turn key, all inclusive cross media marketing campaigns. © 2005-2010. All Rights Reserved. Page 3
  • 4. 1:1 Cross Media Marketing 2010 A practical guide to improving response and increasing ROI the recipient. Consider using a PURL to track individual respondents to a solicitation on line will opt-in by click throughs and continue the dialogue. Unique 800#s filling in a form. The key is to capture visitors even if can also provide measurement and QR Codes can be they do not call or fill out a form. used to instantly transfer data to a user’s mobile device. Step 2 – Group the Responders Social Media The data collected in step one includes what information they reviewed and demographic traits Whether it’s LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, from the national consumer databases. Without MySpace, YouTube or any one of a thousand additional expense, this list can easily be segmented other social media sites, the key to success into groups. Advertisers will know not only who is to generate interaction with the viewer. responded to their ads but what traits they have in First, provide interesting, timely, and relevant common such as age, income, presence of children, content. Second, offer a link to a landing page credit worthiness and more. This intelligence allows that can start the two way conversation. All marketers to craft the product message specifically sites can share one landing page for small firms for the prospect. with low traffic levels and larger organizations can drive visitors to unique pages per channel Step 3 - Select Touches & Execute Campaign so that the efficacy of each can be measured. Now that respondents have been identified and segmented, we can use business logic to Determining Customer Contact Preferences determine what message to send. Different In order to run a success and cost effective cross channel campaigns can be run based on a variety of goals. campaign, there are four steps required, regardless of channel. • Automatic follow-up: Automatically target prospects that responded to the advertisement but Step 1 – Capture Visitors took no further action with a series of solicitations The first step in the process is to implement a means to turn them into customers. to capture prospects that are responding to the • Cross-sell & Up-sell: Prospects that purchased advertising message but are not taking action to make can receive follow on pieces to market additional contact or move on the call to action. Marketers should products and services. drive prospects to the web and discover the visitor’s • Life Cycle Management: Thank you notes, re-order identity by employing Personalized URLs or Real Time reminders, referral programs, and special events Personalization (RTP). The most common way to can be coordinated around the sales cycle. capture web visitors has been the use of personalized urls (PURLs) which use variable data printing to target known recipients with targeted content both in print and once they arrive at a customized landing page. • By adding Real Time personalization to the This process can be pricey for cold solicitations and we marketing already in place, firms can capture do not always know in advance who is going to see the an actionable list of interested prospects message. • Respondents can then be grouped based on demographics and response metrics Static media and broadcast can drive prospects to which are used to serve targeted messages a landing page and using Real Time Personalization that speak directly to customer needs and create a demographic profile and serve personalized personal characteristics. content on the fly using only their name and zip code. • Automatic touches to clients can take the By adding real time personalization to the campaign’s burden off the sales team and allow staff to landing page and phone responses, marketers can focus on the best leads. create an actionable database of responders. Opt-in or contact forms online are not enough. Only 1 in 15 6527 CARROLLTON AVENUE • INDIANAPOLIS, IN • 46220 • 800.735.2578 • FAX 800.859.4008 • WWW.JFMCONCEPTS.COM Presented by JFM Concepts, LLC - providers of turn key, all inclusive cross media marketing campaigns. © 2005-2010. All Rights Reserved. Page 4
  • 5. 1:1 Cross Media Marketing 2010 A practical guide to improving response and increasing ROI significant environmental impact to limiting the paper, Why Direct Mail In the Electronic Age? ink, electricity, and fuel required to create, print, and deliver millions of mail pieces. The best news is that According to the United States Postal Service , the the number of quality leads and sales generated does average consumer is exposed to approximately 5980 not need to suffer as a result of “going green.” marketing messages daily. On average, they notice 52 and pay mind to only 4. So how does your message become one of the 4? “The Mail Moment” Data The first step in utilizing the power of VDP is the creation of a uniform, detailed database. Since most firms already have some advertising in place, real time There is a daily “Mail Moment” in virtually every personalization can be used to generate a lead list. household and business in the United States. A Purchasing mailing lists can also be an excellent start staggering 98% of people check mail daily and 77% at to creating a prospect file if you are beginning from the first opportunity. No other marketing channel even scratch. Both B2B and B2C companies can utilize comes close. their own house files and a variety of commercial services available from third party providers such as The sorting process takes just a split second per list brokers. Existing house files can be appended to piece and has 3 results; bills, read, and junk. Variable fill in additional demographic and contact information data pieces that speak directly to the prospect with based on the needs of the campaign. For firms that personalized information have the best chance do not have the technical expertise or the manpower of surviving the sorting process and being one of to implement such a system, this task can easily be the .00067% marketing messages that are noted. outsourced. Environmental Concerns The second step to launching a robust VDP campaign is to conduct an analysis of the client base. In a recent By targeting only the best prospects with relevant project, we were able to segment the demographics of content, firms can dramatically reduce the a firm’s house file and found not only the age, income, environmental impact of their direct marketing effort. geographic location, and marital status of the group’s Rather than blanketing a city, marketers can select only best customers, but we were also able to isolate which those prospects or those who profile as likely buyers mix produced the client with the highest spend per that have already expressed interest in a product or purchase. The campaign focused on prospects that service and dramatically reduce wasted mail. There is a matched all of the desirable demographics. 6527 CARROLLTON AVENUE • INDIANAPOLIS, IN • 46220 • 800.735.2578 • FAX 800.859.4008 • WWW.JFMCONCEPTS.COM Presented by JFM Concepts, LLC - providers of turn key, all inclusive cross media marketing campaigns. © 2005-2010. All Rights Reserved. Page 5
  • 6. 1:1 Cross Media Marketing 2010 A practical guide to improving response and increasing ROI Customized Copy, Offers & Art On the web, 1:1 personalization allows each visitor Variable data printing allows each prospect to be to receive unique messaging. For mail, variable data conditionally assigned content based on any number printing allows you to give each prospect an individual of parameters. While there is no limit to how specific mail piece with unique copy, offers, and art based segmentation can get, it is best to keep the variables on the key demographics discovered in the analysis manageable. Three to five is a good range. A typical process. VDP speaks personally to the target audience application in a consumer product offering is to list rather than treating every recipient in the same way. A recent purchases and make cross-sell or reorder marketing campaign like the one featured here caters to suggestions. This process is very common among many market segments. Manufacturers get a different large online retailers such as, and it is fit and feel than insurance agents. VDP finally makes now possible to accomplish with traditional mail order this level of customization an affordable reality for small customers. The more tailored and relevant an offer is to medium sized companies. to the recipient, the more likely they are to respond. Your home. Your life. Unique URL’s & “Soft Leads” A Clean Home Provides A Healthy Environment For Your Family! A challenge with traditional campaigns featuring a website has been the inability to know which particular recipient looked online but never made additional contact. These potential customers remain anonymous unless there is a method to capture their interest. With a little more technology, each prospect in a marketing campaign can receive a unique URL (uniform resource locator) which is a personalized web address. With variable data printing, each piece is individually printed so every customer can receive<TrackingName> their own URL. The system can easily report a visit to this page even if the prospect does not make a purchase, fill out a contact form, or respond in any other way to the offer. Sales forces can receive real time alerts that indicate which specific customer visited the web site, which campaign they are from, and current contact information. Your home. Your life. It is critical that these “soft leads” are contacted A Clean Home Provides A Healthy Environment For Your Family! again. The conversion rate of these prospects can be dramatic and significantly increase the response rate of the entire campaign. In a small business, good follow up techniques include hand addressed packages of collateral materials or phone calls, but there are many other ways to approach the next communication.<TrackingName> The key to a successful marketing campaign is to Photos and copy allow for easy segmentation and speak directly to various personas in order to capture attention. create a system where you can track results. 6527 CARROLLTON AVENUE • INDIANAPOLIS, IN • 46220 • 800.735.2578 • FAX 800.859.4008 • WWW.JFMCONCEPTS.COM Presented by JFM Concepts, LLC - providers of turn key, all inclusive cross media marketing campaigns. © 2005-2010. All Rights Reserved. Page 6
  • 7. 1:1 Cross Media Marketing 2010 A practical guide to improving response and increasing ROI Opt-in Marketing & Surveys Cross media marketing can greatly simplify the To keep the program effective, materials must be mechanics of opt-in marketing and conducting surveys timely, informative, and relevant. Variable data by providing channel specific urls that drive prospects printing is ideal for providing these highly tailored to a landing page. Not only is traffic measured at the marketing messages. Research has shown that this site, but each channel can provide content tailored to type of sales effort returns dramatically better results. the particular offer. Since all the data is collected in one location, data silos are avoided and follow on marketing is greatly simplified. Once the customer has visited the website to find more information or to take a survey, the next logical step, short of a sale, is to open an ongoing relationship. Consider offering recurring materials such as a newsletter or email bulletin to keep your information and brand in front of the customer. The same database that is used to produce the unique URL’s and display the offer can also be used to automatically populate the opt-in form for the prospect. This ensures success for two key points: first, it makes the process painless Reporting & Tracking for the customer; and second, the data entered is not A key advantage to using unique URL’s is the ability mistyped, increasing accuracy. to more accurately calculate the effectiveness of a campaign by recording visits to the web. It is possible that an offer was relevant to the recipient but it was not the right time to move forward, the prospect was distracted, or the piece slipped their mind. By identifying those recipients that showed at least some level of interest to the offer, we can begin to rank prospects and concentrate marketing efforts on those most likely to respond. This level of targeted marketing takes time to develop, but has been extraordinarily successful for many firms. When developing a VDP campaign, consider what capabilities for tracking and reporting are available in house and what additions will be required. The Bottom Line Cross media marketing campaigns are a cost-effective and powerful tool for building and expanding a client database, increasing brand awareness, staying in front of customers, entering the sale cycle at the right time, capturing current sales opportunities, and managing customer life cycles. By using the data collected from real time personalization, soft leads, surveys, and Both personalization and segmentation can be continued on landing opt-in marketing, highly targeted campaigns can pages that include one touch opt-ins and registrations to begin a two be developed that will increase response rates and way conversation that involves our prospects and customers. improve ROI. 6527 CARROLLTON AVENUE • INDIANAPOLIS, IN • 46220 • 800.735.2578 • FAX 800.859.4008 • WWW.JFMCONCEPTS.COM Presented by JFM Concepts, LLC - providers of turn key, all inclusive cross media marketing campaigns. © 2005-2010. All Rights Reserved. Page 7
  • 8. 1:1 Cross Media Marketing 2010 A practical guide to improving response and increasing ROI About The Author Current Clients JFM Concepts works through a network of partners to James Michelson is an internationally recognized provide cross media services to companies of every thought leader on all aspects of cross media. He has size. extensive international experience in the development of advanced cross media and one to one (1:1) marketing campaigns in a variety of verticals. He has developed and executed industry recognized cross media marketing strategies for such firms as Caterpillar, Marriott, Hartford Insurance, California Closets, The Home Depot, and many more. He is a frequent speaker at conferences, trade shows, and peer groups in a wide variety of industries. As the Managing Member of JFM Concepts, James has developed and marketed an international brand portfolio of software as a service products. His extensive marketing experience creating custom direct marketing campaigns that feature Personalized URLs (PURLs) and variable data was utilized in the development of the industry leading VDP Web® software as a service. He has created a world wide network of partners and resellers for the firm’s software platform and the turn key marketing programs that provide soup to nuts marketing support for companies of all sizes. About JFM Concepts JFM Concepts is a full service cross media marketing technology firm featuring the VDP Complete® marketing system and VDP Web® Online software as a service. JFM specializes in creating variable data cross media marketing technologies with Personalized URLs, Email, SMS Text, QR Codes, Phone Tracking, Video, QR Codes, and more for commercial printers, agencies, and marketing departments of all sizes. The firm knows that technology development and marketing should come together to document both improved response rates and improving return on investment (ROI). This paper is provided as a courtesy of JFM Concepts and may be reproduced only in its entirety without permission. 6527 CARROLLTON AVENUE • INDIANAPOLIS, IN • 46220 • 800.735.2578 • FAX 800.859.4008 • WWW.JFMCONCEPTS.COM Presented by JFM Concepts, LLC - providers of turn key, all inclusive cross media marketing campaigns. © 2005-2010. All Rights Reserved. Page 8