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MST Acceptance Speech
I can't speak for everyone, but I strongly believe that my attendance at MST will be the best and fulfilling four years of my life. As everyone, I also
am looking for various journeys and adventures that MST has to offer and it would be an absolute honor to recite them to this fellow reader. Firstly,
as a 9th grade student at MST I'm totally looking into creating and morphing new friendship since many of my friends ventured in perusing their own
goals and callings in CSI, IB, or different high schools beyond Utica Community Schools. Secondly, ever since a young boy I fascinated myself and
explored the interminable universe of engineering and mathematics, and knowing that MST includes all these arts of studies I figured that MST is like
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Anne Frank Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech
"We're so fortunate here, away from the turmoil. We wouldn't have to give a moment's thought to all this suffering if it weren't for the fact that we're
so worried about those we hold dear, whom we ca n no longer help. I feel wicked sleeping in a warm bed, while somewhere out there my dearest
friends are dropping from exhaustion or being knocked to the ground." – Anne Frank (11/19/1942)
Conflict has happened, and will continue to happen throughout the centuries we're on this earth. Countless people have been hunted or persecuted,
and left with the responsibility of how to respond and deal with it. When conflict is described in negative terms, people find it is emotionally
distressing and tend to shy away from things they don't like. Excerpts such as The Diary of Anne Frank and Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech, exhibit
how people react to times of war. During the past and important times in history, people have hidden from or avoided complications as a ... Show more
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In the passage called Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech, Elie Wiesel, a survivor of the Auschwitz and Buchenwald Nazi concentration camps, tells
his stories through books he has written about his experiences. He was awarded the nobel prize for being a "messenger to mankind." During his
acceptance speech, Wiesel discussed reasons why people should not ignore or forget about conflict like they normally do. He says, "... if we
forget, we are guilty, we are accomplices," meaning, if we do not attempt to help solve the issue, we become part of it. There are so many ways
one individual can make a difference, "a difference of life or death," and most don't even try. Wiesel encourages people to help others who face
oppression, because the quality of our freedom depends on theirs. His words inspired many people who chose to respond to conflict by ignoring it, to
change their ways and become part of the
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King Jr Acceptance Speech
"The ultimate tragedy is not the oppression and cruelty by bad people but the silence over that by good people." – Martin Luther King Jr. Everyone
has a voice in this world; you control what you want to say, nobody else does. Martin Luther King Jr. is trying to say that everyone has a voice, and
they can use it in a positive direction. There is so much negativity in the world, where is shuts down the positivity in people. Humanity is so afraid of
telling the truth, because we are afraid the negativity in the world will shut the alacrity out of the Earth. People are built in different ways to the point
of antagonism to eagerness, we all must accept it. However we shall not let other humans in this world put our confidence down. Martin Luther
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What Is The Jimmy V Acceptance Speech
Jimmy Valvano once said "Don't give up. Don't ever give up". When you hear these words, what do you think of? Do you think about participating
on a sports team and being down by a few points? Do you think about being so exhausted that you need to stop working and sleep? When Mr.
Valvano said this, he was not thinking about how he wanted his team to come back and win or how tired he was and was not sure if he could do
what needed to be done. He was talking about his battle with cancer (2012 ESPYS). and how he would never give up. This award is not just apart of
an award, it is part of a foundation. The "V" foundation gives grants to companies to fund cancer research (2012 ESPYS). This foundation has helped
create opportunities for men and... Show more content on ...
When you die, that does not mean that you lose to cancer. You beat cancer by how you live, why you live and in the manner in which you live."
(Evans) Scott tries to get the audience to sympathize for him and show them a little incite to his life. Another strong use of pathos is when he states "
What you didn't see in the piece is what's gone on probably the last 10 days. I just got out of the hospital this past Friday. Seven–day stay. Man, I
crashed. I had liver complications. I had kidney failure. I had four surgeries in a span of seven days. I had tubes and wires running in and out of
every part of my body. And guys, when I say every part of my body: every part of my body. As of Sunday, I didn't even know if I'd make it
here."(Evans). Scott tells the crowd this because to inform them how difficult it was to live with cancer and proves that you never know what day
could be one's last. He tells the audience about his struggle in a week and lets them imagine what a struggle over a long period of time is like.
During Scott's speech he used an abundant amount of personal examples which made it easier for his audience to relate to him therefore adding to his
credibility. For example, he stated information about his battle with cancer and how it affected him and the people around him. He said "I've got
thousands of people on Twitter and on the streets who encourage me. I've got these amazingly wonderful people at ESPN. I've got corporate
executives, my
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Acceptance Speech Examples
NOTICE: I REQUIRE an FB friendship BEFORE/AFTER joining ... I'm very protective of my groups, requiring you to have either a PUBLIC
PROFILE, OR BE MINE OR MY WIFE"S FRIEND, so we can see all your profile and be assured you are for real and NOT SCAMMERS,
SPAMMERS, MULTILEVEL MARKETERS, etc! The reasons: 1. I can better SCREEN the group of scammers/spammers and other undesirable! 2: I
can contact you PRIVATELY about questionable post ... rather than blasting you publicly in the group. Again, to protect my groups, I will block you
from joining and/or ban you from rejoining if FB friendship is not maintained. Who we are: A proactive group dedicated solely to proper nutrition
/lifestyle for those having dementia; Huntington's Disease (HD) Parkinson's... Show more content on ...
When you extract and SYNTHESIZE ANYTHING, removing it from its powerful synergistic sisters – reduces effectiveness and causes massive
SHOCK to our less evolved bodies! Our bodies have had hundred–thousands of years to adjust to herbs! Modern meds are forced us to adapt in the last
FIVE MINUTES of our evolutionary clock. You have to contact and follow doctors who think out of the box and are up–to–date on nutrition. The
doctors I prefer: Neurologist, David Perlmutter, MD; Dr, Joseph Mercola, DO; Dr. Mehmet Oz, MD (but, questionable after his near loss–of–license
for showing patient compassion over $Big–Pharma$); and RARELY The Doctors Show, think a little out of the box. Generally, and ironically, if they
are LABELED by $Big–Pharma$–funded sites as "quacks" ... they are worth investigation! Another common MISCONCEPTION is the US DIET
PYRAMID is ideal. There re two main reasons to avoid or not take seriously: 1. This follows $Big–Pharma$–funded CONVENTIONAL MEDICAL
"WISDOM" which has caused us to become the 2nd most OBESE country in the world, highest heart attack rate, highest cancer rate, as well as THE
HIGHEST LEVEL OF DEMENTIA, so, how could it be
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Holocaust Acceptance Speech
Greetings! Our names are Ryan Ford and Mohit Desai, and we are students in grade nine at Mahwah High School. To elaborate, we are
investigating and researching the topics in and surrounding the concepts of prejudice, bias and the concept of identity with the application of some
prime events. Now, we are very engrossed in the subject of history, day by day, as we both have a robust passion for history. As a result, we are
striving and growing students of Honors World History, due in part because of the accolades of years past. Consequently, this has become one of the
reason for our interests in the themes of stereotypes present in influential events that have encompassed the past. Hence, we are very pleased to get into
contact with you, as you... Show more content on ...
Indeed, whether it is in history or everyday life in general, a new comprehensive vision on the Holocaust, in affiliation with discrimination and
predisposition, will convolutedly fuel our burgeoning brains. Similarly, not only our collection of knowledge about these matters will proliferate, but
rather it may even institute some new inquiries and symposiums to even you, providing you with more insight on the arguments relating to the
Holocaust. In addition, speaking and conferring with a class may even bring up some new challenges and milestones for you to overcome, as
presentational and communication skills are a key in such discussions and panels, and in any field of study. Moreover, in speaking to millennials shall
validate a gap, as millennials are more frivolous and one dimension, unlike the ongoing students at St. Elizabeth's School. Not to mention, an exceeding
extent of mastery we have acquired about the Holocaust has come from a grimy and predominantly outdated textbook, unable to advance with ongoing
studies in this field. Thus, we very much yearning for a taste of your expertise in the field of study, concerning the Holocaust, to make critical
connections between the past and the present, through the themes of discrimination, prejudice, and
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HOSA Student Acceptance Speech Sample
I remember being fifteen years old, sitting still on the ground of the auditorium, feeling unconfident in my performance in the HOSA New Jersey State
Biotechnology competition. I mentally shut out the buzz of applause that erupted from the announcements for the Biotechnology winners. The
applause for fourth place was still continuing when they announced the third place winner. I couldn't hear who the third place winner was, and I didn't
want to know. "Adrienne, what are you doing? Get up, you won!" Katrina started to pulling me up from the floor. "What?" I stared blankly at Katrina.
"What do you mean 'what'? You won!" As I began to stand up, my fellow classmates were smiling at me and applauding. I was stunned. I ran to the
stage, fueled by ... Show more content on ...
During my junior year, I realized how much dedication and brainstorming it took to fulfill my duties as Fundraising Chairperson. That year I came
up with our Hot Chocolate and Lemonade sales, and our first Hot Chocolate sale garnered $75 in only 10 minutes. I brought in baked goods every
bake sale we had, and participated in our Panera Bread fundraiser as well. This position taught me how to become dedicated, and how no matter
what the title of your position is, your role as an officer has a profound impact on the club. Senior year came around, and I was able to become
Vice President in HOSA. My goal as Vice President this year is to make my chapter's first HOSA Gala successful so that the future generation of
HOSA may also continue this charitable and extraordinary event. These duties have taught me how to take more initiative, to become more assertive,
and to become more outgoing. My interest in Biology sparked because I was curious in the work of curing certain genetic and congenital disorders
through the manipulation of cells. I enjoyed learning about electrophoresis and gene mapping, and I knew participating as the first HOSA
Biotechnology competitor in my district will definitely push my interests to the test. I believe in curing diseases from the source, and that through
Biology, I can help patients from ever suffering from an incurable genetic disease. This reason was my motivation in pursuing Biology, and thanks to
HOSA I've realized that it will be my
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Persuasive Essay Outline
A Life Changing Journey One of the most life changing experiences that the human race can encounter is the five stages of grief. Oskar Schell, the
main character in the film Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, experiences each of these stages after his dad's sudden death in the World Trade
Center. Thomas Schell's tragic passing sent Oskar on a journey through denial, depression, anger, bargaining, and finally acceptance. The very first
stage that Oskar experiences in the film is denial. Denial is when someone refuses to accept that something, such as the death of a loved one, has
occurred in their life. In Oskar's case, he is refusing to accept his father's death when he states that if the sun exploded, no one would know for eight
minutes and "I could feel my eight minutes with [my dad] ... running out." During the first year after Thomas's death, Oskar never goes into his dad's
closet, develops a fear for public transportation because they could easily be attacked, and avoids talking about his dad all together. The trauma and
shock he experiences causes him to shrink away from everything that reminds him of 9/11. He reasons that avoiding everything makes his pain
disappear and it leads him to justify his actions. Even the emotional pain of thinking or talking about him is too much for him to bear. The second stage
Oskar encounters is depression. Depression means that someone is extremely sad and overwhelmed with feelings of helplessness. Throughout the film,
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A Temporary Matter Summary
"A Temporary Matter", is one of the nine short stories incorporated in Jhumpa Lahiri's, Interpreters of Maladies. The short story consists of a young
Indian couple, Shukumar, and Shoba, living in America. Shukumar being a graduate student and educator, and Shoba being a textbook editor. The
couple has undergone the loss of their baby, due to Shoba having a stillborn. During their period ofgrief, their communication tampers. A major aspect
of a successful marriage, in which the couple lack. The couple experiences a temporary blackout, forcing them to communicate. During these
blackouts, the couple interacts and communicates expressing their secrets and emotions after deliberately avoiding each other for months. Darkness
can evoke a sense of fear or evil, but it can also evoke a sense of comfort or peace. Greif can change a person's outlook of how they perceive life and
can alter a person's mindset. A Temporary Matter illustrates the result of failed communication and trajectory of grief through symbolism and situational
The tragic death of their child affected both Shukumar and Shoba individually and as a couple. In a sense, their baby symbolized their relationship,
because the death of the baby marked the start of the destruction of their communication and marriage. Lahiri demonstrates the changes within the
characters after the tragedy, by emphasizing the change in their everyday lives. "Like the type of woman, she'd once claimed she would never
resemble. She'd
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Grief And Grief Of Grief
Grief is a part of life that is simply unavoidable. People grieve over a multitude of different things. For instance, when one thinks of grief they often
immediately think of death; that a person has to experience the loss of a loved one to understand and go through the grieving process. However,
grief is defined as "deep sorrow," so anything causing one to feel a deep sense of sadness can cause them to go through the grieving process. The
process of grief consists of five stages. The first is denial, where one is surprised and shocked to the point of disbelief. The second stage is anger,
where one is just mad that it happened in general. Then they enter the third stage of depression, where they are done being mad, but are instead
incredibly sad and are having a hard time even functioning. The fourth stage is bargaining, where one grieves their own life and begins to bargain
with God and question what they could have done differently. Finally they then reach the fifth and final stage which is acceptance, where one is able
to think upon the event and have happy thoughts. I have experienced grief in my life already more than a couple of times, and all being due to
different types of unfortunate events occurring. Though, I specifically remember going through every step in the grieving process after the death of
my good friend Sam. When my best friend Jacob woke me up with a call to inform me that Sam was dead, I literally thought he was kidding. In my
mind at the time there
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Elie Wiesel's Acceptance Speech Analysis
During the evils that took place in World War II, the Germans impugned the natural rights of the Jewish people living in Europe and ultimately
executed millions of innocent people. With a basis of racial superiority and social darwinism, the Germans' ruthless attempt to remove an entire racial
population involved the killing of pure children and defenseless elderly citizens. The fact that the basic universal rights, which should apply to all of
humanity, were intruded upon illustrates the absolute evil in man and the lack of response by the rest of society. Ultimately, those who did survive
found it their duty and responsibility to share their difficult experiences with the rest of the world to avoid a recurrence of such prejudice and hatred....
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Her lawyer, Randy, delivers a closing argument that describes two interpretations of the history of the Holocaust: those who oppose restitution to the
victims of the Holocaust and those who recognized the injustices committed to the Jewish population. The fact that the artwork was ultimately returned
to her illustrates that history has taught society a lesson about equality. There are no possible compensations for the tragedies that took place, but
society can use history to remember the past and form a better, more equal
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Moakley Peace Medal Acceptance Speech
Moakley Peace Medal Acceptance Speech In accepting this award on behalf of my father, I would like to begin as he would, by offering his and my
most sincere and humble gratitude to Chancellor Motley and to the University of Massachusetts and its distinguished members for creating this
medal and for choosing my father and, in a broader sense, the YaLa movement, as the recipients of the Moakley Peace medal. The very existence of
the Moakley Chair of Peace and Reconciliation and of the Moakley Peace Medal are worthy of more thanks than can be offered, standing as
testaments to the ongoing desire for peace and the rational non–violent resolution of conflict that is embedded in this university and in communities
throughout the world. It is with this understanding that I give thanks not only on behalf of my father and YaLa for the honor of receiving the Medal,
but on behalf of all people affected by conflict for the convictions and the principles that led to the creation of this award and the committee and Chair
that supports it. When my father and others worked to develop the YaLa movement, their goal was simple despite the complexities involved in its
achievement. There is nothing simpler than peace, yet nothing more difficult to achieve with the many complexities of the modern geopolitical
situation. In the Middle East, issues of economic and social inequality, religious and cultural conflict, territorial disputes, and the power provided by
access to resources and wealth
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American Flag Stand For Acceptance Speech
Acceptance, a word with so much meaning yet so little impact. The world struggles to accept one's choice of words to their race. In the text
"American Flag Stands for Tolerance" by Ronald J Allen, "Texas vs. Johnson", and "My so Called Enemy" by William J Brennan demonstrate how
people should be accepted and along with their opinions. We as human beings must be willing to accept people or opinions that are different from
ourselves. To begin with, we should come together to help one another to find a way to accept our diversity. To be specific, according to the text
"Texas vs. Johnson" by Ronald J Allen on line 1–2 the author states, "We decline, therefore, to create for the flag an exception to the joust of
principles protected by the first Amendment." This piece of evidence shows that we decline to create an exception for the flag by the First
Amendment because it's one of the things that we can do in a way of expressing what we feel on a certain... Show more content on ...
For instance, in the text "American Flag Stands for Tolerance" by William J Brennan on page 20 the author states, "More than anything else, the flag
stands for free expression or ideas, no matter how distasteful." This reveals that we have the right to use the flag to express ourselves freely in ways
others may or may not agree with. Furthermore, according to the text "American Flag Stand for Tolerance" by William J Brennan on page 18–19 the
author states, "Each individual is to have the freedom to develop by his or her own lights, and not by the command of officialdom. That requires not
just the right to communicate with, to learn from, and test views in conversation." This demonstrates that we have the right to speak what's on our
mind, to express ourselves freely whether or not what we say or do contradicts someone else's points of view. We have different point of views, but
also have the right to express
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Nfpfa Acceptance Speech
Hi Everyone, Another summer has come and gone! Hopefully, everyone had a magnificent summer. I would akin to begin by showing gratitude to
the awards and the conference committee for all the solid work accomplished the last few months. Consequently, this was the highest attended
conference/awards I have ever remembered. It was splendid to catch sight of the numerous professional members, both new and established in
attendance. Nevertheless, this event is trending up each year and soon may outgrow our current location. I would be keen on recognizing all of our
sponsors whose continued support of NHRPA has allowed us to grow this event into one of the premier days for our association. I would be partial to
congratulate all of the award winners, especially our marquee award winners! Dyana Martin... Show more content on ...
The opportunity, as president, to represent New Hampshire is an honor. It is a refreshing experience to meet other state presidents and executive
directors, while discussing the challenges each state goes through. New Hampshire is not alone in the struggles our state association has
encountered. Be that as it may, Progress doesn't happen overnight, our membership needs to continue to guide the association in the direction of
stability, professionalism, and credibility. Finally, I encourage each and every one of you to become involved in some fashion with NHRPA. You
only cultivate out what you put into the association. You don't need to jump right in and put your name in for the executive board next year! Start
where you are comfortable, come to be active in your district, join one of the numerous committees that is always seeking help, and attend all the
various workshops as possible. These workshops have been developed to enhance the work you watch after on a day to day basis. The further you
develop in your current position, the stronger our association grows. Please feel free to email or call
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Hillary Clinton Acceptance Speech Analysis
Hillary Clinton Acceptance Speech at the Democratic National Convention On July 28, 2016, Hillary Clinton delivered a formal presidential
acceptance speech at the 2016 Democratic National Convention (DNC) in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. At a critical moment of American history,
Clinton became the first woman to be nominee of a major United States political party. Clinton described issues that need to be address and laid out
her plan to resolve them. One major issue that Clinton focused on was the need to rebuild the economy by generating more jobs and increasing wages
for the working class. By addressing her speech in Philadelphia, "the birthplace of our nation," (Clinton) a major city notable for its rich history where
the Declaration of Independence... Show more content on ...
Throughout the course of her speech, Clinton used her experience and knowledge of issues to strengthen her credibility and gain the trust of her
audience. Clinton used her experience and title jobs as the first lady, Senator of New York for eight years and being our 67th United States
Secretary of State for a term of four years as evidence that she is well informed of the issues that need to be address and has a plan to start fixing
them, if she is elected. Citing her experience boost Clinton's credibility by showing that she is not new to politics, "Now, sometimes the people at
this podium are new to the national stage. As you know, I'm not one of those people" (Clinton). She has been in the public eye for decades and
continues to have the opportunity to establish herself as a recognized politician. Clinton seek to explain to her audience why a policy maker like
herself with experience and knowledge of laws will make a better candidate as she has more policy experience, "To drive real progress, you have to
change both hearts and laws. You need both understanding and action" (Clinton). She has passed laws, treaties and launch new programs that have
help millions of children and families, such as the Children's Health Insurance Program. She outlined her plans, "In my first 100 days, we will work
with both parties to pass the biggest investment in new, good–paying jobs since World War II" (Clinton). Clinton communicated her vision and was not
afraid to speak with the audience her plans for the future. Clinton wanted her audience to know that she is experience, and plans to hold the American
values upon which the nation was founded. Clinton command of facts during her speech made her credible as a potential commander–in–chief, "It
relies on smarts, judgment, cool resolve, and the precise and strategic application of power. That's the kind of commander–in–chief
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Oprah Winfrey's Acceptance Speech Essay
On January 7, 2018, actress and entrepreneur, Oprah Winfrey, gave a powerful acceptance speech as the recipient of the Golden Globes' annual
Cecil B. DeMille award for lifetime achievement. Oprah's speech brought many men and women that were in the audience to their feet. Oprah
begins by talking about when she was a little girl watching Sidney Poitier getting celebrated. She nexts talks becoming the first black woman to
win the award. She finally says the two words that impacted on the audience life, which were 'me too.' Oprah begins her speech by telling us that
when she was watching Anne Bancroft present the Oscar to best actor she said five words that made history, which were "The winner is Sidney
Poitier." (Line 4) Oprah was a very specific person who had to specify everything she would say. As a little girl she had never seen a black man
being celebrated just like Mr. Poitier did. She didn't know how to possibly explain how watching that moment made her feel. As stated she said, " All I
could do is quote and say that the explanation in Sidney's... Show more content on ...
Just like she watched Sidney get awarded when she was a little girl now there are little girls around the world getting to watch her be the first black
woman to be given the same award. Oprah thanks everyone that helped her make her journey possibly by saying, " it is a privilege to share the
evening with the incredible men and women who have inspired me, who challenged me, who sustained me and made my journey to this stage
possible." She has three different audiences which are: the little girls, the incredible men and women, and her specific audience that is there at that
moment watching her present her speech. Oprah uses pathos in her speech by repeating "it's an honor." (Line
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Special Exception Reward Acceptance Speech
Katherine N. Lipsius
Professor Gabriela Vlahovici–Jones
ENG 203 Online
17 November 2017
Special Occasion Reward Acceptance Speech
Thanks to the wonderful introduction by our Dean, you now know my name is Katherine Lipsius. I am standing here today, among all the other
graduates as the John T. Harrison award winner. An award I am told is delivered to a student with outstanding academic and community achievement,
and I am honored to have been recognized for these qualities. I have spent my time at this college learning a variety of skills and knowledge both in the
classroom and out of it. I have had many obstacles to overcome, but they have made me a better student and a better member of the community. These
qualities ultimately allowed me to earn this award tonight, and I am forever grateful to know my efforts in establishing myself within the community
have not been in vain. ... Show more content on ...
I took the course load our advisors strictly discouraged, and any free time I had become dedicated to my volunteer work in assisted living homes and
nonprofit organizations, and my work as a tutor for those that just could not fit the tutor schedule provided by the university. I earned perfect grades and
hundreds of hours of community service experience. Yet, for all my achievements, I would have never made it this far without the support of my
family, who dealt with my three AM freakouts over projects. My instructors, who listened to my theoretical rants and gave me an opportunity to expand
my practical knowledge and the students that I have tutored over the last five semesters who allowed me to refine that
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Acceptance Speech By Malala Yousafzai
One way that empathy can impact society is by improving education. In Malala Yousafzai's acceptance speech for the Nobel peace prize, she
displays empathy. "My brave sisters Shazia and Kainat were also shot that day on our school bus" (Yousafzai paragraph 24). In this quote, Yousafzai
is connecting to the girls who have been shot. She knows that it is the story of many girls. She encourages the girls who have also been shot by saying
that, that didn't stop her sisters from learning. Therefore, any other girl who has been shot shouldn't let that stop them from learning. This quotation
proves my position because it shows that Yousafzai knows that it is difficult for girls to geteducation. She understands the strength and courage girls
must have
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Tom Delonge's Acceptance Speech Analysis
In February 2017, guitarist Tom DeLonge received the "UFO Researcher of the Year Award". In his acceptance speech, he says, "I want you as an
educated group of people to read between the lines and look at the history of what I've been doing over the past couple years and get a sense of what
the hell I'm getting ready to do. If you guys come along for the ride, it's going to be pretty fantastic." During the past 18 years prior to this event,
former Blink–182 member, Tom DeLonge, has had a number of experiences related to the extraterrestrial world. As DeLonge was becoming more
involved in the alien world, some people began to believe he was insane. For example, Tom DeLonge has claimed that UFOs are real, aliens are real
and they visit us constantly, the U.S. government has known about alien life for decades, the U.S. government... Show more content on
DeLonge's connection with the "outside world" was first noticed by the public in blink–182's song titled, "Aliens Exist" from their pop–punk classic,
Enema of the State. In the song, DeLonge sings, "I know the CIA will say, what you hear is all hearsay/I wish someone would tell me what was right."
This implies that he believes that the U.S government often lies about Earth's contact with aliens and he desperately wishes that the government will
reveal these secrets. The entire song hints at aliens related topics. For example, the last line of the song, "Twelve majestic lies" is a reference to a
folklore called Majestic 12, an organization formed in1947 composed of scientists, military and intelligence officials dedicated to the investigation of
alien spacecrafts. This reference in the song is innocent enough, but he continues to imply that the government is lying about their alien related
affairs, specifically three years later in a song titled, "All Systems Go", performed by Box Car Racer. In fact, he has made many references to aliens
and UFOs in his
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Faulkner's Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech
(Critical review on A Rose for Emily and Faulkner's Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech)
In Faulkner's Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech, he talks about how the award was not an award to him as a man, but an award to his work. Faulkner
gives all the credit to his writing career and earning the Nobel Prize to his writing and not to himself. His speech is a very important part of history
because it is such a humble speech and the things he talks about are very true about him as a person. In Faulkner's short story, "A Rose for Emily", the
humbleness of his speech shows through, and really shows that he is a wonderful writer and truly deserved the Nobel Prize Award. "A Rose for
Emily" is a short story about a young woman that talks about how sheltered she was because her father did not believe she needed to get married in
order to be happy. Not ... Show more content on ...
Faulkner was one of the greatest writers of all time and it showed in his writing and that is why he won the Nobel Prize Award. His speech was
very well written and went to show that he knew exactly what he was talking about when he wrote. Edmond Volpe talks about Faulkner like he
was the first man to walk on the moon; he said that Faulkner was the greatest writers of all time, but reading his stories took a different type of
reading. He says that in order to read Faulkner's work you need to have a very open mind, and that is something that shows through in "A Rose for
Emily." Faulkner was not the only one to say that. William O'Conner also stated that Faulkner had a "Tangled Fire of a mind" and it showed through
in his work, but it mainly showed through in his more famous story, "A Rose for Emily". Faulkner was a great writer, and that was obviously the
reason that he won the Nobel Prize, and the reason his speech became one of the most famous speeches in the writing
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38-Year-Old Learner's Acceptance Speech
Kanye West was honoured with the Michael Jackson Video Vanguard Award at MTV Video Music Awards on Sunday. The 38
–year–old star's highest
recognition was presented by Taylor Swift, who he once slammed in the same event in 2009. It was already six years ago when the American rapper
went up onstage and interrupted the 25–year–old crooner's acceptance speech. To recall, he wasn't happy to know that she won over Beyonce. The
songwriter took a full 12 minutes on the platform to deliver his dialogue. He started to bang "media" by using the feuds between artists to earn
ranking, even called out the Music Television network. He revealed that the station announced that the girlfriend of Calvin Harris will be the one to
hand him his trophy a lot of
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Anthony Jenner's Acceptance Speech
Caitlyn Jenner prepares for her acceptance speech when they announce her as the winner of the Arthur Ashe Courage Award. It has to be perfect, a
source told Radar Online, July 15, 2015. Caitlyn has been practicing her speech. She doesn't want to forget to mention anyone who helped her along
the way on changing genders. However, there is one person she is not going to thank or mention, according to the source. Kris Jenner's name is not
written or mentioned anywhere in her speech. Caitlyn has full control over tonight's events. She has her guest list. Only the names on her list can
attend the ceremony. She has only certain people from the media coming, while no others will be allowed in to cover the event. Caitlyn's dress will be
a Patricia Field
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Mother Teresa Acceptance Speech
Let us all thank God for this meeting ("Transcript of Mother TeresaВґs Acceptance Speech"). I am Mother Teresa, the founder of the Order of the
Missionaries of Charity and Patron Saint for Doubters (Eisenstadt–Evans, "Mother Teresa's canonization: She is the 'Patron saint for doubters'"). I was
born in Skopje, (the capital of the Republic of Macedonia) Albania in 1910. I'm a Roman Catholic and from the age of 18 began to study to
become a nun in Ireland (Gray, 60). In September of 1946, I received a calling from God saying I had to leave the convent and, "help the poor by
living among them," (Gray, 60). This led me to Calcutta, India where I founded the Order of the Missionaries of Charity to restore dignity in the souls
of the underprivileged, degraded, and ill ("Biography Mother Teresa"). I've been criticized for my methods of maintaining my centers but have also
been awarded the highest honor, the Nobel Peace Prize, in 1979 (Eisenstadt–Evans, "Mother Teresa's canonization: She is the 'Patron saint for
doubters'"). My life being surrounded by such violence has brought me here with you all today. My devotion to helping the helpless and forgiving
the unforgivable leads me to believe that all people are embodiments of Christ and deserve to be loved and seen as equals. With this, William
Golding is guilty of libel against the human race since all people are born pure and any malevolent acts of violence are results of society's teachings.
When I left Skopje, Albania in 1928 to
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Phi Theta Nhs Acceptance Speech
Our nomination for the award of Outstanding Advisors would be for Professor Lynda Dodgen and Laura Dupree. The love that is reflected in their
guidance is astounding. Professor Lynda Dodgen and Laura Dupree are the advisors for Phi Theta Kappa, Alpha Alpha Rho Chapter. We nominate
them as they live and demonstrate the belief in what the Phi Theta Kappa teaches. The foundations of knowledge, support, and training that will last a
lifetime. While it would be easy to overlook the self–sacrifice, they offer we cannot. The endless hours of personal time that they offer to the members
of the group and the student body at large is countless. Regardless of their personal lives, work, family, furthering their own academic achievements, and
that little
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Zootopia Analysis
Would you consider women, immigrants, minority groups, and other second class citizens to have yet been accepted as equal members of American
society? Although the friction between the dominant group and minority groups has diminished, discrimination continues to exist. Whether it be
ignorance, fear, or plain bigotry, rejection and feelings of disgust for these second class people emerge. Like the movie, Zootopia, demonstrates,
prejudistic individuals set psychological barriers between themselves and those considered menacing, undesirable, or lacking the appropriate
appearance in a particular society. There are several different ways to digest and interpret the multiple messages that can be extracted from the movie.
However, the most significant of the possible arguments is the addressal of the divisive and regressive mentalities the people in American society
currently have and live according to.
The implementation of gender role stereotypes was the first indication of the regressive–like thinking the movie later emphasizes. Throughout the
entirety of the film, repetitive scenes, which demonstrate the protagonist, Judy Hopps, as determined yet underappreciated, stress on the notion of
women being stigmatized because of their ascribed social status. For instance, during the initial scenes, Judy performs a childish play alongside her
peers. Although childish, the moral of the play suggests that anyone, regardless of who you are, can become whom they aspire to be through
diligence and self confidence. While the males in the play were applauded for aspiring to become either an actuary or an astronaut someday, Judy was
ridiculed for sharing her ambitious dream of becoming a police officer. Because of her questionable skills and having the scrawny physique a women
typically has, agents of society, namely her parents and acquaintances, oppressed her undaunting will for success.
Judy progressed and realized her dream. Nevertheless, the more people Judy encountered, the more humiliation she received. In their eyes, Judy was
unfit to meet the standards the masculine occupation demanded of. Her unjust path to success clearly correlates to the path many women are currently
enduring. It's that injustice that obstructs
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Analyzing Trump 's Acceptance Speech Essay
Rhetorically Analyzing Trump's Acceptance Speech A vast majority of political speeches are most likely to put you to sleep, especially if you are
reading them. Your eyes begin to get drowsy as they scan from one meaningless word to another, and before you know it, your mind starts to wander
off topic. Unlike many politicians, Donald Trump's Republic Nomination Acceptance speech does not make you want to have an exciting dream
(Hilary Clinton's speeches do). In order to not lull his audience to sleep, Trump utilizes rhetoric writing in his speech. Rhetoric writing focuses on
different uses of persuasive communication (Praxis pg. 6), and thus has the audience read rhetorically and contribute to the conversation. There are
three main types of rhetoric persuasion; logos, ethos, and pathos (Praxis pg.13). Logos utilizes logic, it is logical that a business man like Trump would
be able to run a successful country. Ethos persuades the audience by using credibility. In Trump's speech, the audience is listening because he is a
credible presidential candidate. Perhaps most importantly, Trump uses pathos which focuses on the emotions of his audience. Trump engages the
audience and pulls them out of their aloof mood through his strategic rhetoric arguments. We will also examine the rhetorical situation in depth. The
rhetorical situation consists of the author, the audience, and the purpose of a text. Rhetoric reading will help you better understand a text by knowing
the audience,
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Kite Acceptance Speech
In 1968 at the age of 20 Dottie Armstead voted for the first time. She was so excited because she believes in equality for all humans whether it's
blacks, whites, men, or women and also wants a say in the government. I interviewed Dottie for my school's expedition. We had a great
conversation about her voting experience and who she voted for. As a citizen of the United States of America, Dottie voted when she was twenty
years old, this was first election since she had turn eighteen. Her parents had encouraged her to vote because, "it is her right and if she has a say in the
government then you should do so." I asked who she voted for in which she replied "I voted for Richard Nixon because I felt like his ideas were good
and I just happen
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Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech
Al Gore's speech titled "Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech" is a powerful work of literature which serves two purposes. The first purpose is stated in the
title – to accept his award of the Nobel Peace Prize. The second intent he had when writing the speech was to reiterate his points that awarded him
the honor in the first place. The speech explains his passion for the problem in our world that is the climate change and how much we pollute our
earth. To give a short gist of what his cause was, the following quote offers much insight to the regretful aspect of our society that he is passionate
about fixing. He says "So today, we dumped another 70 million tons of global–warming pollution into the thin shell of atmosphere surrounding our
planet,... Show more content on ...
His call to actions is for us to "choose between two futures." He goes on to explain further by challenging the reader to challenge assumption as well as
repetition. Challenging us to question the repetition that would eminently happen if we don't unify and majorly change our actions. His persuasion is
made very strong and hard–hitting when he says "we are standing at the most fateful fork in that path. So I want to end as I began, with a vision of two
futures – each a palpable possibility – and with a prayer that we will see with vivid clarity the necessity of choosing between those two futures, and
the urgency of making the right choice now." Reading this quote gives the feeling of being very inspired and feeling empowered. That being said,
I feel Gore should have given more concrete action that he proposes we take. He should have said things such as we should stop allowing every
person to drive a motor vehicle as much as they please. If he'd said something along those lines, it puts a specific concern in mind and helps along
the putting the reality of better, healthier world into fruition. He also could have proposed that perhaps every person who owns a vehicle be
required to plant a tree once a year. His speech was powerful with lots of drawing of parallels, a lot of analogies, and many accounts of making
associations. While he is lacking a concrete and specific remedy for our current situation, maybe it is okay. Perhaps all we need is to see that we do
have a choice in how we can influence the world, and the rest is up to us to draw from the inspiration and coordinate our own, personal next move to
attain the goal that has been
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Essay on Acceptance Speech commentary
The poem Acceptance Speech by Lynn Powell is about a housewife who feels undervalued by her family and by society. The title of the poem
suggests that the character has received an award for achieving something brilliant, but in fact she is being sarcastic and conducting an imaginary
award ceremony for herself in her kitchen, since no one else is willing to appreciate her hard work. The poet uses irony and personification of kitchen
utensils and ingredients to add humour to the play. She uses the In this poem, the character deals with her desire to be appreciated by propelling herself
into an imaginary scenario in her kitchen where she is in the spotlight and humorously personifies ingredients in food who are just as under appreciated
as ... Show more content on ...
In contrast to her children, who simply "growl" at her when they are hungry, the ingredients in the kitchen actually assist her in making the "soup." The
"salt" is particularly important, as we only notice it when it is absent from food rather than when it is present. When it is not in the food, its omission
is strongly reflected in the taste of the food. Hence, it is taken for granted. Similarly, this housewife is criminally underappreciated and if she was not
around, her family would instantly feel her absence from the household. She also compares herself to "the celery and the parsnip", who are
regularly "forgotten" and seen as "bit players." The housewife knows "exactly" this feeling, as she is similarly overlooked and seen as playing a
more minor role in the household than the man, who is traditionally the breadwinner. Overall, although the poem is essentially a parody and uses
plenty of humour, there is an overbearing feeling of underappreciation, loneliness and frustration towards her family on the part of the speaker. While
at the beginning of the poem the speaker's tone is mocking towards her family for having many expectations of her yet taking her for granted, at the
end of the poem there is a sense of isolation, as the only "applause" she gets is the "blue" flame of the stove.
The structure is key to adding humour to this poem. For example, after the words "starring role" at the end of the second stanza, the reader expects
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Essay about Healthy Grief
Running head: HEALTHY GRIEF Healthy Grief Amber Norris Grand Canyon University: HLT
–310V April 14, 2013 Healthy Grief The Book of Job is
a profound story about a man who was "perfect and upright, and one that feared God, and eschewed evil" (Job 1:1). Job was a man who had a loving
family, prospered and was very wealthy. For whatever reason, Satan challenged God regarding Job. Satan told God that if everything were taken away
from Job, he would surely curse God. It was a "bet" of sorts. So God gave Satan the power to destroy everything Job had with the exception of Job's
life. Satan took away Job's possessions,... Show more content on ...
Job is seen voicing his anger, "Therefore I will not restrain my mouth, I will speak in the anguish of my spirit; I will complain in the bitterness of
my soul." (Job 7:11) Pain is the emotion most closely related to and buried under anger. So, in essence, the pain drives anger and anger drives change.
As it relates to the grieving process, anger instigates a form of strength and can provide the backbone and structure necessary to move on to the next
stage. (Kubler–Ross & Kessler 2013) Although Job voices his anger it isn't directed to God but rather the situation. Bargaining in the third stage and is
the stage of negotiating. In their mind, a person will remain in the past, and try anything to return to the way things were before. (Kubler–Ross &
Kessler 2013) At first glance, it appears Job doesn't ever go through the bargaining stage, he clearly expresses his sadness. He continues to praise
and worship God in spite of the losses he is going through. However, one can observe how he clearly wishes he could return to the way things
were before. "He is wise in heart, and mighty in strength, who hath hardened himself against him, and hath prospered." (Job 9:4) But his sorrow
could certainly be seen as a type of bargaining with God to relieve his sorrow. The fourth stage is depression, the stage where one will experience
feelings of emptiness and hopelessness. Some people worry that their feelings of despair will last forever. Yet this stage is
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Martin Luther King Acceptance Speech Analysis
"Acceptance Speech" by Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Noble Peace Prize, Oslo, 1964 The Acceptance Speech given by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. emphasizes the racial injustice being held by the
majority white population in 1964, by the use of repetition. Kings acceptance of this speech involves a complex understanding of a people in a
critical point in their lives. He uses different statements to define the authenticity of a cause that means a great deal to him. Martin Luther King Jr,
is a man of God, fighting for the rights of his people to be treated as equals, in a way very few have tied before, nonviolence. In the year 1964 in
Oslo, Reverand Martin Luther King Jr. accepts an award half of his people, but not without explaining the priorities of freedom that his side is fighting
for. King uses repetition constantly in his speech in ... Show more content on ...
When accepting this award, he gives attention and credit to the many black men and women who were still fighting racial injustice in their lives. "I
accept this award on behalf of a civil rights movement which is moving with determination and a majestic scorn for risk and danger to established
she a reign of freedom and a rule of justice."(Paragraph 1). He repeats the words in many different contexts in order to show what the true reason he
is receiving with reward, his followers. Once again using the term "I accept", King influences the ideology of turning the reward to him. "I accept the
Nobel Prize for Peace at a moment when 22 million Negroes of the United States of America are engaged in a creative battle to end a long night of
racial injustice"(Paragraph 1). In his speech, King is not only representing himself, his people. King does not only use acceptance as a term of
repetition in his speech, but also a refusal of acceptance in his speech. Martin Luther King Jr, had a way of contradicting his own statements, to put
more emphasis on the meaning
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Acceptance Speech In Oprah Winfrey
From the Emancipation Proclamation to the Jim Crowe laws of 1965, African Americans have been fighting for their rights, freedom and a voice in
society for decades. African Americans were introduced to people, specifically Caucasians as individuals only regarded as legal property with a force
placed upon them to obey others superior than them according to society. As she was used to the constant disadvantage and mistreatment displayed
towards African Americans, it was an unreal moment for youngOprah Winfrey as she observed Sidney Poiter walk across the stage to accept the
award of "best actor at the 36th Academy Awards". Poiter's award for best actor not only came as shock, moment of change in society for Winfrey but
for all African Americans as Poiter became the firstAfrican American male to receive an award at the Golden Globes. In the same fashion, years later
at the Golden Globes, Oprah Winfrey accepted the honorary "Cecil B. Demille" award becoming the first African American female to win the
astounding award. As accepting her award, Winfrey delivered a speech that impacted not only the crowd but all those watching through her exquisite
nomenclature and use of rhetorical ... Show more content on ...
With her description of Sidney Poiter as he accepted the award for best actor, becoming the first African American male to win an Oscar, Winfrey
describes the joy that surrounded her as it was the first time she had experienced and observed such celebration of a black man after years of
mistreatment and unfairness towards her culture. Sidney's win gave Oprah the hope and belief as a young child that she could achieve the same as
Poiter and become the "first African American....". Today individuals look at Oprah Winfrey steadily observing her achieving her dreams, holding the
title as the "first African American woman to receive the Cecil B Demille"
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Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech Analysis
There is no denying conflict. Everyone faces conflict of some sort in their lives, whether it be an argument over which sibling gets to sit in the front
seat of the car on the way to school, or a potentially dangerous confrontation that necessitates an immediate reaction. Writers such as Susan Campbell
Bartoletti and Elie Wiesel, who wrote "Hitler Youth: Growing Up in Hitler's Shadow" and "
Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech" respectively, portray
such situations. Bartoletti writes about how one German girl faced conflict during World War Two, and Wiesel shares his personal experience as a
Jew in a concentration camp. Both works show that the most important aspect of facing a conflict is the way in which a person chooses to deal with
it. One could react to conflict by becoming angry or sullen, shouting or going silent, or simply pouting. None of these reactions are the best –– some
can even be counterproductive to one's goals. The best way to deal with conflict is to take a stand for one's beliefs. First off, standing up for one's
beliefs creates many positive effects, for large groups of people as well as for the ... Show more content on ...
"Hitler Youth: Growing Up in Hitler's Shadow." Studysync: Reading & Writing Companion. Sonoma, CA: BookheadEd Learning, LLC, 2015.
397–400. Print.
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. "Underage Drinking." National Institutes of Health. U.S. Department of Health and Human
Services, n.d. Web. 24 Apr. 2017.
Nobel Media. "Liu Xiaobo – Facts.", n.d. Web. 24 Apr. 2017.
Town Hall Meetings. "What's New." Town Hall Meetings To Prevent Underage Drinking. Stop Alcohol Abuse, 4 Feb. 2011. Web. 24 Apr. 2017.
Wiesel, Elie. "Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech." Studysync: Reading & Writing Companion. Sonoma, CA: BookheadEd Learning, LLC, 2015. 416–18.
WorkLife4You. Communication Skills for Healthy Relationships. N.p.: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association, n.d.
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The Monster Of Living With Grief
Abby Wigand
Mr. Mitchell
Communication Art IV
30 September 2016
The Monster of Living with Grief
As Keanu Reeves once said, "Grief changes shapes, but it never ends" ("Tragic"). When it comes to grief there are usually five shapes or stages that
people go through: denial, anger, bargaining, depression and, finally, acceptance. The book A Monster Calls, by Patrick Ness, is about a young boy
who is struggling with school, bullies, friends, and family when his mother develops a terminal illness. He is visited by the monster, a massive yew
tree, who comes alive to teach Conor the ways of the world. He also teaches Conor the truth in order to move past his mother's sickness. Ness shows
how people in both literature and real life tend to go through five stages of grief while dealing with a loved one who has a terminal illness because of the
overwhelming lamentation it inflicts.
The first stage of grief is as the sharks say in Finding Nemo, "DENIAL." In the book, Conor's grandma told him that his mother's condition would not
get better with one of the new treatments. He denied it by saying, "The treatments are making her better..."(42). Even though the treatments had not
worked, Conor refused to believe that the treatments will not work because he needs his mother to get better. The American Psychological
Association says that most people deny the problem because it is easier to distance oneself from friends or family. Once a person isolates from those
who can help, it can lead to
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Loss : The Many Faces Of Grief
Adaptation to Loss: The Many Faces of Grief
Hadley Rhodes
Denver School of Nursing Abstract
The life transition of death and dying is inevitably one with which we will all be faced; we will all experience the death of people we hold close
throughout our lifetime. This paper will explore the different processes of grief including the bereavement, mourning, and sorrow individuals go
through after losing someone to death. Bereavement is a period of adaptation following a life changing loss. This period encompasses mourning, which
includes behaviors and rituals following a death, and the wide range of emotions that go with it. Sorrow is the state of ongoing sadness not overcome
in the grieving process; though not pathological, persistent ... Show more content on ...
There are also many factors that influence these events and emotions such as personality, culture, religion, relationships, and the way in which the
deceased passed away (Buglass, 2010, 44). Buglass (2010) refers to Stroebe and Schut's "flexible" model of grief and explains that a person
handling loss will experience lifestyle changes as a result of that loss. This is due to the dual manner of moving between grieving, and trying to come
to terms with loss. This theory looks at grieving as a process that happens in everyday life. Other theorists, such as Freud, view grieving as a "solitary
process" where mourners withdraw from the world around them and gradually deal with the loss they've suffered.
While bereavement is an external process by which one externally or publicly grieves, mourning is the grieving that happens internally. "Stroebe
defined bereavement as a state of loss, triggering a reaction that manifests in a set of behaviors known as mourning," (Buglass, 2010, 44). There are
stages that one goes through when grieving, this is how they emotionally heal after their loss. Theorists like Lindemann claim that there are five phases
that are normal to go through in grieving: somatic disturbance, preoccupation with the deceased, guilt, hostility or anger, and difficulty with everyday
tasks. Kubler–Ross identified the commonly recognized and accepted stages of grief
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Acceptance Speech In Elie Wiesel's Night
Elie Wiesel, the author of the memoir, Night. As well as receiver of a Nobel Peace Prize in 1986. Where he also gave an acceptance speech. Uses
many different aspects of writing/speaking to persuade his audience of the importance of speaking out against injustice. In one part of his acceptance
speech, Elie talks about the holocaust and how all of the people in the world are bystanders. His word choice really helps to create a big impact in the
meaning of his speech. He really appeals to people's pathos. "...And that is why I swore never to be silent whenever and wherever human beings endure
suffering and humiliation. We must take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented.
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Wherever men and women are persecuted because of their race, religion, or political views, that place must–at that moment–become the center of the
universe..." (Acceptance speech, 1986. Elie Wiesel) Here Elie further stresses the importance of speaking out and not being a bystander. Whenever
human lives or dignity are in danger, everything else doesn't matter, skin color, religion, etc. We are all people and should be treated as such. Again
Elie uses some vibrant vocabulary to evoke this feeling into people. Such words include, irrelevant, persecut, jeopardy, and
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Essay about Healthy Grief
Healthy Grief
Grand Canyon University: HLT–310V
Healthy Grief Grief is a process that most everyone will go through at some point in his life. A person who is experiencing grief may have suffered loss
of a loved one, loss of a job, or diagnosis of a terminal illness. The five stages of grief as described by Elisabeth Kubler–Ross in 1969 have helped in
defining the steps one may go through after experiencing a loss. Every person has his own response to grief, so he may not go through every stage.
This paper will examine the story of Job from the Bible and will compare his grieving process to that as defined by Kubler–Ross. The grieving process
of the Jewish believer will also be discussed as well as this author's thoughts on grief. ... Show more content on ...
Before the loss of a loved one, a person may bargain with God saying that they will do anything if only their loved one's life would be spared. After the
loss, the hope is that life will go back to what it was before, and may include more bargaining with God (Kessler, 2012). Bargaining is seen through
Job when he is visited by his friends who point out to him that he is being judged by God. He begs his friends to tell him what he is doing wrong
and then bargains with God, pleading with Him to tell him what he is doing wrong (Lyon, 2000). The fourth stage is depression. The grieving
person may feel empty, withdrawn, and sad, and this stage may seem to last a long time (Kessler, 2012). Depression is seen throughout the story of
Job. It is seen in several places including chapter three and chapter ten when Job is talking to God and asking Him why he was ever born; why did God
not let him die at birth (Life Application, Job 3 & 10) The final stage in grieving is acceptance. Acceptance does not mean that the loss is now
okay, because many people may never feel okay about the loss. Acceptance means that there has been a realization that the loved one is gone, that
this is the way life will be now. Life must be readjusted in hopes of having more good days than bad days (Kessler, 2012). Job's acceptance is seen in
chapter 13 as he speaks and argues his case with God. He seems to have accepted the events that have taken place, but now wants to speak to God to
find out how
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Elie Wiesel Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech
In Elie Wiesel's Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech, his purpose is to state the obvious, and frequently ignored, fact that incidences like the Holocaust
should never be permitted to happen again. For instance, during the speech, Wiesel states that he has "...tried to keep the memory alive..." and "...tried
to fight those who would forget." Wiesel is trying to convey to the audience that such traumatic events, like the Holocaust, should not be forgotten. If
such genocides are forgotten, the people who lost their lives sacrificed themselves for nothing. Also, Wiesel, later on in his speech, says, "if we forget
who the guilty are, we are accomplices." He is expressing the fact that if people ignore or forget what happened to the innocent victims, ... Show more
content on ...
For example, when Wiesel is thanking the audience for the Nobel Peace Prize he states that, "...this honor belongs to all the survivors and their
children, and through us, to the Jewish people with whose destiny I have always identified." Wiesel says he can relate to what the Jewish had to go
through during the Holocaust which implies that he has gone through a similar experience himself. Because of this, he feels biased towards the Jews, or
the sufferers, and feels that the tormentors should not be allowed to make people suffer and have it go ignored by the world. Also, he states, later on
in his speech, that "silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented" (Wiesel). During the Holocaust, people were aware that the Jews were
tortured but did not speak up because they were afraid of the consequences. Wiesel is communicating to the audience that if someone is aware of the
oppression going on in the world but does not say anything, then they are helping the tormentors by making them feel it is alright to oppress someone.
In conclusion, Elie Wiesel is biased towards the victims of a traumatic event because he can relate to what they have been
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KLTA Student Acceptance Speech Essay
Well, the dog days of summer are upon us and I hope you are surviving the heat with plenty of cool things to do. I wanted to take a moment through
this correspondence and touch base on a few items that I find important for your agency business as we transition from the summer into the fall. First,
the KLTA Annual Convention is being held at the Oread Hotel in Lawrence, KS August 5
–8. I do hope you are planning to attend to enjoy the
activities, education opportunities and business meetings. If you are not currently a KLTA member I highly encourage you to consider joining. The
association is a great way to stay informed on industry news, legislative regulations and to build key relations that can help your business succeed.
Please visit the KLTA website at to register for the convention and find out more on becoming a member. Second, the American Land
Title Association is piggybacking on the KLTA convention and holding an Agents & Abstracters Forum on Wednesday August 5th form 9:00am until
4:00pm. As an agent I highly encourage you to take the time to attend this session. ALTA has put together a great program that can aid you during
these changing times that will include An overview of Best Practices Challenges facing small companies and practical tips ... Show more content on ...
Please keep an eye out for this in your email inbox as we pass along to you different insights and tools that are available to you. The Bits 'n Pieces
will cover topics related to AgentNet use, Best Practices compliance, Audit preparations, and Marketing ideas. Our plan is to send out this
communication once or twice a month. If you happen to have any areas of interest that you would like covered please let us know so we can research
and deliver to all agents a tip for business
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MST Acceptance Speech

  • 1. MST Acceptance Speech I can't speak for everyone, but I strongly believe that my attendance at MST will be the best and fulfilling four years of my life. As everyone, I also am looking for various journeys and adventures that MST has to offer and it would be an absolute honor to recite them to this fellow reader. Firstly, as a 9th grade student at MST I'm totally looking into creating and morphing new friendship since many of my friends ventured in perusing their own goals and callings in CSI, IB, or different high schools beyond Utica Community Schools. Secondly, ever since a young boy I fascinated myself and explored the interminable universe of engineering and mathematics, and knowing that MST includes all these arts of studies I figured that MST is like my ... Get more on ...
  • 2. Anne Frank Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech "We're so fortunate here, away from the turmoil. We wouldn't have to give a moment's thought to all this suffering if it weren't for the fact that we're so worried about those we hold dear, whom we ca n no longer help. I feel wicked sleeping in a warm bed, while somewhere out there my dearest friends are dropping from exhaustion or being knocked to the ground." – Anne Frank (11/19/1942) Conflict has happened, and will continue to happen throughout the centuries we're on this earth. Countless people have been hunted or persecuted, and left with the responsibility of how to respond and deal with it. When conflict is described in negative terms, people find it is emotionally distressing and tend to shy away from things they don't like. Excerpts such as The Diary of Anne Frank and Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech, exhibit how people react to times of war. During the past and important times in history, people have hidden from or avoided complications as a ... Show more content on ... In the passage called Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech, Elie Wiesel, a survivor of the Auschwitz and Buchenwald Nazi concentration camps, tells his stories through books he has written about his experiences. He was awarded the nobel prize for being a "messenger to mankind." During his acceptance speech, Wiesel discussed reasons why people should not ignore or forget about conflict like they normally do. He says, "... if we forget, we are guilty, we are accomplices," meaning, if we do not attempt to help solve the issue, we become part of it. There are so many ways one individual can make a difference, "a difference of life or death," and most don't even try. Wiesel encourages people to help others who face oppression, because the quality of our freedom depends on theirs. His words inspired many people who chose to respond to conflict by ignoring it, to change their ways and become part of the ... Get more on ...
  • 3. King Jr Acceptance Speech "The ultimate tragedy is not the oppression and cruelty by bad people but the silence over that by good people." – Martin Luther King Jr. Everyone has a voice in this world; you control what you want to say, nobody else does. Martin Luther King Jr. is trying to say that everyone has a voice, and they can use it in a positive direction. There is so much negativity in the world, where is shuts down the positivity in people. Humanity is so afraid of telling the truth, because we are afraid the negativity in the world will shut the alacrity out of the Earth. People are built in different ways to the point of antagonism to eagerness, we all must accept it. However we shall not let other humans in this world put our confidence down. Martin Luther ... Get more on ...
  • 4. What Is The Jimmy V Acceptance Speech Jimmy Valvano once said "Don't give up. Don't ever give up". When you hear these words, what do you think of? Do you think about participating on a sports team and being down by a few points? Do you think about being so exhausted that you need to stop working and sleep? When Mr. Valvano said this, he was not thinking about how he wanted his team to come back and win or how tired he was and was not sure if he could do what needed to be done. He was talking about his battle with cancer (2012 ESPYS). and how he would never give up. This award is not just apart of an award, it is part of a foundation. The "V" foundation gives grants to companies to fund cancer research (2012 ESPYS). This foundation has helped create opportunities for men and... Show more content on ... When you die, that does not mean that you lose to cancer. You beat cancer by how you live, why you live and in the manner in which you live." (Evans) Scott tries to get the audience to sympathize for him and show them a little incite to his life. Another strong use of pathos is when he states " What you didn't see in the piece is what's gone on probably the last 10 days. I just got out of the hospital this past Friday. Seven–day stay. Man, I crashed. I had liver complications. I had kidney failure. I had four surgeries in a span of seven days. I had tubes and wires running in and out of every part of my body. And guys, when I say every part of my body: every part of my body. As of Sunday, I didn't even know if I'd make it here."(Evans). Scott tells the crowd this because to inform them how difficult it was to live with cancer and proves that you never know what day could be one's last. He tells the audience about his struggle in a week and lets them imagine what a struggle over a long period of time is like. During Scott's speech he used an abundant amount of personal examples which made it easier for his audience to relate to him therefore adding to his credibility. For example, he stated information about his battle with cancer and how it affected him and the people around him. He said "I've got thousands of people on Twitter and on the streets who encourage me. I've got these amazingly wonderful people at ESPN. I've got corporate executives, my ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Acceptance Speech Examples NOTICE: I REQUIRE an FB friendship BEFORE/AFTER joining ... I'm very protective of my groups, requiring you to have either a PUBLIC PROFILE, OR BE MINE OR MY WIFE"S FRIEND, so we can see all your profile and be assured you are for real and NOT SCAMMERS, SPAMMERS, MULTILEVEL MARKETERS, etc! The reasons: 1. I can better SCREEN the group of scammers/spammers and other undesirable! 2: I can contact you PRIVATELY about questionable post ... rather than blasting you publicly in the group. Again, to protect my groups, I will block you from joining and/or ban you from rejoining if FB friendship is not maintained. Who we are: A proactive group dedicated solely to proper nutrition /lifestyle for those having dementia; Huntington's Disease (HD) Parkinson's... Show more content on ... When you extract and SYNTHESIZE ANYTHING, removing it from its powerful synergistic sisters – reduces effectiveness and causes massive SHOCK to our less evolved bodies! Our bodies have had hundred–thousands of years to adjust to herbs! Modern meds are forced us to adapt in the last FIVE MINUTES of our evolutionary clock. You have to contact and follow doctors who think out of the box and are up–to–date on nutrition. The doctors I prefer: Neurologist, David Perlmutter, MD; Dr, Joseph Mercola, DO; Dr. Mehmet Oz, MD (but, questionable after his near loss–of–license for showing patient compassion over $Big–Pharma$); and RARELY The Doctors Show, think a little out of the box. Generally, and ironically, if they are LABELED by $Big–Pharma$–funded sites as "quacks" ... they are worth investigation! Another common MISCONCEPTION is the US DIET PYRAMID is ideal. There re two main reasons to avoid or not take seriously: 1. This follows $Big–Pharma$–funded CONVENTIONAL MEDICAL "WISDOM" which has caused us to become the 2nd most OBESE country in the world, highest heart attack rate, highest cancer rate, as well as THE HIGHEST LEVEL OF DEMENTIA, so, how could it be ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Holocaust Acceptance Speech Greetings! Our names are Ryan Ford and Mohit Desai, and we are students in grade nine at Mahwah High School. To elaborate, we are investigating and researching the topics in and surrounding the concepts of prejudice, bias and the concept of identity with the application of some prime events. Now, we are very engrossed in the subject of history, day by day, as we both have a robust passion for history. As a result, we are striving and growing students of Honors World History, due in part because of the accolades of years past. Consequently, this has become one of the reason for our interests in the themes of stereotypes present in influential events that have encompassed the past. Hence, we are very pleased to get into contact with you, as you... Show more content on ... Indeed, whether it is in history or everyday life in general, a new comprehensive vision on the Holocaust, in affiliation with discrimination and predisposition, will convolutedly fuel our burgeoning brains. Similarly, not only our collection of knowledge about these matters will proliferate, but rather it may even institute some new inquiries and symposiums to even you, providing you with more insight on the arguments relating to the Holocaust. In addition, speaking and conferring with a class may even bring up some new challenges and milestones for you to overcome, as presentational and communication skills are a key in such discussions and panels, and in any field of study. Moreover, in speaking to millennials shall validate a gap, as millennials are more frivolous and one dimension, unlike the ongoing students at St. Elizabeth's School. Not to mention, an exceeding extent of mastery we have acquired about the Holocaust has come from a grimy and predominantly outdated textbook, unable to advance with ongoing studies in this field. Thus, we very much yearning for a taste of your expertise in the field of study, concerning the Holocaust, to make critical connections between the past and the present, through the themes of discrimination, prejudice, and ... Get more on ...
  • 7. HOSA Student Acceptance Speech Sample I remember being fifteen years old, sitting still on the ground of the auditorium, feeling unconfident in my performance in the HOSA New Jersey State Biotechnology competition. I mentally shut out the buzz of applause that erupted from the announcements for the Biotechnology winners. The applause for fourth place was still continuing when they announced the third place winner. I couldn't hear who the third place winner was, and I didn't want to know. "Adrienne, what are you doing? Get up, you won!" Katrina started to pulling me up from the floor. "What?" I stared blankly at Katrina. "What do you mean 'what'? You won!" As I began to stand up, my fellow classmates were smiling at me and applauding. I was stunned. I ran to the stage, fueled by ... Show more content on ... During my junior year, I realized how much dedication and brainstorming it took to fulfill my duties as Fundraising Chairperson. That year I came up with our Hot Chocolate and Lemonade sales, and our first Hot Chocolate sale garnered $75 in only 10 minutes. I brought in baked goods every bake sale we had, and participated in our Panera Bread fundraiser as well. This position taught me how to become dedicated, and how no matter what the title of your position is, your role as an officer has a profound impact on the club. Senior year came around, and I was able to become Vice President in HOSA. My goal as Vice President this year is to make my chapter's first HOSA Gala successful so that the future generation of HOSA may also continue this charitable and extraordinary event. These duties have taught me how to take more initiative, to become more assertive, and to become more outgoing. My interest in Biology sparked because I was curious in the work of curing certain genetic and congenital disorders through the manipulation of cells. I enjoyed learning about electrophoresis and gene mapping, and I knew participating as the first HOSA Biotechnology competitor in my district will definitely push my interests to the test. I believe in curing diseases from the source, and that through Biology, I can help patients from ever suffering from an incurable genetic disease. This reason was my motivation in pursuing Biology, and thanks to HOSA I've realized that it will be my ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Persuasive Essay Outline A Life Changing Journey One of the most life changing experiences that the human race can encounter is the five stages of grief. Oskar Schell, the main character in the film Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, experiences each of these stages after his dad's sudden death in the World Trade Center. Thomas Schell's tragic passing sent Oskar on a journey through denial, depression, anger, bargaining, and finally acceptance. The very first stage that Oskar experiences in the film is denial. Denial is when someone refuses to accept that something, such as the death of a loved one, has occurred in their life. In Oskar's case, he is refusing to accept his father's death when he states that if the sun exploded, no one would know for eight minutes and "I could feel my eight minutes with [my dad] ... running out." During the first year after Thomas's death, Oskar never goes into his dad's closet, develops a fear for public transportation because they could easily be attacked, and avoids talking about his dad all together. The trauma and shock he experiences causes him to shrink away from everything that reminds him of 9/11. He reasons that avoiding everything makes his pain disappear and it leads him to justify his actions. Even the emotional pain of thinking or talking about him is too much for him to bear. The second stage Oskar encounters is depression. Depression means that someone is extremely sad and overwhelmed with feelings of helplessness. Throughout the film, ... Get more on ...
  • 9. A Temporary Matter Summary "A Temporary Matter", is one of the nine short stories incorporated in Jhumpa Lahiri's, Interpreters of Maladies. The short story consists of a young Indian couple, Shukumar, and Shoba, living in America. Shukumar being a graduate student and educator, and Shoba being a textbook editor. The couple has undergone the loss of their baby, due to Shoba having a stillborn. During their period ofgrief, their communication tampers. A major aspect of a successful marriage, in which the couple lack. The couple experiences a temporary blackout, forcing them to communicate. During these blackouts, the couple interacts and communicates expressing their secrets and emotions after deliberately avoiding each other for months. Darkness can evoke a sense of fear or evil, but it can also evoke a sense of comfort or peace. Greif can change a person's outlook of how they perceive life and can alter a person's mindset. A Temporary Matter illustrates the result of failed communication and trajectory of grief through symbolism and situational irony. The tragic death of their child affected both Shukumar and Shoba individually and as a couple. In a sense, their baby symbolized their relationship, because the death of the baby marked the start of the destruction of their communication and marriage. Lahiri demonstrates the changes within the characters after the tragedy, by emphasizing the change in their everyday lives. "Like the type of woman, she'd once claimed she would never resemble. She'd ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Grief And Grief Of Grief Grief is a part of life that is simply unavoidable. People grieve over a multitude of different things. For instance, when one thinks of grief they often immediately think of death; that a person has to experience the loss of a loved one to understand and go through the grieving process. However, grief is defined as "deep sorrow," so anything causing one to feel a deep sense of sadness can cause them to go through the grieving process. The process of grief consists of five stages. The first is denial, where one is surprised and shocked to the point of disbelief. The second stage is anger, where one is just mad that it happened in general. Then they enter the third stage of depression, where they are done being mad, but are instead incredibly sad and are having a hard time even functioning. The fourth stage is bargaining, where one grieves their own life and begins to bargain with God and question what they could have done differently. Finally they then reach the fifth and final stage which is acceptance, where one is able to think upon the event and have happy thoughts. I have experienced grief in my life already more than a couple of times, and all being due to different types of unfortunate events occurring. Though, I specifically remember going through every step in the grieving process after the death of my good friend Sam. When my best friend Jacob woke me up with a call to inform me that Sam was dead, I literally thought he was kidding. In my mind at the time there ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Elie Wiesel's Acceptance Speech Analysis During the evils that took place in World War II, the Germans impugned the natural rights of the Jewish people living in Europe and ultimately executed millions of innocent people. With a basis of racial superiority and social darwinism, the Germans' ruthless attempt to remove an entire racial population involved the killing of pure children and defenseless elderly citizens. The fact that the basic universal rights, which should apply to all of humanity, were intruded upon illustrates the absolute evil in man and the lack of response by the rest of society. Ultimately, those who did survive found it their duty and responsibility to share their difficult experiences with the rest of the world to avoid a recurrence of such prejudice and hatred.... Show more content on ... Her lawyer, Randy, delivers a closing argument that describes two interpretations of the history of the Holocaust: those who oppose restitution to the victims of the Holocaust and those who recognized the injustices committed to the Jewish population. The fact that the artwork was ultimately returned to her illustrates that history has taught society a lesson about equality. There are no possible compensations for the tragedies that took place, but society can use history to remember the past and form a better, more equal ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Moakley Peace Medal Acceptance Speech Moakley Peace Medal Acceptance Speech In accepting this award on behalf of my father, I would like to begin as he would, by offering his and my most sincere and humble gratitude to Chancellor Motley and to the University of Massachusetts and its distinguished members for creating this medal and for choosing my father and, in a broader sense, the YaLa movement, as the recipients of the Moakley Peace medal. The very existence of the Moakley Chair of Peace and Reconciliation and of the Moakley Peace Medal are worthy of more thanks than can be offered, standing as testaments to the ongoing desire for peace and the rational non–violent resolution of conflict that is embedded in this university and in communities throughout the world. It is with this understanding that I give thanks not only on behalf of my father and YaLa for the honor of receiving the Medal, but on behalf of all people affected by conflict for the convictions and the principles that led to the creation of this award and the committee and Chair that supports it. When my father and others worked to develop the YaLa movement, their goal was simple despite the complexities involved in its achievement. There is nothing simpler than peace, yet nothing more difficult to achieve with the many complexities of the modern geopolitical situation. In the Middle East, issues of economic and social inequality, religious and cultural conflict, territorial disputes, and the power provided by access to resources and wealth ... Get more on ...
  • 13. American Flag Stand For Acceptance Speech Acceptance, a word with so much meaning yet so little impact. The world struggles to accept one's choice of words to their race. In the text "American Flag Stands for Tolerance" by Ronald J Allen, "Texas vs. Johnson", and "My so Called Enemy" by William J Brennan demonstrate how people should be accepted and along with their opinions. We as human beings must be willing to accept people or opinions that are different from ourselves. To begin with, we should come together to help one another to find a way to accept our diversity. To be specific, according to the text "Texas vs. Johnson" by Ronald J Allen on line 1–2 the author states, "We decline, therefore, to create for the flag an exception to the joust of principles protected by the first Amendment." This piece of evidence shows that we decline to create an exception for the flag by the First Amendment because it's one of the things that we can do in a way of expressing what we feel on a certain... Show more content on ... For instance, in the text "American Flag Stands for Tolerance" by William J Brennan on page 20 the author states, "More than anything else, the flag stands for free expression or ideas, no matter how distasteful." This reveals that we have the right to use the flag to express ourselves freely in ways others may or may not agree with. Furthermore, according to the text "American Flag Stand for Tolerance" by William J Brennan on page 18–19 the author states, "Each individual is to have the freedom to develop by his or her own lights, and not by the command of officialdom. That requires not just the right to communicate with, to learn from, and test views in conversation." This demonstrates that we have the right to speak what's on our mind, to express ourselves freely whether or not what we say or do contradicts someone else's points of view. We have different point of views, but also have the right to express ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Nfpfa Acceptance Speech Hi Everyone, Another summer has come and gone! Hopefully, everyone had a magnificent summer. I would akin to begin by showing gratitude to the awards and the conference committee for all the solid work accomplished the last few months. Consequently, this was the highest attended conference/awards I have ever remembered. It was splendid to catch sight of the numerous professional members, both new and established in attendance. Nevertheless, this event is trending up each year and soon may outgrow our current location. I would be keen on recognizing all of our sponsors whose continued support of NHRPA has allowed us to grow this event into one of the premier days for our association. I would be partial to congratulate all of the award winners, especially our marquee award winners! Dyana Martin... Show more content on ... The opportunity, as president, to represent New Hampshire is an honor. It is a refreshing experience to meet other state presidents and executive directors, while discussing the challenges each state goes through. New Hampshire is not alone in the struggles our state association has encountered. Be that as it may, Progress doesn't happen overnight, our membership needs to continue to guide the association in the direction of stability, professionalism, and credibility. Finally, I encourage each and every one of you to become involved in some fashion with NHRPA. You only cultivate out what you put into the association. You don't need to jump right in and put your name in for the executive board next year! Start where you are comfortable, come to be active in your district, join one of the numerous committees that is always seeking help, and attend all the various workshops as possible. These workshops have been developed to enhance the work you watch after on a day to day basis. The further you develop in your current position, the stronger our association grows. Please feel free to email or call ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Hillary Clinton Acceptance Speech Analysis Hillary Clinton Acceptance Speech at the Democratic National Convention On July 28, 2016, Hillary Clinton delivered a formal presidential acceptance speech at the 2016 Democratic National Convention (DNC) in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. At a critical moment of American history, Clinton became the first woman to be nominee of a major United States political party. Clinton described issues that need to be address and laid out her plan to resolve them. One major issue that Clinton focused on was the need to rebuild the economy by generating more jobs and increasing wages for the working class. By addressing her speech in Philadelphia, "the birthplace of our nation," (Clinton) a major city notable for its rich history where the Declaration of Independence... Show more content on ... Throughout the course of her speech, Clinton used her experience and knowledge of issues to strengthen her credibility and gain the trust of her audience. Clinton used her experience and title jobs as the first lady, Senator of New York for eight years and being our 67th United States Secretary of State for a term of four years as evidence that she is well informed of the issues that need to be address and has a plan to start fixing them, if she is elected. Citing her experience boost Clinton's credibility by showing that she is not new to politics, "Now, sometimes the people at this podium are new to the national stage. As you know, I'm not one of those people" (Clinton). She has been in the public eye for decades and continues to have the opportunity to establish herself as a recognized politician. Clinton seek to explain to her audience why a policy maker like herself with experience and knowledge of laws will make a better candidate as she has more policy experience, "To drive real progress, you have to change both hearts and laws. You need both understanding and action" (Clinton). She has passed laws, treaties and launch new programs that have help millions of children and families, such as the Children's Health Insurance Program. She outlined her plans, "In my first 100 days, we will work with both parties to pass the biggest investment in new, good–paying jobs since World War II" (Clinton). Clinton communicated her vision and was not afraid to speak with the audience her plans for the future. Clinton wanted her audience to know that she is experience, and plans to hold the American values upon which the nation was founded. Clinton command of facts during her speech made her credible as a potential commander–in–chief, "It relies on smarts, judgment, cool resolve, and the precise and strategic application of power. That's the kind of commander–in–chief ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Oprah Winfrey's Acceptance Speech Essay On January 7, 2018, actress and entrepreneur, Oprah Winfrey, gave a powerful acceptance speech as the recipient of the Golden Globes' annual Cecil B. DeMille award for lifetime achievement. Oprah's speech brought many men and women that were in the audience to their feet. Oprah begins by talking about when she was a little girl watching Sidney Poitier getting celebrated. She nexts talks becoming the first black woman to win the award. She finally says the two words that impacted on the audience life, which were 'me too.' Oprah begins her speech by telling us that when she was watching Anne Bancroft present the Oscar to best actor she said five words that made history, which were "The winner is Sidney Poitier." (Line 4) Oprah was a very specific person who had to specify everything she would say. As a little girl she had never seen a black man being celebrated just like Mr. Poitier did. She didn't know how to possibly explain how watching that moment made her feel. As stated she said, " All I could do is quote and say that the explanation in Sidney's... Show more content on ... Just like she watched Sidney get awarded when she was a little girl now there are little girls around the world getting to watch her be the first black woman to be given the same award. Oprah thanks everyone that helped her make her journey possibly by saying, " it is a privilege to share the evening with the incredible men and women who have inspired me, who challenged me, who sustained me and made my journey to this stage possible." She has three different audiences which are: the little girls, the incredible men and women, and her specific audience that is there at that moment watching her present her speech. Oprah uses pathos in her speech by repeating "it's an honor." (Line ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Special Exception Reward Acceptance Speech Katherine N. Lipsius Professor Gabriela Vlahovici–Jones ENG 203 Online 17 November 2017 Special Occasion Reward Acceptance Speech Thanks to the wonderful introduction by our Dean, you now know my name is Katherine Lipsius. I am standing here today, among all the other graduates as the John T. Harrison award winner. An award I am told is delivered to a student with outstanding academic and community achievement, and I am honored to have been recognized for these qualities. I have spent my time at this college learning a variety of skills and knowledge both in the classroom and out of it. I have had many obstacles to overcome, but they have made me a better student and a better member of the community. These qualities ultimately allowed me to earn this award tonight, and I am forever grateful to know my efforts in establishing myself within the community have not been in vain. ... Show more content on ... I took the course load our advisors strictly discouraged, and any free time I had become dedicated to my volunteer work in assisted living homes and nonprofit organizations, and my work as a tutor for those that just could not fit the tutor schedule provided by the university. I earned perfect grades and hundreds of hours of community service experience. Yet, for all my achievements, I would have never made it this far without the support of my family, who dealt with my three AM freakouts over projects. My instructors, who listened to my theoretical rants and gave me an opportunity to expand my practical knowledge and the students that I have tutored over the last five semesters who allowed me to refine that ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Acceptance Speech By Malala Yousafzai One way that empathy can impact society is by improving education. In Malala Yousafzai's acceptance speech for the Nobel peace prize, she displays empathy. "My brave sisters Shazia and Kainat were also shot that day on our school bus" (Yousafzai paragraph 24). In this quote, Yousafzai is connecting to the girls who have been shot. She knows that it is the story of many girls. She encourages the girls who have also been shot by saying that, that didn't stop her sisters from learning. Therefore, any other girl who has been shot shouldn't let that stop them from learning. This quotation proves my position because it shows that Yousafzai knows that it is difficult for girls to geteducation. She understands the strength and courage girls must have ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Tom Delonge's Acceptance Speech Analysis In February 2017, guitarist Tom DeLonge received the "UFO Researcher of the Year Award". In his acceptance speech, he says, "I want you as an educated group of people to read between the lines and look at the history of what I've been doing over the past couple years and get a sense of what the hell I'm getting ready to do. If you guys come along for the ride, it's going to be pretty fantastic." During the past 18 years prior to this event, former Blink–182 member, Tom DeLonge, has had a number of experiences related to the extraterrestrial world. As DeLonge was becoming more involved in the alien world, some people began to believe he was insane. For example, Tom DeLonge has claimed that UFOs are real, aliens are real and they visit us constantly, the U.S. government has known about alien life for decades, the U.S. government... Show more content on ... DeLonge's connection with the "outside world" was first noticed by the public in blink–182's song titled, "Aliens Exist" from their pop–punk classic, Enema of the State. In the song, DeLonge sings, "I know the CIA will say, what you hear is all hearsay/I wish someone would tell me what was right." This implies that he believes that the U.S government often lies about Earth's contact with aliens and he desperately wishes that the government will reveal these secrets. The entire song hints at aliens related topics. For example, the last line of the song, "Twelve majestic lies" is a reference to a folklore called Majestic 12, an organization formed in1947 composed of scientists, military and intelligence officials dedicated to the investigation of alien spacecrafts. This reference in the song is innocent enough, but he continues to imply that the government is lying about their alien related affairs, specifically three years later in a song titled, "All Systems Go", performed by Box Car Racer. In fact, he has made many references to aliens and UFOs in his ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Faulkner's Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech Humble (Critical review on A Rose for Emily and Faulkner's Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech) In Faulkner's Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech, he talks about how the award was not an award to him as a man, but an award to his work. Faulkner gives all the credit to his writing career and earning the Nobel Prize to his writing and not to himself. His speech is a very important part of history because it is such a humble speech and the things he talks about are very true about him as a person. In Faulkner's short story, "A Rose for Emily", the humbleness of his speech shows through, and really shows that he is a wonderful writer and truly deserved the Nobel Prize Award. "A Rose for Emily" is a short story about a young woman that talks about how sheltered she was because her father did not believe she needed to get married in order to be happy. Not ... Show more content on ... Faulkner was one of the greatest writers of all time and it showed in his writing and that is why he won the Nobel Prize Award. His speech was very well written and went to show that he knew exactly what he was talking about when he wrote. Edmond Volpe talks about Faulkner like he was the first man to walk on the moon; he said that Faulkner was the greatest writers of all time, but reading his stories took a different type of reading. He says that in order to read Faulkner's work you need to have a very open mind, and that is something that shows through in "A Rose for Emily." Faulkner was not the only one to say that. William O'Conner also stated that Faulkner had a "Tangled Fire of a mind" and it showed through in his work, but it mainly showed through in his more famous story, "A Rose for Emily". Faulkner was a great writer, and that was obviously the reason that he won the Nobel Prize, and the reason his speech became one of the most famous speeches in the writing ... Get more on ...
  • 21. 38-Year-Old Learner's Acceptance Speech Kanye West was honoured with the Michael Jackson Video Vanguard Award at MTV Video Music Awards on Sunday. The 38 –year–old star's highest recognition was presented by Taylor Swift, who he once slammed in the same event in 2009. It was already six years ago when the American rapper went up onstage and interrupted the 25–year–old crooner's acceptance speech. To recall, he wasn't happy to know that she won over Beyonce. The songwriter took a full 12 minutes on the platform to deliver his dialogue. He started to bang "media" by using the feuds between artists to earn ranking, even called out the Music Television network. He revealed that the station announced that the girlfriend of Calvin Harris will be the one to hand him his trophy a lot of ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Anthony Jenner's Acceptance Speech Caitlyn Jenner prepares for her acceptance speech when they announce her as the winner of the Arthur Ashe Courage Award. It has to be perfect, a source told Radar Online, July 15, 2015. Caitlyn has been practicing her speech. She doesn't want to forget to mention anyone who helped her along the way on changing genders. However, there is one person she is not going to thank or mention, according to the source. Kris Jenner's name is not written or mentioned anywhere in her speech. Caitlyn has full control over tonight's events. She has her guest list. Only the names on her list can attend the ceremony. She has only certain people from the media coming, while no others will be allowed in to cover the event. Caitlyn's dress will be a Patricia Field ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Mother Teresa Acceptance Speech Let us all thank God for this meeting ("Transcript of Mother TeresaВґs Acceptance Speech"). I am Mother Teresa, the founder of the Order of the Missionaries of Charity and Patron Saint for Doubters (Eisenstadt–Evans, "Mother Teresa's canonization: She is the 'Patron saint for doubters'"). I was born in Skopje, (the capital of the Republic of Macedonia) Albania in 1910. I'm a Roman Catholic and from the age of 18 began to study to become a nun in Ireland (Gray, 60). In September of 1946, I received a calling from God saying I had to leave the convent and, "help the poor by living among them," (Gray, 60). This led me to Calcutta, India where I founded the Order of the Missionaries of Charity to restore dignity in the souls of the underprivileged, degraded, and ill ("Biography Mother Teresa"). I've been criticized for my methods of maintaining my centers but have also been awarded the highest honor, the Nobel Peace Prize, in 1979 (Eisenstadt–Evans, "Mother Teresa's canonization: She is the 'Patron saint for doubters'"). My life being surrounded by such violence has brought me here with you all today. My devotion to helping the helpless and forgiving the unforgivable leads me to believe that all people are embodiments of Christ and deserve to be loved and seen as equals. With this, William Golding is guilty of libel against the human race since all people are born pure and any malevolent acts of violence are results of society's teachings. When I left Skopje, Albania in 1928 to ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Phi Theta Nhs Acceptance Speech Our nomination for the award of Outstanding Advisors would be for Professor Lynda Dodgen and Laura Dupree. The love that is reflected in their guidance is astounding. Professor Lynda Dodgen and Laura Dupree are the advisors for Phi Theta Kappa, Alpha Alpha Rho Chapter. We nominate them as they live and demonstrate the belief in what the Phi Theta Kappa teaches. The foundations of knowledge, support, and training that will last a lifetime. While it would be easy to overlook the self–sacrifice, they offer we cannot. The endless hours of personal time that they offer to the members of the group and the student body at large is countless. Regardless of their personal lives, work, family, furthering their own academic achievements, and that little ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Zootopia Analysis Would you consider women, immigrants, minority groups, and other second class citizens to have yet been accepted as equal members of American society? Although the friction between the dominant group and minority groups has diminished, discrimination continues to exist. Whether it be ignorance, fear, or plain bigotry, rejection and feelings of disgust for these second class people emerge. Like the movie, Zootopia, demonstrates, prejudistic individuals set psychological barriers between themselves and those considered menacing, undesirable, or lacking the appropriate appearance in a particular society. There are several different ways to digest and interpret the multiple messages that can be extracted from the movie. However, the most significant of the possible arguments is the addressal of the divisive and regressive mentalities the people in American society currently have and live according to. The implementation of gender role stereotypes was the first indication of the regressive–like thinking the movie later emphasizes. Throughout the entirety of the film, repetitive scenes, which demonstrate the protagonist, Judy Hopps, as determined yet underappreciated, stress on the notion of women being stigmatized because of their ascribed social status. For instance, during the initial scenes, Judy performs a childish play alongside her peers. Although childish, the moral of the play suggests that anyone, regardless of who you are, can become whom they aspire to be through diligence and self confidence. While the males in the play were applauded for aspiring to become either an actuary or an astronaut someday, Judy was ridiculed for sharing her ambitious dream of becoming a police officer. Because of her questionable skills and having the scrawny physique a women typically has, agents of society, namely her parents and acquaintances, oppressed her undaunting will for success. Judy progressed and realized her dream. Nevertheless, the more people Judy encountered, the more humiliation she received. In their eyes, Judy was unfit to meet the standards the masculine occupation demanded of. Her unjust path to success clearly correlates to the path many women are currently enduring. It's that injustice that obstructs ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Analyzing Trump 's Acceptance Speech Essay Rhetorically Analyzing Trump's Acceptance Speech A vast majority of political speeches are most likely to put you to sleep, especially if you are reading them. Your eyes begin to get drowsy as they scan from one meaningless word to another, and before you know it, your mind starts to wander off topic. Unlike many politicians, Donald Trump's Republic Nomination Acceptance speech does not make you want to have an exciting dream (Hilary Clinton's speeches do). In order to not lull his audience to sleep, Trump utilizes rhetoric writing in his speech. Rhetoric writing focuses on different uses of persuasive communication (Praxis pg. 6), and thus has the audience read rhetorically and contribute to the conversation. There are three main types of rhetoric persuasion; logos, ethos, and pathos (Praxis pg.13). Logos utilizes logic, it is logical that a business man like Trump would be able to run a successful country. Ethos persuades the audience by using credibility. In Trump's speech, the audience is listening because he is a credible presidential candidate. Perhaps most importantly, Trump uses pathos which focuses on the emotions of his audience. Trump engages the audience and pulls them out of their aloof mood through his strategic rhetoric arguments. We will also examine the rhetorical situation in depth. The rhetorical situation consists of the author, the audience, and the purpose of a text. Rhetoric reading will help you better understand a text by knowing the audience, ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Kite Acceptance Speech In 1968 at the age of 20 Dottie Armstead voted for the first time. She was so excited because she believes in equality for all humans whether it's blacks, whites, men, or women and also wants a say in the government. I interviewed Dottie for my school's expedition. We had a great conversation about her voting experience and who she voted for. As a citizen of the United States of America, Dottie voted when she was twenty years old, this was first election since she had turn eighteen. Her parents had encouraged her to vote because, "it is her right and if she has a say in the government then you should do so." I asked who she voted for in which she replied "I voted for Richard Nixon because I felt like his ideas were good and I just happen ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech Al Gore's speech titled "Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech" is a powerful work of literature which serves two purposes. The first purpose is stated in the title – to accept his award of the Nobel Peace Prize. The second intent he had when writing the speech was to reiterate his points that awarded him the honor in the first place. The speech explains his passion for the problem in our world that is the climate change and how much we pollute our earth. To give a short gist of what his cause was, the following quote offers much insight to the regretful aspect of our society that he is passionate about fixing. He says "So today, we dumped another 70 million tons of global–warming pollution into the thin shell of atmosphere surrounding our planet,... Show more content on ... His call to actions is for us to "choose between two futures." He goes on to explain further by challenging the reader to challenge assumption as well as repetition. Challenging us to question the repetition that would eminently happen if we don't unify and majorly change our actions. His persuasion is made very strong and hard–hitting when he says "we are standing at the most fateful fork in that path. So I want to end as I began, with a vision of two futures – each a palpable possibility – and with a prayer that we will see with vivid clarity the necessity of choosing between those two futures, and the urgency of making the right choice now." Reading this quote gives the feeling of being very inspired and feeling empowered. That being said, I feel Gore should have given more concrete action that he proposes we take. He should have said things such as we should stop allowing every person to drive a motor vehicle as much as they please. If he'd said something along those lines, it puts a specific concern in mind and helps along the putting the reality of better, healthier world into fruition. He also could have proposed that perhaps every person who owns a vehicle be required to plant a tree once a year. His speech was powerful with lots of drawing of parallels, a lot of analogies, and many accounts of making associations. While he is lacking a concrete and specific remedy for our current situation, maybe it is okay. Perhaps all we need is to see that we do have a choice in how we can influence the world, and the rest is up to us to draw from the inspiration and coordinate our own, personal next move to attain the goal that has been ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Essay on Acceptance Speech commentary The poem Acceptance Speech by Lynn Powell is about a housewife who feels undervalued by her family and by society. The title of the poem suggests that the character has received an award for achieving something brilliant, but in fact she is being sarcastic and conducting an imaginary award ceremony for herself in her kitchen, since no one else is willing to appreciate her hard work. The poet uses irony and personification of kitchen utensils and ingredients to add humour to the play. She uses the In this poem, the character deals with her desire to be appreciated by propelling herself into an imaginary scenario in her kitchen where she is in the spotlight and humorously personifies ingredients in food who are just as under appreciated as ... Show more content on ... In contrast to her children, who simply "growl" at her when they are hungry, the ingredients in the kitchen actually assist her in making the "soup." The "salt" is particularly important, as we only notice it when it is absent from food rather than when it is present. When it is not in the food, its omission is strongly reflected in the taste of the food. Hence, it is taken for granted. Similarly, this housewife is criminally underappreciated and if she was not around, her family would instantly feel her absence from the household. She also compares herself to "the celery and the parsnip", who are regularly "forgotten" and seen as "bit players." The housewife knows "exactly" this feeling, as she is similarly overlooked and seen as playing a more minor role in the household than the man, who is traditionally the breadwinner. Overall, although the poem is essentially a parody and uses plenty of humour, there is an overbearing feeling of underappreciation, loneliness and frustration towards her family on the part of the speaker. While at the beginning of the poem the speaker's tone is mocking towards her family for having many expectations of her yet taking her for granted, at the end of the poem there is a sense of isolation, as the only "applause" she gets is the "blue" flame of the stove. The structure is key to adding humour to this poem. For example, after the words "starring role" at the end of the second stanza, the reader expects something ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Essay about Healthy Grief Running head: HEALTHY GRIEF Healthy Grief Amber Norris Grand Canyon University: HLT –310V April 14, 2013 Healthy Grief The Book of Job is a profound story about a man who was "perfect and upright, and one that feared God, and eschewed evil" (Job 1:1). Job was a man who had a loving family, prospered and was very wealthy. For whatever reason, Satan challenged God regarding Job. Satan told God that if everything were taken away from Job, he would surely curse God. It was a "bet" of sorts. So God gave Satan the power to destroy everything Job had with the exception of Job's life. Satan took away Job's possessions,... Show more content on ... Job is seen voicing his anger, "Therefore I will not restrain my mouth, I will speak in the anguish of my spirit; I will complain in the bitterness of my soul." (Job 7:11) Pain is the emotion most closely related to and buried under anger. So, in essence, the pain drives anger and anger drives change. As it relates to the grieving process, anger instigates a form of strength and can provide the backbone and structure necessary to move on to the next stage. (Kubler–Ross & Kessler 2013) Although Job voices his anger it isn't directed to God but rather the situation. Bargaining in the third stage and is the stage of negotiating. In their mind, a person will remain in the past, and try anything to return to the way things were before. (Kubler–Ross & Kessler 2013) At first glance, it appears Job doesn't ever go through the bargaining stage, he clearly expresses his sadness. He continues to praise and worship God in spite of the losses he is going through. However, one can observe how he clearly wishes he could return to the way things were before. "He is wise in heart, and mighty in strength, who hath hardened himself against him, and hath prospered." (Job 9:4) But his sorrow could certainly be seen as a type of bargaining with God to relieve his sorrow. The fourth stage is depression, the stage where one will experience feelings of emptiness and hopelessness. Some people worry that their feelings of despair will last forever. Yet this stage is ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Martin Luther King Acceptance Speech Analysis "Acceptance Speech" by Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Noble Peace Prize, Oslo, 1964 The Acceptance Speech given by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. emphasizes the racial injustice being held by the majority white population in 1964, by the use of repetition. Kings acceptance of this speech involves a complex understanding of a people in a critical point in their lives. He uses different statements to define the authenticity of a cause that means a great deal to him. Martin Luther King Jr, is a man of God, fighting for the rights of his people to be treated as equals, in a way very few have tied before, nonviolence. In the year 1964 in Oslo, Reverand Martin Luther King Jr. accepts an award half of his people, but not without explaining the priorities of freedom that his side is fighting for. King uses repetition constantly in his speech in ... Show more content on ... When accepting this award, he gives attention and credit to the many black men and women who were still fighting racial injustice in their lives. "I accept this award on behalf of a civil rights movement which is moving with determination and a majestic scorn for risk and danger to established she a reign of freedom and a rule of justice."(Paragraph 1). He repeats the words in many different contexts in order to show what the true reason he is receiving with reward, his followers. Once again using the term "I accept", King influences the ideology of turning the reward to him. "I accept the Nobel Prize for Peace at a moment when 22 million Negroes of the United States of America are engaged in a creative battle to end a long night of racial injustice"(Paragraph 1). In his speech, King is not only representing himself, his people. King does not only use acceptance as a term of repetition in his speech, but also a refusal of acceptance in his speech. Martin Luther King Jr, had a way of contradicting his own statements, to put more emphasis on the meaning ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Acceptance Speech In Oprah Winfrey From the Emancipation Proclamation to the Jim Crowe laws of 1965, African Americans have been fighting for their rights, freedom and a voice in society for decades. African Americans were introduced to people, specifically Caucasians as individuals only regarded as legal property with a force placed upon them to obey others superior than them according to society. As she was used to the constant disadvantage and mistreatment displayed towards African Americans, it was an unreal moment for youngOprah Winfrey as she observed Sidney Poiter walk across the stage to accept the award of "best actor at the 36th Academy Awards". Poiter's award for best actor not only came as shock, moment of change in society for Winfrey but for all African Americans as Poiter became the firstAfrican American male to receive an award at the Golden Globes. In the same fashion, years later at the Golden Globes, Oprah Winfrey accepted the honorary "Cecil B. Demille" award becoming the first African American female to win the astounding award. As accepting her award, Winfrey delivered a speech that impacted not only the crowd but all those watching through her exquisite nomenclature and use of rhetorical ... Show more content on ... With her description of Sidney Poiter as he accepted the award for best actor, becoming the first African American male to win an Oscar, Winfrey describes the joy that surrounded her as it was the first time she had experienced and observed such celebration of a black man after years of mistreatment and unfairness towards her culture. Sidney's win gave Oprah the hope and belief as a young child that she could achieve the same as Poiter and become the "first African American....". Today individuals look at Oprah Winfrey steadily observing her achieving her dreams, holding the title as the "first African American woman to receive the Cecil B Demille" ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech Analysis There is no denying conflict. Everyone faces conflict of some sort in their lives, whether it be an argument over which sibling gets to sit in the front seat of the car on the way to school, or a potentially dangerous confrontation that necessitates an immediate reaction. Writers such as Susan Campbell Bartoletti and Elie Wiesel, who wrote "Hitler Youth: Growing Up in Hitler's Shadow" and " Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech" respectively, portray such situations. Bartoletti writes about how one German girl faced conflict during World War Two, and Wiesel shares his personal experience as a Jew in a concentration camp. Both works show that the most important aspect of facing a conflict is the way in which a person chooses to deal with it. One could react to conflict by becoming angry or sullen, shouting or going silent, or simply pouting. None of these reactions are the best –– some can even be counterproductive to one's goals. The best way to deal with conflict is to take a stand for one's beliefs. First off, standing up for one's beliefs creates many positive effects, for large groups of people as well as for the ... Show more content on ... "Hitler Youth: Growing Up in Hitler's Shadow." Studysync: Reading & Writing Companion. Sonoma, CA: BookheadEd Learning, LLC, 2015. 397–400. Print. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. "Underage Drinking." National Institutes of Health. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, n.d. Web. 24 Apr. 2017. Nobel Media. "Liu Xiaobo – Facts.", n.d. Web. 24 Apr. 2017. Town Hall Meetings. "What's New." Town Hall Meetings To Prevent Underage Drinking. Stop Alcohol Abuse, 4 Feb. 2011. Web. 24 Apr. 2017. Wiesel, Elie. "Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech." Studysync: Reading & Writing Companion. Sonoma, CA: BookheadEd Learning, LLC, 2015. 416–18. Print. WorkLife4You. Communication Skills for Healthy Relationships. N.p.: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association, n.d. ... Get more on ...
  • 34. The Monster Of Living With Grief Abby Wigand Mr. Mitchell Communication Art IV 30 September 2016 The Monster of Living with Grief As Keanu Reeves once said, "Grief changes shapes, but it never ends" ("Tragic"). When it comes to grief there are usually five shapes or stages that people go through: denial, anger, bargaining, depression and, finally, acceptance. The book A Monster Calls, by Patrick Ness, is about a young boy who is struggling with school, bullies, friends, and family when his mother develops a terminal illness. He is visited by the monster, a massive yew tree, who comes alive to teach Conor the ways of the world. He also teaches Conor the truth in order to move past his mother's sickness. Ness shows how people in both literature and real life tend to go through five stages of grief while dealing with a loved one who has a terminal illness because of the overwhelming lamentation it inflicts. The first stage of grief is as the sharks say in Finding Nemo, "DENIAL." In the book, Conor's grandma told him that his mother's condition would not get better with one of the new treatments. He denied it by saying, "The treatments are making her better..."(42). Even though the treatments had not worked, Conor refused to believe that the treatments will not work because he needs his mother to get better. The American Psychological Association says that most people deny the problem because it is easier to distance oneself from friends or family. Once a person isolates from those who can help, it can lead to ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Loss : The Many Faces Of Grief Adaptation to Loss: The Many Faces of Grief Hadley Rhodes Denver School of Nursing Abstract The life transition of death and dying is inevitably one with which we will all be faced; we will all experience the death of people we hold close throughout our lifetime. This paper will explore the different processes of grief including the bereavement, mourning, and sorrow individuals go through after losing someone to death. Bereavement is a period of adaptation following a life changing loss. This period encompasses mourning, which includes behaviors and rituals following a death, and the wide range of emotions that go with it. Sorrow is the state of ongoing sadness not overcome in the grieving process; though not pathological, persistent ... Show more content on ... There are also many factors that influence these events and emotions such as personality, culture, religion, relationships, and the way in which the deceased passed away (Buglass, 2010, 44). Buglass (2010) refers to Stroebe and Schut's "flexible" model of grief and explains that a person handling loss will experience lifestyle changes as a result of that loss. This is due to the dual manner of moving between grieving, and trying to come to terms with loss. This theory looks at grieving as a process that happens in everyday life. Other theorists, such as Freud, view grieving as a "solitary process" where mourners withdraw from the world around them and gradually deal with the loss they've suffered. Bereavement While bereavement is an external process by which one externally or publicly grieves, mourning is the grieving that happens internally. "Stroebe defined bereavement as a state of loss, triggering a reaction that manifests in a set of behaviors known as mourning," (Buglass, 2010, 44). There are stages that one goes through when grieving, this is how they emotionally heal after their loss. Theorists like Lindemann claim that there are five phases that are normal to go through in grieving: somatic disturbance, preoccupation with the deceased, guilt, hostility or anger, and difficulty with everyday tasks. Kubler–Ross identified the commonly recognized and accepted stages of grief ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Acceptance Speech In Elie Wiesel's Night Elie Wiesel, the author of the memoir, Night. As well as receiver of a Nobel Peace Prize in 1986. Where he also gave an acceptance speech. Uses many different aspects of writing/speaking to persuade his audience of the importance of speaking out against injustice. In one part of his acceptance speech, Elie talks about the holocaust and how all of the people in the world are bystanders. His word choice really helps to create a big impact in the meaning of his speech. He really appeals to people's pathos. "...And that is why I swore never to be silent whenever and wherever human beings endure suffering and humiliation. We must take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented. ... Show more content on ... Wherever men and women are persecuted because of their race, religion, or political views, that place must–at that moment–become the center of the universe..." (Acceptance speech, 1986. Elie Wiesel) Here Elie further stresses the importance of speaking out and not being a bystander. Whenever human lives or dignity are in danger, everything else doesn't matter, skin color, religion, etc. We are all people and should be treated as such. Again Elie uses some vibrant vocabulary to evoke this feeling into people. Such words include, irrelevant, persecut, jeopardy, and ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Essay about Healthy Grief Healthy Grief Grand Canyon University: HLT–310V Healthy Grief Grief is a process that most everyone will go through at some point in his life. A person who is experiencing grief may have suffered loss of a loved one, loss of a job, or diagnosis of a terminal illness. The five stages of grief as described by Elisabeth Kubler–Ross in 1969 have helped in defining the steps one may go through after experiencing a loss. Every person has his own response to grief, so he may not go through every stage. This paper will examine the story of Job from the Bible and will compare his grieving process to that as defined by Kubler–Ross. The grieving process of the Jewish believer will also be discussed as well as this author's thoughts on grief. ... Show more content on ... Before the loss of a loved one, a person may bargain with God saying that they will do anything if only their loved one's life would be spared. After the loss, the hope is that life will go back to what it was before, and may include more bargaining with God (Kessler, 2012). Bargaining is seen through Job when he is visited by his friends who point out to him that he is being judged by God. He begs his friends to tell him what he is doing wrong and then bargains with God, pleading with Him to tell him what he is doing wrong (Lyon, 2000). The fourth stage is depression. The grieving person may feel empty, withdrawn, and sad, and this stage may seem to last a long time (Kessler, 2012). Depression is seen throughout the story of Job. It is seen in several places including chapter three and chapter ten when Job is talking to God and asking Him why he was ever born; why did God not let him die at birth (Life Application, Job 3 & 10) The final stage in grieving is acceptance. Acceptance does not mean that the loss is now okay, because many people may never feel okay about the loss. Acceptance means that there has been a realization that the loved one is gone, that this is the way life will be now. Life must be readjusted in hopes of having more good days than bad days (Kessler, 2012). Job's acceptance is seen in chapter 13 as he speaks and argues his case with God. He seems to have accepted the events that have taken place, but now wants to speak to God to find out how ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Elie Wiesel Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech In Elie Wiesel's Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech, his purpose is to state the obvious, and frequently ignored, fact that incidences like the Holocaust should never be permitted to happen again. For instance, during the speech, Wiesel states that he has "...tried to keep the memory alive..." and "...tried to fight those who would forget." Wiesel is trying to convey to the audience that such traumatic events, like the Holocaust, should not be forgotten. If such genocides are forgotten, the people who lost their lives sacrificed themselves for nothing. Also, Wiesel, later on in his speech, says, "if we forget who the guilty are, we are accomplices." He is expressing the fact that if people ignore or forget what happened to the innocent victims, ... Show more content on ... For example, when Wiesel is thanking the audience for the Nobel Peace Prize he states that, "...this honor belongs to all the survivors and their children, and through us, to the Jewish people with whose destiny I have always identified." Wiesel says he can relate to what the Jewish had to go through during the Holocaust which implies that he has gone through a similar experience himself. Because of this, he feels biased towards the Jews, or the sufferers, and feels that the tormentors should not be allowed to make people suffer and have it go ignored by the world. Also, he states, later on in his speech, that "silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented" (Wiesel). During the Holocaust, people were aware that the Jews were tortured but did not speak up because they were afraid of the consequences. Wiesel is communicating to the audience that if someone is aware of the oppression going on in the world but does not say anything, then they are helping the tormentors by making them feel it is alright to oppress someone. In conclusion, Elie Wiesel is biased towards the victims of a traumatic event because he can relate to what they have been ... Get more on ...
  • 39. KLTA Student Acceptance Speech Essay Well, the dog days of summer are upon us and I hope you are surviving the heat with plenty of cool things to do. I wanted to take a moment through this correspondence and touch base on a few items that I find important for your agency business as we transition from the summer into the fall. First, the KLTA Annual Convention is being held at the Oread Hotel in Lawrence, KS August 5 –8. I do hope you are planning to attend to enjoy the activities, education opportunities and business meetings. If you are not currently a KLTA member I highly encourage you to consider joining. The association is a great way to stay informed on industry news, legislative regulations and to build key relations that can help your business succeed. Please visit the KLTA website at to register for the convention and find out more on becoming a member. Second, the American Land Title Association is piggybacking on the KLTA convention and holding an Agents & Abstracters Forum on Wednesday August 5th form 9:00am until 4:00pm. As an agent I highly encourage you to take the time to attend this session. ALTA has put together a great program that can aid you during these changing times that will include An overview of Best Practices Challenges facing small companies and practical tips ... Show more content on ... Please keep an eye out for this in your email inbox as we pass along to you different insights and tools that are available to you. The Bits 'n Pieces will cover topics related to AgentNet use, Best Practices compliance, Audit preparations, and Marketing ideas. Our plan is to send out this communication once or twice a month. If you happen to have any areas of interest that you would like covered please let us know so we can research and deliver to all agents a tip for business ... Get more on ...