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Vol. 71, No. 9                                                                                                                                       March 8, 2013

LaCamera to take command
             Mountaineer staff                         A native of Westwood, Mass.,
                                                   LaCamera, was commissioned as a
                                                                                            including Operation Just Cause in
                                                                                            Panama, Operation Uphold Democracy
    Maj. Gen. Paul J. LaCamera will                second lieutenant of the Infantry upon   in Haiti, Operation Anaconda in
take command of the 4th Infantry                   graduation from the United States        Afghanistan, and multiple rotations
Division and Fort Carson during a                  Military Academy in 1985. His recent     in support of Operation Enduring
ceremony Thursday at 2 p.m. on                     assignments include commander, 75th      Freedom in Afghanistan and Operation
Founders Field.                                    Ranger Regiment, Fort Benning, Ga.;      Iraqi Freedom and Operation New
    LaCamera, who has served as the                director of operations, Joint Special    Dawn in Iraq.
deputy commanding general of the U.S.              Operations Command, Fort Bragg;              His awards include the Silver Star,
Army Special Operations Command at                 assistant commanding general, Joint      Defense Superior Service Medal with
Fort Bragg, N.C., since July 2012,                 Special Operations Command, Fort         two oak leaf clusters, the Legion of
replaces Maj. Gen. Joseph Anderson                 Bragg; deputy commanding general for     Merit, the Bronze Star Medal with two
who has been the commanding general                operations, 25th Infantry Division,      oak leaf clusters, the Meritorious
here since Nov. 16, 2011. As of press              Schofield Barracks, Hawaii.              Service Medal with five oak leaf
time Wednesday, Anderson’s next                        LaCamera has participated in a
assignment had not been announced.                 number of contingency operations                      See Command on Page 4

   Last hooah
       Maj. Gen. Joseph Anderson, left, commanding general, 4th Infantry Division and
       Fort Carson, and Command Sgt. Maj. Brian Stall, lead the command team and the
       rest of the division’s Soldiers on the general’s final postwide run, March 1. More
       than 10,000 Soldiers joined in the run to build esprit de corps and say farewell
       to Anderson who relinquishes command March 14. See pages 20-21 for more.

                                                                                                                                               Photo by Sgt. Beth Rane

    Message board                        INSIDE
   Spring forward
    Daylight saving time
  begins Sunday at 2 a.m.
    Set clocks forward
   one hour before going
      to bed Saturday.                                         Pages 32-33                                                            Page 6
                                                                                                 Page 18
2    MOUNTAINEER — March 8, 2013

Commanding General:
                                                                  This is a defining time for the
                    Maj. Gen. Joseph Anderson
                                                             United States military and for our nation.
Garrison Commander:

                    Col. David L. Grosso                        We are emerging from more than a
Fort Carson Public Affairs Officer:

                    Dee McNutt
                                                             decade of war, yet the threats facing us are
Chief, Print and Web Communications:
                                                                 no less dangerous or complicated.
                    Rick Emert
                                                                                                    — Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel
Editor:             Devin Fisher

Staff writer:       Andrea Sutherland
                                                                                                                          country and standing firm against aggression. To that end, the

Sports writer:
                    Nel Lampe

                    Walt Johnson

Layout/graphics: Jeanne Mazerall                      New defense secretary                                               strength, well-being and readiness of our all-volunteer force
                                                                                                                          will be my top priority. This will require 21st century agility
                                                                                                                          and flexibility. We must take care of our people, and
                                                                                                                          working with (Veterans Affairs) and other institutions, I will
       This commercial enterprise newspaper is
an authorized publication for members of the
Department of Defense. Contents of the
Mountaineer are not necessarily the official
view of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government or
the Department of the Army. Printed circulation
                                                      addresses workforce  By Chuck Hagel
                                                                                                                          ensure that you and your Families get the health care, job
                                                                                                                          opportunities, benefits and education you have all earned
                                                                                                                          and deserve. My life and career have been about helping
                                                                                                                          our servicemembers, veterans and their Families. One of
                                                                                                                          my proudest accomplishments in the U.S. Senate was
                                                                                                                          co-authoring with my fellow Vietnam veteran and friend,
is 12,000 copies.
       The editorial content of the                                       Secretary of Defense                            Jim Webb, the Post-9/11 G.I. Bill.
Mountaineer is the responsibility of the Public                                                                                As I assume this office, I am mindful of the sacrifices
Affairs Office, Fort Carson, CO 80913-5119,                To all Department of Defense personnel:                        that you and your Families have made for more than a decade,
Tel.: 526-4144. The e-mail address is
                                                           Earlier today (Feb. 27), I was privileged to take the          and continue to make every day. In Afghanistan, where 66,000
       The Mountaineer is posted on the               oath of office to become the 24th secretary of Defense.             of our troops remain in a tough fight, we have a clear and
Internet at                         I am humbled by and grateful for the opportunity that               achievable objective to fully transition security responsibility
       The Mountaineer is an unofficial               President (Barack) Obama and the Congress have given                to the Afghan National Security Forces by the end of 2014. As
publication authorized by AR 360-1. The               me to once again serve our nation.                                  you know, Afghan forces will step into the lead for security
Mountaineer is printed by Colorado Springs
Military Newspaper Group, a private firm in
                                                           I am most especially grateful for the opportunity to           operations across the country this spring, and over the next
no way connected with the Department of the           work with all of you. Every day you work to defend                  year another 34,000 of our troops will come home.
Army, under exclusive written contract with           America. The noble cause of your profession, your                        As we turn the page on more than a decade of
Fort Carson. It is published 49 times per year.       individual sacrifices and your service inspire us all.              grinding conflict, we must broaden our attention to
       The appearance of advertising in this               As your leader, I will always do my best for our               future threats and challenges. That means continuing
publication, including inserts or supplements,
does not constitute endorsement by the
                                                      country and for all of you — and your Families. As with             to increase our focus on the Asia-Pacific region,
Department of the Army or Colorado Springs            my friends and predecessors, Leon Panetta and Bob Gates,            reinvigorating historic alliances like NATO, and making
Military Newspaper Group, of the products or          your safety, success and welfare will always be at the              new investments in critical capabilities like cyber.
services advertised. The printer reserves the         forefront of my decisions. I will build on the strong                    In order to accomplish our mission, we also must
right to reject advertisements.                       foundation of teamwork built by Secretaries Gates and               make wise budget decisions prioritizing our interests and
       Everything advertised in this publication
shall be made available for purchase, use or
                                                      Panetta, as we work together. Leadership is a team business.        requirements. Like each of you, I am greatly concerned
patronage without regard to race, color, religion,         I have long believed that America must maintain                about the impact that the looming round of automatic
sex, national origin, age, marital status, physical   the strongest military on Earth; we must lead the                   budget cuts will have on you and your Families, and on
handicap, political affiliation or any other          international community, with a steady and sure hand,               military readiness. As someone who has run businesses,
nonmerit factor of the purchaser, user or patron.     to confront threats and challenges together as we                   I know that severe budget uncertainty limits our ability
If a violation or rejection of this equal
opportunity policy by an advertiser is confirmed,
                                                      work closely with our allies and partners to advance our            and flexibility to manage and plan and use taxpayer dollars
the printer shall refuse to print advertising         common interests and build a more hopeful world.                    in the most efficient manner possible. I will work within
from that source until the violation is corrected.    We must use all tools of American power to protect our              the administration and with Congress to help resolve this
For display advertising call 634-5905.                citizens and our interests; and America must engage —               uncertainty in a way that does not break America’s
       All correspondence or queries regarding        not retreat — in the world, but engage wisely.                      commitment to you, your Families and our veterans.
advertising and subscriptions should be directed
to Colorado Springs Military Newspaper
                                                           This is a defining time for the United States military              As I begin my time here at the department, I want you
Group, 31 E. Platte Avenue, Suite 300,                and for our nation. We are emerging from more than a                to know that I recognize the immense responsibility that
Colorado Springs, CO 80903, phone 634-5905.           decade of war, yet the threats facing us are no less                I have, and will work hard every day to fulfill my duties
       The Mountaineer’s editorial content is         dangerous or complicated.                                           as secretary of Defense as honestly and effectively as I
edited, prepared and provided by the Public                Despite these challenges, I believe an historic opportunity    know how. You are the greatest force for good in the
Affairs Office, building 1430, room 265, Fort
Carson, CO 80913-5119, phone 526-4144.
                                                      exists to help build a safer, more prosperous, and more secure      world. It is the highest honor to serve alongside you.
       Releases from outside sources are so           world. But to achieve this goal, we must ensure that we are         I am proud to be part of your team. Thank you for
indicated. The deadline for submissions to the        ready, trained and equipped to fulfill our role of protecting the   your commitment and dedication to our country.
Mountaineer is close of business the week
before the next issue is published. The
Mountaineer staff reserves the right to edit

                                                       Army leaders address sequestration
submissions for newspaper style, clarity and
typographical errors.
       Policies and statements reflected in the
news and editorial columns represent views
of the individual writers and under no
circumstances are to be considered those of                To the Soldiers, civilians and leaders of the U.S. Army:       sustain the high level of esprit de corps in your organization.
the Department of the Army.                                As you are aware, sequestration went into effect               Our top priority is to ensure that our forces defending
       Reproduction of editorial material is           March 1. Over the past several years, we have faced a              the homeland, those in Afghanistan and Korea, and those
authorized. Please credit accordingly.
                                                       lack of predictability and flexibility in our budget               next to deploy and rotate into theater, have the resources
                                                       cycle and a series of cuts. This fiscal year alone, we face        required to execute their missions. We also recognize
                                                       the potential of at least an $18 billion shortfall in our          that along with risks to readiness, sequestration will also
                                                       Operations and Maintenance accounts, due to the                    bring particular hardship to our civilian workforce.
                                                       combined impacts of sequestration, the continuing                      We will share information through official Army
                                                       resolution and contingency funding. These are the funds            channels on the impacts of sequestration as soon as it
 Classified advertising                                that allow us to support operations, maintain readiness            becomes available. You can also expect your Army
      329-5236                                         and pay our civilian workforce.                                    leadership to visit major installations in the months
                                                           While our attention here in Washington is on the fiscal        ahead to facilitate a dialogue and listen to your concerns
    Display advertising                                situation and the difficult decisions that will shape our          and those of your Family members.
        634-5905                                       force into the future, we need you to remain focused on                Our current fiscal situation is challenging, but we
                                                       the fundamentals: develop your Soldiers, civilians and             must approach this as an opportunity to demonstrate,
    Mountaineer editor                                 our future Army leaders; conduct tough, realistic                  once again, our commitment to selfless service and
       526-4144                                        mission-focused training; maintain and account for your            our profession. Our Army will always remain, in every
       Post information                                equipment; be good stewards of your resources; and                 respect, the Strength of the Nation. Army Strong!
                                                           Raymond F. Chandler III                       Raymond T. Odierno                              John M. McHugh
    Post weather hotline                                  Sergeant Major of the Army                   General, United States Army                      Secretary of the Army
         526-0096                                                                                             Chief of Staff
March 8, 2013 — MOUNTAINEER                                                                         3


Chiefs ask Congress for fiscal help
                      By Karen Parrish                                                                                                   slope where our buildings
                 American Forces Press Service                                                                                           will fail faster than we
                                                                                                                                         can fix them.”                                                          “Sequestration will force
     WASHINGTON — The senior officers from the
Army, Navy, Marine Corps and Air Force asked
                                                                                                                                             All restoration and
                                                                                                                                         modernization projects
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     us to reduce resources for our
Congress Tuesday for more spending flexibility so                                                                                        for fiscal 2013 will                                                        schools, our day care centers
they can maintain military readiness as the                                                                                              be deferred, Odierno
sequester’s across-the-board budget cuts take effect.                                                                                    said,     and     251,000                                                   and every one of our Family
     Army Chief of Staff Gen. Raymond T. Odierno,
Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Jonathan W. Greenert,
                                                                                                                                         civilian employees will
                                                                                                                                         be furloughed.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     assistance and community
Marine Corps Commandant Gen. James F. Amos                                                                                                   “Sequestration will                                                     service programs ... ”
and Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Mark A. Welsh III                                                                                      force us to reduce
                                                                                                                                                                           — Army Chief of Staff Gen. Raymond T. Odierno
testified about 2013 military construction Tuesday                                                                                       resources for our schools,
before the House Appropriations Subcommittee for                                                                                         our day care centers and
Military Construction and Veterans Affairs.                                                                                              every one of our Family
                                                                                                                                         assistance and community service programs that over capacity,” he noted. “So as a result, we
                                                                                                                                         rely upon the installation’s infrastructure to provide currently have about $3.7 billion more in our
                                                Army                                                                                                                                               investment accounts than we requested, and we
                                                                                                                                         services,” he said.
    Odierno told committee members that sequester                                                                                            “I’d ask that you provide us with an appropriations currently have $4.6 billion less in our operations
and the continuing resolution, combined, threaten                                                                                        bill that would provide flexibility to reprogram accounts than we requested.”
“grave and immediate impacts” to Army readiness                                                                                          funds to at least reduce some of the (operations and           That means the Navy is “out of balance,” he said,
that could extend well beyond this year.                                                                                                 maintenance) shortfalls and allow for new starts,” “and this unbalance is made worse in our operations
    The continuing resolution prohibits new starts to                                                                                    Odierno said.                                             account because of sequestration.”
military construction projects.                                                                                                                                                                         The Navy is now reducing its presence in every
    “Until the Army receives an appropriations                                                                                                                                                     theater and halting training for next year’s deployments,
measure with new start authority, we cannot initiate                                                                                                            Navy                               Greenert said. If Congress passes an authorizations
102 military construction projects that are scheduled                                                                                        Greenert said the continuing resolution poses bill or new continuing resolution that allows the
for award in 35 states,” Odierno said.                                                                                                   challenges for the Navy because it holds spending services to move money between accounts, he said,
    He said sequester cuts will translate into about                                                                                     at 2012 levels.                                           the Navy “would first be able to restore the training
100,000 facility work orders per month that will not                                                                                         “But this fiscal year, we are implementing a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                See Spending on Page 4
be done, “Which places the Army on a slippery                                                                                            new defense strategy, and that emphasizes readiness

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4       MOUNTAINEER — March 8, 2013

Tank trail opens to POVs
             By Andrea Sutherland                          and roads, the different speed limits for wheeled                 Additional signage along the trail will also be
                Mountaineer staff                          vehicles at 30 mph versus track vehicles at 20 mph           installed, said McPherson.
                                                           and a possible chokepoint at the intersections of                 According to an official fact sheet, about 30
     Post officials announced Wednesday the opening of     the tank trail and Specker Avenue and the “crow’s            percent of 4th Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry
Tank Route C to drivers operating privately-owned          foot” at Butts Road.                                         Division, Soldiers living in barracks travel the
vehicles in an effort to alleviate traffic congestion as       “Ultimately, safety and relieving traffic was our        Titus-Butts corridor. Thousands of Soldiers assigned
construction begins at the intersection of Titus           No. 1 concern,” McPherson said.                              to 10th Special Forces Group (Airborne); 13th Air
Boulevard and Butts Road.                                                                                                                  Support Operation Squadron;
     Beginning Tuesday, the south-                                                                                                         242nd      Explosive     Ordnance
bound concrete tank trail from                                                           The tank trail detour opens Tuesday to            Disposal Battalion; 1st Battalion,
Magrath Avenue, near the Central                                                         assist traffic flow to Wilderness Road and        2nd Aviation Regiment; 4th BCT,
Vehicle Wash Facility and the Fire                                                       Butts Army Airfield. Personal vehicle traffic     4th Inf. Div.; and 4th Combat
Training Center, to Butts Road will                                                      will be allowed on the southbound concrete        Aviation Brigade, 4th Inf. Div.,
be open for personal vehicle traffic                                                     trail from 4:30-6:30 a.m. Monday-Friday.          accessing post through Gate 20
from 4:30-6:30 a.m. Monday-                                                                                                                will have the opportunity to use
Friday, a press release states.                                                                                                            the bypass and have “a more
     “(Drivers) are going to get                                                                                                           direct and efficient commute to
backed up at Titus (Boulevard) and                                                                                                         their duty locations.”
Specker (Avenue) if they don’t use                                                                                                             To avoid congestion, officials
this,” said Carl McPherson, deputy                                                                                                         encourage drivers to use gates
director, Directorate of Emergency                                                                                                         19 and 6 to access Wilderness
Services. “This is to alleviate that                                                                                                       Road and Butts Army Airfield.
traffic congestion. This is just                                                                                                           Drivers using the tank trail
another means to keep them from                                                                                                            or Titus Boulevard should
coming up to Titus and Specker.”                                                                                                           allow extra time to get to their
     Officials said they considered                                                                                                        destination, particularly during
a multitude of pros and cons                                                                                                               peak traffic periods.
when considering the alternative,                                                                                                              Construction to widen Titus
including the lack of safety controls                                                                                                      Boulevard and Butts Road is
at intersections of the tank trail                                                                                                         expected to be complete by May 17.

Spending                                     ability to continue operating forward is        and risk to the United States of America.     Command
from Page 3                                  constrained because of that.”                       “I urge the committee to consider         from Page 1
                                                                                             the full range of these risks created by
and maintenance and (also) keep a                                                            the Budget Control Act and the yearlong       clusters, the Joint Service
carrier strike group and an amphibious                                                       continuing resolution,” he said. “I ask       Commendation Medal, the
ready group in the Middle East and the            Amos said all the Marine Corps’ 37         for your assistance in mitigating them to     Army Commendation Medal
Pacific through next fiscal year.”           military construction projects planned          the extent possible.”Force                    with four oak leaf clusters, the
    If Congress awards the department        for fiscal 2013, totaling $716 million,                                                       Army Achievement Medal with
enough funding, Greenert said, the Navy      are halted.                                                                                   oak leaf cluster, the Combat
                                                  “Additionally, we have been forced                    Air Force
will “restore the rest of this year’s                                                                                                      Infantryman Badge with star,
planned deployments, training and            to halt construction plans on hangars for            Welsh said the Air Force faces similar   the Expert Infantryman Badge,
maintenance.”                                the F-35 in Beaufort, S.C., as well as road     budget-based problems as its sister           the Master Parachutist Badge
    He told members Navy funding             improvements aboard our major installa-         services. Without congressional approval      with bronze star, the Pathfinder
constraints have over the last two           tions designed to correct safety deficien-      for military construction starts, he said,    Badge, and the Ranger Tab.
months caused $600 million in lost ship,     cies,” Amos said. “These projects are           Airmen and their families “will experience        LaCamera has a Bachelor of
aircraft and facility maintenance and        ready to begin today. Without … appropri-       delays to improvements for substandard        Science degree from the U.S.
training, “and we also missed some           ations or the authorities for new starts, we    dormitories and housing. Flight simulators    Military Academy and a Master
program management.”                         are forced to defer to future years’ budgets,   and maintenance facility construction         of Arts in national security
    In March, Greenert said, the Navy        causing a ripple effect which will no doubt     delays will magnify readiness degrada-        and strategic studies from the
“will miss more than $1.2 billion of         significantly impact our modernization          tions that are already unacceptable.”         U.S. Army War College. His
maintenance and operations because           and our sustainment efforts.”                        The services need the flexibility to     military education includes
we’re deferring planned activity. These           Amos noted that in three rounds of         put dollars where they’re most needed,        the Infantry Officer Basic
are lost opportunities, many of them,        recent congressional testimony, he’d            Welsh said.                                   and Advanced Courses, the
and these will increase each month as        “spoken about the combined effects of                “We find ourselves stuck in the          U.S. Army Command and
we go on a continuing resolution.”           the existing continuing resolution and          unenviable trade-space between modern-        General Staff College, the U.S.
    Under sequester and the continuing       sequestration. These indiscriminate             ization and readiness, with infrastructure    Army War College, the United
resolution, the Navy was “compelled to       measures create unacceptable levels of          improvement delays and deferments             States Naval War College and
stop almost all of our facility renovation   risk — risk to our national security, risk      amplifying the impacts to each, and we        the Senior Service College
and modernization,” he said. “Our            to our forces, risk to the American people      need your help to get out,” he said.          Fellowship Course.

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March 8, 2013 — MOUNTAINEER         5

Women’s History Month

Museum showcases contributions
  Story and photo by Terri Moon Cronk
      American Forces Press Service

    ARLINGTON, Va. — A living legacy to
women who served in all branches of the U.S.
military honors their service and sacrifice
inside the Women’s Memorial at Arlington
National Cemetery.
    The museum in the memorial depicts the
“duty, honor and pride” of the 2 million women
who served to defend the United States, from the
beginning of the Revolutionary War through
today’s war in Afghanistan.
    Situated at the ceremonial entrance to Arlington
National Cemetery, the $22 million memorial offers
a grand welcome to the sacred military burial
grounds with its neoclassical architecture.
    Following 11 years of construction, the museum
was dedicated Oct, 18, 1997, after the Women’s
Memorial Foundation spearheaded the effort to
educate the public and honor women who defended
the nation during all eras and in all services.
    The museum’s “living” exhibits depict the
past, present and future of military women on
active duty, in the reserves, the National Guard
and U.S. Public Health Service, in addition to the
Coast Guard Auxiliary and Civil Air Patrol.
    Additionally, the women who served in
support of U.S. armed forces during wartime
                            See Women on Page 14
                                                       Donated World War II mementoes, uniforms and recruitment posters sit on display at the Women’s Memorial museum
                                                       at Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, Va., March 1.

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6       MOUNTAINEER — March 8, 2013

                                                                                                                                                                                                       From left, Spc.
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Luke North and
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Spc. Adam Carpio,
                                                                                                                                                                                                       unmanned aerial
                                                                                                                                                                                                       vehicle operators,
                                                                                                                                                                                                       and Spc. John
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Vance, UAV
                                                                                                                                                                                                       mechanic, all
                                                                                                                                                                                                       assigned to
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Company A, 1st
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Special Troops
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Battalion, 1st
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Brigade Combat
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Team, 4th Infantry
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Division, mount
                                                                                                                                                                                                       an RQ-7B Shadow
                                                                                                                                                                                                       200 UAV onto its
                                                                                                                                                                                                       launcher prior to
                                                                                                                                                                                                       a training mission
                                                                                                                                                                                                       at Camp Buehring,
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Kuwait, Feb. 27.

UAS Platoon trains to keep eye in sky
 Story and photo by Spc. Andrew Ingram                         get Soldiers on the ground the information they need.                     half that time getting into a good rhythm,” said Spc.
1st Brigade Combat Team Public Affairs Office,                 This deployment is a great opportunity for some of                        John Szymanski, UAV operator, Company A. “Here
             4th Infantry Division                             my less-experienced Soldiers to get that experience                       at Camp Buehring, we spent the past couple weeks
                                                               without the stakes being so high, because we are here                     working out all the bugs and learning local flight
     CAMP BUEHRING, Kuwait — Taking off is a                   on a partnership mission versus a combat operation.”                      procedures. That means we can spend the rest of our
choice, landing never is.                                           UAS Soldiers deploy Shadows to facilitate                            time here flying, training and preparing for whatever
     This is the message Chief Warrant Officer 2               numerous roles during operations, from long-range                         mission our command passes down to us.”
Dustin Hisel, Tactical Unmanned Aerial Vehicle                 reconnaissance to targeting enemy forces for air or                            While flight preparation time varies depending
Operations officer, Company A, 1st Special Troops              artillery strikes.                                                        on a flight crew’s experience, Szymanski said a well-
Battalion, 1st Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry                    Pfc. Alfred Townsend, UAV maintainer, Company                        trained team can prepare one Shadow while another
Division, drills into his unmanned aerial vehicle              A, said he relishes the chance to work with the                           flies to facilitate continuous UAV operations.
operators and maintainers daily.                               Shadow and improve his expertise on a daily basis.                             “Not all of us are at that level yet, but we have
     Newly arrived at Camp Buehring, Kuwait, the                    “Coming out here six days a week, touching a                         some very experienced veterans in this platoon who
Unmanned Aircraft Service Platoon flies and maintains          ‘bird’ every day, gives us an amount of experience                        are squaring us away,” he said.
the brigade’s RQ-7B Shadow 200s.                               we can’t match at Fort Carson,” Townsend said. “We                             Hisel said he looks forward to enhancing his
     “With any aviation operations, attention to detail        encounter new problems every day, and we find new                         Soldiers’ knowledge, skills and proficiency during
is crucial,” Hisel said. “If you miss one step in a            ways to solve them. We can’t gain that experience                         the platoon’s time at Camp Buehring.
checklist you’re looking at a potential loss of a ‘bird,’      from reading a book or a manual; experience has to                             “I expect excellence out of these Soldiers every
and possibly a loss of life.”                                  be gained by doing.”                                                      minute of every day, and I don’t think I could have
     At Camp Buehring, the UAS Soldiers can fly                     The UAS Platoon’s current training regimen                           asked for a better group of people,” Hisel said. “Some
and maintain the Shadows constantly, honing their              consists of preparing the Shadow for flight, launching                    of these guys are pretty junior, but we have enough
skills in preparation for any mission the brigade              it, maintaining a flight pattern and landing safely.                      experience to train this platoon to an extremely
requires of them, said Hisel.                                       Hisel said the training program will expand into                     high standard … I think we have the potential to be
     “I’m a firm believer that flights in support of           more complex operations as his Soldiers continue                          the best UAS platoon in the Army.”
real-time combat missions are the best training for            to sharpen their skills.                                                       The UAS Soldiers of Company A will continue
a UAV team,” he said. “The downside is that an                      “Back at Fort Carson, we would spend two weeks                       training with the Shadow and perfecting their skills
inexperienced crew can make a mistake and fail to              to a month in the field training, and we may spend                        throughout the brigade’s deployment.

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March 8, 2013 — MOUNTAINEER               7
Miscellaneous                                                        Fort Carson dining facilities hours of operation
Shaving study — The Evans Army Community
   Hospital Dermatology Clinic is conducting a                DFAC                      Friday-Monday (DONSA)                            Tuesday-Thursday
   research study looking at various razors and topical       Stack                     Closed                                           Breakfast: 7-9 a.m.
   products to assist with shaving bumps. Soldiers                                                                                       Lunch: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
   must have at least 10 lesions and be available for                                                                                    Dinner: 5-6:30 p.m.
   three office visits during a 12-week period. Male          Wolf                      Breakfast: 7-9 a.m.                              Breakfast: 6:45-9 a.m.
   and female participants will be provided with                                        Lunch: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.                      Lunch: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
   shaving supplies, a tote bag and topical creams.                                     Dinner: 5-6:30 p.m.                              Dinner: 5-6:30 p.m.
   Call 526-7185 for more information. A referral
   from a primary care manager is not necessary.              Warfighter                Closed                                           Breakfast: 7-9 a.m.
Finance travel processing — All inbound and                   (Wilderness Road                                                           Lunch: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
   outbound Temporary Lodging Expense, “Do it                 Complex)                                                                   Dinner: Closed
   Yourself ” Moves, servicemember and Family                 LaRochelle                Closed                                           Breakfast: 7-9 a.m.
   member travel, travel advance pay and travel pay           10th SFG(A)                                                                Lunch: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
   inquiries will be handled in building 1218, room 231.                                                                                 Dinner: Closed
   Call 526-4454 or 524-2594 for more information.
Points only, nondeployable unit — Reinforcement                 cleaning motor pools. Listed below are phone                  12:30-3:30 p.m. The orientations discuss DLA
   training units provide an opportunity for                    numbers and points of contact for services:                   processes to include turning in excess property,
   Individual Ready Reserve Soldiers who want to                      • Facility repair/service orders — Fort                 reutilizing government property, web-based tools
   maintain Reserve affiliation and continue their              Carson Support Services service order desk can be             available, special handling of property and environ-
   military career. Soldiers of any rank or military            reached at 526-5345. Use this number for emergen-             mental needs. To schedule an orientation, contact
   occupational specialty considering leaving troop             cies or routine tasks and for reporting wind damage,          Arnaldo Borrerorivera at arnaldo.borrerorivera@
   program unit assignment can consider the 6399th              damaged traffic signs or other facility damage.      for receiving/turn in; Mike Welsh at
   RTU as a short- or long-term option. Benefits                      • Refuse/trash and recycling — Call Eric       for reutilization/web tools; or
   include earning retirement points and “good”                 Bailey at 719-491-0218 or email eric.e.bailey4.               Rufus Guillory at
   years; optional monthly nonpaid drill weekends;     when needing trash containers, trash           Reassignment briefings — are held Tuesdays
   continued military training and military schools;            is overflowing or emergency service is required.              in building 1129, Freedom Performing Arts Center.
   paid annual training opportunities; continued                      • Facility custodial services — Call Bryan              Sign-in for Soldiers heading overseas is at 7 a.m.
   promotions; earning retirement points via corre-             Dorcey at 526-6670 or email bryan.s.dorcey.civ@               and the briefing starts at 7:30 a.m. Sign-in for
   spondence courses; Servicemembers’ Group Life       for service needs or to report complaints.           personnel being reassigned stateside is at 1 p.m.,
   Insurance; and easy transfer to TPUs if desired.                   • Elevator maintenance — Call Bryan                     with the briefing starting at 1:30 p.m. Soldiers are
   Contact Chief Warrant Officer 4 Lake Gardner                 Dorcey at 526-6670 or email bryan.s.dorcey.                   required to bring Department of the Army Form
   at 720-363-0511 or                                                         5118, signed by their physician and battalion
Recycle incentive program — The Directorate of                        • Motor pool sludge removal/disposal —                  commander, and a pen to complete forms. Call
   Public Works has an incentive program to                     Call Dennis Frost at 526-6997 or email                        526-4730/4583 for more information.
   prevent recyclable waste from going to the landfill.                                Army ROTC Green-to-Gold briefings — are held
   Participating battalions can earn monetary rewards                 • Repair and utility/self-help — Call Gary              the first and third Tuesday of each month at noon
   for turning recyclable materials in to the Fort Carson       Grant at 526-5844 or email gerald.l.grant2.civ                at the education center, building 1117, room 120.
   Recycle Center, building 155. Points are assigned for Use this number to obtain self-help                Call University of Colorado-Colorado Springs
   the pounds of recyclable goods turned in and every           tools and equipment or a motorized sweeper.                   Army ROTC at 262-3475 for more information.
   participating battalion receives money quarterly. Call             • Base operations contracting officer
   526-5898 for more information about the program.             representative — Call Terry Hagen at 526-9262               Hours of Operation
First Sergeants’ Barracks Program 2020 — is located             or email for questions           Central Issue Facility
   in building 1454 on Nelson Boulevard. The hours of           on snow removal, grounds maintenance and                             • In-processing — Monday-Thursday from
   operation are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday-Friday. The            contractor response to service orders.                        7:30-10:30 a.m.
   office assists Soldiers with room assignments and                  • Portable latrines — Call Jerald Just at                      • Initial and partial issues — Monday-
   terminations. For more information call 526-9707.            524-0786 or email to               Friday from 12:30-3:30 p.m.
Sergeant Audie Murphy Club — The Fort Carson                    request latrines, for service or to report damaged                   • Cash sales/report of survey — Monday-
   Sergeant Audie Murphy Club meets the third                   or overturned latrines.                                       Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.
   Tuesday of each month at the Family Connection                     • Signs — Call Jim Diorio, Fort Carson                         • Direct exchange and partial turn ins —
   Center from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. The SAMC                Support Services, at 896-0797 or 524-2924 or                  Monday-Friday from 7:30-11:30 a.m.
   is open to all active members and those interested           email to request a facility,                        • Full turn ins — by appointment only; call
   in becoming future SAMC members. The club was                parking or regulatory traffic sign.                           526-3321.
   originally a U.S. Forces Command organization of           The Fort Carson Trial Defense Service office — is                      • Unit issues and turn ins — require
   elite noncommissioned officers but is now an                 able to help Soldiers 24/7 and is located at building         approval, call 526-5512/6477.
   Armywide program for those who meet the criteria             1430, room 233. During duty hours, Soldiers                 Education Center hours of operation — The
   and have proven themselves to be outstanding                 should call 526-4563. The 24-hour phone number                Mountain Post Training and Education Center,
   NCOs through a board/leadership process. Contact             for after hours, holidays and weekends is 526-0051.           building 1117, 526-2124, hours are as follows:
   SAMC president Sgt. 1st Class Dawna Brown at                                                                                      • Counselor Support Center — Monday-
   526-3983 for information.                                  Briefings                                                       Thursday 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and Fridays 11
Command Evaluation and Training Team —                        75th Ranger Regiment briefings — are held Tuesdays              a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
   COMET provides commanders at all levels with a               in building 1430, room 150, from noon to 1 p.m.                      • Army Learning Center — Monday-
   responsive maintenance and supply assessment and             Soldiers must be private-sergeant first class with a          Friday 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
   training tool that improves the combat effectiveness,        minimum General Technical Score of 105; be a U.S.                    • Defense Activity for Nontraditional
   readiness and efficiency of their units’ logistical pro-     citizen; score 240 or higher on the Army Physical             Education Support and Army Personnel Testing —
   grams. The team identifies supply and maintenance            Fitness Test; and pass a Ranger physical. Call 524-           Monday-Friday 7:30-11:30 a.m. and 12:30-4:30 p.m.
   weaknesses and problems, and provides individual             2691 or visit            Repair and Utility self-help — has moved to building
   and unit reinforcement training based on assess-           Casualty Notification/Assistance Officer training —             217 and is open Monday-Friday 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
   ments. Results remain confidential for the unit              is held Tuesday-Thursday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at           Medical Activity Correspondence Department
   commander only. COMET provides assistance in the             Veterans’ Chapel. Class is limited to the first 50            office hours — The Correspondence (Release of
   majority of maintenance and supply management                people. Call 526-5613/5614 for details.                       Information) Office in the Patient Administration
   areas with one-on-one training, and by conducting          Retirement briefings — are held from 8 a.m. to noon             Division hours are Monday-Wednesday and Friday
   follow-up visits. The team also conducts classes to          the second and third Wednesday of each month at               7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and closed Thursday and fed-
   help strengthen supply skills and improve mainte-            the Freedom Performing Arts Center, building 1129             eral holidays. Call 526-7322 or 526-7284 for details.
   nance readiness. Contact Tim Howarth at 503-3095             at the corner of Specker Avenue and Ellis Street.           Claims Office hours — are Monday-Friday from 9
   or for information.             The Retirement Services Office recommends                     a.m. to noon and 1-4 p.m., located on the first floor
Directorate of Public Works services — DPW is                   spouses accompany Soldiers to the briefing. Call              of building 6222, 1633 Mekong Street. Shipment
   responsible for a wide variety of services on Fort           526-2840 for more information.                                under Full Replacement Value claimants must
   Carson. Services range from repair and maintenance         ETS briefings — for enlisted personnel are held the             submit Department of Defense Form 1840R or After
   of facilities to equipping units with a sweeper and          first and third Wednesday of each month. Briefing             Delivery Form 1851 for additionally discovered
                                                                sign in begins at 7 a.m. at the Soldier Readiness             items to the carrier within 75 days online. Claimants
                                                                Building, building 1042, room 244, on a first-come,           must log into Defense Personal Property System at
 BOSS meetings are held the first                               first-served basis. Soldiers must be within 120 days and submit the claim within
 and third Thursday of each month                               of their expiration term of service, but must attend no       nine months directly to the carrier to receive full
 from 2-3:30 p.m. at The Foxhole.                               later than 30 days prior to their ETS or start of transi-     replacement value for missing or destroyed items.
 Contact Cpl. Rachael Robertson at                              tion leave. Call 526-2240/8458 for more information.          All other claims should be submitted to the Claims
 524-2677 or visit the BOSS office in room 106 of The         Disposition Services — Defense Logistics Agency                 Office within two years of the date of delivery or
 Hub for more information. Text “follow CarsonBOSS”             Disposition Services Colorado Springs, located in             date of incident. Call the Fort Carson Claims Office
 to 40404 to receive updates and event information.             building 381, conducts orientations Fridays from              at 526-1355 for more information.
8        MOUNTAINEER — March 8, 2013

Chaplains reach out to Soldiers
              Story and photo by                                     and it ... doesn’t get reported up, so it gives them a safe
           Staff Sgt. Andrew Porch                                   person to talk to who is outside of their normal realm.”
           2nd Brigade Combat Team                                        Soldiers said they appreciate the chaplains coming
    Public Affairs Office, 4th Infantry Division                     out to visit them.
                                                                          “It is a really good feeling to have the chaplain
    PIÑON CANYON MANEUVER SITE — The                                 conduct a service for us,” said Staff Sgt. Devon
sounds of Soldiers’ laughter, song and prayer filled a               Thomas, Troop D, 1st Squadron, 10th Cavalry
tent during a religious service at Piñon Canyon                      Regiment, 2nd BCT. “It’s a morale booster to have him
Maneuver Site, Feb. 26.                                              come out here; a real pleasure.”
    Chap. (Maj.) Douglas Ball, brigade chaplain, 2nd                      Ball said he thinks of visiting and counseling
Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division, and                      Soldiers as more than just a job.
Chap. (Capt.) Rodney Gilliam, 2nd Special Troops                          “It reminds me why I joined the Army and what
Battalion, 2nd BCT, took the opportunity to visit                    I’m really in for,” said Ball. “I am always amazed
multiple training sites and hold a religious service at              to get to know new Soldiers and find out their life
the Troop D, 1st Squadron, 10th Cavalry Regiment,                    stories; why they joined the Army and what their
2nd BCT, maintenance area.                                           goals and dreams are. It reminds me that there are a
    The chaplains wanted to show Soldiers they care                  lot of faces behind what we do.”
about them and are there if they need to talk, Ball said.                 During their visits, Ball took time to talk to
    “For many of them, I provide a different avenue,”                unit leadership.
he said. “One of the advantages of the chaplains is our                   “I think they want avenues for their Soldiers to
confidentiality. The Soldier can talk to me about an issue           talk to somebody,” said Ball. “They know what they
                                                                     can provide, and they know what the chaplain can
                                                                     provide. It sends a message that we are concerned
  “I am always amazed to                                             about more than just accomplishing the mission; we
                                                                     want to take care of them and their Soldiers.”
   get to know new Soldiers                                               Despite being at Piñon Canyon for a monthlong
                                                                     training exercise, Soldiers used the service to come
   and find out their life                                           together.
                                                                          The feeling of being away from home was put aside,
   stories; why they joined                                          and the feeling of coming together as one and knowing
                                                                     the chaplain was here for everyone helps, said Thomas.
   the Army and what their                                                Ball, along with the chaplains from the brigade’s
                                                                     battalions, plan to visit the training sites often and        Chap. (Maj.) Douglas Ball, brigade chaplain, 2nd
   goals and dreams are.”                                            engage Soldiers as much as possible.
                                                                          “We are working to push all chaplains out to other
                                                                                                                                   Brigade Combat Team, plays an instrument during a
                                                                                                                                   religious service at the Troop D, 1st Squadron, 10th
                              — Chap. (Maj.) Douglas Ball            battalions to make sure Soldiers in battalions without        Cavalry Regiment, 2nd BCT, field training site at
                                                                     chaplains get an opportunity to see someone,” he said.        Piñon Canyon Maneuver Site, Feb. 26.

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March 8, 2013 — MOUNTAINEER   9
Mountaineer 2013 03-08
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Mountaineer 2013 03-08
Mountaineer 2013 03-08
Mountaineer 2013 03-08
Mountaineer 2013 03-08
Mountaineer 2013 03-08
Mountaineer 2013 03-08
Mountaineer 2013 03-08
Mountaineer 2013 03-08
Mountaineer 2013 03-08
Mountaineer 2013 03-08
Mountaineer 2013 03-08
Mountaineer 2013 03-08
Mountaineer 2013 03-08
Mountaineer 2013 03-08
Mountaineer 2013 03-08
Mountaineer 2013 03-08
Mountaineer 2013 03-08
Mountaineer 2013 03-08
Mountaineer 2013 03-08
Mountaineer 2013 03-08
Mountaineer 2013 03-08
Mountaineer 2013 03-08
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Mountaineer 2013 03-08

  • 1. Vol. 71, No. 9 March 8, 2013 LaCamera to take command Mountaineer staff A native of Westwood, Mass., LaCamera, was commissioned as a including Operation Just Cause in Panama, Operation Uphold Democracy Maj. Gen. Paul J. LaCamera will second lieutenant of the Infantry upon in Haiti, Operation Anaconda in take command of the 4th Infantry graduation from the United States Afghanistan, and multiple rotations Division and Fort Carson during a Military Academy in 1985. His recent in support of Operation Enduring ceremony Thursday at 2 p.m. on assignments include commander, 75th Freedom in Afghanistan and Operation Founders Field. Ranger Regiment, Fort Benning, Ga.; Iraqi Freedom and Operation New LaCamera, who has served as the director of operations, Joint Special Dawn in Iraq. deputy commanding general of the U.S. Operations Command, Fort Bragg; His awards include the Silver Star, Army Special Operations Command at assistant commanding general, Joint Defense Superior Service Medal with Fort Bragg, N.C., since July 2012, Special Operations Command, Fort two oak leaf clusters, the Legion of replaces Maj. Gen. Joseph Anderson Bragg; deputy commanding general for Merit, the Bronze Star Medal with two who has been the commanding general operations, 25th Infantry Division, oak leaf clusters, the Meritorious here since Nov. 16, 2011. As of press Schofield Barracks, Hawaii. Service Medal with five oak leaf time Wednesday, Anderson’s next LaCamera has participated in a assignment had not been announced. number of contingency operations See Command on Page 4 LaCamera Last hooah Maj. Gen. Joseph Anderson, left, commanding general, 4th Infantry Division and Fort Carson, and Command Sgt. Maj. Brian Stall, lead the command team and the rest of the division’s Soldiers on the general’s final postwide run, March 1. More than 10,000 Soldiers joined in the run to build esprit de corps and say farewell to Anderson who relinquishes command March 14. See pages 20-21 for more. Photo by Sgt. Beth Rane Message board INSIDE Spring forward Daylight saving time begins Sunday at 2 a.m. Set clocks forward one hour before going to bed Saturday. Pages 32-33 Page 6 Page 18
  • 2. 2 MOUNTAINEER — March 8, 2013 MOUNTAINEER Commanding General: This is a defining time for the Maj. Gen. Joseph Anderson United States military and for our nation. Garrison Commander: Col. David L. Grosso We are emerging from more than a Fort Carson Public Affairs Officer: Dee McNutt decade of war, yet the threats facing us are Chief, Print and Web Communications: no less dangerous or complicated. Rick Emert — Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel Editor: Devin Fisher Staff writer: Andrea Sutherland country and standing firm against aggression. To that end, the Happenings: Sports writer: Nel Lampe Walt Johnson Layout/graphics: Jeanne Mazerall New defense secretary strength, well-being and readiness of our all-volunteer force will be my top priority. This will require 21st century agility and flexibility. We must take care of our people, and working with (Veterans Affairs) and other institutions, I will This commercial enterprise newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the Department of Defense. Contents of the Mountaineer are not necessarily the official view of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government or the Department of the Army. Printed circulation addresses workforce By Chuck Hagel ensure that you and your Families get the health care, job opportunities, benefits and education you have all earned and deserve. My life and career have been about helping our servicemembers, veterans and their Families. One of my proudest accomplishments in the U.S. Senate was co-authoring with my fellow Vietnam veteran and friend, is 12,000 copies. The editorial content of the Secretary of Defense Jim Webb, the Post-9/11 G.I. Bill. Mountaineer is the responsibility of the Public As I assume this office, I am mindful of the sacrifices Affairs Office, Fort Carson, CO 80913-5119, To all Department of Defense personnel: that you and your Families have made for more than a decade, Tel.: 526-4144. The e-mail address is Earlier today (Feb. 27), I was privileged to take the and continue to make every day. In Afghanistan, where 66,000 The Mountaineer is posted on the oath of office to become the 24th secretary of Defense. of our troops remain in a tough fight, we have a clear and Internet at I am humbled by and grateful for the opportunity that achievable objective to fully transition security responsibility The Mountaineer is an unofficial President (Barack) Obama and the Congress have given to the Afghan National Security Forces by the end of 2014. As publication authorized by AR 360-1. The me to once again serve our nation. you know, Afghan forces will step into the lead for security Mountaineer is printed by Colorado Springs Military Newspaper Group, a private firm in I am most especially grateful for the opportunity to operations across the country this spring, and over the next no way connected with the Department of the work with all of you. Every day you work to defend year another 34,000 of our troops will come home. Army, under exclusive written contract with America. The noble cause of your profession, your As we turn the page on more than a decade of Fort Carson. It is published 49 times per year. individual sacrifices and your service inspire us all. grinding conflict, we must broaden our attention to The appearance of advertising in this As your leader, I will always do my best for our future threats and challenges. That means continuing publication, including inserts or supplements, does not constitute endorsement by the country and for all of you — and your Families. As with to increase our focus on the Asia-Pacific region, Department of the Army or Colorado Springs my friends and predecessors, Leon Panetta and Bob Gates, reinvigorating historic alliances like NATO, and making Military Newspaper Group, of the products or your safety, success and welfare will always be at the new investments in critical capabilities like cyber. services advertised. The printer reserves the forefront of my decisions. I will build on the strong In order to accomplish our mission, we also must right to reject advertisements. foundation of teamwork built by Secretaries Gates and make wise budget decisions prioritizing our interests and Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase, use or Panetta, as we work together. Leadership is a team business. requirements. Like each of you, I am greatly concerned patronage without regard to race, color, religion, I have long believed that America must maintain about the impact that the looming round of automatic sex, national origin, age, marital status, physical the strongest military on Earth; we must lead the budget cuts will have on you and your Families, and on handicap, political affiliation or any other international community, with a steady and sure hand, military readiness. As someone who has run businesses, nonmerit factor of the purchaser, user or patron. to confront threats and challenges together as we I know that severe budget uncertainty limits our ability If a violation or rejection of this equal opportunity policy by an advertiser is confirmed, work closely with our allies and partners to advance our and flexibility to manage and plan and use taxpayer dollars the printer shall refuse to print advertising common interests and build a more hopeful world. in the most efficient manner possible. I will work within from that source until the violation is corrected. We must use all tools of American power to protect our the administration and with Congress to help resolve this For display advertising call 634-5905. citizens and our interests; and America must engage — uncertainty in a way that does not break America’s All correspondence or queries regarding not retreat — in the world, but engage wisely. commitment to you, your Families and our veterans. advertising and subscriptions should be directed to Colorado Springs Military Newspaper This is a defining time for the United States military As I begin my time here at the department, I want you Group, 31 E. Platte Avenue, Suite 300, and for our nation. We are emerging from more than a to know that I recognize the immense responsibility that Colorado Springs, CO 80903, phone 634-5905. decade of war, yet the threats facing us are no less I have, and will work hard every day to fulfill my duties The Mountaineer’s editorial content is dangerous or complicated. as secretary of Defense as honestly and effectively as I edited, prepared and provided by the Public Despite these challenges, I believe an historic opportunity know how. You are the greatest force for good in the Affairs Office, building 1430, room 265, Fort Carson, CO 80913-5119, phone 526-4144. exists to help build a safer, more prosperous, and more secure world. It is the highest honor to serve alongside you. Releases from outside sources are so world. But to achieve this goal, we must ensure that we are I am proud to be part of your team. Thank you for indicated. The deadline for submissions to the ready, trained and equipped to fulfill our role of protecting the your commitment and dedication to our country. Mountaineer is close of business the week before the next issue is published. The Mountaineer staff reserves the right to edit Army leaders address sequestration submissions for newspaper style, clarity and typographical errors. Policies and statements reflected in the news and editorial columns represent views of the individual writers and under no circumstances are to be considered those of To the Soldiers, civilians and leaders of the U.S. Army: sustain the high level of esprit de corps in your organization. the Department of the Army. As you are aware, sequestration went into effect Our top priority is to ensure that our forces defending Reproduction of editorial material is March 1. Over the past several years, we have faced a the homeland, those in Afghanistan and Korea, and those authorized. Please credit accordingly. lack of predictability and flexibility in our budget next to deploy and rotate into theater, have the resources cycle and a series of cuts. This fiscal year alone, we face required to execute their missions. We also recognize the potential of at least an $18 billion shortfall in our that along with risks to readiness, sequestration will also Operations and Maintenance accounts, due to the bring particular hardship to our civilian workforce. combined impacts of sequestration, the continuing We will share information through official Army resolution and contingency funding. These are the funds channels on the impacts of sequestration as soon as it Classified advertising that allow us to support operations, maintain readiness becomes available. You can also expect your Army 329-5236 and pay our civilian workforce. leadership to visit major installations in the months While our attention here in Washington is on the fiscal ahead to facilitate a dialogue and listen to your concerns Display advertising situation and the difficult decisions that will shape our and those of your Family members. 634-5905 force into the future, we need you to remain focused on Our current fiscal situation is challenging, but we the fundamentals: develop your Soldiers, civilians and must approach this as an opportunity to demonstrate, Mountaineer editor our future Army leaders; conduct tough, realistic once again, our commitment to selfless service and 526-4144 mission-focused training; maintain and account for your our profession. Our Army will always remain, in every Post information equipment; be good stewards of your resources; and respect, the Strength of the Nation. Army Strong! 526-5811 Raymond F. Chandler III Raymond T. Odierno John M. McHugh Post weather hotline Sergeant Major of the Army General, United States Army Secretary of the Army 526-0096 Chief of Staff
  • 3. March 8, 2013 — MOUNTAINEER 3 Sequestration Chiefs ask Congress for fiscal help By Karen Parrish slope where our buildings American Forces Press Service will fail faster than we can fix them.” “Sequestration will force WASHINGTON — The senior officers from the Army, Navy, Marine Corps and Air Force asked All restoration and modernization projects us to reduce resources for our Congress Tuesday for more spending flexibility so for fiscal 2013 will schools, our day care centers they can maintain military readiness as the be deferred, Odierno sequester’s across-the-board budget cuts take effect. said, and 251,000 and every one of our Family Army Chief of Staff Gen. Raymond T. Odierno, Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Jonathan W. Greenert, civilian employees will be furloughed. assistance and community Marine Corps Commandant Gen. James F. Amos “Sequestration will service programs ... ” and Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Mark A. Welsh III force us to reduce — Army Chief of Staff Gen. Raymond T. Odierno testified about 2013 military construction Tuesday resources for our schools, before the House Appropriations Subcommittee for our day care centers and Military Construction and Veterans Affairs. every one of our Family assistance and community service programs that over capacity,” he noted. “So as a result, we rely upon the installation’s infrastructure to provide currently have about $3.7 billion more in our Army investment accounts than we requested, and we services,” he said. Odierno told committee members that sequester “I’d ask that you provide us with an appropriations currently have $4.6 billion less in our operations and the continuing resolution, combined, threaten bill that would provide flexibility to reprogram accounts than we requested.” “grave and immediate impacts” to Army readiness funds to at least reduce some of the (operations and That means the Navy is “out of balance,” he said, that could extend well beyond this year. maintenance) shortfalls and allow for new starts,” “and this unbalance is made worse in our operations The continuing resolution prohibits new starts to Odierno said. account because of sequestration.” military construction projects. The Navy is now reducing its presence in every “Until the Army receives an appropriations theater and halting training for next year’s deployments, measure with new start authority, we cannot initiate Navy Greenert said. If Congress passes an authorizations 102 military construction projects that are scheduled Greenert said the continuing resolution poses bill or new continuing resolution that allows the for award in 35 states,” Odierno said. challenges for the Navy because it holds spending services to move money between accounts, he said, He said sequester cuts will translate into about at 2012 levels. the Navy “would first be able to restore the training 100,000 facility work orders per month that will not “But this fiscal year, we are implementing a See Spending on Page 4 be done, “Which places the Army on a slippery new defense strategy, and that emphasizes readiness WE STRIVE TO WE STRIVE TO KEEP YOU CONNECTED. KEEP YOU CONNECTED. 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  • 4. 4 MOUNTAINEER — March 8, 2013 Tank trail opens to POVs By Andrea Sutherland and roads, the different speed limits for wheeled Additional signage along the trail will also be Mountaineer staff vehicles at 30 mph versus track vehicles at 20 mph installed, said McPherson. and a possible chokepoint at the intersections of According to an official fact sheet, about 30 Post officials announced Wednesday the opening of the tank trail and Specker Avenue and the “crow’s percent of 4th Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Tank Route C to drivers operating privately-owned foot” at Butts Road. Division, Soldiers living in barracks travel the vehicles in an effort to alleviate traffic congestion as “Ultimately, safety and relieving traffic was our Titus-Butts corridor. Thousands of Soldiers assigned construction begins at the intersection of Titus No. 1 concern,” McPherson said. to 10th Special Forces Group (Airborne); 13th Air Boulevard and Butts Road. Support Operation Squadron; Beginning Tuesday, the south- 242nd Explosive Ordnance bound concrete tank trail from The tank trail detour opens Tuesday to Disposal Battalion; 1st Battalion, Magrath Avenue, near the Central assist traffic flow to Wilderness Road and 2nd Aviation Regiment; 4th BCT, Vehicle Wash Facility and the Fire Butts Army Airfield. Personal vehicle traffic 4th Inf. Div.; and 4th Combat Training Center, to Butts Road will will be allowed on the southbound concrete Aviation Brigade, 4th Inf. Div., be open for personal vehicle traffic trail from 4:30-6:30 a.m. Monday-Friday. accessing post through Gate 20 from 4:30-6:30 a.m. Monday- will have the opportunity to use Friday, a press release states. the bypass and have “a more “(Drivers) are going to get direct and efficient commute to backed up at Titus (Boulevard) and their duty locations.” Specker (Avenue) if they don’t use To avoid congestion, officials this,” said Carl McPherson, deputy encourage drivers to use gates director, Directorate of Emergency 19 and 6 to access Wilderness Services. “This is to alleviate that Road and Butts Army Airfield. traffic congestion. This is just Drivers using the tank trail another means to keep them from or Titus Boulevard should coming up to Titus and Specker.” allow extra time to get to their Officials said they considered destination, particularly during a multitude of pros and cons peak traffic periods. when considering the alternative, Construction to widen Titus including the lack of safety controls Boulevard and Butts Road is at intersections of the tank trail expected to be complete by May 17. Spending ability to continue operating forward is and risk to the United States of America. Command from Page 3 constrained because of that.” “I urge the committee to consider from Page 1 the full range of these risks created by and maintenance and (also) keep a the Budget Control Act and the yearlong clusters, the Joint Service Marines carrier strike group and an amphibious continuing resolution,” he said. “I ask Commendation Medal, the ready group in the Middle East and the Amos said all the Marine Corps’ 37 for your assistance in mitigating them to Army Commendation Medal Pacific through next fiscal year.” military construction projects planned the extent possible.”Force with four oak leaf clusters, the If Congress awards the department for fiscal 2013, totaling $716 million, Army Achievement Medal with enough funding, Greenert said, the Navy are halted. oak leaf cluster, the Combat “Additionally, we have been forced Air Force will “restore the rest of this year’s Infantryman Badge with star, planned deployments, training and to halt construction plans on hangars for Welsh said the Air Force faces similar the Expert Infantryman Badge, maintenance.” the F-35 in Beaufort, S.C., as well as road budget-based problems as its sister the Master Parachutist Badge He told members Navy funding improvements aboard our major installa- services. Without congressional approval with bronze star, the Pathfinder constraints have over the last two tions designed to correct safety deficien- for military construction starts, he said, Badge, and the Ranger Tab. months caused $600 million in lost ship, cies,” Amos said. “These projects are Airmen and their families “will experience LaCamera has a Bachelor of aircraft and facility maintenance and ready to begin today. Without … appropri- delays to improvements for substandard Science degree from the U.S. training, “and we also missed some ations or the authorities for new starts, we dormitories and housing. Flight simulators Military Academy and a Master program management.” are forced to defer to future years’ budgets, and maintenance facility construction of Arts in national security In March, Greenert said, the Navy causing a ripple effect which will no doubt delays will magnify readiness degrada- and strategic studies from the “will miss more than $1.2 billion of significantly impact our modernization tions that are already unacceptable.” U.S. Army War College. His maintenance and operations because and our sustainment efforts.” The services need the flexibility to military education includes we’re deferring planned activity. These Amos noted that in three rounds of put dollars where they’re most needed, the Infantry Officer Basic are lost opportunities, many of them, recent congressional testimony, he’d Welsh said. and Advanced Courses, the and these will increase each month as “spoken about the combined effects of “We find ourselves stuck in the U.S. Army Command and we go on a continuing resolution.” the existing continuing resolution and unenviable trade-space between modern- General Staff College, the U.S. Under sequester and the continuing sequestration. These indiscriminate ization and readiness, with infrastructure Army War College, the United resolution, the Navy was “compelled to measures create unacceptable levels of improvement delays and deferments States Naval War College and stop almost all of our facility renovation risk — risk to our national security, risk amplifying the impacts to each, and we the Senior Service College and modernization,” he said. “Our to our forces, risk to the American people need your help to get out,” he said. Fellowship Course. WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/4THID WWW.FLICKR.COM/PHOTOS/THE4ID WWW.SLIDESHARE.NET/THE4ID WWW.YOUTUBE.COM/USER/THE4ID WWW.TWITTER.COM/@4THINFDIV
  • 5. March 8, 2013 — MOUNTAINEER 5 Women’s History Month Museum showcases contributions Story and photo by Terri Moon Cronk American Forces Press Service ARLINGTON, Va. — A living legacy to women who served in all branches of the U.S. military honors their service and sacrifice inside the Women’s Memorial at Arlington National Cemetery. The museum in the memorial depicts the “duty, honor and pride” of the 2 million women who served to defend the United States, from the beginning of the Revolutionary War through today’s war in Afghanistan. Situated at the ceremonial entrance to Arlington National Cemetery, the $22 million memorial offers a grand welcome to the sacred military burial grounds with its neoclassical architecture. Following 11 years of construction, the museum was dedicated Oct, 18, 1997, after the Women’s Memorial Foundation spearheaded the effort to educate the public and honor women who defended the nation during all eras and in all services. The museum’s “living” exhibits depict the past, present and future of military women on active duty, in the reserves, the National Guard and U.S. Public Health Service, in addition to the Coast Guard Auxiliary and Civil Air Patrol. Additionally, the women who served in support of U.S. armed forces during wartime See Women on Page 14 Donated World War II mementoes, uniforms and recruitment posters sit on display at the Women’s Memorial museum at Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, Va., March 1. There are over 1,500 forms that effect your refund! Missing one could cost you THOUSANDS! Our Your Taxlady has had hours of training on this ENTERTAINMENT T T PAC ACKAGE A years’ New Tax Laws! Use a Professional & get the BIGGEST Refund! Call Your Taxlady 548-4924 is a SL AM 401 Windchime Place CALL NOW AND SAVE $25 Offer expires on February 28, 2013 DUNK! Get our Entertainment Package: DIGITAL FULL BASIC CABLE & 5MBPS INTERNET DON'T MISS A SECOND OF THE BIG GAMES star ting at $ 82 95 On B Street Right outside Gate 4 behind 7-11 Plus all Baja Br customers get free ESPN3 access! PER MONTH $17 to your new Home BA JABROADBAND.COM 877.422.5282 Find your dream home... * Off areas. For complete details on our rates and offers please contact us reas. ff Connect to today. Offer terms, conditions and features are subject to change at the discretion of Baja Broadband at any time. Additional charges Check out our Welcome Home section in front of the classifieds! apply for taxes and fees and lease of modem, if required. Free installation, when applicable, does not include custom wiring. Other restrictions may apply. Some services may not be available in all areas. © 2013 Baja Broadband. All rights reserved. Offer expires 3.31.13 ff MADNESS SAVINGS AV LIFE
  • 6. 6 MOUNTAINEER — March 8, 2013 From left, Spc. Luke North and Spc. Adam Carpio, unmanned aerial vehicle operators, and Spc. John Vance, UAV mechanic, all assigned to Company A, 1st Special Troops Battalion, 1st Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division, mount an RQ-7B Shadow 200 UAV onto its launcher prior to a training mission at Camp Buehring, Kuwait, Feb. 27. UAS Platoon trains to keep eye in sky Story and photo by Spc. Andrew Ingram get Soldiers on the ground the information they need. half that time getting into a good rhythm,” said Spc. 1st Brigade Combat Team Public Affairs Office, This deployment is a great opportunity for some of John Szymanski, UAV operator, Company A. “Here 4th Infantry Division my less-experienced Soldiers to get that experience at Camp Buehring, we spent the past couple weeks without the stakes being so high, because we are here working out all the bugs and learning local flight CAMP BUEHRING, Kuwait — Taking off is a on a partnership mission versus a combat operation.” procedures. That means we can spend the rest of our choice, landing never is. UAS Soldiers deploy Shadows to facilitate time here flying, training and preparing for whatever This is the message Chief Warrant Officer 2 numerous roles during operations, from long-range mission our command passes down to us.” Dustin Hisel, Tactical Unmanned Aerial Vehicle reconnaissance to targeting enemy forces for air or While flight preparation time varies depending Operations officer, Company A, 1st Special Troops artillery strikes. on a flight crew’s experience, Szymanski said a well- Battalion, 1st Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Pfc. Alfred Townsend, UAV maintainer, Company trained team can prepare one Shadow while another Division, drills into his unmanned aerial vehicle A, said he relishes the chance to work with the flies to facilitate continuous UAV operations. operators and maintainers daily. Shadow and improve his expertise on a daily basis. “Not all of us are at that level yet, but we have Newly arrived at Camp Buehring, Kuwait, the “Coming out here six days a week, touching a some very experienced veterans in this platoon who Unmanned Aircraft Service Platoon flies and maintains ‘bird’ every day, gives us an amount of experience are squaring us away,” he said. the brigade’s RQ-7B Shadow 200s. we can’t match at Fort Carson,” Townsend said. “We Hisel said he looks forward to enhancing his “With any aviation operations, attention to detail encounter new problems every day, and we find new Soldiers’ knowledge, skills and proficiency during is crucial,” Hisel said. “If you miss one step in a ways to solve them. We can’t gain that experience the platoon’s time at Camp Buehring. checklist you’re looking at a potential loss of a ‘bird,’ from reading a book or a manual; experience has to “I expect excellence out of these Soldiers every and possibly a loss of life.” be gained by doing.” minute of every day, and I don’t think I could have At Camp Buehring, the UAS Soldiers can fly The UAS Platoon’s current training regimen asked for a better group of people,” Hisel said. “Some and maintain the Shadows constantly, honing their consists of preparing the Shadow for flight, launching of these guys are pretty junior, but we have enough skills in preparation for any mission the brigade it, maintaining a flight pattern and landing safely. experience to train this platoon to an extremely requires of them, said Hisel. Hisel said the training program will expand into high standard … I think we have the potential to be “I’m a firm believer that flights in support of more complex operations as his Soldiers continue the best UAS platoon in the Army.” real-time combat missions are the best training for to sharpen their skills. The UAS Soldiers of Company A will continue a UAV team,” he said. “The downside is that an “Back at Fort Carson, we would spend two weeks training with the Shadow and perfecting their skills inexperienced crew can make a mistake and fail to to a month in the field training, and we may spend throughout the brigade’s deployment. Always accepting VA Mortgage Center is now new patients, Veterans United Home Loans and now of Colorado Springs caring for Active Duty If you're active military or a veteran, you've earned Personnel. exclusive benefits when buying or refinancing a home. Let the nation's #1 dedicated VA lender help you navigate the complex VA Home Loan process. Smile! 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  • 7. March 8, 2013 — MOUNTAINEER 7 Miscellaneous Fort Carson dining facilities hours of operation Shaving study — The Evans Army Community Hospital Dermatology Clinic is conducting a DFAC Friday-Monday (DONSA) Tuesday-Thursday research study looking at various razors and topical Stack Closed Breakfast: 7-9 a.m. products to assist with shaving bumps. Soldiers Lunch: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. must have at least 10 lesions and be available for Dinner: 5-6:30 p.m. three office visits during a 12-week period. Male Wolf Breakfast: 7-9 a.m. Breakfast: 6:45-9 a.m. and female participants will be provided with Lunch: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Lunch: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. shaving supplies, a tote bag and topical creams. Dinner: 5-6:30 p.m. Dinner: 5-6:30 p.m. Call 526-7185 for more information. A referral from a primary care manager is not necessary. Warfighter Closed Breakfast: 7-9 a.m. Finance travel processing — All inbound and (Wilderness Road Lunch: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. outbound Temporary Lodging Expense, “Do it Complex) Dinner: Closed Yourself ” Moves, servicemember and Family LaRochelle Closed Breakfast: 7-9 a.m. member travel, travel advance pay and travel pay 10th SFG(A) Lunch: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. inquiries will be handled in building 1218, room 231. Dinner: Closed Call 526-4454 or 524-2594 for more information. Points only, nondeployable unit — Reinforcement cleaning motor pools. Listed below are phone 12:30-3:30 p.m. The orientations discuss DLA training units provide an opportunity for numbers and points of contact for services: processes to include turning in excess property, Individual Ready Reserve Soldiers who want to • Facility repair/service orders — Fort reutilizing government property, web-based tools maintain Reserve affiliation and continue their Carson Support Services service order desk can be available, special handling of property and environ- military career. Soldiers of any rank or military reached at 526-5345. Use this number for emergen- mental needs. To schedule an orientation, contact occupational specialty considering leaving troop cies or routine tasks and for reporting wind damage, Arnaldo Borrerorivera at arnaldo.borrerorivera@ program unit assignment can consider the 6399th damaged traffic signs or other facility damage. for receiving/turn in; Mike Welsh at RTU as a short- or long-term option. Benefits • Refuse/trash and recycling — Call Eric for reutilization/web tools; or include earning retirement points and “good” Bailey at 719-491-0218 or email eric.e.bailey4. Rufus Guillory at years; optional monthly nonpaid drill weekends; when needing trash containers, trash Reassignment briefings — are held Tuesdays continued military training and military schools; is overflowing or emergency service is required. in building 1129, Freedom Performing Arts Center. paid annual training opportunities; continued • Facility custodial services — Call Bryan Sign-in for Soldiers heading overseas is at 7 a.m. promotions; earning retirement points via corre- Dorcey at 526-6670 or email bryan.s.dorcey.civ@ and the briefing starts at 7:30 a.m. Sign-in for spondence courses; Servicemembers’ Group Life for service needs or to report complaints. personnel being reassigned stateside is at 1 p.m., Insurance; and easy transfer to TPUs if desired. • Elevator maintenance — Call Bryan with the briefing starting at 1:30 p.m. Soldiers are Contact Chief Warrant Officer 4 Lake Gardner Dorcey at 526-6670 or email bryan.s.dorcey. required to bring Department of the Army Form at 720-363-0511 or 5118, signed by their physician and battalion Recycle incentive program — The Directorate of • Motor pool sludge removal/disposal — commander, and a pen to complete forms. Call Public Works has an incentive program to Call Dennis Frost at 526-6997 or email 526-4730/4583 for more information. prevent recyclable waste from going to the landfill. Army ROTC Green-to-Gold briefings — are held Participating battalions can earn monetary rewards • Repair and utility/self-help — Call Gary the first and third Tuesday of each month at noon for turning recyclable materials in to the Fort Carson Grant at 526-5844 or email gerald.l.grant2.civ at the education center, building 1117, room 120. Recycle Center, building 155. Points are assigned for Use this number to obtain self-help Call University of Colorado-Colorado Springs the pounds of recyclable goods turned in and every tools and equipment or a motorized sweeper. Army ROTC at 262-3475 for more information. participating battalion receives money quarterly. Call • Base operations contracting officer 526-5898 for more information about the program. representative — Call Terry Hagen at 526-9262 Hours of Operation First Sergeants’ Barracks Program 2020 — is located or email for questions Central Issue Facility in building 1454 on Nelson Boulevard. The hours of on snow removal, grounds maintenance and • In-processing — Monday-Thursday from operation are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday-Friday. The contractor response to service orders. 7:30-10:30 a.m. office assists Soldiers with room assignments and • Portable latrines — Call Jerald Just at • Initial and partial issues — Monday- terminations. For more information call 526-9707. 524-0786 or email to Friday from 12:30-3:30 p.m. Sergeant Audie Murphy Club — The Fort Carson request latrines, for service or to report damaged • Cash sales/report of survey — Monday- Sergeant Audie Murphy Club meets the third or overturned latrines. Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tuesday of each month at the Family Connection • Signs — Call Jim Diorio, Fort Carson • Direct exchange and partial turn ins — Center from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. The SAMC Support Services, at 896-0797 or 524-2924 or Monday-Friday from 7:30-11:30 a.m. is open to all active members and those interested email to request a facility, • Full turn ins — by appointment only; call in becoming future SAMC members. The club was parking or regulatory traffic sign. 526-3321. originally a U.S. Forces Command organization of The Fort Carson Trial Defense Service office — is • Unit issues and turn ins — require elite noncommissioned officers but is now an able to help Soldiers 24/7 and is located at building approval, call 526-5512/6477. Armywide program for those who meet the criteria 1430, room 233. During duty hours, Soldiers Education Center hours of operation — The and have proven themselves to be outstanding should call 526-4563. The 24-hour phone number Mountain Post Training and Education Center, NCOs through a board/leadership process. Contact for after hours, holidays and weekends is 526-0051. building 1117, 526-2124, hours are as follows: SAMC president Sgt. 1st Class Dawna Brown at • Counselor Support Center — Monday- 526-3983 for information. Briefings Thursday 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and Fridays 11 Command Evaluation and Training Team — 75th Ranger Regiment briefings — are held Tuesdays a.m. to 4:30 p.m. COMET provides commanders at all levels with a in building 1430, room 150, from noon to 1 p.m. • Army Learning Center — Monday- responsive maintenance and supply assessment and Soldiers must be private-sergeant first class with a Friday 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. training tool that improves the combat effectiveness, minimum General Technical Score of 105; be a U.S. • Defense Activity for Nontraditional readiness and efficiency of their units’ logistical pro- citizen; score 240 or higher on the Army Physical Education Support and Army Personnel Testing — grams. The team identifies supply and maintenance Fitness Test; and pass a Ranger physical. Call 524- Monday-Friday 7:30-11:30 a.m. and 12:30-4:30 p.m. weaknesses and problems, and provides individual 2691 or visit Repair and Utility self-help — has moved to building and unit reinforcement training based on assess- Casualty Notification/Assistance Officer training — 217 and is open Monday-Friday 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. ments. Results remain confidential for the unit is held Tuesday-Thursday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Medical Activity Correspondence Department commander only. COMET provides assistance in the Veterans’ Chapel. Class is limited to the first 50 office hours — The Correspondence (Release of majority of maintenance and supply management people. Call 526-5613/5614 for details. Information) Office in the Patient Administration areas with one-on-one training, and by conducting Retirement briefings — are held from 8 a.m. to noon Division hours are Monday-Wednesday and Friday follow-up visits. The team also conducts classes to the second and third Wednesday of each month at 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and closed Thursday and fed- help strengthen supply skills and improve mainte- the Freedom Performing Arts Center, building 1129 eral holidays. Call 526-7322 or 526-7284 for details. nance readiness. Contact Tim Howarth at 503-3095 at the corner of Specker Avenue and Ellis Street. Claims Office hours — are Monday-Friday from 9 or for information. The Retirement Services Office recommends a.m. to noon and 1-4 p.m., located on the first floor Directorate of Public Works services — DPW is spouses accompany Soldiers to the briefing. Call of building 6222, 1633 Mekong Street. Shipment responsible for a wide variety of services on Fort 526-2840 for more information. under Full Replacement Value claimants must Carson. Services range from repair and maintenance ETS briefings — for enlisted personnel are held the submit Department of Defense Form 1840R or After of facilities to equipping units with a sweeper and first and third Wednesday of each month. Briefing Delivery Form 1851 for additionally discovered sign in begins at 7 a.m. at the Soldier Readiness items to the carrier within 75 days online. Claimants Building, building 1042, room 244, on a first-come, must log into Defense Personal Property System at BOSS meetings are held the first first-served basis. Soldiers must be within 120 days and submit the claim within and third Thursday of each month of their expiration term of service, but must attend no nine months directly to the carrier to receive full from 2-3:30 p.m. at The Foxhole. later than 30 days prior to their ETS or start of transi- replacement value for missing or destroyed items. Contact Cpl. Rachael Robertson at tion leave. Call 526-2240/8458 for more information. All other claims should be submitted to the Claims 524-2677 or visit the BOSS office in room 106 of The Disposition Services — Defense Logistics Agency Office within two years of the date of delivery or Hub for more information. Text “follow CarsonBOSS” Disposition Services Colorado Springs, located in date of incident. Call the Fort Carson Claims Office to 40404 to receive updates and event information. building 381, conducts orientations Fridays from at 526-1355 for more information.
  • 8. 8 MOUNTAINEER — March 8, 2013 Chaplains reach out to Soldiers Story and photo by and it ... doesn’t get reported up, so it gives them a safe Staff Sgt. Andrew Porch person to talk to who is outside of their normal realm.” 2nd Brigade Combat Team Soldiers said they appreciate the chaplains coming Public Affairs Office, 4th Infantry Division out to visit them. “It is a really good feeling to have the chaplain PIÑON CANYON MANEUVER SITE — The conduct a service for us,” said Staff Sgt. Devon sounds of Soldiers’ laughter, song and prayer filled a Thomas, Troop D, 1st Squadron, 10th Cavalry tent during a religious service at Piñon Canyon Regiment, 2nd BCT. “It’s a morale booster to have him Maneuver Site, Feb. 26. come out here; a real pleasure.” Chap. (Maj.) Douglas Ball, brigade chaplain, 2nd Ball said he thinks of visiting and counseling Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division, and Soldiers as more than just a job. Chap. (Capt.) Rodney Gilliam, 2nd Special Troops “It reminds me why I joined the Army and what Battalion, 2nd BCT, took the opportunity to visit I’m really in for,” said Ball. “I am always amazed multiple training sites and hold a religious service at to get to know new Soldiers and find out their life the Troop D, 1st Squadron, 10th Cavalry Regiment, stories; why they joined the Army and what their 2nd BCT, maintenance area. goals and dreams are. It reminds me that there are a The chaplains wanted to show Soldiers they care lot of faces behind what we do.” about them and are there if they need to talk, Ball said. During their visits, Ball took time to talk to “For many of them, I provide a different avenue,” unit leadership. he said. “One of the advantages of the chaplains is our “I think they want avenues for their Soldiers to confidentiality. The Soldier can talk to me about an issue talk to somebody,” said Ball. “They know what they can provide, and they know what the chaplain can provide. It sends a message that we are concerned “I am always amazed to about more than just accomplishing the mission; we want to take care of them and their Soldiers.” get to know new Soldiers Despite being at Piñon Canyon for a monthlong training exercise, Soldiers used the service to come and find out their life together. The feeling of being away from home was put aside, stories; why they joined and the feeling of coming together as one and knowing the chaplain was here for everyone helps, said Thomas. the Army and what their Ball, along with the chaplains from the brigade’s battalions, plan to visit the training sites often and Chap. (Maj.) Douglas Ball, brigade chaplain, 2nd goals and dreams are.” engage Soldiers as much as possible. “We are working to push all chaplains out to other Brigade Combat Team, plays an instrument during a religious service at the Troop D, 1st Squadron, 10th — Chap. (Maj.) Douglas Ball battalions to make sure Soldiers in battalions without Cavalry Regiment, 2nd BCT, field training site at chaplains get an opportunity to see someone,” he said. Piñon Canyon Maneuver Site, Feb. 26. Debbie Roubal DDS, P.C. Working directly with the military community has been one of the INTRODUCING OUR NEW most rewarding experiences in TAVERN THIN CRUST PIZZA my 20 year dental career. Shareable, square-cut, thin and crispy. Our newest crust is all-natural and full of flavor in every slice. 4110 N. Academy Blvd. Blvd. 118 N. Tejon St.. Tejon St 3190 New Center Point New Center Point (719) 636-1933 Academy & Austin Bluffs Pkwy.. Bluffs Pkwy Tejon between Bijou & Kiowa Tejon between Kiowa Powers and N. Carefree Powers Carefree 830 Tenderfoot Hill Road, Suite #250 719.536.0633 719.634.8812 719.591.8994
  • 9. March 8, 2013 — MOUNTAINEER 9