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Vol. 71, No. 6                                                                                                                                                         Feb. 15, 2013

Medal of Honor
Former division
Soldier receives
highest combat
medal for valor  By C. Todd Lopez
                 Army News Service

     WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama
placed the Medal of Honor around the neck of former
Army Staff Sgt. Clinton Romesha during a ceremony
Monday in the East Room of the White House.
     Romesha is the fourth living servicemember to
receive the medal for service in Operation Iraqi
Freedom or Operation Enduring Freedom. He earned
the Medal of Honor for actions Oct. 3, 2009, while
part of Bravo Troop, 3rd Squadron, 61st Cavalry
Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry
Division, at Combat Outpost Keating, Kamdesh
District, Nuristan Province, Afghanistan.
     On that morning, COP Keating, manned by only 53                                                                                                                 Photo by Leroy Council
Soldiers and situated at the bottom of a steep valley,               The president said that upon learning he would         President Barack Obama awards the Medal of Honor to
came under attack by as many as 300 Taliban fighters.           receive the Medal of Honor, Romesha displayed the           former Army Staff Sgt. Clinton L. Romesha during a
     During the fight, the perimeter of COP Keating             brand of humbleness typical of many Soldiers.               ceremony at the White House in Washington, D.C., Monday.
was breached by the enemy. Romesha, who was injured                  “When I called Clint to tell him that he would         Romesha received the Medal of Honor for his courageous
in the battle, led the fight to protect the bodies of fallen    receive this medal, he said he was honored, but he          actions during a daylong firefight at Combat Outpost
Soldiers, provide cover to those Soldiers seeking               also said, ‘it wasn’t just me out there, it was a team      Keating, Afghanistan, in October 2009 while assigned to
medical assistance, and reclaim the American outpost            effort,’” Obama said. “And, so today, we also honor         Bravo Troop, 3rd Squadron, 61st Cavalry Regiment, 4th
that would later be deemed “tactically indefensible.”           this American team, including those who made the            Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division.
     “Throughout history, the question has often been           ultimate sacrifice.”
asked, why? Why do those in uniform take such                        Included among those who died in the fighting that
extraordinary risks? And what compels them to such              day in Afghanistan were Staff Sgt. Justin Gallegos, Sgt.    earned 37 Army Commendation Medals, 27 Purple
courage?” the president said. “You ask Clint and any            Christopher Griffin, Sgt. Joshua Hardt, Sgt. Joshua         Hearts, 18 Bronze Stars and nine Silver Stars.
of these Soldiers who are here today, and they’ll tell          Kirk, Spc. Stephan Mace, Staff Sgt. Vernon Martin,              “These men were outnumbered, outgunned and
you. Yes, they fight for their country, and they fight          Sgt. Michael Scusa and Pfc. Kevin Thomson.                  almost overrun,” Obama said. “Looking back, one
for our freedom. Yes, they fight to come home to their               “Each of these patriots gave their lives looking out   of them said, ‘I’m surprised any of us made it out.’
Families. But most of all, they fight for each other, to        for each other,” Obama said. “In a battle that raged all    But they are here today. And I would ask these
keep each other safe and to have each other’s backs.”           day, that brand of selflessness was displayed again         Soldiers, this band of brothers, to stand and accept
     The White House ceremony was attended by                   and again and again, Soldiers exposing themselves to        the gratitude of our entire nation.
several hundred, including lawmakers, defense leaders,          enemy fire to pull a comrade to safety, tending to each         “God bless you, Clint Romesha, and all of your
Romesha’s Family, and his team members from Bravo               other’s wounds, (and) performing ‘buddy transfusions,’      team,” the president said. “God bless all who serve.
Troop, 3rd Sqdn., 61st Cav. Reg. Also there was                 giving each other their own blood.”                         And God bless the United States of America.”
Secretary of Defense Leon E. Panetta, Chief of Staff                 The president said on that day, it wasn’t just             The president then asked that the Medal of Honor
of the Army Gen. Ray Odierno and Sgt. Maj. of the               Romesha who earned recognition for his actions, it          Citation be read, and following that, he placed the
Army Raymond F. Chandler III.                                   was dozens of Soldiers. From that battle, Soldiers          medal around Romesha’s neck.

    Message board                       INSIDE
     Off limits
        Copperhead Road,
     3330 N. Academy Blvd.,
   was added to the off-limits
     areas for all uniformed
   personnel effective Feb. 7.
       See complete list at                                                                                                                       Page 30
                                                               Pages 10-11                             Pages 22-23
2    MOUNTAINEER — Feb. 15, 2013

Commanding General:

Garrison Commander:
                    Maj. Gen. Joseph Anderson
                                                      With each milestone, a step toward equality
                                                                       By Andrea Sutherland                          they do to protect this nation.”
                    Col. David L. Grosso                                  Mountaineer staff                               For me, this is an understatement.
Fort Carson Public Affairs Officer:
                                                                                                                          These partners of Soldiers have endured the field
                                                           For the Mountaineer, I’m expected to be an objective      trainings, the moves and the deployments. They’ve
                    Dee McNutt
                                                      expert on many facets of Army life. I report on Soldier        experienced the loneliness and the heartache of
Chief, Print and Web Communications:                  trainings, Army policy and activities taking place around      being separated from their Soldiers as duties call.
                    Rick Emert                        post. However, every so often an opportunity arises for        They’ve dealt with the agony and fear when the lines of
Editor:             Devin Fisher
                                                      reporters to voice their opinion on a subject, often one       communication go silent while their Soldier serves
                                                      that is controversial.                                                          in a combat zone.
Staff writer:       Andrea Sutherland
                                                           As a journalist, I feel that to ignore the                                      They’ve laughed, loved, fought and
Happenings:         Nel Lampe                         opportunity to comment on these occasions
                                                      would be detrimental to my position on this
                                                                                                       With the repeal                cried with their Soldiers.
                                                                                                                                           They’ve stood by their Soldiers, just
Sports writer:      Walt Johnson

Layout/graphics: Jeanne Mazerall
                                                      staff. As the wife of a Soldier, I feel that I
                                                      am in a unique position to lend my opinion
                                                                                                       of ‘Don’t Ask,                 as hundreds of other spouses have
                                                                                                                                      supported theirs, yet they’ve done so
       This commercial enterprise newspaper is
                                                      and let the readers of this publication
                                                      judge as they will.                              Don’t Tell,’ (gays             without the support of many Army benefits
                                                                                                                                      heterosexual couples enjoy, such as
an authorized publication for members of the
                                                           In a historic announcement, Monday,                                        commissary and Exchange privileges,
Department of Defense. Contents of the
Mountaineer are not necessarily the official          Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta                and lesbians)                  access to child care and youth programs,
view of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government or       extended almost two dozen benefits to                                           legal assistance and Directorate of
the Department of the Army. Printed circulation
is 12,000 copies.
                                                      same-sex couples.                                are no longer                  Family and Morale, Welfare and
                                                           I call this announcement “historic”                                        Recreation programs.
       The editorial content of the
Mountaineer is the responsibility of the Public
                                                      because I am shocked and elated that             faceless,                           Panetta’s declaration changes that.
Affairs Office, Fort Carson, CO 80913-5119,           this proclamation and step toward equal                                              Once benefits laid out in Panetta’s
Tel.: 526-4144. The e-mail address is
                                                      rights is taking place at a time when I
                                                      can appreciate its magnitude.
                                                                                                       emotionless                    statement are implemented throughout
                                                                                                                                      the next eight months, partners will also
       The Mountaineer is posted on the
Internet at
                                                           For the second time since I began
                                                      writing for the Mountaineer, gays and
                                                                                                       beings serving                 receive survivor benefits and have access
                                                                                                                                      to counseling services.
       The Mountaineer is an unofficial
publication authorized by AR 360-1. The
Mountaineer is printed by Colorado Springs
                                                      lesbians serving in the military have been
                                                      recognized as a population. With the repeal      in the ranks.                       Even with these new benefits, however,
                                                                                                                                      same-sex couples will not receive other
Military Newspaper Group, a private firm in           of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” they are able                                       benefits given to heterosexual couples. The
no way connected with the Department of the
                                                      to assert their lifestyle without fear of                                       Defense of Marriage Act — a law signed
Army, under exclusive written contract with
Fort Carson. It is published 49 times per year.
                                                      repercussions. They are no longer faceless, emotionless        in 1996 by then-President William Clinton — prohibits the
       The appearance of advertising in this          beings serving in the ranks.                                   Department of Defense from extending benefits such as
publication, including inserts or supplements,             Monday’s announcement acknowledged the men and            medical and dental, as well as with-dependent rate Basic
does not constitute endorsement by the                women supporting them and recognized them as valued            Allowance for Housing.
Department of the Army or Colorado Springs
                                                      members of the military community.                                  This is a new era for civil rights. There are still steps
Military Newspaper Group, of the products or
services advertised. The printer reserves the
                                                           In a statement, Panetta said, “Extending these benefits   to take toward equality, but I am proud and happy to
right to reject advertisements.                       is an appropriate next step under current law to ensure        be part of a military that is actively seeking that goal.
       Everything advertised in this publication      that all servicemembers receive equal support for what              See related story on Page 3.
shall be made available for purchase, use or
patronage without regard to race, color, religion,
sex, national origin, age, marital status, physical
handicap, political affiliation or any other
nonmerit factor of the purchaser, user or patron.
If a violation or rejection of this equal
opportunity policy by an advertiser is confirmed,
the printer shall refuse to print advertising
from that source until the violation is corrected.
For display advertising call 634-5905.
       All correspondence or queries regarding
advertising and subscriptions should be directed
to Colorado Springs Military Newspaper
Group, 31 E. Platte Avenue, Suite 300,
Colorado Springs, CO 80903, phone 634-5905.
       The Mountaineer’s editorial content is
edited, prepared and provided by the Public
Affairs Office, building 1430, room 265, Fort
Carson, CO 80913-5119, phone 526-4144.
       Releases from outside sources are so
indicated. The deadline for submissions to the
Mountaineer is close of business the week
before the next issue is published. The
Mountaineer staff reserves the right to edit
submissions for newspaper style, clarity and
typographical errors.
       Policies and statements reflected in the
news and editorial columns represent views
of the individual writers and under no
circumstances are to be considered those of
the Department of the Army.
       Reproduction of editorial material is
authorized. Please credit accordingly.

 Classified advertising
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    Mountaineer editor
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Feb. 15, 2013 — MOUNTAINEER                                                3

Memo extends benefits to same-sex partners
             American Forces Press Service

     Calling it “a matter of fundamental equity,”
Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta signed a
                                                                                           “Extending these benefits is an
memorandum to the service secretaries and
the Pentagon’s top personnel official extending bene-
                                                                                            appropriate next step under current
fits to same-sex partners of servicemembers, Monday.
     Here is the secretary’s announcement of the                                            law to ensure that all servicemembers
policy change:
     “Seventeen months ago, the United States                                               receive equal support for what they
military ended the policy of ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t
Tell.’ We have implemented the repeal of that
policy and made clear that discrimination based on
                                                                                            do to protect this nation.”
                                                                                                                                       — Secretary of Defense Leon E. Panetta
sexual orientation has no place in the Department
of Defense.
     “At the time of repeal, I committed to reviewing
benefits that had not previously been available to                                    current law to ensure that all servicemembers                                       will continue to comply with current law while
same-sex partners based on existing law and policy. It                                receive equal support for what they do to protect                                   doing all we can to take care of all Soldiers,
is a matter of fundamental equity that we provide                                     this nation.                                                                        Sailors, Airmen, Marines and their Families.
similar benefits to all of those men and women in                                         “One of the legal limitations to providing all                                      “While the implementation of additional
uniform who serve their country. The department                                       benefits at this time is the Defense of Marriage                                    benefits will require substantial policy revisions
already provides a group of benefits that are                                         Act, which is still the law of the land. There are                                  and training, it is my expectation that these
member-designated. Today, I am pleased to                                             certain benefits that can only be provided to spouses                               benefits will be made available as expeditiously
announce that after a thorough and deliberate                                         as defined by that law, which is now being                                          as possible. One of the great successes at the
review, the department will extend additional                                         reviewed by the United States Supreme Court.                                        Department of Defense has been the implementation
benefits to same-sex partners of servicemembers.                                      While it will not change during my tenure as                                        of DADT repeal. It has been highly professional
     “Taking care of our servicemembers and                                           secretary of defense, I foresee a time when the law                                 and has strengthened our military community. I
honoring the sacrifices of all military Families are                                  will allow the department to grant full benefits to                                 am confident in the military services’ ability to
two core values of this nation. Extending these                                       servicemembers and their dependents, irrespective                                   effectively implement these changes over the
benefits is an appropriate next step under                                            of sexual orientation. Until then, the department                                   coming months.”

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4       MOUNTAINEER — Feb. 15, 2013

Engineers complete missions
Story and photo by Cpl. William Smith           improvements at base facilities. Overall, the
4th Infantry Division Public Affairs Office     544th Eng. Soldiers performed nearly
                                                107,000 man-hours of construction during
    Yells and cheers filled the air at the      their deployment.
Special Events Center, as Family and friends        Friends and Family could not wait to
watched the arrival of more than 260 Soldiers,  reunite with their Soldiers once the ceremony
Feb. 8, after returning from a deployment to    concluded.
Kuwait and Afghanistan in support of                “I am very excited,” said Sandy Milton,
Operation Enduring Freedom.                     wife of Sgt. Ronnie Milton, 497th Eng. “I have
    Soldiers with the 497th and 544th engineer  barely been able to sleep from the anticipation
companies, 52nd Engineer Battalion, deployed    of him coming home. I have butterflies.”
in May and spent the past 10 months completing      The Soldiers were also glad to be back on
construction projects in Kuwait, Afghanistan,   American soil with those closest to them.
Qatar and the United Arab Emirates.                 “I am absolutely thrilled to be home,” said
    “On behalf of all of us from Fort Carson    Capt. Tyler Scheidt, commander, 544th Eng.
and Colorado Springs, welcome home and          “A lot has changed in the time I was gone.”
thanks for a job well done,” said Maj. Gen.         After singing the Army Song, the Soldiers
Joseph Anderson, commanding general, 4th        were released and rushed to their loved ones
Infantry Division and Fort Carson. “We’re very  with smiles, tears of joy and open arms.
proud of all of your accomplishments, as
you should be. To all of our Families out
here, thank you for your love and support.
Without that, these Soldiers could not do
                                              Mayor welcomes Soldiers
                                                              By Steve Bach
their job. Have a great and safe reunion             Mayor, city of Colorado Springs
with your loved ones.”
    The 497th Eng. “Devastators,” com-            Welcome home, Soldiers of the 52nd
pleted more than 40 construction projects     Engineer Battalion
in Kuwait and Afghanistan, resulting in           All of us in Colorado Springs are grateful
the construction of new fuel facility         for your safe return to our city. Though you
berms, waste water retention ponds and        may have your “home” someplace else, you are
connex storage yards at Camp Buehring,        welcomed home, here to a city that respects
Camp John Pratt and Camp Marmal.              your bravery and hard work while in Kuwait
    The “Spartans” of the 544th Eng.          and Afghanistan.
completed large-scale engineering projects        Your many accomplishments in engineering
in Afghanistan, Kuwait, Qatar and the         construction and infrastructure projects honors
United Arab Emirates. Although their main     your battalion’s long heritage. Congratulations
construction efforts remained in Kuwait,      on your recommendation for a Meritorious            Spc. Joel Stuemke, 497th Engineer Company, 52nd Engineer Battalion,
the unit sent platoon-sized detachments       Unit Citation. You have done excellent work.        holds his son, Luke Marshall Stuemke, for the first time, after returning
forward to other countries to provide             Stay safe and welcome home.                     from a 10-month deployment to Kuwait and Afghanistan in support of
infrastructure and Soldier quality-of-life                                                        Operation Enduring Freedom.





Feb. 15, 2013 — MOUNTAINEER                           5

Former chief visits troops
   Story and photo by Sgt. Eric Glassey
   4th Infantry Division Public Affairs Office
                                                                                   Sullivan started his Feb. 7 visit to Fort Carson
                                                                               with a breakfast at the Robert C. Stack Jr. Dining
                                                                                                                                                                  logistical accomplishments the Army made in 1991 and
                                                                                                                                                                  moving 500,000 Soldiers during the Gulf War. He gave
                                                                               Facility, where he held a question-and-answer session                              a word of caution on his perception of future events.
    Army retired Gen. Gordon R. Sullivan compares                              with enlisted Fort Carson Soldiers. Later, he talked to                                 “Challenges you’ll be facing going forward
the challenges facing today’s Army with those he dealt                         leaders, commanders and senior enlisted personnel                                  are similar, but not completely,” Sullivan said. “You
with during the drawdown while he was the service’s                            about his experiences in the military.                                             are in the middle of a culminating event; you’re
chief of staff from 1991-1995.                                                     “He was chief of staff from ’91 to ’95, and, as you                            between two campaigns. We should be preparing for
                                                                                                 know, the Army was going through                                 the next fight and it will be coming.”
                                                                                                 what we’re going through now; it                                      He later attended the annual Pikes Peak Chapter of
                                                                                                 was a period of downsizing. He                                   the Association of the United States Army annual
                                                                                                 lived through that and kept us                                   membership luncheon at the Cheyenne Mountain
                                                                                                 on track to where we are today,”                                 Resort in Colorado Springs, where Sullivan, AUSA
                                                                                                 said Maj. Gen. Joseph Anderson,                                  president and chief executive officer, served as a
                                                                                                 commanding general, 4th Infantry                                 guest speaker talking to local business leaders and
                                                                                                 Division and Fort Carson.                                        Soldiers. He commended the Soldiers for their courage
                                                                                                      Sullivan reflected on history                               for enlisting, especially during a time of conflict.
                                                                                                 and gave the leaders some words                                       “There are privates who sign up and know what
                                                                                                 of guidance.                                                     (the Army is) heading towards,” Sullivan said.
                                                                                                      “I became the chief of staff of                             “Signing up takes a lot of courage.”
                                                                                                 the Army in June of 1991, right                                       Several junior Soldiers attending the luncheon
                                                                                                 after the Gulf War,” Sullivan said.                              were given a year membership with AUSA by local
                                                                                                 “History has a habit of repeating                                businesses.
                                                                                                 itself. I’ll give you the bottom line,                                “I was invited by my sergeant major,” said Pfc.
                                                                                                 you are being asked once again …                                 Douglas McDonald, 4th Combat Aviation Brigade,
                                                                                                 to do essentially what you have the                              4th Inf. Div. “My membership was sponsored, which
                                                                                                 last time.”                                                      was pretty cool.”
                                                                                                      Sullivan talked about the                                        McDonald said he found the luncheon to be inter-
                                                                                                                                                                  esting, and enjoyed listening to the retired general.
                                                                                                       Retired Gen. Gordon R. Sullivan,                                Sullivan thanked the troops for their courage and
                                                                                                       president and chief executive officer                      the corporate sponsors for their support of Fort
                                                                                                       of the Association of the United States                    Carson and the Soldiers.
                                                                                                       Army, greets Pfc. Douglas McDonald,                             “I can’t think of a better place to serve — a better
                                                                                                       4th Combat Aviation Brigade, 4th                           place to be a part of our Army — when you look at
                                                                                                       Infantry Division, at the Pikes Peak                       what the community does for the post and what the
                                                                                                       Chapter, AUSA, annual member                               post does for the community,” said Kenneth
                                                                                                       luncheon at the Cheyenne Mountain                          Hunzeker, president of the AUSA Pikes Peak
                                                                                                       Resort, in Colorado Springs, Feb. 7.                       Chapter. “It’s a great relationship.”

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Mountaineer 2013 02-15
Mountaineer 2013 02-15
Mountaineer 2013 02-15
Mountaineer 2013 02-15
Mountaineer 2013 02-15
Mountaineer 2013 02-15
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Mountaineer 2013 02-15
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Mountaineer 2013 02-15
Mountaineer 2013 02-15
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Mountaineer 2013 02-15
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Mountaineer 2013 02-15
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Mountaineer 2013 02-15

  • 1. Vol. 71, No. 6 Feb. 15, 2013 Medal of Honor Former division Soldier receives highest combat medal for valor By C. Todd Lopez Army News Service WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama placed the Medal of Honor around the neck of former Army Staff Sgt. Clinton Romesha during a ceremony Monday in the East Room of the White House. Romesha is the fourth living servicemember to receive the medal for service in Operation Iraqi Freedom or Operation Enduring Freedom. He earned the Medal of Honor for actions Oct. 3, 2009, while part of Bravo Troop, 3rd Squadron, 61st Cavalry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division, at Combat Outpost Keating, Kamdesh District, Nuristan Province, Afghanistan. On that morning, COP Keating, manned by only 53 Photo by Leroy Council Soldiers and situated at the bottom of a steep valley, The president said that upon learning he would President Barack Obama awards the Medal of Honor to came under attack by as many as 300 Taliban fighters. receive the Medal of Honor, Romesha displayed the former Army Staff Sgt. Clinton L. Romesha during a During the fight, the perimeter of COP Keating brand of humbleness typical of many Soldiers. ceremony at the White House in Washington, D.C., Monday. was breached by the enemy. Romesha, who was injured “When I called Clint to tell him that he would Romesha received the Medal of Honor for his courageous in the battle, led the fight to protect the bodies of fallen receive this medal, he said he was honored, but he actions during a daylong firefight at Combat Outpost Soldiers, provide cover to those Soldiers seeking also said, ‘it wasn’t just me out there, it was a team Keating, Afghanistan, in October 2009 while assigned to medical assistance, and reclaim the American outpost effort,’” Obama said. “And, so today, we also honor Bravo Troop, 3rd Squadron, 61st Cavalry Regiment, 4th that would later be deemed “tactically indefensible.” this American team, including those who made the Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division. “Throughout history, the question has often been ultimate sacrifice.” asked, why? Why do those in uniform take such Included among those who died in the fighting that extraordinary risks? And what compels them to such day in Afghanistan were Staff Sgt. Justin Gallegos, Sgt. earned 37 Army Commendation Medals, 27 Purple courage?” the president said. “You ask Clint and any Christopher Griffin, Sgt. Joshua Hardt, Sgt. Joshua Hearts, 18 Bronze Stars and nine Silver Stars. of these Soldiers who are here today, and they’ll tell Kirk, Spc. Stephan Mace, Staff Sgt. Vernon Martin, “These men were outnumbered, outgunned and you. Yes, they fight for their country, and they fight Sgt. Michael Scusa and Pfc. Kevin Thomson. almost overrun,” Obama said. “Looking back, one for our freedom. Yes, they fight to come home to their “Each of these patriots gave their lives looking out of them said, ‘I’m surprised any of us made it out.’ Families. But most of all, they fight for each other, to for each other,” Obama said. “In a battle that raged all But they are here today. And I would ask these keep each other safe and to have each other’s backs.” day, that brand of selflessness was displayed again Soldiers, this band of brothers, to stand and accept The White House ceremony was attended by and again and again, Soldiers exposing themselves to the gratitude of our entire nation. several hundred, including lawmakers, defense leaders, enemy fire to pull a comrade to safety, tending to each “God bless you, Clint Romesha, and all of your Romesha’s Family, and his team members from Bravo other’s wounds, (and) performing ‘buddy transfusions,’ team,” the president said. “God bless all who serve. Troop, 3rd Sqdn., 61st Cav. Reg. Also there was giving each other their own blood.” And God bless the United States of America.” Secretary of Defense Leon E. Panetta, Chief of Staff The president said on that day, it wasn’t just The president then asked that the Medal of Honor of the Army Gen. Ray Odierno and Sgt. Maj. of the Romesha who earned recognition for his actions, it Citation be read, and following that, he placed the Army Raymond F. Chandler III. was dozens of Soldiers. From that battle, Soldiers medal around Romesha’s neck. Message board INSIDE Off limits Copperhead Road, 3330 N. Academy Blvd., was added to the off-limits areas for all uniformed personnel effective Feb. 7. See complete list at Page 30 Pages 10-11 Pages 22-23
  • 2. 2 MOUNTAINEER — Feb. 15, 2013 MOUNTAINEER Commanding General: Garrison Commander: Maj. Gen. Joseph Anderson With each milestone, a step toward equality By Andrea Sutherland they do to protect this nation.” Col. David L. Grosso Mountaineer staff For me, this is an understatement. Fort Carson Public Affairs Officer: These partners of Soldiers have endured the field For the Mountaineer, I’m expected to be an objective trainings, the moves and the deployments. They’ve Dee McNutt expert on many facets of Army life. I report on Soldier experienced the loneliness and the heartache of Chief, Print and Web Communications: trainings, Army policy and activities taking place around being separated from their Soldiers as duties call. Rick Emert post. However, every so often an opportunity arises for They’ve dealt with the agony and fear when the lines of Editor: Devin Fisher reporters to voice their opinion on a subject, often one communication go silent while their Soldier serves that is controversial. in a combat zone. Staff writer: Andrea Sutherland As a journalist, I feel that to ignore the They’ve laughed, loved, fought and Happenings: Nel Lampe opportunity to comment on these occasions would be detrimental to my position on this With the repeal cried with their Soldiers. They’ve stood by their Soldiers, just Sports writer: Walt Johnson Layout/graphics: Jeanne Mazerall staff. As the wife of a Soldier, I feel that I am in a unique position to lend my opinion of ‘Don’t Ask, as hundreds of other spouses have supported theirs, yet they’ve done so This commercial enterprise newspaper is and let the readers of this publication judge as they will. Don’t Tell,’ (gays without the support of many Army benefits heterosexual couples enjoy, such as an authorized publication for members of the In a historic announcement, Monday, commissary and Exchange privileges, Department of Defense. Contents of the Mountaineer are not necessarily the official Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta and lesbians) access to child care and youth programs, view of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government or extended almost two dozen benefits to legal assistance and Directorate of the Department of the Army. Printed circulation is 12,000 copies. same-sex couples. are no longer Family and Morale, Welfare and I call this announcement “historic” Recreation programs. The editorial content of the Mountaineer is the responsibility of the Public because I am shocked and elated that faceless, Panetta’s declaration changes that. Affairs Office, Fort Carson, CO 80913-5119, this proclamation and step toward equal Once benefits laid out in Panetta’s Tel.: 526-4144. The e-mail address is rights is taking place at a time when I can appreciate its magnitude. emotionless statement are implemented throughout the next eight months, partners will also The Mountaineer is posted on the Internet at For the second time since I began writing for the Mountaineer, gays and beings serving receive survivor benefits and have access to counseling services. The Mountaineer is an unofficial publication authorized by AR 360-1. The Mountaineer is printed by Colorado Springs lesbians serving in the military have been recognized as a population. With the repeal in the ranks. Even with these new benefits, however, same-sex couples will not receive other Military Newspaper Group, a private firm in of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” they are able benefits given to heterosexual couples. The no way connected with the Department of the to assert their lifestyle without fear of Defense of Marriage Act — a law signed Army, under exclusive written contract with Fort Carson. It is published 49 times per year. repercussions. They are no longer faceless, emotionless in 1996 by then-President William Clinton — prohibits the The appearance of advertising in this beings serving in the ranks. Department of Defense from extending benefits such as publication, including inserts or supplements, Monday’s announcement acknowledged the men and medical and dental, as well as with-dependent rate Basic does not constitute endorsement by the women supporting them and recognized them as valued Allowance for Housing. Department of the Army or Colorado Springs members of the military community. This is a new era for civil rights. There are still steps Military Newspaper Group, of the products or services advertised. The printer reserves the In a statement, Panetta said, “Extending these benefits to take toward equality, but I am proud and happy to right to reject advertisements. is an appropriate next step under current law to ensure be part of a military that is actively seeking that goal. Everything advertised in this publication that all servicemembers receive equal support for what See related story on Page 3. shall be made available for purchase, use or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation or any other nonmerit factor of the purchaser, user or patron. If a violation or rejection of this equal opportunity policy by an advertiser is confirmed, the printer shall refuse to print advertising from that source until the violation is corrected. For display advertising call 634-5905. All correspondence or queries regarding advertising and subscriptions should be directed to Colorado Springs Military Newspaper Group, 31 E. Platte Avenue, Suite 300, Colorado Springs, CO 80903, phone 634-5905. The Mountaineer’s editorial content is edited, prepared and provided by the Public Affairs Office, building 1430, room 265, Fort Carson, CO 80913-5119, phone 526-4144. Releases from outside sources are so indicated. The deadline for submissions to the Mountaineer is close of business the week before the next issue is published. The Mountaineer staff reserves the right to edit submissions for newspaper style, clarity and typographical errors. Policies and statements reflected in the news and editorial columns represent views of the individual writers and under no circumstances are to be considered those of the Department of the Army. Reproduction of editorial material is authorized. Please credit accordingly. 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  • 3. Feb. 15, 2013 — MOUNTAINEER 3 Memo extends benefits to same-sex partners American Forces Press Service Calling it “a matter of fundamental equity,” Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta signed a “Extending these benefits is an memorandum to the service secretaries and the Pentagon’s top personnel official extending bene- appropriate next step under current fits to same-sex partners of servicemembers, Monday. Here is the secretary’s announcement of the law to ensure that all servicemembers policy change: “Seventeen months ago, the United States receive equal support for what they military ended the policy of ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.’ We have implemented the repeal of that policy and made clear that discrimination based on do to protect this nation.” — Secretary of Defense Leon E. Panetta sexual orientation has no place in the Department of Defense. “At the time of repeal, I committed to reviewing benefits that had not previously been available to current law to ensure that all servicemembers will continue to comply with current law while same-sex partners based on existing law and policy. It receive equal support for what they do to protect doing all we can to take care of all Soldiers, is a matter of fundamental equity that we provide this nation. Sailors, Airmen, Marines and their Families. similar benefits to all of those men and women in “One of the legal limitations to providing all “While the implementation of additional uniform who serve their country. The department benefits at this time is the Defense of Marriage benefits will require substantial policy revisions already provides a group of benefits that are Act, which is still the law of the land. There are and training, it is my expectation that these member-designated. Today, I am pleased to certain benefits that can only be provided to spouses benefits will be made available as expeditiously announce that after a thorough and deliberate as defined by that law, which is now being as possible. One of the great successes at the review, the department will extend additional reviewed by the United States Supreme Court. Department of Defense has been the implementation benefits to same-sex partners of servicemembers. While it will not change during my tenure as of DADT repeal. It has been highly professional “Taking care of our servicemembers and secretary of defense, I foresee a time when the law and has strengthened our military community. I honoring the sacrifices of all military Families are will allow the department to grant full benefits to am confident in the military services’ ability to two core values of this nation. Extending these servicemembers and their dependents, irrespective effectively implement these changes over the benefits is an appropriate next step under of sexual orientation. 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  • 4. 4 MOUNTAINEER — Feb. 15, 2013 Engineers complete missions Story and photo by Cpl. William Smith improvements at base facilities. Overall, the 4th Infantry Division Public Affairs Office 544th Eng. Soldiers performed nearly 107,000 man-hours of construction during Yells and cheers filled the air at the their deployment. Special Events Center, as Family and friends Friends and Family could not wait to watched the arrival of more than 260 Soldiers, reunite with their Soldiers once the ceremony Feb. 8, after returning from a deployment to concluded. Kuwait and Afghanistan in support of “I am very excited,” said Sandy Milton, Operation Enduring Freedom. wife of Sgt. Ronnie Milton, 497th Eng. “I have Soldiers with the 497th and 544th engineer barely been able to sleep from the anticipation companies, 52nd Engineer Battalion, deployed of him coming home. I have butterflies.” in May and spent the past 10 months completing The Soldiers were also glad to be back on construction projects in Kuwait, Afghanistan, American soil with those closest to them. Qatar and the United Arab Emirates. “I am absolutely thrilled to be home,” said “On behalf of all of us from Fort Carson Capt. Tyler Scheidt, commander, 544th Eng. and Colorado Springs, welcome home and “A lot has changed in the time I was gone.” thanks for a job well done,” said Maj. Gen. After singing the Army Song, the Soldiers Joseph Anderson, commanding general, 4th were released and rushed to their loved ones Infantry Division and Fort Carson. “We’re very with smiles, tears of joy and open arms. proud of all of your accomplishments, as you should be. To all of our Families out here, thank you for your love and support. Without that, these Soldiers could not do Mayor welcomes Soldiers By Steve Bach their job. Have a great and safe reunion Mayor, city of Colorado Springs with your loved ones.” The 497th Eng. “Devastators,” com- Welcome home, Soldiers of the 52nd pleted more than 40 construction projects Engineer Battalion in Kuwait and Afghanistan, resulting in All of us in Colorado Springs are grateful the construction of new fuel facility for your safe return to our city. Though you berms, waste water retention ponds and may have your “home” someplace else, you are connex storage yards at Camp Buehring, welcomed home, here to a city that respects Camp John Pratt and Camp Marmal. your bravery and hard work while in Kuwait The “Spartans” of the 544th Eng. and Afghanistan. completed large-scale engineering projects Your many accomplishments in engineering in Afghanistan, Kuwait, Qatar and the construction and infrastructure projects honors United Arab Emirates. Although their main your battalion’s long heritage. Congratulations construction efforts remained in Kuwait, on your recommendation for a Meritorious Spc. Joel Stuemke, 497th Engineer Company, 52nd Engineer Battalion, the unit sent platoon-sized detachments Unit Citation. You have done excellent work. holds his son, Luke Marshall Stuemke, for the first time, after returning forward to other countries to provide Stay safe and welcome home. from a 10-month deployment to Kuwait and Afghanistan in support of infrastructure and Soldier quality-of-life Operation Enduring Freedom. WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/4THID WWW.YOUTUBE.COM/USER/THE4ID WWW.FLICKR.COM/PHOTOS/THE4ID WWW.TWITTER.COM/@4THINFDIV WWW.SLIDESHARE.NET/THE4ID
  • 5. Feb. 15, 2013 — MOUNTAINEER 5 Former chief visits troops Story and photo by Sgt. Eric Glassey 4th Infantry Division Public Affairs Office Sullivan started his Feb. 7 visit to Fort Carson with a breakfast at the Robert C. Stack Jr. Dining logistical accomplishments the Army made in 1991 and moving 500,000 Soldiers during the Gulf War. He gave Facility, where he held a question-and-answer session a word of caution on his perception of future events. Army retired Gen. Gordon R. Sullivan compares with enlisted Fort Carson Soldiers. Later, he talked to “Challenges you’ll be facing going forward the challenges facing today’s Army with those he dealt leaders, commanders and senior enlisted personnel are similar, but not completely,” Sullivan said. “You with during the drawdown while he was the service’s about his experiences in the military. are in the middle of a culminating event; you’re chief of staff from 1991-1995. “He was chief of staff from ’91 to ’95, and, as you between two campaigns. We should be preparing for know, the Army was going through the next fight and it will be coming.” what we’re going through now; it He later attended the annual Pikes Peak Chapter of was a period of downsizing. He the Association of the United States Army annual lived through that and kept us membership luncheon at the Cheyenne Mountain on track to where we are today,” Resort in Colorado Springs, where Sullivan, AUSA said Maj. Gen. Joseph Anderson, president and chief executive officer, served as a commanding general, 4th Infantry guest speaker talking to local business leaders and Division and Fort Carson. Soldiers. He commended the Soldiers for their courage Sullivan reflected on history for enlisting, especially during a time of conflict. and gave the leaders some words “There are privates who sign up and know what of guidance. (the Army is) heading towards,” Sullivan said. “I became the chief of staff of “Signing up takes a lot of courage.” the Army in June of 1991, right Several junior Soldiers attending the luncheon after the Gulf War,” Sullivan said. were given a year membership with AUSA by local “History has a habit of repeating businesses. itself. I’ll give you the bottom line, “I was invited by my sergeant major,” said Pfc. you are being asked once again … Douglas McDonald, 4th Combat Aviation Brigade, to do essentially what you have the 4th Inf. Div. “My membership was sponsored, which last time.” was pretty cool.” Sullivan talked about the McDonald said he found the luncheon to be inter- esting, and enjoyed listening to the retired general. Retired Gen. Gordon R. Sullivan, Sullivan thanked the troops for their courage and president and chief executive officer the corporate sponsors for their support of Fort of the Association of the United States Carson and the Soldiers. Army, greets Pfc. Douglas McDonald, “I can’t think of a better place to serve — a better 4th Combat Aviation Brigade, 4th place to be a part of our Army — when you look at Infantry Division, at the Pikes Peak what the community does for the post and what the Chapter, AUSA, annual member post does for the community,” said Kenneth luncheon at the Cheyenne Mountain Hunzeker, president of the AUSA Pikes Peak Resort, in Colorado Springs, Feb. 7. Chapter. “It’s a great relationship.” Life brings obstacles. USAA brings advice. At USAA, we know military life is different. We’ve been there. So for current and former military servicemembers and their families, we offer free financial advice geared to the realities of your life. Whatever obstacle you face, from deployment to PCS and more, we’re here in Colorado Springs to help. SCAN IT & MAP IT. Visit us today at 1855 Telstar Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80920. 800-531-3329 | Investments/Insurance: Not FDIC Insured • Not Bank Issued, Guaranteed or Underwritten • May Lose Value The people pictured are not actual soldiers. Financial planning services and financial advice provided by USAA Financial Planning Services Insurance Agency, Inc. (known as USAA Financial Insurance Company in California, Lic. #0E36312), a registered investment advisor and insurance agency, and its wholly owned subsidiary, USAA Financial Advisors, Inc., a registered broker dealer. © 2013 USAA. 142446-0213