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Vol. 70 No. 31                                                                                                                                                   Aug. 3, 2012

  Word of the month: Confidence

                                                                                                                                                     Photo by Spc. Nathan Thome

                                                   Pass in review
   Veterans of the 4th Infantry Division march across Founders Field as part of the   Week. They toured Fort Carson and received an up close look at modern
   Division pass in review, July 26. More than 200 veterans traveled to Fort Carson   equipment and shared experiences with Fort Carson Soldiers. For more on the
   from all over the country for the 94th annual 4th Inf. Div. Association Reunion    reunion, see pages 20-21.

4th Inf. Div. breaks ground for memorial
            By Spc. Nathan Thome                         Div., the Soldiers who’ve served it and will highlight     campaign medal and streamers, decorations attached
    4th Infantry Division Public Affairs Office          the conflicts the division participated in: World War I;   to military flags to recognize particular achievements
                                                         World War II; the Vietnam War; Operation Iraqi             or events. A plaque in the center of the memorial
    A ceremony held at Manhart Field July 26             Freedom and Operation New Dawn; and Operation              will highlight the division’s overall significant
officially marked the groundbreaking for the 4th         Enduring Freedom.                                          contributions and achievements.
Infantry Division Memorial at the future site of the         Five marble pillars will depict the five significant       “Thank you all for joining us as we honor the
Fort Carson Field of Honor.                              actions in which the division fought. Each pillar
                                                                                                                                              See Memorial on Page 4
    The memorial is meant to recognize the 4th Inf.      will be emblazoned and bronzed with its respective

    Message board                    INSIDE
  Fountain-Fort Carson School
   District 8 begins Thursday
  for 1st-12th grade students.
     Watch out for children
      crossing streets and
   entering and exiting buses.
                                                        Page 11
                                                                                                        Page 6                              Page 25
2    MOUNTAINEER — Aug. 3, 2012

          MOUNTAINEER                                 Interactive Customer Evaluation
Commanding General:

Garrison Commander:
                    Maj. Gen. Joseph Anderson

                    Col. David L. Grosso

Fort Carson Public Affairs Officer:
                                                      We are listening
                                                                 By Heather Dursi
                    Dee McNutt                         Defense Finance and Accounting Service
Chief, Print and Web Communications:

                    Rick Emert                             Interactive Customer Evaluation surveys are
                                                      not always a favorite and can often be cause for
Editor:             Devin Fisher
                                                      concern. It can be hard to hear criticism when
Staff writer:       Andrea Sutherland                 we do our best to serve our customers. While
Happenings:         Nel Lampe                         no one likes receiving negative feedback, ICE
Sports writer:      Walt Johnson                      surveys are in fact an indispensable tool for the
                                                      Defense Finance and Accounting Service to not
Layout/graphics: Jeanne Mazerall
                                                      only hear, but to listen to what our customers
                                                      are saying about us and to improve our services.
       This commercial enterprise newspaper is             DFAS is able to learn a lot from ICE surveys.
an authorized publication for members of the
                                                      They give the Defense Military Pay Offices the
Department of Defense. Contents of the
Mountaineer are not necessarily the official
                                                      opportunity to hear our customer’s feedback —
view of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government or       critical or positive — about our products,
the Department of the Army. Printed circulation       services and customer service. The DMPOs will
is 12,000 copies.                                     use this feedback to identify emerging trends,
       The editorial content of the
                                                      areas in need of improvement and areas of
Mountaineer is the responsibility of the Public
Affairs Office, Fort Carson, CO 80913-5119,
                                                      excellence and capitalize on those areas to
Tel.: 526-4144. The e-mail address is                 ultimately provide better customer service.                                 ICE surveys are not just beneficial to the
       The Mountaineer is posted on the               DMPOs, they also benefit our customers
Internet at
                                                      in a variety of ways.
       The Mountaineer is an unofficial
publication authorized by AR 360-1. The
                                                           ICE surveys provide a mechanism for the
Mountaineer is printed by Colorado Springs            DMPOs to listen to our customers. These surveys
Military Newspaper Group, a private firm in           provide an avenue where customers get a chance
no way connected with the Department of the           to tell their side of the story of their DMPO visit.  The Fort Carson Defense Military Pay Office Interactive Customer Evaluation
Army, under exclusive written contract with
                                                      When customers feel that we value and will take       survey is available at
Fort Carson. It is published 49 times per year.
       The appearance of advertising in this
                                                      action concerning their experiences, they will take 614&service(underscore)provider(underscore)id=115982.
publication, including inserts or supplements,        the time and effort to tell us their story. They will
does not constitute endorsement by the                feel important and valued. Offering customers the                  are thinking and what they want, but the fact is we don’t
Department of the Army or Colorado Springs            opportunity to take an ICE survey is a great way for us to say     know if we don’t ask. ICE gives us the platform to ask.
Military Newspaper Group, of the products or
                                                      “we value what you think is important and will incorporate         It is true that we are not going to like everything we hear,
services advertised. The printer reserves the
right to reject advertisements.
                                                      change into our customer service mandate.”                         but it’s necessary. Customers take surveys because they
       Everything advertised in this publication           Offering ICE surveys to our customers also shows them either like or dislike their experience while visiting
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handicap, political affiliation or any other
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                                                      but they do want us to pursue improvement. We are here             the ICE survey in order for our DMPOs to provide the
If a violation or rejection of this equal             because of them and their service to our nation.                   ultimate customer service experience.
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       The Mountaineer’s editorial content is
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       Releases from outside sources are so
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 Classified advertising
    Display advertising
    Mountaineer editor
       Post information
    Post weather hotline
Aug. 3, 2012 — MOUNTAINEER          3

MEDDAC dedicates building for fallen medic
              By Stacy Neumann
     Medical Department Activity Public Affairs

    The Pfc. Eric P. Woods Soldier Family Care Center
was dedicated July 27 in honor of a combat medic who
made the ultimate sacrifice in Tal Afar, Iraq, in 2005.
    The U.S. Army Medical Department Activity hosted
Woods’ widow Jamie Woods, son Eric Scott, parents,
grandparents and other members of his Iowa-based
Family for the ceremony honoring the fallen hero.
    While serving with 2nd Squadron, 3rd Armored
Cavalry Regiment, Woods went into an area under fire to
treat a Soldier shot by a sniper. Leaving the area, their
armored ambulance was hit by an improvised explosive
device. A team of officers and noncommissioned officers
asked that the SFCC building be named for Woods.
    His former platoon leader spoke at the memorialization
ceremony, describing a confident and dedicated medic
whose contribution gave his unit the ability to execute
any mission.
    “Many Americans have a good understanding that a
combat medic is charged with saving lives at point of
injury in an austere environment, and Woods excelled in
that scenario many times during this tour,” said Capt.
                                  See Woods on Page 4

                     1st Lt. Stephen A. O’Hearn hugs Charles
                    Woods, father of Pfc. Eric P. Woods, at the
                 unveiling of a plaque dedicating the Pfc. Eric
                P. Woods Soldier Family Care Center. O’Hearn
                    was Eric Woods’ platoon sergeant in Iraq.
                                                                                     Photo by Joel Sundquist
4       MOUNTAINEER — Aug. 3, 2012

MPs, police
                                                                                                                                        from Page 3

                                                                                                                                       William Hamrick, now commander of the
                                                                                                                                       Warrior Transition Battalion’s Company B.

named best                                                                                                                             “His family should be honored for the number
                                                                                                                                       of sons and fathers he returned home alive.”
                                                                                                                                            Woods’ father, Charles Woods, wanted
                                                                                                                                       the group to understand the man they chose
                                                                                                                                       to honor. He described a son “full of life from

in nation
                                                                                                                                       the very beginning” who was active in sports,
                                                                                                                                       church and adored his wife and child. He also
                                                                                                                                       talked about a Soldier dedicated to his craft.
                                                                                                                                            “He took his duty to heart and was
                                                                                                                                       always very concerned for the welfare of his
              By Andrea Sutherland                          police in the traffic section undergo extensive training.                  guys,” said Charles Woods. “He would call
                 Mountaineer staff                               “We do an additional six weeks of training, plus                      home and have us ship things that weren’t
                                                            military training,” Murray said. “We don’t just do                         available to him at the time. We’re proud as a
    The men and women who make up the traffic               traffic accidents. We provide support for all of the                       Family to see this beautiful medical facility
section at Fort Carson aren’t used to receiving praise or   motorcades, events, parking. That’s all us.”                               and be there to carry Eric’s name on.”
awards. They’re more accustomed to being challenged              Murray said the unit also provides safety courses                          Brian Woods spoke about how he was
by motorists facing traffic violations on post.             for the community, a key element of the IACP award.                        always trying to follow in his older brother’s
    “We joke that we usually meet people on their worst          To be eligible for the honor, the section had to                      footsteps. He focused on leadership and pride.
day,” said Capt. James Bloom, commander, 148th              demonstrate efforts in three traffic safety priorities:                         “He was always in front of the line,”
Military Police Detachment, 759th MP Battalion.             occupant protection, impaired driving and speeding.                        Brian Woods said. “He was always striving to
    But the long overdue recognition for the 10 military         Prayne and Murray submitted three years’ worth                        be a part of something bigger than himself.
police and four Department of the Army Civilian Police      of data and statistics, demonstrating an increase in                       I’m proud of my brother for making the
who work for the traffic section came July 23 when          public information and education as well as consistent                     tough decision and doing the right thing
they were named the No. 1 military traffic safety           enforcement and effectiveness of efforts.                                  when the wrong thing would have been so
program at the 2011 International Association of Chiefs          “We had a one-inch notebook of information and                        much easier. I’m proud of the way that he
of Police National Law Enforcement Challenge.               documentation for consideration,” Prayne said.                             served his country as a medic. Once again,
    The section beat four other installations that were          The unit improved its outreach and education                          he gets to be part of something larger than
nominated for the award.                                    programs to help meet those requirements, including                        himself, grander than he could do alone.”
    “We’ve submitted in years past but always came          child passenger safety checks, seat belt demonstrations                         Brian Woods went on to say that he felt
up short,” said Lt. Thomas J. Prayne, chief, traffic        and ramped up traffic violation campaigns, Prayne added.                   the building and the people inside embody
investigations section, Provost Marshal Office,                  “We’ve seen a positive impact,” he said. “We                          all of the things he loved about his brother.
Directorate of Emergency Services.                          were handing out very few tickets (at safety                                    Col. John M. McGrath, MEDDAC
    “We felt like we had a really good chance of winning    enforcement checks), so that shows we’re actually                          commander, said that staff will endeavor to
this year,” said Staff Sgt. Jason Murray, noncommis-        making an impact.”                                                         prove that the building is worthy of its name.
sioned officer in charge. “We were optimistic that we            The MPs and civilian police officers have reached                          “We, like Pfc. Woods, have a duty to
would place, but we didn’t expect first. It is a great      out to the Fort Carson community, working closely with                     provide care to our own, in a military
honor. It recognizes that we are busting our butts to       the Army Substance Abuse Program and hosting mock                          family environment that recognizes the
make sure everyone is safe out there on the road.”          crashes for 1,500 troops to show the devastating effects                   sacrifices and stresses of the Army life. I
    Murray said the relationship Soldiers have with         of drunken driving, Prayne said.                                           know that occurs every day in this building,”
Prayne and their other civilian counterparts have                “We’re educating counselors. We’re providing                          said McGrath.
contributed to the unit’s success.                          traffic safety classes to units. We did a lot of public                         The Pfc. Woods Soldier Family Care
    “We have a really good relationship with the            education,” he said.                                                       Center is located adjacent to and east of
civilians,” he said. “They are subject matter experts            Prayne and Murray said it was because of these                        Evans Army Community Hospital. It provides
because they’ve been here for years.”                       increased efforts that they earned the recognition.                        support to more than 27,000 Soldiers,
    “With the Soldiers rotating every two years or so,           “We try to do the best we can at our job,” Murray                     Family members and retirees. Each day,
we have had a lot of changes in personnel. Civilians        said. “This award shows we’re doing our best.”                             almost 500 military, civilian and Red Cross
help with consistency,” Prayne said.                             Murray and Prayne will travel to San Diego Oct. 3                     volunteers provide support for more than
    To help maintain stability, MPs and the civilian        to formally accept the award.                                              1,500 patient visits.

                                                                                                      LEFT: From left, Jim Rice, Mission Support Element operations planner and
                                                                                                      local chapter member, 4th Infantry Division Association; Bob Babcock,
                                                                                                      president, 4th Inf. Div. Association; Maj. Gen. Joseph Anderson, commanding
                                                                                                      general, 4th Inf. Div. and Fort Carson; Command Sgt. Maj. Wardell Jefferson,
                                                                                                      senior enlisted leader, Headquarters and Headquarters Battalion, 4th Inf. Div.;
                                                                                                      Dianna Kinlaw, community leader; and Bob Mooney, community representative;
                                                                                                      dig into the earth at the site of the Fort Carson Field of Honor memorial,
                                                                                                      marking the official start of construction at Manhart Field, July 26.

                                                                        Photo by Pfc. Andrew Ingram

Memorial                                     breaking ceremony were more than 200                 community representatives; grabbed
                                                                                                                                                                  Courtesy of Niles Bolton Associates
                                                                                                                                                   ABOVE: This computer graphic is an
from Page 1                                  veterans from the 4th Inf. Div.                      shovels and dug into the earth, marking          artist’s rendition of the 4th Infantry
                                             Association, who visited Fort Carson as              the official start of construction.              Division Memorial on the Fort Carson
men and women of the 4th Inf. Div.           part of the 4th Inf. Div. Association                    “Being invited to the groundbreaking         Field of Honor. The memorial will con-
by breaking ground here, at the future       Reunion Week. Anderson, along with Jim               ceremony was wonderful,” said Ronald             sist of five marble pillars, dedicated to
location of the new 4th Inf. Div.            Rice, Mission Support Element operations             Sebring, veteran, Company B, 3rd                 the five campaigns in which the division
memorial,” said Maj. Gen. Joseph             planner and local chapter member, 4th                Battalion, 12th Infantry Regiment. “This         fought. Each pillar will be emblazoned
Anderson, commanding general, 4th Inf.       Inf. Div. Association; Bob Babcock,                  memorial means a lot to me; I think it’s         and bronzed with its respective
Div. and Fort Carson. “The diverse group     president, 4th Inf. Div. Association;                the ultimate way for 4th Inf. Div. to            campaign medal and streamers. A
of individuals that this Field of Honor      Command Sgt. Maj. Wardell Jefferson,                 honor (its) Soldiers.”                           plaque in the center of the memorial
will represent stands as a shining example   senior enlisted leader of Headquarters                   The project is scheduled to be               will highlight the division’s significant
of the best our nation has to offer.”        and Headquarters Battalion, 4th Inf. Div.;           completed in November, just in time for          contributions and achievements.
     Among the attendees of the ground-      and Dianna Kinlaw and Bob Mooney,                    the division’s 95th birthday, Dec. 10.
Aug. 3, 2012 — MOUNTAINEER               5

‘Warhorse’ welcomes new leaders      By Staff Sgt. Andrew Porch
                                 2nd Brigade Combat Team Public Affairs
                                                                                     they accomplished.
                                                                                          “To the Soldiers on the field, I simply say
                                       Office, 4th Infantry Division                 ‘thank you,’” said Kolasheski. “You look great;
                                                                                     your dedication to the security of our nation,
                                    Guidons swayed in the wind as Soldiers           and bringing freedoms to countries far, far away
                                of 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry             is inspirational.”
                                Division, stood at attention, prepared to                 During the ceremony, Command Sgt. Maj.
                                participate in the brigade and several battalion     Ralph F. Delosa, outgoing 2nd BCT senior
                                changes of command and responsibility at             enlisted adviser, handed off the brigade colors
                                Fort Carson’s Founders Field, Tuesday.               through the outgoing and incoming brigade
                                    Col. John S. Kolasheski, outgoing comman-        commanders to Command Sgt. Maj. Robert G.
                                der, relinquished command of the “Warhorse”          Lehtonen, who assumes the mission of training
                                Brigade to Col. Omar Jones, who recently served      Warhorse Soldiers.
                                as commander, 2nd Squadron, 2nd Stryker                   Kolasheski later welcomed the incoming
                                Cavalry Regiment out of Vilseck, Germany.            commander with a few words.
                                    Commanders of 2nd Battalion, 8th Infantry             “I am confident you will lead the Warhorse
                                Reg.; 3rd Bn., 16th Field Artillery Reg.; and 1st    to greatness,” he said.
                                Sqdn., 10th Cavalry Reg.; along with command              Jones said he is pleased to join the “Ivy”
                                sergeants major from 1st Bn., 67th Armor Reg.;       Division, and proud to take over the brigade.
                                and 3rd Bn., 16th FA Reg., joined the brigade             “I would like to thank (Maj. Gen. Joseph)
                                commander in passing the reigns to new leadership.   Anderson for the opportunity to command in
                                    During his closing remarks, Kolasheski           this division and the privilege to join this storied
                                showed appreciation to his commanders and            team,” said Jones. “Congratulations on your
                                command sergeants major who served with him.         successful deployment and the lasting impact
                                    “Thanks for your leadership and dedication       you made across Southern Afghanistan.
                                to making this organization better,” he said.             The change of command ceremony also
                                    Kolasheski, who commanded nearly                 featured the 4th Inf. Div. Ivy Band, 4th Inf. Div.
                                6,000 Soldiers during his 32-month tenure in         and Fort Carson Mounted Color Guard, a volley
                                2nd BCT, gave words of encouragement to the          from the salute battery of 3rd Bn., 29th FA Reg.,
                                brigade and reminded Soldiers of the mission         3rd BCT, 4th Inf. Div., and a formal pass in
                                                                                     review, which is a demonstration of the force for
                               Maj. Gen. Joseph Anderson, commanding                 the new commander.
                               general, 4th Infantry Division and Fort Carson,            Kolasheski’s next assignment will be as the
                               passes the 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 4th Inf.          Army’s Senior Fellow with the Council on
                               Div., guidon to the incoming commander,               Foreign Relations in New York City.
                               Col. Omar Jones, during a change of command                “It truly has been my honor to serve as a
                               ceremony at Founder’ Field, Tuesday.                  commander of the Warhorse Brigade here at the
    Photo by Sgt. Ruth Pagán                                                         Mountain Post,” said Kolasheski.
6          MOUNTAINEER — Aug. 3, 2012

     Maj. Gen. Joseph
       Anderson, left,
general, 4th Infantry
     Division and Fort
     Carson, and 10th
    Cavalry Regiment
   leadership lead all
  three squadrons of
 the unit back to the
of the 4th Squadron,
   10th Cav. Reg., 3rd
      Brigade Combat
   Team, 4th Inf. Div.,
 during a regimental
      run celebrating
      the unit’s 146th
    birthday, July 26.

10th Cav. celebrates 146th birthday
       Story and photo by                                            3rd Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry                       Carson, including 1st Sqdn., 2nd          run and ceremony, not only as a way to
       Sgt. Khori Johnson                                            Division, recently commemorated that                        BCT, and 7th Sqdn., 1st BCT. The          promote unit cohesion and morale, but
3rd Brigade Combat Team Public                                       history and tradition when it hosted                        three squadrons, along with Maj. Gen.     to instill the traditions and values of
Affairs Office, 4th Infantry Division                                the 146th annual birthday celebration                       Joseph Anderson, commanding general,      the 10th Cav. Reg. into each Soldier.
                                                                     in honor of the 10th Cav. Reg. at the                       4th Inf. Div. and Fort Carson, and            “(The unit) has a long lineage of
     From being one of the original                                  squadron headquarters, July 26.                             members of the division staff, joined     history,” said Dilcher. “It’s important
Buffalo Soldier units to fighting in                                     “We are at a point in our Army                          the 4th Sqdn. at its troop headquarters   for our younger guys to know where
the Indian Wars during the 1800s                                     where we need to go back to basics,”                        for a regimental run, followed by a       they came from and learn the history
and being one of the elements that                                   said Command Sgt. Maj. Edwin                                cake-cutting ceremony, to celebrate the   of this unit.
contributed to the capture of Saddam                                 Rivera, senior enlisted leader, 4th                         regiment’s birthday.                          “Having pride in our unit gives us
Hussein, the 10th Cavalry Regiment                                   Sqdn., 10th Cav. Reg. “Our troopers                             1st Sgt. Matthew Dilcher, senior      motivation and a purpose to many of
has been an integral part of the history                             need to be proud of their heritage.”                        noncommissioned officer of Head-          the things we do. If they have pride in
of the Army and the nation.                                              All three active squadrons of the                       quarters and Headquarters Troop, 4th      their unit, they… won’t want to bring
     The 4th Squadron, 10th Cav. Reg.,                               10th Cav. Reg. are located on Fort                          Sqdn., said it was important to use the   embarrassment upon their unit.”

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Aug. 3, 2012 — MOUNTAINEER                 7
                                                                   Fort Carson dining facilities hours of operation
German Armed Forces Military Proficiency Badge               Dining facility               Friday                         Saturday-Sunday               Monday-Thursday
   — training and testing is conducted monthly. Events       Stack                     Breakfast: 7-9 a.m.                Breakfast: 7-9 a.m.           Breakfast: 7-9 a.m.
   include swimming, marksmanship, track and field                                     Lunch: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.        Lunch: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.   Lunch: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
   events (100 meter dash, shot put, long jump and                                     Dinner: 5-6:30 p.m.                Dinner: 5-6:30 p.m.           Dinner: Closed
   3,000-meter run) and a 12-kilometer road march.           Wolf                      Breakfast: 7-9 a.m.                Closed                        Breakfast: 7-9 a.m.
   Soldiers with physical limitations can also participate                             Lunch: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.                                      Lunch: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
   with an approved alternate event authorized by                                      Dinner: Closed                                                   Dinner: 5-6:30 p.m.
   medical personnel. Upon completion of all required
   events, Soldiers are awarded a gold, silver or bronze     Warfighter                Breakfast: 7-9 a.m.                Closed                        Breakfast: 7-9 a.m.
   badge; level is determined by results of the marks-       (Wilderness Road Complex) Lunch: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.                                      Lunch: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
   manship and road march. The foreign military award                                  Dinner: Closed                                                   Dinner: Closed
   is authorized to be worn on the Class-A or Army           LaRochelle                Breakfast: 7-9 a.m.                Closed                        Breakfast: 7-9 a.m.
   Service Uniform. Soldiers should submit packets           10th SFG(A)               Lunch: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.                                      Lunch: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
   through their chain of command to Sgt. Michael                                      Dinner: Closed                                                   Dinner: Closed
   Phillips at 526-5282 or email michael.j.phillips6@ Contact the officer-in-charge of the                 • Repair and utility/self-help — Call Gary             personnel section, and a pen to complete forms.
   event, Chief Warrant Officer David Douglas, at 720-         Grant at 526-5844 or email gerald.l.grant2.civ               Call 526-4730/4583 for more information.
   250-1221 or email      Use this number to obtain self-help             Army ROTC Green to Gold briefings — are held
Finance travel processing — All inbound and                    tools and equipment or a motorized sweeper.                  the first and third Tuesday of each month at noon
   outbound Temporary Lodging Expense, “Do it                        • Base operations contracting officer                  at the education center, building 1117, room 120.
   Yourself ” Moves, servicemember and Family                  representative — Call Terry Hagen at 526-9262                Call University of Colorado-Colorado Springs
   member travel, travel advance pay and travel pay            or email for questions            Army ROTC at 262-3475 for more information.
   inquiries will be handled in building 1218, room 231.       on snow removal, grounds maintenance and                   ETS briefings — for enlisted personnel are held the
   Call 526-4454 or 524-2594 for more information.             contractor response to service orders.                       first and third Wednesday of each month. Briefing
First Sergeants’ Barracks Program — is located in                    • Portable latrines — Call Jerald Just at              sign in begins at 7 a.m. at the Soldier Readiness
   building 1454 on Nelson Boulevard. The hours of             524-0786 or email to              Building, building 1042, room 244, on a first-come,
   operation are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday-Friday. The           request latrines, for service or to report damaged           first-served basis. Soldiers must be within 120 days
   office assists Soldiers with room assignments and           or overturned latrines.                                      of their expiration term of service, but must attend
   terminations. For more information call 526-9707.         Legal services — provided at the Soldier Readiness             the briefing no later than 30 days prior to their ETS
Sergeant Audie Murphy Club — The Fort Carson                   Processing site are for Soldiers undergoing the SRP          or start of transition leave. Call 526-2240/8458.
   Sergeant Audie Murphy Club meets the third                  process. The SRP Legal Office will only provide            Special Forces briefings — are held Wednesdays in
   Tuesday of each month at the Family Connection              powers of attorney or notary services to Soldiers            building 1430, room 123, from noon to 1 p.m.
   Center from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. The SAMC is            processing through the SRP. Retirees, Family                 Soldiers must be specialist to staff sergeant from any
   open to all active members and those interested in          members and Soldiers not in the SRP process can              military occupational specialty, have a general
   becoming future SAMC members. The club was                  receive legal assistance and powers of attorney at           technical score of at least 107, be a U.S. citizen, score
   originally a U.S. Forces Command organization of            the main legal office located at 1633 Mekong St.,            240 or higher on the Army Physical Fitness Test, and
   elite noncommissioned officers but is now an                building 6222, next to the Family Readiness Center.          pass a Special Forces physical. Call 524-1461 or visit
   Armywide program for individuals who have met               Legal assistance prepares powers of attorney and             the website at
   the criteria and have proven themselves to be               performs notary services on a walk-in basis from
   outstanding NCOs through a board/leadership                 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Mondays-Wednesdays and                 Hours of Operation
   process. Contact the SAMC president, Staff Sgt.             Fridays, and from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Thursdays.
   Thomas Witt, at 526-5661 for more information.                                                                                 • In-processing — Monday-Thursday from
Recycle incentive program — The Directorate of               Briefings                                                      7:30-10:30 a.m.
   Public Works has an incentive program to prevent                                                                               • Initial and partial issues — Monday-
   recyclable waste from going to the landfill.              75th Ranger Regiment briefings — are held                      Friday from 12:30-3:30 p.m.
   Participating battalions can earn monetary rewards          Tuesdays in building 1430, room 150, from noon                     • Cash sales/report of survey — Monday-
   for turning recyclable materials in to the Fort Carson      to 1 p.m. Soldiers must private-sergeant first class         Thursday from 7:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.
   Recycle Center, building 155. Points are assigned for       with a minimum General Technical Score of 105;                     • Direct exchange and partial turn ins —
   the pounds of recyclable goods turned in and every          be a U.S. citizen; score 240 or higher in the Army           Monday-Friday from 7:30-11:30 a.m.
   participating battalion receives money quarterly. Call      Physical Fitness Test; and pass a Ranger physical.                 • Full turn ins — by appointment only; call
   526-5898 for more information about the program.            Call 524-2691 or visit at             526-3321.
Directorate of Public Works services — DPW is                  ranger.html for more information.                                  • Unit issues and turn ins — Call 526-
   responsible for a wide variety of services on Fort        Casualty Notification/Assistance Officer training —            5512/6477 for approval.
   Carson. Services range from repair and maintenance          is held Aug. 21-23 beginning at 9 a.m. in building         Education Center hours of operation — The
   of facilities to equipping units with a sweeper and         1187 on Minnick Avenue, behind post car wash. This           Mountain Post Training and Education Center,
   cleaning motor pools. Listed below are phone                training is required for all Soldiers asked to perform       building 1117, 526-2124, hours are as follows:
   numbers and points of contact for services:                 this solemn duty. Per Army Regulation 600-8-1, this                • Counselor Support Center — Monday-
         • Facility repair/service orders — Fort               duty is limited to those in the ranks of sergeant first      Thursday 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and Fridays 11
   Carson Support Services service order desk can be           class to command sergeant major, chief warrant               a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
   reached at 526-5345. Use this number for emergencies        officer 2-5 and captain and above. No reservations                 • Army Learning Center — Monday-
   or routine tasks and for reporting wind damage,             are required to attend training. Classes offered on          Friday 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
   damaged traffic signs or other facility damage.             a first-come, first-served basis. Call Jean Graves at              • Defense Activity for Nontraditional
         • Refuse/trash and recycling — Call Eric              526-5613/ 5614 for more information.                         Education Support and Army Personnel Testing —
   Bailey at 719-491-0218 or email eric.e.bailey4.           Disposition Services — Defense Logistics Agency                Monday-Friday 7:30-11:30 a.m. and 12:30-4:30 p.m. when needing trash containers, trash           Disposition Services Colorado Springs, located in          Repair and Utility self-help — has moved to building
   is overflowing or emergency service is required.            building 381, conducts orientations Fridays from             217 and is open Monday-Friday 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
         • Facility custodial services — Call Bryan            12:30-3:30 p.m. The orientations discuss DLA               Medical Activity Correspondence Department office
   Dorcey at 526-6670 or email bryan.s.dorcey.civ@             processes to include turning in excess property,             hours — The Correspondence (Release of Infor- for service needs or to report complaints.         reutilizing government property, web-based tools             mation) Office in the Patient Administration Division
         • Elevator maintenance — Call Bryan                   available, special handling of property and environ-         hours are Monday-Wednesday and Friday 7:30 a.m.
   Dorcey at 526-6670 or email bryan.s.dorcey.                 mental needs. To schedule an orientation, contact            to 4:30 p.m. and closed Thursday and federal                                              Arnaldo Borrerorivera at arnaldo.borrerorivera               holidays. Call 526-7322 or 526-7284 for details.
         • Motor pool sludge removal/disposal —       for receiving/ turn in; Mike Welsh at             Claims Office hours — are Monday-Friday from 9
   Call Dennis Frost at 526-6997 or email             for reutilization/web tools; or           a.m. to noon and 1-4 p.m. The Claims Office is                                Rufus Guillory at                    located on the first floor of building 6222, 1633
                                                             Retirement briefings — are held from 8 a.m. to noon            Mekong Street. Shipment under Full Replacement
 BOSS meetings are                                             the second and third Wednesday of each month at              Value claimants must submit Department of Defense
 held the first and third                                      the Joel Hefley Community Center conference room,            Form 1840R to the carrier within 75 days. Shipment
 Thursday of each                                              6800 Prussman Ave. The Retirement Services Office            under Defense Personal Property Program claimants
 month from 2-3:30                                             recommends spouses accompany Soldiers to the                 must log into the Defense Personal Property System
 p.m. at The Foxhole.                                          briefing. Call 526-2840 for more information.                at and report all the items
 Contact Cpl. Rachael                                        Reassignment briefings — are held Tuesdays                     online within 75 days. Claims must be submitted
 Robertson at 524-2677                                         for Soldiers heading overseas and Thursdays for              within nine months directly with carriers to receive
 or visit the BOSS office                                      personnel being reassigned stateside. The briefings          full replacement value for missing and destroyed
 in room 106 of The Hub for more information.                  are held in building 1129, Freedom Performing Arts           items. All other claims should be submitted to Fort
 Text “follow CarsonBOSS” to 40404 to receive                  Center; sign-in is at 7 a.m. and briefings start at 7:30     Carson Claims Office within two years of the date of
 updates and event information.                                a.m. Soldiers are required to bring Department               delivery or date of incident. Call the Fort Carson
                                                               of the Army Form 5118, signed by their unit                  Claims Office at 526-1355 for more information.
8        MOUNTAINEER — Aug. 3, 2012                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Aug. 3, 2012 — MOUNTAINEER                  9

                                                                                                                                       Medics assist in exercise
                                                                                                                                       Story and photos by Pfc. Andrew Ingram
                                                                                                                                         1st Brigade Combat Team Public Affairs
                                                                                                                                                Office, 4th Infantry Division
                                                                                                                                                                                                 procedures in the event of a real-world emergency,
                                                                                                                                                                                                 said Capt. Edwin Pierce, commander, Company C.
                                                                                                                                                                                                      “This exercise helps all of us become more
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             broken arm into an ambulance, and contacted medical
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             evacuation helicopters at Memorial Hospital in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Colorado Springs and St. Mary-Corwin Medical
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Gonzales said working with nonmilitary agencies
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              gave her a better understanding of how her role as a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              first responder fits into a casualty’s overall care.
                                                                                                                                                                                                 comfortable working together,” Pierce said. “I want my      Center in Pueblo, to transport one notional casualty                  “This is the first time since I have been with this
                                                                                                                                           “Sergeant Rivera, I’m trapped!” Pfc. Ashley           Soldiers to see how all of these resources should come      with a spinal injury and another with a leg injury.              unit that we have done something that involves so
                                                                                                                                       Fleury yelled in a panicked voice.                        together when responding to a real-world situation.”            Fort Carson and Front Range community                        many agencies,” Gonzales said. “They get a chance to
                                                                                                                                           “Hang in there Fleury,” Sgt. Defra Rivera yelled           The Company C medics, role-playing as a combat         medical leaders will evaluate the exercise to refine             see the way we do things — the initial treatment — and
                                                                                                                                       back. “I’m with you.”                                     unit conducting a routine training exercise, staged a       communications between post units and civilian                   we got to see what they do as well — what happens
                                                                                                                                           Soldiers and their companions lay sprawled            vehicle rollover. Three health care specialists, with       emergency responders in the area, said Jones.                    after we hand our patients off for the next level of care.”
                                                                                                                                       with simulated injuries to their spines, arms and         simulated bruises and broken bones, acted as if they
                                                                                                                                       legs, next to an overturned Humvee, resting on its        were thrown from the vehicle, while a fourth, repre-
                                                                                                                                       roof, wheels to the sky, on the side of a road in the     sented by a mannequin, lay trapped under the vehicle.          Soldiers with Company C, 4th Brigade Support Battalion, 1st Brigade
                                                                                                                                       Fort Carson Training Area.                                     With the casualties in place, the rest of the             Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division; Fort Carson firefighters; and flight
                                                                                                                                           Soldiers assigned to Company C, 4th Brigade           role-players sprang into action, triaging injured              medics from St. Mary-Corwin Medical Center in Pueblo approach a
                                                                                                                                       Support Battalion, 1st Brigade Combat Team, 4th           Soldiers, conducting basic first aid and contacting            medevac helicopter with a simulated casualty.
                                                                                                                                       Infantry Division, joined the Fort Carson Fire            range control to coordinate with emergency services.
                                                                                                                                       Department and air medical evacuation assets from              “The initial triage was actually pretty easy,” said
                                                                                                                                       Colorado Springs and Pueblo to validate medical           Sgt. Shavonna Gonzales, a health care specialist
                                                                                                                                       evacuation procedures during an exercise in the Fort      assigned to Company C. “We have all done that kind
                                                                                                                                       Carson Training Area, July 12.                            of training before, but this time we weren’t training for
                                                                                                                                           Fort Carson and Front Range community medical         deployment, we were focused on an event here at Fort
                                                                                                                                       professionals planned the event for months to develop     Carson. That meant working with other local agencies,
                                                                                                                                       and streamline the post’s medical evacuation              which we don’t have as much experience with.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                      When Fort Carson Fire f iref ighters and
                                                                                                                                                                                                 paramedics arrived on scene, the “Charlie Medics”
                                                                                                                                      Health care specialists with Company C, 4th Brigade        briefed the status of the four casualties.
                                                                                                                                      Support Battalion, 1st Brigade Combat Team, 4th                 “Communication between the units was pretty
                                                                                                                                      Infantry Division; firefighters from the Fort Carson       seamless,” said Capt. Ryan Jones, head of training,
                                                                                                                                      Fire Department; and flight medics from Pueblo’s           Fort Carson Fire Department. “The Soldiers had
                                                                                                                                      St. Mary-Corwin Medical Center carry a simulated           already done an initial triage, which saved a lot of
                                                                                                                                      casualty to a medical evacuation helicopter, during        time. Everyone seemed to work very well together.”
                                                                                                                                      a medical evacuation exercise, July 12.                         Emergency responders loaded the patient with a

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10 MOUNTAINEER — Aug. 3, 2012
Aug. 3, 2012 — MOUNTAINEER           11

                                                                                                                                                            The Eagle Lake
                                                                                                                                                            Day Camp
                                                                                                                                                            included group
                                                                                                                                                            Bible studies,
                                                                                                                                                            interactive skits
                                                                                                                                                            and uplifting
                                                                                                                                                            music to keep
                                                                                                                                                            children active
                                                                                                                                                            in a positive
                                                                                                                                                            and nurturing
                                                                                                                                                            environment. This
                                                                                                                                                            is the first year
                                                                                                                                                            Eagle Lake Day
                                                                                                                                                            Camp was offered
                                                                                                                                                            at Fort Carson.
                                                                                                                                                            With five full
                                                                                                                                                            days of fun-filled
                                                                                                                                                            activities, campers
                                                                                                                                                            outdoor activities.

Summer day camp kicks off
     Story and photos by Anna Ciccotti                  want to give them a week of joy and fun.”
          Special to the Mountaineer                         Based on age, young campers are divided
                                                        into groups of 10-15, each led from one activity
     Squeals of joy and delight overwhelmed             to another by a team of two experienced and
the usually quiet courtyard at the Soldiers’            highly-motivated counselors. Bible study is
Memorial Chapel as the Eagle Lake Day Camp              meant to be part of the program and the ELDC
kicked off Monday.                                      team knows how to make it an exciting and
     More than 150 children, ages 7-12 registered       learning experience for anyone involved.
for the week-long ELDC which debuted at Fort                 Crews of squires, knights, dragons, princes
Carson this summer, with inflatable bounce-lands        and kings are engaged in the camp’s activities
and climbing walls.                                     from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. along with red riding
     “This is our first time here and we are very       hoods, fair maidens, mermaids, princesses
excited about it,” said James Shank, day camps          and queens. Large group games were also
director at Eagle Lake. “When we were doing the         planned to add to the fun.
setting up we thought this is a great place to be.           Setting aside their usual distractions, such
We are thankful God is allowing us to be here to        as TV computer games and i-Pods for a week,
serve Fort Carson, the military, the Soldiers, the      children measured their skills in fun arts and
Families and the children.”                             crafts such as tie-dyeing and got an opportunity
     The day camp served the children who couldn’t      to explore new and exciting outdoor routines
otherwise attend a summer camp, said Shank.             like archery or rock climbing. All enjoyed the
     “We run camps, and we also bring camps to          splash of the water slides.
the kids. We want to give them a chance when                 Team building was another important
otherwise they won’t have a chance because their        aspect, as part of the process involved Families,
parents are either away or deployed. … We just          helping them plug in through the children and
                                                                         thus foster new relationships.
                                                                              “I like us doing it this time
                                                                         of the year because a lot of
                                                                         Families have just got here and
                                                                         this is a good way to get them
                                                                         involved with the chapel and our
                                                                         activities,” said Heidi McAllister,
                                                                         Protestant religious education
                                                                         director at the chapel.
                                                                              She said that a good portion    Albert Arellano, 7, left, and Christopher Martinez, 7, were among
                                                                         of the children attending the day    the first to practice climbing skills at the rock wall, Monday.
                                                                         camp came from on-post               Campers participated in age-appropriate, well-balanced,
                                                                         Families of active-duty personnel. supervised activities on a rotating basis daily. Eagle Lake
                                                                              This free, traveling            staff is trained and certified in child protection, CPR, first
                                                                         Christian-based camp was             aid and universal safety precautions.
                                                                         sponsored by the Religious
                                                                         Support Office of the Fort               military community as it helped children, and
                                                                         Carson U.S. Army Garrison.               eventually their families, become more resilient.
                                                                              Offering children an opportunity         “For those kids who are Christians, the camp
                                                                         to learn more about the Bible            is going to encourage them in their faith so that
                                                                         through hands-on activities, the         when they have to face some tough issues in life
                                                                         camp also provided them with an          or at school, they are going to have something
                                                                         early approach to spiritual growth.      inside a little bit more than what they had at
Briana Martinez, 10, enjoys the splash of the water slides. Campers           Chap. (Maj.) James Lester,          the beginning of the camp,” he said.
said the slipping and water slides were the most popular attractions garrison family life chaplain, said               More information on Eagle Lake camps is
of the camp.                                                             the spirit of the camp fit the           available at
Mountaineer 2012 08-03
Mountaineer 2012 08-03
Mountaineer 2012 08-03
Mountaineer 2012 08-03
Mountaineer 2012 08-03
Mountaineer 2012 08-03
Mountaineer 2012 08-03
Mountaineer 2012 08-03
Mountaineer 2012 08-03
Mountaineer 2012 08-03
Mountaineer 2012 08-03
Mountaineer 2012 08-03
Mountaineer 2012 08-03
Mountaineer 2012 08-03
Mountaineer 2012 08-03
Mountaineer 2012 08-03
Mountaineer 2012 08-03
Mountaineer 2012 08-03
Mountaineer 2012 08-03
Mountaineer 2012 08-03
Mountaineer 2012 08-03
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Mountaineer 2012 08-03

  • 1. Vol. 70 No. 31 Aug. 3, 2012 Word of the month: Confidence Photo by Spc. Nathan Thome Pass in review Veterans of the 4th Infantry Division march across Founders Field as part of the Week. They toured Fort Carson and received an up close look at modern Division pass in review, July 26. More than 200 veterans traveled to Fort Carson equipment and shared experiences with Fort Carson Soldiers. For more on the from all over the country for the 94th annual 4th Inf. Div. Association Reunion reunion, see pages 20-21. 4th Inf. Div. breaks ground for memorial By Spc. Nathan Thome Div., the Soldiers who’ve served it and will highlight campaign medal and streamers, decorations attached 4th Infantry Division Public Affairs Office the conflicts the division participated in: World War I; to military flags to recognize particular achievements World War II; the Vietnam War; Operation Iraqi or events. A plaque in the center of the memorial A ceremony held at Manhart Field July 26 Freedom and Operation New Dawn; and Operation will highlight the division’s overall significant officially marked the groundbreaking for the 4th Enduring Freedom. contributions and achievements. Infantry Division Memorial at the future site of the Five marble pillars will depict the five significant “Thank you all for joining us as we honor the Fort Carson Field of Honor. actions in which the division fought. Each pillar See Memorial on Page 4 The memorial is meant to recognize the 4th Inf. will be emblazoned and bronzed with its respective Message board INSIDE Drivers beware Fountain-Fort Carson School District 8 begins Thursday for 1st-12th grade students. Watch out for children crossing streets and entering and exiting buses. Page 11 Page 6 Page 25
  • 2. 2 MOUNTAINEER — Aug. 3, 2012 MOUNTAINEER Interactive Customer Evaluation Commanding General: Garrison Commander: Maj. Gen. Joseph Anderson Col. David L. Grosso Fort Carson Public Affairs Officer: We are listening By Heather Dursi Dee McNutt Defense Finance and Accounting Service Chief, Print and Web Communications: Rick Emert Interactive Customer Evaluation surveys are not always a favorite and can often be cause for Editor: Devin Fisher concern. It can be hard to hear criticism when Staff writer: Andrea Sutherland we do our best to serve our customers. While Happenings: Nel Lampe no one likes receiving negative feedback, ICE Sports writer: Walt Johnson surveys are in fact an indispensable tool for the Defense Finance and Accounting Service to not Layout/graphics: Jeanne Mazerall only hear, but to listen to what our customers are saying about us and to improve our services. This commercial enterprise newspaper is DFAS is able to learn a lot from ICE surveys. an authorized publication for members of the They give the Defense Military Pay Offices the Department of Defense. Contents of the Mountaineer are not necessarily the official opportunity to hear our customer’s feedback — view of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government or critical or positive — about our products, the Department of the Army. Printed circulation services and customer service. The DMPOs will is 12,000 copies. use this feedback to identify emerging trends, The editorial content of the areas in need of improvement and areas of Mountaineer is the responsibility of the Public Affairs Office, Fort Carson, CO 80913-5119, excellence and capitalize on those areas to Tel.: 526-4144. The e-mail address is ultimately provide better customer service. ICE surveys are not just beneficial to the The Mountaineer is posted on the DMPOs, they also benefit our customers Internet at in a variety of ways. The Mountaineer is an unofficial publication authorized by AR 360-1. The ICE surveys provide a mechanism for the Mountaineer is printed by Colorado Springs DMPOs to listen to our customers. These surveys Military Newspaper Group, a private firm in provide an avenue where customers get a chance no way connected with the Department of the to tell their side of the story of their DMPO visit. The Fort Carson Defense Military Pay Office Interactive Customer Evaluation Army, under exclusive written contract with When customers feel that we value and will take survey is available at Fort Carson. It is published 49 times per year. The appearance of advertising in this action concerning their experiences, they will take 614&service(underscore)provider(underscore)id=115982. publication, including inserts or supplements, the time and effort to tell us their story. They will does not constitute endorsement by the feel important and valued. Offering customers the are thinking and what they want, but the fact is we don’t Department of the Army or Colorado Springs opportunity to take an ICE survey is a great way for us to say know if we don’t ask. ICE gives us the platform to ask. Military Newspaper Group, of the products or “we value what you think is important and will incorporate It is true that we are not going to like everything we hear, services advertised. The printer reserves the right to reject advertisements. change into our customer service mandate.” but it’s necessary. Customers take surveys because they Everything advertised in this publication Offering ICE surveys to our customers also shows them either like or dislike their experience while visiting shall be made available for purchase, use or that we are striving to make things better. They will sense the DMPO. DFAS desires to hear, listen and improve patronage without regard to race, color, religion, that we are looking to continually improve. Our customers its customer service based on what the customer says sex, national origin, age, marital status, physical realize that we are human and they don’t expect perfection, about their experience. Please take a moment to complete handicap, political affiliation or any other nonmerit factor of the purchaser, user or patron. but they do want us to pursue improvement. We are here the ICE survey in order for our DMPOs to provide the If a violation or rejection of this equal because of them and their service to our nation. ultimate customer service experience. opportunity policy by an advertiser is confirmed, You may think you already know what your customers ICE is a great way for us to listen to what you have to say. the printer shall refuse to print advertising from that source until the violation is corrected. For display advertising call 634-5905. All correspondence or queries regarding advertising and subscriptions should be directed to Colorado Springs Military Newspaper Group, 31 E. Platte Avenue, Suite 300, Colorado Springs, CO 80903, phone 634-5905. The Mountaineer’s editorial content is edited, prepared and provided by the Public Affairs Office, building 1430, room 265, Fort Carson, CO 80913-5119, phone 526-4144. Releases from outside sources are so indicated. The deadline for submissions to the Mountaineer is close of business the week before the next issue is published. The Mountaineer staff reserves the right to edit submissions for newspaper style, clarity and typographical errors. Policies and statements reflected in the news and editorial columns represent views of the individual writers and under no circumstances are to be considered those of the Department of the Army. Reproduction of editorial material is authorized. Please credit accordingly. Classified advertising 329-5236 Display advertising 634-5905 Mountaineer editor 526-4144 Post information 526-5811 Post weather hotline 526-0096
  • 3. Aug. 3, 2012 — MOUNTAINEER 3 MEDDAC dedicates building for fallen medic By Stacy Neumann Medical Department Activity Public Affairs The Pfc. Eric P. Woods Soldier Family Care Center was dedicated July 27 in honor of a combat medic who made the ultimate sacrifice in Tal Afar, Iraq, in 2005. The U.S. Army Medical Department Activity hosted Woods’ widow Jamie Woods, son Eric Scott, parents, grandparents and other members of his Iowa-based Family for the ceremony honoring the fallen hero. While serving with 2nd Squadron, 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment, Woods went into an area under fire to treat a Soldier shot by a sniper. Leaving the area, their armored ambulance was hit by an improvised explosive device. A team of officers and noncommissioned officers asked that the SFCC building be named for Woods. His former platoon leader spoke at the memorialization ceremony, describing a confident and dedicated medic whose contribution gave his unit the ability to execute any mission. “Many Americans have a good understanding that a combat medic is charged with saving lives at point of injury in an austere environment, and Woods excelled in that scenario many times during this tour,” said Capt. See Woods on Page 4 1st Lt. Stephen A. O’Hearn hugs Charles Woods, father of Pfc. Eric P. Woods, at the unveiling of a plaque dedicating the Pfc. Eric P. Woods Soldier Family Care Center. O’Hearn was Eric Woods’ platoon sergeant in Iraq. Photo by Joel Sundquist
  • 4. 4 MOUNTAINEER — Aug. 3, 2012 MPs, police Woods from Page 3 William Hamrick, now commander of the Warrior Transition Battalion’s Company B. named best “His family should be honored for the number of sons and fathers he returned home alive.” Woods’ father, Charles Woods, wanted the group to understand the man they chose to honor. He described a son “full of life from in nation the very beginning” who was active in sports, church and adored his wife and child. He also talked about a Soldier dedicated to his craft. “He took his duty to heart and was always very concerned for the welfare of his By Andrea Sutherland police in the traffic section undergo extensive training. guys,” said Charles Woods. “He would call Mountaineer staff “We do an additional six weeks of training, plus home and have us ship things that weren’t military training,” Murray said. “We don’t just do available to him at the time. We’re proud as a The men and women who make up the traffic traffic accidents. We provide support for all of the Family to see this beautiful medical facility section at Fort Carson aren’t used to receiving praise or motorcades, events, parking. That’s all us.” and be there to carry Eric’s name on.” awards. They’re more accustomed to being challenged Murray said the unit also provides safety courses Brian Woods spoke about how he was by motorists facing traffic violations on post. for the community, a key element of the IACP award. always trying to follow in his older brother’s “We joke that we usually meet people on their worst To be eligible for the honor, the section had to footsteps. He focused on leadership and pride. day,” said Capt. James Bloom, commander, 148th demonstrate efforts in three traffic safety priorities: “He was always in front of the line,” Military Police Detachment, 759th MP Battalion. occupant protection, impaired driving and speeding. Brian Woods said. “He was always striving to But the long overdue recognition for the 10 military Prayne and Murray submitted three years’ worth be a part of something bigger than himself. police and four Department of the Army Civilian Police of data and statistics, demonstrating an increase in I’m proud of my brother for making the who work for the traffic section came July 23 when public information and education as well as consistent tough decision and doing the right thing they were named the No. 1 military traffic safety enforcement and effectiveness of efforts. when the wrong thing would have been so program at the 2011 International Association of Chiefs “We had a one-inch notebook of information and much easier. I’m proud of the way that he of Police National Law Enforcement Challenge. documentation for consideration,” Prayne said. served his country as a medic. Once again, The section beat four other installations that were The unit improved its outreach and education he gets to be part of something larger than nominated for the award. programs to help meet those requirements, including himself, grander than he could do alone.” “We’ve submitted in years past but always came child passenger safety checks, seat belt demonstrations Brian Woods went on to say that he felt up short,” said Lt. Thomas J. Prayne, chief, traffic and ramped up traffic violation campaigns, Prayne added. the building and the people inside embody investigations section, Provost Marshal Office, “We’ve seen a positive impact,” he said. “We all of the things he loved about his brother. Directorate of Emergency Services. were handing out very few tickets (at safety Col. John M. McGrath, MEDDAC “We felt like we had a really good chance of winning enforcement checks), so that shows we’re actually commander, said that staff will endeavor to this year,” said Staff Sgt. Jason Murray, noncommis- making an impact.” prove that the building is worthy of its name. sioned officer in charge. “We were optimistic that we The MPs and civilian police officers have reached “We, like Pfc. Woods, have a duty to would place, but we didn’t expect first. It is a great out to the Fort Carson community, working closely with provide care to our own, in a military honor. It recognizes that we are busting our butts to the Army Substance Abuse Program and hosting mock family environment that recognizes the make sure everyone is safe out there on the road.” crashes for 1,500 troops to show the devastating effects sacrifices and stresses of the Army life. I Murray said the relationship Soldiers have with of drunken driving, Prayne said. know that occurs every day in this building,” Prayne and their other civilian counterparts have “We’re educating counselors. We’re providing said McGrath. contributed to the unit’s success. traffic safety classes to units. We did a lot of public The Pfc. Woods Soldier Family Care “We have a really good relationship with the education,” he said. Center is located adjacent to and east of civilians,” he said. “They are subject matter experts Prayne and Murray said it was because of these Evans Army Community Hospital. It provides because they’ve been here for years.” increased efforts that they earned the recognition. support to more than 27,000 Soldiers, “With the Soldiers rotating every two years or so, “We try to do the best we can at our job,” Murray Family members and retirees. Each day, we have had a lot of changes in personnel. Civilians said. “This award shows we’re doing our best.” almost 500 military, civilian and Red Cross help with consistency,” Prayne said. Murray and Prayne will travel to San Diego Oct. 3 volunteers provide support for more than To help maintain stability, MPs and the civilian to formally accept the award. 1,500 patient visits. LEFT: From left, Jim Rice, Mission Support Element operations planner and local chapter member, 4th Infantry Division Association; Bob Babcock, president, 4th Inf. Div. Association; Maj. Gen. Joseph Anderson, commanding general, 4th Inf. Div. and Fort Carson; Command Sgt. Maj. Wardell Jefferson, senior enlisted leader, Headquarters and Headquarters Battalion, 4th Inf. Div.; Dianna Kinlaw, community leader; and Bob Mooney, community representative; dig into the earth at the site of the Fort Carson Field of Honor memorial, marking the official start of construction at Manhart Field, July 26. Photo by Pfc. Andrew Ingram Memorial breaking ceremony were more than 200 community representatives; grabbed Courtesy of Niles Bolton Associates ABOVE: This computer graphic is an from Page 1 veterans from the 4th Inf. Div. shovels and dug into the earth, marking artist’s rendition of the 4th Infantry Association, who visited Fort Carson as the official start of construction. Division Memorial on the Fort Carson men and women of the 4th Inf. Div. part of the 4th Inf. Div. Association “Being invited to the groundbreaking Field of Honor. The memorial will con- by breaking ground here, at the future Reunion Week. Anderson, along with Jim ceremony was wonderful,” said Ronald sist of five marble pillars, dedicated to location of the new 4th Inf. Div. Rice, Mission Support Element operations Sebring, veteran, Company B, 3rd the five campaigns in which the division memorial,” said Maj. Gen. Joseph planner and local chapter member, 4th Battalion, 12th Infantry Regiment. “This fought. Each pillar will be emblazoned Anderson, commanding general, 4th Inf. Inf. Div. Association; Bob Babcock, memorial means a lot to me; I think it’s and bronzed with its respective Div. and Fort Carson. “The diverse group president, 4th Inf. Div. Association; the ultimate way for 4th Inf. Div. to campaign medal and streamers. A of individuals that this Field of Honor Command Sgt. Maj. Wardell Jefferson, honor (its) Soldiers.” plaque in the center of the memorial will represent stands as a shining example senior enlisted leader of Headquarters The project is scheduled to be will highlight the division’s significant of the best our nation has to offer.” and Headquarters Battalion, 4th Inf. Div.; completed in November, just in time for contributions and achievements. Among the attendees of the ground- and Dianna Kinlaw and Bob Mooney, the division’s 95th birthday, Dec. 10.
  • 5. Aug. 3, 2012 — MOUNTAINEER 5 ‘Warhorse’ welcomes new leaders By Staff Sgt. Andrew Porch 2nd Brigade Combat Team Public Affairs they accomplished. “To the Soldiers on the field, I simply say Office, 4th Infantry Division ‘thank you,’” said Kolasheski. “You look great; your dedication to the security of our nation, Guidons swayed in the wind as Soldiers and bringing freedoms to countries far, far away of 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry is inspirational.” Division, stood at attention, prepared to During the ceremony, Command Sgt. Maj. participate in the brigade and several battalion Ralph F. Delosa, outgoing 2nd BCT senior changes of command and responsibility at enlisted adviser, handed off the brigade colors Fort Carson’s Founders Field, Tuesday. through the outgoing and incoming brigade Col. John S. Kolasheski, outgoing comman- commanders to Command Sgt. Maj. Robert G. der, relinquished command of the “Warhorse” Lehtonen, who assumes the mission of training Brigade to Col. Omar Jones, who recently served Warhorse Soldiers. as commander, 2nd Squadron, 2nd Stryker Kolasheski later welcomed the incoming Cavalry Regiment out of Vilseck, Germany. commander with a few words. Commanders of 2nd Battalion, 8th Infantry “I am confident you will lead the Warhorse Reg.; 3rd Bn., 16th Field Artillery Reg.; and 1st to greatness,” he said. Sqdn., 10th Cavalry Reg.; along with command Jones said he is pleased to join the “Ivy” sergeants major from 1st Bn., 67th Armor Reg.; Division, and proud to take over the brigade. and 3rd Bn., 16th FA Reg., joined the brigade “I would like to thank (Maj. Gen. Joseph) commander in passing the reigns to new leadership. Anderson for the opportunity to command in During his closing remarks, Kolasheski this division and the privilege to join this storied showed appreciation to his commanders and team,” said Jones. “Congratulations on your command sergeants major who served with him. successful deployment and the lasting impact “Thanks for your leadership and dedication you made across Southern Afghanistan. to making this organization better,” he said. The change of command ceremony also Kolasheski, who commanded nearly featured the 4th Inf. Div. Ivy Band, 4th Inf. Div. 6,000 Soldiers during his 32-month tenure in and Fort Carson Mounted Color Guard, a volley 2nd BCT, gave words of encouragement to the from the salute battery of 3rd Bn., 29th FA Reg., brigade and reminded Soldiers of the mission 3rd BCT, 4th Inf. Div., and a formal pass in review, which is a demonstration of the force for Maj. Gen. Joseph Anderson, commanding the new commander. general, 4th Infantry Division and Fort Carson, Kolasheski’s next assignment will be as the passes the 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 4th Inf. Army’s Senior Fellow with the Council on Div., guidon to the incoming commander, Foreign Relations in New York City. Col. Omar Jones, during a change of command “It truly has been my honor to serve as a ceremony at Founder’ Field, Tuesday. commander of the Warhorse Brigade here at the Photo by Sgt. Ruth Pagán Mountain Post,” said Kolasheski.
  • 6. 6 MOUNTAINEER — Aug. 3, 2012 Maj. Gen. Joseph Anderson, left, commanding general, 4th Infantry Division and Fort Carson, and 10th Cavalry Regiment leadership lead all three squadrons of the unit back to the headquarters of the 4th Squadron, 10th Cav. Reg., 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 4th Inf. Div., during a regimental run celebrating the unit’s 146th birthday, July 26. 10th Cav. celebrates 146th birthday Story and photo by 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Carson, including 1st Sqdn., 2nd run and ceremony, not only as a way to Sgt. Khori Johnson Division, recently commemorated that BCT, and 7th Sqdn., 1st BCT. The promote unit cohesion and morale, but 3rd Brigade Combat Team Public history and tradition when it hosted three squadrons, along with Maj. Gen. to instill the traditions and values of Affairs Office, 4th Infantry Division the 146th annual birthday celebration Joseph Anderson, commanding general, the 10th Cav. Reg. into each Soldier. in honor of the 10th Cav. Reg. at the 4th Inf. Div. and Fort Carson, and “(The unit) has a long lineage of From being one of the original squadron headquarters, July 26. members of the division staff, joined history,” said Dilcher. “It’s important Buffalo Soldier units to fighting in “We are at a point in our Army the 4th Sqdn. at its troop headquarters for our younger guys to know where the Indian Wars during the 1800s where we need to go back to basics,” for a regimental run, followed by a they came from and learn the history and being one of the elements that said Command Sgt. Maj. Edwin cake-cutting ceremony, to celebrate the of this unit. contributed to the capture of Saddam Rivera, senior enlisted leader, 4th regiment’s birthday. “Having pride in our unit gives us Hussein, the 10th Cavalry Regiment Sqdn., 10th Cav. Reg. “Our troopers 1st Sgt. Matthew Dilcher, senior motivation and a purpose to many of has been an integral part of the history need to be proud of their heritage.” noncommissioned officer of Head- the things we do. If they have pride in of the Army and the nation. All three active squadrons of the quarters and Headquarters Troop, 4th their unit, they… won’t want to bring The 4th Squadron, 10th Cav. Reg., 10th Cav. Reg. are located on Fort Sqdn., said it was important to use the embarrassment upon their unit.” Wiinning S Winning Smiles For Everyone! EXPERIENCED, CARING EXPERIENCED, CARING AND GENTLE RI N D A GEN E ENTL Cosmetic Dentistry DON’T JUST SIT ME IN ANOTHER DESK. S ANOTH DESK HER Bonding & Veneers Root Canal Therapy TEACH ME TO STAN OUT M STAND OUT. ND Childrens Dentistry Crowns & Bridges Orthodontics At CTU we know the sacrifices you make. Your education Teeth Whitening shouldn’t be one of those sacrifices. We offer support Oral Surgery Dentures designed specifically for current and veteran Army personnel Implants and their families. Wisdom Teeth White Fillings Porcelain Laminates Gum Care PROVIDER PROVIDER FOR ACTIVE MILITARY DEPENDENTS I ACTIVE MILITA Y DEPENDENTS I TAR E N T Personal Dentistry with a Soft To Personal Dentistry r Soft Touch for f ouch Children, Parents & Grandparents. Parents Grandparents. r Visit our Admissions Advisor every Thursday at the Education Center Visit our Admissions Advisor every Thursday at the Education Center Call 877.906.6555 Visit /militar y or SAME DAY EMERGENCY CARE DAY EMERGENCY CARE A Text MILITARY to 94576 for more info 597-9737 * Not all credits eligible to transfer. See the university’s catalog regarding CTU’s transfer credit policies. Find disclosures on graduation rates, student financial obligations and more at Not all programs are available to residents of all states. CTU cannot guarantee employment or salary. 88-31810 0304353 07/12 Caring Caring For Smiles Since 1974
  • 7. Aug. 3, 2012 — MOUNTAINEER 7 Miscellaneous Fort Carson dining facilities hours of operation German Armed Forces Military Proficiency Badge Dining facility Friday Saturday-Sunday Monday-Thursday — training and testing is conducted monthly. Events Stack Breakfast: 7-9 a.m. Breakfast: 7-9 a.m. Breakfast: 7-9 a.m. include swimming, marksmanship, track and field Lunch: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Lunch: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Lunch: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. events (100 meter dash, shot put, long jump and Dinner: 5-6:30 p.m. Dinner: 5-6:30 p.m. Dinner: Closed 3,000-meter run) and a 12-kilometer road march. Wolf Breakfast: 7-9 a.m. Closed Breakfast: 7-9 a.m. Soldiers with physical limitations can also participate Lunch: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Lunch: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. with an approved alternate event authorized by Dinner: Closed Dinner: 5-6:30 p.m. medical personnel. Upon completion of all required events, Soldiers are awarded a gold, silver or bronze Warfighter Breakfast: 7-9 a.m. Closed Breakfast: 7-9 a.m. badge; level is determined by results of the marks- (Wilderness Road Complex) Lunch: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Lunch: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. manship and road march. The foreign military award Dinner: Closed Dinner: Closed is authorized to be worn on the Class-A or Army LaRochelle Breakfast: 7-9 a.m. Closed Breakfast: 7-9 a.m. Service Uniform. Soldiers should submit packets 10th SFG(A) Lunch: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Lunch: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. through their chain of command to Sgt. Michael Dinner: Closed Dinner: Closed Phillips at 526-5282 or email michael.j.phillips6@ Contact the officer-in-charge of the • Repair and utility/self-help — Call Gary personnel section, and a pen to complete forms. event, Chief Warrant Officer David Douglas, at 720- Grant at 526-5844 or email gerald.l.grant2.civ Call 526-4730/4583 for more information. 250-1221 or email Use this number to obtain self-help Army ROTC Green to Gold briefings — are held Finance travel processing — All inbound and tools and equipment or a motorized sweeper. the first and third Tuesday of each month at noon outbound Temporary Lodging Expense, “Do it • Base operations contracting officer at the education center, building 1117, room 120. Yourself ” Moves, servicemember and Family representative — Call Terry Hagen at 526-9262 Call University of Colorado-Colorado Springs member travel, travel advance pay and travel pay or email for questions Army ROTC at 262-3475 for more information. inquiries will be handled in building 1218, room 231. on snow removal, grounds maintenance and ETS briefings — for enlisted personnel are held the Call 526-4454 or 524-2594 for more information. contractor response to service orders. first and third Wednesday of each month. Briefing First Sergeants’ Barracks Program — is located in • Portable latrines — Call Jerald Just at sign in begins at 7 a.m. at the Soldier Readiness building 1454 on Nelson Boulevard. The hours of 524-0786 or email to Building, building 1042, room 244, on a first-come, operation are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday-Friday. The request latrines, for service or to report damaged first-served basis. Soldiers must be within 120 days office assists Soldiers with room assignments and or overturned latrines. of their expiration term of service, but must attend terminations. For more information call 526-9707. Legal services — provided at the Soldier Readiness the briefing no later than 30 days prior to their ETS Sergeant Audie Murphy Club — The Fort Carson Processing site are for Soldiers undergoing the SRP or start of transition leave. Call 526-2240/8458. Sergeant Audie Murphy Club meets the third process. The SRP Legal Office will only provide Special Forces briefings — are held Wednesdays in Tuesday of each month at the Family Connection powers of attorney or notary services to Soldiers building 1430, room 123, from noon to 1 p.m. Center from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. The SAMC is processing through the SRP. Retirees, Family Soldiers must be specialist to staff sergeant from any open to all active members and those interested in members and Soldiers not in the SRP process can military occupational specialty, have a general becoming future SAMC members. The club was receive legal assistance and powers of attorney at technical score of at least 107, be a U.S. citizen, score originally a U.S. Forces Command organization of the main legal office located at 1633 Mekong St., 240 or higher on the Army Physical Fitness Test, and elite noncommissioned officers but is now an building 6222, next to the Family Readiness Center. pass a Special Forces physical. Call 524-1461 or visit Armywide program for individuals who have met Legal assistance prepares powers of attorney and the website at the criteria and have proven themselves to be performs notary services on a walk-in basis from outstanding NCOs through a board/leadership 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Mondays-Wednesdays and Hours of Operation process. Contact the SAMC president, Staff Sgt. Fridays, and from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Thursdays. Thomas Witt, at 526-5661 for more information. • In-processing — Monday-Thursday from Recycle incentive program — The Directorate of Briefings 7:30-10:30 a.m. Public Works has an incentive program to prevent • Initial and partial issues — Monday- recyclable waste from going to the landfill. 75th Ranger Regiment briefings — are held Friday from 12:30-3:30 p.m. Participating battalions can earn monetary rewards Tuesdays in building 1430, room 150, from noon • Cash sales/report of survey — Monday- for turning recyclable materials in to the Fort Carson to 1 p.m. Soldiers must private-sergeant first class Thursday from 7:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Recycle Center, building 155. Points are assigned for with a minimum General Technical Score of 105; • Direct exchange and partial turn ins — the pounds of recyclable goods turned in and every be a U.S. citizen; score 240 or higher in the Army Monday-Friday from 7:30-11:30 a.m. participating battalion receives money quarterly. Call Physical Fitness Test; and pass a Ranger physical. • Full turn ins — by appointment only; call 526-5898 for more information about the program. Call 524-2691 or visit at 526-3321. Directorate of Public Works services — DPW is ranger.html for more information. • Unit issues and turn ins — Call 526- responsible for a wide variety of services on Fort Casualty Notification/Assistance Officer training — 5512/6477 for approval. Carson. Services range from repair and maintenance is held Aug. 21-23 beginning at 9 a.m. in building Education Center hours of operation — The of facilities to equipping units with a sweeper and 1187 on Minnick Avenue, behind post car wash. This Mountain Post Training and Education Center, cleaning motor pools. Listed below are phone training is required for all Soldiers asked to perform building 1117, 526-2124, hours are as follows: numbers and points of contact for services: this solemn duty. Per Army Regulation 600-8-1, this • Counselor Support Center — Monday- • Facility repair/service orders — Fort duty is limited to those in the ranks of sergeant first Thursday 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and Fridays 11 Carson Support Services service order desk can be class to command sergeant major, chief warrant a.m. to 4:30 p.m. reached at 526-5345. Use this number for emergencies officer 2-5 and captain and above. No reservations • Army Learning Center — Monday- or routine tasks and for reporting wind damage, are required to attend training. Classes offered on Friday 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. damaged traffic signs or other facility damage. a first-come, first-served basis. Call Jean Graves at • Defense Activity for Nontraditional • Refuse/trash and recycling — Call Eric 526-5613/ 5614 for more information. Education Support and Army Personnel Testing — Bailey at 719-491-0218 or email eric.e.bailey4. Disposition Services — Defense Logistics Agency Monday-Friday 7:30-11:30 a.m. and 12:30-4:30 p.m. when needing trash containers, trash Disposition Services Colorado Springs, located in Repair and Utility self-help — has moved to building is overflowing or emergency service is required. building 381, conducts orientations Fridays from 217 and is open Monday-Friday 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. • Facility custodial services — Call Bryan 12:30-3:30 p.m. The orientations discuss DLA Medical Activity Correspondence Department office Dorcey at 526-6670 or email bryan.s.dorcey.civ@ processes to include turning in excess property, hours — The Correspondence (Release of Infor- for service needs or to report complaints. reutilizing government property, web-based tools mation) Office in the Patient Administration Division • Elevator maintenance — Call Bryan available, special handling of property and environ- hours are Monday-Wednesday and Friday 7:30 a.m. Dorcey at 526-6670 or email bryan.s.dorcey. mental needs. To schedule an orientation, contact to 4:30 p.m. and closed Thursday and federal Arnaldo Borrerorivera at arnaldo.borrerorivera holidays. Call 526-7322 or 526-7284 for details. • Motor pool sludge removal/disposal — for receiving/ turn in; Mike Welsh at Claims Office hours — are Monday-Friday from 9 Call Dennis Frost at 526-6997 or email for reutilization/web tools; or a.m. to noon and 1-4 p.m. The Claims Office is Rufus Guillory at located on the first floor of building 6222, 1633 Retirement briefings — are held from 8 a.m. to noon Mekong Street. Shipment under Full Replacement BOSS meetings are the second and third Wednesday of each month at Value claimants must submit Department of Defense held the first and third the Joel Hefley Community Center conference room, Form 1840R to the carrier within 75 days. Shipment Thursday of each 6800 Prussman Ave. The Retirement Services Office under Defense Personal Property Program claimants month from 2-3:30 recommends spouses accompany Soldiers to the must log into the Defense Personal Property System p.m. at The Foxhole. briefing. Call 526-2840 for more information. at and report all the items Contact Cpl. Rachael Reassignment briefings — are held Tuesdays online within 75 days. Claims must be submitted Robertson at 524-2677 for Soldiers heading overseas and Thursdays for within nine months directly with carriers to receive or visit the BOSS office personnel being reassigned stateside. The briefings full replacement value for missing and destroyed in room 106 of The Hub for more information. are held in building 1129, Freedom Performing Arts items. All other claims should be submitted to Fort Text “follow CarsonBOSS” to 40404 to receive Center; sign-in is at 7 a.m. and briefings start at 7:30 Carson Claims Office within two years of the date of updates and event information. a.m. Soldiers are required to bring Department delivery or date of incident. Call the Fort Carson of the Army Form 5118, signed by their unit Claims Office at 526-1355 for more information.
  • 8. 8 MOUNTAINEER — Aug. 3, 2012 Aug. 3, 2012 — MOUNTAINEER 9 Medics assist in exercise Story and photos by Pfc. Andrew Ingram 1st Brigade Combat Team Public Affairs Office, 4th Infantry Division procedures in the event of a real-world emergency, said Capt. Edwin Pierce, commander, Company C. “This exercise helps all of us become more broken arm into an ambulance, and contacted medical evacuation helicopters at Memorial Hospital in Colorado Springs and St. Mary-Corwin Medical Gonzales said working with nonmilitary agencies gave her a better understanding of how her role as a first responder fits into a casualty’s overall care. comfortable working together,” Pierce said. “I want my Center in Pueblo, to transport one notional casualty “This is the first time since I have been with this “Sergeant Rivera, I’m trapped!” Pfc. Ashley Soldiers to see how all of these resources should come with a spinal injury and another with a leg injury. unit that we have done something that involves so Fleury yelled in a panicked voice. together when responding to a real-world situation.” Fort Carson and Front Range community many agencies,” Gonzales said. “They get a chance to “Hang in there Fleury,” Sgt. Defra Rivera yelled The Company C medics, role-playing as a combat medical leaders will evaluate the exercise to refine see the way we do things — the initial treatment — and back. “I’m with you.” unit conducting a routine training exercise, staged a communications between post units and civilian we got to see what they do as well — what happens Soldiers and their companions lay sprawled vehicle rollover. Three health care specialists, with emergency responders in the area, said Jones. after we hand our patients off for the next level of care.” with simulated injuries to their spines, arms and simulated bruises and broken bones, acted as if they legs, next to an overturned Humvee, resting on its were thrown from the vehicle, while a fourth, repre- roof, wheels to the sky, on the side of a road in the sented by a mannequin, lay trapped under the vehicle. Soldiers with Company C, 4th Brigade Support Battalion, 1st Brigade Fort Carson Training Area. With the casualties in place, the rest of the Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division; Fort Carson firefighters; and flight Soldiers assigned to Company C, 4th Brigade role-players sprang into action, triaging injured medics from St. Mary-Corwin Medical Center in Pueblo approach a Support Battalion, 1st Brigade Combat Team, 4th Soldiers, conducting basic first aid and contacting medevac helicopter with a simulated casualty. Infantry Division, joined the Fort Carson Fire range control to coordinate with emergency services. Department and air medical evacuation assets from “The initial triage was actually pretty easy,” said Colorado Springs and Pueblo to validate medical Sgt. Shavonna Gonzales, a health care specialist evacuation procedures during an exercise in the Fort assigned to Company C. “We have all done that kind Carson Training Area, July 12. of training before, but this time we weren’t training for Fort Carson and Front Range community medical deployment, we were focused on an event here at Fort professionals planned the event for months to develop Carson. That meant working with other local agencies, and streamline the post’s medical evacuation which we don’t have as much experience with.” When Fort Carson Fire f iref ighters and paramedics arrived on scene, the “Charlie Medics” Health care specialists with Company C, 4th Brigade briefed the status of the four casualties. Support Battalion, 1st Brigade Combat Team, 4th “Communication between the units was pretty Infantry Division; firefighters from the Fort Carson seamless,” said Capt. Ryan Jones, head of training, Fire Department; and flight medics from Pueblo’s Fort Carson Fire Department. “The Soldiers had St. Mary-Corwin Medical Center carry a simulated already done an initial triage, which saved a lot of casualty to a medical evacuation helicopter, during time. Everyone seemed to work very well together.” a medical evacuation exercise, July 12. Emergency responders loaded the patient with a INVITING YOU INTO THE ALL NEW... D: WANTE Veterans Employment Day A drenalin Certified used Hondas and other Certified used vehicles J unkies 50% OFF for all mil itary CAREER FAIR ur Friday, August 10, 2012 on the Real Deal to The ZIP LINES are Open in Manitou Springs. Your Tours run daily, Come get your Zip On!!!!!! MPG Show Hours 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. HQ We 1190 9th Street, Denver CO 80204 h 785-5060 Matc USAA South Academy at Fountain Pricin g ns Reservatioded M EET WITH 35+ T OP D ENVER E MPLOYERS ! Price Protection Guarantee good on same model within 14 days of purchase... see store for details. Recommen 578-0935 EXPERIENCE A MORE BEAUTIFUL YOU! MILITARY DISCOUNTS Having an Breast Enlargement Breast Lift Tummy Tuck Open House? FREE n! Please Join Us. Open to Military Families and the Public. 18 + Over. Business Attire & Resumes Required. sio Liposuction A dmis PreRegister for the event! Email your resume to FREE CONSULTATION Affordable Financing Options ONLY $35 DOUGLAS J. RASKIN, M.D., D.M.D Don’t forget about the Veterans Parade: Saturday, August 11th Starting at 10am! Baylor, Harvard & Stanford Trained Certified by American Board of Plastic Surgery For more information call 719-329-5236 Visit: for more information The people pictured are not actual service members or email m
  • 9. 10 MOUNTAINEER — Aug. 3, 2012
  • 10. Aug. 3, 2012 — MOUNTAINEER 11 The Eagle Lake Day Camp included group Bible studies, interactive skits and uplifting music to keep Christian children active in a positive and nurturing spiritual environment. This is the first year Eagle Lake Day Camp was offered at Fort Carson. With five full days of fun-filled activities, campers experienced numerous outdoor activities. Summer day camp kicks off Story and photos by Anna Ciccotti want to give them a week of joy and fun.” Special to the Mountaineer Based on age, young campers are divided into groups of 10-15, each led from one activity Squeals of joy and delight overwhelmed to another by a team of two experienced and the usually quiet courtyard at the Soldiers’ highly-motivated counselors. Bible study is Memorial Chapel as the Eagle Lake Day Camp meant to be part of the program and the ELDC kicked off Monday. team knows how to make it an exciting and More than 150 children, ages 7-12 registered learning experience for anyone involved. for the week-long ELDC which debuted at Fort Crews of squires, knights, dragons, princes Carson this summer, with inflatable bounce-lands and kings are engaged in the camp’s activities and climbing walls. from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. along with red riding “This is our first time here and we are very hoods, fair maidens, mermaids, princesses excited about it,” said James Shank, day camps and queens. Large group games were also director at Eagle Lake. “When we were doing the planned to add to the fun. setting up we thought this is a great place to be. Setting aside their usual distractions, such We are thankful God is allowing us to be here to as TV computer games and i-Pods for a week, , serve Fort Carson, the military, the Soldiers, the children measured their skills in fun arts and Families and the children.” crafts such as tie-dyeing and got an opportunity The day camp served the children who couldn’t to explore new and exciting outdoor routines otherwise attend a summer camp, said Shank. like archery or rock climbing. All enjoyed the “We run camps, and we also bring camps to splash of the water slides. the kids. We want to give them a chance when Team building was another important otherwise they won’t have a chance because their aspect, as part of the process involved Families, parents are either away or deployed. … We just helping them plug in through the children and thus foster new relationships. “I like us doing it this time of the year because a lot of Families have just got here and this is a good way to get them involved with the chapel and our activities,” said Heidi McAllister, Protestant religious education director at the chapel. She said that a good portion Albert Arellano, 7, left, and Christopher Martinez, 7, were among of the children attending the day the first to practice climbing skills at the rock wall, Monday. camp came from on-post Campers participated in age-appropriate, well-balanced, Families of active-duty personnel. supervised activities on a rotating basis daily. Eagle Lake This free, traveling staff is trained and certified in child protection, CPR, first Christian-based camp was aid and universal safety precautions. sponsored by the Religious Support Office of the Fort military community as it helped children, and Carson U.S. Army Garrison. eventually their families, become more resilient. Offering children an opportunity “For those kids who are Christians, the camp to learn more about the Bible is going to encourage them in their faith so that through hands-on activities, the when they have to face some tough issues in life camp also provided them with an or at school, they are going to have something early approach to spiritual growth. inside a little bit more than what they had at Briana Martinez, 10, enjoys the splash of the water slides. Campers Chap. (Maj.) James Lester, the beginning of the camp,” he said. said the slipping and water slides were the most popular attractions garrison family life chaplain, said More information on Eagle Lake camps is of the camp. the spirit of the camp fit the available at