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 vol. 64 no. 12	                        Published in the interest of the Fort Meade community	
                                                                                                                                                 March 22, 2012

race to
1st place

   Defense Information
   School names winners of
   visual arts competition
                                                                                                                                       Photo by Lance Cpl. Sharon D. Kyle

SPORTS 2ND PLACE: Marine Lance Cpl. Reagan Lodge, Headquarters and Service Battalion, Marine Corps Base Quantico, conducts water running exercises during a
physical training session on Sept. 14, 2011 in Ramer Hall, The Basic School, Marine Corps Base Quantico, Va.
Some of the military’s best photographers, videographers and graphic artists were named during the Defense Information School’s 49th annual Visual Information Awards
program held March 12-15. For more, see Pages 14-15.

PX update                                         olympic gold                        UPCOMING EVENTS
Construction on                                   Manor View students                 today, 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m.: Women’s History Month Observance - McGill
new facility to                                   join first lady at                  Saturday, 9 a.m.: Ice Breaker Golf Tournament - The Courses
change parking                                    mini-Olympics event                 friday-saturday: NAF property sale - The Pavilion (details on Page 13)
                                                                                      wednesday, 11:30 a.m.: Fort Meade National Prayer Luncheon - Club Meade
page 5                                            page 18
Commander’s Column
  Editorial Staff
  Garrison Commander
                                                                  Guaranteed circulation:
                                                                                                            Rendering honors to the flag
  Col. Edward C. Rothstein                                                                                     Enforcer of the Standards.                             When in a
  Garrison Command                                                                                             That is one of the most important jobs I have       formation or
  Sgt. Maj. Charles E. Smith                                                                                as Fort Meade’s garrison command sergeant              a group, the
  Public Affairs Officer                                                                                    major. Some of the standards I enforce include         senior service
  Chad T. Jones                                                                                             the proper wear of the uniform, maintenance of         member pres-
  Chief, Command Information                                                                                our barracks and safety during PT.                     ent will call the
  Philip H. Jones                                                                                              If I see something wrong, it is my job to fix it.   group to “Atten-                                                                               That’s why I’m writing today.                          tion” and then
  Assistant Editor & Senior Writer                                                                             Recently, I have witnessed numerous customs         “Parade, Rest.”
  Rona S. Hirsch                                                                                            and courtesies violations throughout the Fort          At the first note
  Staff Writer Lisa R. Rhodes                                                                               Meade community, particularly in regard to             of “Retreat,”
  Staff Writer Brandon Bieltz                                                                               saluting the flag.                                     the senior ser-            Charles E. Smith
  Design Coordinator Timothy Davis                                                                             I know the subject has been discussed before.       vice member                Garrison Command
                                                                                                                                                                                               Sergeant Major
  Supple­mental photography provided                                                                        But in the military I’ve learned that if you have      will then call
  by Patuxent Publishing Co.                                                                                not said it in 90 days, it must be said again.         the group to
                                                                                                               This is especially true when it comes to render-    “Attention” and “Present, Arms” at the first
                                           Advertising                                                      ing honors to the flag during Reveille, Retreat        note of “To the Colors” and then “Order, Arms”
                             General Inquiries 410-332-6300                                                 or Taps. I think the best rule of thumb is if our      at the conclusion.
                                   Allison Thompson                                                         team members are conducting minor infractions             When in civilian clothing, the only change is
                       410-332-6850                                            when it comes to rendering honors, it may be           to place your right hand over your heart instead
                                  Michele Griesbauer                                                        because our community does not know what               of saluting. Veterans and retirees, however, may
                      410-332-6381                                           the standards are, or as I like to say, what right     salute.
                                                                                                            looks like.                                               Additionally, vehicles in motion should stop.
  If you would like information about receiving Soundoff! on Fort Meade or are                                 The flag of the United States is the symbol         If you are in a car or on a motorcycle, dismount
  experiencing distribution issues, call 877-886-1206 or e-mail                             of our nation. All service members stationed on        and salute. If you are with a group in a military
  Office hours are Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., and Saturday through                            Fort Meade will honor our national colors dur-         vehicle or bus, remain in the vehicle. The indi-
  Sunday, 8 a.m. to 12 p.m.
                                                                                                            ing two distinct moments: Reveille and Retreat.        vidual in charge will dismount and salute.
  Printed by offset method of reproduction as a civilian enterprise in the interest of the                     Reveille occurs at 6:30 a.m. and is tradition-         These honors also apply to the national
  personnel at Fort George G. Meade, Maryland, by the Patuxent Publishing Co., a subsidiary                 ally when the flag is raised. Not coincidentally,      anthems of foreign countries during ceremonies
  of The Baltimore Sun Media Group, 501 N. Calvert St., Baltimore, MD 21278, every Thursday                 that is the same time the cannon goes off in the       or parades.
  except the last Thursday of the year in conjunction with the Fort Meade Public Affairs Office.            morning. During the playing of Reveille, service          Taps is sounded at 9 p.m. daily. Once the song
  Requests for publication must reach the Public Affairs Office no later than Friday before the             members should stand at attention and salute           begins, face the music and come to the position
  desired publication date. Mailing address: Post Public Affairs Office, Soundoff! IMME-MEA-PA,
  Bldg. 4409, Fort Meade, MD 20755-5025. Telephone: 301-677-1361; DSN: 622-1361.                            until the song is over.                                of attention until the music is complete. Service
                                                                                                               Similarly during Retreat, which is at 5 p.m.        members are required to render honors in uni-
  Everything advertised in this publication must be made available for purchase, use or patronage           and when the flag is taken down, individuals,          form or civilian clothes.
  without regard to race, creed, color, national origin, marital status, handicap or sex of purchaser,      regardless of where they are, need to face the            The garrison commander and I are here to
  user or patron. A confirmed violation or rejection of this policy of equal opportunity by an advertiser   flag (or the direction of the music if the flag is     serve the Fort Meade community and ensure
  will result in the refusal to print advertising from that source.                                         not visible) and render a proper hand salute at        that everyone is fully aware of military customs
  Printed by Patuxent Publishing Co., a private firm, in no way connected with the Department               the first note of “To the Colors.”                     and courtesies. We believe situational awareness
  of the Army. Opinions expressed by the publisher and writers herein are their own and are                    For both Reveille and Retreat, service mem-         is the key.
  not to be considered an official expression by the Department of the Army. The appearance                 bers normally face the flag when saluting, unless         If you have further questions, feel free to
  of advertisers in the publication does not constitute an endorsement by the Department of                 duty requires you to face a different direction.       speak with your chain of command or visit me
  the Army of the products or services advertised.                                                          At the conclusion of the music, resume your            during the commander’s open door every Mon-
                                                                                                            regular duties.                                        day from 4 to 6 p.m.

    You can also keep track of Fort Meade on twitter at                               Monika Hiatt
          and view the Fort Meade Blog at                                     (left) of Odenton
                                                                                                            and Monika
                                                                                                            Reda of Severn
                                                                                                            honor the flag

                                   Co n t e n t s                                                           during Retreat
                                                                                                            at McGlachlin
                                                                                                            Parade Field on
                                                                                                            March 20.
   	News.............................. 3	        Religion................................. 21

   	Trouble Ticket................ 4	            Sports................................... 18               Photo by Jason Kelly

   	Community.................. 16	              Movies.................................. 22

 SOUNDOFF! March 22, 2012                                                                                                                                                       
Drive with caution
DES, Picerne crack down on speeders
By Brandon Bieltz
Staff Writer
   Speeding on the installation has been a hot
topic on the Fort Meade Facebook page and
during Garrison Commander Col. Edward C.
Rothstein’s town halls.
   With a few more tools in their arsenal,
the Directorate of Emergency Services and
Picerne Military Housing are prepared to
combat speeders on installation roads.
   Although there are less speeding problems
on post than outside the fence line, DES has
equipped more patrol cars with effective radar
instruments while Picerne is operating a pilot
program with eight speed humps throughout
Meuse Forest.
   “Our speeding problem on the installation
is lower than anywhere in Anne Arundel
County,” said Maj. J. Darrell Sides, operations
officer at DES. “We’ll never prevent speeding;
we can only reduce it.”
   To curtail speeding, the DES obtained
eight mobile radar units from Fort Campbell,
Ky. The devices are in addition to the sev-
eral already installed in traffic enforcement
   The mobile radar instruments allow driv-
ing police officers to check the speed of a
vehicle. The passive system remains on at all
times. And with the push of a button, the
officer can track the speed of a vehicle he
believes is speeding.
   While traffic enforcement officers have had
mobile radar in their patrol cars for several
years, regular patrol officers have still been                                                                                                                       map courtesy picerne military housing
using hand-held radars, which require the offi-
cer to be parked to get an accurate reading.           “When a person’s radar detector goes off,             Another tool that Manning uses is a small        by the end of April. The speed humps will
   With the addition of the eight instruments,     all that’s telling them is that their speed has        device with two hoses that lay across the street.   be strategically placed on straight, downhill
DES can put the equipment in several, regular      just been registered by the police car,” Sides         The device registers and tracks the speed of        streets — roads conducive to speeding, said
patrol cars to allow officers to track speeders    said. “It’s too late. The radar detector just lets     drivers. Using this information, Manning can        Jessie Hyder, a Picerne community builder.
while handling other tasks.                        them know when they’ve been busted.”                   determine where the most speeders are.                 “[The placements are] a combination of
   In addition to allowing moving police               To further deter speeders, DES is also using          In addition to these tools, DES determines       our team knowing the streets, and some were
officers to obtain an accurate reading, some       radar trailers; empty, marked patrol cars; and         where to focus its efforts based on complaints      geared from residents,” Hyder said.
patrol cars will have dual mounted systems         speed tracking devices.                                from the community. Most complaints, Man-              Unlike narrow speed bumps, which are
with radar in the front and back of the vehicle.       Fort Meade Police Lt. George Manning,              ning said, come from school zones and the           against Army regulations, the speed humps
With this technology, officers can track a car     DES’ traffic supervisor, sets up two to four           residential neighborhoods.                          will not slow down emergency vehicles. Tire
that drove past them.                              radar trailers at all times that prominently              “We increase area presence when we get           gaps on the humps will allow larger emer-
   “Somebody slows down when they see the          display a vehicle’s speed.                             certain complaints in certain areas,” he said.      gency vehicles to straddle the hump, instead
cop car, but they have the tendency to speed           “Most people are generally law-abiding             “That’s one way we use the public’s comments        of driving directly over it.
back up after they pass the police officer,”       citizens but get a little excessive with their right   and concerns as a way to try to deter speeding         While Picerne is waiting to see how the
Sides said. “We’ll continue to track the vehicle   foot,” Sides said. “When they’re reminded of           problems.”                                          speed humps work in Meuse Forest before
until it is out of sight.”                         their speed, a fair amount do slow down.”                 Following suggestions by residents, Picerne      installing them in other neighborhoods, the
   Unlike active radar, the mobile radar’s             Empty patrol cars are also parked around           has taken its own steps to help deter speeding      Directorate of Public Works has received rec-
passive system can’t be picked up by a radar       the installation to create the illusion that more      in its housing areas.                               ommendations about installing speed humps
detector, which is illegal on the installation.    officers are patrolling the streets, then later           As part of a larger roadwork program,            beyond the housing areas.
The motorist will only get a reading after he      replaced with police officers conducting radar         eight speed humps, also known as speed                 “It will deter a majority of the popula-
has been tracked.                                  enforcement.                                           cushions, will be installed in Meuse Forest         tion,” Sides said. “We will see a reduction.”                                                                                                                                               March 22, 2012 SOUNDOFF!
N ews

                                                          Have you noticed an issue on post                              Community
                                                          and wondered if anything is being
                                                          done to fix it? Email concerns and
                                                           issues to chad.t.jones.civ@mail.
                                                                                                                         Crime Watch
      Ticket                                                mil. Each week, Soundoff! will              Compiled by the Fort Meade Directorate of Emergency Services
                                                           address issues identified on post
                                                                                                      March 12, Larceny of pri-                        in the head and right eye.
                                                          and describe what is being done to          vate property: An unknown
                                                                      solve them.                     person(s) removed an unse-                       March 15, Larceny of pri-
                                                                                                      cured, unattended bicycle                        vate property: The victim
                                                                                                      from the side of the victim’s                    stated that unknown persons
                                                                                                      quarters.                                        removed his cell phone char-
                                                                                                                                                       ger from his room.
                                                                                                      March 13, Traffic violations -
                                                                                                      driving in wrong direction on one-way     March 15, Assault - consummated
                                                                                                      road, driving on suspended license: A     by a battery: The Directorate of
                                                                                                      unit observed a vehicle traveling in      Emergency Services was notified of
                                                                                                      the wrong direction on a one-way          a fist fight at Murphy Field House.
                                                                                                      road. A traffic stop was initiated.       An investigation revealed that the
                                                                                                      A check with the National Crime           subject struck the victim in the face
                                                                                                      Information Center revealed that the      and pushed him onto the floor.
                                                                                                      driver’s license was suspended.

                                                                                                                                                March 17, Wrongful damage of pri-
                                                                                                      March 14, Larceny of private prop-        vate property: Unknown persons by
                                                                                                      erty: The Directorate of Emergency        unknown means broke the rear win-
                                                                                                      Services was notified of a theft of       dow of a vehicle while it was legally
                                                                                                      private property at Murphy Field          parked and secured.
                                                                                                      House. An investigation revealed that
                                                                                                      the victim placed his hooded jacket in
                                                                                                      his locker while he was in the gym.       March 17, Shoplifting, possession of
                                                                                                      When he returned from the gym, he         marijuana: AAFES security at the
                                                                                                      found the locker had been opened          Post Exchange observed the subject
                                                                                                      and the jacket was gone.                  remove a computer game from its
                                                                                                                                                original package, conceal it on him-
                                                                                                                                                self and exit the store without render-
                                                                                                      March 14, Assault - consummated           ing proper payment. A search of the
                                                                                                      by a battery: The Directorate of          subject revealed what appeared to be
                                                                                                      Emergency Services was notified of a      a rolled marijuana cigarette. A test
                                                                                                      domestic disturbance in progress. An      was conducted using a narcotics test
                                                                                                      investigation revealed that the subject   kit, with positive results for Tetrahy-
                                                                                                      assaulted her mother by striking her      drocannabinol, or THC.
                                                                                         file photo

    Play equipment near the Boundless Playground is currently undergoing repairs.

                                                                                                        AER update
           Issue:                            Plan:                         Status:                      The Fort Meade Army Emergency
                                                                                                        Relief campaign has collected
  The Installation Safety Office     Repair the play equipment        Repairs are under way             $7,002 as of Monday.
    has deemed and marked              so that it is functional                                         The goal is to collect $80,000
    some play equipment at                                                                              by May 15. Each unit should
     Burba Lake as unsafe                                                                               have an AER representative.
                                                                                                        For more information, call
       Community members              Maintain a minimum of            Golf operations will             Wallace Turner, AER officer, at
    have concerns about golf           18 holes at current site;        continue through                301-677-5768.
   course service availability in     restoring golf operations     May 1; The Clubhouse will
    light of Base Closure and           on a site south of the       remain open for catering
           Realignment              installation is also proposed        and conferences
                                                                                                                           Find Fort Meade on
     Youth Services Sports          Renovate the Youth Services       Actual use of fields is
     Complex is in need of               Sports Complex               expected to be this fall                             Facebook at
         renovations                                                 to allow grass to mature                    

 SOUNDOFF! March 22, 2012                                                                                                                        
N ews

Construction of new PX scheduled for summer
Post, AAFES                                current Exchange.”
                                              The new 167,000-square-foot PX will
                                           provide more services than the current
                                                                                                 the current PX will be demolished and
                                                                                                 a parking lot will be paved there.
                                                                                                    During a March 8 meeting about
                                                                                                                                                                     tion of the PXtra, which would provide
                                                                                                                                                                     an additional 100 spaces. The employee
                                                                                                                                                                     parking lot, which was initially desig-
plan to mitigate                           130,000-square-foot facility, including
                                           a larger food court with six food ven-
                                                                                                 the new PX, parking options were
                                                                                                                                                                     nated as a construction staging area,
                                                                                                                                                                     could also provide another 116 parking
parking issues                             dors and a pharmacy.
                                              “We’re going to be able to provide
                                           better service to our customers,” Bright
                                                                                                    “Parking is a significant issue,” said
                                                                                                 Bert Rice, Fort Meade’s director of
                                                                                                 transformation. “For the customer, you
                                                                                                                                                                        With these possible solutions to
                                                                                                                                                                     the parking shortage during construc-
By Brandon Bieltz                          said. “Everyone is very excited about                 have to think about having that reason-                             tion, 342 spaces would be created for
Staff Writer                               the project.”                                         ably available to the current store dur-                            customers. Officials are working on
   When construction of the new Army          Construction plans for the $38 mil-                ing the entire construction phase.”                                 a sketch of the proposed temporary
and Air Force Exchange begins in July,     lion project aim for the new PX, with                    The PX averages about 1,850 trans-                               parking plan for review.
the current PX will remain open. But       a new parking lot, to be completed in                 actions per day, with customers filling                                “None of this has been firmed up
what is now a parking lot will be trans-   two years. Once the facility is complete,             half of the 600-space parking lot daily.                            yet,” Rice said. “It’s a work in prog-
formed into a construction zone.                                                                 Based on these numbers, officials deter-                            ress.”
   The new facility will be built on                                                             mined that at least 300 to 350 spots are                               Bright said he will communicate with
top of the current parking lot, leaving                                                          required to accommodate customers                                   customers throughout the construc-
Exchange and garrison officials search-    ‘We’re going to be able to                            during the construction.                                            tion process, including updates on the
ing for an alternative parking plan for
customers. The PX will lose close to
                                           provide a better service to                              One plan includes turning the grassy
                                                                                                 area near PNC Bank at the corner of
                                                                                                                                                                     changing parking situation.
                                                                                                                                                                        A solution for the parking lot is
600 parking spaces while the new facil-    our customers.’                                       Reece and MacArthur roads into a                                    expected to be determined and set up
ity is constructed.                                                                              temporary gravel parking lot to create                              prior to the groundbreaking in July.
   “We have some ideas on parking,”              Jonathan Bright                                 100 spaces. More spaces could be cre-                                  “When we start the process in July
said Jonathan Bright, general manager            Fort Meade AAFES general manager                ated by using the median at the access                              we hope to have all parking issues
of the Fort Meade AAFES. “We are                                                                 drive on MacArthur Road.                                            resolved,” Bright said. “That’s our
identifying areas that are close to the                                                             Officials also considered the demoli-                            goal.”

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                                                                  products. © 2012 USAA. 124912-0112                                                                                                                                                           March 22, 2012 SOUNDOFF!
N ews

Facelift for Fort Meade’s Facebook page
By Fort Meade Public Affairs Office
   Beginning this morning, visitors to the
installation’s Facebook page, facebook.
com/ftmeade, will experience a new design
and features.
   The update is part of Facebook’s new
timeline format for pages.
   The Army’s Facebook page, facebook.
com/usarmy, was one of approximately
30 organizations that introduced the new
format on Feb. 29. The social network has
required all pages to transition to the format
by March 30.
   “As soon as we learned about the require-

ment, we started to plan for it,” said Jason
Kelly, Fort Meade’s emerging media man-
ager. “It is more than just a new look. It is a
refined way for our community to connect.”
   The update adds another way for com-
munity members to provide feedback about
Fort Meade’s services and organizations.
   “We’ve always answered questions posted
on our Facebook page, but sometimes we
need additional information that may not be
appropriate for posting on the page such as a
telephone number or address,” Kelly said.
   Users can now send private messages

through the page to the Public Affairs
Office and receive a response without leav-
ing Facebook.
   Other changes include milestones and
a timeline, which extend far beyond Fort
Meade’s first post on May 14, 2009.
   “Fort Meade has a very rich history dat-
ing back to training Soldiers here for World
War I,” Kelly said. “Now, we’re able to share
our history to better tell our story.”
   Users can now explore significant mile-
stones and historical photos by scrolling
down the page.
   The design is similar to the timeline that
Facebook introduced for profiles last Sep-
tember. New features on the installation’s
page include a cover photo, highlighted
                                                  Guide to new features on Fort Meade’s Facebook page
posts and larger stories.
   The update allows the Public Affairs           1) The concept behind the new design is the timeline. Visitors can now click on the timeline to read past
Office to keep information at the top of the      posts and learn about milestones in Fort Meade’s history. Users can also scroll down the page to view
page, Kelly said.                                 recent posts.
   “Now, we can showcase what’s impor-
tant, regardless if it is a text-based post,      2) The message button is a new tool. Users who like Fort Meade’s Facebook page can now send the
photo album or a video,” he said.
   It may take some time to adjust to the
                                                  Public Affairs Office a private message and receive a response. The feature is similar to sending a
new design, Kelly said.                           message to a friend. It is not a real-time chat.
   “Social media is constantly evolving,” he
said. “Sometimes, those changes are beyond        3) There are now four ways to view and organize content on the page: highlights, friend activity, posts
our control. It’s one of the reasons why we       by (Fort Meade) and posts by others. Highlights, which is shown above, displays Fort Meade’s posts,
didn’t rush to transition to the new design.      the user’s friends who also like the page, and recent posts that are not from PAO. Friend activity shows
We wanted to make sure we got it right.”          posts on the page by a user’s friends. Posts by Fort Meade displays only content from PAO. “Posts by
   For more information, call Jason Kelly
at 301-677-1109 or email jason.s.kelly.           others” display all posts that are not from PAO. Visitors can switch between the views by selecting the                                     drop-down menu next to the No. 3 shown above.
 SOUNDOFF! March 22, 2012                                                                                                    
RELAX, REFRESH                                                                                                               N ews
   At Howard County’s Best Yoga Studio                              Winners named for 21st Signal
          YOGA, PILATES,
 QIGONG  MEDITATION                                                Brigade NCO and Soldier of the Year
           April 2 - 8, 2012                                        By Command Sgt. Maj. Timothy A. Czuba                                                            302nd Signal Battalion, at Fort Detrick.
Choose From Over 70 Free Classes At The Yoga Center.                21st Signal Brigade Command                                                                         The quarterly winners in the Soldier
No Prior Yoga or Exercise Experience Is Necessary. No Obligation.      After three days and nights of compet-                                                        category included Spc. Kimberly N. Trum-
  Classes Fill Quickly. Call 410-720-4340 To Reserve Your Spot.     ing, two Fort Meade service members came                                                         bull, a combat production/documentation
                                                                    out on top in the 21st Signal Brigade’s NCO                                                      specialist, from 55th Combat Camera; Pfc.
                                                                    and Soldier of the Year competition.                                                             Carl Singleton III, an automated logistics
                                                                       The competition was held Feb. 28 to                                                           specialist from 525th Signal Company, 56th
                                                                    March 2 at Camp Dawson in West Vir-                                                              Signal Battalion, in Miami; and Cpl. Shaun
                                                                    ginia.                                                                                           J. Lawson Jr., an information technology
                                                                        Sgt. Amber L. Lengele, a combat pro-                                                         specialist from Headquarters and Head-
                                                                    duction/documentation specialist from 55th                                                       quarters Detachment, 56th Signal Battal-
                                                                    Signal Company (Combat Camera), 114th                                                            ion, at Fort Sam Houston, Texas.
                                                                    Signal Battalion at Fort Meade, was named                                                           The winners of the NCO and Soldier of
                                                                    NCO of the Year.                                                                                 the Year competition were chosen based
                                                                       Spc. Christopher A. Ludeking, a satellite                                                     on their overall performance in events that
                                                                    communication systems operator/maintain-                                                         included the Army Physical Fitness Test, an
   Discounted Classes For Seniors, Teens                           er from the 327th Signal Company, 302nd                                                          administrative board appearance in service
                                                                    Signal Battalion at Fort Meade, was named                                                        dress uniform before a panel of brigade
  Active Military Personnel  Their Spouses.                        Soldier of the Year.                                                                             senior NCOs, a written examination, a
The Yoga Center Of Columbia                                            They will represent the 21st Signal Bri-                                                      written essay on the topic of retention, three
   8950 Route 108, Suite 109, Columbia, MD 21045                    gade at the 7th Signal Command (Theater)                                                         randomly selected Army Warrior Tasks, a
 410.720.4340                                  NCO and Soldier of the Year competition                                                          daytime land-navigation course, a weapons
                                                                    at Fort Gordon, Ga., at the end of April.                          Photo By Spc. Justin Young    challenge using the EST 2000 simulator and
                                                                       The 21st Signal Brigade is charged to                                                         a map reading event.
                                                                    provide and defend global information           Sgt. Amber L. Lengele is named NCO                  The competition culminated with an

  Get the insider’s                                                 capabilities to enable joint and combined       of the Year and Spc. Christopher A.              Army combatives tournament.
                                                                    battle command across the full spectrum         Ludeking is named Soldier of the Year in            The combined challenges allowed partic-
                                                                    of operations from the president of the         the 21st Signal Brigade competition held         ipants to show their proficiencies and skills
    advantage                                                       United States to the war fighter and other      Feb. 28 to March 2 at Camp Dawson, W.            as “Best Warrior” by being well-rounded
                                                                    federal agencies.                               Va. They will represent their brigade at         in all training events — not just a subject
                                                                       The brigade is geographically dispersed      the 7th Signal Command (Theater) NCO/            matter expert in one category.
                                                                    across the United States at eight instal-       Soldier of the Year competition in April at         Lengele, a native of Olympia, Wash.,
    Join the conversation on                                        lations, stationed in Central and South         Fort Gordon, Ga.                                 entered the Army in August 2007. She
  Fort Meade’s social media                                         America, deployed to Southwest Asia, and        NCO and Soldier of the Quarter boards.           has deployed to Afghanistan and recently
  platform for the latest com-                                      supports national, strategic and tactical          The NCO quarterly winners included            made cutoff score to be promoted to staff
                                                                    missions worldwide.                             Staff Sgt. Carla A. Philpot, a chaplain assis-   sergeant.
  munity news.                                                         The challenging, three-day competition       tant from Headquarters and Headquarters             Ludeking, who was born in Sioux City,
    Connect with more than                                          included five other competitors who rep-        Company, 21st Signal Brigade, at Fort Det-       Iowa, joined the Army in March 2010.
                                                                    resented subordinate units within the 21st      rick and Sgt. Kedrick T. Nelson, a senior           Both Lengele and Ludeking received the
  8,000 post community mem-                                         Signal Brigade. All who competed were the       satellite communication systems operator/        Army Commendation Medal for winning
  bers on the installation’s                                        best from the first, second, third and fourth   maintainer from 298th Signal Company,            the competition.

  Facebook page. Stay updat-
  ed with Tweets from Fort
  Meade’s Twitter feed. Catch
                                                                      Representation needed                                                 and recommendations on specific educational issues, and the
                                                                                                                                            committee may choose to study and report on educational
                                                                                                                                            issues of concern to the county.
  the latest episode of Meade                                         for cluster schools                                                      The representative for the Fort Meade cluster elementary
                                                                                                                                            schools will serve for three years.
  Week’s video blog. Visit the                                                                                                                 Those interested in filling the vacancy must complete an
                                                                         The executive committee of the Anne Arundel County
  installation’s website at www.                                      Public Schools Citizen Advisory Committee is seeking a rep-           application and forward it by March 30 to Teresa Tudor,
                                                                      resentative for the Fort Meade cluster elementary schools.            senior manager for School and Family Partnership, at ttu- and visit                                                                                                      
                                                                         The Citizen Advisory Committee’s executive committee is
  the links to add your voice to                                      appointed by the Board of Education and provides advice                  Applications are available on the CAC page on the
                                                                      to the board on specific issues that impact education policy,         AACPS website at Go to “Community”
  the conversation.                                                                                                                         on the AACPS website and click “Citizen Advisory Com-
                                                                      activities and programs.
                                                                         The CAC responds to requests from the board for research           mittee.”

 SOUNDOFF! March 22, 2012                                                                                                                                                    
N ews

Army’s ‘global scouts’ commemorate six years
By Maj. Sonise Lumbaca
Asymmetric Warfare Group
Public Affairs Office
    March 8 marked six years since the
Asymmetric Warfare Group first unfurled
it colors during an activation ceremony on
Fort Meade.
    Activated originally to mitigate and/or
defeat asymmetric threats faced by U.S.
forces in both Iraq and Afghanistan, the
AWG continues to demonstrate its unique
mission as a global, enduring Army capa-
    The AWG provides operational advisory
support to Army and joint force com-
manders globally to enhance Soldier sur-
vivability, combat effectiveness, and enable
the defeat of current and emerging threats
in support of Unified Land Operations.
    The unit includes about 350 Soldiers,
Department of the Army civilians and
contractors who are seasoned war fight-
ers and functional area experts who fill
the ranks of four squadrons; two opera-
tional squadrons; a training, recruiting and
assessment squadron; and a concepts and
integration squadron.
    Since its inception six years ago, AWG
has provided firsthand observation of
enemy tactics, techniques and procedures,
and friendly capability gaps with the goal
of developing solutions to exploit enemy
capability gaps and to mitigate friendly
vulnerabilities.                                                                                                                                                  Photo courtesy U.S. Army

    The unit is able to do this through its    An Asymmetric Warfare Group Soldier provides security from an observation post overlooking the Kholbesat bazaar in Khwost
hand-selected operational advisors and         province, Afghanistan, on March 13, 2011.
through three key attributes:
    • Proximity - its firsthand observations   is ever-changing in its methods.               ground is using to thwart enemy tactics          adaptability in Soldiers and teams while
in combat and operational areas                   Many units that are focused on the fight    that another unit 30 miles away may not          promoting innovative training and criti-
    • Duration - maintaining an enduring       are challenged with the opportunity to step    be aware of.                                     cal thinking to prepare future leaders for
global presence                                back and observe the “big picture” of the         All of the observations made are non-         decisive action.
    • Experience - recent and relevant com-    battlefield. Or they may be headed to a        attributable and do not interfere with the          These examples demonstrate how, over
bat and operations experience with the         location they are unfamiliar with.             unit operations, but rather complement it.       the past six years, AWG has affected imme-
ability to rapidly blend capabilities across      Operational advisors are able to make          In partnering with other Army organi-         diate change of behavior at the tactical
the Army                                       these observations for deploying and           zations such as the Rapid Equipping Force,       level, which is critical to help reduce the
    Enabling the defeat of current and         deployed units, ultimately resulting in Sol-   the Army Capabilities Integration Center         learning curve of current OEF rotational
emerging threats begins with AWG’s             dier survivability and unit combat effec-      and with industry, the AWG has been able,        forces.
operational advisors - the Army’s “global      tiveness.                                      in some cases, to pull commercial off-the-          To complement this dissemination
scouts.” Operational advisors deploy glob-        In making these observations, the AWG       shelf items and rapidly get it in the hands      effort, AWG also uses current observa-
ally and embed with units.                     is able to gather information and rapidly      of Soldiers on the ground.                       tions to inform the more deliberate Army
    AWG operational advisors are able to       develop solutions through a reach-back            In other cases, the AWG and its internal      capabilities’ development processes and the
provide units with current enemy TTPs,         capability to a robust variety of prob-        team of experts have developed possible          associated Doctrine, Organization, Train-
along with best practices, to mitigate         lem-solvers and solution-developers. These     capabilities that are first tested internally,   ing, Materiel, Leadership and Education,
threats and overall atmospherics of any        solutions are developed in the form of         and then offered to the Army. An example         Personnel and Facilities changes.
given region because they have firsthand       nonmaterial solutions, methodologies or        of this is the Asymmetric Warfare Adap-             Moreover, this deliberate dissemination
experience in the region.                      processes that units can use to mitigate a     tive Leader Program. In keeping pace with        informs senior leader decisions on policy
    The combination of experience and cur-     threat; or material solutions, which can       an adaptable enemy, the AWALP places             and resourcing that assists Army Transfor-
rent understanding of the operational envi-    include adapting equipment for units to        Soldiers in scenarios that are ambigu-           mation to Army 2020.
ronment gives the AWG advisory mission a       operate better within their environment.       ous, with environments that have limited            For more information on joining the
unique capability to help build an adaptive       The solution can even be the dissemina-     resources.                                       Asymmetric Warfare Group, call AWG
force that is confronted with an enemy that    tion of a best practice that one unit on the      The program is designed to enhance            recruiters at 301-833-5366.
10 SOUNDOFF! March 22, 2012                                                                                                                            
N ews

Tax Center adds
more appointments
By Capt. Michael Madsen                      preparation stations, allowing for new
Legal Assistance Attorney                    appointment slots.
Fort Meade Tax Center                           These appointment slots are avail-
   The Joint Installation Tax Center         able immediately, but they are filling
has been busy — so busy that the center      up fast.
has been booked solid one month in              While the Fort Meade Tax Center
advance.                                     strives to serve as many people as pos-
   The center, located in the Legal Assis-   sible, the services offered do have some
tance Office of the Fort Meade Office        limitations. The center can only serve
of the Staff Judge Advocate, has had         active-duty personnel, military retirees
a hard time just keeping up with the         and their dependents.
phone calls.                                    In addition, taxes cannot be prepared
   Several installations in the Washing-     for anyone with income from a private
ton, D.C., region have had to curtail        business, two or more rental properties,
their tax center operations this year. For   or more than 10 stock transactions in
example, Fort Belvoir, Va., has made its     2011.
tax center available only to active-duty        Every tax preparer at the Fort Meade
enlisted Soldiers below the rank of E-5.     Tax Center has been trained and certi-
   Consequently, retirees, senior enlisted   fied by the IRS. The center also has a
Soldiers and even general officers sta-      number of civilian employees and vol-
tioned at other posts have been flocking     unteers who assist in ensuring that each
to the Fort Meade Tax Center.                return is as complete as possible.
   To accommodate the crowds, the cen-          To schedule an appointment, call the
ter has recruited additional manpow-         Fort Meade Tax Center at 301-677-
er and has opened up additional tax          9086.

Retirees receive erroneous
letter regarding 2008 taxes
By Capt. Michael Madsen                      been adjusted to eliminate or reduce the
Legal Assistance Attorney                    pension exclusion. The adjustment to
Fort Meade Tax Center                        your account resulted in a balance due
   Several military retirees have come       as follows ... “
to the Fort Meade Tax Center seeking            According to one representative at
assistance after receiving a letter from     the Comptroller’s Office, many of these
the Comptroller of Maryland.                 letters were sent to retirees who had, in
   The letter states that the taxpayers      fact, properly reported their retirement
have improperly taken a retirement exclu-    income on their 2008 Maryland Income
sion on their 2008 taxes. The letter also    Tax Return.
reports a balance due, which is usually         The representative encourages every-
several thousand dollars.                    one who has received such a letter to
   If you receive such a letter, call the    call the Comptroller’s Office to have
Comptroller of Maryland before you           their case reviewed before submitting
submit payment to verify whether or not      payment.
you improperly reported your retirement         If you have received such a letter, call
income in 2008.                              the Comptroller of Maryland at 1-800-
   The letter reads:                         648-9638 to contest your liability.
   “According to our records, you either        For further assistance, call the Fort
overstated the allowable pension exclu-      Meade Legal Assistance Office and
sion amount, or claimed a pension exclu-     Fort Meade Tax Center at 301-677-
sion that you were not entitled to, pursu-   9536/9762.
ant to Maryland law. As a result, your          Do not submit payment until someone
total subtraction modifications have         has reviewed your case.                                                                March 22, 2012 SOUNDOFF! 11
N ews

Thrift Shop features dedicated volunteers
By Lisa R. Rhodes
Staff Writer
   The Post Thrift Shop has been a Fort
Meade institution for at least 60 years.
   Kay Crawford has volunteered at the
shop for half that time.
   “I like to help people,” said Crawford,
a Severn resident. “The staff became like
my family.”
   For the past eight years, Crawford’s
husband, Roger, has volunteered along-
side her.
   “Glad we can do it,” said Roger Craw-
ford, a former mail carrier for the Fort
Meade Post Office.
   The Enlisted Spouses Club oversees
the Thrift Shop, which is located in
Building 2206 at the corner of First and
Chisholm avenues.
   The shop sells new and secondhand
items at discount prices. It is open to the
general public; military identification is
not necessary to make purchases.
   Consignments, however, are only
available by appointment to military ID
   Sixty percent of the shop’s merchan-
dise is clothing for children and adults.
The stock also includes military uni-
forms, housewares, small electronics,
sporting gear, camping gear, pet supplies
and a wide variety of books.
   Jennifer Scales, managing editor at
The Frontline, the military newspaper at
Fort Stewart, Ga., said she shops at the
Thrift Shop whenever she is in the area.
                                                                                                                                                                photo by jen rynda
   “I like the style of the clothes, and
the merchandise is affordable,” Scales        Kay Crawford and her husband, Roger, volunteer Tuesday at the Enlisted Spouses Club’s Post Thrift Shop. The couple, who live
said as she looked through a selection        in Severn, have been volunteering at the shop for a combined 38 years.
of blouses.
   Retired 1st Sgt. Jesse Diaz, and his       dise for sale.                                ing and that working in the clearance       late 1950s to 1968.
wife, Arosa, searched for housewares             Other volunteers help with stocking,       room “is just like housework.”                 Roger Crawford was a staff sergeant in
after a recent move from Arizona to           pricing and consignments.                        Roger Crawford became a volunteer        the Army Reserve when he began work-
Odenton.                                         Trenda Quinn, president of the Thrift      when he learned that the staff “needed      ing as a mail carrier at the Fort Meade
   “I think it’s nice,” Diaz said of the      Shop Council, which oversees the shop         a guy to help.”                             Post Office in 1960. He was recalled to
shop. “The prices are comparable to           and sets its policy, said the dedication of      In addition to making repairs to items   active duty in 1961 and sent to Fort
other thrift stores.”                         the Crawfords is exceptional.                 and cleaning them, Crawford also trans-     Eustis, Va. He returned home a year
   All profits generated by sales are            “They are wonderful,” Quinn said.          ports unsold merchandise to Goodwill        later after his unit was deactivated and
put back into the Fort Meade commu-           “We can always depend on them. They           and the Salvation Army.                     resumed working at the post office before
nity through scholarships for military        take it very seriously. They’ll do anything      “It’s in your heart to help somebody,”   retiring in 1992.
spouses and children, welfare grants and      you ask.”                                     he said.                                       The couple said they don’t intend to
charitable donations.                            This year, the Thrift Shop Coun-              Both have roots at Fort Meade.           stop volunteering at the Thrift Shop any
   In the past year, the club has awarded     cil nominated the Crawfords for Fort             Roger Crawford’s grandfather, Charles    time soon.
$14,000 in scholarships to military chil-     Meade’s Volunteer of the Year award in        Reigle, owned farm land off post that the      “We’ll go as long as our health holds
dren and an additional $8,000 in schol-       the family category.                          Army rented in 1917 for $15 a month.        up,” Roger Crawford said.
arships to military spouses, according to        Kay Crawford, who is not a member             His grandparents, Charles and Mary          Editor’s note: The Post Thrift Shop is
the ESC website.                              of ESC, said she started volunteering         Reigle, and several aunts and uncles        open Tuesday and Thursday from 9 a.m.
   The Crawfords are among the eight          when her son, Roger Crawford Jr., was a       are buried in Fort Meade’s Bethel Cem-      to 2 p.m., with consignments from 9 a.m.
volunteers who help run the shop. Kay         child and attended school.                    etery.                                      to 12:30 p.m.; Wednesday from 9 a.m. to
Crawford works in the clearance room             “I had the time,” she said, noting that       Kay Crawford’s father, Samuel Chalf-     2 p.m., with consignments by appointment
organizing reduced-price items. Roger         the family lived in Odenton at the time.      ant, worked as the assistant post trans-    only; and the first Saturday of the month
Crawford repairs and cleans merchan-             Kay Crawford said she likes organiz-       portation officer at Fort Meade from the    from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
12 SOUNDOFF! March 22, 2012                                                                                                                    
N ews

                                                                                                DFMWR hosts property
                                                                                                sale of used equipment
                                                                                                By Rona S. Hirsch                                     computers, commercial-grade restaurant
                                                                                                Staff Writer                                          equipment, fishing boat, Lund with trailer,
                                                                                                   From 16-pound bowling balls and Dell               single kayak, canoes, riding mower, cartop
                                                                                                monitors to a barbecue smoker and Sea Pro             carrier, dunk tank, DJ booth, storage shelves
                                                                                                boat with trailer, the Fort Meade Directorate         and a Coca-Cola soda system.
                                                                                                of Family and Morale, Welfare and Recre-                  Condition of equipment and furnishings
                                                                                                ation is hosting a sale of used equipment and         varies from slightly used to nonoperational
                                                                                                furnishings on Friday and Saturday at the             due to missing parts.
                                                                                                Pavilion.                                                 • All items are sold “as is” with no war-
                                                                                                   Sale items have been culled from DFMWR             ranty.
                                                                                                activities including Outdoor Recreation, the              • Items must be paid for with cash or credit
                                                                                                Lanes, Club Meade and Child, Youth and                card.
                                                                                                School Services.                                          • Items must be moved at the time of pur-
                                                                                                   “We have a lot of accumulation,” said              chase, no holding. Moving and transporting
                                                                                                Bill Hicks, financial management officer for          are the responsibility of the purchaser.
                                                                                                DFMWR. “We took a look and saw there is                   • No holding of tags. If an item has been
                                                                                                an excess of equipment.”                              without a tag for an extended time frame, the
                                                                                                   Money generated from the sale will go back         item will be re-tagged.
                                                                                                to the community.                                         • Any remaining items will be discounted
                                                                                                   “The sale is a good stewardship of govern-         50 percent on Saturday only, from 1 to 3 p.m.
                                                                                                ment funds,” Hicks said. “They will contribute        The Pavilion will be cleared 10 minutes prior
                                                                                                to the continuation of DFMWR activities on            to the discounting and items will be re-tagged.
                                                                       PHOTO BY NOAH SCIALOM    Fort Meade, from CYS2 to Outdoor Rec.”                No previous tags will be honored; first come,
   HATS OFF!                                                                                       The sale schedule varies:
                                                                                                   • Today, noon to 5 p.m., viewing only
                                                                                                                                                      first served.
                                                                                                                                                          The Llewellyn Avenue gate will be open
   Laura Desena, of the Officers’ Spouses’ Club on Fort Meade, sports a
   stylish hat at the club’s first “Wedding March” luncheon on March 15 at                         • Friday, 2 to 6 p.m., for active-duty ser-        Saturday for public access and pick up of
   the Courses. To get in the wedding spirit, OSC members were asked to                         vice members and dependent ID cardholders             small items. If large items require full access,
   dress in white and don their best royal wedding hat. Some of the festive                     only                                                  staff will coordinate entrance via the Reece
   hats were homemade, others borrowed or purchased. Table center-                                 • Saturday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., for the public       Road gate.
   pieces featured floral “cakes” on glass cake plates.                                            Items for sale include: ellipticals, treadmills,       For a full inventory, visit www.ftmeadem-
                                                                                                steppers, child care furniture, campers, Apple

‘Get Your Plate in Shape’ focuses on healthy eating
By Lt. Col. Sandra Keelin,                    easy-to-understand visual cue used to             options, share with a buddy or save part              that are high in solid fats, added sugars
Registered Dietitian                          show Americans how to incorporate the             of the meal for later.                                and salt should be used as occasional
U.S. Army Public Health Command               recommendations of 2010 Dietary Guide-               • Include physical activity into your              treats, not everyday foods.
   March is National Nutrition Month.         lines into every meal.                            daily routine; this, too, helps you balance              • Reduce salt in your diet. Use the
   This annual campaign, sponsored by            MyPlate uses the familiar image of a           calories.                                             Nutrition Facts label to compare sodium
the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics        place setting for a meal to illustrate the five      • Choose foods to eat more often. Eat              in foods, and choose lower sodium ver-
(formerly the American Dietetic Associa-      food groups. The plate is divided into four       foods that are nutrient-rich more often,              sions of foods such as soup, bread, frozen
tion), reinforces the importance of good      sections — fruits, vegetables, grains and         and make them the basis for meals and                 and other convenient foods.
nutrition and physical activity.              proteins — and includes a glass represent-        snacks. These foods contain health-pro-                  • Drink fewer sugar-sweetened bever-
   The academy also helps consumers           ing dairy products.                               moting nutrients such as potassium, cal-              ages such as soda, energy drinks and sport
understand how to implement the 2010             The simple key messages of MyPlate             cium, vitamin D and fiber.                            drinks, which are a major source of added
Dietary Guidelines for Americans.             include:                                             • Switch to fat-free or low-fat (1 per-            sugar and calories in the American diet.
   The theme for this year, “Get Your Plate      • Balance your calories by managing            cent) milk and dairy products.                           • Drink smaller portions and substitute
in Shape,” encourages Americans to return     calories in with calories out.                       • Fill half your plate with a variety              with water or other unsweetened bever-
to the basics of healthy eating by consum-       • Enjoy your food, but eat less.               of colorful fruits and veggies (to include            ages.
ing the recommended amounts of food              • Take the time to fully enjoy your meal       beans and peas).                                         To help you get your plate in shape,
essential for performance and health.         by eating slowly. Eating fast or when dis-           • Make at least half your grains whole             check out the Super Tracker, an online
   This year’s theme coincides with           tracted may cause you to eat more calories        grains by substituting whole-grain foods              tool where you can get a personalized
the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s          than you need.                                    for refined. (Switch to whole wheat bread             nutrition and activity plan.
MyPlate, which replaced MyPyramid in             • Downsize your portion sizes by using         from white bread or brown rice instead of                To find the SuperTracker or for more
June 2011. MyPlate is the government’s        a smaller plate, bowl or cup.                     white rice.)                                          information about MyPlate, visit www.
primary food-group symbol and is an              • When eating out, choose smaller-sized           • Choose foods to eat less often. Foods                                                                                                                                        March 22, 2012 SOUNDOFF! 13
C over S tory

                                                   Photo by Senior Airman Marcy Glass

A father salutes the casket of his son on March 31, 2011 at Buckley Air Force Base,
Colo., honoring Lance Cpl. Christopher Mies when he arrived home.

DINFOS names winners of
visual arts competition
By Jason Kelly
Emerging Media Manager
   Some of the military’s best photographers, videographers and graphic artists
were named during the Defense Information School’s 49th annual Visual Informa-
tion Awards program held March 12-15.
   Professional photographers from local and national organizations judged more
than 3,000 entries from across the Department of Defense based on the entry’s
storytelling ability, technical quality, originality and creativity.
   Winners were named in three separate competitions: Military Graphic Artist of
the Year, Military Photographer of the Year and Military Videographer of the Year.
   Air Force Master Sgt. Jeremy T. Lock of the Defense Media Activity received his
sixth Military Photographer of the Year honor.
   Navy Mass Communications Spc. 2nd Class Andrew A. Breese of DMA was
named the Military Videographer of the Year.
   Marine Corps Sgt. Shawn Sales of DINFOS was selected as the Military Graphic
Artist of the Year.
   The accompanying photos represent some of the winners in the photography
portion of the program.
   Visit to view additional winning entries.
14 SOUNDOFF! March 22, 2012                                                     
Photo by Senior Airman Grovert Fuentes-Contreras

                                                PORTRAIT-PERSONALITY 2ND PLACE:
                                                Staff Sgt. Patrick Reynolds, Security Forces squad leader attached to Provincial Reconstruction Team Zabul, fights racing
                                                water while holding onto a tow strap attached to an Afghan National Army vehicle stuck in the Lurah River in Shinkai District,
                                                Afghanistan, on Oct. 12, 2011. The ANA asked PRT Zabul for assistance because of the PRT’s vehicle recovery capabilities and
                                                the organizations’ working relationship after frequent joint operations in the Shinkai District.
                      PHOTO BY SGT. SEAN HARP

 Staff Sgt. Angel Alvarez, assigned to
 the Warrior Training Center on Fort Lee,
 Va., cocks back to throw a pyrotechnic
 grenade simulator into the sky during a
 night fire event for the 2011 Department
 of the Army Best Warrior Competition
 on Oct. 5, 2011. During the event,
 warriors fired from the prone-supported
 and prone-unsupported firing positions
 while pyrotechnics exploded around

 LEFT: Retired Navy Lt. Cmdr. Ken
 Swigart stares into the Grand Canyon
 on Dec. 13, 2011 at the location where
 the Flagstaff Community Toys For Tots
 organization delivers toys to the children
 of the Havasupai tribe. Swigart and                                                                                                            Photo by Tech. Sgt. Bennie J. Davis III
 others join annually with U.S. Marines         PICTORIAL 1ST PLACE:
 to deliver toys to the Native American         An Army Ranger trainee gets “turtled” while repelling and can’t gain balance due to his 80-pound rucksack during the mountain
 tribe.                                         phase of Army Ranger School at Camp Frank D. Merrill, Ga.
 Photo by Sgt. A.J. Parson                                                                                                                     March 22, 2012 SOUNDOFF! 15
C ommunity N ews  N otes
   The deadline for Soundoff! community           The event is sponsored by the            readiness by providing employment                  • The JROTC Scholarship will be awarded
“News and Notes” is Friday at noon. All        Garrison Chaplain’s Office. Chief of        consultations/coaching, career classes and      to highly motivated, community-minded
submissions are posted at the editor’s dis-    Chaplains Chaplain (Maj. Gen.) Donald       assessments, and job search/interview-          students to further their education beyond a
cretion and may be edited for space and        L. Rutherford will be the guest speaker.    preparation assistance.                         high school diploma.
grammar. Look for additional community            Suggested donation is $10 for civilian      Advance registration is required for the        • The Military Spouse Scholarship will be
events on the Fort Meade website at www.       employees and service members with a        free classes.                                   awarded for academic advancement to highly and the Meade TV Blog         rank of E-6 and above.	                        • Military  Spouse Employment               motivated, community-minded individuals to
at                  Seating is limited to 300 people.        Support Group, Wednesday, 11:30 a.m.            further their education.
   For more information or to submit an        Tickets can be obtained through the unit    to 1 p.m., Potomac Place Neighborhood              Application forms with all eligibility
announcement, email Chad Jones at chad.        sergeant major or noncommissioned           Center                                          requirements are available on the OSC or call 301-677-1301.     officer in charge.                             • Employment Orientation, March 29, 9        website at and at high
                                                  For more information on tickets, call    a.m. to noon, Army Community Service,           school guidance offices.
                                               the Garrison Chaplain’s Office at 301-      830 Chisholm Ave. Network, improve job             For more information, email Pat Hagerty
       NEWS  EVENTS                           677-6703 or 301-677-7842.                   skills, get tips from industry professionals.   at
                                                                                              • Get Ready!, March 29, 9 a.m. to noon,
                                               Blue ribbon event                           Army Community Service, 830 Chisholm            Company Commander/
DHR closure                                       The community is invited to place
                                                                                           Ave. Learn about job readiness resources
                                                                                           through the Employment Readiness                First Sergeant Course
   The Directorate of Human Resources          a blue ribbon on a tree at Burba Park       Program, Anne Arundel Workforce                    The Military District of Washington
and the Military Personnel Division will       in honor of Child Abuse Prevention          Development’s Kick Start Program and            Company Commander/First Sergeant
close Friday at 11 a.m. for a retirement       Month on April 4 from 10 a.m. to 2          Howard County’s Office of Workforce             Course will be held April 23 to 25 at the
ceremony.                                      p.m. at Burba Lake Cottage.                 Development, including websites, classes,       National Defense University, Fort Lesley
   Normal operations will resume                  The event will include free hot dogs.    job listings, employment support groups         J. McNair, Washington, D.C., in Lincoln
Monday at 7:30 a.m.                            A proclamation will also be signed.         and a tour of the resource center.              Hall, Room #2212.
                                                  For more information, call 301-677-         • Resume Writing Class, April 3, 9              The course acquaints new and
Freedom Inn change                             5590.                                       a.m. to noon, Army Community Service,           prospective company leaders with some
                                                                                           830 Chisholm Ave. Get tips for creating         of the challenges of command, and most
   All Fort Meade Department of                Country dance night                         winning resume styles and cover letters.        importantly, the avenues and resources
Defense civilians and military retirees                                                       • Federal Employment Class, April 10,
                                                 Club Meade is offering Country-Top                                                        available to assist them in solving or
can now eat lunch Mondays to Fridays                                                       9 a.m. to noon. Army Community Service,
                                               40 Night on Friday from 9 p.m. to 2                                                         addressing Soldier issues and concerns
from 12:15 to 12:45 p.m. at the Freedom                                                    830 Chisholm Ave. Learn to demystify the
                                               a.m.                                                                                        within the National Capital Region.
Inn Dining Facility, 8502 Simonds St.                                                      application process for federal employment.
                                                 No cover charge. A cash bar is                                                               MDW Regulation 350-5, Company
   Cost is $4.55. Customers must                                                              • Career Exploration Class, April 17, 9
                                               available.                                                                                  Commanders and First Sergeants
present a valid military identification or                                                 a.m. to noon, Army Community Service,
                                                 For more information, call 301-677-                                                       Training, requires all Joint Force
approved Fort Meade ID badge.                                                              830 Chisholm Ave. Using various career/
                                               5298.                                                                                       Headquarters-National Capital Region/
   For more information and updated                                                        personality assessments and tools, learn to     MDW company commanders and first
daily menus, visit                                                       achieve personal and professional success.      sergeants to attend this training.
mil/freedominn.                                          EDUCATION                            • BRAC 101 Employment Training                  To participate, individuals should
                                                                                           Orientation, April 11, 9:30 a.m. to noon,       contact their unit S3 or the installation’s
Women’s History Month                          Military career advancement                 Soldier and Family Assistance Center, 2462      Directorate of Plans, Training,
observance                                     and college fair                            85th Medical Battalion Ave. Learn about         Mobilization and Security.
                                                                                           new jobs coming to the Fort Meade area             A final list of individuals recommended
   Fort Meade’s annual Women’s History                                                     in 2012 and 2013, and how to enroll to          to participate in this training is due to the
Month observance will be held today from          The Fort Meade Education Center
                                               will host a military career advancement     qualify for them.                               MDW J/637 Office by April 4.
11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at McGill Training                                                       • Military  Spouse Employment                  For more information, call Michael
Center.                                        and college fair April 5 from 11 a.m. to
                                               3 p.m. at McGill Training Center, 8452      Support Group, April 18, 11:30 a.m. to 1        Egly at 202-685-2910 or michael.egly@
   Admission is free and open to the                                                       p.m., Potomac Place Neighborhood Center, or call David Stone
public. Free food samplings will be served.    Zimborski Ave.
                                                  Topics will include Army assignments        To register, call 301-677-5590. For          at 202-685-1923 or email david.stone@
   The event is hosted by Army Cyber                                                       more information, call Vikki Torrence or
Command/2nd Army.                              with the Army Medical Detachment,
                                               the Chaplain Corps, the Criminal            Jamesinaez James at 301-677-5590.
   The keynote speaker will be Michele
                                               Investigation Command and the Special                                                       Resiliency workshop
S. Jones, director of External Veteran/
Military Affairs and Community                 Operations Command; a career as             OSC scholarships                                   “Building Resiliency in Children and
Outreach, U.S. Office of Personnel             a warrant officer; the Army’s Green            The Fort Meade Officers’ Spouses’ Club       Teens: A Workshop for Educators and
Management, President’s Veterans               to Gold program; the Navy College           will award scholarships for the 2012-2013       Caregivers” will be presented today from
Employment Initiative.                         Program; financial aid; and U.S.            academic school year in the spring.             2:30 to 4:30 p.m. at the Meade High
   For more information, call Sgt. 1st Class   Department of Veterans Affairs benefits.       Completed applications must be               School Media Center.
Kah at 301-833-2011, Ms. Telsee at 301-           Light refreshments will be served.       postmarked by April 1.                             Registration will be from 2:15 to
833-2002 or Sgt. 1st Class Bass at 301-677-       For more information, call the              • The Etta Baker Memorial Scholarship        2:30 p.m. The workshop is free, but
6687.                                          Education Center at 301-677-6421.           will be awarded for academic advancement to     admission is limited.
                                                                                           deserving college-bound high school seniors.       To register, call 202-650-7634 or email
National Prayer Luncheon                       Employment Readiness                           • The Merit Scholarship for continued
  The Fort Meade National Prayer
                                               classes                                     learning will be awarded for academic
Luncheon will be held Wednesday at                The Employment Readiness Program
                                                                                           advancement to graduating high school           EFMP workshop
                                                                                           seniors and students currently enrolled in
11:30 a.m. at Club Meade.                      helps the military community with job       college.                                          A workshop for military parents of

16 SOUNDOFF! March 22, 2012                                                                                                                         
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Fort Meade SoundOff for March 22, 2012

  • 1. Soundoff! vol. 64 no. 12 Published in the interest of the Fort Meade community ´ March 22, 2012 race to 1st place Defense Information School names winners of visual arts competition Photo by Lance Cpl. Sharon D. Kyle SPORTS 2ND PLACE: Marine Lance Cpl. Reagan Lodge, Headquarters and Service Battalion, Marine Corps Base Quantico, conducts water running exercises during a physical training session on Sept. 14, 2011 in Ramer Hall, The Basic School, Marine Corps Base Quantico, Va. Some of the military’s best photographers, videographers and graphic artists were named during the Defense Information School’s 49th annual Visual Information Awards program held March 12-15. For more, see Pages 14-15. PX update olympic gold UPCOMING EVENTS Construction on Manor View students today, 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m.: Women’s History Month Observance - McGill new facility to join first lady at Saturday, 9 a.m.: Ice Breaker Golf Tournament - The Courses change parking mini-Olympics event friday-saturday: NAF property sale - The Pavilion (details on Page 13) wednesday, 11:30 a.m.: Fort Meade National Prayer Luncheon - Club Meade page 5 page 18
  • 2. Commander’s Column Soundoff! Editorial Staff Garrison Commander Guaranteed circulation: 11,285 ´ Rendering honors to the flag Col. Edward C. Rothstein Enforcer of the Standards. When in a Garrison Command That is one of the most important jobs I have formation or Sgt. Maj. Charles E. Smith as Fort Meade’s garrison command sergeant a group, the Public Affairs Officer major. Some of the standards I enforce include senior service Chad T. Jones the proper wear of the uniform, maintenance of member pres- Chief, Command Information our barracks and safety during PT. ent will call the Philip H. Jones If I see something wrong, it is my job to fix it. group to “Atten- That’s why I’m writing today. tion” and then Assistant Editor & Senior Writer Recently, I have witnessed numerous customs “Parade, Rest.” Rona S. Hirsch and courtesies violations throughout the Fort At the first note Staff Writer Lisa R. Rhodes Meade community, particularly in regard to of “Retreat,” Staff Writer Brandon Bieltz saluting the flag. the senior ser- Charles E. Smith Design Coordinator Timothy Davis I know the subject has been discussed before. vice member Garrison Command Sergeant Major Supple­mental photography provided But in the military I’ve learned that if you have will then call by Patuxent Publishing Co. not said it in 90 days, it must be said again. the group to This is especially true when it comes to render- “Attention” and “Present, Arms” at the first Advertising ing honors to the flag during Reveille, Retreat note of “To the Colors” and then “Order, Arms” General Inquiries 410-332-6300 or Taps. I think the best rule of thumb is if our at the conclusion. Allison Thompson team members are conducting minor infractions When in civilian clothing, the only change is 410-332-6850 when it comes to rendering honors, it may be to place your right hand over your heart instead Michele Griesbauer because our community does not know what of saluting. Veterans and retirees, however, may 410-332-6381 the standards are, or as I like to say, what right salute. looks like. Additionally, vehicles in motion should stop. If you would like information about receiving Soundoff! on Fort Meade or are The flag of the United States is the symbol If you are in a car or on a motorcycle, dismount experiencing distribution issues, call 877-886-1206 or e-mail of our nation. All service members stationed on and salute. If you are with a group in a military Office hours are Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., and Saturday through Fort Meade will honor our national colors dur- vehicle or bus, remain in the vehicle. The indi- Sunday, 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. ing two distinct moments: Reveille and Retreat. vidual in charge will dismount and salute. Printed by offset method of reproduction as a civilian enterprise in the interest of the Reveille occurs at 6:30 a.m. and is tradition- These honors also apply to the national personnel at Fort George G. Meade, Maryland, by the Patuxent Publishing Co., a subsidiary ally when the flag is raised. Not coincidentally, anthems of foreign countries during ceremonies of The Baltimore Sun Media Group, 501 N. Calvert St., Baltimore, MD 21278, every Thursday that is the same time the cannon goes off in the or parades. except the last Thursday of the year in conjunction with the Fort Meade Public Affairs Office. morning. During the playing of Reveille, service Taps is sounded at 9 p.m. daily. Once the song Requests for publication must reach the Public Affairs Office no later than Friday before the members should stand at attention and salute begins, face the music and come to the position desired publication date. Mailing address: Post Public Affairs Office, Soundoff! IMME-MEA-PA, Bldg. 4409, Fort Meade, MD 20755-5025. Telephone: 301-677-1361; DSN: 622-1361. until the song is over. of attention until the music is complete. Service Similarly during Retreat, which is at 5 p.m. members are required to render honors in uni- Everything advertised in this publication must be made available for purchase, use or patronage and when the flag is taken down, individuals, form or civilian clothes. without regard to race, creed, color, national origin, marital status, handicap or sex of purchaser, regardless of where they are, need to face the The garrison commander and I are here to user or patron. A confirmed violation or rejection of this policy of equal opportunity by an advertiser flag (or the direction of the music if the flag is serve the Fort Meade community and ensure will result in the refusal to print advertising from that source. not visible) and render a proper hand salute at that everyone is fully aware of military customs Printed by Patuxent Publishing Co., a private firm, in no way connected with the Department the first note of “To the Colors.” and courtesies. We believe situational awareness of the Army. Opinions expressed by the publisher and writers herein are their own and are For both Reveille and Retreat, service mem- is the key. not to be considered an official expression by the Department of the Army. The appearance bers normally face the flag when saluting, unless If you have further questions, feel free to of advertisers in the publication does not constitute an endorsement by the Department of duty requires you to face a different direction. speak with your chain of command or visit me the Army of the products or services advertised. At the conclusion of the music, resume your during the commander’s open door every Mon- regular duties. day from 4 to 6 p.m. You can also keep track of Fort Meade on twitter at Monika Hiatt and view the Fort Meade Blog at (left) of Odenton and Monika Reda of Severn honor the flag Co n t e n t s during Retreat at McGlachlin Parade Field on March 20. News.............................. 3 Religion................................. 21 Trouble Ticket................ 4 Sports................................... 18 Photo by Jason Kelly Community.................. 16 Movies.................................. 22 SOUNDOFF! March 22, 2012
  • 3. News Drive with caution DES, Picerne crack down on speeders By Brandon Bieltz Staff Writer Speeding on the installation has been a hot topic on the Fort Meade Facebook page and during Garrison Commander Col. Edward C. Rothstein’s town halls. With a few more tools in their arsenal, the Directorate of Emergency Services and Picerne Military Housing are prepared to combat speeders on installation roads. Although there are less speeding problems on post than outside the fence line, DES has equipped more patrol cars with effective radar instruments while Picerne is operating a pilot program with eight speed humps throughout Meuse Forest. “Our speeding problem on the installation is lower than anywhere in Anne Arundel County,” said Maj. J. Darrell Sides, operations officer at DES. “We’ll never prevent speeding; we can only reduce it.” To curtail speeding, the DES obtained eight mobile radar units from Fort Campbell, Ky. The devices are in addition to the sev- eral already installed in traffic enforcement vehicles. The mobile radar instruments allow driv- ing police officers to check the speed of a vehicle. The passive system remains on at all times. And with the push of a button, the officer can track the speed of a vehicle he believes is speeding. While traffic enforcement officers have had mobile radar in their patrol cars for several years, regular patrol officers have still been map courtesy picerne military housing using hand-held radars, which require the offi- cer to be parked to get an accurate reading. “When a person’s radar detector goes off, Another tool that Manning uses is a small by the end of April. The speed humps will With the addition of the eight instruments, all that’s telling them is that their speed has device with two hoses that lay across the street. be strategically placed on straight, downhill DES can put the equipment in several, regular just been registered by the police car,” Sides The device registers and tracks the speed of streets — roads conducive to speeding, said patrol cars to allow officers to track speeders said. “It’s too late. The radar detector just lets drivers. Using this information, Manning can Jessie Hyder, a Picerne community builder. while handling other tasks. them know when they’ve been busted.” determine where the most speeders are. “[The placements are] a combination of In addition to allowing moving police To further deter speeders, DES is also using In addition to these tools, DES determines our team knowing the streets, and some were officers to obtain an accurate reading, some radar trailers; empty, marked patrol cars; and where to focus its efforts based on complaints geared from residents,” Hyder said. patrol cars will have dual mounted systems speed tracking devices. from the community. Most complaints, Man- Unlike narrow speed bumps, which are with radar in the front and back of the vehicle. Fort Meade Police Lt. George Manning, ning said, come from school zones and the against Army regulations, the speed humps With this technology, officers can track a car DES’ traffic supervisor, sets up two to four residential neighborhoods. will not slow down emergency vehicles. Tire that drove past them. radar trailers at all times that prominently “We increase area presence when we get gaps on the humps will allow larger emer- “Somebody slows down when they see the display a vehicle’s speed. certain complaints in certain areas,” he said. gency vehicles to straddle the hump, instead cop car, but they have the tendency to speed “Most people are generally law-abiding “That’s one way we use the public’s comments of driving directly over it. back up after they pass the police officer,” citizens but get a little excessive with their right and concerns as a way to try to deter speeding While Picerne is waiting to see how the Sides said. “We’ll continue to track the vehicle foot,” Sides said. “When they’re reminded of problems.” speed humps work in Meuse Forest before until it is out of sight.” their speed, a fair amount do slow down.” Following suggestions by residents, Picerne installing them in other neighborhoods, the Unlike active radar, the mobile radar’s Empty patrol cars are also parked around has taken its own steps to help deter speeding Directorate of Public Works has received rec- passive system can’t be picked up by a radar the installation to create the illusion that more in its housing areas. ommendations about installing speed humps detector, which is illegal on the installation. officers are patrolling the streets, then later As part of a larger roadwork program, beyond the housing areas. The motorist will only get a reading after he replaced with police officers conducting radar eight speed humps, also known as speed “It will deter a majority of the popula- has been tracked. enforcement. cushions, will be installed in Meuse Forest tion,” Sides said. “We will see a reduction.” March 22, 2012 SOUNDOFF!
  • 4. N ews Have you noticed an issue on post Community Trouble and wondered if anything is being done to fix it? Email concerns and issues to chad.t.jones.civ@mail. Crime Watch Ticket mil. Each week, Soundoff! will Compiled by the Fort Meade Directorate of Emergency Services address issues identified on post March 12, Larceny of pri- in the head and right eye. and describe what is being done to vate property: An unknown solve them. person(s) removed an unse- March 15, Larceny of pri- cured, unattended bicycle vate property: The victim from the side of the victim’s stated that unknown persons quarters. removed his cell phone char- ger from his room. March 13, Traffic violations - driving in wrong direction on one-way March 15, Assault - consummated road, driving on suspended license: A by a battery: The Directorate of unit observed a vehicle traveling in Emergency Services was notified of the wrong direction on a one-way a fist fight at Murphy Field House. road. A traffic stop was initiated. An investigation revealed that the A check with the National Crime subject struck the victim in the face Information Center revealed that the and pushed him onto the floor. driver’s license was suspended. March 17, Wrongful damage of pri- March 14, Larceny of private prop- vate property: Unknown persons by erty: The Directorate of Emergency unknown means broke the rear win- Services was notified of a theft of dow of a vehicle while it was legally private property at Murphy Field parked and secured. House. An investigation revealed that the victim placed his hooded jacket in his locker while he was in the gym. March 17, Shoplifting, possession of When he returned from the gym, he marijuana: AAFES security at the found the locker had been opened Post Exchange observed the subject and the jacket was gone. remove a computer game from its original package, conceal it on him- self and exit the store without render- March 14, Assault - consummated ing proper payment. A search of the by a battery: The Directorate of subject revealed what appeared to be Emergency Services was notified of a a rolled marijuana cigarette. A test domestic disturbance in progress. An was conducted using a narcotics test investigation revealed that the subject kit, with positive results for Tetrahy- assaulted her mother by striking her drocannabinol, or THC. file photo Play equipment near the Boundless Playground is currently undergoing repairs. AER update Issue: Plan: Status: The Fort Meade Army Emergency Relief campaign has collected The Installation Safety Office Repair the play equipment Repairs are under way $7,002 as of Monday. has deemed and marked so that it is functional The goal is to collect $80,000 some play equipment at by May 15. Each unit should Burba Lake as unsafe have an AER representative. For more information, call Community members Maintain a minimum of Golf operations will Wallace Turner, AER officer, at have concerns about golf 18 holes at current site; continue through 301-677-5768. course service availability in restoring golf operations May 1; The Clubhouse will light of Base Closure and on a site south of the remain open for catering Realignment installation is also proposed and conferences Find Fort Meade on Youth Services Sports Renovate the Youth Services Actual use of fields is Complex is in need of Sports Complex expected to be this fall Facebook at renovations to allow grass to mature SOUNDOFF! March 22, 2012
  • 5. N ews Construction of new PX scheduled for summer Post, AAFES current Exchange.” The new 167,000-square-foot PX will provide more services than the current the current PX will be demolished and a parking lot will be paved there. During a March 8 meeting about tion of the PXtra, which would provide an additional 100 spaces. The employee parking lot, which was initially desig- plan to mitigate 130,000-square-foot facility, including a larger food court with six food ven- the new PX, parking options were discussed. nated as a construction staging area, could also provide another 116 parking parking issues dors and a pharmacy. “We’re going to be able to provide better service to our customers,” Bright “Parking is a significant issue,” said Bert Rice, Fort Meade’s director of transformation. “For the customer, you spaces. With these possible solutions to the parking shortage during construc- By Brandon Bieltz said. “Everyone is very excited about have to think about having that reason- tion, 342 spaces would be created for Staff Writer the project.” ably available to the current store dur- customers. Officials are working on When construction of the new Army Construction plans for the $38 mil- ing the entire construction phase.” a sketch of the proposed temporary and Air Force Exchange begins in July, lion project aim for the new PX, with The PX averages about 1,850 trans- parking plan for review. the current PX will remain open. But a new parking lot, to be completed in actions per day, with customers filling “None of this has been firmed up what is now a parking lot will be trans- two years. Once the facility is complete, half of the 600-space parking lot daily. yet,” Rice said. “It’s a work in prog- formed into a construction zone. Based on these numbers, officials deter- ress.” The new facility will be built on mined that at least 300 to 350 spots are Bright said he will communicate with top of the current parking lot, leaving required to accommodate customers customers throughout the construc- Exchange and garrison officials search- ‘We’re going to be able to during the construction. tion process, including updates on the ing for an alternative parking plan for customers. The PX will lose close to provide a better service to One plan includes turning the grassy area near PNC Bank at the corner of changing parking situation. A solution for the parking lot is 600 parking spaces while the new facil- our customers.’ Reece and MacArthur roads into a expected to be determined and set up ity is constructed. temporary gravel parking lot to create prior to the groundbreaking in July. “We have some ideas on parking,” Jonathan Bright 100 spaces. More spaces could be cre- “When we start the process in July said Jonathan Bright, general manager Fort Meade AAFES general manager ated by using the median at the access we hope to have all parking issues of the Fort Meade AAFES. “We are drive on MacArthur Road. resolved,” Bright said. “That’s our identifying areas that are close to the Officials also considered the demoli- goal.” Only one kind of auto insurance is earned once, but may be handed down from generation to generation. At USAA, our commitment to serve the financial needs of our military members, veterans who have honorably served and their families is without equal. It’s why we save members $450 a year on average1 when they switch to USAA Auto Insurance. Begin your legacy. Get a quote. | 800-531-3550 Insurance Banking Investments Retirement Advice 1 Average Annual Savings based on countrywide survey of new customers from 10/1/09 to 9/30/10, who reported their prior insurers’ premiums when they switched to USAA. Savings do not apply in MA. Use of the term “member” does not convey any legal, ownership or eligibility rights for property and casualty insurance products. Ownership rights are limited to eligible policyholders of United Services Automobile Association. The term “honorably served” applies to officers and enlisted personnel who served on active duty, in the Selected Reserve or National Guard and have a discharge type of “Honorable.” Eligibility may change based on factors such as marital status, rank or military status. Contact us to update your records. Adult children of USAA members are eligible to purchase auto or property insurance if their eligible parent purchases USAA auto or property insurance. Automobile insurance provided by United Services Automobile Association, USAA Casualty Insurance Company, USAA General Indemnity Company, Garrison Property and Casualty Insurance Company, USAA County Mutual Insurance Company, San Antonio, TX, and is available only to persons eligible for PC group membership. Each company has sole financial responsibility for its own products. © 2012 USAA. 124912-0112 March 22, 2012 SOUNDOFF!
  • 6. N ews Facelift for Fort Meade’s Facebook page 1 By Fort Meade Public Affairs Office Beginning this morning, visitors to the installation’s Facebook page, facebook. com/ftmeade, will experience a new design and features. The update is part of Facebook’s new timeline format for pages. The Army’s Facebook page, facebook. com/usarmy, was one of approximately 30 organizations that introduced the new format on Feb. 29. The social network has required all pages to transition to the format by March 30. “As soon as we learned about the require- 2 ment, we started to plan for it,” said Jason Kelly, Fort Meade’s emerging media man- ager. “It is more than just a new look. It is a refined way for our community to connect.” The update adds another way for com- munity members to provide feedback about Fort Meade’s services and organizations. “We’ve always answered questions posted on our Facebook page, but sometimes we need additional information that may not be appropriate for posting on the page such as a telephone number or address,” Kelly said. Users can now send private messages 3 through the page to the Public Affairs Office and receive a response without leav- ing Facebook. Other changes include milestones and a timeline, which extend far beyond Fort Meade’s first post on May 14, 2009. “Fort Meade has a very rich history dat- ing back to training Soldiers here for World War I,” Kelly said. “Now, we’re able to share our history to better tell our story.” Users can now explore significant mile- stones and historical photos by scrolling down the page. The design is similar to the timeline that Facebook introduced for profiles last Sep- tember. New features on the installation’s page include a cover photo, highlighted Guide to new features on Fort Meade’s Facebook page posts and larger stories. The update allows the Public Affairs 1) The concept behind the new design is the timeline. Visitors can now click on the timeline to read past Office to keep information at the top of the posts and learn about milestones in Fort Meade’s history. Users can also scroll down the page to view page, Kelly said. recent posts. “Now, we can showcase what’s impor- tant, regardless if it is a text-based post, 2) The message button is a new tool. Users who like Fort Meade’s Facebook page can now send the photo album or a video,” he said. It may take some time to adjust to the Public Affairs Office a private message and receive a response. The feature is similar to sending a new design, Kelly said. message to a friend. It is not a real-time chat. “Social media is constantly evolving,” he said. “Sometimes, those changes are beyond 3) There are now four ways to view and organize content on the page: highlights, friend activity, posts our control. It’s one of the reasons why we by (Fort Meade) and posts by others. Highlights, which is shown above, displays Fort Meade’s posts, didn’t rush to transition to the new design. the user’s friends who also like the page, and recent posts that are not from PAO. Friend activity shows We wanted to make sure we got it right.” posts on the page by a user’s friends. Posts by Fort Meade displays only content from PAO. “Posts by For more information, call Jason Kelly at 301-677-1109 or email jason.s.kelly. others” display all posts that are not from PAO. Visitors can switch between the views by selecting the drop-down menu next to the No. 3 shown above. SOUNDOFF! March 22, 2012
  • 7. RELAX, REFRESH N ews REJUVENATE FOR FREE! FREE CLASSES At Howard County’s Best Yoga Studio Winners named for 21st Signal YOGA, PILATES, QIGONG MEDITATION Brigade NCO and Soldier of the Year April 2 - 8, 2012 By Command Sgt. Maj. Timothy A. Czuba 302nd Signal Battalion, at Fort Detrick. Choose From Over 70 Free Classes At The Yoga Center. 21st Signal Brigade Command The quarterly winners in the Soldier No Prior Yoga or Exercise Experience Is Necessary. No Obligation. After three days and nights of compet- category included Spc. Kimberly N. Trum- Classes Fill Quickly. Call 410-720-4340 To Reserve Your Spot. ing, two Fort Meade service members came bull, a combat production/documentation out on top in the 21st Signal Brigade’s NCO specialist, from 55th Combat Camera; Pfc. and Soldier of the Year competition. Carl Singleton III, an automated logistics The competition was held Feb. 28 to specialist from 525th Signal Company, 56th March 2 at Camp Dawson in West Vir- Signal Battalion, in Miami; and Cpl. Shaun ginia. J. Lawson Jr., an information technology Sgt. Amber L. Lengele, a combat pro- specialist from Headquarters and Head- duction/documentation specialist from 55th quarters Detachment, 56th Signal Battal- Signal Company (Combat Camera), 114th ion, at Fort Sam Houston, Texas. Signal Battalion at Fort Meade, was named The winners of the NCO and Soldier of NCO of the Year. the Year competition were chosen based Spc. Christopher A. Ludeking, a satellite on their overall performance in events that communication systems operator/maintain- included the Army Physical Fitness Test, an Discounted Classes For Seniors, Teens er from the 327th Signal Company, 302nd administrative board appearance in service Signal Battalion at Fort Meade, was named dress uniform before a panel of brigade Active Military Personnel Their Spouses. Soldier of the Year. senior NCOs, a written examination, a The Yoga Center Of Columbia They will represent the 21st Signal Bri- written essay on the topic of retention, three 8950 Route 108, Suite 109, Columbia, MD 21045 gade at the 7th Signal Command (Theater) randomly selected Army Warrior Tasks, a 410.720.4340 NCO and Soldier of the Year competition daytime land-navigation course, a weapons at Fort Gordon, Ga., at the end of April. Photo By Spc. Justin Young challenge using the EST 2000 simulator and The 21st Signal Brigade is charged to a map reading event. provide and defend global information Sgt. Amber L. Lengele is named NCO The competition culminated with an Get the insider’s capabilities to enable joint and combined of the Year and Spc. Christopher A. Army combatives tournament. battle command across the full spectrum Ludeking is named Soldier of the Year in The combined challenges allowed partic- of operations from the president of the the 21st Signal Brigade competition held ipants to show their proficiencies and skills advantage United States to the war fighter and other Feb. 28 to March 2 at Camp Dawson, W. as “Best Warrior” by being well-rounded federal agencies. Va. They will represent their brigade at in all training events — not just a subject The brigade is geographically dispersed the 7th Signal Command (Theater) NCO/ matter expert in one category. across the United States at eight instal- Soldier of the Year competition in April at Lengele, a native of Olympia, Wash., Join the conversation on lations, stationed in Central and South Fort Gordon, Ga. entered the Army in August 2007. She Fort Meade’s social media America, deployed to Southwest Asia, and NCO and Soldier of the Quarter boards. has deployed to Afghanistan and recently platform for the latest com- supports national, strategic and tactical The NCO quarterly winners included made cutoff score to be promoted to staff missions worldwide. Staff Sgt. Carla A. Philpot, a chaplain assis- sergeant. munity news. The challenging, three-day competition tant from Headquarters and Headquarters Ludeking, who was born in Sioux City, Connect with more than included five other competitors who rep- Company, 21st Signal Brigade, at Fort Det- Iowa, joined the Army in March 2010. resented subordinate units within the 21st rick and Sgt. Kedrick T. Nelson, a senior Both Lengele and Ludeking received the 8,000 post community mem- Signal Brigade. All who competed were the satellite communication systems operator/ Army Commendation Medal for winning bers on the installation’s best from the first, second, third and fourth maintainer from 298th Signal Company, the competition. Facebook page. Stay updat- ed with Tweets from Fort Meade’s Twitter feed. Catch Representation needed and recommendations on specific educational issues, and the committee may choose to study and report on educational issues of concern to the county. the latest episode of Meade for cluster schools The representative for the Fort Meade cluster elementary schools will serve for three years. Week’s video blog. Visit the Those interested in filling the vacancy must complete an The executive committee of the Anne Arundel County installation’s website at www. Public Schools Citizen Advisory Committee is seeking a rep- application and forward it by March 30 to Teresa Tudor, resentative for the Fort Meade cluster elementary schools. senior manager for School and Family Partnership, at ttu- and visit The Citizen Advisory Committee’s executive committee is the links to add your voice to appointed by the Board of Education and provides advice Applications are available on the CAC page on the to the board on specific issues that impact education policy, AACPS website at Go to “Community” the conversation. on the AACPS website and click “Citizen Advisory Com- activities and programs. The CAC responds to requests from the board for research mittee.” SOUNDOFF! March 22, 2012
  • 8. N ews Army’s ‘global scouts’ commemorate six years By Maj. Sonise Lumbaca Asymmetric Warfare Group Public Affairs Office March 8 marked six years since the Asymmetric Warfare Group first unfurled it colors during an activation ceremony on Fort Meade. Activated originally to mitigate and/or defeat asymmetric threats faced by U.S. forces in both Iraq and Afghanistan, the AWG continues to demonstrate its unique mission as a global, enduring Army capa- bility. The AWG provides operational advisory support to Army and joint force com- manders globally to enhance Soldier sur- vivability, combat effectiveness, and enable the defeat of current and emerging threats in support of Unified Land Operations. The unit includes about 350 Soldiers, Department of the Army civilians and contractors who are seasoned war fight- ers and functional area experts who fill the ranks of four squadrons; two opera- tional squadrons; a training, recruiting and assessment squadron; and a concepts and integration squadron. Since its inception six years ago, AWG has provided firsthand observation of enemy tactics, techniques and procedures, and friendly capability gaps with the goal of developing solutions to exploit enemy capability gaps and to mitigate friendly vulnerabilities. Photo courtesy U.S. Army The unit is able to do this through its An Asymmetric Warfare Group Soldier provides security from an observation post overlooking the Kholbesat bazaar in Khwost hand-selected operational advisors and province, Afghanistan, on March 13, 2011. through three key attributes: • Proximity - its firsthand observations is ever-changing in its methods. ground is using to thwart enemy tactics adaptability in Soldiers and teams while in combat and operational areas Many units that are focused on the fight that another unit 30 miles away may not promoting innovative training and criti- • Duration - maintaining an enduring are challenged with the opportunity to step be aware of. cal thinking to prepare future leaders for global presence back and observe the “big picture” of the All of the observations made are non- decisive action. • Experience - recent and relevant com- battlefield. Or they may be headed to a attributable and do not interfere with the These examples demonstrate how, over bat and operations experience with the location they are unfamiliar with. unit operations, but rather complement it. the past six years, AWG has affected imme- ability to rapidly blend capabilities across Operational advisors are able to make In partnering with other Army organi- diate change of behavior at the tactical the Army these observations for deploying and zations such as the Rapid Equipping Force, level, which is critical to help reduce the Enabling the defeat of current and deployed units, ultimately resulting in Sol- the Army Capabilities Integration Center learning curve of current OEF rotational emerging threats begins with AWG’s dier survivability and unit combat effec- and with industry, the AWG has been able, forces. operational advisors - the Army’s “global tiveness. in some cases, to pull commercial off-the- To complement this dissemination scouts.” Operational advisors deploy glob- In making these observations, the AWG shelf items and rapidly get it in the hands effort, AWG also uses current observa- ally and embed with units. is able to gather information and rapidly of Soldiers on the ground. tions to inform the more deliberate Army AWG operational advisors are able to develop solutions through a reach-back In other cases, the AWG and its internal capabilities’ development processes and the provide units with current enemy TTPs, capability to a robust variety of prob- team of experts have developed possible associated Doctrine, Organization, Train- along with best practices, to mitigate lem-solvers and solution-developers. These capabilities that are first tested internally, ing, Materiel, Leadership and Education, threats and overall atmospherics of any solutions are developed in the form of and then offered to the Army. An example Personnel and Facilities changes. given region because they have firsthand nonmaterial solutions, methodologies or of this is the Asymmetric Warfare Adap- Moreover, this deliberate dissemination experience in the region. processes that units can use to mitigate a tive Leader Program. In keeping pace with informs senior leader decisions on policy The combination of experience and cur- threat; or material solutions, which can an adaptable enemy, the AWALP places and resourcing that assists Army Transfor- rent understanding of the operational envi- include adapting equipment for units to Soldiers in scenarios that are ambigu- mation to Army 2020. ronment gives the AWG advisory mission a operate better within their environment. ous, with environments that have limited For more information on joining the unique capability to help build an adaptive The solution can even be the dissemina- resources. Asymmetric Warfare Group, call AWG force that is confronted with an enemy that tion of a best practice that one unit on the The program is designed to enhance recruiters at 301-833-5366. 10 SOUNDOFF! March 22, 2012
  • 9. N ews Tax Center adds more appointments By Capt. Michael Madsen preparation stations, allowing for new Legal Assistance Attorney appointment slots. Fort Meade Tax Center These appointment slots are avail- The Joint Installation Tax Center able immediately, but they are filling has been busy — so busy that the center up fast. has been booked solid one month in While the Fort Meade Tax Center advance. strives to serve as many people as pos- The center, located in the Legal Assis- sible, the services offered do have some tance Office of the Fort Meade Office limitations. The center can only serve of the Staff Judge Advocate, has had active-duty personnel, military retirees a hard time just keeping up with the and their dependents. phone calls. In addition, taxes cannot be prepared Several installations in the Washing- for anyone with income from a private ton, D.C., region have had to curtail business, two or more rental properties, their tax center operations this year. For or more than 10 stock transactions in example, Fort Belvoir, Va., has made its 2011. tax center available only to active-duty Every tax preparer at the Fort Meade enlisted Soldiers below the rank of E-5. Tax Center has been trained and certi- Consequently, retirees, senior enlisted fied by the IRS. The center also has a Soldiers and even general officers sta- number of civilian employees and vol- tioned at other posts have been flocking unteers who assist in ensuring that each to the Fort Meade Tax Center. return is as complete as possible. To accommodate the crowds, the cen- To schedule an appointment, call the ter has recruited additional manpow- Fort Meade Tax Center at 301-677- er and has opened up additional tax 9086. Retirees receive erroneous letter regarding 2008 taxes By Capt. Michael Madsen been adjusted to eliminate or reduce the Legal Assistance Attorney pension exclusion. The adjustment to Fort Meade Tax Center your account resulted in a balance due Several military retirees have come as follows ... “ to the Fort Meade Tax Center seeking According to one representative at assistance after receiving a letter from the Comptroller’s Office, many of these the Comptroller of Maryland. letters were sent to retirees who had, in The letter states that the taxpayers fact, properly reported their retirement have improperly taken a retirement exclu- income on their 2008 Maryland Income sion on their 2008 taxes. The letter also Tax Return. reports a balance due, which is usually The representative encourages every- several thousand dollars. one who has received such a letter to If you receive such a letter, call the call the Comptroller’s Office to have Comptroller of Maryland before you their case reviewed before submitting submit payment to verify whether or not payment. you improperly reported your retirement If you have received such a letter, call income in 2008. the Comptroller of Maryland at 1-800- The letter reads: 648-9638 to contest your liability. “According to our records, you either For further assistance, call the Fort overstated the allowable pension exclu- Meade Legal Assistance Office and sion amount, or claimed a pension exclu- Fort Meade Tax Center at 301-677- sion that you were not entitled to, pursu- 9536/9762. ant to Maryland law. As a result, your Do not submit payment until someone total subtraction modifications have has reviewed your case. March 22, 2012 SOUNDOFF! 11
  • 10. N ews Thrift Shop features dedicated volunteers By Lisa R. Rhodes Staff Writer The Post Thrift Shop has been a Fort Meade institution for at least 60 years. Kay Crawford has volunteered at the shop for half that time. “I like to help people,” said Crawford, a Severn resident. “The staff became like my family.” For the past eight years, Crawford’s husband, Roger, has volunteered along- side her. “Glad we can do it,” said Roger Craw- ford, a former mail carrier for the Fort Meade Post Office. The Enlisted Spouses Club oversees the Thrift Shop, which is located in Building 2206 at the corner of First and Chisholm avenues. The shop sells new and secondhand items at discount prices. It is open to the general public; military identification is not necessary to make purchases. Consignments, however, are only available by appointment to military ID cardholders. Sixty percent of the shop’s merchan- dise is clothing for children and adults. The stock also includes military uni- forms, housewares, small electronics, sporting gear, camping gear, pet supplies and a wide variety of books. Jennifer Scales, managing editor at The Frontline, the military newspaper at Fort Stewart, Ga., said she shops at the Thrift Shop whenever she is in the area. photo by jen rynda “I like the style of the clothes, and the merchandise is affordable,” Scales Kay Crawford and her husband, Roger, volunteer Tuesday at the Enlisted Spouses Club’s Post Thrift Shop. The couple, who live said as she looked through a selection in Severn, have been volunteering at the shop for a combined 38 years. of blouses. Retired 1st Sgt. Jesse Diaz, and his dise for sale. ing and that working in the clearance late 1950s to 1968. wife, Arosa, searched for housewares Other volunteers help with stocking, room “is just like housework.” Roger Crawford was a staff sergeant in after a recent move from Arizona to pricing and consignments. Roger Crawford became a volunteer the Army Reserve when he began work- Odenton. Trenda Quinn, president of the Thrift when he learned that the staff “needed ing as a mail carrier at the Fort Meade “I think it’s nice,” Diaz said of the Shop Council, which oversees the shop a guy to help.” Post Office in 1960. He was recalled to shop. “The prices are comparable to and sets its policy, said the dedication of In addition to making repairs to items active duty in 1961 and sent to Fort other thrift stores.” the Crawfords is exceptional. and cleaning them, Crawford also trans- Eustis, Va. He returned home a year All profits generated by sales are “They are wonderful,” Quinn said. ports unsold merchandise to Goodwill later after his unit was deactivated and put back into the Fort Meade commu- “We can always depend on them. They and the Salvation Army. resumed working at the post office before nity through scholarships for military take it very seriously. They’ll do anything “It’s in your heart to help somebody,” retiring in 1992. spouses and children, welfare grants and you ask.” he said. The couple said they don’t intend to charitable donations. This year, the Thrift Shop Coun- Both have roots at Fort Meade. stop volunteering at the Thrift Shop any In the past year, the club has awarded cil nominated the Crawfords for Fort Roger Crawford’s grandfather, Charles time soon. $14,000 in scholarships to military chil- Meade’s Volunteer of the Year award in Reigle, owned farm land off post that the “We’ll go as long as our health holds dren and an additional $8,000 in schol- the family category. Army rented in 1917 for $15 a month. up,” Roger Crawford said. arships to military spouses, according to Kay Crawford, who is not a member His grandparents, Charles and Mary Editor’s note: The Post Thrift Shop is the ESC website. of ESC, said she started volunteering Reigle, and several aunts and uncles open Tuesday and Thursday from 9 a.m. The Crawfords are among the eight when her son, Roger Crawford Jr., was a are buried in Fort Meade’s Bethel Cem- to 2 p.m., with consignments from 9 a.m. volunteers who help run the shop. Kay child and attended school. etery. to 12:30 p.m.; Wednesday from 9 a.m. to Crawford works in the clearance room “I had the time,” she said, noting that Kay Crawford’s father, Samuel Chalf- 2 p.m., with consignments by appointment organizing reduced-price items. Roger the family lived in Odenton at the time. ant, worked as the assistant post trans- only; and the first Saturday of the month Crawford repairs and cleans merchan- Kay Crawford said she likes organiz- portation officer at Fort Meade from the from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. 12 SOUNDOFF! March 22, 2012
  • 11. N ews DFMWR hosts property sale of used equipment By Rona S. Hirsch computers, commercial-grade restaurant Staff Writer equipment, fishing boat, Lund with trailer, From 16-pound bowling balls and Dell single kayak, canoes, riding mower, cartop monitors to a barbecue smoker and Sea Pro carrier, dunk tank, DJ booth, storage shelves boat with trailer, the Fort Meade Directorate and a Coca-Cola soda system. of Family and Morale, Welfare and Recre- Condition of equipment and furnishings ation is hosting a sale of used equipment and varies from slightly used to nonoperational furnishings on Friday and Saturday at the due to missing parts. Pavilion. • All items are sold “as is” with no war- Sale items have been culled from DFMWR ranty. activities including Outdoor Recreation, the • Items must be paid for with cash or credit Lanes, Club Meade and Child, Youth and card. School Services. • Items must be moved at the time of pur- “We have a lot of accumulation,” said chase, no holding. Moving and transporting Bill Hicks, financial management officer for are the responsibility of the purchaser. DFMWR. “We took a look and saw there is • No holding of tags. If an item has been an excess of equipment.” without a tag for an extended time frame, the Money generated from the sale will go back item will be re-tagged. to the community. • Any remaining items will be discounted “The sale is a good stewardship of govern- 50 percent on Saturday only, from 1 to 3 p.m. ment funds,” Hicks said. “They will contribute The Pavilion will be cleared 10 minutes prior to the continuation of DFMWR activities on to the discounting and items will be re-tagged. PHOTO BY NOAH SCIALOM Fort Meade, from CYS2 to Outdoor Rec.” No previous tags will be honored; first come, HATS OFF! The sale schedule varies: • Today, noon to 5 p.m., viewing only first served. The Llewellyn Avenue gate will be open Laura Desena, of the Officers’ Spouses’ Club on Fort Meade, sports a stylish hat at the club’s first “Wedding March” luncheon on March 15 at • Friday, 2 to 6 p.m., for active-duty ser- Saturday for public access and pick up of the Courses. To get in the wedding spirit, OSC members were asked to vice members and dependent ID cardholders small items. If large items require full access, dress in white and don their best royal wedding hat. Some of the festive only staff will coordinate entrance via the Reece hats were homemade, others borrowed or purchased. Table center- • Saturday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., for the public Road gate. pieces featured floral “cakes” on glass cake plates. Items for sale include: ellipticals, treadmills, For a full inventory, visit www.ftmeadem- steppers, child care furniture, campers, Apple ‘Get Your Plate in Shape’ focuses on healthy eating By Lt. Col. Sandra Keelin, easy-to-understand visual cue used to options, share with a buddy or save part that are high in solid fats, added sugars Registered Dietitian show Americans how to incorporate the of the meal for later. and salt should be used as occasional U.S. Army Public Health Command recommendations of 2010 Dietary Guide- • Include physical activity into your treats, not everyday foods. March is National Nutrition Month. lines into every meal. daily routine; this, too, helps you balance • Reduce salt in your diet. Use the This annual campaign, sponsored by MyPlate uses the familiar image of a calories. Nutrition Facts label to compare sodium the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics place setting for a meal to illustrate the five • Choose foods to eat more often. Eat in foods, and choose lower sodium ver- (formerly the American Dietetic Associa- food groups. The plate is divided into four foods that are nutrient-rich more often, sions of foods such as soup, bread, frozen tion), reinforces the importance of good sections — fruits, vegetables, grains and and make them the basis for meals and and other convenient foods. nutrition and physical activity. proteins — and includes a glass represent- snacks. These foods contain health-pro- • Drink fewer sugar-sweetened bever- The academy also helps consumers ing dairy products. moting nutrients such as potassium, cal- ages such as soda, energy drinks and sport understand how to implement the 2010 The simple key messages of MyPlate cium, vitamin D and fiber. drinks, which are a major source of added Dietary Guidelines for Americans. include: • Switch to fat-free or low-fat (1 per- sugar and calories in the American diet. The theme for this year, “Get Your Plate • Balance your calories by managing cent) milk and dairy products. • Drink smaller portions and substitute in Shape,” encourages Americans to return calories in with calories out. • Fill half your plate with a variety with water or other unsweetened bever- to the basics of healthy eating by consum- • Enjoy your food, but eat less. of colorful fruits and veggies (to include ages. ing the recommended amounts of food • Take the time to fully enjoy your meal beans and peas). To help you get your plate in shape, essential for performance and health. by eating slowly. Eating fast or when dis- • Make at least half your grains whole check out the Super Tracker, an online This year’s theme coincides with tracted may cause you to eat more calories grains by substituting whole-grain foods tool where you can get a personalized the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s than you need. for refined. (Switch to whole wheat bread nutrition and activity plan. MyPlate, which replaced MyPyramid in • Downsize your portion sizes by using from white bread or brown rice instead of To find the SuperTracker or for more June 2011. MyPlate is the government’s a smaller plate, bowl or cup. white rice.) information about MyPlate, visit www. primary food-group symbol and is an • When eating out, choose smaller-sized • Choose foods to eat less often. Foods March 22, 2012 SOUNDOFF! 13
  • 12. C over S tory Photo by Senior Airman Marcy Glass NEWS 1ST PLACE: A father salutes the casket of his son on March 31, 2011 at Buckley Air Force Base, Colo., honoring Lance Cpl. Christopher Mies when he arrived home. Eye-catching DINFOS names winners of visual arts competition By Jason Kelly Emerging Media Manager Some of the military’s best photographers, videographers and graphic artists were named during the Defense Information School’s 49th annual Visual Informa- tion Awards program held March 12-15. Professional photographers from local and national organizations judged more than 3,000 entries from across the Department of Defense based on the entry’s storytelling ability, technical quality, originality and creativity. Winners were named in three separate competitions: Military Graphic Artist of the Year, Military Photographer of the Year and Military Videographer of the Year. Air Force Master Sgt. Jeremy T. Lock of the Defense Media Activity received his sixth Military Photographer of the Year honor. Navy Mass Communications Spc. 2nd Class Andrew A. Breese of DMA was named the Military Videographer of the Year. Marine Corps Sgt. Shawn Sales of DINFOS was selected as the Military Graphic Artist of the Year. The accompanying photos represent some of the winners in the photography portion of the program. Visit to view additional winning entries. 14 SOUNDOFF! March 22, 2012
  • 13. Photo by Senior Airman Grovert Fuentes-Contreras PORTRAIT-PERSONALITY 2ND PLACE: Staff Sgt. Patrick Reynolds, Security Forces squad leader attached to Provincial Reconstruction Team Zabul, fights racing water while holding onto a tow strap attached to an Afghan National Army vehicle stuck in the Lurah River in Shinkai District, Afghanistan, on Oct. 12, 2011. The ANA asked PRT Zabul for assistance because of the PRT’s vehicle recovery capabilities and the organizations’ working relationship after frequent joint operations in the Shinkai District. PHOTO BY SGT. SEAN HARP COMBAT DOCUMENTATION 2ND PLACE: Staff Sgt. Angel Alvarez, assigned to the Warrior Training Center on Fort Lee, Va., cocks back to throw a pyrotechnic grenade simulator into the sky during a night fire event for the 2011 Department of the Army Best Warrior Competition on Oct. 5, 2011. During the event, warriors fired from the prone-supported and prone-unsupported firing positions while pyrotechnics exploded around them. FEATURE 1ST PLACE: LEFT: Retired Navy Lt. Cmdr. Ken Swigart stares into the Grand Canyon on Dec. 13, 2011 at the location where the Flagstaff Community Toys For Tots organization delivers toys to the children of the Havasupai tribe. Swigart and Photo by Tech. Sgt. Bennie J. Davis III others join annually with U.S. Marines PICTORIAL 1ST PLACE: to deliver toys to the Native American An Army Ranger trainee gets “turtled” while repelling and can’t gain balance due to his 80-pound rucksack during the mountain tribe. phase of Army Ranger School at Camp Frank D. Merrill, Ga. Photo by Sgt. A.J. Parson March 22, 2012 SOUNDOFF! 15
  • 14. C ommunity N ews N otes The deadline for Soundoff! community The event is sponsored by the readiness by providing employment • The JROTC Scholarship will be awarded “News and Notes” is Friday at noon. All Garrison Chaplain’s Office. Chief of consultations/coaching, career classes and to highly motivated, community-minded submissions are posted at the editor’s dis- Chaplains Chaplain (Maj. Gen.) Donald assessments, and job search/interview- students to further their education beyond a cretion and may be edited for space and L. Rutherford will be the guest speaker. preparation assistance. high school diploma. grammar. Look for additional community Suggested donation is $10 for civilian Advance registration is required for the • The Military Spouse Scholarship will be events on the Fort Meade website at www. employees and service members with a free classes. awarded for academic advancement to highly and the Meade TV Blog rank of E-6 and above. • Military Spouse Employment motivated, community-minded individuals to at Seating is limited to 300 people. Support Group, Wednesday, 11:30 a.m. further their education. For more information or to submit an Tickets can be obtained through the unit to 1 p.m., Potomac Place Neighborhood Application forms with all eligibility announcement, email Chad Jones at chad. sergeant major or noncommissioned Center requirements are available on the OSC or call 301-677-1301. officer in charge. • Employment Orientation, March 29, 9 website at and at high For more information on tickets, call a.m. to noon, Army Community Service, school guidance offices. the Garrison Chaplain’s Office at 301- 830 Chisholm Ave. Network, improve job For more information, email Pat Hagerty NEWS EVENTS 677-6703 or 301-677-7842. skills, get tips from industry professionals. at • Get Ready!, March 29, 9 a.m. to noon, Blue ribbon event Army Community Service, 830 Chisholm Company Commander/ DHR closure The community is invited to place Ave. Learn about job readiness resources through the Employment Readiness First Sergeant Course The Directorate of Human Resources a blue ribbon on a tree at Burba Park Program, Anne Arundel Workforce The Military District of Washington and the Military Personnel Division will in honor of Child Abuse Prevention Development’s Kick Start Program and Company Commander/First Sergeant close Friday at 11 a.m. for a retirement Month on April 4 from 10 a.m. to 2 Howard County’s Office of Workforce Course will be held April 23 to 25 at the ceremony. p.m. at Burba Lake Cottage. Development, including websites, classes, National Defense University, Fort Lesley Normal operations will resume The event will include free hot dogs. job listings, employment support groups J. McNair, Washington, D.C., in Lincoln Monday at 7:30 a.m. A proclamation will also be signed. and a tour of the resource center. Hall, Room #2212. For more information, call 301-677- • Resume Writing Class, April 3, 9 The course acquaints new and Freedom Inn change 5590. a.m. to noon, Army Community Service, prospective company leaders with some 830 Chisholm Ave. Get tips for creating of the challenges of command, and most All Fort Meade Department of Country dance night winning resume styles and cover letters. importantly, the avenues and resources Defense civilians and military retirees • Federal Employment Class, April 10, Club Meade is offering Country-Top available to assist them in solving or can now eat lunch Mondays to Fridays 9 a.m. to noon. Army Community Service, 40 Night on Friday from 9 p.m. to 2 addressing Soldier issues and concerns from 12:15 to 12:45 p.m. at the Freedom 830 Chisholm Ave. Learn to demystify the a.m. within the National Capital Region. Inn Dining Facility, 8502 Simonds St. application process for federal employment. No cover charge. A cash bar is MDW Regulation 350-5, Company Cost is $4.55. Customers must • Career Exploration Class, April 17, 9 available. Commanders and First Sergeants present a valid military identification or a.m. to noon, Army Community Service, For more information, call 301-677- Training, requires all Joint Force approved Fort Meade ID badge. 830 Chisholm Ave. Using various career/ 5298. Headquarters-National Capital Region/ For more information and updated personality assessments and tools, learn to MDW company commanders and first daily menus, visit achieve personal and professional success. sergeants to attend this training. mil/freedominn. EDUCATION • BRAC 101 Employment Training To participate, individuals should Orientation, April 11, 9:30 a.m. to noon, contact their unit S3 or the installation’s Women’s History Month Military career advancement Soldier and Family Assistance Center, 2462 Directorate of Plans, Training, observance and college fair 85th Medical Battalion Ave. Learn about Mobilization and Security. new jobs coming to the Fort Meade area A final list of individuals recommended Fort Meade’s annual Women’s History in 2012 and 2013, and how to enroll to to participate in this training is due to the Month observance will be held today from The Fort Meade Education Center will host a military career advancement qualify for them. MDW J/637 Office by April 4. 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at McGill Training • Military Spouse Employment For more information, call Michael Center. and college fair April 5 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at McGill Training Center, 8452 Support Group, April 18, 11:30 a.m. to 1 Egly at 202-685-2910 or michael.egly@ Admission is free and open to the p.m., Potomac Place Neighborhood Center, or call David Stone public. Free food samplings will be served. Zimborski Ave. Topics will include Army assignments To register, call 301-677-5590. For at 202-685-1923 or email david.stone@ The event is hosted by Army Cyber more information, call Vikki Torrence or Command/2nd Army. with the Army Medical Detachment, the Chaplain Corps, the Criminal Jamesinaez James at 301-677-5590. The keynote speaker will be Michele Investigation Command and the Special Resiliency workshop S. Jones, director of External Veteran/ Military Affairs and Community Operations Command; a career as OSC scholarships “Building Resiliency in Children and Outreach, U.S. Office of Personnel a warrant officer; the Army’s Green The Fort Meade Officers’ Spouses’ Club Teens: A Workshop for Educators and Management, President’s Veterans to Gold program; the Navy College will award scholarships for the 2012-2013 Caregivers” will be presented today from Employment Initiative. Program; financial aid; and U.S. academic school year in the spring. 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. at the Meade High For more information, call Sgt. 1st Class Department of Veterans Affairs benefits. Completed applications must be School Media Center. Kah at 301-833-2011, Ms. Telsee at 301- Light refreshments will be served. postmarked by April 1. Registration will be from 2:15 to 833-2002 or Sgt. 1st Class Bass at 301-677- For more information, call the • The Etta Baker Memorial Scholarship 2:30 p.m. The workshop is free, but 6687. Education Center at 301-677-6421. will be awarded for academic advancement to admission is limited. deserving college-bound high school seniors. To register, call 202-650-7634 or email National Prayer Luncheon Employment Readiness • The Merit Scholarship for continued The Fort Meade National Prayer classes learning will be awarded for academic Luncheon will be held Wednesday at The Employment Readiness Program advancement to graduating high school EFMP workshop seniors and students currently enrolled in 11:30 a.m. at Club Meade. helps the military community with job college. A workshop for military parents of 16 SOUNDOFF! March 22, 2012