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Vol. 70 No. 29                                                                                                                                                  June 29, 2012

 Word of the month: Excellence

                                                                                                                                                                Photo by Devin Fisher
The Waldo Canyon Fire burns on the mountainside near U.S. Air Force Academy,           officials accepted military evacuees in shelters in the Special Events Center and
Mountain Shadows and Peregrine neighborhoods, Tuesday evening. The fire, which         Youth Services Center. Twenty-four firefighters from the Fort Carson Fire
began Saturday, expanded to 15,324 acres as of Wednesday morning. Fort Carson          Department help battle the blaze.

Post hosts USAFA evacuees
                 By Andrea Sutherland
                    Mountaineer staff
                                                          of staff. “We prepared for this type of scenario and
                                                          because of that preparation we were able to ease the
                                                          process for over 60 evacuees. We will continue to
                                                                                                                     an engine,” said Chief Glen Silloway, Fort Carson
                                                                                                                     Fire Department, Directorate of Emergency Services.
                                                                                                                         Fire department officials said 24 firefighters and
     Residents from the U.S. Air Force Academy,           support our servicemembers and their loved ones in         eight firefighting vehicles assisted in a mutual aid
Mountain Shadows and Peregrine neighborhoods              whatever way we can. Additionally, we will continue        effort with the city of Colorado Springs.
evacuated Tuesday evening to shelters on Fort Carson as   to support the greater Colorado Springs community              “We’re continuing to support on this,” said Battalion
the Waldo Canyon Fire threatened homes northwest          under constraints of federal statutes.”                    Chief Tom Joyce, Fort Carson Fire Department.
of Interstate 25.                                             The fires, which began Saturday, burned 15,324             Evacuees, including Soldiers stationed at Fort
     Fort Carson officials began preparing for evacuees   acres as of press time, Wednesday.                         Carson, gathered at the SEC and Youth Services
Monday in the Special Events Center.                          Firefighters from Fort Carson joined more than         Center shelters with their pets.
     “Our Soldiers and civilians came together to         1,000 firefighters battling the blaze, which continues         Family member Karina Arias said she had 15
support servicemembers from the U.S. Air Force            to pose a threat to residential neighborhoods and is       minutes to evacuate.
Academy displaced by the fires,” said Col. Bruce          not expected to be contained until mid-July.
                                                                                                                                                       See Fire on Page 4
Antonia, 4th Infantry Division and Fort Carson chief          “We received a call pretty early Saturday requesting

    Message board                    INSIDE
   The Independence
    Day celebration
     scheduled for
   Tuesday has been
    canceled due to
      the high fire
       danger and
                                                     Page 15
   current situation.
                                                                                               Page 3                                     Pages 22-23
2    MOUNTAINEER — June 29, 2012

          MOUNTAINEER                                 Independence Day
Commanding General:

Garrison Commander:
                    Maj. Gen. Joseph Anderson

                    Col. David L. Grosso

Fort Carson Public Affairs Officer:
                                                      Celebrate safely
                                                                By Maj. Gen. Joseph Anderson                             the particular activity.
                    Dee McNutt                               Commanding general, 4th Infantry Division                   Many other summer
Chief, Print and Web Communications:                                    and Fort Carson                                  activities are covered in
                    Rick Emert
                                                                                                                         the Personal Composite
                                                           This Fourth of July holiday all Americans will                Risk Management Guide
Editor:             Devin Fisher                      celebrate the independence of our great nation — an                which is a subset of the
Staff writer:       Andrea Sutherland                 independence that was hard earned through the immense              Fort Carson Summer Safety
Happenings:         Nel Lampe                         effort and suffering of our forefathers. We continue the           Campaign. First line
                                                      spirit of their dedication to freedom here at home and             leadership will also ensure
Sports writer:      Walt Johnson
                                                      around the world to this day.                                      that personnel traveling
Layout/graphics: Jeanne Mazerall                           As we celebrate this weekend, many of us will be              via vehicle beyond 150
                                                      traveling, barbecuing, hiking and conducting water activities.     miles complete the Travel
       This commercial enterprise newspaper is        These and many other activities can present hazards, that if not   Risk Planning System
an authorized publication for members of the          mitigated, can cause serious harm. This fiscal year, Fort Carson   which can be found on the
Department of Defense. Contents of the
Mountaineer are not necessarily the official
view of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government or
                                                      has lost five team members and another 118 have been injured
                                                      in off-duty accidents. These accidents are disabling to our
                                                                                                                         Safety Center website at
the Department of the Army. Printed circulation       formations and our Families. We, as professional Soldiers,              Alcohol and substance abuse continues to be a
is 12,000 copies.                                     are the primary line in our personal defense and must take all     challenge across our formations and must be addressed.
       The editorial content of the                   actions necessary to prevent accidents. These actions must         The abuse of alcohol and other substances has been a
Mountaineer is the responsibility of the Public
                                                      also include Family member safety. Command teams and               factor in most of our recent serious incidents. The use
Affairs Office, Fort Carson, CO 80913-5119,
Tel.: 526-4144. The e-mail address is
                                                      first line leaders are the subsequent line of defense by being     of these substances impairs judgment and often leads                            knowledgeable of the hazards and controls and being engaged        to career ending events or criminal charges. Alcohol
       The Mountaineer is posted on the               with our subordinates. This line of defense also ensures that      and substance abuse will also be covered in detail as
Internet at                         all of our Soldiers are briefed on and have contact with their     part of unit briefs to include the agencies that provide
       The Mountaineer is an unofficial
                                                      “battle buddy” in accordance with our established policies.        assistance to our Soldiers and their Families.
publication authorized by AR 360-1. The
Mountaineer is printed by Colorado Springs
                                                      Remember, there is a statewide ban on the use of fireworks.             As we celebrate our independence, please take time
Military Newspaper Group, a private firm in           Do not do anything to endanger your life or the lives of           to remember our fellow Americans who are defending
no way connected with the Department of the           those around you.                                                  our freedoms abroad. I also ask that you seek out the
Army, under exclusive written contract with                Vehicle safety, water related activities, rock climbing,      Families of those who are currently deployed. Beth
Fort Carson. It is published 49 times per year.
                                                      weapons safety, heat injury prevention and off-limits              and I wish you and your Families a safe and enjoyable
       The appearance of advertising in this
publication, including inserts or supplements,
                                                      establishments and areas will be discussed along with the          holiday weekend. God bless you, your Families and
does not constitute endorsement by the                use of personal protective equipment which is suitable for         the United States of America.
Department of the Army or Colorado Springs
Military Newspaper Group, of the products or
services advertised. The printer reserves the
right to reject advertisements.
       Everything advertised in this publication

                                                      Iraqi reflects on freedom
shall be made available for purchase, use or
patronage without regard to race, color, religion,
sex, national origin, age, marital status, physical
handicap, political affiliation or any other
nonmerit factor of the purchaser, user or patron.
If a violation or rejection of this equal
opportunity policy by an advertiser is confirmed,
the printer shall refuse to print advertising                           Commentary by                                    regime back in 2003, the world has witnessed a domino effect
from that source until the violation is corrected.                    Zamawang Almemar                                   of dictatorships continually falling all across the Middle
For display advertising call 634-5905.
                                                                 Army Community Service volunteer                        East. The noticeable revolutions across the various countries
       All correspondence or queries regarding
advertising and subscriptions should be directed
                                                                                                                         are signs of people fighting for their freedom and yearning
to Colorado Springs Military Newspaper                     It was two years ago, the beginning of my volunteer           for an “independence day,” such as what we have here in
Group, 31 E. Platte Avenue, Suite 300,                experience at Fort Carson, that the former commanding              the United States. Having one of the most powerful armed
Colorado Springs, CO 80903, phone 634-5905.           general spoke the words that I had always wanted to                forces in the world, Americans get a taste of freedom
       The Mountaineer’s editorial content is
                                                      hear about Independence Day.                                       each and every day. Having been born and raised in a
edited, prepared and provided by the Public
Affairs Office, building 1430, room 265, Fort
                                                           It seems as though most of us have forgotten the true         war-torn country as Iraq, I never take this for granted.
Carson, CO 80913-5119, phone 526-4144.                meaning of the Fourth of July. This day is not just about               Keeping in mind that it’s the men and women in uniform
       Releases from outside sources are so           celebrating our day off from work to spend with family             who allow us to experience a taste of freedom in this country,
indicated. The deadline for submissions to the        and friends, but rather it’s about                                                                is what landed me a volunteer
Mountaineer is close of business the week
                                                      remembering all those men and                                                                      position at Fort Carson, a small
before the next issue is published. The
Mountaineer staff reserves the right to edit
                                                      women in uniform who have                                                                          way to say “thanks.” Over the
submissions for newspaper style, clarity and          served and those who continue                                                                     past two years, I’ve observed
typographical errors.                                 to serve fighting for our                                                                        the strong bonds between
       Policies and statements reflected in the       freedom. This was the                                                                          the Army community and its
news and editorial columns represent views
                                                      message he was conveying                                                                     interactions with individuals
of the individual writers and under no
circumstances are to be considered those of
                                                      to an audience of community                                                                  of diverse backgrounds and I
the Department of the Army.                           leaders and Families of the                                                                  couldn’t be more proud to be a
       Reproduction of editorial material is          Fallen at a Fourth of July event.                                                            part of this Army family.
authorized. Please credit accordingly.                Those words led me to re-evaluate the true                                            There is an unbreakable bond among
                                                      meaning of Independence Day.                                                      Soldiers that is based on trust and love of
                                                           Independence has such a profound meaning that                                country, allowing us to celebrate this day.
                                                      we would do it injustice if we did not give it the credit          It’s evident that the mission of the American military
                                                      it deserves. This very expression is the reason why so             overseas has been to bring autonomy to countries such as
                                                      many countries in the Middle East have gone to war,                Iraq and Afghanistan, encouraging them to inherit these
                                                      and has provided the courage to the people to rise up              simple factors to rebuild their countries. With thousands
 Classified advertising                               against dictatorship and fight with blood in order                 of troops working to accomplish this mission, it is our
      329-5236                                        to accomplish this status. Despite all the anguish and             duty to honor their sacrifice and recognize their efforts,
    Display advertising                               agony, freedom seems to be the underlying baseline that            realizing that celebrating Independence Day would not
        634-5905                                      eventually all countries in the world will accomplish.             be possible without their continuous selfless service —
                                                           In the past decade, starting with the collapse of the Iraqi   and I thank each and every one of you for your service.
    Mountaineer editor
       Post information
          526-5811                                         Send your letters to the editor or commentaries
    Post weather hotline
June 29, 2012 — MOUNTAINEER                3

                                                                             EOD troops return home
                                                                               Story and photo by Andrea Sutherland
                                                                                          Mountaineer staff
                                                                                                                                     “We engaged in a different kind of battle.”
                                                                                                                                          Bradley commended his Soldiers for their
                                                                                                                                     continued service on and off the battlefield.
                                                                                 Family members and friends welcomed home 33              “We served our country and protected our
                                                                             Soldiers and one civilian from the 71st Ordnance        Families,” he said.
                                                                             Group (Explosive Ordnance Disposal), Wednesday at            Family members said they experienced an array
                                                                             Waller Physical Fitness Center.                         of emotions waiting for their Soldiers to return.
                                                                                 “I’m extremely excited,” said Chief Warrant              “I have butterflies in my stomach,” said Monica
                                                                             Officer 2 Jeremy Lance as his three children,           Cazares, wife of Sgt. 1st Class Eddie Cazares. “He
                                                                             Jeremiah, John and Abby clung to him. “These little     called me when he landed and said he’s ready to see me.”
                                                                             guys needed to see me and I needed to see them. I’ve         Allen Bower arrived at Waller Physical Fitness
                                                                             been waiting too long to see them.”                     Center two hours ahead of the ceremony to welcome
                                                                                 Abby, 8, said she was excited to have her father    home his son, Staff Sgt. Cody Bower.
                                                                             home.                                                        “I wanted to make sure I found the building,”
                                                                                 “I like to play video games with him,” she said.    he said.
                                                                                 Jeremiah, 6, said he enjoyed playing tag and             Allen Bower said he drove from Nebraska to
                                                                             games with his father. John, 3, agreed.                 welcome his son home.
                                                                                 “I like to have him home,” he said.                      “I missed being able to call him,” he said. “I just
                                                                                 Amanda Lance, Jeremy Lance’s wife, said the         want to see him.”
                                                                             deployment was difficult, but technology made it             Abigail Carouth, 2, held up a welcome home sign
                                                                             easier for her and her children.                        for her great-grandfather, Jessie Brumly, who served
                                                                                 “It was a lot easier on them than the first         as the 71st EOD safety officer.
                                                                             deployment,” she said. “Skype made it much easier.”          Sheryll Williams, wife of Chap. (Maj.) Todd
                                                                                 The Soldiers deployed July 2011 to Afghanistan,     Williams, said a strong support group helped her
                                                                             partnering with coalition forces and Afghan National    through the yearlong separation.
                                                                             Security Forces.                                             “God surrounded me with a great group of
                                                                                 “Our troops faced a hybrid threat that requires a   people,” she said. “I kept busy with prayer groups
                                                                             hybrid warrior,” said Col. Leo Bradley, commander.      and went hiking with friends.”
                                                                                                                                          Before the ceremony, Miriam Alicea, mother of
                                                                            Chief Warrant Officer 2 Jeremy Lance, 71st               Spc. Alex Alicea, wiped tears from her eyes.
                                                                            Ordnance Group (Explosive Ordnance Disposal) is               “It’s been a roller coaster (of emotions), especially
                                                                            welcomed home by his three children, John, Jeremiah      when you see the news from Afghanistan,” she said.
                                                                            and Abby, Wednesday at a welcome home ceremony.          “I’m anxious, nervous and happy. I want to see him.”


             July 4th THRU July 8th


Must be 18 years of age, pick up your free ticket the day of the drawing.
              Drawing promptly at 9:00 p.m. each night
4       MOUNTAINEER — June 29, 2012

Wyka, Kira earn IMCOM honors
  Story and photo by Susan C. Galentine                             My No. 2 priority is developing the people that           of Fort Carson at no cost to the Army. Construction for
  Directorate of Public Works public relations                      work for me and with me,” he said.                        the range is set to begin in spring 2012 and will
                                                                         Fort Carson has evolved into a better place to       provide a critical training location for Fort Carson
     Working hard and taking care of people has its                 live, work and play in the four years he has served as    Soldiers, local government agencies and civilians.
rewards, which Joe Wyka, Directorate of Public                      the Engineering Division chief, according to the              His leadership style is one that champions
Works Engineering Division chief, learned when he                   nomination. Wyka’s ability to forge                                        education advancement of his staff.
won the Army’s DPW Engineering and Planning                         partnerships led to positive working                                       He developed a monthly Professional
Executive of the Year Award for 2011.                               relationships on construction projects                                     Development Group open to all the
     Also honored is the Fort Carson base operations                such as the new commissary,                                                divisions of the DPW in an effort
and maintenance contractor, Kira, who earned the                    Fountain-Fort Carson School                                                to improve motivation, networking
DPW Support Contractor of the Year Award.                           District 8’s Weikel Elementary                                             and support for any and all staff
     “Both Kira and Joe Wyka are very deserving of                  School and, more recently, the Fort                                        professional development.
this recognition,” said Hal Alguire, DPW director.                  Carson Resiliency Campus.                                                       The Engineering Division chief
“Kira does a great job in keeping our facilities and                     Wyka’s      customer-oriented                                         is looking forward to the future.
infrastructure in great shape. Joe is a superb leader               approach can be seen in how he                                                  “I love to work for the United
and innovative thinker. We are lucky to have them                   interacts with Fort Carson agencies                                        States Army and I plan to make a
supporting both Soldiers and Families at Fort Carson.”              across the installation. He says he                                        career in the Army system,” Wyka said.
     A relative newcomer to Department of the Army                  gets along with everyone and                                                    Kira was recognized as the DPW
civil service, Wyka came to Fort Carson in 2008                     ensures relationships stay healthy by                                      Support Contractor of the Year for
after serving as chief deputy city engineer for the                 getting out in the field to interact                                       its excellence in providing a broad
city of Mansfield, Ohio, a town of roughly 50,000
people. He also served as an active-duty Army
                                                                    with his customers more than
                                                                    staying behind his desk. He says
                                                                                                                      Wyka                     spectrum of services to support
                                                                                                                                               Fort Carson and at Piñon Canyon
engineer officer for six years.                                     he takes the time to understand the                                        Maneuver Site, including mainte-
     His nomination highlights a people person                      needs of the customers and tries to find ways to say      nance and repair of all facilities and equipment,
dedicated to making Fort Carson an improved, more                   “yes” instead of “no.”                                    weed control, grounds maintenance, snow removal,
sustainable installation for the Soldiers, Families and                  A strong proponent of sustainability, under Wyka’s   water supply and distribution systems, wastewater
civilians who work here.                                            leadership, the DPW has seen tremendous growth in         collection and treatment systems and central energy
     “It is not about me,” Wyka said of the award                   the area of U.S. Green Building Council Leadership        plants management.
recognition. “Fort Carson has moved forward in some                 in Energy and Environmental Design certified                  The contractor, who has been in place since
really bold and dynamic ways, and it has been fun                   facility construction, including the Silver LEED-level    2006, maintains high positive feedback from
to be a part of it.”                                                renovation of the DPW’s own building 1219.                customers and a proven safety track record. Since
     Wyka said he focuses on two things each day                         He was a key advocate and partner in a recent        July 2006, the contractor has received more than
at work.                                                            high-profile cooperative project with EI Paso County to   28,500 customer comments with an overall
     “My No. 1 priority is supporting the mission.                  establish a public shooting range immediately outside     “excellent” rating of 95 percent.

Fir e                                        said Sabine Clark, Directorate of                   were also available to help where            members in uniform.
                                             Family and Morale, Welfare and                      needed.                                           Sgt. Ryan Hoyme, U.S. Army
from Page 1                                  Recreation facility manager. “If we get                 Bill Reed, SEC manager, said this        Garrison Fort Carson, arrived at the
                                             too crowded, we have shelters at the                wasn’t the first time the SEC has been       SEC with his wife and two sons,
     “It was horrible,” she said. “The       youth center and other gyms.”                       converted into a makeshift shelter.          Davin, 9, and Logan, 10. Hoyme said
flames were already on the grass.”               Clark said her staff began preparing                “A couple years ago we set up for the    his son, Davin, was playing outside
     Arias said her home, near 30th          for an evacuation scenario Monday.                  Cañon City Fire,” he said. “After 9/11, we   when the orders to evacuate came.
Street and Centennial Boulevard, was             “You want this to be smooth,” said              had a whole battalion set up in here for a        “He didn’t have time to grab a
at risk of burning.                          Nick Nicholson, DFMWR staff member.                 month. Been there and done this one.”        shirt,” Hoyme said. “They put us on
     “I just don’t know if my house is on    “We want to mitigate their suffering                    USO volunteers handed out care           pre-evacuation orders and 15 minutes
fire or not,” she said. “You just don’t      by taking care of their basic needs.”               packages with toiletries, snacks, cell       later they were telling us to leave.”
know what to do.”                                Nicholson said the center had                   phone chargers and crossword puzzles              Hoyme said volunteers at the
     Volunteers and military personnel       phones for evacuees to get in touch                 to evacuees.                                 SEC were able to provide his son
were prepared to help Arias and other        with loved ones, a television with                      “We have eight volunteers and            with a sweatshirt.
evacuees.                                    continuous news coverage and cots.                  more on standby,” said Phil Martinez,             “I’ve been through hurricanes,
     “We’re anticipating 400 (evacuees),”    Medical personnel from Evans Army                   Rocky Mountain USO director. “We’re          earthquakes, tornadoes and snowstorms,
                                                             Community Hospital,                 here for the whole night.”                   but this is my first forest fire,” he
                                                             military police, fire                   As evacuees continued to trickle         said. “I’m a combat veteran and I can
                                                             department personnel                in, Soldier volunteers from several          handle a lot, but I’m a family man. …
                                                             and commissary workers              units set up cots for their displaced        I want to make sure they’re OK.”

                                       Photo by Andrea Sutherland
Sgt. Matthew Anders, 7th Squadron, 10th Cavalry
Regiment, 1st Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division,
registers with evacuation officials at the Special Events                                                                                                            Photo by Andrea Sutherland
Center Tuesday as his wife, Leslie, comforts their twin               Evacuees try to calm animals at the Youth Services Center, Wednesday. Sixty military evacuees came to Fort Carson
3-year-olds, Nathan and Riley.                                        shelters to escape the Waldo Canyon Fire.
June 29, 2012 — MOUNTAINEER                5

438th Med. heads to Afghanistan
       By Spc. Nathan Thome
   1st Brigade Combat Team Public
                                                              The 438th Med. Soldiers trained
                                                         diligently to prepare for their deployment
      Affairs, 4th Infantry Division                     in support of Operation Enduring
                                                         Freedom, said Maj. Richard Curtis, rear
     Soldiers assigned to 438th Medical                  detachment commander, 10th CSH.
Detachment (Veterinary Service), 10th                         The unit will assume responsibility for
Combat Support Hospital, held a                          setting up six veterinary clinics, strategi-
deployment ceremony at Manhart Field                     cally placed so they can be easily reached
Monday to say goodbye to Family and                      by coalition forces.
friends before leaving for Afghanistan in                     The Soldiers will also oversee all
support of Operation Enduring Freedom.                   food tasks, including safety, security and
     “This ceremony is signifying the fact               inspection of the food supply supporting
that we are deploying and leaving the                    military forces in Afghanistan.
Families supporting us behind,” said Lt. Col.                 “Soldiers will perform their mission
Howard Gobble, commander, 438th Med.                     in nearly every province of Afghanistan,
“This unit stood up almost two years ago,                and while the 438th Med. Det. is in
and is now going forward to take on the                  charge, Afghanistan will know excellence
entire veterinary mission of Afghanistan.”               in veterinary services, because these
     While deployed, the 58 Soldiers will                Soldiers are the best in their field,” said
provide comprehensive veterinary services,               Curtis. “They have worked hard and
food safety and defense and stability                    trained hard to become that way.”
operations to U.S. and joint coalition                        The veterinary Soldiers of 438th Med.
forces in Afghanistan.                                   are slated for a nine-month deployment
     “We have been practicing and working                to Afghanistan.
a lot with the community, universities, Air
Force Academy and shelters (to prepare                               Soldiers assigned to 438th Medical
for the deployment),” said Gobble. “We                            Detachment (Veterinary Service), 10th
have performed between 25 and 100                                     Combat Support Hospital, stand in
surgeries a week on horses, falcons and                                  formation during a deployment
chickens, so I think we are ready to step up                        ceremony at Manhart Field, Monday.
to the challenge.”                                                                                                                                            Photo by Pfc. Andrew Ingram

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6       MOUNTAINEER — June 29, 2012

Miscellaneous                                                     Fort Carson dining facilities hours of operation
Self-Help Weed Control Program — Department of             Facility      Friday                      Saturday-Sunday             Mon, Tues, Thurs            Wed (July 4)
  Defense regulations require training for people          Stack         Breakfast: 7-9 a.m.         Closed                      Breakfast: 7-9 a.m.         Closed
  applying pesticides on military installations. Units                   Lunch: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.                             Lunch: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
  interested in participating in the program must                        Dinner: Closed                                          Dinner: Closed
  send Soldiers for training on the proper handling,       Wolf          Breakfast: 7-9 a.m.         Breakfast: 7-9 a.m.         Breakfast: 7-9 a.m.         Breakfast: 7-9 a.m.
  transportation and application of herbicides. Once                     Lunch: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Lunch: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Lunch: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Lunch: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
  individuals are properly trained by the Directorate                    Dinner: 5-6:30 p.m.         Dinner: 5-6:30 p.m.         Dinner: 5-6:30 p.m.         Dinner: 5-6:30 p.m.
  of Public Works base operations contractor,              Warfighter    Breakfast: 7-9 a.m.         Closed                      Breakfast: 7-9 a.m.         Closed
  Soldiers can be issued the appropriate products                        Lunch: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.                             Lunch: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
  and equipment so units can treat weeds in rocked                       Dinner: Closed                                          Dinner: Closed
  areas around their unit facilities. Weed control
  training sessions for Soldiers are available the first   LaRochelle    Breakfast: 7-9 a.m.         Closed                      Breakfast: 7-9 a.m.         Closed
  and third Monday of the month, May-September,            10th SFG(A)   Lunch: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.                             Lunch: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
  from 10 a.m. to noon in building 3708. Products                        Dinner: Closed                                          Dinner: Closed
  and equipment will be available for Soldiers on a
  hand receipt. Each unit may send up to five people         Call Dennis Frost at 526-6997 or email                        Center; sign-in is at 7 a.m. and briefings start at 7:30
  for training. Call 492-0166 for more information.                                  a.m. Soldiers are required to bring Department
Finance travel processing — All inbound and                        • Repair and utility/self-help — Call Gary              of the Army Form 5118, signed by their unit
  outbound Temporary Lodging Expense, “Do it                 Grant at 526-5844 or email gerald.l.grant2.civ                personnel section, and a pen to complete forms.
  Yourself ” Moves, servicemember and Family        Use this number to obtain self-help                Call 526-4730/4583 for more information.
  member travel, travel advance pay and travel pay           tools and equipment or a motorized sweeper.                 Army ROTC Green to Gold briefings — are held
  inquiries will be handled in building 1218, room 231.            • Base operations contracting officer                   the first and third Tuesday of each month at
  Call 526-4454 or 524-2594 for more information.            representative — Call Terry Hagen at 526-9262                 noon at the education center, building 1117,
First Sergeants’ Barracks Program — is located               or email for questions             room 120. Call University of Colorado-
  in building 1454 on Nelson Boulevard. The                  on snow removal, grounds maintenance and                      Colorado Springs Army ROTC at 262-3475 for
  hours of operation are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday-            contractor response to service orders.                        more information.
  Friday. The office assists Soldiers with room                    • Portable latrines — Call Jerald Just at             ETS briefings — for enlisted personnel are held
  assignments and terminations. For more information         524-0786 or email to               the first and third Wednesday of each month.
  call 526-9707.                                             request latrines, for service or to report damaged            Briefing sign in begins at 7 a.m. at the Soldier
Sergeant Audie Murphy Club — The Fort Carson                 or overturned latrines.                                       Readiness Building, building 1042, room 244,
  Sergeant Audie Murphy Club meets the third               The Fort Carson Trial Defense Service office — is               on a first-come, first-served basis. Soldiers must
  Tuesday of each month at the Family Connection             able to help Soldiers 24/7 and is located at building         be within 120 days of their expiration term of
  Center from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. The                   1430, room 240. During duty hours, Soldiers should            service, but must attend the briefing no later than
  SAMC is open to all active members and those               call 526-4563. The 24-hour phone number for after             30 days prior to their ETS or start of transition
  interested in becoming future SAMC members.                hours, holidays and weekends is 719-358-3275.                 leave. Call 526-2240/8458.
  The club was originally a U.S. Forces Command              Questions can also be submitted by email to                 Special Forces briefings — are held Wednesdays
  organization of elite noncommissioned officers    Know your rights.                      in building 1430, room 123, from noon to 1 p.m.
  but is now an Armywide program for individuals           Legal services — provided at the Soldier                        Soldiers must be specialist to staff sergeant from
  who have met the criteria and have proven                  Readiness Processing site are for Soldiers under-             any military occupational specialty, have a
  themselves to be outstanding NCOs through a                going the SRP process. The SRP Legal Office                   general technical score of at least 107, be a U.S.
  board/leadership process. Contact the SAMC                 will only provide powers of attorney or notary                citizen, score 240 or higher on the Army Physical
  president, Staff Sgt. Thomas Witt, at 526-5661             services to Soldiers processing through the SRP.              Fitness Test, and pass a Special Forces physical.
  for more information.                                      Retirees, Family members and Soldiers not in                  Call 524-1461 or visit the website at http://
Recycle incentive program — The Directorate of               the SRP process can receive legal assistance        
  Public Works has an incentive program to prevent           and powers of attorney at the main legal office
  recyclable waste from going to the landfill.               located at 1633 Mekong St., building 6222, next             Hours of Operation
  Participating battalions can earn monetary                 to the Family Readiness Center. Legal assistance
  rewards for turning recyclable materials in to the         prepares powers of attorney and performs notary                     • In-processing — Monday-Thursday from
  Fort Carson Recycle Center, building 155. Points           services on a walk-in basis from 8:30 a.m. to 4               7:30-10:30 a.m.
  are assigned for the pounds of recyclable goods            p.m. Mondays-Wednesdays and Fridays, and                            • Initial and partial issues — Monday-
  turned in and every participating battalion                from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Thursdays.                           Friday from 12:30-3:30 p.m.
  receives money quarterly. Call 526-5898 for more                                                                               • Cash sales/report of survey — Monday-
  information about the program.                           Briefings                                                       Thursday from 7:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Directorate of Public Works services — DPW is                                                                                    • Direct exchange and partial turn ins —
  responsible for a wide variety of services on Fort       Casualty Notification/Assistance Officer training —             Monday-Friday from 7:30-11:30 a.m.
  Carson. Services range from repair and maintenance         is held July 17-19 from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. in                   • Full turn ins — by appointment only; call
  of facilities to equipping units with a sweeper and        the education center, building 1117, room 303c.               526-3321.
  cleaning motor pools. Listed below are phone               This training is required for all Soldiers asked to                 • Unit issues and turn ins — Call 526-
  numbers and points of contact for services:                perform this solemn duty. Per Army Regulation                 5512/6477 for approval.
        • Facility repair/service orders — Fort              600-8-1, this duty is limited to those in the ranks of      Education Center hours of operation — The
  Carson Support Services service order desk can be          sergeant first class to command sergeant major,               Mountain Post Training and Education Center,
  reached at 526-5345. Use this number for emergencies       chief warrant officer 2-5 and captain and above. No           building 1117, 526-2124, hours are as follows:
  or routine tasks and for reporting wind damage,            reservations are required to attend training. Classes               • Counselor Support Center — Monday-
  damaged traffic signs or other facility damage.            offered on a first-come, first-served basis. Call Jean        Thursday 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and Fridays 11
        • Refuse/trash and recycling — Call Eric             Graves at 526-5613/ 5614 for more information.                a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
  Bailey at 719-491-0218 or email eric.e.bailey4.          Disposition Services — Defense Logistics Agency                       • Army Learning Center — Monday- when needing trash containers, trash          Disposition Services Colorado Springs, located                Friday 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
  is overflowing or emergency service is required.           in building 381, conducts orientations Fridays                      • Defense Activity for Nontraditional
        • Facility custodial services — Call Bryan           from 12:30-3:30 p.m. The orientations discuss                 Education Support and Army Personnel
  Dorcey at 526-6670 or email bryan.s.dorcey.civ@            DLA processes to include turning in excess                    Testing — Monday-Friday 7:30-11:30 a.m. and for service needs or to report complaints.        property, reutilizing government property,                    12:30-4:30 p.m.
        • Elevator maintenance — Call Bryan                  web-based tools available, special handling of              Repair and Utility self-help — has moved to building
  Dorcey at 526-6670 or email bryan.s.dorcey.civ             property and environmental needs. To schedule                 217 and is open Monday-Friday 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.                                                 an orientation, contact Arnaldo Borrerorivera at            Medical Activity Correspondence Department office
        • Motor pool sludge removal/disposal —      for receiving/                  hours — The Correspondence (Release of Infor-
                                                             turn in; Mike Welsh at for                 mation) Office in the Patient Administration Division
 BOSS meetings are                                           reutilization/web tools; or Rufus Guillory at                 hours are Monday-Wednesday and Friday 7:30 a.m.
 held the first and third                                                                 to 4:30 p.m. and closed Thursday and federal
 Thursday of each                                          Retirement briefings — are held from 8 a.m. to noon             holidays. Call 526-7322 or 526-7284 for details.
 month from 2-3:30                                           the second and third Wednesday of each month at             Work Management Branch — The DPW Work
 p.m. at The Foxhole.                                        the Joel Hefley Community Center conference room,             Management Branch, responsible for processing
 Contact Cpl. Rachael                                        6800 Prussman Ave. The Retirement Services Office             work orders — Facilities Engineering Work
 Robertson at 524-2677                                       recommends spouses accompany Soldiers to the                  Requests, DA Form 4283 — is be open for
 or visit the BOSS office                                    briefing. Call 526-2840 for more information.                 processing work orders and other in-person
 in room 106 of The Hub for more information.              Reassignment briefings — are held Tuesdays                      support from 7-11:30 a.m. Monday-Friday.
 Text “follow CarsonBOSS” to 40404 to receive                for Soldiers heading overseas and Thursdays for               Afternoon customer support is by appointment
 updates and event information.                              personnel being reassigned stateside. The briefings           only, call 526-2900. The Work Management
                                                             are held in building 1129, Freedom Performing Arts            Branch is located in building 1219.
June 29, 2012 — MOUNTAINEER            7

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8       MOUNTAINEER — June 29, 2012

Soldiers train to
       Story and photos by
       Pfc. Andrew Ingram
                                             young troop should know how to handle
                                             himself as an individual, but for a unit
                                                                                          and 92 training ranges to facilitate
                                                                                          exercises ranging from a practice hand
                                                                                                                                       guessing as they go through the training
                                                                                                                                       lanes to keep them from becoming
     4th Infantry Division Public            to be effective in combat, it needs          grenade course to live-fire gunnery          complacent,” he said. “Range Control
            Affairs Office                   Soldiers to work as a cohesive team,”        ranges for M1A2 Abrams tanks.                and guys over at the (Fort Carson
                                             said Maj. Jason Little, training officer,         The dedicated staff of Department       Mission Training Complex) have done
     During basic combat training and        4th Infantry Division. “That is why we       of Defense civilians and contractors         a great job with the training area here,
advanced individual training, Soldiers       put such an emphasis on training here        responsible for Fort Carson training work    and I think Soldiers who put in the
practice the simplest warrior tasks and      at Fort Carson,”                             tirelessly to improve the quality of         work should be ready for whatever they
drills; learn the Army Values, customs and       Fort Carson provides 114,541 acres       equipment, systems, and facilities,          have to face downrange.”
courtesies; and acquire knowledge neces-     of maneuver area, sophisticated training     providing tough, realistic training for           Fort Carson Range Operations
sary to succeed as a professional Soldier.   simulators capable of mirroring almost       Soldiers and their units, said Little.       officer, Mike Camp, and a team of
     “By the end of their training, a        any situation a unit might face in combat,        “We have to keep the Soldiers           contractors educate unit leaders about
                                                                                                                                       training opportunities and enforce post
                                                                                                                                       safety standards.
                                                                                                                                            “A lot is going on at Fort Carson
                                                                                                                                       right now. It is a very valuable training
                                                                                                                                       post,” Camp said. “On the west side of
                                                                                                                                       post, we have mountainous terrain
                                                                                                                                       similar to the terrain found in
                                                                                                                                       Afghanistan. On the east side, we have
                                                                                                                                       prairies where we can train Abrams tanks
                                                                                                                                       and (M2A3) Bradley Fighting Vehicles.”
                                                                                                                                            In addition to dozens of ranges
                                                                                                                                       designed to strengthen Soldiers’
                                                                                                                                       familiarity and accuracy with their
                                                                                                                                       assigned weapons, the training area
                                                                                                                                       also boasts a village-sized Military
                                                                                                                                       Operations on Urban Terrain site and a
                                                                                                                                       shoot house, complete with cameras to
                                                                                                                                       review training operations.
                                                                                                                                            Camp said his team bears the
                                                                                                                                       responsibility of maintaining Fort Carson
                                                                                                                                       training, a continuous task that
                                                                                                                                       requires even more vigilance as units
                                                                                                                                       from across the military visit the
                                                                                                                                       “Home of the 4th Inf. Div.” to hone

                                                                                                                                      Left: Cpl. Amanda Martinez and Staff Sgt.
                                                                                                                                      Steven Brandon, 110th Military Police
                                                                                                                                      Company, 759th MP Battalion, enter a
                                                                                                                                      building to search for a mock insurgent
                                                                                                                                      during a training exercise at Fort Carson
                                                                                                                                      Training Area Range 49, Jan. 19.

         Pfc. Joseph
     Company F, 1st
     Battalion, 66th
   Armor Regiment,
1st Brigade Combat
 Team, 4th Infantry
     Division, hones
 his marksmanship
 skills using an M2
 Browning machine
   gun simulator at
    the Fort Carson
   Mission Training
Complex, March 14.
June 29, 2012 — MOUNTAINEER                   9

excel at Carson
their skills in preparation for
deployment to Afghanistan.
                                                                Integrated Laser Engagement System) their specific career fields.”
                                                                gear, or blanks, they know no one will         For a cavalry scout, that means
                                                                                                                                                        $700 or $70,000 on the range.”
                                                                                                                                                             Leaders can also gain experience by
     “The big draw point for Fort Carson                        actually shoot them back,” he said. “We increased training with the Bradley             directing large-scale operations, directing
is our altitude and our terrain, because                        give them a paintball gun and hard Fighting Vehicle, a multimillion dollar              Soldiers operating multiple simulators
it is very close to the terrain Soldiers                        powder paintballs; they know, when track vehicle used for reconnaissance,               to achieve a common objective.
will run into in Afghanistan,” he said.                         somebody shoots them, it’s going to with the capabilities of inflicting heavy                The tactical simulations greatly
     Brigade combat teams from across                           hurt, so they train a lot better.”         damage to enemy fortifications,              increase a Soldier’s reaction time and
the Army practice moving through the                                 With troops out of Iraq and a materiel and personnel.                              situational awareness, helping units
steep, rocky landscape of the Fort                              drawdown planned for Afghanistan,              To become proficient with the vehicle    identify and eliminate threats more
Carson training area, while aviation                            training is becoming even                                 and its weapons systems,      quickly and efficiently, said Marvin
units visit Fort Carson for High                                more important to maintain                                cavalry scouts spend          Weeks, exercise manager, Fort
Altitude Mountain Environmental                                 a unit’s combat readiness, “A lot of the                  extensive amounts of time     Carson MTC.
Training, learning to fly helicopters at
heights and over terrains similar to
                                                                said Little.
                                                                     “For the past 10 years
                                                                                                 Soldiers who             maneuvering and firing
                                                                                                                          at simulated enemies, an
                                                                                                                                                             “A lot of the Soldiers who train
                                                                                                                                                        here return from deployment and thank
those found in Afghanistan.                                     or so, units have deployed train here return incredibly expensive task.                 us for the training we gave them,” said
     “We just hosted a big exercise with                        pretty frequently,” Little                                    Fort Carson Soldiers      Weeks. “They say the muscle memory
the 101st Airborne Division,” Camp                              said. “They trained from from deployment train at the Mission                           they developed in our simulators kept
said. “We’ve even had Marine units                              combat experience and and thank us for Training Complex to                              them alive in combat. That benefit
come up to train here.”                                         focused on f ighting                                      mitigate the costs of         alone is immeasurable.”
     Keeping training tools and scenarios                       insurgents and training the training we                   constant field training            The U.S. military sets itself apart
on file for leaders to build their field                        local forces. Now that gave them.”                        exercises, said Little.       from armed forces around the world
training exercises, Camp said he wants                          things are slowing down,                                      The MTC features          through constant training and self-
Soldiers to see his team as an asset                            we are focusing on deci-                — Marvin Weeks hundreds of programs             evaluation, said Little.
during their training cycles.                                   sive action operations,                                   ranging       from      the        “We are the best, because we make
     “We are a very flexible Range                              preparing our Soldiers for conflict with Engagement Skills Trainer 2000                 training our priority,” Little said. “We
Control,” he said. “We do our best to                           conventional armies, in addition to weapons training simulators to Bradley              learn what works in combat, and then
accommodate all the units we work with.                         (countering) an insurgency.”               and Abrams tank simulators. At the           we share it with our leaders, peers
If a young leader is trying to find a place                          “During the past 10 years, a cavalry training center, Soldiers can conduct a       and Soldiers. That is what makes us
for his unit to conduct a team live-fire                        scout may have been called on to do a wide array of training scenarios, from            the best Army in the world — our
range, they can just give us a call.”                           more infantry-based mission, so they simulated convoy live-fire exercises to            dedication to always improving
     Range Control also offers units up                         focused on infantry tactics — kicking hostage negotiation training.                     ourselves as Soldiers, organizations
to 700 paint ball guns designed to                              in doors,” Little said. “Now, with             “It is a huge money-saving initia-       and a fighting force, as a whole.”
replicate M16 rifles and M4 carbines to                         deployments decreasing, there will tive,” said Sean Bolduc, MTC director.                    Using the post’s state of the art facil-
add a level of realism to their training.                       be extended periods of train up time,          “We can run operations rain or           ities and highly trained staff, Fort Carson
     “When a Soldier clears buildings                           so there will be more time for units shine. Every single ‘round’ we fire in             Soldiers stand ready to meet any enemy
during training using only (Multiple                            to conduct proficiency training in here costs a milli-cent, rather than $7 or           on the battlefield and defend the nation.

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10 MOUNTAINEER — June 29, 2012

‘Silver Lions’ train on grenades
           By Sgt. Khori Johnson                                                      a practice range to adjust their distance and accuracy.
                                                                                                                                  Colorado, the Soldiers could only lob the empty
3rd Brigade Combat Team Public Affairs Office,                                            Typically, Soldiers would practice by throwing
                                                                                                                                  grenade bodies.
             4th Infantry Division                                                    fused, dummy-grenade rounds that give off a loud“Overall, our job is about safety,” said Sgt.
                                                                                      pop and a small spark. Due to the statewide fire ban
                                                                                                                                  Gregory Vasquez, Company B team leader and
     Assuming a natural stance, balancing weight                                      in response to the dry weather and large fires in
                                                                                                                                  one of many noncommissioned officers providing
equally on both feet, Pfc. Robert Berg gripped the                                                                                   supervision during the exercise, taking Soldiers
grenade, holding it shoulder high. The infantryman                                                                                   through the process step-by-step.
removed the safety clip and pin, and with the                                                                                            The second part of the training event took the
style of an Olympian, lobbed it overhand toward                                                                                      Soldiers in “buddy teams” through a grenade
the target in the distance.                                                                                                          course designed to simulate different scenarios
     Leaders with Company B, 1st Battalion, 68th                                                                                     where a grenade might be properly used. Soldiers
Armor Regiment, 3rd Brigade Combat Team,                                                                                             engaged targets in the open and hidden in
4th Infantry Division, recently familiarized its                                                                                     bunkers, which required Soldiers to crawl to the
less-experienced Soldiers on the proper use of                                                                                       entrance before delivering a grenade on the target.
the device during a hand grenade course in June                                                                                          On the second day of the training, each
at the practice and live hand grenade ranges.                                                                                        Soldier threw two live M67 grenades at a target
     “Silver Lions” Soldiers trained on the M-67                                                                                     located on the opposite side of a large hill.
fragmentation grenade, learning the importance                                                                                           Company B leadership played a major part in
of proper storage and use of grenades, and the                                                                                       the success of the exercise, said Spc. Matthew
appropriate technique for deploying grenades.                                                                                        England, Company B.
     The two-week training exercise assisted                                                                                             “They were very helpful,” he said. “They
Soldiers in becoming more comfortable, familiar-                                                                                     walked us through it and reassured some of the
izing troops with employing grenades on the                                                                                          Soldiers that were less-experienced throwers.”
battlefield, said Staff Sgt. Randy Martin,                                                                                               At the end of the training and after throwing
Company B squad leader.                                                                                                              200 live grenades, 75 Soldiers qualified on the
     “This is the first time the company has held                                                                                    use of hand grenades.
(a grenade range) in nearly … two years,” said                                                                                           Martin said the training helped many of
Martin. “This a good experience for our Soldiers.                                                                                    the Soldiers feel more confident with the
It builds confidence in them.”                                                                                                       weapon system.
     Company B took a week preparing for the                                                                                             “When someone is scared of the weapon
training with a series of classes covering Army                                               Photo by Staff Sgt. Christopher Jelle  they have and don’t use it properly, that’s when
guidelines pertaining to using grenades.               Pfc. Robert Berg prepares to lob a training grenade from an accidents happen,” he said.
     The Soldiers began the “live-fire” portion of the open position, while Spc. Abraham Guitierrez simulates pulling                    Silver Lions Soldiers who successfully
training event by making a three-mile hike with all security for his teammate during Company B, 1st Battalion, 68th trained on the grenade qualification course will
of their gear to the range. Once in the training area, Armor Regiment, 3rd Brigade Combat, 4th Infantry Division, have the opportunity to attend the brigade’s
Soldiers threw 14-ounce M69 training grenades on training at the practice hand grenade range, June 14.                               Expert Infantryman Badge testing in July.

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June 29, 2012 — MOUNTAINEER                        11

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12 MOUNTAINEER — June 29, 2012

   Soldiers take to skies for
    Story and photos by Spc. Nathan Thome                                         to apply innovative tactical maneuvers while              safety briefing and cold load training, where the
         1st Brigade Combat Team Public                                           clearing objectives.                                      troops hastily mounted and dismounted from a
            Affairs, 4th Infantry Division                                            “Soldiers gained insight into various threats at      stationary helicopter.
                                                                                  decisive action lanes and combined arms live-fire              After completing initial training, Soldiers began
       As a CH-47 Chinook landed, infantrymen                                     exercises,” said Capt. Otis Ingram, commander,            the air assault exercise by loading onto helicopters
   dismounted, moving into a column formation.                                    Company B.                                                and flying to a target location, where they landed
   Nearing the objective, a small village in the                                      Decisive action blends the principles of counterin-   on a ridgeline overlooking a mock village.
   distance, the troops assaulted the town after shots                            surgency warfare with the variety of threats U.S.              When the Company B Soldiers received “enemy”
   rang out from all directions. A squad of Soldiers                              forces could face in the 21st century, Ingram said.       small arms fire, the teams engaged the role-players,
   laid down suppressive fire, while fire teams moved                                 Soldiers began the operation with an aircraft         working their way through the village, clearing and
   toward the complex and began
   clearing operations.
       Soldiers assigned to Company B,
   1st Battalion, 22nd Infantry
   Regiment, 1st Brigade Combat Team,
   4th Infantry Division, conducted
   scenario-based air assault training at
   the Fort Carson Combined Arms
   Live-Fire Exercise Range, June 21.
       Training with assistance from
   pilots assigned to 1st Armored
   Division’s Combat Aviation Brigade,
   “Raider” Soldiers enhanced their
   individual combat skills by learning

        Soldiers assigned to Company B, 1st
          Battalion, 22nd Infantry Regiment,
     1st Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry
    Division, practice dismounting from the
         ramp of a stationary CH-47 Chinook
   during the cold load portion of air assault
     training at Fort Carson Combined Arms
          Live-Fire Exercise Range, June 21.

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Mountaineer 2012 06-29

  • 1. Vol. 70 No. 29 June 29, 2012 Word of the month: Excellence Photo by Devin Fisher The Waldo Canyon Fire burns on the mountainside near U.S. Air Force Academy, officials accepted military evacuees in shelters in the Special Events Center and Mountain Shadows and Peregrine neighborhoods, Tuesday evening. The fire, which Youth Services Center. Twenty-four firefighters from the Fort Carson Fire began Saturday, expanded to 15,324 acres as of Wednesday morning. Fort Carson Department help battle the blaze. Post hosts USAFA evacuees By Andrea Sutherland Mountaineer staff of staff. “We prepared for this type of scenario and because of that preparation we were able to ease the process for over 60 evacuees. We will continue to an engine,” said Chief Glen Silloway, Fort Carson Fire Department, Directorate of Emergency Services. Fire department officials said 24 firefighters and Residents from the U.S. Air Force Academy, support our servicemembers and their loved ones in eight firefighting vehicles assisted in a mutual aid Mountain Shadows and Peregrine neighborhoods whatever way we can. Additionally, we will continue effort with the city of Colorado Springs. evacuated Tuesday evening to shelters on Fort Carson as to support the greater Colorado Springs community “We’re continuing to support on this,” said Battalion the Waldo Canyon Fire threatened homes northwest under constraints of federal statutes.” Chief Tom Joyce, Fort Carson Fire Department. of Interstate 25. The fires, which began Saturday, burned 15,324 Evacuees, including Soldiers stationed at Fort Fort Carson officials began preparing for evacuees acres as of press time, Wednesday. Carson, gathered at the SEC and Youth Services Monday in the Special Events Center. Firefighters from Fort Carson joined more than Center shelters with their pets. “Our Soldiers and civilians came together to 1,000 firefighters battling the blaze, which continues Family member Karina Arias said she had 15 support servicemembers from the U.S. Air Force to pose a threat to residential neighborhoods and is minutes to evacuate. Academy displaced by the fires,” said Col. Bruce not expected to be contained until mid-July. See Fire on Page 4 Antonia, 4th Infantry Division and Fort Carson chief “We received a call pretty early Saturday requesting Message board INSIDE The Independence Day celebration scheduled for Tuesday has been canceled due to the high fire danger and Page 15 current situation. Page 3 Pages 22-23
  • 2. 2 MOUNTAINEER — June 29, 2012 MOUNTAINEER Independence Day Commanding General: Garrison Commander: Maj. Gen. Joseph Anderson Col. David L. Grosso Fort Carson Public Affairs Officer: Celebrate safely By Maj. Gen. Joseph Anderson the particular activity. Dee McNutt Commanding general, 4th Infantry Division Many other summer Chief, Print and Web Communications: and Fort Carson activities are covered in Rick Emert the Personal Composite This Fourth of July holiday all Americans will Risk Management Guide Editor: Devin Fisher celebrate the independence of our great nation — an which is a subset of the Staff writer: Andrea Sutherland independence that was hard earned through the immense Fort Carson Summer Safety Happenings: Nel Lampe effort and suffering of our forefathers. We continue the Campaign. First line spirit of their dedication to freedom here at home and leadership will also ensure Sports writer: Walt Johnson around the world to this day. that personnel traveling Layout/graphics: Jeanne Mazerall As we celebrate this weekend, many of us will be via vehicle beyond 150 traveling, barbecuing, hiking and conducting water activities. miles complete the Travel This commercial enterprise newspaper is These and many other activities can present hazards, that if not Risk Planning System an authorized publication for members of the mitigated, can cause serious harm. This fiscal year, Fort Carson which can be found on the Department of Defense. Contents of the Mountaineer are not necessarily the official view of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government or has lost five team members and another 118 have been injured in off-duty accidents. These accidents are disabling to our Safety Center website at Anderson the Department of the Army. Printed circulation formations and our Families. We, as professional Soldiers, Alcohol and substance abuse continues to be a is 12,000 copies. are the primary line in our personal defense and must take all challenge across our formations and must be addressed. The editorial content of the actions necessary to prevent accidents. These actions must The abuse of alcohol and other substances has been a Mountaineer is the responsibility of the Public also include Family member safety. Command teams and factor in most of our recent serious incidents. The use Affairs Office, Fort Carson, CO 80913-5119, Tel.: 526-4144. The e-mail address is first line leaders are the subsequent line of defense by being of these substances impairs judgment and often leads knowledgeable of the hazards and controls and being engaged to career ending events or criminal charges. Alcohol The Mountaineer is posted on the with our subordinates. This line of defense also ensures that and substance abuse will also be covered in detail as Internet at all of our Soldiers are briefed on and have contact with their part of unit briefs to include the agencies that provide The Mountaineer is an unofficial “battle buddy” in accordance with our established policies. assistance to our Soldiers and their Families. publication authorized by AR 360-1. The Mountaineer is printed by Colorado Springs Remember, there is a statewide ban on the use of fireworks. As we celebrate our independence, please take time Military Newspaper Group, a private firm in Do not do anything to endanger your life or the lives of to remember our fellow Americans who are defending no way connected with the Department of the those around you. our freedoms abroad. I also ask that you seek out the Army, under exclusive written contract with Vehicle safety, water related activities, rock climbing, Families of those who are currently deployed. Beth Fort Carson. It is published 49 times per year. weapons safety, heat injury prevention and off-limits and I wish you and your Families a safe and enjoyable The appearance of advertising in this publication, including inserts or supplements, establishments and areas will be discussed along with the holiday weekend. God bless you, your Families and does not constitute endorsement by the use of personal protective equipment which is suitable for the United States of America. Department of the Army or Colorado Springs Military Newspaper Group, of the products or services advertised. The printer reserves the right to reject advertisements. Everything advertised in this publication Iraqi reflects on freedom shall be made available for purchase, use or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation or any other nonmerit factor of the purchaser, user or patron. If a violation or rejection of this equal opportunity policy by an advertiser is confirmed, the printer shall refuse to print advertising Commentary by regime back in 2003, the world has witnessed a domino effect from that source until the violation is corrected. Zamawang Almemar of dictatorships continually falling all across the Middle For display advertising call 634-5905. Army Community Service volunteer East. The noticeable revolutions across the various countries All correspondence or queries regarding advertising and subscriptions should be directed are signs of people fighting for their freedom and yearning to Colorado Springs Military Newspaper It was two years ago, the beginning of my volunteer for an “independence day,” such as what we have here in Group, 31 E. Platte Avenue, Suite 300, experience at Fort Carson, that the former commanding the United States. Having one of the most powerful armed Colorado Springs, CO 80903, phone 634-5905. general spoke the words that I had always wanted to forces in the world, Americans get a taste of freedom The Mountaineer’s editorial content is hear about Independence Day. each and every day. Having been born and raised in a edited, prepared and provided by the Public Affairs Office, building 1430, room 265, Fort It seems as though most of us have forgotten the true war-torn country as Iraq, I never take this for granted. Carson, CO 80913-5119, phone 526-4144. meaning of the Fourth of July. This day is not just about Keeping in mind that it’s the men and women in uniform Releases from outside sources are so celebrating our day off from work to spend with family who allow us to experience a taste of freedom in this country, indicated. The deadline for submissions to the and friends, but rather it’s about is what landed me a volunteer Mountaineer is close of business the week remembering all those men and position at Fort Carson, a small before the next issue is published. The Mountaineer staff reserves the right to edit women in uniform who have way to say “thanks.” Over the submissions for newspaper style, clarity and served and those who continue past two years, I’ve observed typographical errors. to serve fighting for our the strong bonds between Policies and statements reflected in the freedom. This was the the Army community and its news and editorial columns represent views message he was conveying interactions with individuals of the individual writers and under no circumstances are to be considered those of to an audience of community of diverse backgrounds and I the Department of the Army. leaders and Families of the couldn’t be more proud to be a Reproduction of editorial material is Fallen at a Fourth of July event. part of this Army family. authorized. Please credit accordingly. Those words led me to re-evaluate the true There is an unbreakable bond among meaning of Independence Day. Soldiers that is based on trust and love of Independence has such a profound meaning that country, allowing us to celebrate this day. we would do it injustice if we did not give it the credit It’s evident that the mission of the American military it deserves. This very expression is the reason why so overseas has been to bring autonomy to countries such as many countries in the Middle East have gone to war, Iraq and Afghanistan, encouraging them to inherit these and has provided the courage to the people to rise up simple factors to rebuild their countries. With thousands Classified advertising against dictatorship and fight with blood in order of troops working to accomplish this mission, it is our 329-5236 to accomplish this status. Despite all the anguish and duty to honor their sacrifice and recognize their efforts, Display advertising agony, freedom seems to be the underlying baseline that realizing that celebrating Independence Day would not 634-5905 eventually all countries in the world will accomplish. be possible without their continuous selfless service — In the past decade, starting with the collapse of the Iraqi and I thank each and every one of you for your service. Mountaineer editor 526-4144 Post information 526-5811 Send your letters to the editor or commentaries Post weather hotline 526-0096 to
  • 3. June 29, 2012 — MOUNTAINEER 3 EOD troops return home Story and photo by Andrea Sutherland Mountaineer staff “We engaged in a different kind of battle.” Bradley commended his Soldiers for their continued service on and off the battlefield. Family members and friends welcomed home 33 “We served our country and protected our Soldiers and one civilian from the 71st Ordnance Families,” he said. Group (Explosive Ordnance Disposal), Wednesday at Family members said they experienced an array Waller Physical Fitness Center. of emotions waiting for their Soldiers to return. “I’m extremely excited,” said Chief Warrant “I have butterflies in my stomach,” said Monica Officer 2 Jeremy Lance as his three children, Cazares, wife of Sgt. 1st Class Eddie Cazares. “He Jeremiah, John and Abby clung to him. “These little called me when he landed and said he’s ready to see me.” guys needed to see me and I needed to see them. I’ve Allen Bower arrived at Waller Physical Fitness been waiting too long to see them.” Center two hours ahead of the ceremony to welcome Abby, 8, said she was excited to have her father home his son, Staff Sgt. Cody Bower. home. “I wanted to make sure I found the building,” “I like to play video games with him,” she said. he said. Jeremiah, 6, said he enjoyed playing tag and Allen Bower said he drove from Nebraska to games with his father. John, 3, agreed. welcome his son home. “I like to have him home,” he said. “I missed being able to call him,” he said. “I just Amanda Lance, Jeremy Lance’s wife, said the want to see him.” deployment was difficult, but technology made it Abigail Carouth, 2, held up a welcome home sign easier for her and her children. for her great-grandfather, Jessie Brumly, who served “It was a lot easier on them than the first as the 71st EOD safety officer. deployment,” she said. “Skype made it much easier.” Sheryll Williams, wife of Chap. (Maj.) Todd The Soldiers deployed July 2011 to Afghanistan, Williams, said a strong support group helped her partnering with coalition forces and Afghan National through the yearlong separation. Security Forces. “God surrounded me with a great group of “Our troops faced a hybrid threat that requires a people,” she said. “I kept busy with prayer groups hybrid warrior,” said Col. Leo Bradley, commander. and went hiking with friends.” Before the ceremony, Miriam Alicea, mother of Chief Warrant Officer 2 Jeremy Lance, 71st Spc. Alex Alicea, wiped tears from her eyes. Ordnance Group (Explosive Ordnance Disposal) is “It’s been a roller coaster (of emotions), especially welcomed home by his three children, John, Jeremiah when you see the news from Afghanistan,” she said. and Abby, Wednesday at a welcome home ceremony. “I’m anxious, nervous and happy. I want to see him.” HUGE 5 DAY SALE 4TH OF JULY SALE July 4th THRU July 8th HUGE GAME CONSOLE SALE CONSOLE GIVEAWAYS Must be 18 years of age, pick up your free ticket the day of the drawing. Drawing promptly at 9:00 p.m. each night
  • 4. 4 MOUNTAINEER — June 29, 2012 Wyka, Kira earn IMCOM honors Story and photo by Susan C. Galentine My No. 2 priority is developing the people that of Fort Carson at no cost to the Army. Construction for Directorate of Public Works public relations work for me and with me,” he said. the range is set to begin in spring 2012 and will Fort Carson has evolved into a better place to provide a critical training location for Fort Carson Working hard and taking care of people has its live, work and play in the four years he has served as Soldiers, local government agencies and civilians. rewards, which Joe Wyka, Directorate of Public the Engineering Division chief, according to the His leadership style is one that champions Works Engineering Division chief, learned when he nomination. Wyka’s ability to forge education advancement of his staff. won the Army’s DPW Engineering and Planning partnerships led to positive working He developed a monthly Professional Executive of the Year Award for 2011. relationships on construction projects Development Group open to all the Also honored is the Fort Carson base operations such as the new commissary, divisions of the DPW in an effort and maintenance contractor, Kira, who earned the Fountain-Fort Carson School to improve motivation, networking DPW Support Contractor of the Year Award. District 8’s Weikel Elementary and support for any and all staff “Both Kira and Joe Wyka are very deserving of School and, more recently, the Fort professional development. this recognition,” said Hal Alguire, DPW director. Carson Resiliency Campus. The Engineering Division chief “Kira does a great job in keeping our facilities and Wyka’s customer-oriented is looking forward to the future. infrastructure in great shape. Joe is a superb leader approach can be seen in how he “I love to work for the United and innovative thinker. We are lucky to have them interacts with Fort Carson agencies States Army and I plan to make a supporting both Soldiers and Families at Fort Carson.” across the installation. He says he career in the Army system,” Wyka said. A relative newcomer to Department of the Army gets along with everyone and Kira was recognized as the DPW civil service, Wyka came to Fort Carson in 2008 ensures relationships stay healthy by Support Contractor of the Year for after serving as chief deputy city engineer for the getting out in the field to interact its excellence in providing a broad city of Mansfield, Ohio, a town of roughly 50,000 people. He also served as an active-duty Army with his customers more than staying behind his desk. He says Wyka spectrum of services to support Fort Carson and at Piñon Canyon engineer officer for six years. he takes the time to understand the Maneuver Site, including mainte- His nomination highlights a people person needs of the customers and tries to find ways to say nance and repair of all facilities and equipment, dedicated to making Fort Carson an improved, more “yes” instead of “no.” weed control, grounds maintenance, snow removal, sustainable installation for the Soldiers, Families and A strong proponent of sustainability, under Wyka’s water supply and distribution systems, wastewater civilians who work here. leadership, the DPW has seen tremendous growth in collection and treatment systems and central energy “It is not about me,” Wyka said of the award the area of U.S. Green Building Council Leadership plants management. recognition. “Fort Carson has moved forward in some in Energy and Environmental Design certified The contractor, who has been in place since really bold and dynamic ways, and it has been fun facility construction, including the Silver LEED-level 2006, maintains high positive feedback from to be a part of it.” renovation of the DPW’s own building 1219. customers and a proven safety track record. Since Wyka said he focuses on two things each day He was a key advocate and partner in a recent July 2006, the contractor has received more than at work. high-profile cooperative project with EI Paso County to 28,500 customer comments with an overall “My No. 1 priority is supporting the mission. establish a public shooting range immediately outside “excellent” rating of 95 percent. Fir e said Sabine Clark, Directorate of were also available to help where members in uniform. Family and Morale, Welfare and needed. Sgt. Ryan Hoyme, U.S. Army from Page 1 Recreation facility manager. “If we get Bill Reed, SEC manager, said this Garrison Fort Carson, arrived at the too crowded, we have shelters at the wasn’t the first time the SEC has been SEC with his wife and two sons, “It was horrible,” she said. “The youth center and other gyms.” converted into a makeshift shelter. Davin, 9, and Logan, 10. Hoyme said flames were already on the grass.” Clark said her staff began preparing “A couple years ago we set up for the his son, Davin, was playing outside Arias said her home, near 30th for an evacuation scenario Monday. Cañon City Fire,” he said. “After 9/11, we when the orders to evacuate came. Street and Centennial Boulevard, was “You want this to be smooth,” said had a whole battalion set up in here for a “He didn’t have time to grab a at risk of burning. Nick Nicholson, DFMWR staff member. month. Been there and done this one.” shirt,” Hoyme said. “They put us on “I just don’t know if my house is on “We want to mitigate their suffering USO volunteers handed out care pre-evacuation orders and 15 minutes fire or not,” she said. “You just don’t by taking care of their basic needs.” packages with toiletries, snacks, cell later they were telling us to leave.” know what to do.” Nicholson said the center had phone chargers and crossword puzzles Hoyme said volunteers at the Volunteers and military personnel phones for evacuees to get in touch to evacuees. SEC were able to provide his son were prepared to help Arias and other with loved ones, a television with “We have eight volunteers and with a sweatshirt. evacuees. continuous news coverage and cots. more on standby,” said Phil Martinez, “I’ve been through hurricanes, “We’re anticipating 400 (evacuees),” Medical personnel from Evans Army Rocky Mountain USO director. “We’re earthquakes, tornadoes and snowstorms, Community Hospital, here for the whole night.” but this is my first forest fire,” he military police, fire As evacuees continued to trickle said. “I’m a combat veteran and I can department personnel in, Soldier volunteers from several handle a lot, but I’m a family man. … and commissary workers units set up cots for their displaced I want to make sure they’re OK.” Photo by Andrea Sutherland Sgt. Matthew Anders, 7th Squadron, 10th Cavalry Regiment, 1st Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division, registers with evacuation officials at the Special Events Photo by Andrea Sutherland Center Tuesday as his wife, Leslie, comforts their twin Evacuees try to calm animals at the Youth Services Center, Wednesday. Sixty military evacuees came to Fort Carson 3-year-olds, Nathan and Riley. shelters to escape the Waldo Canyon Fire.
  • 5. June 29, 2012 — MOUNTAINEER 5 438th Med. heads to Afghanistan By Spc. Nathan Thome 1st Brigade Combat Team Public The 438th Med. Soldiers trained diligently to prepare for their deployment Affairs, 4th Infantry Division in support of Operation Enduring Freedom, said Maj. Richard Curtis, rear Soldiers assigned to 438th Medical detachment commander, 10th CSH. Detachment (Veterinary Service), 10th The unit will assume responsibility for Combat Support Hospital, held a setting up six veterinary clinics, strategi- deployment ceremony at Manhart Field cally placed so they can be easily reached Monday to say goodbye to Family and by coalition forces. friends before leaving for Afghanistan in The Soldiers will also oversee all support of Operation Enduring Freedom. food tasks, including safety, security and “This ceremony is signifying the fact inspection of the food supply supporting that we are deploying and leaving the military forces in Afghanistan. Families supporting us behind,” said Lt. Col. “Soldiers will perform their mission Howard Gobble, commander, 438th Med. in nearly every province of Afghanistan, “This unit stood up almost two years ago, and while the 438th Med. Det. is in and is now going forward to take on the charge, Afghanistan will know excellence entire veterinary mission of Afghanistan.” in veterinary services, because these While deployed, the 58 Soldiers will Soldiers are the best in their field,” said provide comprehensive veterinary services, Curtis. “They have worked hard and food safety and defense and stability trained hard to become that way.” operations to U.S. and joint coalition The veterinary Soldiers of 438th Med. forces in Afghanistan. are slated for a nine-month deployment “We have been practicing and working to Afghanistan. a lot with the community, universities, Air Force Academy and shelters (to prepare Soldiers assigned to 438th Medical for the deployment),” said Gobble. “We Detachment (Veterinary Service), 10th have performed between 25 and 100 Combat Support Hospital, stand in surgeries a week on horses, falcons and formation during a deployment chickens, so I think we are ready to step up ceremony at Manhart Field, Monday. to the challenge.” Photo by Pfc. Andrew Ingram Imagine Yourself in Western Classic. If You’re Active Military, Imagine $4,000 Toward Options,Upgrades, or Financing! Lorson Ranch. With majestic skies, sweeping mountain Classic Homes from the $220s vistas, and the rugged charm of its western heritage, Sales Center is Open Daily! Classic’s move into this exciting new neighborhood may 10315 Declaration Drive be our most spectacular accomplishment yet. Monday-Saturday: 10am to 6pm Especially with the grand opening of our new model, Sunday: Noon to 6pm one of our most popular 2-story floorplans, The Vail. Dreaming of a place to call home? Drop by Lorson Ranch and discover what’s new in today’s competitive housing Classic Homes market. We’ll not only show you a beautiful home where the “Classic Package" The Difference Really Hits Home. is included, we’ll treat you to a $4,000 discount (if you’re active military) that 719-390-6200 you can apply to additional options, upgrades or even financing! It’s a perfect time to move in—or up! So don’t wait. See Classic Homes in Lorson Ranch soon! *Pricing, incentives and availability subject to change without notice.
  • 6. 6 MOUNTAINEER — June 29, 2012 Miscellaneous Fort Carson dining facilities hours of operation Self-Help Weed Control Program — Department of Facility Friday Saturday-Sunday Mon, Tues, Thurs Wed (July 4) Defense regulations require training for people Stack Breakfast: 7-9 a.m. Closed Breakfast: 7-9 a.m. Closed applying pesticides on military installations. Units Lunch: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Lunch: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. interested in participating in the program must Dinner: Closed Dinner: Closed send Soldiers for training on the proper handling, Wolf Breakfast: 7-9 a.m. Breakfast: 7-9 a.m. Breakfast: 7-9 a.m. Breakfast: 7-9 a.m. transportation and application of herbicides. Once Lunch: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Lunch: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Lunch: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Lunch: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. individuals are properly trained by the Directorate Dinner: 5-6:30 p.m. Dinner: 5-6:30 p.m. Dinner: 5-6:30 p.m. Dinner: 5-6:30 p.m. of Public Works base operations contractor, Warfighter Breakfast: 7-9 a.m. Closed Breakfast: 7-9 a.m. Closed Soldiers can be issued the appropriate products Lunch: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Lunch: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. and equipment so units can treat weeds in rocked Dinner: Closed Dinner: Closed areas around their unit facilities. Weed control training sessions for Soldiers are available the first LaRochelle Breakfast: 7-9 a.m. Closed Breakfast: 7-9 a.m. Closed and third Monday of the month, May-September, 10th SFG(A) Lunch: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Lunch: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. from 10 a.m. to noon in building 3708. Products Dinner: Closed Dinner: Closed and equipment will be available for Soldiers on a hand receipt. Each unit may send up to five people Call Dennis Frost at 526-6997 or email Center; sign-in is at 7 a.m. and briefings start at 7:30 for training. Call 492-0166 for more information. a.m. Soldiers are required to bring Department Finance travel processing — All inbound and • Repair and utility/self-help — Call Gary of the Army Form 5118, signed by their unit outbound Temporary Lodging Expense, “Do it Grant at 526-5844 or email gerald.l.grant2.civ personnel section, and a pen to complete forms. Yourself ” Moves, servicemember and Family Use this number to obtain self-help Call 526-4730/4583 for more information. member travel, travel advance pay and travel pay tools and equipment or a motorized sweeper. Army ROTC Green to Gold briefings — are held inquiries will be handled in building 1218, room 231. • Base operations contracting officer the first and third Tuesday of each month at Call 526-4454 or 524-2594 for more information. representative — Call Terry Hagen at 526-9262 noon at the education center, building 1117, First Sergeants’ Barracks Program — is located or email for questions room 120. Call University of Colorado- in building 1454 on Nelson Boulevard. The on snow removal, grounds maintenance and Colorado Springs Army ROTC at 262-3475 for hours of operation are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday- contractor response to service orders. more information. Friday. The office assists Soldiers with room • Portable latrines — Call Jerald Just at ETS briefings — for enlisted personnel are held assignments and terminations. For more information 524-0786 or email to the first and third Wednesday of each month. call 526-9707. request latrines, for service or to report damaged Briefing sign in begins at 7 a.m. at the Soldier Sergeant Audie Murphy Club — The Fort Carson or overturned latrines. Readiness Building, building 1042, room 244, Sergeant Audie Murphy Club meets the third The Fort Carson Trial Defense Service office — is on a first-come, first-served basis. Soldiers must Tuesday of each month at the Family Connection able to help Soldiers 24/7 and is located at building be within 120 days of their expiration term of Center from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. The 1430, room 240. During duty hours, Soldiers should service, but must attend the briefing no later than SAMC is open to all active members and those call 526-4563. The 24-hour phone number for after 30 days prior to their ETS or start of transition interested in becoming future SAMC members. hours, holidays and weekends is 719-358-3275. leave. Call 526-2240/8458. The club was originally a U.S. Forces Command Questions can also be submitted by email to Special Forces briefings — are held Wednesdays organization of elite noncommissioned officers Know your rights. in building 1430, room 123, from noon to 1 p.m. but is now an Armywide program for individuals Legal services — provided at the Soldier Soldiers must be specialist to staff sergeant from who have met the criteria and have proven Readiness Processing site are for Soldiers under- any military occupational specialty, have a themselves to be outstanding NCOs through a going the SRP process. The SRP Legal Office general technical score of at least 107, be a U.S. board/leadership process. Contact the SAMC will only provide powers of attorney or notary citizen, score 240 or higher on the Army Physical president, Staff Sgt. Thomas Witt, at 526-5661 services to Soldiers processing through the SRP. Fitness Test, and pass a Special Forces physical. for more information. Retirees, Family members and Soldiers not in Call 524-1461 or visit the website at http:// Recycle incentive program — The Directorate of the SRP process can receive legal assistance Public Works has an incentive program to prevent and powers of attorney at the main legal office recyclable waste from going to the landfill. located at 1633 Mekong St., building 6222, next Hours of Operation Participating battalions can earn monetary to the Family Readiness Center. Legal assistance rewards for turning recyclable materials in to the prepares powers of attorney and performs notary • In-processing — Monday-Thursday from Fort Carson Recycle Center, building 155. Points services on a walk-in basis from 8:30 a.m. to 4 7:30-10:30 a.m. are assigned for the pounds of recyclable goods p.m. Mondays-Wednesdays and Fridays, and • Initial and partial issues — Monday- turned in and every participating battalion from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Thursdays. Friday from 12:30-3:30 p.m. receives money quarterly. Call 526-5898 for more • Cash sales/report of survey — Monday- information about the program. Briefings Thursday from 7:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Directorate of Public Works services — DPW is • Direct exchange and partial turn ins — responsible for a wide variety of services on Fort Casualty Notification/Assistance Officer training — Monday-Friday from 7:30-11:30 a.m. Carson. Services range from repair and maintenance is held July 17-19 from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. in • Full turn ins — by appointment only; call of facilities to equipping units with a sweeper and the education center, building 1117, room 303c. 526-3321. cleaning motor pools. Listed below are phone This training is required for all Soldiers asked to • Unit issues and turn ins — Call 526- numbers and points of contact for services: perform this solemn duty. Per Army Regulation 5512/6477 for approval. • Facility repair/service orders — Fort 600-8-1, this duty is limited to those in the ranks of Education Center hours of operation — The Carson Support Services service order desk can be sergeant first class to command sergeant major, Mountain Post Training and Education Center, reached at 526-5345. Use this number for emergencies chief warrant officer 2-5 and captain and above. No building 1117, 526-2124, hours are as follows: or routine tasks and for reporting wind damage, reservations are required to attend training. Classes • Counselor Support Center — Monday- damaged traffic signs or other facility damage. offered on a first-come, first-served basis. Call Jean Thursday 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and Fridays 11 • Refuse/trash and recycling — Call Eric Graves at 526-5613/ 5614 for more information. a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Bailey at 719-491-0218 or email eric.e.bailey4. Disposition Services — Defense Logistics Agency • Army Learning Center — Monday- when needing trash containers, trash Disposition Services Colorado Springs, located Friday 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. is overflowing or emergency service is required. in building 381, conducts orientations Fridays • Defense Activity for Nontraditional • Facility custodial services — Call Bryan from 12:30-3:30 p.m. The orientations discuss Education Support and Army Personnel Dorcey at 526-6670 or email bryan.s.dorcey.civ@ DLA processes to include turning in excess Testing — Monday-Friday 7:30-11:30 a.m. and for service needs or to report complaints. property, reutilizing government property, 12:30-4:30 p.m. • Elevator maintenance — Call Bryan web-based tools available, special handling of Repair and Utility self-help — has moved to building Dorcey at 526-6670 or email bryan.s.dorcey.civ property and environmental needs. To schedule 217 and is open Monday-Friday 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. an orientation, contact Arnaldo Borrerorivera at Medical Activity Correspondence Department office • Motor pool sludge removal/disposal — for receiving/ hours — The Correspondence (Release of Infor- turn in; Mike Welsh at for mation) Office in the Patient Administration Division BOSS meetings are reutilization/web tools; or Rufus Guillory at hours are Monday-Wednesday and Friday 7:30 a.m. held the first and third to 4:30 p.m. and closed Thursday and federal Thursday of each Retirement briefings — are held from 8 a.m. to noon holidays. Call 526-7322 or 526-7284 for details. month from 2-3:30 the second and third Wednesday of each month at Work Management Branch — The DPW Work p.m. at The Foxhole. the Joel Hefley Community Center conference room, Management Branch, responsible for processing Contact Cpl. Rachael 6800 Prussman Ave. The Retirement Services Office work orders — Facilities Engineering Work Robertson at 524-2677 recommends spouses accompany Soldiers to the Requests, DA Form 4283 — is be open for or visit the BOSS office briefing. Call 526-2840 for more information. processing work orders and other in-person in room 106 of The Hub for more information. Reassignment briefings — are held Tuesdays support from 7-11:30 a.m. Monday-Friday. Text “follow CarsonBOSS” to 40404 to receive for Soldiers heading overseas and Thursdays for Afternoon customer support is by appointment updates and event information. personnel being reassigned stateside. The briefings only, call 526-2900. The Work Management are held in building 1129, Freedom Performing Arts Branch is located in building 1219.
  • 8. 8 MOUNTAINEER — June 29, 2012 Soldiers train to Story and photos by Pfc. Andrew Ingram young troop should know how to handle himself as an individual, but for a unit and 92 training ranges to facilitate exercises ranging from a practice hand guessing as they go through the training lanes to keep them from becoming 4th Infantry Division Public to be effective in combat, it needs grenade course to live-fire gunnery complacent,” he said. “Range Control Affairs Office Soldiers to work as a cohesive team,” ranges for M1A2 Abrams tanks. and guys over at the (Fort Carson said Maj. Jason Little, training officer, The dedicated staff of Department Mission Training Complex) have done During basic combat training and 4th Infantry Division. “That is why we of Defense civilians and contractors a great job with the training area here, advanced individual training, Soldiers put such an emphasis on training here responsible for Fort Carson training work and I think Soldiers who put in the practice the simplest warrior tasks and at Fort Carson,” tirelessly to improve the quality of work should be ready for whatever they drills; learn the Army Values, customs and Fort Carson provides 114,541 acres equipment, systems, and facilities, have to face downrange.” courtesies; and acquire knowledge neces- of maneuver area, sophisticated training providing tough, realistic training for Fort Carson Range Operations sary to succeed as a professional Soldier. simulators capable of mirroring almost Soldiers and their units, said Little. officer, Mike Camp, and a team of “By the end of their training, a any situation a unit might face in combat, “We have to keep the Soldiers contractors educate unit leaders about training opportunities and enforce post safety standards. “A lot is going on at Fort Carson right now. It is a very valuable training post,” Camp said. “On the west side of post, we have mountainous terrain similar to the terrain found in Afghanistan. On the east side, we have prairies where we can train Abrams tanks and (M2A3) Bradley Fighting Vehicles.” In addition to dozens of ranges designed to strengthen Soldiers’ familiarity and accuracy with their assigned weapons, the training area also boasts a village-sized Military Operations on Urban Terrain site and a shoot house, complete with cameras to review training operations. Camp said his team bears the responsibility of maintaining Fort Carson training, a continuous task that requires even more vigilance as units from across the military visit the “Home of the 4th Inf. Div.” to hone Left: Cpl. Amanda Martinez and Staff Sgt. Steven Brandon, 110th Military Police Company, 759th MP Battalion, enter a building to search for a mock insurgent during a training exercise at Fort Carson Training Area Range 49, Jan. 19. Pfc. Joseph Leonguerrero, Company F, 1st Battalion, 66th Armor Regiment, 1st Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division, hones his marksmanship skills using an M2 Browning machine gun simulator at the Fort Carson Mission Training Complex, March 14.
  • 9. June 29, 2012 — MOUNTAINEER 9 excel at Carson their skills in preparation for deployment to Afghanistan. Integrated Laser Engagement System) their specific career fields.” gear, or blanks, they know no one will For a cavalry scout, that means $700 or $70,000 on the range.” Leaders can also gain experience by “The big draw point for Fort Carson actually shoot them back,” he said. “We increased training with the Bradley directing large-scale operations, directing is our altitude and our terrain, because give them a paintball gun and hard Fighting Vehicle, a multimillion dollar Soldiers operating multiple simulators it is very close to the terrain Soldiers powder paintballs; they know, when track vehicle used for reconnaissance, to achieve a common objective. will run into in Afghanistan,” he said. somebody shoots them, it’s going to with the capabilities of inflicting heavy The tactical simulations greatly Brigade combat teams from across hurt, so they train a lot better.” damage to enemy fortifications, increase a Soldier’s reaction time and the Army practice moving through the With troops out of Iraq and a materiel and personnel. situational awareness, helping units steep, rocky landscape of the Fort drawdown planned for Afghanistan, To become proficient with the vehicle identify and eliminate threats more Carson training area, while aviation training is becoming even and its weapons systems, quickly and efficiently, said Marvin units visit Fort Carson for High more important to maintain cavalry scouts spend Weeks, exercise manager, Fort Altitude Mountain Environmental a unit’s combat readiness, “A lot of the extensive amounts of time Carson MTC. Training, learning to fly helicopters at heights and over terrains similar to said Little. “For the past 10 years Soldiers who maneuvering and firing at simulated enemies, an “A lot of the Soldiers who train here return from deployment and thank those found in Afghanistan. or so, units have deployed train here return incredibly expensive task. us for the training we gave them,” said “We just hosted a big exercise with pretty frequently,” Little Fort Carson Soldiers Weeks. “They say the muscle memory the 101st Airborne Division,” Camp said. “They trained from from deployment train at the Mission they developed in our simulators kept said. “We’ve even had Marine units combat experience and and thank us for Training Complex to them alive in combat. That benefit come up to train here.” focused on f ighting mitigate the costs of alone is immeasurable.” Keeping training tools and scenarios insurgents and training the training we constant field training The U.S. military sets itself apart on file for leaders to build their field local forces. Now that gave them.” exercises, said Little. from armed forces around the world training exercises, Camp said he wants things are slowing down, The MTC features through constant training and self- Soldiers to see his team as an asset we are focusing on deci- — Marvin Weeks hundreds of programs evaluation, said Little. during their training cycles. sive action operations, ranging from the “We are the best, because we make “We are a very flexible Range preparing our Soldiers for conflict with Engagement Skills Trainer 2000 training our priority,” Little said. “We Control,” he said. “We do our best to conventional armies, in addition to weapons training simulators to Bradley learn what works in combat, and then accommodate all the units we work with. (countering) an insurgency.” and Abrams tank simulators. At the we share it with our leaders, peers If a young leader is trying to find a place “During the past 10 years, a cavalry training center, Soldiers can conduct a and Soldiers. That is what makes us for his unit to conduct a team live-fire scout may have been called on to do a wide array of training scenarios, from the best Army in the world — our range, they can just give us a call.” more infantry-based mission, so they simulated convoy live-fire exercises to dedication to always improving Range Control also offers units up focused on infantry tactics — kicking hostage negotiation training. ourselves as Soldiers, organizations to 700 paint ball guns designed to in doors,” Little said. “Now, with “It is a huge money-saving initia- and a fighting force, as a whole.” replicate M16 rifles and M4 carbines to deployments decreasing, there will tive,” said Sean Bolduc, MTC director. Using the post’s state of the art facil- add a level of realism to their training. be extended periods of train up time, “We can run operations rain or ities and highly trained staff, Fort Carson “When a Soldier clears buildings so there will be more time for units shine. Every single ‘round’ we fire in Soldiers stand ready to meet any enemy during training using only (Multiple to conduct proficiency training in here costs a milli-cent, rather than $7 or on the battlefield and defend the nation. Hey Ft. Carson! Gentle Dental Care Howard Short, D.M.D. Accepting United Concordia Insurance for military families! Botox and Dermafill Treatment Available! Do you love WINGS? CALL FOR APPOINTMENT! 719-574-7631 Only 2 minutes from the Main Gate 5739 Constitution Ave. 5 0¢ (SW corner Constitution and Powers next to Walgreens) CARE CREDIT ACCEPTED W INGS ALL DAY Get a EVERY DAY new set of 252 E. Cheyenne Mtn. Blvd. Just West of Nevada/Hwy. 115 Happy Hour M-F 3-6pm Open 7 Days a Week 11am - 2am keys today... (Northwest corner of Nevada and Hwy 115 behind UMB Bank) 576-5223 Scan the QR Gode to see our full menu ... to your new or slightly used auto, that you can find in our Classified Section. ur Call us for yo nd ell a Hail & Farew ies! 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  • 10. 10 MOUNTAINEER — June 29, 2012 ‘Silver Lions’ train on grenades By Sgt. Khori Johnson a practice range to adjust their distance and accuracy. Colorado, the Soldiers could only lob the empty 3rd Brigade Combat Team Public Affairs Office, Typically, Soldiers would practice by throwing grenade bodies. 4th Infantry Division fused, dummy-grenade rounds that give off a loud“Overall, our job is about safety,” said Sgt. pop and a small spark. Due to the statewide fire ban Gregory Vasquez, Company B team leader and Assuming a natural stance, balancing weight in response to the dry weather and large fires in one of many noncommissioned officers providing equally on both feet, Pfc. Robert Berg gripped the supervision during the exercise, taking Soldiers grenade, holding it shoulder high. The infantryman through the process step-by-step. removed the safety clip and pin, and with the The second part of the training event took the style of an Olympian, lobbed it overhand toward Soldiers in “buddy teams” through a grenade the target in the distance. course designed to simulate different scenarios Leaders with Company B, 1st Battalion, 68th where a grenade might be properly used. Soldiers Armor Regiment, 3rd Brigade Combat Team, engaged targets in the open and hidden in 4th Infantry Division, recently familiarized its bunkers, which required Soldiers to crawl to the less-experienced Soldiers on the proper use of entrance before delivering a grenade on the target. the device during a hand grenade course in June On the second day of the training, each at the practice and live hand grenade ranges. Soldier threw two live M67 grenades at a target “Silver Lions” Soldiers trained on the M-67 located on the opposite side of a large hill. fragmentation grenade, learning the importance Company B leadership played a major part in of proper storage and use of grenades, and the the success of the exercise, said Spc. Matthew appropriate technique for deploying grenades. England, Company B. The two-week training exercise assisted “They were very helpful,” he said. “They Soldiers in becoming more comfortable, familiar- walked us through it and reassured some of the izing troops with employing grenades on the Soldiers that were less-experienced throwers.” battlefield, said Staff Sgt. Randy Martin, At the end of the training and after throwing Company B squad leader. 200 live grenades, 75 Soldiers qualified on the “This is the first time the company has held use of hand grenades. (a grenade range) in nearly … two years,” said Martin said the training helped many of Martin. “This a good experience for our Soldiers. the Soldiers feel more confident with the It builds confidence in them.” weapon system. Company B took a week preparing for the “When someone is scared of the weapon training with a series of classes covering Army Photo by Staff Sgt. Christopher Jelle they have and don’t use it properly, that’s when guidelines pertaining to using grenades. Pfc. Robert Berg prepares to lob a training grenade from an accidents happen,” he said. The Soldiers began the “live-fire” portion of the open position, while Spc. Abraham Guitierrez simulates pulling Silver Lions Soldiers who successfully training event by making a three-mile hike with all security for his teammate during Company B, 1st Battalion, 68th trained on the grenade qualification course will of their gear to the range. Once in the training area, Armor Regiment, 3rd Brigade Combat, 4th Infantry Division, have the opportunity to attend the brigade’s Soldiers threw 14-ounce M69 training grenades on training at the practice hand grenade range, June 14. Expert Infantryman Badge testing in July. CONTACTS GLASSES Have Your Childs Vision Checked Every Year AT CCU, YOUR PATH TO A DEGREE HAS NEVER BEEN EASIER. 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  • 11. June 29, 2012 — MOUNTAINEER 11 Your commitment is to our country. Our commitment is to you.. Our commitment is to you Exclusive to Military Servicemembers and Veterans : CHASE MILITARY BANKING Exclusive to Military Servicemembers and Veterans: CHASE MILITARY BANKING Show your qualif ying Military ID and open a Chase Premier Plus CheckingSM account..1 Then, you are entitled to receive all of Show your qualifying Militar y ID and open Chase Premier Plus CheckingSM account Then, you are entitled to receive all of g the benefits of this premier account designed especially for you,, America’s best and bravest: the benefits of this premier account designed especially for you America’s best and bravest: a • No minimum balance requirement No minimum balance requirement • No monthly Ser vice Fee No monthly Service Fee • No fees on four non-Chase ATM transactions per month2 No fees n four non-Chase ATM transactions per month • No fees on Money Orders,, Travelers Checks, and Gif t Cards3 No fees n Money Orders Travelers Checks, and Gift Cards • Discounts on other products and ser vices4 Discounts other products and services Visit your nearest Chase branch or ChaseMilitar Visit your nearest Chase branch or 1 Chase Military Banking benefits are available only on Chase Premier P lus Checking account Deposit accounts subject to approval. We will notify you of changes to your account terms and fees. 1.. Cha se Milit ar y Banking benefit s are available only on Cha se P remier Plus Checking account.. Deposit account s subjec t to approva l . We will notif y you of change s to your account terms and fee s . v 2. No non-Chase ATM fee charged by Cha se for using another institution’s ATM . Usage fee s may be charged by the institution that owns the ATM . 2. No non- Cha se ATM fee charged by Chase for using another institution’s ATM. Usage fees may be charged by the institution that owns the ATM. 3 . Gif t c ards not sold in CT or N J . Gif t c ard purcha se s online are $4 . 95 per c ard for st andard shipping (ships in 5 -7 busine ss days). 3. Gift cards not sold in CT or NJ. Gift card purchases online are $4.95 per card for standard shipping (ships in 5-7 business days). y 4 . A ll Home Lending products are subject to credit and proper t y approva l . Rate s , program terms , and conditions are subjec t to change at any time without notice . Not a ll produc t s are available in a ll st ate s or for a ll 4. All Home Lending produc t s are subjec t to credit and property approval. Rates, program terms, and conditions are subject to change at any time without notice. Not all products are available in all states or for all loan amounts.. Other restrictions and limitations apply.. loan amount s O ther re stric tions and limit ations apply Home lending and deposit produc t s of fered by JP Morgan Chase Bank , N.A.. Member FDIC . Home lending and deposit products offered by JPMorgan Cha se Bank, N . A Member FDIC. © 2012 JPMorgan Chase & Co . 2012 JP Morgan Cha se Co. The people pic tured are not ac tua l ser vice members . The people pictured are not actual service members.
  • 12. 12 MOUNTAINEER — June 29, 2012 Soldiers take to skies for Story and photos by Spc. Nathan Thome to apply innovative tactical maneuvers while safety briefing and cold load training, where the 1st Brigade Combat Team Public clearing objectives. troops hastily mounted and dismounted from a Affairs, 4th Infantry Division “Soldiers gained insight into various threats at stationary helicopter. decisive action lanes and combined arms live-fire After completing initial training, Soldiers began As a CH-47 Chinook landed, infantrymen exercises,” said Capt. Otis Ingram, commander, the air assault exercise by loading onto helicopters dismounted, moving into a column formation. Company B. and flying to a target location, where they landed Nearing the objective, a small village in the Decisive action blends the principles of counterin- on a ridgeline overlooking a mock village. distance, the troops assaulted the town after shots surgency warfare with the variety of threats U.S. When the Company B Soldiers received “enemy” rang out from all directions. A squad of Soldiers forces could face in the 21st century, Ingram said. small arms fire, the teams engaged the role-players, laid down suppressive fire, while fire teams moved Soldiers began the operation with an aircraft working their way through the village, clearing and toward the complex and began clearing operations. Soldiers assigned to Company B, 1st Battalion, 22nd Infantry Regiment, 1st Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division, conducted scenario-based air assault training at the Fort Carson Combined Arms Live-Fire Exercise Range, June 21. Training with assistance from pilots assigned to 1st Armored Division’s Combat Aviation Brigade, “Raider” Soldiers enhanced their individual combat skills by learning Soldiers assigned to Company B, 1st Battalion, 22nd Infantry Regiment, 1st Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division, practice dismounting from the ramp of a stationary CH-47 Chinook during the cold load portion of air assault training at Fort Carson Combined Arms Live-Fire Exercise Range, June 21. Let Us Help Y P You Prepare For Summer Driving! EXPERIENCE A MORE BEAUTIFUL YOU! SHIN SA DONG Ever y Every Full Service Is A 16-Po r Ser vice 16-Point Point MILITARY DISCOUNTS KOREAN RESTAURANT Revi view! Preventive Maintenance Review! Breast Enlargement We have delicious foods $5.00 OFF Breast Lift with the best prices! We always have 8 or more side dishes A FULL SERVICE E OFFER VALID AT THE BELOW OFFER VALID AT THE BELOW COLORADO SPRINGS LOCATIONS COLORADO SPRINGS LOCAT ONS TI Tummy Tuck that come with every food for FREE! OIL CHANGE! CHANGE! 350 South 8th St. Liposuction 10% Military Discount* Phone: 719-520-00644 FREE CONSULTATION 3795 Airport Blvd. We make tasty foods such as: Valid only at the 350 South 8th St. and Affordable Financing Options O. CO. 3795 Airport Blvd., Colorado Springs, CO Phone: 719-570-6112 2 DOUGLAS J. RASKIN, M.D., D.M.D Not valid with any other offers. Offer expires 9/30/12. MTFS05 Mon.-Fri. 8-6 Sat. 8-5 Sun. 9-4 9 No Appointment Needed! Needed d! Baylor, Harvard & Stanford Trained Certified by American Board of Plastic Surgery 3845 E. Pikes Peak Ave. ONLY WHAT YOU NEED. YOU NEED. Colorado Springs, CO 80909 GUARANTEED. 638-2695 WE’VEO NGOTO MYOURATBACK. JOIN OUR LINE C MUNITY