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Vol. 71, No. 3                                                                                                                                                          Jan. 25, 2013

  Cheyenne Mountain Shooting Complex opens

                                                                                                                                                             Photo by Andrea Sutherland
   Detective Greg White, El Paso County Sheriff’s Office, fires an MK-18 rifle Wednesday   positions. Three ranges are designated for rifle use from 300-500 yards. Four ranges
   at the Cheyenne Mountain Shooting Complex. The 400-acre complex, which opened           are designated for pistol use. In addition to being open to community members, law
   to the public Wednesday, features seven ranges with about 120 covered shooting          enforcement personnel will train at the complex. See story on pages 20-21.

Medal of Honor

Former division Soldier to receive award
          By Staff Sgt. Wallace Bonner
         4th Infantry Division Public Affairs
                                                            Company B, 3rd Squadron, 61st Cavalry Regiment,
                                                            4th Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division,
                                                                                                                         3rd Sqdn., 61st Cav. Reg., who was the first sergeant
                                                                                                                         at COP Keating at the time of the attack, and excerpts
                                                            staff sergeant for his actions at Combat Operating           that the Army Times used from “The Outpost,” by
    Clinton L. Romesha will become the fourth living        Post Keating, Afghanistan, Oct. 3, 2009.                     Jake Tapper. The Soldiers in the COP reacted smoothly
recipient to be awarded the Medal of Honor for heroic            The engagement began as insurgents launched a           and efficiently with battle drills honed and battle tested
actions in Iraq or Afghanistan.                             hail of gunfire, interspersed with rocket fire, during the   by 45 attacks in the four months prior.
    President Barrack Obama will present the presti-        early morning hours, according to Master Sgt. Ronald
                                                                                                                                                         See Medal on Page 4
gious award Feb. 11 at the White House to the former        Burton, operations noncommissioned officer in charge,

    Message board                      INSIDE
      Lane closure
  A project to improve sidewalks
   and crosswalks along Chiles
      Avenue from Prussman
  Boulevard to the bowling alley
    will result in periodic lane
      closures Friday through
    Wednesday. Call 526-9267
       for more information.                               Page 8
                                                                                                     Page 27                                      Page 13
2    MOUNTAINEER — Jan. 25, 2013

Commanding General:

Garrison Commander:
                    Maj. Gen. Joseph Anderson         Fulfilling ‘The Dream’
                                                         Commentary by Chap. (Capt.) Carl O. Brown                       through with her declaration that all men are created equal.
                    Col. David L. Grosso                    10th Special Forces Group (Airborne)                              His message was also prophetic and encouraging to blacks
Fort Carson Public Affairs Officer:                                                                                      and whites — instructing them to continue believing that
                    Dee McNutt
                                                           Then President Abraham Lincoln signed the                     God is on the side of justice. He believed that evil would not
                                                      Emancipation Proclamation Jan. 1, 1863, which was a                continue to prevail and that God would set America free.
Chief, Print and Web Communications:
                                                      promissory letter liberating blacks from the most heinous act      King encouraged people of every race, color and creed to
                    Rick Emert                        toward human beings our country had engaged in — slavery.          understand that, “Now is the time to rise from the dark and
Editor:             Devin Fisher                           The signing of this single document promised to               desolate valley of segregation to the sunlit path of racial
Staff writer:       Andrea Sutherland
                                                      give blacks the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of          justice. Now is the time to open the doors of opportunity
                                                      happiness, forever ensuring its status as one of the most          to all of God’s children. Now is the time to lift our nation
Happenings:         Nel Lampe
                                                      significant letters in history.                                    from the quicksands of racial injustice to the solid rock of
Sports writer:      Walt Johnson                           One hundred years later, there were still violent and         brotherhood” that one day, all people, especially blacks in
Layout/graphics: Jeanne Mazerall                      egregious actions toward                                                                           America, would have the same
                                                      blacks, such as inequality,                                                                        right to prosperity, educational
       This commercial enterprise newspaper is
                                                      racism and segregation.                                                                            equality, freedom and liberty.
an authorized publication for members of the          Millions of black men, women                                                                            Fifty years ago, King
Department of Defense. Contents of the                and children were burned,                                                                          gave this remarkable,
Mountaineer are not necessarily the official          raped, lynched and excluded                                                                        challenging and compelling
view of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government or
                                                      from the privileges that whites                                                                    speech and today, the dream
the Department of the Army. Printed circulation
is 12,000 copies.
                                                      had in America. Though the                                                                         is being fulfilled.
       The editorial content of the                   letter promised change, 100                                                                             As we celebrated King’s
Mountaineer is the responsibility of the Public       years later the conditions for                                                                     birthday Monday, and America
Affairs Office, Fort Carson, CO 80913-5119,           blacks in America were                                                                             stood and received her first
Tel.: 526-4144. The e-mail address is
                                                      hostile, discouraging and                                                                          African-American president
       The Mountaineer is posted on the
                                                      disconcerting. The dream                                                                           for his second term during the
Internet at                         of living free and equal                                                                           inauguration. Fifty years ago,
       The Mountaineer is an unofficial               through the signing of the                                                                       African-Americans were
publication authorized by AR 360-1. The               Emancipation Proclamation had become a nightmare and               considered second-class citizens, ostracized from positions of
Mountaineer is printed by Colorado Springs
                                                      the dream seemed like it would not be fulfilled.                   power and economically, educationally and racially segregated.
Military Newspaper Group, a private firm in
no way connected with the Department of the
                                                           Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. gave a powerful and                     King’s dream is America’s dream; one that regardless
Army, under exclusive written contract with           prophetic speech Aug. 28, 1963, that would challenge the           of a person’s culture, color, race, religion, economic
Fort Carson. It is published 49 times per year.       nation to keep her promise, but also encouraged blacks             position or status, all people have the right to equality
       The appearance of advertising in this          and whites to keep striving toward the dream.                      and freedom. Every citizen within the United States has
publication, including inserts or supplements,
                                                           King’s powerful message challenged the nation. In his         the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. It
does not constitute endorsement by the
Department of the Army or Colorado Springs
                                                      speech King said, “America has defaulted on its promise.           is a dream that originated from the pages of sacred
Military Newspaper Group, of the products or          America has written a bad check that is marked insufficient        Scriptures. It is a dream that our Founding Fathers placed
services advertised. The printer reserves the         funds. Today, the condition of the Negro is worse now              into order within our society. It is a dream that our
right to reject advertisements.                       than ever. They are still not free …”                              Soldiers will continue to stand in arms waiting to defend.
       Everything advertised in this publication
                                                           King spoke at a mass demonstration before the Lincoln         It is a dream that God, too, would be proud, as we sing
shall be made available for purchase, use or
patronage without regard to race, color, religion,
                                                      Memorial in Washington, challenging the Supreme Court              together, “Our country tis of thee; sweet land of liberty,
sex, national origin, age, marital status, physical   that democrats and republicans have betrayed the cause of          of thee we sing; land where our fathers died, land of the
handicap, political affiliation or any other          justice on civil rights. It was time for the country to stand      pilgrims’ pride. From ev’ry mountainside, let freedom
nonmerit factor of the purchaser, user or patron.     up and implement the laws that had been signed and follow          ring!” Together, we shall fulfill the dream.
If a violation or rejection of this equal
opportunity policy by an advertiser is confirmed,
the printer shall refuse to print advertising
from that source until the violation is corrected.
For display advertising call 634-5905.

                                                      Center provides free tax service
       All correspondence or queries regarding
advertising and subscriptions should be directed
to Colorado Springs Military Newspaper
Group, 31 E. Platte Avenue, Suite 300,
Colorado Springs, CO 80903, phone 634-5905.
       The Mountaineer’s editorial content is
edited, prepared and provided by the Public
                                                            By Andrea Sutherland                        Located in building 1358 on                 Cohn stressed clients should bring
Affairs Office, building 1430, room 265, Fort
Carson, CO 80913-5119, phone 526-4144.
                                                               Mountaineer staff                    Barkeley Avenue, clients may park in the   actual Social Security cards and not
       Releases from outside sources are so                                                         barracks parking lots. Those requiring     copies to appointments. To obtain a
indicated. The deadline for submissions to the             Allan Westphal and his wife, Grace       handicap parking should arrange with       Social Security card, call 574-9279 or
Mountaineer is close of business the week             Westphal, wasted no time filing their         the tax center to park on the sidewalks    visit the Social Security Office in
before the next issue is published. The
                                                      taxes this year. The couple was first in      before the scheduled appointment.          Colorado Springs located at 1049 N.
Mountaineer staff reserves the right to edit
submissions for newspaper style, clarity and
                                                      line at the Fort Carson Tax Center,               Cohn said the center is staffed with   Academy Blvd. The office is open
typographical errors.                                 Tuesday, as it opened to servicemembers       16 Soldiers certified by the Internal      Monday-Friday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
       Policies and statements reflected in the       and retirees.                                 Revenue Service as well as civilians       and is closed on federal holidays.
news and editorial columns represent views                 “We’re on a fixed income,” he said.      and volunteers.                                 Clients should also bring bank
of the individual writers and under no
                                                      “We could step on a dime and tell you             “Last year we filed more than 3,100    routing numbers and account numbers
circumstances are to be considered those of
the Department of the Army.
                                                      whether it was heads or tails.”               federal returns,” she said. “This year     to receive refunds via direct deposit and
       Reproduction of editorial material is               Allan Westphal, a retiree, said it was   we’re hoping to do more than that.”        power of attorney if filing on behalf of
authorized. Please credit accordingly.                easier to file taxes on post.                     In 2012, Cohn said tax preparers       another person.
                                                           “We live just off post so it’s easier    helped clients save more than $800,000
                                                      and it doesn’t cost anything,” he said.       in preparation fees and receive $9.5
                                                           Tax center operators have made           million in refunds.                           Appointments
                                                      several strides to improve services to            To improve its customer service, she
                                                      the community in the past two years.          said an additional phone line was added           To schedule an appointment,
                                                           “We’re trying to reach out and be        to help with the large call volume.                call 524-1013 or 526-0163.
 Classified advertising                               more accessible,” said Capt. Amy Cohn,            In order to expedite appointments,
      329-5236                                        Office of the Judge Advocate General          clients should come prepared with a                  The tax center is open
    Display advertising                               and organizer of the tax center. “We          copy of their 2011 tax return; 2012           Monday-Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
        634-5905                                      want to thank the commanding general          W-2s and forms 1099s and 1098s;                 until May 15. The center is also
                                                      and garrison commander for providing          Social Security cards for Soldiers and         open Feb. 9, March 16 and April 6
    Mountaineer editor                                us the support we needed to accomplish        Family members; copies of court orders        from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. It is closed all
       526-4144                                       this mission.”                                for divorce, child custody and child             federal and training holidays.
                                                           Cohn said approximately 30 people        support and Form 8332 for divorces
       Post information                               attended the ribbon-cutting ceremony,         after 2008; as well as documentation            Clients should anticipate an hour
          526-5811                                    Tuesday, including 4th Infantry               for child care costs, individual retire-        for meetings and are encouraged
    Post weather hotline                              Division and Fort Carson commanding           ment account contributions, stock,                  to find alternate child care
         526-0096                                     general Maj. Gen. Joseph Anderson and         bond or mutual fund sales and alimony                    for young children.
                                                      Command Sgt. Maj. Brian Stall.                paid or received.
Jan. 25, 2013 — MOUNTAINEER         3

911 operators take top honors
   Story and photo by Andrea Sutherland
              Mountaineer staff

    There’s no “typical” day for operators in a 911
call center.
    “We’ve handled everything from calming a lost
child in distress to helping people deliver babies to
directing someone on performing CPR over the
phone,” said Chief Jeff Craig, 911 manager,
Directorate of Emergency Services. “You name it, my
folks can handle it.”
    Craig said his team of 14 dispatchers handles
between 50,000 and 60,000 calls each year. The team
mans the dispatch center 24/7, 365 days a year, working
12-hour shifts that often stretch into 16-hour shifts.
    “Every time somebody is out enjoying something,
my folks are here,” he said. “We pride ourselves on
customer service.”
    The team, based in the call center at the Fort Carson
Fire Department, is part of the El Paso Teller County 911
Authority, which is comprised of nine 911 centers with
nearly 200 operators. Every few months, the El Paso
Teller County E-911 Authority Board recognizes one
dispatcher as the “Telecommunicator of the Quarter.”
    In 2012, Craig’s team claimed the title three out
of four quarters.
    Three dispatchers — Kim Perkins, Dana Carneal
and Sue Aragon — earned the title in the first, second
and fourth quarters, respectively, after “going above
and beyond” their duties to ensure the necessary help                              Sue Aragon, a 911 dispatcher for the Directorate of Emergency Services, mans the call desk at the dispatch office,
came to the distressed parties.                                                    Tuesday. Aragon earned the “Telecommunicator of the Quarter” for the fourth quarter in 2012. Two other dispatchers,
                                                                                   Dana Carneal and Kim Perkins, also earned the title in the second and first quarters. Perkins was named
                                      See 911 operator on Page 4
                                                                                   “Telecommunicator of the Year” for 2012.

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4       MOUNTAINEER — Jan. 25, 2013

Medal                                                                                        “It’s a great
                                                                                                                               was in the Marine Corps. He said the
                                                                                                                               military was something he always knew
from Page 1                                                                                                                    he wanted to do.
                                                                                              opportunity to tell                   Romesha credits his grandfather for
    Unlike previous attacks, which lasted five to 10                                                                           instilling in him the qualities that made
minutes, and typically involved insurgents shooting                                           all the great things             him so effective during that battle.
a few rifle and mortar rounds then retreating, the
attack remained focused, with 300 insurgents
                                                                                              that happened that                    “I would resort back to my grand-
                                                                                                                               father, who has always been my
assaulting the post of 50 American Soldiers and two
Latvian Soldiers, breaching the perimeter and
                                                                                              day; one team,                   personal hero, and one of the great life
                                                                                                                               lessons he taught me, and I’ve always
securing the mortar pit.                                                                      one fight.”                      held true, is that your actions will speak
    The nearby Observation Post Fritsch, with 19                                                                               for you: don’t just talk the talk, but
                                                                                                     — Clinton L. Romesha
American Soldiers, was simultaneously attacked,                                                                                actually walk the walk, and dig down
preventing them from supporting the COP.                                                                                       deep into that warrior spirit every one of
    It was during this attack that Romesha took                                                                               you have, and execute,” Romesha said.
charge, which earned him the prestigious award.            opportunity to tell all the great things that happened      His wife, Tamara Romesha, has also been
    “The biggest thing for (Romesha) that day, he          that day; one team, one fight.”                         adjusting to the news of the award.
was all over the place,” said Burton. “We have our              Romesha considered the award an opportunity            “I’m still a little star struck, awe-struck,” she
battle drills, but when things began to change, he took    to accomplish some things he wanted to do that may said. “I’ve always known he could do amazing
charge. He reported into us, and then he went back         not have been possible otherwise.                       things; he is a very capable, great guy, but you
out, took part of the base (and) then defended it.”             “To be able to get back into contact with such guys are walking in and seeing him as he is now. I
    Romesha leading the charge and his retaking of         great friends and Family members, and share in the still think back to when we were in high school
the mortar pit may have been instrumental in the           experience of it; to get the message of teamwork and together, so it’s a little new for me to think of him
successful defense of the COP during the 10-hour           dedication that everyone showed that day, such courage as a (Medal of Honor) recipient.”
fight, but his actions didn’t stop there.                  and honor, has really meant a lot to me,” he said.          Clinton Romesha separated from the Army and
    According to the Army News Service, he took out             Romesha also sees the award as an opportunity to is now working with KS Industries as a quality
an enemy machine gun team and continued to engage          tell the Soldier’s story.                               assurance team member, and lives in Minot, N.D.,
another one, even while injured from shrapnel due to            “You don’t really wake up in the morning and with his wife and three children.
a generator exploding from a rocket-propelled grenade.     think; ‘today I’m gonna go try and be awarded the           During his service in the Army, from 1999-2011,
He also directed air support that killed 30 insurgents.    Medal of Honor,’” he said. “And for me, I hold true he was stationed in Germany, Korea and Fort
    The Army Times’ recounting of Romesha’s                to that. I believe there (are) so many Soldiers out Carson. He was assigned twice to Korea, and
citation adds even more detail to his actions that day.    there, that if they were given the opportunity that we deployed twice to Iraq and once to Afghanistan.
    When Soldiers at COP Keating were informed that        had faced that day, they would have done what I did.        His military awards include the Bronze Star
OP Fritsch had injured Soldiers requiring medical               “It’s the small things that people don’t see that Medal, Purple Heart, three Army Commendation
assistance, Romesha provided covering fire that            Soldiers do every day; the getting up early, putting Medals, five Army Achievement Medals, Army Good
allowed those Soldiers to reach the aid station. He also   that uniform on,” said Romesha. “Saying goodbye to Conduct Medal, National Defense Service Medal,
traversed 100 meters under fire to secure the bodies       their Families for a year and kind of putting Family Korean Service Medal, Kosovo Campaign Medal,
of fellow Soldiers who had fallen during the fighting.     life on hold; those are the everyday heroes, this is Afghanistan Campaign Medal with campaign star, Iraq
    Obama announced the award Jan. 11.                     what that award means to me.”                           Campaign Medal with three campaign stars, Global
    “It’s been a long time coming,” said Burton.                Looking into Romesha’s Family, it might seem as War on Terrorism Service Medal, Noncommissioned
“When it finally came out … I was just excited.”           though he had heroism bred into his bones. His Officer Professional Development Ribbon, Army
    Romesha had mixed emotions.                            grandfather was a World War II veteran, his father a Service Ribbon, Overseas Service Ribbon, NATO
    “I don’t think you ever sit there and expect this to   Vietnam veteran, his oldest brother has served in both Medal with bronze service star, Army Valorous Unit
come, it’s bittersweet,” said Romesha. “It’s a great       the Army and the Air Force, while the second oldest Award and the Combat Action Badge.

911 operator                                “a city within a city,” with a high           “We’re only as good as the information       to responders by the time they arrived
from Page 3                                 call volume. Understanding how to             that we get.”                                on the scene three minutes and 50
                                            navigate calls, she said, is vital to              Perkins and Craig stressed that         seconds after the call was placed.
    Perkins, who helped responders          knowing what help is necessary.               while they prefer community members              “I’m an adrenaline junkie,” she
locate a man attempting to commit                “We have one of the best records         to reserve 911 calls for true “life or       said. “I love that fast pace.”
suicide, was also named “Tele-              for longevity, which just makes us            limb” emergencies, they “never judge             Aragon earned recognition as the
communicator of the Year.”                  that much better and more familiar            the integrity of the caller.”                fourth quarter winner after she helped
    “Nobody wants to get that call          with what happens,” she said.                      “It’s our job to help calm down         police stop an assault in progress. After
that makes them an award winner,”                Perkins said that some of the            the situation on the other end of the        receiving a call with vague information
said Perkins, shift supervisor and          happiest calls she receives are when          phone,” Craig said.                          from an operator at Evans Army
911 dispatcher.                             she has helped deliver babies over                 Maintaining composure and keeping       Community Hospital, Aragon was able
    “We’re the first, first responders,”    the phone.                                    a nonjudgmental attitude helped              to locate an address and dispatch
she said.                                        “There are (a lot of) children born on   dispatchers earn those top titles.           police to the location.
    In a career field that experiences      front lawns, at gates, on sidewalks and            Last May, Carneal, who earned the           “All she had was an area code,”
34-percent turnover each year, Craig        on couches,” she said, laughing. “Those       honor the second quarter of 2012,            said Craig, adding that Aragon recog-
said his team has more than 150 years       are the great ones, the ‘blessing calls.’”    responded to a call of a vehicle driving     nized the numbers from an earlier call
of experience.                                   Perkins said that because dispatchers    into a residence on Fort Carson.             and matched it to an address. “She
    “Eighty percent of those (who)          can only hear what is happening when               “As the call progressed,” the           could have stopped a potential murder.”
leave the workforce each year have          someone calls in, it is important for         resolution honoring her reads, “she              For Aragon, she was simply doing
been on the job less than two years,” he    callers to be very clear when communi-        heard the call taker confirm that there      her job.
said. “We’re dealing with people’s          cating the emergency.                         was smoke, fire, shots fired and a person        “It’s every day,” she said. “If I hadn’t
day-to-day tragedies.”                           “We’re visually challenged, which        on scene with a compound fracture.”          done it, one of (the other dispatchers)
    Perkins described Fort Carson as        is a blessing and a curse,” she said.              Carneal relayed pertinent information   would have.”

     Send a Valentine’s Day message to your sweetheart!
                Email your 25-word message and a high-resolution photo of you and
              your loved one to by Feb. 1, to appear in
           the Feb. 8 issue. Submissions subject to editing. Not all photographs will run.
Jan. 25, 2013 — MOUNTAINEER                   5

Leaders award Soldiers for heroism, service
SFAT                                                                                                           Sutton receives
members                                                                                                        safety award
                                                                                                                       By Staff Sgt. Christopher Jelle

earn 100
                                                                                                                3rd Brigade Combat Team Public Affairs Office,
                                                                                                                             4th Infantry Division

                                                                                                                    During an award ceremony Jan. 10, which honored
                                                                                                               and recognized more than 370 Soldiers of the 3rd

Bronze                                                                                                         Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division, one award
                                                                                                               in particular stood out; a small, translucent plaque with
                                                                                                               the word “Army Safety Guardian” etched into it.
                                                                                                                    The award is presented to individuals who perform
                                                                                                               extraordinary actions or skill during an emergency

Stars, 200                                                                                                     or imminently dangerous situation while preventing
                                                                                                               damage to Army property, personnel or loss of life to
                                                                                                               an individual.
                                                                                                                    Staff Sgt. Donald Sutton was awarded the Army

                                                                                                               Safety Guardian award for his actions that helped save
                                                                                                               the life of a man trapped in a burning semitrailer
                                                                                                               during a multicar crash on Interstate-25 near exit 128,
                                                                                                               March 29.
                                                                                                                    The field artillery system mechanic with
    Story and photo by                                                                                         Company K, 64th Brigade Support Battalion, 3rd
     Sgt. Grady Jones                                                                                          BCT, saw the wrecked vehicle as he was driving on
 3rd Brigade Combat Team                                                                                       Bandley Drive, returning to Fort Carson from lunch.
    Public Affairs Office,                                                                                     A car heading north on the interstate went across the
    4th Infantry Division                                                                                      median into the southbound lane, striking another
                                                      Col. Michael Kasales, right, commander, 3rd Brigade      vehicle. The semitrailer, heading south, swerved to
     Leadership of the 3rd Brigade Combat Team,       Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division, shakes the hand      avoid the accident and crossed the median, striking
4th Infantry Division, hosted an award ceremony       of Maj. Ethan Allen, executive officer, 1st Battalion,    a pole on the passenger side and pinning the driver’s
Jan. 10, to recognize Soldiers and civilians for      68th Armor Regiment, after pinning him with a Purple     side door of the vehicle against a guardrail in the
their superior service and support during the         Heart medal. Maj. Allen was the Team Leader for          northbound lane.
Security Forces Advisory Team’s nine-month            Security Forces Advisory Team 42 when he was                  “I saw the truck hit the guardrail and flames on the
deployment to Afghanistan.                            wounded by an improvised explosive device while          side of the truck,” said Sutton. “I stopped to see if I
     “Iron” Brigade Commander Col. Michael            serving in Afghanistan.                                  could offer any assistance, because it’s just one of those
Kasales and Command Sgt. Maj. Douglas                                                                          things that you know you’re supposed to do.”
Maddi, along with 3rd BCT subordinate unit                                                                          Jim Herrell, a local citizen who arrived at the crash
commanders, pinned awards on more than 370            controlling a squad-sized element,” Allen said, as       site just before Sutton, said he could hear the screams
Soldiers and civilians during the ceremony to         he gave words of advice to fellow senior leaders.        as the truck driver grew frantic.
include 100 Bronze Stars and 200 Army                 “You still have to know how to be able to perform             Sutton and Herrell worked together to keep the
Commendation Medals.                                  those basic Soldier skills that all Soldiers must be     driver calm as they explained the door was jammed and
     ARCOMs with “V” devices for valor were           able to do.”                                             they would have to pull him out through the window.
awarded to Spcs. Thomas Carlton and Craige                 “Maj. Allen and 1st Lt. Perreault wanted to              “(Sutton) stuck his face right into that burning
Whiting, both combat engineers, C Company, 3rd        come back (to their teams) after getting hurt,”          vehicle,” Herrell said. “He and I had (an intense)
Brigade Special Troops Battalion, and Spc. James      Kasales said. “They didn’t back down. To me, that
                                                                                                                                               See Safety on Page 11
McDaniel, military police officer, Headquarters       is just another indication of the kind of Soldiers
and Headquarters Company, 3rd STB, for their          within the brigade.”
heroic actions when they engaged enemy                     During his speech, Kasales said SFAT teams
combatants who had breached the perimeter of          were deployed to austere environments where
the outpost they were tasked with guarding. At the    access to phones or other morale, welfare and
time of the breach, the Soldiers were also under      recreation facilities was limited. The SFATs also
small arms fire and grenade attacks.                  trained and lived with Afghan forces.
     A U.S. servicemember may be awarded an                Kasales said senior Army leadership in
ARCOM with “V” device if serving in a capacity        Afghanistan described the 3rd BCT SFAT’s role as
with the Army and distinguishes himself by            “game changing.”
heroism. According to the U.S. Army Human                  Soldiers, who remained with the garrison element
Resources Command, 142,609 ARCOMs have                of the brigade at Fort Carson and performed their
been awarded for Operation Enduring Freedom as        duties exceptionally, were also honored for
of Nov. 30, with only 3,056 having “V” devices.       accomplishments to include an Audie Murphy
     “The ARCOM with ‘V’ device means doing           Club inductee, 3rd BCT Soldiers winning the 4th
your job plus more,” Whiting said. “If I had to do    Inf. Div. Noncommissioned Officer and Soldier of
it again, I would.”                                   the Quarter board, and food service specialists
     Purple Heart medals were given to 1st Lt.        winning culinary competitions.
Christopher Perreault, infantry officer, Head-             “Equally as important was the recognition of
quarters and Headquarters Company, 3rd STB,           all the hard work that went on back here,” said
and Maj. Ethan Allen, executive officer, 1st          Kasales. “We asked junior leaders and Soldiers to
Battalion, 68th Armor Regiment.                       step up into positions of higher responsibility.
     “It means self-sacrifice for my country,”        They had very little, if any, time to prepare for it,                                             Photo by Sgt. Grady Jones
Perreault said. “It makes me proud.”                  the same way that the SFATs had little time to           4th Infantry Division and Fort Carson Command Sgt. Maj.
     Allen said that he regrets having to leave his   prepare for deployment.                                  Brian Stall, right, presents Staff Sgt. Donald Sutton,
team on the first day of the mission when he               “It was so important to bring all those guys        Company K, 64th Brigade Support Battalion, 3rd BCT, 4th
was injured.                                          together and say it was a team effort,” Kasales          Inf. Div., with the U.S. Army Safety Guardian Award at a
     “You often think that eventually you’ll get up   said. “They all did very well. They performed            brigade awards ceremony, Jan. 10, for pulling a driver out
to a place in rank or grade where you’re not going    exceptionally. They really stepped up and knocked        of his burning semitrailer, following a multicar crash on
to be out moving in a squad formation and             it out of the park.”                                     Interstate-25 in Colorado Springs.
6              MOUNTAINEER — Jan. 25, 2013

MPs break crime ring   Story and photo by Andrea Sutherland
                                  Mountaineer staff

     For investigators Louis Ramirez, Adrain Seijemai and Kyle Von
Jares, stealing from fellow Soldiers is a despicable act.
     “It’s disgusting,” said Von Jares. “They did it to their own.”
     Ramirez, Seijemai and Von Jares, all serving with the 759th Military
Police Battalion, received Army Achievement Medals for their investi-
gation of a crime ring in the barracks where Soldiers stole thousands
of dollars of personal property from their battle buddies.
     “It’s about the lowest thing you can do,” said Maj. Gen. Joseph
Anderson, commanding general, 4th Infantry Division and Fort Carson,
who presented the awards Jan. 16.
     Investigators estimate the suspects stole between $15,000 and
$20,000 of personal and government property from six Soldiers in 2nd
Brigade Combat Team, 4th Inf. Div., while they were participating in a
training exercise in December.
     Lt. Daniel Wentzel, supervisor, Fort Carson Military Police
Investigation, said the team of investigators collected leads and were
                              able to get confessions from the suspects.
                              Wentzel said almost every piece of stolen
  Tips for                    property was returned.
  protecting Seijemai. “It’s an honormy be recognized by
                                   “I’m proud of
                                                             section,” said
  property                    such high-ranking officials.”
  ✔ Document serial                The investigating team said they have
    numbers of electronics    received similar awards in the past for their
    and other items.          efforts, but that each recognition reaffirms
                              their commitment to protecting the public.
  ✔ Purchase personal              “It’s very rewarding to know that we did
    property insurance        our jobs and protected the people we serve,”
    even if living in the     said Von Jares.
    barracks.                      The team said the public perception of
                              police work may be met with frustration.
  ✔ Lock doors and close           “Some have the perception that (a crime)
    curtains when leaving     gets reported and then they don’t see what
    the barracks or the       goes on and they think nothing happens,” said                                                              Maj. Gen. Joseph Anderson, commanding general, 4th Infantry Division and Fort Carson, shakes
    house. Keep expensive     Ramirez. “This shows that we do work and                                                                   Louis Ramirez’s hand after awarding him the Army Achievement Medal, Jan. 16. Adrain Seijemai
    items out of view.        are successful. … It’s good to get that recog-                                                             and Kyle Von Jares also received the honor. The three investigators broke up a crime ring
                              nition. It is good to show hard work pays off.”                                                            occurring in the 2nd Brigade Combat Team barracks in December.

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8       MOUNTAINEER — Jan. 25, 2013

    Sgt. 1st Class Craig Butterman, brigade personnel
    noncommissioned officer in charge, Headquarters and
    Headquarters Troop, 2nd Special Troops Battalion, 2nd
    Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division, looks at
    Makayla Hendrickson’s research documents during
    the Russell Middle School science fair, Jan. 15.

Soldiers score school science fair
      Story and photo by
     Staff Sgt. Ruth Pagán
                                            Wade, eighth-grade science teacher.
                                                The judging had two parts: project
                                                                                         some of them that is what they want to
                                                                                         aspire to. It’s nice, too, because I feel
                                                                                                                                      management system operator, HHT,
                                                                                                                                      2nd STB. “It’s cool to get to see their
    2nd Brigade Combat Team                 display and an interview with the student.   like this whole community has a good         experiments.”
     Public Affairs Office, 4th                 “I enjoyed being able to get a           relationship with Fort Carson.”                  Students said they liked having
         Infantry Division                  chance to see the next generation and             Some students seemed nervous            the Soldiers there to judge.
                                            see their ideas and how much effort          during the interview portion, but were           “I feel like they know a lot, so it’s
     Are fingerprints hereditary? What      they put into their projects,” said Sgt.     put at ease quickly.                         cool for them to come out and judge us,
type of tape is the strongest? What is      1st Class Craig Butterman, brigade                “I got nervous because I didn’t         instead of teachers,” said Makayla
the lifecycle of a fruit?                   personnel noncommissioned officer in         want to mess up, but after a while (you      Hendrickson, science fair participant.
     These are just some of the questions   charge, Headquarters and Headquarters        realize) the Soldiers are really cool, so        Soldiers said they felt a sense of
asked by students during Russell            Troop, 2nd STB, 2nd BCT, 4th Inf.            I loosened up,” said Madison Lemley,         duty to the students while judging.
Middle School’s Science Fair, judged        Div. “What surprised me the most             science fair participant. “It’s cool             “To me, it feels pretty good to be
by about 30 Soldiers from 2nd Special       was the amount of participants and the       because I respect the Soldiers, and I get    able to go out into the community and
Troops Battalion, 2nd Brigade Combat        students’ interpersonal skills.”             to interact with them.”                      show people that this is what we do
Team, 4th Infantry Division, Jan. 15.           Both Soldiers and students said               Soldiers were impressed with the        and who we are and that we care,”
     The science projects, created by       they felt the benefits of volunteering.      projects that students created.              Butterman said. “At the end of the day,
sixth- through eighth-grade students,           “The kids really appreciate it,”              “These kids are very smart, a lot       these are our future leaders, and I want
were assigned in October and had to         said Wade. “They are seeing all these        smarter than I was at their age,” said       to make sure we are doing the right
meet various requirements, said Alex        men and women in uniform and for             Spc. Robert Cox, air defense battle          thing for them.”

Medics learn advanced skills to treat patients
            By Spc. Nathan Thome                            Medicine noncommissioned officer in charge. “They           knowledge that they can call upon both when they
    4th Infantry Division Public Affairs Office             learn what it really means to do their job when             are in garrison and downrange.”
                                                            they get to their unit.”                                         During the training, medics learn and perform
    Medical professionals from battalion aid stations            This training provides Soldiers with training          tasks such as putting in sutures, operating an
across post began training at Evans Army                    different from what is available at the battalion level.    electrocardiogram, blood draws, throat cultures,
Community Hospital Jan. 7 to develop and enhance                 “When they’re deployed, they get to do more            glucose testing, escorting patients and a variety of
their medical proficiency, as well as update and            things under the license of a provider, but in the          other clinical tasks.
sustain their clinical skills.                              garrison environment, they’re limited and can only do            “This training gives us a variety of new skills that
    Medical skills training, which started in March         certain things,” said Harris. “Coming here and doing        we wouldn’t have learned if we weren’t in a hospital
as a 15-day course, is now a 24-day training period         this rotation, it gives the Soldiers the opportunity to     setting,” said Pvt. Zachary Lutz, health care specialist,
that allows Soldiers to train longer and go more            do a little more than what they would usually do in         Headquarters and Headquarters Troop, 4th Squadron,
in-depth into working in a clinical environment.            their aid stations. For the most part, they already         10th Cavalry Regiment, 3rd Brigade Combat Team,
    “Basically, this training helps medical Soldiers to     have the medical knowledge. This is enhancing their         4th Infantry Division. “It builds upon things we
build on the skills they already have, when they’re         skills and adding what they normally wouldn’t               have already learned during our other training and
fresh out of advanced individual training,” said Sgt.       (receive) in their battalion aid stations, and benefiting
                                                                                                                                                     See Medics on Page 10
1st Class Jimi Harris, Department of Emergency              their units when they go back, because they have this
Jan. 25, 2013 — MOUNTAINEER                 9

‘Raiders’ master Kelmar
             Story and photo by                            the brigade’s equipment anywhere in the world.            will be critical to their logistics mission during
          Staff Sgt. Craig Cantrell                            “We can rely more on our Soldiers within our          future deployments.
1st Brigade Combat Team Public Affairs Office,             unit and less on contractors so we become self-reliant        “This is one of the best classes I have ever attended.
             4th Infantry Division                         and expedite the movement of our containers,” said        I have learned a lot about this piece of equipment
                                                           2nd Lt. John Peake, support operations transportation     and feel very confident operating it,” said Sgt.
     Thirteen “Raider” Brigade Soldiers trained to         officer, 4th BSB, 1st BCT.                                Michael Villerot, motor transport operator,
become proficient with the 118,500-pound Kalmar                The training Raider Brigade Soldiers received         Company A, 4th BSB.
Rough Terrain Container Handler-240 during an
80-hour course Jan. 7-18.
     The two-week course began in a classroom where
students learned container safety, vehicle maintenance
and lifting and transporting procedures before
conducting practical exercises with the Kalmar RT-240
in the 4th Brigade Support Battalion motor pool.
     “As soon as I saw a picture of the Kalmar, I was
intimidated, and I never thought I would be able to
operate it, but we learned everything step-by-step,
from lifting and dropping to stacking containers
three high and now it’s a piece of cake,” said Spc.
Charlene Fellows, motor transport operator,
Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 1st
Battalion, 66th Armor Regiment, 1st Brigade
Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division.
     The training these Soldiers are getting will help
their units, said Training Specialist Wendell
Crawford, course instructor, who has 20 years of
cargo container movement experience. Once trained
on the Kalmar, they have the capability to offload
their equipment and get it to their units without having
to wait on someone to come move it for them.
     “This class is very useful when you deploy and
have to build a Forward Operating Base or deliver
supplies that are essential to the mission,” said
Fellows. “If I can operate the Kalmar I can get these      Spc. Luis Saldana, motor transport operator, Company A, 4th Brigade Support Battalion, 1st Brigade Combat Team, 4th
supplies to my unit.”                                      Infantry Division, uses signals to communicate with Spc. Charlene Fellows, motor transport operator, Headquarters
     The course certifies the handlers to operate the      and Headquarters Company, 1st Battalion, 66th Armor Regiment, 1st BCT, 4th Inf. Div., during the Rough Terrain
Kalmar during logistical operations that transport         Container Handler Course, Jan. 15 at the 4th BSB motor pool.

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10 MOUNTAINEER — Jan. 25, 2013

  Family Day in the field
                                                                                                        Family members climb on an M1A2 Abrams Tank during
                                                                                                        Company C, 1st Battalion, 67th Armor Regiment, 2nd Brigade
                                                                                                        Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division, Family day at Murphy Range,
                                                                                                        Jan. 11. Families were bused to the battalion’s field training
                                                                                                        exercise site to interact with their Soldiers and tour the FTX site.

                                                                                                                                                                               Photo by Staff Sgt. Ruth Pagan
Medics                                                         communication with one another,” said Lutz. “We                “When it comes to medics, there are two separate
from Page 8                                                    need to keep a cool head, because that can make            sides; there are the line medics and the clinic medics,”
                                                               all the difference when it comes to performing a           said Spc. Joe Rodriguez, health care specialist,
advanced individual training, so we are able to treat          successful medical task.”                                  HHB, 3rd Bn., 16th FA Reg., 2nd BCT, 4th Inf.
and help more patients in more types of situations                  When the medics return to their units, they can use   Div. “I’m trying to go into nursing, so this is a good
than we were beforehand. Also, if we were to get               the knowledge they’ve gained to mentor Soldiers so         eye-opener for me to get more practice. Being in a
detached to a hospital, we would have some experience          they, too, can become more proficient in their skills.     line unit, I don’t really get to learn (the nurse’s) role,
in a hospital setting.”                                             “The vast majority of what we have learned we         but being here, I can see more of what they do.
     As the Soldiers’ skills improve, they will advance        will be able to use at our clinics, but we will also be        Rodriguez said he joined the training to serve
in their training and perform more complex tasks               able to apply it as field medics,” said Spc. David         as a stepping stone to his ultimate goal, being a
and operations.                                                Holmes, health care specialist, Headquarters and           sports medicine practitioner, but training with
     “Once (the instructors) get the confidence that           Headquarters Battery, 3rd Battalion, 16th Field            civilian patients has given him a new perspective
we can perform more tasks, we’ll start moving to the           Artillery Regiment, 2nd BCT, 4th Inf. Div. “This           and foundation, broadening his plans for the future.
next level,” said Lutz. “The way it’s taught to us is,         training is geared more toward the Soldiers who                “I didn’t know exactly what I was getting myself
we watch a procedure, we do what is taught to us               don’t work in the hospital, and allows us to expand        into when I started this program, but I’m so glad that
(and) then we teach, meaning we need to be proficient          our knowledge of medical procedures, but we can            I’m part of this,” said Rodriguez. “It helped me get
enough to teach what we’ve learned.”                           use it to teach others so they will be prepared in         the confidence I need to do procedures in the future,
     In addition to valuable skills gained, Lutz expressed     future situations.”                                        and the knowledge to teach other Soldiers in my unit
the importance of staying calm in intense situations.               Through this training, Soldiers gain a wider          become even better at their jobs. We’ve been here
     “No matter what situation you’re in, you need to          perspective of tasks medical professionals accomplish,     six days and we’ve learned a lot, and there is so
stay calm, be collected and have a very clear line of          and expand their medical goals.                            much more to learn.”

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Jan. 25, 2013 — MOUNTAINEER                          11
Safety                                                                           and a first-aid kit from the back of his                      closure of the northbound lanes of                                Sutton’s award was presented by
from Page 5                                                                      truck, he turned to see Sutton carrying                       Interstate-25 for more than an hour as                       4th Inf. Div. and Fort Carson Command
                                                                                 the driver down the hill.                                     emergency crews cleared the wrecked                          Sgt. Maj. Brian Stall.
experience together — the kind you                                                   According to St. Onge, by the time                        vehicles and doused the flames of the                             “The Army tells you to do things
only see on TV.”                                                                 he reached Sutton, the semitrailer cab                        semitrailer.                                                 and you do it, but here you have Staff
    Sutton pulled the driver through                                             was completely engulfed.                                           “It is very clear that the heroic                       Sgt. Sutton who didn’t have to put his
the window and immediately helped                                                    “If (Sutton) had not been as fast or                      actions of Staff Sgt. Donald Sutton                          life at risk,” said Col. Michael Kasales,
the victim to safety, distancing himself                                         as determined as he was, that driver                          certainly saved the life of the (semitrailer)                3rd BCT commander.
from the truck, which was quickly                                                would have been dead,” St. Onge said.                         driver. The driver absolutely would have                          “Most people would have walked
consumed by flames, said Herrell.                                                    The driver seemed to have only                            died without Sutton’s involvement,” said                     away and said ‘I’m not going to get
    Scott St. Onge, a motorist who                                               suffered from minor abrasions on his                          Fountain Fire Chief Darin Anstine.                           burned up,’ but he rushed in there and
witnessed the incident, said he saw                                              arm and smoke inhalation, according to                        “Staff Sgt. Sutton’s heroic measures                         helped out,” he said.
the smoke and watched Sutton rush                                                Sutton, who stayed with the man until                         reflect very positively on the bravery and                        Sutton is the second 3rd BCT Soldier
to the vehicle.                                                                  paramedics arrived.                                           courage of the men and women of Fort                         to receive the award, according to Carlos
    As St. Onge went to retrieve tools                                               The five-vehicle crash caused a                           Carson and the U.S. Army as a whole.”                        Ortiz-Sierra, brigade safety officer.

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Mountaineer 2013 01-25
Mountaineer 2013 01-25
Mountaineer 2013 01-25
Mountaineer 2013 01-25
Mountaineer 2013 01-25
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Mountaineer 2013 01-25
Mountaineer 2013 01-25
Mountaineer 2013 01-25
Mountaineer 2013 01-25
Mountaineer 2013 01-25
Mountaineer 2013 01-25
Mountaineer 2013 01-25
Mountaineer 2013 01-25
Mountaineer 2013 01-25
Mountaineer 2013 01-25
Mountaineer 2013 01-25
Mountaineer 2013 01-25
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Mountaineer 2013 01-25

  • 1. Vol. 71, No. 3 Jan. 25, 2013 Cheyenne Mountain Shooting Complex opens Photo by Andrea Sutherland Detective Greg White, El Paso County Sheriff’s Office, fires an MK-18 rifle Wednesday positions. Three ranges are designated for rifle use from 300-500 yards. Four ranges at the Cheyenne Mountain Shooting Complex. The 400-acre complex, which opened are designated for pistol use. In addition to being open to community members, law to the public Wednesday, features seven ranges with about 120 covered shooting enforcement personnel will train at the complex. See story on pages 20-21. Medal of Honor Former division Soldier to receive award By Staff Sgt. Wallace Bonner 4th Infantry Division Public Affairs Company B, 3rd Squadron, 61st Cavalry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division, 3rd Sqdn., 61st Cav. Reg., who was the first sergeant at COP Keating at the time of the attack, and excerpts staff sergeant for his actions at Combat Operating that the Army Times used from “The Outpost,” by Clinton L. Romesha will become the fourth living Post Keating, Afghanistan, Oct. 3, 2009. Jake Tapper. The Soldiers in the COP reacted smoothly recipient to be awarded the Medal of Honor for heroic The engagement began as insurgents launched a and efficiently with battle drills honed and battle tested actions in Iraq or Afghanistan. hail of gunfire, interspersed with rocket fire, during the by 45 attacks in the four months prior. President Barrack Obama will present the presti- early morning hours, according to Master Sgt. Ronald See Medal on Page 4 gious award Feb. 11 at the White House to the former Burton, operations noncommissioned officer in charge, Message board INSIDE Lane closure A project to improve sidewalks and crosswalks along Chiles Avenue from Prussman Boulevard to the bowling alley will result in periodic lane closures Friday through Wednesday. Call 526-9267 for more information. Page 8 Page 27 Page 13
  • 2. 2 MOUNTAINEER — Jan. 25, 2013 MOUNTAINEER Commanding General: Garrison Commander: Maj. Gen. Joseph Anderson Fulfilling ‘The Dream’ Commentary by Chap. (Capt.) Carl O. Brown through with her declaration that all men are created equal. Col. David L. Grosso 10th Special Forces Group (Airborne) His message was also prophetic and encouraging to blacks Fort Carson Public Affairs Officer: and whites — instructing them to continue believing that Dee McNutt Then President Abraham Lincoln signed the God is on the side of justice. He believed that evil would not Emancipation Proclamation Jan. 1, 1863, which was a continue to prevail and that God would set America free. Chief, Print and Web Communications: promissory letter liberating blacks from the most heinous act King encouraged people of every race, color and creed to Rick Emert toward human beings our country had engaged in — slavery. understand that, “Now is the time to rise from the dark and Editor: Devin Fisher The signing of this single document promised to desolate valley of segregation to the sunlit path of racial Staff writer: Andrea Sutherland give blacks the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of justice. Now is the time to open the doors of opportunity happiness, forever ensuring its status as one of the most to all of God’s children. Now is the time to lift our nation Happenings: Nel Lampe significant letters in history. from the quicksands of racial injustice to the solid rock of Sports writer: Walt Johnson One hundred years later, there were still violent and brotherhood” that one day, all people, especially blacks in Layout/graphics: Jeanne Mazerall egregious actions toward America, would have the same blacks, such as inequality, right to prosperity, educational This commercial enterprise newspaper is racism and segregation. equality, freedom and liberty. an authorized publication for members of the Millions of black men, women Fifty years ago, King Department of Defense. Contents of the and children were burned, gave this remarkable, Mountaineer are not necessarily the official raped, lynched and excluded challenging and compelling view of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government or from the privileges that whites speech and today, the dream the Department of the Army. Printed circulation is 12,000 copies. had in America. Though the is being fulfilled. The editorial content of the letter promised change, 100 As we celebrated King’s Mountaineer is the responsibility of the Public years later the conditions for birthday Monday, and America Affairs Office, Fort Carson, CO 80913-5119, blacks in America were stood and received her first Tel.: 526-4144. The e-mail address is hostile, discouraging and African-American president The Mountaineer is posted on the disconcerting. The dream for his second term during the Internet at of living free and equal inauguration. Fifty years ago, The Mountaineer is an unofficial through the signing of the African-Americans were publication authorized by AR 360-1. The Emancipation Proclamation had become a nightmare and considered second-class citizens, ostracized from positions of Mountaineer is printed by Colorado Springs the dream seemed like it would not be fulfilled. power and economically, educationally and racially segregated. Military Newspaper Group, a private firm in no way connected with the Department of the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. gave a powerful and King’s dream is America’s dream; one that regardless Army, under exclusive written contract with prophetic speech Aug. 28, 1963, that would challenge the of a person’s culture, color, race, religion, economic Fort Carson. It is published 49 times per year. nation to keep her promise, but also encouraged blacks position or status, all people have the right to equality The appearance of advertising in this and whites to keep striving toward the dream. and freedom. Every citizen within the United States has publication, including inserts or supplements, King’s powerful message challenged the nation. In his the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. It does not constitute endorsement by the Department of the Army or Colorado Springs speech King said, “America has defaulted on its promise. is a dream that originated from the pages of sacred Military Newspaper Group, of the products or America has written a bad check that is marked insufficient Scriptures. It is a dream that our Founding Fathers placed services advertised. The printer reserves the funds. Today, the condition of the Negro is worse now into order within our society. It is a dream that our right to reject advertisements. than ever. They are still not free …” Soldiers will continue to stand in arms waiting to defend. Everything advertised in this publication King spoke at a mass demonstration before the Lincoln It is a dream that God, too, would be proud, as we sing shall be made available for purchase, use or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, Memorial in Washington, challenging the Supreme Court together, “Our country tis of thee; sweet land of liberty, sex, national origin, age, marital status, physical that democrats and republicans have betrayed the cause of of thee we sing; land where our fathers died, land of the handicap, political affiliation or any other justice on civil rights. It was time for the country to stand pilgrims’ pride. From ev’ry mountainside, let freedom nonmerit factor of the purchaser, user or patron. up and implement the laws that had been signed and follow ring!” Together, we shall fulfill the dream. If a violation or rejection of this equal opportunity policy by an advertiser is confirmed, the printer shall refuse to print advertising from that source until the violation is corrected. For display advertising call 634-5905. Center provides free tax service All correspondence or queries regarding advertising and subscriptions should be directed to Colorado Springs Military Newspaper Group, 31 E. Platte Avenue, Suite 300, Colorado Springs, CO 80903, phone 634-5905. The Mountaineer’s editorial content is edited, prepared and provided by the Public By Andrea Sutherland Located in building 1358 on Cohn stressed clients should bring Affairs Office, building 1430, room 265, Fort Carson, CO 80913-5119, phone 526-4144. Mountaineer staff Barkeley Avenue, clients may park in the actual Social Security cards and not Releases from outside sources are so barracks parking lots. Those requiring copies to appointments. To obtain a indicated. The deadline for submissions to the Allan Westphal and his wife, Grace handicap parking should arrange with Social Security card, call 574-9279 or Mountaineer is close of business the week Westphal, wasted no time filing their the tax center to park on the sidewalks visit the Social Security Office in before the next issue is published. The taxes this year. The couple was first in before the scheduled appointment. Colorado Springs located at 1049 N. Mountaineer staff reserves the right to edit submissions for newspaper style, clarity and line at the Fort Carson Tax Center, Cohn said the center is staffed with Academy Blvd. The office is open typographical errors. Tuesday, as it opened to servicemembers 16 Soldiers certified by the Internal Monday-Friday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Policies and statements reflected in the and retirees. Revenue Service as well as civilians and is closed on federal holidays. news and editorial columns represent views “We’re on a fixed income,” he said. and volunteers. Clients should also bring bank of the individual writers and under no “We could step on a dime and tell you “Last year we filed more than 3,100 routing numbers and account numbers circumstances are to be considered those of the Department of the Army. whether it was heads or tails.” federal returns,” she said. “This year to receive refunds via direct deposit and Reproduction of editorial material is Allan Westphal, a retiree, said it was we’re hoping to do more than that.” power of attorney if filing on behalf of authorized. Please credit accordingly. easier to file taxes on post. In 2012, Cohn said tax preparers another person. “We live just off post so it’s easier helped clients save more than $800,000 and it doesn’t cost anything,” he said. in preparation fees and receive $9.5 Tax center operators have made million in refunds. Appointments several strides to improve services to To improve its customer service, she the community in the past two years. said an additional phone line was added To schedule an appointment, “We’re trying to reach out and be to help with the large call volume. call 524-1013 or 526-0163. Classified advertising more accessible,” said Capt. Amy Cohn, In order to expedite appointments, 329-5236 Office of the Judge Advocate General clients should come prepared with a The tax center is open Display advertising and organizer of the tax center. “We copy of their 2011 tax return; 2012 Monday-Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 634-5905 want to thank the commanding general W-2s and forms 1099s and 1098s; until May 15. The center is also and garrison commander for providing Social Security cards for Soldiers and open Feb. 9, March 16 and April 6 Mountaineer editor us the support we needed to accomplish Family members; copies of court orders from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. It is closed all 526-4144 this mission.” for divorce, child custody and child federal and training holidays. Cohn said approximately 30 people support and Form 8332 for divorces Post information attended the ribbon-cutting ceremony, after 2008; as well as documentation Clients should anticipate an hour 526-5811 Tuesday, including 4th Infantry for child care costs, individual retire- for meetings and are encouraged Post weather hotline Division and Fort Carson commanding ment account contributions, stock, to find alternate child care 526-0096 general Maj. Gen. Joseph Anderson and bond or mutual fund sales and alimony for young children. Command Sgt. Maj. Brian Stall. paid or received.
  • 3. Jan. 25, 2013 — MOUNTAINEER 3 911 operators take top honors Story and photo by Andrea Sutherland Mountaineer staff There’s no “typical” day for operators in a 911 call center. “We’ve handled everything from calming a lost child in distress to helping people deliver babies to directing someone on performing CPR over the phone,” said Chief Jeff Craig, 911 manager, Directorate of Emergency Services. “You name it, my folks can handle it.” Craig said his team of 14 dispatchers handles between 50,000 and 60,000 calls each year. The team mans the dispatch center 24/7, 365 days a year, working 12-hour shifts that often stretch into 16-hour shifts. “Every time somebody is out enjoying something, my folks are here,” he said. “We pride ourselves on customer service.” The team, based in the call center at the Fort Carson Fire Department, is part of the El Paso Teller County 911 Authority, which is comprised of nine 911 centers with nearly 200 operators. Every few months, the El Paso Teller County E-911 Authority Board recognizes one dispatcher as the “Telecommunicator of the Quarter.” In 2012, Craig’s team claimed the title three out of four quarters. Three dispatchers — Kim Perkins, Dana Carneal and Sue Aragon — earned the title in the first, second and fourth quarters, respectively, after “going above and beyond” their duties to ensure the necessary help Sue Aragon, a 911 dispatcher for the Directorate of Emergency Services, mans the call desk at the dispatch office, came to the distressed parties. Tuesday. Aragon earned the “Telecommunicator of the Quarter” for the fourth quarter in 2012. Two other dispatchers, Dana Carneal and Kim Perkins, also earned the title in the second and first quarters. Perkins was named See 911 operator on Page 4 “Telecommunicator of the Year” for 2012. NATIONAL AMERICAN UNIVERSITY Colorado Springs REDUCED 6 DOCTORS ALL UNDER 1 ROOF 1 STAFF 1 SET OF PAPERWORK 1 FINANCIAL ARRANGEMENT 1 GREAT EXPERIENCE TUITION for military 1 PLACE GIVES YOU IT ALL! personnel AND dependents* Associate, Bachelor’s & Master’s degrees Accounting Business A Modern Approach To Dental Care Criminal Justice Healthcare Information Technology (719) 590-8300 ORTHODONTIST COSMETIC DENTIST Invisalign Braces Veneers Bleaching Smile Makeover We are in the Ft. Carson Education Center every Tuesday ORAL SURGEON Implants Wisdom Teeth Ask about our PEDIATRIC DENTIST ENDODONTIST 5 1/2 week classes! Dentistry for Children Root Canals FAMILY DENTIST National American University is regionally accredited by The Higher Learning Commission and a member of the North Central Association| *Must provide a valid military ID card. 6/2012 General Dentistry The individual pictured is not an actual service member. ALL OF OUR DENTISTS AND SPECIALISTS $ 59 Cleaning, PARTICIPATE IN THE FOLLOWING PPO INSURANCE PLANS Exam & METLIFE, TRICARE/TRICARE RETIREE, UNITED CONCORDIA, DELTA DENTAL, Digital UNITED HEALTHCARE, PRINCIPAL, HUMANA, CIGNA, AETNA, ASSURANT, X-Rays ANTHEM BC/BS, GUARDIAN, AMERITAS, AMERIPLAN, DENTEMAX & MORE FOUNTAIN, CO 80817
  • 4. 4 MOUNTAINEER — Jan. 25, 2013 Medal “It’s a great was in the Marine Corps. He said the military was something he always knew from Page 1 he wanted to do. opportunity to tell Romesha credits his grandfather for Unlike previous attacks, which lasted five to 10 instilling in him the qualities that made minutes, and typically involved insurgents shooting all the great things him so effective during that battle. a few rifle and mortar rounds then retreating, the attack remained focused, with 300 insurgents that happened that “I would resort back to my grand- father, who has always been my assaulting the post of 50 American Soldiers and two Latvian Soldiers, breaching the perimeter and day; one team, personal hero, and one of the great life lessons he taught me, and I’ve always securing the mortar pit. one fight.” held true, is that your actions will speak The nearby Observation Post Fritsch, with 19 for you: don’t just talk the talk, but — Clinton L. Romesha American Soldiers, was simultaneously attacked, actually walk the walk, and dig down preventing them from supporting the COP. deep into that warrior spirit every one of It was during this attack that Romesha took you have, and execute,” Romesha said. charge, which earned him the prestigious award. opportunity to tell all the great things that happened His wife, Tamara Romesha, has also been “The biggest thing for (Romesha) that day, he that day; one team, one fight.” adjusting to the news of the award. was all over the place,” said Burton. “We have our Romesha considered the award an opportunity “I’m still a little star struck, awe-struck,” she battle drills, but when things began to change, he took to accomplish some things he wanted to do that may said. “I’ve always known he could do amazing charge. He reported into us, and then he went back not have been possible otherwise. things; he is a very capable, great guy, but you out, took part of the base (and) then defended it.” “To be able to get back into contact with such guys are walking in and seeing him as he is now. I Romesha leading the charge and his retaking of great friends and Family members, and share in the still think back to when we were in high school the mortar pit may have been instrumental in the experience of it; to get the message of teamwork and together, so it’s a little new for me to think of him successful defense of the COP during the 10-hour dedication that everyone showed that day, such courage as a (Medal of Honor) recipient.” fight, but his actions didn’t stop there. and honor, has really meant a lot to me,” he said. Clinton Romesha separated from the Army and According to the Army News Service, he took out Romesha also sees the award as an opportunity to is now working with KS Industries as a quality an enemy machine gun team and continued to engage tell the Soldier’s story. assurance team member, and lives in Minot, N.D., another one, even while injured from shrapnel due to “You don’t really wake up in the morning and with his wife and three children. a generator exploding from a rocket-propelled grenade. think; ‘today I’m gonna go try and be awarded the During his service in the Army, from 1999-2011, He also directed air support that killed 30 insurgents. Medal of Honor,’” he said. “And for me, I hold true he was stationed in Germany, Korea and Fort The Army Times’ recounting of Romesha’s to that. I believe there (are) so many Soldiers out Carson. He was assigned twice to Korea, and citation adds even more detail to his actions that day. there, that if they were given the opportunity that we deployed twice to Iraq and once to Afghanistan. When Soldiers at COP Keating were informed that had faced that day, they would have done what I did. His military awards include the Bronze Star OP Fritsch had injured Soldiers requiring medical “It’s the small things that people don’t see that Medal, Purple Heart, three Army Commendation assistance, Romesha provided covering fire that Soldiers do every day; the getting up early, putting Medals, five Army Achievement Medals, Army Good allowed those Soldiers to reach the aid station. He also that uniform on,” said Romesha. “Saying goodbye to Conduct Medal, National Defense Service Medal, traversed 100 meters under fire to secure the bodies their Families for a year and kind of putting Family Korean Service Medal, Kosovo Campaign Medal, of fellow Soldiers who had fallen during the fighting. life on hold; those are the everyday heroes, this is Afghanistan Campaign Medal with campaign star, Iraq Obama announced the award Jan. 11. what that award means to me.” Campaign Medal with three campaign stars, Global “It’s been a long time coming,” said Burton. Looking into Romesha’s Family, it might seem as War on Terrorism Service Medal, Noncommissioned “When it finally came out … I was just excited.” though he had heroism bred into his bones. His Officer Professional Development Ribbon, Army Romesha had mixed emotions. grandfather was a World War II veteran, his father a Service Ribbon, Overseas Service Ribbon, NATO “I don’t think you ever sit there and expect this to Vietnam veteran, his oldest brother has served in both Medal with bronze service star, Army Valorous Unit come, it’s bittersweet,” said Romesha. “It’s a great the Army and the Air Force, while the second oldest Award and the Combat Action Badge. 911 operator “a city within a city,” with a high “We’re only as good as the information to responders by the time they arrived from Page 3 call volume. Understanding how to that we get.” on the scene three minutes and 50 navigate calls, she said, is vital to Perkins and Craig stressed that seconds after the call was placed. Perkins, who helped responders knowing what help is necessary. while they prefer community members “I’m an adrenaline junkie,” she locate a man attempting to commit “We have one of the best records to reserve 911 calls for true “life or said. “I love that fast pace.” suicide, was also named “Tele- for longevity, which just makes us limb” emergencies, they “never judge Aragon earned recognition as the communicator of the Year.” that much better and more familiar the integrity of the caller.” fourth quarter winner after she helped “Nobody wants to get that call with what happens,” she said. “It’s our job to help calm down police stop an assault in progress. After that makes them an award winner,” Perkins said that some of the the situation on the other end of the receiving a call with vague information said Perkins, shift supervisor and happiest calls she receives are when phone,” Craig said. from an operator at Evans Army 911 dispatcher. she has helped deliver babies over Maintaining composure and keeping Community Hospital, Aragon was able “We’re the first, first responders,” the phone. a nonjudgmental attitude helped to locate an address and dispatch she said. “There are (a lot of) children born on dispatchers earn those top titles. police to the location. In a career field that experiences front lawns, at gates, on sidewalks and Last May, Carneal, who earned the “All she had was an area code,” 34-percent turnover each year, Craig on couches,” she said, laughing. “Those honor the second quarter of 2012, said Craig, adding that Aragon recog- said his team has more than 150 years are the great ones, the ‘blessing calls.’” responded to a call of a vehicle driving nized the numbers from an earlier call of experience. Perkins said that because dispatchers into a residence on Fort Carson. and matched it to an address. “She “Eighty percent of those (who) can only hear what is happening when “As the call progressed,” the could have stopped a potential murder.” leave the workforce each year have someone calls in, it is important for resolution honoring her reads, “she For Aragon, she was simply doing been on the job less than two years,” he callers to be very clear when communi- heard the call taker confirm that there her job. said. “We’re dealing with people’s cating the emergency. was smoke, fire, shots fired and a person “It’s every day,” she said. “If I hadn’t day-to-day tragedies.” “We’re visually challenged, which on scene with a compound fracture.” done it, one of (the other dispatchers) Perkins described Fort Carson as is a blessing and a curse,” she said. Carneal relayed pertinent information would have.” Send a Valentine’s Day message to your sweetheart! Email your 25-word message and a high-resolution photo of you and your loved one to by Feb. 1, to appear in the Feb. 8 issue. Submissions subject to editing. Not all photographs will run.
  • 5. Jan. 25, 2013 — MOUNTAINEER 5 Leaders award Soldiers for heroism, service SFAT Sutton receives members safety award By Staff Sgt. Christopher Jelle earn 100 3rd Brigade Combat Team Public Affairs Office, 4th Infantry Division During an award ceremony Jan. 10, which honored and recognized more than 370 Soldiers of the 3rd Bronze Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division, one award in particular stood out; a small, translucent plaque with the word “Army Safety Guardian” etched into it. The award is presented to individuals who perform extraordinary actions or skill during an emergency Stars, 200 or imminently dangerous situation while preventing damage to Army property, personnel or loss of life to an individual. Staff Sgt. Donald Sutton was awarded the Army ARCOMs Safety Guardian award for his actions that helped save the life of a man trapped in a burning semitrailer during a multicar crash on Interstate-25 near exit 128, March 29. The field artillery system mechanic with Story and photo by Company K, 64th Brigade Support Battalion, 3rd Sgt. Grady Jones BCT, saw the wrecked vehicle as he was driving on 3rd Brigade Combat Team Bandley Drive, returning to Fort Carson from lunch. Public Affairs Office, A car heading north on the interstate went across the 4th Infantry Division median into the southbound lane, striking another Col. Michael Kasales, right, commander, 3rd Brigade vehicle. The semitrailer, heading south, swerved to Leadership of the 3rd Brigade Combat Team, Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division, shakes the hand avoid the accident and crossed the median, striking 4th Infantry Division, hosted an award ceremony of Maj. Ethan Allen, executive officer, 1st Battalion, a pole on the passenger side and pinning the driver’s Jan. 10, to recognize Soldiers and civilians for 68th Armor Regiment, after pinning him with a Purple side door of the vehicle against a guardrail in the their superior service and support during the Heart medal. Maj. Allen was the Team Leader for northbound lane. Security Forces Advisory Team’s nine-month Security Forces Advisory Team 42 when he was “I saw the truck hit the guardrail and flames on the deployment to Afghanistan. wounded by an improvised explosive device while side of the truck,” said Sutton. “I stopped to see if I “Iron” Brigade Commander Col. Michael serving in Afghanistan. could offer any assistance, because it’s just one of those Kasales and Command Sgt. Maj. Douglas things that you know you’re supposed to do.” Maddi, along with 3rd BCT subordinate unit Jim Herrell, a local citizen who arrived at the crash commanders, pinned awards on more than 370 controlling a squad-sized element,” Allen said, as site just before Sutton, said he could hear the screams Soldiers and civilians during the ceremony to he gave words of advice to fellow senior leaders. as the truck driver grew frantic. include 100 Bronze Stars and 200 Army “You still have to know how to be able to perform Sutton and Herrell worked together to keep the Commendation Medals. those basic Soldier skills that all Soldiers must be driver calm as they explained the door was jammed and ARCOMs with “V” devices for valor were able to do.” they would have to pull him out through the window. awarded to Spcs. Thomas Carlton and Craige “Maj. Allen and 1st Lt. Perreault wanted to “(Sutton) stuck his face right into that burning Whiting, both combat engineers, C Company, 3rd come back (to their teams) after getting hurt,” vehicle,” Herrell said. “He and I had (an intense) Brigade Special Troops Battalion, and Spc. James Kasales said. “They didn’t back down. To me, that See Safety on Page 11 McDaniel, military police officer, Headquarters is just another indication of the kind of Soldiers and Headquarters Company, 3rd STB, for their within the brigade.” heroic actions when they engaged enemy During his speech, Kasales said SFAT teams combatants who had breached the perimeter of were deployed to austere environments where the outpost they were tasked with guarding. At the access to phones or other morale, welfare and time of the breach, the Soldiers were also under recreation facilities was limited. The SFATs also small arms fire and grenade attacks. trained and lived with Afghan forces. A U.S. servicemember may be awarded an Kasales said senior Army leadership in ARCOM with “V” device if serving in a capacity Afghanistan described the 3rd BCT SFAT’s role as with the Army and distinguishes himself by “game changing.” heroism. According to the U.S. Army Human Soldiers, who remained with the garrison element Resources Command, 142,609 ARCOMs have of the brigade at Fort Carson and performed their been awarded for Operation Enduring Freedom as duties exceptionally, were also honored for of Nov. 30, with only 3,056 having “V” devices. accomplishments to include an Audie Murphy “The ARCOM with ‘V’ device means doing Club inductee, 3rd BCT Soldiers winning the 4th your job plus more,” Whiting said. “If I had to do Inf. Div. Noncommissioned Officer and Soldier of it again, I would.” the Quarter board, and food service specialists Purple Heart medals were given to 1st Lt. winning culinary competitions. Christopher Perreault, infantry officer, Head- “Equally as important was the recognition of quarters and Headquarters Company, 3rd STB, all the hard work that went on back here,” said and Maj. Ethan Allen, executive officer, 1st Kasales. “We asked junior leaders and Soldiers to Battalion, 68th Armor Regiment. step up into positions of higher responsibility. “It means self-sacrifice for my country,” They had very little, if any, time to prepare for it, Photo by Sgt. Grady Jones Perreault said. “It makes me proud.” the same way that the SFATs had little time to 4th Infantry Division and Fort Carson Command Sgt. Maj. Allen said that he regrets having to leave his prepare for deployment. Brian Stall, right, presents Staff Sgt. Donald Sutton, team on the first day of the mission when he “It was so important to bring all those guys Company K, 64th Brigade Support Battalion, 3rd BCT, 4th was injured. together and say it was a team effort,” Kasales Inf. Div., with the U.S. Army Safety Guardian Award at a “You often think that eventually you’ll get up said. “They all did very well. They performed brigade awards ceremony, Jan. 10, for pulling a driver out to a place in rank or grade where you’re not going exceptionally. They really stepped up and knocked of his burning semitrailer, following a multicar crash on to be out moving in a squad formation and it out of the park.” Interstate-25 in Colorado Springs.
  • 6. 6 MOUNTAINEER — Jan. 25, 2013 MPs break crime ring Story and photo by Andrea Sutherland Mountaineer staff For investigators Louis Ramirez, Adrain Seijemai and Kyle Von Jares, stealing from fellow Soldiers is a despicable act. “It’s disgusting,” said Von Jares. “They did it to their own.” Ramirez, Seijemai and Von Jares, all serving with the 759th Military Police Battalion, received Army Achievement Medals for their investi- gation of a crime ring in the barracks where Soldiers stole thousands of dollars of personal property from their battle buddies. “It’s about the lowest thing you can do,” said Maj. Gen. Joseph Anderson, commanding general, 4th Infantry Division and Fort Carson, who presented the awards Jan. 16. Investigators estimate the suspects stole between $15,000 and $20,000 of personal and government property from six Soldiers in 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 4th Inf. Div., while they were participating in a training exercise in December. Lt. Daniel Wentzel, supervisor, Fort Carson Military Police Investigation, said the team of investigators collected leads and were able to get confessions from the suspects. Wentzel said almost every piece of stolen Tips for property was returned. protecting Seijemai. “It’s an honormy be recognized by “I’m proud of to section,” said property such high-ranking officials.” ✔ Document serial The investigating team said they have numbers of electronics received similar awards in the past for their and other items. efforts, but that each recognition reaffirms their commitment to protecting the public. ✔ Purchase personal “It’s very rewarding to know that we did property insurance our jobs and protected the people we serve,” even if living in the said Von Jares. barracks. The team said the public perception of police work may be met with frustration. ✔ Lock doors and close “Some have the perception that (a crime) curtains when leaving gets reported and then they don’t see what the barracks or the goes on and they think nothing happens,” said Maj. Gen. Joseph Anderson, commanding general, 4th Infantry Division and Fort Carson, shakes house. Keep expensive Ramirez. “This shows that we do work and Louis Ramirez’s hand after awarding him the Army Achievement Medal, Jan. 16. Adrain Seijemai items out of view. are successful. … It’s good to get that recog- and Kyle Von Jares also received the honor. The three investigators broke up a crime ring nition. It is good to show hard work pays off.” occurring in the 2nd Brigade Combat Team barracks in December. Now accepting appointments in our new location. COLORADO SPRINGS 660 South Pointe Court, PEDIATRIC DENTISTRY Suite 100 719-596-2097 Little People, Big Smiles CONTACTS GLASSES Welcoming New Patients 25% MILITARY Technology with a Caring Touch Specialized treatment planning for all ages DISCOUNT Treatment under conscious sedation and general-anesthesia Digital radiography for pinpoint treatment plans and on all goods and reduced radiation exposure Jeff Kahl, DDS Parents can stay with children during treatment Derek Kirkham, DDS services* Most insurance accepted including Military and Medicaid Zachary Houser, DMD Voted #1 Eye Care in Colorado Springs 719-596-2097 (719) 522-0123 The Independent & The Gazette 660 South Pointe Court, Suite 100 9480 Briar Village Point, Suite 301 4430 N. Nevada Ave. 4319 Integrity Center Point 1813 North Circle Drive 1130 Lake Plaza Drive Southwest Corner of Garden of the Gods & Nevada NW Corner of Powers & Barnes Circle & Constitution Lake Ave & Lake Plaza (next to Culvers) 635-2020 634-2020 632-2020 578-2020 can publish your NOTICES OF GUARDIANSHIP (precurser notice to adoption) NAME CHANGES For more info call 634-1048
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  • 8. 8 MOUNTAINEER — Jan. 25, 2013 Sgt. 1st Class Craig Butterman, brigade personnel noncommissioned officer in charge, Headquarters and Headquarters Troop, 2nd Special Troops Battalion, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division, looks at Makayla Hendrickson’s research documents during the Russell Middle School science fair, Jan. 15. Soldiers score school science fair Story and photo by Staff Sgt. Ruth Pagán Wade, eighth-grade science teacher. The judging had two parts: project some of them that is what they want to aspire to. It’s nice, too, because I feel management system operator, HHT, 2nd STB. “It’s cool to get to see their 2nd Brigade Combat Team display and an interview with the student. like this whole community has a good experiments.” Public Affairs Office, 4th “I enjoyed being able to get a relationship with Fort Carson.” Students said they liked having Infantry Division chance to see the next generation and Some students seemed nervous the Soldiers there to judge. see their ideas and how much effort during the interview portion, but were “I feel like they know a lot, so it’s Are fingerprints hereditary? What they put into their projects,” said Sgt. put at ease quickly. cool for them to come out and judge us, type of tape is the strongest? What is 1st Class Craig Butterman, brigade “I got nervous because I didn’t instead of teachers,” said Makayla the lifecycle of a fruit? personnel noncommissioned officer in want to mess up, but after a while (you Hendrickson, science fair participant. These are just some of the questions charge, Headquarters and Headquarters realize) the Soldiers are really cool, so Soldiers said they felt a sense of asked by students during Russell Troop, 2nd STB, 2nd BCT, 4th Inf. I loosened up,” said Madison Lemley, duty to the students while judging. Middle School’s Science Fair, judged Div. “What surprised me the most science fair participant. “It’s cool “To me, it feels pretty good to be by about 30 Soldiers from 2nd Special was the amount of participants and the because I respect the Soldiers, and I get able to go out into the community and Troops Battalion, 2nd Brigade Combat students’ interpersonal skills.” to interact with them.” show people that this is what we do Team, 4th Infantry Division, Jan. 15. Both Soldiers and students said Soldiers were impressed with the and who we are and that we care,” The science projects, created by they felt the benefits of volunteering. projects that students created. Butterman said. “At the end of the day, sixth- through eighth-grade students, “The kids really appreciate it,” “These kids are very smart, a lot these are our future leaders, and I want were assigned in October and had to said Wade. “They are seeing all these smarter than I was at their age,” said to make sure we are doing the right meet various requirements, said Alex men and women in uniform and for Spc. Robert Cox, air defense battle thing for them.” Medics learn advanced skills to treat patients By Spc. Nathan Thome Medicine noncommissioned officer in charge. “They knowledge that they can call upon both when they 4th Infantry Division Public Affairs Office learn what it really means to do their job when are in garrison and downrange.” they get to their unit.” During the training, medics learn and perform Medical professionals from battalion aid stations This training provides Soldiers with training tasks such as putting in sutures, operating an across post began training at Evans Army different from what is available at the battalion level. electrocardiogram, blood draws, throat cultures, Community Hospital Jan. 7 to develop and enhance “When they’re deployed, they get to do more glucose testing, escorting patients and a variety of their medical proficiency, as well as update and things under the license of a provider, but in the other clinical tasks. sustain their clinical skills. garrison environment, they’re limited and can only do “This training gives us a variety of new skills that Medical skills training, which started in March certain things,” said Harris. “Coming here and doing we wouldn’t have learned if we weren’t in a hospital as a 15-day course, is now a 24-day training period this rotation, it gives the Soldiers the opportunity to setting,” said Pvt. Zachary Lutz, health care specialist, that allows Soldiers to train longer and go more do a little more than what they would usually do in Headquarters and Headquarters Troop, 4th Squadron, in-depth into working in a clinical environment. their aid stations. For the most part, they already 10th Cavalry Regiment, 3rd Brigade Combat Team, “Basically, this training helps medical Soldiers to have the medical knowledge. This is enhancing their 4th Infantry Division. “It builds upon things we build on the skills they already have, when they’re skills and adding what they normally wouldn’t have already learned during our other training and fresh out of advanced individual training,” said Sgt. (receive) in their battalion aid stations, and benefiting See Medics on Page 10 1st Class Jimi Harris, Department of Emergency their units when they go back, because they have this
  • 9. Jan. 25, 2013 — MOUNTAINEER 9 ‘Raiders’ master Kelmar Story and photo by the brigade’s equipment anywhere in the world. will be critical to their logistics mission during Staff Sgt. Craig Cantrell “We can rely more on our Soldiers within our future deployments. 1st Brigade Combat Team Public Affairs Office, unit and less on contractors so we become self-reliant “This is one of the best classes I have ever attended. 4th Infantry Division and expedite the movement of our containers,” said I have learned a lot about this piece of equipment 2nd Lt. John Peake, support operations transportation and feel very confident operating it,” said Sgt. Thirteen “Raider” Brigade Soldiers trained to officer, 4th BSB, 1st BCT. Michael Villerot, motor transport operator, become proficient with the 118,500-pound Kalmar The training Raider Brigade Soldiers received Company A, 4th BSB. Rough Terrain Container Handler-240 during an 80-hour course Jan. 7-18. The two-week course began in a classroom where students learned container safety, vehicle maintenance and lifting and transporting procedures before conducting practical exercises with the Kalmar RT-240 in the 4th Brigade Support Battalion motor pool. “As soon as I saw a picture of the Kalmar, I was intimidated, and I never thought I would be able to operate it, but we learned everything step-by-step, from lifting and dropping to stacking containers three high and now it’s a piece of cake,” said Spc. Charlene Fellows, motor transport operator, Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 1st Battalion, 66th Armor Regiment, 1st Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division. The training these Soldiers are getting will help their units, said Training Specialist Wendell Crawford, course instructor, who has 20 years of cargo container movement experience. Once trained on the Kalmar, they have the capability to offload their equipment and get it to their units without having to wait on someone to come move it for them. “This class is very useful when you deploy and have to build a Forward Operating Base or deliver supplies that are essential to the mission,” said Fellows. “If I can operate the Kalmar I can get these Spc. Luis Saldana, motor transport operator, Company A, 4th Brigade Support Battalion, 1st Brigade Combat Team, 4th supplies to my unit.” Infantry Division, uses signals to communicate with Spc. Charlene Fellows, motor transport operator, Headquarters The course certifies the handlers to operate the and Headquarters Company, 1st Battalion, 66th Armor Regiment, 1st BCT, 4th Inf. Div., during the Rough Terrain Kalmar during logistical operations that transport Container Handler Course, Jan. 15 at the 4th BSB motor pool. Wiinning S Winning Smiles For Everyone! EXPERIEN ED, CARING EXPERIENCED, CARING AND GENTLE RI NC D A GEN E ENTL Cosmetic Dentistry Bonding & Veneers Root Canal Therapy Childrens Dentistry Crowns & Bridges Orthodontics Teeth Whitening Oral Surgery Dentures Implants Wisdom Teeth White Fillings Porcelain Laminates Gum Care PROVIDER PROVIDER FOR ACTIVE MILITARY DEPENDENTS I ACTIVE MILITARY DEPENDENTS I TA E N T Personal Dentistry with a Soft To Personal Dentistry r Soft Touch for f ouch Children, Parents & Grandparents. Parents Grandparents. r SAME DAY EMERGENCY CARE DAY EMERGENCY CARE A 597-9737 Caring Caring For Smiles Since 1974
  • 10. 10 MOUNTAINEER — Jan. 25, 2013 Family Day in the field Family members climb on an M1A2 Abrams Tank during Company C, 1st Battalion, 67th Armor Regiment, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division, Family day at Murphy Range, Jan. 11. Families were bused to the battalion’s field training exercise site to interact with their Soldiers and tour the FTX site. Photo by Staff Sgt. Ruth Pagan Medics communication with one another,” said Lutz. “We “When it comes to medics, there are two separate from Page 8 need to keep a cool head, because that can make sides; there are the line medics and the clinic medics,” all the difference when it comes to performing a said Spc. Joe Rodriguez, health care specialist, advanced individual training, so we are able to treat successful medical task.” HHB, 3rd Bn., 16th FA Reg., 2nd BCT, 4th Inf. and help more patients in more types of situations When the medics return to their units, they can use Div. “I’m trying to go into nursing, so this is a good than we were beforehand. Also, if we were to get the knowledge they’ve gained to mentor Soldiers so eye-opener for me to get more practice. Being in a detached to a hospital, we would have some experience they, too, can become more proficient in their skills. line unit, I don’t really get to learn (the nurse’s) role, in a hospital setting.” “The vast majority of what we have learned we but being here, I can see more of what they do. As the Soldiers’ skills improve, they will advance will be able to use at our clinics, but we will also be Rodriguez said he joined the training to serve in their training and perform more complex tasks able to apply it as field medics,” said Spc. David as a stepping stone to his ultimate goal, being a and operations. Holmes, health care specialist, Headquarters and sports medicine practitioner, but training with “Once (the instructors) get the confidence that Headquarters Battery, 3rd Battalion, 16th Field civilian patients has given him a new perspective we can perform more tasks, we’ll start moving to the Artillery Regiment, 2nd BCT, 4th Inf. Div. “This and foundation, broadening his plans for the future. next level,” said Lutz. “The way it’s taught to us is, training is geared more toward the Soldiers who “I didn’t know exactly what I was getting myself we watch a procedure, we do what is taught to us don’t work in the hospital, and allows us to expand into when I started this program, but I’m so glad that (and) then we teach, meaning we need to be proficient our knowledge of medical procedures, but we can I’m part of this,” said Rodriguez. “It helped me get enough to teach what we’ve learned.” use it to teach others so they will be prepared in the confidence I need to do procedures in the future, In addition to valuable skills gained, Lutz expressed future situations.” and the knowledge to teach other Soldiers in my unit the importance of staying calm in intense situations. Through this training, Soldiers gain a wider become even better at their jobs. We’ve been here “No matter what situation you’re in, you need to perspective of tasks medical professionals accomplish, six days and we’ve learned a lot, and there is so stay calm, be collected and have a very clear line of and expand their medical goals. much more to learn.” Always accepting new patients, UPCOMING EVENTS and now 1-26 .... Switchback - Celtic caring for 2-1 ...... Fly Fishing Film Festival Active Duty 2-9 ...... Dotsero - Jazz Personnel. 2-16 .... Yesterday - Beatles Tribute Smile! 2-23 .... ZoSo Led Zepplin Tribute 3-9 ...... Satisfaction A Tribute To The Rolling Stones 3-10 .... Adrian Legg-Guitar Master Fort Carson Families Choose Broadmoor Dental 3-23 .... Flying W Wranglers for Award Winning Dental Care 4-6 ...... The Elders - Celtic Rock and many more great events 719-576-5566 10 S. Parkside Dr. Colorado Springs WE ACCEPT METLIFE INSURANCE/PREFERRED PROVIDER 719.476.2200
  • 11. Jan. 25, 2013 — MOUNTAINEER 11 Safety and a first-aid kit from the back of his closure of the northbound lanes of Sutton’s award was presented by from Page 5 truck, he turned to see Sutton carrying Interstate-25 for more than an hour as 4th Inf. Div. and Fort Carson Command the driver down the hill. emergency crews cleared the wrecked Sgt. Maj. Brian Stall. experience together — the kind you According to St. Onge, by the time vehicles and doused the flames of the “The Army tells you to do things only see on TV.” he reached Sutton, the semitrailer cab semitrailer. and you do it, but here you have Staff Sutton pulled the driver through was completely engulfed. “It is very clear that the heroic Sgt. Sutton who didn’t have to put his the window and immediately helped “If (Sutton) had not been as fast or actions of Staff Sgt. Donald Sutton life at risk,” said Col. Michael Kasales, the victim to safety, distancing himself as determined as he was, that driver certainly saved the life of the (semitrailer) 3rd BCT commander. from the truck, which was quickly would have been dead,” St. Onge said. driver. The driver absolutely would have “Most people would have walked consumed by flames, said Herrell. The driver seemed to have only died without Sutton’s involvement,” said away and said ‘I’m not going to get Scott St. Onge, a motorist who suffered from minor abrasions on his Fountain Fire Chief Darin Anstine. burned up,’ but he rushed in there and witnessed the incident, said he saw arm and smoke inhalation, according to “Staff Sgt. Sutton’s heroic measures helped out,” he said. the smoke and watched Sutton rush Sutton, who stayed with the man until reflect very positively on the bravery and Sutton is the second 3rd BCT Soldier to the vehicle. paramedics arrived. courage of the men and women of Fort to receive the award, according to Carlos As St. Onge went to retrieve tools The five-vehicle crash caused a Carson and the U.S. Army as a whole.” Ortiz-Sierra, brigade safety officer. Experience a Warmer and More Personal Approach to Your Cosmetic Surgical Needs Dr. Raskin specializes in Argosy University, Denver FREE COSMETIC CONSULTATION is now offering classes in Douglas J. Raskin, M.D., D.M.D Harvard, Stanford and Baylor Trained Board Certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery Colorado Springs! MEMBER Active Member American Society of Plastic Surgeons AMERICAN SOCIETY OF Select courses will be available in these program areas*: PLASTIC SURGEONS, INC. 578-9988 559 E. Pikes Peak Ave., Suite 209 Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice email: Conveniently located Downtown Colorado Springs Bachelor of Arts in Psychology MILITARY DISCOUNTS Master of Arts in Organizational Leadership Doctor of Education in Organizational Leadership Let Us Help Y P You Prepare *Only select courses will be available in Colorado Springs. Students must complete additional courses For Winter Driving! at the Argosy University, Denver campus or online to complete a degree program. Ever y Full Ser vice Is A 16-Point r Preventive Maintenance Review! $10.00 OFF 0.00 Argosy University, Denver A FULL SERVICE OIL CHANGE! OFFER VALID AT THE BELOW VA AT ALID 7600 E. Eastman Avenue | Denver, CO 80231 COLORADO SPRINGS LOCATIONS LOCAT ATIONS 350 South 8th St. For details, call 85-LEARNHOW (855-327-6469) Valid only at the 350 South 8th St. and 3795 Airport Blvd., Colorado Springs, CO. Phone: 719-520-0064 or visit Not valid with any other offers. Offer expires 1/31/13. MTFS10 3795 Airport Blvd. Phone: 719-570-6112 Also offering $20 OFF a Radiator Flush Mon.-Fri. 8-6 Sat. 8-5 Sun. 9-4 See for program duration, tuition, fees, and other costs, median debt, federal salary data, alumni success, and other and 15% OFF any Additional Servic F Services! important info. Argosy University is accredited by the Accrediting Commission for Senior Colleges and Universities of the Western Association No Appointment Needed! of Schools and Colleges, 985 Atlantic Avenue, Suite 100, Alameda, California, 94501, ©2013 by Argosy University® AU-3578 – 1/13 MOUNTMIL ONLY WHAT YOU NEED. GUARANTEED.