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7 Steps To Break (or Make) A Habit
We all have habits, some good and some not so good. These are
behaviors that we’ve learned and that occur almost automatically.
And most of us have a habit we’d like to break, or one we’d like to
For most people, it takes about four weeks for a new behavior to
become routine, or habit. The following steps can make it easier to
establish a new behavior pattern.
1.The first step is to set your goal. Especially when you are trying to stop or
break a habit, you should try to phrase your goal as a positive statement. For
example, instead of saying “I will quit snacking at night”, say “I will practice
healthy eating habits”. You should also write down your goal. Committing it to
paper helps you to commit. It can also help if you tell your goal to someone you
2.Decide on a replacement behavior. (If your goal is to develop a new habit then
your replacement behavior will be the goal itself.) This step is very important
when you are trying to break a habit. If you want to stop a behavior, you must
have a superior behavior to put in it’ s place. If you don’t, the old behavior pattern
will return.
3.Learn and be aware of your triggers. Behavior patterns don’t exist
independently. Often, one habit is associated with another part of your regular
routine. For instance, in the snacking example the trigger may be late night
television or reading. You automatically grab a bag of chips while you watch.
Many people who smoke automatically light up after eating. Think about when
and why you do the thing you want to quit.
4.Post reminders to yourself. You can do this by leaving yourself notes in the
places where the behavior usually occurs. Or you can leave yourself a message
on the mirror, refrigerator, computer monitor or some other place where you will
see it regularly. You can also have a family member or co-worker use a particular
phrase to remind you of your goal.
5.Get help and support from someone. This is kind of obvious. Any job is easier
with help. It works even better if you can form a partnership with someone who
shares the same goal.
6.Write daily affirmations. Write your phrase or sentence in the present tense (as
if it were already happening), and write it ten times a day for twenty-one days.
This process helps make your goal a part of your subconscious, which will not
only remind you to practice the new behavior, but it also keeps you focused and
7.Reward yourself for making progress at set time intervals. Focus on your goal
one day at a time, but give yourself a small treat at one, three and six months. The
rewards don’t have to be big or expensive, and you should try to make it
something that’s associated in some way with the goal. Doing this provides you
with both incentive and extra motivation.
Following these steps is no guarantee of success of course. Depending on the
habit it may take several tries to finally make the change. But if you stick with it,
you can do it. Good Luck.
# Watch This Video :
7 Great Success Ideas!
Let history’s greatest minds help you to find true success and
happiness today.
Plato. Socrates. Aristotle. Confucius. Thomas Aquinas. Hundreds,
even thousands of years later, the names of the great philosophers
remain legendary, their ideas continuing to captivate minds, stimulate
thought, and shape the course of human history.
But what are those ideas? Why are they still impacting the way people
think, understand, and act? Most importantly, how can they help YOU
to live a happier, better, more fulfilling life today?
In The Seven Greatest Success Ideas: ‘A-HAs’ That Are Guaranteed to
Take Your Life to the Next Level, public philosopher, author, and
renowned business consultant Tom Morris reveals what the greatest
philosophers in human history have to say about what it takes to
achieve true success in the 21st century.
With the wit, charisma, and straightforward style that made him one
of the most popular professors at the University of Notre Dame and a
corporate speaker in huge demand, Tom roars through the wisdom of
the ages. He introduces you to the most profound insights that have
ever been articulated by the human mind and draws the connection
between those insights and your personal, day-to-day experiences in
an incredibly clear, powerful, and illuminating way that will forever
transform your perspective.
Along the way, you’ll also discover that you, too are a philosopher,
with the innate power to think deeply and effectively about the things
that matter most. With the great philosophers as your guide, you’ll
learn how to stop chasing the wrong things and start asking the right
questions those that will lead you straight to the answers you seek
and the success and happiness that we are all searching for. The
Seven Greatest Success Ideas will give you an immeasurably deeper,
richer, clearer understanding of the world we live in, your place and
purpose in it, and the possibilities for true success that exist all
around you.
# Watch This Video :
Yes, You Can!
If you are an entrepreneur, you know that your success cannot
depend on the opinions of others. Like the wind, opinions
change…like the weather, opinions change frequently. To succeed at
any endeavor, you must stay the course…no matter what the cost!
Here are some surefire tips to help you on your journey.
1.Avoid Negativity. Negative people are all around us. They can include our loved
ones as well as a dear friend. Most often, it is the opinions of total strangers that
breeds the most negativity as if someone who doesn’t know or understand you is
able to voice a reasonably thought out opinion about you.
No, you shouldn’t avoid those who are close to you, rather there are areas of
conversation that are less profitable. Accept criticism constructively, but steer
the conversation away from nonstop negative banter. Negativity will grow on you
unless you take control.
2.Build Yourself Up. No, I do not mean for you to puff yourself up with pride,
rather you can be your best source of encouragement by encouraging yourself.
How can you do this? Read the testimonies of other entrepreneurs/succeeders
who have gone before you. Current day success stories of people who have gone
from rags to riches [or from simple means to great influence] include
personalities like Oprah Winfrey, Martha Stewart, and Bill Gates. Yesterdays
success stories are numerous and include: Thomas Edison, Harry S. Truman, and
Abraham Lincoln.
3.Go Back to Square One. Should you find yourself wavering, recall those things
that encouraged you to take your step of faith in the first place. Recall what it
takes to succeed: discipline, self confidence, independence, hard work, sacrifice,
etc. Look forward to the anticipated results: a good income, independence, a job
you love, etc. Finally, remember the worst job you ever worked…imagine yourself
working there again. Blah! Use whatever it takes to motivate you.
So, toss off the negative thoughts and embrace that which is uplifting,
inspiring, encouraging, warm, friendly, and helpful. You are on track to
achieving great things as long as you do not let yourself become
derailed by the negative words of others.
# Watch This Video :
The True Price of Success
Standing in the gale-force winds, the kid was looking queasy. We
could all see the storm was growing more intense.
The rain had already plastered his hair to his forehead and his new
black suit was starting to cling to him in ways Mr. Armani never
A typhoon was coming — the seventh this summer to hit Japan — and
the kid’s job, as newest employee, was to stand in front of a TV
camera while the weather buffeted him about for the nation to watch.
Sort of a talking weather vane.
I take my exercise along that stretch of beach every day, and today
one of the most powerful typhoons on record would soon be upon us.
I knew I couldn’t stay too long, or I’d be caught in the wind and the
torrential downpour. I’d make my walk extra-brief this day.
But the television crew had a different assignment.
They, and many other crews like them, are dispatched in satellite
equipped trucks to many well-known sites all over Japan. These
crews provide live reports on the progress of the storms as they rip
their way up the Japanese archipelago.
And the kid in the black suit was their sacrificial lamb today. It was his
job to get out there, once the storm reached its peak, and do a show
and tell. That’s what the people huddled at home want to see, and
sponsors will pay well to bring them exactly what they expect.
If you’ve watched a lot of news over the years, you’ll know that the
greater the devastation, the higher the viewer ratings. That’s the way
it works — more destruction means more interest.
In fact, you may recall that Dan Rather got his big break into national
news by doing exactly what this kid was doing — standing stubbornly
in a raging hurricane and giving moment-by-moment reports to the
viewers at home.
The networks find it’s profitable programming to report on all the
destruction, disruption and deaths.
But before we get off on an “Ain’t-It-Awful” tangent, let me say right
here that this scene I’ve just described carries one of the richest
lessons you’ll ever gain.
Typhoons and hurricanes cause huge disruptions. Your humanitarian
heart empathizes with those caught up in the tragedies; aches for
them; wants to reach out with succor and aid.
And I do applaud that urge to give comfort and help to those that life
dumps on. The feelings are normal and proper.
But I suggest that sympathy alone, no matter how heartfelt, is a
one-dimensional (even a poverty-ridden) way to respond to the world.
Sympathy can be a good thing, but often it’s only a cheap imitation of
caring. If it doesn’t lead to action, it’s basically worthless for anything
but show.
However, it’s possible to add a second layer of responses, a layer that
involves going out and interacting with that world you’re so empathic
Furthermore, since you’ve been seeking some way to gain wealth, let
me say this. You’ve just found it.
It’s called action.
Action — appropriate action in response to the problems and
tragedies you see around you can make you not only a better person,
but a very rich one as well. It can allow you to provide far greater aid
to those in need than you could ever accomplish with an aching heart
And the profits from your actions will help you stay in business
long-term so you can continue helping your fellowman.
Now, you may already be running a business. If so, you’re providing
people with some kind of solution to their problems. Are you being
well paid for your solutions?
If so, that’s good.
But if you’re not being well rewarded for your efforts, there are only
three possible reasons.
1.You’re not telling enough people about yourself.
2.You’re not very convincing because you don’t believe you’re very good at what
you do.
3.You may not be solving problems that are big or urgent enough. This is
probably the most common limit.
The biggest need today is for people who will do what you and I can’t
(or won’t) do for ourselves. This includes people who make us feel
Consider the relative public value of a heart surgeon versus a sales
clerk. A captivating entertainer or sports figure versus an office
cleaner. A brilliant attorney versus a typist.
It’s not my intention to demean anybody who is fulfilling any useful
role in society. But the smaller paydays almost always go to the
person who is more easily replaced. If nearly anybody can be quickly
trained to do the job, there’s lots of competition for that slot, and so
the price goes down.
And the high-profile jobs like brain surgeon, trial lawyer, pro ball
player, or CEO of a multinational — well, most people won’t ever try
for those spots, meaning there’s less competition. So the people who
do try for these jobs can charge whatever the traffic will bear.
This is basic economics, right? We already know all of this. But if we
already know it, why do we so seldom apply it to our own life? Why
aren’t we qualifying ourselves for the absolute top spot in our
respective industries?
In many cases, it’s because we unthinkingly shy away from
“responsibility.” We’re scared of a bigger role… a higher profile. We
keep ourselves small because… well… we just do, that’s all. For
example, can you tell me exactly why you’re not the top authority in
your industry? Can I tell why I’m not?
We do know the answer to that, though, don’t we?
It’s basically cowardice. We’re scared spitless of making ourselves
uncomfortable through doing things that we’re not sure we can do
perfectly. If we tried something big and super-ambitious, oh my
goodness, what if we didn’t do it very well?
We don’t like to take chances. Don’t enjoy big measures of ambiguity
in the things we do. So instead, we plod along like cows coming in
from the pasture at evening, regular as clockwork, utterly predictable
— and dependant upon whomever feeds us at the end of the day.
Cows don’t take big chances. Neither do sheep. They stay close to
the same territory day after day, year after year, clustered together,
acting just alike, grazing placidly, never having any grand adventures.
There are few opportunities in the fenced-in pasture. Just eat and
sleep and grow old.
Ah, but the venturing soul slips through the fence, goes into unknown
territory, and seeks out new things to do. Among us humans, we
admire most the men and women who push past the barriers to new
territory. Record-setting athletes. Inventive new artists and writers.
Bold leaders who set new directions and escort the rest of us into
new fields. Explorers in medicine, literature, flight, business, sports.
People who go out seeking new places to find, new levels to achieve,
new problems to solve.
If you want your income and your life to expand, you’re going to have
to explore. Go out there past the edge of what you already know, past
the comfortable, to a place where you’re unsure what your outcome is
going to be.
You, in a very real sense, become a gambler. But you will be gambling
on the only thing in the universe that’s worth the action — yourself.
It has been said that the real reason for becoming rich and successful
is not the money or the fame. It’s the joy of being the person you have
to become in order to achieve those goals of yours.
Know this: You’ll never achieve those goals as you are now.
You really must become a whole different person. A bigger person. A
stronger, more capable person.
And how do you do that? You stretch yourself. You make yourself
uncomfortable, and you stay that way until you grow into it.
That’s the true (and only) price of success.
# Watch This Video :
The small change that creates massive
results in your life
The small change that creates massive results in your life.
“It is never too late to become what you
might have been.” – GEORGE ELIOT
I believe that we all reach certain key points in our lives. We all reach
crossroads where our lives hit a certain threshold of “pain” that we
are no longer willing to settle for. This threshold is very different for
every person. I also believe that if you are unhappy with anything in
your life then that is a call to action; a desire from deep within the
“real” you that wants to experience more of life.
This can be very challenging for a lot of people as they have this urge
to improve their lives but they don’t have an effective strategy. They
then do the “logical” thing which is to work on the effects instead of
the cause. Here is a simple thought process that will be a wake up
call to you if you feel like you are spinning your wheels.
For my life to get better I have to get better.
For things to change I have to change.
I am mine. This is my life and I am the creator of my destiny.
I can change any and everything in my life by simply changing myself.
This puts me in the driving seat of my life and makes my life my
responsibility. It eliminates fear and apprehension for I know that no
matter what life gives me I can always get to the next level and take
the next step by simply making the internal shift in my own
I can stop looking for events, people and circumstances to blame. I
only need to look inside. No matter how influential you are you cannot
control the circumstances and events of your life. There are only three
things over which you have absolute and total control and these are
all you need. It forms the total experience of life. My thoughts, my
actions and my words are always under my conscious control. They
are MY thoughts, they are MY actions and they are MY words AND
they create MY world every minute of every day.
This is incredibly liberating. Whenever I want to have more,
experience more or change anything, I need only look inwards and
work on myself. Jim Rohn once said that the hardest work you will
ever do is the work you do on yourself. See, you can run around and
work incredibly hard at trying to influence and change circumstances,
but that will only make you tired and discourage your future efforts. Its
much easier to change yourself and your perception of yourself and
your life. Nothing has any meaning except for the meaning you give it.
Changing external events have very little impact in your life on the
long term. Small changes in you; in your perceptions and psychology
might seem insignificant at first, but because the change is in you it
effects all of your thoughts, all of your actions and all of your words.
This seemingly insignificant change, over time changes the whole
direction and end destination of your life. If a captain of a ship
changes direction just one degree the end destination might be a
different continent all together. Like the captain changing his course
by one degree it might be unnoticeable over a short period of time,
but over greater distances the small change becomes very significant.
Most people try and change the big things; they constantly try and
change any and everything in their lives, but they then fail to maintain
the change. Instead, making small consistent changes in yourself, in
your own character you can create phenomenal results. All change
starts and ends with you. If you are going to invest the time and effort
to improve your life, then invest it in changing yourself. Invest your
time and effort in improving “you” and let go of the superficial urges
to control events and circumstances. Your whole perception and
experience of life comes from you and who you are. Change yourself,
improve your character and just watch the world improve and change
before your very eyes.
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Motivation for success life - WATCH THIS EVERYDAY AND CHANGE YOUR LIFE

  • 1. 7 Steps To Break (or Make) A Habit We all have habits, some good and some not so good. These are behaviors that we’ve learned and that occur almost automatically. And most of us have a habit we’d like to break, or one we’d like to develop. For most people, it takes about four weeks for a new behavior to become routine, or habit. The following steps can make it easier to establish a new behavior pattern. 1.The first step is to set your goal. Especially when you are trying to stop or break a habit, you should try to phrase your goal as a positive statement. For example, instead of saying “I will quit snacking at night”, say “I will practice healthy eating habits”. You should also write down your goal. Committing it to paper helps you to commit. It can also help if you tell your goal to someone you trust. 2.Decide on a replacement behavior. (If your goal is to develop a new habit then your replacement behavior will be the goal itself.) This step is very important when you are trying to break a habit. If you want to stop a behavior, you must have a superior behavior to put in it’ s place. If you don’t, the old behavior pattern will return. 3.Learn and be aware of your triggers. Behavior patterns don’t exist independently. Often, one habit is associated with another part of your regular routine. For instance, in the snacking example the trigger may be late night television or reading. You automatically grab a bag of chips while you watch. Many people who smoke automatically light up after eating. Think about when and why you do the thing you want to quit. 4.Post reminders to yourself. You can do this by leaving yourself notes in the places where the behavior usually occurs. Or you can leave yourself a message on the mirror, refrigerator, computer monitor or some other place where you will see it regularly. You can also have a family member or co-worker use a particular phrase to remind you of your goal. 5.Get help and support from someone. This is kind of obvious. Any job is easier with help. It works even better if you can form a partnership with someone who shares the same goal.
  • 2. 6.Write daily affirmations. Write your phrase or sentence in the present tense (as if it were already happening), and write it ten times a day for twenty-one days. This process helps make your goal a part of your subconscious, which will not only remind you to practice the new behavior, but it also keeps you focused and motivated. 7.Reward yourself for making progress at set time intervals. Focus on your goal one day at a time, but give yourself a small treat at one, three and six months. The rewards don’t have to be big or expensive, and you should try to make it something that’s associated in some way with the goal. Doing this provides you with both incentive and extra motivation. Following these steps is no guarantee of success of course. Depending on the habit it may take several tries to finally make the change. But if you stick with it, you can do it. Good Luck. # Watch This Video : 7 Great Success Ideas! Let history’s greatest minds help you to find true success and happiness today. Plato. Socrates. Aristotle. Confucius. Thomas Aquinas. Hundreds, even thousands of years later, the names of the great philosophers remain legendary, their ideas continuing to captivate minds, stimulate thought, and shape the course of human history. But what are those ideas? Why are they still impacting the way people think, understand, and act? Most importantly, how can they help YOU to live a happier, better, more fulfilling life today? In The Seven Greatest Success Ideas: ‘A-HAs’ That Are Guaranteed to Take Your Life to the Next Level, public philosopher, author, and renowned business consultant Tom Morris reveals what the greatest philosophers in human history have to say about what it takes to achieve true success in the 21st century.
  • 3. With the wit, charisma, and straightforward style that made him one of the most popular professors at the University of Notre Dame and a corporate speaker in huge demand, Tom roars through the wisdom of the ages. He introduces you to the most profound insights that have ever been articulated by the human mind and draws the connection between those insights and your personal, day-to-day experiences in an incredibly clear, powerful, and illuminating way that will forever transform your perspective. Along the way, you’ll also discover that you, too are a philosopher, with the innate power to think deeply and effectively about the things that matter most. With the great philosophers as your guide, you’ll learn how to stop chasing the wrong things and start asking the right questions those that will lead you straight to the answers you seek and the success and happiness that we are all searching for. The Seven Greatest Success Ideas will give you an immeasurably deeper, richer, clearer understanding of the world we live in, your place and purpose in it, and the possibilities for true success that exist all around you. # Watch This Video : Yes, You Can! If you are an entrepreneur, you know that your success cannot depend on the opinions of others. Like the wind, opinions change…like the weather, opinions change frequently. To succeed at any endeavor, you must stay the course…no matter what the cost! Here are some surefire tips to help you on your journey. 1.Avoid Negativity. Negative people are all around us. They can include our loved ones as well as a dear friend. Most often, it is the opinions of total strangers that breeds the most negativity as if someone who doesn’t know or understand you is able to voice a reasonably thought out opinion about you.
  • 4. No, you shouldn’t avoid those who are close to you, rather there are areas of conversation that are less profitable. Accept criticism constructively, but steer the conversation away from nonstop negative banter. Negativity will grow on you unless you take control. 2.Build Yourself Up. No, I do not mean for you to puff yourself up with pride, rather you can be your best source of encouragement by encouraging yourself. How can you do this? Read the testimonies of other entrepreneurs/succeeders who have gone before you. Current day success stories of people who have gone from rags to riches [or from simple means to great influence] include personalities like Oprah Winfrey, Martha Stewart, and Bill Gates. Yesterdays success stories are numerous and include: Thomas Edison, Harry S. Truman, and Abraham Lincoln. 3.Go Back to Square One. Should you find yourself wavering, recall those things that encouraged you to take your step of faith in the first place. Recall what it takes to succeed: discipline, self confidence, independence, hard work, sacrifice, etc. Look forward to the anticipated results: a good income, independence, a job you love, etc. Finally, remember the worst job you ever worked…imagine yourself working there again. Blah! Use whatever it takes to motivate you. So, toss off the negative thoughts and embrace that which is uplifting, inspiring, encouraging, warm, friendly, and helpful. You are on track to achieving great things as long as you do not let yourself become derailed by the negative words of others. # Watch This Video : The True Price of Success Standing in the gale-force winds, the kid was looking queasy. We could all see the storm was growing more intense. The rain had already plastered his hair to his forehead and his new black suit was starting to cling to him in ways Mr. Armani never intended.
  • 5. A typhoon was coming — the seventh this summer to hit Japan — and the kid’s job, as newest employee, was to stand in front of a TV camera while the weather buffeted him about for the nation to watch. Sort of a talking weather vane. I take my exercise along that stretch of beach every day, and today one of the most powerful typhoons on record would soon be upon us. I knew I couldn’t stay too long, or I’d be caught in the wind and the torrential downpour. I’d make my walk extra-brief this day. But the television crew had a different assignment. They, and many other crews like them, are dispatched in satellite equipped trucks to many well-known sites all over Japan. These crews provide live reports on the progress of the storms as they rip their way up the Japanese archipelago. And the kid in the black suit was their sacrificial lamb today. It was his job to get out there, once the storm reached its peak, and do a show and tell. That’s what the people huddled at home want to see, and sponsors will pay well to bring them exactly what they expect. If you’ve watched a lot of news over the years, you’ll know that the greater the devastation, the higher the viewer ratings. That’s the way it works — more destruction means more interest. In fact, you may recall that Dan Rather got his big break into national news by doing exactly what this kid was doing — standing stubbornly in a raging hurricane and giving moment-by-moment reports to the viewers at home. The networks find it’s profitable programming to report on all the destruction, disruption and deaths. But before we get off on an “Ain’t-It-Awful” tangent, let me say right here that this scene I’ve just described carries one of the richest lessons you’ll ever gain.
  • 6. Typhoons and hurricanes cause huge disruptions. Your humanitarian heart empathizes with those caught up in the tragedies; aches for them; wants to reach out with succor and aid. And I do applaud that urge to give comfort and help to those that life dumps on. The feelings are normal and proper. But I suggest that sympathy alone, no matter how heartfelt, is a one-dimensional (even a poverty-ridden) way to respond to the world. Sympathy can be a good thing, but often it’s only a cheap imitation of caring. If it doesn’t lead to action, it’s basically worthless for anything but show. However, it’s possible to add a second layer of responses, a layer that involves going out and interacting with that world you’re so empathic with. Furthermore, since you’ve been seeking some way to gain wealth, let me say this. You’ve just found it. It’s called action. Action — appropriate action in response to the problems and tragedies you see around you can make you not only a better person, but a very rich one as well. It can allow you to provide far greater aid to those in need than you could ever accomplish with an aching heart alone. And the profits from your actions will help you stay in business long-term so you can continue helping your fellowman. Now, you may already be running a business. If so, you’re providing people with some kind of solution to their problems. Are you being well paid for your solutions? If so, that’s good. But if you’re not being well rewarded for your efforts, there are only three possible reasons.
  • 7. 1.You’re not telling enough people about yourself. 2.You’re not very convincing because you don’t believe you’re very good at what you do. 3.You may not be solving problems that are big or urgent enough. This is probably the most common limit. The biggest need today is for people who will do what you and I can’t (or won’t) do for ourselves. This includes people who make us feel better. Consider the relative public value of a heart surgeon versus a sales clerk. A captivating entertainer or sports figure versus an office cleaner. A brilliant attorney versus a typist. It’s not my intention to demean anybody who is fulfilling any useful role in society. But the smaller paydays almost always go to the person who is more easily replaced. If nearly anybody can be quickly trained to do the job, there’s lots of competition for that slot, and so the price goes down. And the high-profile jobs like brain surgeon, trial lawyer, pro ball player, or CEO of a multinational — well, most people won’t ever try for those spots, meaning there’s less competition. So the people who do try for these jobs can charge whatever the traffic will bear. This is basic economics, right? We already know all of this. But if we already know it, why do we so seldom apply it to our own life? Why aren’t we qualifying ourselves for the absolute top spot in our respective industries? In many cases, it’s because we unthinkingly shy away from “responsibility.” We’re scared of a bigger role… a higher profile. We keep ourselves small because… well… we just do, that’s all. For example, can you tell me exactly why you’re not the top authority in your industry? Can I tell why I’m not? We do know the answer to that, though, don’t we?
  • 8. It’s basically cowardice. We’re scared spitless of making ourselves uncomfortable through doing things that we’re not sure we can do perfectly. If we tried something big and super-ambitious, oh my goodness, what if we didn’t do it very well? We don’t like to take chances. Don’t enjoy big measures of ambiguity in the things we do. So instead, we plod along like cows coming in from the pasture at evening, regular as clockwork, utterly predictable — and dependant upon whomever feeds us at the end of the day. Cows don’t take big chances. Neither do sheep. They stay close to the same territory day after day, year after year, clustered together, acting just alike, grazing placidly, never having any grand adventures. There are few opportunities in the fenced-in pasture. Just eat and sleep and grow old. Ah, but the venturing soul slips through the fence, goes into unknown territory, and seeks out new things to do. Among us humans, we admire most the men and women who push past the barriers to new territory. Record-setting athletes. Inventive new artists and writers. Bold leaders who set new directions and escort the rest of us into new fields. Explorers in medicine, literature, flight, business, sports. People who go out seeking new places to find, new levels to achieve, new problems to solve. If you want your income and your life to expand, you’re going to have to explore. Go out there past the edge of what you already know, past the comfortable, to a place where you’re unsure what your outcome is going to be. You, in a very real sense, become a gambler. But you will be gambling on the only thing in the universe that’s worth the action — yourself. It has been said that the real reason for becoming rich and successful is not the money or the fame. It’s the joy of being the person you have to become in order to achieve those goals of yours. Know this: You’ll never achieve those goals as you are now.
  • 9. You really must become a whole different person. A bigger person. A stronger, more capable person. And how do you do that? You stretch yourself. You make yourself uncomfortable, and you stay that way until you grow into it. That’s the true (and only) price of success. # Watch This Video : The small change that creates massive results in your life The small change that creates massive results in your life. “It is never too late to become what you might have been.” – GEORGE ELIOT I believe that we all reach certain key points in our lives. We all reach crossroads where our lives hit a certain threshold of “pain” that we are no longer willing to settle for. This threshold is very different for every person. I also believe that if you are unhappy with anything in your life then that is a call to action; a desire from deep within the “real” you that wants to experience more of life. This can be very challenging for a lot of people as they have this urge to improve their lives but they don’t have an effective strategy. They then do the “logical” thing which is to work on the effects instead of the cause. Here is a simple thought process that will be a wake up call to you if you feel like you are spinning your wheels. For my life to get better I have to get better. For things to change I have to change. I am mine. This is my life and I am the creator of my destiny.
  • 10. I can change any and everything in my life by simply changing myself. This puts me in the driving seat of my life and makes my life my responsibility. It eliminates fear and apprehension for I know that no matter what life gives me I can always get to the next level and take the next step by simply making the internal shift in my own psychology. I can stop looking for events, people and circumstances to blame. I only need to look inside. No matter how influential you are you cannot control the circumstances and events of your life. There are only three things over which you have absolute and total control and these are all you need. It forms the total experience of life. My thoughts, my actions and my words are always under my conscious control. They are MY thoughts, they are MY actions and they are MY words AND they create MY world every minute of every day. This is incredibly liberating. Whenever I want to have more, experience more or change anything, I need only look inwards and work on myself. Jim Rohn once said that the hardest work you will ever do is the work you do on yourself. See, you can run around and work incredibly hard at trying to influence and change circumstances, but that will only make you tired and discourage your future efforts. Its much easier to change yourself and your perception of yourself and your life. Nothing has any meaning except for the meaning you give it. Changing external events have very little impact in your life on the long term. Small changes in you; in your perceptions and psychology might seem insignificant at first, but because the change is in you it effects all of your thoughts, all of your actions and all of your words. This seemingly insignificant change, over time changes the whole direction and end destination of your life. If a captain of a ship changes direction just one degree the end destination might be a different continent all together. Like the captain changing his course by one degree it might be unnoticeable over a short period of time, but over greater distances the small change becomes very significant.
  • 11. Most people try and change the big things; they constantly try and change any and everything in their lives, but they then fail to maintain the change. Instead, making small consistent changes in yourself, in your own character you can create phenomenal results. All change starts and ends with you. If you are going to invest the time and effort to improve your life, then invest it in changing yourself. Invest your time and effort in improving “you” and let go of the superficial urges to control events and circumstances. Your whole perception and experience of life comes from you and who you are. Change yourself, improve your character and just watch the world improve and change before your very eyes. # Watch This Video :