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      Using Social CRM to Build Competitive Advantage
      Imagine a company that can interact with a consumer across multiple brands and touch
      points, understand the interests, passions and preferences of that consumer, and provide
      the consumer with relevant experiences at his/her preferred touch point(s).
      Developing this capability into a global center of excellence requires establishing a
      consumer relations communications hub that can identify individual consumers and
      manage these interactions across its touch points. It also requires a shift from “inside
      out” communication and processes to “outside in,” where the consumer is not only a
      user of the product, but also its developer, salesperson and publicist.

      Driving Consumer Value
      In their book Strategy From the Outside In:     service offerings for each individual
      Profiting From Customer Value (July 2010),      consumer. By 1998 Pine and Gilmore
      professors George Day of the Wharton            welcomed us to the “experience
      School and Christine Moorman of the             economy” and told us that we could drive
      Fuqua School challenge companies                consumer satisfaction by creating unique
      to create consumer value by standing            experiences, many of which were made
      in the consumer’s shoes and viewing             possible by mass customization.
      everything the company does through
                                                      As consumer satisfaction and mass
      the consumer’s eyes. They believe that
                                                      customization merged, Customer
      consumer value is driven by a company’s
                                                      Relationship Management (CRM) was
      ability to engage in a collaborative
                                                      born. We now had a systematic approach
      conversation with the consumer.
                                                      to building the value of a consumer by
      Social media and social networking are          listening to and recording the consumer’s
      creating the opportunity for an increasingly    preferences in order to produce a product
      direct dialog with consumers. Facilitating      specific to the consumer’s needs. However,
      these conversations requires identifying        this approach was too often practiced as a
      consumers and their experiences across          data-driven efficiency exercise where the
      internal and external touch points, and         company makes the rules and defines
      then making each engagement relevant to         the channels of communication.
      each consumer. This is all made possible
                                                      Enter the era of social media and the
      through Social CRM.
                                                      birth of the online “community.” MySpace
      How Did We Get Here?                            (2003), Facebook (2004), Twitter (2006),
                                                      Foursquare (2009) and the personal
      Ever since Xerox discovered that its
                                                      blog have all contributed to encouraging
      “completely satisfied” consumers were
                                                      the never-ending flow of personal
      six times more likely to repurchase than its
                                                      information now available for those who
      merely “satisfied” consumers, companies
                                                      care to listen. Today’s consumers are
      have sought to understand the connection
                                                      blogging, posting, tweeting, checking
      between consumer satisfaction and loyalty.
                                                      in and crowd sourcing in a deliberate
      About the same time, in 1992, Joe Pine          effort to broadcast their interests to an
      introduced us to “mass customization”           ever-growing constituency of fans.
      and asked us to think about using
      computers to customize product and

Moving People to Move Mountains®
CRM              TRANSITIONS TO        Social CRM
                    The company (sales and accounting)               The global online community that expresses 
    Who             and its customers.                               an interest in the company or its products.

                    The company creates customer 
   What             service processes.                               The company supports its social community. 

   When             The company operates on its 
                    timetable during business hours. 
                                                                     The company operates on the 
                                                                     community’s timetable – 24/7.

   Where            The company has pre-defined 
                    channels to address customer needs. 
                                                                     The company is fluid and communicates
                                                                     through the community’s preferred channels.

    Why             The company focuses on 
                    transactions as the KPI. 
                                                                     The company focuses on community 
                                                                     relationship building as the KPI. 

                    The company sees things from the                 The company sees things from the outside 
    How             inside out and interacts with customers          in and lets the community’s perspective 
                    based on company needs.                          guide its interactions.

Social CRM is the real-time art of listening               What has changed is the environment for
to this constantly growing community,                      achieving these goals. Through the use
recording their interests, passions and                    of Social CRM, companies can engage
preferences, and engaging with them                        directly with their consumers and better
on their terms. In this new paradigm,                      understand and record their interests,
the consumer makes the rules, defines                      passions and preferences.
the channels and leads a collaborative
                                                           Social consumers can become truly
discussion regarding the goods and
                                                           collaborative partners helping to build and
services they desire.
                                                           deliver better products and services. This
How Is the Current                                         deeper engagement drives loyalty, thus
Environment Different?                                     strengthening ties with your brand and
                                                           increasing your competitive advantage.
While it is easy to be overwhelmed
                                                           Further, as Social CRM extends its reach,
by this flood of information, focused
                                                           local engagements help build the global
companies are still asking the “outside in”
                                                           community, and access to a global
question: “How can I completely satisfy
                                                           community helps bring innovation and
my consumer and develop an evangelist
                                                           information to local markets.
that will carry my message to other
consumers?” The answers are largely
the same:                                                      “…the consumer makes the rules,
• Create a great product.                                      defines the channels and leads a
• Surround it with relevant services.                          collaborative discussion regarding
• Have a plan for fantastic service                            the goods and services they desire.”
• Provide the additional intangibles that
  set you apart.

The Story of Julie Jones

  Imagine that Julie Jones, consumer of newspapers, buys an online subscription to
  The Wall Street Journal (WSJ). In the process of signing up for the paper, she gives
  her basic demographic information. The WSJ now knows her name, that she lives
  in Ridgefield, Connecticut, and that she works at General Electric. This last piece of
  information was optional, but Julie wanted to record it as part of her profile.
                        As an online subscriber, the paper lets Julie “personalize” her
                        WSJ home page by identifying stocks that she watches and
                        industries that she follows. As a result, every time she logs
                        onto the WSJ website, the stocks that she follows are listed in
                        their own column along with links to news stories about both
                        the companies and the industries that she follows.
                        In this example, the WSJ has used data that Julie supplied
                        to customize the way that it delivers its product to her. The
                        hope is that, by helping her sort through the news more
                        efficiently, the WSJ is raising her satisfaction regarding its
                        product/service offering.
  That’s how CRM is practiced; it is data driven, it flows out from the company to the
  consumer and it is communicated through a company-defined channel.
  Social CRM
  Owned Media
  Now let’s advance the story a bit and say that Julie is one of the 500 million people
  who has a Facebook account, and one of the places that she likes to visit within
  Facebook is The Wall Street Journal Fan Page. During a recent visit, she feels
  compelled to comment on a story that really moved her. At the end of her post,
  Julie mentions that she was trying to send the story as an e-mail, but the system
  lost her contacts.
                        Later that day, much to her surprise, Julie gets an e-mail that
                        reads: “Sorry to hear that the system lost your contacts. We
                        checked into it and found that we were able to retrieve them
                        for you, so we put them back into your profile. Hope this
                        helps. Please let us know if there is anything else that we
                        can do for you.”
  In this scenario, we assume that the WSJ practices Social CRM and has a
  proactive consumer relations contact center. If so, it is able to engage Julie and
  complete a service recovery operation. If Julie is like most consumers, this will
  strengthen her relationship with the WSJ beyond what it would have been had the
  problem not occurred.
  That’s how Social CRM is practiced; rather than a data-driven prompt to serve
  Julie, the WSJ responded to a social event prompt. Rather than being initiated by
  the company, it is initiated by Julie. Rather than delivering a response through a
  company-chosen communications channel, it is through a communication channel
  chosen by Julie.

Earned Media
Let’s move our story forward by assuming Julie was so impressed with the
customer service that she received that she posts the story on her Facebook page
                      where her 130 friends can see it. A colleague at GE sees it
                      and posts it on a professional blog that she maintains. Once
                      there, it generates a string of responses. Eventually a story
                      line develops around the idea of using the WSJ to research
                      companies before going on sales calls. Someone even jokes
                      that the WSJ should sell a service called “Everything you need
                      to know before setting foot inside a prospect’s business.”

Social Market Research – “Listening”
To make things interesting, let’s assume that the WSJ employs sophisticated
listening technology, and that by listening, the WSJ picks up the Facebook post
and the blog post. Let’s further imagine that the blog story fits into a growing
segment of WSJ subscribers who seem to be using the WSJ to research
prospective or existing clients.
Note that by monitoring owned media and listening to earned media, the WSJ is
able to gain insights into how its product is being consumed.

Centralized Consumer Relations Hub
If Dow Jones has a centralized communications hub, it could leverage these
capabilities across all of its media properties as a global center of excellence.
Supporting this effort would be a single database composed of CRM data, contact
center engagements that include phone calls, web chats and e-mails, and social
engagements that include Facebook, Twitter and blogging. Thus, all of Julie’s
interactions with the WSJ would be available.
                       Returning to our story, imagine that the WSJ uncovers an
                       insight that seven percent of all Dow Jones consumers
                       are using its publications to search for information about
                       prospective or existing clients. Dow Jones decides to label
                       this “friendly intelligence,” and builds a new intelligence
                       gathering tool across all of its publications.
In addition to the WSJ’s promotional efforts, a contact engagement professional
posts a comment on the blog that Julie’s friend maintains that reads: “We read
your post about the Journal and are thrilled to hear that your friends are using
it to research companies. We wanted to make sure that they know their Journal
subscription entitles them to use any of our other publications at no additional
cost. If they go to the WSJ home page they can find links to our new intelligence
gathering tools. Good luck with the prospecting!”
So at the end of our story we see how Social CRM is practiced:
• It is relationship driven rather than data driven.
• It is directed by the consumer rather than the company.
• It is communicated through channels that are chosen by the consumer.
• It is used to gather intelligence, develop insights, and launch or adjust
  product offerings.
• It is a facilitation tool for a company that looks to its consumers as the critical link
  in creating products and services that lead to high levels of customer satisfaction.

Facts to Consider
• The fastest growing sector of Internet     Step 1: Start Listening
  use is communities (+5.4% in a year).      As you establish a social presence,
  Nielsen, “Global Faces on Network          engage in social market research and
  Places”                                    listen to what consumers are saying about
• Member communities reach more              each brand, both inside and outside
  Internet users (66.8%) than e-mail         of your owned communities. This is an
  (65.1%). Nielsen, “Global Faces on         important step, as most consumers reside
  Network Places”                            outside of your owned communities
• The average Facebook user has 130          (typically five to 10 times the population of
  friends, is a member of 80 different       a brand’s self-identified communities).
  communities and creates 90 pieces of
                                             When people tweet, blog or post on social
  content each month. Facebook
                                             sites, they are presenting a slice of their
• By 2010, over 60% of Fortune 1000
                                             lives to a community. They essentially
  companies will have some form of
                                             reveal how they use each brand and the
  online communities deployed for CRM
                                             reason behind their usage. In the past,
  purposes. Gartner Group, “Business
                                             this type of derived demand information
  Impact of Social Computing on CRM”
                                             was only available through extensive
                                             conjoint analysis in a test environment.
  “It is the combination of social           Today, we can actively listen and build an
  market research layered onto               understanding of individual consumers by
  traditional CRM data that provides         using their own words.
  the ultimate power to deliver relevant
                                             This program also taps into the macro
  experiences at optimal touch points
                                             discussions surrounding the parent brand
  and with appropriate frequency.”
                                             portfolio as it relates to specific issues
                                             such as “quality, health, innovation,
                                             environment and trust.” These can then
Building the Social CRM Model                be benchmarked against competitors.
Creating a global consumer relations         The centralized knowledge base becomes
communication hub as a center of             a key asset to identifying patterns,
excellence requires truly knowing each       discovering breakthroughs and driving
client individually and being able to        product innovation.
interact with each appropriately. The        Step 1 Goals
recommended method for accomplishing         • Mine all of the online and social
this combines the traditional profiling of     conversations across the parent brand
a CRM model with actively listening to         portfolio on owned and earned social
consumers and identifying influencers          media (e.g., blogs, message boards,
while they are interacting within their        social networks, media and news sites).
respective communities. It is the            • Track each brand independently for data
combination of social market research          accuracy.
layered onto traditional CRM data that       • Collect available profile data from each
provides the ultimate power to deliver         online conversation including users’
relevant experiences at optimal touch          hobbies, interests, demographics (age
points and with appropriate frequency.         and gender), geographics and ethnicity.
This is achieved at even lower costs as      • Merge all of the user profiles into one
consumers also become ambassadors              common profile database.
and assist each other with tips, anecdotes
and information on the brand.

awareness and cross-use linkage of
                                               brands. Step 3 is the stage at which
                                               specific campaigns and strategies can be
                                               developed through ideation.

                                               Step 3 Goals
                                               In Step 3, our goal is to gain insights by
                                               • Cross-correlated consumer profiles (i.e.,
                                                 users of multiple brands)
                                               • Consumer interests across the portfolio
                                                 and between brands (e.g., dieting and
                                                 weight loss are the primary purchase
                                                 drivers for brands A, B and C)
                                               • Consumer demographics across the
One of the benefits of taking this first         portfolio and between brands (e.g.,
step comes from establishing individual          Hispanics desire brands C, D and F
profiles of people who are interested in         because of reasons X and Y)
your company. Social market research           • The mindset of the consumer (e.g., X%
gives us an independent method of                of brand-A, -B and -C consumers love
identifying consumers. It also gives us          country music)
greater insight into the true motivators of    • Influencers across the portfolio and
each individual’s brand preference. Finally,     between brands (identify and leverage
it provides us with an effective opportunity     influencers where they reside)
to listen to how people view competitive       • Other high-value insights that inform
products and the service offerings that          strategic decision-making
surround them.
                                               Step 4: Program Development & Testing
Step 2: Integrate CRM                          Basic Social CRM engagements start
In Step 2, we take existing CRM                with responding to the social prompts
information developed at the brand level,      that arise from listening to the owned and
including the consumer contact centers,        earned social media in Step 1. This level
and combine it with the profiles that we       of engagement requires the development
are developing through active listening. In    of a database of answers and customer
many cases, we are able to identify people     service contact center training that
who exist in both data sets and combine        enables quick and accurate responses to
their records into highly accurate and         these prompts.
detailed profiles on a common information
technology platform.                           Additional engagement opportunities are
                                               drawn from gaining insights into the social
Step 2 Goals                                   market research that accompanies Social
• Identify internal consumer databases         CRM. Here we are looking to stay ahead
• Collect data                                 of both the market and our competition.
• Unify CRM profiles and Social CRM            By using insights gained from this
  profiles in one common database              process, companies can make changes
                                               to their communications plans and then
Step 3: Connect Data Points
                                               test the public reaction to those changes.
This newly integrated, robust database
                                               Product launches, commercials and social
allows us to look at the entire experience
                                               initiatives can all be tested through this
continuum and develop the relevant
                                               centralized resource by providing real-time
experiences, optimal touch points
                                               monitoring of public sentiment.
and frequency that will increase

Social CRM
                                              Social          “earn
                                              Media                ed”
                               ene                                     pro
                            onv                                           files
                         e/c                Listening

            & Testing

                                            Connect                                           s
                    dev                                                              fi l e
                       elo                    Data                                pro
                          p   insig                                          ned”
                                   hts       Points                       “ow

Winning the Race to Completely
Satisfy Our Consumers
We believe that Social CRM is the logical           anticipating consumer needs, literally
outgrowth of customer relationship                  contacting them before they contact us.
management. In fact, we believe that this
                                                    Turning this capability into a competitive
is exactly what the early pioneers in the
                                                    advantage requires the establishment of
field were looking for – a way to listen to
                                                    a consumer relations communications
the consumer, record what they want and
                                                    hub that can listen and engage across
give them a better product at each turn
                                                    all brands and all touch points. By
of the cycle. All signs point to the early
                                                    accomplishing this, we can better serve
success of this effort to positively impact
                                                    our consumers by anticipating their needs
individual brands. However, the biggest
                                                    and driving their satisfaction levels closer
gains seem to point toward centralizing
                                                    to the ideal of “completely satisfied.”
the function and “gathering all the trees so
that you can see the forest.” It is here that       As has often been observed in the social
a company’s ability to leverage insights            media space, it is not always the big that
can truly result in the development of              eat the small, but rather the fast that eat the
competitive advantage.                              slow. Social CRM has the unique ability of
                                                    keeping companies one step ahead in the
Social CRM allows us to observe how
                                                    race to satisfy their consumers.
consumers interact with multiple brands
across multiple touch points. It allows us
to understand the interests, passions and
preferences of consumers and gives us the               For more information, please contact:
knowledge to provide each consumer with                 Louis Furlo Jr.
relevant experiences, at the optimal touch              Regional Vice President
points and with the appropriate frequency.
                                                        187 Danbury Road
This model of consumer relations is fast                Wilton, CT 06897
becoming the dominant paradigm for                      T 203.354.0971
                                                        F 203.354.0976

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Morley using social crm to build competitive advantage

  • 1. Interactive Using Social CRM to Build Competitive Advantage Imagine a company that can interact with a consumer across multiple brands and touch points, understand the interests, passions and preferences of that consumer, and provide the consumer with relevant experiences at his/her preferred touch point(s). Developing this capability into a global center of excellence requires establishing a consumer relations communications hub that can identify individual consumers and manage these interactions across its touch points. It also requires a shift from “inside out” communication and processes to “outside in,” where the consumer is not only a user of the product, but also its developer, salesperson and publicist. Driving Consumer Value In their book Strategy From the Outside In: service offerings for each individual Profiting From Customer Value (July 2010), consumer. By 1998 Pine and Gilmore professors George Day of the Wharton welcomed us to the “experience School and Christine Moorman of the economy” and told us that we could drive Fuqua School challenge companies consumer satisfaction by creating unique to create consumer value by standing experiences, many of which were made in the consumer’s shoes and viewing possible by mass customization. everything the company does through As consumer satisfaction and mass the consumer’s eyes. They believe that customization merged, Customer consumer value is driven by a company’s Relationship Management (CRM) was ability to engage in a collaborative born. We now had a systematic approach conversation with the consumer. to building the value of a consumer by Social media and social networking are listening to and recording the consumer’s creating the opportunity for an increasingly preferences in order to produce a product direct dialog with consumers. Facilitating specific to the consumer’s needs. However, these conversations requires identifying this approach was too often practiced as a consumers and their experiences across data-driven efficiency exercise where the internal and external touch points, and company makes the rules and defines then making each engagement relevant to the channels of communication. each consumer. This is all made possible Enter the era of social media and the through Social CRM. birth of the online “community.” MySpace How Did We Get Here? (2003), Facebook (2004), Twitter (2006), Foursquare (2009) and the personal Ever since Xerox discovered that its blog have all contributed to encouraging “completely satisfied” consumers were the never-ending flow of personal six times more likely to repurchase than its information now available for those who merely “satisfied” consumers, companies care to listen. Today’s consumers are have sought to understand the connection blogging, posting, tweeting, checking between consumer satisfaction and loyalty. in and crowd sourcing in a deliberate About the same time, in 1992, Joe Pine effort to broadcast their interests to an introduced us to “mass customization” ever-growing constituency of fans. and asked us to think about using computers to customize product and Moving People to Move Mountains®
  • 2. CRM  TRANSITIONS TO  Social CRM The company (sales and accounting)  The global online community that expresses  Who and its customers. an interest in the company or its products. The company creates customer  What service processes.  The company supports its social community.  When The company operates on its  timetable during business hours.  The company operates on the  community’s timetable – 24/7. Where The company has pre-defined  channels to address customer needs.  The company is fluid and communicates through the community’s preferred channels. Why The company focuses on  transactions as the KPI.  The company focuses on community  relationship building as the KPI.    The company sees things from the  The company sees things from the outside  How inside out and interacts with customers  in and lets the community’s perspective  based on company needs.  guide its interactions. Social CRM is the real-time art of listening What has changed is the environment for to this constantly growing community, achieving these goals. Through the use recording their interests, passions and of Social CRM, companies can engage preferences, and engaging with them directly with their consumers and better on their terms. In this new paradigm, understand and record their interests, the consumer makes the rules, defines passions and preferences. the channels and leads a collaborative Social consumers can become truly discussion regarding the goods and collaborative partners helping to build and services they desire. deliver better products and services. This How Is the Current deeper engagement drives loyalty, thus Environment Different? strengthening ties with your brand and increasing your competitive advantage. While it is easy to be overwhelmed Further, as Social CRM extends its reach, by this flood of information, focused local engagements help build the global companies are still asking the “outside in” community, and access to a global question: “How can I completely satisfy community helps bring innovation and my consumer and develop an evangelist information to local markets. that will carry my message to other consumers?” The answers are largely the same: “…the consumer makes the rules, • Create a great product. defines the channels and leads a • Surround it with relevant services. collaborative discussion regarding • Have a plan for fantastic service the goods and services they desire.” recovery. • Provide the additional intangibles that set you apart. 2
  • 3. The Story of Julie Jones CRM Imagine that Julie Jones, consumer of newspapers, buys an online subscription to The Wall Street Journal (WSJ). In the process of signing up for the paper, she gives her basic demographic information. The WSJ now knows her name, that she lives in Ridgefield, Connecticut, and that she works at General Electric. This last piece of information was optional, but Julie wanted to record it as part of her profile. As an online subscriber, the paper lets Julie “personalize” her WSJ home page by identifying stocks that she watches and industries that she follows. As a result, every time she logs onto the WSJ website, the stocks that she follows are listed in their own column along with links to news stories about both the companies and the industries that she follows. In this example, the WSJ has used data that Julie supplied to customize the way that it delivers its product to her. The hope is that, by helping her sort through the news more efficiently, the WSJ is raising her satisfaction regarding its product/service offering. That’s how CRM is practiced; it is data driven, it flows out from the company to the consumer and it is communicated through a company-defined channel. Social CRM Owned Media Now let’s advance the story a bit and say that Julie is one of the 500 million people who has a Facebook account, and one of the places that she likes to visit within Facebook is The Wall Street Journal Fan Page. During a recent visit, she feels compelled to comment on a story that really moved her. At the end of her post, Julie mentions that she was trying to send the story as an e-mail, but the system lost her contacts. Later that day, much to her surprise, Julie gets an e-mail that reads: “Sorry to hear that the system lost your contacts. We checked into it and found that we were able to retrieve them for you, so we put them back into your profile. Hope this helps. Please let us know if there is anything else that we can do for you.” In this scenario, we assume that the WSJ practices Social CRM and has a proactive consumer relations contact center. If so, it is able to engage Julie and complete a service recovery operation. If Julie is like most consumers, this will strengthen her relationship with the WSJ beyond what it would have been had the problem not occurred. That’s how Social CRM is practiced; rather than a data-driven prompt to serve Julie, the WSJ responded to a social event prompt. Rather than being initiated by the company, it is initiated by Julie. Rather than delivering a response through a company-chosen communications channel, it is through a communication channel chosen by Julie. 3
  • 4. Earned Media Let’s move our story forward by assuming Julie was so impressed with the customer service that she received that she posts the story on her Facebook page where her 130 friends can see it. A colleague at GE sees it and posts it on a professional blog that she maintains. Once there, it generates a string of responses. Eventually a story line develops around the idea of using the WSJ to research companies before going on sales calls. Someone even jokes that the WSJ should sell a service called “Everything you need to know before setting foot inside a prospect’s business.” Social Market Research – “Listening” To make things interesting, let’s assume that the WSJ employs sophisticated listening technology, and that by listening, the WSJ picks up the Facebook post and the blog post. Let’s further imagine that the blog story fits into a growing segment of WSJ subscribers who seem to be using the WSJ to research prospective or existing clients. Note that by monitoring owned media and listening to earned media, the WSJ is able to gain insights into how its product is being consumed. Centralized Consumer Relations Hub If Dow Jones has a centralized communications hub, it could leverage these capabilities across all of its media properties as a global center of excellence. Supporting this effort would be a single database composed of CRM data, contact center engagements that include phone calls, web chats and e-mails, and social engagements that include Facebook, Twitter and blogging. Thus, all of Julie’s interactions with the WSJ would be available. Returning to our story, imagine that the WSJ uncovers an insight that seven percent of all Dow Jones consumers are using its publications to search for information about prospective or existing clients. Dow Jones decides to label this “friendly intelligence,” and builds a new intelligence gathering tool across all of its publications. In addition to the WSJ’s promotional efforts, a contact engagement professional posts a comment on the blog that Julie’s friend maintains that reads: “We read your post about the Journal and are thrilled to hear that your friends are using it to research companies. We wanted to make sure that they know their Journal subscription entitles them to use any of our other publications at no additional cost. If they go to the WSJ home page they can find links to our new intelligence gathering tools. Good luck with the prospecting!” So at the end of our story we see how Social CRM is practiced: • It is relationship driven rather than data driven. • It is directed by the consumer rather than the company. • It is communicated through channels that are chosen by the consumer. • It is used to gather intelligence, develop insights, and launch or adjust product offerings. • It is a facilitation tool for a company that looks to its consumers as the critical link in creating products and services that lead to high levels of customer satisfaction. 4
  • 5. Facts to Consider • The fastest growing sector of Internet Step 1: Start Listening use is communities (+5.4% in a year). As you establish a social presence, Nielsen, “Global Faces on Network engage in social market research and Places” listen to what consumers are saying about • Member communities reach more each brand, both inside and outside Internet users (66.8%) than e-mail of your owned communities. This is an (65.1%). Nielsen, “Global Faces on important step, as most consumers reside Network Places” outside of your owned communities • The average Facebook user has 130 (typically five to 10 times the population of friends, is a member of 80 different a brand’s self-identified communities). communities and creates 90 pieces of When people tweet, blog or post on social content each month. Facebook sites, they are presenting a slice of their • By 2010, over 60% of Fortune 1000 lives to a community. They essentially companies will have some form of reveal how they use each brand and the online communities deployed for CRM reason behind their usage. In the past, purposes. Gartner Group, “Business this type of derived demand information Impact of Social Computing on CRM” was only available through extensive conjoint analysis in a test environment. “It is the combination of social Today, we can actively listen and build an market research layered onto understanding of individual consumers by traditional CRM data that provides using their own words. the ultimate power to deliver relevant This program also taps into the macro experiences at optimal touch points discussions surrounding the parent brand and with appropriate frequency.” portfolio as it relates to specific issues such as “quality, health, innovation, environment and trust.” These can then Building the Social CRM Model be benchmarked against competitors. Creating a global consumer relations The centralized knowledge base becomes communication hub as a center of a key asset to identifying patterns, excellence requires truly knowing each discovering breakthroughs and driving client individually and being able to product innovation. interact with each appropriately. The Step 1 Goals recommended method for accomplishing • Mine all of the online and social this combines the traditional profiling of conversations across the parent brand a CRM model with actively listening to portfolio on owned and earned social consumers and identifying influencers media (e.g., blogs, message boards, while they are interacting within their social networks, media and news sites). respective communities. It is the • Track each brand independently for data combination of social market research accuracy. layered onto traditional CRM data that • Collect available profile data from each provides the ultimate power to deliver online conversation including users’ relevant experiences at optimal touch hobbies, interests, demographics (age points and with appropriate frequency. and gender), geographics and ethnicity. This is achieved at even lower costs as • Merge all of the user profiles into one consumers also become ambassadors common profile database. and assist each other with tips, anecdotes and information on the brand. 5
  • 6. awareness and cross-use linkage of brands. Step 3 is the stage at which specific campaigns and strategies can be developed through ideation. Step 3 Goals In Step 3, our goal is to gain insights by identifying: • Cross-correlated consumer profiles (i.e., users of multiple brands) • Consumer interests across the portfolio and between brands (e.g., dieting and weight loss are the primary purchase drivers for brands A, B and C) • Consumer demographics across the One of the benefits of taking this first portfolio and between brands (e.g., step comes from establishing individual Hispanics desire brands C, D and F profiles of people who are interested in because of reasons X and Y) your company. Social market research • The mindset of the consumer (e.g., X% gives us an independent method of of brand-A, -B and -C consumers love identifying consumers. It also gives us country music) greater insight into the true motivators of • Influencers across the portfolio and each individual’s brand preference. Finally, between brands (identify and leverage it provides us with an effective opportunity influencers where they reside) to listen to how people view competitive • Other high-value insights that inform products and the service offerings that strategic decision-making surround them. Step 4: Program Development & Testing Step 2: Integrate CRM Basic Social CRM engagements start In Step 2, we take existing CRM with responding to the social prompts information developed at the brand level, that arise from listening to the owned and including the consumer contact centers, earned social media in Step 1. This level and combine it with the profiles that we of engagement requires the development are developing through active listening. In of a database of answers and customer many cases, we are able to identify people service contact center training that who exist in both data sets and combine enables quick and accurate responses to their records into highly accurate and these prompts. detailed profiles on a common information technology platform. Additional engagement opportunities are drawn from gaining insights into the social Step 2 Goals market research that accompanies Social • Identify internal consumer databases CRM. Here we are looking to stay ahead • Collect data of both the market and our competition. • Unify CRM profiles and Social CRM By using insights gained from this profiles in one common database process, companies can make changes to their communications plans and then Step 3: Connect Data Points test the public reaction to those changes. This newly integrated, robust database Product launches, commercials and social allows us to look at the entire experience initiatives can all be tested through this continuum and develop the relevant centralized resource by providing real-time experiences, optimal touch points monitoring of public sentiment. and frequency that will increase 6
  • 7. Social CRM Social “earn Media ed” ene pro onv files e/c Listening gag en Program Integrate Development CRM & Testing Connect s dev fi l e elo Data pro p insig ned” hts Points “ow Winning the Race to Completely Satisfy Our Consumers We believe that Social CRM is the logical anticipating consumer needs, literally outgrowth of customer relationship contacting them before they contact us. management. In fact, we believe that this Turning this capability into a competitive is exactly what the early pioneers in the advantage requires the establishment of field were looking for – a way to listen to a consumer relations communications the consumer, record what they want and hub that can listen and engage across give them a better product at each turn all brands and all touch points. By of the cycle. All signs point to the early accomplishing this, we can better serve success of this effort to positively impact our consumers by anticipating their needs individual brands. However, the biggest and driving their satisfaction levels closer gains seem to point toward centralizing to the ideal of “completely satisfied.” the function and “gathering all the trees so that you can see the forest.” It is here that As has often been observed in the social a company’s ability to leverage insights media space, it is not always the big that can truly result in the development of eat the small, but rather the fast that eat the competitive advantage. slow. Social CRM has the unique ability of keeping companies one step ahead in the Social CRM allows us to observe how race to satisfy their consumers. consumers interact with multiple brands across multiple touch points. It allows us to understand the interests, passions and preferences of consumers and gives us the For more information, please contact: knowledge to provide each consumer with Louis Furlo Jr. relevant experiences, at the optimal touch Regional Vice President points and with the appropriate frequency. 187 Danbury Road This model of consumer relations is fast Wilton, CT 06897 becoming the dominant paradigm for T 203.354.0971 F 203.354.0976 7