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A trilogy of a quiz in four parts

THE expectoRANT in THE hands OF THE mallu nurse
42 questions (Douglas Adams RIP)
and one theme

Will explain rounds as we go along

Part Points throughout at quizmasters
discretion, unless otherwise specified

Keep it simple


              6 questions
         All from webcomics

         Differential Scoring
         1-2 teams-15 points
         3-4 teams-10 points
         5-6 teams-5 points
This XKCD comic is a reference to which iconic movie
Which movie is being discussed in this panel from Fly You
This Fredo and Pidjin comic spoofs an iconic scene from which

Judd Apatow
version of
which cult film
(as per
Bizzaro) ?
The tragic death of which well loved character as per
WulffMorgenThaler ?
Graphical representation of How they ______ _____
Audience Question

THE expectoRANT in THE hands OF
        THE mallu nurse
               18 questions

        10 for a direct 10 for a pass
Also known as the Shakti Kapoor-Ranjeet or Dominique Strauss Kahn
approach to quizzing

        + 15 for a correct answer, -10 for an incorrect answer
                No limits on the number of attempts
Some of the less popular ones in the list include

Robert Johnson
Alan Wilson of Canned Heat
Brian Jones of The Rolling Stones
Pete Ham of Badfinger
Gary Thain of Keef Hartley Band and Uriah Heep
Richey James Edwards of Manic Street Preachers

Latest addition to the list is the audio. Put Fundae

Deepa Mehta and author X recently
announced that her adaptation of this cult
novel would release late next year.
Darsheel Safary plays the younger version of
the protagonist whereas Satya Bhabha will
play the older version.
The pics on the right depict actors playing
the character’s mother and chief adversary
After numerous failed attempts to procure
permission from Indian authorities, the film
has been shot in Sri Lanka.

Which novel??

Paul Oliver wrote the following in a sleeve note for a 1962 Blind Boys
album : "Curley Weaver and Fred McMullen, ____ ________ or
_____ _______—these were a few amongst the many blues singers that
were to be heard in the rolling hills of the Piedmont, or meandering
with the streams through the wooded valleys".

X noticed this and used them to name something. What fills in the
The blanks were Anderson Pink and Floyd Council.
Syd Barrett saw the names in the liner notes and named Pink Floyd

Pic shows a gentleman called M S
In what is symptomatic of the
Hindi film industry he now lives
unrecognised in a one room
kholi in Dharavi, sadly unable to
even pay for his medical

What unique distinction in the
world of Hindi film awards does
he hold??
Shinde won Sholay’s only
filmfare award for best editing

In the shade of the house, in the
sunshine of the riverbank near the
boats, in the shade of the Sal-wood
forest, in the shade of the fig tree is
where _______ grew up, the
handsome son of the Brahman, the
young falcon, together with his friend
Govinda, son of a Brahman. The
sun tanned his light

Fill in the blanks
Authored the following books:

Building a character
An actor prepares
Creating a role
An alphabetical arrangement of concise statements on aspects of acting
The actor and his work

A famous quote : ―When you play a good man, Try to find out where
he is bad, When you play a villain, Try to find out where he is good‖

Constantin Stanislavski
Pioneer of the method acting school
Jeff Dowd
Member of the anti-war radical group the Seattle Liberation Front
Also an independent film producer, he helped the directors secure
distribution for their first feature. What did the grateful directors
model on him as a result
The Dude from the Big Lebowski

Charley Douglass was a sound
engineer who is known for creating
the X. The X stood a little over two
feet tall and could be played like an
organ to replicate different kinds of
The operator could also select
particular genders and ages. Some say
Douglass recorded audiences from I
Love Lucy, The Red Skelton Show, or
Marcel Marceau's mime act to use in
his X. What is X??
The laugh Box used to provide the
annoying background laughter on
          sitcom tracks
The clip shows someone making a cameo appearance.
Audience Question
What would complete this set of 3
Rakeysh Omprakash Mehra
announced that among his
upcoming projects would be a
biography of X.

Cineblitz decided to cash in
on the deal by immediately
putting together a photo-op
resulting in the picture on the
What iconic movie poster is
this a recreation of?
Who is X?

The Canzonetta Sull Aria (audio) composed by Mozart from the
Marriage of Figaro. Famously used in which movie??
              Gypsy-Uriah Heep
     Artful Dodger- Please don’t turn me on

This is located in the Malibu
Creek State Park in California.

Originally owned by 20th
Century Fox this is now a
popular tourist site because it
was the set for something
extremely famous

What ???

     Chris gardner cameo
Cameos in movies about themselves

            Jim Lovell in Apollo 13
    Larry Flynt in The People vs Larry Flynt
        Chuck Yeager in The Right stuff
Erin Brockovich as a waitress in Erin brockovich
  Chris Gardner in The Pursuit of Happyness

In 2005, the Bombay High Court ordered Saregama
to pay Rs. 10 lakhs as arrears in royalty to the War
Widows Fund as the lyricist had pledged the royalties
to the Fund.
Which song, sung in 1963 are we talking about?
Aye Mere Watan Ke Logon
 Written by Kavi Pradeep

In 2002, VH1 aired a 100 song countdown titled ―Greatest ___ ___
______‖ . Featured artists included Los Del Rio, Bahamen, Vanilla
Ice, Right Said Fred and A-ha.

A similar exercise in Australia yielded names such as Lou
Bega, Chumbawumba, The Buggles, Nena and Bobby mc Ferrin.

What fills in the blanks??
Post from an artist’s blog talking about the choice of names X and Y for her
first two efforts

―It's X different from Y, it’s about the same things but in a different light. I
deal with things differently now. I’m more patient, more honest, more
forgiving and more aware of my own flaws, habits and principles. Something
that comes with age I think. So fittingly this record is called X. The whole
reason I called my first album Y was about cataloging what happened to me
then and who I was then, like a photo album you see the progression and
changes in a person throughout the years. I tried to think of other album titles
but couldn’t come up with anything that represented the album properly, I
kept swerving X thinking it was obvious. But why not be obvious?―

Audio – chasing pavements

In the story Ring Around the Sun
by Clifford D Simak, this object is
used by characters to focus their
attention and enable travel from
one parallel universe to the other.

This allegedly inspired the choice
of what iconic object for use as a
device central to the plot in a
movie released last year
Audience Question
 Ahaziah fell through the lattice in his upper chamber at Samaria and was injured. So he sent
messengers whom he instructed: "Go inquire of ___________, the god of Ekron, whether I
shall recover from this injury.
The name of a stock character in 17th-century Italian farce, who, attired usually in a black
Spanish dress, burlesquing a don, was beaten by Harlequin for his boasting and cowardice.
 A lively folk and flamenco couple-dance usually in triple metre, traditionally accompanied
by guitars and castanets or hand-clapping (palmas in Spanish).
 An Arabic language noun which is used as the collective name of the whole of the recurring
Islamic phrase that constitutes the first verse of every "sura" (or chapter) of the Qur'an (except
for the ninth sura)
 Author of the Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems
 Central character from a series of stories by Pierre-Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais and
the later more famous operatic adaptations of the same.
 2008 stage-to-film adaptation of the 1999 West End musical of the same name with Pierce
Brosnan, Colin Firth and Stellan Skarsgard playing possible fathers to Amanda Seyfried.

               EVERYTHING ELSE
Theme, 12 elements
Divided into 3 sets of 4 elements each
Not exhaustive
 First 4- +20/ -10
 Next 3 +15/-5
 Last 3 +10 no negatives
One attempt per set
          Chembai Bhagavathar
Audio sweet leaf by ozzy osbourne

A city that calls itself the Language Capital of the world and also
                          California’s first city

A setllement whose first record in the 7th and 8th century
                  called Glestingaburg
       Frequently associated with Arthurian legend

Bacardi theme

      Janes Addiction

      Sawai Gandharva
       Bhimsen Joshi

Audience Question
Part IV


                 18 questions
           Infinite pounce applies
     Otherwise 10 for a direct 10 for a pass

Video clip from Cool Hand Luke
  Source for what epic dialogue
What we’ve got
here is failure to
Chap shown in the pic is a theologist, poet,jurist
and mystic commonly known as Mevlana in
turkey and mevlevi in Iran and Afghanistan.
Even though he was born in Balkh in
Afghanistan, he eventually settled and lived most
of his life in the Anatolian town of Konya ( in
modern day Turkey).
His tomb in Konya remains a site of pilgrimage
for many a faithful Sufi.
Best known to us by a descriptive name meaning Roman, because the
region where he lived was once part of the eastern Roman empire.
What name?
His work was suddenly brought back into focus in India around
Diwali. Why??
Memorials at a particular
place dedicated to ___ ___
___ _____ ____

The novelist David Morrell on whose work the
films are based states that the name X was
partly inspired by a variety of apples he saw in
He also feels that the title of the work shown in
the pic on left is an apt metaphor for the
experiences X undergoes.
There was actually an Arthur J. X but all that is
known about him is that his name is on a wall
in Washington.
In Japanese X serendipitiously means violent
or rough. What is X
 Dedicated to the Baron Gottfried Van Swieten
 Dedicated to Prince Lichnowsky
 Italian for heroic, meant to be dedicated to Napoleon
 Dedicated to Count Franz von Opersdorff
 Dedicated to Prince Franz Joseph von Lobkowitz and Count
 Pastoral
 Dedicated to Count Moritz von Fries
 Dedicated to Count Moritz von Fries
 A poem by Friedrich Schiller later adapted as the European

This must be done with ―the squeaky
voices, the gooshy sound effects, and
the Happy ______ Hop‖

The author is mentioned as Mable
syrup which is a pun on Maple
syrup, but in the released versions is
credited as Mabel Barr.

What book??
He remains the only rock musician to perform in
the august UN General Assembly hall barely six
weeks after 9/11. He followed it up with a special
UN concert on 12th September 2009.
He also performed at the Nobel Peace Prize concert
following Al Gore’s victory, where he met and
befriended Melissa Etheridge with whom he would
collaborate on Ring the bells ( the audio clip).
Etheridge would go on to write the foreword to his
autobiography, titled ( tongue in cheek) Rock and
Roll Jihad.
Salman Ahmad of Junoon

In anticipation of criticism for an upcoming Blues album (releases
in 2011) , X released a statement saying

― I was not born in Alabama in the 1890’s. I’ve never eaten
grits, cropped a share or ridden a boxcar. I am a
white, middleclass Englishman, openly trespassing on the music
and myth of the American South. If that weren’t bad enough I’m
also an actor. One of those pampered ninnies who can’t find their
way through an airport without a baby sitter‖.

Audio Swanee river
Audience Question
Poster for the Solidarity movement in Poland.
     Reference to what iconic Western?
              Video Clip from the movie Kalyug
Kalyug is a modern day adaptation of which work of literature?
          Which character does Shashi Kapoor play?
Kalyug is based on the
Mahabharat, reference is to Karna
X is an artiste with almost God
like status in his country.
He is best known for his murals
and frescos not just in his own
country but also in other major
cities, , a fact reflected in the
Google Doodle released a few
days ago to celebrate his 125th
birth anniversary.
Sadly his fame rests mostly on
being Y’s husband.
Id both X & Y.
Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo

The tracks name literally means By the head of a horse and
the lyrics talk about a compulsive gambler who compares his
addiction to his attraction to women.

A major part of it is inspired by Mozart’s Rondo for violin
and orchestra.

Where is it most famously heard (audio)?
X was written in an area the writers described as waste lands of
Southern Morocco.
One of the writers said ― The whole inspiration came from the fact
that the road went on and on and on. It was a single track road which
neatly cut through the desert. Two miles to the east and west were
ridges of sandrock. It basically looked like you were driving down a
channel, this dilapidated road and there was seemingly no end to it….‖
Ironically it has nothing to do with X.

What you will listen to was however written specifically with X in
mind. Audio by Agni
Pray what is X

Come to X! The sun shines bright, the beaches are wide and
inviting, and the orange groves stretch as far as the eye can see. There
are jobs aplenty, and land is cheap. Every working man can have his
own house, and inside every house, a happy, all-American family. You
can have all this, and who knows... you could even be
discovered, become a movie star... or at least see one. Life is good in
X... it's paradise on Earth." Ha ha ha ha. That's what they tell
you, anyway.‖

Opening voice over for what is one of the best film noir thrillers of all
time. Which film?

X heads up the Strategic Hazard
Intervention Espionage Logistics
He has been portrayed on screen
by people like David Hasselhoff
among other people.
Will soon be seen in a pivotal role
in an eagerly awaited movie where
he recruits the likes of Iron
Man, Thor, the Hulk and Captain
America to save the world
Who?? Which movie
Nick Fury
Claude Nobs started life as an apprentice
He went on to form a close friendship with
record executives Ahmet Ertegun and
Nesuhi Ertegun and went on to head the
Swiss branch of various famous record
He also founded a jazz festival in his
hometown and went on to receive numerous
tourism awards and civilian decorations from
the Swiss government.
However he is best known to music fans in
the context of events that occurred on the 4th
of December Y71.
What event?
How is he commemorated with respect to
the event?
Funky Claude was running in and out,
    Pulling kids out the ground

Which iconic movie character is characterised as having

Laureen Bacall’s voice
Betty Grable’s legs
Marilyn Monroe’s torso
Jayne Mansfield’s breasts
Veronica Lake’s hair
Marlene Dietrich’s eyes
Judy Garland like singing voice

Hari Seldon of Trantor established the project to create a huge
repository to hold all human knowledge.

It engaged over a 100000 people in its compilation but very few
people know that the actual purpose was to concentrate a group of
highly skilled individuals in a remote location and kickstart a dormant

It provides the following definition-
Robot: A mechanical apparatus designed to do the work of a man.

Most of us have heard of it in the context of the advantages posessed
over it by a rival project.
What work? What work is it’s chief rival?
Hari Seldon’s project was the Encyclopedia Galactica
Moo die finals upload

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Moo die finals upload

  • 1. MOO DIE THE ENT QUIZ finals SURAJ MENON 20.12.2011
  • 3. 42 questions (Douglas Adams RIP) and one theme Will explain rounds as we go along Part Points throughout at quizmasters discretion, unless otherwise specified Keep it simple
  • 5. PART 1 THE WEBCOMICS GUIDE TO THE GALAXY 6 questions All from webcomics Written Differential Scoring 1-2 teams-15 points 3-4 teams-10 points 5-6 teams-5 points
  • 6. 1 This XKCD comic is a reference to which iconic movie
  • 7. 2 Which movie is being discussed in this panel from Fly You Fools
  • 8. 3 This Fredo and Pidjin comic spoofs an iconic scene from which movie
  • 9. 4 Judd Apatow version of which cult film (as per Bizzaro) ?
  • 10. 5 The tragic death of which well loved character as per WulffMorgenThaler ?
  • 11. 6 Graphical representation of How they ______ _____
  • 13. 1
  • 14. 2
  • 15. 3
  • 16.
  • 17.
  • 18.
  • 20.
  • 21.
  • 22. PART II THE expectoRANT in THE hands OF THE mallu nurse 18 questions 10 for a direct 10 for a pass
  • 23. INFINITE POUNCE Also known as the Shakti Kapoor-Ranjeet or Dominique Strauss Kahn approach to quizzing + 15 for a correct answer, -10 for an incorrect answer No limits on the number of attempts
  • 24. 1 Some of the less popular ones in the list include Robert Johnson Alan Wilson of Canned Heat Brian Jones of The Rolling Stones Pete Ham of Badfinger Gary Thain of Keef Hartley Band and Uriah Heep Richey James Edwards of Manic Street Preachers Latest addition to the list is the audio. Put Fundae
  • 25.
  • 26.
  • 27. 2 Deepa Mehta and author X recently announced that her adaptation of this cult novel would release late next year. Darsheel Safary plays the younger version of the protagonist whereas Satya Bhabha will play the older version. The pics on the right depict actors playing the character’s mother and chief adversary respectively. After numerous failed attempts to procure permission from Indian authorities, the film has been shot in Sri Lanka. Which novel??
  • 28.
  • 29. 3 Paul Oliver wrote the following in a sleeve note for a 1962 Blind Boys album : "Curley Weaver and Fred McMullen, ____ ________ or _____ _______—these were a few amongst the many blues singers that were to be heard in the rolling hills of the Piedmont, or meandering with the streams through the wooded valleys". X noticed this and used them to name something. What fills in the blanks??
  • 30. The blanks were Anderson Pink and Floyd Council. Syd Barrett saw the names in the liner notes and named Pink Floyd
  • 31. 4 Pic shows a gentleman called M S Shinde. In what is symptomatic of the Hindi film industry he now lives unrecognised in a one room kholi in Dharavi, sadly unable to even pay for his medical treatments What unique distinction in the world of Hindi film awards does he hold??
  • 32. Shinde won Sholay’s only filmfare award for best editing
  • 33. 5 In the shade of the house, in the sunshine of the riverbank near the boats, in the shade of the Sal-wood forest, in the shade of the fig tree is where _______ grew up, the handsome son of the Brahman, the young falcon, together with his friend Govinda, son of a Brahman. The sun tanned his light Fill in the blanks
  • 34.
  • 35. 6 Authored the following books: Building a character An actor prepares Creating a role An alphabetical arrangement of concise statements on aspects of acting The actor and his work A famous quote : ―When you play a good man, Try to find out where he is bad, When you play a villain, Try to find out where he is good‖ Who??
  • 36. Constantin Stanislavski Pioneer of the method acting school
  • 37. 7 Jeff Dowd Member of the anti-war radical group the Seattle Liberation Front Also an independent film producer, he helped the directors secure distribution for their first feature. What did the grateful directors model on him as a result
  • 38. The Dude from the Big Lebowski
  • 39. 8 Charley Douglass was a sound engineer who is known for creating the X. The X stood a little over two feet tall and could be played like an organ to replicate different kinds of ________. The operator could also select particular genders and ages. Some say Douglass recorded audiences from I Love Lucy, The Red Skelton Show, or Marcel Marceau's mime act to use in his X. What is X??
  • 40. The laugh Box used to provide the annoying background laughter on sitcom tracks
  • 41. 9 The clip shows someone making a cameo appearance. Who??
  • 42.
  • 44. What would complete this set of 3
  • 45.
  • 46. 10 Rakeysh Omprakash Mehra announced that among his upcoming projects would be a biography of X. Cineblitz decided to cash in on the deal by immediately putting together a photo-op resulting in the picture on the left. What iconic movie poster is this a recreation of? Who is X?
  • 47.
  • 48. 11 The Canzonetta Sull Aria (audio) composed by Mozart from the Marriage of Figaro. Famously used in which movie??
  • 49.
  • 50. 12 Audios Gypsy-Uriah Heep Artful Dodger- Please don’t turn me on
  • 51.
  • 52. 13 This is located in the Malibu Creek State Park in California. Originally owned by 20th Century Fox this is now a popular tourist site because it was the set for something extremely famous What ???
  • 53.
  • 54. 14 Video Chris gardner cameo
  • 55. Cameos in movies about themselves Jim Lovell in Apollo 13 Larry Flynt in The People vs Larry Flynt Chuck Yeager in The Right stuff Erin Brockovich as a waitress in Erin brockovich Chris Gardner in The Pursuit of Happyness
  • 56. 15 In 2005, the Bombay High Court ordered Saregama to pay Rs. 10 lakhs as arrears in royalty to the War Widows Fund as the lyricist had pledged the royalties to the Fund. Which song, sung in 1963 are we talking about?
  • 57. Aye Mere Watan Ke Logon Written by Kavi Pradeep
  • 58. 16 In 2002, VH1 aired a 100 song countdown titled ―Greatest ___ ___ ______‖ . Featured artists included Los Del Rio, Bahamen, Vanilla Ice, Right Said Fred and A-ha. A similar exercise in Australia yielded names such as Lou Bega, Chumbawumba, The Buggles, Nena and Bobby mc Ferrin. What fills in the blanks??
  • 60. 17 Post from an artist’s blog talking about the choice of names X and Y for her first two efforts ―It's X different from Y, it’s about the same things but in a different light. I deal with things differently now. I’m more patient, more honest, more forgiving and more aware of my own flaws, habits and principles. Something that comes with age I think. So fittingly this record is called X. The whole reason I called my first album Y was about cataloging what happened to me then and who I was then, like a photo album you see the progression and changes in a person throughout the years. I tried to think of other album titles but couldn’t come up with anything that represented the album properly, I kept swerving X thinking it was obvious. But why not be obvious?― Audio – chasing pavements
  • 61.
  • 62. 18 In the story Ring Around the Sun by Clifford D Simak, this object is used by characters to focus their attention and enable travel from one parallel universe to the other. This allegedly inspired the choice of what iconic object for use as a device central to the plot in a movie released last year
  • 63.
  • 65.  Ahaziah fell through the lattice in his upper chamber at Samaria and was injured. So he sent messengers whom he instructed: "Go inquire of ___________, the god of Ekron, whether I shall recover from this injury. The name of a stock character in 17th-century Italian farce, who, attired usually in a black Spanish dress, burlesquing a don, was beaten by Harlequin for his boasting and cowardice.  A lively folk and flamenco couple-dance usually in triple metre, traditionally accompanied by guitars and castanets or hand-clapping (palmas in Spanish).  An Arabic language noun which is used as the collective name of the whole of the recurring Islamic phrase that constitutes the first verse of every "sura" (or chapter) of the Qur'an (except for the ninth sura)  Author of the Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems  Central character from a series of stories by Pierre-Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais and the later more famous operatic adaptations of the same.  2008 stage-to-film adaptation of the 1999 West End musical of the same name with Pierce Brosnan, Colin Firth and Stellan Skarsgard playing possible fathers to Amanda Seyfried.
  • 66.
  • 67. PART III KNIFE THE UNIVERSE AND SCREW EVERYTHING ELSE Theme, 12 elements Divided into 3 sets of 4 elements each Not exhaustive Scoring  First 4- +20/ -10  Next 3 +15/-5  Last 3 +10 no negatives One attempt per set
  • 68. +20/-10 Chembai Bhagavathar
  • 72. Audio sweet leaf by ozzy osbourne +15/-5
  • 73. A city that calls itself the Language Capital of the world and also California’s first city +15/-5
  • 74. A setllement whose first record in the 7th and 8th century called Glestingaburg Frequently associated with Arthurian legend +15/-5
  • 77. Audio Janes Addiction +10
  • 78. Audio Sawai Gandharva Bhimsen Joshi +10
  • 79. +10
  • 80.
  • 82.
  • 83.
  • 84. Part IV SO LONG, THANKS AND WHAT THE FISH 18 questions Infinite pounce applies Otherwise 10 for a direct 10 for a pass
  • 85. 1 Video clip from Cool Hand Luke Source for what epic dialogue
  • 86. What we’ve got here is failure to communicate
  • 87. 2 Chap shown in the pic is a theologist, poet,jurist and mystic commonly known as Mevlana in turkey and mevlevi in Iran and Afghanistan. Even though he was born in Balkh in Afghanistan, he eventually settled and lived most of his life in the Anatolian town of Konya ( in modern day Turkey). His tomb in Konya remains a site of pilgrimage for many a faithful Sufi. Best known to us by a descriptive name meaning Roman, because the region where he lived was once part of the eastern Roman empire. What name? His work was suddenly brought back into focus in India around Diwali. Why??
  • 88. Rumi
  • 89. 3 Memorials at a particular place dedicated to ___ ___ ___ _____ ____
  • 90.
  • 91. 4 The novelist David Morrell on whose work the films are based states that the name X was partly inspired by a variety of apples he saw in Pennsylvania. He also feels that the title of the work shown in the pic on left is an apt metaphor for the experiences X undergoes. There was actually an Arthur J. X but all that is known about him is that his name is on a wall in Washington. In Japanese X serendipitiously means violent or rough. What is X
  • 92.
  • 93. 5  Dedicated to the Baron Gottfried Van Swieten  Dedicated to Prince Lichnowsky  Italian for heroic, meant to be dedicated to Napoleon  Dedicated to Count Franz von Opersdorff  Dedicated to Prince Franz Joseph von Lobkowitz and Count Razumovsky  Pastoral  Dedicated to Count Moritz von Fries  Dedicated to Count Moritz von Fries  A poem by Friedrich Schiller later adapted as the European anthem Connect
  • 94.
  • 95. 6 This must be done with ―the squeaky voices, the gooshy sound effects, and the Happy ______ Hop‖ The author is mentioned as Mable syrup which is a pun on Maple syrup, but in the released versions is credited as Mabel Barr. What book??
  • 96.
  • 98.
  • 99. 8 He remains the only rock musician to perform in the august UN General Assembly hall barely six weeks after 9/11. He followed it up with a special UN concert on 12th September 2009. He also performed at the Nobel Peace Prize concert following Al Gore’s victory, where he met and befriended Melissa Etheridge with whom he would collaborate on Ring the bells ( the audio clip). Etheridge would go on to write the foreword to his autobiography, titled ( tongue in cheek) Rock and Roll Jihad. Who?
  • 100. Salman Ahmad of Junoon
  • 101. 9 In anticipation of criticism for an upcoming Blues album (releases in 2011) , X released a statement saying ― I was not born in Alabama in the 1890’s. I’ve never eaten grits, cropped a share or ridden a boxcar. I am a white, middleclass Englishman, openly trespassing on the music and myth of the American South. If that weren’t bad enough I’m also an actor. One of those pampered ninnies who can’t find their way through an airport without a baby sitter‖. Who?? Audio Swanee river
  • 102.
  • 104. Poster for the Solidarity movement in Poland. Reference to what iconic Western?
  • 105.
  • 106. 10 Video Clip from the movie Kalyug Kalyug is a modern day adaptation of which work of literature? Which character does Shashi Kapoor play?
  • 107. Kalyug is based on the Mahabharat, reference is to Karna
  • 108. 11 X is an artiste with almost God like status in his country. He is best known for his murals and frescos not just in his own country but also in other major cities, , a fact reflected in the Google Doodle released a few days ago to celebrate his 125th birth anniversary. Sadly his fame rests mostly on being Y’s husband. Id both X & Y.
  • 109. Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo
  • 110. 12 The tracks name literally means By the head of a horse and the lyrics talk about a compulsive gambler who compares his addiction to his attraction to women. A major part of it is inspired by Mozart’s Rondo for violin and orchestra. Where is it most famously heard (audio)?
  • 111.
  • 112. 13 X was written in an area the writers described as waste lands of Southern Morocco. One of the writers said ― The whole inspiration came from the fact that the road went on and on and on. It was a single track road which neatly cut through the desert. Two miles to the east and west were ridges of sandrock. It basically looked like you were driving down a channel, this dilapidated road and there was seemingly no end to it….‖ Ironically it has nothing to do with X. What you will listen to was however written specifically with X in mind. Audio by Agni Pray what is X
  • 113.
  • 114. 14 Come to X! The sun shines bright, the beaches are wide and inviting, and the orange groves stretch as far as the eye can see. There are jobs aplenty, and land is cheap. Every working man can have his own house, and inside every house, a happy, all-American family. You can have all this, and who knows... you could even be discovered, become a movie star... or at least see one. Life is good in X... it's paradise on Earth." Ha ha ha ha. That's what they tell you, anyway.‖ Opening voice over for what is one of the best film noir thrillers of all time. Which film?
  • 115.
  • 116. 15 X heads up the Strategic Hazard Intervention Espionage Logistics Directorate. He has been portrayed on screen by people like David Hasselhoff among other people. Will soon be seen in a pivotal role in an eagerly awaited movie where he recruits the likes of Iron Man, Thor, the Hulk and Captain America to save the world Who?? Which movie
  • 118. 16 Claude Nobs started life as an apprentice cook. He went on to form a close friendship with record executives Ahmet Ertegun and Nesuhi Ertegun and went on to head the Swiss branch of various famous record labels. He also founded a jazz festival in his hometown and went on to receive numerous tourism awards and civilian decorations from the Swiss government. However he is best known to music fans in the context of events that occurred on the 4th of December Y71. What event? How is he commemorated with respect to the event?
  • 119. Funky Claude was running in and out, Pulling kids out the ground
  • 120. 17 Which iconic movie character is characterised as having Laureen Bacall’s voice Betty Grable’s legs Marilyn Monroe’s torso Jayne Mansfield’s breasts Veronica Lake’s hair Marlene Dietrich’s eyes Judy Garland like singing voice
  • 121.
  • 122. 18 Hari Seldon of Trantor established the project to create a huge repository to hold all human knowledge. It engaged over a 100000 people in its compilation but very few people know that the actual purpose was to concentrate a group of highly skilled individuals in a remote location and kickstart a dormant civilisation. It provides the following definition- Robot: A mechanical apparatus designed to do the work of a man. Most of us have heard of it in the context of the advantages posessed over it by a rival project. What work? What work is it’s chief rival?
  • 123. Hari Seldon’s project was the Encyclopedia Galactica