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The Rules of This Quiz
A Short Introduction for the Noobs
The Rules of This Quiz
Seven Rounds:
1. General Round (7)
2. India Round (7)
3. Connect (7)
4. Fandom Round (7)
5. Written Round (7)
6. General Round (7)
7. Long Visual Connect (7)
Bounce and direct are decided
before the first and the fourth
Nanoty and Thakkar
Introduction for n00bs
● Most rounds will have a pounce-bounce format. That means, once a question
is asked, some time will be given to think about it. At the end of it, the team
who has the particular turn gets to answer it. If they fail to answer it it passes
on to the next team in the clockwise/anticlockwise order. Your team gets 10
points for answering correctly. This process carries no penalty.
● If you choose to answer out of your turn, you can pounce on the question at
the end of the discussion time. You get 10 points for answering correctly, but
stand to lose 10 points for an incorrect answer.
1. Give us X
X was a motivational poster created by the British government in 1939 in
preparation for World War 2. Evocative of Victorian stoicism – the "stiff upper lip",
self-discipline, fortitude, and remaining calm in adversity, which popular culture
rendered into a British character trait – the poster has become recognised around
the world. Although 2.45 million copies were printed, and although the Blitz did in
fact take place, the poster was hardly ever publicly displayed and was little known
until a copy was rediscovered in 2000. It has since been re-issued by a number of
private companies, and has been used as the decorative theme for a range of
A post-mortem examination established that the cause of Alan Turing’s death was
cyanide poisoning. When his body was discovered, an apple lay half-eaten beside
his bed, and although the apple was not tested for cyanide, it was speculated that
this was the means by which a fatal dose was consumed. Andrew Hodges and
David Leavitt (Turing’s biographers), both suggested that he was re-enacting a
scene from the one of his favorite films both noting that he took "an especially keen
pleasure in the scene where the ___________ immerses her apple in the
_______________." Which film?
3. Itni kiski hurriyet?
According to Hurriyet daily news, ahead of the June election in Turkey, a simple
multiplayer game became a battlefield for Turkish politics. Ahead of the elections,
many players on the EU server named themselves after their favorite party, in the
game world. Then they form alliances (even on free-for-all servers), or fight among
themselves based on political ideologies, with multiple users banding together to
“consume” someone of an opposing faction. “It’s thrilling, being able to go from
small fish in a big pond to big fish in a small pond and back again in seconds.”
What game are we talking about?
The first recorded usage of the three ___ symbol is from 1505, when it was used as
the official symbol of the city of ___. In 1947 Queen Wilhelmina officially decreed
that the official meaning was that they represented three moral virtues:
Compassion, Resolution and Heroism.
However, we associate this symbol with something entirely opposite due to a mid
1970s American trend (where they used three symbols like the insignia of the
mentioned city), inspired by the symbols used by the British Board of Film
Classification. As a matter of coincidence, today we associate the mentioned city
with the same as we associate these three symbols although they have entirely
different origins! What symbol? Which city?
5. Money, money, money
It has been suggested that the penalty order in soccer (something that depends
completely on chance), can grant an unfair advantage to one of the teams. In an
effort to remedy this, IFAB modified the process in a way which drew the following
responses on the internet.
Put funda!
1. “These ____ penalties. The winner takes it all, I presume?”
2. “So, reviewing those Chelsea ____ penalties…
Cahill - Mamma Mia,
Courtois - SOS
Morata - Money, Money, Money
At least there was no Fernando.”
3. “Well, when all is said and done, that's the name of the game.”
4. (When Courtois shot it over the post) “As they're using the new ____ penalty
shootout format I can only assume Courtois was aiming for Waterloo.”
5. “Mamma mia!”
Changed the penalty shootout from ABAB to ABBA
Peakery is a website for mountain-climbing aficionados, calling itself ‘the basecamp
for all the world’s mountains.’ The 404 page for Peakery shows an image of Mount
Put funda.
Hint follows.
It also shows the quote “because it’s not there”
During WW1, a term used among soldiers was a ‘Blighty wound’ which meant a
wound bad enough to send you back home, or as Britain was referred to by the
soldiers- Old Blighty. Blighty was a term of affection that British soldiers in the Boer
War- fought between Britain (and hence Australia, India, British Ceylon) and the two
Boer states. It was a bastardised form of a term used for the British soldiers by the
fellow combatants, and soon became a preferred term as emotive things such as
the name of the country itself would cause excessive lower-lip quiver. What was the
original term?
For the pounce
Identify the song/movie
from the minimalist poster.
Padosan / Mere samne wali khidki mein
Wali Muhammad Wali, popularly known as Wali Gujarati is considered to be the
father of Urdu poetry as he was the first to compose Ghazals in Urdu and compiled
a Divan. After his death in 1707, he was buried in Ahmedabad in his family
graveyard. In independent India, Wali’s grave got cut off from the rest of the
graveyard and ended up being in the middle of the road due to ‘development’ in
the state, only steps away from the Police Commissioner’s Office. Due to what
(post-independence) event can one not find his tomb anymore?
T.M. Krishna checking a
Class X NCERT History text
book to see if his Great
December Carnatic
Revolution has replaced the
pages occupied by the Great
October Socialist Revolution.
In 1962, Nehru said that “It has been described as a barren, uninhabited region
without a vestige of grass, and seventeen thousand feet high.”, attempting to
explain that Aksai Chin was a barren, inhospitable land and that the two nations
must not go to war over it. Quick came the riposte from Mahavir Tyagi, “the
____________ does not have __________ but that doesn’t make it useless,”
comparing Aksai Chin with another place where not a ‘single blade of grass grows.’
Remark: The quiz master’s research suggests that there are three different versions
of the story, however, the funda remains the same and hence all three answers will
be accepted.
T.M. Krishna asserting
that though he might
appear like a saffron
clad right winger, but
in reality is truly a red
blooded socialist.
Prime Minister’s Bald Head
Francis Grose’s 1785 Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue points out that a X was a
small Indian coin and suggests that a particular phrase comes from this word,
reflecting the worthlessness of the coin. It was similar to another slang from the
fifteenth century, and hence it is only natural that in modern context, the word X
was replaced by a synonym for ‘curse’. Which phrase?
T.M. Krishna
explaining how to
fight Brahmanism
with the help of, well,
Field Marshal Sam Manekshaw adopted the title X although, it was an uncommon
practice for a non-member of the Y regiment to adopt it. The title is closely
associated with Ys in particular and the with people of the Z region in general. This
title is common word across languages of Indian origin, and may be used for any
warrior however it is particularly associated with people from Y. Today, X is
considered a derogatory racist slang. Identify X and Y.
T.M. Krishna desperately
looking for nuance in his
own sociopolitical
The _____________ (one of the seven books of the Valmiki Ramayana that
discusses Rama’s post-war stay in northern India) includes incidences such as
banishment of Sita, Rama killing Shambuka, and the death of Lakshmana. It raises
more questions than it answers, as discussed in Arshia Sattar’s book titled
“________: The Book of Answers.” What is the title of this book?
T.M. Krishna
questioning why the
Government of India
has not yet appointed
him as the Official
National Secular
Uttara is a pun on North (Uttara Kanda) and Answers
Of the four, the first one in fluorescent blue comes from Karnataka, the second one
in bright yellow comes from Madhya Pradesh, and the third one in stone grey
comes from Delhi. What, in magenta, is the fourth in this list?
T.M. Krishna enthusiastically
inviting the Communist Revolution
with open hands.
T.M. Krishna
clarifying that the
microphone might
be from RSS, but
his voice is still
Smriti Irani
For each answer: +10/-5
Question 1
The following slide is the introduction to the guidelines by EPA (US Environment
Protection Agency) for solving a particular problem, called the X scenario.
Give us X.
(Y is not relevant . It only serves to show that the other blanked out boxes are not X)
Question 2
This word enters from Old French, along with "scoundrel," a general term of abuse,
from Latin, formed from ______ "to swallow," from ____ "throat," (same word in
Latin as in Sanskrit/Hindi) from PIE *gwele- (3) "to swallow". General meaning of the
word is from 1704.
Question 3
One of the reasons why India (and most other countries) chose the decimal
multiples of 1, 2, and 5 as denominations is not only to allow easy rendering
currency but also because this set exhibits a property that allows for the most
‘intuitive’ heuristic to work - which is to pick the biggest possible coin. Of which
algorithmic paradigm is this procedure an example of?
Question 4
A B is an advice animal image macro series featuring a photograph of a B that
appears to be whispering in a woman’s ear. The captions often contain creepy
sexual innuendo, pick up lines and alarming threats that are meant to disturb the
reader. This image comes from Terry Richardson’s 2010 Pirelli Calendar photo
shoot, which included a photograph of a nude model posing with a B. The macro
series started much later. On June 21st, 9gag user johniskewl submitted this
compilation, which received over 19,000 up votes, 2,000 Facebook shares and 80
comments in eight months. On August 31st, Redditor happyman91 submitted an
image macro with the caption “You know what rhymes with B? / Rape” (although B
does not rhyme with ‘rape’) to the /r/funny subreddit, receiving more than 4,600 up
votes and 65 comments in the following five months.
Question 5
X is the name of a comic book supervillain (and later a copycat) appearing in DC
comics. The original X serves as the anti-Batman. X is distinguished by obsession
and perfectionism in what he does. His parents who were burglars were shot dead
by a young law enforcement officer (young Commissioner Gordon), due to which he
dedicated his life to a campaign of revenge against law and law-enforcers. X’s
appearance and motivation are reminiscent of Batman's, but with notable
differences- most notably . Give us X.
Image follows.
Question 6
Nemesis is the ancient Greek goddess of jealousy and hatred. A modern American
technology company derives its name from the Roman counterpart of Nemesis- X.
She’s pitied by Roman deities, seen as a hideous and spiteful being. Seeking to
poison all creation with the taint of hate, punishing those revelling in their own
self-admiration and taking away wealth and fortune from those deemed
undeserving. She’s often portrayed in the color green, and an intense gaze
associated with malice and the “evil eye.” It was a deeply held belief by the ancient
Greek & Romans that X originates from the eyes. Give us the name of the company.
(The Roman version of the goddess ties into the connect.)
Question 7
Justin Trudeau did something iconic when he became the first sitting Prime Minister
to attend a particular event in Toronto, in 2016. The event started in 1987, when only
75 attended- some with paper bags on their heads due to the stigma against being
identified as one of the attendees of the event. What event?
Bonus kopiko for the actual name of the event.
Question 1
The following slide is the introduction to the guidelines by EPA (US Environmental
Protection Agency) for solving a particular problem, called the X scenario.
Give us X.
(Y is not relevant . It only serves to show that the other blanked out boxes are not X)
Storage Tank
Question 2
This word enters from Old French, along with "scoundrel," a general term of abuse,
from Latin, formed from ______ "to swallow," from ____ "throat," (same word in
Latin as in Sanskrit/Hindi) from PIE *gwele- (3) "to swallow". General meaning of the
word is from 1704.
Question 3
One of the reasons why India (and most other countries) chose the decimal
multiples of 1, 2, and 5 as denominations is not only to allow easy rendering
currency but also because this set exhibits a property that allows for the most
‘intuitive’ heuristic to work - which is to pick the biggest possible coin. Of which
algorithmic paradigm is this procedure an example of?
Question 4
A B is an advice animal image macro series featuring a photograph of a B that
appears to be whispering in a woman’s ear. The captions often contain creepy
sexual innuendo, pick up lines and alarming threats that are meant to disturb the
reader. This image comes from Terry Richardson’s 2010 Pirelli Calendar photo
shoot, which included a photograph of a nude model posing with a B. The macro
series started much later. On June 21st, 9gag user johniskewl submitted this
compilation, which received over 19,000 up votes, 2,000 Facebook shares and 80
comments in eight months. On August 31st, Redditor happyman91 submitted an
image macro with the caption “You know what rhymes with B? / Rape” (although B
does not rhyme with ‘rape’) to the /r/funny subreddit, receiving more than 4,600 up
votes and 65 comments in the following five months.
Rape Sloth
(Kopiko points for answering ‘Bongs’)
Question 5
X is the name of two comic book supervillains appearing in DC comics. The original
X serves as the anti-Batman. X is distinguished by obsession and perfectionism in
what he does. His parents who were burglars were shot dead by a young law
enforcement officer (young Commissioner Gordon), due to which he dedicated his
life to a campaign of revenge against law and law-enforcers. X’s appearance and
motivation are reminiscent of Batman's, but with notable differences. Give us X.
Image follows.
Question 6
Nemesis is the ancient Greek goddess of jealousy and hatred. A modern American
technology company derives its name from the Roman counterpart of Nemesis- X.
She’s pitied by Roman deities, seen as a hideous and spiteful being. Seeking to
poison all creation with the taint of hate, punishing those revelling in their own
self-admiration and taking away wealth and fortune from those deemed
undeserving. She’s often portrayed in the color green, and an intense gaze
associated with malice and the “evil eye.” It was a deeply held belief by the ancient
Greek & Romans that X originates from the eyes. Give us the name of the company.
(The Roman version of the goddess ties into the connect.)
Question 7
Justin Trudeau did something iconic when he became the first sitting Prime Minister
to attend a particular event in Toronto, in 2016. The event started in 1987, when only
75 attended- some with paper bags on their heads due to the stigma against being
identified as one of the attendees of the event. What event?
Bonus kopiko for the actual name of the event.
HELIFAX Pride Parade
Fandom Round
Fandom Round
For the pounce
For what fandom related reason did Kirkjufell mountain become ‘the most
photographed place in Iceland’ in August this year?
Image follows.
1. Here’s looking at you, kid.
Rick’s Café Americain in the movie Casablanca serves as a major inspiration for an
iconic scene in pop culture. In the movie, it is a shady place where corrupt deals go
down between French police and German officers. Likewise Casablanca itself,
aside from being a Mediterranean city, a style which naturally shares much in the
way of style with X Y (the city where the scene takes place), which was
filmed in Tunisia, also in North Africa. The city is teeming with police and military
patrols, exactly like X Y . The plot in Casablanca revolves around two exit
visas that Ilsa and her husband are trying to get their hands on, so as to secure safe
passage out of Africa, another parallel to the scene. What scene?
Mos Eisley Cantina scene in Star Wars
Larry Tye, in his great book, Superman: The High-Flying History of America’s Most
Enduring Hero, discusses Mort Weisinger a bit, beginning with how weird it was for
Jerry Siegel to be working for Weisinger, having some guy tell HIM, the creator of
Superman, how Superman was supposed to act. Whatever Jerry thought, it was
Mort who now was Superman’s boss as well as his mouthpiece. An MIT class sent
Mort a letter from Albert Einstein, who asserted that nothing, not even Superman,
could move faster than the speed of light. Mort consulted his “good friend” Isaac
Asimov, the science fiction writer, who said that “Professor Einstein’s statement is
based on theory. _________ _____ __ _____ __ ____.
Superman’s speed is based on fact!
Due to his and his son’s experiences in WW1 and WW2 respectively, many critics
have tried to draw parallels between his work and the wars. "An author cannot of
course remain wholly unaffected by his experience," he acknowledged, but he
strongly denied that his story was an allegory for World War I or II, dismissing the
claim that the ___ ____ was an allegory for the nuclear bomb. Although X’s work
was written during World War II and follows the rise of a great evil threatening to
envelop the world, it was not meant to symbolize the atomic bomb. Likewise, the
two characters ______ and ________, although both tyrants, are imaginary
characters and are not meant to represent Hitler or Stalin.
X? Or X’s work?
Greek Fire is a technology in Age of Empires II: The Forgotten that is unique to the
Byzantines and can be researched at the Castle. Once researched, it increases the
range of Fire Ships by +1. It draws inspiration from the second Arab siege of
Constantinople, where ships used a petroleum based incendiary weapon which can
project the liquid onto the naval vassals and burn them at the sea. This technology
inspired X in the Fandom Y. In Y, there are two particular incidences when X is
used. The first one is similar to the siege of Constantinople where X is deployed to
burn half of the fleet at the bay. Identify X and Y.
Safety Slide
Wildfire from Game of Thrones
5. Identify Marvel superhero X.
Just a few years after X first appeared on the scene, in 1967, the late Storm
Thorgerson used an image of X — taken from Marvel’s ______ Tales #158,
illustrated by Marie Severin and published the year before — for the cover of Pink
Floyd’s second album. X shows up on the right side of the front cover —
additionally, you can also see his nemesis, who are facing off over the future of the
Earth. …The cover is an attempt to represent things that the band was interested in,
collectively and individually, presented in a manner that was commensurate with
the music. Swirly, blurred edges into red astrology/ X images merging into images,
a million miles away from certain pharmaceutical experiences. Beginning with
Saucerful, they were beginning to experiment with more extended pieces and the
music would cascade and change from thing into thing.”
Safety slide nahi mila.
Dr. Strange
Young Sherlock Holmes and the Pyramid of Fear is a 1985 American mystery film.
The plot revolves around a young Sherlock Holmes and Watson, and Elizabeth
Hardy meeting and solving a supernatural mystery at a boarding school in London.
Director Chris Columbus, who directed X told BBC in 2001 that this movie had been
an inspiration for the first movie in the X series, even going so far as admitting that
parts of the Holmes movie were used to cast actors for the lead roles in X.
Safety Slide
Three kids solving a supernatural
mystery at a boarding school in England
__________ is a secret superhero organisation in the Marvel universe. It contains
Black Panther, Iron Man, Reed Richards, Charles Xavier, Black Bolt, Namor and Dr.
Strange. These powerful men met after the Krull-Skree war that almost destroyed
earth. These powerful people meet at Wakanda, discuss grave threats and secretly
assist each other with a larger goal in mind- keeping the earth safe.
What is the name of the organisation?
Same funda, so iska bhi nahi mila.
250 gm
1. Monday
Bahadur Shah II
O P Panneerselvam
2. Tuesday
(Soya) Bean
3. Wednesday
4. Thursday
250 gm
5. Friday
6. Saturday
7. Sunday

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Illuminanoty Quiz (General Quiz)

  • 1.
  • 2. The Rules of This Quiz A Short Introduction for the Noobs The Rules of This Quiz Seven Rounds: 1. General Round (7) 2. India Round (7) 3. Connect (7) 4. Fandom Round (7) 5. Written Round (7) 6. General Round (7) 7. Long Visual Connect (7) Bounce and direct are decided before the first and the fourth round. Nanoty and Thakkar Nanoty Thakkar VeryfagTheRulesofThisQuiz
  • 3. Introduction for n00bs ● Most rounds will have a pounce-bounce format. That means, once a question is asked, some time will be given to think about it. At the end of it, the team who has the particular turn gets to answer it. If they fail to answer it it passes on to the next team in the clockwise/anticlockwise order. Your team gets 10 points for answering correctly. This process carries no penalty. ● If you choose to answer out of your turn, you can pounce on the question at the end of the discussion time. You get 10 points for answering correctly, but stand to lose 10 points for an incorrect answer.
  • 5. 1. Give us X X was a motivational poster created by the British government in 1939 in preparation for World War 2. Evocative of Victorian stoicism – the "stiff upper lip", self-discipline, fortitude, and remaining calm in adversity, which popular culture rendered into a British character trait – the poster has become recognised around the world. Although 2.45 million copies were printed, and although the Blitz did in fact take place, the poster was hardly ever publicly displayed and was little known until a copy was rediscovered in 2000. It has since been re-issued by a number of private companies, and has been used as the decorative theme for a range of products.
  • 8. 2 A post-mortem examination established that the cause of Alan Turing’s death was cyanide poisoning. When his body was discovered, an apple lay half-eaten beside his bed, and although the apple was not tested for cyanide, it was speculated that this was the means by which a fatal dose was consumed. Andrew Hodges and David Leavitt (Turing’s biographers), both suggested that he was re-enacting a scene from the one of his favorite films both noting that he took "an especially keen pleasure in the scene where the ___________ immerses her apple in the _______________." Which film?
  • 10.
  • 11. 3. Itni kiski hurriyet? According to Hurriyet daily news, ahead of the June election in Turkey, a simple multiplayer game became a battlefield for Turkish politics. Ahead of the elections, many players on the EU server named themselves after their favorite party, in the game world. Then they form alliances (even on free-for-all servers), or fight among themselves based on political ideologies, with multiple users banding together to “consume” someone of an opposing faction. “It’s thrilling, being able to go from small fish in a big pond to big fish in a small pond and back again in seconds.” What game are we talking about?
  • 14. 4 The first recorded usage of the three ___ symbol is from 1505, when it was used as the official symbol of the city of ___. In 1947 Queen Wilhelmina officially decreed that the official meaning was that they represented three moral virtues: Compassion, Resolution and Heroism. However, we associate this symbol with something entirely opposite due to a mid 1970s American trend (where they used three symbols like the insignia of the mentioned city), inspired by the symbols used by the British Board of Film Classification. As a matter of coincidence, today we associate the mentioned city with the same as we associate these three symbols although they have entirely different origins! What symbol? Which city?
  • 16.
  • 17. 5. Money, money, money It has been suggested that the penalty order in soccer (something that depends completely on chance), can grant an unfair advantage to one of the teams. In an effort to remedy this, IFAB modified the process in a way which drew the following responses on the internet. Put funda!
  • 18. 1. “These ____ penalties. The winner takes it all, I presume?” 2. “So, reviewing those Chelsea ____ penalties… Cahill - Mamma Mia, Courtois - SOS Morata - Money, Money, Money At least there was no Fernando.” 3. “Well, when all is said and done, that's the name of the game.” 4. (When Courtois shot it over the post) “As they're using the new ____ penalty shootout format I can only assume Courtois was aiming for Waterloo.” 5. “Mamma mia!”
  • 20. Changed the penalty shootout from ABAB to ABBA
  • 21. 6 Peakery is a website for mountain-climbing aficionados, calling itself ‘the basecamp for all the world’s mountains.’ The 404 page for Peakery shows an image of Mount Mallory. Put funda. Hint follows.
  • 22. It also shows the quote “because it’s not there”
  • 24.
  • 25. 7 During WW1, a term used among soldiers was a ‘Blighty wound’ which meant a wound bad enough to send you back home, or as Britain was referred to by the soldiers- Old Blighty. Blighty was a term of affection that British soldiers in the Boer War- fought between Britain (and hence Australia, India, British Ceylon) and the two Boer states. It was a bastardised form of a term used for the British soldiers by the fellow combatants, and soon became a preferred term as emotive things such as the name of the country itself would cause excessive lower-lip quiver. What was the original term?
  • 27.
  • 28.
  • 29. For the pounce Identify the song/movie from the minimalist poster.
  • 30. Padosan / Mere samne wali khidki mein
  • 31. 1 Wali Muhammad Wali, popularly known as Wali Gujarati is considered to be the father of Urdu poetry as he was the first to compose Ghazals in Urdu and compiled a Divan. After his death in 1707, he was buried in Ahmedabad in his family graveyard. In independent India, Wali’s grave got cut off from the rest of the graveyard and ended up being in the middle of the road due to ‘development’ in the state, only steps away from the Police Commissioner’s Office. Due to what (post-independence) event can one not find his tomb anymore?
  • 32. T.M. Krishna checking a Class X NCERT History text book to see if his Great December Carnatic Revolution has replaced the pages occupied by the Great October Socialist Revolution. ANSWER
  • 33. 2002.
  • 34. 2 In 1962, Nehru said that “It has been described as a barren, uninhabited region without a vestige of grass, and seventeen thousand feet high.”, attempting to explain that Aksai Chin was a barren, inhospitable land and that the two nations must not go to war over it. Quick came the riposte from Mahavir Tyagi, “the ____________ does not have __________ but that doesn’t make it useless,” comparing Aksai Chin with another place where not a ‘single blade of grass grows.’ Remark: The quiz master’s research suggests that there are three different versions of the story, however, the funda remains the same and hence all three answers will be accepted.
  • 35. T.M. Krishna asserting that though he might appear like a saffron clad right winger, but in reality is truly a red blooded socialist. ANSWER
  • 37. 3 Francis Grose’s 1785 Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue points out that a X was a small Indian coin and suggests that a particular phrase comes from this word, reflecting the worthlessness of the coin. It was similar to another slang from the fifteenth century, and hence it is only natural that in modern context, the word X was replaced by a synonym for ‘curse’. Which phrase?
  • 38. T.M. Krishna explaining how to fight Brahmanism with the help of, well, Brahmanism. ANSWER
  • 40. 4 Field Marshal Sam Manekshaw adopted the title X although, it was an uncommon practice for a non-member of the Y regiment to adopt it. The title is closely associated with Ys in particular and the with people of the Z region in general. This title is common word across languages of Indian origin, and may be used for any warrior however it is particularly associated with people from Y. Today, X is considered a derogatory racist slang. Identify X and Y.
  • 41. T.M. Krishna desperately looking for nuance in his own sociopolitical arguments. ANSWER
  • 43. 5 The _____________ (one of the seven books of the Valmiki Ramayana that discusses Rama’s post-war stay in northern India) includes incidences such as banishment of Sita, Rama killing Shambuka, and the death of Lakshmana. It raises more questions than it answers, as discussed in Arshia Sattar’s book titled “________: The Book of Answers.” What is the title of this book?
  • 44. T.M. Krishna questioning why the Government of India has not yet appointed him as the Official National Secular Superstar. ANSWER
  • 45. Uttara Uttara is a pun on North (Uttara Kanda) and Answers
  • 46. 6 Of the four, the first one in fluorescent blue comes from Karnataka, the second one in bright yellow comes from Madhya Pradesh, and the third one in stone grey comes from Delhi. What, in magenta, is the fourth in this list?
  • 47. T.M. Krishna enthusiastically inviting the Communist Revolution with open hands. ANSWER
  • 49. 7
  • 50. T.M. Krishna clarifying that the microphone might be from RSS, but his voice is still unadulteratedly secular. ANSWER
  • 52. Points For each answer: +10/-5 Connect: +70/-60 +60/-50 +50/-40 +40/-30 +25/-15 +10/-5 +5/0
  • 54. Question 1 The following slide is the introduction to the guidelines by EPA (US Environment Protection Agency) for solving a particular problem, called the X scenario. Give us X. (Y is not relevant . It only serves to show that the other blanked out boxes are not X)
  • 55. Question 2 This word enters from Old French, along with "scoundrel," a general term of abuse, from Latin, formed from ______ "to swallow," from ____ "throat," (same word in Latin as in Sanskrit/Hindi) from PIE *gwele- (3) "to swallow". General meaning of the word is from 1704.
  • 56. Question 3 One of the reasons why India (and most other countries) chose the decimal multiples of 1, 2, and 5 as denominations is not only to allow easy rendering currency but also because this set exhibits a property that allows for the most ‘intuitive’ heuristic to work - which is to pick the biggest possible coin. Of which algorithmic paradigm is this procedure an example of?
  • 57. Question 4 A B is an advice animal image macro series featuring a photograph of a B that appears to be whispering in a woman’s ear. The captions often contain creepy sexual innuendo, pick up lines and alarming threats that are meant to disturb the reader. This image comes from Terry Richardson’s 2010 Pirelli Calendar photo shoot, which included a photograph of a nude model posing with a B. The macro series started much later. On June 21st, 9gag user johniskewl submitted this compilation, which received over 19,000 up votes, 2,000 Facebook shares and 80 comments in eight months. On August 31st, Redditor happyman91 submitted an image macro with the caption “You know what rhymes with B? / Rape” (although B does not rhyme with ‘rape’) to the /r/funny subreddit, receiving more than 4,600 up votes and 65 comments in the following five months.
  • 58. Question 5 X is the name of a comic book supervillain (and later a copycat) appearing in DC comics. The original X serves as the anti-Batman. X is distinguished by obsession and perfectionism in what he does. His parents who were burglars were shot dead by a young law enforcement officer (young Commissioner Gordon), due to which he dedicated his life to a campaign of revenge against law and law-enforcers. X’s appearance and motivation are reminiscent of Batman's, but with notable differences- most notably . Give us X. Image follows.
  • 59.
  • 60. Question 6 Nemesis is the ancient Greek goddess of jealousy and hatred. A modern American technology company derives its name from the Roman counterpart of Nemesis- X. She’s pitied by Roman deities, seen as a hideous and spiteful being. Seeking to poison all creation with the taint of hate, punishing those revelling in their own self-admiration and taking away wealth and fortune from those deemed undeserving. She’s often portrayed in the color green, and an intense gaze associated with malice and the “evil eye.” It was a deeply held belief by the ancient Greek & Romans that X originates from the eyes. Give us the name of the company. (The Roman version of the goddess ties into the connect.)
  • 61. Question 7 Justin Trudeau did something iconic when he became the first sitting Prime Minister to attend a particular event in Toronto, in 2016. The event started in 1987, when only 75 attended- some with paper bags on their heads due to the stigma against being identified as one of the attendees of the event. What event? Bonus kopiko for the actual name of the event.
  • 63. Question 1 The following slide is the introduction to the guidelines by EPA (US Environmental Protection Agency) for solving a particular problem, called the X scenario. Give us X. (Y is not relevant . It only serves to show that the other blanked out boxes are not X)
  • 66. Question 2 This word enters from Old French, along with "scoundrel," a general term of abuse, from Latin, formed from ______ "to swallow," from ____ "throat," (same word in Latin as in Sanskrit/Hindi) from PIE *gwele- (3) "to swallow". General meaning of the word is from 1704.
  • 68. Question 3 One of the reasons why India (and most other countries) chose the decimal multiples of 1, 2, and 5 as denominations is not only to allow easy rendering currency but also because this set exhibits a property that allows for the most ‘intuitive’ heuristic to work - which is to pick the biggest possible coin. Of which algorithmic paradigm is this procedure an example of?
  • 70. Question 4 A B is an advice animal image macro series featuring a photograph of a B that appears to be whispering in a woman’s ear. The captions often contain creepy sexual innuendo, pick up lines and alarming threats that are meant to disturb the reader. This image comes from Terry Richardson’s 2010 Pirelli Calendar photo shoot, which included a photograph of a nude model posing with a B. The macro series started much later. On June 21st, 9gag user johniskewl submitted this compilation, which received over 19,000 up votes, 2,000 Facebook shares and 80 comments in eight months. On August 31st, Redditor happyman91 submitted an image macro with the caption “You know what rhymes with B? / Rape” (although B does not rhyme with ‘rape’) to the /r/funny subreddit, receiving more than 4,600 up votes and 65 comments in the following five months.
  • 72. Question 5 X is the name of two comic book supervillains appearing in DC comics. The original X serves as the anti-Batman. X is distinguished by obsession and perfectionism in what he does. His parents who were burglars were shot dead by a young law enforcement officer (young Commissioner Gordon), due to which he dedicated his life to a campaign of revenge against law and law-enforcers. X’s appearance and motivation are reminiscent of Batman's, but with notable differences. Give us X. Image follows.
  • 73.
  • 75. Question 6 Nemesis is the ancient Greek goddess of jealousy and hatred. A modern American technology company derives its name from the Roman counterpart of Nemesis- X. She’s pitied by Roman deities, seen as a hideous and spiteful being. Seeking to poison all creation with the taint of hate, punishing those revelling in their own self-admiration and taking away wealth and fortune from those deemed undeserving. She’s often portrayed in the color green, and an intense gaze associated with malice and the “evil eye.” It was a deeply held belief by the ancient Greek & Romans that X originates from the eyes. Give us the name of the company. (The Roman version of the goddess ties into the connect.)
  • 77. Question 7 Justin Trudeau did something iconic when he became the first sitting Prime Minister to attend a particular event in Toronto, in 2016. The event started in 1987, when only 75 attended- some with paper bags on their heads due to the stigma against being identified as one of the attendees of the event. What event? Bonus kopiko for the actual name of the event.
  • 81. For the pounce For what fandom related reason did Kirkjufell mountain become ‘the most photographed place in Iceland’ in August this year? Image follows.
  • 82.
  • 83.
  • 84. 1. Here’s looking at you, kid. Rick’s Café Americain in the movie Casablanca serves as a major inspiration for an iconic scene in pop culture. In the movie, it is a shady place where corrupt deals go down between French police and German officers. Likewise Casablanca itself, aside from being a Mediterranean city, a style which naturally shares much in the way of style with X Y (the city where the scene takes place), which was filmed in Tunisia, also in North Africa. The city is teeming with police and military patrols, exactly like X Y . The plot in Casablanca revolves around two exit visas that Ilsa and her husband are trying to get their hands on, so as to secure safe passage out of Africa, another parallel to the scene. What scene?
  • 85.
  • 86. Mos Eisley Cantina scene in Star Wars
  • 87. 2 Larry Tye, in his great book, Superman: The High-Flying History of America’s Most Enduring Hero, discusses Mort Weisinger a bit, beginning with how weird it was for Jerry Siegel to be working for Weisinger, having some guy tell HIM, the creator of Superman, how Superman was supposed to act. Whatever Jerry thought, it was Mort who now was Superman’s boss as well as his mouthpiece. An MIT class sent Mort a letter from Albert Einstein, who asserted that nothing, not even Superman, could move faster than the speed of light. Mort consulted his “good friend” Isaac Asimov, the science fiction writer, who said that “Professor Einstein’s statement is based on theory. _________ _____ __ _____ __ ____. Phrase?
  • 88.
  • 89. Superman’s speed is based on fact!
  • 90. 3 Due to his and his son’s experiences in WW1 and WW2 respectively, many critics have tried to draw parallels between his work and the wars. "An author cannot of course remain wholly unaffected by his experience," he acknowledged, but he strongly denied that his story was an allegory for World War I or II, dismissing the claim that the ___ ____ was an allegory for the nuclear bomb. Although X’s work was written during World War II and follows the rise of a great evil threatening to envelop the world, it was not meant to symbolize the atomic bomb. Likewise, the two characters ______ and ________, although both tyrants, are imaginary characters and are not meant to represent Hitler or Stalin. X? Or X’s work?
  • 91.
  • 92.
  • 93. 4 Greek Fire is a technology in Age of Empires II: The Forgotten that is unique to the Byzantines and can be researched at the Castle. Once researched, it increases the range of Fire Ships by +1. It draws inspiration from the second Arab siege of Constantinople, where ships used a petroleum based incendiary weapon which can project the liquid onto the naval vassals and burn them at the sea. This technology inspired X in the Fandom Y. In Y, there are two particular incidences when X is used. The first one is similar to the siege of Constantinople where X is deployed to burn half of the fleet at the bay. Identify X and Y.
  • 95. Wildfire from Game of Thrones
  • 96. 5. Identify Marvel superhero X. Just a few years after X first appeared on the scene, in 1967, the late Storm Thorgerson used an image of X — taken from Marvel’s ______ Tales #158, illustrated by Marie Severin and published the year before — for the cover of Pink Floyd’s second album. X shows up on the right side of the front cover — additionally, you can also see his nemesis, who are facing off over the future of the Earth. …The cover is an attempt to represent things that the band was interested in, collectively and individually, presented in a manner that was commensurate with the music. Swirly, blurred edges into red astrology/ X images merging into images, a million miles away from certain pharmaceutical experiences. Beginning with Saucerful, they were beginning to experiment with more extended pieces and the music would cascade and change from thing into thing.”
  • 99. 6 Young Sherlock Holmes and the Pyramid of Fear is a 1985 American mystery film. The plot revolves around a young Sherlock Holmes and Watson, and Elizabeth Hardy meeting and solving a supernatural mystery at a boarding school in London. Director Chris Columbus, who directed X told BBC in 2001 that this movie had been an inspiration for the first movie in the X series, even going so far as admitting that parts of the Holmes movie were used to cast actors for the lead roles in X. X?
  • 101. Three kids solving a supernatural mystery at a boarding school in England
  • 102. 7 __________ is a secret superhero organisation in the Marvel universe. It contains Black Panther, Iron Man, Reed Richards, Charles Xavier, Black Bolt, Namor and Dr. Strange. These powerful men met after the Krull-Skree war that almost destroyed earth. These powerful people meet at Wakanda, discuss grave threats and secretly assist each other with a larger goal in mind- keeping the earth safe. What is the name of the organisation?
  • 103. Same funda, so iska bhi nahi mila.
  • 104.
  • 105.
  • 106. 1
  • 107. 2
  • 108. 3
  • 110. 5
  • 111. 6
  • 112. 7
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