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M.E.L.A. Quiz 
HeadRush, DA-IICT 
QM: Kunal Doshi
 25 questions in the prelims. 
 Star-marked questions will be used in case of ties 
 Please mark all starred questions on the answer 
 Quizmaster’s decision is final.
The YouTube links for video 
questions can be found in the 
presentation transcript. The 
title of the video may contain 
1. A tribute to which famous movie?
1. Gurudutt’s Pyaasa
__________ is a translation of the Latin phrase "Quis custodiet 
ipsos custodes?" made famous by the Roman Poet Juvenal in his 
Contextually it referred to the notion that male guards should not 
guard women against sexual assault as they themselves are capable 
of committing such crimes. 
Give me the quote made famous by a graphic novel.
*3. This poster of a Telugu movie has been inspired from 
the poster of which Hollywood movie?
4. Name the two people about whom this movie was 
made. Bonus point for identifying the controversy on 
which the movie was based.
4. Jay Leno and David Letterman 
David Letterman the host of the Late Night Show wasn’t made 
the host of The Tonight Show. Instead regular guest host Jay 
Leno was asked to host after Johnny Carson’s departure.
5. What is this is a top 10 list of? 
1. The Beatles 
2. Elvis Presley 
3. Michael Jackson 
4. Madonna 
5. Elton John 
6. Led Zeppelin 
7. Pink Floyd 
8. Mariah Carey 
9. Celine Dion 
10. Whitney Houston
5. These are the best-selling music 
X, an American author was born shortly after a visit by Y 
in 1835, and he predicted that he would "go out with it," 
too. He died the day following Y’s subsequent return in 
X - Mark Twain 
Y- Halley’s Comet
7. Where is this music video inspired from? 
7. Michael Jackson’s Thriller music video
8. These pictures are illustrations of 
which famous novel.
8. Don Quixote
9. This episode of Glee pays tribute to 
which artist?
9. Lady Gaga
10. Which famous author’s statue is this?
10. Ernest Hemingway
11. This picture is a mashup of the works of which 
author. (Larger pic on next slide)
11. Jules Verne
The following describes an album cover: The photographer took 
a series of pictures of the group dressed in butcher smocks and 
draped with pieces of meat and body parts from plastic baby 
dolls. A photograph of the band smiling amid the mock carnage 
was used as promotional advertisements. The band described it 
as "our comment on the Vietnam war. 
Give me the band and the album
12. Beatles’ Yesterday and Today album 
cover (Butcher cover)
The second installment of the game proved to be the installment that 
truly established this franchise as fighting-game royalty, and its innovative 
use of “combo” attacks was a big part of that success. This came as a 
surprise to the developers of the game, who considered the “combo” 
system an easily overlooked, acceptable bug in the programming. The 
system of timing certain button sequences in order to string attacks 
together was uncovered while testing the game at a late stage, and the 
developers decided to leave it in the game as an Easter Egg of sorts. What 
started out as an accident soon became the hallmark of the games, and 
future installments of the game made combos an intentional, finely tuned 
element of each sequel. 
Name the game.
13. Street Fighter
14. Absolut’s tribute to which artist?
Rene Magritte
15. These are pictures of Benedict Cumberbatch from upcoming 
movie ‘The Imitation Game’. Which real-life person does he play 
in the movie.
15. Alan Turing
16. Parody of which album?
16. Nirvana’s Nevermind album cover
17. Whose description? 
X is described as either dark, bone-white or pale yellow. He wore 
dark clothes and was often seen in poor light. He has pockets, in 
which he keeps a tooth-sharpening-rock, wet shells, and a scrap of 
bat wing. He is thin, with only six teeth sharpened into points. The 
author describes him as a small slimy creature and emaciated and 
gaunt, but possessing a vicious, wiry strength.
17. Gollum
The guy in the picture is YouTube 
user PewDiePie. What type of 
content does he post on YouTube 
and why is he currently in the 
18. His channel has the highest number of 
subscribers. He posts ‘Let’s Play’ type gaming 
19. Give the second and most famous movie 
of this trilogy. 
1. Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance 
2. X 
3. Sympathy for Lady Vengeance
19. Oldboy
20. Connect. Inexhaustive.
Pokemon game versions 
 Red and Blue 
 Gold and Silver 
 Ruby and Sapphire 
 Diamond and Pearl
21. Whose job profile? 
 Baby Proofer 
 Bartender 
 Beef Jerky Manufacturer 
 Blackjack Dealer 
 Boxer 
 Butler 
 Ice cream Truck Driver 
 Garbage Commissioner 
 Grease Collector 
 Guard 
 Coach 
 Farmer 
 Food Critic 
 Fisherman 
 Inventor 
 Mall Santa Claus 
 Oil rig worker 
 Food Critic 
And many more
21. Homer Simpson
Music Is Better Than Words is the debut album of a famous 
personality. When asked what type of music he’d like to do, 
he said "a classic Sinatra-style album". Identify the singer.
22. Seth Macfarlane
23. Give me the two blanks in this tweet 
by deadmau5.
24. Which movie is this scene inspired 
25. The Godfather
History Round
The following slides have pictures of actors playing a 
particular person in history. Identify the person. 
+5 for each 
+10 for all
Infinite Pounce 1 
12 questions
HitRecord is an online collaborative production company founded 
and owned by a famous actor/director . The production company 
uses video, music, literature, photography, performance, spoken 
word, screenwriting, graphic art, etc. from different artists around 
the world to make various projects and workings such as short 
films, books, and DVDs. HitRecord also produced a full-length 
feature film which released in 2013. The site now hosts nearly 
80,000+ members and pulls in about 1,000 videos, songs, text pieces 
and artworks daily. 
Identify the actor/director who founded this company.
The Dark Slide 
The slide this quiz deserves, but not the one it needs.
1. Joseph Gordon-Levitt
The artist about a song: 
I wasn't just trying to get that racy word X in a lyric. I was saying ... that I 
may not really be a X — I've been battered romantically and emotionally 
like many people — but I'm starting a new relationship and it just feels so 
good, it's healing all the wounds and making me feel like I've never done 
this before, because it's so much deeper and more profound than anything 
I've ever felt. 
Give me the name of the artist and the song. 
Hint: Connect this to a very famous monologue in a movie.
The Dark Slide 
The slide this quiz deserves, but not the one it needs.
2. Madonna’s ‘Like a Virgin’ 
 Movie being ‘Reservoir Dogs’
One of the band members had an issue of Astounding Science 
Fiction (October 1953) whose cover-art depicted a giant 
intelligent robot holding the dead body of a man which was done 
by American sci-fi artist Frank Kelly Freas. The caption read: 
"Please... fix it, Daddy?" to illustrate the story "The Gulf 
Between" by Tom Godwin. 
Which album’s cover was derived from this painting? 
Hint: Picture of original art on next slide (if nobody objects).
The Dark Slide 
The slide this quiz deserves, but not the one it needs.
3. Queen – News of the World
4. Given is a clip from That 70s Show. 
Which artwork is being recreated in this scene. 
Give painter as well.
The Dark Slide 
The slide this quiz deserves, but not the one it needs.
4. Edward Hopper’s Nighthawks
Somnium was a fantasy novel written in Latin. In the narrative, an 
Icelandic boy and his witch mother learn of an island named 
Levania (our Moon) from a daemon (demon). Somnium presents a 
detailed imaginative description of how the Earth might look when 
viewed from the Moon, and is considered the first serious scientific 
treatise on lunar astronomy. Carl Sagan and Isaac Asimov have 
referred to it as the first work of science fiction. 
Identify the author of this novel.
The Dark Slide 
The slide this quiz deserves, but not the one it needs.
5. Johannes Kepler
Once John Lennon got a letter from Quarry Bank High School, 
Liverpool that their professor was making the students analyse 
Beatles’ lyrics. So John intentionally made the most confusing lyrics 
he could and added a lot of gibberish to it. 
A few lyrics from the song are: 
‘Yellow matter custard, dripping from a dead dog’s eye’ 
‘Elementary Penguin singing Hari Krishna’ 
Name the song.
The Dark Slide 
The slide this quiz deserves, but not the one it needs.
6. I am the Walrus
7. This subreddit is about which scene from a 
The Dark Slide 
The slide this quiz deserves, but not the one it needs.
7. Being John Malkovich’s scene where John 
Malkovich goes down his own wormhole.
The man in the picture is 
Ian William 
Richardson, CBE. He is a 
leading Scottish 
Shakespearean stage actor. 
However he is best 
remembered for playing a 
character in 1990 which 
again rose to prominence in 
2013. Which character?
The Dark Slide 
The slide this quiz deserves, but not the one it needs.
9. Francis Urquhart. Francis Underwood 
in ‘House of Cards (US)’
9. Identify the person that Leonardo 
Dicaprio is talking to in the video
The Dark Slide 
The slide this quiz deserves, but not the one it needs.
Spike Jonze, director of Her
10. Identify the artist(s) of this song and 
the movie associated with this song.
The Dark Slide 
The slide this quiz deserves, but not the one it needs.
10. Simon and Garfunkel and the movie 
is The Graduate
11. What is this a list of? (Exhaustive) 
 Richard Rodgers 
 Helen Hayes 
 Rita Moreno 
 John Gielgud 
 Audrey Hepburn 
 Marvin Hamlisch 
 Jonathan Tunick 
 Mel Brooks 
 Mike Nichols 
 Whoopi Goldberg 
 Scott Rudin 
 Robert Lopez 
 Barbra Streisand 
 Liza Minnelli 
 James Earl Jones
The Dark Slide 
The slide this quiz deserves, but not the one it needs.
11. Emmy, Grammy, Oscar and Tony 
award winners (EGOT)
The "Space Trilogy" is a series of science fiction novels written by 
C.S. Lewis. It dealt with what Lewis saw as the de-humanising 
trends in contemporary science fiction. 
The main character Elwin Ransom is based on another writer who in 
real life was a friend of Lewis. This friend was previously supposed 
to write one of the books in the series but wasn’t able to. 
ID the author.
The Dark Slide 
The slide this quiz deserves, but not the one it needs.
12. JRR Tolkien
Art Round
The next slides will have advertisements which are 
inspired by a work of art or by the style of an artist. 
It will be specified whether you have to ID the 
painter or the artwork or both. 
+5 for correct 
+10, if all correct
1. ID the painter.
Ascending and Descending by MC Escher.
2. ID the painter.
Salvador Dali’s Madonna of Port Lligat.
3. ID artist and artwork
Auguste Rodin’s The Thinker
4. ID painting and artist
Sunflowers by Vincent Van Gogh
5. ID artist.
Pablo Picasso
6. ID painter and artwork.
The Birth of Venus by Sandro Botticelli
7. ID painting.
Composition with Red, Yellow and Blue 
by Piet Mondrian
8. ID painter or painting.
Summer by Giuseppe Arcimboldo
Infinite Pounce 2 
12 questions
1. Fill in the blank.
The Dark Slide 
The slide this quiz deserves, but not the one it needs.
1. David Lynch 
Director of movies like Mulholland Dr., Eraserhead, Blue Velvet etc.
This picture on the next slide is a drawing by the child of the 
lead singer of a band. The singer was inspired by this drawing 
and wrote a song about it. The inspiration behind this song 
has been supposed to be a drug, but it is an innocent song 
about a child’s drawing. 
Name the song.
The Dark Slide 
The slide this quiz deserves, but not the one it needs.
2. Beatles’ Lucy in the Sky with 
"Singin' In the Rain" is a song with lyrics by Arthur Freed and music 
by Nacio Herb Brown, published in 1929. However, it is unclear 
exactly when the song was written. Gene Kelly danced on the song in 
his movie of the same name. This dance sequence became very 
famous and was one of the defining moments of Kelly’s career. 
However, this song was used in another movie in a very objectionable 
manner. Gene Kelly was reportedly disgusted when it was used in the 
film and walked away from the actor at a party on whom the scene 
was pictured. 
Give me the name of the movie along with the scene. (No part points)
The Dark Slide 
The slide this quiz deserves, but not the one it needs.
3. The rape scene from ‘A Clockwork 
4.Identify the two artists that have 
worked on this short film.
The Dark Slide 
The slide this quiz deserves, but not the one it needs.
4. Walt Disney and Salvador Dali
The author had originally titled his novel X, but shortly before it 
was to be published, the much more famous novelist Leon Uris 
published a novel entitled Mila 18, and the author’s editors 
thought it best to change course. The author told Playboy in 
1975. “I was heartbroken, I thought 18 was the only number.” As 
it turns out, X works much better for the novel, full of doubles 
upon doubles, and may have contributed to its long-term success. 
Name the book.
The Dark Slide 
The slide this quiz deserves, but not the one it needs.
5. Joseph Heller’s ‘Catch-22’
6. These are stills are from Hong Kong 
movie ‘City of Fire’ released in 1987.
Give me the movie which has heavily 
borrowed from this film.
The Dark Slide 
The slide this quiz deserves, but not the one it needs.
6. Reservoir Dogs
It was criticized upon release because of its coarse language and 
became even more controversial in the 20th century because of its 
perceived use of racial stereotypes and because of its frequent use of 
the racial slur "nigger", despite strong arguments that the 
protagonist, and the tenor of the book, is anti-racist. Because of this 
controversy, many have questioned the appropriateness of teaching 
the book in the US public school system. 
Identify this very popular book.
The Dark Slide 
The slide this quiz deserves, but not the one it needs.
7. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
8. Which movie is this clip parodying?
The Dark Slide 
The slide this quiz deserves, but not the one it needs.
8. Trainspotting
9. Identify the singer of this song more 
famous in a different field.
The Dark Slide 
The slide this quiz deserves, but not the one it needs.
9. Bruce Willis
Roger Ebert in his review of the film: 
This film is like nothing they’ve seen before, with its startling 
landscapes, architecture and locations, its exuberant colors, its sudden 
and joyous musical numbers right in the middle of dramatic scenes, and 
its melodramatic acting (teeth gnash, tears well, lips tremble, bosoms 
heave, fists clench). At the same time, it’s a memory of the films we all 
grew up on, with clearly defined villains and heroes, a romantic 
triangle, and even a comic character who saves the day. X is a well-crafted, 
hugely entertaining epic that has the spice of a foreign culture. 
Which movie?
The Dark Slide 
The slide this quiz deserves, but not the one it needs.
10. Lagaan
James Cameron was dubious about casting Arnold Schwarzenegger in 
The Terminator as he felt he would need someone even bigger to play 
the Terminator. The studio had suggested X for the role of the 
Terminator, but Cameron did not feel that X would be believable as a 
killer. Give me the original candidate for the role. 
Hint: Irony
The Dark Slide 
The slide this quiz deserves, but not the one it needs.
11. O.J. Simpson
It was originally planned for the film to end with a scene that was 
filmed, with everyone in the room involved in a pie fight. Accounts 
vary as to why the pie fight was cut. In an interview, the director said: 
"I decided it was farce and not consistent with the satiric tone of the 
rest of the film. The fight was intended to be less jovial but the entire 
cast was laughing, it was unusable. Later on, the director said “it was 
a disaster of Homeric proportions.” 
Picture of the fight on the next slide. (if nobody objects) 
Give the movie.
The Dark Slide 
The slide this quiz deserves, but not the one it needs.
12. Dr. Strangelove Or: How I Learned To 
Stop Worrying And Love The Bomb
A-Z Round 
+2 for each correct 
+10 if 20 or more are correct 
+15 if 24 or more are correct
A is a famous American director, widely known for his movie B, which 
became the first sequel to win the Oscar for Best Picture. C, the 
nephew of A is an Oscar-winning actor and acts under a different 
surname as he didn’t want to be treated differently because of his 
family. D, the daughter of A, is also a film director. D made the movie E 
in 2003 starring F, famous for his role in the movie ‘Ghostbusters’ and G. 
F is a regular in the movies of H and has starred in 7 of his films. H, 
known for his distinctive style of directing, made the animated movie – 
I, which released in 2009. I was based on a children’s book of the same 
name written by J.
J most famous for his book K, has written the screenplay of a James 
Bond movie titled L, released in 1967. K has been adapted twice on 
screen, with the later one being directed by Tim Burton. M played the 
role of James Bond in L. M played the role of the father of a whip-wielding 
archeologist in the movie N. O, the director of N, is considered 
to be one of the greatest filmmakers of all time. In 2011, O directed the 
movie P, an animated movie based upon the character of an 
investigative journalist which was created by the author Q. The sequel 
to P will be directed by R.
R is best known for adapting the S trilogy written by British author T. The 
actor U starred in the S trilogy in a computer generated role of the 
character V. U was denied an Oscar nomination for his role of T as he 
wasn’t physically present in the movie. A similar thing happened with G 
for her role in the movie W. X stars in the lead role in another trilogy of 
movies which have also been adapted from the works of T. X became 
popular for his role of a sidekick in a TV show. Y plays the lead role in 
the show which has been adapted from the works of the author Z.
Answers Follow
A. Francis Ford Coppola 
B. Godfather Part 2 
C. Nicholas Cage 
D. Sofia Coppola 
E. Lost in Translation 
F. Bill Murray 
G. Scarlett Johansson 
H. Wes Anderson 
I. The Fantastic Mr. Fox 
J. Roald Dahl 
K. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory 
L. You Only Live Twice 
M. Sean Connery 
N. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade 
O. Steven Spielberg 
P. The Adventures of Tintin: The Secret of the Unicorn 
Q. Herge 
R. Peter Jackson 
S. Lord of the Rings 
T. JRR Tolkien 
U. Andy Serkis 
V. Gollum 
W. Her 
X. Martin Freeman 
Y. Benedict Cumberbatch 
Z. Arthur Conan Doyle
Thank you for Quizzing

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MELA Quiz by HeadRush, DA-IICT (Gandhinagar)

  • 1. M.E.L.A. Quiz HeadRush, DA-IICT QM: Kunal Doshi
  • 2. Rules  25 questions in the prelims.  Star-marked questions will be used in case of ties  Please mark all starred questions on the answer sheet.  Quizmaster’s decision is final.
  • 3. The YouTube links for video questions can be found in the presentation transcript. The title of the video may contain answers.
  • 5. 1. A tribute to which famous movie?
  • 7. 2. __________ is a translation of the Latin phrase "Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?" made famous by the Roman Poet Juvenal in his satires. Contextually it referred to the notion that male guards should not guard women against sexual assault as they themselves are capable of committing such crimes. Give me the quote made famous by a graphic novel.
  • 8. 2.
  • 9. *3. This poster of a Telugu movie has been inspired from the poster of which Hollywood movie?
  • 10. 3.
  • 11. 4. Name the two people about whom this movie was made. Bonus point for identifying the controversy on which the movie was based.
  • 12.
  • 13. 4. Jay Leno and David Letterman David Letterman the host of the Late Night Show wasn’t made the host of The Tonight Show. Instead regular guest host Jay Leno was asked to host after Johnny Carson’s departure.
  • 14. 5. What is this is a top 10 list of? 1. The Beatles 2. Elvis Presley 3. Michael Jackson 4. Madonna 5. Elton John 6. Led Zeppelin 7. Pink Floyd 8. Mariah Carey 9. Celine Dion 10. Whitney Houston
  • 15. 5. These are the best-selling music artists.
  • 16. 6. X, an American author was born shortly after a visit by Y in 1835, and he predicted that he would "go out with it," too. He died the day following Y’s subsequent return in 1910. X,Y?
  • 17. X - Mark Twain Y- Halley’s Comet
  • 18. 7. Where is this music video inspired from? 
  • 19. 7. Michael Jackson’s Thriller music video
  • 20. 8. These pictures are illustrations of which famous novel.
  • 21.
  • 23. 9. This episode of Glee pays tribute to which artist?
  • 25. 10. Which famous author’s statue is this?
  • 27. 11. This picture is a mashup of the works of which author. (Larger pic on next slide)
  • 28.
  • 30. 12. The following describes an album cover: The photographer took a series of pictures of the group dressed in butcher smocks and draped with pieces of meat and body parts from plastic baby dolls. A photograph of the band smiling amid the mock carnage was used as promotional advertisements. The band described it as "our comment on the Vietnam war. Give me the band and the album
  • 31. 12. Beatles’ Yesterday and Today album cover (Butcher cover)
  • 32. 13. The second installment of the game proved to be the installment that truly established this franchise as fighting-game royalty, and its innovative use of “combo” attacks was a big part of that success. This came as a surprise to the developers of the game, who considered the “combo” system an easily overlooked, acceptable bug in the programming. The system of timing certain button sequences in order to string attacks together was uncovered while testing the game at a late stage, and the developers decided to leave it in the game as an Easter Egg of sorts. What started out as an accident soon became the hallmark of the games, and future installments of the game made combos an intentional, finely tuned element of each sequel. Name the game.
  • 34. 14. Absolut’s tribute to which artist?
  • 36. 15. These are pictures of Benedict Cumberbatch from upcoming movie ‘The Imitation Game’. Which real-life person does he play in the movie.
  • 38. 16. Parody of which album?
  • 40. 17. Whose description? X is described as either dark, bone-white or pale yellow. He wore dark clothes and was often seen in poor light. He has pockets, in which he keeps a tooth-sharpening-rock, wet shells, and a scrap of bat wing. He is thin, with only six teeth sharpened into points. The author describes him as a small slimy creature and emaciated and gaunt, but possessing a vicious, wiry strength.
  • 42. 18. The guy in the picture is YouTube user PewDiePie. What type of content does he post on YouTube and why is he currently in the news?
  • 43. 18. His channel has the highest number of subscribers. He posts ‘Let’s Play’ type gaming videos.
  • 44. 19. Give the second and most famous movie of this trilogy. 1. Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance 2. X 3. Sympathy for Lady Vengeance
  • 47. Pokemon game versions  Red and Blue  Gold and Silver  Ruby and Sapphire  Diamond and Pearl
  • 48. 21. Whose job profile?  Baby Proofer  Bartender  Beef Jerky Manufacturer  Blackjack Dealer  Boxer  Butler  Ice cream Truck Driver  Garbage Commissioner  Grease Collector  Guard  Coach  Farmer  Food Critic  Fisherman  Inventor  Mall Santa Claus  Oil rig worker  Food Critic And many more
  • 50. 22. Music Is Better Than Words is the debut album of a famous personality. When asked what type of music he’d like to do, he said "a classic Sinatra-style album". Identify the singer.
  • 52. 23. Give me the two blanks in this tweet by deadmau5.
  • 53. 23.
  • 54. 24. Which movie is this scene inspired from?
  • 56. Mains
  • 58. The following slides have pictures of actors playing a particular person in history. Identify the person. +5 for each +10 for all
  • 59. 1.
  • 60. 1.
  • 61. 2.
  • 62. 2.
  • 63. 3.
  • 64. 3.
  • 65. 4.
  • 66. 4.
  • 67. 5.
  • 68. 5.
  • 69. 6.
  • 70. 6.
  • 71. 7.
  • 72. 7.
  • 73. 8.
  • 74. 8.
  • 75. Infinite Pounce 1 Clockwise 12 questions
  • 76. 1. HitRecord is an online collaborative production company founded and owned by a famous actor/director . The production company uses video, music, literature, photography, performance, spoken word, screenwriting, graphic art, etc. from different artists around the world to make various projects and workings such as short films, books, and DVDs. HitRecord also produced a full-length feature film which released in 2013. The site now hosts nearly 80,000+ members and pulls in about 1,000 videos, songs, text pieces and artworks daily. Identify the actor/director who founded this company.
  • 77. The Dark Slide The slide this quiz deserves, but not the one it needs.
  • 79. 2. The artist about a song: I wasn't just trying to get that racy word X in a lyric. I was saying ... that I may not really be a X — I've been battered romantically and emotionally like many people — but I'm starting a new relationship and it just feels so good, it's healing all the wounds and making me feel like I've never done this before, because it's so much deeper and more profound than anything I've ever felt. Give me the name of the artist and the song. Hint: Connect this to a very famous monologue in a movie.
  • 80. The Dark Slide The slide this quiz deserves, but not the one it needs.
  • 81. 2. Madonna’s ‘Like a Virgin’  Movie being ‘Reservoir Dogs’
  • 82. 3. One of the band members had an issue of Astounding Science Fiction (October 1953) whose cover-art depicted a giant intelligent robot holding the dead body of a man which was done by American sci-fi artist Frank Kelly Freas. The caption read: "Please... fix it, Daddy?" to illustrate the story "The Gulf Between" by Tom Godwin. Which album’s cover was derived from this painting? Hint: Picture of original art on next slide (if nobody objects).
  • 83.
  • 84.
  • 85. The Dark Slide The slide this quiz deserves, but not the one it needs.
  • 86. 3. Queen – News of the World
  • 87. 4. Given is a clip from That 70s Show. Which artwork is being recreated in this scene. Give painter as well.
  • 88. The Dark Slide The slide this quiz deserves, but not the one it needs.
  • 89. 4. Edward Hopper’s Nighthawks
  • 90. 5. Somnium was a fantasy novel written in Latin. In the narrative, an Icelandic boy and his witch mother learn of an island named Levania (our Moon) from a daemon (demon). Somnium presents a detailed imaginative description of how the Earth might look when viewed from the Moon, and is considered the first serious scientific treatise on lunar astronomy. Carl Sagan and Isaac Asimov have referred to it as the first work of science fiction. Identify the author of this novel.
  • 91. The Dark Slide The slide this quiz deserves, but not the one it needs.
  • 93. 6. Once John Lennon got a letter from Quarry Bank High School, Liverpool that their professor was making the students analyse Beatles’ lyrics. So John intentionally made the most confusing lyrics he could and added a lot of gibberish to it. A few lyrics from the song are: ‘Yellow matter custard, dripping from a dead dog’s eye’ ‘Elementary Penguin singing Hari Krishna’ Name the song.
  • 94. The Dark Slide The slide this quiz deserves, but not the one it needs.
  • 95. 6. I am the Walrus
  • 96. 7. This subreddit is about which scene from a movie?
  • 97. The Dark Slide The slide this quiz deserves, but not the one it needs.
  • 98. 7. Being John Malkovich’s scene where John Malkovich goes down his own wormhole.
  • 99. 8. The man in the picture is Ian William Richardson, CBE. He is a leading Scottish Shakespearean stage actor. However he is best remembered for playing a character in 1990 which again rose to prominence in 2013. Which character?
  • 100. The Dark Slide The slide this quiz deserves, but not the one it needs.
  • 101. 9. Francis Urquhart. Francis Underwood in ‘House of Cards (US)’
  • 102. 9. Identify the person that Leonardo Dicaprio is talking to in the video
  • 103. The Dark Slide The slide this quiz deserves, but not the one it needs.
  • 105. 10. Identify the artist(s) of this song and the movie associated with this song.
  • 106. The Dark Slide The slide this quiz deserves, but not the one it needs.
  • 107. 10. Simon and Garfunkel and the movie is The Graduate
  • 108. 11. What is this a list of? (Exhaustive)  Richard Rodgers  Helen Hayes  Rita Moreno  John Gielgud  Audrey Hepburn  Marvin Hamlisch  Jonathan Tunick  Mel Brooks  Mike Nichols  Whoopi Goldberg  Scott Rudin  Robert Lopez  Barbra Streisand  Liza Minnelli  James Earl Jones
  • 109. The Dark Slide The slide this quiz deserves, but not the one it needs.
  • 110. 11. Emmy, Grammy, Oscar and Tony award winners (EGOT)
  • 111. 12. The "Space Trilogy" is a series of science fiction novels written by C.S. Lewis. It dealt with what Lewis saw as the de-humanising trends in contemporary science fiction. The main character Elwin Ransom is based on another writer who in real life was a friend of Lewis. This friend was previously supposed to write one of the books in the series but wasn’t able to. ID the author.
  • 112. The Dark Slide The slide this quiz deserves, but not the one it needs.
  • 115. The next slides will have advertisements which are inspired by a work of art or by the style of an artist. It will be specified whether you have to ID the painter or the artwork or both. +5 for correct +10, if all correct
  • 116. 1. ID the painter.
  • 117. Ascending and Descending by MC Escher.
  • 118. 2. ID the painter.
  • 119. Salvador Dali’s Madonna of Port Lligat.
  • 120. 3. ID artist and artwork
  • 122. 4. ID painting and artist
  • 126. 6. ID painter and artwork.
  • 127. The Birth of Venus by Sandro Botticelli
  • 129. Composition with Red, Yellow and Blue by Piet Mondrian
  • 130. 8. ID painter or painting.
  • 131. Summer by Giuseppe Arcimboldo
  • 132. Infinite Pounce 2 Anti-Clockwise 12 questions
  • 133. 1. Fill in the blank.
  • 134. The Dark Slide The slide this quiz deserves, but not the one it needs.
  • 135. 1. David Lynch Director of movies like Mulholland Dr., Eraserhead, Blue Velvet etc.
  • 136. 2. This picture on the next slide is a drawing by the child of the lead singer of a band. The singer was inspired by this drawing and wrote a song about it. The inspiration behind this song has been supposed to be a drug, but it is an innocent song about a child’s drawing. Name the song.
  • 137.
  • 138. The Dark Slide The slide this quiz deserves, but not the one it needs.
  • 139. 2. Beatles’ Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds
  • 140. 3. "Singin' In the Rain" is a song with lyrics by Arthur Freed and music by Nacio Herb Brown, published in 1929. However, it is unclear exactly when the song was written. Gene Kelly danced on the song in his movie of the same name. This dance sequence became very famous and was one of the defining moments of Kelly’s career. However, this song was used in another movie in a very objectionable manner. Gene Kelly was reportedly disgusted when it was used in the film and walked away from the actor at a party on whom the scene was pictured. Give me the name of the movie along with the scene. (No part points)
  • 141. The Dark Slide The slide this quiz deserves, but not the one it needs.
  • 142. 3. The rape scene from ‘A Clockwork Orange’
  • 143. 4.Identify the two artists that have worked on this short film.
  • 144. The Dark Slide The slide this quiz deserves, but not the one it needs.
  • 145. 4. Walt Disney and Salvador Dali
  • 146. 5. The author had originally titled his novel X, but shortly before it was to be published, the much more famous novelist Leon Uris published a novel entitled Mila 18, and the author’s editors thought it best to change course. The author told Playboy in 1975. “I was heartbroken, I thought 18 was the only number.” As it turns out, X works much better for the novel, full of doubles upon doubles, and may have contributed to its long-term success. Name the book.
  • 147. The Dark Slide The slide this quiz deserves, but not the one it needs.
  • 148. 5. Joseph Heller’s ‘Catch-22’
  • 149. 6. These are stills are from Hong Kong movie ‘City of Fire’ released in 1987.
  • 150. Give me the movie which has heavily borrowed from this film.
  • 151. The Dark Slide The slide this quiz deserves, but not the one it needs.
  • 153. 7. It was criticized upon release because of its coarse language and became even more controversial in the 20th century because of its perceived use of racial stereotypes and because of its frequent use of the racial slur "nigger", despite strong arguments that the protagonist, and the tenor of the book, is anti-racist. Because of this controversy, many have questioned the appropriateness of teaching the book in the US public school system. Identify this very popular book.
  • 154. The Dark Slide The slide this quiz deserves, but not the one it needs.
  • 155. 7. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
  • 156. 8. Which movie is this clip parodying?
  • 157. The Dark Slide The slide this quiz deserves, but not the one it needs.
  • 159. 9. Identify the singer of this song more famous in a different field.
  • 160. The Dark Slide The slide this quiz deserves, but not the one it needs.
  • 162. 10. Roger Ebert in his review of the film: This film is like nothing they’ve seen before, with its startling landscapes, architecture and locations, its exuberant colors, its sudden and joyous musical numbers right in the middle of dramatic scenes, and its melodramatic acting (teeth gnash, tears well, lips tremble, bosoms heave, fists clench). At the same time, it’s a memory of the films we all grew up on, with clearly defined villains and heroes, a romantic triangle, and even a comic character who saves the day. X is a well-crafted, hugely entertaining epic that has the spice of a foreign culture. Which movie?
  • 163. The Dark Slide The slide this quiz deserves, but not the one it needs.
  • 165. 11. James Cameron was dubious about casting Arnold Schwarzenegger in The Terminator as he felt he would need someone even bigger to play the Terminator. The studio had suggested X for the role of the Terminator, but Cameron did not feel that X would be believable as a killer. Give me the original candidate for the role. Hint: Irony
  • 166. The Dark Slide The slide this quiz deserves, but not the one it needs.
  • 168. 12. It was originally planned for the film to end with a scene that was filmed, with everyone in the room involved in a pie fight. Accounts vary as to why the pie fight was cut. In an interview, the director said: "I decided it was farce and not consistent with the satiric tone of the rest of the film. The fight was intended to be less jovial but the entire cast was laughing, it was unusable. Later on, the director said “it was a disaster of Homeric proportions.” Picture of the fight on the next slide. (if nobody objects) Give the movie.
  • 169.
  • 170. The Dark Slide The slide this quiz deserves, but not the one it needs.
  • 171. 12. Dr. Strangelove Or: How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love The Bomb
  • 172. A-Z Round +2 for each correct +10 if 20 or more are correct +15 if 24 or more are correct
  • 173. A is a famous American director, widely known for his movie B, which became the first sequel to win the Oscar for Best Picture. C, the nephew of A is an Oscar-winning actor and acts under a different surname as he didn’t want to be treated differently because of his family. D, the daughter of A, is also a film director. D made the movie E in 2003 starring F, famous for his role in the movie ‘Ghostbusters’ and G. F is a regular in the movies of H and has starred in 7 of his films. H, known for his distinctive style of directing, made the animated movie – I, which released in 2009. I was based on a children’s book of the same name written by J.
  • 174. J most famous for his book K, has written the screenplay of a James Bond movie titled L, released in 1967. K has been adapted twice on screen, with the later one being directed by Tim Burton. M played the role of James Bond in L. M played the role of the father of a whip-wielding archeologist in the movie N. O, the director of N, is considered to be one of the greatest filmmakers of all time. In 2011, O directed the movie P, an animated movie based upon the character of an investigative journalist which was created by the author Q. The sequel to P will be directed by R.
  • 175. R is best known for adapting the S trilogy written by British author T. The actor U starred in the S trilogy in a computer generated role of the character V. U was denied an Oscar nomination for his role of T as he wasn’t physically present in the movie. A similar thing happened with G for her role in the movie W. X stars in the lead role in another trilogy of movies which have also been adapted from the works of T. X became popular for his role of a sidekick in a TV show. Y plays the lead role in the show which has been adapted from the works of the author Z.
  • 177. A. Francis Ford Coppola B. Godfather Part 2 C. Nicholas Cage D. Sofia Coppola E. Lost in Translation F. Bill Murray G. Scarlett Johansson H. Wes Anderson I. The Fantastic Mr. Fox J. Roald Dahl K. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory L. You Only Live Twice M. Sean Connery N. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade O. Steven Spielberg P. The Adventures of Tintin: The Secret of the Unicorn Q. Herge R. Peter Jackson S. Lord of the Rings T. JRR Tolkien U. Andy Serkis V. Gollum W. Her X. Martin Freeman Y. Benedict Cumberbatch Z. Arthur Conan Doyle
  • 178. Thank you for Quizzing