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Monitoring and Analytics with
the WebSphere Liberty
Don Bourne
• Runtime Self-Checks
− Slow / Hung Request Detection
− Event Logs
• Performance Monitoring
– Monitor MXBeans
– Viewing Data in Jconsole
– Viewing Data in Admin Center
• Embedded Analytics
− Access Logs
− Message Logs / Binary Logs / FFDC
Runtime Self-Checks
Request Timing
 Which requests are slow?
 Why are they slow?
Request Timing – Concepts
 Built on a new request probe framework
– Tracks REQUESTS made to the
application server
• Requests have a unique request
• Requests have a tree of events
– Builds a tree of EVENTS as each
request runs
• Events have a type that identifies
what kind of event it is
• Events have context info that
describes an instance of the event
• Events have a duration
Servlet service
EJB method
JDBC query
JDBC update
EJB method
A single request with a tree of events
Request Timing – What does it do?
Slow requests
 Logs the request with the tree of events
 Logs the current stack for the thread the request is using
 Repeats 3 times
Hanging requests
 Logs the request with the tree of events
 Captures a series of 3 javacores
 Does not attempt to abort requests
 Reports on work from a single thread
 Production-friendly
 Idle-friendly
Request Timing – Configuration
Request Timing - Output
Sample slow request detection output:
TRAS0112W: Request websphere.servlet.service|DayTrader Web | TradeScenarioServlet(AAC9KLwFFXT_AAAAAAAAAAN) has been
running on thread 0000006b for 1549.460ms. The following stack trace shows what this thread is currently doing.
<stack trace>
The following table shows the events that have run during this request.
Duration Operation
1552.012ms + websphere.servlet.service | DayTrader Web | TradeScenarioServlet
0.014ms websphere.session.getAttribute | R-ObCtcDfR8Zd9riQEMCh6R | uidBean
30.714ms websphere.servlet.service | DayTrader Web | TradeAppServlet
0.010ms websphere.session.getAttribute | R-ObCtcDfR8Zd9riQEMCh6R | uidBean
30.456ms websphere.servlet.service | DayTrader Web | /quote.jsp
28.903ms websphere.servlet.service | DayTrader Web | /displayQuote.jsp
0.194ms websphere.datasource.psExecuteQuery | jdbc/TradeDataSource | SELECT t0.CHANGE1, t0.COMPANYNAME, t0.H
1520.695ms + websphere.servlet.service | DayTrader Web | TradeAppServlet
0.013ms websphere.session.getAttribute | R-ObCtcDfR8Zd9riQEMCh6R | uidBean
0.190ms websphere.datasource.psExecuteQuery | jdbc/TradeDataSource | SELECT t0.ADDRESS, t0.CREDITCARD, t0.EMAIL, t0
0.135ms websphere.datasource.psExecuteQuery | jdbc/TradeDataSource | SELECT t0.ACCOUNTID, t0.BALANCE, t0.CREATIONDAT
0.110ms websphere.datasource.psExecuteQuery | jdbc/TradeDataSource | SELECT t0.CHANGE1, t0.COMPANYNAME, t0.HIGH, t0
0.299ms websphere.datasource.psExecuteQuery | jdbc/NoTxTradeDataSource | SELECT KEYVAL FROM KEYGENEJB WHERE KEYNAME
0.571ms websphere.datasource.psExecuteUpdate | jdbc/NoTxTradeDataSource | UPDATE KEYGENEJB SET KEYVAL = ? WHERE KEYN
0.126ms websphere.datasource.psExecuteQuery | jdbc/NoTxTradeDataSource | SELECT KEYVAL FROM KEYGENEJB WHERE KEYNAME
0.286ms websphere.datasource.psExecuteUpdate | jdbc/NoTxTradeDataSource | UPDATE KEYGENEJB SET KEYVAL = ? WHERE KEYN
522.450ms websphere.datasource.psExecuteUpdate | jdbc/TradeDataSource | INSERT INTO orderejb (ORDERID, COMPLETIONDATE,
230.333ms websphere.datasource.psExecuteUpdate | jdbc/TradeDataSource | INSERT INTO holdingejb (HOLDINGID, PURCHASEDAT
0.936ms websphere.datasource.psExecuteUpdate | jdbc/TradeDataSource | UPDATE accountejb SET BALANCE = ? WHERE ACCOUN
Request Timing - Output
Sample hung request detection output:
TRAS0114W: Request AAAg7irff7c_AAAAAAAAAAA has been running on thread 000000c9 for 600579.325ms. The following table shows
the events that have run during this request.
<event tree>
CWWKE0067I: Java dump request received.
JVMDUMP034I User requested Java dump using 'd:wlpusrserverss1javacore.20150220.155505.13168.0001.txt' through
JVMDUMP010I Java dump written to d:wlpusrserverss1javacore.20150220.155505.13168.0001.txt
CWWKE0068I: Java dump created: d:wlpusrserverss1javacore.20150220.155505.13168.0001.txt
<1 minute passes>
CWWKE0067I: Java dump request received.
JVMDUMP034I User requested Java dump using 'd:wlpusrserverss1javacore.20150220.155605.13168.0002.txt' through
JVMDUMP010I Java dump written to d:wlpusrserverss1javacore.20150220.155605.13168.0002.txt
CWWKE0068I: Java dump created: d:wlpusrserverss1javacore.20150220.155605.13168.0002.txt
<1 minute passes>
CWWKE0067I: Java dump request received.
JVMDUMP034I User requested Java dump using 'd:wlpusrserverss1javacore.20150220.155705.13168.0003.txt' through
JVMDUMP010I Java dump written to d:wlpusrserverss1javacore.20150220.155705.13168.0003.txt
CWWKE0068I: Java dump created: d:wlpusrserverss1javacore.20150220.155705.13168.0003.txt
TRAS0115W: Request AAAg7irff7c_AAAAAAAAAAA, which was previously detected to be hung, has completed after 821583.742ms.
Event Logging
 Logs data at start and/or end of events
− Event type / Event context info1
− Event duration1
− Request ID1
 Can be configured to
− Log at entry, exit, or both
− Log only for specified list of event types
− Log only for events longer than a certain duration (for logs written at event
exit only)
 Log events will use log record extensions (filterable using binaryLog
command) for
− Type
− Context info
− Request ID
1Request and event details are provided by underlying Liberty Request Probe framework
Event Logging – Log Record Context
Key event logging fields are added to the LogRecordContext
 requestID
 type
 contextInfo
Fields from LogRecordContext are stored in log / trace records
when binary logging is used
The wlp/bin/binaryLog command can filter for records by extension:
binaryLog view myServer –-includeExtension="type=websphere.datasource.executeUpdate"
binaryLog view myServer –-includeExtension="type=websphere.datasource.executeUpdate"
Event Logging – Configuration
Event Logging
Sample event logging output (basic format):
[6/18/14 16:21:35:761 IST] 0000002a EventLoggingProbeExtension.class I BEGIN
requestID=AAADvUHkFwy-AAAAAAAAAAD # type=websphere.servlet.service #
[6/18/14 16:22:04:643 IST] 0000002a EventLoggingProbeExtension.class I END
requestID=AAADvUHkFwy-AAAAAAAAAAD # type=websphere.servlet.service # #
[6/18/14 16:21:43:727 IST] 0000002a EventLoggingProbeExtension.class I BEGIN
requestID=AAADvUHkFwy-AAAAAAAAAAD # type=websphere.datasource.executeUpdate # contextInfo=jdbc/exampleDS | create table
cities (name varchar(50) not null, population int, county varchar(30))
[6/18/14 16:21:44:200 IST] 0000002a EventLoggingProbeExtension.class I END
requestID=AAADvUHkFwy-AAAAAAAAAAD # type=websphere.datasource.executeUpdate # contextInfo=jdbc/exampleDS | create table
cities (name varchar(50) not null, population int, county varchar(30)) # duration=0.231ms
[6/18/14 16:22:04:655 IST] 0000002a EventLoggingProbeExtension.class I BEGIN
requestID=AAADvUHkFwy-AAAAAAAAAAE # type=websphere.session.sessionReleased # contextInfo=default_host/jdbcTestPrj_3
[6/18/14 16:22:04:656 IST] 0000002a EventLoggingProbeExtension.class I END
requestID=AAADvUHkFwy-AAAAAAAAAAE # type=websphere.session.sessionReleased # contextInfo=default_host/jdbcTestPrj_3 #
[note that the contextInfo for servlets includes servlet name, pathinfo and query string when that info is present in
the request]
Event Logging
Zooming in...(JDBC example)
contextInfo=jdbc/exampleDS | create table
cities (name varchar(50) not null,
population int, county varchar(30))
[6/18/14 16:21:44:200 IST] 0000002a EventLoggingProbeExtension.class I END requestID=AAADvUHkFwy-
AAAAAAAAAAD # type=websphere.datasource.executeUpdate # contextInfo=jdbc/exampleDS | create table cities (name varchar(50) not
null, population int, county varchar(30)) # duration=0.231ms
Performance Monitoring
Performance Monitoring
Focus Areas
 JVM Performance : Analysis on JVM Performance Data , GC data
 Application Performance : Servlet Usage and response time, Sessions
 WAS Containers : Usages of ThreadPools, ConnectionPools
monitor-1.0 feature (introduced in WAS85 Liberty Profile)
 Collects data from various Liberty components
 Data reporting using MXBeans
 MXBean data can be viewed with JConsole1 or any standard JDK client
 Much of the data can also be viewed from Liberty admin center tools
Performance Monitoring
JConsole (part of JDK)
 Graphical monitoring tool to monitor Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and java applications
 Comes as part of Java Development Kit (java/bin/jconsole)
 Connects to local or remote JVMs
 Interacts with JMX MBeans and MXBeans to get data or execute operations
 Provides a way to log counters into a CSV file
 The monitor-1.0 feature monitors the following components:
− JVM JvmStats MXBean
− Web applications ServletStats MXBean
− Thread pool ThreadPoolStats MXBean
− [ or later] JAX-WS endpoints WebServiceStats MXBean
− [ or later] Session management SessionStats MXBean
− [ or later] ConnectionPool ConnectionPool MXBean
 All MXBeans in a collective can be accessed by connecting to the collective
controller using the JMX REST Connector and the RoutingContext MBean1
 Sample Object Name: WebSphere:type=JvmStats
− Heap
− FreeMemory
− UsedMemory
− ProcessCPU
− GcCount
− GcTime
− UpTime
ServletStats (1 MXBean per servlet)
 Sample Object Name: WebSphere:type=ServletStats,name=MyApp.MyServlet
− AppName
− ServletName
− RequestCount
− ResponseTime (nanoseconds)
− Description
− RequestCountDetails
− ResponseTimeDetails
 Sample Object Name: WebSphere:type=ThreadPoolStats,name=Default Executor
− ActiveThreads
− PoolSize
− PoolName
SessionStats (1 MXBean per web application)
 Sample Object Name: WebSphere:type=SessionStats,name=default_host/trade_lite
− CreateCount
− LiveCount
− ActiveCount
− InvalidatedCount
− InvalidatedCountbyTimeout
ConnectionPool (1 MXBean per connection pool)
 Sample Object Name: WebSphere:type=ConnectionPool,name=jdbc/TradeDataSource
− CreateCount
− DestroyCount
− ManagedConnectionCount
− WaitTime
− ConnectionHandleCount
− FreeConnectionCount
Monitoring Views in the Admin Center Explore
Traditional PMI Support
(for clients written to work with the full profile application server)
− monitoring data is available in PMI format (CountStatistics,
RangeStatistics, etc.) via “Perf” Mbean “WebSphere:*,type=perf”
− Existing clients will be able to work (changes required in
 Use JMX Rest Connectors to connect to Liberty
 Retrieve all MBeans
 Query for MBean type=Perf
 Invoke standard methods exposed by “Perf” MBean
monitor-1.0 - Configuration
// Property to enable or disable Traditional PMI way of reporting.
// Allows user to enable/disable monitors based on group name such as
// WebContainer,JVM,ThreadPool,Session,ConnectionPool,...
 Overhead is about 4%, when all components are monitored
 Overhead is lower when fewer components are monitored
Liberty Integrated Log
Liberty Integrated Log Analytics
 Data and analytics based on content
from logs / trace / ffdc / access logs
Liberty (user apps)
binary log
ffdc files
Admin Center Explore
Kibana (not included with Liberty)
Integrated Log Analytics – Configuration
<httpEndpoint id="defaultHttpEndpoint" host="*" httpPort="9085"
logFormat="%h %u %t &quot;%r&quot; %s %b %D %{User-agent}i"
Integrated Log Analytics – Admin Center Views
Admin Center Explore Tool contains analytic views and monitoring data
Integrated Log Analytics – Sample Kibana Dashboard
We've experimented with deploying Kibana in the same server as our analytics engine
(Kibana is not included with Liberty)
Useful Links – Full Profile
Using High Performance Extensible Logging to troubleshoot applications
High Performance Extensible Logging (HPEL)
System administration in WebSphere Application Server V8.5, Part 3
High Performance Extensible Logging (HPEL):
WebSphere Application Server v8.5 Cross Component Trace
Use Cross Component Trace (XCT) request Ids to see which log entries were generated by each request
Use the IBM WebSphere Cross Component Trace Logviewer to view WebSphere Application Server log files
High Performance Extensible Logging and Cross Component Trace Tech Video
Configuring the memory leak policy
Memory leaks in Java Platform, Enterprise Edition applications
Configuring the hang detection policy (full profile)
Using sensitive log and trace guard
Useful Links – Liberty Profile
Liberty Profile: Binary Logging
Binary logging for Liberty profile
Timed operations for Liberty
Lab: Liberty profile timed operations for JDBC
Liberty Profile: Slow and hung request detection
Liberty profile: Event Logging
Liberty profile: Analytics
Liberty monitoring feature
Creating remote JMX connections in Liberty
Configuring secure JMX connection to the Liberty profile
Useful Links – Other
Writing Verbose GC to a Specified Log -Xverbosegclog in AIX, Linux and Windows
IBM Support Assistant
IBM Whole-system Analysis of Idle Time (WAIT)
Memory Analyzer (MAT)
IBM WebSphere Application Server V8.5.5 Problem Determination
Support Technical Exchanges
Notices and Disclaimers
Copyright © 2015 by International Business Machines Corporation (IBM). No part of this document may be reproduced or
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  • 1. © 2015 IBM Corporation Monitoring and Analytics with the WebSphere Liberty Profile Don Bourne
  • 2. Agenda • Runtime Self-Checks − Slow / Hung Request Detection − Event Logs • Performance Monitoring – Monitor MXBeans – Viewing Data in Jconsole – Viewing Data in Admin Center • Embedded Analytics − Access Logs − Message Logs / Binary Logs / FFDC 2
  • 4. Request Timing  Which requests are slow?  Why are they slow? 4 NEW IN FEBRUARY 2015 LIBERTY BETA
  • 5. 5 Request Timing – Concepts  Built on a new request probe framework – Tracks REQUESTS made to the application server • Requests have a unique request ID • Requests have a tree of events – Builds a tree of EVENTS as each request runs • Events have a type that identifies what kind of event it is • Events have context info that describes an instance of the event • Events have a duration Servlet service EJB method JDBC query JDBC update EJB method A single request with a tree of events RequestID: AAC9KLwFFXT_AAAAAAAAAAN NEW IN FEBRUARY 2015 LIBERTY BETA
  • 6. 6 Request Timing – What does it do? Slow requests  Logs the request with the tree of events  Logs the current stack for the thread the request is using  Repeats 3 times Hanging requests  Logs the request with the tree of events  Captures a series of 3 javacores Noteworthy  Does not attempt to abort requests  Reports on work from a single thread  Production-friendly  Idle-friendly NEW IN FEBRUARY 2015 LIBERTY BETA
  • 7. 7 Request Timing – Configuration <featureManager> <feature>requestTiming-1.0</feature> </featureManager> <requestTiming slowRequestThreshold="10s" hungRequestThreshold="600s" includeContextInfo="true" sampleRate="1" <timing type="websphere.servlet.execute" slowRequestThreshold="20s" hungRequestThreshold="900s" /> /> NEW IN FEBRUARY 2015 LIBERTY BETA
  • 9. 9 Request Timing - Output Sample slow request detection output: TRAS0112W: Request websphere.servlet.service|DayTrader Web | TradeScenarioServlet(AAC9KLwFFXT_AAAAAAAAAAN) has been running on thread 0000006b for 1549.460ms. The following stack trace shows what this thread is currently doing. <stack trace> The following table shows the events that have run during this request. Duration Operation 1552.012ms + websphere.servlet.service | DayTrader Web | TradeScenarioServlet 0.014ms websphere.session.getAttribute | R-ObCtcDfR8Zd9riQEMCh6R | uidBean 30.714ms websphere.servlet.service | DayTrader Web | TradeAppServlet 0.010ms websphere.session.getAttribute | R-ObCtcDfR8Zd9riQEMCh6R | uidBean 30.456ms websphere.servlet.service | DayTrader Web | /quote.jsp 28.903ms websphere.servlet.service | DayTrader Web | /displayQuote.jsp 0.194ms websphere.datasource.psExecuteQuery | jdbc/TradeDataSource | SELECT t0.CHANGE1, t0.COMPANYNAME, t0.H 1520.695ms + websphere.servlet.service | DayTrader Web | TradeAppServlet 0.013ms websphere.session.getAttribute | R-ObCtcDfR8Zd9riQEMCh6R | uidBean 0.190ms websphere.datasource.psExecuteQuery | jdbc/TradeDataSource | SELECT t0.ADDRESS, t0.CREDITCARD, t0.EMAIL, t0 0.135ms websphere.datasource.psExecuteQuery | jdbc/TradeDataSource | SELECT t0.ACCOUNTID, t0.BALANCE, t0.CREATIONDAT 0.110ms websphere.datasource.psExecuteQuery | jdbc/TradeDataSource | SELECT t0.CHANGE1, t0.COMPANYNAME, t0.HIGH, t0 0.299ms websphere.datasource.psExecuteQuery | jdbc/NoTxTradeDataSource | SELECT KEYVAL FROM KEYGENEJB WHERE KEYNAME 0.571ms websphere.datasource.psExecuteUpdate | jdbc/NoTxTradeDataSource | UPDATE KEYGENEJB SET KEYVAL = ? WHERE KEYN 0.126ms websphere.datasource.psExecuteQuery | jdbc/NoTxTradeDataSource | SELECT KEYVAL FROM KEYGENEJB WHERE KEYNAME 0.286ms websphere.datasource.psExecuteUpdate | jdbc/NoTxTradeDataSource | UPDATE KEYGENEJB SET KEYVAL = ? WHERE KEYN 522.450ms websphere.datasource.psExecuteUpdate | jdbc/TradeDataSource | INSERT INTO orderejb (ORDERID, COMPLETIONDATE, 230.333ms websphere.datasource.psExecuteUpdate | jdbc/TradeDataSource | INSERT INTO holdingejb (HOLDINGID, PURCHASEDAT 0.936ms websphere.datasource.psExecuteUpdate | jdbc/TradeDataSource | UPDATE accountejb SET BALANCE = ? WHERE ACCOUN NEW IN FEBRUARY 2015 LIBERTY BETA
  • 10. 10 Request Timing - Output Sample hung request detection output: TRAS0114W: Request AAAg7irff7c_AAAAAAAAAAA has been running on thread 000000c9 for 600579.325ms. The following table shows the events that have run during this request. <event tree> CWWKE0067I: Java dump request received. JVMDUMP034I User requested Java dump using 'd:wlpusrserverss1javacore.20150220.155505.13168.0001.txt' through JVMDUMP010I Java dump written to d:wlpusrserverss1javacore.20150220.155505.13168.0001.txt CWWKE0068I: Java dump created: d:wlpusrserverss1javacore.20150220.155505.13168.0001.txt <1 minute passes> CWWKE0067I: Java dump request received. JVMDUMP034I User requested Java dump using 'd:wlpusrserverss1javacore.20150220.155605.13168.0002.txt' through JVMDUMP010I Java dump written to d:wlpusrserverss1javacore.20150220.155605.13168.0002.txt CWWKE0068I: Java dump created: d:wlpusrserverss1javacore.20150220.155605.13168.0002.txt <1 minute passes> CWWKE0067I: Java dump request received. JVMDUMP034I User requested Java dump using 'd:wlpusrserverss1javacore.20150220.155705.13168.0003.txt' through JVMDUMP010I Java dump written to d:wlpusrserverss1javacore.20150220.155705.13168.0003.txt CWWKE0068I: Java dump created: d:wlpusrserverss1javacore.20150220.155705.13168.0003.txt TRAS0115W: Request AAAg7irff7c_AAAAAAAAAAA, which was previously detected to be hung, has completed after 821583.742ms. NEW IN FEBRUARY 2015 LIBERTY BETA
  • 11. Event Logging  Logs data at start and/or end of events − Event type / Event context info1 − Event duration1 − Request ID1  Can be configured to − Log at entry, exit, or both − Log only for specified list of event types − Log only for events longer than a certain duration (for logs written at event exit only)  Log events will use log record extensions (filterable using binaryLog command) for − Type − Context info − Request ID 11 1Request and event details are provided by underlying Liberty Request Probe framework NEW IN FEBRUARY 2015 LIBERTY BETA
  • 12. Event Logging – Log Record Context Key event logging fields are added to the LogRecordContext  requestID  type  contextInfo Fields from LogRecordContext are stored in log / trace records when binary logging is used The wlp/bin/binaryLog command can filter for records by extension: binaryLog view myServer –-includeExtension="type=websphere.datasource.executeUpdate" binaryLog view myServer –-includeExtension="type=websphere.datasource.executeUpdate" --format=advanced 12 NEW IN FEBRUARY 2015 LIBERTY BETA
  • 13. Event Logging – Configuration 13 <featureManager> <feature>eventLogging-1.0</feature> </featureManager> <eventLogging includeTypes="websphere.servlet.execute" minDuration="500ms" logMode="exit" sampleRate="1" includeContextInfo="true" /> NEW IN FEBRUARY 2015 LIBERTY BETA
  • 15. Event Logging Sample event logging output (basic format): Servlet: [6/18/14 16:21:35:761 IST] 0000002a EventLoggingProbeExtension.class I BEGIN requestID=AAADvUHkFwy-AAAAAAAAAAD # type=websphere.servlet.service # [6/18/14 16:22:04:643 IST] 0000002a EventLoggingProbeExtension.class I END requestID=AAADvUHkFwy-AAAAAAAAAAD # type=websphere.servlet.service # # duration=2.614ms JDBC: [6/18/14 16:21:43:727 IST] 0000002a EventLoggingProbeExtension.class I BEGIN requestID=AAADvUHkFwy-AAAAAAAAAAD # type=websphere.datasource.executeUpdate # contextInfo=jdbc/exampleDS | create table cities (name varchar(50) not null, population int, county varchar(30)) [6/18/14 16:21:44:200 IST] 0000002a EventLoggingProbeExtension.class I END requestID=AAADvUHkFwy-AAAAAAAAAAD # type=websphere.datasource.executeUpdate # contextInfo=jdbc/exampleDS | create table cities (name varchar(50) not null, population int, county varchar(30)) # duration=0.231ms Session: [6/18/14 16:22:04:655 IST] 0000002a EventLoggingProbeExtension.class I BEGIN requestID=AAADvUHkFwy-AAAAAAAAAAE # type=websphere.session.sessionReleased # contextInfo=default_host/jdbcTestPrj_3 [6/18/14 16:22:04:656 IST] 0000002a EventLoggingProbeExtension.class I END requestID=AAADvUHkFwy-AAAAAAAAAAE # type=websphere.session.sessionReleased # contextInfo=default_host/jdbcTestPrj_3 # duration=0.012ms [note that the contextInfo for servlets includes servlet name, pathinfo and query string when that info is present in the request] 15 NEW IN FEBRUARY 2015 LIBERTY BETA
  • 16. Event Logging Zooming in...(JDBC example) requestID=AAADvUHkFwy-AAAAAAAAAAD type=websphere.datasource.executeUpdate contextInfo=jdbc/exampleDS | create table cities (name varchar(50) not null, population int, county varchar(30)) duration=0.231ms 16 [6/18/14 16:21:44:200 IST] 0000002a EventLoggingProbeExtension.class I END requestID=AAADvUHkFwy- AAAAAAAAAAD # type=websphere.datasource.executeUpdate # contextInfo=jdbc/exampleDS | create table cities (name varchar(50) not null, population int, county varchar(30)) # duration=0.231ms NEW IN FEBRUARY 2015 LIBERTY BETA
  • 18. Performance Monitoring Focus Areas  JVM Performance : Analysis on JVM Performance Data , GC data  Application Performance : Servlet Usage and response time, Sessions  WAS Containers : Usages of ThreadPools, ConnectionPools monitor-1.0 feature (introduced in WAS85 Liberty Profile)  Collects data from various Liberty components  Data reporting using MXBeans  MXBean data can be viewed with JConsole1 or any standard JDK client  Much of the data can also be viewed from Liberty admin center tools 18
  • 19. Performance Monitoring JConsole (part of JDK)  Graphical monitoring tool to monitor Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and java applications  Comes as part of Java Development Kit (java/bin/jconsole)  Connects to local or remote JVMs  Interacts with JMX MBeans and MXBeans to get data or execute operations  Provides a way to log counters into a CSV file 19
  • 20. monitor-1.0  The monitor-1.0 feature monitors the following components: − JVM JvmStats MXBean − Web applications ServletStats MXBean − Thread pool ThreadPoolStats MXBean − [ or later] JAX-WS endpoints WebServiceStats MXBean − [ or later] Session management SessionStats MXBean − [ or later] ConnectionPool ConnectionPool MXBean  All MXBeans in a collective can be accessed by connecting to the collective controller using the JMX REST Connector and the RoutingContext MBean1 1see 20
  • 21. monitor-1.0 JvmStats  Sample Object Name: WebSphere:type=JvmStats − Heap − FreeMemory − UsedMemory 21 − ProcessCPU − GcCount − GcTime − UpTime
  • 22. monitor-1.0 ServletStats (1 MXBean per servlet)  Sample Object Name: WebSphere:type=ServletStats,name=MyApp.MyServlet − AppName − ServletName − RequestCount − ResponseTime (nanoseconds) 22 − Description − RequestCountDetails − ResponseTimeDetails
  • 23. monitor-1.0 ThreadPoolStats  Sample Object Name: WebSphere:type=ThreadPoolStats,name=Default Executor − ActiveThreads − PoolSize − PoolName 23
  • 24. monitor-1.0 SessionStats (1 MXBean per web application)  Sample Object Name: WebSphere:type=SessionStats,name=default_host/trade_lite − CreateCount − LiveCount − ActiveCount 24 − InvalidatedCount − InvalidatedCountbyTimeout
  • 25. monitor-1.0 ConnectionPool (1 MXBean per connection pool)  Sample Object Name: WebSphere:type=ConnectionPool,name=jdbc/TradeDataSource − CreateCount − DestroyCount − ManagedConnectionCount 25 − WaitTime − ConnectionHandleCount − FreeConnectionCount
  • 26. Monitoring Views in the Admin Center Explore Tool 26
  • 27. monitor-1.0 Traditional PMI Support (for clients written to work with the full profile application server) − monitoring data is available in PMI format (CountStatistics, RangeStatistics, etc.) via “Perf” Mbean “WebSphere:*,type=perf” − Existing clients will be able to work (changes required in connectors)  Use JMX Rest Connectors to connect to Liberty  Retrieve all MBeans  Query for MBean type=Perf  Invoke standard methods exposed by “Perf” MBean 27
  • 28. monitor-1.0 - Configuration 28 <featureManager> <feature>monitor-1.0</feature> </featureManager> <monitor // Property to enable or disable Traditional PMI way of reporting. enableTraditionalPMI="false" // Allows user to enable/disable monitors based on group name such as // WebContainer,JVM,ThreadPool,Session,ConnectionPool,... filter="Session" />
  • 29. monitor-1.0 Performance  Overhead is about 4%, when all components are monitored  Overhead is lower when fewer components are monitored 29
  • 31. 31 Liberty Integrated Log Analytics  Data and analytics based on content from logs / trace / ffdc / access logs Liberty (user apps) AnalyticsCollector-1.0 AdminCenter AnalyticsEngine-1.0 messages.log trace.log access.log binary log ffdc files Index kibana.war* Admin Center Explore Tool Kibana (not included with Liberty) NEW IN FEBRUARY 2015 LIBERTY BETA
  • 32. 32 Integrated Log Analytics – Configuration <featureManager> <feature>analyticsCollector-1.0</feature> <feature>analyticsEngine-1.0</feature> </featureManager> <analyticsCollector logLevel="INFO" accessLogEnabled="true" ffdcEnabled="true" /> <httpEndpoint id="defaultHttpEndpoint" host="*" httpPort="9085" httpsPort="9448"> <accessLogging filepath="${server.output.dir}/logs/http_defaultEndpoint_access.log" logFormat="%h %u %t &quot;%r&quot; %s %b %D %{User-agent}i" /> </httpEndpoint> NEW IN FEBRUARY 2015 LIBERTY BETA
  • 34. 34 Integrated Log Analytics – Admin Center Views Admin Center Explore Tool contains analytic views and monitoring data NEW IN FEBRUARY 2015 LIBERTY BETA
  • 35. 35 Integrated Log Analytics – Sample Kibana Dashboard We've experimented with deploying Kibana in the same server as our analytics engine (Kibana is not included with Liberty) NEW IN FEBRUARY 2015 LIBERTY BETA
  • 36. Useful Links – Full Profile 36 Using High Performance Extensible Logging to troubleshoot applications High Performance Extensible Logging (HPEL) System administration in WebSphere Application Server V8.5, Part 3 High Performance Extensible Logging (HPEL): WebSphere Application Server v8.5 Cross Component Trace Use Cross Component Trace (XCT) request Ids to see which log entries were generated by each request Use the IBM WebSphere Cross Component Trace Logviewer to view WebSphere Application Server log files High Performance Extensible Logging and Cross Component Trace Tech Video Configuring the memory leak policy Memory leaks in Java Platform, Enterprise Edition applications Configuring the hang detection policy (full profile) Using sensitive log and trace guard
  • 37. Useful Links – Liberty Profile 37 Liberty Profile: Binary Logging Binary logging for Liberty profile 0807101913462846 Timed operations for Liberty tml?dmuid=20130815082326115285 Lab: Liberty profile timed operations for JDBC d=20130807102148029081 566285 Liberty Profile: Slow and hung request detection Liberty profile: Event Logging Liberty profile: Analytics Liberty monitoring feature Creating remote JMX connections in Liberty Configuring secure JMX connection to the Liberty profile
  • 38. Useful Links – Other 38 JVM Writing Verbose GC to a Specified Log -Xverbosegclog in AIX, Linux and Windows PROBLEM DETERMINATION TOOLS IBM Support Assistant IBM Whole-system Analysis of Idle Time (WAIT) Memory Analyzer (MAT) EDUCATION AND TRAINING IBM WebSphere Application Server V8.5.5 Problem Determination Support Technical Exchanges
  • 39. Notices and Disclaimers Copyright © 2015 by International Business Machines Corporation (IBM). No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without written permission from IBM. U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM. Information in these presentations (including information relating to products that have not yet been announced by IBM) has been reviewed for accuracy as of the date of initial publication and could include unintentional technical or typographical errors. IBM shall have no responsibility to update this information. THIS document is distributed "AS IS" without any warranty, either express or implied. In no event shall IBM be liable for any damage arising from the use of this information, including but not limited to, loss of data, business interruption, loss of profit or loss of opportunity. IBM products and services are warranted according to the terms and conditions of the agreements under which they are provided. Any statements regarding IBM's future direction, intent or product plans are subject to change or withdrawal without notice. Performance data contained herein was generally obtained in a controlled, isolated environments. Customer examples are presented as illustrations of how those customers have used IBM products and the results they may have achieved. Actual performance, cost, savings or other results in other operating environments may vary. References in this document to IBM products, programs, or services does not imply that IBM intends to make such products, programs or services available in all countries in which IBM operates or does business. Workshops, sessions and associated materials may have been prepared by independent session speakers, and do not necessarily reflect the views of IBM. All materials and discussions are provided for informational purposes only, and are neither intended to, nor shall constitute legal or other guidance or advice to any individual participant or their specific situation. It is the customer’s responsibility to insure its own compliance with legal requirements and to obtain advice of competent legal counsel as to the identification and interpretation of any relevant laws and regulatory requirements that may affect the customer’s business and any actions the customer may need to take to comply with such laws. IBM does not provide legal advice or represent or warrant that its services or products will ensure that the customer is in compliance with any law.
  • 40. Notices and Disclaimers (con’t) Information concerning non-IBM products was obtained from the suppliers of those products, their published announcements or other publicly available sources. IBM has not tested those products in connection with this publication and cannot confirm the accuracy of performance, compatibility or any other claims related to non-IBM products. Questions on the capabilities of non-IBM products should be addressed to the suppliers of those products. IBM does not warrant the quality of any third-party products, or the ability of any such third-party products to interoperate with IBM’s products. IBM expressly disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, including but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The provision of the information contained herein is not intended to, and does not, grant any right or license under any IBM patents, copyrights, trademarks or other intellectual property right. • IBM, the IBM logo,, Bluemix, Blueworks Live, CICS, Clearcase, DOORS®, Enterprise Document Management System™, Global Business Services ®, Global Technology Services ®, Information on Demand, ILOG, Maximo®, MQIntegrator®, MQSeries®, Netcool®, OMEGAMON, OpenPower, PureAnalytics™, PureApplication®, pureCluster™, PureCoverage®, PureData®, PureExperience®, PureFlex®, pureQuery®, pureScale®, PureSystems®, QRadar®, Rational®, Rhapsody®, SoDA, SPSS, StoredIQ, Tivoli®, Trusteer®, urban{code}®, Watson, WebSphere®, Worklight®, X-Force® and System z® Z/OS, are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation, registered in many jurisdictions worldwide. Other product and service names might be trademarks of IBM or other companies. A current list of IBM trademarks is available on the Web at "Copyright and trademark information" at:
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