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Live Streaming
Server Sent Events
    Tomáš Kramár
●   Server needs to stream data to client
    –   Server decides when and what to send
    –   Client waits and listens
    –   Client does not need to send messages
    –   Uni-directional communication
    –   Asynchronously
How? / Terminology
●   AJAX polling
●   Comet
●   WebSockets
●   Server-Sent Events
AJAX polling
                   Any news?

Browser/Client                  Server
AJAX polling
                   Any news?


Browser/Client                  Server
AJAX polling
                   Any news?


                   Any news?


Browser/Client                  Server
AJAX polling
                   Any news?


                   Any news?


                   Any news?

Browser/Client       Yes!       Server
AJAX polling
                   Any news?


                   Any news?


                   Any news?

Browser/Client       Yes!       Server

                   Any news?

AJAX polling
●   Overhead
    –   Establishing new connections, TCP handshakes
    –   Sending HTTP headers
    –   Multiply by number of clients
●   Not really realtime
    –   Poll each 2 seconds
●   set of technology principles/communication
●   mostly hacks
    –   forever-iframe
    –   htmlfile ActiveX object
    –   XHR multipart/streaming/long-polling
    –   Flash
    –   ..
●   bi-directional, full-duplex communication
    channels over a single TCP connection
●   HTML5
●   being standardized
Server-Sent Events
●   HTML5
●   Traditional HTTP
    –   No special protocol or server implementation
●   Browser establishes single connection and
●   Server generates events
                 Request w parameters

                 id: 1
                 event: display
                 data: { foo: 'moo' }

Browser/Client                           Server
                 Request w parameters

                 id: 1
                 event: display
                 data: { foo: 'moo' }

Browser/Client   id: 2                   Server
                 event: redraw
                 data: { boo: 'hoo' }
Case study
●   Live search in trademark databases
●   query
    –   search in register #1
        ●   Search (~15s), parse search result list, fetch each result
            (~3s each), go to next page in search result list (~10s),
            fetch each result, ...
    –   search in register #2
        ●   ...
    –   …
●   Don't let the user wait, display results when
    they are available

this.source = new EventSource('marks/search');

self.source.addEventListener('results', function(e) {

self.source.addEventListener('failure', function(e) {

self.source.addEventListener('status', function(e) {
Client gotchas
 ●    Special events:
      –   open
      –   error
 ●    Don't forget to close the request

self.source.addEventListener('finished', function(e) {
●   Must support
    –   long-running request
    –   Live-streaming (i.e., no output buffering)
●   Rainbows!, Puma or Thin
●   Rails 4 (beta) supports live streaming
Rails 4 Live Streaming
class MarksController < ApplicationController
  include ActionController::Live
  def results
    response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/event-stream'
    sse =[:query]) do |on|
      on.results do |hits|
        sse.write(hits, event: 'result')
      on.status_change do |status|
        sse.write(status, event: 'status')
      on.error do
        sse.write({}, event: 'failure')
require 'json'

class SSE
 def initialize io
                                               event: displayn
  @io = io                                     data: { foo: 'moo' }nn

 def write object, options = {}
  options.each do |k,v|
    @io.write "#{k}: #{v}n"
  @io.write "data: #{JSON.dump(object)}nn"

 def close
Timeouts, lost connections, internet
  explorers and other bad things
●   EventSource request can be interrupted
●   EventSource will reconnect automatically
●   What happens with the data during the time
    connection was not available?
Handling reconnections
●   When EventSource reconnects, we need to
    continue sending the data from the point the
    connection was lost
    –   Do the work in the background and store events
    –   In the controller, load events from the storage
●   EventSource sends Last-Event-Id in HTTP
    –   But we don't need it if we remove the processed
marks/search?q=eset                      GirlFriday
           HTTP 202 Accepted

Browser                                   Server       Redis



             event: results
             data: {foo: 'boo'}

             event: status
             data: {moo: 'hoo'}
class MarksController < ApplicationController
 include ActionController::Live

 def search!
  uuid =
  TORT_QUEUE << { phrase: params[:q], job_id: uuid }

  render status: 202, text: marks_results_path(job: uuid)

 def results
  response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/event-stream'
  sse =
  queue =[:job]), Tmzone.redis)
  finished = false

     queue.next_message do |json_message|
      message = JSON.parse(json_message)
      case message["type"]
      when "results" then
       sse.write(message["data"], event: 'results')
      when "failure" then
       sse.write({}, event: 'failure')
      when "fatal" then
       sse.write({}, event: 'fatal')
       finished = true
      when "status" then
       sse.write(message["data"], event: 'status')
      when "finished" then
       sse.write({}, event: 'finished')
       finished = true
   end while !finished
  rescue IOError
    # when clients disconnects
class MarksController < ApplicationController
 include ActionController::Live

 def search!
  uuid =
  TORT_QUEUE << { phrase: params[:q], job_id: uuid }
                                                                       generate job_id

  render status: 202, text: marks_results_path(job: uuid)

 def results
  response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/event-stream'
  sse =
  queue =[:job]), Tmzone.redis)
  finished = false

     queue.next_message do |json_message|
      message = JSON.parse(json_message)
      case message["type"]
      when "results" then
       sse.write(message["data"], event: 'results')
      when "failure" then
       sse.write({}, event: 'failure')
      when "fatal" then
       sse.write({}, event: 'fatal')
       finished = true
      when "status" then
       sse.write(message["data"], event: 'status')
      when "finished" then
       sse.write({}, event: 'finished')
       finished = true
   end while !finished
  rescue IOError
    # when clients disconnects
class MarksController < ApplicationController
 include ActionController::Live

 def search!
  uuid =
  TORT_QUEUE << { phrase: params[:q], job_id: uuid }
                                                                       start async job (GirlFriday)
  render status: 202, text: marks_results_path(job: uuid)

 def results
  response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/event-stream'
  sse =
  queue =[:job]), Tmzone.redis)
  finished = false

     queue.next_message do |json_message|
      message = JSON.parse(json_message)
      case message["type"]
      when "results" then
       sse.write(message["data"], event: 'results')
      when "failure" then
       sse.write({}, event: 'failure')
      when "fatal" then
       sse.write({}, event: 'fatal')
       finished = true
      when "status" then
       sse.write(message["data"], event: 'status')
      when "finished" then
       sse.write({}, event: 'finished')
       finished = true
   end while !finished
  rescue IOError
    # when clients disconnects
class MarksController < ApplicationController
 include ActionController::Live

 def search!
  uuid =
  TORT_QUEUE << { phrase: params[:q], job_id: uuid }

  render status: 202, text: marks_results_path(job: uuid)
                                                                       send results URL

 def results
  response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/event-stream'
  sse =
  queue =[:job]), Tmzone.redis)
  finished = false

     queue.next_message do |json_message|
      message = JSON.parse(json_message)
      case message["type"]
      when "results" then
       sse.write(message["data"], event: 'results')
      when "failure" then
       sse.write({}, event: 'failure')
      when "fatal" then
       sse.write({}, event: 'fatal')
       finished = true
      when "status" then
       sse.write(message["data"], event: 'status')
      when "finished" then
       sse.write({}, event: 'finished')
       finished = true
   end while !finished
  rescue IOError
    # when clients disconnects
class MarksController < ApplicationController
 include ActionController::Live

 def search!
  uuid =
  TORT_QUEUE << { phrase: params[:q], job_id: uuid }

  render status: 202, text: marks_results_path(job: uuid)

 def results
  response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/event-stream'
  sse =
  queue =[:job]), Tmzone.redis)   Get queue for this job,
  finished = false                                                      async job is pushing
                                                                            to this queue
     queue.next_message do |json_message|
      message = JSON.parse(json_message)
      case message["type"]
      when "results" then
       sse.write(message["data"], event: 'results')
      when "failure" then
       sse.write({}, event: 'failure')
      when "fatal" then
       sse.write({}, event: 'fatal')
       finished = true
      when "status" then
       sse.write(message["data"], event: 'status')
      when "finished" then
       sse.write({}, event: 'finished')
       finished = true
   end while !finished
  rescue IOError
    # when clients disconnects
class MarksController < ApplicationController
 include ActionController::Live

 def search!
  uuid =
  TORT_QUEUE << { phrase: params[:q], job_id: uuid }

  render status: 202, text: marks_results_path(job: uuid)

 def results
  response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/event-stream'
  sse =
  queue =[:job]), Tmzone.redis)
  finished = false

     queue.next_message do |json_message|
                                                                         Fetch next message
      message = JSON.parse(json_message)                               from queue (blocks until
      case message["type"]
      when "results" then                                                  one is available)
       sse.write(message["data"], event: 'results')
      when "failure" then
       sse.write({}, event: 'failure')
      when "fatal" then
       sse.write({}, event: 'fatal')
       finished = true
      when "status" then
       sse.write(message["data"], event: 'status')
      when "finished" then
       sse.write({}, event: 'finished')
       finished = true
   end while !finished
  rescue IOError
    # when clients disconnects
class MarksController < ApplicationController
 include ActionController::Live

 def search!
  uuid =
  TORT_QUEUE << { phrase: params[:q], job_id: uuid }

  render status: 202, text: marks_results_path(job: uuid)

 def results
  response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/event-stream'
  sse =
  queue =[:job]), Tmzone.redis)
  finished = false

     queue.next_message do |json_message|
      message = JSON.parse(json_message)
      case message["type"]
      when "results" then
       sse.write(message["data"], event: 'results')
      when "failure" then
       sse.write({}, event: 'failure')
      when "fatal" then
       sse.write({}, event: 'fatal')
       finished = true
      when "status" then
       sse.write(message["data"], event: 'status')
      when "finished" then
       sse.write({}, event: 'finished')
       finished = true
   end while !finished
  rescue IOError
    # when clients disconnects                        IOError is raised when client
   sse.close                                            disconnected and we are
 end                                                   writing to
GirlFriday worker
class SearchWorker
 def self.perform(phrase, job_id)
   channel = Channel.for_job(job_id)
   queue =, Tmzone.redis) do |on|
   on.results do |hits|
    queue.push({ type: "results", data: hits }.to_json)
   on.status_change do |status|
    queue.push({ type: "status", data: status }.to_json)
   on.error do
    queue.push({ type: 'failure' }.to_json)
  queue.push({ type: "finished" }.to_json)
class SafeQueue
 def initialize(channel, redis)
   @channel = channel
   @redis = redis

 def next_message(&block)
   _, message = @redis.blpop(@channel)
  rescue => error
   @redis.lpush(@channel, message)
   raise error

 def push(message)
  @redis.rpush(@channel, message)
EventSource Compatibility
●   Firefox 6+, Chrome 6+, Safari 5+, Opera 11+,
    iOS Safari 4+, Blackberry, Opera Mobile,
    Chrome for Android, Firefox for Android
●   Polyfills
        ●   Hanging GET, waits until the request terminates,
            essentially buffering the live output
        ●   send a keep-alive message each 15 seconds
●   Unidirectional server-to-client communication
●   Single request
●   Real-time
●   Easy to implement
●   Well supported except for IE

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Live Streaming & Server Sent Events

  • 1. Live Streaming & Server Sent Events Tomáš Kramár @tkramar
  • 2. When? ● Server needs to stream data to client – Server decides when and what to send – Client waits and listens – Client does not need to send messages – Uni-directional communication – Asynchronously
  • 3. How? / Terminology ● AJAX polling ● Comet ● WebSockets ● Server-Sent Events
  • 4. AJAX polling Any news? Browser/Client Server
  • 5. AJAX polling Any news? No Browser/Client Server
  • 6. AJAX polling Any news? No Any news? No Browser/Client Server
  • 7. AJAX polling Any news? No Any news? No Any news? Browser/Client Yes! Server
  • 8. AJAX polling Any news? No Any news? No Any news? Browser/Client Yes! Server Any news? No
  • 9. AJAX polling ● Overhead – Establishing new connections, TCP handshakes – Sending HTTP headers – Multiply by number of clients ● Not really realtime – Poll each 2 seconds
  • 10. Comet ● set of technology principles/communication patterns ● mostly hacks – forever-iframe – htmlfile ActiveX object – XHR multipart/streaming/long-polling – Flash – ..
  • 11. WebSockets ● bi-directional, full-duplex communication channels over a single TCP connection ● HTML5 ● being standardized
  • 12. Server-Sent Events ● HTML5 ● Traditional HTTP – No special protocol or server implementation ● Browser establishes single connection and waits ● Server generates events
  • 13. SSE Request w parameters id: 1 event: display data: { foo: 'moo' } Browser/Client Server
  • 14. SSE Request w parameters id: 1 event: display data: { foo: 'moo' } Browser/Client id: 2 Server event: redraw data: { boo: 'hoo' }
  • 15. Case study ● Live search in trademark databases ● query – search in register #1 ● Search (~15s), parse search result list, fetch each result (~3s each), go to next page in search result list (~10s), fetch each result, ... – search in register #2 ● ... – … ● Don't let the user wait, display results when they are available
  • 16. Demo
  • 17. Client this.source = new EventSource('marks/search'); self.source.addEventListener('results', function(e) { self.marks.appendMarks($.parseJSON(; }); self.source.addEventListener('failure', function(e) { self.errors.showError(); }); self.source.addEventListener('status', function(e) { self.paging.update($.parseJSON(; });
  • 18. Client gotchas ● Special events: – open – error ● Don't forget to close the request self.source.addEventListener('finished', function(e) { self.status.searchFinished(); self.source.close(); });
  • 19. Server ● Must support – long-running request – Live-streaming (i.e., no output buffering) ● Rainbows!, Puma or Thin ● Rails 4 (beta) supports live streaming
  • 20. Rails 4 Live Streaming class MarksController < ApplicationController include ActionController::Live def results response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/event-stream' sse =[:query]) do |on| on.results do |hits| sse.write(hits, event: 'result') end on.status_change do |status| sse.write(status, event: 'status') end on.error do sse.write({}, event: 'failure') end end end end
  • 21. require 'json' class SSE def initialize io event: displayn @io = io data: { foo: 'moo' }nn end def write object, options = {} options.each do |k,v| @io.write "#{k}: #{v}n" end @io.write "data: #{JSON.dump(object)}nn" end def close @io.close end end
  • 22. Timeouts, lost connections, internet explorers and other bad things ● EventSource request can be interrupted ● EventSource will reconnect automatically ● What happens with the data during the time connection was not available?
  • 23. Handling reconnections ● When EventSource reconnects, we need to continue sending the data from the point the connection was lost – Do the work in the background and store events somewhere – In the controller, load events from the storage ● EventSource sends Last-Event-Id in HTTP header – But we don't need it if we remove the processed events
  • 24. marks/search?q=eset GirlFriday Search 3342345 HTTP 202 Accepted marks/results?job_id=3342345 Browser Server Redis marks/results?job_id=3342345 MarksController event: results data: {foo: 'boo'} event: status data: {moo: 'hoo'}
  • 25. class MarksController < ApplicationController include ActionController::Live def search! uuid = TORT_QUEUE << { phrase: params[:q], job_id: uuid } render status: 202, text: marks_results_path(job: uuid) end def results response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/event-stream' sse = queue =[:job]), Tmzone.redis) finished = false begin begin queue.next_message do |json_message| message = JSON.parse(json_message) case message["type"] when "results" then sse.write(message["data"], event: 'results') when "failure" then sse.write({}, event: 'failure') when "fatal" then sse.write({}, event: 'fatal') finished = true when "status" then sse.write(message["data"], event: 'status') when "finished" then sse.write({}, event: 'finished') finished = true end end end while !finished rescue IOError # when clients disconnects ensure sse.close end end end
  • 26. class MarksController < ApplicationController include ActionController::Live def search! uuid = TORT_QUEUE << { phrase: params[:q], job_id: uuid } generate job_id render status: 202, text: marks_results_path(job: uuid) end def results response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/event-stream' sse = queue =[:job]), Tmzone.redis) finished = false begin begin queue.next_message do |json_message| message = JSON.parse(json_message) case message["type"] when "results" then sse.write(message["data"], event: 'results') when "failure" then sse.write({}, event: 'failure') when "fatal" then sse.write({}, event: 'fatal') finished = true when "status" then sse.write(message["data"], event: 'status') when "finished" then sse.write({}, event: 'finished') finished = true end end end while !finished rescue IOError # when clients disconnects ensure sse.close end end end
  • 27. class MarksController < ApplicationController include ActionController::Live def search! uuid = TORT_QUEUE << { phrase: params[:q], job_id: uuid } start async job (GirlFriday) render status: 202, text: marks_results_path(job: uuid) end def results response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/event-stream' sse = queue =[:job]), Tmzone.redis) finished = false begin begin queue.next_message do |json_message| message = JSON.parse(json_message) case message["type"] when "results" then sse.write(message["data"], event: 'results') when "failure" then sse.write({}, event: 'failure') when "fatal" then sse.write({}, event: 'fatal') finished = true when "status" then sse.write(message["data"], event: 'status') when "finished" then sse.write({}, event: 'finished') finished = true end end end while !finished rescue IOError # when clients disconnects ensure sse.close end end end
  • 28. class MarksController < ApplicationController include ActionController::Live def search! uuid = TORT_QUEUE << { phrase: params[:q], job_id: uuid } render status: 202, text: marks_results_path(job: uuid) end send results URL def results response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/event-stream' sse = queue =[:job]), Tmzone.redis) finished = false begin begin queue.next_message do |json_message| message = JSON.parse(json_message) case message["type"] when "results" then sse.write(message["data"], event: 'results') when "failure" then sse.write({}, event: 'failure') when "fatal" then sse.write({}, event: 'fatal') finished = true when "status" then sse.write(message["data"], event: 'status') when "finished" then sse.write({}, event: 'finished') finished = true end end end while !finished rescue IOError # when clients disconnects ensure sse.close end end end
  • 29. class MarksController < ApplicationController include ActionController::Live def search! uuid = TORT_QUEUE << { phrase: params[:q], job_id: uuid } render status: 202, text: marks_results_path(job: uuid) end def results response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/event-stream' sse = queue =[:job]), Tmzone.redis) Get queue for this job, finished = false async job is pushing begin to this queue begin queue.next_message do |json_message| message = JSON.parse(json_message) case message["type"] when "results" then sse.write(message["data"], event: 'results') when "failure" then sse.write({}, event: 'failure') when "fatal" then sse.write({}, event: 'fatal') finished = true when "status" then sse.write(message["data"], event: 'status') when "finished" then sse.write({}, event: 'finished') finished = true end end end while !finished rescue IOError # when clients disconnects ensure sse.close end end end
  • 30. class MarksController < ApplicationController include ActionController::Live def search! uuid = TORT_QUEUE << { phrase: params[:q], job_id: uuid } render status: 202, text: marks_results_path(job: uuid) end def results response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/event-stream' sse = queue =[:job]), Tmzone.redis) finished = false begin begin queue.next_message do |json_message| Fetch next message message = JSON.parse(json_message) from queue (blocks until case message["type"] when "results" then one is available) sse.write(message["data"], event: 'results') when "failure" then sse.write({}, event: 'failure') when "fatal" then sse.write({}, event: 'fatal') finished = true when "status" then sse.write(message["data"], event: 'status') when "finished" then sse.write({}, event: 'finished') finished = true end end end while !finished rescue IOError # when clients disconnects ensure sse.close end end end
  • 31. class MarksController < ApplicationController include ActionController::Live def search! uuid = TORT_QUEUE << { phrase: params[:q], job_id: uuid } render status: 202, text: marks_results_path(job: uuid) end def results response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/event-stream' sse = queue =[:job]), Tmzone.redis) finished = false begin begin queue.next_message do |json_message| message = JSON.parse(json_message) case message["type"] when "results" then sse.write(message["data"], event: 'results') when "failure" then sse.write({}, event: 'failure') when "fatal" then sse.write({}, event: 'fatal') finished = true when "status" then sse.write(message["data"], event: 'status') when "finished" then sse.write({}, event: 'finished') finished = true end end end while !finished rescue IOError # when clients disconnects IOError is raised when client ensure sse.close disconnected and we are end end writing to end
  • 32. GirlFriday worker class SearchWorker def self.perform(phrase, job_id) channel = Channel.for_job(job_id) queue =, Tmzone.redis) do |on| on.results do |hits| queue.push({ type: "results", data: hits }.to_json) end on.status_change do |status| queue.push({ type: "status", data: status }.to_json) end on.error do queue.push({ type: 'failure' }.to_json) end end queue.push({ type: "finished" }.to_json) end end
  • 33. SafeQueue class SafeQueue def initialize(channel, redis) @channel = channel @redis = redis end def next_message(&block) begin _, message = @redis.blpop(@channel) rescue => error @redis.lpush(@channel, message) raise error end end def push(message) @redis.rpush(@channel, message) end end
  • 34. EventSource Compatibility ● Firefox 6+, Chrome 6+, Safari 5+, Opera 11+, iOS Safari 4+, Blackberry, Opera Mobile, Chrome for Android, Firefox for Android
  • 35. Fallback ● Polyfills – Source.js ● Hanging GET, waits until the request terminates, essentially buffering the live output – ● send a keep-alive message each 15 seconds
  • 36. Summary ● Unidirectional server-to-client communication ● Single request ● Real-time ● Easy to implement ● Well supported except for IE