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Monadic parsers
Alexander Granin
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struct Presentation
Parsing and Backus-Naur form
boost::spirit (qi)
Monadic parsers
State & context-sensitive grammars
first name
last name
employee {35, “Jane”, “Street”, 54321}
struct Employee
int age;
string firstName;
string lastName;
double salary;
employee ::=
"employee" spaces
"{" spaces
age "," spaces
firstName "," spaces
lastName "," spaces
salary spaces
Backus-Naur Form
quotedString ::= '"' string '"'
age ::= integer
firstName ::= quotedString
lastName ::= quotedString
salary ::= double
boost::spirit (Qi)
quoted_string %= lexeme['"' >> +(char_ - '"') >> '"'];
start %= lit("employee") >> '{'
>> int_ >> ','
>> quoted_string >> ','
>> quoted_string >> ','
>> double_ >> '}';
quoted_string %= lexeme['"' >> +(char_ - '"') >> '"'];
start %= lit("employee") >> '{'
>> int_ >> ','
>> quoted_string >> ','
>> quoted_string >> ','
>> double_ >> '}';
qi::rule<Iterator, string(), ascii::space_type> quoted_string;
qi::rule<Iterator, employee(), ascii::space_type> start;
template <typename Iterator>
struct employee_parser : qi::grammar<Iterator, employee(), ascii::space_type>{
employee_parser() : employee_parser::base_type(start) {
quoted_string %= lexeme['"' >> +(char_ - '"') >> '"'];
start %= lit("employee") >> '{'
>> int_ >> ','
>> quoted_string >> ','
>> quoted_string >> ','
>> double_ >> '}';
qi::rule<Iterator, string(), ascii::space_type> quoted_string;
qi::rule<Iterator, employee(), ascii::space_type> start;
template <typename Iterator>
struct employee_parser : qi::grammar<Iterator, employee(), ascii::space_type>{
employee_parser() : employee_parser::base_type(start) {
quoted_string %= lexeme['"' >> +(char_ - '"') >> '"'];
start %= lit("employee") >> '{'
>> int_ >> ','
>> quoted_string >> ','
>> quoted_string >> ','
>> double_ >> '}';
qi::rule<Iterator, string(), ascii::space_type> quoted_string;
qi::rule<Iterator, employee(), ascii::space_type> start;
ParserT<Employee> employee =
app<Employee, int, string, string, double>(
prefix >> intP,
comma >> quotedString,
comma >> quotedString,
comma >> (doubleP << postfix));
ParserT<Employee> employee =
app<Employee, int, string, string, double>(
prefix >> intP,
comma >> quotedString,
comma >> quotedString,
comma >> (doubleP << postfix));
auto prefix = lit("employee") >> between(spaces, symbol('{'));
auto postfix = between(spaces, symbol('}'));
auto comma = symbol(',') >> spaces;
auto mkEmployee =
[](int a, const string& sn, const string& fn, double s) {
return Employee {a, sn, fn, s};
auto s = "employee {35, “Jane”, “Street”, 54321}";
ParserResult<Employee> result = parse(employee, s);
auto s = "employee {35, “Jane”, “Street”, 54321}";
ParserResult<Employee> result = parse(employee, s);
if (isLeft(result)) {
std::cout << "Parse error: " << getError(result).message;
else {
Employee employee = getParsed(result);
Parser combinators
ParserT<int> intP; // integer number
ParserT<double> doubleP; // double precision float
ParserT<Char> digit; // 0..9
ParserT<Char> lower; // a..z
ParserT<Char> upper; // A..Z
ParserT<Char> letter; // a..z A..Z
ParserT<Char> alphaNum; // 0..9 a..z A..Z
ParserT<Char> symbol(Char ch); // symbol
ParserT<string> lit(const string&); // string
Basic parsers
template <typename A, typename B>
ParserT<A> fst(const ParserT<A>& p1, const ParserT<B>& p2);
template <typename A, typename B>
ParserT<B> snd(const ParserT<A>& p1, const ParserT<B>& p2);
Parser combinators
template <typename A, typename B>
ParserT<A> fst(const ParserT<A>& p1, const ParserT<B>& p2);
template <typename A, typename B>
ParserT<B> snd(const ParserT<A>& p1, const ParserT<B>& p2);
// fst
template <typename A, typename B>
ParserT<A> operator<< (const ParserT<A>& l, const ParserT<B>& r);
// snd
template <typename A, typename B>
ParserT<B> operator>> (const ParserT<A>& l, const ParserT<B>& r);
Parser combinators
ParserT<string> helloWorld =
snd(lit("Hello"), snd(symbol(' '), lit("world")));
ParserT<string> helloWorld =
lit("Hello") >> symbol(' ') >> lit("world");
Parsing “Hello world”
template <typename A>
ParserT<Many<A>> many(const ParserT<A>& p); // 0 or many
template <typename A>
ParserT<Many<A>> many1(const ParserT<A>& p); // 1 or many
template <typename A, typename B>
ParserT<B> between(const ParserT<A>& bracketP, // between
const ParserT<B>& p);
More combinators
template <typename A>
ParserT<A> alt(const ParserT<A>& l, const ParserT<A>& r);
template <typename A>
ParserT<A> operator| (const ParserT<A>& l, const ParserT<A>& r);
template <typename A>
ParserT<A> alt(const ParserT<A>& l, const ParserT<A>& r);
template <typename A>
ParserT<A> operator| (const ParserT<A>& l, const ParserT<A>& r);
ParserT<string> boolean = alt(lit("true"), lit("false"));
ParserT<string> currency = lit("EUR") | lit("USD") | lit("GBP");
Monadic parsers
fmap :: (A -> B) -> ParserT<A> -> ParserT<B>
app :: (A -> B -> C) -> ParserT<A> -> ParserT<B> -> ParserT<C>
bind :: ParserT<A> -> (A -> ParserT<B>)
fmap :: (A -> B) -> ParserT<A> -> ParserT<B>
template <typename A, typename B>
ParserT<B> fmap(const function<B(A)>& f, const ParserT<A>& p);
fmap :: (A -> B) -> ParserT<A> -> ParserT<B>
template <typename A, typename B>
ParserT<B> fmap(const function<B(A)>& f, const ParserT<A>& p);
ParserT<string> strBoolean = lit("true") | lit("false");
fmap :: (A -> B) -> ParserT<A> -> ParserT<B>
template <typename A, typename B>
ParserT<B> fmap(const function<B(A)>& f, const ParserT<A>& p);
ParserT<string> strBoolean = lit("true") | lit("false");
ParserT<bool> boolean = fmap<string, bool>(f, strBoolean);
function<bool(string)> f = [](const string& s) {
return s == "true";
fmap :: (A -> B) -> ParserT<A> -> ParserT<B>
app :: (A -> B -> C) -> ParserT<A> -> ParserT<B> -> ParserT<C>
bind :: ParserT<A> -> (A -> ParserT<B>)
app :: (A -> B -> C) -> ParserT<A> -> ParserT<B> -> ParserT<C>
template <typename A, typename B, typename C>
ParserT<C> app(const function<C(A, B)>& f,
const ParserT<A>& a, const ParserT<B>& b);
app :: (A -> B -> C) -> ParserT<A> -> ParserT<B> -> ParserT<C>
template <typename A, typename B, typename C>
ParserT<C> app(const function<C(A, B)>& f,
const ParserT<A>& a, const ParserT<B>& b);
ParserT<string> helloUsername = app<string, string>(
spaces >> letters);
string mkHello = [](const string& firstName, const string& secondName) {
return string("Hello, ") + firstName + " " + secondName + "!"; };
ParserT<Value> value = app(mkValue, intP | doubleP);
Applicative is combinable
ParserT<Value> value = app(mkValue, intP | doubleP);
ParserT<BinOp> binOp = app(mkBinOp,
symbol('+') | symbol('-') | symbol('*') | symbol('/'));
Applicative is combinable
ParserT<Value> value = app(mkValue, intP | doubleP);
ParserT<BinOp> binOp = app(mkBinOp,
symbol('+') | symbol('-') | symbol('*') | symbol('/'));
ParserT<FuncArgs> funcArgs = app(mkFuncArgs,
expr, opt(symbol(',') >> funcArgs));
Applicative is combinable
ParserT<Value> value = app(mkValue, intP | doubleP);
ParserT<BinOp> binOp = app(mkBinOp,
symbol('+') | symbol('-') | symbol('*') | symbol('/'));
ParserT<FuncArgs> funcArgs = app(mkFuncArgs,
expr, opt(symbol(',') >> funcArgs));
ParserT<FuncCall> funcCall = app(mkFuncCall,
identifier, between('(', ')', funcArgs));
Applicative is combinable
ParserT<Value> value = app(mkValue, intP | doubleP);
ParserT<BinOp> binOp = app(mkBinOp,
symbol('+') | symbol('-') | symbol('*') | symbol('/'));
ParserT<FuncArgs> funcArgs = app(mkFuncArgs,
expr, opt(symbol(',') >> funcArgs));
ParserT<FuncCall> funcCall = app(mkFuncCall,
identifier, between('(', ')', funcArgs));
ParserT<BinExpr> binExpr = app(mkBinExpr, expr, binOp, expr);
Applicative is combinable
ParserT<Value> value = app(mkValue, intP | doubleP);
ParserT<BinOp> binOp = app(mkBinOp,
symbol('+') | symbol('-') | symbol('*') | symbol('/'));
ParserT<FuncArgs> funcArgs = app(mkFuncArgs,
expr, opt(symbol(',') >> funcArgs));
ParserT<FuncCall> funcCall = app(mkFuncCall,
identifier, between('(', ')', funcArgs));
ParserT<BinExpr> binExpr = app(mkBinExpr, expr, binOp, expr);
ParserT<Expr> expr = app(mkExpr, binExpr | funcCall | value);
Applicative is combinable
fmap :: (A -> B) -> ParserT<A> -> ParserT<B>
app :: (A -> B -> C) -> ParserT<A> -> ParserT<B> -> ParserT<B>
bind :: ParserT<A> -> (A -> ParserT<B>)
template <typename A>
ParserT<A> pure(const A& a);
template <typename A, typename B>
ParserT<B> bind(
const ParserT<A>& ma,
const function<ParserT<B>(A)>& f);
ParserT monad
ParserT<string> helloUsername =
bind<string, string>(letters, [=](auto firstName) {
return bind<string, string>(spaces, [=](auto) {
return bind<string, string>(letters, [=](auto lastName) {
return pure<string>(mkHello(firstName, lastName)); }); }); });
ParserT<string> helloUsername =
bind<string, string>(letters, [=](auto firstName) { return
bind<string, string>(spaces, [=](auto) { return
bind<string, string>(letters, [=](auto lastName) { return
pure<string>(mkHello(firstName, lastName)); }); }); });
Monadic binding
ParserT<string> helloUsername =
bind<string, string>(letters, [=](auto firstName) {
return bind<string, string>(spaces, [=](auto) {
return bind<string, string>(letters, [=](auto lastName) {
return pure<string>(mkHello(firstName, lastName)); }); }); });
ParserT<string> helloUsername =
bind<string, string>(letters, [=](auto firstName) { return
bind<string, string>(spaces, [=](auto) { return
bind<string, string>(letters, [=](auto lastName) { return
pure<string>(mkHello(firstName, lastName)); }); }); });
Monadic binding, reformatted
ParserT<string> helloUsername = do {
auto firstName <- letters;
auto _ <- spaces;
auto lastName <- letters;
return pure<string>(mkHello(firstName, lastName));
Dear Santa, I was a good boy last year. Can I have?..
State & context-sensitive grammars
first name
last name
employee {35, “Jane”, “Street”, 54321}
address {35, “Jane”, “Street”, 54321}
post index
struct Employee {
int age;
string firstName;
string lastName;
double salary;
struct Address {
int house;
string title;
string name;
int postIndex;
Algebraic Data Type
struct Employee {
int age;
string firstName;
string lastName;
double salary;
struct Address {
int house;
string title;
string name;
int postIndex;
using LogEntry = std::variant<Employee, Address>;
Algebraic Data Type
struct Employee {
int age;
string firstName;
string lastName;
double salary;
struct Address {
int house;
string title;
string name;
int postIndex;
using LogEntry = std::variant<Employee, Address>;
function<LogEntry(int a, const string& fn, const string& ln, double s)>
function<LogEntry(int h, const string& ttl, const string& n, int idx)>
Algebraic Data Type
struct Config {
string currentEntry;
ParserT<Config, string> logToken = lit("employee") | lit("address");
ParserT<Config, Unit> setEntry = bind<string, Unit>(
[](const string& s) {
return putSt(Config { s });
Putting state
struct Config {
string currentEntry;
ParserT<Config, string> logToken = lit("employee") | lit("address");
ParserT<Config, Unit> setEntry = bind<string, Unit>(
[](const string& s) {
return putSt(Config { s });
Putting state
ParserT<Config, LogEntry> logEntry =
bind<Config, LogEntry>(getSt, [=](Config cfg) {
if (cfg.currentEntry == "employee")
return fmap(mkEmployeeEntry, employeeParser);
return fmap(mkAddressEntry, addressParser);
Getting state
ParserT<Config, LogEntry> logEntry =
bind<Config, LogEntry>(getSt, [=](Config cfg) {
if (cfg.currentEntry == "employee")
return fmap(mkEmployeeEntry, employeeParser);
return fmap(mkAddressEntry, addressParser);
Getting state
Monadic parser combinators
● Monad: do-notation, bind, when, unless, sequence, mapM, guard
● Applicative: app, pure
● Alternative: alt, operator|
● Functor: fmap
● Time travelling: lookForward, lookBackward
● State handling: getSt, putSt
● Error handling: tryP, safeP, onFail, onSuccess, failWith
GitHub List: Functional Programming in C++��
● Books
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● Papers
● Talks
● QA
● Libraries
● Showcase projects
Thanks for watching!
Alexander Granin
Twitter: @graninas
C++ Russia 2019, Moscow
Monadic parsers in C++

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Monadic parsers in C++

  • 2.
  • 3. С++ Siberia 2019, Keynote The Present and the Future of Functional Programming in C++ С++ Russia 2018 Functional Approach to Software Transactional Memory in C++ С++ Russia 2016 Functional “Life”: Parallel Cellular Automata and Comonads in C++ С++ Siberia 2015 Functional Microscope: Lenses in C++ С++ User Group 2014 Functional and Declarative Design in C++ 3
  • 4. struct Presentation { Introduction Parsing and Backus-Naur form boost::spirit (qi) cpp_parsec_free Monadic parsers State & context-sensitive grammars Conclusion }; 4
  • 5. age integer first name string last name string salary float employee {35, “Jane”, “Street”, 54321} struct Employee { int age; string firstName; string lastName; double salary; }; Parsing 5
  • 6. employee ::= "employee" spaces "{" spaces age "," spaces firstName "," spaces lastName "," spaces salary spaces "}" Backus-Naur Form quotedString ::= '"' string '"' age ::= integer firstName ::= quotedString lastName ::= quotedString salary ::= double 6
  • 8. quoted_string %= lexeme['"' >> +(char_ - '"') >> '"']; start %= lit("employee") >> '{' >> int_ >> ',' >> quoted_string >> ',' >> quoted_string >> ',' >> double_ >> '}'; } 8
  • 9. quoted_string %= lexeme['"' >> +(char_ - '"') >> '"']; start %= lit("employee") >> '{' >> int_ >> ',' >> quoted_string >> ',' >> quoted_string >> ',' >> double_ >> '}'; } qi::rule<Iterator, string(), ascii::space_type> quoted_string; qi::rule<Iterator, employee(), ascii::space_type> start; 9
  • 10. template <typename Iterator> struct employee_parser : qi::grammar<Iterator, employee(), ascii::space_type>{ employee_parser() : employee_parser::base_type(start) { quoted_string %= lexeme['"' >> +(char_ - '"') >> '"']; start %= lit("employee") >> '{' >> int_ >> ',' >> quoted_string >> ',' >> quoted_string >> ',' >> double_ >> '}'; } qi::rule<Iterator, string(), ascii::space_type> quoted_string; qi::rule<Iterator, employee(), ascii::space_type> start; }; 10
  • 11. template <typename Iterator> struct employee_parser : qi::grammar<Iterator, employee(), ascii::space_type>{ employee_parser() : employee_parser::base_type(start) { quoted_string %= lexeme['"' >> +(char_ - '"') >> '"']; start %= lit("employee") >> '{' >> int_ >> ',' >> quoted_string >> ',' >> quoted_string >> ',' >> double_ >> '}'; } qi::rule<Iterator, string(), ascii::space_type> quoted_string; qi::rule<Iterator, employee(), ascii::space_type> start; }; 11
  • 12. 12
  • 14. ParserT<Employee> employee = app<Employee, int, string, string, double>( mkEmployee, prefix >> intP, comma >> quotedString, comma >> quotedString, comma >> (doubleP << postfix)); 14
  • 15. ParserT<Employee> employee = app<Employee, int, string, string, double>( mkEmployee, prefix >> intP, comma >> quotedString, comma >> quotedString, comma >> (doubleP << postfix)); auto prefix = lit("employee") >> between(spaces, symbol('{')); auto postfix = between(spaces, symbol('}')); auto comma = symbol(',') >> spaces; auto mkEmployee = [](int a, const string& sn, const string& fn, double s) { return Employee {a, sn, fn, s}; }; 15
  • 16. auto s = "employee {35, “Jane”, “Street”, 54321}"; ParserResult<Employee> result = parse(employee, s); 16
  • 17. auto s = "employee {35, “Jane”, “Street”, 54321}"; ParserResult<Employee> result = parse(employee, s); if (isLeft(result)) { std::cout << "Parse error: " << getError(result).message; } else { Employee employee = getParsed(result); } 17
  • 19. ParserT<int> intP; // integer number ParserT<double> doubleP; // double precision float ParserT<Char> digit; // 0..9 ParserT<Char> lower; // a..z ParserT<Char> upper; // A..Z ParserT<Char> letter; // a..z A..Z ParserT<Char> alphaNum; // 0..9 a..z A..Z ParserT<Char> symbol(Char ch); // symbol ParserT<string> lit(const string&); // string Basic parsers 19
  • 20. template <typename A, typename B> ParserT<A> fst(const ParserT<A>& p1, const ParserT<B>& p2); template <typename A, typename B> ParserT<B> snd(const ParserT<A>& p1, const ParserT<B>& p2); Parser combinators 20
  • 21. template <typename A, typename B> ParserT<A> fst(const ParserT<A>& p1, const ParserT<B>& p2); template <typename A, typename B> ParserT<B> snd(const ParserT<A>& p1, const ParserT<B>& p2); // fst template <typename A, typename B> ParserT<A> operator<< (const ParserT<A>& l, const ParserT<B>& r); // snd template <typename A, typename B> ParserT<B> operator>> (const ParserT<A>& l, const ParserT<B>& r); Parser combinators 21
  • 22. ParserT<string> helloWorld = snd(lit("Hello"), snd(symbol(' '), lit("world"))); ParserT<string> helloWorld = lit("Hello") >> symbol(' ') >> lit("world"); Parsing “Hello world” 22
  • 23. template <typename A> ParserT<Many<A>> many(const ParserT<A>& p); // 0 or many template <typename A> ParserT<Many<A>> many1(const ParserT<A>& p); // 1 or many template <typename A, typename B> ParserT<B> between(const ParserT<A>& bracketP, // between const ParserT<B>& p); More combinators 23
  • 24. template <typename A> ParserT<A> alt(const ParserT<A>& l, const ParserT<A>& r); template <typename A> ParserT<A> operator| (const ParserT<A>& l, const ParserT<A>& r); Alternative 24
  • 25. template <typename A> ParserT<A> alt(const ParserT<A>& l, const ParserT<A>& r); template <typename A> ParserT<A> operator| (const ParserT<A>& l, const ParserT<A>& r); ParserT<string> boolean = alt(lit("true"), lit("false")); ParserT<string> currency = lit("EUR") | lit("USD") | lit("GBP"); Alternative 25
  • 27. Functor fmap :: (A -> B) -> ParserT<A> -> ParserT<B> Applicative app :: (A -> B -> C) -> ParserT<A> -> ParserT<B> -> ParserT<C> Monad bind :: ParserT<A> -> (A -> ParserT<B>) 27
  • 28. fmap :: (A -> B) -> ParserT<A> -> ParserT<B> template <typename A, typename B> ParserT<B> fmap(const function<B(A)>& f, const ParserT<A>& p); Functor 28
  • 29. fmap :: (A -> B) -> ParserT<A> -> ParserT<B> template <typename A, typename B> ParserT<B> fmap(const function<B(A)>& f, const ParserT<A>& p); ParserT<string> strBoolean = lit("true") | lit("false"); Functor 29
  • 30. fmap :: (A -> B) -> ParserT<A> -> ParserT<B> template <typename A, typename B> ParserT<B> fmap(const function<B(A)>& f, const ParserT<A>& p); ParserT<string> strBoolean = lit("true") | lit("false"); ParserT<bool> boolean = fmap<string, bool>(f, strBoolean); function<bool(string)> f = [](const string& s) { return s == "true"; }; Functor 30
  • 31. Functor fmap :: (A -> B) -> ParserT<A> -> ParserT<B> Applicative app :: (A -> B -> C) -> ParserT<A> -> ParserT<B> -> ParserT<C> Monad bind :: ParserT<A> -> (A -> ParserT<B>) 31
  • 32. app :: (A -> B -> C) -> ParserT<A> -> ParserT<B> -> ParserT<C> template <typename A, typename B, typename C> ParserT<C> app(const function<C(A, B)>& f, const ParserT<A>& a, const ParserT<B>& b); Applicative 32
  • 33. app :: (A -> B -> C) -> ParserT<A> -> ParserT<B> -> ParserT<C> template <typename A, typename B, typename C> ParserT<C> app(const function<C(A, B)>& f, const ParserT<A>& a, const ParserT<B>& b); ParserT<string> helloUsername = app<string, string>( mkHello, letters, spaces >> letters); string mkHello = [](const string& firstName, const string& secondName) { return string("Hello, ") + firstName + " " + secondName + "!"; }; Applicative 33
  • 34. ParserT<Value> value = app(mkValue, intP | doubleP); Applicative is combinable 34
  • 35. ParserT<Value> value = app(mkValue, intP | doubleP); ParserT<BinOp> binOp = app(mkBinOp, symbol('+') | symbol('-') | symbol('*') | symbol('/')); Applicative is combinable 35
  • 36. ParserT<Value> value = app(mkValue, intP | doubleP); ParserT<BinOp> binOp = app(mkBinOp, symbol('+') | symbol('-') | symbol('*') | symbol('/')); ParserT<FuncArgs> funcArgs = app(mkFuncArgs, expr, opt(symbol(',') >> funcArgs)); Applicative is combinable 36
  • 37. ParserT<Value> value = app(mkValue, intP | doubleP); ParserT<BinOp> binOp = app(mkBinOp, symbol('+') | symbol('-') | symbol('*') | symbol('/')); ParserT<FuncArgs> funcArgs = app(mkFuncArgs, expr, opt(symbol(',') >> funcArgs)); ParserT<FuncCall> funcCall = app(mkFuncCall, identifier, between('(', ')', funcArgs)); Applicative is combinable 37
  • 38. ParserT<Value> value = app(mkValue, intP | doubleP); ParserT<BinOp> binOp = app(mkBinOp, symbol('+') | symbol('-') | symbol('*') | symbol('/')); ParserT<FuncArgs> funcArgs = app(mkFuncArgs, expr, opt(symbol(',') >> funcArgs)); ParserT<FuncCall> funcCall = app(mkFuncCall, identifier, between('(', ')', funcArgs)); ParserT<BinExpr> binExpr = app(mkBinExpr, expr, binOp, expr); Applicative is combinable 38
  • 39. ParserT<Value> value = app(mkValue, intP | doubleP); ParserT<BinOp> binOp = app(mkBinOp, symbol('+') | symbol('-') | symbol('*') | symbol('/')); ParserT<FuncArgs> funcArgs = app(mkFuncArgs, expr, opt(symbol(',') >> funcArgs)); ParserT<FuncCall> funcCall = app(mkFuncCall, identifier, between('(', ')', funcArgs)); ParserT<BinExpr> binExpr = app(mkBinExpr, expr, binOp, expr); ParserT<Expr> expr = app(mkExpr, binExpr | funcCall | value); Applicative is combinable 39
  • 40. Functor fmap :: (A -> B) -> ParserT<A> -> ParserT<B> Applicative app :: (A -> B -> C) -> ParserT<A> -> ParserT<B> -> ParserT<B> Monad bind :: ParserT<A> -> (A -> ParserT<B>) 40
  • 41. template <typename A> ParserT<A> pure(const A& a); template <typename A, typename B> ParserT<B> bind( const ParserT<A>& ma, const function<ParserT<B>(A)>& f); ParserT monad 41
  • 42. ParserT<string> helloUsername = bind<string, string>(letters, [=](auto firstName) { return bind<string, string>(spaces, [=](auto) { return bind<string, string>(letters, [=](auto lastName) { return pure<string>(mkHello(firstName, lastName)); }); }); }); ParserT<string> helloUsername = bind<string, string>(letters, [=](auto firstName) { return bind<string, string>(spaces, [=](auto) { return bind<string, string>(letters, [=](auto lastName) { return pure<string>(mkHello(firstName, lastName)); }); }); }); Monadic binding 42
  • 43. ParserT<string> helloUsername = bind<string, string>(letters, [=](auto firstName) { return bind<string, string>(spaces, [=](auto) { return bind<string, string>(letters, [=](auto lastName) { return pure<string>(mkHello(firstName, lastName)); }); }); }); ParserT<string> helloUsername = bind<string, string>(letters, [=](auto firstName) { return bind<string, string>(spaces, [=](auto) { return bind<string, string>(letters, [=](auto lastName) { return pure<string>(mkHello(firstName, lastName)); }); }); }); Monadic binding, reformatted 43
  • 44. ParserT<string> helloUsername = do { auto firstName <- letters; auto _ <- spaces; auto lastName <- letters; return pure<string>(mkHello(firstName, lastName)); }; Dear Santa, I was a good boy last year. Can I have?.. 44
  • 46. age integer first name string last name string salary float employee {35, “Jane”, “Street”, 54321} address {35, “Jane”, “Street”, 54321} house integer title string post index integer type string 46
  • 47. struct Employee { int age; string firstName; string lastName; double salary; }; 47 struct Address { int house; string title; string name; int postIndex; }; Algebraic Data Type
  • 48. struct Employee { int age; string firstName; string lastName; double salary; }; 48 struct Address { int house; string title; string name; int postIndex; }; using LogEntry = std::variant<Employee, Address>; Algebraic Data Type
  • 49. struct Employee { int age; string firstName; string lastName; double salary; }; 49 struct Address { int house; string title; string name; int postIndex; }; using LogEntry = std::variant<Employee, Address>; function<LogEntry(int a, const string& fn, const string& ln, double s)> mkEmployeeEntry; function<LogEntry(int h, const string& ttl, const string& n, int idx)> mkAddressEntry; Algebraic Data Type
  • 50. struct Config { string currentEntry; }; ParserT<Config, string> logToken = lit("employee") | lit("address"); ParserT<Config, Unit> setEntry = bind<string, Unit>( logToken, [](const string& s) { return putSt(Config { s }); }); Putting state 50
  • 51. struct Config { string currentEntry; }; ParserT<Config, string> logToken = lit("employee") | lit("address"); ParserT<Config, Unit> setEntry = bind<string, Unit>( logToken, [](const string& s) { return putSt(Config { s }); }); Putting state 51
  • 52. ParserT<Config, LogEntry> logEntry = bind<Config, LogEntry>(getSt, [=](Config cfg) { if (cfg.currentEntry == "employee") return fmap(mkEmployeeEntry, employeeParser); return fmap(mkAddressEntry, addressParser); }); Getting state 52
  • 53. ParserT<Config, LogEntry> logEntry = bind<Config, LogEntry>(getSt, [=](Config cfg) { if (cfg.currentEntry == "employee") return fmap(mkEmployeeEntry, employeeParser); return fmap(mkAddressEntry, addressParser); }); Getting state 53
  • 55. Monadic parser combinators ● Monad: do-notation, bind, when, unless, sequence, mapM, guard ● Applicative: app, pure ● Alternative: alt, operator| ● Functor: fmap ● Time travelling: lookForward, lookBackward ● State handling: getSt, putSt ● Error handling: tryP, safeP, onFail, onSuccess, failWith 55
  • 56. 56 GitHub List: Functional Programming in C++�� ● Books ● Articles ● Papers ● Talks ● QA ● Libraries ● Showcase projects
  • 57. Thanks for watching! Alexander Granin Twitter: @graninas C++ Russia 2019, Moscow 57