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Concurrent applications
with Free monads and STM
Haskell Love 2020
Alexander Granin
Twitter: @graninas
● In love with Free monads and STM
● Testing?
● How does this magic work?
● Performance?
● Conclusion: The truths I learned
● (Bonus) No, really, how does this magic work?
In Love with Free monads and STM
Labyrinth game (Hydra framework)
printLabyrinth :: AppState -> LangL ()
printLabyrinth state = do
lab <- readVarIO (state ^. labyrinth)
plPos <- readVarIO (state ^. playerPos)
let labRender = renderLabyrinth lab plPos
printLabyrinthRender labRender
data AppState = AppState
{ _labyrinth :: StateVar Labyrinth
, _playerPos :: StateVar PlayerPos
, _gameState :: StateVar GameState
Labyrinth game
printLabyrinth :: AppState -> LangL ()
printLabyrinth state = do
lab <- readVarIO (state ^. labyrinth)
plPos <- readVarIO (state ^. playerPos)
let labRender = renderLabyrinth lab plPos
printLabyrinthRender labRender
data AppState = AppState
{ _labyrinth :: StateVar Labyrinth
, _playerPos :: StateVar PlayerPos
, _gameState :: StateVar GameState
Labyrinth game
Free monadic
printLabyrinth :: AppState -> LangL ()
printLabyrinth state = do
lab <- readVarIO (state ^. labyrinth)
plPos <- readVarIO (state ^. playerPos)
let labRender = renderLabyrinth lab plPos
printLabyrinthRender labRender
data AppState = AppState
{ _labyrinth :: StateVar Labyrinth
, _playerPos :: StateVar PlayerPos
, _gameState :: StateVar GameState
-- | Concurrent variable
newtype StateVar a = StateVar
{ _varId :: Int
Labyrinth game
printLabyrinth :: AppState -> LangL ()
printLabyrinth state = do
lab <- readVarIO (state ^. labyrinth)
plPos <- readVarIO (state ^. playerPos)
let labRender = renderLabyrinth lab plPos
printLabyrinthRender labRender
data AppState = AppState
{ _labyrinth :: StateVar Labyrinth
, _playerPos :: StateVar PlayerPos
, _gameState :: StateVar GameState
-- | Concurrent variable
newtype StateVar a = StateVar
{ _varId :: Int
Labyrinth game
(Typed Avatar pattern)
Labyrinth game
labyrinthApp :: AppState -> AppL ()
labyrinthApp st = do
scenario $ putStrLn "Labyrinth (aka Terra Incognita) game"
cliToken <- cli (onStep st) (onUnknownCommand st) $ do
cmd "go up" $ onPlayerMove st $ makePlayerMove st DirUp
cmd "go down" $ onPlayerMove st $ makePlayerMove st DirDown
cmd "go left" $ onPlayerMove st $ makePlayerMove st DirLeft
cmd "go right" $ onPlayerMove st $ makePlayerMove st DirRight
cmd "quit" $ quit st
Labyrinth game
labyrinthApp :: AppState -> AppL ()
labyrinthApp st = do
scenario $ putStrLn "Labyrinth (aka Terra Incognita) game"
cliToken <- cli (onStep st) (onUnknownCommand st) $ do
cmd "go up" $ onPlayerMove st $ makePlayerMove st DirUp
cmd "go down" $ onPlayerMove st $ makePlayerMove st DirDown
cmd "go left" $ onPlayerMove st $ makePlayerMove st DirLeft
cmd "go right" $ onPlayerMove st $ makePlayerMove st DirRight
cmd "quit" $ quit st
Control Structure pattern
Labyrinth game
labyrinthApp :: AppState -> AppL ()
labyrinthApp st = do
scenario $ putStrLn "Labyrinth (aka Terra Incognita) game"
cliToken <- cli (onStep st) (onUnknownCommand st) $ do
cmd "go up" $ onPlayerMove st $ makePlayerMove st DirUp
cmd "go down" $ onPlayerMove st $ makePlayerMove st DirDown
cmd "go left" $ onPlayerMove st $ makePlayerMove st DirLeft
cmd "go right" $ onPlayerMove st $ makePlayerMove st DirRight
cmd "quit" $ quit st
atomically $ do
finished <- readVar $ cliFinishedToken cliToken
when (not finished) retry
Free monadic eDSL over STM
Control Structure pattern
MeteorCounter app (Hydra framework)
MeteorCounter app (Hydra framework)
meteorsMonitoring :: AppConfig -> AppL ()
meteorsMonitoring cfg = do
st <- atomically $ initState cfg
process $ forever $ meteorCounter st
process $ forever $ withRandomDelay st $ meteorShower st NorthEast
process $ forever $ withRandomDelay st $ meteorShower st NorthWest
process $ forever $ withRandomDelay st $ meteorShower st SouthEast
process $ forever $ withRandomDelay st $ meteorShower st SouthWest
atomically $ do
let totalVar :: StateVar Int = _totalMeteors st
total <- readVar totalVar
when (total < 1000) retry
MeteorCounter app (Hydra framework)
meteorsMonitoring :: AppConfig -> AppL ()
meteorsMonitoring cfg = do
st <- atomically $ initState cfg
process $ forever $ meteorCounter st
process $ forever $ withRandomDelay st $ meteorShower st NorthEast
process $ forever $ withRandomDelay st $ meteorShower st NorthWest
process $ forever $ withRandomDelay st $ meteorShower st SouthEast
process $ forever $ withRandomDelay st $ meteorShower st SouthWest
atomically $ do
let totalVar :: StateVar Int = _totalMeteors st
total <- readVar totalVar
when (total < 1000) retry
MeteorCounter app (Hydra framework)
meteorsMonitoring :: AppConfig -> AppL ()
meteorsMonitoring cfg = do
st <- atomically $ initState cfg
process $ forever $ meteorCounter st
process $ forever $ withRandomDelay st $ meteorShower st NorthEast
process $ forever $ withRandomDelay st $ meteorShower st NorthWest
process $ forever $ withRandomDelay st $ meteorShower st SouthEast
process $ forever $ withRandomDelay st $ meteorShower st SouthWest
atomically $ do
let totalVar :: StateVar Int = _totalMeteors st
total <- readVar totalVar
when (total < 1000) retry
Finish condition
Blockchain app (Node framework)
Graph Node
Graph Node
PoW Node
Blockchain app
graphNode :: NodeConfig GraphNode -> GraphNodeData -> NodeDefinitionL ()
graphNode cfg nodeData = do
let gsData = nodeData ^. graphServiceData
serving Udp (cfg ^. nodeUdpPort) $ do
handler $ methodPing
handler $ acceptKBlock gsData
process $ forever $ do
awaitSignal $ gsData ^. dumpToDBSignal
dumpToDB gsData
process $ forever $ do
awaitSignal $ gsData ^. restoreFromDBSignal
restoreFromDB gsData
std $ do
stdHandler $ stopNodeHandler nodeData
awaitNodeFinished nodeData
Blockchain app
graphNode :: NodeConfig GraphNode -> GraphNodeData -> NodeDefinitionL ()
graphNode cfg nodeData = do
let gsData = nodeData ^. graphServiceData
serving Udp (cfg ^. nodeUdpPort) $ do
handler $ methodPing
handler $ acceptKBlock gsData
process $ forever $ do
awaitSignal $ gsData ^. dumpToDBSignal
dumpToDB gsData
process $ forever $ do
awaitSignal $ gsData ^. restoreFromDBSignal
restoreFromDB gsData
std $ do
stdHandler $ stopNodeHandler nodeData
awaitNodeFinished nodeData
UDP Service
Protocol pattern)
Blockchain app
graphNode :: NodeConfig GraphNode -> GraphNodeData -> NodeDefinitionL ()
graphNode cfg nodeData = do
let gsData = nodeData ^. graphServiceData
serving Udp (cfg ^. nodeUdpPort) $ do
handler $ methodPing
handler $ acceptKBlock gsData
process $ forever $ do
awaitSignal $ gsData ^. dumpToDBSignal
dumpToDB gsData
process $ forever $ do
awaitSignal $ gsData ^. restoreFromDBSignal
restoreFromDB gsData
std $ do
stdHandler $ stopNodeHandler nodeData
awaitNodeFinished nodeData
dump / restore
Blockchain app
graphNode :: NodeConfig GraphNode -> GraphNodeData -> NodeDefinitionL ()
graphNode cfg nodeData = do
let gsData = nodeData ^. graphServiceData
serving Udp (cfg ^. nodeUdpPort) $ do
handler $ methodPing
handler $ acceptKBlock gsData
process $ forever $ do
awaitSignal $ gsData ^. dumpToDBSignal
dumpToDB gsData
process $ forever $ do
awaitSignal $ gsData ^. restoreFromDBSignal
restoreFromDB gsData
std $ do
stdHandler $ stopNodeHandler nodeData
awaitNodeFinished nodeData
& Node finish condition
Blockchain app state
data GraphNodeData = GraphNodeData
{ _graphServiceData :: GraphServiceData
, _status :: StateVar NodeStatus
data GraphServiceData = GraphServiceData
{ _blockchain :: BlockchainData
, _db :: Maybe DBModel
, _dumpToDBSignal :: StateVar Bool
, _restoreFromDBSignal :: StateVar Bool
, _checkPendingSignal :: StateVar Bool
Scenarios (Free monad chains)
Process Process
STM transactions
Blockchain app state
data GraphNodeData = GraphNodeData
{ _graphServiceData :: GraphServiceData
, _status :: StateVar NodeStatus
data GraphServiceData = GraphServiceData
{ _blockchain :: BlockchainData
, _db :: Maybe DBModel
, _dumpToDBSignal :: StateVar Bool
, _restoreFromDBSignal :: StateVar Bool
, _checkPendingSignal :: StateVar Bool
awaitSignal :: (Monad m, StateIO m) => StateVar Bool -> m ()
awaitSignal signalVar = do
atomically $ unlessM (readVar signalVar) retry
writeVarIO signalVar False
Signal vars
Concurrent STM-based graph
Active window
STM-based transactions
addMBlock :: WindowedGraph -> Microblock -> StateL Bool
addMBlock wndGraph mblock@(Microblock hash _ _ _) = do
kblock <- getKBlock wndGraph hash
unless (isJust kblock) $ logInfo $ "Can't add MBlock: KBlock not found (" +|| hash ||+ ")."
when (isJust kblock) $ do
logInfo $ "Adding MBlock to the graph for KBlock (" +|| hash ||+ ")."
evalGraph wndGraph $ do
newNode (MBlockContent mblock)
newLink hash (MBlockContent mblock)
pure $ isJust kblock
Graph code sample
addMBlock :: WindowedGraph -> Microblock -> StateL Bool
addMBlock wndGraph mblock@(Microblock hash _ _ _) = do
kblock <- getKBlock wndGraph hash
unless (isJust kblock) $ logInfo $ "Can't add MBlock: KBlock not found (" +|| hash ||+ ")."
when (isJust kblock) $ do
logInfo $ "Adding MBlock to the graph for KBlock (" +|| hash ||+ ")."
evalGraph wndGraph $ do
newNode (MBlockContent mblock)
newLink hash (MBlockContent mblock)
pure $ isJust kblock
Graph code sample
STM-like transaction eDSL
+Logger interface
addMBlock :: WindowedGraph -> Microblock -> StateL Bool
addMBlock wndGraph mblock@(Microblock hash _ _ _) = do
kblock <- getKBlock wndGraph hash
unless (isJust kblock) $ logInfo $ "Can't add MBlock: KBlock not found (" +|| hash ||+ ")."
when (isJust kblock) $ do
logInfo $ "Adding MBlock to the graph for KBlock (" +|| hash ||+ ")."
evalGraph wndGraph $ do
newNode (MBlockContent mblock)
newLink hash (MBlockContent mblock)
pure $ isJust kblock
Graph code sample
Work with graph
addMBlock :: WindowedGraph -> Microblock -> StateL Bool
addMBlock wndGraph mblock@(Microblock hash _ _ _) = do
kblock <- getKBlock wndGraph hash
unless (isJust kblock) $ logInfo $ "Can't add MBlock: KBlock not found (" +|| hash ||+ ")."
when (isJust kblock) $ do
logInfo $ "Adding MBlock to the graph for KBlock (" +|| hash ||+ ")."
evalGraph wndGraph $ do
newNode (MBlockContent mblock)
newLink hash (MBlockContent mblock)
pure $ isJust kblock
Graph code sample
Logging within the transaction
spec :: Spec
spec = unstableTest $ slowTest
$ describe "PoW and graph node interaction"
$ fromHUnitTest $ TestList
[ TestLabel "Accept kblocks produced in order" $ testAcceptKblock InOrder
, TestLabel "Accept kblocks produced in random order" $ testAcceptKblock RandomOrder
testAcceptKblock :: Ordering -> Test
testAcceptKblock order = TestCase $ withNodesManager $ mgr -> do
void $ startNode mgr $ graphNode graphNodeTransmitterConfig
waitForNode transmitterRpcAddress
void $ startNode mgr $ powNode $ genPoWNodeConfig { _kblocksOrder = order}
waitForNode powRpcAddress
void $ makeIORpcRequest powRpcAddress $ NBlockPacketGeneration kblockCount timeGap
let predicate kBlock = kBlock ^. number == kblockCount
void $ makeRpcRequestWithPredicate predicate transmitterRpcAddress GetLastKBlock
Testing nodes (virtual environment)
spec :: Spec
spec = do
around (withCoreRuntime Nothing) // Arrange
$ it "generated labyrinth has correct bounds"
$ runtime -> property
$ withMaxSuccess 5
$ monadicIO
$ do
eLab <- run $ try $ runLangL runtime generateRndLabyrinth // Act
case eLab of
Left (err :: SomeException) -> assert False // Assert
Right lab -> do
let LabyrinthInfo {liBounds, liWormholes} = analyzeLabyrinth lab
let (x, y) = liBounds
let wms = Map.size liWormholes
assert $ x * y >= 16 && x * y <= 100
assert $ (wms >= 2) && (wms <= 5)
Testing the labyrinth logic (black box, property-based)
spec :: Spec
spec = do
around (withAppRuntime Nothing) $ // Arrange
describe "Labyrinth generation tests" $
it "generateLabyrinth" $ rt -> do
lab <- runLangL (_coreRuntime rt) $ generateLabyrinth (4, 4) 3 5 // Act
let LabyrinthInfo {liBounds, liWormholes, liExits} = analyzeLabyrinth lab
liBounds `shouldBe` (4, 4) // Assert
(Map.size liWormholes) `shouldSatisfy` (x -> x >= 2 && x <= 5)
(Set.size liExits) `shouldSatisfy` (x -> x >= 1 && x <= 3)
Testing the labyrinth logic (black box, integration)
How does this magic work?
It works nicely.
It works nicely.
Business logic code is very simple.
It works nicely.
Business logic code is very simple.
Testing is very simple.
It works nicely.
Business logic code is very simple.
Testing is very simple.
Complete separation of concerns.
Performance of Free monads (dumb testing approach)
Ops cnt FT FreeM ChurchM IO
10 0.265 0.222 0.223 0.227
100 0.221 0.226 0.228 0.222
1000 0.227 0.245 0.223 0.226
10000 0.229 4.106 0.227 0.224
100000 0.289 inf 0.31 0.309
1000000 0.859 inf 1.134 0.857
10000000 6.384 inf 9.507 6.413
20000000 13.734 inf 18.997 12.588
30000000 18.16 inf 28.568 17.76
flow :: IORef Int -> AppL ()
flow ref = scenario $ do
val' <- evalIO $ readIORef ref
val <- getRandomInt (1, 100)
evalIO $ writeIORef ref $ val' + val
scenario :: Int -> AppRuntime -> IO ()
scenario ops appRt = do
ref <- newIORef 0
void $ startApp appRt (replicateM_ ops $ flow ref)
val <- readIORef ref
print val
$ time PerfTestApp2
The truths I learned
PerformanceGood Design >
Good Design
Getting Things Done
Good Design
Getting Things Done
Math Beauty
Good Design
Getting Things Done
Math Beauty
Good Design
Getting Things Done
Math Beauty
Good Design
Getting Things Done
GitHub List: Software Design in Haskell👉
Hydra: framework for backend & console apps👉
Node: framework for distributed apps & blockchains👉
Alexander Granin
Free monads STM
66% discount ($60 $20)
(expires 2020-08-05)
Additional Materials
● Automatic White-Box Testing with Free Monads | Article, Showcase
● Hierarchical Free Monads and Software Design in Haskell | Talk
● Hierarchical Free Monads: The Most Developed Approach In Haskell
● Functional Design and Architecture | Book
● Hydra | Framework (web services with SQL/KV DB and concurrency)
● Node | Framework (distributed apps with KV DB and concurrency)
● Final Tagless vs Free Monads | Talk
● Software Design in Haskell | List of materials
No, really, how does this magic work?
Hydra Framework
Implementation & Runtime
(Hierarchical Free Monad eDSLs)
Domain & Business Logic
Runtime, Interpreters, Configs, Environment
DB Model
newtype StateVar a = StateVar { _varId :: Int }
data StateF next where
NewVar :: a -> (StateVar a -> next) -> StateF next
ReadVar :: StateVar a -> (a -> next) -> StateF next
WriteVar :: StateVar a -> a -> (() -> next) -> StateF next
Retry :: (a -> next) -> StateF next
EvalGraph :: TGraph c -> Free (HGraphF (TNodeL c)) x -> (x -> next) -> StateF next
EvalDelayedLogger :: LoggerL () -> (() -> next) -> StateF next
type StateL = Free StateF
STM-like Free interface
STM-like Free language -> STM
newVar' :: StateRuntime -> a -> STM VarId
newVar' stateRt !a = do
nodeState <- takeTMVar $ stateRt ^. state
varId <- getVarId stateRt
tvar <- newTVar $ unsafeCoerce a
let !newMap = Map.insert varId (VarHandle tvar) nodeState
putTMVar (stateRt ^. state) newMap
pure varId
interpretStateF :: StateRuntime -> StateF a -> STM a
interpretStateF _ (Retry _) = retry
interpretStateF stateRt (NewVar !val next) = do
var <- newVar' stateRt val
pure $ next $ StateVar var
runStateL :: StateRuntime -> StateL a -> STM a
runStateL stateRt = foldFree (interpretStateF stateRt)
Container language
data LangF next where
EvalLogger :: LoggerL () -> (() -> next) -> LangF next
EvalIO :: IO a -> (a -> next) -> LangF next
EvalStateAtomically :: StateL a -> (a -> next) -> LangF next
type LangL = Free LangF
atomically :: StateL a -> LangL a
atomically action = liftF $ EvalStateAtomically action id
Upper level language -> IO
interpretLangF :: CoreRuntime -> LangF a -> IO a
interpretLangF coreRt (EvalStateAtomically action next) = do
let stateRt = coreRt ^. stateRuntime
let logHndl = coreRt ^. loggerRuntime . hsLoggerHandle
res <- atomically $ runStateL stateRt action
flushStmLogger (stateRt ^. stmLog) logHndl
pure $ next res
interpretLangF _ (EvalIO f next) = do
!r <- f
pure $ next r
interpretLangF coreRt (EvalLogger loggerAct next) =
next <$> runLoggerL (coreRt ^. loggerRuntime . hsLoggerHandle) loggerAct
Behind the scenes...
newtype VarHandle = VarHandle (TVar Any)
data StateRuntime = StateRuntime
{ _varId :: TVar VarId -- ^ Var id counter
, _state :: TMVar (Map VarId VarHandle) -- ^ Tracked variables
, _stmLog :: TVar Log -- ^ Stm log entries
data CoreRuntime = CoreRuntime
{ _stateRuntime :: StateRuntime
, _rocksDBs :: RocksDBHandles
, _redisConns :: RedisConnections
, _loggerRuntime :: LoggerRuntime
, _processRuntime :: ProcessRuntime
, _sqlConns :: MVar (Map ConnTag NativeSqlConn)
, _httpClientManager :: Manager
, _cmdVerbosity :: CmdVerbosity

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  • 6. 6 printLabyrinth :: AppState -> LangL () printLabyrinth state = do lab <- readVarIO (state ^. labyrinth) plPos <- readVarIO (state ^. playerPos) let labRender = renderLabyrinth lab plPos printLabyrinthRender labRender data AppState = AppState { _labyrinth :: StateVar Labyrinth , _playerPos :: StateVar PlayerPos , _gameState :: StateVar GameState } Labyrinth game Free monadic scenario
  • 7. 7 printLabyrinth :: AppState -> LangL () printLabyrinth state = do lab <- readVarIO (state ^. labyrinth) plPos <- readVarIO (state ^. playerPos) let labRender = renderLabyrinth lab plPos printLabyrinthRender labRender data AppState = AppState { _labyrinth :: StateVar Labyrinth , _playerPos :: StateVar PlayerPos , _gameState :: StateVar GameState } -- | Concurrent variable newtype StateVar a = StateVar { _varId :: Int } Labyrinth game
  • 8. 8 printLabyrinth :: AppState -> LangL () printLabyrinth state = do lab <- readVarIO (state ^. labyrinth) plPos <- readVarIO (state ^. playerPos) let labRender = renderLabyrinth lab plPos printLabyrinthRender labRender data AppState = AppState { _labyrinth :: StateVar Labyrinth , _playerPos :: StateVar PlayerPos , _gameState :: StateVar GameState } -- | Concurrent variable newtype StateVar a = StateVar { _varId :: Int } Labyrinth game Magic! (Typed Avatar pattern)
  • 9. 9 Labyrinth game labyrinthApp :: AppState -> AppL () labyrinthApp st = do scenario $ putStrLn "Labyrinth (aka Terra Incognita) game" cliToken <- cli (onStep st) (onUnknownCommand st) $ do cmd "go up" $ onPlayerMove st $ makePlayerMove st DirUp cmd "go down" $ onPlayerMove st $ makePlayerMove st DirDown cmd "go left" $ onPlayerMove st $ makePlayerMove st DirLeft cmd "go right" $ onPlayerMove st $ makePlayerMove st DirRight cmd "quit" $ quit st
  • 10. 10 Labyrinth game labyrinthApp :: AppState -> AppL () labyrinthApp st = do scenario $ putStrLn "Labyrinth (aka Terra Incognita) game" cliToken <- cli (onStep st) (onUnknownCommand st) $ do cmd "go up" $ onPlayerMove st $ makePlayerMove st DirUp cmd "go down" $ onPlayerMove st $ makePlayerMove st DirDown cmd "go left" $ onPlayerMove st $ makePlayerMove st DirLeft cmd "go right" $ onPlayerMove st $ makePlayerMove st DirRight cmd "quit" $ quit st Control Structure pattern
  • 11. 11 Labyrinth game labyrinthApp :: AppState -> AppL () labyrinthApp st = do scenario $ putStrLn "Labyrinth (aka Terra Incognita) game" cliToken <- cli (onStep st) (onUnknownCommand st) $ do cmd "go up" $ onPlayerMove st $ makePlayerMove st DirUp cmd "go down" $ onPlayerMove st $ makePlayerMove st DirDown cmd "go left" $ onPlayerMove st $ makePlayerMove st DirLeft cmd "go right" $ onPlayerMove st $ makePlayerMove st DirRight cmd "quit" $ quit st atomically $ do finished <- readVar $ cliFinishedToken cliToken when (not finished) retry Free monadic eDSL over STM Control Structure pattern
  • 13. 13 MeteorCounter app (Hydra framework) meteorsMonitoring :: AppConfig -> AppL () meteorsMonitoring cfg = do st <- atomically $ initState cfg process $ forever $ meteorCounter st process $ forever $ withRandomDelay st $ meteorShower st NorthEast process $ forever $ withRandomDelay st $ meteorShower st NorthWest process $ forever $ withRandomDelay st $ meteorShower st SouthEast process $ forever $ withRandomDelay st $ meteorShower st SouthWest atomically $ do let totalVar :: StateVar Int = _totalMeteors st total <- readVar totalVar when (total < 1000) retry
  • 14. 14 MeteorCounter app (Hydra framework) meteorsMonitoring :: AppConfig -> AppL () meteorsMonitoring cfg = do st <- atomically $ initState cfg process $ forever $ meteorCounter st process $ forever $ withRandomDelay st $ meteorShower st NorthEast process $ forever $ withRandomDelay st $ meteorShower st NorthWest process $ forever $ withRandomDelay st $ meteorShower st SouthEast process $ forever $ withRandomDelay st $ meteorShower st SouthWest atomically $ do let totalVar :: StateVar Int = _totalMeteors st total <- readVar totalVar when (total < 1000) retry Processes
  • 15. 15 MeteorCounter app (Hydra framework) meteorsMonitoring :: AppConfig -> AppL () meteorsMonitoring cfg = do st <- atomically $ initState cfg process $ forever $ meteorCounter st process $ forever $ withRandomDelay st $ meteorShower st NorthEast process $ forever $ withRandomDelay st $ meteorShower st NorthWest process $ forever $ withRandomDelay st $ meteorShower st SouthEast process $ forever $ withRandomDelay st $ meteorShower st SouthWest atomically $ do let totalVar :: StateVar Int = _totalMeteors st total <- readVar totalVar when (total < 1000) retry Finish condition
  • 16. 16 Blockchain app (Node framework) Graph Node Graph Node PoW Node TCP UDP JSON RPC
  • 17. 17 Blockchain app graphNode :: NodeConfig GraphNode -> GraphNodeData -> NodeDefinitionL () graphNode cfg nodeData = do let gsData = nodeData ^. graphServiceData serving Udp (cfg ^. nodeUdpPort) $ do handler $ methodPing handler $ acceptKBlock gsData process $ forever $ do awaitSignal $ gsData ^. dumpToDBSignal dumpToDB gsData process $ forever $ do awaitSignal $ gsData ^. restoreFromDBSignal restoreFromDB gsData std $ do stdHandler $ stopNodeHandler nodeData awaitNodeFinished nodeData
  • 18. 18 Blockchain app graphNode :: NodeConfig GraphNode -> GraphNodeData -> NodeDefinitionL () graphNode cfg nodeData = do let gsData = nodeData ^. graphServiceData serving Udp (cfg ^. nodeUdpPort) $ do handler $ methodPing handler $ acceptKBlock gsData process $ forever $ do awaitSignal $ gsData ^. dumpToDBSignal dumpToDB gsData process $ forever $ do awaitSignal $ gsData ^. restoreFromDBSignal restoreFromDB gsData std $ do stdHandler $ stopNodeHandler nodeData awaitNodeFinished nodeData UDP Service (Declarative Protocol pattern)
  • 19. 19 Blockchain app graphNode :: NodeConfig GraphNode -> GraphNodeData -> NodeDefinitionL () graphNode cfg nodeData = do let gsData = nodeData ^. graphServiceData serving Udp (cfg ^. nodeUdpPort) $ do handler $ methodPing handler $ acceptKBlock gsData process $ forever $ do awaitSignal $ gsData ^. dumpToDBSignal dumpToDB gsData process $ forever $ do awaitSignal $ gsData ^. restoreFromDBSignal restoreFromDB gsData std $ do stdHandler $ stopNodeHandler nodeData awaitNodeFinished nodeData Background dump / restore processes
  • 20. 20 Blockchain app graphNode :: NodeConfig GraphNode -> GraphNodeData -> NodeDefinitionL () graphNode cfg nodeData = do let gsData = nodeData ^. graphServiceData serving Udp (cfg ^. nodeUdpPort) $ do handler $ methodPing handler $ acceptKBlock gsData process $ forever $ do awaitSignal $ gsData ^. dumpToDBSignal dumpToDB gsData process $ forever $ do awaitSignal $ gsData ^. restoreFromDBSignal restoreFromDB gsData std $ do stdHandler $ stopNodeHandler nodeData awaitNodeFinished nodeData CLI & Node finish condition
  • 21. 21 Blockchain app state data GraphNodeData = GraphNodeData { _graphServiceData :: GraphServiceData , _status :: StateVar NodeStatus } data GraphServiceData = GraphServiceData { _blockchain :: BlockchainData , _db :: Maybe DBModel , _dumpToDBSignal :: StateVar Bool , _restoreFromDBSignal :: StateVar Bool , _checkPendingSignal :: StateVar Bool } Node State Node Configs Scenarios (Free monad chains) Process Process Graph Process STM transactions
  • 22. 22 Blockchain app state data GraphNodeData = GraphNodeData { _graphServiceData :: GraphServiceData , _status :: StateVar NodeStatus } data GraphServiceData = GraphServiceData { _blockchain :: BlockchainData , _db :: Maybe DBModel , _dumpToDBSignal :: StateVar Bool , _restoreFromDBSignal :: StateVar Bool , _checkPendingSignal :: StateVar Bool } awaitSignal :: (Monad m, StateIO m) => StateVar Bool -> m () awaitSignal signalVar = do atomically $ unlessM (readVar signalVar) retry writeVarIO signalVar False Signal vars
  • 23. 23 Concurrent STM-based graph Active window Request Request Request KV DB STM-based transactions
  • 24. 24 addMBlock :: WindowedGraph -> Microblock -> StateL Bool addMBlock wndGraph mblock@(Microblock hash _ _ _) = do kblock <- getKBlock wndGraph hash unless (isJust kblock) $ logInfo $ "Can't add MBlock: KBlock not found (" +|| hash ||+ ")." when (isJust kblock) $ do logInfo $ "Adding MBlock to the graph for KBlock (" +|| hash ||+ ")." evalGraph wndGraph $ do newNode (MBlockContent mblock) newLink hash (MBlockContent mblock) pure $ isJust kblock Graph code sample
  • 25. 25 addMBlock :: WindowedGraph -> Microblock -> StateL Bool addMBlock wndGraph mblock@(Microblock hash _ _ _) = do kblock <- getKBlock wndGraph hash unless (isJust kblock) $ logInfo $ "Can't add MBlock: KBlock not found (" +|| hash ||+ ")." when (isJust kblock) $ do logInfo $ "Adding MBlock to the graph for KBlock (" +|| hash ||+ ")." evalGraph wndGraph $ do newNode (MBlockContent mblock) newLink hash (MBlockContent mblock) pure $ isJust kblock Graph code sample STM-like transaction eDSL newVar readVar writeVar retry +Logger interface
  • 26. 26 addMBlock :: WindowedGraph -> Microblock -> StateL Bool addMBlock wndGraph mblock@(Microblock hash _ _ _) = do kblock <- getKBlock wndGraph hash unless (isJust kblock) $ logInfo $ "Can't add MBlock: KBlock not found (" +|| hash ||+ ")." when (isJust kblock) $ do logInfo $ "Adding MBlock to the graph for KBlock (" +|| hash ||+ ")." evalGraph wndGraph $ do newNode (MBlockContent mblock) newLink hash (MBlockContent mblock) pure $ isJust kblock Graph code sample Work with graph NewNode DeleteNode NewLink DeleteLink GetNode ClearGraph
  • 27. 27 addMBlock :: WindowedGraph -> Microblock -> StateL Bool addMBlock wndGraph mblock@(Microblock hash _ _ _) = do kblock <- getKBlock wndGraph hash unless (isJust kblock) $ logInfo $ "Can't add MBlock: KBlock not found (" +|| hash ||+ ")." when (isJust kblock) $ do logInfo $ "Adding MBlock to the graph for KBlock (" +|| hash ||+ ")." evalGraph wndGraph $ do newNode (MBlockContent mblock) newLink hash (MBlockContent mblock) pure $ isJust kblock Graph code sample Logging within the transaction
  • 29. 29 spec :: Spec spec = unstableTest $ slowTest $ describe "PoW and graph node interaction" $ fromHUnitTest $ TestList [ TestLabel "Accept kblocks produced in order" $ testAcceptKblock InOrder , TestLabel "Accept kblocks produced in random order" $ testAcceptKblock RandomOrder ] testAcceptKblock :: Ordering -> Test testAcceptKblock order = TestCase $ withNodesManager $ mgr -> do void $ startNode mgr $ graphNode graphNodeTransmitterConfig waitForNode transmitterRpcAddress void $ startNode mgr $ powNode $ genPoWNodeConfig { _kblocksOrder = order} waitForNode powRpcAddress void $ makeIORpcRequest powRpcAddress $ NBlockPacketGeneration kblockCount timeGap let predicate kBlock = kBlock ^. number == kblockCount void $ makeRpcRequestWithPredicate predicate transmitterRpcAddress GetLastKBlock Testing nodes (virtual environment)
  • 30. 30 spec :: Spec spec = do around (withCoreRuntime Nothing) // Arrange $ it "generated labyrinth has correct bounds" $ runtime -> property $ withMaxSuccess 5 $ monadicIO $ do eLab <- run $ try $ runLangL runtime generateRndLabyrinth // Act case eLab of Left (err :: SomeException) -> assert False // Assert Right lab -> do let LabyrinthInfo {liBounds, liWormholes} = analyzeLabyrinth lab let (x, y) = liBounds let wms = Map.size liWormholes assert $ x * y >= 16 && x * y <= 100 assert $ (wms >= 2) && (wms <= 5) Testing the labyrinth logic (black box, property-based)
  • 31. 31 spec :: Spec spec = do around (withAppRuntime Nothing) $ // Arrange describe "Labyrinth generation tests" $ it "generateLabyrinth" $ rt -> do lab <- runLangL (_coreRuntime rt) $ generateLabyrinth (4, 4) 3 5 // Act let LabyrinthInfo {liBounds, liWormholes, liExits} = analyzeLabyrinth lab liBounds `shouldBe` (4, 4) // Assert (Map.size liWormholes) `shouldSatisfy` (x -> x >= 2 && x <= 5) (Set.size liExits) `shouldSatisfy` (x -> x >= 1 && x <= 3) Testing the labyrinth logic (black box, integration)
  • 32. How does this magic work? 32
  • 34. It works nicely. 34 Business logic code is very simple.
  • 35. It works nicely. 35 Business logic code is very simple. Testing is very simple.
  • 36. It works nicely. 36 Business logic code is very simple. Testing is very simple. Complete separation of concerns.
  • 38. 38 Performance of Free monads (dumb testing approach) Ops cnt FT FreeM ChurchM IO 10 0.265 0.222 0.223 0.227 100 0.221 0.226 0.228 0.222 1000 0.227 0.245 0.223 0.226 10000 0.229 4.106 0.227 0.224 100000 0.289 inf 0.31 0.309 1000000 0.859 inf 1.134 0.857 10000000 6.384 inf 9.507 6.413 20000000 13.734 inf 18.997 12.588 30000000 18.16 inf 28.568 17.76 flow :: IORef Int -> AppL () flow ref = scenario $ do val' <- evalIO $ readIORef ref val <- getRandomInt (1, 100) evalIO $ writeIORef ref $ val' + val scenario :: Int -> AppRuntime -> IO () scenario ops appRt = do ref <- newIORef 0 void $ startApp appRt (replicateM_ ops $ flow ref) val <- readIORef ref print val $ time PerfTestApp2
  • 39. The truths I learned
  • 45. Performance Perfection Correctness Math Beauty Technologies Belief Good Design Getting Things Done Tests Simplicity People Experiment > > > > > >
  • 46. 46 GitHub List: Software Design in Haskell👉 Hydra: framework for backend & console apps👉 Node: framework for distributed apps & blockchains👉
  • 47. graninas graninas_channel StrangeMooder granin.alexander Alexander Granin 47 Free monads STM ecture/c/4vpQNPcmRfo1 66% discount ($60 $20) (expires 2020-08-05)
  • 48. 48 Additional Materials ● Automatic White-Box Testing with Free Monads | Article, Showcase ● Hierarchical Free Monads and Software Design in Haskell | Talk ● Hierarchical Free Monads: The Most Developed Approach In Haskell ● Functional Design and Architecture | Book ● Hydra | Framework (web services with SQL/KV DB and concurrency) ● Node | Framework (distributed apps with KV DB and concurrency) ● Final Tagless vs Free Monads | Talk ● Software Design in Haskell | List of materials
  • 49. No, really, how does this magic work? 49
  • 50. 50 Hydra Framework Implementation & Runtime Interfaces (Hierarchical Free Monad eDSLs) Domain & Business Logic ProcessL Runtime, Interpreters, Configs, Environment Application Domain Model Business Logic DB Model AppL SqlDBL LangL Beam LoggerL StateL
  • 51. 51 newtype StateVar a = StateVar { _varId :: Int } data StateF next where NewVar :: a -> (StateVar a -> next) -> StateF next ReadVar :: StateVar a -> (a -> next) -> StateF next WriteVar :: StateVar a -> a -> (() -> next) -> StateF next Retry :: (a -> next) -> StateF next EvalGraph :: TGraph c -> Free (HGraphF (TNodeL c)) x -> (x -> next) -> StateF next EvalDelayedLogger :: LoggerL () -> (() -> next) -> StateF next type StateL = Free StateF STM-like Free interface
  • 52. 52 STM-like Free language -> STM newVar' :: StateRuntime -> a -> STM VarId newVar' stateRt !a = do nodeState <- takeTMVar $ stateRt ^. state varId <- getVarId stateRt tvar <- newTVar $ unsafeCoerce a let !newMap = Map.insert varId (VarHandle tvar) nodeState putTMVar (stateRt ^. state) newMap pure varId interpretStateF :: StateRuntime -> StateF a -> STM a interpretStateF _ (Retry _) = retry interpretStateF stateRt (NewVar !val next) = do var <- newVar' stateRt val pure $ next $ StateVar var runStateL :: StateRuntime -> StateL a -> STM a runStateL stateRt = foldFree (interpretStateF stateRt)
  • 53. 53 Container language data LangF next where EvalLogger :: LoggerL () -> (() -> next) -> LangF next EvalIO :: IO a -> (a -> next) -> LangF next ... EvalStateAtomically :: StateL a -> (a -> next) -> LangF next type LangL = Free LangF atomically :: StateL a -> LangL a atomically action = liftF $ EvalStateAtomically action id
  • 54. 54 Upper level language -> IO interpretLangF :: CoreRuntime -> LangF a -> IO a interpretLangF coreRt (EvalStateAtomically action next) = do let stateRt = coreRt ^. stateRuntime let logHndl = coreRt ^. loggerRuntime . hsLoggerHandle res <- atomically $ runStateL stateRt action flushStmLogger (stateRt ^. stmLog) logHndl pure $ next res interpretLangF _ (EvalIO f next) = do !r <- f pure $ next r interpretLangF coreRt (EvalLogger loggerAct next) = next <$> runLoggerL (coreRt ^. loggerRuntime . hsLoggerHandle) loggerAct
  • 55. 55 Behind the scenes... newtype VarHandle = VarHandle (TVar Any) data StateRuntime = StateRuntime { _varId :: TVar VarId -- ^ Var id counter , _state :: TMVar (Map VarId VarHandle) -- ^ Tracked variables , _stmLog :: TVar Log -- ^ Stm log entries } data CoreRuntime = CoreRuntime { _stateRuntime :: StateRuntime , _rocksDBs :: RocksDBHandles , _redisConns :: RedisConnections , _loggerRuntime :: LoggerRuntime , _processRuntime :: ProcessRuntime , _sqlConns :: MVar (Map ConnTag NativeSqlConn) , _httpClientManager :: Manager , _cmdVerbosity :: CmdVerbosity }