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Module - 1
Good Health and It’s balance for positive mindset
What is Health?
• Eating enough and exercise to
burn calories?
• Having a good physical shape?
• Not being sick?
• Getting sleep immediate after
laying on the bed?
• Staying calm and quiet under
any circumstances?
• Be happy anytime?
Module - 1
Good Health and It’s balance for positive mindset
Module - 1
Good Health and It’s balance for positive mindset
• Health:
• Mental and physical health are the two most frequently discussed
types of health.
• A person who has good physical health is likely to have bodily
functions and processes working at their best.
• Mental health refers to a person’s emotional, social, and
psychological well-being.
• Good physical health can work in tandem with mental health to
improve a person’s overall quality of life.
• Spiritual, emotional, and financial health contribute to physical
and mental health.
Module - 1
Good Health and It’s balance for positive mindset
• Why Health is very important now?:
• Life without health has no meaning; life is precious, but health is
more precious than it because life without health is just like food
without taste.
• Improve longevity
• Feel Better About Yourself
• Control Your Stress
• Life Insurance is Cheaper
• Avoid Addictions
• Lower Medical Costs
• Consider your Self-Esteem
Module - 1
Good Health and It’s balance for positive mindset
• What influences your Health?:
Education, Employment,
Income, Community safety,
Family & social support
Diet & exercise, Use of
abusive substances, etc.
Access to care & quality of
Environmental quality,
housing, transit, etc.
Module - 1
Good Health and It’s balance for positive mindset
• Health and Behavior:
• Actions that an individual engages in, that affect his/her health
either positively or negatively.
• Example..
• Hand washing, staying in pollution free ambience, work-related
gestures, diet, etc.
• Occupational health & safety - employee behaviors affecting
health and safety.
• Health behaviors - preventive, illness, and sick-role
• Any action taken in order to prevent a negative health outcome.
• Any action taken once an individual feels that he/she has an illness or injury (to assess
the illness or injury).
• Any action taken once an illness or injury has been defined with the intent of remedying
the illness or injury. Clinic visit, staying at home, suggested diet & medication
Module - 1
Good Health and It’s balance for positive mindset
• Health beliefs and advertisements:
• Health beliefs are:
– what people believe about their health,
– what people think constitutes their health,
– what people consider the cause of their illness, and the ways to overcome
an illness.
• These beliefs are, of course, culturally determined…
– Different cultures have different definitions of what constitutes health and
what causes illness.
• Health beliefs influence health behaviors and health outcomes.
– success in the use of hypnosis to control or eliminate a wide variety of unpleasant
symptoms (based on the power of expectation and attitude toward health).
– People who think they are unlikely to get skin cancer are less likely to wear
sunscreen or limit sun exposure.
Module - 1
Good Health and It’s balance for positive mindset
Module - 1
Good Health and It’s balance for positive mindset
Module - 1
Good Health and It’s balance for positive mindset
• Health Related Advertisements:
– Promotion of health-care centers, processes, products or any
such activities that influence the health beliefs or believed to
– Encourage health behaviors that prevent disease before it
– May lead to positive as well negative beliefs.
Module - 1
Good Health and It’s balance for positive mindset
• Health Related Advertisements:
Module - 1
Good Health and It’s balance for positive mindset
Advantages of good health:
– A healthy lifestyle simply means doing things that
make you happy and feel good.
– For one person, it mean walking 5 kM five times a
week, eating fast food once a week, and spending
virtual or in-person time with loved ones every other
– For someone else, a healthy lifestyle may be running
two marathons a year, following no specific diet, and
never having a sip of alcohol.
Module - 1
Good Health and It’s balance for positive mindset
• Advantages of good health:
– Prevents disease
– Saves money
– Lengthens lifespan
– It can be good for the environment
– Builds Confidence
– Improves Brain Health and Mood
– Reduces Stress
– Healthy Gut and Organs
– Maintain Healthy Weight or Lose It
• For details, visit, 18
Module - 1
Good Health and It’s balance for positive mindset
• Health and Society:
• Society is groups of individual people living with cooperative
life with an objective of achieving a common interest or utility.
• Social health is more than just the prevention of mental
illness and social problems. Being socially healthy means
increased degree of happiness including sense of
belongingness and concern for others.
• Social variables—social class, race, gender, poverty, income
distribution, social networks/support, community cohesion,
the work and neighborhood environment — that affect
population / society health.
• Those who are well integrated in the society have longer and
healthier life.
Module - 1
Good Health and It’s balance for positive mindset
• Health and Society:
• Strategies to achieve social health:
– Sacrifice some time, effort and energy for the societal
– Establish self-identity
– Develop new relations
– Spend money with friends (… of course, for good cause)
– Adjust in new environment
– Not complain about little things
Module - 1
Good Health and It’s balance for positive mindset
• Health and Society:
• Strategies to improve social health:
– Make connections
– Develop new hobbies by joining groups of reading,
drawing, writing, yoga, etc.
– Learn new skills like art, dance, cooking, swimming, etc.
– Volunteer at schools or events outside.
– Travel and meet new people.
Module - 1
Good Health and It’s balance for positive mindset
• Health and Society:
• Strategies to improve social health:
– Get Active
– Participate in debates and discussions.
– Join an exercise group or start new outdoor activities
with friends.
– Help parents in household chores.
Module - 1
Good Health and It’s balance for positive mindset
• Health and Society:
• Strategies to improve social health:
– Build Healthy Relations
– Share your feelings with parents or friends.
– Ask for help in need.
– Listen to others without being judgmental.
– Compromise and work on agreements.
– Avoid conflicts and anger.
– Disagree but respectfully.
– Protect yourself from bad company and set boundaries.
Module - 1
Good Health and It’s balance for positive mindset
• Health and Society:
• Strategies to improve social health:
– Develop Healthy Habits in Family
• Eat food with family members, at least once in day.
• Go on a walk instead of watching TV or mobile phone.
• Cook a meal together with your parents
• Give children a task to do and compliment after they
• Set rules at home for a disciplined behaviour.
• Spend time with family during holidays or visit a place
Module - 1
Good Health and It’s balance for positive mindset
• Health and Personality:
• Personality: The combination of attributes or qualities that
form an individual's distinctive character.
• Personality–health mechanisms include health behaviors and
social relationships.
• The trait-related experiences have a biological impact that
ultimately affects health, including disrupting the stress
response and the immune system (e.g., introvert & extrovert
• Poor health is often associated with changes in mood and
energy levels.
• Changes that accompany illness may be associated with, and
perhaps are causally related, to changes in personality.
Module - 1
Good Health and It’s balance for positive mindset
• Disparities of health in different vulnerable groups:
• Health and health care disparities refer to differences in
health and health care between groups that stem from
broader inequities.
• Health disparity: “a particular type of health difference that is
closely linked with social, economic, and/or environmental
• Health and health care disparities are gaining a sharper focus
among the media and public (COVID-19 pandemic).
• Health and health care disparities are not new.
Module - 1
Good Health and It’s balance for positive mindset
• Disparities of health in different vulnerable groups:
• Health & health care disparities adversely affect groups of
people who have systematically experienced greater obstacles
to health based on their:
• racial or ethnic group;
• religion; socioeconomic status;
• gender & age;
• mental health; cognitive, sensory, or physical disability;
• gender identity; geographic location; or
• other characteristics historically linked to discrimination or
Module - 1
Good Health and It’s balance for positive mindset
• Disparities of health in different vulnerable groups:
• Certain groups of people who are vulnerable and marginalized
from full enjoyment of a wide range of human rights, including
rights to political participation, health and education.
• Deprivation of certain individuals and groups whose rights have
been violated from the exercising agency (Yamin, 2005).
• Such groups in the
treatment and need
society often encounter discriminatory
special attention to avoid potential
• Vulnerable groups are disadvantaged as compared to others
mainly on account of their reduced access to medical services
and the underlying determinants of health (water, housing,
sanitation, nutrition, etc.)
Module - 1
Good Health and It’s balance for positive mindset
• Health and psychology:
• Mental health refers to a person’s emotional, social, and
psychological well-being.
• In some persons, behavioral dysfunctions result, not only from
physical health but also from mental health.
• That is, biological, social and psychological factors influence
health and illness.
• For e.g., certain behaviors can, over time, harm (smoking or
consuming excessive amounts of alcohol) or enhance health
(engaging in exercise).
Module - 1
Good Health and It’s balance for positive mindset
• Signs and symptoms of mental illness:
• Feeling sad or down; Confused thinking or reduced ability to concentrate
• Excessive fears or worries, or extreme feelings of guilt
• Extreme mood changes of highs and lows
• Withdrawal from friends and activities
• Significant tiredness, low energy or problems sleeping
• Detachment from reality (delusions), paranoia or hallucinations
• Inability to cope with daily problems or stress
• Trouble understanding and relating to situations and to people
• Problems with alcohol or drug use
• Major changes in eating habits
• Excessive anger, hostility or violence
• Suicidal thinking
Sometimes appear as physical problems, such as stomach pain,
back pain, headaches, or other unexplained aches and pains.
Module - 1
Good Health and It’s balance for positive mindset
• Factors that affect mental health:
Module - 1
Good Health and It’s balance for positive mindset
• Symptoms & signs of good psychological health:
• A sense of contentment.
• A zest for living and the ability to laugh and have fun.
• The ability to deal with stress and bounce back from adversity.
• A sense of meaning and purpose, in both their activities and
their relationships.
• The flexibility to learn new skills and adapt to change.
• A balance between work and play, rest and activity, etc.
• The ability to build and maintain fulfilling relationships.
• Self-confidence and high self-esteem.
Module - 1
Good Health and It’s balance for positive mindset
• Methods to improve good psychological health:
• The term “psychological well-being” is used to describe an
individual’s emotional health and overall functioning.
– Talk about your feelings
– Keep active - regular exercise can boost your self-esteem and can help
you concentrate, sleep, and feel better. Exercise keeps the brain and your
other vital organs healthy.
– Eat well - A diet that’s good for your physical health is also good for your
mental health.
– Keep in touch
– Ask for help, if needed.
– Take a break - A change of scene or a change of pace is good for your
mental health.
– Do something you’re good at
– Accept who you are
– Care for others
Module - 1
Good Health and It’s balance for positive mindset
• Methods to improve good psychological health:
Module - 1
Good Health and It’s balance for positive mindset
• Psychological (Mental) disorders:
• Other terms used: psychiatric disorder, or mental illness.
• What exactly is a mental disorder?
• How are these conditions diagnosed?
• What exactly constitutes a psychological disorder?
• How do you determine if there is something psychologically
wrong or unhealthy about a person?
• How do you decide what's normal and what's abnormal?
Module - 1
Good Health and It’s balance for positive mindset
• Psychological (Mental) disorders:
• Behaviors that are considered maladaptive and cause significant
personal distress, and interrupt daily functioning are more likely
to be labeled as disorders.
• A syndrome that causes significant disturbance in behavior,
emotion, and cognition.
• These disorders are also usually accompanied by significant
distress that affects a person's work, family, and social
• Many people have mental health concerns from time to time.
• A mental health concern becomes a mental illness when
ongoing signs and symptoms cause frequent stress and affect
your ability to function.
Module - 1
Good Health and It’s balance for positive mindset
• Symptoms of Psychological (Mental) disorders:
• Signs and symptoms of mental illness can vary, depending on
the disorder, circumstances and other factors.
• Mental illness symptoms can affect emotions, thoughts and
• Some examples…
Module - 1
Good Health and It’s balance for positive mindset
• Symptoms of Psychological (Mental) disorders:
• Some examples…
• Feeling sad or down; Confused thinking or reduced ability to
concentrate; Excessive fears or worries, or extreme feelings of
guilt; Extreme mood changes of highs and lows; Withdrawal
from friends and activities; Significant tiredness, low energy or
problems sleeping; Detachment from reality (delusions),
paranoia or hallucinations; Inability to cope with daily problems
or stress; Trouble understanding and relating to situations and
to people; Problems with alcohol or drug use; Major changes in
eating habits; Excessive anger, hostility or violence; Suicidal
thinking (repeated from slide no. 41)
Module - 1
Good Health and It’s balance for positive mindset
• Symptoms of Psychological (Mental) disorders:
• According to WHO..
• Depression
• Bipolar disorder
• Schizophrenia and other psychoses
• Dementia
• Developmental disorders, including autism
Module - 1
Good Health and It’s balance for positive mindset
• Causes of Psychological (Mental) disorders:
• Caused by a variety of genetic and environmental factors:
• Inherited traits. Certain genes may increase the risk of
developing a mental illness, and the life situation may trigger it.
• Environmental
exposures before birth. Exposure to
stressors, inflammatory conditions, toxins,
alcohol or drugs while in the womb can sometimes be linked to
mental illness.
• Brain chemistry. Neurotransmitters carry brain chemicals &
signals to other parts of the brain and body. When the neural
networks involving these chemicals are impaired, the function
of nerve receptors and nerve systems change, leading to
depression and other emotional disorders.
Module - 1
Good Health and It’s balance for positive mindset
• Complications of Psychological (Mental) disorders:
• Unhappiness and decreased enjoyment of life
• Family conflicts
• Relationship difficulties
• Social isolation
• Problems with tobacco, alcohol and other drugs
• Missed work or school, or other problems related to work or school
• Legal and financial problems
• Poverty and homelessness
• Self-harm and harm to others, including suicide or homicide
• Your body has a hard time resisting infections
• Heart disease and other medical conditions
Module - 1
Good Health and It’s balance for positive mindset
• Prevention of Psychological (Mental) disorders:
• There's no sure way to prevent mental illness.
• Pay attention to warning signs. Work with your doctor or
therapist to learn what might trigger your symptoms. Make a
plan so that you know what to do if symptoms return.
• Get routine medical care. Don't neglect checkups or skip visits
to your primary care provider, especially if you aren't feeling
• Get help when you need it.
• Take good care of yourself. Sufficient sleep, healthy eating and
regular physical activity are important. Try to maintain a regular
Module - 1
Good Health and It’s balance for positive mindset
• Mindfulness for Spiritual and Intellectual health:
• Mindfulness: Paying attention to the present moment, on
purpose, non-judgmentally.
• A moment-to-moment awareness of one's experience without
judgment. In this sense, mindfulness is a state and not a trait.
• One can be mindful, observing their surroundings in the present
moment, without being spiritual (believing in something
outside of the physical/material world)
• Benefits:
• Reduced ponderings, Stress reduction, Boosts to working
memory, Less emotional reactivity, Relationship satisfaction,
More cognitive flexibility, Focus
Module - 1
Good Health and It’s balance for positive mindset
• Changing health habits for good health:
• Adopting new, healthier habits may protect you from serious
health problems like obesity and diabetes.
• Habits like healthy eating and regular physical activity, may help
you manage your weight and have more energy.
• After a while, if you stick with these changes, they may become
part of your daily routine.
• Have a look on your habits and their effect on your health
• (Should I be more active?
• Should I try to cut back on less healthy foods?
• Should I start to eat better and move more but have a hard time
sticking with these changes?)
Module - 1
Good Health and It’s balance for positive mindset
• Changing health habits for good health:
• Adopting new, healthier habits may protect you from serious
health problems like obesity and diabetes.
• Habits like healthy eating and regular physical activity, may help
you manage your weight and have more energy.
• After a while, if you stick with these changes, they may become
part of your daily routine.
• Have a look on your habits and their effect on your health
• (Should I be more active?
• Should I try to cut back on less healthy foods?
• Should I start to eat better and move more but have a hard time
sticking with these changes?)
Module - 1
Good Health and It’s balance for positive mindset
• Changing health habits for good health:
Healthy Eating
Pros Cons
• have more energy
• improve my health
• lower my risk for health
• maintain a healthy weight
• feel proud of myself
• set an example for friends
and family
• may spend more money and
time on food
• may need to cook more often
at home
• may need to eat less of foods I
• may need to buy different
• may need to convince my
family that we all have to eat
healthier foods
Module - 1
Good Health and It’s balance for positive mindset
• Changing health habits for good health:
Physical Activities
Pros Cons
• improve my health
• reduce my risk for serious
health problems
• feel better about myself
• become stronger
• take time to care for myself
• meet new people and spend
time with them
• have more energy
• maintain a healthy weight
• become a role model for
• takes too much time and energy
& money
• it is too hot or cold outside
• could hurt myself
• am not good at being active
• keeps me from family and
Module - 1
Good Health and It’s balance for positive mindset
• Changing health habits for good health:
Roadblocks and Solutions
Roadblock Solution
I don’t have time. Make your new healthy habit a priority. Fit in
physical activity whenever and wherever you can.
Try taking the stairs or getting off the bus a stop
early if it is safe to do so. Set aside one grocery
shopping day a week, and make healthy meals that
you can freeze and eat later when you don’t have
time to cook.
Healthy habits cost
too much.
You can walk around the mall, a school track, or a
local park for free. Eat healthy on a budget by
buying in bulk and when items are on sale, and by
choosing frozen or canned fruits and vegetables.
Module - 1
Good Health and It’s balance for positive mindset
• Changing health habits for good health:
Roadblocks and Solutions
Roadblock Solution
I can’t make this
change alone.
Join others who have the same objective. This will help
you stay motivated and safe. Get your family or
coworkers on the healthy eating bandwagon. Plan
healthy meals together with your family
I don’t like physical
Forget the old notion that being physically active means
lifting weights in a gym. You can be active in many ways,
including dancing, walking, or gardening. Make your
own list of options that appeal to you. Explore options
you never thought about, and stick with what you
I don’t like healthy
Try making your old favorite recipes in healthier new
ways. For example, you can trim fat from meats and
reduce the amount of butter, sugar, and salt you cook
with. Use low-fat cheeses or milk rather than whole-
milk foods.

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Module I SFH.pptx

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  • 5. Module - 1 Good Health and It’s balance for positive mindset What is Health? • Eating enough and exercise to burn calories? • Having a good physical shape? • Not being sick? • Getting sleep immediate after laying on the bed? • Staying calm and quiet under any circumstances? • Be happy anytime? 5
  • 6. Module - 1 Good Health and It’s balance for positive mindset 6
  • 7. 7 Module - 1 Good Health and It’s balance for positive mindset • Health: • Mental and physical health are the two most frequently discussed types of health. • A person who has good physical health is likely to have bodily functions and processes working at their best. • Mental health refers to a person’s emotional, social, and psychological well-being. • Good physical health can work in tandem with mental health to improve a person’s overall quality of life. • Spiritual, emotional, and financial health contribute to physical and mental health.
  • 8. 8 Module - 1 Good Health and It’s balance for positive mindset • Why Health is very important now?: • Life without health has no meaning; life is precious, but health is more precious than it because life without health is just like food without taste. • Improve longevity • Feel Better About Yourself • Control Your Stress • Life Insurance is Cheaper • Avoid Addictions • Lower Medical Costs • Consider your Self-Esteem
  • 9. Module - 1 Good Health and It’s balance for positive mindset • What influences your Health?: Education, Employment, Income, Community safety, Family & social support 9 Diet & exercise, Use of abusive substances, etc. Access to care & quality of care Environmental quality, housing, transit, etc.
  • 10. 10 Module - 1 Good Health and It’s balance for positive mindset • Health and Behavior: • Actions that an individual engages in, that affect his/her health either positively or negatively. • Example.. • Hand washing, staying in pollution free ambience, work-related gestures, diet, etc. • Occupational health & safety - employee behaviors affecting health and safety. • Health behaviors - preventive, illness, and sick-role • Any action taken in order to prevent a negative health outcome. • Any action taken once an individual feels that he/she has an illness or injury (to assess the illness or injury). • Any action taken once an illness or injury has been defined with the intent of remedying the illness or injury. Clinic visit, staying at home, suggested diet & medication
  • 11. 11 Module - 1 Good Health and It’s balance for positive mindset • Health beliefs and advertisements: • Health beliefs are: – what people believe about their health, – what people think constitutes their health, – what people consider the cause of their illness, and the ways to overcome an illness. • These beliefs are, of course, culturally determined… – Different cultures have different definitions of what constitutes health and what causes illness. • Health beliefs influence health behaviors and health outcomes. – success in the use of hypnosis to control or eliminate a wide variety of unpleasant symptoms (based on the power of expectation and attitude toward health). – People who think they are unlikely to get skin cancer are less likely to wear sunscreen or limit sun exposure.
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  • 13. Module - 1 Good Health and It’s balance for positive mindset 13
  • 14. 14 Module - 1 Good Health and It’s balance for positive mindset • Health Related Advertisements: – Promotion of health-care centers, processes, products or any such activities that influence the health beliefs or believed to influence. – Encourage health behaviors that prevent disease before it happens. – May lead to positive as well negative beliefs.
  • 15. Module - 1 Good Health and It’s balance for positive mindset • Health Related Advertisements: 15
  • 16. 16 Module - 1 Good Health and It’s balance for positive mindset Advantages of good health: – A healthy lifestyle simply means doing things that make you happy and feel good. – For one person, it mean walking 5 kM five times a week, eating fast food once a week, and spending virtual or in-person time with loved ones every other day. – For someone else, a healthy lifestyle may be running two marathons a year, following no specific diet, and never having a sip of alcohol.
  • 17. 17 Module - 1 Good Health and It’s balance for positive mindset • Advantages of good health: – Prevents disease – Saves money – Lengthens lifespan – It can be good for the environment – Builds Confidence – Improves Brain Health and Mood – Reduces Stress – Healthy Gut and Organs – Maintain Healthy Weight or Lose It
  • 18. • For details, visit, 18 Module - 1 Good Health and It’s balance for positive mindset • Health and Society: • Society is groups of individual people living with cooperative life with an objective of achieving a common interest or utility. • Social health is more than just the prevention of mental illness and social problems. Being socially healthy means increased degree of happiness including sense of belongingness and concern for others. • Social variables—social class, race, gender, poverty, income distribution, social networks/support, community cohesion, the work and neighborhood environment — that affect population / society health. • Those who are well integrated in the society have longer and healthier life.
  • 19. 19 Module - 1 Good Health and It’s balance for positive mindset • Health and Society: • Strategies to achieve social health: – Sacrifice some time, effort and energy for the societal activities. – Establish self-identity – Develop new relations – Spend money with friends (… of course, for good cause) – Adjust in new environment – Not complain about little things
  • 20. 20 Module - 1 Good Health and It’s balance for positive mindset • Health and Society: • Strategies to improve social health: – Make connections – Develop new hobbies by joining groups of reading, drawing, writing, yoga, etc. – Learn new skills like art, dance, cooking, swimming, etc. – Volunteer at schools or events outside. – Travel and meet new people.
  • 21. 21 Module - 1 Good Health and It’s balance for positive mindset • Health and Society: • Strategies to improve social health: – Get Active – Participate in debates and discussions. – Join an exercise group or start new outdoor activities with friends. – Help parents in household chores.
  • 22. 22 Module - 1 Good Health and It’s balance for positive mindset • Health and Society: • Strategies to improve social health: – Build Healthy Relations – Share your feelings with parents or friends. – Ask for help in need. – Listen to others without being judgmental. – Compromise and work on agreements. – Avoid conflicts and anger. – Disagree but respectfully. – Protect yourself from bad company and set boundaries.
  • 23. 23 Module - 1 Good Health and It’s balance for positive mindset • Health and Society: • Strategies to improve social health: – Develop Healthy Habits in Family • Eat food with family members, at least once in day. • Go on a walk instead of watching TV or mobile phone. • Cook a meal together with your parents • Give children a task to do and compliment after they finish. • Set rules at home for a disciplined behaviour. • Spend time with family during holidays or visit a place together.
  • 24. 24 Module - 1 Good Health and It’s balance for positive mindset • Health and Personality: • Personality: The combination of attributes or qualities that form an individual's distinctive character. • Personality–health mechanisms include health behaviors and social relationships. • The trait-related experiences have a biological impact that ultimately affects health, including disrupting the stress response and the immune system (e.g., introvert & extrovert persons) • Poor health is often associated with changes in mood and energy levels. • Changes that accompany illness may be associated with, and perhaps are causally related, to changes in personality.
  • 25. 25 Module - 1 Good Health and It’s balance for positive mindset • Disparities of health in different vulnerable groups: • Health and health care disparities refer to differences in health and health care between groups that stem from broader inequities. • Health disparity: “a particular type of health difference that is closely linked with social, economic, and/or environmental disadvantage. • Health and health care disparities are gaining a sharper focus among the media and public (COVID-19 pandemic). • Health and health care disparities are not new.
  • 26. 26 Module - 1 Good Health and It’s balance for positive mindset • Disparities of health in different vulnerable groups: • Health & health care disparities adversely affect groups of people who have systematically experienced greater obstacles to health based on their: • racial or ethnic group; • religion; socioeconomic status; • gender & age; • mental health; cognitive, sensory, or physical disability; • gender identity; geographic location; or • other characteristics historically linked to discrimination or exclusion
  • 27. 27 Module - 1 Good Health and It’s balance for positive mindset • Disparities of health in different vulnerable groups: • Certain groups of people who are vulnerable and marginalized from full enjoyment of a wide range of human rights, including rights to political participation, health and education. • Deprivation of certain individuals and groups whose rights have been violated from the exercising agency (Yamin, 2005). • Such groups in the treatment and need society often encounter discriminatory special attention to avoid potential exploitation. • Vulnerable groups are disadvantaged as compared to others mainly on account of their reduced access to medical services and the underlying determinants of health (water, housing, sanitation, nutrition, etc.)
  • 28. 28 Module - 1 Good Health and It’s balance for positive mindset • Health and psychology: • Mental health refers to a person’s emotional, social, and psychological well-being. • In some persons, behavioral dysfunctions result, not only from physical health but also from mental health. • That is, biological, social and psychological factors influence health and illness. • For e.g., certain behaviors can, over time, harm (smoking or consuming excessive amounts of alcohol) or enhance health (engaging in exercise).
  • 29. Module - 1 Good Health and It’s balance for positive mindset 41 • Signs and symptoms of mental illness: • Feeling sad or down; Confused thinking or reduced ability to concentrate • Excessive fears or worries, or extreme feelings of guilt • Extreme mood changes of highs and lows • Withdrawal from friends and activities • Significant tiredness, low energy or problems sleeping • Detachment from reality (delusions), paranoia or hallucinations • Inability to cope with daily problems or stress • Trouble understanding and relating to situations and to people • Problems with alcohol or drug use • Major changes in eating habits • Excessive anger, hostility or violence • Suicidal thinking Sometimes appear as physical problems, such as stomach pain, back pain, headaches, or other unexplained aches and pains.
  • 30. Module - 1 Good Health and It’s balance for positive mindset • Factors that affect mental health: 30
  • 31. 31 Module - 1 Good Health and It’s balance for positive mindset • Symptoms & signs of good psychological health: • A sense of contentment. • A zest for living and the ability to laugh and have fun. • The ability to deal with stress and bounce back from adversity. • A sense of meaning and purpose, in both their activities and their relationships. • The flexibility to learn new skills and adapt to change. • A balance between work and play, rest and activity, etc. • The ability to build and maintain fulfilling relationships. • Self-confidence and high self-esteem.
  • 32. Module - 1 Good Health and It’s balance for positive mindset 44 • Methods to improve good psychological health: • The term “psychological well-being” is used to describe an individual’s emotional health and overall functioning. – Talk about your feelings – Keep active - regular exercise can boost your self-esteem and can help you concentrate, sleep, and feel better. Exercise keeps the brain and your other vital organs healthy. – Eat well - A diet that’s good for your physical health is also good for your mental health. – Keep in touch – Ask for help, if needed. – Take a break - A change of scene or a change of pace is good for your mental health. – Do something you’re good at – Accept who you are – Care for others
  • 33. Module - 1 Good Health and It’s balance for positive mindset • Methods to improve good psychological health: 33
  • 34. 34 Module - 1 Good Health and It’s balance for positive mindset • Psychological (Mental) disorders: • Other terms used: psychiatric disorder, or mental illness. • What exactly is a mental disorder? • How are these conditions diagnosed? • What exactly constitutes a psychological disorder? • How do you determine if there is something psychologically wrong or unhealthy about a person? • How do you decide what's normal and what's abnormal?
  • 35. 35 Module - 1 Good Health and It’s balance for positive mindset • Psychological (Mental) disorders: • Behaviors that are considered maladaptive and cause significant personal distress, and interrupt daily functioning are more likely to be labeled as disorders. • A syndrome that causes significant disturbance in behavior, emotion, and cognition. • These disorders are also usually accompanied by significant distress that affects a person's work, family, and social relationships. • Many people have mental health concerns from time to time. • A mental health concern becomes a mental illness when ongoing signs and symptoms cause frequent stress and affect your ability to function.
  • 36. 36 Module - 1 Good Health and It’s balance for positive mindset • Symptoms of Psychological (Mental) disorders: • Signs and symptoms of mental illness can vary, depending on the disorder, circumstances and other factors. • Mental illness symptoms can affect emotions, thoughts and behaviors. • Some examples…
  • 37. 37 Module - 1 Good Health and It’s balance for positive mindset • Symptoms of Psychological (Mental) disorders: • Some examples… • Feeling sad or down; Confused thinking or reduced ability to concentrate; Excessive fears or worries, or extreme feelings of guilt; Extreme mood changes of highs and lows; Withdrawal from friends and activities; Significant tiredness, low energy or problems sleeping; Detachment from reality (delusions), paranoia or hallucinations; Inability to cope with daily problems or stress; Trouble understanding and relating to situations and to people; Problems with alcohol or drug use; Major changes in eating habits; Excessive anger, hostility or violence; Suicidal thinking (repeated from slide no. 41)
  • 38. 38 Module - 1 Good Health and It’s balance for positive mindset • Symptoms of Psychological (Mental) disorders: • According to WHO.. • Depression • Bipolar disorder • Schizophrenia and other psychoses • Dementia • Developmental disorders, including autism
  • 39. 39 Module - 1 Good Health and It’s balance for positive mindset • Causes of Psychological (Mental) disorders: • Caused by a variety of genetic and environmental factors: • Inherited traits. Certain genes may increase the risk of developing a mental illness, and the life situation may trigger it. • Environmental environmental exposures before birth. Exposure to stressors, inflammatory conditions, toxins, alcohol or drugs while in the womb can sometimes be linked to mental illness. • Brain chemistry. Neurotransmitters carry brain chemicals & signals to other parts of the brain and body. When the neural networks involving these chemicals are impaired, the function of nerve receptors and nerve systems change, leading to depression and other emotional disorders.
  • 40. 40 Module - 1 Good Health and It’s balance for positive mindset • Complications of Psychological (Mental) disorders: • Unhappiness and decreased enjoyment of life • Family conflicts • Relationship difficulties • Social isolation • Problems with tobacco, alcohol and other drugs • Missed work or school, or other problems related to work or school • Legal and financial problems • Poverty and homelessness • Self-harm and harm to others, including suicide or homicide • Your body has a hard time resisting infections • Heart disease and other medical conditions
  • 41. 41 Module - 1 Good Health and It’s balance for positive mindset • Prevention of Psychological (Mental) disorders: • There's no sure way to prevent mental illness. • Pay attention to warning signs. Work with your doctor or therapist to learn what might trigger your symptoms. Make a plan so that you know what to do if symptoms return. • Get routine medical care. Don't neglect checkups or skip visits to your primary care provider, especially if you aren't feeling well. • Get help when you need it. • Take good care of yourself. Sufficient sleep, healthy eating and regular physical activity are important. Try to maintain a regular schedule.
  • 42. 42 Module - 1 Good Health and It’s balance for positive mindset • Mindfulness for Spiritual and Intellectual health: • Mindfulness: Paying attention to the present moment, on purpose, non-judgmentally. • A moment-to-moment awareness of one's experience without judgment. In this sense, mindfulness is a state and not a trait. • One can be mindful, observing their surroundings in the present moment, without being spiritual (believing in something outside of the physical/material world) • Benefits: • Reduced ponderings, Stress reduction, Boosts to working memory, Less emotional reactivity, Relationship satisfaction, More cognitive flexibility, Focus
  • 43. 43 Module - 1 Good Health and It’s balance for positive mindset • Changing health habits for good health: • Adopting new, healthier habits may protect you from serious health problems like obesity and diabetes. • Habits like healthy eating and regular physical activity, may help you manage your weight and have more energy. • After a while, if you stick with these changes, they may become part of your daily routine. • Have a look on your habits and their effect on your health • (Should I be more active? • Should I try to cut back on less healthy foods? • Should I start to eat better and move more but have a hard time sticking with these changes?)
  • 44. 44 Module - 1 Good Health and It’s balance for positive mindset • Changing health habits for good health: • Adopting new, healthier habits may protect you from serious health problems like obesity and diabetes. • Habits like healthy eating and regular physical activity, may help you manage your weight and have more energy. • After a while, if you stick with these changes, they may become part of your daily routine. • Have a look on your habits and their effect on your health • (Should I be more active? • Should I try to cut back on less healthy foods? • Should I start to eat better and move more but have a hard time sticking with these changes?)
  • 45. 45 Module - 1 Good Health and It’s balance for positive mindset • Changing health habits for good health: Healthy Eating Pros Cons • have more energy • improve my health • lower my risk for health problems • maintain a healthy weight • feel proud of myself • set an example for friends and family • may spend more money and time on food • may need to cook more often at home • may need to eat less of foods I love • may need to buy different foods • may need to convince my family that we all have to eat healthier foods
  • 46. 46 Module - 1 Good Health and It’s balance for positive mindset • Changing health habits for good health: Physical Activities Pros Cons • improve my health • reduce my risk for serious health problems • feel better about myself • become stronger • take time to care for myself • meet new people and spend time with them • have more energy • maintain a healthy weight • become a role model for others • takes too much time and energy & money • it is too hot or cold outside • could hurt myself • am not good at being active • keeps me from family and friends
  • 47. 47 Module - 1 Good Health and It’s balance for positive mindset • Changing health habits for good health: Roadblocks and Solutions Roadblock Solution I don’t have time. Make your new healthy habit a priority. Fit in physical activity whenever and wherever you can. Try taking the stairs or getting off the bus a stop early if it is safe to do so. Set aside one grocery shopping day a week, and make healthy meals that you can freeze and eat later when you don’t have time to cook. Healthy habits cost too much. You can walk around the mall, a school track, or a local park for free. Eat healthy on a budget by buying in bulk and when items are on sale, and by choosing frozen or canned fruits and vegetables.
  • 48. Module - 1 Good Health and It’s balance for positive mindset • Changing health habits for good health: Roadblocks and Solutions Roadblock Solution I can’t make this change alone. Join others who have the same objective. This will help you stay motivated and safe. Get your family or coworkers on the healthy eating bandwagon. Plan healthy meals together with your family I don’t like physical activity. Forget the old notion that being physically active means lifting weights in a gym. You can be active in many ways, including dancing, walking, or gardening. Make your own list of options that appeal to you. Explore options you never thought about, and stick with what you enjoy. I don’t like healthy foods. Try making your old favorite recipes in healthier new ways. For example, you can trim fat from meats and reduce the amount of butter, sugar, and salt you cook with. Use low-fat cheeses or milk rather than whole- milk foods.