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Spreading Circular benefits
to your community and
wider society – CSR, Marketing, and
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CSR through Circular economy
UNIT 2 Marketing Practices in a
Circular Economy Business Model
UNIT 3 Motivating stakeholders in
the circular economy
Spreading Circular
benefits to your
community and wider
society – CSR, Marketing,
and Engagement
The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not
constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors,
and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the
information contained therein
Unit 1 CSR through
Circular economy
Source: Michela Buttignol / Investopedia
Spreading Circular benefits to your community
and wider society – CSR, Marketing, and
Engagement: Module Content
The Module will cover how companies can
use corporate social responsibility (CSR)
initiatives to showcase their commitment
to sustainability and engage with their
community. It will also touch on the role of
marketing in promoting circular practices
and how companies can use
communication channels to raise
awareness and encourage behaviour
The module is composed of 3 units:
• UNIT 1: CSR through Circular economy
• UNIT 2: Marketing Practices in a Circular
Economy Business Model
• UNIT 3: Motivating stakeholders in the
circular economy
Understand today’s major challenges linked to
implementing CSR through the circular economy
Become familiar with the C2C
(Cradle to Cradle) philosophy
See the circular economy as a
source of social outreach
Understand the Benefits of Corporate Social Responsibility
through Circularity for Businesses
Understand the current challenges and how your
business/idea fits into CSR and Circular Economy
Learn about CSR through circular best practices
in Business (SME's)
The circular economy is a form of
corporate social responsibility because
it represents a holistic approach to
doing business that prioritizes
sustainable development. This
approach focuses on minimizing waste
and maximizing the use of resources
by designing products and processes
that can be reused, recycled, or
How does the Circular
Economy contribute to
Corporate Social
By adopting the principles of the circular
economy, companies are demonstrating
their commitment to social and
environmental responsibility, and
contributing to a more sustainable future.
Furthermore, the circular economy helps
companies reduce their environmental
impact, improve resource efficiency, and
enhance their brand reputation, which
ultimately benefits both the company and
society as a whole.
How does the Circular
Economy contribute to
Corporate Social
Small creative businesses can adopt
resource-saving practices such as
reducing paper usage, using energy-
efficient lighting, and recycling
By sourcing materials from sustainable
and environmentally-friendly suppliers,
small creative businesses can reduce
their impact on the environment.
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) in small creative
businesses can contribute to positive environmental
impact in several ways, despite their limited resources.
Here are a few examples:
By designing products that are durable,
repairable, and recyclable, small
creative businesses can reduce the
environmental impact of their products
throughout their lifecycle.
Small creative businesses can educate
and engage their local communities
about environmental issues,
encouraging them to adopt more
sustainable practices and contribute to
the larger shift towards sustainability.
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) in small creative
businesses can contribute to positive environmental
impact in several ways, despite their limited resources.
Here are a few examples:
CSR initiatives that prioritize the
environment, social causes, or other
important issues can create a strong
emotional connection with customers,
which can result in increased customer
loyalty and repeat business.
CSR initiatives can enhance a small
creative business's reputation,
increasing its credibility and trust with
customers, which can result in
increased sales and business growth.
CSR can create business growth by building a positive
reputation and relationship with customers,
employees, and other stakeholders. Here are a few
ways CSR can contribute to business growth:
CSR initiatives can open up new
markets for small creative businesses,
by allowing them to reach customers
who are increasingly conscious of
environmental and social issues and
prioritize sustainable products and
• LIMITED RESOURCES: Small businesses
often have limited financial and human
resources, which can make it
challenging to implement sustainable
practices and adopt the circular
economy model.
businesses may have complex supply
chains that make it difficult to track the
environmental impact of their products
and materials, and to implement
sustainable sourcing practices.
Small businesses may face resistance
from employees, customers, and
suppliers to adopting new and untested
practices, especially those related to the
circular economy.
• COMPETITION: Small businesses may
face competition from larger companies
that have more resources and can
implement sustainability initiatives
more easily.
Small business entrepreneurs face several
challenges when implementing CSR through the
Circular economy, including:
Cradle to Cradle is a design philosophy that aims to create products that have positive
impacts on the environment and society. The concept is based on the idea of "closing
the loop" by creating products that can be recycled and used again and again, rather
than just being disposed of after a single use. In the context of creative products, this
could mean designing products that are made from renewable or non-toxic materials,
are easily recyclable, and can be repurposed at the end of their useful life. The goal is to
create products that have a positive impact throughout their lifecycle, rather than just
trying to minimize negative impacts.
Source: Cradle to Cradle concept by M. Braungart and W. McDonough
Small creative businesses can prioritize
the reuse of materials in their products
and operations, such as using second-
hand materials or repurposing scrap
Small creative businesses can participate
in collaborative consumption initiatives,
such as sharing resources,
tools, and equipment with other
businesses or communities.
Small creative businesses can design
their products to be long-lasting and
durable, reducing the need for frequent
replacements and helping to conserve
Small creative businesses can adopt circular
economy practices to improve their CSR and
reduce their environmental impact. Here are
some specific practices that may be relevant:
Small creative businesses can design
their products to be repairable, rather
than disposable, extending the life of
the product and reducing waste.
Small creative businesses can establish
their own recycling programs, or
participate in local or community
recycling initiatives, to reduce waste
and conserve resources.
Small creative businesses can source
materials and products from sustainable
and environmentally responsible
suppliers, reducing their impact on the
Small creative businesses can adopt circular
economy practices to improve their CSR and
reduce their environmental impact. Here are
some specific practices that may be relevant:
Examples of European-based small businesses
that are using the circular economy to boost
their CSR
RESQ CLUB is a Finnish start-up that offers a food
waste reduction service. The app allows users to
purchase surplus meals from restaurants and cafés at a
discount, thereby reducing food waste. ResQ Club's
CSR initiatives include partnering with food banks and
organizations that fight food poverty.
GROVER is a German company that offers a
subscription-based service for electronic gadgets. The
company's aim is to promote a circular economy by
encouraging customers to rent rather than purchase
electronics, thereby reducing electronic waste.
Grover's CSR initiatives include partnering with
organizations that promote sustainability and offering
a recycling program for electronic devices.
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WECYCLE is a Dutch start-up that provides a circular
solution for bicycle sharing. The company's bicycles are
made from recycled materials and are designed to be
easily disassembled and reused. WeCycle's CSR
initiatives include supporting social initiatives and
partnering with organizations that promote sustainable
REPACK is a Finnish company that provides reusable
packaging for e-commerce companies. The company's
packaging is designed to be reused up to 40 times,
thereby reducing packaging waste. RePack's CSR
initiatives include partnering with environmental
organizations and offering a carbon offset program.
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The triple bottom line (TBL) is a framework that assesses the sustainability of a business
by considering three dimensions of performance: social, environmental, and financial. It
suggests that companies should aim for not only financial success, but also positive
impacts on people and the planet.
The idea is that a business can only be truly successful in the long-term if it balances
these three aspects and achieves a "triple win" for society, the environment, and its own
bottom line. The TBL approach helps companies to assess their overall impact on
stakeholders and the world and to make decisions that consider the short- and long-
term consequences of their actions.
Source: chainpoint Triple Bottom Line: measuring social and environmental KPIs
Environmental, Social, and Governance
(ESG) are the three key factors that
investors and organizations use to evaluate
a company's sustainability and long-term
financial performance.
This refers to a company's impact on the
natural environment, including its
emissions, waste management
practices, energy consumption, and use
of natural resources.
This encompasses a company's impact
on society, including its labor practices,
human rights record, and community
This covers a company's management
and leadership practices, including its
transparency, accountability, and
ethical behavior.
Environmental, Social,
Governance (ESG)
Source: holding Redlich Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) explained:
Five important considerations for companies and their lawyers
Embracing the Circular economy can improve a company's environmental and social
performance, which in turn can enhance its reputation and attractiveness to ESG
For example, a company that adopts circular business practices by designing products
for longevity and recyclability, reducing waste and emissions, and implementing closed-
loop supply chains can improve its environmental performance and reduce its carbon
footprint. This can help the company meet the ESG criteria of environmental
sustainability, which is an important consideration for many investors.
Similarly, a company that promotes fair labour practices, diversity and inclusion, and
community engagement can improve its social performance and meet the ESG criteria of
social responsibility.
How Does the Circular economy Relate to ESG?
Further Study Material Recommendations
(Unit 1)
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Special Issue "Circular Economy and Corporate
Social Responsibility"
Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability.
A Bibliometric Analysis of Their Interrelations
Recommendations for Circular
Economy Implementation
The first circular economy platform
Further Study Material Recommendations
(Unit 1)
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Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS)
EU Ecolabel
Case studies on Circular Economy
models and integration of Sustainable
Development Goals in business
Unit 1 Marketing
Practices in a Circular
Economy Business
Examples of successful businesses that made the
Explain how digital tools can be an asset to this type of
Benefits of strategic marketing in a circular
Know the skills to put into your plan an effective
digital marketing strategy
The circular economy focuses mostly
on changing activities related to
product use.
With respect to the use of products,
conventional marketing techniques
require brands to be selected, while
circular economic conditions will need
to adopt new behaviors such as
product return, rental, or reuse. In
circular economics, marketing gains
importance both in terms of product,
consumption, and supply chain.
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This video helps to understand why it’s time to
move into a Circular Economy marketing
Marketing in the Era of the
Circular Economy
Kindora based in Ireland is on a
mission to give access to great
products with a less negative impact
on the environment at an affordable
Leading Change in Europe
“European parents are looking for sustainability paired with
affordability. As I looked around our home, I saw that our
child – not even a year old – was already leaving a trail of
lovely, barely-used things. I searched for a marketplace where
these top-quality items could be bought, sold, or, even rented.
When I didn’t find one, I decided I’d try to create one.”
Sarah Ouellette Co-Founder Kindora
The basics of digital marketing in this economy are:
• Understanding what it is and knowing the
characteristics of its products/services.
• Knowing the notions of "green marketing" to know
what to pay attention to and what to leverage when
communicating to promote a circular product.
Digital Marketing for a Circular
Your mission is to
change customers’
buying habits so they
seek to purchase
circular products and
Learn further insight into digital platforms by
watching this video. Learn how it’s innovating the
Circular Economy.
Using Digital
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• TELL YOUR STORY: Share your company's story about how you're transitioning to
circular practices. People like to hear personal stories and feel connected to them. This
can help to build trust with your audience and show that your business is committed to
making a positive impact.
• USE SOCIAL MEDIA: Social media platforms can be effective tools for promoting your
circular economy activities. Share photos, videos, and other content that showcases
your sustainability efforts and use relevant hashtags to reach a wider audience.
• COLLABORATE WITH INFLUENCERS: Collaborating with influencers can help to amplify
your message and reach a wider audience. Identify influencers who are aligned with
your values and are passionate about sustainability, and work with them to create
content that promotes your circular economy activities.
Small businesses can market their circular
economy activities by using strategies that
increase awareness & engagement with their
audience. Here are some suggestions:
Here are some social media influencers in Europe
promoting the circular economy and circular
products, along with links to their profiles:
SUSTAINABLE JUNGLE - Sustainable Jungle is a
sustainable lifestyle platform that promotes eco-
friendly living and circular economy practices. Their
social media channels share tips, product
recommendations, and news about sustainability
MY SLOW WORLD - My Slow World is a Belgian-based
sustainable lifestyle influencer who shares tips and
advice on eco-friendly living and sustainable fashion.
THE GOOD CARD - The Good Card is a Dutch-based
initiative that encourages consumers to shop
sustainably by offering discounts and rewards for eco-
friendly purchases. Their social media channels share
information about participating businesses and their
sustainability practices.
THE CIRCULAR DESIGNER - The Circular Designer is a
sustainable fashion brand that upcycles and
repurposes textiles to create new clothing items. Their
social media channels share updates on their latest
designs and sustainability initiatives.
business can differentiate themselves
from their competitors and gain a
competitive advantage in the market.
Consumers are increasingly interested in
sustainable and environmentally-friendly
products and services, and marketing
circular economy initiatives can attract
new customers who are looking for
businesses that align with their values.
circular economy initiatives can help to
improve a small business's reputation, as
it demonstrates a commitment to
sustainability and responsible business
practices. This can lead to increased
customer loyalty and positive word-of-
mouth marketing.
• COST SAVINGS: Adopting circular
economy practices can often result in
cost savings for small businesses. For
example, by reusing and repurposing
materials, a business can reduce their
waste disposal costs, save money on raw
materials, and reduce their
environmental impact.
Marketing a small business's circular economy
initiatives can bring several benefits, such as:
• CUSTOMER RESEARCH: Small business
owners need to have an understanding
of their target customers and their
behavior online. They need to conduct
research to identify their customers'
preferences, interests, and pain points,
as well as their online behavior and
preferred digital channels.
• CONTENT CREATION: Small business
owners need to be able to create
engaging content that will attract and
retain customers. They should be able
to write compelling copy, design eye-
catching visuals, and create videos and
other multimedia content.
• TECHNICAL SKILLS: Small business
owners need to have a basic
understanding of web development,
web design, and graphic design. They
should be able to make basic changes to
their website, design graphics, and
create landing pages.
You need a range of skills to create an
effective digital marketing strategy. Here are
some of the key skills required:
Further Study Material Recommendations
(Unit 2)
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Focus Group Summary: “Marketing in the Era of
the Circular Economy”
Digital marketing in the circular
How digital platforms are enabling
circular economy innovation
Unit 3 Motivating
stakeholders in the
circular economy
To develop and implement communication strategies
to different stakeholders
How to implement a network of sustainable
relationships in the circular ecosystem
Identify behaviors that contribute to or are detrimental to a
circular economy from a consumer (or user) perspective
Help stakeholders change unsustainable
consumption behavior via societal means
• BUSINESSES: Businesses are critical stakeholders in the circular economy, as they are
the primary drivers of circular business models. Businesses can adopt circular practices
by redesigning products for longevity and recyclability, implementing closed-loop
supply chains, and reducing waste and emissions.
• GOVERNMENTS: Governments play a critical role in promoting the circular economy by
creating policies and regulations that incentivize circular business models.
Governments can provide funding for research and development of circular
technologies and provide tax incentives for businesses that adopt circular practices.
• CONSUMERS: Consumers are important stakeholders in the circular economy, as they
drive demand for circular products and services. Consumers can support the circular
economy by choosing products made from recycled materials, repairing and reusing
products, and disposing of products properly.
Who are the stakeholders within the
circular economy?
• INVESTORS: Investors are increasingly interested in companies that adopt circular
business models, as these models can improve environmental and social performance
and reduce risk. Investors can support the circular economy by investing in circular
businesses and engaging with companies to encourage the adoption of circular
• NGOS: Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) play a critical role in promoting the
circular economy by raising awareness of circularity and advocating for policies and
regulations that support circular business models. NGOs can also provide support and
guidance to businesses that are transitioning to circularity.
• SUPPLIERS: Suppliers play an important role in the circular economy by providing the
raw materials and components needed for circular business models. Suppliers can
support circularity by providing materials that are recyclable and sustainable.
Who are the stakeholders within the
circular economy?
Many stakeholders may not be aware of
the benefits of the circular economy or
how it works. Education is critical to
raising awareness and building support
for the circular economy. Companies
can provide training, workshops, and
educational resources to stakeholders
to help them understand the concept of
circularity and its benefits.
Stakeholder engagement is critical to
building support for the circular
economy. Companies can engage
stakeholders in the design and
implementation of circular business
models to ensure that their concerns
and needs are addressed. This can be
done through surveys, focus groups,
and other forms of stakeholder
How can you motivate stakeholders to embrace the
circular economy?
Companies can highlight the benefits of
the circular economy to stakeholders,
including cost savings, reduced waste,
and improved environmental and social
performance. This can help
stakeholders understand how the
circular economy can benefit them and
their organizations.
Sharing success stories of companies
that have successfully implemented
circular business models can inspire
and motivate stakeholders to embrace
the circular economy. Companies can
share case studies, testimonials, and
other examples of how circularity has
improved their business and
sustainability performance.
How can you motivate stakeholders to embrace the
circular economy?
Providing incentives to stakeholders can
encourage them to embrace the circular
economy. For example, companies can
offer discounts, rebates, or other
incentives to customers who buy
products made from recycled materials
or engage in circular behavior.
Setting goals and targets for circularity
can help stakeholders understand the
importance of the circular economy
and their role in achieving it.
Companies can set targets for waste
reduction, recycling, and other circular
metrics and communicate these targets
to stakeholders.
How can you motivate stakeholders to embrace the
circular economy?
Some success stories of small European based
businesses that have successfully implemented
circular business models:
MUD JEANS is a Dutch-based company that provides a
circular solution for denim. They offer a lease model
for jeans, where customers pay a monthly fee for their
jeans and can exchange them for a new pair when they
are done. Mud Jeans takes back the old jeans, repairs
them, and resells them as secondhand products.
FOODCLOUD is an Irish-based social enterprise that
provides a circular solution for food waste. They offer a
technology platform that connects retailers with
surplus food to local charities and community groups.
By diverting food from landfills, FoodCloud has saved
over 57,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions.
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TOO GOOD TO GO is a Danish-based company that
provides a circular solution for food waste. They offer a
mobile app that allows customers to purchase surplus
food from restaurants, cafes, and grocery stores at a
discounted price. By reducing food waste, Too Good To
Go has saved over 100,000 tons of CO2 emissions.
THE TWEED PROJECT is an Irish-based fashion and
lifestyle brand that provides a circular solution tion for
textile waste. They create high-quality fashion
products from upcycled tweed fabric and other
sustainable materials. By using waste materials and
local craftsmanship, The Tweed Project has reduced
waste and supported the local economy.
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FAIRPHONE is a Dutch-based company that
provides a circular solution for smartphones.
They offer a modular smartphone that is
designed to be easily repaired and upgraded.
Fairphone uses responsibly sourced materials
and works with suppliers to improve working
conditions and reduce environmental impact.
owners and entrepreneurs can design
products with circularity in mind, such as
products that are easily repairable,
reusable, or recyclable. This approach
can help reduce waste and resource
consumption, which is better for the
environment and society.
CUSTOMERS: Small business owners and
entrepreneurs can engage with their
suppliers and customers to create a
circular supply chain. For example, they
can source materials and components
from sustainable and ethical sources, or
offer product take-back and recycling
programs to customers.
Small business owners and entrepreneurs can use the
circular economy to engage stakeholders and change
traditional business culture and norms of profit
towards people and the planet by:
Small business owners and
entrepreneurs can partner with other
businesses to create circular ecosystems.
For example, they can collaborate with
other businesses to share resources or
create product-as-a-service models.
MISSION: Small business owners and
entrepreneurs can communicate their
values and mission to their stakeholders.
By highlighting their commitment to
sustainability and circularity, they can
build trust and credibility with their
Small business owners and entrepreneurs can use the
circular economy to engage stakeholders and change
traditional business culture and norms of profit
towards people and the planet by:
IMPACT: Small business owners and
entrepreneurs can measure and report
on the impact of their business
operations. This can help them
demonstrate the positive impact of their
circular business models to their
stakeholders, which can build support
and trust.
NETWORKS: Small business owners and
entrepreneurs can participate in circular
economy networks and organizations to
learn from others, share best practices,
and collaborate on circular projects.
Small business owners and entrepreneurs can use the
circular economy to engage stakeholders and change
traditional business culture and norms of profit
towards people and the planet by:
• ELLEN MACARTHUR FOUNDATION: The Ellen MacArthur Foundation is a global
thought leader in the circular economy. It offers a range of resources and tools to help
businesses transition to circular business models.
• CIRCULAR ECONOMY CLUB: The Circular Economy Club is a global network of circular
economy professionals and organizations. It provides a platform for knowledge sharing
and collaboration.
Products Innovation Institute is a non-profit organization that helps businesses design
and manufacture products in a circular and regenerative way.
• SUSTAINABLE BRANDS: Sustainable Brands is a global community of brand leaders and
sustainability practitioners. It provides resources and tools to help businesses integrate
sustainability and circularity into their operations.
There are several circular economy networks
that are relevant for small businesses and
creative entrepreneurs.
(GACERS): GACERS is a global network of circular economy experts and practitioners. It
provides a platform for collaboration and knowledge sharing to advance the circular
• CIRCLE ECONOMY: Circle Economy is a social enterprise that provides circular economy
services and expertise to businesses, governments, and non-profits. It offers a range of
resources, including circularity assessments and tools, to help businesses transition to
circular business models.
• IMPACT HUB: Impact Hub is a global network of social entrepreneurs and
changemakers. It provides resources and support to help businesses create positive
social and environmental impact.
There are several circular economy networks
that are relevant for small businesses and
creative entrepreneurs.
Develop a compelling story around the
circular economy that highlights the
benefits, opportunities, and challenges.
Use storytelling techniques to make the
narrative more engaging and
BENEFITS: Show stakeholders how the
circular economy can create new
business opportunities, generate cost
savings, and create jobs. Highlight
success stories of businesses that have
successfully transitioned to the circular
BENEFITS: Emphasize the environmental
benefits of the circular economy, such
as reduced waste, energy conservation,
and reduced greenhouse gas emissions.
Use visuals and data to make the impact
of these benefits more tangible.
Communication strategies that can be used to
motivate stakeholders in the circular economy
PROCESS: Involve stakeholders in the
development of circular economy
initiatives and seek their input and
feedback. This will help build buy-in and
ownership of the initiatives.
Offer training and educational resources
to help stakeholders understand the
circular economy and its potential
benefits. This can help build knowledge
and skills that are necessary for successful
Collaborate with other stakeholders, such
as governments, NGOs, and businesses,
to promote the circular economy. By
working together, stakeholders can
leverage their expertise and resources to
achieve shared goals.
• USE SOCIAL MEDIA: Leverage social
media platforms to spread the message
about the circular economy and engage
with stakeholders. Use hashtags,
infographics, and other visuals to make
the message more shareable and
Communication strategies that can be used to
motivate stakeholders in the circular economy
One of the primary motivators for
businesses to implement circular
economy practices is economic incentives.
Governments can provide financial
incentives such as tax breaks, subsidies,
and grants to businesses that adopt
circular economy practices. This can make
it more attractive for businesses to switch
from traditional linear models of
production to circular models that
emphasize resource efficiency, waste
reduction, and reuse.
Businesses can also be motivated to
implement circular economy practices by
responding to consumer demand for
sustainable products and services.
Consumers are increasingly aware of
environmental issues and are looking for
products that are produced sustainably
and responsibly. Businesses that can
demonstrate their commitment to circular
economy practices may be able to capture
a larger share of the growing market for
sustainable products.
Here’s how businesses can be motivated to implement
circular economy practices
Governments can also use regulations to
motivate businesses to implement
circular economy practices. For example,
they can set targets for waste reduction
or require businesses to report on their
environmental performance. Such
regulations can create a level playing
field for businesses and encourage them
to adopt circular economy practices in
order to comply with the regulations.
Collaboration between businesses,
government agencies, and other
stakeholders can also be an effective
way to motivate businesses to
implement circular economy practices.
This can involve sharing knowledge,
resources, and expertise to develop
innovative solutions that benefit
everyone involved.
Here’s how businesses can be motivated to implement
circular economy practices
Businesses that implement circular
economy practices can also benefit
from improved reputation and brand
recognition. Consumers and investors
are increasingly interested in
companies that are committed to
sustainability, and businesses that can
demonstrate their commitment to
circular economy practices may be able
to attract and retain customers and
investors who value sustainability.
Circular economy practices can bring
economic benefits to local
governments. For example, waste
reduction and recycling can reduce
landfill costs and create new jobs in the
recycling and reuse industries. Local
governments can be motivated to
implement circular economy practices if
they can see the economic benefits,
such as reduced costs and increased
Implementing circular economy
practices can also bring environmental
benefits such as reducing greenhouse
gas emissions, conserving resources,
and reducing pollution. Local
governments can be motivated to
implement circular economy practices
by demonstrating the environmental
benefits and creating a positive impact
on the community.
Motivating Local Government to implement
circular economy practices:
Public opinion can be a powerful
motivator for local governments to
implement circular economy practices.
Community members can be informed
about the benefits of circular economy
practices and encouraged to advocate
for their implementation. Local
governments may be more likely to act
if they see that the community is
engaged and supportive.
Collaboration with other local
governments, businesses, and
organizations can provide motivation for
local governments to implement circular
economy practices. Collaborating can
provide access to resources, expertise,
and best practices, and create a more
supportive environment for
implementing circular economy
Motivating Local Government to implement
circular economy practices:
Regulations and policies can create a
framework for implementing circular
economy practices. Local governments
can be motivated to implement circular
economy practices if they are required
to do so by laws, regulations, or
policies. These regulations can provide
a level playing field for businesses and
create a more supportive environment
for implementing circular economy
• DISPOSABLE CULTURE: The use of disposable products like single-use plastic items or
paper products are detrimental to the circular economy. These items are often not
designed to be recycled or reused, resulting in waste that is difficult to manage.
Consumers can reduce their consumption of disposable products by choosing reusable
items, such as cloth bags or refillable water bottles.
• LACK OF RECYCLING: Consumers who do not recycle properly or do not recycle at all
are also detrimental to the circular economy. Recycling helps to keep materials in use
and reduce waste. Consumers can help by ensuring that they properly sort their
recyclables and placing them in the correct bin.
• FAST FASHION: Fast fashion is a consumer behavior that is detrimental to the circular
economy. Fast fashion items are designed to be cheap and disposable, leading to a
culture of overconsumption and waste. Consumers can reduce their impact by buying
high-quality, long-lasting clothes and donating or reselling items they no longer need.
Behaviours that are detrimental to a circular
economy from a consumer (or user):
• SINGLE-USE ITEMS: Single-use items like straws, plastic cutlery, and coffee cups are
also detrimental to the circular economy. These items are often not recyclable or are
difficult to recycle, leading to waste that is difficult to manage. Consumers can reduce
their impact by bringing their own reusable items or choosing products made from
sustainable materials.
• OVERCONSUMPTION: Overconsumption is a behavior that is detrimental to the circular
economy. Consumers can reduce their impact by consuming only what they need and
choosing products that are durable, repairable, and made from sustainable materials.
This can help to reduce waste and keep materials in use for longer periods of time.
Behaviours that are detrimental to a circular
economy from a consumer (or user):
One of the primary ways to motivate
consumers to implement circular
economy practices is through education.
Consumers need to understand the
benefits of circular economy practices,
such as reducing waste, conserving
resources, and creating a more
sustainable future. Education can be
provided through advertising, social
media, and other channels.
Incentives can also be used to motivate
consumers to implement circular
economy practices. For example,
governments can provide financial
incentives for consumers who use
reusable items or recycle properly.
Retailers can also provide incentives,
such as discounts or loyalty points, for
consumers who use reusable bags or
How can consumers be motivated to implement
circular economy practices:
Consumers are more likely to adopt
circular economy practices if they are
convenient. For example, providing easy
access to recycling bins or offering refill
stations for reusable containers can
make it more convenient for consumers
to implement circular economy
Social norms can also play a role in
motivating consumers to implement
circular economy practices. If circular
economy practices become the norm in
a particular community or social group,
then consumers may be more likely to
adopt them as well. Social media and
other communication channels can help
to spread awareness and create a sense
of community around circular economy
How can consumers be motivated to implement
circular economy practices:
Product design can also motivate
consumers to implement circular
economy practices. If products are
designed to be durable, repairable, and
recyclable, then consumers may be
more likely to use them for longer
periods of time and recycle them
properly. Designers can also create
products that use recycled or
sustainable materials, which can
motivate consumers to make more
sustainable choices.
Expectancy theory is a motivational theory that was proposed
by Victor Vroom in the 1960s. This theory suggests that
people's motivation to pursue a particular behavior or
outcome is based on their beliefs about the relationship
between their effort, performance, and outcomes.
According to the theory, motivation is determined by three key
1 Expectancy:
This is the belief that one's effort will lead to a desired level of
performance. In other words, it is the belief that if a person
puts in effort, they will be able to perform well.
Theory 2 Instrumentality:
This is the belief that a certain level of performance will lead to
specific outcomes or rewards. In other words, it is the belief
that if a person performs well, they will receive a certain
reward or outcome.
3 Valence:
This is the value that an individual places on the outcome or
reward. In other words, it is the belief that the reward or
outcome is desirable and worth pursuing.
Source: Mindtools - Expectancy Theory - Linking Motivation, Effort and Outcome
Therefore, to motivate individuals to implement the circular economy, it is important to
ensure that they believe that their effort will lead to good performance, good
performance will lead to desirable outcomes, and those outcomes are valuable to them.
In the context of the circular economy, individuals may be motivated to adopt sustainable
practices if they believe that their efforts will lead to positive outcomes, such as reduced
waste and increased efficiency, and if they value those outcomes. For example, a business
may be motivated to adopt circular economy principles if they believe that it will lead to
increased profits through reduced waste and increased resource efficiency.
In addition, instrumentality is an important factor in the expectancy theory, which
suggests that individuals must believe that a certain level of performance will lead to
specific outcomes or rewards. Therefore, to motivate individuals to implement the circular
economy, it is important to provide clear incentives and rewards for sustainable practices.
This can include financial incentives, recognition, and other tangible benefits.
Expectancy Theory
Further Study Material Recommendations
(Unit 3)
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  • 1. Spreading Circular benefits to your community and wider society – CSR, Marketing, and Engagement MODULE 6 This work is licensed under a Creative Comm4.0 International License
  • 2. Module Presentations Content UNIT 1 CSR through Circular economy UNIT 2 Marketing Practices in a Circular Economy Business Model UNIT 3 Motivating stakeholders in the circular economy Spreading Circular benefits to your community and wider society – CSR, Marketing, and Engagement The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein 03 29 43 01 03 02
  • 3. Unit 1 CSR through Circular economy 01
  • 5. CIRCULAR CREATIVES 5 Spreading Circular benefits to your community and wider society – CSR, Marketing, and Engagement: Module Content The Module will cover how companies can use corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives to showcase their commitment to sustainability and engage with their community. It will also touch on the role of marketing in promoting circular practices and how companies can use communication channels to raise awareness and encourage behaviour change. The module is composed of 3 units: • UNIT 1: CSR through Circular economy • UNIT 2: Marketing Practices in a Circular Economy Business Model • UNIT 3: Motivating stakeholders in the circular economy
  • 6. CIRCULAR CREATIVES 6 Learning Objectives Understand today’s major challenges linked to implementing CSR through the circular economy Become familiar with the C2C (Cradle to Cradle) philosophy See the circular economy as a source of social outreach
  • 7. CIRCULAR CREATIVES 7 Learning Outcomes Understand the Benefits of Corporate Social Responsibility through Circularity for Businesses Understand the current challenges and how your business/idea fits into CSR and Circular Economy Learn about CSR through circular best practices in Business (SME's)
  • 8. CIRCULAR CREATIVES 8 The circular economy is a form of corporate social responsibility because it represents a holistic approach to doing business that prioritizes sustainable development. This approach focuses on minimizing waste and maximizing the use of resources by designing products and processes that can be reused, recycled, or repurposed. How does the Circular Economy contribute to Corporate Social Responsibility
  • 9. CIRCULAR CREATIVES By adopting the principles of the circular economy, companies are demonstrating their commitment to social and environmental responsibility, and contributing to a more sustainable future. Furthermore, the circular economy helps companies reduce their environmental impact, improve resource efficiency, and enhance their brand reputation, which ultimately benefits both the company and society as a whole. 9 How does the Circular Economy contribute to Corporate Social Responsibility
  • 10. CIRCULAR CREATIVES CIRCULAR CREATIVES • RESOURCE CONSERVATION: Small creative businesses can adopt resource-saving practices such as reducing paper usage, using energy- efficient lighting, and recycling materials. • SUSTAINABLE SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT: By sourcing materials from sustainable and environmentally-friendly suppliers, small creative businesses can reduce their impact on the environment. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) in small creative businesses can contribute to positive environmental impact in several ways, despite their limited resources. Here are a few examples: 10
  • 11. CIRCULAR CREATIVES CIRCULAR CREATIVES • PRODUCT DESIGN: By designing products that are durable, repairable, and recyclable, small creative businesses can reduce the environmental impact of their products throughout their lifecycle. • COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT: Small creative businesses can educate and engage their local communities about environmental issues, encouraging them to adopt more sustainable practices and contribute to the larger shift towards sustainability. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) in small creative businesses can contribute to positive environmental impact in several ways, despite their limited resources. Here are a few examples: 11
  • 12. CIRCULAR CREATIVES CIRCULAR CREATIVES • CUSTOMER LOYALTY: CSR initiatives that prioritize the environment, social causes, or other important issues can create a strong emotional connection with customers, which can result in increased customer loyalty and repeat business. • BRAND REPUTATION: CSR initiatives can enhance a small creative business's reputation, increasing its credibility and trust with customers, which can result in increased sales and business growth. CSR can create business growth by building a positive reputation and relationship with customers, employees, and other stakeholders. Here are a few ways CSR can contribute to business growth: 12
  • 13. CIRCULAR CREATIVES • ACCESS TO NEW MARKETS: CSR initiatives can open up new markets for small creative businesses, by allowing them to reach customers who are increasingly conscious of environmental and social issues and prioritize sustainable products and services. 13
  • 14. CIRCULAR CREATIVES • LIMITED RESOURCES: Small businesses often have limited financial and human resources, which can make it challenging to implement sustainable practices and adopt the circular economy model. • COMPLEX SUPPLY CHAINS: Small businesses may have complex supply chains that make it difficult to track the environmental impact of their products and materials, and to implement sustainable sourcing practices. • RESISTANCE TO CHANGE: Small businesses may face resistance from employees, customers, and suppliers to adopting new and untested practices, especially those related to the circular economy. • COMPETITION: Small businesses may face competition from larger companies that have more resources and can implement sustainability initiatives more easily. Small business entrepreneurs face several challenges when implementing CSR through the Circular economy, including: 14
  • 15. CIRCULAR CREATIVES 15 Cradle to Cradle is a design philosophy that aims to create products that have positive impacts on the environment and society. The concept is based on the idea of "closing the loop" by creating products that can be recycled and used again and again, rather than just being disposed of after a single use. In the context of creative products, this could mean designing products that are made from renewable or non-toxic materials, are easily recyclable, and can be repurposed at the end of their useful life. The goal is to create products that have a positive impact throughout their lifecycle, rather than just trying to minimize negative impacts. (C2C) CRADLE TO CRADLE PHILOSOPHY
  • 16. CIRCULAR CREATIVES CIRCULAR CREATIVES 16 Source: Cradle to Cradle concept by M. Braungart and W. McDonough
  • 17. CIRCULAR CREATIVES • REUSE OF MATERIALS: Small creative businesses can prioritize the reuse of materials in their products and operations, such as using second- hand materials or repurposing scrap materials. • COLLABORATIVE CONSUMPTION: Small creative businesses can participate in collaborative consumption initiatives, such as sharing resources, tools, and equipment with other businesses or communities. • PRODUCT LONGEVITY: Small creative businesses can design their products to be long-lasting and durable, reducing the need for frequent replacements and helping to conserve resources. Small creative businesses can adopt circular economy practices to improve their CSR and reduce their environmental impact. Here are some specific practices that may be relevant: 17
  • 18. CIRCULAR CREATIVES • PRODUCT REPAIRABILITY: Small creative businesses can design their products to be repairable, rather than disposable, extending the life of the product and reducing waste. • RECYCLING PROGRAMS: Small creative businesses can establish their own recycling programs, or participate in local or community recycling initiatives, to reduce waste and conserve resources. • SUSTAINABLE SOURCING: Small creative businesses can source materials and products from sustainable and environmentally responsible suppliers, reducing their impact on the environment. Small creative businesses can adopt circular economy practices to improve their CSR and reduce their environmental impact. Here are some specific practices that may be relevant: 18
  • 19. CIRCULAR CREATIVES Examples of European-based small businesses that are using the circular economy to boost their CSR 19
  • 20. CIRCULAR CREATIVES CIRCULAR CREATIVES RESQ CLUB is a Finnish start-up that offers a food waste reduction service. The app allows users to purchase surplus meals from restaurants and cafés at a discount, thereby reducing food waste. ResQ Club's CSR initiatives include partnering with food banks and organizations that fight food poverty. GROVER is a German company that offers a subscription-based service for electronic gadgets. The company's aim is to promote a circular economy by encouraging customers to rent rather than purchase electronics, thereby reducing electronic waste. Grover's CSR initiatives include partnering with organizations that promote sustainability and offering a recycling program for electronic devices. 20 Click to VIEW Click to VIEW
  • 21. CIRCULAR CREATIVES CIRCULAR CREATIVES WECYCLE is a Dutch start-up that provides a circular solution for bicycle sharing. The company's bicycles are made from recycled materials and are designed to be easily disassembled and reused. WeCycle's CSR initiatives include supporting social initiatives and partnering with organizations that promote sustainable transportation. REPACK is a Finnish company that provides reusable packaging for e-commerce companies. The company's packaging is designed to be reused up to 40 times, thereby reducing packaging waste. RePack's CSR initiatives include partnering with environmental organizations and offering a carbon offset program. 21 Click to VIEW Click to VIEW
  • 22. CIRCULAR CREATIVES 22 The triple bottom line (TBL) is a framework that assesses the sustainability of a business by considering three dimensions of performance: social, environmental, and financial. It suggests that companies should aim for not only financial success, but also positive impacts on people and the planet. The idea is that a business can only be truly successful in the long-term if it balances these three aspects and achieves a "triple win" for society, the environment, and its own bottom line. The TBL approach helps companies to assess their overall impact on stakeholders and the world and to make decisions that consider the short- and long- term consequences of their actions. TRIPLE BOTTOM LINE MINDSET
  • 23. CIRCULAR CREATIVES CIRCULAR CREATIVES 23 Source: chainpoint Triple Bottom Line: measuring social and environmental KPIs
  • 24. CIRCULAR CREATIVES Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) are the three key factors that investors and organizations use to evaluate a company's sustainability and long-term financial performance. • ENVIRONMENTAL: This refers to a company's impact on the natural environment, including its emissions, waste management practices, energy consumption, and use of natural resources. • SOCIAL: This encompasses a company's impact on society, including its labor practices, human rights record, and community involvement. • GOVERNANCE: This covers a company's management and leadership practices, including its transparency, accountability, and ethical behavior. Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG) 24
  • 25. CIRCULAR CREATIVES CIRCULAR CREATIVES 25 Source: holding Redlich Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) explained: Five important considerations for companies and their lawyers
  • 26. CIRCULAR CREATIVES CIRCULAR CREATIVES Embracing the Circular economy can improve a company's environmental and social performance, which in turn can enhance its reputation and attractiveness to ESG investors. For example, a company that adopts circular business practices by designing products for longevity and recyclability, reducing waste and emissions, and implementing closed- loop supply chains can improve its environmental performance and reduce its carbon footprint. This can help the company meet the ESG criteria of environmental sustainability, which is an important consideration for many investors. Similarly, a company that promotes fair labour practices, diversity and inclusion, and community engagement can improve its social performance and meet the ESG criteria of social responsibility. How Does the Circular economy Relate to ESG? 26
  • 27. CIRCULAR CREATIVES 27 Further Study Material Recommendations (Unit 1) Click to VIEW Click to VIEW Click to VIEW Click to VIEW Special Issue "Circular Economy and Corporate Social Responsibility" Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability. A Bibliometric Analysis of Their Interrelations Recommendations for Circular Economy Implementation The first circular economy platform
  • 28. CIRCULAR CREATIVES 28 Further Study Material Recommendations (Unit 1) Click to VIEW Click to VIEW Click to VIEW Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS) EU Ecolabel Case studies on Circular Economy models and integration of Sustainable Development Goals in business strategies
  • 29. Unit 1 Marketing Practices in a Circular Economy Business Model 02
  • 30. CIRCULAR CREATIVES 30 Learning Objectives Examples of successful businesses that made the switch Explain how digital tools can be an asset to this type of marketing Benefits of strategic marketing in a circular economy Learning Outcomes Know the skills to put into your plan an effective digital marketing strategy
  • 31. CIRCULAR CREATIVES 31 The circular economy focuses mostly on changing activities related to product use. With respect to the use of products, conventional marketing techniques require brands to be selected, while circular economic conditions will need to adopt new behaviors such as product return, rental, or reuse. In circular economics, marketing gains importance both in terms of product, consumption, and supply chain.
  • 32. CIRCULAR CREATIVES Click to WATCH 32 This video helps to understand why it’s time to move into a Circular Economy marketing mindset. Marketing in the Era of the Circular Economy
  • 33. CIRCULAR CREATIVES 33 Kindora based in Ireland is on a mission to give access to great products with a less negative impact on the environment at an affordable cost. Leading Change in Europe “European parents are looking for sustainability paired with affordability. As I looked around our home, I saw that our child – not even a year old – was already leaving a trail of lovely, barely-used things. I searched for a marketplace where these top-quality items could be bought, sold, or, even rented. When I didn’t find one, I decided I’d try to create one.” Sarah Ouellette Co-Founder Kindora
  • 34. CIRCULAR CREATIVES CIRCULAR CREATIVES The basics of digital marketing in this economy are: • Understanding what it is and knowing the characteristics of its products/services. • Knowing the notions of "green marketing" to know what to pay attention to and what to leverage when communicating to promote a circular product. Digital Marketing for a Circular Economy 34 Your mission is to change customers’ buying habits so they seek to purchase circular products and services. Source
  • 35. CIRCULAR CREATIVES Learn further insight into digital platforms by watching this video. Learn how it’s innovating the Circular Economy. CAN THIS TYPE OF MARKETING BE AN ASSET TO THIS NEW ECONOMY? Using Digital Platforms 35 Click to VIEW
  • 36. CIRCULAR CREATIVES • TELL YOUR STORY: Share your company's story about how you're transitioning to circular practices. People like to hear personal stories and feel connected to them. This can help to build trust with your audience and show that your business is committed to making a positive impact. • USE SOCIAL MEDIA: Social media platforms can be effective tools for promoting your circular economy activities. Share photos, videos, and other content that showcases your sustainability efforts and use relevant hashtags to reach a wider audience. • COLLABORATE WITH INFLUENCERS: Collaborating with influencers can help to amplify your message and reach a wider audience. Identify influencers who are aligned with your values and are passionate about sustainability, and work with them to create content that promotes your circular economy activities. Small businesses can market their circular economy activities by using strategies that increase awareness & engagement with their audience. Here are some suggestions: 36
  • 37. CIRCULAR CREATIVES Here are some social media influencers in Europe promoting the circular economy and circular products, along with links to their profiles: 37
  • 38. CIRCULAR CREATIVES CIRCULAR CREATIVES SUSTAINABLE JUNGLE - Sustainable Jungle is a sustainable lifestyle platform that promotes eco- friendly living and circular economy practices. Their social media channels share tips, product recommendations, and news about sustainability initiatives. @sustainablejungle @sustainablejungle MY SLOW WORLD - My Slow World is a Belgian-based sustainable lifestyle influencer who shares tips and advice on eco-friendly living and sustainable fashion. @myslowworld 38
  • 39. CIRCULAR CREATIVES CIRCULAR CREATIVES THE GOOD CARD - The Good Card is a Dutch-based initiative that encourages consumers to shop sustainably by offering discounts and rewards for eco- friendly purchases. Their social media channels share information about participating businesses and their sustainability practices. @thegoodcard @thegoodcard THE CIRCULAR DESIGNER - The Circular Designer is a sustainable fashion brand that upcycles and repurposes textiles to create new clothing items. Their social media channels share updates on their latest designs and sustainability initiatives. @thecirculardesigner 39
  • 40. CIRCULAR CREATIVES • COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE: A small business can differentiate themselves from their competitors and gain a competitive advantage in the market. Consumers are increasingly interested in sustainable and environmentally-friendly products and services, and marketing circular economy initiatives can attract new customers who are looking for businesses that align with their values. • IMPROVED REPUTATION: Promoting circular economy initiatives can help to improve a small business's reputation, as it demonstrates a commitment to sustainability and responsible business practices. This can lead to increased customer loyalty and positive word-of- mouth marketing. • COST SAVINGS: Adopting circular economy practices can often result in cost savings for small businesses. For example, by reusing and repurposing materials, a business can reduce their waste disposal costs, save money on raw materials, and reduce their environmental impact. Marketing a small business's circular economy initiatives can bring several benefits, such as: 40
  • 41. CIRCULAR CREATIVES • CUSTOMER RESEARCH: Small business owners need to have an understanding of their target customers and their behavior online. They need to conduct research to identify their customers' preferences, interests, and pain points, as well as their online behavior and preferred digital channels. • CONTENT CREATION: Small business owners need to be able to create engaging content that will attract and retain customers. They should be able to write compelling copy, design eye- catching visuals, and create videos and other multimedia content. • TECHNICAL SKILLS: Small business owners need to have a basic understanding of web development, web design, and graphic design. They should be able to make basic changes to their website, design graphics, and create landing pages. You need a range of skills to create an effective digital marketing strategy. Here are some of the key skills required: 41
  • 42. CIRCULAR CREATIVES 42 Further Study Material Recommendations (Unit 2) Click to VIEW Click to VIEW Click to VIEW Focus Group Summary: “Marketing in the Era of the Circular Economy” Digital marketing in the circular economy How digital platforms are enabling circular economy innovation
  • 43. Unit 3 Motivating stakeholders in the circular economy 03
  • 44. CIRCULAR CREATIVES 44 Learning Objectives To develop and implement communication strategies to different stakeholders How to implement a network of sustainable relationships in the circular ecosystem Identify behaviors that contribute to or are detrimental to a circular economy from a consumer (or user) perspective Learning Outcomes Help stakeholders change unsustainable consumption behavior via societal means
  • 45. CIRCULAR CREATIVES • BUSINESSES: Businesses are critical stakeholders in the circular economy, as they are the primary drivers of circular business models. Businesses can adopt circular practices by redesigning products for longevity and recyclability, implementing closed-loop supply chains, and reducing waste and emissions. • GOVERNMENTS: Governments play a critical role in promoting the circular economy by creating policies and regulations that incentivize circular business models. Governments can provide funding for research and development of circular technologies and provide tax incentives for businesses that adopt circular practices. • CONSUMERS: Consumers are important stakeholders in the circular economy, as they drive demand for circular products and services. Consumers can support the circular economy by choosing products made from recycled materials, repairing and reusing products, and disposing of products properly. Who are the stakeholders within the circular economy? 45
  • 46. CIRCULAR CREATIVES • INVESTORS: Investors are increasingly interested in companies that adopt circular business models, as these models can improve environmental and social performance and reduce risk. Investors can support the circular economy by investing in circular businesses and engaging with companies to encourage the adoption of circular practices. • NGOS: Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) play a critical role in promoting the circular economy by raising awareness of circularity and advocating for policies and regulations that support circular business models. NGOs can also provide support and guidance to businesses that are transitioning to circularity. • SUPPLIERS: Suppliers play an important role in the circular economy by providing the raw materials and components needed for circular business models. Suppliers can support circularity by providing materials that are recyclable and sustainable. Who are the stakeholders within the circular economy? 46
  • 47. CIRCULAR CREATIVES CIRCULAR CREATIVES • EDUCATE STAKEHOLDERS: Many stakeholders may not be aware of the benefits of the circular economy or how it works. Education is critical to raising awareness and building support for the circular economy. Companies can provide training, workshops, and educational resources to stakeholders to help them understand the concept of circularity and its benefits. • ENGAGE STAKEHOLDERS: Stakeholder engagement is critical to building support for the circular economy. Companies can engage stakeholders in the design and implementation of circular business models to ensure that their concerns and needs are addressed. This can be done through surveys, focus groups, and other forms of stakeholder engagement. How can you motivate stakeholders to embrace the circular economy? 47
  • 48. CIRCULAR CREATIVES CIRCULAR CREATIVES • HIGHLIGHT THE BENEFITS: Companies can highlight the benefits of the circular economy to stakeholders, including cost savings, reduced waste, and improved environmental and social performance. This can help stakeholders understand how the circular economy can benefit them and their organizations. • SHOWCASE SUCCESS STORIES: Sharing success stories of companies that have successfully implemented circular business models can inspire and motivate stakeholders to embrace the circular economy. Companies can share case studies, testimonials, and other examples of how circularity has improved their business and sustainability performance. How can you motivate stakeholders to embrace the circular economy? 48
  • 49. CIRCULAR CREATIVES CIRCULAR CREATIVES • PROVIDE INCENTIVES: Providing incentives to stakeholders can encourage them to embrace the circular economy. For example, companies can offer discounts, rebates, or other incentives to customers who buy products made from recycled materials or engage in circular behavior. • SET GOALS: Setting goals and targets for circularity can help stakeholders understand the importance of the circular economy and their role in achieving it. Companies can set targets for waste reduction, recycling, and other circular metrics and communicate these targets to stakeholders. How can you motivate stakeholders to embrace the circular economy? 49
  • 50. CIRCULAR CREATIVES Some success stories of small European based businesses that have successfully implemented circular business models: 50
  • 51. CIRCULAR CREATIVES CIRCULAR CREATIVES MUD JEANS is a Dutch-based company that provides a circular solution for denim. They offer a lease model for jeans, where customers pay a monthly fee for their jeans and can exchange them for a new pair when they are done. Mud Jeans takes back the old jeans, repairs them, and resells them as secondhand products. FOODCLOUD is an Irish-based social enterprise that provides a circular solution for food waste. They offer a technology platform that connects retailers with surplus food to local charities and community groups. By diverting food from landfills, FoodCloud has saved over 57,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions. 51 Click to VIEW Click to VIEW
  • 52. CIRCULAR CREATIVES CIRCULAR CREATIVES TOO GOOD TO GO is a Danish-based company that provides a circular solution for food waste. They offer a mobile app that allows customers to purchase surplus food from restaurants, cafes, and grocery stores at a discounted price. By reducing food waste, Too Good To Go has saved over 100,000 tons of CO2 emissions. THE TWEED PROJECT is an Irish-based fashion and lifestyle brand that provides a circular solution tion for textile waste. They create high-quality fashion products from upcycled tweed fabric and other sustainable materials. By using waste materials and local craftsmanship, The Tweed Project has reduced waste and supported the local economy. 52 Click to VIEW Click to VIEW
  • 53. CIRCULAR CREATIVES Click to VISIT 53 FAIRPHONE is a Dutch-based company that provides a circular solution for smartphones. They offer a modular smartphone that is designed to be easily repaired and upgraded. Fairphone uses responsibly sourced materials and works with suppliers to improve working conditions and reduce environmental impact.
  • 54. CIRCULAR CREATIVES CIRCULAR CREATIVES • DESIGNING PRODUCTS WITH CIRCULARITY IN MIND: Small business owners and entrepreneurs can design products with circularity in mind, such as products that are easily repairable, reusable, or recyclable. This approach can help reduce waste and resource consumption, which is better for the environment and society. • ENGAGING WITH SUPPLIERS AND CUSTOMERS: Small business owners and entrepreneurs can engage with their suppliers and customers to create a circular supply chain. For example, they can source materials and components from sustainable and ethical sources, or offer product take-back and recycling programs to customers. Small business owners and entrepreneurs can use the circular economy to engage stakeholders and change traditional business culture and norms of profit towards people and the planet by: 54
  • 55. CIRCULAR CREATIVES CIRCULAR CREATIVES • PARTNERING WITH OTHER BUSINESSES: Small business owners and entrepreneurs can partner with other businesses to create circular ecosystems. For example, they can collaborate with other businesses to share resources or create product-as-a-service models. • COMMUNICATING THEIR VALUES AND MISSION: Small business owners and entrepreneurs can communicate their values and mission to their stakeholders. By highlighting their commitment to sustainability and circularity, they can build trust and credibility with their stakeholders. Small business owners and entrepreneurs can use the circular economy to engage stakeholders and change traditional business culture and norms of profit towards people and the planet by: 55
  • 56. CIRCULAR CREATIVES CIRCULAR CREATIVES • MEASURING AND REPORTING ON IMPACT: Small business owners and entrepreneurs can measure and report on the impact of their business operations. This can help them demonstrate the positive impact of their circular business models to their stakeholders, which can build support and trust. • PARTICIPATING IN CIRCULAR ECONOMY NETWORKS: Small business owners and entrepreneurs can participate in circular economy networks and organizations to learn from others, share best practices, and collaborate on circular projects. Small business owners and entrepreneurs can use the circular economy to engage stakeholders and change traditional business culture and norms of profit towards people and the planet by: 56
  • 57. CIRCULAR CREATIVES • ELLEN MACARTHUR FOUNDATION: The Ellen MacArthur Foundation is a global thought leader in the circular economy. It offers a range of resources and tools to help businesses transition to circular business models. • CIRCULAR ECONOMY CLUB: The Circular Economy Club is a global network of circular economy professionals and organizations. It provides a platform for knowledge sharing and collaboration. • CRADLE TO CRADLE PRODUCTS INNOVATION INSTITUTE: The Cradle to Cradle Products Innovation Institute is a non-profit organization that helps businesses design and manufacture products in a circular and regenerative way. • SUSTAINABLE BRANDS: Sustainable Brands is a global community of brand leaders and sustainability practitioners. It provides resources and tools to help businesses integrate sustainability and circularity into their operations. There are several circular economy networks that are relevant for small businesses and creative entrepreneurs. 57
  • 58. CIRCULAR CREATIVES • THE GLOBAL ALLIANCE FOR CIRCULAR ECONOMY AND RESOURCE SUSTAINABILITY (GACERS): GACERS is a global network of circular economy experts and practitioners. It provides a platform for collaboration and knowledge sharing to advance the circular economy. • CIRCLE ECONOMY: Circle Economy is a social enterprise that provides circular economy services and expertise to businesses, governments, and non-profits. It offers a range of resources, including circularity assessments and tools, to help businesses transition to circular business models. • IMPACT HUB: Impact Hub is a global network of social entrepreneurs and changemakers. It provides resources and support to help businesses create positive social and environmental impact. There are several circular economy networks that are relevant for small businesses and creative entrepreneurs. 58
  • 59. CIRCULAR CREATIVES • CREATE A COMPELLING NARRATIVE: Develop a compelling story around the circular economy that highlights the benefits, opportunities, and challenges. Use storytelling techniques to make the narrative more engaging and memorable. • DEMONSTRATE THE ECONOMIC BENEFITS: Show stakeholders how the circular economy can create new business opportunities, generate cost savings, and create jobs. Highlight success stories of businesses that have successfully transitioned to the circular economy. • FOCUS ON THE ENVIRONMENTAL BENEFITS: Emphasize the environmental benefits of the circular economy, such as reduced waste, energy conservation, and reduced greenhouse gas emissions. Use visuals and data to make the impact of these benefits more tangible. Communication strategies that can be used to motivate stakeholders in the circular economy 59
  • 60. CIRCULAR CREATIVES • ENGAGE STAKEHOLDERS IN THE PROCESS: Involve stakeholders in the development of circular economy initiatives and seek their input and feedback. This will help build buy-in and ownership of the initiatives. • PROVIDE EDUCATION AND TRAINING: Offer training and educational resources to help stakeholders understand the circular economy and its potential benefits. This can help build knowledge and skills that are necessary for successful implementation. • COLLABORATE WITH PARTNERS: Collaborate with other stakeholders, such as governments, NGOs, and businesses, to promote the circular economy. By working together, stakeholders can leverage their expertise and resources to achieve shared goals. • USE SOCIAL MEDIA: Leverage social media platforms to spread the message about the circular economy and engage with stakeholders. Use hashtags, infographics, and other visuals to make the message more shareable and accessible. Communication strategies that can be used to motivate stakeholders in the circular economy 60
  • 61. CIRCULAR CREATIVES CIRCULAR CREATIVES • ECONOMIC INCENTIVES: One of the primary motivators for businesses to implement circular economy practices is economic incentives. Governments can provide financial incentives such as tax breaks, subsidies, and grants to businesses that adopt circular economy practices. This can make it more attractive for businesses to switch from traditional linear models of production to circular models that emphasize resource efficiency, waste reduction, and reuse. • CONSUMER DEMAND: Businesses can also be motivated to implement circular economy practices by responding to consumer demand for sustainable products and services. Consumers are increasingly aware of environmental issues and are looking for products that are produced sustainably and responsibly. Businesses that can demonstrate their commitment to circular economy practices may be able to capture a larger share of the growing market for sustainable products. Here’s how businesses can be motivated to implement circular economy practices 61
  • 62. CIRCULAR CREATIVES CIRCULAR CREATIVES • REGULATIONS: Governments can also use regulations to motivate businesses to implement circular economy practices. For example, they can set targets for waste reduction or require businesses to report on their environmental performance. Such regulations can create a level playing field for businesses and encourage them to adopt circular economy practices in order to comply with the regulations. • COLLABORATION: Collaboration between businesses, government agencies, and other stakeholders can also be an effective way to motivate businesses to implement circular economy practices. This can involve sharing knowledge, resources, and expertise to develop innovative solutions that benefit everyone involved. Here’s how businesses can be motivated to implement circular economy practices 62
  • 63. CIRCULAR CREATIVES • REPUTATION: Businesses that implement circular economy practices can also benefit from improved reputation and brand recognition. Consumers and investors are increasingly interested in companies that are committed to sustainability, and businesses that can demonstrate their commitment to circular economy practices may be able to attract and retain customers and investors who value sustainability. 63
  • 64. CIRCULAR CREATIVES • ECONOMIC BENEFITS: Circular economy practices can bring economic benefits to local governments. For example, waste reduction and recycling can reduce landfill costs and create new jobs in the recycling and reuse industries. Local governments can be motivated to implement circular economy practices if they can see the economic benefits, such as reduced costs and increased revenue. • ENVIRONMENTAL BENEFITS: Implementing circular economy practices can also bring environmental benefits such as reducing greenhouse gas emissions, conserving resources, and reducing pollution. Local governments can be motivated to implement circular economy practices by demonstrating the environmental benefits and creating a positive impact on the community. Motivating Local Government to implement circular economy practices: 64
  • 65. CIRCULAR CREATIVES • PUBLIC OPINION: Public opinion can be a powerful motivator for local governments to implement circular economy practices. Community members can be informed about the benefits of circular economy practices and encouraged to advocate for their implementation. Local governments may be more likely to act if they see that the community is engaged and supportive. • COLLABORATION: Collaboration with other local governments, businesses, and organizations can provide motivation for local governments to implement circular economy practices. Collaborating can provide access to resources, expertise, and best practices, and create a more supportive environment for implementing circular economy practices. Motivating Local Government to implement circular economy practices: 65
  • 66. CIRCULAR CREATIVES • REGULATIONS AND POLICIES: Regulations and policies can create a framework for implementing circular economy practices. Local governments can be motivated to implement circular economy practices if they are required to do so by laws, regulations, or policies. These regulations can provide a level playing field for businesses and create a more supportive environment for implementing circular economy practices. 66
  • 67. CIRCULAR CREATIVES • DISPOSABLE CULTURE: The use of disposable products like single-use plastic items or paper products are detrimental to the circular economy. These items are often not designed to be recycled or reused, resulting in waste that is difficult to manage. Consumers can reduce their consumption of disposable products by choosing reusable items, such as cloth bags or refillable water bottles. • LACK OF RECYCLING: Consumers who do not recycle properly or do not recycle at all are also detrimental to the circular economy. Recycling helps to keep materials in use and reduce waste. Consumers can help by ensuring that they properly sort their recyclables and placing them in the correct bin. • FAST FASHION: Fast fashion is a consumer behavior that is detrimental to the circular economy. Fast fashion items are designed to be cheap and disposable, leading to a culture of overconsumption and waste. Consumers can reduce their impact by buying high-quality, long-lasting clothes and donating or reselling items they no longer need. Behaviours that are detrimental to a circular economy from a consumer (or user): 67
  • 68. CIRCULAR CREATIVES • SINGLE-USE ITEMS: Single-use items like straws, plastic cutlery, and coffee cups are also detrimental to the circular economy. These items are often not recyclable or are difficult to recycle, leading to waste that is difficult to manage. Consumers can reduce their impact by bringing their own reusable items or choosing products made from sustainable materials. • OVERCONSUMPTION: Overconsumption is a behavior that is detrimental to the circular economy. Consumers can reduce their impact by consuming only what they need and choosing products that are durable, repairable, and made from sustainable materials. This can help to reduce waste and keep materials in use for longer periods of time. Behaviours that are detrimental to a circular economy from a consumer (or user): 68
  • 69. CIRCULAR CREATIVES CIRCULAR CREATIVES • EDUCATION: One of the primary ways to motivate consumers to implement circular economy practices is through education. Consumers need to understand the benefits of circular economy practices, such as reducing waste, conserving resources, and creating a more sustainable future. Education can be provided through advertising, social media, and other channels. • INCENTIVES: Incentives can also be used to motivate consumers to implement circular economy practices. For example, governments can provide financial incentives for consumers who use reusable items or recycle properly. Retailers can also provide incentives, such as discounts or loyalty points, for consumers who use reusable bags or containers. How can consumers be motivated to implement circular economy practices: 69
  • 70. CIRCULAR CREATIVES CIRCULAR CREATIVES • CONVENIENCE: Consumers are more likely to adopt circular economy practices if they are convenient. For example, providing easy access to recycling bins or offering refill stations for reusable containers can make it more convenient for consumers to implement circular economy practices. • SOCIAL NORMS: Social norms can also play a role in motivating consumers to implement circular economy practices. If circular economy practices become the norm in a particular community or social group, then consumers may be more likely to adopt them as well. Social media and other communication channels can help to spread awareness and create a sense of community around circular economy practices. How can consumers be motivated to implement circular economy practices: 70
  • 71. CIRCULAR CREATIVES • PRODUCT DESIGN: Product design can also motivate consumers to implement circular economy practices. If products are designed to be durable, repairable, and recyclable, then consumers may be more likely to use them for longer periods of time and recycle them properly. Designers can also create products that use recycled or sustainable materials, which can motivate consumers to make more sustainable choices. 71
  • 72. CIRCULAR CREATIVES Expectancy Theory Expectancy theory is a motivational theory that was proposed by Victor Vroom in the 1960s. This theory suggests that people's motivation to pursue a particular behavior or outcome is based on their beliefs about the relationship between their effort, performance, and outcomes. According to the theory, motivation is determined by three key factors: 1 Expectancy: 72 This is the belief that one's effort will lead to a desired level of performance. In other words, it is the belief that if a person puts in effort, they will be able to perform well.
  • 73. CIRCULAR CREATIVES Expectancy Theory 2 Instrumentality: 73 This is the belief that a certain level of performance will lead to specific outcomes or rewards. In other words, it is the belief that if a person performs well, they will receive a certain reward or outcome. 3 Valence: This is the value that an individual places on the outcome or reward. In other words, it is the belief that the reward or outcome is desirable and worth pursuing.
  • 74. CIRCULAR CREATIVES CIRCULAR CREATIVES 74 Source: Mindtools - Expectancy Theory - Linking Motivation, Effort and Outcome
  • 75. CIRCULAR CREATIVES Therefore, to motivate individuals to implement the circular economy, it is important to ensure that they believe that their effort will lead to good performance, good performance will lead to desirable outcomes, and those outcomes are valuable to them. In the context of the circular economy, individuals may be motivated to adopt sustainable practices if they believe that their efforts will lead to positive outcomes, such as reduced waste and increased efficiency, and if they value those outcomes. For example, a business may be motivated to adopt circular economy principles if they believe that it will lead to increased profits through reduced waste and increased resource efficiency. In addition, instrumentality is an important factor in the expectancy theory, which suggests that individuals must believe that a certain level of performance will lead to specific outcomes or rewards. Therefore, to motivate individuals to implement the circular economy, it is important to provide clear incentives and rewards for sustainable practices. This can include financial incentives, recognition, and other tangible benefits. Expectancy Theory 75
  • 76. CIRCULAR CREATIVES 76 Further Study Material Recommendations (Unit 3) Click to VIEW Click to VIEW Click to VIEW Click to VIEW Borealis