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‘Go Mobile’
Trends for India in 2015
SMEs and Enterprise
‘Go Mobile’- Trends in 2015
2015 Pulp Strategy | 2
in Every
The future of mobile is
the future of online.
It is how people access
online content now.
−David Murphy, Mobile Marketing Magazine
You might be wondering if this is true and we say
yes it is! A report by eMarketer predicted that
mobile usage worldwide will reach 25% in 2014.
OVUM further substantiated that mobile phones
should be an important part of your marketing
plan with a report that predicts that 1 billion more
people will connect to the web using mobile
devices by the end of 2015. Here’s an infographic
that depicts the penetration of mobile phones in
the digital world.
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Mobile in Every Hand!
Why Should You
‘Go Mobile’?
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‘Go Mobile’- Trends in 2015
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Why Should You ‘Go Mobile’?
In India people spend almost
minutes on the mobile
screen as compared to 96
minutes on TV & 95 minutes
on laptop or PC.
30% of 5.2 billion mobile
phone users were using
smartphones in 2013.
Number of smartphone
users have increased to
billion by 2014 year end.
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Why Should You ‘Go Mobile’?
Mobile web usage continues
to rise rapidly from
of total web usage in 2013-14.
of the internet users own a
Mobile phone penetration
will rise from
of the global population.
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By the end of 2017,
smartphone penetration
among mobile phone users
will touch almost 50%
Growth of mobile phone Internet
users will maintain double-digit
growth through 2016 as against
in 2014.
Why Should You ‘Go Mobile’?
If your plans
don’t include mobile,
your plans are
not finished.
−Wendy Clark, Coca-Cola
The mobile advertising caught up even
faster than marketers expected. This is
due to increase in the sale of mobile
phones and tablets as well as merger of
consumer behavior on PC and mobiles.
Mobile phones provide its user an
assortment of vast information in the
form of videos, blogs, music and much
more, which makes people turn to
mobile screens for a quick bite of
information or entertainment.
With mobile marketing, marketers can
reach a wider audience, while consumers
can view the message at any time they
like. Having a mobile marketing strategy
can therefore bring you three-fold benefit.
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It’s time to re-imagine
marketing on mobile
Gaining instant brand recognition in any industry is difficult especially when
you are running on tight marketing budget. Mobile marketing comes handy in
such a situation. As a marketer, you can maximize your operating expenses by
investing in strategies that will help you reach large number of target audience
instantly. Sharing information about yourself with people on a regular basis
gives your audience a fair chance to review the content shared that creates
brand recognition and slowly inculcates trust in the hearts of consumers.
A good blog and social media profile is a great way to develop a
connection with your target audience.
Better Brand Recognition
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It’s Time to Re-imagine Marketing on Mobile
Enhanced Customer
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Getting new customers is easier than retaining them, particularly in the present
competitive world we are living in. But an effective mobile marketing strategy can
bolster your business by improving customer retention in a short span. According
to the Godwin Group report, customers are 5 times more likely to respond
to a mobile ad than print campaign. Creating clear, concise and effective
messages can thus help you promote your brand effectively. Customers prefer
brands that provide fair and quality information about their products and services
and when you do that, customer retention becomes easy.
It’s Time to Re-imagine Marketing on Mobile
Faster Way to
Connect with Consumers
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Since 80% users carry a mobile phone wherever they go, it extends the
addressable market for mobile advertising across the globe. You can therefore
optimize communication with your customers and streamline ad campaigns
using mobile marketing strategies. These initiatives will also help you improve
your customer response rates to marketing initiatives. The news source reports
that 18% consumers notice mobile ads by brands that have quality,
interactive messaging. A constant review and update of your mobile mar-
keting strategy will not just help you improve your outreach plans but will also
keep you ahead of your competitors.
It’s Time to Re-imagine Marketing on Mobile
Mobile Apps
are Necessary
for Your
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It is estimated that by 2015, about 9 billion apps will be downloaded in India, more than 5 times the number of apps downloaded in 2012 (1.56 billion) at a CAGR of 75%. Also
revenues from paid apps are estimated to exceed 15 billion in 2015, up from 9 billion in 2014. We expect this growth to be driven by the increased app usage on smartphones.
According to industry estimates, India is ranked 3rd in the number of apps downloads globally.
We expect that this trend will continue into 2015, and a bulk of the app downloads will be driven by the urban youth.
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Mobile Apps are Necessary for Your Marketing Strategy
Source: InMobi: The state of mobile app downloads – Q3, 2014.
In terms of app usage, a study reveals that
Indians on average spend
on their smartphones and one-third of this
time is spent using apps.*
*Source: Performance shapes smartphone behavior,
Ericsson Consumer Insights, July 2014.
More than half of the app users in India are
aged between 18 and 24 years and a
further 29% between 25 and 35.
of these users reside in the top 4 metros.*
*Source: The Rise of India as an App Superpower,, March 28, 2013.
3hrs & 18mins
Burgeoning smartphone and mobile Internet usage, a growing developer community and the potential for regional/localized apps are likely to favor an app revolution in India.
India to be second largest smartphone market by 2016: eMarketer”, 22 December, 2014, Times of India.
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Mobile gaming is leading
to demand for higher bandwidth on mobile devices
As per industry estimates, only 2out of 100 mobile
subscribers in India are mobile gamers, significantly
lower than mobile gamer penetration in the US,
Japan, South Korea, and the UK. This indicates
significant growth opportunity for mobile gaming
industry in India which is projected to grow
from $130 million in 2013 to
*Source: Broadband in India: Realizing the Vision”,
October 2014, Cisco.
$220million by 2016.*
Mobile Apps are Necessary for Your Marketing Strategy
It’s pretty clear that number of mobile and smartphone users will increase by the day and an eMarketer report supports that as it reveals that mobile phone users
will surpass 5 billion mark by 2017. Hence, reaching your consumers via mobile phones will not only be easy but also essential for your brand. Here are 7 reasons
why you must capitalize on mobile app for your business:
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An showcases everything about your
business, products and services. It is
more like an union of a mini billboard,
PR, advertising and a salesman into one
that your customer can access on his
smartphone 24x7.
It is an extension
of your brand
Google and Apple’s app stores prefer
apps with least speed requirements.
This ensures that users will get an
instant and smooth experience from
applications that will boost
engagement and positively affect
your business. If your business does
not have a mobile optimized website,
apps are the best way to reach your
A seamless
consumer experience
Mobile Apps are Necessary for Your Marketing Strategy
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A mobile app is like a blank billboard
sign that you can use to promote your
brand. You can make it stylish, formal,
functional, shocking or informative to
establish a connect with your customers.
An app, also increases exposure and
engagement around your brand by
nearly 10 times.
Increase brand
awareness &
Since a lot of small and mid-size
business houses still don’t have mobile
apps for their businesses, it will be a
great opportunity for your business to
head start the trend and be ahead of
the competition always.
Be unique, unlike
your competitors
Mobile Apps are Necessary for Your Marketing Strategy
Studies reveal that more than 83%
smartphone users begin their day by
checking their phones and using an app.
This opens up doors to engage your
consumers in real-time, using location and
complete profile information. Social
sharing functions further create a direct
link between fans and their own networks
opening up a wide spectrum of referral
marketing for your brand, creating
customer loyalty via sincere connections.
Pace up
around your brand
You can club all the various online platforms
at a single place and give it to your
customers as an app. This can be your
website, blog, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram,
YouTube, Vimeo, Podcast or some other
digital platform. Your customer can use the
app to interact with you. This in turn
increases the possibilities of customer
engagement manifold. 
Your very own
digital space
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Mobile Apps are Necessary for Your Marketing Strategy
Customer is the king for any business, and a
mobile app can help you understand the route
your business is taking. Customers who
frequently use a mobile app are also actively
involved in the process of feedback. The
feedback, positive or negative, can help you
devise policies to strengthen your business. The
app also enables your customers to get in
touch with you all the time with their queries.
These queries can be answered in a shorter
turn-around time, making your customers feel
even more special and cared for.
Instant & excellent
customer support
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Mobile Apps are Necessary for Your Marketing Strategy
needs the
Holy Trinity
of Mobile
The platforms of relevance are three:
Android, iOS, and Windows. Choose
your app as per customer insights.
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‘Go Mobile’- Trends in 2015
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Your Business needs the Holy Trinity of Mobile Platforms!
Your enterprise needs a campaign tracker because it brings a team working together closer by
providing ease of sharing information and automating processes. In today’s corporate environment,
enterprise applications are complex, scalable, distributed, and component-based, with complex
business logic and are mission-critical. They may be deployed on a variety of platforms across corporate
networks, intranets, or the Internet. They are data-centric, user-friendly, and must meet stringent
requirements for security, administration, and maintenance. In short, they are highly complex systems,
which businesses today need to increase productivity, interaction and data flow management.
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Along  with the development of the mobile content industry, mobile games supported by
mobile features such as portability (mobility), accessibility (generality), and convenience
(simplicity) have shown the highest growth rate in the world game market. With
engagement being a prime criterion, gaming apps have become popular among adults and
children alike, opening a potential medium to increase engagement with potential
customers. Major business houses these days are investing in both Android app
development and iOS app development to create engaging gaming experiences for both
the worlds. Games with innovative themes can be developed on either platforms to attract
and engage a diversified audience.
Your Business needs the Holy Trinity of Mobile Platforms!
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Content publishing apps are an easy and popular medium to broadcast your brand content to a
mixed group of audience. You can easily distribute blog posts, brand articles, press releases etc. to
your audience via a media-publishing app. These apps cater to an audience who want to share
knowledge and experience via the digital medium. These platforms provide rich user experience to
both, those who publish the content and those who read. Usability and easy access to information
anytime, anywhere is what makes publishing apps a hit among users. These apps enable you to
share rich media content like pictures, videos, collages etc. along with written text. A wide range of
options to beautify the content are also available to help you design the look and feel of the
content when it is published.
Your Business needs the Holy Trinity of Mobile Platforms!
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With online shopping gaining momentum every second, an e-commerce app offers two-fold
benefits of providing your consumers with latest offers, discounts and schemes, also giving them a
convenient solution bringing shopping to their fingertips. M-commerce is bringing about a subtle
shift in retail marketing with more and more people engaging through mobile-online-shopping.
Payment gateways are also adjusted to suit the mobile market and are made more secure and faster
to give the user a better experience of shopping through mobile. Major e-commerce shopping
portals have already invested in apps and are gradually driving their website traffic to apps as well,
clearly highlighting the importance of having an app if you are in the e-commerce industry. It is
noteworthy that 70% of the e-commerce sales are coming from mobile apps.*
*Source: Economic Times
Your Business needs the Holy Trinity of Mobile Platforms!
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More and more mobiles are taking the place of wallets and more than ever, people are accessing the
Internet with their mobile devices via data networks and free Wi-Fi to get online. Customers expect
real-time information, be it multiple chat partners, stock ticker information, instant messaging, VoIP,
location tracking, real-time business dashboards and other frequently updated public or private
information, multiplayer online games and massive database inquiries. Your current apps can also be
changed to real-time apps that provide and update the minutest of details about your business on
real-time basis. You can stream, store, sync, protect, and manage data on any device, anywhere
without any security threats with these real time apps.  
Real Time Apps
Your Business needs the Holy Trinity of Mobile Platforms!
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Source: Quest for Mobile Excellence by Adobe Inc.
Content Interaction Gaming
81% 81%
11% 8%
Econsultancy/Adobe Quarterly Digital Intelligence Briefing
Company respondents Agency respondents Company respondents: 527
Agency respondents: 441
Mobile apps have speedily become an important marketing and ser-
vice channel for many businesses. The app stores are hence increas-
ingly becoming a competitive walled garden. This makes it intrinsic to
understand your business requirements and the type of app that will
best serve your needs. Following stats can help you take a decision
about the type of app that best fits your business:
What Fits Your Business?
What is the purpose of the mobile app most businesses are focusing on?
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What fits your business?
Company respondents Agency respondents Company respondents: 527
Agency respondents: 441
(built using platform
vendor SDKs, including
apps with a mix of native
& web views)
(built using web
technologies & a
native wrapper)
(built using
third-party SDKs &
cross-complied to
What type of apps are businesses focusing on?
Google search has been making your life easy for ages now. It’s making it easier now by answering your queries, fetching content from the web as well as apps. Yes! Google
now saves you from digging into various apps to help you find what you are looking for, by providing you the exact location where you need to be with its search results.
You can use Google search on Android to experience these features. The search results will also include app listings from Google Play wherever relevant and will also allow search
within selected apps initially. Google is bringing the search world closer by getting together apps and web enabling users to get the right information at the right time regardless
the platform (web or mobile) used.
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Google is Indexing Apps
You can search for a movie,
book, show or place and
learn more about it by
using Google Search in one
of your favorite apps.
Get the right app for all your
needs. For example, you want
to learn how to play guitar,
you can search on Google for
apps that offer tutorials on
learning how to play a guitar.
Mobile is not the future,
it is the now.
Meet your customers in
the environment of their choice,
not where it's convenient
for you.
−Cyndie Shaffstall, Spider Trainers
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In-app advertising is gradually gaining momentum in the advertising
world. The reason is not at all difficult to figure out. With thousands of
apps being accessed by thousands of people every day, in-app adver-
tising is becoming advertiser’s favorite,as app users belong to a diverse
group with no age limit. This makes it easy for marketers to reach their
target audience any time.
According to Gartner, mobile advertising revenue worldwide is all set to
touch $24.5 billion by 2016. This shall create opportunities for app
developers, ad networks, mobile platform providers, specialty agencies
and even communications service providers in certain regions. In-app
advertising will be a significant part of this total ad revenue generated.
In-app advertising is also a simpler way for developers to make money
by maintaining a good user experience. This is what has worked for
Angry Birds and mobile apps of social networking channels like Face-
book and Twitter.
In app advertising−
why should you invest?
In a nutshell, in-app advertising is evolving as a
phenomenon that is difficult to ignore.
to Successful
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‘Go Mobile’- Trends in 2015
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Three Effective Approaches to Successful In-App Advertising
App-vertising in games is not
something new. However, the old
school placement of product in the
app is just outdated. To get
maximum ROI from your in-app
advertising, your brand has to
become a part of the game in a way
that it enhances the game
experience. For example, in Mario
the life booster mushroom could be
replaced by a can of soda.
Play the Game:
Well, it works! Blending your product in
the game can be a difficult task at
times. Hence, you can ask players to
watch your ad and get virtual game
currency in return or players can win
vouchers or gifts when they cross
certain level of the game. It’s a great
idea to bribe your customers to watch
your ad, SocialVibe got a $20million
infusion of cash from Norwest Venture
Partners in March 2010.
Incentivise the Users:
Rich media ads will always work better
than a standard display or banner ad.
Interactive in-app ads that involve the
user with simple activities yield better
ROI than a typical banner ad. These
ads are rich in media and are more
app like. For example, the ad by Westin
asked the users to ‘tap here to warm
up’, post which the screen got covered
with virtual frost that can be wiped by
the user to reveal 8 beautiful pictures
of Westin’s property. This ad was
conceived and designed by Razorfish.
Think Out-of-the-Box:
“App users are self-selecting group.
They tend to be more engaged.”
– Noah Elkin
01 02 03
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With mobile marketing becoming an important part of marketing strategy, having
an app is intrinsic for your business. Hipster Whale understood this, and created
‘Crossy Road’, a Frogger (a 1980s arcade game) style gaming app that made $10
million in just 3 months of its launch in November 2014. The revenue earned
included $3 million from the in-app video advertising.
The developers of the game developed a strong game design mixed with updates
of quirky characters and bonus points that can be used for in-app purchases. This
improved the share options to boost popularity. The game is lucrative and
accessible which made it a success with 50 million downloads so far.
What’s more interesting is that the $3 million revenue from in-app video
advertising included advertisements of other mobile games, which players can
choose to watch to earn more game currency.
Cost head to profit center−
apps are a boon for business
−Emma Crowe, Somo
The adoption rate of mobile is twice that
of the internet, three times that of social
media, and 10 times faster than PCs.
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M-commerce is huge and it will only get bigger in the times to come. 2014 was the year of mobile
commerce with the launch of Apple Pay in October. This innovation seamlessly integrated NFC
technology with Point of Sale (POS) transaction. By the end of 2015, most of the countries have
more number of Internet users accessing the web through mobile devices than PC. This implies
that macro trend will see a rise as variety and complexity of devices grows. Goldman Sachs has
predicted that consumer spending via M-commerce will rise up to $626 billion by 2018.
is Pacing-up Fast!
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M-commerce is pacing-up fast!
Following are the 6 major areas
that can be categorized under M-commerce:
Commerce website
accessed via mobile
ive website purchase via
Mobile device payment at
retail POS
Mobile app-only
purchases (e.g. Ola app)
In-app social media
purchases (e.g. Facebook,
Mobile-specific rewards,
couponing to drive
physical store
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From E-commerce to M-Commerce-
The Shift is Swift!
The mobile web adoption is growing at
an 8 times faster rate than web adoption
in 1990s and 2000s. A study by Shopify
reveals that 50.3% of e-commerce
website traffic comes from mobile
devices. This makes it evident that the
world is gradually shifting from
E-commerce to M-commerce. Year 2014
witnessed the growth of M-commerce
that outpaced the growth of
E-commerce. It is expected that by the
end of 2017, m-commerce will account
for 24.4% of overall e-commerce
revenues with its continual growth.
Since, mobile shopping adds value
to shopping experience for consumers due to
portability and convenience factors, users
today prefer an online store on their mobiles
than the desktop. The e-commerce industry in
India has also seen a gradual shift to
m-commerce with major e-commerce giants
like Flipkart, Myntra, Jabong, Snapdeal and
many more going the app way. Specific
shopping apps like Grofers and Peppertap are
also slowly coming into picture that provide the
users with a complete range of the shopping
domain they deal with.
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From E-commerce to M-commerce−the shift is swift!
Apart from being able to offer
shopping experience than websites,
mobile shopping apps also helps in saving cost.
This is precisely the reason why Flipkart and its unit Myntra have
already shut their websites in an
attempt to be a mobile app-only shopping platform. Myntra was
already generating more than 90% of its traffic and 70% of its
orders from its mobile app when they decided to shut down their
website. These companies understood that mobile and desktop
websites were slowly becoming irrelevant, since Indian consumers
were drifting towards apps way faster than consumers in US and
China. They also believe that
‘an app is the best way of offering
a seamless, personalized shopping experience
to the consumer.’
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Even the data supports Flipkart’s move towards app-only
platform. It is expected that India will have more than 500 million
Internet users by 2018 from the current rough estimate of 200
million, and a majority of these consumers will access internet via
their smartphones. However, in a competitive market like India it
is debatable whether Flipkart can risk losing any kind of sales,
however small, to rivals by not being present on any of the
available consumer-facing platform.
From E-commerce to M-commerce−the shift is swift!
Social game developers may look
forward to use Facebook credit
or similar schemes to generate
Third party mobile payments will
become more important.
Physical retail chains will merge their
business with m-commerce to drive
traffic. Schemes like mobile
payments and loyalty points on
phone are a few examples.
Trends that will Impact M-commerce in 2015
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Facebook credits or Amazon
points or the like will be used to
reward customers, which will
allowed to make in-app purchases
Brands will make use mobile to
capture consumers and fill the gap
between ‘bricks and clicks’.
Scan-able codes to discount
coupons-everything will be
shared on mobile by
established brands
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Trends that will Impact M-commerce in 2015
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07 08
Mobile web will be seen as stream for
bringing in new business, while apps
will help in sustaining those with loyalty
programs for repeat customers.
Payments using mobile technologies
will be will be facilitated with NFC
and similar technologies.
Trends that will Impact M-commerce in 2015
End-users not technologies
shape the market.
Consequently marketers
need to stay abreast not only of
technological developments
but also of the way people
respond to them.
−Matt Haig, author
for 2015
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Leading Brands
will become
More Screen
With an increase in the usage of mobile phone and mobile phone Internet, consumers are
forcing a digital transformation that must have mobile experience. More than the quarter of
the world population will be using smartphones as projected by eMarketer (2 billion smart-
phone users). This means billions of mobile phones in the hands of billions of people, whom
you need to engage as a brand.
“Today, more than 50% of a person’s time spent is with digital-social-mobile (DSM) media
and channels, and over 90% of media consumption occurs across a digital display, including
TV. Thirty-six percent of retail sales, or $1.5 trillion, is influenced by DSM, and 86% of people
use mobile to influence their shopping decisions,” says Michael Becker, co-founder and man-
aging partner of mCordis.
Numbers like these reemphasize the importance of mobile in the digital strategy in 2015.
Hence, companies will have to transform to engage digital and mobile users.
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More Marketing
Dollars will Shift
to Mobile
Since consumers will demand amazing mobile experiences in the time to come, marketers will
have to revamp their marketing strategies. This will provoke the marketers to shift their focus
and investment from what they have i.e. desktop web marketing to what’s trending which is
mobile marketing.
Mobile analytics and optimization technologies will also gain momentum to provide relevant,
personalized and location-based experiences for users of mobile apps.
Marketers will have to clearly understand the differences and similarities between website and
mobile marketing. While differences will include the app store ecosystem, cross-device mea-
surement, and messaging tactics that include SMS, push, and in-app advertising, similarities will
include the urgent requirement to acquire responsive and mobile websites to give your users a
seamless web experience.
If you are not a mobile first marketer then a combo of formal education, training, and hands-on
experience can help you win the race.
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Apps within
Mobile Marketing
Strategy will Gain
To be more compatible with the current mobile revolution, brands will have to make dual invest-
ments in both mobile apps and mobile websites. A report by Adobe reveals that 30% of U.S.
companies are spending upward of $10 million on apps and mobile web. Brands will have to
look forward to create high utility apps that are sticky and forces consumers to use it time and
again. These apps will have to be analytical as well, so as to understand consumer behavior and
respond accordingly. Hence, regular updates of these apps will also be a necessary part of cre-
ating the apps.
As for mobile web, brands will rather invest in responsive websites than the standard sites.
Brands will have to focus on providing a fast, relevant and seamless web experience to users
since website is the first touch point between consumer and brands. Further, responsive web-
sites must be enabled to deliver subsecond response time to user based on the device he is
Since, we are moving to a world where everything is literally going digital, the challenge of being
present and relevant across an array of digital devices is difficult to manage for many marketers.
It is here, when responsiveness comes to rescue with real time marketing that is fast, flexible,
fluid and contextual.
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Targeting will
become a Priority
According to survey conducted by Adobe, 54% of the marketers surveyed are using or plan-
ning to use iBeacons in the next 12 months for location-based marketing. Many retailers, travel
and hospitality brands, and media companies with physical venues are already using loca-
tion-based marketing across various points of interests. Therefore, to reduce the barriers to
adoption of location-based marketing brands will have to focus on educating consumers on
how location technology can provide them relevant and necessary information.
Asif Khan, Founder and President of the Location Based Marketing Association on
says that in 2015 ‘location will be seen as the new cookie’ and it will help to track the move-
ments of consumer during the day and across the media platforms that will also include TV,
radio and OOH. He further says that marketers will heavily spend on mobile/location infra-
structure support with the growth of next-generation GPS and improvements in indoor loca-
tion technology like iBeacons. Consumers will also keep aside privacy and ethical inhibitions
and will readily trade their data on the true value premise for the content that is personally
relevant and beneficial for them.
The Mobile Web Initiative
is important. Information must be made
seamlessly available on any device.
−Tim Berners-Lee
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Mobile phones and tablets are a very personal medium of communication.
Consumers, therefore, look forward to messages that are more personal and
relevant and they expect marketers to deliver what they expect. Since this
expectation extends to all digital channels and devices, marketers will look
forward to invest to improve their mobile relationship management strategy.
They will make every effort necessary to personalize every mobile touchpoint
of scale, across the entire customer journey of millions of customers.
Last year a lot of companies gained with their investments on mobile person-
alization by generating significant incremental value. Though mobile person-
alization is a prime opportunity, it is a challenging avenue. To make the most
out of it, marketers will have to co-ordinate and personalize the message
across all the mobile channels.
Mobile personalization
will be the next big thing
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With a gradual yet dramatic shift of consumers from PCs to smartphones,
marketers are bound to increase the monetization of their apps and mobile
website experience in 2015. The conversion rates from the smartphones and
tablets have a wide scope improvement with optimization and technology in
the times to come. This brings in the importance of A/B testing more than ever
in the scope.
A/B testing will help the marketers test new features and marketing programs,
which will reduce the investments and make it cost effective. Further, mobile
optimization efforts will be optimized, which will validate the important parts
of mobile user experience with live audiences. This will help the marketers gain
higher conversions, revenue growth with cost savings.
In 2015, mobile optimization will become more critical with an increase in
mobile phone Internet usage for search and purchases. Hence, marketers will
have to focus on their website that will give seamless mobile experience first
and then focus on the other digital media channels.
Mobile A/B testing
will become essential
for increased ROI
‘Go Mobile’- Trends in 2015
2015 Pulp Strategy | 52
Mobile Advertising will
Break the Desktop Shackles
The mobile advertising trends of the recent past
show that ad spends on mobile specific ads is
much less than the time consumers spend on
their mobile phones. But, that won’t be the case
in 2015. This year will witness a growth in mobile
advertising. According to Forrester, mobile
advertising will grow and reach $46 billion by
2019 in US alone.
With more and more people shifting to mobile
Internet and adoption of 4G services in near
future, short mobile videos will become a
powerful mobile advertising tool. On the mobile
search front, eMarketer predicts that 2015 will see
mobile search at an all time high with majority of
spend, organic traffic and paid clicks coming from
smartphones and tablets, surpassing traditional
desktop/laptop search activity.
Programmatic advertising will be a key driver of
mobile ad spends. With improved targeting
technologies, marketers will look forward to buy
audiences and not media channels, which means that
a majority of ad placement will be done by algorithms
with little human interventions. Hence, in 2015,
marketers will look forward to develop, refine and
optimize favorable algorithms.
Researches prove that maximum mobile video
viewing happens between 9 p.m. to 11 p.m. when
consumers are at home, it is advisable that marketers
embrace the small screen and consider mobile as an
essential for their online video strategy.
‘Go Mobile’- Trends in 2015
2015 Pulp Strategy | 53
A study by Forbes reveals that 90 percent of mobile searches lead to action, more
than half lead to sale, and 74 percent of people use their mobile phones to assist
them for shopping. Mobile marketing is thus, gradually pacing up as a primary digital
marketing channel, since a mobile is emerging as an extension of your customer
which is extremely personal and immersive as compared to other media channels.
Mobile marketing is also coming up as a leading channel for inbound marketing.
However, mobile marketing is not just about buying and placing more mobile ads,
its more about engaging your existing customers with in-app engagement using
relevant notifications and valuable content. It is about using the right push points for
customer retention.
Engagement on mobile
will become critical
to customer retention
‘Go Mobile’- Trends in 2015
2015 Pulp Strategy | 54
01 02
A satisfied client-based will
recommend you to other users with
good reviews and word of mouth.
You know your customers better
because you have gauged their
reactions, values and necessities.
You can also use this knowledge in
other marketing channels.
Increasing customer retention via mobile
marketing brings in benefits in the long run:
Customer retention via mobile marketing is an important avenue that will strengthen your digital foothold.
‘Go Mobile’- Trends in 2015
2015 Pulp Strategy | 55
Games will continue
to spearhead engagement
The best way to involve and engage your audience is a
gaming app. Your general mobile app can also be
equipped with gamification features to target the
audience and to keep them coming back to the app for
more. A stand-alone gaming app is also something that
can win you leads and engage your consumers.
In 2015, event apps will look forward to gamification
features. One good way to do it will be to build out a
prize pack by involving sponsors. Let your plan be backed
by big rewards to ensure engagement with features that
benefit your business as well as your consumers.
As a gaming app, you can reward your consumers in the
form of free chips/coins/game currency.
‘Go Mobile’- Trends in 2015
2015 Pulp Strategy | 56
Privacy and data
ownership will be critical
In 2015, marketers will focus more on creating policies for
digital privacy governance. Emphasis will be laid on
making policies that clearly demarcate what data is
collected from consumers, how it is used for marketing,
how will this data be shared with third parties and how
can consumers opt-out or opt-in from data sharing.
On the other hand, consumers will expect simpler ways of
data sharing opt-in methods for data collection, location
services and other push services. They would expect
marketers to make these processes more transparent for
privacy and security reasons.
The world is being re-shaped by the
convergence of social, mobile, cloud, big data,
community and other powerful forces. The
combination of these technologies unlocks an
incredible opportunity to connect everything
together in a new way and is dramatically
transforming the way we live and work.
−Marc Benioff, Salesforcei
There is a definite shift in the digital media when it comes to mobile strategy in 2015. There will
be an increased focus on mobile for internal collaboration. Mobile will also be a pivot of change
in the evolution and user behavior on new and existing social behaviors. The number of mobile
websites and apps will also see a rising trend. This will increase consumer stickiness and drive
more engagement around the brand. In a nutshell, investing mobile strategy is a necessity that
will bring in good returns.
To create a robust engagement plan with your mobile marketing strategy,
drop us a line at
Your investment in a good mobile marketing strategy
can change a cost center to a profit center!

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  • 1. ‘Go Mobile’ Trends for India in 2015 SMEs and Enterprise
  • 2. ‘Go Mobile’- Trends in 2015 2015 Pulp Strategy | 2 Mobile in Every Hand! The future of mobile is the future of online. It is how people access online content now. −David Murphy, Mobile Marketing Magazine
  • 3. You might be wondering if this is true and we say yes it is! A report by eMarketer predicted that mobile usage worldwide will reach 25% in 2014. OVUM further substantiated that mobile phones should be an important part of your marketing plan with a report that predicts that 1 billion more people will connect to the web using mobile devices by the end of 2015. Here’s an infographic that depicts the penetration of mobile phones in the digital world. ‘Go Mobile’- Trends in 2015 2015 Pulp Strategy | 3 Mobile in Every Hand! GLOBAL DIGITAL SNAPSHOT 7.210 BILLION 3.010 BILLION 2.078 BILLION 3.649 BILLION 1.685 BILLION URBANISATION: 53% PENETRATION: 42% PENETRATION: 29% PENETRATION: 51% PENETRATION: 23% A SNAPSHOT OF THE WORLD’S KEY DIGITAL SATISTICAL INDICATORS WE ARE SOCIAL WE ARE SOCIAL WE ARE SOCIAL WE ARE SOCIAL WE ARE SOCIAL
  • 4. Why Should You ‘Go Mobile’? ‘Go Mobile’- Trends in 2015 2015 Pulp Strategy | 4
  • 5. ‘Go Mobile’- Trends in 2015 2015 Pulp Strategy | 5 Why Should You ‘Go Mobile’? 01 In India people spend almost minutes on the mobile screen as compared to 96 minutes on TV & 95 minutes on laptop or PC. 162 02 30% of 5.2 billion mobile phone users were using smartphones in 2013. 30% 03 Number of smartphone users have increased to billion by 2014 year end. 1.76
  • 6. ‘Go Mobile’- Trends in 2015 2015 Pulp Strategy | 6 Why Should You ‘Go Mobile’? 04 Mobile web usage continues to rise rapidly from of total web usage in 2013-14. 14%-25% 05 of the internet users own a smartphone. 80% 06 Mobile phone penetration will rise from of the global population. 61.1%-69.4%
  • 7. ‘Go Mobile’- Trends in 2015 2015 Pulp Strategy | 7 07 By the end of 2017, smartphone penetration among mobile phone users will touch almost 50% globally. 50% 08 Growth of mobile phone Internet users will maintain double-digit growth through 2016 as against in 2014. 16.5% Why Should You ‘Go Mobile’?
  • 8. If your plans don’t include mobile, your plans are not finished. “ “ −Wendy Clark, Coca-Cola
  • 9. The mobile advertising caught up even faster than marketers expected. This is due to increase in the sale of mobile phones and tablets as well as merger of consumer behavior on PC and mobiles. Mobile phones provide its user an assortment of vast information in the form of videos, blogs, music and much more, which makes people turn to mobile screens for a quick bite of information or entertainment. With mobile marketing, marketers can reach a wider audience, while consumers can view the message at any time they like. Having a mobile marketing strategy can therefore bring you three-fold benefit. ‘Go Mobile’- Trends in 2015 2015 Pulp Strategy | 9 It’s time to re-imagine marketing on mobile
  • 10. Gaining instant brand recognition in any industry is difficult especially when you are running on tight marketing budget. Mobile marketing comes handy in such a situation. As a marketer, you can maximize your operating expenses by investing in strategies that will help you reach large number of target audience instantly. Sharing information about yourself with people on a regular basis gives your audience a fair chance to review the content shared that creates brand recognition and slowly inculcates trust in the hearts of consumers. A good blog and social media profile is a great way to develop a connection with your target audience. 01 Better Brand Recognition ‘Go Mobile’- Trends in 2015 2015 Pulp Strategy | It’s Time to Re-imagine Marketing on Mobile 10
  • 11. 02 Enhanced Customer Retention ‘Go Mobile’- Trends in 2015 2015 Pulp Strategy | 11 Getting new customers is easier than retaining them, particularly in the present competitive world we are living in. But an effective mobile marketing strategy can bolster your business by improving customer retention in a short span. According to the Godwin Group report, customers are 5 times more likely to respond to a mobile ad than print campaign. Creating clear, concise and effective messages can thus help you promote your brand effectively. Customers prefer brands that provide fair and quality information about their products and services and when you do that, customer retention becomes easy. It’s Time to Re-imagine Marketing on Mobile
  • 12. 03 Faster Way to Connect with Consumers ‘Go Mobile’- Trends in 2015 2015 Pulp Strategy | 12 Since 80% users carry a mobile phone wherever they go, it extends the addressable market for mobile advertising across the globe. You can therefore optimize communication with your customers and streamline ad campaigns using mobile marketing strategies. These initiatives will also help you improve your customer response rates to marketing initiatives. The news source reports that 18% consumers notice mobile ads by brands that have quality, interactive messaging. A constant review and update of your mobile mar- keting strategy will not just help you improve your outreach plans but will also keep you ahead of your competitors. It’s Time to Re-imagine Marketing on Mobile
  • 13. Mobile Apps are Necessary for Your Marketing Strategy ‘Go Mobile’- Trends in 2015 2015 Pulp Strategy | 13
  • 14. It is estimated that by 2015, about 9 billion apps will be downloaded in India, more than 5 times the number of apps downloaded in 2012 (1.56 billion) at a CAGR of 75%. Also revenues from paid apps are estimated to exceed 15 billion in 2015, up from 9 billion in 2014. We expect this growth to be driven by the increased app usage on smartphones. According to industry estimates, India is ranked 3rd in the number of apps downloads globally. We expect that this trend will continue into 2015, and a bulk of the app downloads will be driven by the urban youth. ‘Go Mobile’- Trends in 2015 2015 Pulp Strategy | Mobile Apps are Necessary for Your Marketing Strategy 14 Source: InMobi: The state of mobile app downloads – Q3, 2014. In terms of app usage, a study reveals that Indians on average spend on their smartphones and one-third of this time is spent using apps.* *Source: Performance shapes smartphone behavior, Ericsson Consumer Insights, July 2014. More than half of the app users in India are aged between 18 and 24 years and a further 29% between 25 and 35. of these users reside in the top 4 metros.* *Source: The Rise of India as an App Superpower,, March 28, 2013. 45% 3hrs & 18mins
  • 15. Burgeoning smartphone and mobile Internet usage, a growing developer community and the potential for regional/localized apps are likely to favor an app revolution in India. India to be second largest smartphone market by 2016: eMarketer”, 22 December, 2014, Times of India. ‘Go Mobile’- Trends in 2015 2015 Pulp Strategy | 15 Mobile gaming is leading to demand for higher bandwidth on mobile devices As per industry estimates, only 2out of 100 mobile subscribers in India are mobile gamers, significantly lower than mobile gamer penetration in the US, Japan, South Korea, and the UK. This indicates significant growth opportunity for mobile gaming industry in India which is projected to grow from $130 million in 2013 to *Source: Broadband in India: Realizing the Vision”, October 2014, Cisco. $220million by 2016.* Mobile Apps are Necessary for Your Marketing Strategy
  • 16. It’s pretty clear that number of mobile and smartphone users will increase by the day and an eMarketer report supports that as it reveals that mobile phone users will surpass 5 billion mark by 2017. Hence, reaching your consumers via mobile phones will not only be easy but also essential for your brand. Here are 7 reasons why you must capitalize on mobile app for your business: ‘Go Mobile’- Trends in 2015 2015 Pulp Strategy | 16 02 An showcases everything about your business, products and services. It is more like an union of a mini billboard, PR, advertising and a salesman into one that your customer can access on his smartphone 24x7. It is an extension of your brand 01 Google and Apple’s app stores prefer apps with least speed requirements. This ensures that users will get an instant and smooth experience from applications that will boost engagement and positively affect your business. If your business does not have a mobile optimized website, apps are the best way to reach your customers. A seamless consumer experience Mobile Apps are Necessary for Your Marketing Strategy
  • 17. ‘Go Mobile’- Trends in 2015 2015 Pulp Strategy | 17 03 A mobile app is like a blank billboard sign that you can use to promote your brand. You can make it stylish, formal, functional, shocking or informative to establish a connect with your customers. An app, also increases exposure and engagement around your brand by nearly 10 times. Increase brand awareness & recognition 04 Since a lot of small and mid-size business houses still don’t have mobile apps for their businesses, it will be a great opportunity for your business to head start the trend and be ahead of the competition always. Be unique, unlike your competitors Mobile Apps are Necessary for Your Marketing Strategy
  • 18. 05 Studies reveal that more than 83% smartphone users begin their day by checking their phones and using an app. This opens up doors to engage your consumers in real-time, using location and complete profile information. Social sharing functions further create a direct link between fans and their own networks opening up a wide spectrum of referral marketing for your brand, creating customer loyalty via sincere connections. Pace up engagement around your brand 06 You can club all the various online platforms at a single place and give it to your customers as an app. This can be your website, blog, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Vimeo, Podcast or some other digital platform. Your customer can use the app to interact with you. This in turn increases the possibilities of customer engagement manifold.  Your very own digital space ‘Go Mobile’- Trends in 2015 2015 Pulp Strategy | 18 Mobile Apps are Necessary for Your Marketing Strategy
  • 19. 07 Customer is the king for any business, and a mobile app can help you understand the route your business is taking. Customers who frequently use a mobile app are also actively involved in the process of feedback. The feedback, positive or negative, can help you devise policies to strengthen your business. The app also enables your customers to get in touch with you all the time with their queries. These queries can be answered in a shorter turn-around time, making your customers feel even more special and cared for. Instant & excellent customer support ‘Go Mobile’- Trends in 2015 2015 Pulp Strategy | 19 Mobile Apps are Necessary for Your Marketing Strategy
  • 20. Your Business needs the Holy Trinity of Mobile Platforms! The platforms of relevance are three: Android, iOS, and Windows. Choose your app as per customer insights. ‘Go Mobile’- Trends in 2015 2015 Pulp Strategy | 20
  • 21. ‘Go Mobile’- Trends in 2015 2015 Pulp Strategy | 21 Your Business needs the Holy Trinity of Mobile Platforms! Your enterprise needs a campaign tracker because it brings a team working together closer by providing ease of sharing information and automating processes. In today’s corporate environment, enterprise applications are complex, scalable, distributed, and component-based, with complex business logic and are mission-critical. They may be deployed on a variety of platforms across corporate networks, intranets, or the Internet. They are data-centric, user-friendly, and must meet stringent requirements for security, administration, and maintenance. In short, they are highly complex systems, which businesses today need to increase productivity, interaction and data flow management. 01 Enterprise
  • 22. ‘Go Mobile’- Trends in 2015 2015 Pulp Strategy | 22 Along  with the development of the mobile content industry, mobile games supported by mobile features such as portability (mobility), accessibility (generality), and convenience (simplicity) have shown the highest growth rate in the world game market. With engagement being a prime criterion, gaming apps have become popular among adults and children alike, opening a potential medium to increase engagement with potential customers. Major business houses these days are investing in both Android app development and iOS app development to create engaging gaming experiences for both the worlds. Games with innovative themes can be developed on either platforms to attract and engage a diversified audience. 02 Gaming Your Business needs the Holy Trinity of Mobile Platforms!
  • 23. ‘Go Mobile’- Trends in 2015 2015 Pulp Strategy | 23 Content publishing apps are an easy and popular medium to broadcast your brand content to a mixed group of audience. You can easily distribute blog posts, brand articles, press releases etc. to your audience via a media-publishing app. These apps cater to an audience who want to share knowledge and experience via the digital medium. These platforms provide rich user experience to both, those who publish the content and those who read. Usability and easy access to information anytime, anywhere is what makes publishing apps a hit among users. These apps enable you to share rich media content like pictures, videos, collages etc. along with written text. A wide range of options to beautify the content are also available to help you design the look and feel of the content when it is published. 03 Publishing Your Business needs the Holy Trinity of Mobile Platforms!
  • 24. ‘Go Mobile’- Trends in 2015 2015 Pulp Strategy | 24 With online shopping gaining momentum every second, an e-commerce app offers two-fold benefits of providing your consumers with latest offers, discounts and schemes, also giving them a convenient solution bringing shopping to their fingertips. M-commerce is bringing about a subtle shift in retail marketing with more and more people engaging through mobile-online-shopping. Payment gateways are also adjusted to suit the mobile market and are made more secure and faster to give the user a better experience of shopping through mobile. Major e-commerce shopping portals have already invested in apps and are gradually driving their website traffic to apps as well, clearly highlighting the importance of having an app if you are in the e-commerce industry. It is noteworthy that 70% of the e-commerce sales are coming from mobile apps.* 04 E-Commerce *Source: Economic Times Your Business needs the Holy Trinity of Mobile Platforms!
  • 25. ‘Go Mobile’- Trends in 2015 2015 Pulp Strategy | 25 More and more mobiles are taking the place of wallets and more than ever, people are accessing the Internet with their mobile devices via data networks and free Wi-Fi to get online. Customers expect real-time information, be it multiple chat partners, stock ticker information, instant messaging, VoIP, location tracking, real-time business dashboards and other frequently updated public or private information, multiplayer online games and massive database inquiries. Your current apps can also be changed to real-time apps that provide and update the minutest of details about your business on real-time basis. You can stream, store, sync, protect, and manage data on any device, anywhere without any security threats with these real time apps.   05 Real Time Apps Your Business needs the Holy Trinity of Mobile Platforms!
  • 26. ‘Go Mobile’- Trends in 2015 2015 Pulp Strategy | 26 Source: Quest for Mobile Excellence by Adobe Inc. 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Content Interaction Gaming 81% 81% 60% 69% 13% 15% Other 11% 8% Econsultancy/Adobe Quarterly Digital Intelligence Briefing Company respondents Agency respondents Company respondents: 527 Agency respondents: 441 Mobile apps have speedily become an important marketing and ser- vice channel for many businesses. The app stores are hence increas- ingly becoming a competitive walled garden. This makes it intrinsic to understand your business requirements and the type of app that will best serve your needs. Following stats can help you take a decision about the type of app that best fits your business: What Fits Your Business? What is the purpose of the mobile app most businesses are focusing on?
  • 27. ‘Go Mobile’- Trends in 2015 2015 Pulp Strategy | 27 What fits your business? 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 71% 61% 40% 49% 32% 40% Company respondents Agency respondents Company respondents: 527 Agency respondents: 441 Native (built using platform vendor SDKs, including apps with a mix of native & web views) Hybrid (built using web technologies & a native wrapper) Cross-platform (built using third-party SDKs & cross-complied to native) What type of apps are businesses focusing on?
  • 28. Google search has been making your life easy for ages now. It’s making it easier now by answering your queries, fetching content from the web as well as apps. Yes! Google now saves you from digging into various apps to help you find what you are looking for, by providing you the exact location where you need to be with its search results. You can use Google search on Android to experience these features. The search results will also include app listings from Google Play wherever relevant and will also allow search within selected apps initially. Google is bringing the search world closer by getting together apps and web enabling users to get the right information at the right time regardless the platform (web or mobile) used. ‘Go Mobile’- Trends in 2015 2015 Pulp Strategy | 28 Google is Indexing Apps You can search for a movie, book, show or place and learn more about it by using Google Search in one of your favorite apps. 01 Get the right app for all your needs. For example, you want to learn how to play guitar, you can search on Google for apps that offer tutorials on learning how to play a guitar. 02
  • 29. Mobile is not the future, it is the now. Meet your customers in the environment of their choice, not where it's convenient for you. “ “ −Cyndie Shaffstall, Spider Trainers
  • 30. ‘Go Mobile’- Trends in 2015 2015 Pulp Strategy | 30 In-app advertising is gradually gaining momentum in the advertising world. The reason is not at all difficult to figure out. With thousands of apps being accessed by thousands of people every day, in-app adver- tising is becoming advertiser’s favorite,as app users belong to a diverse group with no age limit. This makes it easy for marketers to reach their target audience any time. According to Gartner, mobile advertising revenue worldwide is all set to touch $24.5 billion by 2016. This shall create opportunities for app developers, ad networks, mobile platform providers, specialty agencies and even communications service providers in certain regions. In-app advertising will be a significant part of this total ad revenue generated. In-app advertising is also a simpler way for developers to make money by maintaining a good user experience. This is what has worked for Angry Birds and mobile apps of social networking channels like Face- book and Twitter. In app advertising− why should you invest? In a nutshell, in-app advertising is evolving as a phenomenon that is difficult to ignore.
  • 31. Three Effective Approaches to Successful In-App Advertising ‘Go Mobile’- Trends in 2015 2015 Pulp Strategy | 31
  • 32. ‘Go Mobile’- Trends in 2015 2015 Pulp Strategy | 32 Three Effective Approaches to Successful In-App Advertising App-vertising in games is not something new. However, the old school placement of product in the app is just outdated. To get maximum ROI from your in-app advertising, your brand has to become a part of the game in a way that it enhances the game experience. For example, in Mario the life booster mushroom could be replaced by a can of soda. Play the Game: Well, it works! Blending your product in the game can be a difficult task at times. Hence, you can ask players to watch your ad and get virtual game currency in return or players can win vouchers or gifts when they cross certain level of the game. It’s a great idea to bribe your customers to watch your ad, SocialVibe got a $20million infusion of cash from Norwest Venture Partners in March 2010. Incentivise the Users: Rich media ads will always work better than a standard display or banner ad. Interactive in-app ads that involve the user with simple activities yield better ROI than a typical banner ad. These ads are rich in media and are more app like. For example, the ad by Westin asked the users to ‘tap here to warm up’, post which the screen got covered with virtual frost that can be wiped by the user to reveal 8 beautiful pictures of Westin’s property. This ad was conceived and designed by Razorfish. Think Out-of-the-Box: “App users are self-selecting group. They tend to be more engaged.” – Noah Elkin 01 02 03
  • 33. ‘Go Mobile’- Trends in 2015 2015 Pulp Strategy | 33 With mobile marketing becoming an important part of marketing strategy, having an app is intrinsic for your business. Hipster Whale understood this, and created ‘Crossy Road’, a Frogger (a 1980s arcade game) style gaming app that made $10 million in just 3 months of its launch in November 2014. The revenue earned included $3 million from the in-app video advertising. The developers of the game developed a strong game design mixed with updates of quirky characters and bonus points that can be used for in-app purchases. This improved the share options to boost popularity. The game is lucrative and accessible which made it a success with 50 million downloads so far. What’s more interesting is that the $3 million revenue from in-app video advertising included advertisements of other mobile games, which players can choose to watch to earn more game currency. Cost head to profit center− apps are a boon for business
  • 34. “ “ −Emma Crowe, Somo The adoption rate of mobile is twice that of the internet, three times that of social media, and 10 times faster than PCs.
  • 35. ‘Go Mobile’- Trends in 2015 2015 Pulp Strategy | 35 M-COMMERCE M-commerce is huge and it will only get bigger in the times to come. 2014 was the year of mobile commerce with the launch of Apple Pay in October. This innovation seamlessly integrated NFC technology with Point of Sale (POS) transaction. By the end of 2015, most of the countries have more number of Internet users accessing the web through mobile devices than PC. This implies that macro trend will see a rise as variety and complexity of devices grows. Goldman Sachs has predicted that consumer spending via M-commerce will rise up to $626 billion by 2018. M-Commerce is Pacing-up Fast!
  • 36. ‘Go Mobile’- Trends in 2015 2015 Pulp Strategy | 36 M-commerce is pacing-up fast! Following are the 6 major areas that can be categorized under M-commerce: 01 Commerce website accessed via mobile device 02 Mobile-optimized/respons ive website purchase via device 03 Mobile device payment at retail POS 04 Mobile app-only purchases (e.g. Ola app) 05 In-app social media purchases (e.g. Facebook, Twitter) 06 Mobile-specific rewards, couponing to drive physical store traffic/transactions
  • 37. ‘Go Mobile’- Trends in 2015 2015 Pulp Strategy | 37 06 From E-commerce to M-Commerce- The Shift is Swift! The mobile web adoption is growing at an 8 times faster rate than web adoption in 1990s and 2000s. A study by Shopify reveals that 50.3% of e-commerce website traffic comes from mobile devices. This makes it evident that the world is gradually shifting from E-commerce to M-commerce. Year 2014 witnessed the growth of M-commerce that outpaced the growth of E-commerce. It is expected that by the end of 2017, m-commerce will account for 24.4% of overall e-commerce revenues with its continual growth. Since, mobile shopping adds value to shopping experience for consumers due to portability and convenience factors, users today prefer an online store on their mobiles than the desktop. The e-commerce industry in India has also seen a gradual shift to m-commerce with major e-commerce giants like Flipkart, Myntra, Jabong, Snapdeal and many more going the app way. Specific shopping apps like Grofers and Peppertap are also slowly coming into picture that provide the users with a complete range of the shopping domain they deal with.
  • 38. ‘Go Mobile’- Trends in 2015 2015 Pulp Strategy | 38 From E-commerce to M-commerce−the shift is swift! 06 Apart from being able to offer shopping experience than websites, mobile shopping apps also helps in saving cost. This is precisely the reason why Flipkart and its unit Myntra have already shut their websites in an attempt to be a mobile app-only shopping platform. Myntra was already generating more than 90% of its traffic and 70% of its orders from its mobile app when they decided to shut down their website. These companies understood that mobile and desktop websites were slowly becoming irrelevant, since Indian consumers were drifting towards apps way faster than consumers in US and China. They also believe that ‘an app is the best way of offering a seamless, personalized shopping experience to the consumer.’
  • 39. ‘Go Mobile’- Trends in 2015 2015 Pulp Strategy | 39 06 Even the data supports Flipkart’s move towards app-only platform. It is expected that India will have more than 500 million Internet users by 2018 from the current rough estimate of 200 million, and a majority of these consumers will access internet via their smartphones. However, in a competitive market like India it is debatable whether Flipkart can risk losing any kind of sales, however small, to rivals by not being present on any of the available consumer-facing platform. From E-commerce to M-commerce−the shift is swift!
  • 40. 01 Social game developers may look forward to use Facebook credit or similar schemes to generate revenue. 02 Third party mobile payments will become more important. 03 Physical retail chains will merge their business with m-commerce to drive traffic. Schemes like mobile payments and loyalty points on phone are a few examples. Trends that will Impact M-commerce in 2015 ‘Go Mobile’- Trends in 2015 2015 Pulp Strategy | 40
  • 41. 04 Facebook credits or Amazon points or the like will be used to reward customers, which will allowed to make in-app purchases 05 Brands will make use mobile to capture consumers and fill the gap between ‘bricks and clicks’. 06 Scan-able codes to discount coupons-everything will be shared on mobile by established brands ‘Go Mobile’- Trends in 2015 2015 Pulp Strategy | 41 Trends that will Impact M-commerce in 2015
  • 42. ‘Go Mobile’- Trends in 2015 2015 Pulp Strategy | 42 07 08 Mobile web will be seen as stream for bringing in new business, while apps will help in sustaining those with loyalty programs for repeat customers. Payments using mobile technologies will be will be facilitated with NFC and similar technologies. Trends that will Impact M-commerce in 2015
  • 43. End-users not technologies shape the market. Consequently marketers need to stay abreast not only of technological developments but also of the way people respond to them. “ “ −Matt Haig, author
  • 44. Mobile Marketing Trends for 2015 ‘Go Mobile’- Trends in 2015 2015 Pulp Strategy | 44
  • 45. ‘Go Mobile’- Trends in 2015 2015 Pulp Strategy | 45 Leading Brands will become More Screen Agnostic With an increase in the usage of mobile phone and mobile phone Internet, consumers are forcing a digital transformation that must have mobile experience. More than the quarter of the world population will be using smartphones as projected by eMarketer (2 billion smart- phone users). This means billions of mobile phones in the hands of billions of people, whom you need to engage as a brand. “Today, more than 50% of a person’s time spent is with digital-social-mobile (DSM) media and channels, and over 90% of media consumption occurs across a digital display, including TV. Thirty-six percent of retail sales, or $1.5 trillion, is influenced by DSM, and 86% of people use mobile to influence their shopping decisions,” says Michael Becker, co-founder and man- aging partner of mCordis. Numbers like these reemphasize the importance of mobile in the digital strategy in 2015. Hence, companies will have to transform to engage digital and mobile users.
  • 46. ‘Go Mobile’- Trends in 2015 2015 Pulp Strategy | 46 More Marketing Dollars will Shift to Mobile Since consumers will demand amazing mobile experiences in the time to come, marketers will have to revamp their marketing strategies. This will provoke the marketers to shift their focus and investment from what they have i.e. desktop web marketing to what’s trending which is mobile marketing. Mobile analytics and optimization technologies will also gain momentum to provide relevant, personalized and location-based experiences for users of mobile apps. Marketers will have to clearly understand the differences and similarities between website and mobile marketing. While differences will include the app store ecosystem, cross-device mea- surement, and messaging tactics that include SMS, push, and in-app advertising, similarities will include the urgent requirement to acquire responsive and mobile websites to give your users a seamless web experience. If you are not a mobile first marketer then a combo of formal education, training, and hands-on experience can help you win the race.
  • 47. ‘Go Mobile’- Trends in 2015 2015 Pulp Strategy | 47 Apps within Mobile Marketing Strategy will Gain Momentum To be more compatible with the current mobile revolution, brands will have to make dual invest- ments in both mobile apps and mobile websites. A report by Adobe reveals that 30% of U.S. companies are spending upward of $10 million on apps and mobile web. Brands will have to look forward to create high utility apps that are sticky and forces consumers to use it time and again. These apps will have to be analytical as well, so as to understand consumer behavior and respond accordingly. Hence, regular updates of these apps will also be a necessary part of cre- ating the apps. As for mobile web, brands will rather invest in responsive websites than the standard sites. Brands will have to focus on providing a fast, relevant and seamless web experience to users since website is the first touch point between consumer and brands. Further, responsive web- sites must be enabled to deliver subsecond response time to user based on the device he is using. Since, we are moving to a world where everything is literally going digital, the challenge of being present and relevant across an array of digital devices is difficult to manage for many marketers. It is here, when responsiveness comes to rescue with real time marketing that is fast, flexible, fluid and contextual.
  • 48. ‘Go Mobile’- Trends in 2015 2015 Pulp Strategy | 48 Location-based Targeting will become a Priority According to survey conducted by Adobe, 54% of the marketers surveyed are using or plan- ning to use iBeacons in the next 12 months for location-based marketing. Many retailers, travel and hospitality brands, and media companies with physical venues are already using loca- tion-based marketing across various points of interests. Therefore, to reduce the barriers to adoption of location-based marketing brands will have to focus on educating consumers on how location technology can provide them relevant and necessary information. Asif Khan, Founder and President of the Location Based Marketing Association on says that in 2015 ‘location will be seen as the new cookie’ and it will help to track the move- ments of consumer during the day and across the media platforms that will also include TV, radio and OOH. He further says that marketers will heavily spend on mobile/location infra- structure support with the growth of next-generation GPS and improvements in indoor loca- tion technology like iBeacons. Consumers will also keep aside privacy and ethical inhibitions and will readily trade their data on the true value premise for the content that is personally relevant and beneficial for them.
  • 49. The Mobile Web Initiative is important. Information must be made seamlessly available on any device. “ “ −Tim Berners-Lee
  • 50. ‘Go Mobile’- Trends in 2015 2015 Pulp Strategy | 50 Mobile phones and tablets are a very personal medium of communication. Consumers, therefore, look forward to messages that are more personal and relevant and they expect marketers to deliver what they expect. Since this expectation extends to all digital channels and devices, marketers will look forward to invest to improve their mobile relationship management strategy. They will make every effort necessary to personalize every mobile touchpoint of scale, across the entire customer journey of millions of customers. Last year a lot of companies gained with their investments on mobile person- alization by generating significant incremental value. Though mobile person- alization is a prime opportunity, it is a challenging avenue. To make the most out of it, marketers will have to co-ordinate and personalize the message across all the mobile channels. Mobile personalization will be the next big thing
  • 51. ‘Go Mobile’- Trends in 2015 2015 Pulp Strategy | 51 With a gradual yet dramatic shift of consumers from PCs to smartphones, marketers are bound to increase the monetization of their apps and mobile website experience in 2015. The conversion rates from the smartphones and tablets have a wide scope improvement with optimization and technology in the times to come. This brings in the importance of A/B testing more than ever in the scope. A/B testing will help the marketers test new features and marketing programs, which will reduce the investments and make it cost effective. Further, mobile optimization efforts will be optimized, which will validate the important parts of mobile user experience with live audiences. This will help the marketers gain higher conversions, revenue growth with cost savings. In 2015, mobile optimization will become more critical with an increase in mobile phone Internet usage for search and purchases. Hence, marketers will have to focus on their website that will give seamless mobile experience first and then focus on the other digital media channels. Mobile A/B testing will become essential for increased ROI
  • 52. ‘Go Mobile’- Trends in 2015 2015 Pulp Strategy | 52 Mobile Advertising will Break the Desktop Shackles The mobile advertising trends of the recent past show that ad spends on mobile specific ads is much less than the time consumers spend on their mobile phones. But, that won’t be the case in 2015. This year will witness a growth in mobile advertising. According to Forrester, mobile advertising will grow and reach $46 billion by 2019 in US alone. With more and more people shifting to mobile Internet and adoption of 4G services in near future, short mobile videos will become a powerful mobile advertising tool. On the mobile search front, eMarketer predicts that 2015 will see mobile search at an all time high with majority of spend, organic traffic and paid clicks coming from smartphones and tablets, surpassing traditional desktop/laptop search activity. Programmatic advertising will be a key driver of mobile ad spends. With improved targeting technologies, marketers will look forward to buy audiences and not media channels, which means that a majority of ad placement will be done by algorithms with little human interventions. Hence, in 2015, marketers will look forward to develop, refine and optimize favorable algorithms. Researches prove that maximum mobile video viewing happens between 9 p.m. to 11 p.m. when consumers are at home, it is advisable that marketers embrace the small screen and consider mobile as an essential for their online video strategy.
  • 53. ‘Go Mobile’- Trends in 2015 2015 Pulp Strategy | 53 A study by Forbes reveals that 90 percent of mobile searches lead to action, more than half lead to sale, and 74 percent of people use their mobile phones to assist them for shopping. Mobile marketing is thus, gradually pacing up as a primary digital marketing channel, since a mobile is emerging as an extension of your customer which is extremely personal and immersive as compared to other media channels. Mobile marketing is also coming up as a leading channel for inbound marketing. However, mobile marketing is not just about buying and placing more mobile ads, its more about engaging your existing customers with in-app engagement using relevant notifications and valuable content. It is about using the right push points for customer retention. Engagement on mobile will become critical to customer retention
  • 54. ‘Go Mobile’- Trends in 2015 2015 Pulp Strategy | 54 01 02 A satisfied client-based will recommend you to other users with good reviews and word of mouth. You know your customers better because you have gauged their reactions, values and necessities. You can also use this knowledge in other marketing channels. Increasing customer retention via mobile marketing brings in benefits in the long run: Customer retention via mobile marketing is an important avenue that will strengthen your digital foothold.
  • 55. ‘Go Mobile’- Trends in 2015 2015 Pulp Strategy | 55 Games will continue to spearhead engagement The best way to involve and engage your audience is a gaming app. Your general mobile app can also be equipped with gamification features to target the audience and to keep them coming back to the app for more. A stand-alone gaming app is also something that can win you leads and engage your consumers. In 2015, event apps will look forward to gamification features. One good way to do it will be to build out a prize pack by involving sponsors. Let your plan be backed by big rewards to ensure engagement with features that benefit your business as well as your consumers. As a gaming app, you can reward your consumers in the form of free chips/coins/game currency.
  • 56. ‘Go Mobile’- Trends in 2015 2015 Pulp Strategy | 56 Privacy and data ownership will be critical In 2015, marketers will focus more on creating policies for digital privacy governance. Emphasis will be laid on making policies that clearly demarcate what data is collected from consumers, how it is used for marketing, how will this data be shared with third parties and how can consumers opt-out or opt-in from data sharing. On the other hand, consumers will expect simpler ways of data sharing opt-in methods for data collection, location services and other push services. They would expect marketers to make these processes more transparent for privacy and security reasons.
  • 57. The world is being re-shaped by the convergence of social, mobile, cloud, big data, community and other powerful forces. The combination of these technologies unlocks an incredible opportunity to connect everything together in a new way and is dramatically transforming the way we live and work. “ “ −Marc Benioff, Salesforcei
  • 58. Conclusion There is a definite shift in the digital media when it comes to mobile strategy in 2015. There will be an increased focus on mobile for internal collaboration. Mobile will also be a pivot of change in the evolution and user behavior on new and existing social behaviors. The number of mobile websites and apps will also see a rising trend. This will increase consumer stickiness and drive more engagement around the brand. In a nutshell, investing mobile strategy is a necessity that will bring in good returns. To create a robust engagement plan with your mobile marketing strategy, drop us a line at Your investment in a good mobile marketing strategy can change a cost center to a profit center!