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Moai Creation
If we look around the island, we find evidence of a population that exhausted its resources. Most
likely, the prime culprit for the quick loss of natural resources was the frenzied pace of Moai
construction. It was an enormous effort to carve the Moai and transported to its final location. Given
the rate of consumption to meet the demand for statue construction, natural resources were used up
before there was time for renewal; however, Moai creation would not be the only reason for the
resource depletion. Other sustaining activities like farming, shelter construction, tool creation, and
boat making would utilize the same resource; however, those activities were essential to support the
growing population.
Furthermore, there are no awe–inspiring monuments, memorials, or commemorations specifically
implemented to honor these men and their accomplishments. No memorial or monument exists that
generates a sense of amazement like Mount Rushmore, or as iconic as the Lincoln Memorial. The
"Monument to the Conquerors of Space" in Moscow Russia is the closest thing in this world to
generate the awe and inspiration desired by the key stakeholder, but does that go far enough? Not
one cosmonaut made it to the moon; therefore, that monument doesn't honor the accomplishment of
12 astronauts.
It is hypothesized that the reason for no memorial or ... Show more content on ...
More specifically on a much smaller scale, the follies of the Rapu Nui. Furthermore, the problem is
there is no awe–inspiring monuments, memorials, or permanent commemorations to honor those
astronauts that landed on the moon. Without such a memorial, the achievement of these men is lost.
The Wall System on Easter Island commemorating the 12 astronauts that walked on the moon with
the theme of saving humanity is a solution to the
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Merrill Garbus Water Fountain Meaning
The drums and rhythms are the only musical ingredients that can compete with Merrill Garbus'
voice and lyrics in the song "Water Fountain." Too often, dance music approves the vacant
reverberation of let's party or drunken I–don't–care promiscuity that gives the serious listener second
thoughts about sitting down and taking note of anything remotely connected to that genre of music.
That is not the case here.
The song is high–speed vocalization that scats like machine gun fire. Even when the lyrics become
repetitive, the fiercely driven delivery blazes with passion. There is no sense of the robotic
aestheticism that so many dance tunes seem to carry. Garbus brings her lyrics like a wounded poet,
yet leaves them riding the extreme rhythm of multiple instruments. Her melodies are as assertive as
any song sung from the heart and it doesn't take long to forget you are listening to a dance tune.
Her lyrical voice, however, has to be strong to be felt over the beat. A mosaic of swift deep bass,
hollow tom–toms, and quick ringing bells, quickly get your feet tapping in an unconscious need to
dance. The stacked rhythm grows with synthesized ... Show more content on ...
She unites soul with scat as she hits pinnacle after pinnacle of heartfelt lyrics. "Water Fountain"
pulls the ear toward the powerful expressions again and again, which, considering the profoundly
polyrhythmic beat, is no easy chore. The rhythmic churning stirs up emotions of a daily life in a
repressed world when the singer bravely tells us, "Nothing feels like dying like the drying of my
skin and lawn. Why do we just sit here while they watch us wither till we're gone? I can't seem to
feel it. I can't seem to feel it." Garbus' lyrics feel like there is an emotional foot on her neck. While
asserting her stance against water shortages, she gives us the feel of a good love gone
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History of Reverb and Echo in Audio Production Recording...
History of Reverb and Echo in Audio Production Recording Natural occurring reverb goes further
back than man on earth. Since before man, creatures and nature made sounds that created natural
reverb and echo. But now in today's age with men and the modern technology that they have created
there are all sorts of ways to create reverb and echo. From big metal sheets to plug–ins in a DAW on
a computer, engineers have found ways to incorporate and benefit from reverb and echo on a
recorded audio track. But before skipping into today's ways of recording reverb and echo let's shed
some light on what reverb and echo truly is and where it came from. Reverberation or as most
people refer to it as reverb, refers to the way sound waves reflects of ... Show more content on ...
A reverb chamber is a hollow arena used to create echoing sounds. Building a room with non–
parallel surfaces and then applying shellac to all the surfaces so make them acoustically reflective
creates an echo/reverb chamber. A speaker and microphones in the room would pick up the
reflection of the speakers output this method was very popular in the 60's. Soon enough a new
technology of reverb came about, Spring reverb. Sam Phillips of Sun Records had used tape echo
when recording Elvis in the early days. Spring reverb is a type of electromechanical reverb device. It
creates a reverb effect by inducing sound vibrations at one end of a long wire (which is coiled into a
spring to decrease the amount of area it takes up, that's why it is called spring reverb). Another
transducer at the extreme end picks up the vibrations. As the waves reflect back and forth from one
end of the spring to the other, and back, a reverb effect is produced. Spring reverbs have a harsh,
trebly sound (and vulnerable to exterior shock), but they are inexpensive to build and provided a
new way for reverb. Eventually the technology became more advanced and a new form of reverb
was created; plate reverb changed the reverb game in 1957 when German company EMT
(Elektromesstecknik) released the first plate reverb, EMT 140 Reverberation Unit. This plate reverb
system used an electromechanical transducer to create vibration in a large plate of
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The Pros And Cons Of The Amazon Reverberation
The Amazon Reverberation touted as a top of the line voice enacted remote speaker and individual
computerized right hand. Most proprietors of this gadget use it for more than listening to music or
asking intriguing inquiries and solicitations. Different applications incorporate having the capacity
to acquire transportation, arrange a pizza and the capacity to control coordinated keen gadgets inside
their home.
As indicated by the Purchaser Insight Research Accomplices (CIRPs), it assesses that 3 million units
of the Amazon Reverberation were sold in the Unified States. The information does not represent
the offers of the new increases to the line, the Tap and Reverberate Dab. Curiosity aside, the
Reverberation is developing in notoriety every day. The audits of the gadget are above normal, while
the advantages are significantly all the more shocking. ... Show more content on ...
It began being a sleeper thing until informal made it an easily recognized name and also, the late
appearance of plugs flaunting its slick components.
The "aptitudes" used by the gadget through the advanced collaborator are redesigned intermittently
and now open to outside designers to include their imaginative and good natured rundown of
abilities for more innovative improvement. In light of the Reverberation is the first of its kind as it
were, they have contenders clamoring for their bit of the pie. For example, Google Home, which
will have a superior intuitive interface and after that, obviously, the re–development of Apple
The quantity of purchasers that possess the Reverberation is very noteworthy. Be that as it may,
some have whined about the expense and the disadvantage of moving it from space to room. To
address these issues, Amazon presented two extra Reverberate
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Reverberation Map Analysis
Seyfert galaxies are one of the two largest groups of active galaxies, along with quasars. They have
quasar–like nuclei (very luminous, distant and bright sources of electromagnetic radiation) with very
high surface brightnesses whose spectra reveal strong, high–ionisation emission lines, but unlike
quasars, their host galaxies are clearly detectable. Seyfert galaxies account for about 10% of all
galaxies and are some of the most intensely studied objects in astronomy, as they are thought to be
powered by the same phenomena that occur in quasars, although they are closer and less luminous
than quasars. These galaxies have supermassive black holes at their centers which are surrounded by
accretion discs of in–falling material. The accretion ... Show more content on ...
This is confirmed by the fact that the narrow lines do not vary detectably, which implies that the
emitting region is large, contrary to the broad lines which can vary on relatively short timescales.
Reverberation mapping is a technique which uses this variability to try to determine the location and
morphology of the emitting region. This technique measures the structure and kinematics of the
broad line emitting region by observing the changes in the emitted lines as a response to changes in
the continuum. The use of reverberation mapping requires the assumption that the continuum
originates in a single central source. For 35 AGN, reverberation mapping has been used to calculate
the mass of the central black holes and the size of the broad line regions. In the few radio–loud
Seyfert galaxies that have been observed, the radio emission is believed to represent synchrotron
emission from the jet. The infrared emission is due to radiation in other bands being reprocessed by
dust near the nucleus. The highest energy photons are believed to be created by inverse Compton
scattering by a high temperature corona near the black
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Vibraphon's Influence On Jazz Music
1. I think the biggest element that made this song unique is the use of counterpoint. Counterpoint is
the use of two or more melodic lines of equal importance. During the course of the song, no one
melody sounds like the main melody, and are all of the same significance. I think this would have
upset many of the jazz purists, as it was such a change from traditional jazz music.
2. A vibraphone is a instrument with resonator tubes suspended below aluminum bars to create a
natural reverberation of the sound. Lionel Hampton was one of the first jazz performers to play this
instrument. I believe the vibraphone solo starts at 1:09 and lasts till about 1:50, most prominently
and again from 2:15 to 3:00.
3.I think that one of the techniques
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Concert Hall Acoustics: Focus on Chan Shun Concert Hall...
Concert Hall Acoustics: Focus on Chan Shun Concert Hall
The Chan Centre for the Performing Arts is an acoustic marvel. It was built in 1997 and was
designed by Bing Thom Architects in conjunction with Artec Consultants and Theatre Projects and
is situated at the University of British Columbia. The Centre has won many awards for it's
architectural design and acoustics. David Harrington, the Artistic Director/Violinist of Kronos
Quartet says it very well: "The Chan Centre...has the rare distinction of being one of the world's
greatest concert halls...[We had] been searching for a deepness and a life to our sound, which we
found [here]...What a great accomplishment a concert hall where music seems more alive
than ever!". This ... Show more content on ...
A short time later, the same sound will reach the listener from the reflective surfaces around them
such as the walls and ceiling, this is called the early sound. This first group of reflections will reach
the listener 50–80ms after the direct sound. This time delay has a significant effect on the overall
sound heard by the listener. Then more reflected sound will arrive "thick and fast from all directions,
but become smaller and closer together merging after time into what is called reverberant sound"
(Rossing, Moore & Wheeler). If the source keeps emitting sound, reverberant sound builds up until
it reaches equilibrium. When a sound stops, the sound pressure level will decrease at a constant rate
until it becomes inaudible. However for impulsive sounds the decay of reverberant sound begins
immediately and there is no equilibrium. Sound will die out quicker in a room that is occupied due
to absorption by the occupants, as an audience absorbs sound in proportion to its size. When
listening to a" full size symphony orchestra most listeners find sitting 60ft from source, which is
roughly the centre of many of the world's best concert halls, to have optimum direct sound"
(Beranek 2004). The timing of the early sounds is the basis for creating good acoustics and the
timing of these first reflections is affected by their reflection direction.
Our auditory system has a remarkable
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Igor Reznikoff's Ideas To Create The Analytical Engine
Johnson refers to Lovelace and Babbage as "time travelers," although he doesn't mean so literally
the point he is conveying is that they were both drastically ahead of their era in a creative and
innovative sense. Working together, Ada and Charles were able to combine their out of the box
ambitions and systematic thought process to create the Analytical Engine. I believe it was Ada's
background in mathematics and her father's work that drove her to push the boundaries of what
Babbage had in mind. Ada said, "the Engine might compose elaborate and scientific pieces of music
of any degree of complexity or extent" in reference to her vision of using the Analytical Engine for
more than complex number crunching (265). It was the constant challenge the two presented one
another that molded the Engine into what it became. ... Show more content on ...
Although he was a music ethnographer, Igor used knowledge from his field in an anthropological
setting by studying the cave paintings found in France in relation to their placement and the sound
produced in those areas. "Reznikoff's theory is that Neanderthal communities gathered beside the
images they had painted, and they chanted or sang in some kind of shamanic ritual, using the
reverberations of the cave to magically widen the sound of their voices" (Johnson 99). If the
connections had not been made between the sound amplification in the cave and the concentrations
of paintings, we would not have the same insight we do today about Neanderthal communities and
incidences of cave paintings around the globe would seem
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Creative Writing: The Crucible By Arthur Miller
It was all just a game, nothing more, nothing less. Recollection of events rewind than speeds up in
my brain from when we discovered a box in my uncles to follow the instructions of the frolic going
on among us. I remember how excited I was, I never played it before. By the way, I also have a
question to all of you reading are intended for purposes of enjoyment, am I correct? If
so, is it terrible that I felt the cold sensation of terror.
I blame it all on Miller, because of him..We accidentally murder Sam, the scene played out so
vividly in my mind it was like it happened today. I was scared, Kelly was crying and Miller was
laughing––oh wait that isn't right, what I meant to say is that Miller was also crying. After we hide
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Personal Narrative Fiction
As I sat aimlessly rubbing my hands together, the walls trembled; taking in air sharply when I hear
the reverberation. The sweat on my forehead drips off like an IV bag at the hospital. Before it's
never been this inimical; just breath. This is routine. Once again, the shaking worsened, as did my
Ordinarily, our years in this subterranean world used to worry and cower away in fear of what is still
out there. Wondering what happened to my family is another. Trapped is an understatement; we're
held here in hopes that these four walls won't collapse under pressure from the real world.
Meanwhile, people around here do their job; conceivably out of fear for what may be the
Finally, the tremors came to a stop; my breathing
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New Forms Of Architecture Developed During The Renaissance...
Architecture is a significant topic when looking at historical shifts of time periods, especially when
looking at the artistic shifts that occurred in the transition from the Medieval period into the
Renaissance. New forms of architecture are considered one of the most important achievements that
formed during the renaissance era. The form of architecture developed during this period mainly
originated from Greek and Roman styles. These reappearing ideas became present in modern times
in many different ways. Many architects such as Bartolommeo Bandinelli would design dome
creations used mainly in the cathedrals of Florence. Not only were these domes larger and more
extravagant than ever before, they were engineered in a way that their acoustics are still being
studied and replicated today. The exterior elements of the Renaissance era domes were considered to
be impressive artistically, but the interior elements were unique to many as well. Looking at such
buildings today, you can see the detailed work that had been put in for many years in order to create
such a beautiful building. The acoustics inside the dome were carefully crafted and incorporated into
the structure of the dome itself, in order to enhance the ability for a crowd to hear. The acoustics of
many theaters in Italy were designed to enhance the hearing for the varieties of music that were
performed during these times. The Renaissance introduced the use of "polyphony", which is a
multilayered faster type of
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A Short Note On The Components Of Radar
Radars are extremely intricate electronic and electromagnetic frameworks and complex mechanical
frameworks as well. Radar frameworks are made out of a wide range of subsystems, which
themselves are made out of various segments. There is an extraordinary assorted qualities in the
configuration of radar frameworks taking into account reason, yet the basic operation and
fundamental arrangement of subsystems is the same.
Recieving wire is an article which utilized as a move between wave spreading in free space, and the
fluctuating voltages in the circuit to which it is joined. A reception apparatus either gets vitality from
an electromagnetic field or transmits electromagnetic waves created by a high recurrence generator
It guarantees that the sign has the obliged example in space. Reception apparatus sources transmit
vitality similarly in all headings. This sort of radiation is known as isotropic radiation. Radar
recieving wire is profoundly directional so more vitality is proliferated in our predefined course.
The vitality emanated from a reception apparatus shapes a field having an unequivocal radiation
design. A radiation example means plotting the transmitted vitality from a reception apparatus and
this vitality is measures at different points at a steady separation from the recieving wire. The state
of this example relies on upon the sort of radio wire utilized. The radiation of a recieving wire is mix
of electric and attractive
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The Velocity And Wave Speed
Velocity: In reference to waves, the velocity can be described as the distance a point on the wave,
for example the crest, moves or shifts in a given period of time. This means that the velocity or wave
speed, is the metres the wave travels per second. A wave may have a high frequency, vibrating back
and back, but can still have a low velocity. Hence, a wave can be moving back and forth with a low
frequency and still have a velocity. Therefore we can get the equation– v = λ/T or v = f λ.
Wavelength: The wavelength is the distance from one point on a wave to the same point on the next
wave along. We can measure the wavelength of a wave from one peak of a wave to another. One
wave length can be seen or described as the distance between to peaks or troughs of a wave.
Equation– v = d/T therefore... d = v x T (m)
Behaviour of the waves
Reflection: This is when a wave approaches the boundary between two mediums, when this happens
a part of the wave undergoes reflection across the boundary. The amount of reflection from the wave
depends on the variation of the two mediums. Sound waves reflecting off surfaces can lead to two
different wave occurrences, either an echo or a reverberation. Reverberation usually happens in a
room with a particular height, width and length of roughly 17 meters. This sound wave which the
human brain receives barely lasts for more than a minute fraction of a second; the human brain
stored a particular sound in memory for up to 0.1 seconds. When the
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Pedal Notation Research Paper
The pedals of the piano each create a different effect when utilized. Composers tend to favor the
sustain pedal, as it is the pedal that gives the piano the strongest reverberation between the notes.
Pedals are not always depressed entirely; you can depress a pedal at differing degrees to create a
stronger or weaker effect. It is mainly up to the pianist to use his judgment on how far to depress a
pedal. Pedal Notation There are two ways to indicate a pianist should use pedal. The written method
will place the word "pedal" at the point to depress the pedal. In most cases, this command
abbreviates as "Ped." An asterisk (*) signifies the pedal release. Another method of indicating pedal
notation is with lines. A horizontal line that extends beneath
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Individualism In Huckleberry Finn
Vaisyta Not many people can see themselves apart from conforming. You see out of all the text I
have read, The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn really had the most lucid idea. When Huck (The
Main Character) always rebels against one's mediocre ideology he's seen as malicious, because he
does not conform and goes his own route. And he often finds himself in the the most unsavory of
situations,what i'm trying to say is that if you do not conform you are seen as a miscreant, misfit,and
a outlaw. This is why people are scared to find enlightenment in themselves because there arrogance
gets the best of them and this idea of " Fitting in " slows down the process of individualism.
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America's Conversations In Modern Theater
The looming 'culture war' phenomena is not a new one nor a particularly unique one in any history;
this mythical 'culture war' can found, for example, in the in social history of the 1970's with white
evangelicals fighting more moderate and secular minded reformists, resulting in race riots and
abortion clinic bombings. Consequently, because this trend is cyclical, we can see it's reverberations
in modern theater and can see, in many ways, that this current direction of America. It begins with
the elimination of nuance. 'Disagree with me, you're a fascist' types the antifa member, 'I'll punch
you in the face you dirty commie," retorts the MAGA–hat–clad alt–righter: this has become the
height of our political discourse. In the–land–of–do–as–you–please,
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Indirect Critical Distance
The indirect or reverberant sound field begins to dominate the listening environment when the child
moves far from the teacher. The indirect sound field originates at the "critical distance" of the room
(point in the room where reverberant sound level and direct sound level are equal). If the child is
within the critical distance (the direct sound field), reverberation will have minimal effects. Beyond
the critical distance (the indirect sound field), however, these reflections can reduce speech
perception ability. Speech perception scores decreases when the distance increases, till the critical
distance of the room is reached (Crandell, 1991; Crandell & Bess, 1986; Leavitt & Flexer, 1991;
Peutz, 1971). After the critical distance, perception
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Baroque Violin Research Paper
Since the Baroque period the violin (Baroque violin) has been a standout amongst the most
important of all instruments in music, for a few reasons. The tone of the violin emerges above
different instruments, making it necessary for playing a tune line. In the hands of a decent player, the
violin is greatly lithe, and can execute fast and difficult successions of notes. In reality, the violin
appears to fit virtuosity more than any other musical instrument ever created.
In spite of the fact that it is widely held belief that the Italian luthier Andrea Amati made the cutting
edge violin family around the year 1555, bowed stringed instruments were created much earlier than
that. Hence, it is therefore better to think of the violin as an instrument ... Show more content on ...
1644–1737), initially an understudy to Nicolò Amati and another inhabitant of Cremona. Stradivari
has turned into the most commended violin creator ever. Like Amati before him, Stradivari was
devoted to utilizing the finest materials accessible. While Stainers and Amatis were more suited for
orchestral music in little halls, Stradivaris and Guarneris were more preffered extensive halls with
ensemble symphonies, and by 1800 these violinists were the most prominent in Europe. It is no
incident that the rise in popularity of the Stradivaris and Guarneris corresponded with the rise of
large scale orchestral works, exemplified by Mozart's last orchestras and Beethoven's Eroica
orchestra (1805) and his Violin Concerto (1806). Stradivarious' improvements, however,
incorporated the refinement of the blueprint of the instrument, the diminishment of the general swell
of the top plate, an alteration of the state of the f–openings, and the formation of the present day
state of the extension. The varnish of his violins has a trademark ruddy tinge. He made instruments
bound for King James II of England; Cardinal Vincent Orsini, later Pope Benedict XIII; King
Amadeus II of Sardinia; among others. Stradivari was a rich man by his sixties, and celebrated the
world over. "The sound [of a Stradivari] has its own magnificence, woodiness, splendor, profundity,
force, and
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Bose Cinemate 15 Essay
The Bose Cinemate 15 has continued to enjoy rave reviews since its introduction to the market. It
has gained traction with its compact form, powerful sound output and its glossy feel. It is one of the
best buys that can help to keep your space full of excitement. There are some features in the product
that make it stand out. However, it is essential to understand some basics before dig deeper into the
technology behind this device. This product comes in form of a sound bar. This simply means it can
be fitted to any space around your TV. In view of recent trends in the market, it has blazed the trail
with its offerings.
The quest for the contemporary design that matches the need of the savvy consumer; has led to
enormous research in producing ... Show more content on ...
This is a unique blend of quality offerings that keeps this product in the leading edge.
Customer Reviews and Scores
The Bose Cinemate 15 has continued to win more grounds due to its great performance. It remains
one of the top products in its range in the market. Based on its 88 reviews on Amazon, it has polled
a decent 4.6 Stars out of a possible 5. The high point has been the quality, the design and its ability
to deliver.
Although, the only slip that was mentioned in one of the reviews is that it is expensive. This did not
take away the satisfaction the customer got and how this product is the ultimate sound system for
anyone. It is worth each investment made and it is durable. I believe the Bose Cinemate 15 is in a
class of its own. It is the right choice for the discerning buyer to make.
The Bose Cinemate 15 has created a benchmark that is steeped in excellence. It is not difficult to see
that it offers great value to all its users. The impact of the technology used in the design of this
product has brought a new shift in paradigm for all sound systems in the market. Bose Cinemate 15
is the ideal product that meets contemporary sound production
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Pan's Labyrinth Film Analysis
Chelsea Birks
December 5, 2017
The narrative power of sound in Pan's labyrinth
The film that I have chosen as a case study for my final paper is: Pan's labyrinth (2006) by director
Guillermo del Toro, and it is a case of real–fantastic cinema. Here I present my essay entitled " The
narrative power of sound in Pan's labyrinth "of Guillermo Del Toro . It will analyze the sound design
, the identification of its elements, the ways in which they are presented and their interrelations, to
understand and explain how these elements work together in conjunction with the visual image, to
support the narration of the story. Consequently, this research seeks to answer the question: How
does the sound in the film 'Pans Labyrinth' relates to ... Show more content on ...
It is within this framework that I consider important to study the way in which sound is built and
used in audiovisual products to narrate, generate sensations and configure "worlds", real and
fantastic, respect to the reality of the history of fiction (which may not coincide with reality as the
viewer knows it in his own life, but that this understands and accepts as the reality of history that is
being counting within the audiovisual piece).
As Balsam refers , a sound can create emphasis in any scene that is, can function as a punctuation
mark , when it accentuates and strengthens the visual image.
This time we will focus on the analysis of the sound of a film that, in addition, to be well achieved
according to my personal appreciation, has been nominated for several awards for sound and has
won some of them. It is then a proposal that, when like others, it is convenient to analyze and
understand, to take from it what works best for us or interest, or for our future productions. For this I
have chosen the feature film Pan's labyrinth (2006) by director Guillermo del Toro; in charge of the
sound Martin
Hernández, Jaime Baksht and Miguel Ángel Polo. I choose this movie because I think, (and this is
what I am trying to proof with this work) , that it has a sound design very detailed and congruent
with what the story tells, in which all the elements come together to create a fantastic world–fairy
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The Miracle On The Vietnam Analysis
After a long summer of dreaded sequels and long awaited reboots, we find ourselves amidst a biopic
worthy of an Oscar, albeit an Oscar for a leading role, but one nonetheless. Tom Hanks' delivers
serious acting at his best, with a stunning cast that surrounds him. Clint Eastwood provides
spectacular directing along with writer Todd Komarnicki who provides a remarkable take of "The
Miracle on the Hudson." The story is plain and simple, honestly. Like every other extraordinary act
of heroism, Sully saves every life on the plane by successfully navigating the plane after it was hit
by a flock of birds. Yay! The story is not overly dramatized nor fictionalized. It gives a straight view
point of the horrors the pilot and passengers went through on that fateful day. Which is very
refreshing, considering all the complicated plots of the summer and overly thought out films. It also
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It took you on a journey, one where the heighten suspense of when will it crash made it feel as if you
were a part of the moment itself and the reverberation of the passengers swimming out into the
Hudson River frantically along with pilot Sully, who makes a phone call to his wife to let her know
he survived. The pivotal moment of the plane crash MADE the film a masterpiece in itself. Sully's
PTSD is also made aware of in the film, which is a wonderful that this subject is brought to more
light. He is constantly weary of what could have happened, instead of the heroic feat he
accomplished. Flashbacks are brought up throughout the film time and time again, so much so it
seems relentless, although it provides more insight into the mind of Sully at times. The film
provided a harrowing experience for viewers, providing a look into what the passengers, pilot, and
rescue crews went through during that unfortunate day. 'Sully' is a worthwhile film and wonderful
biopic all–in–all, despite the mostly one–man show provided by Hanks
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What Is The Involvement In Charlie's Involvement In War?
Laments (verb)– To feel or regret sorrow In Charlie's novel, he laments all the countries around the
world dealing with the involvement in war. 2. Reparation(noun)– After injury is done it's to make
amends The doctors wanted to pay a reparation for misconducting the open–heart surgery. 3.
Solace(noun)– Something that provides a form of comfort After the death of her grandfather, friends
and family gave her solace by visiting her at home. 4. Vexed(adjective)– Irritated; annoyed The
babysitter was vexed since the children would not listen to her. 5. Reprisal(noun)– Retaliation
against an enemy and the injuries received. The Italians desired a reprisal for Germany's destruction
they caused to the villages and the people. ... Show more content on ...
Sinews(noun)– A source of strength and power Against the other nations, the united states were
viewed as a sinews since they assisted all there alliances. 8. Murky(adjective)– Dark and gloomy
The outside of the cave appeared murky as the vines tumbled down along the entrance before
walking in. 9. Pilgrimage(noun)– A long journey to a sacred place as an act of religious devotion
The group of women were planning a pilgrimage for the successful victory against the other nation
in war. 10. Loathsome(adjective)– Disgusting; revolting; repulsive As the men gathered to prepare
for their meeting they were shocked by the loathsome appearance of the man staring at them from
outside the window. 11. Plunder(verb)– To rob goods or any valuables by an open force Since the
homeless man had no food remaining he decided to plunder food from the grocery store. 12.
Heathen(noun)– A unreligious or uncivilized person One man was a Heathen against other people's
views and beliefs. 13. Animism(noun)– A belief that natural objects and universe posses souls After
the man performed the magic trick many people believed it was a Animism since they had never
seen anything like
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Welcome To Nightvale Poem Analysis
A common theme in both Welcome to Nightvale and War of the Worlds is that original assumptions
can misleading. War of the Worlds utilises sentence structure to bring the concept that experiencing
death and horror will increase the appreciation of life to the forefront of the reader's mind.
Contrastingly the serious elements of death and horror are masked under the aural techniques of
Welcome to Nightvale through music. The audience expectations of Welcome to Nightvale are
inverted through the weather section in Welcome to Nightvale which is non–diegetic sound because
it is a song or instrumental item that alludes to the darker elements of the episode. These elements
are contained within the lyrics or tone of the music to explain more about ... Show more content on ...
Similarly, War of the Worlds uses scientific language, actual real places and media extracts to
develop the reader's connection to the real world and the novel. The two texts then hold greater
influence over the reader's emotions and understandings of the world around them which in turn
develop contrasting beliefs about the nature of horror and death. However Welcome to Nightvale's
narrative realism which influences an audience's reactions to horror and fear is lessened through the
use of Absurdism. Absurdist imagery such as in episode 2 GLOW CLOUD a lion, like the kind you
see on the sun–baked plains of Africa or a pee stained enclosure at a local zoo, fell on top of the
White Sand Ice Cream Shop allows the reader to separate themselves from the horror within an
episode and instead connect with the philosophical intentions of Finke and Cranor, which is that
sometimes you go through things that seem huge at the time as a mysterious glowing cloud
devouring your entire community. While they're happening they feel like the only thing that matters,
and you can hardly imagine that there's the world out there that can have anything going on. Both
texts envelop narrative structure to draw parallelisms between reality and fiction which deepen the
reader's emotional connection but the
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Audio Amplifier System With Digital Delay Effects
CE 3.1
The project "Audio amplifier system with digital delay effects" was completed as a major aspect of
the Bachelor of engineering degree from Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Technology.
Chronology : 2009
Geographical location : Bangalore
Organization Name : Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Technology
Project Name : Audio amplifier system with digital delay effects
Title of Position : Student
CE 3.2
This career episode briefly outlines my commitment for the effective work in completing my task
and the duties where I dealt with specialized issues according to my learning. I have taken required
care in furnishing all the details of veritable ... Show more content on ...
CE 3.3.1
In our project, we implemented these effects using the concept of digital delay. Four types of effects
are produced using a digital signal processing kit TMS320C6713 which is programmed using C
language. I converted an analog signal to a digital signal and processed for the desired effect using a
Digital Signal Processor (DSP). The enhanced output from the DSP is then converted back to an
analog signal and fed to a speaker. Digital circuitry was a perfect fit for the process of storing a
signal and then playing it back at a specified time interval. It also solved the problem of losing the
high frequencies on longer delay times.
CE 3.3.2
I looked at the delay and realized that it is used as a sound enhancement and also can be used on
virtually any instrument and on vocals. I researched why delay is used in this application and
electrical signal move at a much higher speed than sound. I learnt Delay is an audio effect which
records an input signal to an audio storage medium, and then plays it back after a period of time.
Audio storage refers to techniques and formats used to store audio with the goal to reproduce the
audio later using audio signal processing to something that resembles the original. I used the FIR
echo algorithm that calculates the current output buffer value by adding the current input buffer
value to an input buffer value that occurred a certain amount of time in the
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The, The Director And Narrator Of The Film, By Jamie Johnson
In the documentary The One Percent the director and narrator of the film, Jamie Johnson, gives
viewers a thought provoking look inside some of the wealthiest families in America. Johnson comes
from old money. He is the great–grandson of one of the brothers that founded Johnson and Johnson
Pharmaceuticals and his father inherited a fortune of one billion dollars. In the documentary, Jamie
Johnson takes on the character of a filmmaker seemingly disinterested by his and his family's overly
abundant wealth. Johnson 's initial purpose for making this documentary was to expose the
corruption and power of the top one percent. He wants to expose how the rich keep getting richer by
showing how his family handles their finances. He claims "Having so ... Show more content on ...
This sign foreshadows and symbolizes the exclusive nature of the upper class that Johnson describes
later in the film. He begins to make conversation with a woman who has a British accent. A study
done by Howard Giles with the department of Psychology at the University of Bristol, states "Their
[Wallace Lambert and colleagues] work has shown that stereotyped impressions of an individual 's
personality may be formulated by listeners when presented with a speaker 's voice whose vocal
contours are representative of phonological patterns peculiar to specific group membership." (Giles)
Plainly, when people hear an accent, subconsciously they connect it with their previous experiences
involving people with that accent. Because the British are often known for their history of wealth,
power, monarchies, and luxurious culture, the average viewer of the documentary will
subconsciously and inherently connect the women 's British accent to wealth and authority. At this
point in the film, upon hearing her voice the viewer will have a broad understanding of what the
documentary is about before even being presented the formal narration of Johnson's thesis. The
spying concept, the luxurious environment, and the audio of refined music and voice all come
together as elements that make this scene extensively persuasive.
Shortly after the introduction, Johnson presents a wave of facts and statistics by using simple
graphic animations. These facts and
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Lung Consolidation Case Study
Lung consolidations may have a variety of causes including infection, pulmonary embolism, lung
cancer and metastasis, compression atelectasis, obstructive atelectasis, and lung contusion
Additional sonographic signs that may help to determine the cause of lung consolidation include the
following: a)The quality of the deep margins of the consolidation.
b) The presence of comet–tail reverberation artifacts at the far–field margin.
c) The presence of air bronchogram(s).
d) The presence of fluid bronchogram(s).
e)The vascular pattern within the consolidation .
The consolidated region of the lung is visualized at LUS as an echo–poor or tissue like image,
depending on the extent of air loss and fluid predominance, which is clearly different from the
normal pattern. The cause ... Show more content on ...
In pleuritic pain, LUS is superior to CXR and may allow visualization of radio–occult pulmonary
conditions. In mechanically ventilated patients, LUS is more accurate than CXR in detecting and
distinguishing various types of consolidations
Characteristic ultrasonography findings of alveolar syndrome:
– Consolidation: Intercostal scan shows a hypoechoic consolidated area that contains multiple
echogenic lines that represent an air bronchogram. The presence of dynamic air bronchogram
(branching echogenic structures with centrifuge movement with breathing) helps to rule out
obstructive atelectasia
– Focal interstitial pattern: Focal interstitial pattern was defined as vertical hyperechoic comet–tail
artefacts that arose strictly from the pleural line, spread to the edge of the screen without fading and
appeared focally instead of diffusely( Nafae et al.,2013).
– Subpleural lesion: Subpleural lesion was defined as pleural–based hypoechoic nodules with no
hyperechoic lines within it. It could be triangular, round, linear or polygonal
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Essay A Profitable Home Recording Studio For $10,000
A Profitable Home Recording Studio For $10,000
Jumping in to starting a business can be scary and investing in a home recording studio is no
exception. There are many things to consider when doing so. How much will it cost? What gear will
I need? What recording jobs will I take on? What will I charge? How will I network and advertise? I
believe that I can open a profitable home studio for $10,000 mixed with my skills and gear that I
already have.
Before I get too in depth I need to discuss some assumptions about the situation. The first
assumption is that I will be a home owner or at least a home renter when I pursue this business
venture. If I were propose that this studio could exist in my current residence it would be an ... Show
more content on ...
If some of my first few jobs are making demos for bands, I want those demos to be as good as
possible since that is one of my biggest advertisements. So when the band is paying for demo
quality they will get better than demo quality no matter what that takes initially. The last reason is
simply to undercut the competition. Like I mentioned previously there are people in town who have
been in the business for quite a while and are really good. However If I can make recordings close to
as good as they can for a fraction of the cost, I'm going to be getting business.
The number one thing that I want to do with my studio is record full length great quality albums for
bands. This may or may not be my bread and butter as far as recording goes but it is what I'm most
interested in. The target price that I want to charge for this is $400 for a ten song album. This is
assuming that there will be a six hour block for drum tracking and eight hours total for tracking
other instruments. If I'm planning to make $10 an hour this leaves 26 hours for me to edit and mix.
Anything out of the norm will be charged for accordingly. For instance if there are excessive tempo
changes in songs or the band wants to go extreme with layering guitars and vocals. Some pieces of
gear that I will need for this application are an awesome analog compressor, stellar reverbs and good
microphones. Since in owning a home studio I wouldn't likely have a studio drum kit or every mic
that a
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Designing A Recording Studio Recording Rooms
A recording studio is made up of three rooms that are, the live room which is the studio itself, the
control room and the machine room. Sound used for recording is created in the live room.
Manipulation and recording of sound are done in the control room. All noisier equipment that may
interfere with the recording process is kept in the machine room. Recording rooms are designed
carefully by the principle of room acoustics. This helps in creating space with the acoustical
properties that are necessary for recording accurate and precious sound. A recording studio should
be designed carefully using the principle of room acoustics. The principle helps in creating a set of
space with acoustical properties that are needed for recording ... Show more content on ...
The studio is the performance area which is also used to describe a facility. Booth refers to a small
recording space such as the vocal booth and the drum booth. There are several things that these
rooms share in common; these include; a line of sight, isolation, connectivity, mechanical system,
and adaptive lights among others. However, each room is designed in a special and creative way and
unique in its own.
Studio Outline
The entrance of the studio is fixed with an airlock. There are two doors at the airlock section, one
leading to the live room and the other one leading to the control room. Manipulation and recording
of sound are done in the control room. Right beside the live room (studio), there is a drum room.
The drum room has been sealed from the live room to avoid penetration of sound. The control room
is placed at a central place where it borders all other rooms except the drum room. This is because it
serves as a central space where large physical facilities, as well as physically dispersed services, can
be controlled and monitored. Inside the control room, there is a Console whose function id to mix
sound. The room also has an effect rack whose function is to reflect sound. At the back of the room,
there are bass traps. They are acoustic energy absorbers which are designed to trap low–frequency
sound energy. The main function of the bass traps in the control room is to get a flatter low–
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Video Response Essay: Modern Day Surveillance
I'll start with how I came to make my video response, to begin with I thought of creating a crude
cartoon style comic to show modern day surveillance using a camera eye to follow a character as
they wandered around doing everyday tasks however as I reread the question it seemed the task was
to reuse the given images to create something new, instead of scrapping the whole idea completely I
decided to find as many images that would simulate what I was going for that is the idea that data is
collected on us without our control or full knowledge and allow the watcher to question this at the
halfway point.
The second half of the presentation focused on the data we can control such as social media and
creative works, the information we can freely
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Pollutions : Effecting The Effects Of Noise In The Classroom
To begin the discussion on the effect of noise within a classroom setting, we must first analyze what
noise is. Merriam Webster defines noise as "any sound that is undesired or interferes with one's
hearing of something." Noise can arise from a range of objects. This can include but is not limited to
people, machinery or everyday common objects such as a pencil sharpener. While noise constantly
surrounds us, it is when there is a large amount of a loud level of noise that it begins to impede our
ability to interpret and follow speech. The American Speech–Language Hearing Association outlines
the levels of noise that are comfortable for noise. Noise is measured in decibels (dB), and a range
anywhere from 0 to 70 dB is considered normal. Anything above 85 dB can lead to eventual hearing
loss. While the level of noise within a classroom is well within the normal range, this just goes to
show that noise can have a strong effect on our health. It comes to no surprise then that noise can
lead to difficulty with attention and learning in classrooms.
Now we must explore what the possible noises in a classroom may be. It can range anywhere from
outside noise such as cars passing by to the chairs scrapping on the floor. Noise for a classroom is
often described in two categories: external and internal noises. An external noise is usually a single
event, such as a car honking. An internal noise are noises that are occurring directly within the
classroom, such as a pencil sharpener or
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General Description Of Noise Control Systems
Literature review
General description
Noise control is an engineering problem that can be found in almost every field of industry
maintaining safe noise levels in industry to ensuring a comfortable experience in air travel, motor
vehicles and general consumer goods. A major factor in the design of noise control systems is the
materials being used, producing the best results requires the use of the most appropriate materials,
and this in turn necessitates empirical values for how a substance affects the behaviour of sound.
These values are commonly established using an impedance tube, of which there are several
variations, made up of a set of base components. The bare minimum required for an impedance tube
to function is a speaker and signal generator to produce a soundwave, a tube within which the
material is tested, a mount for the material being tested generally with a hard backing, and a sensor
within the tube to take readings. Most tubes contain additional equipment and have strictly
controlled dimensions and materials to maximise their efficacy and the accuracy of the readings.
Dynamic microphone variation
The variation constructed in this report is a standing wave with a dynamic microphone with design
specifications established in ASTM C384.5970. This consist of a straight tube with a loudspeaker
mounted at one end, the tube can be rectangular or cylindrical but must be uniform along its length.
The pipe material must be hard and rigid so that sounds are likely to
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Space Noise And The Separation Of Noise Generated Within...
The major acoustical issues in public buildings are concerned with the exclusion of outdoor noise
and the separation of noise generated within the buildings. This chapter will consider specific types
of public buildings in which acoustic designs are a matter of importance, such as schools, offices,
libraries, recreational buildings, hospitals and government buildings. To obtain a space free from the
annoyance of noise and excessive reverberation, a few step one could take would be as follows:
planning the build with consideration of noise insulation so that rooms which contain sources of
considerable noise level are separated from rooms that are required to silent; providing sufficient
noise insulation for rooms where silence is need as well as implementing sound absorption to
reduces the reverberation and noise created by that room to a more acceptable level. It is well to
recognise that uncontrolled noise in public buildings will diminish their utility
Since the dawn of the twenty–first century, public school have shown more attention to acoustical
problems in part due to the increased use of open planning, more informal teaching methods and an
increased use of audio–visual aids. Classroom acoustics should neither be too high nor too low, but
rather a balance of reflective finishes to aid teaching and absorptive finish away from the front of
the classroom to avoid sound–blurring cross reflections. The UK recommendation on the decibel
level in classes is at 40dB however a
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Essay On Diode
In recent years, serious innovative work has been conducted on organic light– emitting diodes
(OLEDs) for the acknowledgement of high–efficiency colour showcases, backdrop illumination and
illumination applications. Notwithstanding, a low light outcoupling productivity still firmly restricts
the general proficiency on the grounds that exclusive a little part of light can leave the multilayer
structure because of the extensive contrast in the refractive list between air (n = 1.0), glass (n =1.5)
and natural layers (n =1.7 –2.0). In a normal advanced OLED, just around 20% of the light is
discharged straightforwardly into an air and generally, a similar sum is coupled to the glass substrate
(1). The rest of the power is lost because of the ... Show more content on ...
The worldwide general lighting market surpasses $90 billion in size, and general lighting is the
place around one–6th of the aggregate power is expended. Accomplishment in the general lighting
market brings the most money related advantages as well as will have the best effect on the
environment. To succeed in the general lighting market, OLED lighting must be focused on
execution and cost to the current and forthcoming lighting advancements, including the since quite a
while ago settled brilliant lights, fluorescent lights, smaller fluorescent lights (CFLs), and the up and
coming LEDs. Would OLEDs be able to address the difficulty. ()
The science of a wide sea and the wheel of science in progress continues and never stand so we find
every day what is new in different scientific fields and there is no doubt that nanotechnology has
become the subject of modern science and the focus of interest and has become at the forefront of
the most important areas in physics, chemistry, biology and others.
1.2 –Fundamentals of plasmonic
Plasmonic can be utilized as a part of nanophotonic applications with a specific end goal to enhance
gadget execution because of the communication between electromagnetic field and conduction
electrons. The examination of plasmonic was begun since 1800s. Michael Faraday contemplated the
shading change of colloidal gold arrangement and found that the
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Cyrano De Bergerac Character Analysis
Cyrano de Bergerac can be seen as an parable of inner and outer beauty. In the play, Cyrano
represents inner beauty, whereas Christian exemplifies outer beauty for Roxane's love. Although
Cyrano's character embodies a confident, vibrant character with many great exterior traits, he still
symbolizes inner beauty throughout the play. The play represents inner beauty with integrity and
intellect. Where Cyrano possesses inner beauty, Christian doesn't. They differ in that sense and they
also differ in outer beauty as well. Cyrano lacks in physical beauty, whereas Christian is blessed
with Great looks. When oxane falls in love with Christian, she is really falling in love with the outer
beauty of Christian, but the inner beauty of Cyrano. In reality
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Experiments with the Human Voice: Max Mathews Essay example
The voice is a crucial tool within the history of sound as it appears in so many different,
interconnected forms and disguises. An experience of voice auditory within history generally can be
experienced through different movements that can be observed with regards to the figure of voice.
The voice in terms of presence and sound helps in understanding the voice also in terms of
techniques and manipulations. These terms presented are influenced within countless vocal
techniques and manipulations with properties of time and spatial aspects. How it effects the voice
through these aspects can also give the reality or even illusion of times and space, and how it
navigates through it.
Spoken, screaming, growling, vocal tremolo, vocal trill, ... Show more content on ...
Extended Vocal Technique can prove to be a very pure management of the voice, and depending on
certain timbral techniques used can effect how we hear and perceive vocal sounds within certain
spaces. An extended vocal method is in some ways a pure voice experience, which is beautiful and
inimitable in itself. It pushes the limitations of what most would think about a standard singing
method by including any or all of the sounds the human voice can make. Luciano Berio wrote
'Sequenza III (1966)' for his wife and also singing actress named Cathy Berberian. It was created as
a unique challenge as it was a piece that could not be imitated exactly the same. In Sequenza III we
experience the voice as the only expressive tool revealing a list of 15 techniques according to Berio.
Some of his techniques include, "salvoes of laughter," "teeth–chattering," "tongue–trill against the
upper lip," as well as "44 agogic markings" such as "far away," "dreamy," "ecstatic," "extremely
intense" and "fading away." It's an exploration that give us a perpetual experience, by using such
distinctive vocal techniques adjusting volumes tones and pitch so it increases and decreases the
space covered. It gives an illusion to the listener in terms of echo, reverberation and the duration of
particular vocal sounds.
Author Janet Halfyard argues that Berio's studies must "serve the needs of the composition rather
than merely to thrill the audience with
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Comparing The Passionate Shepherd To His Love And Sir...
"The Passionate Shepherd to his Love" by Christopher Marlowe and "The Nymph'sReply" by Sir
Walter Raleigh are two of the most well known of pastoral poems and theirresponses. Marlowe's
poem speaks of beautiful things a shepherd will make for his lady love,while Raleigh's response to
Marlowe's is a tongue–in–cheek poem of a woman who rebukes theshepherd's actions. Of the many
responses to Marlowe's original poem, Raleigh's is the clearwinner. Due to his style, content, and
opinion, Sir Walter Raleigh's "The Nymph's Reply" is thebest reverberation of Marlowe's original
poem.Raleigh's stylistic choices for "The Nymph's Reply" make for a perfect response toMarlowe's
work. Its rhyme scheme and overall structure make Raleigh's reply all the morecutting.
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PHL 320 Critical Thinking Week 2 Argumentative Essay Paper...
Adam Cully
Globalization Argumentative Paper
For some people, globalization is so feared it is synonymous with world destruction. In the end, for
all we know, maybe this will be proven before it is over. In reality however, there are many good
things that have resulted from globalization(1, Premise). Let's for a moment focus on the economy,
even though there are many other advantages that have been brought forward that will also be
discussed. Many Americans do not appreciate how efficient our markets are, in this case efficiency
in reference to supply and demand is number one. These efficient markets allow economies to grow.
As many have learned in a global world, when one economy grows, it spurs growth in all the other
economies ... Show more content on ...
Globalization allows important processes to occur and be maintained more efficiently and important
ideas to become reality in an environment where they otherwise may not be. There is a certain irony
involved in this however that must be mentioned. For example, globalization is going to allow the
world to work together to hopefully solve our apocalyptic environmental predicament in a best case
scenario. Of course however, this predicament is a result of globalization(1, Conclusion). Still, it
allows the human race to push forward, which at this point we must recognize as a necessity of our
species in a time where progress of the human race is growing rapidly. In my opinion this is a
progress is written in our DNA, and globalization has allowed us to accomplish truly incredible
things(2, Conclusion).
Inductive Reasoning
I think one of the best examples of Inductive Reasoning I used was the explanation of how efficient
markets spur the growth and expansion of economic growth and how that is tied into globalization.
As stated above, "Many Americans do not appreciate how efficient our markets are, in this case
efficiency in reference to supply and demand is number one. These efficient markets allow
economies to grow. As many have learned in a global world, when one economy grows, it spurs
growth in
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Why Is Cinema Blend 'Still Going To Present In The Flash'
After the season finale episode of "The Flash" aired, viewers saw Barry Allen (Grant Gustin)
jumping back in time and change the timeline – successfully this time. He was able to save his
mother, Nora, from being murdered by the Reverse–Flash. Here comes Flash Point. That point in the
timeline is expected to cause huge reverberations in the time stream which means multiple
possibilities. Such as, will "The Flash" even exist? What will happen to other characters like
Harrison Wells? Cinema Blend has it that some characters are still going to be present in "The Flash
Season 3." Actor Tom Cavanagh has been confirmed as a returning actor for the upcoming "The
Flash Season 3." But he's not coming back as his old self. He's reportedly coming back
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Out In The Street Basho
The art of using linked verses in poetry is varied and each link is used differently. The different
kinds of links distinguished by Basho and his many disciples are the word links, context links and
scent links. Scent links, however, are broken further down into two different types, reverberation
and status links, each having their own criteria and way of connecting verses. Reverberation links
focus on linking the intensity of emotions and the tension found in the previous link, either through
a character or through scenery. Status links, however, are done by linking through socioeconomic
class, often including some character, and often using material objects such as clothing as the detail
to focus on. From Basho and his disciples, Out in the Streets, the various various verses will be
examined ... Show more content on ...
The use of the black socks signifies high social position and falls into the criteria of being a status
link as well as a content link, meaning it continues the narrative of the previous verse. Basho starts
the verse with the inclusion of the black socks, setting the socioeconomic status of the character, and
Kyorai changes that character into that of a sword–bearer following his master, continuing the
narrative and carrying the idea of the character's higher status from Basho's verse. The next verse
that will be examined is the one linking verses 893 and 894. This link is reverberation link, linking
the feelings of loneliness from one verse to the next. The first verse lays out the lonely feeling of the
monk as he thinks about having to return to the temple as we walks out in the cold. The next verse
by Basho depicts a man travelling with his monkey companion under the moonlight, creating a
contrast of the two scenes the feeling of loneliness is carried through the contrast itself, as the monk
is without companion but, the second man at least has the companionship of his
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Moai Creation

  • 1. Moai Creation If we look around the island, we find evidence of a population that exhausted its resources. Most likely, the prime culprit for the quick loss of natural resources was the frenzied pace of Moai construction. It was an enormous effort to carve the Moai and transported to its final location. Given the rate of consumption to meet the demand for statue construction, natural resources were used up before there was time for renewal; however, Moai creation would not be the only reason for the resource depletion. Other sustaining activities like farming, shelter construction, tool creation, and boat making would utilize the same resource; however, those activities were essential to support the growing population. Furthermore, there are no awe–inspiring monuments, memorials, or commemorations specifically implemented to honor these men and their accomplishments. No memorial or monument exists that generates a sense of amazement like Mount Rushmore, or as iconic as the Lincoln Memorial. The "Monument to the Conquerors of Space" in Moscow Russia is the closest thing in this world to generate the awe and inspiration desired by the key stakeholder, but does that go far enough? Not one cosmonaut made it to the moon; therefore, that monument doesn't honor the accomplishment of 12 astronauts. It is hypothesized that the reason for no memorial or ... Show more content on ... More specifically on a much smaller scale, the follies of the Rapu Nui. Furthermore, the problem is there is no awe–inspiring monuments, memorials, or permanent commemorations to honor those astronauts that landed on the moon. Without such a memorial, the achievement of these men is lost. The Wall System on Easter Island commemorating the 12 astronauts that walked on the moon with the theme of saving humanity is a solution to the ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Merrill Garbus Water Fountain Meaning The drums and rhythms are the only musical ingredients that can compete with Merrill Garbus' voice and lyrics in the song "Water Fountain." Too often, dance music approves the vacant reverberation of let's party or drunken I–don't–care promiscuity that gives the serious listener second thoughts about sitting down and taking note of anything remotely connected to that genre of music. That is not the case here. The song is high–speed vocalization that scats like machine gun fire. Even when the lyrics become repetitive, the fiercely driven delivery blazes with passion. There is no sense of the robotic aestheticism that so many dance tunes seem to carry. Garbus brings her lyrics like a wounded poet, yet leaves them riding the extreme rhythm of multiple instruments. Her melodies are as assertive as any song sung from the heart and it doesn't take long to forget you are listening to a dance tune. Her lyrical voice, however, has to be strong to be felt over the beat. A mosaic of swift deep bass, hollow tom–toms, and quick ringing bells, quickly get your feet tapping in an unconscious need to dance. The stacked rhythm grows with synthesized ... Show more content on ... She unites soul with scat as she hits pinnacle after pinnacle of heartfelt lyrics. "Water Fountain" pulls the ear toward the powerful expressions again and again, which, considering the profoundly polyrhythmic beat, is no easy chore. The rhythmic churning stirs up emotions of a daily life in a repressed world when the singer bravely tells us, "Nothing feels like dying like the drying of my skin and lawn. Why do we just sit here while they watch us wither till we're gone? I can't seem to feel it. I can't seem to feel it." Garbus' lyrics feel like there is an emotional foot on her neck. While asserting her stance against water shortages, she gives us the feel of a good love gone ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. History of Reverb and Echo in Audio Production Recording... History of Reverb and Echo in Audio Production Recording Natural occurring reverb goes further back than man on earth. Since before man, creatures and nature made sounds that created natural reverb and echo. But now in today's age with men and the modern technology that they have created there are all sorts of ways to create reverb and echo. From big metal sheets to plug–ins in a DAW on a computer, engineers have found ways to incorporate and benefit from reverb and echo on a recorded audio track. But before skipping into today's ways of recording reverb and echo let's shed some light on what reverb and echo truly is and where it came from. Reverberation or as most people refer to it as reverb, refers to the way sound waves reflects of ... Show more content on ... A reverb chamber is a hollow arena used to create echoing sounds. Building a room with non– parallel surfaces and then applying shellac to all the surfaces so make them acoustically reflective creates an echo/reverb chamber. A speaker and microphones in the room would pick up the reflection of the speakers output this method was very popular in the 60's. Soon enough a new technology of reverb came about, Spring reverb. Sam Phillips of Sun Records had used tape echo when recording Elvis in the early days. Spring reverb is a type of electromechanical reverb device. It creates a reverb effect by inducing sound vibrations at one end of a long wire (which is coiled into a spring to decrease the amount of area it takes up, that's why it is called spring reverb). Another transducer at the extreme end picks up the vibrations. As the waves reflect back and forth from one end of the spring to the other, and back, a reverb effect is produced. Spring reverbs have a harsh, trebly sound (and vulnerable to exterior shock), but they are inexpensive to build and provided a new way for reverb. Eventually the technology became more advanced and a new form of reverb was created; plate reverb changed the reverb game in 1957 when German company EMT (Elektromesstecknik) released the first plate reverb, EMT 140 Reverberation Unit. This plate reverb system used an electromechanical transducer to create vibration in a large plate of ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. The Pros And Cons Of The Amazon Reverberation The Amazon Reverberation touted as a top of the line voice enacted remote speaker and individual computerized right hand. Most proprietors of this gadget use it for more than listening to music or asking intriguing inquiries and solicitations. Different applications incorporate having the capacity to acquire transportation, arrange a pizza and the capacity to control coordinated keen gadgets inside their home. As indicated by the Purchaser Insight Research Accomplices (CIRPs), it assesses that 3 million units of the Amazon Reverberation were sold in the Unified States. The information does not represent the offers of the new increases to the line, the Tap and Reverberate Dab. Curiosity aside, the Reverberation is developing in notoriety every day. The audits of the gadget are above normal, while the advantages are significantly all the more shocking. ... Show more content on ... It began being a sleeper thing until informal made it an easily recognized name and also, the late appearance of plugs flaunting its slick components. The "aptitudes" used by the gadget through the advanced collaborator are redesigned intermittently and now open to outside designers to include their imaginative and good natured rundown of abilities for more innovative improvement. In light of the Reverberation is the first of its kind as it were, they have contenders clamoring for their bit of the pie. For example, Google Home, which will have a superior intuitive interface and after that, obviously, the re–development of Apple television. The quantity of purchasers that possess the Reverberation is very noteworthy. Be that as it may, some have whined about the expense and the disadvantage of moving it from space to room. To address these issues, Amazon presented two extra Reverberate ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Reverberation Map Analysis Seyfert galaxies are one of the two largest groups of active galaxies, along with quasars. They have quasar–like nuclei (very luminous, distant and bright sources of electromagnetic radiation) with very high surface brightnesses whose spectra reveal strong, high–ionisation emission lines, but unlike quasars, their host galaxies are clearly detectable. Seyfert galaxies account for about 10% of all galaxies and are some of the most intensely studied objects in astronomy, as they are thought to be powered by the same phenomena that occur in quasars, although they are closer and less luminous than quasars. These galaxies have supermassive black holes at their centers which are surrounded by accretion discs of in–falling material. The accretion ... Show more content on ... This is confirmed by the fact that the narrow lines do not vary detectably, which implies that the emitting region is large, contrary to the broad lines which can vary on relatively short timescales. Reverberation mapping is a technique which uses this variability to try to determine the location and morphology of the emitting region. This technique measures the structure and kinematics of the broad line emitting region by observing the changes in the emitted lines as a response to changes in the continuum. The use of reverberation mapping requires the assumption that the continuum originates in a single central source. For 35 AGN, reverberation mapping has been used to calculate the mass of the central black holes and the size of the broad line regions. In the few radio–loud Seyfert galaxies that have been observed, the radio emission is believed to represent synchrotron emission from the jet. The infrared emission is due to radiation in other bands being reprocessed by dust near the nucleus. The highest energy photons are believed to be created by inverse Compton scattering by a high temperature corona near the black ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Vibraphon's Influence On Jazz Music 1. I think the biggest element that made this song unique is the use of counterpoint. Counterpoint is the use of two or more melodic lines of equal importance. During the course of the song, no one melody sounds like the main melody, and are all of the same significance. I think this would have upset many of the jazz purists, as it was such a change from traditional jazz music. 2. A vibraphone is a instrument with resonator tubes suspended below aluminum bars to create a natural reverberation of the sound. Lionel Hampton was one of the first jazz performers to play this instrument. I believe the vibraphone solo starts at 1:09 and lasts till about 1:50, most prominently and again from 2:15 to 3:00. 3.I think that one of the techniques ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Concert Hall Acoustics: Focus on Chan Shun Concert Hall... Concert Hall Acoustics: Focus on Chan Shun Concert Hall The Chan Centre for the Performing Arts is an acoustic marvel. It was built in 1997 and was designed by Bing Thom Architects in conjunction with Artec Consultants and Theatre Projects and is situated at the University of British Columbia. The Centre has won many awards for it's architectural design and acoustics. David Harrington, the Artistic Director/Violinist of Kronos Quartet says it very well: "The Chan Centre...has the rare distinction of being one of the world's greatest concert halls...[We had] been searching for a deepness and a life to our sound, which we found [here]...What a great accomplishment a concert hall where music seems more alive than ever!". This ... Show more content on ... A short time later, the same sound will reach the listener from the reflective surfaces around them such as the walls and ceiling, this is called the early sound. This first group of reflections will reach the listener 50–80ms after the direct sound. This time delay has a significant effect on the overall sound heard by the listener. Then more reflected sound will arrive "thick and fast from all directions, but become smaller and closer together merging after time into what is called reverberant sound" (Rossing, Moore & Wheeler). If the source keeps emitting sound, reverberant sound builds up until it reaches equilibrium. When a sound stops, the sound pressure level will decrease at a constant rate until it becomes inaudible. However for impulsive sounds the decay of reverberant sound begins immediately and there is no equilibrium. Sound will die out quicker in a room that is occupied due to absorption by the occupants, as an audience absorbs sound in proportion to its size. When listening to a" full size symphony orchestra most listeners find sitting 60ft from source, which is roughly the centre of many of the world's best concert halls, to have optimum direct sound" (Beranek 2004). The timing of the early sounds is the basis for creating good acoustics and the timing of these first reflections is affected by their reflection direction. Our auditory system has a remarkable ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Igor Reznikoff's Ideas To Create The Analytical Engine Johnson refers to Lovelace and Babbage as "time travelers," although he doesn't mean so literally the point he is conveying is that they were both drastically ahead of their era in a creative and innovative sense. Working together, Ada and Charles were able to combine their out of the box ambitions and systematic thought process to create the Analytical Engine. I believe it was Ada's background in mathematics and her father's work that drove her to push the boundaries of what Babbage had in mind. Ada said, "the Engine might compose elaborate and scientific pieces of music of any degree of complexity or extent" in reference to her vision of using the Analytical Engine for more than complex number crunching (265). It was the constant challenge the two presented one another that molded the Engine into what it became. ... Show more content on ... Although he was a music ethnographer, Igor used knowledge from his field in an anthropological setting by studying the cave paintings found in France in relation to their placement and the sound produced in those areas. "Reznikoff's theory is that Neanderthal communities gathered beside the images they had painted, and they chanted or sang in some kind of shamanic ritual, using the reverberations of the cave to magically widen the sound of their voices" (Johnson 99). If the connections had not been made between the sound amplification in the cave and the concentrations of paintings, we would not have the same insight we do today about Neanderthal communities and incidences of cave paintings around the globe would seem ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. Creative Writing: The Crucible By Arthur Miller It was all just a game, nothing more, nothing less. Recollection of events rewind than speeds up in my brain from when we discovered a box in my uncles to follow the instructions of the frolic going on among us. I remember how excited I was, I never played it before. By the way, I also have a question to all of you reading are intended for purposes of enjoyment, am I correct? If so, is it terrible that I felt the cold sensation of terror. I blame it all on Miller, because of him..We accidentally murder Sam, the scene played out so vividly in my mind it was like it happened today. I was scared, Kelly was crying and Miller was laughing––oh wait that isn't right, what I meant to say is that Miller was also crying. After we hide ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. Personal Narrative Fiction As I sat aimlessly rubbing my hands together, the walls trembled; taking in air sharply when I hear the reverberation. The sweat on my forehead drips off like an IV bag at the hospital. Before it's never been this inimical; just breath. This is routine. Once again, the shaking worsened, as did my fear. Ordinarily, our years in this subterranean world used to worry and cower away in fear of what is still out there. Wondering what happened to my family is another. Trapped is an understatement; we're held here in hopes that these four walls won't collapse under pressure from the real world. Meanwhile, people around here do their job; conceivably out of fear for what may be the consequence. Finally, the tremors came to a stop; my breathing ... Get more on ...
  • 20.
  • 21. New Forms Of Architecture Developed During The Renaissance... Architecture is a significant topic when looking at historical shifts of time periods, especially when looking at the artistic shifts that occurred in the transition from the Medieval period into the Renaissance. New forms of architecture are considered one of the most important achievements that formed during the renaissance era. The form of architecture developed during this period mainly originated from Greek and Roman styles. These reappearing ideas became present in modern times in many different ways. Many architects such as Bartolommeo Bandinelli would design dome creations used mainly in the cathedrals of Florence. Not only were these domes larger and more extravagant than ever before, they were engineered in a way that their acoustics are still being studied and replicated today. The exterior elements of the Renaissance era domes were considered to be impressive artistically, but the interior elements were unique to many as well. Looking at such buildings today, you can see the detailed work that had been put in for many years in order to create such a beautiful building. The acoustics inside the dome were carefully crafted and incorporated into the structure of the dome itself, in order to enhance the ability for a crowd to hear. The acoustics of many theaters in Italy were designed to enhance the hearing for the varieties of music that were performed during these times. The Renaissance introduced the use of "polyphony", which is a multilayered faster type of ... Get more on ...
  • 22.
  • 23. A Short Note On The Components Of Radar 4.1 COMPONENTS OF RADAR Radars are extremely intricate electronic and electromagnetic frameworks and complex mechanical frameworks as well. Radar frameworks are made out of a wide range of subsystems, which themselves are made out of various segments. There is an extraordinary assorted qualities in the configuration of radar frameworks taking into account reason, yet the basic operation and fundamental arrangement of subsystems is the same. 4.1.1 ANTENNA Recieving wire is an article which utilized as a move between wave spreading in free space, and the fluctuating voltages in the circuit to which it is joined. A reception apparatus either gets vitality from an electromagnetic field or transmits electromagnetic waves created by a high recurrence generator It guarantees that the sign has the obliged example in space. Reception apparatus sources transmit vitality similarly in all headings. This sort of radiation is known as isotropic radiation. Radar recieving wire is profoundly directional so more vitality is proliferated in our predefined course. The vitality emanated from a reception apparatus shapes a field having an unequivocal radiation design. A radiation example means plotting the transmitted vitality from a reception apparatus and this vitality is measures at different points at a steady separation from the recieving wire. The state of this example relies on upon the sort of radio wire utilized. The radiation of a recieving wire is mix of electric and attractive ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. The Velocity And Wave Speed Velocity: In reference to waves, the velocity can be described as the distance a point on the wave, for example the crest, moves or shifts in a given period of time. This means that the velocity or wave speed, is the metres the wave travels per second. A wave may have a high frequency, vibrating back and back, but can still have a low velocity. Hence, a wave can be moving back and forth with a low frequency and still have a velocity. Therefore we can get the equation– v = λ/T or v = f λ. Wavelength: The wavelength is the distance from one point on a wave to the same point on the next wave along. We can measure the wavelength of a wave from one peak of a wave to another. One wave length can be seen or described as the distance between to peaks or troughs of a wave. Equation– v = d/T therefore... d = v x T (m) Behaviour of the waves Reflection: This is when a wave approaches the boundary between two mediums, when this happens a part of the wave undergoes reflection across the boundary. The amount of reflection from the wave depends on the variation of the two mediums. Sound waves reflecting off surfaces can lead to two different wave occurrences, either an echo or a reverberation. Reverberation usually happens in a room with a particular height, width and length of roughly 17 meters. This sound wave which the human brain receives barely lasts for more than a minute fraction of a second; the human brain stored a particular sound in memory for up to 0.1 seconds. When the ... Get more on ...
  • 26.
  • 27. Pedal Notation Research Paper The pedals of the piano each create a different effect when utilized. Composers tend to favor the sustain pedal, as it is the pedal that gives the piano the strongest reverberation between the notes. Pedals are not always depressed entirely; you can depress a pedal at differing degrees to create a stronger or weaker effect. It is mainly up to the pianist to use his judgment on how far to depress a pedal. Pedal Notation There are two ways to indicate a pianist should use pedal. The written method will place the word "pedal" at the point to depress the pedal. In most cases, this command abbreviates as "Ped." An asterisk (*) signifies the pedal release. Another method of indicating pedal notation is with lines. A horizontal line that extends beneath ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Individualism In Huckleberry Finn Vaisyta Not many people can see themselves apart from conforming. You see out of all the text I have read, The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn really had the most lucid idea. When Huck (The Main Character) always rebels against one's mediocre ideology he's seen as malicious, because he does not conform and goes his own route. And he often finds himself in the the most unsavory of situations,what i'm trying to say is that if you do not conform you are seen as a miscreant, misfit,and a outlaw. This is why people are scared to find enlightenment in themselves because there arrogance gets the best of them and this idea of " Fitting in " slows down the process of individualism. ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. America's Conversations In Modern Theater The looming 'culture war' phenomena is not a new one nor a particularly unique one in any history; this mythical 'culture war' can found, for example, in the in social history of the 1970's with white evangelicals fighting more moderate and secular minded reformists, resulting in race riots and abortion clinic bombings. Consequently, because this trend is cyclical, we can see it's reverberations in modern theater and can see, in many ways, that this current direction of America. It begins with the elimination of nuance. 'Disagree with me, you're a fascist' types the antifa member, 'I'll punch you in the face you dirty commie," retorts the MAGA–hat–clad alt–righter: this has become the height of our political discourse. In the–land–of–do–as–you–please, ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Indirect Critical Distance The indirect or reverberant sound field begins to dominate the listening environment when the child moves far from the teacher. The indirect sound field originates at the "critical distance" of the room (point in the room where reverberant sound level and direct sound level are equal). If the child is within the critical distance (the direct sound field), reverberation will have minimal effects. Beyond the critical distance (the indirect sound field), however, these reflections can reduce speech perception ability. Speech perception scores decreases when the distance increases, till the critical distance of the room is reached (Crandell, 1991; Crandell & Bess, 1986; Leavitt & Flexer, 1991; Peutz, 1971). After the critical distance, perception ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. Baroque Violin Research Paper Since the Baroque period the violin (Baroque violin) has been a standout amongst the most important of all instruments in music, for a few reasons. The tone of the violin emerges above different instruments, making it necessary for playing a tune line. In the hands of a decent player, the violin is greatly lithe, and can execute fast and difficult successions of notes. In reality, the violin appears to fit virtuosity more than any other musical instrument ever created. In spite of the fact that it is widely held belief that the Italian luthier Andrea Amati made the cutting edge violin family around the year 1555, bowed stringed instruments were created much earlier than that. Hence, it is therefore better to think of the violin as an instrument ... Show more content on ... 1644–1737), initially an understudy to Nicolò Amati and another inhabitant of Cremona. Stradivari has turned into the most commended violin creator ever. Like Amati before him, Stradivari was devoted to utilizing the finest materials accessible. While Stainers and Amatis were more suited for orchestral music in little halls, Stradivaris and Guarneris were more preffered extensive halls with ensemble symphonies, and by 1800 these violinists were the most prominent in Europe. It is no incident that the rise in popularity of the Stradivaris and Guarneris corresponded with the rise of large scale orchestral works, exemplified by Mozart's last orchestras and Beethoven's Eroica orchestra (1805) and his Violin Concerto (1806). Stradivarious' improvements, however, incorporated the refinement of the blueprint of the instrument, the diminishment of the general swell of the top plate, an alteration of the state of the f–openings, and the formation of the present day state of the extension. The varnish of his violins has a trademark ruddy tinge. He made instruments bound for King James II of England; Cardinal Vincent Orsini, later Pope Benedict XIII; King Amadeus II of Sardinia; among others. Stradivari was a rich man by his sixties, and celebrated the world over. "The sound [of a Stradivari] has its own magnificence, woodiness, splendor, profundity, force, and ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Bose Cinemate 15 Essay The Bose Cinemate 15 has continued to enjoy rave reviews since its introduction to the market. It has gained traction with its compact form, powerful sound output and its glossy feel. It is one of the best buys that can help to keep your space full of excitement. There are some features in the product that make it stand out. However, it is essential to understand some basics before dig deeper into the technology behind this device. This product comes in form of a sound bar. This simply means it can be fitted to any space around your TV. In view of recent trends in the market, it has blazed the trail with its offerings. The quest for the contemporary design that matches the need of the savvy consumer; has led to enormous research in producing ... Show more content on ... This is a unique blend of quality offerings that keeps this product in the leading edge. Customer Reviews and Scores The Bose Cinemate 15 has continued to win more grounds due to its great performance. It remains one of the top products in its range in the market. Based on its 88 reviews on Amazon, it has polled a decent 4.6 Stars out of a possible 5. The high point has been the quality, the design and its ability to deliver. Although, the only slip that was mentioned in one of the reviews is that it is expensive. This did not take away the satisfaction the customer got and how this product is the ultimate sound system for anyone. It is worth each investment made and it is durable. I believe the Bose Cinemate 15 is in a class of its own. It is the right choice for the discerning buyer to make. Conclusion The Bose Cinemate 15 has created a benchmark that is steeped in excellence. It is not difficult to see that it offers great value to all its users. The impact of the technology used in the design of this product has brought a new shift in paradigm for all sound systems in the market. Bose Cinemate 15 is the ideal product that meets contemporary sound production ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Pan's Labyrinth Film Analysis 08516 Chelsea Birks December 5, 2017 The narrative power of sound in Pan's labyrinth The film that I have chosen as a case study for my final paper is: Pan's labyrinth (2006) by director Guillermo del Toro, and it is a case of real–fantastic cinema. Here I present my essay entitled " The narrative power of sound in Pan's labyrinth "of Guillermo Del Toro . It will analyze the sound design , the identification of its elements, the ways in which they are presented and their interrelations, to understand and explain how these elements work together in conjunction with the visual image, to support the narration of the story. Consequently, this research seeks to answer the question: How does the sound in the film 'Pans Labyrinth' relates to ... Show more content on ... It is within this framework that I consider important to study the way in which sound is built and used in audiovisual products to narrate, generate sensations and configure "worlds", real and fantastic, respect to the reality of the history of fiction (which may not coincide with reality as the viewer knows it in his own life, but that this understands and accepts as the reality of history that is being counting within the audiovisual piece). As Balsam refers , a sound can create emphasis in any scene that is, can function as a punctuation mark , when it accentuates and strengthens the visual image. This time we will focus on the analysis of the sound of a film that, in addition, to be well achieved according to my personal appreciation, has been nominated for several awards for sound and has won some of them. It is then a proposal that, when like others, it is convenient to analyze and understand, to take from it what works best for us or interest, or for our future productions. For this I have chosen the feature film Pan's labyrinth (2006) by director Guillermo del Toro; in charge of the sound Martin Hernández, Jaime Baksht and Miguel Ángel Polo. I choose this movie because I think, (and this is what I am trying to proof with this work) , that it has a sound design very detailed and congruent with what the story tells, in which all the elements come together to create a fantastic world–fairy ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. The Miracle On The Vietnam Analysis After a long summer of dreaded sequels and long awaited reboots, we find ourselves amidst a biopic worthy of an Oscar, albeit an Oscar for a leading role, but one nonetheless. Tom Hanks' delivers serious acting at his best, with a stunning cast that surrounds him. Clint Eastwood provides spectacular directing along with writer Todd Komarnicki who provides a remarkable take of "The Miracle on the Hudson." The story is plain and simple, honestly. Like every other extraordinary act of heroism, Sully saves every life on the plane by successfully navigating the plane after it was hit by a flock of birds. Yay! The story is not overly dramatized nor fictionalized. It gives a straight view point of the horrors the pilot and passengers went through on that fateful day. Which is very refreshing, considering all the complicated plots of the summer and overly thought out films. It also ... Show more content on ... It took you on a journey, one where the heighten suspense of when will it crash made it feel as if you were a part of the moment itself and the reverberation of the passengers swimming out into the Hudson River frantically along with pilot Sully, who makes a phone call to his wife to let her know he survived. The pivotal moment of the plane crash MADE the film a masterpiece in itself. Sully's PTSD is also made aware of in the film, which is a wonderful that this subject is brought to more light. He is constantly weary of what could have happened, instead of the heroic feat he accomplished. Flashbacks are brought up throughout the film time and time again, so much so it seems relentless, although it provides more insight into the mind of Sully at times. The film provided a harrowing experience for viewers, providing a look into what the passengers, pilot, and rescue crews went through during that unfortunate day. 'Sully' is a worthwhile film and wonderful biopic all–in–all, despite the mostly one–man show provided by Hanks ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. What Is The Involvement In Charlie's Involvement In War? Laments (verb)– To feel or regret sorrow In Charlie's novel, he laments all the countries around the world dealing with the involvement in war. 2. Reparation(noun)– After injury is done it's to make amends The doctors wanted to pay a reparation for misconducting the open–heart surgery. 3. Solace(noun)– Something that provides a form of comfort After the death of her grandfather, friends and family gave her solace by visiting her at home. 4. Vexed(adjective)– Irritated; annoyed The babysitter was vexed since the children would not listen to her. 5. Reprisal(noun)– Retaliation against an enemy and the injuries received. The Italians desired a reprisal for Germany's destruction they caused to the villages and the people. ... Show more content on ... Sinews(noun)– A source of strength and power Against the other nations, the united states were viewed as a sinews since they assisted all there alliances. 8. Murky(adjective)– Dark and gloomy The outside of the cave appeared murky as the vines tumbled down along the entrance before walking in. 9. Pilgrimage(noun)– A long journey to a sacred place as an act of religious devotion The group of women were planning a pilgrimage for the successful victory against the other nation in war. 10. Loathsome(adjective)– Disgusting; revolting; repulsive As the men gathered to prepare for their meeting they were shocked by the loathsome appearance of the man staring at them from outside the window. 11. Plunder(verb)– To rob goods or any valuables by an open force Since the homeless man had no food remaining he decided to plunder food from the grocery store. 12. Heathen(noun)– A unreligious or uncivilized person One man was a Heathen against other people's views and beliefs. 13. Animism(noun)– A belief that natural objects and universe posses souls After the man performed the magic trick many people believed it was a Animism since they had never seen anything like ... Get more on ...
  • 44.
  • 45. Welcome To Nightvale Poem Analysis A common theme in both Welcome to Nightvale and War of the Worlds is that original assumptions can misleading. War of the Worlds utilises sentence structure to bring the concept that experiencing death and horror will increase the appreciation of life to the forefront of the reader's mind. Contrastingly the serious elements of death and horror are masked under the aural techniques of Welcome to Nightvale through music. The audience expectations of Welcome to Nightvale are inverted through the weather section in Welcome to Nightvale which is non–diegetic sound because it is a song or instrumental item that alludes to the darker elements of the episode. These elements are contained within the lyrics or tone of the music to explain more about ... Show more content on ... Similarly, War of the Worlds uses scientific language, actual real places and media extracts to develop the reader's connection to the real world and the novel. The two texts then hold greater influence over the reader's emotions and understandings of the world around them which in turn develop contrasting beliefs about the nature of horror and death. However Welcome to Nightvale's narrative realism which influences an audience's reactions to horror and fear is lessened through the use of Absurdism. Absurdist imagery such as in episode 2 GLOW CLOUD a lion, like the kind you see on the sun–baked plains of Africa or a pee stained enclosure at a local zoo, fell on top of the White Sand Ice Cream Shop allows the reader to separate themselves from the horror within an episode and instead connect with the philosophical intentions of Finke and Cranor, which is that sometimes you go through things that seem huge at the time as a mysterious glowing cloud devouring your entire community. While they're happening they feel like the only thing that matters, and you can hardly imagine that there's the world out there that can have anything going on. Both texts envelop narrative structure to draw parallelisms between reality and fiction which deepen the reader's emotional connection but the ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. Audio Amplifier System With Digital Delay Effects Introduction CE 3.1 The project "Audio amplifier system with digital delay effects" was completed as a major aspect of the Bachelor of engineering degree from Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Technology. Chronology : 2009 Geographical location : Bangalore Organization Name : Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Technology Project Name : Audio amplifier system with digital delay effects Title of Position : Student Background CE 3.2 This career episode briefly outlines my commitment for the effective work in completing my task and the duties where I dealt with specialized issues according to my learning. I have taken required care in furnishing all the details of veritable ... Show more content on ... CE 3.3.1 In our project, we implemented these effects using the concept of digital delay. Four types of effects are produced using a digital signal processing kit TMS320C6713 which is programmed using C language. I converted an analog signal to a digital signal and processed for the desired effect using a Digital Signal Processor (DSP). The enhanced output from the DSP is then converted back to an analog signal and fed to a speaker. Digital circuitry was a perfect fit for the process of storing a signal and then playing it back at a specified time interval. It also solved the problem of losing the high frequencies on longer delay times. CE 3.3.2 I looked at the delay and realized that it is used as a sound enhancement and also can be used on virtually any instrument and on vocals. I researched why delay is used in this application and electrical signal move at a much higher speed than sound. I learnt Delay is an audio effect which records an input signal to an audio storage medium, and then plays it back after a period of time. Audio storage refers to techniques and formats used to store audio with the goal to reproduce the audio later using audio signal processing to something that resembles the original. I used the FIR echo algorithm that calculates the current output buffer value by adding the current input buffer value to an input buffer value that occurred a certain amount of time in the ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. The, The Director And Narrator Of The Film, By Jamie Johnson In the documentary The One Percent the director and narrator of the film, Jamie Johnson, gives viewers a thought provoking look inside some of the wealthiest families in America. Johnson comes from old money. He is the great–grandson of one of the brothers that founded Johnson and Johnson Pharmaceuticals and his father inherited a fortune of one billion dollars. In the documentary, Jamie Johnson takes on the character of a filmmaker seemingly disinterested by his and his family's overly abundant wealth. Johnson 's initial purpose for making this documentary was to expose the corruption and power of the top one percent. He wants to expose how the rich keep getting richer by showing how his family handles their finances. He claims "Having so ... Show more content on ... This sign foreshadows and symbolizes the exclusive nature of the upper class that Johnson describes later in the film. He begins to make conversation with a woman who has a British accent. A study done by Howard Giles with the department of Psychology at the University of Bristol, states "Their [Wallace Lambert and colleagues] work has shown that stereotyped impressions of an individual 's personality may be formulated by listeners when presented with a speaker 's voice whose vocal contours are representative of phonological patterns peculiar to specific group membership." (Giles) Plainly, when people hear an accent, subconsciously they connect it with their previous experiences involving people with that accent. Because the British are often known for their history of wealth, power, monarchies, and luxurious culture, the average viewer of the documentary will subconsciously and inherently connect the women 's British accent to wealth and authority. At this point in the film, upon hearing her voice the viewer will have a broad understanding of what the documentary is about before even being presented the formal narration of Johnson's thesis. The spying concept, the luxurious environment, and the audio of refined music and voice all come together as elements that make this scene extensively persuasive. Shortly after the introduction, Johnson presents a wave of facts and statistics by using simple graphic animations. These facts and ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. Lung Consolidation Case Study Lung consolidations may have a variety of causes including infection, pulmonary embolism, lung cancer and metastasis, compression atelectasis, obstructive atelectasis, and lung contusion Additional sonographic signs that may help to determine the cause of lung consolidation include the following: a)The quality of the deep margins of the consolidation. b) The presence of comet–tail reverberation artifacts at the far–field margin. c) The presence of air bronchogram(s). d) The presence of fluid bronchogram(s). e)The vascular pattern within the consolidation . The consolidated region of the lung is visualized at LUS as an echo–poor or tissue like image, depending on the extent of air loss and fluid predominance, which is clearly different from the normal pattern. The cause ... Show more content on ... In pleuritic pain, LUS is superior to CXR and may allow visualization of radio–occult pulmonary conditions. In mechanically ventilated patients, LUS is more accurate than CXR in detecting and distinguishing various types of consolidations Characteristic ultrasonography findings of alveolar syndrome: – Consolidation: Intercostal scan shows a hypoechoic consolidated area that contains multiple echogenic lines that represent an air bronchogram. The presence of dynamic air bronchogram (branching echogenic structures with centrifuge movement with breathing) helps to rule out obstructive atelectasia – Focal interstitial pattern: Focal interstitial pattern was defined as vertical hyperechoic comet–tail artefacts that arose strictly from the pleural line, spread to the edge of the screen without fading and appeared focally instead of diffusely( Nafae et al.,2013). – Subpleural lesion: Subpleural lesion was defined as pleural–based hypoechoic nodules with no hyperechoic lines within it. It could be triangular, round, linear or polygonal ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Essay A Profitable Home Recording Studio For $10,000 A Profitable Home Recording Studio For $10,000 Jumping in to starting a business can be scary and investing in a home recording studio is no exception. There are many things to consider when doing so. How much will it cost? What gear will I need? What recording jobs will I take on? What will I charge? How will I network and advertise? I believe that I can open a profitable home studio for $10,000 mixed with my skills and gear that I already have. Before I get too in depth I need to discuss some assumptions about the situation. The first assumption is that I will be a home owner or at least a home renter when I pursue this business venture. If I were propose that this studio could exist in my current residence it would be an ... Show more content on ... If some of my first few jobs are making demos for bands, I want those demos to be as good as possible since that is one of my biggest advertisements. So when the band is paying for demo quality they will get better than demo quality no matter what that takes initially. The last reason is simply to undercut the competition. Like I mentioned previously there are people in town who have been in the business for quite a while and are really good. However If I can make recordings close to as good as they can for a fraction of the cost, I'm going to be getting business. The number one thing that I want to do with my studio is record full length great quality albums for bands. This may or may not be my bread and butter as far as recording goes but it is what I'm most interested in. The target price that I want to charge for this is $400 for a ten song album. This is assuming that there will be a six hour block for drum tracking and eight hours total for tracking other instruments. If I'm planning to make $10 an hour this leaves 26 hours for me to edit and mix. Anything out of the norm will be charged for accordingly. For instance if there are excessive tempo changes in songs or the band wants to go extreme with layering guitars and vocals. Some pieces of gear that I will need for this application are an awesome analog compressor, stellar reverbs and good microphones. Since in owning a home studio I wouldn't likely have a studio drum kit or every mic that a ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. Designing A Recording Studio Recording Rooms A recording studio is made up of three rooms that are, the live room which is the studio itself, the control room and the machine room. Sound used for recording is created in the live room. Manipulation and recording of sound are done in the control room. All noisier equipment that may interfere with the recording process is kept in the machine room. Recording rooms are designed carefully by the principle of room acoustics. This helps in creating space with the acoustical properties that are necessary for recording accurate and precious sound. A recording studio should be designed carefully using the principle of room acoustics. The principle helps in creating a set of space with acoustical properties that are needed for recording ... Show more content on ... The studio is the performance area which is also used to describe a facility. Booth refers to a small recording space such as the vocal booth and the drum booth. There are several things that these rooms share in common; these include; a line of sight, isolation, connectivity, mechanical system, and adaptive lights among others. However, each room is designed in a special and creative way and unique in its own. Studio Outline The entrance of the studio is fixed with an airlock. There are two doors at the airlock section, one leading to the live room and the other one leading to the control room. Manipulation and recording of sound are done in the control room. Right beside the live room (studio), there is a drum room. The drum room has been sealed from the live room to avoid penetration of sound. The control room is placed at a central place where it borders all other rooms except the drum room. This is because it serves as a central space where large physical facilities, as well as physically dispersed services, can be controlled and monitored. Inside the control room, there is a Console whose function id to mix sound. The room also has an effect rack whose function is to reflect sound. At the back of the room, there are bass traps. They are acoustic energy absorbers which are designed to trap low–frequency sound energy. The main function of the bass traps in the control room is to get a flatter low– frequency ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Video Response Essay: Modern Day Surveillance I'll start with how I came to make my video response, to begin with I thought of creating a crude cartoon style comic to show modern day surveillance using a camera eye to follow a character as they wandered around doing everyday tasks however as I reread the question it seemed the task was to reuse the given images to create something new, instead of scrapping the whole idea completely I decided to find as many images that would simulate what I was going for that is the idea that data is collected on us without our control or full knowledge and allow the watcher to question this at the halfway point. The second half of the presentation focused on the data we can control such as social media and creative works, the information we can freely ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. Pollutions : Effecting The Effects Of Noise In The Classroom To begin the discussion on the effect of noise within a classroom setting, we must first analyze what noise is. Merriam Webster defines noise as "any sound that is undesired or interferes with one's hearing of something." Noise can arise from a range of objects. This can include but is not limited to people, machinery or everyday common objects such as a pencil sharpener. While noise constantly surrounds us, it is when there is a large amount of a loud level of noise that it begins to impede our ability to interpret and follow speech. The American Speech–Language Hearing Association outlines the levels of noise that are comfortable for noise. Noise is measured in decibels (dB), and a range anywhere from 0 to 70 dB is considered normal. Anything above 85 dB can lead to eventual hearing loss. While the level of noise within a classroom is well within the normal range, this just goes to show that noise can have a strong effect on our health. It comes to no surprise then that noise can lead to difficulty with attention and learning in classrooms. Now we must explore what the possible noises in a classroom may be. It can range anywhere from outside noise such as cars passing by to the chairs scrapping on the floor. Noise for a classroom is often described in two categories: external and internal noises. An external noise is usually a single event, such as a car honking. An internal noise are noises that are occurring directly within the classroom, such as a pencil sharpener or ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. General Description Of Noise Control Systems Literature review General description Noise control is an engineering problem that can be found in almost every field of industry maintaining safe noise levels in industry to ensuring a comfortable experience in air travel, motor vehicles and general consumer goods. A major factor in the design of noise control systems is the materials being used, producing the best results requires the use of the most appropriate materials, and this in turn necessitates empirical values for how a substance affects the behaviour of sound. These values are commonly established using an impedance tube, of which there are several variations, made up of a set of base components. The bare minimum required for an impedance tube to function is a speaker and signal generator to produce a soundwave, a tube within which the material is tested, a mount for the material being tested generally with a hard backing, and a sensor within the tube to take readings. Most tubes contain additional equipment and have strictly controlled dimensions and materials to maximise their efficacy and the accuracy of the readings. Dynamic microphone variation The variation constructed in this report is a standing wave with a dynamic microphone with design specifications established in ASTM C384.5970. This consist of a straight tube with a loudspeaker mounted at one end, the tube can be rectangular or cylindrical but must be uniform along its length. The pipe material must be hard and rigid so that sounds are likely to ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. Space Noise And The Separation Of Noise Generated Within... The major acoustical issues in public buildings are concerned with the exclusion of outdoor noise and the separation of noise generated within the buildings. This chapter will consider specific types of public buildings in which acoustic designs are a matter of importance, such as schools, offices, libraries, recreational buildings, hospitals and government buildings. To obtain a space free from the annoyance of noise and excessive reverberation, a few step one could take would be as follows: planning the build with consideration of noise insulation so that rooms which contain sources of considerable noise level are separated from rooms that are required to silent; providing sufficient noise insulation for rooms where silence is need as well as implementing sound absorption to reduces the reverberation and noise created by that room to a more acceptable level. It is well to recognise that uncontrolled noise in public buildings will diminish their utility Since the dawn of the twenty–first century, public school have shown more attention to acoustical problems in part due to the increased use of open planning, more informal teaching methods and an increased use of audio–visual aids. Classroom acoustics should neither be too high nor too low, but rather a balance of reflective finishes to aid teaching and absorptive finish away from the front of the classroom to avoid sound–blurring cross reflections. The UK recommendation on the decibel level in classes is at 40dB however a ... Get more on ...
  • 64.
  • 65. Essay On Diode In recent years, serious innovative work has been conducted on organic light– emitting diodes (OLEDs) for the acknowledgement of high–efficiency colour showcases, backdrop illumination and illumination applications. Notwithstanding, a low light outcoupling productivity still firmly restricts the general proficiency on the grounds that exclusive a little part of light can leave the multilayer structure because of the extensive contrast in the refractive list between air (n = 1.0), glass (n =1.5) and natural layers (n =1.7 –2.0). In a normal advanced OLED, just around 20% of the light is discharged straightforwardly into an air and generally, a similar sum is coupled to the glass substrate (1). The rest of the power is lost because of the ... Show more content on ... The worldwide general lighting market surpasses $90 billion in size, and general lighting is the place around one–6th of the aggregate power is expended. Accomplishment in the general lighting market brings the most money related advantages as well as will have the best effect on the environment. To succeed in the general lighting market, OLED lighting must be focused on execution and cost to the current and forthcoming lighting advancements, including the since quite a while ago settled brilliant lights, fluorescent lights, smaller fluorescent lights (CFLs), and the up and coming LEDs. Would OLEDs be able to address the difficulty. () The science of a wide sea and the wheel of science in progress continues and never stand so we find every day what is new in different scientific fields and there is no doubt that nanotechnology has become the subject of modern science and the focus of interest and has become at the forefront of the most important areas in physics, chemistry, biology and others. 1.2 –Fundamentals of plasmonic Plasmonic can be utilized as a part of nanophotonic applications with a specific end goal to enhance gadget execution because of the communication between electromagnetic field and conduction electrons. The examination of plasmonic was begun since 1800s. Michael Faraday contemplated the shading change of colloidal gold arrangement and found that the ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. Cyrano De Bergerac Character Analysis Cyrano de Bergerac can be seen as an parable of inner and outer beauty. In the play, Cyrano represents inner beauty, whereas Christian exemplifies outer beauty for Roxane's love. Although Cyrano's character embodies a confident, vibrant character with many great exterior traits, he still symbolizes inner beauty throughout the play. The play represents inner beauty with integrity and intellect. Where Cyrano possesses inner beauty, Christian doesn't. They differ in that sense and they also differ in outer beauty as well. Cyrano lacks in physical beauty, whereas Christian is blessed with Great looks. When oxane falls in love with Christian, she is really falling in love with the outer beauty of Christian, but the inner beauty of Cyrano. In reality ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Experiments with the Human Voice: Max Mathews Essay example The voice is a crucial tool within the history of sound as it appears in so many different, interconnected forms and disguises. An experience of voice auditory within history generally can be experienced through different movements that can be observed with regards to the figure of voice. The voice in terms of presence and sound helps in understanding the voice also in terms of techniques and manipulations. These terms presented are influenced within countless vocal techniques and manipulations with properties of time and spatial aspects. How it effects the voice through these aspects can also give the reality or even illusion of times and space, and how it navigates through it. Spoken, screaming, growling, vocal tremolo, vocal trill, ... Show more content on ... Extended Vocal Technique can prove to be a very pure management of the voice, and depending on certain timbral techniques used can effect how we hear and perceive vocal sounds within certain spaces. An extended vocal method is in some ways a pure voice experience, which is beautiful and inimitable in itself. It pushes the limitations of what most would think about a standard singing method by including any or all of the sounds the human voice can make. Luciano Berio wrote 'Sequenza III (1966)' for his wife and also singing actress named Cathy Berberian. It was created as a unique challenge as it was a piece that could not be imitated exactly the same. In Sequenza III we experience the voice as the only expressive tool revealing a list of 15 techniques according to Berio. Some of his techniques include, "salvoes of laughter," "teeth–chattering," "tongue–trill against the upper lip," as well as "44 agogic markings" such as "far away," "dreamy," "ecstatic," "extremely intense" and "fading away." It's an exploration that give us a perpetual experience, by using such distinctive vocal techniques adjusting volumes tones and pitch so it increases and decreases the space covered. It gives an illusion to the listener in terms of echo, reverberation and the duration of particular vocal sounds. Author Janet Halfyard argues that Berio's studies must "serve the needs of the composition rather than merely to thrill the audience with ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. Comparing The Passionate Shepherd To His Love And Sir... "The Passionate Shepherd to his Love" by Christopher Marlowe and "The Nymph'sReply" by Sir Walter Raleigh are two of the most well known of pastoral poems and theirresponses. Marlowe's poem speaks of beautiful things a shepherd will make for his lady love,while Raleigh's response to Marlowe's is a tongue–in–cheek poem of a woman who rebukes theshepherd's actions. Of the many responses to Marlowe's original poem, Raleigh's is the clearwinner. Due to his style, content, and opinion, Sir Walter Raleigh's "The Nymph's Reply" is thebest reverberation of Marlowe's original poem.Raleigh's stylistic choices for "The Nymph's Reply" make for a perfect response toMarlowe's work. Its rhyme scheme and overall structure make Raleigh's reply all the morecutting. ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. PHL 320 Critical Thinking Week 2 Argumentative Essay Paper... Adam Cully PHL/320 Globalization Argumentative Paper For some people, globalization is so feared it is synonymous with world destruction. In the end, for all we know, maybe this will be proven before it is over. In reality however, there are many good things that have resulted from globalization(1, Premise). Let's for a moment focus on the economy, even though there are many other advantages that have been brought forward that will also be discussed. Many Americans do not appreciate how efficient our markets are, in this case efficiency in reference to supply and demand is number one. These efficient markets allow economies to grow. As many have learned in a global world, when one economy grows, it spurs growth in all the other economies ... Show more content on ... Globalization allows important processes to occur and be maintained more efficiently and important ideas to become reality in an environment where they otherwise may not be. There is a certain irony involved in this however that must be mentioned. For example, globalization is going to allow the world to work together to hopefully solve our apocalyptic environmental predicament in a best case scenario. Of course however, this predicament is a result of globalization(1, Conclusion). Still, it allows the human race to push forward, which at this point we must recognize as a necessity of our species in a time where progress of the human race is growing rapidly. In my opinion this is a progress is written in our DNA, and globalization has allowed us to accomplish truly incredible things(2, Conclusion). Inductive Reasoning I think one of the best examples of Inductive Reasoning I used was the explanation of how efficient markets spur the growth and expansion of economic growth and how that is tied into globalization. As stated above, "Many Americans do not appreciate how efficient our markets are, in this case efficiency in reference to supply and demand is number one. These efficient markets allow economies to grow. As many have learned in a global world, when one economy grows, it spurs growth in ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. Why Is Cinema Blend 'Still Going To Present In The Flash' After the season finale episode of "The Flash" aired, viewers saw Barry Allen (Grant Gustin) jumping back in time and change the timeline – successfully this time. He was able to save his mother, Nora, from being murdered by the Reverse–Flash. Here comes Flash Point. That point in the timeline is expected to cause huge reverberations in the time stream which means multiple possibilities. Such as, will "The Flash" even exist? What will happen to other characters like Harrison Wells? Cinema Blend has it that some characters are still going to be present in "The Flash Season 3." Actor Tom Cavanagh has been confirmed as a returning actor for the upcoming "The Flash Season 3." But he's not coming back as his old self. He's reportedly coming back ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Out In The Street Basho The art of using linked verses in poetry is varied and each link is used differently. The different kinds of links distinguished by Basho and his many disciples are the word links, context links and scent links. Scent links, however, are broken further down into two different types, reverberation and status links, each having their own criteria and way of connecting verses. Reverberation links focus on linking the intensity of emotions and the tension found in the previous link, either through a character or through scenery. Status links, however, are done by linking through socioeconomic class, often including some character, and often using material objects such as clothing as the detail to focus on. From Basho and his disciples, Out in the Streets, the various various verses will be examined ... Show more content on ... The use of the black socks signifies high social position and falls into the criteria of being a status link as well as a content link, meaning it continues the narrative of the previous verse. Basho starts the verse with the inclusion of the black socks, setting the socioeconomic status of the character, and Kyorai changes that character into that of a sword–bearer following his master, continuing the narrative and carrying the idea of the character's higher status from Basho's verse. The next verse that will be examined is the one linking verses 893 and 894. This link is reverberation link, linking the feelings of loneliness from one verse to the next. The first verse lays out the lonely feeling of the monk as he thinks about having to return to the temple as we walks out in the cold. The next verse by Basho depicts a man travelling with his monkey companion under the moonlight, creating a contrast of the two scenes the feeling of loneliness is carried through the contrast itself, as the monk is without companion but, the second man at least has the companionship of his ... Get more on ...