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Apollo Medicine 2012 December
                                                                                                                  Theme Symposium
Volume 9, Number 4; pp. 307e311

Minimally invasive spine surgeries (MISS)
Ashish Jaiswal*


       Minimally invasive spine surgeries (MISS) since its inception around 15 years ago has undergone rigorous changes
       with ever evolving technologies. Minimally invasive spine surgeries with “percutaneous” and “tubular” approaches is
       based on novel concept of minimizing collateral soft tissue damage, while achieving surgical goal in various spinal
       pathologies. MISS has been applied to simple spinal procedures of discectomy, decompression and fusion to even
       complex surgeries like deformity correction. MISS vis a vis “conventional open techniques” has benefits in terms of
       postoperative pain, concurrent tissue damage, disruption of spinal stabilizing structures, estimated blood loss, need
       of blood transfusion, length of hospital stay, surgical site infections, time to ambulation and functional recovery.
       However MISS is associated with steeper learning curve, poorer surgical orientation, higher peroperative ionizing
       radiation to patient and surgical team, higher incidence of incidental durotomies, dependency on technology, and
       higher upfront cost of treatment.
       Copyright © 2012, Indraprastha Medical Corporation Ltd. All rights reserved.
       Keywords: Minimally invasive, Spine surgeries, Tubular, Percutaneous

INTRODUCTION                                                             applications of MISS is expanding to include even complex
                                                                         surgeries like spinal deformity correction.
Minimally invasive spine surgeries (MISS) are based on
concept of decreased concurrent tissue damage while per-
forming index procedures in spine for treating various                   MUSCLE PRESERVATION e THE KEY
spinal pathologies. The purported advantages of minimally                CONCEPT IN MISS
invasive spine surgery are less blood loss, lesser surgical
morbidity, need of blood transfusion, lesser postoperative               It is known that traditional open approaches to spine
analgesic requirement, less hospital stay and early rehabili-            surgery lead to increased paraspinal muscle injury
tation with functional resumption.1e6 Minimally invasive                 following denervation, ischemia secondary to prolonged
spine surgery has come a long way since its inception.                   retraction and detachment of musculotendinous junction.
There has been constant endeavor to minimize the collateral              Denervation and ischemia can result from direct injury to
surgical damage while achieving the surgical goal. There                 dorsal roots and vasculature in extensive surgical exposure,
have been many revolutions in this field including introduc-              and also occurs due to increased intramuscular edema and
tion of microscopes, endoscopes, specialized tubular and                 resultant focal compartment syndrome secondary to pro-
expandable retractors. Availability of better instrumentation            longed strong retraction. This has a clinical implication in
has facilitated the minimization of surgical approach. MISS              the form of increased postoperative backache. The major
is commonly applied in various common spinal procedures                  advantage of MISS is preservation of paraspinal muscula-
like discectomies, decompression and fusion. With time the               ture especially multifidous insertion in spinous process.7

Senior Consultant, Department of Orthopaedics and Spine Surgery, Apollo Hospitals, Seepat Road, Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh 645009, India.
 Corresponding author. Tel.: þ91 9630005676, email:
Received: 3.9.2012; Accepted: 24.9.2012; Available online 4.10.2012
Copyright Ó 2012, Indraprastha Medical Corporation Ltd. All rights reserved.
308   Apollo Medicine 2012 December; Vol. 9, No. 4                                                                       Jaiswal

Disruption of the midline supraspinous and interspinous            discectomy has an advantage in morbidly obese patients
ligament complex in conventional open approaches can               where surgical exposure through tubular retractor is better
lead to loss of tension band and thus can result in late post-     attained than with conventional retractors used in micro
operative instability. MISS avoids the loss of integrity of        discectomy.6
this midline supraspinous/interspinous complex which in                Percutaneous transforaminal endoscopic discectomy
addition to providing structural stability to spine, also acts     under local anesthesia is another way of doing MISS for
as a tie beam for effective functioning of paraspinal              discectomy. Yeung and Hoogland are credited for the
muscles.2 Moreover, less muscle disruption in MISS also            development of the Yeung Endoscopic Spine System
leads to decreased blood loss and lesser surgical stress           (YESS) in 199711 and the Thomas Hoogland Endoscopic
response.                                                          Spine System (THESSYS) in 1994, respectively.12 The
                                                                   purported advantages are avoidance of general anesthesia,
                                                                   smaller skin incision, conduction as a day care surgery
MINIMALLY INVASIVE LUMBAR                                          and intraoperative active feedback of patient about allevia-
DISCECTOMIES                                                       tion of radicular symptoms. However, it is not without limi-
                                                                   tations, being applicable for specific types of disc
Lumbar discectomy has undergone a radical change in                herniations and necessitates even steeper learning curves.
approach since its first description by Mixter and Barr using       Superiority of percutaneous techniques over conventional
laminectomy in 1934. Progressively, it was noted that the          microdiscectomy still remains unclear as similar outcomes
goal of discectomy and decompression is achievable with            has been demonstrated with both methods.
lesser invasive approaches. Introduction of use of microscope
for discectomy by Yasargil and Caspar revolutionized this
procedure and still microdiscectomy is considered as               MINIMALLY INVASIVE TRANSFORAMINAL
a “gold standard”. MISS was described by Foley and Smith           LUMBAR INTERBODY FUSION
in 1997 for discectomy using tubular retractors. This relies
on dilating the way through muscle fibers rather than stripping     Lumbar fusion is commonly done for spinal instability or
it from lamina and spinous process. Endoscope or microscope        deformity resulting from spondylolisthesis or scoliosis as
can be used as an adjunct for visualization. Many spine            well as low back pain from degenerative disc disease refrac-
surgeons prefer using microscope owing to 3-Dimensional            tory to conservative treatment. Interbody fusion is the most
visualization and also, as most of them are already acquainted     preferred approach for lumbar fusion as it facilitates larger
with use of microscope, while with endoscope, it has limita-       surface of fusion bed, opening up of neural foramen through
tion of 2-Dimensional vision and one needs an additional skill     “jack up effect” and additional anterior stability when a cage
to master due to unfamiliarity. However superiority of MISS        is placed. Currently, transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion
over microdiscectomy is debated by some as, in microdiscec-        (TLIF) is most commonly performed for lumbar arthrodesis,
tomy, already there is a minimal surgical exposure and long        as TLIF provides exposure of the disc space while requiring
term results of both the approaches have been found to be          less dural and nerve root retraction. However in traditional
similar.6 Adequate decompression, regardless of the operative      open approach TLIF requires extensive surgical exposure.
approach used, may be the primary determinant of radicular         The iatrogenic injury of muscle and soft tissue is an impor-
pain relief. Adversely, it has been noted that there is a higher   tant cause of postoperative low back pain which might even
of incidental durotomy in minimally invasive discectomy8           counteract the effects of surgery and sometimes labeled as
with possible explanation being limited visualization, poor        “fusion disease.” MISS transforaminal lumbar interbody
depth perception and steep learning curve. Some argue that         fusion using nonexpendable or expandable tubular retractor
microdiscectomy can itself be considered as a minimally inva-      and bilateral percutaneous screw placement reduces such
sive procedure for discectomy and controversy persists             collateral soft tissue damage and has shown to produce
whether to stick to age old microdiscectomy or to adopt            favorable outcomes in respect to postoperative back pain,
tubular discectomy where again, even an experienced spine          total blood loss, need for transfusion, length of hospital
surgeon needs to tide over a steep learning curve. However,        stay, time to ambulation and functional recovery.4,5 Iliac
MISS seems to be more beneficial for spinal procedures              crest autograft remains the gold standard, with the osteo-
with extensive surgical exposure and soft tissue disruption        genic, osteoinductive, and osteoconductive components
like spinal instrumentation and fusion.4,5,9,10 It can be argued   required to achieve fusion, but it comes with associated
that discectomy is the most common surgery in spine, hence         donor site morbidity. Majority of spine surgeons use locally
one should master MISS for discectomy before graduating            harvested bone from bony decompression as a graft to avoid
to more extensive procedures with MISS. Minimally invasive         donor site morbidity. However in MISS transforaminal
Minimally invasive spine surgeries (MISS)                                                          Theme Symposium        309

interbody fusion when the amount of local graft is inade-        MISS has a potential to reduce the approach-related
quate or even otherwise allograft or bioactive agent like        morbidity associated with conventional techniques which
recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein (rhBMP-             is even more crucial in setting of pre-existing injury.
2) can be added to facilitate fusion.                            However MISS has limited indications in thoracolumbar
                                                                 injuries. Pure osseous injuries like bony chance fractures
                                                                 are ideally suited for MISS fixations where one can do
MINIMALLY INVASIVE DECOMPRESSIONS IN                             away without bone grafting and decompression.9 Fixation
LUMBAR CANAL STENOSIS                                            in such a pure osseous injury has further advantage of
                                                                 possibility of implant removal with restoration of spinal
Lumbar canal stenosis (LCS) is a common degenerative             mobility.9 Spinal fractures needing decompression may be
process among the elderly leads to progressive neurogenic        fixed with percutaneous instrumentation and decompression
claudication and often needs surgical decompression to           can be achieved with expandable tubular retractors or ante-
alleviate the associated symptoms and disability. Indeed,        rior laproscope/thoracoscopic decompressions.10 However
LCS is the most common indication for surgery of the spine       one has to conversant with all the procedures and carefully
in patients over the age of 65 years. Conventionally lumbar      select fractures types amenable for such MISS interven-
laminectomy was indicated surgical procedure for LCS.            tions. Specific clinical indications for MISS interventions
However with advances in noninvasive imaging especially          in spinal fractures are still evolving.
MRI, it was noted that most of these pathologic compres-             Percutaneous vertebroplasty and kyphoplasty are mini-
sive changes typically occur at the level of the interlaminar    mally invasive procedures when performed in symptomatic
window, hence it seems more prudent to do focal decom-           osteoporotic vertebral fractures provides dramatic pain
pression at level of compression rather than wide laminec-       relief to patients who are not responding to conservative
tomy. The ultimate goal, regardless of the technique used, is    care.13 Vertebroplasty entails the percutaneous injection
to perform an effective decompression of the affected thecal     of bone cement into the fractured vertebra, while kypho-
sac and nerve root. Current MISS techniques for decom-           plasty addresses pain and kyphotic deformity by the percu-
pression avoids collateral damage and have successfully          taneous expansion of an inflatable bone tamp to effect
shown to shorten hospital recovery times, reduce intraoper-      fracture reduction before cement deposition in a fractured
ative complications, and minimize soft tissue trauma with        vertebra.
resultant decrease in surgical stress response which is
a crucial factor in consideration in elderly patients.1e3
There has been constant endeavor to adopt a minimally            SUMMARY
destructive method to attain aimed surgical neural decom-
pression in lumbar canal stenosis. Various methods of            Although the authoritative definition of minimally invasive
less invasive approaches namely spinous process splitting        spine surgery remains elusive, the one proposed in
approach, bilateral laminotomies, bilateral decompression        summary statement published by McAfee et al14 looks
via unilateral laminotomy etc has been described. MISS           most apt. “An MISS is one that by virtue of the extent
for lumbar canal stenosis using tubular retractors aided by      and means of surgical technique results in less collateral
endoscope or microscope has been employed successfully           tissue damage, resulting in measurable decrease in
to treat LCS.1e3 However, limitation of MISS in LCS              morbidity and more rapid functional recovery than tradi-
decompression is that it may fail to provide an adequate         tional exposures, without differentiation in the intended
decompression in patients with bony foraminal stenosis.          surgical goal.” Growing experience with MISS techniques
In patients with lumbar stenosis in the setting of spondylo-     by operating surgeons and development of newer instru-
listhesis, scoliosis, or severe degenerative disc disease, the   mentation by manufactures are now enabling an increas-
inherent destabilizing nature of posterior decompression,        ingly large portion of spine surgical procedures to be
even using MISS, may warrant a fusion operation in addi-         performed via minimally invasive techniques.
tion to decompression.3                                              Extensive tissue trauma in traditional surgical exposures
                                                                 cause exaggerated surgical stress response and leads to
                                                                 variety of complications like deep venous thrombosis,
MINIMALLY INVASIVE FIXATIONS IN THOR-                            pulmonary embolism, pulmonary atelectasis, pneumonia,
ACOLUMBAR TRAUMA                                                 urinary tract infections, ileus, narcotic dependency etc.
                                                                 Indeed, the greater the trauma, the greater the response.
Conventional spine exposures add to pre-existing paraspi-        MISS plays an important role in reduction of this surgical
nal soft tissue injury secondary to trauma in spinal injuries.   stress response and associated complications.7
310    Apollo Medicine 2012 December; Vol. 9, No. 4                                                                          Jaiswal

   Short term benefit like lower intraoperative blood loss,               MISS is an exciting development in field of spine surgery
fewer infections, less intensive care utilization, less postoper-    and to some extent has stood its promise and scientifically
ative analgesia, and shorter hospitalization with MISS vis           ratified. However there is a need of high quality multicentre
a vis traditional open surgeries are more as compared to long        randomized control studies with large study population to
term benefits. MISS techniques may reduce postoperative               clearly elucidate the advantages and disadvantages of
wound infections as much as 10-fold compared with other              MISS before it is accepted as a “Gold standard” in spinal
large series of open spinal surgery published in the literature.15   surgeries. Moreover clinicians and researchers need to
   The steep learning curve of MISS has been one of the              constantly endeavor to find out ways to simplify the proce-
greatest barriers to the widespread adoption of minimally            dure, reduce the financial implications, reduce the steep
invasive spine surgery. The surgeon practicing this needs            learning curve, improve clinical accuracy, reduce peropera-
a specialized training and experience. He should be expert           tive radiation and broaden the clinical applications of MISS.
in doing open surgeries too, as at times he may need to
convert to open procedure, if it is not feasible to carry on         CONFLICTS OF INTEREST
with MISS. MISS has a disadvantage of being an instru-
mentation dependent procedure. MISS techniques require               The author has none to declare.
an extensive knowledge of the focal structural/radiological
anatomy and safe surgical corridors of spinal region of
interest.16 Additionally, one should be aware of possible            REFERENCES
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Minimally invasive spine surgeries

  • 1. Apollo Medicine 2012 December Theme Symposium Volume 9, Number 4; pp. 307e311 Minimally invasive spine surgeries (MISS) Ashish Jaiswal* ABSTRACT Minimally invasive spine surgeries (MISS) since its inception around 15 years ago has undergone rigorous changes with ever evolving technologies. Minimally invasive spine surgeries with “percutaneous” and “tubular” approaches is based on novel concept of minimizing collateral soft tissue damage, while achieving surgical goal in various spinal pathologies. MISS has been applied to simple spinal procedures of discectomy, decompression and fusion to even complex surgeries like deformity correction. MISS vis a vis “conventional open techniques” has benefits in terms of postoperative pain, concurrent tissue damage, disruption of spinal stabilizing structures, estimated blood loss, need of blood transfusion, length of hospital stay, surgical site infections, time to ambulation and functional recovery. However MISS is associated with steeper learning curve, poorer surgical orientation, higher peroperative ionizing radiation to patient and surgical team, higher incidence of incidental durotomies, dependency on technology, and higher upfront cost of treatment. Copyright © 2012, Indraprastha Medical Corporation Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords: Minimally invasive, Spine surgeries, Tubular, Percutaneous INTRODUCTION applications of MISS is expanding to include even complex surgeries like spinal deformity correction. Minimally invasive spine surgeries (MISS) are based on concept of decreased concurrent tissue damage while per- forming index procedures in spine for treating various MUSCLE PRESERVATION e THE KEY spinal pathologies. The purported advantages of minimally CONCEPT IN MISS invasive spine surgery are less blood loss, lesser surgical morbidity, need of blood transfusion, lesser postoperative It is known that traditional open approaches to spine analgesic requirement, less hospital stay and early rehabili- surgery lead to increased paraspinal muscle injury tation with functional resumption.1e6 Minimally invasive following denervation, ischemia secondary to prolonged spine surgery has come a long way since its inception. retraction and detachment of musculotendinous junction. There has been constant endeavor to minimize the collateral Denervation and ischemia can result from direct injury to surgical damage while achieving the surgical goal. There dorsal roots and vasculature in extensive surgical exposure, have been many revolutions in this field including introduc- and also occurs due to increased intramuscular edema and tion of microscopes, endoscopes, specialized tubular and resultant focal compartment syndrome secondary to pro- expandable retractors. Availability of better instrumentation longed strong retraction. This has a clinical implication in has facilitated the minimization of surgical approach. MISS the form of increased postoperative backache. The major is commonly applied in various common spinal procedures advantage of MISS is preservation of paraspinal muscula- like discectomies, decompression and fusion. With time the ture especially multifidous insertion in spinous process.7 Senior Consultant, Department of Orthopaedics and Spine Surgery, Apollo Hospitals, Seepat Road, Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh 645009, India. * Corresponding author. Tel.: þ91 9630005676, email: Received: 3.9.2012; Accepted: 24.9.2012; Available online 4.10.2012 Copyright Ó 2012, Indraprastha Medical Corporation Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • 2. 308 Apollo Medicine 2012 December; Vol. 9, No. 4 Jaiswal Disruption of the midline supraspinous and interspinous discectomy has an advantage in morbidly obese patients ligament complex in conventional open approaches can where surgical exposure through tubular retractor is better lead to loss of tension band and thus can result in late post- attained than with conventional retractors used in micro operative instability. MISS avoids the loss of integrity of discectomy.6 this midline supraspinous/interspinous complex which in Percutaneous transforaminal endoscopic discectomy addition to providing structural stability to spine, also acts under local anesthesia is another way of doing MISS for as a tie beam for effective functioning of paraspinal discectomy. Yeung and Hoogland are credited for the muscles.2 Moreover, less muscle disruption in MISS also development of the Yeung Endoscopic Spine System leads to decreased blood loss and lesser surgical stress (YESS) in 199711 and the Thomas Hoogland Endoscopic response. Spine System (THESSYS) in 1994, respectively.12 The purported advantages are avoidance of general anesthesia, smaller skin incision, conduction as a day care surgery MINIMALLY INVASIVE LUMBAR and intraoperative active feedback of patient about allevia- DISCECTOMIES tion of radicular symptoms. However, it is not without limi- tations, being applicable for specific types of disc Lumbar discectomy has undergone a radical change in herniations and necessitates even steeper learning curves. approach since its first description by Mixter and Barr using Superiority of percutaneous techniques over conventional laminectomy in 1934. Progressively, it was noted that the microdiscectomy still remains unclear as similar outcomes goal of discectomy and decompression is achievable with has been demonstrated with both methods. lesser invasive approaches. Introduction of use of microscope for discectomy by Yasargil and Caspar revolutionized this procedure and still microdiscectomy is considered as MINIMALLY INVASIVE TRANSFORAMINAL a “gold standard”. MISS was described by Foley and Smith LUMBAR INTERBODY FUSION in 1997 for discectomy using tubular retractors. This relies on dilating the way through muscle fibers rather than stripping Lumbar fusion is commonly done for spinal instability or it from lamina and spinous process. Endoscope or microscope deformity resulting from spondylolisthesis or scoliosis as can be used as an adjunct for visualization. Many spine well as low back pain from degenerative disc disease refrac- surgeons prefer using microscope owing to 3-Dimensional tory to conservative treatment. Interbody fusion is the most visualization and also, as most of them are already acquainted preferred approach for lumbar fusion as it facilitates larger with use of microscope, while with endoscope, it has limita- surface of fusion bed, opening up of neural foramen through tion of 2-Dimensional vision and one needs an additional skill “jack up effect” and additional anterior stability when a cage to master due to unfamiliarity. However superiority of MISS is placed. Currently, transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion over microdiscectomy is debated by some as, in microdiscec- (TLIF) is most commonly performed for lumbar arthrodesis, tomy, already there is a minimal surgical exposure and long as TLIF provides exposure of the disc space while requiring term results of both the approaches have been found to be less dural and nerve root retraction. However in traditional similar.6 Adequate decompression, regardless of the operative open approach TLIF requires extensive surgical exposure. approach used, may be the primary determinant of radicular The iatrogenic injury of muscle and soft tissue is an impor- pain relief. Adversely, it has been noted that there is a higher tant cause of postoperative low back pain which might even of incidental durotomy in minimally invasive discectomy8 counteract the effects of surgery and sometimes labeled as with possible explanation being limited visualization, poor “fusion disease.” MISS transforaminal lumbar interbody depth perception and steep learning curve. Some argue that fusion using nonexpendable or expandable tubular retractor microdiscectomy can itself be considered as a minimally inva- and bilateral percutaneous screw placement reduces such sive procedure for discectomy and controversy persists collateral soft tissue damage and has shown to produce whether to stick to age old microdiscectomy or to adopt favorable outcomes in respect to postoperative back pain, tubular discectomy where again, even an experienced spine total blood loss, need for transfusion, length of hospital surgeon needs to tide over a steep learning curve. However, stay, time to ambulation and functional recovery.4,5 Iliac MISS seems to be more beneficial for spinal procedures crest autograft remains the gold standard, with the osteo- with extensive surgical exposure and soft tissue disruption genic, osteoinductive, and osteoconductive components like spinal instrumentation and fusion.4,5,9,10 It can be argued required to achieve fusion, but it comes with associated that discectomy is the most common surgery in spine, hence donor site morbidity. Majority of spine surgeons use locally one should master MISS for discectomy before graduating harvested bone from bony decompression as a graft to avoid to more extensive procedures with MISS. Minimally invasive donor site morbidity. However in MISS transforaminal
  • 3. Minimally invasive spine surgeries (MISS) Theme Symposium 309 interbody fusion when the amount of local graft is inade- MISS has a potential to reduce the approach-related quate or even otherwise allograft or bioactive agent like morbidity associated with conventional techniques which recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein (rhBMP- is even more crucial in setting of pre-existing injury. 2) can be added to facilitate fusion. However MISS has limited indications in thoracolumbar injuries. Pure osseous injuries like bony chance fractures are ideally suited for MISS fixations where one can do MINIMALLY INVASIVE DECOMPRESSIONS IN away without bone grafting and decompression.9 Fixation LUMBAR CANAL STENOSIS in such a pure osseous injury has further advantage of possibility of implant removal with restoration of spinal Lumbar canal stenosis (LCS) is a common degenerative mobility.9 Spinal fractures needing decompression may be process among the elderly leads to progressive neurogenic fixed with percutaneous instrumentation and decompression claudication and often needs surgical decompression to can be achieved with expandable tubular retractors or ante- alleviate the associated symptoms and disability. Indeed, rior laproscope/thoracoscopic decompressions.10 However LCS is the most common indication for surgery of the spine one has to conversant with all the procedures and carefully in patients over the age of 65 years. Conventionally lumbar select fractures types amenable for such MISS interven- laminectomy was indicated surgical procedure for LCS. tions. Specific clinical indications for MISS interventions However with advances in noninvasive imaging especially in spinal fractures are still evolving. MRI, it was noted that most of these pathologic compres- Percutaneous vertebroplasty and kyphoplasty are mini- sive changes typically occur at the level of the interlaminar mally invasive procedures when performed in symptomatic window, hence it seems more prudent to do focal decom- osteoporotic vertebral fractures provides dramatic pain pression at level of compression rather than wide laminec- relief to patients who are not responding to conservative tomy. The ultimate goal, regardless of the technique used, is care.13 Vertebroplasty entails the percutaneous injection to perform an effective decompression of the affected thecal of bone cement into the fractured vertebra, while kypho- sac and nerve root. Current MISS techniques for decom- plasty addresses pain and kyphotic deformity by the percu- pression avoids collateral damage and have successfully taneous expansion of an inflatable bone tamp to effect shown to shorten hospital recovery times, reduce intraoper- fracture reduction before cement deposition in a fractured ative complications, and minimize soft tissue trauma with vertebra. resultant decrease in surgical stress response which is a crucial factor in consideration in elderly patients.1e3 There has been constant endeavor to adopt a minimally SUMMARY destructive method to attain aimed surgical neural decom- pression in lumbar canal stenosis. Various methods of Although the authoritative definition of minimally invasive less invasive approaches namely spinous process splitting spine surgery remains elusive, the one proposed in approach, bilateral laminotomies, bilateral decompression summary statement published by McAfee et al14 looks via unilateral laminotomy etc has been described. MISS most apt. “An MISS is one that by virtue of the extent for lumbar canal stenosis using tubular retractors aided by and means of surgical technique results in less collateral endoscope or microscope has been employed successfully tissue damage, resulting in measurable decrease in to treat LCS.1e3 However, limitation of MISS in LCS morbidity and more rapid functional recovery than tradi- decompression is that it may fail to provide an adequate tional exposures, without differentiation in the intended decompression in patients with bony foraminal stenosis. surgical goal.” Growing experience with MISS techniques In patients with lumbar stenosis in the setting of spondylo- by operating surgeons and development of newer instru- listhesis, scoliosis, or severe degenerative disc disease, the mentation by manufactures are now enabling an increas- inherent destabilizing nature of posterior decompression, ingly large portion of spine surgical procedures to be even using MISS, may warrant a fusion operation in addi- performed via minimally invasive techniques. tion to decompression.3 Extensive tissue trauma in traditional surgical exposures cause exaggerated surgical stress response and leads to variety of complications like deep venous thrombosis, MINIMALLY INVASIVE FIXATIONS IN THOR- pulmonary embolism, pulmonary atelectasis, pneumonia, ACOLUMBAR TRAUMA urinary tract infections, ileus, narcotic dependency etc. Indeed, the greater the trauma, the greater the response. Conventional spine exposures add to pre-existing paraspi- MISS plays an important role in reduction of this surgical nal soft tissue injury secondary to trauma in spinal injuries. stress response and associated complications.7
  • 4. 310 Apollo Medicine 2012 December; Vol. 9, No. 4 Jaiswal Short term benefit like lower intraoperative blood loss, MISS is an exciting development in field of spine surgery fewer infections, less intensive care utilization, less postoper- and to some extent has stood its promise and scientifically ative analgesia, and shorter hospitalization with MISS vis ratified. However there is a need of high quality multicentre a vis traditional open surgeries are more as compared to long randomized control studies with large study population to term benefits. MISS techniques may reduce postoperative clearly elucidate the advantages and disadvantages of wound infections as much as 10-fold compared with other MISS before it is accepted as a “Gold standard” in spinal large series of open spinal surgery published in the literature.15 surgeries. Moreover clinicians and researchers need to The steep learning curve of MISS has been one of the constantly endeavor to find out ways to simplify the proce- greatest barriers to the widespread adoption of minimally dure, reduce the financial implications, reduce the steep invasive spine surgery. The surgeon practicing this needs learning curve, improve clinical accuracy, reduce peropera- a specialized training and experience. He should be expert tive radiation and broaden the clinical applications of MISS. in doing open surgeries too, as at times he may need to convert to open procedure, if it is not feasible to carry on CONFLICTS OF INTEREST with MISS. MISS has a disadvantage of being an instru- mentation dependent procedure. MISS techniques require The author has none to declare. an extensive knowledge of the focal structural/radiological anatomy and safe surgical corridors of spinal region of interest.16 Additionally, one should be aware of possible REFERENCES anatomical variations and analyze them carefully in preop- erative imaging to avoid operative complications. MISS 1. Asgarzadie F, Khoo LT. Minimally invasive operative requires significant practice and didactic training to acquire management for lumbar spinal stenosis: overview of early the skills necessary to perform it safely. and long-term outcomes. Orthop Clin North Am. 2007 MISS entails higher cost of treatment especially in Jul;38(3):387e399. abstract vievii. Review. instrumented cases where the cost of dedicated implants 2. Guiot BH, Khoo LT, Fessler RG. A minimally invasive tech- and instruments is more than once used in traditional nique for decompression of the lumbar spine. Spine (Phila Pa surgeries. 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The steep learning course in MISS radiological outcomes of minimally invasive versus open further makes the operating surgeon to use fluoroscope transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion. Spine (Phila Pa frequently to assure proper placement of implants.16 In 1976). 2009 Jun 1;34(13):1385e1389. traditional open procedures, many experienced spine 6. Dasenbrock HH, Juraschek SP, Schultz LR, et al. The efficacy surgeons place pedicle screws with freehand technique of minimally invasive discectomy compared with open discec- based on anatomical landmarks and hardly use intraopera- tomy: a meta-analysis of prospective randomized controlled tive imaging to guide the open placement of pedicle screws, trials. J Neurosurg Spine. 2012 May;16(5):452e462. so a requirement for numerous intraoperative radiographs in 7. Kim CW. Scientific basis of minimally invasive spine surgery: MISS can be a considerable deterrent to the adoption of prevention of multifidus muscle injury during posterior lumbar minimally invasive techniques. Although, it has been surgery. Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2010 Dec 15;35(26 suppl): shown that with growing experience the amount of radia- S281eS286. Review. tion tends to decrease but it still remains higher than tradi- 8. Teli M, Lovi A, Brayda-Bruno M, et al. Higher risk of dural tional open approaches. Introduction of computer tears and recurrent herniation with lumbar micro-endoscopic navigation and continuous electromyography (EMG) moni- discectomy. Eur Spine J. 2010 Mar;19(3):443e450. Epub toring as an adjunct in MISS19 has potential to reduce the 2010 Feb 3. amount of radiation, but again the navigation systems are 9. Schizas C, Kosmopoulos V. 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  • 5. Minimally invasive spine surgeries (MISS) Theme Symposium 311 10. Rampersaud YR, Annand N, Dekutoski MB. Use of minimally 15. O’Toole JE, Eichholz KM, Fessler RG. Surgical site infection invasive surgical techniques in the management of thoracolum- rates after minimally invasive spinal surgery. J Neurosurg bar trauma: current concepts. Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2006 May Spine. 2009 Oct;11(4):471e476. 15;31(11 suppl):S96eS102. discussion S104. Review. 16. Lee JC, Jang HD, Shin BJ. Learning curve and clinical 11. Yeung AT, Tsou PM. Posterolateral endoscopic excision for outcomes of minimally invasive transforaminal lumbar inter- lumbar disc herniation: surgical technique, outcome, and body fusion: our experience in 86 consecutive cases. Spine complications in 307 consecutive cases. Spine (Phila Pa (Phila Pa 1976). 2012 Aug 15;37(18):1548e1557. 1976). 2002 Apr 1;27(7):722e731. 17. Allen RT, Garfin SR. The economics of minimally invasive 12. Hoogland T, Schubert M, Miklitz B, Ramirez A. Transforami- spine surgery: the value perspective. Spine (Phila Pa 1976). nal posterolateral endoscopic discectomy with or without the 2010 Dec 15;35(26 suppl):S375eS382. Review. combination of a low-dose chymopapain: a prospective 18. Mariscalco MW, Yamashita T, Steinmetz MP, randomized study in 280 consecutive cases. Spine (Phila Pa Krishnaney AA, Lieberman IH, Mroz TE. Radiation expo- 1976). 2006 Nov 15;31(24):E890eE897. sure to the surgeon during open lumbar microdiscectomy 13. Phillips FM. Minimally invasive treatments of osteoporotic and minimally invasive microdiscectomy: a prospective, vertebral compression fractures. Spine (Phila Pa 1976). controlled trial. Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2011 Feb 2003 Aug 1;28(15 suppl):S45eS53. Review. 1;36(3):255e260. 14. McAfee PC, Phillips FM, Andersson G, et al. Minimally inva- 19. Wood MJ, Mannion RJ. Improving accuracy and reducing sive spine surgery. Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2010 Dec 15;35(26 radiation exposure in minimally invasive lumbar interbody suppl):S271eS273. fusion. J Neurosurg Spine. 2010 May;12(5):533e539.