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Minimal Ethics For The Anthropocene, By Laura Moriarty
The evolution of the universe and our behaviour throughout history. I will set out to consider Laura
Moriarty: Plateau (2011) and Mary Mattingly: Pull detail, (2013) in relation to "Minimal Ethics for
the Anthropocene," Joanna Zylinska, (2014). I will consider our human responsibility for the world
and show the changes and composition of life through human relations and ethic towards the
universe. And can we re–evaluate our minimal ethics, while there's still time for changes.
This book is about how life and death is waiting for us all at the end and why we should be concern
with geology, so we can understand how our ethic is deciding the many processes that is being
carried out. Also, it's about an attempt to respond to this Anthropocene. ... Show more content on ...
Mattingly transformed personal belongings into sculptural forms that she later incorporates into
photographs and performative actions. The sculpture is being pulled on the side walk by a woman
who is facing down towards the sphere, while the people in the background is facing away from her,
could suggest a lack of interest in her possessions being tugged across the floor, her face expression
is relaxed yet her body expression shows she is struggling to move the sculpture. Mattingly is trying
to show another path to having an ecologically sustainable future. She believes that humanity will
survive only if we reduce our footprint on Earth. determined to live with just the essentials, she
recording every object she owns and looking back as to why she had the objects from the beginning.
Mattingly work is trying to show one's obsession of a good life. How we exclude the human's
dependency. Showing that we had a responsibility that we don't think highly of. we do not know that
something is wrong until it had been
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The Study of Uniformitarianism
The Study of Uniformitarianism The origin of life on Earth is a fundamental scientific question, but
we do not know as much as many biology textbooks would like you to believe. (Pigliucci)
Uniformitarianism is vital to the world of science. It is a geological doctrine. It states that the same
natural laws and processes that operate in the universe now, have always operated in the universe in
the past and apply everywhere in the universe. It assumes that geological processes have essentially
not changed today from those from the past which are unobservable. As present processes are
thought to explain all past events, the Uniformitarian slogan is "the present is the key to the past".
Uniformitarianism is a key principle of geology. My ... Show more content on ...
In Lyell's time, most scientists still believed Earth had been shaped by rare and sudden events that
were unique to the past, so convincing people of his time was extremely difficult. Other scientists
had opinions on the theory of Uniformitarianism as well. In 1963, a geologist named Reijer
Hookyas decided to even further analyze Lyell's work. According to Hookyas, Lyell's
uniformitarianism is a family of four related propositions, not a single idea. None of these
connotations requires another, and they are not all equally inferred by uniformitarianism. The four
related propositions are: Uniformity of Law – The laws of nature are constant across time and space.
Uniformity of Methodology – The appropriate hypothesis for explaining the geological past are
those with analogy today. Uniformity of Kind – Past and present causes are all of the same kind,
have the same energy, and produce the same effects. Uniformity of Degree – Geological
circumstances have remained the same over time. Stephen Jay Gould's first scientific paper, Is
uniformitarianism necessary? which was published in 1965, reduced these four interpretations to
two, methodological and substantive uniformitarianism. (Hooykaas) Uniformitarianism was
originally proposed in contrast to catastrophism, which states that the distant past "consisted of
epochs of paroxysmal and
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Earthquake Drills In America
Why should we prepare? The entire West coast of the Americas lies on the edge of geologic plates, a
large portion of these plate boundaries are subduction zones. These geologic features present some
very serious risks such as earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic activity. Although we have known
about these risks for many years and have experienced many disasters of varying scales, people
living in these known disaster zones still do not prepare. Earthquake drills are usually drills people
participate in to streamline evacuation practices implemented by emergency service personnel, but
offer little value to participants. The purpose of this research is to investigate the influence of
regular earthquake drills or emergency exercises on individual ... Show more content on ...
How prepared on a scale of 1–5, (five being 100% prepared) for an earthquake? Have you ever
attended hazard preparedness education training of any kind? If yes, did hazard preparedness
training motivate you to seek further information? Has your emergency preparedness plan been
changed lately? Have you received information about hazard preparedness? Did it prompt you to
make any changes to your preparedness levels? How many emergency exercises have you
participated in the past year? On a scale of 1–5, how involved are you in your community? How
long do you think it will take emergency services to reach you after an earthquake? The survey
questions I chose were analyzed to investigate how individuals perceptions of preparedness were
influenced by the amount and types of emergency preparedness education they self reported as
having participated in. I used quantitative analysis of quantitative data to create comparative charts
of the survey results. The first question I analyzed, "How prepared on a scale of 1–5, (five being
100% prepared) are you for an earthquake?" used a Likert–type scale to gain insight into how
prepared participants perceived themselves to be for an earthquake. In my data analysis I assigned
qualitative descriptions to the quantitative ratings people gave as their preparedness level as
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Absolute Age Determinations
The Grand Canyon a geologic wonder. Containing many important geologic resources, including a
huge fossil record ranging from Precambrian stromatolites to Ice Age mammal bones and dung
found in caves a great exploration of geological history ranging from thousands to millions of years.
Through relative dating and absolute age determinations we are able to learn a lot from this wonder.
Both techniques have value in their own individual situation but when utilized together they are able
to develop the geologic time scale and to discern the ages of rocks. Relative dating or "the pancake
method" simply defines the superposition of the oldest on the bottom and the newest on the top, also
a study of a material and compare it to other similar materials in order to in order to establish a
timeline similar to a progression. This comes first, that comes next, this comes last, a bit vague,
which is why modern scientists have developed many methods by which to determine the absolute
age of Earth materials. Now, absolute age "is a measure of how old it actually is in years. Some
scientists prefer to call it calendar age, because the term suggests that the age can be plotted on a
calendar. The absolute age of a material is much more desirable when constructing the timeline of
our planet because it does not rely on comparisons to other materials. Instead of saying a material is
older or younger than something else, scientists can simply report the age in years. Imagine it this
way: If you have any siblings, using relative age dating would be like saying, 'I am older than my
brother but younger than my sister,' but using absolute age dating would be ... Show more content
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A wide variety of Grand Canyon rocks exist when someone's objective is really just to learn how
long ago these rocks formed, it is very confusing to sort through subdivisions of geologic periods,
the numeric ages are an important translation for the public for the age of rocks at Grand Canyon
and are useful for interpretive
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Evolutionary History of Gray Wolves
Evolutionary History of Gray Wolves
The gray wolf is one of the world's most well known and well researched animals with more
documentation on them than any other wildlife species. It is a canid whose main habitats are in the
wilderness of remote areas in North America, Eurasia and North Africa. It is the largest member of
the wolf family, usually weighing between 70 and 120 lbs, and closely resembles in general
appearance and proportions to a modern day breed of dog known as the German Sheppard, although
they typically have a larger head, narrower chest, longer legs, straighter tails and bigger paws. The
narrow chest of the gray wolf allows for swift and efficient movement through the common
elements of their environment such as snow, brush and other conditions. Their larger heads indicate
their higher level of intelligence and their large paws, webbed with fur aid in movement across mud
and snow. The colour of a gray wolf's fur lives up to its name and is predominantly a mottled gray
although the gray wolf can also have fur that is nearly pure white, mixes of red, brown, or black.
Being very social animals, gray wolves do mostly everything in packs of 2 – 15 animals; living,
traveling and hunting. They can hunt and feed off smaller game, yet with their large pack size, they
can work collectively to bring down large game such as deer, moose or bison. There are 37
recognized subspecies of the gray wolf in total ranging across six continents with familiar names
that one
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Interpreting Dinosaur Habitats
1) How are sedimentary rocks used to interpret past dinosaur habitats? How is the geologic principle
of uniformitarianism used for this type of interpretation?
Sedimentary rocks interpret dinosaur habitats through encased environmental structures of the past.
Through sedimentary rocks, paleoecologists' can examine the arranged formation of sedimentary
structures to specify what type of environment the dinosaurs' lived in. An example of a specific
sedimentary rock structure can be seen through formed weathering and ripple marks by how wind
and sand formed distinct patterns in the past layered sediment. These arrangements provide
interpretations on the structure of the sediment and the habitat of encased fossils, through modern
day comparisons ... Show more content on ...
Ichnology, the study of trace fossils, is the principal study in following and learning about trace
fossils and how these fossil types indicate habitats. Ichnologists can use trace fossils, such as a track
way and walking patterns of dinosaurs, to determine the specific area a dinosaur walked on, which
can express a dinosaur species preferred habitat. By examining sedimentary layers and structures,
ichnologists can use fossilized tracks to determine what specific habitat a species of dinosaur lived
in. The use of uniformitarianism can be used to conclude what specific environment a dinosaur lived
in through sedimentary structures. Ichnology uses tracks to determine what habitat a dinosaur
inhabited by the pattern that a dinosaur walked in. With nests, Ichnologists can use information to
determine what habitat a species of dinosaur lived in to ensure a safe environment for the eggs.
Ichnologists can determine if a species of dinosaur stayed in a specific environment by studying the
walking patterns of track ways and the indications of dinosaur nests. Ichnologists use track ways
and nests to determine preferred habitats due to a plethora of trace fossils that a species of dinosaur
can make in its
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Critical and Creative Thinking Week 1
Individual Week 1 Review Questions
Critical and Creative Thinking Questions
Chapter 1
3. How do you think the principle of uniformitarianism accounts for occasional catastrophic events
such as meteorite impacts, huge volcanic eruptions, or great earthquakes?
The principle of uniformitarianism states the processes occurring on Earth today are very similar in
manner as those throughout much of geologic times. In other words "the present is the key to the
past."(Murck, B. W., Skinner, B. J., & Mackenzie, D. (2010)). When looking at past geological
events and occurrences that happened in the past with additions of new testing and technology they
can predict when and if volcanic eruptions may occur, ... Show more content on ...
Chapter 3
3. How old are the rock formations in the area where you live and attend college or university? How
can you find out the answer to this question?
I live and attend college in the Valley of the Sun. Many of the rock formations here are extremely
old dating back nearly 2 billion years during a time period geologists called the Precambrian Period
(GeoHistory). Information to answer this question can be found in news articles, biology journals,
historical websites, and government and educational readings as well.
4. Choose one of the geologic periods or epochs listed in Figure 3.8 and find out all you can about
it: How are rocks from that period identified? What are its most characteristic fossils? Where are the
best samples of rocks from your chosen period found?
Rocks formed during the cretaceous period are identifiable in more ways than one would think. The
cretaceous period occurred at the end of the Mesozoic Era. Rocks such as limestone, basaltic, clays,
salts, gypsum, sandstone, conglomerates, and shale's were found during this time period (Cretaceous
Period). Sedimentary rocks hold many fossils of the predominant organisms to inhabit the planet
Earth dinosaurs. Many of the rocks can be identified by the variation in their lithological character
and thickness of their sequences, or by the fossils that are discovered in them. Some of the best
samples of rocks from this time period can be found right here in Arizona at the
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Radiometric Dating
Scientists use the Law of Superposition, the Principle of Cross Cutting Relationships, index fossils,
radiometric dating, and the Geologic Time Scale to organize Earth's 4.6–billion–year–old history.
The Law of Superposition is the law that states that in layers undisturbed rock, the older rocks will
be closer to the bottom and the younger rocks will be near the top. This is a helpful method used by
scientists to organize earth's history. Our Law of Superposition Worksheet showed how there were
different layers and each was a different age. We figured out that the oldest went on the bottom and
the youngest went on the top. This paper helped us to figure out how scientists would use this to
help them. If they found fossils in one layer and ... Show more content on ...
Scientists can uses fossil records to look at the amount of fossils in the population, which can also
help scientists to organize the history of earth and its animals. An archaeologist claims to have
uncovered Group B fossils related to the Group B fossils from the chart above that are 40 million
years old, though the archaeologist did not mention the amount of fossils. With this little bit of
information and information from the graph above, I presume that this organism may have fought
for the same resources as Group A and Group C. As the amount of fossils of Group B decreases, the
amount of fossils of Group A and Group C increased. These two groups must have stopped Group B
from becoming successful. The other possibility could have been that something changed in the
environment at around 12 million years ago that was terminal to Group B. As group B died other
groups rose in population. This is not hard to agree with because this organism has now been
recorded to have lived for at least 30 million years, while most species live up to only 10 million
years, according our Geologic Time Scale Model Worksheet that we did in class. I can also assume
that Group B was large at around 20–30 million years old, because Groups A had a small population
at that time. The large population of Group B must have hindered Group A's ability to thrive.
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Unit 1.0: Introduction To Geology
1. Unit 1.0: Introduction to Geology
Geology is the study of earth surface. Geology deals with the outdoors, which attracts most people.
Geology deals with learning about the planets and satellites in the Solar System.
2. Unit 2.1: Mineralogy
Mineralogy is a subject of geology. Mineralogy deals with the different properties of minerals.
Mineralogy deals also with chemistry such as the structure of an atom.
3. Unit 2.2: Igneous Petrology
Igneous petrology is basically one of the fields that deals with geology. Igneous petrology is the
study of igneous rocks. Igneous petrology deals with their origin, composition, and texture.
4. Unit 2.3: Sedimentary Petrology
Sedimentary petrology is basically one of the fields that deals with geology. Sedimentary petrology
is the study of sedimentary rocks. ... Show more content on ...
Unit 4.3: Hydrology
Hydrology is associated with geology. Hydrology consist of the water flow of water in streams and
in groundwater. Hydrology deals with many processes that can outcome in numerous features.
14. Unit 4.4: Glaciology
Glaciology is associated with geology. Glaciology deals with the distinguish between the various
types of glaciers. Glaciers have their own morphologies and locations. Climates also affects certain
things of glaciology.
15. Unit 4.4: Eremology
Eremology is associated with geology. Shorelines which is associated with eremology changes over
time due to the outcomes of onshore, offshore, and others. There are many type of deserts associated
with eremology such as polar and arid.
16. Unit 5.1: Geochronology
Geochronology is associated with geology. Geochronology deals with the absolute age dating for
the rock formations. When it comes to geochronology, it also is associated with the Geologic Time
17. Unit 5.2: Paleontology
Paleontology is associated with geology. Paleontology is the result of the development of the
Geologic Time Scale. There are many feature that deals with the period of Geologic Time Scale.
18. Physical
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Billions of Years vs. Thousands of Years
The earth is known to be old, but what is the truth of how old is the earth. There is scientific
evidence of how old it is, some would say it's Billions of years and some would say Thousands of
years old. There is a lot of factors like rocks layers, plants, animals, sun, moon and many more facts
that can predict how many years has the earth been around. But to find the truth if it's a Billions of
years or Thousands of years we would have to compare the two and even look into scientist
discovering facts. Or do we go off the what God has created and the Bibles authors? When we read
about how or what makes the earth Billions of years? There was a Geologic time scale that was
invented in 1800's. Within this invention, this scale ... Show more content on ...
Scientists use protons and atoms as there scientist research to prove if they hit each other in the sky
this will cause caribou and this would be fall on the plants or animals. When the plants or animals
die, the carbohydrates should have died. There is no technique in earth the measures level in carbon
14 older then 1000 thousand of year. Natural causes are not responsible for variations in the sun's
energy and the Earths Orbit. (Ref) which supports the scientist or the creationist claims. There
believes or scientific studies have facts to the young earth vice old earth theory. Between the Billion
and Thousand years theory, both have a great point of views. They both have scientific beliefs and
biblical believes. One thing between both is that we have documented or spiritual writings on which
one is true. The Geologic scale provide dates and good scientific measurement. There is scientific
research that dinosaurs have been extinct for 65 millions years. If we go by the bible it states that its
less then that. To understand the why the billion years can be far fetch to believe one would have to
understand the Bible and choose to read and listen to the word of God vice the word of man.
Everyone has their opinion and it depends on a person and what they choose to believe or accept.
Per the research of Geologic Time (radiometric) the Earth is about 4.600 billions years old. The
bible said it's
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Critical and Creative Thingking Questions
Week 1 Critical and Creative Thinking Questions
Name: Gardner
Chapter 1
3. How do you think the principle of uniformitarianism accounts for occasional catastrophic events
such as meteorite impacts, huge volcanic eruptions or great earthquakes?
Uniformitarianism is a scientific clarification on how the rocks, continents and mountains in the
planet are created. The material process that occurs on earth has not changed; although the objective
conditions have changed radically the principle of uniformitarianism accounts for the outcome of
the catastrophe or natural calamity.
4. In this chapter we have suggested that Earth is a close approximation of a natural closed system,
and we have hinted at some of the ways that ... Show more content on ...
4. Choose one of the geological periods listed in figure 3.8 and find out all you can about it. How
are rock formations from that period identified? What are its most characteristic fossils? Where are
the best samples of rock from your chosen period?
I chose the Jurassic period; because this time enclosed mainly marine deposits such as shale,
sandstone and limestone. There were a diversity of fossils found from this period which was only
found west of the Mississippi River.
5. Do some research to determine the ages of the oldest known fossils. What kind of life forms were
The oldest fossil was the microfossils known to be found in Australia by a group from the
University of Western Australia and Oxford University. The tiny fossils showed credible indication
for cells and bacteria living in an oxygen free world over 3.4 billion years ago.
Chapter 15 1. Recall chapter 1 that Earth and Venus are so similar in size and overall composition
that they are almost twins. Why did these planets evolved so differently? Why is earth's atmosphere
rich in oxygen and poor in carbon dioxide, whereas the reverse is true for Venus? What would
happen to the Earth's oceans if earth were a little bit closer to the sun?
These planets evolved so differently, because of their space from the sun. Making Venus hotter than
earth and causing changes to the
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God Through The Eyes Of Science
God through the Eyes of Science
The sound of silence spread through the hospital. Those who stood by, saw new–born Joseph lying
in the doctor's arms, his young body taking in fresh air weeping. How could this be? The doctors
were seriously concerned for Joseph's wellbeing and did not expect a hysterically crying baby with a
strong chance of not making the next hour, if he were to even survive the pregnancy. Fortunately,
miracles like this one continue to suggest a supernatural being that can break through the natural
realm allowing His will to be fulfilled on earth. The existence of God, cannot be proven just through
subjective theology, however,personal testimony, historical context, and modern knowledge that are
without contradiction can. First of all what is a miracle, a miracle is an event not explicable by
natural or scientific laws (Webster Dictionary). It started when my mom was pregnant, before losing
a child to a miscarriage and an abortion not do by complications. But this time was different, doctors
who were of the highest profession recommended to my parents to consider abortion, because I
would not take one breath. Nationally recognized Dr. Nadell, diagnosed me with Spina Bifida, a rare
disease that affects the spinal cord, disability that varies by degree, of which I had the highest. My
parents chose not to listen to those who said I would grow up unable to function if I were to even
survive the pregnancy. I would be mentally challenged, I would not take one
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The Triassic Era
The Mesozoic Era contains three geologic time periods including the Triassic Period ,from 252
million to 200 million years ago. The Triassic period was named in 1834 by the German geologist
Friedrich August Von Alberti (1795–1878). It was originally named the "Trias". It got its name
because this period of geologic time is represented by a three–part division of rock types in
Germany . It began 252 million years ago, at the close of the Permian Period, and ended 201 million
years ago. Jurassic Period, from about 200 million to 145 million years ago. During the Jurassic
Period, the supercontinent Pangaea split apart. The Jurassic was a golden age for the large
herbivorous dinosaurs known as the sauropods–Camarasaurus, Apatosaurus, Diplodocus,
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Missouri Geological Hazards
Geological Hazards of Missouri
Daniel LaBounty
Geology 111C, Section 04MH
Mr. David VanDeVelde
July 3, 2015
Geological Hazards of Missouri Although many may not consider Missouri to be a hot spot of
geological related natural disasters, there are multiple geological hazards which occur throughout
the state. According to the Missouri Department of Natural Resources Geological Survey Program,
the hazards most often occurring in Missouri are earthquakes, landslides, sinkholes and abandoned
mines (Geologic Hazards). Although most of the current earthquakes in Missouri measure between
1.0 and 2.0 on the Richter scale, the New Madrid Seismic Zone extends through the southeastern
part of the state. In 1811–1812, Missouri was struck ... Show more content on ...
Similar to a cave, a sinkhole begins by acidic water dissolving carbonate bedrock creating an
underground void. If the void grows close enough to the surface, the structural integrity of the
surface material will eventually give way and a sinkhole is formed. These depressions can range in
size from a few square yards to over hundreds of acres. The depth of sinkholes can vary from
shallow to hundreds of feet. Although there are nearly 16,000 verified sinkholes in the state, the
MGS caution there are a great number which have not been reported or documented. Some
sinkholes in Missouri are known to be a depth greater than 100 feet though no exact records
concerning depths are maintained. Located in western Boone County, the largest known sinkhole in
Missouri covers approximately 700 acres. If a sinkhole does occur, it is recommended that a
registered geologist or professional engineer be consulted to assist in the stabilization of the
sinkhole. Filling a sinkhole, referred to as remediation, generally consists of removing all soil
materials down to the bedrock surface and filling it with size–graded material. Larger rocks should
be used first with each successive layer consisting of gradually smaller grained material. Geotextile
fabric covered by top soil will allow water
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John Mcphee 's Rising From The Plains
As I recently drove on Interstate 80, from Colorado to Iowa, I could not help but think of John
McPhee's book Rising from the plains; and how from a different perspective a boring piece of land
in the plains could reveal a rich history of geological cycles. McPhee is able to bring to life the
study of geology in a way that is relatable by creating relationships between the landscape, people,
and history through the use of transforming the same plot of land across eons of time. He uses
several pages to discuss geology, followed by stories about the love family ranch as an overview of
life on the very same plains four million years ago. This format for reading allows the author to
build layers of science facts with story so that the humanistic element does not get distracted by the
complex material. The reader develops a sense of the formation of the specific terms such as; the
system, period, stage and age names, and thus overcomes the barrier of reading just geology facts.
The passage for which all the specialized knowledge comes from is a man named David Love.
Rather than using his education and experience for the benefit of private industry, David Love
serves as supervisor of the environmental branch of the United States Geological Survey in
Laramie, Wyo. Mr. Love, who was born in the Wind River Basin in central Wyoming in 1913 and
who grew up on an isolated ranch there, joins McPhee on a drive across the vast open stretches of
Wyoming's Interstate 80. Section after
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Pleistocene Epoch Era
The Cro–magnon people lived about 100,000 to 10,000 years ago. The average temperature –2
degrees celsius (28.4 degrees Fahrenheit).The temperature sometimes reached lows of –4 or highs
of 4 degrees celsius (24.8 or 39.2 degrees Fahrenheit). They lived in the epoch known as the
Pleistocene epoch. The Pleistocene epoch was the first epoch occurred in the Quaternary period and
the sixth epoch in the Cenozoic era.The Cenozoic era occurred during the Phanerozoic eon (the
current eon). This epoch is best known as the "last ice age" and it lasted from 2.2 million to 11,000
years ago. The "last ice age" began its climate decrease at the start of the Pleistocene epoch (2.2
million years ago) and reached its peak about 20,000 ... Show more content on ...
First of all, we can clear out the obvious , these did not occur at the same time! From this one
statement, we can go more into detail. The Cro–magnon lived in Pleistocene epoch the while we
lived in the Holocene epoch. Another difference is that we are far more advanced in technology. Yet
another difference is the climate. The climate back then was much colder than today's climate. This
is because the Pleistocene epoch was an ice age.
I chose the Cro–magnon because of the fact that it is easy to adapt in our day and age. I realised that
the time period didn't matter too much because the only things it affected was the climate and
technology. Back 10,000 years ago it was much colder , and the technology wasn't developed very
well compared to what we have now. Currently we basically have all the things they had back then
(and more) , better development it technology and a more even climate. Even if they thought it is
hot here , we have the means to help cool them down (via AC or electric fan).
Me (Modern day
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Horseshoe Crabs Evolution
The argument the author puts forth is that horseshoe crabs have evolved over the eras. That they're
not "living fossils". Horseshoe crabs have "rounded cephalic shields, that were like the extinct
trilobites, and an arrangement of legs and gills", no wonder people think they are living fossils. This
is the beginning to how these historic animals have evolved. Three years ago, the author took a trip
to Delaware. As his family was walking on the beach they came across some horseshoe crabs
mating. He wondered how they have changed. The type of horseshoe crab he saw along the beach
was called "limulus polyphemus". Limulus Polyphemus is not found in the fossil records. The fossil
record for horseshoe crabs is deeper than 20 million years, and the ... Show more content on ...
These are boomerang like and have a "double button". Liomesaspis is another type of fossil, it has a
different body plan, and are "historically greater within the group than what we observe today". A
different fossil is called Mesolimulus, preserved about 150 million years ago, it looks similar to the
nowadays Limulus. The environment in the ancient sea, which contained crustaceans, molluscs, and
echinoderms, helped the hypothesis that 112 million years ago the area was covered in shallow
lagoons. Numerous Cretaceous dinosaur tracks have been found near Glen Rose, Texas. This is
where horseshoe crabs were found in Paluxy River. There was also a surprising discovery. The fossil
of the horseshoe crab is preserved as an exterior and interior mold. The fossil preserved traces of
activity by other organisms. The interior mold shows traces left by small invertebrates, that fed on
the horseshoe crab after it died. These worms created the mold of the fossil, and the detail was so
detailed that the artificial caset was almost an exact replica. This was very surprising and awesome
because this shows how invertebrates can preserve other animals anatomies. The reason for this
being: soon after the horseshoe crab died, the worms began to settle upon the horseshoe crab. The
worms began building homes, and the tubes took form of the dead horseshoe crab. Because of the
rate the worms created their homes, the author predicts the horseshoe
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Achieving project outcomes within agreed time–scales, budget and resources it very important
because it will allow the project to be well organised and successful. They are both negative and
positive impacts if these project are not achieved within the agreed time–scale, budget and
Time–frame for the fashion show if we are able to achieve our objective within the time scale this
would be a huge impact for the fashion show because the quality of the fashion show would be well
organised and we would be on track with everything we need to do. Because everything would be in
place and well organised , there would be less delays with the project and we would also be ready to
get everything on time that we need for the fashion ... Show more content on ...
However if we do not use the correct resources , this could be a negative impact for the fashion
show because we would have to get more additional materials and we would spend more and it will
increase the cost of the project. If we do not use the correct resource we would have to go over our
budget by getting new guest performers to come and perform at the fashion show. This could cause
the quality of the fashion to be poor.
Budgeting: budgeting is the most important when according to the fashion show because we need to
achieve our main objective first. If we achieve the project within the agreed budget we would not
need to get extra money this will allow us to focus on what needs to get done first. Secondly we do
not need to borrow money or raise fund , we can concentrate on what we are going to do next. if we
do not achieve the project within the agreed budget this could have a negative impact for the fashion
show because we would have to spend more and the project will cost more this means that we
would have to go over our budget. Secondly poor quality of the project this could affect the fashion
show not to be successful at all. If we do not achieve the project within the agreed budget we would
have to borrow more money from the client which means that the client might not agree on giving
us more money for the fashion show. Lastly we would also have to raise funds in order for us to get
more money for the fashion
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Modapts Essay
Exactness is equivalent to different frameworks, for example, MTM, MSD, and Work Factor, Up to
twenty gages in one day are discovered, the ordinary boss can learn MODAPTS and how to figure
benchmarks, and the typical laborer can fathom MODAPTS. The examination was driven by the
Israel Institute of Technology on the fastness of different work estimation structures. Results show
that MODAPTS is twice faster than MTM–1 and Work Factor on errands with process terms of one
minute or lower. It is around twenty–five snappier than MTM–2 and time mull over. MODAPTS is
seen by the U.S. Division of Labor as a favored structure for developing sensible work measures for
rebuilding workplaces. MODAPTS fits in with MIL–STD 1567A, judgments made by the ... Show
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The first is alphabetic which shows the body part included and the other segment is numeric which
demonstrates the MOD's charged to the action when increased by 129 milliseconds. Proposed
Method As indicated by the foreordained structure of the MODAPTS technique, it can be utilized to
assess the length of manual assignments in ventures which is the trouble of the task administration
and control. The term of ventures machine works can be effortlessly and effectively evaluated by the
limit of the machines utilized as a part of that works (Pan 80). Eight genuine general assignments
are selected as an example of the undertakings general manual errands and gauge their span utilizing
MODAPTS in addition to. I. To disentangle the correlation, just the techniques which are utilizing
three focuses are given, and a few specialists are requested to have these three focuses estimation.
The assignments which are asked are the undertakings which are considered in the proposed
strategy with a similar work volume. Presently the outcomes are contrasted and the aftereffects of
other predefined techniques, utilizing the examination of difference (ANOVA) technique. Since the
quantity of the exercises is littler than 30. One can see that the aftereffects of the proposed technique
are adequate in the examination of the other predefined strategies. It is self–evident that the
connection coefficients between the
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Guidelines for candidates
These take the form of handouts which cover: 1 2 3 4 The investigation as a whole Planning Stage
Developing Stage Evaluation Stage
Handouts 1 and 2 could be distributed at the start of the investigation while the other two could be
given to students once they completed the previous stage of their investigation and are ready to
embark on the next part of the process. If desired, all could be handed out at the start of the
In order to successfully complete the HND in Business with Accounting you must undertake an
investigation of a business issue. This is a graded assessment and you will be given a grade for your
work. Your grade will be determined by your mark: Grade A – 70% – ... Show more content on ...
Overall, this is a crucial stage of your investigation. If you make good decisions at this stage, the
rest of your investigation should proceed smoothly. It is well worth spending time and effort to
complete this stage properly and to get it right.
Scottish Qualifications Authority HN Assessment Exemplar/H0J2 35/AEX001 V Business with
Accounting: Graded Unit 2
July 2012
Personal skills assessment It is important that you identify your personal skills at the start of the
investigation. Your assessment should be realistic and reflective, and is likely to focus not just on
your strengths, but also areas in which you could make improvements. You will be asked in the
Evaluating stage of the project to make an assessment of the new skills and knowledge gained
during the process of the investigation. Your initial assessment will provide a benchmark against
which you can realistically judge your progress at the end of the investigation. Picking a topic for
your investigation It is up to you to decide on the topic that you will investigate. Before making a
final choice, you must discuss it with your project tutor. Your tutor can give you help and advice and
may also give you suggestions for possible topics, if you find it difficult to make a choice. You can
choose a topic which relates to one organisation or one that can be linked to a number of
organisations. However, your topic must meet the following criteria:   It
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Landy Razafindrabe. Review Of Brand & James, Beginnings.
Landy Razafindrabe
Review of Brand & James, Beginnings In this book, Brand and James fully explored the two realms
of science and faith. Through their exploration of science and faith, they revealed feasible
connections with what is stated in the Bible followed by scientific evidence that illustrates issues
concerning the origin of the Earth's history, creation and evolution, as well as fossils. As both Brand
and James explore these three specific areas, they provide an honest judgment of what scientific
knowledge we currently have. The Bible was also used to get a chronicle idea of how they should
base their theological basis. I appreciate how Brand and James freely express their strategy and
devotion. It is not easy to stray away from ... Show more content on ...
The book then goes to apply their approach to observe further details of the beginning of life, life's
history, and geology. Brand and James then conclude their exploration of faith, reason, and earth
history by challenging us to think about why this topic of faith and science as pairs is of importance.
Three concepts are evaluated individually to understand modern science. The first concept is that
nature isn't controlled by the capricious whims of supernatural spirits or the operation of magic, but
through natural laws. The second concept talks about how we can study and understand living
things and physical phenomena through experimentation. The last concept mentions that neither
living organisms nor the physical universe is static (p. 22–23). The genesis of life has two
approaches, abiogenesis (naturalistic) and interventionist. The abiogenesis approach takes on the
stance that each life process needs a particular molecule which is created from several machines in
order to create a living cell. Brand gave an example of the ATP synthase structure and the
biomolecular machine that makes ATP. With this type of theory, it is impossible to think that these
models were created spontaneously in nature without an intelligent creator (p.37–38). On the other
hand, the interventionist approach believes that there was an intelligent creator/intervention that was
involved in earth's history. From Brand's standpoint, Brand is for interventionism. His belief is
based on
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Mount Baker in Bellingham, Washington Essay
I decided for my project that I would spend the time researching Mount Baker. Mount Baker is
located about 30 miles east of Bellingham, Washington. The Cascade Mountain range extends over
140 miles between Seattle, Washington and Vancouver, Canada. Mount Baker is a Stratovolcano,
which is also known as a composite volcano, it is also the highest peak in the North Cascades and
the fifth highest in the Cascade mountain range (Volcano Hazards Programs). Cities located near
Mount Baker include Abbotsford, British Columbia and Bellingham, Washington. The closest
stream to the mountain is the Nooksack River which runs near the west side of the mountain. On the
southwest side of the mountain is Baker Lake. I chose this area because it is a very ... Show more
content on ...
As I looked out the window, I saw walls of rocks all over the place. I also saw a lot of good rock
exposure on the top of the mountain where the rock was to steep for the snow to stick to. You will
notice that Mount Baker has an abundance of all sorts of rocks. From the rocks I examined I
observed a lot of extrusive igneous rock, metamorphic rock and sedimentary rocks and you will find
few places where you can walk continuously from shale or basalt into well–metamorphosed gneiss
(Tabor & Haugerud). I observed rocks such as gabbro, shale, and types of extrusive and intrusive
igneous rock such as basalt. The ages of the rocks range from about as old as the mountain, which is
about 140,000 years old.
When you look at a topographic map of Mount Baker, you will notice many different structures and
interesting landforms. The first thing I noticed when I was observing the map were all the different
peaks within the mountain. From what I have been reading I have found two major faults that are
within Mount Baker. These two faults are the Straight Creek Fault and the Ross Lake Fault Zone;
these faults are thought to be primarily strike–slip. In addition, on the geologic map you will notice
the Sherman Crater, which originated from a large hydrovolcanic explosion (Tabor, Haugerud,
Hildreth, & Brown). This crater is responsible for many of Mount Bakers past lahars that have
flowed down the mountain and into Baker Lake. The pattern of hills, valleys, ridges, and
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Deciphering Earth's History: Chapter Analysis
Christina Anai Trejo
Betsy Torrez
GEOL 1301 – MWF 11 AM
Dec. 2, 2015
Chapter 11–Deciphering Earth's History
In Chapter 11 "Deciphering Earth's History" of the book "Earth Science" by Tarbuck and Lutgens, it
explains to the audience how scientists have come up with new ways to figure out the age of Earth
and even mountains, rivers and fossils. Some ideas such as rock layers, fossils, and radioactivity are
some of the ways scientists use to figure out the exact date the earth was created and even find out
how old some parts of the world are. Finding out the exact times many mountains, rivers, fossils and
humans actually existed can help us put them down on the Geologic Time Scale and also answer
questions such as, "Did humans and Dinosaurs Ever ... Show more content on ...
Nicolas Steno, a Danish anatomist, geologist, and priest came up with the idea to recognize
sequences of historical events in an outcrop of sedimentary rock layers. Steno used the basic
principle of superposition which means that each bed sedimentary rock or any kind of rock is older
than the bed above. This principle can also be applied to other surface–deposited materials, such as
lava flows and beds of volcanic eruptions. By using this principle we can tell if a bed of rock is in its
rightful place or if that bed of rock was manmade. Another principle that Steno is credited for is the
principle of original horizontality. The principle can be summed up as if rock layers are flat, it
means that they have not been shaped up and are original horizontality. However, they are folded or
inclined at a steep angle, then they have been moved into that position by crustal disturbances. The
principle of lateral continuity, principle of cross–cutting relationships, principle of inclusions and
unconformity are other examples of how to tell historical
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The Theory Of Plate Tectonics
The theory of plate tectonics says the lithosphere is split into different plates that move around on
top of the surface of the Earth. Though it is just a theory geologic time, ocean trenches, seafloor
spreading, mountains, volcanoes, and earthquakes are all examples of evidence that support the
theory of plate tectonics. Geologic time shows sediment patterns in different layers of the Earth.
Geologic time is separated in three main periods called the Cenozoic Era, the Paleozoic Era, and the
Mesozoic Era. These periods are determined based on the fossils found in each layer of sediment.
Antarctica and India share many of the same fossils in sediment. This supports the theory of plate
tectonics because it shows that at one point India and Antarctica were close enough to share similar
living things like plants that later became fossilized. An ocean trench is a steep depression in the
bottom of the ocean. Ocean trenches form when two oceanic plates meet and one sinks beneath the
other one. Henry Hammond Hess' hypothesis on seafloor spreading says the seafloor is made at
ridges and destroyed at continents. To go further in depth, the sea floor is made when oceanic plates
pull away from each other and magma rises up to create a new sea floor.
Mountains when two plate boundaries collide with each other. This process can also be called
orogeny. Mountains form at subduction zones and can form with two oceanic plates, two continental
plates, and with one oceanic and continental.
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The Chile Of Peru And Chile
For the fault zone that I chose to research for this project, I chose the Peru–Chile Trench, also
known as the Chile Subduction Megathrust and as the Atacama Trench. It is called that because the
area between Peru and Chile is called "The Atacama", and such was the plate named. The Peru–
Chile trench is located along the western coast of Peru and Chile. It marks the zone where the Nazca
plate is being subducted beneath the South American plate and is approximately 3,666 miles long.
(Britannica, p.1)
Located on the fault are sediments, amongst them are turbidites. Turbidites are areas of sediment are
deposited in the deep ocean. There are also oceanic deposits, volcanic ash, siliceous oozes, and
primary dolomites, which are a formation of ... Show more content on ...
Therefore, there are many seismic events that have taken place on our geologic timeline and at the
same time shaped our historic timeline.
The most recent large–scale earthquake along the Peru–Chile Plate was the 16 September
earthquake, which happened in 2015. It measured an M 8.3, one of the largest on record. 5 were
killed, and over 1 million were evacuated from greatly affected areas. However, compared to other
earthquakes that have taken place in Chile, this one was moderate.
In 2010, an 8.8 Mw earthquake shook Chile. It was approximately 200 miles southwest of Chile and
was approximately 375 miles long. A 2014 study attributed the quake to immense water pressure
located between the two plates. The region was stricken by strong aftershocks for months after the
quake, many of a magnitude of 5.0 Mw or greater.
The Tsunami that took place after the initial quake was caused by a portion of seabed rupturing
upwards, and displacing a large portion of the water being displaced. This water traveled at 450
miles, at 8 feet tall, to the Chilean and Peruvian coast. Early viewers of the tsunami later reported
waves being up to 10 feet tall. This rupture was believed to be caused by 2 unusually dense pieces
of seabed that had been previously undetected by scientists, and consequently caused a large
displacement of water. There were also small ruptures of seismic
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The Earth 's 4.6 Billion Years Of Existence
Throughout the Earth's 4.6 billion years of existence, there have been multiple events that mark
geographical changes as well as biological changes. Each massive event, (such as a mass extinction)
marks the beginning of an eon. An example of an eon is the Hadean eon and the Archean eon. Next
are eras, which represents smaller events such as the Paleozoic era. Next are periods which are even
smaller such as the Cambrian period. Finally the epochs are the smallest time classifications which
subdivide a period such as the Oligocene epoch.
The Archean eon (the second eon chronologically) spanned from 4 to 2.5 billion years ago, and is
known as ancient life (The Hadean Eon) Also, the eon is subdivided up into four separate eras:
Eoarchean, ... Show more content on ...
This is what caused a completely iron core and a mantle full of silicate material. (Stanley 255). The
atmosphere was mostly built on hydrogen and helium (Lutgens and Tarbuck). It was at this time that
the earth began to separate into its' know known layers: the crust, the mantle, and the core (Lutgens
and Tarbuck).
After several millions of years, the atmosphere started to cool down and provided the production of
the first continental crust (Lutgens and Tarbuck). This event took place about 3.96 billion years ago,
and the cooling down of the atmosphere marks the beginning of the Eoarchean era (Lutgens and
Tarbuck). During this timeline, island arcs started to form, and after a long period of time these
islands collided with each other because of subduction (Lutgens and Tarbuck). Due to these
collisions, the smaller islands became larger land masses and later became the foundations for a
continent (Lutgens and Tarbuck).
Another aspect of the Archean Eon that is important was the formation of Earth's atmosphere and
oceans (Lutgens and Tarbuck). Earth's oceans formed from volcanic discharges of water vapor
(Lutgens and Tarbuck). Due to the cooling of the Earth, the water vapor condensed at the surface
and then formed into liquid water (Lutgens and Tarbuck). The salts that are found in the seawater
today are from eroded sediments and
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Plate Geology
Structural Geology and Plate Tectonics
Geology is an overall study of planet Earth–"its composition, structure, process, and history"
(Shipman, Todd, & Wilson 602). Geology also plays a role in the study of the Moon and other solar
system objects is primarily the province of astronomy. "None of the remarkable scientific advances
of the twentieth century revealed with certainty the composition and structure of the Earth's interior"
(603). Present ideas presently rest on indirect evidence provided by earthquake body waves, their
speed and direction identifying the types of materials through which they move, meteorites whose
composition is believed to be similar to the Earth's, spacecraft measurements of gravity and
magnetic variations, and laboratory ... Show more content on ...
However, it was not until this century that nuclear age technology was developed that uses
measurements of radioactivity in certain types of rocks to give us ages in numbers of years. These
ages, usually called radiometric ages, are used in conjunction with relative dating principles to
determine at least an approximate age for most of the world 's major rock formations (USGS).
"Radiometric dating is the determination of age by using radioactivity, has become geology's best
tool for establishing absolute geologic time" (Shipman, Todd, & Wilson 704). The atomic nuclei that
decay of their own accord are said to be radioactive. The decay product–or daughter nucleus, as it is
commonly called–may be stable. If so, the transformation reaches completion in a single step.
However, the daughter nuclei of many naturally occurring isotopes are themselves radioactive and
hence undergo further decay"
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Word Bank Quiz
Word Bank: A. Fossil, B. Paleontologist, C. Mold, D. Cast, E. Law of Superposition, F. Petrified
Fossil, G. Trace Fossil, H. Scientific Theory, I. Scientific Fact, J. Radioactive Dating, K. Absolute
age, L. Extinct, M. Relative Age, N. Unconformity, O. Index Fossil, P. Era, Q. Half Life, R.
Geologic Time Scale, S. Period, T. Epoch, U. Mass Extinction, V. Reptile, W. Pangaea, X.
Amphibians, Y. Eon _______1. A type of fossil that forms when sediments fill in the cavity left by a
decomposed organism. _______2. Statement or data that can be proven. _______3. Number of years
when the rocked formed _______4. The death of every member of a species. _______5. Animal
where skin maintains fluid, and embryos live inside a shell. _______6. Trace of animals that lived
long ago, mostly commonly preserved in sedimentary rock. ... Show more content on ...
Surface where new rock layers meet a much older surface. _______8. In horizontal layers, the oldest
rock is at the bottom, and youngest rock at the top layers. _______9. Well tested concept that
explains observations. _______10. Supercontinent formed 260 million years ago. _______11.
Scientist who study fossils. _______12. A fossil that is found in the rock layers of only one geologic
age that is used to establish the age of the rock layers. _______13. Provides evidence of activities of
ancient organisms. _______14. A unit of geologic time that includes two or more periods.
_______15. Minerals replace all or part of an organism. _______16. The time it takes for half of the
radioactive atom to
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North America Research Paper
Hundreds of millions of years ago, all of earth's major landmasses were joined in a single world
continent, which geologists call Pangaea. About 200 million years ago, the world continent split into
a northern and a southern land mass. The northern continent, Neogea, consisted of what is now
North America, Europe, and Asia; the southern continent, Gondwanaland, was made up of South
America, Africa, Australia, India, and Antarctica. About 130 million years ago, South American
separated from the rest of Gondwanaland and became, in effect, a gigantic island; its creatures,
which included marsupials and edentates–precursors of today's sloths, anteaters and armadillos–
developed in isolation. North America separated from Eurasia much later; by then it was already
well populated with the ancestors of our cats, dogs, rodents, weasels, and other present–day
mammals. It was also inhabited by monkeys, which had migrated from their original home in Africa
up through Europe and into North America before the continental separation was complete. For ...
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The thicker sections fo the plates are the continents; the thinner parts make up the ocean beds. When
two plates meet, the result is geologic upheaval on a vast scale. Such an encounter occurred about
20 million years ago in the region between North and South America. The Cocos Plate, a piece of
the Pacific crust some 300 miles wide, moved eastward until it met the crustal plate underlying the
Caribbean. The eastern edge of the Cocos Plate was driven beneath the western edge of the
Caribbean Plate. As the Cocos Plate was forced downward, the friction, as well as the hear deep
within the earth, liquefied its rock into magma, which found release by thrusting up in a chain of
volcanoes. The volcanic islands that resulted formed a line of stepping–stones between the northern
and southern
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Geologic Age Model
Topics for Discussion and Review
2. Explain why the geologic age model expects that fossils must have formed slowly over eons.
The main reason is that fossils have not formed in the present day minus the eruption of a volcano
or some other catastrophe (minus cave fossils). The problem is that is a glaring whole in their theory
because they admit that fossils can form quickly due to catastrophes. The more they try to push
away from the biblical model it leads back to the model of the great flood.
9. Why does the geologic age model attempt to date fossils by the rocks containing them, not with
historical data?
The historical data points to a young earth and that is a massive problem for the evolutionist. If
science went off that data they would have to come to a much different conclusion. The
evolutionary scientist have to have a much older earth for their theory to work. Without the
expanded time frame their theory is invalid.
7. Analyze: "Even if earth were old, today's ... Show more content on ...
They want to squeeze it into a box and they cannot accomplish this because it defies easy
characterization. 1 This awesomely designed creature shares " genetic parts with mammals, reptiles
and birds, and the ordering of these parts is not what one would necessarily expect". 1 This presents
a problem for evolutionist and it has been a consistent problem for over 200 years. According to
evolutionist this is one of the oldest mammals on earth. The problem is that how do you classify this
creature? It shares so many features outside the mammal family. The fact is when you look at this
creature it is so complicated it really shows the design of such a marvelous Creator. For example, it
shares Reptile–like microsatellite DNA with the reptiles; with birds it shares Reptile–like
microsatellite DNA; but wait there is more, this "primitive" creature also shares in common with the
l a 10 sex chromosomes (5 X and 5 Y). This is just some
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The Impact Of The Birds By Aristophanes : The Life Of Humans
Planet Earth is approximately 4.5 billion years old. It is the largest terrestrial planet and is the third
planet from the sun. After millions of years of evolution, the once fiery and gassy sphere of
particles, volcanos and dust evolved into planet with an atmosphere capable of sustaining life.
Humans inhabited the Earth for over 5 million years and modern civilization is approximately
200,000 years old. During our existence humans have evolved along with Earth, and learned to
adapt to survive. Humans have become the most dominant living creature and are responsible for
many significant changes and developments in the world such as: technological advances, medical
research, farming and agriculture that have allowed us to become the civilization we are today.
However, according to Clive Hamilton's, Defiant Earth, humans are also accountable for damaging
the ecosystem and changing the entire Earth System so much, "that the Earth has now entered a new
geological epoch" known as the Anthropocene (Hamilton,10). Our reckless activity and disregard
for other living organisms has brought many negative consequences which include the extinction of
wild life, deforestation, ocean acidification, water and air pollution amongst other disasters we can
account for. The ancient Greek playwright "The Birds" by Aristophanes, provides a not so comic
look at a world where birds mimic the human dominance by taking over their own city and turning
on humans and their gods. This essay will refute
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Investigating Secondary Dispersion Patterns of Indicator...
Picturing the Subsurface With GIS:
Data Visualization Techniques for Geophysical Images Using ArcGIS
By Lucas Donny Setijadji
Geoscientists try to understand the earth's crust using geophysical methods such as gravity and
magnetic surveys. Mining geologists also use geophysics to search new mineral deposits. In areas
such as the Nevada Great Basin, geoscientists rely more on geophysical images than on geologic
The Great Basin area holds one of the biggest mineral concentrations in the world.
Economically, gold is the most prominent commodity. The most important gold deposits are hosted
by carbonate rocks, called the Carlin–type and Carlin–like gold deposits. Carlin–type and
Carlin–like gold deposits are unique geologically, ... Show more content on ...
The goal is to separate the regional trends and residual anomalies. The digital separation processes
sometimes involve the transformation of data from the space domain into the wave–number
(Fourier) domain. This filtering process requires specific geophysical software such as the
MAGMAP product from Oasis Montaj©.
The filtering algorithm applied to the gravity map was a band–pass filter to find
intermediatewavelength gravity anomalies. These anomalies represent deep–seated geologic units
and structural configurations (Figure 2). Meanwhile, the upward continuation filter for 1 km was
applied on the aeromagnetic map to eliminate the noise from shallow magnetic sources. The result
represents magnetic bodies at a significant depth below the surface (Figure 3).
Figure 2–The IntermediateWavelength Gravity Anomaly Map After
Application of Band–Pass Filtering
Figure 3–The Magnetic Anomaly
Map After the Application of 1 km
Upward Continuation Filtering
Data Integration With GIS and Some Concerns
Geophysical processing software usually lacks GIS functionality. Spatial analysis is much easier
when done in a GIS environment. Transformation of geophysical images to a GIS format can be as
simple as exporting the images that contain spatial information into geoTIFF format. In a GIS
analysis, geophysical images are often treated as a type of evidence map, the same as other thematic
maps such as mineral
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The Fossil Record
The solar system, the Sun, and the Moon are formed from particles coming together and forming the
Planets and Stars. It is theorized that the Universe was formed from something called the Big Bang.
Scientists think that the Universe and everything in it was formed from a Big Bang that was caused
from a small, very dense, and very high–temperature area in space. Because of how Dense and Hot
the area was, it exploded and expanded into the Universe. We know that the Sun, Moon, and Solar
System were formed when particles came together to make the planets and stars, but we don't know
for sure if the Big Bang was how the Universe was formed.
Scientists, or Paleontologists use fossils and rock dating to study the earth's history. Using rocks and
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Plate tectonics can also cause some natural disasters. Some examples of natural disasters are, floods,
volcanic eruptions, earthquakes and tsunamis. Plate Tectonics have destroyed some major buildings
and cities with the natural disasters that they've caused, and most of them are very devastating.
Another Disaster that Plate Tectonics could cause is Continental Drift.
Weathering and Erosion change earth's crust by eroding or weathering it. When Erosion or
Weathering erode and weather objects or landforms, it changed the amount of particles in the object
by getting rid of some of them. When there are less particles in the object, the shape has to change
in order to keep the rest of the particles. When the earth's crust is eroded or weathered, there are less
particles in it, and it changes the shape of the crust, thus changing the earth's crust.
The oceans and freshwater on Earth comes from rain falling into the ocean or freshwater and adding
more water to it. When it rains, the water levels in the ocean rise slightly, and after it's in the water,
it will eventually follow the water cycle, along with any water that doesn't go in the ocean. When
water hits the ground, and it sits there for a while, it will eventually evaporate. Once it evaporates, it
will eventually become a cloud again, thus restarting because the cloud will eventually burst, and it
will rain
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Evolution Of The Grand Canyon National Park
The evolution of the Grand Canyon National Park has been one of the marvels of the world to which
many researchers had dedicated substantial amount of controversial studies in attempt to accurately
estimate the origin of the canyons and caves/gorges ages and Colorado Plateau current attained
mean elevation of nearly horizontal sedimentary rocks based on numerous scientific interpretation
of new research data without consideration of a slew of prior geologic data sets that confused
geologists many generations ago. It is widely believed in the industry that weather element and
volcanism during the ice ages (Cenozoic period) raised the amount of water in the Colorado River
drainage system which increased the speed of the Colorado river and its active tributaries and its
ability to cut through rocks many years ago, steepened the river (tributaries) gradient attributed to
the uplift of the Colorado Plateau sitting near at sea level and the great depth of the Grand Canyon
(Flowers, 2010). Additionally, increased differential erosion rate billions of years ago, exposed
major geologic rock structures by cutting almost all the terraced walls of the current Grand Canyons
created in part by volcanic activity that deposited lava and ashes across the area which completely
obstructed the Colorado river system. Introduction: The city of Grand Canyon, Arizona, is the birth
place of one of the seven wonders of the world: The Grand Canyon National Park, vibrant with its
magnificent brownish
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Major Rock Units And Deformation Events
Figure 1: (A) North America with the location of Figure B outlined by the black box. (B) Simplified
map of the tectonostratigraphic terranes comprising the Superior Province with locations of mineral
deposits. (C) Tectonostratigraphic terranes of Minnesota. The location of Figure 3a is denoted by the
black box. Terrane boundaries are denoted by thick black lines and iron formation is shown by thin
red lines. Table 1: Major lithologic units of the Wabigoon subprovince in Canada that are on strike
with the rocks in the study area. Modified from Davis et al. (1989), Fralick and Davis (1999), and
Czek and Poulsen (2010). Figure 2: Lithostratigraphc correlation of major rock units and
deformation events in the Neoarchean terranes of Minnesota. ... Show more content on ...
Most drilled massive sulfide deposits and iron formation layers occur near the top of the volcanic
pile and overly the flanks of the LLIC. Felsic rocks underlying massive sulfide deposits in the top of
the volcanic pile are FI and FII types. Rocks with a magnetic signature similar to known massive
sulfide deposits occur down section and over the center of the LLIC. These rocks are interpreted as
having the highest potential for hosting Au–rich VMS deposits. Mafic rocks of the Oaks Intrusion
(OI) occur in the eastern part of the belt and have been dated at 2671±8 Ma (Keatts et al, 2003).
Likely time correlative to the OI, a magnetic mafic sill (Oaks Intrusion sill; OIS) intruded and
inflated the volcanic pile after or contemporaneously with the main deformation event (D2). Table
2: Magnetic susceptibility of common igneous rocks used for interpretation and modeling. From
Ford (2008) and Anderson et al. (2013). Figure 4: Profiles of magnetic data on cross sections A–A',
B–B', and C–C'. The location of these cross section lines is shown on Figure 3b and Figure 6.
Location of massive sulfides (MS), the Lost Lake Intrusive Complex (LLIC), magnetic halos (MH)
surrounding the LLIC, the Oaks Intrusion sill (OIS), and faults (FLT) are labeled on residual field
magnetic data plots. Vertical and horizontal derivative techniques outline shallow, highly magnetic
causative anomalies
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The World 's Terrifying Impact On Earth Justifies New...
"Humanity's terrifying impact on Earth justifies new Anthropocene epoch" is the title of an article
published in the Guardian newspaper in October 2014, the purpose of this essay is to assess if this
statement was and is true. The geologic timescale comprises of Eons, Eras, Periods, Epochs and
Ages, all of which fit into each other with Eon being the largest. Key geological events in the life of
the planet are used to mark the transition from one of these chapters to another. Fig 1 has been
created to illustrate where we currently are in the geological timescale and the dates and events that
led us here. Fig 1: Where we are today – based on the Geologic Timescale (ICS 2016) Eon – long
period of time Era – major division of geological time Period – unit of geological time during which
a system of rocks formed Epoch – unit of geological time that is a subdivision of a period Age –
subdivision of geologic time that divides an epoch into smaller parts Subdivisions of the Holocene
have not been agreed; Early, Middle and Late Sub–series/Sub–epochs have been proposed, Journal
of Quaternary Science (2012). Fig 2: Units in stratigraphy and geochronology As well as the units
for the geologic timescale there are also units for stratified rock (time–rock units) as shown in Fig 2
and defined in Fig 3. There have been proposals since 1990 (Zalasiewicz et al 2004) that the
distinctions between these timescales is now redundant with the introduction of Global Stratotype
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The Southwest As A Bioregion
The Northeast as a Bioregion
Deep History Report–Week 4
Keith McNeal
SFS 5020 01 Bioregional Theory and the Foodshed
Lisa Trocchia–Balkits
Due Date December, 2016
The Northeast as a Bioregion Currently residing in the state of Vermont the bioregion to which I've
been informally assigned to is commonly known as the Laurentia bioregion. This assignment of
bioregion is widely accepted, but when looked at more deeply assigning Vermont to the Laurentia
bioregion becomes problematic. There are seemingly an endless number of variables that contribute
to the characteristics and attributes that one can choose from to define their bioregion, yet those
characteristics can widely vary even within a singular bioregion. Geologic makeup, weather
patterns, soil type, biologic diversity, political influence, human activity, and the natural processes
that occur within any given bioregion must be considered when analyzing and attempting to assign
themselves to a bioregion. Laurentia as a bioregion is one of the largest bioregions that exist and has
a very large degree of characteristics and variance within its biologic, geologic, and cultural
attributes (Figure 1. Bioregions and Biotones). "Laurentia is a bioregion sits atop the Laurentian
craton in the northeastern United States and eastern Canada, and centering on the Great Lakes. The
bioregion spans the Eastern Woodlands of North America from the easternmost part of the Great
Plains to the Atlantic Coast of the Northeastern
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Hc Analysis
For my graded unit HNC beauty therapy, I was required to carry out a project for a practical
assessment for two different clients for facial and body treatments. I had to complete two
consecutive face and body multiple treatment packages in one morning, one hour 30 minutes each
client. I had to carry out and plan each treatment appropriately for each client's aims and needs. I
had to use six different electrical equipment on the client's as well as add on treatments. On the face,
I had to use cleansers, toners, moisturisers, brush cleanser, masks, massage, steam, high frequency
direct, galvanic, vacuum suction, faradic and any extras, on the body I can use manual massage,
audio sonic, faradic, vacuum suction, galvanic, infra–red, body ... Show more content on ...
I had to ensure all health and safety procedures were followed and that the treatment area was clean
and all equipment was functional and clean, to ensure any laundry required by the client was
available and clean and that client's got the appropriate aftercare and homecare advice and the right
advice was offered regarding products and I had to explain any adaptions that had to be made, I also
had to obtain any client feedback and how the client felt during treatment and if the treatment met
the client's expectations and if there was anything during the treatment that I need to work on. This
part of the graded unit provides a mark of up to 35% of my mark.
The evaluating stage is where I will be reflecting on my performance, I will be looking back and
evaluating the practical assessment, review and update my action plan, detail any unforeseen events
and how I handled them, evaluate my strengths and weaknesses that I had on the day and identify
any added
... Get more on ...
Young World After All
The sedimentary layers of rock and soil are used by the evolutionists to argue that the layers of rock
would have gradually built up over millions of years. Paul D. Ackerman in his book, It's a Young
World After All: Exciting Evidences for Recent Creation, argues that if it took millions of years to
build the rock layers found in the Grand Canyon, then scientists should be able to encounter
countless numbers of meteors. "With the passage of vast amounts of evolutionary time, these
accumulating meteorites would be incorporated into the geologic column, and there should be many
of them contained in the rock layers today." Geologists should be coming across chunks or at least
pieces of meteors when digging or observing the layers. However, they do not; which means that
there must have been a catastrophic event that laid down the geologic column quickly. This would
explain why there are not any indications of meteors in the geological column. Ackerman ends the
chapter with a clear cut conclusion: "What do the data show? A clear result in favor of a recent
creation. One survey of the literature a few years ago failed to turn up a single case of a meteorite
being found in the geologic column. The meteorite clock reads clearly to the effect that the earth is
not very old." Arguing against everything that Steve ... Show more content on ...
The volume of the rock displaced by the Burlingame Canyon is nearly five million cubic feet, but
the Grand Canyon is roughly 448 trillion cubic feet or 89,702,431 times the volume of the
Burlingame Canyon. If the Grand Canyon eroded at the same rate as the Burlingame Canyon, it
would still take 1.5 million years to form. In other words, just because a tiny canyon can be created
in six days does not mean that it can happen the same way for the large scale of the Grand
... Get more on ...

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Minimal Ethics For The Anthropocene, By Laura Moriarty

  • 1. Minimal Ethics For The Anthropocene, By Laura Moriarty The evolution of the universe and our behaviour throughout history. I will set out to consider Laura Moriarty: Plateau (2011) and Mary Mattingly: Pull detail, (2013) in relation to "Minimal Ethics for the Anthropocene," Joanna Zylinska, (2014). I will consider our human responsibility for the world and show the changes and composition of life through human relations and ethic towards the universe. And can we re–evaluate our minimal ethics, while there's still time for changes. This book is about how life and death is waiting for us all at the end and why we should be concern with geology, so we can understand how our ethic is deciding the many processes that is being carried out. Also, it's about an attempt to respond to this Anthropocene. ... Show more content on ... Mattingly transformed personal belongings into sculptural forms that she later incorporates into photographs and performative actions. The sculpture is being pulled on the side walk by a woman who is facing down towards the sphere, while the people in the background is facing away from her, could suggest a lack of interest in her possessions being tugged across the floor, her face expression is relaxed yet her body expression shows she is struggling to move the sculpture. Mattingly is trying to show another path to having an ecologically sustainable future. She believes that humanity will survive only if we reduce our footprint on Earth. determined to live with just the essentials, she recording every object she owns and looking back as to why she had the objects from the beginning. Mattingly work is trying to show one's obsession of a good life. How we exclude the human's dependency. Showing that we had a responsibility that we don't think highly of. we do not know that something is wrong until it had been ... Get more on ...
  • 2. The Study of Uniformitarianism The Study of Uniformitarianism The origin of life on Earth is a fundamental scientific question, but we do not know as much as many biology textbooks would like you to believe. (Pigliucci) Uniformitarianism is vital to the world of science. It is a geological doctrine. It states that the same natural laws and processes that operate in the universe now, have always operated in the universe in the past and apply everywhere in the universe. It assumes that geological processes have essentially not changed today from those from the past which are unobservable. As present processes are thought to explain all past events, the Uniformitarian slogan is "the present is the key to the past". Uniformitarianism is a key principle of geology. My ... Show more content on ... In Lyell's time, most scientists still believed Earth had been shaped by rare and sudden events that were unique to the past, so convincing people of his time was extremely difficult. Other scientists had opinions on the theory of Uniformitarianism as well. In 1963, a geologist named Reijer Hookyas decided to even further analyze Lyell's work. According to Hookyas, Lyell's uniformitarianism is a family of four related propositions, not a single idea. None of these connotations requires another, and they are not all equally inferred by uniformitarianism. The four related propositions are: Uniformity of Law – The laws of nature are constant across time and space. Uniformity of Methodology – The appropriate hypothesis for explaining the geological past are those with analogy today. Uniformity of Kind – Past and present causes are all of the same kind, have the same energy, and produce the same effects. Uniformity of Degree – Geological circumstances have remained the same over time. Stephen Jay Gould's first scientific paper, Is uniformitarianism necessary? which was published in 1965, reduced these four interpretations to two, methodological and substantive uniformitarianism. (Hooykaas) Uniformitarianism was originally proposed in contrast to catastrophism, which states that the distant past "consisted of epochs of paroxysmal and ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Earthquake Drills In America Why should we prepare? The entire West coast of the Americas lies on the edge of geologic plates, a large portion of these plate boundaries are subduction zones. These geologic features present some very serious risks such as earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic activity. Although we have known about these risks for many years and have experienced many disasters of varying scales, people living in these known disaster zones still do not prepare. Earthquake drills are usually drills people participate in to streamline evacuation practices implemented by emergency service personnel, but offer little value to participants. The purpose of this research is to investigate the influence of regular earthquake drills or emergency exercises on individual ... Show more content on ... How prepared on a scale of 1–5, (five being 100% prepared) for an earthquake? Have you ever attended hazard preparedness education training of any kind? If yes, did hazard preparedness training motivate you to seek further information? Has your emergency preparedness plan been changed lately? Have you received information about hazard preparedness? Did it prompt you to make any changes to your preparedness levels? How many emergency exercises have you participated in the past year? On a scale of 1–5, how involved are you in your community? How long do you think it will take emergency services to reach you after an earthquake? The survey questions I chose were analyzed to investigate how individuals perceptions of preparedness were influenced by the amount and types of emergency preparedness education they self reported as having participated in. I used quantitative analysis of quantitative data to create comparative charts of the survey results. The first question I analyzed, "How prepared on a scale of 1–5, (five being 100% prepared) are you for an earthquake?" used a Likert–type scale to gain insight into how prepared participants perceived themselves to be for an earthquake. In my data analysis I assigned qualitative descriptions to the quantitative ratings people gave as their preparedness level as ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Absolute Age Determinations The Grand Canyon a geologic wonder. Containing many important geologic resources, including a huge fossil record ranging from Precambrian stromatolites to Ice Age mammal bones and dung found in caves a great exploration of geological history ranging from thousands to millions of years. Through relative dating and absolute age determinations we are able to learn a lot from this wonder. Both techniques have value in their own individual situation but when utilized together they are able to develop the geologic time scale and to discern the ages of rocks. Relative dating or "the pancake method" simply defines the superposition of the oldest on the bottom and the newest on the top, also a study of a material and compare it to other similar materials in order to in order to establish a timeline similar to a progression. This comes first, that comes next, this comes last, a bit vague, which is why modern scientists have developed many methods by which to determine the absolute age of Earth materials. Now, absolute age "is a measure of how old it actually is in years. Some scientists prefer to call it calendar age, because the term suggests that the age can be plotted on a calendar. The absolute age of a material is much more desirable when constructing the timeline of our planet because it does not rely on comparisons to other materials. Instead of saying a material is older or younger than something else, scientists can simply report the age in years. Imagine it this way: If you have any siblings, using relative age dating would be like saying, 'I am older than my brother but younger than my sister,' but using absolute age dating would be ... Show more content on ... A wide variety of Grand Canyon rocks exist when someone's objective is really just to learn how long ago these rocks formed, it is very confusing to sort through subdivisions of geologic periods, the numeric ages are an important translation for the public for the age of rocks at Grand Canyon and are useful for interpretive ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Evolutionary History of Gray Wolves Evolutionary History of Gray Wolves The gray wolf is one of the world's most well known and well researched animals with more documentation on them than any other wildlife species. It is a canid whose main habitats are in the wilderness of remote areas in North America, Eurasia and North Africa. It is the largest member of the wolf family, usually weighing between 70 and 120 lbs, and closely resembles in general appearance and proportions to a modern day breed of dog known as the German Sheppard, although they typically have a larger head, narrower chest, longer legs, straighter tails and bigger paws. The narrow chest of the gray wolf allows for swift and efficient movement through the common elements of their environment such as snow, brush and other conditions. Their larger heads indicate their higher level of intelligence and their large paws, webbed with fur aid in movement across mud and snow. The colour of a gray wolf's fur lives up to its name and is predominantly a mottled gray although the gray wolf can also have fur that is nearly pure white, mixes of red, brown, or black. Being very social animals, gray wolves do mostly everything in packs of 2 – 15 animals; living, traveling and hunting. They can hunt and feed off smaller game, yet with their large pack size, they can work collectively to bring down large game such as deer, moose or bison. There are 37 recognized subspecies of the gray wolf in total ranging across six continents with familiar names that one ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Interpreting Dinosaur Habitats 1) How are sedimentary rocks used to interpret past dinosaur habitats? How is the geologic principle of uniformitarianism used for this type of interpretation? Sedimentary rocks interpret dinosaur habitats through encased environmental structures of the past. Through sedimentary rocks, paleoecologists' can examine the arranged formation of sedimentary structures to specify what type of environment the dinosaurs' lived in. An example of a specific sedimentary rock structure can be seen through formed weathering and ripple marks by how wind and sand formed distinct patterns in the past layered sediment. These arrangements provide interpretations on the structure of the sediment and the habitat of encased fossils, through modern day comparisons ... Show more content on ... Ichnology, the study of trace fossils, is the principal study in following and learning about trace fossils and how these fossil types indicate habitats. Ichnologists can use trace fossils, such as a track way and walking patterns of dinosaurs, to determine the specific area a dinosaur walked on, which can express a dinosaur species preferred habitat. By examining sedimentary layers and structures, ichnologists can use fossilized tracks to determine what specific habitat a species of dinosaur lived in. The use of uniformitarianism can be used to conclude what specific environment a dinosaur lived in through sedimentary structures. Ichnology uses tracks to determine what habitat a dinosaur inhabited by the pattern that a dinosaur walked in. With nests, Ichnologists can use information to determine what habitat a species of dinosaur lived in to ensure a safe environment for the eggs. Ichnologists can determine if a species of dinosaur stayed in a specific environment by studying the walking patterns of track ways and the indications of dinosaur nests. Ichnologists use track ways and nests to determine preferred habitats due to a plethora of trace fossils that a species of dinosaur can make in its ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Critical and Creative Thinking Week 1 Individual Week 1 Review Questions GLG/220 10/02/2013 Critical and Creative Thinking Questions Chapter 1 3. How do you think the principle of uniformitarianism accounts for occasional catastrophic events such as meteorite impacts, huge volcanic eruptions, or great earthquakes? The principle of uniformitarianism states the processes occurring on Earth today are very similar in manner as those throughout much of geologic times. In other words "the present is the key to the past."(Murck, B. W., Skinner, B. J., & Mackenzie, D. (2010)). When looking at past geological events and occurrences that happened in the past with additions of new testing and technology they can predict when and if volcanic eruptions may occur, ... Show more content on ... Chapter 3 3. How old are the rock formations in the area where you live and attend college or university? How can you find out the answer to this question? I live and attend college in the Valley of the Sun. Many of the rock formations here are extremely old dating back nearly 2 billion years during a time period geologists called the Precambrian Period (GeoHistory). Information to answer this question can be found in news articles, biology journals, historical websites, and government and educational readings as well. 4. Choose one of the geologic periods or epochs listed in Figure 3.8 and find out all you can about it: How are rocks from that period identified? What are its most characteristic fossils? Where are the best samples of rocks from your chosen period found? Rocks formed during the cretaceous period are identifiable in more ways than one would think. The cretaceous period occurred at the end of the Mesozoic Era. Rocks such as limestone, basaltic, clays, salts, gypsum, sandstone, conglomerates, and shale's were found during this time period (Cretaceous Period). Sedimentary rocks hold many fossils of the predominant organisms to inhabit the planet Earth dinosaurs. Many of the rocks can be identified by the variation in their lithological character and thickness of their sequences, or by the fossils that are discovered in them. Some of the best samples of rocks from this time period can be found right here in Arizona at the ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Radiometric Dating Scientists use the Law of Superposition, the Principle of Cross Cutting Relationships, index fossils, radiometric dating, and the Geologic Time Scale to organize Earth's 4.6–billion–year–old history. The Law of Superposition is the law that states that in layers undisturbed rock, the older rocks will be closer to the bottom and the younger rocks will be near the top. This is a helpful method used by scientists to organize earth's history. Our Law of Superposition Worksheet showed how there were different layers and each was a different age. We figured out that the oldest went on the bottom and the youngest went on the top. This paper helped us to figure out how scientists would use this to help them. If they found fossils in one layer and ... Show more content on ... Scientists can uses fossil records to look at the amount of fossils in the population, which can also help scientists to organize the history of earth and its animals. An archaeologist claims to have uncovered Group B fossils related to the Group B fossils from the chart above that are 40 million years old, though the archaeologist did not mention the amount of fossils. With this little bit of information and information from the graph above, I presume that this organism may have fought for the same resources as Group A and Group C. As the amount of fossils of Group B decreases, the amount of fossils of Group A and Group C increased. These two groups must have stopped Group B from becoming successful. The other possibility could have been that something changed in the environment at around 12 million years ago that was terminal to Group B. As group B died other groups rose in population. This is not hard to agree with because this organism has now been recorded to have lived for at least 30 million years, while most species live up to only 10 million years, according our Geologic Time Scale Model Worksheet that we did in class. I can also assume that Group B was large at around 20–30 million years old, because Groups A had a small population at that time. The large population of Group B must have hindered Group A's ability to thrive. Another ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Unit 1.0: Introduction To Geology 1. Unit 1.0: Introduction to Geology Geology is the study of earth surface. Geology deals with the outdoors, which attracts most people. Geology deals with learning about the planets and satellites in the Solar System. 2. Unit 2.1: Mineralogy Mineralogy is a subject of geology. Mineralogy deals with the different properties of minerals. Mineralogy deals also with chemistry such as the structure of an atom. 3. Unit 2.2: Igneous Petrology Igneous petrology is basically one of the fields that deals with geology. Igneous petrology is the study of igneous rocks. Igneous petrology deals with their origin, composition, and texture. 4. Unit 2.3: Sedimentary Petrology Sedimentary petrology is basically one of the fields that deals with geology. Sedimentary petrology is the study of sedimentary rocks. ... Show more content on ... Unit 4.3: Hydrology Hydrology is associated with geology. Hydrology consist of the water flow of water in streams and in groundwater. Hydrology deals with many processes that can outcome in numerous features. 14. Unit 4.4: Glaciology Glaciology is associated with geology. Glaciology deals with the distinguish between the various types of glaciers. Glaciers have their own morphologies and locations. Climates also affects certain things of glaciology. 15. Unit 4.4: Eremology Eremology is associated with geology. Shorelines which is associated with eremology changes over time due to the outcomes of onshore, offshore, and others. There are many type of deserts associated with eremology such as polar and arid. 16. Unit 5.1: Geochronology Geochronology is associated with geology. Geochronology deals with the absolute age dating for the rock formations. When it comes to geochronology, it also is associated with the Geologic Time Scale. 17. Unit 5.2: Paleontology Paleontology is associated with geology. Paleontology is the result of the development of the Geologic Time Scale. There are many feature that deals with the period of Geologic Time Scale. 18. Physical ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Billions of Years vs. Thousands of Years The earth is known to be old, but what is the truth of how old is the earth. There is scientific evidence of how old it is, some would say it's Billions of years and some would say Thousands of years old. There is a lot of factors like rocks layers, plants, animals, sun, moon and many more facts that can predict how many years has the earth been around. But to find the truth if it's a Billions of years or Thousands of years we would have to compare the two and even look into scientist discovering facts. Or do we go off the what God has created and the Bibles authors? When we read about how or what makes the earth Billions of years? There was a Geologic time scale that was invented in 1800's. Within this invention, this scale ... Show more content on ... Scientists use protons and atoms as there scientist research to prove if they hit each other in the sky this will cause caribou and this would be fall on the plants or animals. When the plants or animals die, the carbohydrates should have died. There is no technique in earth the measures level in carbon 14 older then 1000 thousand of year. Natural causes are not responsible for variations in the sun's energy and the Earths Orbit. (Ref) which supports the scientist or the creationist claims. There believes or scientific studies have facts to the young earth vice old earth theory. Between the Billion and Thousand years theory, both have a great point of views. They both have scientific beliefs and biblical believes. One thing between both is that we have documented or spiritual writings on which one is true. The Geologic scale provide dates and good scientific measurement. There is scientific research that dinosaurs have been extinct for 65 millions years. If we go by the bible it states that its less then that. To understand the why the billion years can be far fetch to believe one would have to understand the Bible and choose to read and listen to the word of God vice the word of man. Everyone has their opinion and it depends on a person and what they choose to believe or accept. Per the research of Geologic Time (radiometric) the Earth is about 4.600 billions years old. The bible said it's ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Critical and Creative Thingking Questions Week 1 Critical and Creative Thinking Questions Name: Gardner Chapter 1 3. How do you think the principle of uniformitarianism accounts for occasional catastrophic events such as meteorite impacts, huge volcanic eruptions or great earthquakes? Uniformitarianism is a scientific clarification on how the rocks, continents and mountains in the planet are created. The material process that occurs on earth has not changed; although the objective conditions have changed radically the principle of uniformitarianism accounts for the outcome of the catastrophe or natural calamity. 4. In this chapter we have suggested that Earth is a close approximation of a natural closed system, and we have hinted at some of the ways that ... Show more content on ... 4. Choose one of the geological periods listed in figure 3.8 and find out all you can about it. How are rock formations from that period identified? What are its most characteristic fossils? Where are the best samples of rock from your chosen period? I chose the Jurassic period; because this time enclosed mainly marine deposits such as shale, sandstone and limestone. There were a diversity of fossils found from this period which was only found west of the Mississippi River. 5. Do some research to determine the ages of the oldest known fossils. What kind of life forms were they? The oldest fossil was the microfossils known to be found in Australia by a group from the University of Western Australia and Oxford University. The tiny fossils showed credible indication for cells and bacteria living in an oxygen free world over 3.4 billion years ago. Chapter 15 1. Recall chapter 1 that Earth and Venus are so similar in size and overall composition that they are almost twins. Why did these planets evolved so differently? Why is earth's atmosphere rich in oxygen and poor in carbon dioxide, whereas the reverse is true for Venus? What would happen to the Earth's oceans if earth were a little bit closer to the sun?
  • 12. These planets evolved so differently, because of their space from the sun. Making Venus hotter than earth and causing changes to the ... Get more on ...
  • 13. God Through The Eyes Of Science God through the Eyes of Science The sound of silence spread through the hospital. Those who stood by, saw new–born Joseph lying in the doctor's arms, his young body taking in fresh air weeping. How could this be? The doctors were seriously concerned for Joseph's wellbeing and did not expect a hysterically crying baby with a strong chance of not making the next hour, if he were to even survive the pregnancy. Fortunately, miracles like this one continue to suggest a supernatural being that can break through the natural realm allowing His will to be fulfilled on earth. The existence of God, cannot be proven just through subjective theology, however,personal testimony, historical context, and modern knowledge that are without contradiction can. First of all what is a miracle, a miracle is an event not explicable by natural or scientific laws (Webster Dictionary). It started when my mom was pregnant, before losing a child to a miscarriage and an abortion not do by complications. But this time was different, doctors who were of the highest profession recommended to my parents to consider abortion, because I would not take one breath. Nationally recognized Dr. Nadell, diagnosed me with Spina Bifida, a rare disease that affects the spinal cord, disability that varies by degree, of which I had the highest. My parents chose not to listen to those who said I would grow up unable to function if I were to even survive the pregnancy. I would be mentally challenged, I would not take one ... Get more on ...
  • 14. The Triassic Era The Mesozoic Era contains three geologic time periods including the Triassic Period ,from 252 million to 200 million years ago. The Triassic period was named in 1834 by the German geologist Friedrich August Von Alberti (1795–1878). It was originally named the "Trias". It got its name because this period of geologic time is represented by a three–part division of rock types in Germany . It began 252 million years ago, at the close of the Permian Period, and ended 201 million years ago. Jurassic Period, from about 200 million to 145 million years ago. During the Jurassic Period, the supercontinent Pangaea split apart. The Jurassic was a golden age for the large herbivorous dinosaurs known as the sauropods–Camarasaurus, Apatosaurus, Diplodocus, ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Missouri Geological Hazards Geological Hazards of Missouri Daniel LaBounty Geology 111C, Section 04MH Mr. David VanDeVelde July 3, 2015 Geological Hazards of Missouri Although many may not consider Missouri to be a hot spot of geological related natural disasters, there are multiple geological hazards which occur throughout the state. According to the Missouri Department of Natural Resources Geological Survey Program, the hazards most often occurring in Missouri are earthquakes, landslides, sinkholes and abandoned mines (Geologic Hazards). Although most of the current earthquakes in Missouri measure between 1.0 and 2.0 on the Richter scale, the New Madrid Seismic Zone extends through the southeastern part of the state. In 1811–1812, Missouri was struck ... Show more content on ... Similar to a cave, a sinkhole begins by acidic water dissolving carbonate bedrock creating an underground void. If the void grows close enough to the surface, the structural integrity of the surface material will eventually give way and a sinkhole is formed. These depressions can range in size from a few square yards to over hundreds of acres. The depth of sinkholes can vary from shallow to hundreds of feet. Although there are nearly 16,000 verified sinkholes in the state, the MGS caution there are a great number which have not been reported or documented. Some sinkholes in Missouri are known to be a depth greater than 100 feet though no exact records concerning depths are maintained. Located in western Boone County, the largest known sinkhole in Missouri covers approximately 700 acres. If a sinkhole does occur, it is recommended that a registered geologist or professional engineer be consulted to assist in the stabilization of the sinkhole. Filling a sinkhole, referred to as remediation, generally consists of removing all soil materials down to the bedrock surface and filling it with size–graded material. Larger rocks should be used first with each successive layer consisting of gradually smaller grained material. Geotextile fabric covered by top soil will allow water ... Get more on ...
  • 16. John Mcphee 's Rising From The Plains As I recently drove on Interstate 80, from Colorado to Iowa, I could not help but think of John McPhee's book Rising from the plains; and how from a different perspective a boring piece of land in the plains could reveal a rich history of geological cycles. McPhee is able to bring to life the study of geology in a way that is relatable by creating relationships between the landscape, people, and history through the use of transforming the same plot of land across eons of time. He uses several pages to discuss geology, followed by stories about the love family ranch as an overview of life on the very same plains four million years ago. This format for reading allows the author to build layers of science facts with story so that the humanistic element does not get distracted by the complex material. The reader develops a sense of the formation of the specific terms such as; the system, period, stage and age names, and thus overcomes the barrier of reading just geology facts. The passage for which all the specialized knowledge comes from is a man named David Love. Rather than using his education and experience for the benefit of private industry, David Love serves as supervisor of the environmental branch of the United States Geological Survey in Laramie, Wyo. Mr. Love, who was born in the Wind River Basin in central Wyoming in 1913 and who grew up on an isolated ranch there, joins McPhee on a drive across the vast open stretches of Wyoming's Interstate 80. Section after ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Pleistocene Epoch Era When Both: Cro–magnon The Cro–magnon people lived about 100,000 to 10,000 years ago. The average temperature –2 degrees celsius (28.4 degrees Fahrenheit).The temperature sometimes reached lows of –4 or highs of 4 degrees celsius (24.8 or 39.2 degrees Fahrenheit). They lived in the epoch known as the Pleistocene epoch. The Pleistocene epoch was the first epoch occurred in the Quaternary period and the sixth epoch in the Cenozoic era.The Cenozoic era occurred during the Phanerozoic eon (the current eon). This epoch is best known as the "last ice age" and it lasted from 2.2 million to 11,000 years ago. The "last ice age" began its climate decrease at the start of the Pleistocene epoch (2.2 million years ago) and reached its peak about 20,000 ... Show more content on ... First of all, we can clear out the obvious , these did not occur at the same time! From this one statement, we can go more into detail. The Cro–magnon lived in Pleistocene epoch the while we lived in the Holocene epoch. Another difference is that we are far more advanced in technology. Yet another difference is the climate. The climate back then was much colder than today's climate. This is because the Pleistocene epoch was an ice age. Winner: Cro–magnon I chose the Cro–magnon because of the fact that it is easy to adapt in our day and age. I realised that the time period didn't matter too much because the only things it affected was the climate and technology. Back 10,000 years ago it was much colder , and the technology wasn't developed very well compared to what we have now. Currently we basically have all the things they had back then (and more) , better development it technology and a more even climate. Even if they thought it is hot here , we have the means to help cool them down (via AC or electric fan). Loser: Me (Modern day ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Horseshoe Crabs Evolution The argument the author puts forth is that horseshoe crabs have evolved over the eras. That they're not "living fossils". Horseshoe crabs have "rounded cephalic shields, that were like the extinct trilobites, and an arrangement of legs and gills", no wonder people think they are living fossils. This is the beginning to how these historic animals have evolved. Three years ago, the author took a trip to Delaware. As his family was walking on the beach they came across some horseshoe crabs mating. He wondered how they have changed. The type of horseshoe crab he saw along the beach was called "limulus polyphemus". Limulus Polyphemus is not found in the fossil records. The fossil record for horseshoe crabs is deeper than 20 million years, and the ... Show more content on ... These are boomerang like and have a "double button". Liomesaspis is another type of fossil, it has a different body plan, and are "historically greater within the group than what we observe today". A different fossil is called Mesolimulus, preserved about 150 million years ago, it looks similar to the nowadays Limulus. The environment in the ancient sea, which contained crustaceans, molluscs, and echinoderms, helped the hypothesis that 112 million years ago the area was covered in shallow lagoons. Numerous Cretaceous dinosaur tracks have been found near Glen Rose, Texas. This is where horseshoe crabs were found in Paluxy River. There was also a surprising discovery. The fossil of the horseshoe crab is preserved as an exterior and interior mold. The fossil preserved traces of activity by other organisms. The interior mold shows traces left by small invertebrates, that fed on the horseshoe crab after it died. These worms created the mold of the fossil, and the detail was so detailed that the artificial caset was almost an exact replica. This was very surprising and awesome because this shows how invertebrates can preserve other animals anatomies. The reason for this being: soon after the horseshoe crab died, the worms began to settle upon the horseshoe crab. The worms began building homes, and the tubes took form of the dead horseshoe crab. Because of the rate the worms created their homes, the author predicts the horseshoe ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Business Achieving project outcomes within agreed time–scales, budget and resources it very important because it will allow the project to be well organised and successful. They are both negative and positive impacts if these project are not achieved within the agreed time–scale, budget and resources. Time–frame for the fashion show if we are able to achieve our objective within the time scale this would be a huge impact for the fashion show because the quality of the fashion show would be well organised and we would be on track with everything we need to do. Because everything would be in place and well organised , there would be less delays with the project and we would also be ready to get everything on time that we need for the fashion ... Show more content on ... However if we do not use the correct resources , this could be a negative impact for the fashion show because we would have to get more additional materials and we would spend more and it will increase the cost of the project. If we do not use the correct resource we would have to go over our budget by getting new guest performers to come and perform at the fashion show. This could cause the quality of the fashion to be poor. Budgeting: budgeting is the most important when according to the fashion show because we need to achieve our main objective first. If we achieve the project within the agreed budget we would not need to get extra money this will allow us to focus on what needs to get done first. Secondly we do not need to borrow money or raise fund , we can concentrate on what we are going to do next. if we do not achieve the project within the agreed budget this could have a negative impact for the fashion show because we would have to spend more and the project will cost more this means that we would have to go over our budget. Secondly poor quality of the project this could affect the fashion show not to be successful at all. If we do not achieve the project within the agreed budget we would have to borrow more money from the client which means that the client might not agree on giving us more money for the fashion show. Lastly we would also have to raise funds in order for us to get more money for the fashion ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Modapts Essay Exactness is equivalent to different frameworks, for example, MTM, MSD, and Work Factor, Up to twenty gages in one day are discovered, the ordinary boss can learn MODAPTS and how to figure benchmarks, and the typical laborer can fathom MODAPTS. The examination was driven by the Israel Institute of Technology on the fastness of different work estimation structures. Results show that MODAPTS is twice faster than MTM–1 and Work Factor on errands with process terms of one minute or lower. It is around twenty–five snappier than MTM–2 and time mull over. MODAPTS is seen by the U.S. Division of Labor as a favored structure for developing sensible work measures for rebuilding workplaces. MODAPTS fits in with MIL–STD 1567A, judgments made by the ... Show more content on ... The first is alphabetic which shows the body part included and the other segment is numeric which demonstrates the MOD's charged to the action when increased by 129 milliseconds. Proposed Method As indicated by the foreordained structure of the MODAPTS technique, it can be utilized to assess the length of manual assignments in ventures which is the trouble of the task administration and control. The term of ventures machine works can be effortlessly and effectively evaluated by the limit of the machines utilized as a part of that works (Pan 80). Eight genuine general assignments are selected as an example of the undertakings general manual errands and gauge their span utilizing MODAPTS in addition to. I. To disentangle the correlation, just the techniques which are utilizing three focuses are given, and a few specialists are requested to have these three focuses estimation. The assignments which are asked are the undertakings which are considered in the proposed strategy with a similar work volume. Presently the outcomes are contrasted and the aftereffects of other predefined techniques, utilizing the examination of difference (ANOVA) technique. Since the quantity of the exercises is littler than 30. One can see that the aftereffects of the proposed technique are adequate in the examination of the other predefined strategies. It is self–evident that the connection coefficients between the ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Massage Guidelines for candidates These take the form of handouts which cover: 1 2 3 4 The investigation as a whole Planning Stage Developing Stage Evaluation Stage Handouts 1 and 2 could be distributed at the start of the investigation while the other two could be given to students once they completed the previous stage of their investigation and are ready to embark on the next part of the process. If desired, all could be handed out at the start of the investigation. Investigation In order to successfully complete the HND in Business with Accounting you must undertake an investigation of a business issue. This is a graded assessment and you will be given a grade for your work. Your grade will be determined by your mark: Grade A – 70% – ... Show more content on ... Overall, this is a crucial stage of your investigation. If you make good decisions at this stage, the rest of your investigation should proceed smoothly. It is well worth spending time and effort to complete this stage properly and to get it right. Scottish Qualifications Authority HN Assessment Exemplar/H0J2 35/AEX001 V Business with Accounting: Graded Unit 2 23 July 2012 Personal skills assessment It is important that you identify your personal skills at the start of the investigation. Your assessment should be realistic and reflective, and is likely to focus not just on your strengths, but also areas in which you could make improvements. You will be asked in the Evaluating stage of the project to make an assessment of the new skills and knowledge gained during the process of the investigation. Your initial assessment will provide a benchmark against which you can realistically judge your progress at the end of the investigation. Picking a topic for your investigation It is up to you to decide on the topic that you will investigate. Before making a final choice, you must discuss it with your project tutor. Your tutor can give you help and advice and may also give you suggestions for possible topics, if you find it difficult to make a choice. You can choose a topic which relates to one organisation or one that can be linked to a number of organisations. However, your topic must meet the following criteria:   It
  • 22. ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Landy Razafindrabe. Review Of Brand & James, Beginnings. Landy Razafindrabe Review of Brand & James, Beginnings In this book, Brand and James fully explored the two realms of science and faith. Through their exploration of science and faith, they revealed feasible connections with what is stated in the Bible followed by scientific evidence that illustrates issues concerning the origin of the Earth's history, creation and evolution, as well as fossils. As both Brand and James explore these three specific areas, they provide an honest judgment of what scientific knowledge we currently have. The Bible was also used to get a chronicle idea of how they should base their theological basis. I appreciate how Brand and James freely express their strategy and devotion. It is not easy to stray away from ... Show more content on ... The book then goes to apply their approach to observe further details of the beginning of life, life's history, and geology. Brand and James then conclude their exploration of faith, reason, and earth history by challenging us to think about why this topic of faith and science as pairs is of importance. Three concepts are evaluated individually to understand modern science. The first concept is that nature isn't controlled by the capricious whims of supernatural spirits or the operation of magic, but through natural laws. The second concept talks about how we can study and understand living things and physical phenomena through experimentation. The last concept mentions that neither living organisms nor the physical universe is static (p. 22–23). The genesis of life has two approaches, abiogenesis (naturalistic) and interventionist. The abiogenesis approach takes on the stance that each life process needs a particular molecule which is created from several machines in order to create a living cell. Brand gave an example of the ATP synthase structure and the biomolecular machine that makes ATP. With this type of theory, it is impossible to think that these models were created spontaneously in nature without an intelligent creator (p.37–38). On the other hand, the interventionist approach believes that there was an intelligent creator/intervention that was involved in earth's history. From Brand's standpoint, Brand is for interventionism. His belief is based on ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Mount Baker in Bellingham, Washington Essay I decided for my project that I would spend the time researching Mount Baker. Mount Baker is located about 30 miles east of Bellingham, Washington. The Cascade Mountain range extends over 140 miles between Seattle, Washington and Vancouver, Canada. Mount Baker is a Stratovolcano, which is also known as a composite volcano, it is also the highest peak in the North Cascades and the fifth highest in the Cascade mountain range (Volcano Hazards Programs). Cities located near Mount Baker include Abbotsford, British Columbia and Bellingham, Washington. The closest stream to the mountain is the Nooksack River which runs near the west side of the mountain. On the southwest side of the mountain is Baker Lake. I chose this area because it is a very ... Show more content on ... As I looked out the window, I saw walls of rocks all over the place. I also saw a lot of good rock exposure on the top of the mountain where the rock was to steep for the snow to stick to. You will notice that Mount Baker has an abundance of all sorts of rocks. From the rocks I examined I observed a lot of extrusive igneous rock, metamorphic rock and sedimentary rocks and you will find few places where you can walk continuously from shale or basalt into well–metamorphosed gneiss (Tabor & Haugerud). I observed rocks such as gabbro, shale, and types of extrusive and intrusive igneous rock such as basalt. The ages of the rocks range from about as old as the mountain, which is about 140,000 years old. Structures: When you look at a topographic map of Mount Baker, you will notice many different structures and interesting landforms. The first thing I noticed when I was observing the map were all the different peaks within the mountain. From what I have been reading I have found two major faults that are within Mount Baker. These two faults are the Straight Creek Fault and the Ross Lake Fault Zone; these faults are thought to be primarily strike–slip. In addition, on the geologic map you will notice the Sherman Crater, which originated from a large hydrovolcanic explosion (Tabor, Haugerud, Hildreth, & Brown). This crater is responsible for many of Mount Bakers past lahars that have flowed down the mountain and into Baker Lake. The pattern of hills, valleys, ridges, and ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Deciphering Earth's History: Chapter Analysis Christina Anai Trejo Betsy Torrez GEOL 1301 – MWF 11 AM Dec. 2, 2015 Chapter 11–Deciphering Earth's History In Chapter 11 "Deciphering Earth's History" of the book "Earth Science" by Tarbuck and Lutgens, it explains to the audience how scientists have come up with new ways to figure out the age of Earth and even mountains, rivers and fossils. Some ideas such as rock layers, fossils, and radioactivity are some of the ways scientists use to figure out the exact date the earth was created and even find out how old some parts of the world are. Finding out the exact times many mountains, rivers, fossils and humans actually existed can help us put them down on the Geologic Time Scale and also answer questions such as, "Did humans and Dinosaurs Ever ... Show more content on ... Nicolas Steno, a Danish anatomist, geologist, and priest came up with the idea to recognize sequences of historical events in an outcrop of sedimentary rock layers. Steno used the basic principle of superposition which means that each bed sedimentary rock or any kind of rock is older than the bed above. This principle can also be applied to other surface–deposited materials, such as lava flows and beds of volcanic eruptions. By using this principle we can tell if a bed of rock is in its rightful place or if that bed of rock was manmade. Another principle that Steno is credited for is the principle of original horizontality. The principle can be summed up as if rock layers are flat, it means that they have not been shaped up and are original horizontality. However, they are folded or inclined at a steep angle, then they have been moved into that position by crustal disturbances. The principle of lateral continuity, principle of cross–cutting relationships, principle of inclusions and unconformity are other examples of how to tell historical ... Get more on ...
  • 26. The Theory Of Plate Tectonics The theory of plate tectonics says the lithosphere is split into different plates that move around on top of the surface of the Earth. Though it is just a theory geologic time, ocean trenches, seafloor spreading, mountains, volcanoes, and earthquakes are all examples of evidence that support the theory of plate tectonics. Geologic time shows sediment patterns in different layers of the Earth. Geologic time is separated in three main periods called the Cenozoic Era, the Paleozoic Era, and the Mesozoic Era. These periods are determined based on the fossils found in each layer of sediment. Antarctica and India share many of the same fossils in sediment. This supports the theory of plate tectonics because it shows that at one point India and Antarctica were close enough to share similar living things like plants that later became fossilized. An ocean trench is a steep depression in the bottom of the ocean. Ocean trenches form when two oceanic plates meet and one sinks beneath the other one. Henry Hammond Hess' hypothesis on seafloor spreading says the seafloor is made at ridges and destroyed at continents. To go further in depth, the sea floor is made when oceanic plates pull away from each other and magma rises up to create a new sea floor. Mountains when two plate boundaries collide with each other. This process can also be called orogeny. Mountains form at subduction zones and can form with two oceanic plates, two continental plates, and with one oceanic and continental. ... Get more on ...
  • 27. The Chile Of Peru And Chile For the fault zone that I chose to research for this project, I chose the Peru–Chile Trench, also known as the Chile Subduction Megathrust and as the Atacama Trench. It is called that because the area between Peru and Chile is called "The Atacama", and such was the plate named. The Peru– Chile trench is located along the western coast of Peru and Chile. It marks the zone where the Nazca plate is being subducted beneath the South American plate and is approximately 3,666 miles long. (Britannica, p.1) Located on the fault are sediments, amongst them are turbidites. Turbidites are areas of sediment are deposited in the deep ocean. There are also oceanic deposits, volcanic ash, siliceous oozes, and primary dolomites, which are a formation of ... Show more content on ... Therefore, there are many seismic events that have taken place on our geologic timeline and at the same time shaped our historic timeline. The most recent large–scale earthquake along the Peru–Chile Plate was the 16 September earthquake, which happened in 2015. It measured an M 8.3, one of the largest on record. 5 were killed, and over 1 million were evacuated from greatly affected areas. However, compared to other earthquakes that have taken place in Chile, this one was moderate. In 2010, an 8.8 Mw earthquake shook Chile. It was approximately 200 miles southwest of Chile and was approximately 375 miles long. A 2014 study attributed the quake to immense water pressure located between the two plates. The region was stricken by strong aftershocks for months after the quake, many of a magnitude of 5.0 Mw or greater. The Tsunami that took place after the initial quake was caused by a portion of seabed rupturing upwards, and displacing a large portion of the water being displaced. This water traveled at 450 miles, at 8 feet tall, to the Chilean and Peruvian coast. Early viewers of the tsunami later reported waves being up to 10 feet tall. This rupture was believed to be caused by 2 unusually dense pieces of seabed that had been previously undetected by scientists, and consequently caused a large displacement of water. There were also small ruptures of seismic ... Get more on ...
  • 28. The Earth 's 4.6 Billion Years Of Existence Throughout the Earth's 4.6 billion years of existence, there have been multiple events that mark geographical changes as well as biological changes. Each massive event, (such as a mass extinction) marks the beginning of an eon. An example of an eon is the Hadean eon and the Archean eon. Next are eras, which represents smaller events such as the Paleozoic era. Next are periods which are even smaller such as the Cambrian period. Finally the epochs are the smallest time classifications which subdivide a period such as the Oligocene epoch. The Archean eon (the second eon chronologically) spanned from 4 to 2.5 billion years ago, and is known as ancient life (The Hadean Eon) Also, the eon is subdivided up into four separate eras: Eoarchean, ... Show more content on ... This is what caused a completely iron core and a mantle full of silicate material. (Stanley 255). The atmosphere was mostly built on hydrogen and helium (Lutgens and Tarbuck). It was at this time that the earth began to separate into its' know known layers: the crust, the mantle, and the core (Lutgens and Tarbuck). After several millions of years, the atmosphere started to cool down and provided the production of the first continental crust (Lutgens and Tarbuck). This event took place about 3.96 billion years ago, and the cooling down of the atmosphere marks the beginning of the Eoarchean era (Lutgens and Tarbuck). During this timeline, island arcs started to form, and after a long period of time these islands collided with each other because of subduction (Lutgens and Tarbuck). Due to these collisions, the smaller islands became larger land masses and later became the foundations for a continent (Lutgens and Tarbuck). Another aspect of the Archean Eon that is important was the formation of Earth's atmosphere and oceans (Lutgens and Tarbuck). Earth's oceans formed from volcanic discharges of water vapor (Lutgens and Tarbuck). Due to the cooling of the Earth, the water vapor condensed at the surface and then formed into liquid water (Lutgens and Tarbuck). The salts that are found in the seawater today are from eroded sediments and ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Plate Geology Structural Geology and Plate Tectonics Geology is an overall study of planet Earth–"its composition, structure, process, and history" (Shipman, Todd, & Wilson 602). Geology also plays a role in the study of the Moon and other solar system objects is primarily the province of astronomy. "None of the remarkable scientific advances of the twentieth century revealed with certainty the composition and structure of the Earth's interior" (603). Present ideas presently rest on indirect evidence provided by earthquake body waves, their speed and direction identifying the types of materials through which they move, meteorites whose composition is believed to be similar to the Earth's, spacecraft measurements of gravity and magnetic variations, and laboratory ... Show more content on ... However, it was not until this century that nuclear age technology was developed that uses measurements of radioactivity in certain types of rocks to give us ages in numbers of years. These ages, usually called radiometric ages, are used in conjunction with relative dating principles to determine at least an approximate age for most of the world 's major rock formations (USGS). "Radiometric dating is the determination of age by using radioactivity, has become geology's best tool for establishing absolute geologic time" (Shipman, Todd, & Wilson 704). The atomic nuclei that decay of their own accord are said to be radioactive. The decay product–or daughter nucleus, as it is commonly called–may be stable. If so, the transformation reaches completion in a single step. However, the daughter nuclei of many naturally occurring isotopes are themselves radioactive and hence undergo further decay" ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Word Bank Quiz Word Bank: A. Fossil, B. Paleontologist, C. Mold, D. Cast, E. Law of Superposition, F. Petrified Fossil, G. Trace Fossil, H. Scientific Theory, I. Scientific Fact, J. Radioactive Dating, K. Absolute age, L. Extinct, M. Relative Age, N. Unconformity, O. Index Fossil, P. Era, Q. Half Life, R. Geologic Time Scale, S. Period, T. Epoch, U. Mass Extinction, V. Reptile, W. Pangaea, X. Amphibians, Y. Eon _______1. A type of fossil that forms when sediments fill in the cavity left by a decomposed organism. _______2. Statement or data that can be proven. _______3. Number of years when the rocked formed _______4. The death of every member of a species. _______5. Animal where skin maintains fluid, and embryos live inside a shell. _______6. Trace of animals that lived long ago, mostly commonly preserved in sedimentary rock. ... Show more content on ... Surface where new rock layers meet a much older surface. _______8. In horizontal layers, the oldest rock is at the bottom, and youngest rock at the top layers. _______9. Well tested concept that explains observations. _______10. Supercontinent formed 260 million years ago. _______11. Scientist who study fossils. _______12. A fossil that is found in the rock layers of only one geologic age that is used to establish the age of the rock layers. _______13. Provides evidence of activities of ancient organisms. _______14. A unit of geologic time that includes two or more periods. _______15. Minerals replace all or part of an organism. _______16. The time it takes for half of the radioactive atom to ... Get more on ...
  • 31. North America Research Paper Hundreds of millions of years ago, all of earth's major landmasses were joined in a single world continent, which geologists call Pangaea. About 200 million years ago, the world continent split into a northern and a southern land mass. The northern continent, Neogea, consisted of what is now North America, Europe, and Asia; the southern continent, Gondwanaland, was made up of South America, Africa, Australia, India, and Antarctica. About 130 million years ago, South American separated from the rest of Gondwanaland and became, in effect, a gigantic island; its creatures, which included marsupials and edentates–precursors of today's sloths, anteaters and armadillos– developed in isolation. North America separated from Eurasia much later; by then it was already well populated with the ancestors of our cats, dogs, rodents, weasels, and other present–day mammals. It was also inhabited by monkeys, which had migrated from their original home in Africa up through Europe and into North America before the continental separation was complete. For ... Show more content on ... The thicker sections fo the plates are the continents; the thinner parts make up the ocean beds. When two plates meet, the result is geologic upheaval on a vast scale. Such an encounter occurred about 20 million years ago in the region between North and South America. The Cocos Plate, a piece of the Pacific crust some 300 miles wide, moved eastward until it met the crustal plate underlying the Caribbean. The eastern edge of the Cocos Plate was driven beneath the western edge of the Caribbean Plate. As the Cocos Plate was forced downward, the friction, as well as the hear deep within the earth, liquefied its rock into magma, which found release by thrusting up in a chain of volcanoes. The volcanic islands that resulted formed a line of stepping–stones between the northern and southern ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Geologic Age Model Topics for Discussion and Review 2. Explain why the geologic age model expects that fossils must have formed slowly over eons. The main reason is that fossils have not formed in the present day minus the eruption of a volcano or some other catastrophe (minus cave fossils). The problem is that is a glaring whole in their theory because they admit that fossils can form quickly due to catastrophes. The more they try to push away from the biblical model it leads back to the model of the great flood. 9. Why does the geologic age model attempt to date fossils by the rocks containing them, not with historical data? The historical data points to a young earth and that is a massive problem for the evolutionist. If science went off that data they would have to come to a much different conclusion. The evolutionary scientist have to have a much older earth for their theory to work. Without the expanded time frame their theory is invalid. 7. Analyze: "Even if earth were old, today's ... Show more content on ... They want to squeeze it into a box and they cannot accomplish this because it defies easy characterization. 1 This awesomely designed creature shares " genetic parts with mammals, reptiles and birds, and the ordering of these parts is not what one would necessarily expect". 1 This presents a problem for evolutionist and it has been a consistent problem for over 200 years. According to evolutionist this is one of the oldest mammals on earth. The problem is that how do you classify this creature? It shares so many features outside the mammal family. The fact is when you look at this creature it is so complicated it really shows the design of such a marvelous Creator. For example, it shares Reptile–like microsatellite DNA with the reptiles; with birds it shares Reptile–like microsatellite DNA; but wait there is more, this "primitive" creature also shares in common with the l a 10 sex chromosomes (5 X and 5 Y). This is just some ... Get more on ...
  • 33. The Impact Of The Birds By Aristophanes : The Life Of Humans Planet Earth is approximately 4.5 billion years old. It is the largest terrestrial planet and is the third planet from the sun. After millions of years of evolution, the once fiery and gassy sphere of particles, volcanos and dust evolved into planet with an atmosphere capable of sustaining life. Humans inhabited the Earth for over 5 million years and modern civilization is approximately 200,000 years old. During our existence humans have evolved along with Earth, and learned to adapt to survive. Humans have become the most dominant living creature and are responsible for many significant changes and developments in the world such as: technological advances, medical research, farming and agriculture that have allowed us to become the civilization we are today. However, according to Clive Hamilton's, Defiant Earth, humans are also accountable for damaging the ecosystem and changing the entire Earth System so much, "that the Earth has now entered a new geological epoch" known as the Anthropocene (Hamilton,10). Our reckless activity and disregard for other living organisms has brought many negative consequences which include the extinction of wild life, deforestation, ocean acidification, water and air pollution amongst other disasters we can account for. The ancient Greek playwright "The Birds" by Aristophanes, provides a not so comic look at a world where birds mimic the human dominance by taking over their own city and turning on humans and their gods. This essay will refute ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Investigating Secondary Dispersion Patterns of Indicator... Picturing the Subsurface With GIS: Data Visualization Techniques for Geophysical Images Using ArcGIS By Lucas Donny Setijadji Geoscientists try to understand the earth's crust using geophysical methods such as gravity and magnetic surveys. Mining geologists also use geophysics to search new mineral deposits. In areas such as the Nevada Great Basin, geoscientists rely more on geophysical images than on geologic maps. The Great Basin area holds one of the biggest mineral concentrations in the world. Economically, gold is the most prominent commodity. The most important gold deposits are hosted by carbonate rocks, called the Carlin–type and Carlin–like gold deposits. Carlin–type and Carlin–like gold deposits are unique geologically, ... Show more content on ... The goal is to separate the regional trends and residual anomalies. The digital separation processes sometimes involve the transformation of data from the space domain into the wave–number (Fourier) domain. This filtering process requires specific geophysical software such as the MAGMAP product from Oasis Montaj©. The filtering algorithm applied to the gravity map was a band–pass filter to find intermediatewavelength gravity anomalies. These anomalies represent deep–seated geologic units and structural configurations (Figure 2). Meanwhile, the upward continuation filter for 1 km was applied on the aeromagnetic map to eliminate the noise from shallow magnetic sources. The result represents magnetic bodies at a significant depth below the surface (Figure 3). Figure 2–The IntermediateWavelength Gravity Anomaly Map After Application of Band–Pass Filtering Figure 3–The Magnetic Anomaly Map After the Application of 1 km Upward Continuation Filtering Data Integration With GIS and Some Concerns Geophysical processing software usually lacks GIS functionality. Spatial analysis is much easier when done in a GIS environment. Transformation of geophysical images to a GIS format can be as simple as exporting the images that contain spatial information into geoTIFF format. In a GIS analysis, geophysical images are often treated as a type of evidence map, the same as other thematic maps such as mineral
  • 35. ... Get more on ...
  • 36. The Fossil Record The solar system, the Sun, and the Moon are formed from particles coming together and forming the Planets and Stars. It is theorized that the Universe was formed from something called the Big Bang. Scientists think that the Universe and everything in it was formed from a Big Bang that was caused from a small, very dense, and very high–temperature area in space. Because of how Dense and Hot the area was, it exploded and expanded into the Universe. We know that the Sun, Moon, and Solar System were formed when particles came together to make the planets and stars, but we don't know for sure if the Big Bang was how the Universe was formed. Scientists, or Paleontologists use fossils and rock dating to study the earth's history. Using rocks and ... Show more content on ... Plate tectonics can also cause some natural disasters. Some examples of natural disasters are, floods, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes and tsunamis. Plate Tectonics have destroyed some major buildings and cities with the natural disasters that they've caused, and most of them are very devastating. Another Disaster that Plate Tectonics could cause is Continental Drift. Weathering and Erosion change earth's crust by eroding or weathering it. When Erosion or Weathering erode and weather objects or landforms, it changed the amount of particles in the object by getting rid of some of them. When there are less particles in the object, the shape has to change in order to keep the rest of the particles. When the earth's crust is eroded or weathered, there are less particles in it, and it changes the shape of the crust, thus changing the earth's crust. The oceans and freshwater on Earth comes from rain falling into the ocean or freshwater and adding more water to it. When it rains, the water levels in the ocean rise slightly, and after it's in the water, it will eventually follow the water cycle, along with any water that doesn't go in the ocean. When water hits the ground, and it sits there for a while, it will eventually evaporate. Once it evaporates, it will eventually become a cloud again, thus restarting because the cloud will eventually burst, and it will rain ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Evolution Of The Grand Canyon National Park The evolution of the Grand Canyon National Park has been one of the marvels of the world to which many researchers had dedicated substantial amount of controversial studies in attempt to accurately estimate the origin of the canyons and caves/gorges ages and Colorado Plateau current attained mean elevation of nearly horizontal sedimentary rocks based on numerous scientific interpretation of new research data without consideration of a slew of prior geologic data sets that confused geologists many generations ago. It is widely believed in the industry that weather element and volcanism during the ice ages (Cenozoic period) raised the amount of water in the Colorado River drainage system which increased the speed of the Colorado river and its active tributaries and its ability to cut through rocks many years ago, steepened the river (tributaries) gradient attributed to the uplift of the Colorado Plateau sitting near at sea level and the great depth of the Grand Canyon (Flowers, 2010). Additionally, increased differential erosion rate billions of years ago, exposed major geologic rock structures by cutting almost all the terraced walls of the current Grand Canyons created in part by volcanic activity that deposited lava and ashes across the area which completely obstructed the Colorado river system. Introduction: The city of Grand Canyon, Arizona, is the birth place of one of the seven wonders of the world: The Grand Canyon National Park, vibrant with its magnificent brownish ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Major Rock Units And Deformation Events Figure 1: (A) North America with the location of Figure B outlined by the black box. (B) Simplified map of the tectonostratigraphic terranes comprising the Superior Province with locations of mineral deposits. (C) Tectonostratigraphic terranes of Minnesota. The location of Figure 3a is denoted by the black box. Terrane boundaries are denoted by thick black lines and iron formation is shown by thin red lines. Table 1: Major lithologic units of the Wabigoon subprovince in Canada that are on strike with the rocks in the study area. Modified from Davis et al. (1989), Fralick and Davis (1999), and Czek and Poulsen (2010). Figure 2: Lithostratigraphc correlation of major rock units and deformation events in the Neoarchean terranes of Minnesota. ... Show more content on ... Most drilled massive sulfide deposits and iron formation layers occur near the top of the volcanic pile and overly the flanks of the LLIC. Felsic rocks underlying massive sulfide deposits in the top of the volcanic pile are FI and FII types. Rocks with a magnetic signature similar to known massive sulfide deposits occur down section and over the center of the LLIC. These rocks are interpreted as having the highest potential for hosting Au–rich VMS deposits. Mafic rocks of the Oaks Intrusion (OI) occur in the eastern part of the belt and have been dated at 2671±8 Ma (Keatts et al, 2003). Likely time correlative to the OI, a magnetic mafic sill (Oaks Intrusion sill; OIS) intruded and inflated the volcanic pile after or contemporaneously with the main deformation event (D2). Table 2: Magnetic susceptibility of common igneous rocks used for interpretation and modeling. From Ford (2008) and Anderson et al. (2013). Figure 4: Profiles of magnetic data on cross sections A–A', B–B', and C–C'. The location of these cross section lines is shown on Figure 3b and Figure 6. Location of massive sulfides (MS), the Lost Lake Intrusive Complex (LLIC), magnetic halos (MH) surrounding the LLIC, the Oaks Intrusion sill (OIS), and faults (FLT) are labeled on residual field magnetic data plots. Vertical and horizontal derivative techniques outline shallow, highly magnetic causative anomalies ... Get more on ...
  • 39. The World 's Terrifying Impact On Earth Justifies New... "Humanity's terrifying impact on Earth justifies new Anthropocene epoch" is the title of an article published in the Guardian newspaper in October 2014, the purpose of this essay is to assess if this statement was and is true. The geologic timescale comprises of Eons, Eras, Periods, Epochs and Ages, all of which fit into each other with Eon being the largest. Key geological events in the life of the planet are used to mark the transition from one of these chapters to another. Fig 1 has been created to illustrate where we currently are in the geological timescale and the dates and events that led us here. Fig 1: Where we are today – based on the Geologic Timescale (ICS 2016) Eon – long period of time Era – major division of geological time Period – unit of geological time during which a system of rocks formed Epoch – unit of geological time that is a subdivision of a period Age – subdivision of geologic time that divides an epoch into smaller parts Subdivisions of the Holocene have not been agreed; Early, Middle and Late Sub–series/Sub–epochs have been proposed, Journal of Quaternary Science (2012). Fig 2: Units in stratigraphy and geochronology As well as the units for the geologic timescale there are also units for stratified rock (time–rock units) as shown in Fig 2 and defined in Fig 3. There have been proposals since 1990 (Zalasiewicz et al 2004) that the distinctions between these timescales is now redundant with the introduction of Global Stratotype Sections ... Get more on ...
  • 40. The Southwest As A Bioregion The Northeast as a Bioregion Deep History Report–Week 4 Keith McNeal SFS 5020 01 Bioregional Theory and the Foodshed Lisa Trocchia–Balkits Due Date December, 2016 The Northeast as a Bioregion Currently residing in the state of Vermont the bioregion to which I've been informally assigned to is commonly known as the Laurentia bioregion. This assignment of bioregion is widely accepted, but when looked at more deeply assigning Vermont to the Laurentia bioregion becomes problematic. There are seemingly an endless number of variables that contribute to the characteristics and attributes that one can choose from to define their bioregion, yet those characteristics can widely vary even within a singular bioregion. Geologic makeup, weather patterns, soil type, biologic diversity, political influence, human activity, and the natural processes that occur within any given bioregion must be considered when analyzing and attempting to assign themselves to a bioregion. Laurentia as a bioregion is one of the largest bioregions that exist and has a very large degree of characteristics and variance within its biologic, geologic, and cultural attributes (Figure 1. Bioregions and Biotones). "Laurentia is a bioregion sits atop the Laurentian craton in the northeastern United States and eastern Canada, and centering on the Great Lakes. The bioregion spans the Eastern Woodlands of North America from the easternmost part of the Great Plains to the Atlantic Coast of the Northeastern ... Get more on ...
  • 41. Hc Analysis For my graded unit HNC beauty therapy, I was required to carry out a project for a practical assessment for two different clients for facial and body treatments. I had to complete two consecutive face and body multiple treatment packages in one morning, one hour 30 minutes each client. I had to carry out and plan each treatment appropriately for each client's aims and needs. I had to use six different electrical equipment on the client's as well as add on treatments. On the face, I had to use cleansers, toners, moisturisers, brush cleanser, masks, massage, steam, high frequency direct, galvanic, vacuum suction, faradic and any extras, on the body I can use manual massage, audio sonic, faradic, vacuum suction, galvanic, infra–red, body ... Show more content on ... I had to ensure all health and safety procedures were followed and that the treatment area was clean and all equipment was functional and clean, to ensure any laundry required by the client was available and clean and that client's got the appropriate aftercare and homecare advice and the right advice was offered regarding products and I had to explain any adaptions that had to be made, I also had to obtain any client feedback and how the client felt during treatment and if the treatment met the client's expectations and if there was anything during the treatment that I need to work on. This part of the graded unit provides a mark of up to 35% of my mark. The evaluating stage is where I will be reflecting on my performance, I will be looking back and evaluating the practical assessment, review and update my action plan, detail any unforeseen events and how I handled them, evaluate my strengths and weaknesses that I had on the day and identify any added ... Get more on ...
  • 42. Young World After All The sedimentary layers of rock and soil are used by the evolutionists to argue that the layers of rock would have gradually built up over millions of years. Paul D. Ackerman in his book, It's a Young World After All: Exciting Evidences for Recent Creation, argues that if it took millions of years to build the rock layers found in the Grand Canyon, then scientists should be able to encounter countless numbers of meteors. "With the passage of vast amounts of evolutionary time, these accumulating meteorites would be incorporated into the geologic column, and there should be many of them contained in the rock layers today." Geologists should be coming across chunks or at least pieces of meteors when digging or observing the layers. However, they do not; which means that there must have been a catastrophic event that laid down the geologic column quickly. This would explain why there are not any indications of meteors in the geological column. Ackerman ends the chapter with a clear cut conclusion: "What do the data show? A clear result in favor of a recent creation. One survey of the literature a few years ago failed to turn up a single case of a meteorite being found in the geologic column. The meteorite clock reads clearly to the effect that the earth is not very old." Arguing against everything that Steve ... Show more content on ... The volume of the rock displaced by the Burlingame Canyon is nearly five million cubic feet, but the Grand Canyon is roughly 448 trillion cubic feet or 89,702,431 times the volume of the Burlingame Canyon. If the Grand Canyon eroded at the same rate as the Burlingame Canyon, it would still take 1.5 million years to form. In other words, just because a tiny canyon can be created in six days does not mean that it can happen the same way for the large scale of the Grand ... Get more on ...