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Mindsets of Success
                June 10, 2011
            Ardy Roberto
      Angelpreneur - GoNegosyo
       Co-Founder, Salt & Light Ventures, Inc
        Inspire Leadership Consultancy, Inc.
                 Entrep10 Awardee,
       Microsoft Most Inspiring Entrepreneur
Co-Columnist, Philippine Daily Inquirer’s MarketingRx
 Author, S4, Heart of Healing, Buhay na Hindi Bitin
10 Mindsets of Success
Note-taking Tips to Maximize
Your Learning at this SEMINAR:

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Success Mindset #1:

  Say thank you everyday
Job Fair
China job fair
Have an attitude of gratitude:
   Count your blessings!
Your money or your life?
Adolf Merckle (World’s 94th richest, Germany’s
5th richest) stressed out by financial crisis:
Commits Suicide (Jan 6-09)
Adolf Merckle (World’s 94th richest,
Germany’s 5th richest) stressed out by
financial crisis: Commits Suicide (Jan 6-09)
Success Mindset #2:

     Right Self-Worth Formula:
Your net worth is not your self worth
Success Mindset #3:

  It increases your AQ
  (Adversity Quotient)
Dec ‘99-May 2000
Crisis situation – Very ill, suspected
  to have bone cancer or leukemia
“Missed diagnosis”
June 2000
Systemic Lupus:

Attacked multiple
  organs, esp
  kidneys, nervous
  system, etc
Very bad prognosis..
October 2000
My “Miracle”:

•  Kidney damage
•  No chemotherapy
•  No Dialysis
•  Minimal medication
•  Lupus quiet since 2000
2001 onwards

My “Miracle” Patient
Living...second life
Dream trips

My “Miracle”
 Patient @ Sea
 of Galilee
Dream trips – Egypt/ Israel 2005

My “Miracle” Patient @ Sea of Galilee
Salt & Light Ventures
My “Miracle” Patient @ Sea of Galilee
                                        From bankrupt to giving
Pagtiyagaan ang mga trials and hardships

“Consider it pure joy…whenever you
 face trials of many kinds, because you
              know that the 
     testing of your faith 
   develops perseverance.” 
                 James 1:2,3
So welcome trials!
It increases your AQ and develops
Success Mindset #4:

{Think about your thinking}
         = your best friend
        or your worst enemy

“You become what you think about
        most of the time” 
    – Earl Nightingale, The Strangest Secret
This is a BRAIN CELL.
 Brain Cell
It is the basic building
block of your brain. You

a million million cells in
your brain. We use just 2%!

If a neuron dies, the surrounding neurons will take over some of the
activity from the disabled one. You
                                 can actually grow new dendrites
 if you continue to intellectually stimulate yourself through
reading, doing puzzles, and playing games like chess.By creating more
dendrites and more connections, you create more chances for
thought generation. So every time you have a new thought, you literally
change your brain at a chemical, electrical, and physical level.
 MOST IMPORTANT…… a thought is real!
1992-1993 Philippine
Political and Energy Crisis
1997 Asian Financial Crisis
                      Family man.
                      But a worrier and
                      A railroad worker who
                      always expected worse to
                      happen... And then one day
                      while working at the
Nick got accidentally locked!
Since he was in a
refrigererator car,
Nick assumed that
the temperature
inside was a freezing
He started shivering
and thought to
himself, “I'll freeze to
death if I don’t get
out of here.”    
Nick wrote a message to his wife and family
  on a cardboard box:

 “So   cold,”
 “…body's   getting numb. If I could
 just go to sleep.
  These may be my last words.”
The strange thing was the boxcar’s
 refrigeration unit was broken and
 the temperature inside was just
 around 16°C — far from freezing.

But the autopsy on Nick’s body
 showed that he had frozen to

Nick’s thoughts froze
  himself to death.
“As a man thinketh in his
    heart, so is he.”
        – Proverbs 23:7
         King Solomon
What are the thoughts in
      your mind?
What do you think about most of
          the time?

       Are you hopeful?
      Or are you worried?
Study on Worry:
             “What People
             Worry About”
40% are worrying about things
that never happen anyway.
30% are worrying about past,
unchangeable decisions.
12% are worrying about illnesses that never
10% are worrying about adult children and friends
 (who are able to take care of themselves).
Only 8% are worrying about real problems.
92% ng lahat ng pinoproblema ng maga tao are about
 things that are not within our control!
Paul to the Philippians (gamot sa worry)
“Don’t worry about anything;
instead, pray about everything. Tell
God what you need, and thank him for
all he has done. If you do this, you
will experience God’s peace, which
is far more wonderful than the human
mind can understand. His peace will
guard your hearts and minds as you
live in Christ Jesus.”
Philippians 4:6-7 (New Living Translation
Placebo Case Study

Placebo heart surgeries anyone?

Businessweek, reporting on the economics
 of the billion-dollar heart surgery industry,
 reported that those who had
 thought they had undergone laser
 heart surgery to improve their blood
    received the same
 benefits as those who went through
 actual heart surgery.
 I.e. “Hindi na barado!”

The Pygmalion effect
   Self-fulfilling prophecy
Children – “baka madapa ka!” “bobo!”
    “Friends” – “baka malugi ka!”
   Country – “Wala nang pagasa”
Pygmalion effect in
...performance will improve if your
supervisors communicate positive
thoughts about people to people. If
the supervisor actually believes that
every employee has the ability to
make a positive contribution at work,
the telegraphing of that message,
either consciously or unconsciously,
will positively affect employee
What are the thoughts in
      your mind?
What do you think about most of
          the time?

       Are you hopeful?
       Or do you worry?
“You     become what               
    you think about 
        most of the time” 
– Earl Nightingale, The Strangest Secret
…So master your thought life.

Your most important capital is not money
      but your intellectual capital.
Think on these things…
   Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are
      true, whatsoever things are honest,
   whatsoever things are just, whatsoever
    things are pure, whatsoever things are
lovely, whatsoever things are of good report;
  if there be any virtue, and if there be any
praise, think   on these things. – Phil 4:8
Success Mindset #5:

     Master FEAR
F alse
E ducation
A ppearing
R eal
What are the other
  names of FEAR?
get out of your
 comfort zone
Fearless : Anthony Robles – Champion NCAA Wrestler
Fearless : Jessica Cox – First Filipina pilot
Fearless : Jessica Cox – First FilAm licensed pilot w/o ...
What is the common
  denominator of
Anthony and Jessica?
     -aside from being Fearless?
 From Greek
   - God in
 -aside from being Fearless?
ever achieved without

        -Ralph Waldo Emerson
ever achieved without

        -Ralph Waldo Emerson
So drive out and
master fear by being
    excited and
 enthusiastic about
Success Mindset #6:

Think about your DREAMS

What are your dreams?
     Is your dream worth achieving?
     Is it going to help other people?
Will achieving your dream help make the
            world a better place?
Mangarap {Dream!}

                     Edwin Pages
                     business to 
                     Online real
                     estate magnate
-  dwin Pages 
…But start small
“Most Successful Failure”
“Everything that we
could do wrong, we did
God, if you’re real...
How Salt & Light Ventures became #1
niche seminar producer and promoter

We started small and
   dreamed BIG
Start up: Salt & Light Ventures 2000

                                        How do I
                                        grow this
Start small: 15 to 50
 people workshops

                        How do I
                        grow this
Then… 100 to 250 people
Then… 300 to
 500 to 1,000
Okay – let’s go! Think BIG: 
Araneta Coliseum and PICC
10 years after the “most successful failure” concert
   business in CDO…a seminar with 14,000 people!
PICC: 4,000 people
Total for 2 days: 18,000 people
My “Miracle” Patient @ Sea of Galilee
                                        From bankrupt to giving
Another dream: 
    Project “AUTHOR”

I also started small
 and dreamed BIG.
 (And I wrote it down!)
I'm Inspired! - My 3 Most Successful Failures - (c) Ardy Roberto 2010.
Winner –
Chairman’s Award
Direct Selling
Association of the

“A must-read for
wanna be
– Prof Andy
Ferreria, Dean,
ME Program, AIM
I am just in the middle of the mountain!
I am just in the middle of the mountain!
I am just in the middle of the mountain!
Believe because…“It shall be done to
 you according to   your faith.” 
             Matthew 9:29
Success Mindset #7:

continuously invest
  (vs entertainment)
Don’t join the “Masa” mentality
•  Spend for things they believe they “need”
     - Colored TV /DVD
•  Splurge on celebrated occasions:
Christmas, New Year, Valentine (Western influenced);
fiesta, jueteng (Native Filipino)

Lower/Middle Class Segment
 •  Ubos ang pera sa Bingo, Lotto,
    Billiards, Sabongan…

Budget 10% of
your income for
books and

Leadership series of books by John Maxwell
Help Heal With words of HOPE

Magsubscribe sa
Wealthy & Wais text service.

Just text WEALTHY
and send to 2910 (Smart/Globe to ff)
Simple lang!

Get daily encouragement
on how to wisely
your finances for
just P2.50@day.
Magsubscribe sa Go Negosyo Text
 Tips service. Just text Go Nego
 and send to 2910 (Smart/Globe)
Simple lang! Get daily
 encouragement on how to start up
 and run a business for just
Success Mindset #8:

   Always thinking of 
* Breadtalk (Singapore)
           1st in new category:
Innovation: Experiential buying of different
            varieties of bread.
* Breadtalk (Singapore)
    1st in new category:
Experiential buying of bread.

       “Cute bread”
* Breadtalk (Singapore)
Started in 2000 by George Quek when he was 46
Today does $123M in sales
30+ different countries
Insect Inter (Thailand).
#1 in Insect-fastfood category
Insect Inter (Thailand).

- Serves hygenic insects
-  rganically grown, grown and
harvested in a no pesticide-field
- located in supermarkets/malls vs side
-  enu :
-  rispy Crickets, Deep Fried coco-
worms, Grasshopper salad
Cricket tempura
Insect Inter (Thailand).
                    #1 in Insect-fastfood category


mind the
look, it
founder – Satapol
Insect Inter (Thailand)
                            ESULT
                            0+ outlets

                            ver 15M
                          Baht in
                          sales @ year
                            00 new
Insect Inter (Thailand)

 "I have absolutely no doubt that our
 crispy, crunchy crickets will replace
 popcorn as a favourite snack in cinemas“
 - Mr Satapol Polprapas, InsectInter Founder, 29 yrs
 old (started with just P160 investment)
Budget Chicken Inasal
with Unlimited Rice
Founder: Edgar Injap Sia,
Iloilo City (2003)
Bring the food deliveryyour customers (OAP)
 Innovation in
               store to service
Innovators solve
 problems in the form of
services or products that
people are willing to pay
         up for.
      (video – subway funproject)
It is important to recycle
Time for garbage to decompose:
  Glass bottle = 1,000 years
It is important to recycle
Time for garbage to decompose:
  Plastic bottle = unknown (a long, long time)
Recycle a water bottle…
A world full of junk
We don’t want a polluted Earth
Seeing Possibilities
Seeing Possibilities means learning
from all experiences, both positive
           and negative
Solar Bottle Light
 Natural daylight for the community
What is the common source of
Can we find an alternative?
Made from readily available &
         recyclable materials…
2L PET soda bottles
encased in GI corrugated
Easy to assemble…
Provides a good
 source of light
equivalent to 55
Before and After
Increasing the income
  of laundry women
Success Mindset #9:

    Hindi takot mag 
Work HARD 
EASY Money mentality
P80M Lotto Winner,
Naputulan ng Kuryente.
"Last Sunday’s debut telecast (True
Stories on QTV featured) the story of
a man who won over P80 million
playing the lotto sweeps—and
eventually lost most of it. In fact, his
fortunes have fallen so low that the
electricity in his “mansion” has been
cut off, and his kitchen shelves are
bare. (, 1/29/10.
Florida Lotto winner wished
he had never won.
Family members say Abraham
Shakespeare, a truck driver's assistant,
was constantly hounded for a piece of
his $30 million lotto winnings.
Shakespeare's brother told The
Associated Press that Shakespeare
often wished he had never bought the
winning ticket. `` `I'd have been better
off broke.' He said that to me all the
time,'' Robert Brown said. (In April of
2009, Shakespeare was murdered and
buried in the backyard of his friend.)
Read more:
10,000 hrs.
“Greatness requires enormous time”
     -  Malcolm Gladwell

     10,000 hours
     = 20 hrs of work/practise @ wk x 10 yrs
     [or 4 hrs of practise @ day x 5 days @ wk]
     + opportunity
     = success = “outlier”
Success Mindset #10:

don’t let the business own you!

   There’s more to life than 
Set your mind on not just
being a success

But on being the most...
loving spouse, or parent, or
brother, or sister, or son or
Raising Funds by Producing, Organizing and   17
Promoting Events (c) Ardy Roberto 2008       9
Entrepreneurial MINDSET
  Your business is NOT your life:

  “Once the business threatens to
break-up our marriage, I will close or
 sell the business. I choose FAMILY
          over the business.”
Entrepreneurial MINDSET

  To avoid burn out...
    FIRE yourself!
Find a way to make the
 business run without
          (April 8 story)
Entrepreneurial MINDSET

Your business is NOT
      your life.
Own your business, don’t let your business OWN YOU!
   Ask yourself these (Gerber)
How can I get my business to work,
         but without me?
How can I get my people to work, but
 without my constant interference?
How can I systematize my business
        like a franchise?
 Work ON your
business not IN:

•  lace systems
•  lace a team
•  oach
•  et go…
Entrepreneurial MINDSET

Work hard ON your business in
the first few years so that it can
run profitably and successfully
WITHOUT YOU for the next few
  decades. (Or enables you to
SELL the business, so that your
 money starts working for you)
Entrepreneurial MINDSET:
 Your business is not your life

Set your mind on not just
being a successful entrepreneur,

But on being the most...
Loving spouse, or parent, or
brother, or sister, or son or
Entrepreneurial MINDSET:
  Your business is not your life

At the end of your life, what
matters most is the love and
respect of those who matter most.

So make sure that you own the
business and the business does
not own you…(don’t fall in love
with your business or else…)
Entrepreneurial / Investor MINDSET

  Own your business,
 don’t let your business
       OWN YOU!
 Text your name, organization,
feedback, and email address to:
Get FREE copy of this presentation.
Thank you!
  From the

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Mindset go negosyo thinking well - negosem

  • 1. Mindsets of Success June 10, 2011 Ardy Roberto Angelpreneur - GoNegosyo Co-Founder, Salt & Light Ventures, Inc Inspire Leadership Consultancy, Inc. Entrep10 Awardee, Microsoft Most Inspiring Entrepreneur Co-Columnist, Philippine Daily Inquirer’s MarketingRx Author, S4, Heart of Healing, Buhay na Hindi Bitin
  • 3. 10 Mindsets of Success
  • 4. Note-taking Tips to Maximize Your Learning at this SEMINAR: [ ] Apply, [ ] Change, [ ] Teach/transfer
  • 5. Success Mindset #1: ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE Say thank you everyday
  • 8.
  • 9. Have an attitude of gratitude: Count your blessings!
  • 10. Your money or your life? Adolf Merckle (World’s 94th richest, Germany’s 5th richest) stressed out by financial crisis: Commits Suicide (Jan 6-09)
  • 11. Adolf Merckle (World’s 94th richest, Germany’s 5th richest) stressed out by financial crisis: Commits Suicide (Jan 6-09)
  • 12. Success Mindset #2: Right Self-Worth Formula: Your net worth is not your self worth
  • 14. Success Mindset #3: WELCOME TRIALS! It increases your AQ (Adversity Quotient)
  • 15. Dec ‘99-May 2000 Crisis situation – Very ill, suspected to have bone cancer or leukemia
  • 17. June 2000 “SLE” Systemic Lupus: Attacked multiple organs, esp kidneys, nervous system, etc Very bad prognosis..
  • 18. October 2000 My “Miracle”: Patient •  Kidney damage reversed •  No chemotherapy •  No Dialysis •  Minimal medication •  Lupus quiet since 2000
  • 19. 2001 onwards My “Miracle” Patient
  • 21. Dream trips My “Miracle” Patient @ Sea of Galilee
  • 22. Dream trips – Egypt/ Israel 2005 My “Miracle” Patient @ Sea of Galilee
  • 23. Salt & Light Ventures
  • 24. My “Miracle” Patient @ Sea of Galilee Miracle: From bankrupt to giving back
  • 25. Pagtiyagaan ang mga trials and hardships because... “Consider it pure joy…whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance.” James 1:2,3
  • 26. So welcome trials! It increases your AQ and develops PERSEVERANCE
  • 27. Success Mindset #4: MASTER your MIND {Think about your thinking}
  • 28. Your MIND = your best friend or your worst enemy “You become what you think about most of the time” – Earl Nightingale, The Strangest Secret
  • 29. This is a BRAIN CELL. Brain Cell It is the basic building block of your brain. You have 1,000,000,000,000 a million million cells in your brain. We use just 2%! If a neuron dies, the surrounding neurons will take over some of the activity from the disabled one. You can actually grow new dendrites if you continue to intellectually stimulate yourself through reading, doing puzzles, and playing games like chess.By creating more dendrites and more connections, you create more chances for thought generation. So every time you have a new thought, you literally change your brain at a chemical, electrical, and physical level. MOST IMPORTANT…… a thought is real!
  • 30.
  • 31.
  • 34. THE STORY OF NICK – Family man. But a worrier and pessimist. A railroad worker who always expected worse to happen... And then one day while working at the railroads
  • 35. Nick got accidentally locked! Since he was in a refrigererator car, Nick assumed that the temperature inside was a freezing 0°C. He started shivering and thought to himself, “I'll freeze to death if I don’t get out of here.”
  • 36. Nick wrote a message to his wife and family on a cardboard box: “So cold,” “…body's getting numb. If I could just go to sleep. These may be my last words.”
  • 37. The strange thing was the boxcar’s refrigeration unit was broken and the temperature inside was just around 16°C — far from freezing. But the autopsy on Nick’s body showed that he had frozen to death!
  • 38. Nick’s thoughts froze himself to death.
  • 39. “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.” – Proverbs 23:7 King Solomon
  • 40. What are the thoughts in your mind? What do you think about most of the time? Are you hopeful? Or are you worried?
  • 41. Study on Worry: “What People Worry About” 40% are worrying about things that never happen anyway. 30% are worrying about past, unchangeable decisions. 12% are worrying about illnesses that never happen. 10% are worrying about adult children and friends (who are able to take care of themselves). Only 8% are worrying about real problems. 92% ng lahat ng pinoproblema ng maga tao are about things that are not within our control!
  • 42. Paul to the Philippians (gamot sa worry) “Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. If you do this, you will experience God’s peace, which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6-7 (New Living Translation
  • 43. Placebo Case Study Placebo heart surgeries anyone?
  • 44. Businessweek, reporting on the economics of the billion-dollar heart surgery industry, reported that those who had thought they had undergone laser heart surgery to improve their blood received the same flow benefits as those who went through actual heart surgery. I.e. “Hindi na barado!”
  • 45. The Pygmalion effect Self-fulfilling prophecy Examples: Children – “baka madapa ka!” “bobo!” “Friends” – “baka malugi ka!” Country – “Wala nang pagasa”
  • 46. Pygmalion effect in business ...performance will improve if your supervisors communicate positive thoughts about people to people. If the supervisor actually believes that every employee has the ability to make a positive contribution at work, the telegraphing of that message, either consciously or unconsciously, will positively affect employee performance.
  • 47. What are the thoughts in your mind? What do you think about most of the time? Are you hopeful? Or do you worry?
  • 48. “You become what you think about most of the time” – Earl Nightingale, The Strangest Secret
  • 49. …So master your thought life. Your most important capital is not money but your intellectual capital.
  • 50. Think on these things… Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. – Phil 4:8
  • 51. Success Mindset #5: Master FEAR
  • 52. F alse E ducation A ppearing R eal
  • 53. What are the other names of FEAR? COMPLACENCY COMFORT COMFORT ZONE
  • 54. BE FEARLESS get out of your comfort zone
  • 55. 4
  • 56. 3
  • 57.
  • 58.
  • 59. Fearless : Anthony Robles – Champion NCAA Wrestler
  • 60. Fearless : Jessica Cox – First Filipina pilot
  • 61. Fearless : Jessica Cox – First FilAm licensed pilot w/o ...
  • 62. Quiz: What is the common denominator of Anthony and Jessica? -aside from being Fearless?
  • 63. ENTHUSIASM! From Greek “Entheos” - God in -aside from being Fearless?
  • 64. “NOTHING GREAT was ever achieved without ENTHUSIASM” -Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • 65. “NOTHING GREAT was ever achieved without ENTHUSIASM” -Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • 66. So drive out and master fear by being excited and enthusiastic about life!
  • 68. Think about your DREAMS Mangarap
  • 69. What are your dreams? Is your dream worth achieving? Is it going to help other people? Will achieving your dream help make the world a better place?
  • 70. Mangarap {Dream!} Edwin Pages story: from beerhouse business to Online real estate magnate
  • 74. “Everything that we could do wrong, we did wrong...”
  • 75. God, if you’re real...
  • 76. How Salt & Light Ventures became #1 niche seminar producer and promoter We started small and dreamed BIG
  • 77. Start up: Salt & Light Ventures 2000 How do I grow this business?
  • 78. Start small: 15 to 50 people workshops How do I grow this business?
  • 79. Then… 100 to 250 people seminars
  • 80. Then… 300 to 500 to 1,000 people conferences
  • 81. Okay – let’s go! Think BIG: Araneta Coliseum and PICC
  • 82. 10 years after the “most successful failure” concert business in CDO…a seminar with 14,000 people!
  • 83. PICC: 4,000 people Total for 2 days: 18,000 people
  • 84.
  • 85.
  • 86. My “Miracle” Patient @ Sea of Galilee Miracle: From bankrupt to giving back
  • 87. Another dream: Project “AUTHOR” I also started small and dreamed BIG. (And I wrote it down!)
  • 88.
  • 90. I'm Inspired! - My 3 Most Successful Failures - (c) Ardy Roberto 2010.
  • 92. Winner – Chairman’s Award Direct Selling Association of the Philippines “A must-read for wanna be entrepreneurs.” – Prof Andy Ferreria, Dean, ME Program, AIM
  • 93.
  • 94.
  • 95.
  • 96.
  • 97. I am just in the middle of the mountain!
  • 98. I am just in the middle of the mountain!
  • 99. I am just in the middle of the mountain!
  • 100. Believe because…“It shall be done to you according to your faith.” Matthew 9:29
  • 101. Success Mindset #7: INVEST IN THE RIGHT THINGS
  • 102. Successful entrepreneurs continuously invest in EDUCATION (vs entertainment)
  • 103. Don’t join the “Masa” mentality •  Spend for things they believe they “need” - Colored TV /DVD •  Splurge on celebrated occasions: Christmas, New Year, Valentine (Western influenced); fiesta, jueteng (Native Filipino) 103
  • 104. Lower/Middle Class Segment •  Ubos ang pera sa Bingo, Lotto, Billiards, Sabongan… 104
  • 105. Budget 10% of your income for books and seminars
  • 106.
  • 108. Leadership series of books by John Maxwell
  • 109.
  • 110. Help Heal With words of HOPE
  • 111. Magsubscribe sa Wealthy & Wais text service. Just text WEALTHY and send to 2910 (Smart/Globe to ff) Simple lang! Get daily encouragement on how to wisely manage your finances for just P2.50@day.
  • 112. Magsubscribe sa Go Negosyo Text Tips service. Just text Go Nego and send to 2910 (Smart/Globe) Simple lang! Get daily encouragement on how to start up and run a business for just P2.50@day.
  • 113. Success Mindset #8: Always thinking of INNOVATING
  • 114. * Breadtalk (Singapore) 1st in new category: Innovation: Experiential buying of different varieties of bread.
  • 115. * Breadtalk (Singapore) 1st in new category: Experiential buying of bread. “Cute bread”
  • 116. * Breadtalk (Singapore) Started in 2000 by George Quek when he was 46 Today does $123M in sales 30+ different countries
  • 117. Innovator: Insect Inter (Thailand). #1 in Insect-fastfood category
  • 118. Insect Inter (Thailand). INNOVATION: - Serves hygenic insects -  rganically grown, grown and o harvested in a no pesticide-field - located in supermarkets/malls vs side walks -  enu : M -  rispy Crickets, Deep Fried coco- C worms, Grasshopper salad Cricket tempura
  • 119. Insect Inter (Thailand). #1 in Insect-fastfood category Slogan: “Never mind the look, it tastes great“ founder – Satapol Polprapas
  • 120. Insect Inter (Thailand)   ESULT R   0+ outlets 6   ver 15M O Baht in sales @ year   00 new 1 franchisees
  • 121. Insect Inter (Thailand) "I have absolutely no doubt that our crispy, crunchy crickets will replace popcorn as a favourite snack in cinemas“ - Mr Satapol Polprapas, InsectInter Founder, 29 yrs old (started with just P160 investment)
  • 122. Category: Innovation: Budget Chicken Inasal with Unlimited Rice Founder: Edgar Injap Sia, Iloilo City (2003)
  • 123. Bring the food deliveryyour customers (OAP) Innovation in store to service
  • 124. Innovators solve problems in the form of services or products that people are willing to pay up for. (video – subway funproject)
  • 125.
  • 126.
  • 128. It is important to recycle Time for garbage to decompose: Glass bottle = 1,000 years
  • 129. It is important to recycle Time for garbage to decompose: Plastic bottle = unknown (a long, long time)
  • 130. Recycle a water bottle…
  • 131. A world full of junk We don’t want a polluted Earth
  • 132.
  • 133.
  • 135.
  • 136.
  • 137.
  • 138.
  • 139.
  • 140. Seeing Possibilities means learning from all experiences, both positive and negative
  • 141.
  • 142.
  • 143.
  • 144.
  • 145.
  • 146.
  • 147.
  • 148. Solar Bottle Light Natural daylight for the community
  • 149. What is the common source of light?
  • 150. Can we find an alternative?
  • 151.
  • 152. Video
  • 153.
  • 154. Made from readily available & recyclable materials…
  • 155. 2L PET soda bottles encased in GI corrugated sheets
  • 157.
  • 158.
  • 159. Provides a good source of light equivalent to 55 watts
  • 160.
  • 162.
  • 163.
  • 164.
  • 165. Think!
  • 166. Increasing the income of laundry women
  • 167.
  • 168.
  • 169. Success Mindset #9: Hindi takot mag TRABAHO
  • 170. Work HARD vs EASY Money mentality
  • 171.
  • 172. P80M Lotto Winner, Naputulan ng Kuryente. "Last Sunday’s debut telecast (True Stories on QTV featured) the story of a man who won over P80 million playing the lotto sweeps—and eventually lost most of it. In fact, his fortunes have fallen so low that the electricity in his “mansion” has been cut off, and his kitchen shelves are bare. (, 1/29/10.
  • 173. Florida Lotto winner wished he had never won. Family members say Abraham Shakespeare, a truck driver's assistant, was constantly hounded for a piece of his $30 million lotto winnings. Shakespeare's brother told The Associated Press that Shakespeare often wished he had never bought the winning ticket. `` `I'd have been better off broke.' He said that to me all the time,'' Robert Brown said. (In April of 2009, Shakespeare was murdered and buried in the backyard of his friend.) Read more:
  • 174.
  • 176. “Greatness requires enormous time” -  Malcolm Gladwell 10,000 hours = 20 hrs of work/practise @ wk x 10 yrs [or 4 hrs of practise @ day x 5 days @ wk] + opportunity = success = “outlier”
  • 177. Success Mindset #10: OWN THE BUSINESS – don’t let the business own you! There’s more to life than WORK and BUSINESS
  • 178. Set your mind on not just being a success But on being the most... loving spouse, or parent, or brother, or sister, or son or daughter…
  • 179. Raising Funds by Producing, Organizing and 17 Promoting Events (c) Ardy Roberto 2008 9
  • 180. Entrepreneurial MINDSET Your business is NOT your life: “Once the business threatens to break-up our marriage, I will close or sell the business. I choose FAMILY over the business.”
  • 181. Entrepreneurial MINDSET To avoid burn out... FIRE yourself! Find a way to make the business run without you. (April 8 story)
  • 183. Own your business, don’t let your business OWN YOU! Ask yourself these (Gerber) questions: How can I get my business to work, but without me? How can I get my people to work, but without my constant interference? How can I systematize my business like a franchise?
  • 184. Entrepreneurial MINDSET Work ON your business not IN: •  lace systems P •  lace a team P •  oach C •  et go… L
  • 185. Entrepreneurial MINDSET Work hard ON your business in the first few years so that it can run profitably and successfully WITHOUT YOU for the next few decades. (Or enables you to SELL the business, so that your money starts working for you)
  • 186. Entrepreneurial MINDSET: Your business is not your life Set your mind on not just being a successful entrepreneur, But on being the most... Loving spouse, or parent, or brother, or sister, or son or daughter…
  • 187. Entrepreneurial MINDSET: Your business is not your life At the end of your life, what matters most is the love and respect of those who matter most. So make sure that you own the business and the business does not own you…(don’t fall in love with your business or else…)
  • 188. Entrepreneurial / Investor MINDSET Own your business, don’t let your business OWN YOU!
  • 189. FREE! Text your name, organization, feedback, and email address to: +0920-4106407 Get FREE copy of this presentation.
  • 190. Thank you! From the Roberto family. ardyrobertoAuthor /AngPera
  • 191.
  • 192.
  • 193. ??