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Young people generally form the future of any nation state and Singapore is no exception, it is,
however, especially concerned about the future of itself as a nation. For Singapore the theme of
youth is doubled, as the newness of the nation is a mirrored reflection of young Singaporeans
and for the state. Young people embody the fragility of the nation itself, and government policy
towards them has become a site where anxiety about the future of the nation is expressed.
"Singaporean youths must have wings and yet know where their nest is" interrogates selected
policies directed at young people in the city-state of Singapore against the backdrop of the
youth of that nation-state itself. This examination includes: policies towards young offenders
(and criminality generally), highlighting the anxiety the state feels about the non-conformity of
young law-breakers and about the othering of criminals, about the role of National Service as a
mechanism for masculinised nation building, and about the definition and discourse around
post-independence generations, including the "brain drain" generation, the "Generation
Millennium", and the "quitters and stayers", illustrating Singaporean tension between
nationalism and political apathy. The resulting analysis questions the notion of youth as agents
of change, troubles ideas of technology as a mechanism for liberalisation in Singapore, and
challenges Western assumptions about the liberalising power of affluence and globalisation.
Keywords: Singaporean youths, nation, anxiety, consumption, crime

Foreign Studies
College student retention programs
College student retention programs tend to focus primarily on students in their first and second
year of college as this is the time when the greatest number

of students withdraws from postsecondary education (ACT 2004). Such programs vary
substantially in design and execution. Examples include: Early alert, assessment, and
monitoring systems to identify students at risk of dropping out for early intervention; Freshman
Seminar; and HORIZONS. Organizational Theory practices, designed to create an institutional
culture conducive to student retention, are another means of encouraging college student
Connection to Health
Improving college retention rates may have broad impacts: students who complete college
degrees have been found to be less likely to need the support of social services, generate
higher tax returns, put less stress on the criminal justice system, and have better health status
and improved parenting skills.
Expected Beneficial Outcomes
Increased college retention rates
increased graduation rates
Evidence of Effectiveness
ACT-Student Retention 2004 indicates that emphasis on retention strategies over the past
several decades has not had a substantial impact on college retention overall. However, such
programs have been effective in some venues and for some students: Dale 1995 reports that
85% of students participating in HORIZON, a Purdue University based student retention

Epal lng

THE number of children not attending school is increasing, according to a lawmaker who called
on government to do something to reverse this disturbing trend.

At least 1.4 Filipino children have become out of school youth in the last nine years, hiking the
number of unschooled youth at 6.2 million, a lawmaker said on Saturday.

Rep. Theresa Bonoan-David of Manila made the disclosure as she filed House Resolution 2511
urging the House committee on basic education and culture to take action to stop the number of
out-of-school- youths from climbing further.

David said that in 2011, the National Statistics Office reported that about 6.24 million of the
estimated 39 million Filipinos aged six to 24 did not attend school. The 2011 figure is much
higher than that 4.8 million children reported to have stayed out of schools in the 2002 Annual
Poverty Indicators Survey (APIS).

The NSO said that 28.9 percent of the out-of-school youth did not pursue their studies because
of the high cost of education while 27.5 percent stopped for lack of interest.

“The state recognizes the youth as key agents of socio-economic development and
technological innovation in the country and as such, should provide for mechanisms which
would make them avail of a decent education, which would eventually make them indispensable
contributors to national growth and progress,” David said.
She said that the government should do more to help children stay in school, especially those
coming from poor families.

Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature

The use of hydropower throughout the world has been changing since thousands of years. It's
because it is an indigenously available, clean, and renewable source of energy. Currently, 15%
of the world's electricity comes from hydroelectric power (Renewable Energy for the 21st
Century, "Renewables 2007: Global Status Report"). While this number is impressive, new
technologies will help hydroelectric power play a larger role in meeting global energy needs in
the future.New developments are made to achieve best results on harnessing water as an
energy source. All aimed at reducing other energy sources depletion and pollution in order to
increase the efficiency of the power. This has said to have a huge potential, both huge and
small levels(Dr. Nand Kishor,Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad) .
Hydropower plants can be based either as run-off river type or with reservior built. Both levels
can be based by either of the two depending on the capacity of power generation. Small levels
is usually a run-of-river plant that uses fixed speed drive with mechanical regulation of the
turbine water flow for controlling the active power generation(J.L. Marquez, M.G. Molina, J.M.
Pacas; Instituto de Energía Eléctrica, Universidad Nacional de San Juan). Though there are
new technologies upcoming, there are also conflicts which depicts the disadvantages of certain
uses or operation. It has been reported that certain problems handling the plant may cause
devastation over an area around the built power plant,(Asia News Network, News Desk,
Vietnam News; Published 08/11/2010).


In 1922 Walter Lippman , newspaper columnist, first posed the idea that the mass media
shapes public perception with images. Lippman's notion, based on the public's limited first-hand
knowledge of the real world, created the foundation for what has come to be known as agenda-
setting. The agenda-setting theory maintains the media plays an influential part in how issues
gain public attention. Conceptualized over time, agenda-setting is the dynamic process "in
which changes in media coverage lead to or cause subsequent changes in problem awareness
of issues" (Brosius & Kepplinger, 1990, p. 190; Lang & Lang, 1981). Bernard Cohen's
statement in 1963 predicted "the press may not be successful much of the time in telling people
what to think, but it is stunningly successful in telling its readers what to think about" (p.13).
Whether social or political, local or national, public issues are generated by the media.
Consumers not only learn about an issue "but also how much importance is attached to that
issue from the amount of information in a news story and its position" (McCombs & Shaw, 1972,
p. 176). McCombs and Shaw's study of mediated affects on the 1968 presidential campaign
nullified previous assumptions that information and how it is presented has an attitudinal effect
inducing behavior changes. Their groundbreaking efforts focused on issue awareness and
relevance not behavior and attitude, concluding "the mass media exerted a significant influence
on what voters considered to be the major issues of the campaign" (Infante, et al., 1997, p.

Media drives agenda. Funkhouser (1973) focused his attention on the major issues for each
year in the 1960s and further concluded that media agenda drives public agenda, and real-world
indicators are less strongly associated with issue salience and media attention (Funkhouser,
1973; Dearing & Rogers, 1996).

Foreign Literature
Joe N. of, they attract the buyers by selling what they want, non-stop on a channel
that's dedicated for buyers. This is a good technique if you are trying selling something, and
gaining a good audience of buyers, because you are putting the product up for advertisement,
on a channel those buyers watch. You don't have to completely analyze a commercial to come
to this conclusion, or to categorize a commercial under a specific technique, but just pay some
attention to the main details.
In Channels of Desire (1982), the Ewens trace the emergence of the consumer society through
the rise of mass images and new advertising, fashion, and entertainment industries. They
explore some of the ways in which desire was channeled into consumption and into desire for
ever new and ever more consumer goods.

local Literature review
Follow-up or tracer studies have enjoyed popularity in LIS training needs/ assessment analyses
over the past 20 years in Africa in studies by scholars such as Anadiran (1988) in Nigeria;
Alemna (1991, 1999) and Kisie du (1993) in Ghana; Rosenberg (1989, 1994) in Kenya;
Ocholla (2001 and 2005) and Stilwell (2004) in South Africa Rugambwa (1998) and Mammo
(2007) in Ethiopia; Aina and Moahi (1999) in Botswana; and Lutwana and Kigongo - Bukenya
(2004) in Uganda. Mammo (2007) conducted a study on the status of LIS education in Ethiopia
and the perceptions of graduates on the LIS program me. The study revealed that in one
university ,the LIS program me changed to Information Systems because of university-wide
changes ,while in another university, the LIS curriculum remained the same. Graduates
indicated that they were not satisfied with the LIS programme.2
Lutwana and Kigongo-Bukenya (2004) conducted a study on the appropriateness of the EASLIS
(East Africa School of Library and Information Science) curriculum to professional practice in
Library and Information Science field in Uganda. The purpose of the study was to establish
where graduates worked, what they did, and whether their education met employers’
expectations. It further identified areas of curriculum revision. The study revealed that most
graduates were employed in academic institutions, government departments, banks and NGO’s
libraries, where they performed various professional activities. The study also revealed that
employers complained about the lack of practical skills among the graduates, citing
specialization through electives as inadequate

local dre

Nobody can deny the hard fact that education is an extremely important factor for bringing
change in the lives of individuals. It has universally been re-cognized as the most powerful
instrument for gearing up the socio-economic development of the nation.
                    Out of school youth means having a vulnerable people who have needs. In
fact, it can be said that it is a pre-condition for the overall up-lift and welfare of nation. This is
why investment in education is considered to be so vital for human resource development and
the enhancement of the quality of manpower. It is clear that the composition and characteristics
of this most crucial part of population goes a long way in the process of national development of
the policy makers and planners in their planning and decision making for the future.
                     Out of school youth is a vulnerable population with complex needs. Many
face dim employment prospects and uncertain futures. Out of school youth is broadly defined as
youth aged 16 to 24 who are not in school and who is unemployed, underemployed, or lacking
basic skills, while there is no single system that provides services to out of school youth.
                      Public schools offer free tuition for enrollment for elementary but also in
High school students. This may count for high enrollment in schools, although the enrollment
has a high result, many poor families is unable to finance the ancillary school needs of their
children. The reason why out of school youth happens because of the problems in the family
that forces a teenager to work early that they shouldn’t be.

E2 pa

Local Literatures

  A. Intramuros to Adopt New Traffic Scheme
According to Mayen Jaymalin of the Philippine Star Updated May 24, 2012 the historic
Intramuros may soon be closed to vehicular traffic to accommodate the estimated one million
foreign and local visitors to the Walled City. Intramuros Administrator (IA) chief Jose Capistrano
said they intend to adopt a new traffic scheme within the historical site in preparation for the
projected influx of tourists in the area this year.
“We are adopting a so-called Integrated Parking and Traffic Management System which entails
closure to motor vehicles of several streets to give way to increased foot traffic in the Walled
City,” Capistrano said. From half a million a year, Capistrano said the number of visitors in
Intramuros is expected to double or even triple with the new tourism package they are offering.
Last week, IA launched the “It’s more fun in Intramuros” campaign that aims to restore the old
glory of Intramuros.
Mayen, Jaymalin. “Intramuros to Adopt New Traffic Scheme,” The Philippine Star, May 24,

 B. Should the Jeepney go the way of the Kalesa?

According to Rico Mossesgeld of the Philippine Star updated March 31, 2011 the 1938 short
film Manila: Queen of the Pacific showcases a progressive Philippine capital. Period
automobiles share the road with rail-driven trams and masses of horse-drawn kalesas. The
kalesa itself has been relegated into a tourist attraction, now a colorful curiosity rather than a
public form of transport. Now cars share the roads with jeepneys, the epitome of Philippine


Out of school youth are the helpless people who have needs. Nobody can deny
that the facts of education are the most important thing or factor for some people to
bring change in their lives. It has been recognized as the most prevailing gearing-up the
socio-economic development of our government or our nation.

The percentage of children enrolled in the 2006-2007 school year primary school was
down to 83% from 90% seven years ago, according to National Coordination on Board
by Agency France Pressed(AFP) And also this 2012 the numbers of out of school for
secondary education getting worse. Education is the great equalizer that will give all
Filipinos rich or poor, the chance to uplift their lives and face a secure future. One in
six-school-age children in the Philippines are being deprived of education and the
number is raising steadily a study by the National Statistical Coordination Board (NSCB)
showed 4 years ago. And also the number of six-year-old children who are not in Grade
I reached 1.207 million and have 3.8 million school-aged children who likely have not
attended school. The 2003 Functional Literacy, Education and Mass Media Survey or
(FLEMMS) conducted by the National Statistics Office (NSO) every 5 years cited 11.6
million Filipinos aged 10-24 are not attending school. The NSCB said the number of
Filipino children who did not have access to primary education worsened to 16.8 % of
school-age population in the school year ending 2007 from 15.6 % the previous year
because of the rising cost of living. And the latest number of children who did not have
access to elementary education was even worse compared with the 9.7% recorded in
school year 2003.
Out Of School Youth
ASEM Trust Fund for the Asian Financial Crisis Implementation Completion
Memorandum Philippine Out-of-School Children and Youth Development
(POSCYD) Project ASEM Trust FundNo.023514

Background and Objectives: In the Philippines, the trend for the past ten years
show that for every 10 pupils who enroll in grade school, only 7 graduate. The
same ratio is experienced among the high school students. Main reasons
cited for dropping-out are mostly poverty related. While basic education is
free, many poor families are unable to finance the ancillary school needs of
their children. Deprived of completing high school education, the out-of-school
youth are further marginalized from acquiring technical skills. As mandated by
the law, technical education in the Philippines is a post secondary course. The
continuing inability of many poor young people to complete basic education
and/or undertake technical education, consign them to the vicious cycle of
poverty. Their lack of education constrains
Out of school youth means having a vulnerable people who have needs.
Nobody can deny the hard fact that education is an extremely important factor
for bringing change in the lives of individuals. It has universally been
recognized as the most powerful instrument and pre-requisite for gearing up
the socio-economic development of a nation. In fact, it can be said that it is a
pre-condition for the overall up-lift and welfare of a nation. This is why
investment in education is considered to be so vital for human resource
development and the enhancement of the quality of manpower. The history of
humankind, in general, and that of developed nations of the worked, in
particular, is replete with the precedents, which establish the fact that a certain
level of literacy in population is an essential pre-requisite for precipitating the
process of development in a country.

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  • 1. Young people generally form the future of any nation state and Singapore is no exception, it is, however, especially concerned about the future of itself as a nation. For Singapore the theme of youth is doubled, as the newness of the nation is a mirrored reflection of young Singaporeans and for the state. Young people embody the fragility of the nation itself, and government policy towards them has become a site where anxiety about the future of the nation is expressed. "Singaporean youths must have wings and yet know where their nest is" interrogates selected policies directed at young people in the city-state of Singapore against the backdrop of the youth of that nation-state itself. This examination includes: policies towards young offenders (and criminality generally), highlighting the anxiety the state feels about the non-conformity of young law-breakers and about the othering of criminals, about the role of National Service as a mechanism for masculinised nation building, and about the definition and discourse around post-independence generations, including the "brain drain" generation, the "Generation Millennium", and the "quitters and stayers", illustrating Singaporean tension between nationalism and political apathy. The resulting analysis questions the notion of youth as agents of change, troubles ideas of technology as a mechanism for liberalisation in Singapore, and challenges Western assumptions about the liberalising power of affluence and globalisation. Keywords: Singaporean youths, nation, anxiety, consumption, crime Foreign Studies College student retention programs Description College student retention programs tend to focus primarily on students in their first and second year of college as this is the time when the greatest number of students withdraws from postsecondary education (ACT 2004). Such programs vary substantially in design and execution. Examples include: Early alert, assessment, and
  • 2. monitoring systems to identify students at risk of dropping out for early intervention; Freshman Seminar; and HORIZONS. Organizational Theory practices, designed to create an institutional culture conducive to student retention, are another means of encouraging college student retention. Connection to Health Improving college retention rates may have broad impacts: students who complete college degrees have been found to be less likely to need the support of social services, generate higher tax returns, put less stress on the criminal justice system, and have better health status and improved parenting skills. Expected Beneficial Outcomes Increased college retention rates increased graduation rates Evidence of Effectiveness ACT-Student Retention 2004 indicates that emphasis on retention strategies over the past several decades has not had a substantial impact on college retention overall. However, such programs have been effective in some venues and for some students: Dale 1995 reports that 85% of students participating in HORIZON, a Purdue University based student retention program, Epal lng THE number of children not attending school is increasing, according to a lawmaker who called on government to do something to reverse this disturbing trend. At least 1.4 Filipino children have become out of school youth in the last nine years, hiking the number of unschooled youth at 6.2 million, a lawmaker said on Saturday. Rep. Theresa Bonoan-David of Manila made the disclosure as she filed House Resolution 2511 urging the House committee on basic education and culture to take action to stop the number of out-of-school- youths from climbing further. David said that in 2011, the National Statistics Office reported that about 6.24 million of the estimated 39 million Filipinos aged six to 24 did not attend school. The 2011 figure is much higher than that 4.8 million children reported to have stayed out of schools in the 2002 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey (APIS). The NSO said that 28.9 percent of the out-of-school youth did not pursue their studies because of the high cost of education while 27.5 percent stopped for lack of interest. “The state recognizes the youth as key agents of socio-economic development and technological innovation in the country and as such, should provide for mechanisms which would make them avail of a decent education, which would eventually make them indispensable contributors to national growth and progress,” David said.
  • 3. She said that the government should do more to help children stay in school, especially those coming from poor families. Chapter 2 Review of Related Literature The use of hydropower throughout the world has been changing since thousands of years. It's because it is an indigenously available, clean, and renewable source of energy. Currently, 15% of the world's electricity comes from hydroelectric power (Renewable Energy for the 21st Century, "Renewables 2007: Global Status Report"). While this number is impressive, new technologies will help hydroelectric power play a larger role in meeting global energy needs in the future.New developments are made to achieve best results on harnessing water as an energy source. All aimed at reducing other energy sources depletion and pollution in order to increase the efficiency of the power. This has said to have a huge potential, both huge and small levels(Dr. Nand Kishor,Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad) . Hydropower plants can be based either as run-off river type or with reservior built. Both levels can be based by either of the two depending on the capacity of power generation. Small levels is usually a run-of-river plant that uses fixed speed drive with mechanical regulation of the turbine water flow for controlling the active power generation(J.L. Marquez, M.G. Molina, J.M. Pacas; Instituto de Energía Eléctrica, Universidad Nacional de San Juan). Though there are new technologies upcoming, there are also conflicts which depicts the disadvantages of certain uses or operation. It has been reported that certain problems handling the plant may cause devastation over an area around the built power plant,(Asia News Network, News Desk, Vietnam News; Published 08/11/2010). REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE In 1922 Walter Lippman , newspaper columnist, first posed the idea that the mass media shapes public perception with images. Lippman's notion, based on the public's limited first-hand knowledge of the real world, created the foundation for what has come to be known as agenda- setting. The agenda-setting theory maintains the media plays an influential part in how issues gain public attention. Conceptualized over time, agenda-setting is the dynamic process "in which changes in media coverage lead to or cause subsequent changes in problem awareness of issues" (Brosius & Kepplinger, 1990, p. 190; Lang & Lang, 1981). Bernard Cohen's statement in 1963 predicted "the press may not be successful much of the time in telling people what to think, but it is stunningly successful in telling its readers what to think about" (p.13). Whether social or political, local or national, public issues are generated by the media. Consumers not only learn about an issue "but also how much importance is attached to that issue from the amount of information in a news story and its position" (McCombs & Shaw, 1972,
  • 4. p. 176). McCombs and Shaw's study of mediated affects on the 1968 presidential campaign nullified previous assumptions that information and how it is presented has an attitudinal effect inducing behavior changes. Their groundbreaking efforts focused on issue awareness and relevance not behavior and attitude, concluding "the mass media exerted a significant influence on what voters considered to be the major issues of the campaign" (Infante, et al., 1997, p. 366). Media drives agenda. Funkhouser (1973) focused his attention on the major issues for each year in the 1960s and further concluded that media agenda drives public agenda, and real-world indicators are less strongly associated with issue salience and media attention (Funkhouser, 1973; Dearing & Rogers, 1996). Foreign Literature Joe N. of, they attract the buyers by selling what they want, non-stop on a channel that's dedicated for buyers. This is a good technique if you are trying selling something, and gaining a good audience of buyers, because you are putting the product up for advertisement, on a channel those buyers watch. You don't have to completely analyze a commercial to come to this conclusion, or to categorize a commercial under a specific technique, but just pay some attention to the main details. In Channels of Desire (1982), the Ewens trace the emergence of the consumer society through the rise of mass images and new advertising, fashion, and entertainment industries. They explore some of the ways in which desire was channeled into consumption and into desire for ever new and ever more consumer goods. local Literature review Follow-up or tracer studies have enjoyed popularity in LIS training needs/ assessment analyses over the past 20 years in Africa in studies by scholars such as Anadiran (1988) in Nigeria; Alemna (1991, 1999) and Kisie du (1993) in Ghana; Rosenberg (1989, 1994) in Kenya; Ocholla (2001 and 2005) and Stilwell (2004) in South Africa Rugambwa (1998) and Mammo (2007) in Ethiopia; Aina and Moahi (1999) in Botswana; and Lutwana and Kigongo - Bukenya (2004) in Uganda. Mammo (2007) conducted a study on the status of LIS education in Ethiopia and the perceptions of graduates on the LIS program me. The study revealed that in one university ,the LIS program me changed to Information Systems because of university-wide changes ,while in another university, the LIS curriculum remained the same. Graduates indicated that they were not satisfied with the LIS programme.2 Lutwana and Kigongo-Bukenya (2004) conducted a study on the appropriateness of the EASLIS (East Africa School of Library and Information Science) curriculum to professional practice in Library and Information Science field in Uganda. The purpose of the study was to establish where graduates worked, what they did, and whether their education met employers’ expectations. It further identified areas of curriculum revision. The study revealed that most graduates were employed in academic institutions, government departments, banks and NGO’s libraries, where they performed various professional activities. The study also revealed that
  • 5. employers complained about the lack of practical skills among the graduates, citing specialization through electives as inadequate local dre Nobody can deny the hard fact that education is an extremely important factor for bringing change in the lives of individuals. It has universally been re-cognized as the most powerful instrument for gearing up the socio-economic development of the nation. Out of school youth means having a vulnerable people who have needs. In fact, it can be said that it is a pre-condition for the overall up-lift and welfare of nation. This is why investment in education is considered to be so vital for human resource development and the enhancement of the quality of manpower. It is clear that the composition and characteristics of this most crucial part of population goes a long way in the process of national development of the policy makers and planners in their planning and decision making for the future. Out of school youth is a vulnerable population with complex needs. Many face dim employment prospects and uncertain futures. Out of school youth is broadly defined as youth aged 16 to 24 who are not in school and who is unemployed, underemployed, or lacking basic skills, while there is no single system that provides services to out of school youth. Public schools offer free tuition for enrollment for elementary but also in High school students. This may count for high enrollment in schools, although the enrollment has a high result, many poor families is unable to finance the ancillary school needs of their children. The reason why out of school youth happens because of the problems in the family that forces a teenager to work early that they shouldn’t be. E2 pa Local Literatures A. Intramuros to Adopt New Traffic Scheme According to Mayen Jaymalin of the Philippine Star Updated May 24, 2012 the historic Intramuros may soon be closed to vehicular traffic to accommodate the estimated one million foreign and local visitors to the Walled City. Intramuros Administrator (IA) chief Jose Capistrano said they intend to adopt a new traffic scheme within the historical site in preparation for the projected influx of tourists in the area this year. “We are adopting a so-called Integrated Parking and Traffic Management System which entails closure to motor vehicles of several streets to give way to increased foot traffic in the Walled City,” Capistrano said. From half a million a year, Capistrano said the number of visitors in Intramuros is expected to double or even triple with the new tourism package they are offering. Last week, IA launched the “It’s more fun in Intramuros” campaign that aims to restore the old glory of Intramuros.
  • 6. Mayen, Jaymalin. “Intramuros to Adopt New Traffic Scheme,” The Philippine Star, May 24, 2012, B. Should the Jeepney go the way of the Kalesa? According to Rico Mossesgeld of the Philippine Star updated March 31, 2011 the 1938 short film Manila: Queen of the Pacific showcases a progressive Philippine capital. Period automobiles share the road with rail-driven trams and masses of horse-drawn kalesas. The kalesa itself has been relegated into a tourist attraction, now a colorful curiosity rather than a public form of transport. Now cars share the roads with jeepneys, the epitome of Philippine ingenuity. BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Out of school youth are the helpless people who have needs. Nobody can deny that the facts of education are the most important thing or factor for some people to bring change in their lives. It has been recognized as the most prevailing gearing-up the socio-economic development of our government or our nation. The percentage of children enrolled in the 2006-2007 school year primary school was down to 83% from 90% seven years ago, according to National Coordination on Board by Agency France Pressed(AFP) And also this 2012 the numbers of out of school for secondary education getting worse. Education is the great equalizer that will give all Filipinos rich or poor, the chance to uplift their lives and face a secure future. One in six-school-age children in the Philippines are being deprived of education and the number is raising steadily a study by the National Statistical Coordination Board (NSCB) showed 4 years ago. And also the number of six-year-old children who are not in Grade I reached 1.207 million and have 3.8 million school-aged children who likely have not attended school. The 2003 Functional Literacy, Education and Mass Media Survey or (FLEMMS) conducted by the National Statistics Office (NSO) every 5 years cited 11.6 million Filipinos aged 10-24 are not attending school. The NSCB said the number of Filipino children who did not have access to primary education worsened to 16.8 % of school-age population in the school year ending 2007 from 15.6 % the previous year because of the rising cost of living. And the latest number of children who did not have access to elementary education was even worse compared with the 9.7% recorded in school year 2003.
  • 7. Out Of School Youth ASEM Trust Fund for the Asian Financial Crisis Implementation Completion Memorandum Philippine Out-of-School Children and Youth Development (POSCYD) Project ASEM Trust FundNo.023514 Background and Objectives: In the Philippines, the trend for the past ten years show that for every 10 pupils who enroll in grade school, only 7 graduate. The same ratio is experienced among the high school students. Main reasons cited for dropping-out are mostly poverty related. While basic education is free, many poor families are unable to finance the ancillary school needs of their children. Deprived of completing high school education, the out-of-school youth are further marginalized from acquiring technical skills. As mandated by the law, technical education in the Philippines is a post secondary course. The continuing inability of many poor young people to complete basic education and/or undertake technical education, consign them to the vicious cycle of poverty. Their lack of education constrains Out of school youth means having a vulnerable people who have needs. Nobody can deny the hard fact that education is an extremely important factor for bringing change in the lives of individuals. It has universally been recognized as the most powerful instrument and pre-requisite for gearing up the socio-economic development of a nation. In fact, it can be said that it is a pre-condition for the overall up-lift and welfare of a nation. This is why investment in education is considered to be so vital for human resource development and the enhancement of the quality of manpower. The history of humankind, in general, and that of developed nations of the worked, in particular, is replete with the precedents, which establish the fact that a certain level of literacy in population is an essential pre-requisite for precipitating the process of development in a country.