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Madina Therapy
In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious Most Merciful
Professional Qualifications
Workshop Intro& Purpose
Project Mercy of Madina in Spreading
 Mental Health Awareness
 Mental Health Disability Advocacy
 Treatment Guidance
 Holistic Care in light of Islamic Psychology
Defining the Differences
Mental Health Mental Illness
Involves effective functioning in
daily activities resulting in
Productive activities (work, school,
Fulfilling relationships
Ability to adapt to change and
cope with adversity
All diagnosable mental
Health conditions involving
significant changes in thinking,
emotion, and/or behavior
Distress and/or problems
functioning in social, work, or
family activities.
Mental health is the foundation for thinking,
communication, learning,
resilience, and self-esteem. It is the
key to personal well-being, relationships, and
contributing to community or society.
Pure Islamic Psychology
 Everything is related to the HEART, whatever problems we face.. Its about
reviving our remembrance of Allah and turning to Him.
 Getting to the heart and soul of the problem, is how where many end up
finding Allah. So we are tested, for that one purpose. To find Allah..and
 Islamic psychology takes into account Divine intervention (Qadar), and
submission to Allah.
 Without Allah, a person will suffer anxiety, depression, and despair. With
Allah, anxiety, depression and mental health may decline but
because hope of Allah’s Mercy is there, they can still keep afloat and
 Theory about Materialism
Stigma leads to Discrimination
Mental illnesses are widespread even amongst Muslims who
practice Islam as a way of life. Often leads to to ABUSE,
REJECTION and ISOLATION and excludes people from health care,
support and community..EVEN in the Ummah.
More on Stigma& Misconceptions
 Some who have a mental illness are in denial. This is how they have
always been or how they have always remembered themselves to
be, so they have a distorted understanding of what is typical and
 But just as afflictions just like heart disease or diabetes are treatable,
people can and do overcome these struggles and cope from day
to day. People who have more success tend to be those who are
religiously inclined and have a network of spiritual support.
 (This does NOT mean those with mental illness are those
who have lost their religion or are less religious!!)
Global Statistics means
Ummah Statistics…
 Huge inequity in the distribution of skilled human resources for mental
health world-wide.
 Shortages of psychiatrists, psychiatric nurses, psychologists, social
workers, recreational therapists and occupational therapists among the
main barriers to providing treatment and care in low- and middle-income
 These numbers are even further reduced when searching for Islamic
based Psychological services upon the Quran and Sunnah such as
trained Raaqis who have strong knowledge in deen, mental health
ailments and are able to differentiate between spiritual afflictions
versus mental afflictions.
Risk Increase& Injustice
 War and disasters have a large impact on mental health and psychosocial
well-being. PTSD is a common condition, but many other mental
illnesses can/do develop as a result.
 Rates of mental disorder tend to double after emergencies.
 Mental disorders are important risk factors for other diseases, as well as
unintentional and intentional injury
 Human rights violations of people with mental and psychosocial disability
are routinely reported in most countries
 These include physical restraint, seclusion and denial of basic needs
and privacy. Only a few countries have a legal framework that adequately
protects the rights of people with mental disorders.
Medfield State Hospital
(Medfield Insane Asylum)
Children with Mental Illness, Muslim
Kids included…
 Myth #1: Mental health problems do not affect children or youth.
Any problems they have are just part of growing up or possession!
 Reality: One in five children and youth struggle with their mental health.
20% of the world's children and adolescents have mental disorders or
 Up to 70% of adult mental illness begins during childhood or
adolescence, including: depression, eating disorders, obsessive
compulsive disorder and anxiety disorders.
 About half, 50% begin by the tender age of 14 years, this is consistent
across cultures.
 Neuropsychiatric disorders are among the leading causes of
worldwide disability in young people.
 Regions of the world with the highest percentage of population under the
age of 19 have the poorest level of mental health resources.
Myth #2 Parental Guilt Justified
 Myth #2 about Children with Mental Illness: It is the parents’
fault if children suffer from mental health problems.
 Reality: Mental health disorders in children are caused by
environment, abuse, neglectful treatment or stressful events
biology, hasad, magic, and a sometimes there's no explanation for
it- just a trial that Allah has willed for the parents- more for
them then the children themselves.
 Usually there isn’t one single cause of mental illness in a child, but
there are multiple causes (and in adults too)
Myth vs. Reality #3
@Locking them up
 Myth #3: People with a mental illness are ‘psycho’, ‘mental’,
‘insane’, ‘crazy’ ‘mad’ ‘temperamental’ and dangerous, so they
should be locked away.
 Reality: Most people who have a mental illness struggle with
depression and anxiety. They have normal lives, but their feelings and
behaviors negatively affect their day-to-day activities.
 Conduct disorders or acting out behaviors are consistently the
primary reason for referral to a children’s mental health agency.
Myth vs. Reality #4
 Myth # 4: All people with Schizophrenia are violent.
 Reality: Very little violence in society is caused by people who are mentally ill
(violence and mental illness).
 Hollywood often portrays mentally ill people as dangerous. People with a
major mental illness are more likely to be victims of violence than perpetrators.
 Some of the calmest individuals, and its not just because of the meds they are
 Schizophrenia does not always means possession. Although it can resemble
possession, there are people who are religious yet develop it, or are afflicted
by shaytan without possession.
Myth vs. Reality #5
 Myth #5: Depression is a character flaw and people should just ‘snap
out of it’.
 Reality: Depression has nothing to do with being lazy or weak. It results
from several things in one’s life that causes changes in brain chemistry and
even brain function. How we feel, how our heart feels, our soul feels
affects every part of us and so as Muslims it makes sense that brain
chemistry would also change.
 Therapy and/or medication help people to recover, and the best therapy
is for the soul is Quran. But with Quran comes positive change and steps
in taking in ones life. So work is involved in getting better and work that
helps is supporting individuals with help by making reachable goals for
them to overcome.
 Depression often means no hope, In Islam depression is real and we see
this in Quran..but the difference is with our role models is there is always
HOPE is always Worth it
Myth vs. Reality #6
 Myth #6: Addiction is a lifestyle choice and shows a lack of willpower,
Muslims have a harder time getting access to these things- WRONG.
 Reality: Studies show that addictions involve complex factors including
genetics, the environment, and sometimes other underlying psychiatric
conditions such as depression.
 But if we look it at through the lens of spirituality, we see that when we fall
into a wrong, we have to be personally responsible for that. Being in denial
there is a problem only blinds us down deeper towards the path of
destruction and its very hard to help others who believe its too hard to help
themselves. Allah will not help up a people unless they do the efforts..
 When people who become addicted have these underlying vulnerabilities it’s
harder for them to simply kick the habit.
Imaam Ibnul Qayyim says:
،‫باهلل‬ ‫األنس‬ ‫إال‬ ‫يزيلها‬ ‫ال‬ ‫وحشة‬ ‫القلب‬ ‫وفي‬ ‫هللا‬ ‫على‬ ‫اإلقبال‬ ‫إال‬ ‫يلمه‬ ‫ال‬ ٌ‫ت‬َ‫ع‬َ‫ش‬ ‫القلب‬ ‫في‬ ‫إن‬‫وفي‬
‫باهلل‬ ‫الرضا‬ ‫إال‬ ‫يطفئها‬ ‫ال‬ ‫حسرة‬ ‫القلب‬ ‫وفي‬ ،‫هللا‬ ‫إلى‬ ‫بالفرار‬ ‫إال‬ ‫يذهب‬ ‫ال‬ ‫وقلق‬ ‫خوف‬ ‫القلب‬
“In the heart of every human being, there is a sense of scattering
which can only be gathered by turning to Allah.
And in the heart there is a sense loneliness which can only be
dismissed by being close to Allah.
And in the heart there is fear and anxiety, which can only be
removed by fleeing to Allah. And in the heart there is a sense of
regret, which can only be removed by being satisfied with Allah”
Imam Ibn Qayyim, rahimAllah.
Shock Therapy Myth vs. Reality #7
 Myth #7: Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), also known as shock therapy,
is painful and barbaric.
 Reality: ECT is an effective treatments for people whose depression is so
severe that antidepressant medications just don’t do the job, who are
debilitated by the depression and who are hurtful towards themselves
and others. Like a pregnant mother, or a caretaker in her home.
 It can mean a means of avoiding being admitted to a facility.
 Don’t judge what works and helps.
ECT Myth vs. Reality #7b
 How Is ECT Performed?
 A patient is given a muscle relaxant and goes under general anesthesia.
Electrodes are placed on the patient's scalp and a finely controlled
electric current is applied. This current causes a brief seizure in the
brain. Muscles are so relaxed that visible effects usually are limited to
slight movement of the hands and feet.
 A few minutes later the patient wakes up and is often confused not
sure what just happened- just for a short period of time. ECT is usually
given up to three times a week for a total of two to four weeks
depending on each patient.
Myth vs. Reality: Lack Intelligence
 Myth #8: People with a mental illness lack intelligence.
 Reality: Intelligence has nothing to do with mental illnesses
 Many people with mental disorders are brilliant, creative, productive
people. While some people with mental disorders are not brilliant or
creative. Just like the general public.
 Certain mental illnesses may make it difficult for people to remember
facts or get along with other people, making it seem like they are
cognitively challenged.
Mental Illness affects
EVERYTHING, not just the Brain.
Shouldn’t’ Work Myth vs. Reality
 Myth #9: People with a mental illness shouldn’t work because they’ll
just drag down the rest of the staff.
 Reality: People with mental illness can and do function well in the
workplace. The real problem is the prejudice against hiring people with
mental illness (how will disclosing my mental illness affect work/school).
 Unemployment leaves them isolated, a situation that can add to their
stress, and make it more difficult to recover from the illness.
They are ALL the Same! Myth vs.
Reality #10
 Myth #10: Mental illness is a single, rare disorder.
 Reality: Anxiety disorders, mood disorders, personality disorders,
addiction disorders and impulse control disorders are all different
categories of very different mental illnesses- each with its own
features and underlying causes (common mental illnesses).
Forever Myth vs. Reality #11
 Myth #11: People with a mental illness never get better.
 Reality: TREATMENT WORKS! Treatments for mental illnesses are more
numerous and more sophisticated than ever and researchers continue to
discover new treatments by Allah’s Permission.
 Healing is from Allah, different therapies, ruqya plans and approaches
work because of Allah’s Mercy.
Barriers of Awareness (why
misconceptions exist)
 Many people with Mental Illness cannot afford services, lack of funding.
 Lack of public mental health leadership
 Lack of Understanding of what Mental Health and Mental Illness are
impedes on addressing these issues. Often religious teachers& leaders
will talk of the heart but many do not address the function of getting
daily activities done, and how to survive beyond connecting closer to
 Our deen is about faith and action.
Whats NOT a Mental Illness?
 • An expected or culturally accepted reaction to a loss or difficulty,
such as the death of a loved one, is not a mental illness.
 Even though in Islam, the “official” mourning is 3 days for someone
who has died (with the exception for a husband) the heart remains
broken for various lengths of time and one shouldn’t be made to feel
worse about that.
 Adults with Cognitive Delays, Brain Injuries are not by default those
with Mental Illnesses
Defining Mental Illness
 A significant behavioral psychological syndrome or pattern that
happens in an individual that is associated with distress, disability or lack
of thrive.
 Increased risk of suicidal thoughts, physical pain that initiates as
emotional instability, and a deep sense of losing ones personal
control in choosing what benefits.
 A condition that affects a person's thought processes, their feelings and
mood, and their perception of this life. Their heart is shattered and so
souls are often negatively affected.
Difference between Intellectual
(Cognitive) Disability and Mental
 ID- Problems with learning, understanding, processing information and
problem solving, communication, social skills and general living skills.
 Intellectual disability is usually present from birth and will be evident
before adulthood. It is a permanent condition, not an illness or
 Mental Illness- Emotions, mood, perceptions and behavior and can be
suffered by people of all levels of intellectual ability.
 People with ID can have mental illness, but many do not, it is not by
default that they do. Down Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, Brain Injury
Causes of Mental Illness
 Mental Health conditions are the result of multiple causes that can
involve a mix of genetics, environment, lifestyle influence,
religiosity and the choices one makes.
 Scientific research proves the actions we take also affects
biochemical processes, circuits and basic brain structure at the
neurotransmitter levels (synapses, connections in the brain).
 As Muslims we believe that everything we experience also plays heavy
on our hearts and so the heart’s condition should never be
undermined and is central when addressing mental illness.
 Possession, Hasad, WaasWaas can also be a cause of mental
illness. As Muslims we take a balanced, moderate view to this.
Causes of Mental Illness
 Biological Causes
 Learned Behaviors
 Environmental Triggers
 Possession/Maas
 Evil Eye/Hasad
 Black Magic
 Combination of some
 Combination of all
iSpy…Something Interesting!
for the
of Virtue
of Vice"
General Challenges for those with
Mental Illness
 Mental health conditions can affect different aspects of an individual:
 Perceptions
 Thoughts
 Moods
 Behavior
 Judgement Calls
 Personality Traits
 Decision Making
 Inner-calm/contentment
Visible Signs of Mental Illness
Categories of Observations Examples of Observations
Understanding situation, memory, concentration
Seems confused or disoriented, has gaps in
memory of events, answers questions
Eye Contact, Outbursts of Emotion/Indifference
Appears sad/depressed or overly high spirited,
overcome with hopelessness/overwhelmed by
circumstances, switches emotions abruptly
Pace, Continuity, Vocabulary
Speaks too quickly or too slowly, misses words,
uses vocabulary inconsistent with level of
education, stutters or has long pause in speech
Thought Patterns and Logic
Rationality, Tempo, Grasp of Reality
Seems to respond to unusual voices/visions,
Expresses bizarre or unusual ideas, disconnected
Hygiene, Attire, Behavioral Mannerisms
Appears disheveled, poor hygiene, trembles or
shakes, is unable to sit or stand still (unexplained),
wears inappropriate attire.
Importance of Spirituality and
 Secular studies show that people involved in a religious or spiritual group of some kind
have a lower risk of premature death or illness than those not involved.
 Other faith communities offer pastoral counseling services, which can be an additional
support to therapy and/or medication, and may help people cope with mental health
challenges, but this is lacking in our Ummah!
 Imams aren’t always trained in how to advocate or help those with mental illness.
Neither are those who are well-versed in Quran and Hadith. Training should be an
inevitable thing, just like those who teach Quran should have the best manners. Those
who offer spiritual/Islamic counseling should know more about mental illness.
Religion and Spirituality Diagnosis
 This is addressed in the American Psychiatric Association’s handbook of
diagnostic classification (DSM-5*) in the chapter on “Other Conditions That
May Be a Focus of Clinical Attention.”
 This category is used when the focus of clinical attention is a religious or
spiritual problem.
 Examples include distressing experiences that involve loss or questioning of
faith, problems associated with conversion to a new faith, or questioning
of spiritual values that may not necessarily be related to organized
religious institutions.
Mental Health& Spirituality
 Many Muslims look for Raaqis or religious peoples or faith leaders in the
community to experiences they are going through.
 They might think they are being possessed (possible)
 Being punished by Allah (not all tests are punishments)
 Companion of the Jinn harassing them
 VIP to important to distinguish whether these are symptoms of a mental
disorder (delusions, auditory or visual hallucinations, and paranoia) of
distressing experiences stem from a religious or spiritual problem,
or both.
Spirituality Being Tested
 Some Mental health illnesses that may have symptoms with a
religious or spiritual content include psychotic disorders (for
example, schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder), mood
disorders (for example, major depression, bipolar disorders), and
substance use disorders, OCD among others.
Our culture has a way of ignoring mental illness and
in many cases equate it to having poor Eman. I’ve
often found that approach/belief to be quiet
insulting. Personally I have tried many medications
that turned out to be more debilitating than helpful.
I've found that having a passion for me it's
painting...helps immensely.
This is a testimony to show that purposeful activity leads to
purposeful meaning in life. The element of worship should never be
negated, but neither should good deeds towards oneself and others.
Types of Mental Illness
Anxiety Disorders
When anxiety becomes excessive, involves unfounded dread of
everyday situations, and interferes with a person’s life, it may be an
anxiety disorder.
11 Types Anxiety Disorders!
Panic Disorder
 Panic disorder is a sudden attack of fear or terror.
 Symptoms may include a pounding heart, sweating,
 weakness, dizziness, or smothering sensations.
 People having a panic attack often fear they are about to be harmed
and feel that they are not in control.
The Panic Cycle
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
 Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) involves frequent upsetting
thoughts (obsessions) that cause anxiety.
 People with OCD usually do things over and over (compulsions) to
try to control their thoughts and anxiety.
 Muslims here in Madinah and back in Massachusetts suffer from it.
They are religious and close to Allah, yet they are afflicted. Why is
For example, a person might be afraid the stove was left on and return
again and again to check
What’s Wrong with this Picture?
Khinzab, may Allah protect us
 ‘Uthmaan ibn Abi’l-‘Aas (radiAllahu 'anhu) asked Prophet (salAllahu'alayhi
"Oh Messenger of Allah, the shaytaan interferes between me and my
prayer and my recitation, and he makes me confused."
 Prophet (salAllahu'alayhi wasallam) said:
"That is a devil called Khinzab. If you feel that, then seek refuge with Allah
from him and spit dryly to your left three times."
 'Uthmaan (radiAllahu 'anhu) narrated: "I did that and Allah took him away
from me."[Muslim (2203)]
 Note:
- Spitting dryly is more of a dry blow so that the person beside you doesn’t even
realize you’re doing it. If you’re not sure how to do it, then avoid doing this
when someone is praying on your left!
Anxiety Disorders
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
 Involves excessive anxiety and worry more days than not for at least
six months. In general this is the case for different types of
Anxiety Disorders.
Special Phobia
An intense fear or anxiety that is out of proportion to the actual risk or
danger posed by the object of the fear.
Social Anxiety Disorder
 Social anxiety disorder involves extreme anxiety around others.
 A person may be very afraid they are being watched or judged by
 The fear of being embarrassed may be so strong that it disrupts
relationships, work, and other activities.
 Avoidance of situations where escape may be difficult, embarrassing,
or help might not be available if panic symptoms occur.
 The fear is out of proportion to the actual situation, lasts six
months or more, and causes problems in functioning.
 Some don’t ever want to leave their home, or their room for this
Quran, a Remedy for Everything.
Depression or Sadness?
 Depression is more intense and long-lasting than normal sadness.
 It can develop slowly, draining the energy, pleasure, and meaning from a
person’s life.
 About 7% of adults experience major depression in any given year, 1 in 5
experience depression in their lifetime.
 Expression of depression differently.
 Some people who are depressed may be more likely to complain of
body aches or other physical symptoms than of mood or emotional
 Depression is a potentially serious medical condition that affects how a
person feels, thinks, and acts.
 Person feels sad or has no interest or pleasure in normal activities for most
of 2 weeks.
 Activities such as eating, socializing, intimacy with spouse, or recreation and
just about everything loses appeal.
 Changes in appetite, sleep changes (sleeping too much or being unable to
 Agitation, restlessness, or changes in motor movement
 Feelings of worthlessness or guilt
 Problems thinking, concentrating, or making decisions
 Lack of energy, fatigue
 Thoughts of death or suicide
Not Just About Sadness
Criteria for Major Depression
 Depressed Mood
 Diminished Interest
 Weight Loss or Gain
 Sleep Disturbance
 Restlessness or Being
Slowed Down
 Fatigue & Loss of Energy
 Thoughts of Death
 Feelings of
Worthlessness or
Excessive Guilt
 Difficulty Thinking &
 Symptoms Occur
Every Day
 Significant Distress
& Impairment
Anti-depressant Medications
 Used to Relieve Symptoms of Depression
 Sadness
 Feelings of Failure
 Loss of Interest in Life
 Sleep Disturbances
 Excessive Guilt
 Loss of Energy/Fatigue
 Thoughts of Death and Suicidal Thoughts
 These meds do not CURE, they only NUMB these feelings and thoughts.
He is the One
who sends
into the
hearts of
(Quran 48:4)
Suicide Warning Signs
 Changes in behavior can be warning signs that someone may be thinking about or
planning suicide.
 Talking writing about death, dying, or suicide when these actions are out of the ordinary
 Making comments about being hopeless, helpless, or worthless
 Expressions of having no reason for living; no sense
 of purpose in life; saying things like “It would be better if I wasn’t here” or “I want out”
 Increased alcohol and/or drug use: common drugs
 Withdrawal from friends, family, and community
 Reckless behavior or more risky activities, seemingly without thinking
 Dramatic Mood Changes
 Giving away prized possessions, putting affairs in order, tying up loose ends, changing a
 Mental and substance use disorders are the leading cause of disability
 About 1 million people commit suicide every year
 1 death every 40 seconds or 3,000/day.
 Over 800 000 people die due to suicide every year and suicide is the
second leading cause of death in 15-29-year-olds.
 There are indications that for each adult who died of suicide there
may have been more than 20 others attempting suicide.
 75% of suicides occur in low- and middle-income countries. Mental
disorders and harmful use of alcohol contribute to many suicides
around the world.
 Early identification and effective management are key to ensuring that
people receive the care they need.
Increased Risk of Suicide
Recovery& Wellness
 One in 5 adults experiences a mental health condition every year. One
in 17 lives with a serious mental illness such as schizophrenia or
bipolar disorder. In addition to a person's directly experiencing a
mental illness, family, friends and communities are also affected.
 ½ of mental health conditions begin by age 14, and 75% of mental
health conditions develop by age 24.
Healing Body& Soul
 Prophetic Medicine advocates for using natural or divine treatments for
different ailments.
 Ibn Qayyim, rahimAllah advised spending more time with rectification
of the soul, purification of the heart, avoiding unhealthy lifestyles,
and improving one’s environment
 Curing the ills of the physical and mental ailments without addressing
the heart and soul may benefit only a little. Its addressing the
symptoms, not the source of pain itself, even though it is the HEART that
hurts most.
“..The study of the soul; the ensuing
behavioural, emotional, and mental
processes; and both the seen aspects
that influence these elements…”
Defining Islamic Psychology
Ruh and Nafs: What we Know
 Ruh means spirit, soul, and breath of life.
It can refer to angels, revelation, or divine inspiration. It can also mean
human nature, or soul.
 Once the soul is removed, the physical body ceases to function.
 Nafs means human soul, or self.
The exact nature of nafs is not known.
It is forever ready to accept directions towards good or evil.
It combines human attributes and traits that have a clear effect on our lives.
 The Heart
 Heart is more than a physical organ pumping blood. It feels and senses
Level 1 of the Soul
 Commanding Soul – ‫نفس‬‫ارة‬ّ‫م‬‫األ‬ (Ammaara)
 It is on a lower level, and seeks pleasure.
It is controlled by whims and desires, and does not require one to
think much.
IF this takes charge of a person, then the ability to see the truth is lost,
evil takes over, and hearts are hardened.
At this stage, people then refuse to accept the commands or guidance
from Allah, and don’t consider Allah to be their supporter.
Levels 2& 3 of the Soul
Reproachful Soul – ‫نفس‬‫ة‬ّ‫م‬‫اللوا‬ (Lowwama)
 It always feels a sense of remorse.
It keeps blaming itself for wrongdoing, and strives to be better.
Also blames itself for not doing enough.
Such souls find comfort in repentance, in fixing their mistakes, and in
striving to be better than themselves.
Tranquil Soul – ‫نفس‬‫المطمئنة‬ (Mutama’inna)
 It is inclined towards piety and righteousness
It loves and desires good deeds, and detests evil deeds.
It is obedient to Allah and happy with His Decree.
 It feels a strong sense of purpose and connection.
 Heart is more than a physical organ pumping blood. It feels and senses
more than affection and emotions.
 Allah has made our hearts the place that holds our intentions,
intellect, and understanding.
 Acceptance of our deeds by Allah depends on the state of our
hearts, and only Allah knows what is in our hearts.
“…He Knows what is in every HEART.” (67:13)
Regardless of Illness or Cause..
Empathy vs.
Sympathy is feeling pity for
another because of the hardships
and suffering they are going
through. Its an awareness of one’s
struggles that plays heavy on the
emotions of the observer. Often
times it is not enough to
sympathize when trying to help
someone rise from their problems.
Empathy is more and a forgotten
Sunnah by many. It’s feeling the
emotions hurt another which is
hard to let go unless you do
something to help them pick them
up from their difficulties they
endure. It’s the Sunnah of loving
for others what you love for
Duaa for Empathy
"the subset of social intelligence that
involves the ability to monitor one's
own and others' feelings and
emotions, to discriminate among
them, and to use this information to
guide one's thinking and actions."
In 1990, psychologists Peter Salovey (now president of Yale University)
and John Mayer wrote a seminal article on Emotional Intelligence (EQ)
Emotional Intelligence
important for the helper and the afflicted
 1. Self-awareness- knowing your emotions, recognizing feelings as
they occur, and discriminating between them.
 2. Mood management- handling feelings so they're relevant to the
current situation and you react appropriately
 3. Self-motivation- "gathering up" your feelings and directing yourself
toward a goal, despite self-doubt, inertia, and impulsiveness
 4. Empathy- recognizing feelings in others and tuning into their verbal
and nonverbal cues
 5. Managing relationships- handling interpersonal interaction, conflict
resolution, and negotiations
Holistic Guide to
Whole Person Wellness
 Wellness means overall well-being. For people with mental health and
substance use conditions, wellness is not simply the absence of
disease, illness, or stress, but the presence of purpose in life,
active involvement in satisfying work and play, joyful
relationships, a healthy body and living environment, and
 It incorporates the mental, emotional, physical, occupational,
intellectual, and spiritual aspects of a person’s life.
 Each aspect of wellness can affect overall quality of life.
A chronic serious mental illness that usually begins in a person’s 20s.
Can cause people to have psychotic thinking (impaired perception
of reality and ability to communicate), delusions (fixed, false
beliefs), or hallucinations (seeing or hearing things that aren’t
 Some people with schizophrenia do not recognize that they have a
mental illness. Treatment can help relieve many symptoms of
schizophrenia, but most people with this illness cope with
symptoms their entire lives.
 Many live successfully in their communities and lead rewarding lives
and have hard time coping because they don’t have purpose, and
some do yet still suffer in silence.
Criteria for Schizophrenia
 Characteristic symptoms
 Delusions
 Hallucinations
 Disorganized Speech
 Disorganized Behavior
 Negative Symptoms
 Flat Affect
 Lack of Motivation
 Social/Occupational
 Lasting at Least Six
What’s Bipolar?
 Mental Disorder can cause dramatic mood swings, from feeling high and
energetic to feeling very low, sad and hopeless.
 Periods of highs and lows are called episodes of mania or hypomania
(lower grades of mania)and depression.
 During a manic episode, a person might speak rapidly, feel little need for
sleep, and become involved in activities with a high potential for risk or
 During a depressive episode, a person may feel despair, hopelessness, or
fatigue and literally not want to do anything for weeks.
 People with bipolar disorder are at higher risk than the general
population for alcohol or substance misuse.
Criteria for Bipolar Disorder
 Manic Episodes
 Elevated mood
 Grandiosity
 Decreased need for sleep
 Talkativeness
 Racing thoughts
 Increased goal-directed
 Marked Impairment
 Occupation
 Social relationships
 (or) Hospitalization
 (or) Psychotic Features
 May Alternate with
Depressive Episodes
How Advice can be Taken in Two
Interventions for
Mental Illness
 Usually One Intervention Is not
Sufficient- exception would be
Quran/Ruqya because this is the only
Therapy that can stand on it’s own.
 Approach from All Directions
 There is no cure in medication and
therapy that does not address the
HEART and soul, only symptoms.
 Reconnecting with Allah,
Qualifying/Quantifying one’s religion
 Antipsychotics
 Antidepressants
 Mood Stabilizers
 Anxiolytics
 Side Effects Medications
 Quran through Ruqyah- cant be harmful, ever although sometimes things get
worse before they get better
 Recreational Therapy-no side effects
 Occupational Therapy- no side effects
 Hijama Cupping Therapy- purifies body, purifies mind, purifies heart
 Good Deed Therapy
Talk Therapy (Psychotherapy)
Medications alone are not enough.
Medicines cannot heal damaged relationships or give insight into
challenges. These are things that require
reflection, thinking, talking, and, for some, praying. Nonjudgmental
therapists or trained counselors are trained to help without judging.
Talking openly to a trusted person can be comforting and can help one
see their problems or situations more clearly.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
ƒ.Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) helps people identify and change
negative or irrational thought patterns that lead to unhelpful behaviors.
Based on principles of learning and aims to reinforce desired behaviors
while eliminating undesired behaviors.
Family Therapy/ Group Therapy
 Family therapy provides a safe place for family members to share
feelings, learn better ways to interact with each other, and find
solutions to problems.
 Group Therapy can be very reassuring and helpful to hear from others
who are facing the same challenges and share experiences. Peer
Services (those who have risen help those who struggle)
 As a friend you can reassure your loved one they aren’t alone and
try to help others in your circle to be more empathetic to the one
that is struggling.
Anti-psychotic Medications
 Used to combat psychotic symptoms
 Hallucinations
 Delusions
 Confused Thinking
 Altered Perceptions
 Disorganized Speech
 Other signs of psychosis
 Connecting with the Quran is the medicine of the heart and
if rectified, everything else will follow.
Anti-anxiety Medications
 Used to Treat Symptoms of Anxiety
 Nervousness
 Panic
 Shortness of Breath
 Trembling
 Feeling of Choking
 Heart Palpitations
 Obsessions & Compulsions
Mood Stabilizers
 Used to Treat Symptoms of Mania
 Rapid Talking
 Decreased Need for Sleep
 Racing Thoughts
 Distractibility
 Irritability
 Behavioral Excesses
 Grandiosity
Side Effects Medications
 Used to Relieve Side Effects of Anti-psychotic
 Stiff Muscles
 Unsteady Gait
 Tremors
 Eyes Rolling Back
 Restless Feeling
General Side Effects of
 Drowsiness
 Dry Mouth
 Blurred Vision
 Dizziness
 Tremors
 Sexual Dysfunction
 High Heart Rate
 Weight Gain
 Slurred Speech
 Sensitivity to Sun
 Some Are Addictive
 Some Anti-Depressants can
actually increase suicidal
Stimulants (special use)
 Used to Treat Symptoms of Attention
Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
 Mainly Used in Children
 Hyperactivity
 Inability to Pay Attention
 Distractibility
 Sadly they are using these meds on Babies and toddlers too
instead of elimintating things that trigger problems with
attention like the SCREEN.
Sunnah Comfort Food
 ‘Eat from it for indeed I heard the
Messenger of Allah [peace be upon
him] say: “Talbinah is a relaxation for the
heart of the sick person and it removes
some of the sorrow”.’
 [Bukhari 479/9, Book of Food, Chapter
of Talbinah]
7 Ajwa Dates
“If Somebody takes
seven ‘ajwa dates in
the morning, neither
magic nor poison will
hurt him that day.”
“He will not be
harmed by anything
until he reaches the
TALBINA the Sunnah Comfort Food!
“Talbinah is a relaxation for the heart of the sick person
and it removes some of the sorrow”.
Pre-Ruqyah Talk
 Eman is the energy for the soul to move towards its purpose.
 Eman is to have the love of Allah above everything else.
 It increases and decreases, and there are ways to renew and increase
our Eman.
 Gaining knowledge is one way to sustain our Eman, and also an
increase in good deeds such as praying more, remembering Allah
often, and giving charity.
 If an average person does not understand what you mean by
Aqeedah, then simply switch to talking about Eman with them.
Ruqyah Guidance:
Essential for the HEART
 There are so many different Ruqyah Treatment Plans that can be more
intense and others can be shortened.
 Ruqyah is a therapeutic approach by use of faith, it is applicable for
Muslims. Although, it can be beneficial for non-Muslims as taught by
some scholars because of the Quran’s effect upon the heart- it can relieve
people who are possessed and afflicted by evil if Allah’s wills.
 A routine of Adhkaar can look identical towards a routine of Ruqya.
Where Adhkaar/ remembrances are like daily dose of vitamins,
Ruqyah/recitations for healing is like medicine.
Mental Illness or Possession?
 Mental illnesses are similar to the illnesses caused by Jinn possession which
causes some people to confuse the issue of mental illness with illnesses
caused by the Jinn, Evil eye or witchcraft. it is therefore important to be
able to differentiate between the two.
 Must know the what Mental Illness looks like, their case study, their
religiosity, their symptoms in detail. Experienced observations. Helpful if
Raaqi knows the DSM, but not necessary.
 Medical Problems that are physical in nature should be ruled out, often
times if there is no known reason why someone is suffering..Raaqis and
Scholars say this can be an evil affliction is its cause.
What to Look For, Important
 Raaqi usually tries to find out the following:
 The type of ailment the person is suffering from?
 When this sickness or problem began?
 Frightening dreams?
 Do they feel unable to remember Allah, read Quran or listen to the Quran?
 Do the patient get sleepy or drowsy. If so, what times?
 Do they feel pain moving through their body or any numbness part of body
 Do they want to cry for no reason?
 Do feel extreme tightness in the chest?
 Do they have ongoing headaches which are not relived by painkillers?
 Menstrual irregularities in women?
Sample Ruqya Plan
Ustadh Muhammad Tim Humble
 You (and your family) will need to learn:
 Bismillah: When you enter the house and before eating. The shayṭaan is
refused permission to stay in your house or eat your food.
 The last three surahs of the Qur’an – al-Ikhlas, al-Falaq, an-Naas. Three
times in the morning (after Fajr), and three times in the evening (after ‘Asr).
They will suffice you against every single thing.
 Ayat-ul-Kursi. (a) After each obligatory prayer, and (b) before you go to
sleep. (a) There will be nothing between you and Paradise except death. (b)
Allah will send a protector to protect you against everything, and the
shayṭaan will not approach you.
 The du’a for entering the toilet: bismillaah, allaahumma innee a‛oodhu bika
minal-khubuthi wal-khabaa’ith. Just before entering the toilet. You will be
protected from the male and female shayṭaan who reside in the bathroom.
Sample Ruqya Plan
Ustadh Muhammad Tim Humble (2)
 The du’a for leaving the house: bismillaah, tawakkaltu ‛alal-laah, wa laa ḥawla wa
laa quwwata illaa billaah. As you are leaving the house. The angels say, “You will be
defended, protected, and guided,” and you will be protected from shayṭaan.
 The du’a for setting foot in a new place: a‛oodhu bi kalimaat-illaahit-taammaati
min sharri maa khalaq. When you set foot in a place, such as when getting out of
your car, when entering someone’s house, when sitting down outside, etc. Nothing
will harm you until you leave.
 The following du’a: bismillaahil-ladhee laa yaḍurru ma‛asmihi shay’un fil-arḍi wa laa
fis-samaa’i wa huwas-samee‛-ul-‛aleem. Three times in the morning (after Fajr), and
three times in the evening (after ‘Asr). Nothing will harm you for the rest of the
 And this du’a: Laa ilaaha ill-allaahu, waḥdahu laa shareeka lahu, lahul-mulku wa
lahul-ḥamdu, yuḥyee wa yumeetu, wa huwa ‛alaa kulli shay’in qadeer. Ten times in
the morning (after Fajr), and ten times in the evening (after Maghrib).
 Allah will send guardian angels to protect you from the shayṭaan until
morning/evening comes).
 Allah knows best, and may peace and blessings be upon our Messenger
Muhammad, and upon his family and his companions.
Psychosocial Interventions
 Assessment
 Education about
 Self Management
 Counseling/Therapy
 Individual
 Group
 Crisis Intervention
 Rehabilitation
 Social Skills
 Vocational
 Family Services
 Education
 Family Therapy
 Case Management
Illness Self Management/
Patient Education
 Giving Information about the Illness
 Symptoms
 Treatment
 Cour
 Helping Client Learn to Manage Own Illness
 Do not diagnose the person, but let them know what they
are going through many have and have risen from it.
 Help them reach out when they are having a breakdown
Management Skills
for Recovery
 Medication Adherence
 Healthful Lifestyle
 Therapeutic Environment
 Illness Monitoring
 Relapse Prevention
 Constant Connection with Allah
What Advice Can you Give
 Ruqyah Guidance
 Help Structure their Day with meaningful activities (halaqa, Quran, good deeds
via volunteering)
 Seek Medical Treatment when necessary
 Daily Relaxation Skills: Bath, Exercise
 Decrease Stimulation: decrease youtube movies, shows
 Avoid Drugs to feel better: like ibuprofen, tylenol
 Cut Caffeine, Sugar & Increase Fluids like ZamZam
 Real-Life Problem Solving
 Sunnah Foods, Ajwa Dates
 Daily Dhikr vs. Ruqyah
How can YOU Help?
Crisis Intervention
 Telephone
 Whatsapp- keep them chatting with you, invite them to message
you anytime until you can coordinate help for them
 Clinic Based- not easy here in Madina, but
 Mobile Outreach- neighbors, friends, family, talk it out at the
 In-Home Intervention- visit them
Continuum of Learning
 Hospital Treatment
 Partial Hospitalization Services
 Outpatient Therapies
 Clubhouse
 Adult Education
 Supported Education
Family Services FOR Muslims
 Support
 Education
 Consultation
 Therapy
Interacting with a Person
with Mental Illness Symptoms:
Communication Skills
 Give them Attention
 Ask open-ended questions
 Check out the whys of behavior
 Express empathy; reflect-feelings
 Use close-ended questions, not
open ended
 Avoid criticizing person, offer
 Express caring and support
 Use parroting, repeat what they’ve
 Be concrete and brief
 Avoid power struggles
 Allow for time out to “de-stim”
 Do not tell lies
 Remain calm
 Speak slowly and clearly
 Avoid invading personal space
 Do not move quickly, especially
toward the person
 Do not touch the person
 Do not challenge the person
 A woman who has a mom with bipolar, a sister with schizophrenia and a
husband who doesn’t do right by her now has to uncomfortably deal with
hosting her brother-in law in her home for a month…
 A woman who was stranded at an international airport as her husband
decided to take off with her two young boys. She hasn’t seen them in 11
 A woman suffering from OCD as a doctor called it, and diagnosed as
possession by a Raaqi. She feels physical pain when Quran is on, especially
Surah Baqara and she’s been prescribed medication that doesn’t help…
 A woman who lives with severe depression after 25 years of a horrible
marriage of deceit, personal illness and domestic violence just wants her life
to end, or her husband’s…
Ways to Help
 The struggles, the tears, the pain, the hardships, the turmoil- it’s all REAL.
 The struggle is REAL.
Allah is the Only One Who can change situations and heal people who are
broken and torn. But as therapists, counselors and friends here are some
things we can do InshaaAllah:
 -Listen with an attentive heart because too many are sadly torn…
 -Remind them of their purpose in life, because too many regretfully forget…
 -Teach them ways on how to overcome these internal battles because
solving external issues often starts within…
 -Encourage them to make positive changes, because baby steps count…
Ways to Help (2)
 -Advocate for them by educating them on options to
assure personal safety…
 -Give them hope even if their cases seem hopeless, rising
from difficulty is possible….
 -Don’t give up on them, continue to support them but do
not get drained…it’s ok to take a break from
responding…but when ready answer them again…
 -Show Empathy, not Sympathy. Empathy is hopeful of a
better situation while sympathy is falling into a deep
sadness along with them without an outlook of positivity.
Ways to Help (3)
 -Encourage them in getting help, the stigma of going for counseling
or therapy is strong in some cultures but Prophet Muhammad
(pbuh) paid attention to people and therefore everything about
his approach was therapeutic.
 -You don't have to have an answer for everything they express,
but your warm attention to them is worthy and heavy on the
scales in the sight of Allah [Islamic phrases="Subhanahu wa
 If you need any confidential support in helping a loved one or you
yourself are going through a difficulty, you are not alone. Allah is
above you, with and you can email me
or contact me for help too inshaaAllah. 
Case Study 68 Year Female
 Chronic Pain Issues
 In late 30’s she was diagnosed with Depression
 Im bnbnproved Religiosity, weaned herself off of meds
 Many years went by, no medication
 Early 60’s started up on Anxiety drugs
 Strong Muslimah, prays, dhikr.. She sees the medication
as a mercy to her from Allah. Helps her cope with stress,
and helps her sleep better at night.
9 Year Old with OCD
 From a religious home, attentitve parents
 Reviewing her Hifdh to her mom at Masjid Mom noticed
a woman looking at her without a smile and had a weird
 Few days later, this girl forgot how to say AlFatiha
 Washed hands until they were raw
 Prayed repeatedly until started to give up
 Wouldn’t hold hands
 Two months of severe OCD
Case Study 34 Year Old with
Multiple Mental Illness Symptoms
 Egyptian lady diagnosed with breast cancer in her early 30s, chemo and
 Soon after car accident
 Intense fear of going anywhere
 Began doubting obvious things, her marriage validity, severe case of
 Ruqyah- got worse before getting better
 Began working again
 Still struggles, but is able to manage her symptoms because of life-
 Never Diagnosed beyond, Waaswaas although was prescribed drugs
Resources: All Knowledge is from
 National Institute of Mental Health
 American Psychiatric Association
 DSM-5
 Mental Health Faith Guide
 World Health Organization
 Islamic Medicine, Yusuf Al-Hajj
 Sickness, Regulations& Exhortations, Jibaly
 Psychology from the Islamic Perspective, Dr. Aisha Utz
 Healing Body& Soul, Dr. Amira Ayad
 Masjid Nabawi Chaplaincy Course Notes
 Islamic Psychology Course Notes
Ending Duaa
 May Allah help us help others with CAKE..
 All good is from Allah…

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Mental Illness, Mental Health Workshop

  • 3. Workshop Intro& Purpose Project Mercy of Madina in Spreading  Mental Health Awareness  Mental Health Disability Advocacy  Treatment Guidance  Holistic Care in light of Islamic Psychology
  • 4. Defining the Differences Mental Health Mental Illness Involves effective functioning in daily activities resulting in Productive activities (work, school, caregiving) Fulfilling relationships Ability to adapt to change and cope with adversity All diagnosable mental disorders— Health conditions involving significant changes in thinking, emotion, and/or behavior Distress and/or problems functioning in social, work, or family activities.
  • 5. “ ” Mental health is the foundation for thinking, communication, learning, resilience, and self-esteem. It is the key to personal well-being, relationships, and contributing to community or society. MENTAL HEALTH ISN’T JUST ABOUT THE MIND AND PERCEPTIONS, BUT VERY MUCH ABOUT THE HEART AND ITS PURPOSE.
  • 6. Pure Islamic Psychology  Everything is related to the HEART, whatever problems we face.. Its about reviving our remembrance of Allah and turning to Him.  Getting to the heart and soul of the problem, is how where many end up finding Allah. So we are tested, for that one purpose. To find Allah..and submit.  Islamic psychology takes into account Divine intervention (Qadar), and submission to Allah.  Without Allah, a person will suffer anxiety, depression, and despair. With Allah, anxiety, depression and mental health may decline but because hope of Allah’s Mercy is there, they can still keep afloat and survive.  Theory about Materialism
  • 7. Stigma leads to Discrimination Mental illnesses are widespread even amongst Muslims who practice Islam as a way of life. Often leads to to ABUSE, REJECTION and ISOLATION and excludes people from health care, support and community..EVEN in the Ummah.
  • 8. More on Stigma& Misconceptions  Some who have a mental illness are in denial. This is how they have always been or how they have always remembered themselves to be, so they have a distorted understanding of what is typical and expected.  But just as afflictions just like heart disease or diabetes are treatable, people can and do overcome these struggles and cope from day to day. People who have more success tend to be those who are religiously inclined and have a network of spiritual support.  (This does NOT mean those with mental illness are those who have lost their religion or are less religious!!)
  • 9. Global Statistics means Ummah Statistics…  Huge inequity in the distribution of skilled human resources for mental health world-wide.  Shortages of psychiatrists, psychiatric nurses, psychologists, social workers, recreational therapists and occupational therapists among the main barriers to providing treatment and care in low- and middle-income countries.  These numbers are even further reduced when searching for Islamic based Psychological services upon the Quran and Sunnah such as trained Raaqis who have strong knowledge in deen, mental health ailments and are able to differentiate between spiritual afflictions versus mental afflictions.
  • 10. Risk Increase& Injustice  War and disasters have a large impact on mental health and psychosocial well-being. PTSD is a common condition, but many other mental illnesses can/do develop as a result.  Rates of mental disorder tend to double after emergencies.  Mental disorders are important risk factors for other diseases, as well as unintentional and intentional injury  Human rights violations of people with mental and psychosocial disability are routinely reported in most countries  These include physical restraint, seclusion and denial of basic needs and privacy. Only a few countries have a legal framework that adequately protects the rights of people with mental disorders.
  • 12. Children with Mental Illness, Muslim Kids included…  Myth #1: Mental health problems do not affect children or youth. Any problems they have are just part of growing up or possession!  Reality: One in five children and youth struggle with their mental health. 20% of the world's children and adolescents have mental disorders or problems.  Up to 70% of adult mental illness begins during childhood or adolescence, including: depression, eating disorders, obsessive compulsive disorder and anxiety disorders.  About half, 50% begin by the tender age of 14 years, this is consistent across cultures.  Neuropsychiatric disorders are among the leading causes of worldwide disability in young people.  Regions of the world with the highest percentage of population under the age of 19 have the poorest level of mental health resources.
  • 13. Myth #2 Parental Guilt Justified  Myth #2 about Children with Mental Illness: It is the parents’ fault if children suffer from mental health problems.  Reality: Mental health disorders in children are caused by environment, abuse, neglectful treatment or stressful events biology, hasad, magic, and a sometimes there's no explanation for it- just a trial that Allah has willed for the parents- more for them then the children themselves.  Usually there isn’t one single cause of mental illness in a child, but there are multiple causes (and in adults too)
  • 14. Myth vs. Reality #3 @Locking them up  Myth #3: People with a mental illness are ‘psycho’, ‘mental’, ‘insane’, ‘crazy’ ‘mad’ ‘temperamental’ and dangerous, so they should be locked away.  Reality: Most people who have a mental illness struggle with depression and anxiety. They have normal lives, but their feelings and behaviors negatively affect their day-to-day activities.  Conduct disorders or acting out behaviors are consistently the primary reason for referral to a children’s mental health agency.
  • 16. Myth vs. Reality #4 @Schizophrenia  Myth # 4: All people with Schizophrenia are violent.  Reality: Very little violence in society is caused by people who are mentally ill (violence and mental illness).  Hollywood often portrays mentally ill people as dangerous. People with a major mental illness are more likely to be victims of violence than perpetrators.  Some of the calmest individuals, and its not just because of the meds they are on.  Schizophrenia does not always means possession. Although it can resemble possession, there are people who are religious yet develop it, or are afflicted by shaytan without possession.
  • 17. Myth vs. Reality #5 @Depression  Myth #5: Depression is a character flaw and people should just ‘snap out of it’.  Reality: Depression has nothing to do with being lazy or weak. It results from several things in one’s life that causes changes in brain chemistry and even brain function. How we feel, how our heart feels, our soul feels affects every part of us and so as Muslims it makes sense that brain chemistry would also change.  Therapy and/or medication help people to recover, and the best therapy is for the soul is Quran. But with Quran comes positive change and steps in taking in ones life. So work is involved in getting better and work that helps is supporting individuals with help by making reachable goals for them to overcome.  Depression often means no hope, In Islam depression is real and we see this in Quran..but the difference is with our role models is there is always hope.
  • 18. HOPE is always Worth it
  • 19. Myth vs. Reality #6 @Addiction  Myth #6: Addiction is a lifestyle choice and shows a lack of willpower, Muslims have a harder time getting access to these things- WRONG.  Reality: Studies show that addictions involve complex factors including genetics, the environment, and sometimes other underlying psychiatric conditions such as depression.  But if we look it at through the lens of spirituality, we see that when we fall into a wrong, we have to be personally responsible for that. Being in denial there is a problem only blinds us down deeper towards the path of destruction and its very hard to help others who believe its too hard to help themselves. Allah will not help up a people unless they do the efforts..  When people who become addicted have these underlying vulnerabilities it’s harder for them to simply kick the habit.
  • 20. “ ” I Imaam Ibnul Qayyim says: ،‫باهلل‬ ‫األنس‬ ‫إال‬ ‫يزيلها‬ ‫ال‬ ‫وحشة‬ ‫القلب‬ ‫وفي‬ ‫هللا‬ ‫على‬ ‫اإلقبال‬ ‫إال‬ ‫يلمه‬ ‫ال‬ ٌ‫ت‬َ‫ع‬َ‫ش‬ ‫القلب‬ ‫في‬ ‫إن‬‫وفي‬ ‫باهلل‬ ‫الرضا‬ ‫إال‬ ‫يطفئها‬ ‫ال‬ ‫حسرة‬ ‫القلب‬ ‫وفي‬ ،‫هللا‬ ‫إلى‬ ‫بالفرار‬ ‫إال‬ ‫يذهب‬ ‫ال‬ ‫وقلق‬ ‫خوف‬ ‫القلب‬ “In the heart of every human being, there is a sense of scattering which can only be gathered by turning to Allah. And in the heart there is a sense loneliness which can only be dismissed by being close to Allah. And in the heart there is fear and anxiety, which can only be removed by fleeing to Allah. And in the heart there is a sense of regret, which can only be removed by being satisfied with Allah” Imam Ibn Qayyim, rahimAllah.
  • 21. Shock Therapy Myth vs. Reality #7  Myth #7: Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), also known as shock therapy, is painful and barbaric.  Reality: ECT is an effective treatments for people whose depression is so severe that antidepressant medications just don’t do the job, who are debilitated by the depression and who are hurtful towards themselves and others. Like a pregnant mother, or a caretaker in her home.  It can mean a means of avoiding being admitted to a facility.  Don’t judge what works and helps.
  • 22. ECT Myth vs. Reality #7b  How Is ECT Performed?  A patient is given a muscle relaxant and goes under general anesthesia. Electrodes are placed on the patient's scalp and a finely controlled electric current is applied. This current causes a brief seizure in the brain. Muscles are so relaxed that visible effects usually are limited to slight movement of the hands and feet.  A few minutes later the patient wakes up and is often confused not sure what just happened- just for a short period of time. ECT is usually given up to three times a week for a total of two to four weeks depending on each patient.
  • 23. Myth vs. Reality: Lack Intelligence #8  Myth #8: People with a mental illness lack intelligence.  Reality: Intelligence has nothing to do with mental illnesses  Many people with mental disorders are brilliant, creative, productive people. While some people with mental disorders are not brilliant or creative. Just like the general public.  Certain mental illnesses may make it difficult for people to remember facts or get along with other people, making it seem like they are cognitively challenged.
  • 24. Mental Illness affects EVERYTHING, not just the Brain.
  • 25. Shouldn’t’ Work Myth vs. Reality #9  Myth #9: People with a mental illness shouldn’t work because they’ll just drag down the rest of the staff.  Reality: People with mental illness can and do function well in the workplace. The real problem is the prejudice against hiring people with mental illness (how will disclosing my mental illness affect work/school).  Unemployment leaves them isolated, a situation that can add to their stress, and make it more difficult to recover from the illness.
  • 26. They are ALL the Same! Myth vs. Reality #10  Myth #10: Mental illness is a single, rare disorder.  Reality: Anxiety disorders, mood disorders, personality disorders, addiction disorders and impulse control disorders are all different categories of very different mental illnesses- each with its own features and underlying causes (common mental illnesses).
  • 27. Forever Myth vs. Reality #11  Myth #11: People with a mental illness never get better.  Reality: TREATMENT WORKS! Treatments for mental illnesses are more numerous and more sophisticated than ever and researchers continue to discover new treatments by Allah’s Permission.  Healing is from Allah, different therapies, ruqya plans and approaches work because of Allah’s Mercy.
  • 28. Barriers of Awareness (why misconceptions exist)  Many people with Mental Illness cannot afford services, lack of funding.  Lack of public mental health leadership  Lack of Understanding of what Mental Health and Mental Illness are impedes on addressing these issues. Often religious teachers& leaders will talk of the heart but many do not address the function of getting daily activities done, and how to survive beyond connecting closer to Allah.  Our deen is about faith and action.
  • 29. Whats NOT a Mental Illness?  • An expected or culturally accepted reaction to a loss or difficulty, such as the death of a loved one, is not a mental illness.  Even though in Islam, the “official” mourning is 3 days for someone who has died (with the exception for a husband) the heart remains broken for various lengths of time and one shouldn’t be made to feel worse about that.  Adults with Cognitive Delays, Brain Injuries are not by default those with Mental Illnesses
  • 30. Defining Mental Illness  A significant behavioral psychological syndrome or pattern that happens in an individual that is associated with distress, disability or lack of thrive.  Increased risk of suicidal thoughts, physical pain that initiates as emotional instability, and a deep sense of losing ones personal control in choosing what benefits.  A condition that affects a person's thought processes, their feelings and mood, and their perception of this life. Their heart is shattered and so souls are often negatively affected.
  • 31. Difference between Intellectual (Cognitive) Disability and Mental Illness?  ID- Problems with learning, understanding, processing information and problem solving, communication, social skills and general living skills.  Intellectual disability is usually present from birth and will be evident before adulthood. It is a permanent condition, not an illness or disease.  Mental Illness- Emotions, mood, perceptions and behavior and can be suffered by people of all levels of intellectual ability.  People with ID can have mental illness, but many do not, it is not by default that they do. Down Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, Brain Injury
  • 32. Causes of Mental Illness  Mental Health conditions are the result of multiple causes that can involve a mix of genetics, environment, lifestyle influence, religiosity and the choices one makes.  Scientific research proves the actions we take also affects biochemical processes, circuits and basic brain structure at the neurotransmitter levels (synapses, connections in the brain).  As Muslims we believe that everything we experience also plays heavy on our hearts and so the heart’s condition should never be undermined and is central when addressing mental illness.  Possession, Hasad, WaasWaas can also be a cause of mental illness. As Muslims we take a balanced, moderate view to this.
  • 33. Causes of Mental Illness  Biological Causes  Learned Behaviors  Environmental Triggers  Possession/Maas  Evil Eye/Hasad  Black Magic  Combination of some  Combination of all
  • 35. General Challenges for those with Mental Illness  Mental health conditions can affect different aspects of an individual:  Perceptions  Thoughts  Moods  Behavior  Judgement Calls  Personality Traits  Decision Making  Inner-calm/contentment
  • 36. Visible Signs of Mental Illness Categories of Observations Examples of Observations Cognition Understanding situation, memory, concentration Seems confused or disoriented, has gaps in memory of events, answers questions inappropriately Affect/Mood Eye Contact, Outbursts of Emotion/Indifference Appears sad/depressed or overly high spirited, overcome with hopelessness/overwhelmed by circumstances, switches emotions abruptly Speech Pace, Continuity, Vocabulary Speaks too quickly or too slowly, misses words, uses vocabulary inconsistent with level of education, stutters or has long pause in speech Thought Patterns and Logic Rationality, Tempo, Grasp of Reality Seems to respond to unusual voices/visions, Expresses bizarre or unusual ideas, disconnected thoughts Appearance Hygiene, Attire, Behavioral Mannerisms Appears disheveled, poor hygiene, trembles or shakes, is unable to sit or stand still (unexplained), wears inappropriate attire.
  • 37. Importance of Spirituality and Religiosity  Secular studies show that people involved in a religious or spiritual group of some kind have a lower risk of premature death or illness than those not involved.  Other faith communities offer pastoral counseling services, which can be an additional support to therapy and/or medication, and may help people cope with mental health challenges, but this is lacking in our Ummah!  Imams aren’t always trained in how to advocate or help those with mental illness. Neither are those who are well-versed in Quran and Hadith. Training should be an inevitable thing, just like those who teach Quran should have the best manners. Those who offer spiritual/Islamic counseling should know more about mental illness.
  • 38. Religion and Spirituality Diagnosis (DSM-5)  This is addressed in the American Psychiatric Association’s handbook of diagnostic classification (DSM-5*) in the chapter on “Other Conditions That May Be a Focus of Clinical Attention.”  This category is used when the focus of clinical attention is a religious or spiritual problem.  Examples include distressing experiences that involve loss or questioning of faith, problems associated with conversion to a new faith, or questioning of spiritual values that may not necessarily be related to organized religious institutions.
  • 39. Mental Health& Spirituality  Many Muslims look for Raaqis or religious peoples or faith leaders in the community to experiences they are going through.  They might think they are being possessed (possible)  Being punished by Allah (not all tests are punishments)  Companion of the Jinn harassing them  VIP to important to distinguish whether these are symptoms of a mental disorder (delusions, auditory or visual hallucinations, and paranoia) of distressing experiences stem from a religious or spiritual problem, or both.
  • 40. Spirituality Being Tested  Some Mental health illnesses that may have symptoms with a religious or spiritual content include psychotic disorders (for example, schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder), mood disorders (for example, major depression, bipolar disorders), and substance use disorders, OCD among others.
  • 41. “ ” Our culture has a way of ignoring mental illness and in many cases equate it to having poor Eman. I’ve often found that approach/belief to be quiet insulting. Personally I have tried many medications that turned out to be more debilitating than helpful. I've found that having a passion for me it's painting...helps immensely. EMAN, 36 YEAR OLD AMERICAN EGYPTIAN MUSLIMAH This is a testimony to show that purposeful activity leads to purposeful meaning in life. The element of worship should never be negated, but neither should good deeds towards oneself and others.
  • 42. Types of Mental Illness .
  • 43. Anxiety Disorders When anxiety becomes excessive, involves unfounded dread of everyday situations, and interferes with a person’s life, it may be an anxiety disorder.
  • 44. 11 Types Anxiety Disorders!
  • 45. Panic Disorder  Panic disorder is a sudden attack of fear or terror.  Symptoms may include a pounding heart, sweating,  weakness, dizziness, or smothering sensations.  People having a panic attack often fear they are about to be harmed and feel that they are not in control.
  • 47. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder  Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) involves frequent upsetting thoughts (obsessions) that cause anxiety.  People with OCD usually do things over and over (compulsions) to try to control their thoughts and anxiety.  Muslims here in Madinah and back in Massachusetts suffer from it. They are religious and close to Allah, yet they are afflicted. Why is that? For example, a person might be afraid the stove was left on and return again and again to check
  • 48. What’s Wrong with this Picture?
  • 49. Khinzab, may Allah protect us  ‘Uthmaan ibn Abi’l-‘Aas (radiAllahu 'anhu) asked Prophet (salAllahu'alayhi wasallam):  "Oh Messenger of Allah, the shaytaan interferes between me and my prayer and my recitation, and he makes me confused."  Prophet (salAllahu'alayhi wasallam) said: "That is a devil called Khinzab. If you feel that, then seek refuge with Allah from him and spit dryly to your left three times."  'Uthmaan (radiAllahu 'anhu) narrated: "I did that and Allah took him away from me."[Muslim (2203)]  Note: - Spitting dryly is more of a dry blow so that the person beside you doesn’t even realize you’re doing it. If you’re not sure how to do it, then avoid doing this when someone is praying on your left!
  • 51. Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)  Involves excessive anxiety and worry more days than not for at least six months. In general this is the case for different types of Anxiety Disorders.
  • 52. Special Phobia An intense fear or anxiety that is out of proportion to the actual risk or danger posed by the object of the fear.
  • 53. Social Anxiety Disorder  Social anxiety disorder involves extreme anxiety around others.  A person may be very afraid they are being watched or judged by others.  The fear of being embarrassed may be so strong that it disrupts relationships, work, and other activities.
  • 54. Agoraphobia  Avoidance of situations where escape may be difficult, embarrassing, or help might not be available if panic symptoms occur.  The fear is out of proportion to the actual situation, lasts six months or more, and causes problems in functioning.  Some don’t ever want to leave their home, or their room for this reason.
  • 55. Quran, a Remedy for Everything.
  • 56. Depression or Sadness?  Depression is more intense and long-lasting than normal sadness.  It can develop slowly, draining the energy, pleasure, and meaning from a person’s life.  About 7% of adults experience major depression in any given year, 1 in 5 experience depression in their lifetime.  Expression of depression differently.  Some people who are depressed may be more likely to complain of body aches or other physical symptoms than of mood or emotional symptoms.
  • 57. Depression  Depression is a potentially serious medical condition that affects how a person feels, thinks, and acts.  Person feels sad or has no interest or pleasure in normal activities for most of 2 weeks.  Activities such as eating, socializing, intimacy with spouse, or recreation and just about everything loses appeal.  Changes in appetite, sleep changes (sleeping too much or being unable to sleep)  Agitation, restlessness, or changes in motor movement  Feelings of worthlessness or guilt  Problems thinking, concentrating, or making decisions  Lack of energy, fatigue  Thoughts of death or suicide
  • 58. Not Just About Sadness
  • 59. Criteria for Major Depression  Depressed Mood  Diminished Interest  Weight Loss or Gain  Sleep Disturbance  Restlessness or Being Slowed Down  Fatigue & Loss of Energy  Thoughts of Death  Feelings of Worthlessness or Excessive Guilt  Difficulty Thinking & Concentrating  Symptoms Occur Every Day  Significant Distress & Impairment
  • 60. Anti-depressant Medications  Used to Relieve Symptoms of Depression  Sadness  Feelings of Failure  Loss of Interest in Life  Sleep Disturbances  Excessive Guilt  Loss of Energy/Fatigue  Thoughts of Death and Suicidal Thoughts  These meds do not CURE, they only NUMB these feelings and thoughts.
  • 61. He is the One who sends down tranquility into the hearts of believers. (Quran 48:4)
  • 62. Suicide Warning Signs  Changes in behavior can be warning signs that someone may be thinking about or planning suicide.  Talking writing about death, dying, or suicide when these actions are out of the ordinary  Making comments about being hopeless, helpless, or worthless  Expressions of having no reason for living; no sense  of purpose in life; saying things like “It would be better if I wasn’t here” or “I want out”  Increased alcohol and/or drug use: common drugs  Withdrawal from friends, family, and community  Reckless behavior or more risky activities, seemingly without thinking  Dramatic Mood Changes  Giving away prized possessions, putting affairs in order, tying up loose ends, changing a will
  • 63. Suicide  Mental and substance use disorders are the leading cause of disability worldwide.  About 1 million people commit suicide every year  1 death every 40 seconds or 3,000/day.  Over 800 000 people die due to suicide every year and suicide is the second leading cause of death in 15-29-year-olds.  There are indications that for each adult who died of suicide there may have been more than 20 others attempting suicide.  75% of suicides occur in low- and middle-income countries. Mental disorders and harmful use of alcohol contribute to many suicides around the world.  Early identification and effective management are key to ensuring that people receive the care they need.
  • 65. Recovery& Wellness  One in 5 adults experiences a mental health condition every year. One in 17 lives with a serious mental illness such as schizophrenia or bipolar disorder. In addition to a person's directly experiencing a mental illness, family, friends and communities are also affected.  ½ of mental health conditions begin by age 14, and 75% of mental health conditions develop by age 24.
  • 66. Healing Body& Soul  Prophetic Medicine advocates for using natural or divine treatments for different ailments.  Ibn Qayyim, rahimAllah advised spending more time with rectification of the soul, purification of the heart, avoiding unhealthy lifestyles, and improving one’s environment  Curing the ills of the physical and mental ailments without addressing the heart and soul may benefit only a little. Its addressing the symptoms, not the source of pain itself, even though it is the HEART that hurts most.
  • 67. “ ” “..The study of the soul; the ensuing behavioural, emotional, and mental processes; and both the seen aspects that influence these elements…” PSYCHOLOGY FROM THE ISLAMIC PERSPECTIVE, DR. UTZ Defining Islamic Psychology
  • 68. Ruh and Nafs: What we Know  Ruh means spirit, soul, and breath of life. It can refer to angels, revelation, or divine inspiration. It can also mean human nature, or soul.  Once the soul is removed, the physical body ceases to function.  Nafs means human soul, or self. The exact nature of nafs is not known. It is forever ready to accept directions towards good or evil. It combines human attributes and traits that have a clear effect on our lives.   The Heart  Heart is more than a physical organ pumping blood. It feels and senses
  • 69. Level 1 of the Soul  Commanding Soul – ‫نفس‬‫ارة‬ّ‫م‬‫األ‬ (Ammaara)  It is on a lower level, and seeks pleasure. It is controlled by whims and desires, and does not require one to think much. IF this takes charge of a person, then the ability to see the truth is lost, evil takes over, and hearts are hardened. At this stage, people then refuse to accept the commands or guidance from Allah, and don’t consider Allah to be their supporter.
  • 70. Levels 2& 3 of the Soul Reproachful Soul – ‫نفس‬‫ة‬ّ‫م‬‫اللوا‬ (Lowwama)  It always feels a sense of remorse. It keeps blaming itself for wrongdoing, and strives to be better. Also blames itself for not doing enough. Such souls find comfort in repentance, in fixing their mistakes, and in striving to be better than themselves. Tranquil Soul – ‫نفس‬‫المطمئنة‬ (Mutama’inna)  It is inclined towards piety and righteousness It loves and desires good deeds, and detests evil deeds. It is obedient to Allah and happy with His Decree.  It feels a strong sense of purpose and connection.
  • 71. The HEART  Heart is more than a physical organ pumping blood. It feels and senses more than affection and emotions.  Allah has made our hearts the place that holds our intentions, intellect, and understanding.  Acceptance of our deeds by Allah depends on the state of our hearts, and only Allah knows what is in our hearts.
  • 72. “…He Knows what is in every HEART.” (67:13)
  • 73. Regardless of Illness or Cause..
  • 74. Empathy vs. Sympathy Sympathy is feeling pity for another because of the hardships and suffering they are going through. Its an awareness of one’s struggles that plays heavy on the emotions of the observer. Often times it is not enough to sympathize when trying to help someone rise from their problems. Empathy is more and a forgotten Sunnah by many. It’s feeling the emotions hurt another which is hard to let go unless you do something to help them pick them up from their difficulties they endure. It’s the Sunnah of loving for others what you love for yourself.
  • 76. “ ” "the subset of social intelligence that involves the ability to monitor one's own and others' feelings and emotions, to discriminate among them, and to use this information to guide one's thinking and actions." In 1990, psychologists Peter Salovey (now president of Yale University) and John Mayer wrote a seminal article on Emotional Intelligence (EQ)
  • 77. Emotional Intelligence important for the helper and the afflicted  1. Self-awareness- knowing your emotions, recognizing feelings as they occur, and discriminating between them.  2. Mood management- handling feelings so they're relevant to the current situation and you react appropriately  3. Self-motivation- "gathering up" your feelings and directing yourself toward a goal, despite self-doubt, inertia, and impulsiveness  4. Empathy- recognizing feelings in others and tuning into their verbal and nonverbal cues  5. Managing relationships- handling interpersonal interaction, conflict resolution, and negotiations
  • 78. Holistic Guide to Whole Person Wellness  Wellness means overall well-being. For people with mental health and substance use conditions, wellness is not simply the absence of disease, illness, or stress, but the presence of purpose in life, active involvement in satisfying work and play, joyful relationships, a healthy body and living environment, and happiness.  It incorporates the mental, emotional, physical, occupational, intellectual, and spiritual aspects of a person’s life.  Each aspect of wellness can affect overall quality of life.
  • 79. Schizophrenia A chronic serious mental illness that usually begins in a person’s 20s. Can cause people to have psychotic thinking (impaired perception of reality and ability to communicate), delusions (fixed, false beliefs), or hallucinations (seeing or hearing things that aren’t real).  Some people with schizophrenia do not recognize that they have a mental illness. Treatment can help relieve many symptoms of schizophrenia, but most people with this illness cope with symptoms their entire lives.  Many live successfully in their communities and lead rewarding lives and have hard time coping because they don’t have purpose, and some do yet still suffer in silence.
  • 80. Criteria for Schizophrenia  Characteristic symptoms  Delusions  Hallucinations  Disorganized Speech  Disorganized Behavior  Negative Symptoms  Flat Affect  Lack of Motivation  Social/Occupational Dysfunction  Lasting at Least Six Months
  • 81. What’s Bipolar?  Mental Disorder can cause dramatic mood swings, from feeling high and energetic to feeling very low, sad and hopeless.  Periods of highs and lows are called episodes of mania or hypomania (lower grades of mania)and depression.  During a manic episode, a person might speak rapidly, feel little need for sleep, and become involved in activities with a high potential for risk or pain.  During a depressive episode, a person may feel despair, hopelessness, or fatigue and literally not want to do anything for weeks.  People with bipolar disorder are at higher risk than the general population for alcohol or substance misuse.
  • 82. Criteria for Bipolar Disorder  Manic Episodes  Elevated mood  Grandiosity  Decreased need for sleep  Talkativeness  Racing thoughts  Increased goal-directed activity  Marked Impairment  Occupation  Social relationships  (or) Hospitalization  (or) Psychotic Features  May Alternate with Depressive Episodes
  • 83. How Advice can be Taken in Two Ways…
  • 84. Interventions for Mental Illness  Usually One Intervention Is not Sufficient- exception would be Quran/Ruqya because this is the only Therapy that can stand on it’s own.  Approach from All Directions  There is no cure in medication and therapy that does not address the HEART and soul, only symptoms.  Reconnecting with Allah, Qualifying/Quantifying one’s religion
  • 85. Medications/Therapies  Antipsychotics  Antidepressants  Mood Stabilizers  Anxiolytics  Side Effects Medications  Quran through Ruqyah- cant be harmful, ever although sometimes things get worse before they get better  Recreational Therapy-no side effects  Occupational Therapy- no side effects  Hijama Cupping Therapy- purifies body, purifies mind, purifies heart  Good Deed Therapy
  • 86. Talk Therapy (Psychotherapy) Medications alone are not enough. Medicines cannot heal damaged relationships or give insight into challenges. These are things that require reflection, thinking, talking, and, for some, praying. Nonjudgmental therapists or trained counselors are trained to help without judging. Talking openly to a trusted person can be comforting and can help one see their problems or situations more clearly.
  • 87. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy ƒ.Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) helps people identify and change negative or irrational thought patterns that lead to unhelpful behaviors. Based on principles of learning and aims to reinforce desired behaviors while eliminating undesired behaviors.
  • 88. Family Therapy/ Group Therapy  Family therapy provides a safe place for family members to share feelings, learn better ways to interact with each other, and find solutions to problems.  Group Therapy can be very reassuring and helpful to hear from others who are facing the same challenges and share experiences. Peer Services (those who have risen help those who struggle)  As a friend you can reassure your loved one they aren’t alone and try to help others in your circle to be more empathetic to the one that is struggling.
  • 89. Anti-psychotic Medications  Used to combat psychotic symptoms  Hallucinations  Delusions  Confused Thinking  Altered Perceptions  Disorganized Speech  Other signs of psychosis  BUT NOT THE HEART  Connecting with the Quran is the medicine of the heart and if rectified, everything else will follow.
  • 90. Anti-anxiety Medications  Used to Treat Symptoms of Anxiety  Nervousness  Panic  Shortness of Breath  Trembling  Feeling of Choking  Heart Palpitations  Obsessions & Compulsions  BUT NOT THE HEART
  • 91. Mood Stabilizers  Used to Treat Symptoms of Mania  Rapid Talking  Decreased Need for Sleep  Racing Thoughts  Distractibility  Irritability  Behavioral Excesses  Grandiosity  BUT NOT THE HEART
  • 92. Side Effects Medications (Anti-parkinsonians)  Used to Relieve Side Effects of Anti-psychotic Medications  Stiff Muscles  Unsteady Gait  Tremors  Eyes Rolling Back  Restless Feeling  BUT NOT THE HEART
  • 93. General Side Effects of Medications  Drowsiness  Dry Mouth  Blurred Vision  Dizziness  Tremors  Sexual Dysfunction  High Heart Rate  Weight Gain  Slurred Speech  Sensitivity to Sun  Some Are Addictive  Some Anti-Depressants can actually increase suicidal thoughts
  • 94. Stimulants (special use)  Used to Treat Symptoms of Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder  Mainly Used in Children  Hyperactivity  Inability to Pay Attention  Distractibility  Sadly they are using these meds on Babies and toddlers too instead of elimintating things that trigger problems with attention like the SCREEN.  BUT NOT THE HEART
  • 95. Sunnah Comfort Food  TALBINA!  ‘Eat from it for indeed I heard the Messenger of Allah [peace be upon him] say: “Talbinah is a relaxation for the heart of the sick person and it removes some of the sorrow”.’  [Bukhari 479/9, Book of Food, Chapter of Talbinah]
  • 96. 7 Ajwa Dates “If Somebody takes seven ‘ajwa dates in the morning, neither magic nor poison will hurt him that day.” “He will not be harmed by anything until he reaches the evening.”
  • 97. TALBINA the Sunnah Comfort Food! “Talbinah is a relaxation for the heart of the sick person and it removes some of the sorrow”.
  • 98. Pre-Ruqyah Talk  Eman is the energy for the soul to move towards its purpose.  Eman is to have the love of Allah above everything else.  It increases and decreases, and there are ways to renew and increase our Eman.  Gaining knowledge is one way to sustain our Eman, and also an increase in good deeds such as praying more, remembering Allah often, and giving charity.  If an average person does not understand what you mean by Aqeedah, then simply switch to talking about Eman with them.
  • 99. Ruqyah Guidance: Essential for the HEART  There are so many different Ruqyah Treatment Plans that can be more intense and others can be shortened.  Ruqyah is a therapeutic approach by use of faith, it is applicable for Muslims. Although, it can be beneficial for non-Muslims as taught by some scholars because of the Quran’s effect upon the heart- it can relieve people who are possessed and afflicted by evil if Allah’s wills.  A routine of Adhkaar can look identical towards a routine of Ruqya. Where Adhkaar/ remembrances are like daily dose of vitamins, Ruqyah/recitations for healing is like medicine.
  • 100. Mental Illness or Possession?  Mental illnesses are similar to the illnesses caused by Jinn possession which causes some people to confuse the issue of mental illness with illnesses caused by the Jinn, Evil eye or witchcraft. it is therefore important to be able to differentiate between the two. HOW IS SICKNESS DIAGNOSED by a Raaqi?  Must know the what Mental Illness looks like, their case study, their religiosity, their symptoms in detail. Experienced observations. Helpful if Raaqi knows the DSM, but not necessary.  Medical Problems that are physical in nature should be ruled out, often times if there is no known reason why someone is suffering..Raaqis and Scholars say this can be an evil affliction is its cause.
  • 101. What to Look For, Important Questions  Raaqi usually tries to find out the following:  The type of ailment the person is suffering from?  When this sickness or problem began?  Frightening dreams?  Do they feel unable to remember Allah, read Quran or listen to the Quran?  Do the patient get sleepy or drowsy. If so, what times?  Do they feel pain moving through their body or any numbness part of body areas?  Do they want to cry for no reason?  Do feel extreme tightness in the chest?  Do they have ongoing headaches which are not relived by painkillers?  Menstrual irregularities in women?
  • 102. Sample Ruqya Plan Ustadh Muhammad Tim Humble  You (and your family) will need to learn:  Bismillah: When you enter the house and before eating. The shayṭaan is refused permission to stay in your house or eat your food.  The last three surahs of the Qur’an – al-Ikhlas, al-Falaq, an-Naas. Three times in the morning (after Fajr), and three times in the evening (after ‘Asr). They will suffice you against every single thing.  Ayat-ul-Kursi. (a) After each obligatory prayer, and (b) before you go to sleep. (a) There will be nothing between you and Paradise except death. (b) Allah will send a protector to protect you against everything, and the shayṭaan will not approach you.  The du’a for entering the toilet: bismillaah, allaahumma innee a‛oodhu bika minal-khubuthi wal-khabaa’ith. Just before entering the toilet. You will be protected from the male and female shayṭaan who reside in the bathroom.
  • 103. Sample Ruqya Plan Ustadh Muhammad Tim Humble (2)  The du’a for leaving the house: bismillaah, tawakkaltu ‛alal-laah, wa laa ḥawla wa laa quwwata illaa billaah. As you are leaving the house. The angels say, “You will be defended, protected, and guided,” and you will be protected from shayṭaan.  The du’a for setting foot in a new place: a‛oodhu bi kalimaat-illaahit-taammaati min sharri maa khalaq. When you set foot in a place, such as when getting out of your car, when entering someone’s house, when sitting down outside, etc. Nothing will harm you until you leave.  The following du’a: bismillaahil-ladhee laa yaḍurru ma‛asmihi shay’un fil-arḍi wa laa fis-samaa’i wa huwas-samee‛-ul-‛aleem. Three times in the morning (after Fajr), and three times in the evening (after ‘Asr). Nothing will harm you for the rest of the day/night.  And this du’a: Laa ilaaha ill-allaahu, waḥdahu laa shareeka lahu, lahul-mulku wa lahul-ḥamdu, yuḥyee wa yumeetu, wa huwa ‛alaa kulli shay’in qadeer. Ten times in the morning (after Fajr), and ten times in the evening (after Maghrib).  Allah will send guardian angels to protect you from the shayṭaan until morning/evening comes).  Allah knows best, and may peace and blessings be upon our Messenger Muhammad, and upon his family and his companions.
  • 104. Psychosocial Interventions  Assessment  Education about Illness  Self Management  Counseling/Therapy  Individual  Group  Crisis Intervention  Rehabilitation  Social Skills  Vocational  Family Services  Education  Family Therapy  Case Management
  • 105. Illness Self Management/ Patient Education  Giving Information about the Illness  Symptoms  Treatment  Cour  Helping Client Learn to Manage Own Illness  Do not diagnose the person, but let them know what they are going through many have and have risen from it.  Help them reach out when they are having a breakdown
  • 106. Management Skills for Recovery  Medication Adherence  Healthful Lifestyle  Therapeutic Environment  Illness Monitoring  Relapse Prevention  Constant Connection with Allah
  • 107. What Advice Can you Give  Ruqyah Guidance  Help Structure their Day with meaningful activities (halaqa, Quran, good deeds via volunteering)  Seek Medical Treatment when necessary  Daily Relaxation Skills: Bath, Exercise  Decrease Stimulation: decrease youtube movies, shows  Avoid Drugs to feel better: like ibuprofen, tylenol  Cut Caffeine, Sugar & Increase Fluids like ZamZam  Real-Life Problem Solving  Sunnah Foods, Ajwa Dates  Daily Dhikr vs. Ruqyah
  • 108. How can YOU Help? Crisis Intervention  Telephone  Whatsapp- keep them chatting with you, invite them to message you anytime until you can coordinate help for them  Clinic Based- not easy here in Madina, but  Mobile Outreach- neighbors, friends, family, talk it out at the masjid  In-Home Intervention- visit them
  • 109. Continuum of Learning Environments  Hospital Treatment  Partial Hospitalization Services  Outpatient Therapies  Clubhouse  Adult Education  Supported Education
  • 110. Family Services FOR Muslims  Support  Education  Consultation  Therapy  DAWAH
  • 111. Interacting with a Person with Mental Illness Symptoms: Communication Skills ()  Give them Attention  Ask open-ended questions  Check out the whys of behavior  Express empathy; reflect-feelings  Use close-ended questions, not open ended  Avoid criticizing person, offer options  Express caring and support  Use parroting, repeat what they’ve said  Be concrete and brief  Avoid power struggles  Allow for time out to “de-stim”  Do not tell lies  Remain calm  Speak slowly and clearly  Avoid invading personal space  Do not move quickly, especially toward the person  Do not touch the person  Do not challenge the person
  • 112. Clients/Friends/Sisters  A woman who has a mom with bipolar, a sister with schizophrenia and a husband who doesn’t do right by her now has to uncomfortably deal with hosting her brother-in law in her home for a month…  A woman who was stranded at an international airport as her husband decided to take off with her two young boys. She hasn’t seen them in 11 months...  A woman suffering from OCD as a doctor called it, and diagnosed as possession by a Raaqi. She feels physical pain when Quran is on, especially Surah Baqara and she’s been prescribed medication that doesn’t help…  A woman who lives with severe depression after 25 years of a horrible marriage of deceit, personal illness and domestic violence just wants her life to end, or her husband’s…
  • 113. Ways to Help  The struggles, the tears, the pain, the hardships, the turmoil- it’s all REAL.  The struggle is REAL. Allah is the Only One Who can change situations and heal people who are broken and torn. But as therapists, counselors and friends here are some things we can do InshaaAllah:  -Listen with an attentive heart because too many are sadly torn…  -Remind them of their purpose in life, because too many regretfully forget…  -Teach them ways on how to overcome these internal battles because solving external issues often starts within…  -Encourage them to make positive changes, because baby steps count…
  • 114. Ways to Help (2)  -Advocate for them by educating them on options to assure personal safety…  -Give them hope even if their cases seem hopeless, rising from difficulty is possible….  -Don’t give up on them, continue to support them but do not get drained…it’s ok to take a break from responding…but when ready answer them again…  -Show Empathy, not Sympathy. Empathy is hopeful of a better situation while sympathy is falling into a deep sadness along with them without an outlook of positivity.
  • 115. Ways to Help (3)  -Encourage them in getting help, the stigma of going for counseling or therapy is strong in some cultures but Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) paid attention to people and therefore everything about his approach was therapeutic.  -You don't have to have an answer for everything they express, but your warm attention to them is worthy and heavy on the scales in the sight of Allah [Islamic phrases="Subhanahu wa Ta'ala"]E[/Islamic].  If you need any confidential support in helping a loved one or you yourself are going through a difficulty, you are not alone. Allah is above you, with and you can email me or contact me for help too inshaaAllah. 
  • 116. Case Study 68 Year Female  Chronic Pain Issues  In late 30’s she was diagnosed with Depression  Im bnbnproved Religiosity, weaned herself off of meds  Many years went by, no medication  Early 60’s started up on Anxiety drugs  Strong Muslimah, prays, dhikr.. She sees the medication as a mercy to her from Allah. Helps her cope with stress, and helps her sleep better at night.
  • 117. 9 Year Old with OCD  From a religious home, attentitve parents  Reviewing her Hifdh to her mom at Masjid Mom noticed a woman looking at her without a smile and had a weird feeling.  Few days later, this girl forgot how to say AlFatiha  Washed hands until they were raw  Prayed repeatedly until started to give up  Wouldn’t hold hands  Two months of severe OCD
  • 118. Case Study 34 Year Old with Multiple Mental Illness Symptoms  Egyptian lady diagnosed with breast cancer in her early 30s, chemo and recovered  Soon after car accident  Intense fear of going anywhere  Began doubting obvious things, her marriage validity, severe case of waaswaas  Ruqyah- got worse before getting better  Began working again  Still struggles, but is able to manage her symptoms because of life- changes  Never Diagnosed beyond, Waaswaas although was prescribed drugs
  • 119. Resources: All Knowledge is from Allah…  National Institute of Mental Health  American Psychiatric Association  DSM-5  Mental Health Faith Guide  World Health Organization  Islamic Medicine, Yusuf Al-Hajj  Sickness, Regulations& Exhortations, Jibaly  Psychology from the Islamic Perspective, Dr. Aisha Utz  Healing Body& Soul, Dr. Amira Ayad   Masjid Nabawi Chaplaincy Course Notes  Islamic Psychology Course Notes
  • 120. Ending Duaa  May Allah help us help others with CAKE..  All good is from Allah…