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Megan St. Jacques
Aug 5, 2021 1:25 PM
Megan St. Jacques
Liberty University
Discussion Board: Statistical Analysis
Dr. Gary Killam
August 8, 2021
Descriptive statistics are used by researchers to help
examine and explain research data that has been collected about
any given topic (Vito & Higgins, 2016). More specifically,
common descriptive statistics are mean, median, mode and
variance (Vito & Higgins, 2016). Using these statistics,
researchers are better able to analyze and interpret data they
have collected by breaking the data down and using it to find
meaningful trends in the findings. Those trends are used to
improve the program or research topic. In terms of drug courts,
descriptive statistics can be a vital tool to the implementation
and improvement of the program.
Before the Implementation of Drug Court
Before implementation of drug court, there are a few
descriptive measures that would be examined. First, the area
that was implementing the drug court would need to gather data
on the recidivism and overdose rate of individuals that the court
would serve. After collecting the data, the researchers would
take the mean, median and mode of the numbers to easier
compare the data upon implementation of the program. As
research has indicated, drug court programs are vital to getting
individuals with substance abuse problems help as opposed to
throwing them in jail to handle problems on their own
(Robertson & Swartz, 2018). Ultimately, the more help
individuals are given, the less likely their substance abuse
problems are to continue in the future.
After the Implementation of Drug Court
After a substantial amount of time has passed, the
researchers would again collect the number of overdoses and the
recidivism rate in the area that participated in the drug court.
Once the numbers were gathered, the mean, median and mode of
that data would be gathered. To confirm that the drug court was
successful, the numbers of the before and after would be
compared. If the mean, median and mode of the data was
significantly lower, it can be determined that the program was
implemented properly and effective. However, if the numbers
were the same or even higher, the program should be evaluated
to determine what improvements could be made to better the
results. For example, one research article indicates that
research findings can help allocate resources to individuals who
are participating in the drug court program (Shannon, et. al.,
2018). Understanding this notion comes through analysis of data
from drug courts.
Catholic Worldview
One of the main proponents of the criminal justice
system is a belief in helping individuals, whether that is the
criminal or the victim. As a passage in the Holy Bible states,
“but to do good and to communicate forget not: for with such
sacrifices God is well pleased” (King James Bible, 1769/2021,
Hebrews 13:16). Therefore, to live a way that would please the
Lord, but also a way that would benefit mankind, it is important
to be caring and thoughtful towards others. Implementing a
drug court system would help individuals by giving them a
second chance as opposed to simply locking them up.
Overall, drug court programs are a great advancement
in the criminal justice system. When evaluating their
effectiveness, descriptive statistics are often utilized. By
examining these data before and after the program has been
implemented in a certain area, the effectiveness of this program
can be understood.
King James Bible. (2021). King James Bible Online. (Original work
published in 1769).
Robertson, A. G., & Swartz, M. S. (2018). Extended-release
naltrexone and drug treatment courts: policy and evidence for
implementing an evidence-based treatment. Journal of
Substance Abuse Treatment. 85.
Shannon, L. M., Jones, A. J., Newell, J., & Payne, C. (2018).
Examining individual characteristics and program performance
to understand two-year recidivism rates among drug court
participants: comparing graduates and terminators. Sage
Vito, G. F., & Higgins, G. E. (2016). Practical program
evaluation for criminal justice. Routledge.
Eduardo Avila
Aug 5, 2021 11:32 AM
In the 1970s, school districts sought school-based
intervention programs to deter or delay the use of drug, tobacco
and alcohol specifically towards the middle school
population. Recognizing that social and peer pressures both
play key factors influencing the onset of early adolescent
tobacco use, precursor data supporting the development of the
D.A.R.E. program came from a previous longitudi nal pilot study
on five hundred students from two California middle schools
who received training on resisting social peer pressure. Results
showed that students who received training either reduced or
stayed away from tobacco use in comparison to those w ho did
not receive training. The follow-up study a year after the pilot
run suggested that students who were aware of specific social
pressures became less likely to use or reduced their frequency
of drug use (McAlister et al., 1980).
Study groups
Students of the two schools were selected to serve as
facilitators after receiving sic hours of training. There were six
classroom sessions during year one and two follow up 45-
minute sessions during year two. These selected youth served as
leaders to increase students’ commitment to deter from smoking
and build emotional skills to navigate social pressure. Of the
two schools, the second one offered students an intensive course
of health education yet not given special training in resisting
peer pressure. Experimental and control groups were not
random. The control group school was selected on the basis
where school officials were allowing surveys and breath-testing
procedures on participants. Behavior assessment was based on
anonymous self-reported data (McAlister et al., 1980).
Statistical Data
This study had similar onset rates and the estimated
linear onset rate was just under 8.5% annually in the control
group while only slightly over 3% in the experimental group.
The difference of the two prevalence is statistically significant
(p<.05) and the follow up of students reporting drug and alcohol
use supported this account. The last follow up conducted two
years after displayed a difference between 16 percent versus 5
½ percent (p<.01). Examining marijuana use, the last survey
indicated almost 15% in the control group compared to 7.6% in
the experimental group. Although there is always consideration
for biased results by natural differences within the participants
of the schools, statistical regression was enforced by selecting a
population with reportedly severe problems as the experimental
group and the school with less reported problems as the control
group (McAlister et al., 1980).
Safe inferences would indicate that training young
adolescents to negatively perceive drug, alcohol and tobacco
use may develop skills for resisting pressures to engage in such
behaviors (McAlister et al., 1980). This crucial implication
focuses on coping skills. Adolescence is a time-period of
amplified susceptibility to peer pressure, affecting decisions to
engage or deter from unsafe behaviors. Social acceptance is
fundamental to most adolescent behavior, as youth are
extremely regulated to selection and responding to social cues
from their social atmospheres (McCoy et al., 2019). These
studies develop a foundation for new inquiries utilizing
biological and psychological positivism, social structural
factors, social interaction theory and social process factors
(Bartollas et al., 1985). In addition, intervention programs like
D.A.R.E. allow researchers to carefully review our juvenile
justice process to include police juvenile relationships as there
is an increase of police presence in our school districts
(Petrosino et al., 2012). Ideals such as social emotional
learning could help better strengthen an altruistic process as
well as engagement in any curriculum to include drug
intervention (Reyes & Elias, 2011).
World Christian View
Older drug prevention and intervention programs based
on instilling fear with projects such as scared straight was found
to be ineffective. Projects attempting to modify behaviors
through fear is never long lasting but by empowering
individuals with inner strength will lead to self-confidence and
long-term positive behaviors. The holy bible states, “For God
hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love,
and of a sound mind (King James Bible, 1769/2017, 2 Timothy
1:7). The strength given to us through Christian values
develops an inner strength which is durable and constant. This
reminder is stated in the holy bible, “I can do all things through
Christ which strengtheneth me” (King James
Bible, 1769/2017, Philippians 4:13).
Bartollas, C., Schmalleger, F., & Turner, M. G. (1985). Juvenile
delinquency. Wiley.
King James Bible. (2017). King James Bible
Online. `
McAlister, A., Perry, C., Killen, J., Slinkard, L. A., & Maccoby,
N. (1980). Pilot study of
smoking, alcohol and drug abuse prevention. American
journal of public health, 70(7), 719-721.
McCoy, S. S., Dimler, L. M., Samuels, D. V., & Natsuaki, M.
N. (2019). Adolescent
susceptibility to deviant peer pressure: Does gender
matter?. Adolescent research review, 4(1), 59-71.
Nordrum, A. (2014). The new D.A.R.E. program—This one
works. Scientific American.
Petrosino, A., Guckenburg, S., & Fronius, T. (2012). Policing
schools’ strategies: A review of the evaluation
evidences. Journal of
Multidisciplinary Evaluation, 8(17), 80-101.
Reyes, J. A., & Elias, M. J. (2011). Fostering social–emotional
resilience among Latino youth. Psychology in the
Schools, 48(7), 723-737.
Helms School of
Government, Liberty University
Descriptive Statistics
26, 2021
Week 6
Discussion Board
For this weeks’ post, I will be describing descriptive statistics
as it pertains to South Carolina’s Safe Neighborhood strategy.
Statistics can be divided into two common forms, descriptive
statistics, and inferential statistics. Descriptive statistics are
those that give a summary regarding a sample being studied
without drawing any inferences based on probability theory
(Kaliyadan & Kulkarni, 2019). Regardless of the primary goal
of the study involves inferential statistics, descriptive statistics
are still used to give a basic summary. According to Vito &
Higgins (2015), the most common forms of descriptive statistics
are mean, median, mode, variance, and standard deviation (Vito
& Higgins, 2015). Descriptive statistics can also be used to
describe single or multiple variables as well as summarizing
data in the form of quantitative measures (Kaliyadan &
Kulkarni, 2019).
In 2001, President Bush initiated an initiative known as Project
Safe Neighborhoods (PSN). Many states at the time took part in
this initiative to help reduce gun crimes. Project Safe
Neighborhood combined the concepts of two well-known similar
projects, Project Exile that took place in Richmond, Virginia,
and Operation Ceasefire that was in Boston (Barnes et al. 2010).
As part of the PSN research initiative, the United States
Attorneys’ Office for the District of South Carolina obtained
assistance from the South Carolina Department of Public Safety
(SCDPS), the South Carolina Department of Probation, Parole,
and Pardon Services (SCDPPS), the South Carolina Law
Enforcement Division (SLED), as well as the Bureau of
Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF). Like Operation
Ceasefire, Project Safe Neighborhoods used resources from
local, state, and federal agencies (Barnes et al. 2010).
The study modeled after the theory based on general deterrence.
The program’s goal was to notify and increase awareness to
those convicted of a felony that those caught with a firearm,
their punishment would be certain and severe (Barnes et al.
2010). Two comparison groups were to be in this study.
Individuals released to community supervision before January
2005 were considered the “comparison group”. This group did
not receive notification of the consequences if caught with a
firearm. The “test group” were individuals that had been placed
on supervision after January 2005. These individuals were
notified of the consequences (Barnes et al. 2010).
The sample group was data drawn from 400 offenders on
community supervision between 2004 and 2005. The
comparison group included 200 random offenders selected from
all offenders released to supervision between March 2004 and
May 2004. The test group was made of 200 random offenders
released to supervision between March 2005 to May 2005. All
offenders in the test group were notified of the project (Barnes
et al. 2010). The independent variable of interest was the
measure of what each group belonged to.
According to the CDC (2019), over 75% of the homicides that
occur in the United States are committed by the use of a firearm
(Pizarro et al. 2019). Programs such, as those mentioned in this
post should be re-established. Proverbs 21:15 states, “When
justice is done, it brings joy to the righteous, but terror to
evildoers” (Proverbs 21:15, ESV). Violent crimes across the
United States have been on the rise for some time. It appears we
have become a lawless society with no consequences to those
who choose to harm others. Community leaders, politicians, and
the mainstream media need to recognize that our law
enforcement officers are not the enemy.
Barnes, J., Kurlychek, M., Miller, J., Kaminski R., (2010). A
Partial Assessment of South
Carolina’s Project Safe Neighborhoods
Strategy, Journal of Criminal Justice
Holy Bible, English Standard Version
Kaliyadan, F., & Kulkarni, V., (2019). Types of Variables,
Descriptive Statistics, and
Sample Size
Pizarro, J., Holt, K., Pelletier, K. (2019). An Examination of the
Situated Transactions of
Firearm Homicides, Journal of Behavioral Medicine
Vito, G. & Higgins, G. (2015). Practical Program Evaluation for
Criminal Justice
Criteria Ratings Points
40 to >36.0 pts
• Post addresses the prompt
thoroughly, including every part and
providing examples, support, and
attachments as directed. • Citations
from all required reading,
presentations, and two scholarly
sources are appropriately and
thoughtfully applied.
36 to >31.0 pts
• Post addresses the
prompt and provides
some examples and
support. • Citations from
all required reading,
presentations, and two
scholarly sources are
adequately applied.
31 to >0.0 pts
• Post inadequately
addresses the
prompt. • Lacking in
citations from
required reading,
presentations, and
two scholarly sources
are adequately
0 pts
40 pts
30 to >26.0 pts
• Three replies address the prompt
thoroughly, including every part and
providing examples, support, and
feedback as directed. • Citations
from one scholarly source are
appropriately and thoughtfully
26 to >21.0 pts
• Three replies address
the prompt including
some examples and
support. • Citations from
one scholarly source are
adequately applied.
21 to >0.0 pts
• Missing a reply
and/or replies
inadequately address
the prompt.
• Citations from one
scholarly source is
lacking or missing.
0 pts
30 pts
20 to >18.0 pts
Post is well written in current APA
format with no errors in spelling or
grammar. Replies are well written
with no errors in spelling or
18 to >16.0 pts
Post is well written but
has 1–2 errors in spelling
or grammar. Replies are
well written but have 1–2
errors in spelling or
16 to >0.0 pts
Post and/or replies
are not well written.
They have more than
3–4 errors in spelling
or grammar.
0 pts
20 pts
10 to >8.0 pts
Thread contains 500-600 words.
Each reply contains 250-300 words.
8 to >6.0 pts
100 words more or less
than the required length.
6 to >0.0 pts
Over 100 words more
or less than the
required length.
0 pts
10 pts
Total Points: 100
Discussion Grading Rubric | CJUS801_D01_202130
CJUS 801
Discussion Assignment Instructions
The student will complete five (5) Discussions in this course.
The student will post one thread of at least 500 words by 11:59
p.m. (ET) on Thursday of the assigned Module: Week. The
student must then post three (3) replies of at least 250 words by
11:59 p.m. (ET) on Sunday of the assigned Module: Week. For
each thread, students must support their assertions with at
least 2 scholarly citations and one Holy Bible reference in the
current APA format. Each reply must incorporate at
least 1 scholarly citation and one Holy Bible reference in the
current APA format. Any sources cited must have been
published within the last five years. Acceptable sources
include peer reviewed journal articles, the textbook, the
Bible, etc..
Choose one of the following three topics below for your
1. Describe the descriptive statistics to be examined before and
after implementation of the chosen anticrime/prevention
2. Post the mean, median, mode, variance, and standard
deviation of the pre-data for your anticrime/prevention program.
3. Post a description of the inferential statistics you will use to
analyze your anticrime/prevention program. Explain the reasons
for your analytical approach.

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Megan St. JacquesAug 5, 2021 125 PMMegan St. JacquesLiberty

  • 1. Megan St. Jacques Aug 5, 2021 1:25 PM Megan St. Jacques Liberty University Discussion Board: Statistical Analysis Dr. Gary Killam August 8, 2021 Introduction Descriptive statistics are used by researchers to help examine and explain research data that has been collected about any given topic (Vito & Higgins, 2016). More specifically, common descriptive statistics are mean, median, mode and variance (Vito & Higgins, 2016). Using these statistics, researchers are better able to analyze and interpret data they have collected by breaking the data down and using it to find meaningful trends in the findings. Those trends are used to improve the program or research topic. In terms of drug courts, descriptive statistics can be a vital tool to the implementation and improvement of the program. Before the Implementation of Drug Court Before implementation of drug court, there are a few descriptive measures that would be examined. First, the area that was implementing the drug court would need to gather data on the recidivism and overdose rate of individuals that the court would serve. After collecting the data, the researchers would take the mean, median and mode of the numbers to easier compare the data upon implementation of the program. As research has indicated, drug court programs are vital to getting individuals with substance abuse problems help as opposed to throwing them in jail to handle problems on their own (Robertson & Swartz, 2018). Ultimately, the more help individuals are given, the less likely their substance abuse problems are to continue in the future. After the Implementation of Drug Court
  • 2. After a substantial amount of time has passed, the researchers would again collect the number of overdoses and the recidivism rate in the area that participated in the drug court. Once the numbers were gathered, the mean, median and mode of that data would be gathered. To confirm that the drug court was successful, the numbers of the before and after would be compared. If the mean, median and mode of the data was significantly lower, it can be determined that the program was implemented properly and effective. However, if the numbers were the same or even higher, the program should be evaluated to determine what improvements could be made to better the results. For example, one research article indicates that research findings can help allocate resources to individuals who are participating in the drug court program (Shannon, et. al., 2018). Understanding this notion comes through analysis of data from drug courts. Catholic Worldview One of the main proponents of the criminal justice system is a belief in helping individuals, whether that is the criminal or the victim. As a passage in the Holy Bible states, “but to do good and to communicate forget not: for with such sacrifices God is well pleased” (King James Bible, 1769/2021, Hebrews 13:16). Therefore, to live a way that would please the Lord, but also a way that would benefit mankind, it is important to be caring and thoughtful towards others. Implementing a drug court system would help individuals by giving them a second chance as opposed to simply locking them up. Conclusion Overall, drug court programs are a great advancement in the criminal justice system. When evaluating their effectiveness, descriptive statistics are often utilized. By examining these data before and after the program has been implemented in a certain area, the effectiveness of this program can be understood. References King James Bible. (2021). King James Bible Online.
  • 3. (Original work published in 1769). Robertson, A. G., & Swartz, M. S. (2018). Extended-release naltrexone and drug treatment courts: policy and evidence for implementing an evidence-based treatment. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment. 85. 216304755 Shannon, L. M., Jones, A. J., Newell, J., & Payne, C. (2018). Examining individual characteristics and program performance to understand two-year recidivism rates among drug court participants: comparing graduates and terminators. Sage Journals. 4X18769602 Vito, G. F., & Higgins, G. E. (2016). Practical program evaluation for criminal justice. Routledge. Eduardo Avila Aug 5, 2021 11:32 AM Introduction In the 1970s, school districts sought school-based intervention programs to deter or delay the use of drug, tobacco and alcohol specifically towards the middle school population. Recognizing that social and peer pressures both play key factors influencing the onset of early adolescent tobacco use, precursor data supporting the development of the D.A.R.E. program came from a previous longitudi nal pilot study on five hundred students from two California middle schools who received training on resisting social peer pressure. Results showed that students who received training either reduced or stayed away from tobacco use in comparison to those w ho did not receive training. The follow-up study a year after the pilot run suggested that students who were aware of specific social pressures became less likely to use or reduced their frequency
  • 4. of drug use (McAlister et al., 1980). Study groups Students of the two schools were selected to serve as facilitators after receiving sic hours of training. There were six classroom sessions during year one and two follow up 45- minute sessions during year two. These selected youth served as leaders to increase students’ commitment to deter from smoking and build emotional skills to navigate social pressure. Of the two schools, the second one offered students an intensive course of health education yet not given special training in resisting peer pressure. Experimental and control groups were not random. The control group school was selected on the basis where school officials were allowing surveys and breath-testing procedures on participants. Behavior assessment was based on anonymous self-reported data (McAlister et al., 1980). Statistical Data This study had similar onset rates and the estimated linear onset rate was just under 8.5% annually in the control group while only slightly over 3% in the experimental group. The difference of the two prevalence is statistically significant (p<.05) and the follow up of students reporting drug and alcohol use supported this account. The last follow up conducted two years after displayed a difference between 16 percent versus 5 ½ percent (p<.01). Examining marijuana use, the last survey indicated almost 15% in the control group compared to 7.6% in the experimental group. Although there is always consideration for biased results by natural differences within the participants of the schools, statistical regression was enforced by selecting a population with reportedly severe problems as the experimental group and the school with less reported problems as the control group (McAlister et al., 1980). Inference Safe inferences would indicate that training young adolescents to negatively perceive drug, alcohol and tobacco use may develop skills for resisting pressures to engage in such behaviors (McAlister et al., 1980). This crucial implication
  • 5. focuses on coping skills. Adolescence is a time-period of amplified susceptibility to peer pressure, affecting decisions to engage or deter from unsafe behaviors. Social acceptance is fundamental to most adolescent behavior, as youth are extremely regulated to selection and responding to social cues from their social atmospheres (McCoy et al., 2019). These studies develop a foundation for new inquiries utilizing biological and psychological positivism, social structural factors, social interaction theory and social process factors (Bartollas et al., 1985). In addition, intervention programs like D.A.R.E. allow researchers to carefully review our juvenile justice process to include police juvenile relationships as there is an increase of police presence in our school districts (Petrosino et al., 2012). Ideals such as social emotional learning could help better strengthen an altruistic process as well as engagement in any curriculum to include drug intervention (Reyes & Elias, 2011). World Christian View Older drug prevention and intervention programs based on instilling fear with projects such as scared straight was found to be ineffective. Projects attempting to modify behaviors through fear is never long lasting but by empowering individuals with inner strength will lead to self-confidence and long-term positive behaviors. The holy bible states, “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind (King James Bible, 1769/2017, 2 Timothy 1:7). The strength given to us through Christian values develops an inner strength which is durable and constant. This reminder is stated in the holy bible, “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me” (King James Bible, 1769/2017, Philippians 4:13). Reference Bartollas, C., Schmalleger, F., & Turner, M. G. (1985). Juvenile delinquency. Wiley.
  • 6. King James Bible. (2017). King James Bible Online. ` McAlister, A., Perry, C., Killen, J., Slinkard, L. A., & Maccoby, N. (1980). Pilot study of smoking, alcohol and drug abuse prevention. American journal of public health, 70(7), 719-721. McCoy, S. S., Dimler, L. M., Samuels, D. V., & Natsuaki, M. N. (2019). Adolescent susceptibility to deviant peer pressure: Does gender matter?. Adolescent research review, 4(1), 59-71. Nordrum, A. (2014). The new D.A.R.E. program—This one works. Scientific American. Petrosino, A., Guckenburg, S., & Fronius, T. (2012). Policing schools’ strategies: A review of the evaluation evidences. Journal of Multidisciplinary Evaluation, 8(17), 80-101. Reyes, J. A., & Elias, M. J. (2011). Fostering social–emotional resilience among Latino youth. Psychology in the Schools, 48(7), 723-737. Jim Corrin Helms School of Government, Liberty University Descriptive Statistics Dr. Killam July 26, 2021 Week 6
  • 7. Discussion Board For this weeks’ post, I will be describing descriptive statistics as it pertains to South Carolina’s Safe Neighborhood strategy. Statistics can be divided into two common forms, descriptive statistics, and inferential statistics. Descriptive statistics are those that give a summary regarding a sample being studied without drawing any inferences based on probability theory (Kaliyadan & Kulkarni, 2019). Regardless of the primary goal of the study involves inferential statistics, descriptive statistics are still used to give a basic summary. According to Vito & Higgins (2015), the most common forms of descriptive statistics are mean, median, mode, variance, and standard deviation (Vito & Higgins, 2015). Descriptive statistics can also be used to describe single or multiple variables as well as summarizing data in the form of quantitative measures (Kaliyadan & Kulkarni, 2019). In 2001, President Bush initiated an initiative known as Project Safe Neighborhoods (PSN). Many states at the time took part in this initiative to help reduce gun crimes. Project Safe Neighborhood combined the concepts of two well-known similar projects, Project Exile that took place in Richmond, Virginia, and Operation Ceasefire that was in Boston (Barnes et al. 2010). As part of the PSN research initiative, the United States Attorneys’ Office for the District of South Carolina obtained assistance from the South Carolina Department of Public Safety (SCDPS), the South Carolina Department of Probation, Parole, and Pardon Services (SCDPPS), the South Carolina Law Enforcement Division (SLED), as well as the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF). Like Operation Ceasefire, Project Safe Neighborhoods used resources from local, state, and federal agencies (Barnes et al. 2010). The study modeled after the theory based on general deterrence. The program’s goal was to notify and increase awareness to those convicted of a felony that those caught with a firearm, their punishment would be certain and severe (Barnes et al. 2010). Two comparison groups were to be in this study.
  • 8. Individuals released to community supervision before January 2005 were considered the “comparison group”. This group did not receive notification of the consequences if caught with a firearm. The “test group” were individuals that had been placed on supervision after January 2005. These individuals were notified of the consequences (Barnes et al. 2010). The sample group was data drawn from 400 offenders on community supervision between 2004 and 2005. The comparison group included 200 random offenders selected from all offenders released to supervision between March 2004 and May 2004. The test group was made of 200 random offenders released to supervision between March 2005 to May 2005. All offenders in the test group were notified of the project (Barnes et al. 2010). The independent variable of interest was the measure of what each group belonged to. According to the CDC (2019), over 75% of the homicides that occur in the United States are committed by the use of a firearm (Pizarro et al. 2019). Programs such, as those mentioned in this post should be re-established. Proverbs 21:15 states, “When justice is done, it brings joy to the righteous, but terror to evildoers” (Proverbs 21:15, ESV). Violent crimes across the United States have been on the rise for some time. It appears we have become a lawless society with no consequences to those who choose to harm others. Community leaders, politicians, and the mainstream media need to recognize that our law enforcement officers are not the enemy. References Barnes, J., Kurlychek, M., Miller, J., Kaminski R., (2010). A Partial Assessment of South Carolina’s Project Safe Neighborhoods Strategy, Journal of Criminal Justice Holy Bible, English Standard Version Kaliyadan, F., & Kulkarni, V., (2019). Types of Variables, Descriptive Statistics, and Sample Size
  • 9. Pizarro, J., Holt, K., Pelletier, K. (2019). An Examination of the Situated Transactions of Firearm Homicides, Journal of Behavioral Medicine Vito, G. & Higgins, G. (2015). Practical Program Evaluation for Criminal Justice Criteria Ratings Points Thread: Content 40 to >36.0 pts Advanced • Post addresses the prompt thoroughly, including every part and providing examples, support, and attachments as directed. • Citations from all required reading, presentations, and two scholarly sources are appropriately and thoughtfully applied. 36 to >31.0 pts Proficient • Post addresses the prompt and provides some examples and support. • Citations from all required reading,
  • 10. presentations, and two scholarly sources are adequately applied. 31 to >0.0 pts Developing • Post inadequately addresses the prompt. • Lacking in citations from required reading, presentations, and two scholarly sources are adequately applied. 0 pts Not Present 40 pts Replies: Content 30 to >26.0 pts Advanced • Three replies address the prompt thoroughly, including every part and providing examples, support, and feedback as directed. • Citations
  • 11. from one scholarly source are appropriately and thoughtfully applied. 26 to >21.0 pts Proficient • Three replies address the prompt including some examples and support. • Citations from one scholarly source are adequately applied. 21 to >0.0 pts Developing • Missing a reply and/or replies inadequately address the prompt. • Citations from one scholarly source is lacking or missing. 0 pts Not Present 30 pts Structure
  • 12. Writing and Current APA Format 20 to >18.0 pts Advanced Post is well written in current APA format with no errors in spelling or grammar. Replies are well written with no errors in spelling or grammar. 18 to >16.0 pts Proficient Post is well written but has 1–2 errors in spelling or grammar. Replies are well written but have 1–2 errors in spelling or grammar. 16 to >0.0 pts Developing Post and/or replies are not well written. They have more than 3–4 errors in spelling or grammar.
  • 13. 0 pts Not Present 20 pts Structure Word Count 10 to >8.0 pts Advanced Thread contains 500-600 words. Each reply contains 250-300 words. 8 to >6.0 pts Proficient 100 words more or less than the required length. 6 to >0.0 pts Developing Over 100 words more or less than the required length. 0 pts
  • 14. Not Present 10 pts Total Points: 100 Discussion Grading Rubric | CJUS801_D01_202130 CJUS 801 Discussion Assignment Instructions The student will complete five (5) Discussions in this course. The student will post one thread of at least 500 words by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Thursday of the assigned Module: Week. The student must then post three (3) replies of at least 250 words by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Sunday of the assigned Module: Week. For each thread, students must support their assertions with at least 2 scholarly citations and one Holy Bible reference in the current APA format. Each reply must incorporate at least 1 scholarly citation and one Holy Bible reference in the current APA format. Any sources cited must have been published within the last five years. Acceptable sources include peer reviewed journal articles, the textbook, the Bible, etc.. Choose one of the following three topics below for your discussion: 1. Describe the descriptive statistics to be examined before and after implementation of the chosen anticrime/prevention program.
  • 15. 2. Post the mean, median, mode, variance, and standard deviation of the pre-data for your anticrime/prevention program. 3. Post a description of the inferential statistics you will use to analyze your anticrime/prevention program. Explain the reasons for your analytical approach.