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Hale Teka, M.D,
Resident Physician
Tuesday, April 3, 2018 Hale T., M.D., Resident Physician 2
Tuesday, April 3, 2018 Hale T., M.D., Resident Physician 3
Tuesday, April 3, 2018 Hale T., M.D., Resident Physician 4
• Alcohol Consumption
̶ The most frequent nongenetic causes
of mental retardation and
preventable birth defects in the United
̶ fetal alcohol syndrome
• Spectrum of alcohol-related fetal
̶ Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder
• Full range of prenatal alcohol
damage that may not meet the
criteria for fetal alcohol syndrome
Tuesday, April 3, 2018 Hale T., M.D., Resident Physician 5
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
Tuesday, April 3, 2018 Hale T., M.D., Resident Physician 6
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
• Short palpebral fissures,
• Epicanthal folds,
• Flat midface,
• Hypoplastic philtrum, and
• Thin upper vermilion border
Tuesday, April 3, 2018 Hale T., M.D., Resident Physician 7
• Dose Effect
̶ Fetal vulnerability to alcohol is modified by
• genetic factors,
• nutritional status,
• environmental factors,
• coexisting maternal disease, and
• maternal age
̶ The minimum amount of alcohol required to produce adverse
fetal consequences is unknown
̶ Binge drinking, however, is believed to pose particularly high risk
for alcohol-related birth defects and has also been linked to an
increased risk for stillbirth
Tuesday, April 3, 2018 Hale T., M.D., Resident Physician 8
Anticonvulsant Medications
• Generally
̶ Pragmatically, no anticonvulsant drugs are considered truly “safe”
in pregnancy
̶ Pregnant mothers taking antiepileptic drugs at 2-3x higher risk of
congenital anomalies
̶ Older antiepileptic agents at higher risk
̶ Newer agents lesser risk
• Valproic Acid
̶ orofacial clefts, cardiac malformations,
and neural-tube defects
̶ In 9% of babies, and 4% have NTDs
̶ Lower IQ at 3 years of age
Tuesday, April 3, 2018 Hale T., M.D., Resident Physician 9
Fetal hydantoin
Tuesday, April 3, 2018 Hale T., M.D., Resident Physician 10
Features include:
• Upturned nose,
• Mild midfacial hypoplasia,
• Long upper lip with thin vermilion border
• Distal digital hypoplasia.
• Several older anticonvulsants produce a constellation of malformations similar to
the fetal hydantoin syndrome
Antifungal Medications
• Fluconazole
̶ Only antifungal drug studied to be teratogenic
̶ Category D
̶ But single 150 mg dose to treat vulvovaginal candidiasis does not
apear to be teratogenic
̶ Associated with a pattern of congenital malformations resembling the
autosomal recessive Antley-Bixler syndrome
̶ Abnormalities include
• oral clefts,
• abnormal facies, and
• Cardiac (3 fold increased risk of TOF), skull, long-bone, and
• joint abnormalities
̶ Such findings have been reported only with chronic, high-dose
treatment in the first trimester—at doses of 400 to 800 mg daily
Tuesday, April 3, 2018 Hale T., M.D., Resident Physician 11
Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitors
and Angiotensin-Receptor Blocking Drugs
̶ Normal renal development depends on the fetal renal-angiotensin
̶ Fetotoxic
̶ ACE-inhibitor medication causes fetal hypotension and renal
hypoperfusion, with subsequent ischemia and anuria
̶ Reduced perfusion may cause fetal-growth restriction and calvarium
maldevelopment, whereas oligohydramnios may result in pulmonary
hypoplasia and limb contractures
̶ First-trimester ACE-inhibitor exposure was associated with a two- to
threefold increased risk for cardiac and central nervous system
̶ Same mechanisim of action to ACE-I
̶ Considered to be Fetotoxic
Tuesday, April 3, 2018 Hale T., M.D., Resident Physician 12
Antiinflammatory Agents
• Nonsteroidal Antiinflammatory Drugs
̶ This drug class includes both aspirin and traditional “NSAIDs” such as
ibuprofen and indomethacin
̶ They exert their effects by inhibiting prostaglandin synthesis
1. Aspirin
• Avoid use late in pregnancy
2. Indomethacin
• Constriction of the fetal ductus arteriosus, resulting in pulmonary
hypertension when taken after 30 weeks
• Decrease fetal urine production and thereby reduce amnionic fluid
• This is presumed due to an increase in vasopressin levels and
vasopressin responsivenes
Tuesday, April 3, 2018 Hale T., M.D., Resident Physician 13
3. Lefluomide
• This is a pyrimidine-synthesis inhibitor used to treat rheumatoid
• Contraindicated in pregnancy
• Related with:
1. Hydrocephalus,
2. Eye anomalies,
3. Skeletal abnormalities, and
4. Embryo death
• Women of childbearing potential who discontinue this
medication should consider cholestyramine treatment/washout,
followed by verification that serum levels are undetectable on
two tests performed 14 days apart
• This is also true for males who considering fatherhood
Tuesday, April 3, 2018 Hale T., M.D., Resident Physician 14
Antimicrobial Drugs
• Medications used to treat infections are among those most
commonly administered during pregnancy
• With a few exceptions cited below, most of the commonly used
antimicrobial agents are considered safe for the embryo/fetus.
Tuesday, April 3, 2018 Hale T., M.D., Resident Physician 15
• Aminoglycosides
̶ Preterm infants treated with gentamicin or streptomycin have
developed nephrotoxicity and ototoxicity
̶ Despite theoretical concern for potential fetal toxicity, no
adverse effects have been demonstrated, and no congenital
defects resulting from prenatal exposure have been identified.
Tuesday, April 3, 2018 Hale T., M.D., Resident Physician 16
• Chloramphenicol
̶ This antimicrobial is not considered teratogenic and is no
longer routinely used in the United States
̶ More than 50 years ago, a constellation of findings termed
the gray baby syndrome was described in neonates who
received the medication
̶ Preterm infants were unable to conjugate and excrete the
drug and manifested abdominal distention, respiratory
abnormalities, an ashen-gray color, and vascular collapse
̶ Chloramphenicol was subsequently avoided in late
pregnancy due to theoretical concerns.
Tuesday, April 3, 2018 Hale T., M.D., Resident Physician 17
• Nitrofurantoin
̶ Fourfold increased risk for hypoplastic left heart
syndrome and microphthalmia/anophthalmia
and a twofold increased risk for clefts and atrial
septal defects
̶ For postexposure counseling purposes, the
absolute risk of these defects remains quite low
̶ For example, a fourfold increased incidence of
hypoplastic left heart would result in a
prevalence of less than 1 per 1000 exposed
̶ Nitrofurantoin is a proven first-line treatment of
urinary infections
̶ The American College of Obstetricians and
Gynecologists (2013b) has concluded that first-
trimester nitrofurantoin use is appropriate if no
suitable alternatives are available
Tuesday, April 3, 2018 Hale T., M.D., Resident Physician 18
• Sulfonamides
̶ These drugs are often combined with trimethoprim and used to treat
various infections during pregnancy
̶ One example is treatment of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus
aureus (MRSA)
̶ Associated with
• 3x increased risk for anencephaly and left ventricular outflow tract
• 8x increased risk for choanal atresia, and
• 2x increased risk for diaphragmatic hernia
̶ There are also theoretical concerns that because sulfonamides
displace bilirubin from protein binding sites, they may worsen
hyperbilirubinemia if given near the time of preterm delivery
Tuesday, April 3, 2018 Hale T., M.D., Resident Physician 19
• Tetracyclines
̶ These drugs are no longer commonly used in pregnant women
̶ They are associated with yellowish-brown discoloration of
deciduous teeth when used after 25 weeks, although the risk for
subsequent dental caries does not appear increased
Tuesday, April 3, 2018 Hale T., M.D., Resident Physician 20
Antineoplastic Agents
• Cancer management in pregnancy includes many
chemotherapeutic agents generally considered to be at least
potentially toxic to the embryo, fetus, or both
Tuesday, April 3, 2018 Hale T., M.D., Resident Physician 21
• Cyclophosphamide
̶ Alkylating agent inflicts a chemical insult on developing fetal tissues
and leads to cell death and heritable DNA alterations in surviving cells
̶ Pregnancy loss is increased, and reported malformations include
• Skeletal abnormalities,
• Limb defects,
• Cleft palate, and
• Eye abnormalities
̶ Surviving infants may have
• Growth abnormalities and
• Developmental delays
̶ Environmental exposure among health-care workers is associated with
an increased risk for spontaneous abortion
Tuesday, April 3, 2018 Hale T., M.D., Resident Physician 22
• Methotrexate
̶ This folic-acid antagonist is a potent teratogen
̶ It is used for
• Cancer chemotherapy,
• Immunosuppression in conditions such as autoimmune diseases and psoriasis,
• Nonsurgical treatment of ectopic pregnancy, and finally, as an abortifacient
̶ It is similar in action to aminopterin, which is no longer in clinical use, and can
cause defects known collectively as the fetal methotrexateaminopterin
̶ This includes
• Craniosynostosis with “clover-leaf” skull,
• Wide nasal bridge,
• Low-set ears,
• Micrognathia, and
• Limb abnormalities
̶ The critical developmental period of these abnormalities is believed to be 8 to
10 weeks, at a dosage of at least 10 mg/week, although this is not universally
Tuesday, April 3, 2018 Hale T., M.D., Resident Physician 23
• Tamoxifen (Category D)
̶ This nonsteroidal selective estrogen-receptor modulator (SERM)
̶ Used as an adjuvant to treat breast cancer
̶ Has not been associated with fetal malformations in humans
̶ It is fetotoxic and carcinogenic in rodents, inducing
malformations similar to those caused by diethylstilbestrol (DES)
̶ It is recommended that women who become pregnant while
either on therapy or within 2 months of its discontinuation be
apprised of potential long-term risks of a DES-like syndrome
̶ Exposed offspring should be monitored for carcinogenic effects
for up to 20 years
Tuesday, April 3, 2018 Hale T., M.D., Resident Physician 24
• Trastuzumab
̶ Recombinant monoclonal antibody directed to the human
epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) protein
̶ It is used to treat breast cancers that over express HER2 protein
̶ Has not been associated with fetal malformations, but cases of
• Oligohydramnios,
• Anhydramnios, and
• Fetal renal failure have been described
̶ Use may result in
• Fetal pulmonary hypoplasia,
• Skeletal abnormalities, and
• Neonatal death
Tuesday, April 3, 2018 Hale T., M.D., Resident Physician 25
Antiviral Agents
• Ribavirin
̶ Nucleoside analogue
̶ Component of therapy for hepatitis C infection
̶ Reported malformations include skull, palate, eye, skeleton, and
gastrointestinal abnormalities
̶ It is recommended that women use two forms of contraception
while on therapy and delay childbearing for 6 months following
drug discontinuation
• Efavirenz
̶ Nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor used to treat HIV
̶ Related with CNS and Occular abnormalities
Tuesday, April 3, 2018 Hale T., M.D., Resident Physician 26
Sex Hormones
• It is intuitive that exposure of female fetuses to excessive male sex
hormones—and vice versa—might be detrimental.
Tuesday, April 3, 2018 Hale T., M.D., Resident Physician 27
• Testosterone and Anabolic Steroids
̶ Exposure of a female fetus may cause varying degrees of
̶ May result in ambiguous genitalia similar to that encountered in
cases of congenital adrenal hyperplasia
̶ Findings may include
• Labioscrotal fusion with first-trimester exposure and
• Phallic enlargement from later fetal exposure
Tuesday, April 3, 2018 Hale T., M.D., Resident Physician 28
• Danazole
̶ This ethinyl testosterone derivative
has weak androgenic activity
̶ It is used to treat
• Endometriosis,
• Immune thrombocytopenic purpura,
• Migraine headaches,
• Premenstrual syndrome, and
• Fibrocystic breast disease
̶ 40 percent of exposed female fetuses
̶ A dose-related pattern of clitoromegaly,
fused labia, and urogenital sinus
Tuesday, April 3, 2018 Hale T., M.D., Resident Physician 29
• Diethylstilbestrol
̶ Women offsprings may develop
• Vaginal clear-cell adenocarcinoma
• Vaginal and cervical intraepithelial neoplasia
• hypoplastic, T-shaped uterine cavity; cervical collars,
hoods, septa, and coxcombs; and “withered” fallopian
• Higher rates of earlier menopause and breast cancer
• Men offsprings may develop:
• Epididymal cysts,
• Microphallus,
• Hypospadias,
• Cryptorchidism, and
• Testicular hypoplasia
Tuesday, April 3, 2018 Hale T., M.D., Resident Physician 30
Immunosuppressant Medications
• Corticosteroids
̶ Increased risk of clefts
• Mycophenolate Mofetil + Mycophenolic Acid
̶ 50% risk of abortion
̶ 1/5th of surviving ➔ Malformed (50% of this have ear
• Radioiodine
̶ Irreversible fetal hypothyroidism and
̶ May increase the risk for childhood thyroid cancer
Tuesday, April 3, 2018 Hale T., M.D., Resident Physician 31
• Lead
̶ Fetal-growth abnormalities
̶ Childhood developmental delay
̶ Behavioral abnormalities
• Mercury
̶ Developmental delay
̶ Microcephaly and
̶ Severe brain damage
Tuesday, April 3, 2018 Hale T., M.D., Resident Physician 32
Psychiatric Medications
Tuesday, April 3, 2018 Hale T., M.D., Resident Physician 33
• Lithium
̶ Ebstein anomaly, a cardiac abnormality characterized by apical
displacement of the tricuspid valve
̶ Neonatal lithium toxicity from exposure near delivery has been well
• Findings typically persist for 1 to 2 weeks and may include
✓Diabetes insipidus,
✓Electrocardiogram abnormalities,
✓Cyanosis, and
• Selective Serotonin- and Norepinephrine-
Reuptake Inhibitors
̶ Paroxetine
• has been associated with increased
risk for cardiac anomalies, particularly
atrial and ventricular septal defects
̶ Others
• Neonatal behavioral syndrome
✓Self limitted
• Persistent pulmonary hypertension of
the newborn
Tuesday, April 3, 2018 Hale T., M.D., Resident Physician 34
Antipsychotic Medications
• Exposed neonates have manifested abnormal extrapyramidal
muscle movements and withdrawal symptoms, including:
̶ Agitation,
̶ Abnormally increased or decreased muscle tone,
̶ Tremor,
̶ Sleepiness,
̶ Feeding difficulty, and
̶ Respiratory abnormalities
Tuesday, April 3, 2018 Hale T., M.D., Resident Physician 35
̶ Inhibit neural-crest cell migration during embryogenesis,
̶ Result in a pattern of cranial neural-crest defects—
termed retinoic acid embryopathy—that involve the
central nervous system, face, heart, and thymus
̶ Specific anomalies may include
• Ventriculomegaly,
• Maldevelopment of the facial bones or cranium,
• Microtia or anotia,
• Micrognathia,
• Cleft palate,
• Conotruncal heart defects, and
• Thymic aplasia or hypoplasia
Tuesday, April 3, 2018 Hale T., M.D., Resident Physician 36
Thalidomide and Lenalidomide
̶ The characteristic malformation is phocomelia—an absence of
one or more long bones, which results in the hands or feet being
attached to the trunk by a small rudimentary bone
̶ Cardiac malformations, gastrointestinal abnormalities, and other
limb reduction defects are also common following thalidomide
Tuesday, April 3, 2018 Hale T., M.D., Resident Physician 37
̶ Exposure between the 6th and 9th weeks may result in warfarin
̶ This is characterized by stippling of the vertebrae and femoral
epiphyses and by nasal hypoplasia with depression of the nasal bridge
̶ Choanal atresia, resulting in respiratory distress
̶ The syndrome is a phenocopy of chondrodysplasia punctata, a group
of genetic diseases thought to be caused by defects in osteocalcin
̶ agenesis of the corpus callosum; cerebellar vermian agenesis, which is
the Dandy-Walker malformation; microphthalmia; and optic atrophy
̶ Affected infants are also at risk for blindness, deafness, and
developmental delays
Tuesday, April 3, 2018 Hale T., M.D., Resident Physician 38
Recreational Drugs
• Amphetamines
̶ Fetal-growth restriction and with behavioral
• Cocaine
̶ cleft palate, cardiovascular abnormalities,
and urinary tract abnormalities
̶ fetal-growth restriction and preterm delivery
̶ Children exposed as fetuses are at
increased risk for behavioral abnormalities
and cognitive impairment
Tuesday, April 3, 2018 Hale T., M.D., Resident Physician 39
• Opioids–Narcotics
̶ Spina bifida, gastroschisis, and cardiac
̶ Heroin-addicted pregnant women are
at increased risk for preterm birth,
placental abruption, fetal-growth
restriction, and fetal death—in part
due to the effects of repeated
narcotic withdrawal on the fetus and
̶ Neonatal narcotic withdrawal, which is
called the neonatal abstinence
syndrome, may manifest in up to 90
percent of exposed infants
Tuesday, April 3, 2018 Hale T., M.D., Resident Physician 40
• Anomalies associated with Tobacco use:
̶ Poland sequence
̶ Cardiac anomalies
̶ Hydrocephaly,
̶ Microcephaly,
̶ Omphalocele,
̶ Gastroschisis,
̶ Cleft lip and palate, and
̶ Hand abnormalities
Tuesday, April 3, 2018 Hale T., M.D., Resident Physician 41
1. Robert K. Creas, et al., CREASY & RESNIK'S MATERNAL-FETAL
MEDICINE Principles and Practice 7ed2014: Saunders, an imprint of
Elsevier Inc.
2. Gabbe, et al., Obstetrics: Normal and Problem Pregnancies
7ed2017: Elsevier, Inc.
3. CUNNINGHAM, et al., Williams Obstetrics 24 ed2014: McGraw-Hill
Hale T., M.D., Resident Physician 42
Tuesday, April 3, 2018
Thank you for listening!
Hale T., M.D., Resident Physician
Tuesday, April 3, 2018

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Medications in pregnancy

  • 2. Tuesday, April 3, 2018 Hale T., M.D., Resident Physician 2
  • 3. Tuesday, April 3, 2018 Hale T., M.D., Resident Physician 3
  • 4. Tuesday, April 3, 2018 Hale T., M.D., Resident Physician 4
  • 5. Alcohol • Alcohol Consumption ̶ The most frequent nongenetic causes of mental retardation and preventable birth defects in the United States ̶ fetal alcohol syndrome • Spectrum of alcohol-related fetal defects ̶ Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder • Full range of prenatal alcohol damage that may not meet the criteria for fetal alcohol syndrome Tuesday, April 3, 2018 Hale T., M.D., Resident Physician 5
  • 6. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Tuesday, April 3, 2018 Hale T., M.D., Resident Physician 6 Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
  • 7. • Short palpebral fissures, • Epicanthal folds, • Flat midface, • Hypoplastic philtrum, and • Thin upper vermilion border Tuesday, April 3, 2018 Hale T., M.D., Resident Physician 7
  • 8. • Dose Effect ̶ Fetal vulnerability to alcohol is modified by • genetic factors, • nutritional status, • environmental factors, • coexisting maternal disease, and • maternal age ̶ The minimum amount of alcohol required to produce adverse fetal consequences is unknown ̶ Binge drinking, however, is believed to pose particularly high risk for alcohol-related birth defects and has also been linked to an increased risk for stillbirth Tuesday, April 3, 2018 Hale T., M.D., Resident Physician 8
  • 9. Anticonvulsant Medications • Generally ̶ Pragmatically, no anticonvulsant drugs are considered truly “safe” in pregnancy ̶ Pregnant mothers taking antiepileptic drugs at 2-3x higher risk of congenital anomalies ̶ Older antiepileptic agents at higher risk ̶ Newer agents lesser risk • Valproic Acid ̶ orofacial clefts, cardiac malformations, and neural-tube defects ̶ In 9% of babies, and 4% have NTDs ̶ Lower IQ at 3 years of age Tuesday, April 3, 2018 Hale T., M.D., Resident Physician 9
  • 10. Fetal hydantoin syndrome: Tuesday, April 3, 2018 Hale T., M.D., Resident Physician 10 Features include: • Upturned nose, • Mild midfacial hypoplasia, • Long upper lip with thin vermilion border • Distal digital hypoplasia. • Several older anticonvulsants produce a constellation of malformations similar to the fetal hydantoin syndrome
  • 11. Antifungal Medications • Fluconazole ̶ Only antifungal drug studied to be teratogenic ̶ Category D ̶ But single 150 mg dose to treat vulvovaginal candidiasis does not apear to be teratogenic ̶ Associated with a pattern of congenital malformations resembling the autosomal recessive Antley-Bixler syndrome ̶ Abnormalities include • oral clefts, • abnormal facies, and • Cardiac (3 fold increased risk of TOF), skull, long-bone, and • joint abnormalities ̶ Such findings have been reported only with chronic, high-dose treatment in the first trimester—at doses of 400 to 800 mg daily Tuesday, April 3, 2018 Hale T., M.D., Resident Physician 11
  • 12. Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitors and Angiotensin-Receptor Blocking Drugs • ACE-I ̶ Normal renal development depends on the fetal renal-angiotensin system ̶ Fetotoxic ̶ ACE-inhibitor medication causes fetal hypotension and renal hypoperfusion, with subsequent ischemia and anuria ̶ Reduced perfusion may cause fetal-growth restriction and calvarium maldevelopment, whereas oligohydramnios may result in pulmonary hypoplasia and limb contractures ̶ First-trimester ACE-inhibitor exposure was associated with a two- to threefold increased risk for cardiac and central nervous system abnormalities • ARB ̶ Same mechanisim of action to ACE-I ̶ Considered to be Fetotoxic Tuesday, April 3, 2018 Hale T., M.D., Resident Physician 12
  • 13. Antiinflammatory Agents • Nonsteroidal Antiinflammatory Drugs ̶ This drug class includes both aspirin and traditional “NSAIDs” such as ibuprofen and indomethacin ̶ They exert their effects by inhibiting prostaglandin synthesis 1. Aspirin • Avoid use late in pregnancy 2. Indomethacin • Constriction of the fetal ductus arteriosus, resulting in pulmonary hypertension when taken after 30 weeks • Decrease fetal urine production and thereby reduce amnionic fluid volume • This is presumed due to an increase in vasopressin levels and vasopressin responsivenes Tuesday, April 3, 2018 Hale T., M.D., Resident Physician 13
  • 14. 3. Lefluomide • This is a pyrimidine-synthesis inhibitor used to treat rheumatoid arthritis • Contraindicated in pregnancy • Related with: 1. Hydrocephalus, 2. Eye anomalies, 3. Skeletal abnormalities, and 4. Embryo death • Women of childbearing potential who discontinue this medication should consider cholestyramine treatment/washout, followed by verification that serum levels are undetectable on two tests performed 14 days apart • This is also true for males who considering fatherhood Tuesday, April 3, 2018 Hale T., M.D., Resident Physician 14
  • 15. Antimicrobial Drugs • Medications used to treat infections are among those most commonly administered during pregnancy • With a few exceptions cited below, most of the commonly used antimicrobial agents are considered safe for the embryo/fetus. Tuesday, April 3, 2018 Hale T., M.D., Resident Physician 15
  • 16. • Aminoglycosides ̶ Preterm infants treated with gentamicin or streptomycin have developed nephrotoxicity and ototoxicity ̶ Despite theoretical concern for potential fetal toxicity, no adverse effects have been demonstrated, and no congenital defects resulting from prenatal exposure have been identified. Tuesday, April 3, 2018 Hale T., M.D., Resident Physician 16
  • 17. • Chloramphenicol ̶ This antimicrobial is not considered teratogenic and is no longer routinely used in the United States ̶ More than 50 years ago, a constellation of findings termed the gray baby syndrome was described in neonates who received the medication ̶ Preterm infants were unable to conjugate and excrete the drug and manifested abdominal distention, respiratory abnormalities, an ashen-gray color, and vascular collapse ̶ Chloramphenicol was subsequently avoided in late pregnancy due to theoretical concerns. Tuesday, April 3, 2018 Hale T., M.D., Resident Physician 17
  • 18. • Nitrofurantoin ̶ Fourfold increased risk for hypoplastic left heart syndrome and microphthalmia/anophthalmia and a twofold increased risk for clefts and atrial septal defects ̶ For postexposure counseling purposes, the absolute risk of these defects remains quite low ̶ For example, a fourfold increased incidence of hypoplastic left heart would result in a prevalence of less than 1 per 1000 exposed infants ̶ Nitrofurantoin is a proven first-line treatment of urinary infections ̶ The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (2013b) has concluded that first- trimester nitrofurantoin use is appropriate if no suitable alternatives are available Tuesday, April 3, 2018 Hale T., M.D., Resident Physician 18
  • 19. • Sulfonamides ̶ These drugs are often combined with trimethoprim and used to treat various infections during pregnancy ̶ One example is treatment of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) ̶ Associated with • 3x increased risk for anencephaly and left ventricular outflow tract obstruction, • 8x increased risk for choanal atresia, and • 2x increased risk for diaphragmatic hernia ̶ There are also theoretical concerns that because sulfonamides displace bilirubin from protein binding sites, they may worsen hyperbilirubinemia if given near the time of preterm delivery Tuesday, April 3, 2018 Hale T., M.D., Resident Physician 19
  • 20. • Tetracyclines ̶ These drugs are no longer commonly used in pregnant women ̶ They are associated with yellowish-brown discoloration of deciduous teeth when used after 25 weeks, although the risk for subsequent dental caries does not appear increased Tuesday, April 3, 2018 Hale T., M.D., Resident Physician 20
  • 21. Antineoplastic Agents • Cancer management in pregnancy includes many chemotherapeutic agents generally considered to be at least potentially toxic to the embryo, fetus, or both Tuesday, April 3, 2018 Hale T., M.D., Resident Physician 21
  • 22. • Cyclophosphamide ̶ Alkylating agent inflicts a chemical insult on developing fetal tissues and leads to cell death and heritable DNA alterations in surviving cells ̶ Pregnancy loss is increased, and reported malformations include • Skeletal abnormalities, • Limb defects, • Cleft palate, and • Eye abnormalities ̶ Surviving infants may have • Growth abnormalities and • Developmental delays ̶ Environmental exposure among health-care workers is associated with an increased risk for spontaneous abortion Tuesday, April 3, 2018 Hale T., M.D., Resident Physician 22
  • 23. • Methotrexate ̶ This folic-acid antagonist is a potent teratogen ̶ It is used for • Cancer chemotherapy, • Immunosuppression in conditions such as autoimmune diseases and psoriasis, • Nonsurgical treatment of ectopic pregnancy, and finally, as an abortifacient ̶ It is similar in action to aminopterin, which is no longer in clinical use, and can cause defects known collectively as the fetal methotrexateaminopterin syndrome ̶ This includes • Craniosynostosis with “clover-leaf” skull, • Wide nasal bridge, • Low-set ears, • Micrognathia, and • Limb abnormalities ̶ The critical developmental period of these abnormalities is believed to be 8 to 10 weeks, at a dosage of at least 10 mg/week, although this is not universally accepted Tuesday, April 3, 2018 Hale T., M.D., Resident Physician 23
  • 24. • Tamoxifen (Category D) ̶ This nonsteroidal selective estrogen-receptor modulator (SERM) ̶ Used as an adjuvant to treat breast cancer ̶ Has not been associated with fetal malformations in humans ̶ It is fetotoxic and carcinogenic in rodents, inducing malformations similar to those caused by diethylstilbestrol (DES) exposure. ̶ It is recommended that women who become pregnant while either on therapy or within 2 months of its discontinuation be apprised of potential long-term risks of a DES-like syndrome ̶ Exposed offspring should be monitored for carcinogenic effects for up to 20 years Tuesday, April 3, 2018 Hale T., M.D., Resident Physician 24
  • 25. • Trastuzumab ̶ Recombinant monoclonal antibody directed to the human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) protein ̶ It is used to treat breast cancers that over express HER2 protein ̶ Has not been associated with fetal malformations, but cases of • Oligohydramnios, • Anhydramnios, and • Fetal renal failure have been described ̶ Use may result in • Fetal pulmonary hypoplasia, • Skeletal abnormalities, and • Neonatal death Tuesday, April 3, 2018 Hale T., M.D., Resident Physician 25
  • 26. Antiviral Agents • Ribavirin ̶ Nucleoside analogue ̶ Component of therapy for hepatitis C infection ̶ Reported malformations include skull, palate, eye, skeleton, and gastrointestinal abnormalities ̶ It is recommended that women use two forms of contraception while on therapy and delay childbearing for 6 months following drug discontinuation • Efavirenz ̶ Nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor used to treat HIV infection ̶ Related with CNS and Occular abnormalities Tuesday, April 3, 2018 Hale T., M.D., Resident Physician 26
  • 27. Sex Hormones • It is intuitive that exposure of female fetuses to excessive male sex hormones—and vice versa—might be detrimental. Tuesday, April 3, 2018 Hale T., M.D., Resident Physician 27
  • 28. • Testosterone and Anabolic Steroids ̶ Exposure of a female fetus may cause varying degrees of virilization ̶ May result in ambiguous genitalia similar to that encountered in cases of congenital adrenal hyperplasia ̶ Findings may include • Labioscrotal fusion with first-trimester exposure and • Phallic enlargement from later fetal exposure Tuesday, April 3, 2018 Hale T., M.D., Resident Physician 28
  • 29. • Danazole ̶ This ethinyl testosterone derivative has weak androgenic activity ̶ It is used to treat • Endometriosis, • Immune thrombocytopenic purpura, • Migraine headaches, • Premenstrual syndrome, and • Fibrocystic breast disease ̶ 40 percent of exposed female fetuses virilized ̶ A dose-related pattern of clitoromegaly, fused labia, and urogenital sinus malformation Tuesday, April 3, 2018 Hale T., M.D., Resident Physician 29
  • 30. • Diethylstilbestrol ̶ Women offsprings may develop • Vaginal clear-cell adenocarcinoma • Vaginal and cervical intraepithelial neoplasia • hypoplastic, T-shaped uterine cavity; cervical collars, hoods, septa, and coxcombs; and “withered” fallopian tubes • Higher rates of earlier menopause and breast cancer • Men offsprings may develop: • Epididymal cysts, • Microphallus, • Hypospadias, • Cryptorchidism, and • Testicular hypoplasia Tuesday, April 3, 2018 Hale T., M.D., Resident Physician 30
  • 31. Immunosuppressant Medications • Corticosteroids ̶ Increased risk of clefts • Mycophenolate Mofetil + Mycophenolic Acid ̶ 50% risk of abortion ̶ 1/5th of surviving ➔ Malformed (50% of this have ear malformations) • Radioiodine ̶ Irreversible fetal hypothyroidism and ̶ May increase the risk for childhood thyroid cancer Tuesday, April 3, 2018 Hale T., M.D., Resident Physician 31
  • 32. • Lead ̶ Fetal-growth abnormalities ̶ Childhood developmental delay ̶ Behavioral abnormalities • Mercury ̶ Developmental delay ̶ Microcephaly and ̶ Severe brain damage Tuesday, April 3, 2018 Hale T., M.D., Resident Physician 32
  • 33. Psychiatric Medications Tuesday, April 3, 2018 Hale T., M.D., Resident Physician 33 • Lithium ̶ Ebstein anomaly, a cardiac abnormality characterized by apical displacement of the tricuspid valve ̶ Neonatal lithium toxicity from exposure near delivery has been well documented • Findings typically persist for 1 to 2 weeks and may include ✓Hypothyroidism, ✓Diabetes insipidus, ✓Cardiomegaly, ✓Bradycardia, ✓Electrocardiogram abnormalities, ✓Cyanosis, and ✓Hypotonia
  • 34. • Selective Serotonin- and Norepinephrine- Reuptake Inhibitors ̶ Paroxetine • has been associated with increased risk for cardiac anomalies, particularly atrial and ventricular septal defects ̶ Others • Neonatal behavioral syndrome ✓Self limitted • Persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn Tuesday, April 3, 2018 Hale T., M.D., Resident Physician 34
  • 35. Antipsychotic Medications • Exposed neonates have manifested abnormal extrapyramidal muscle movements and withdrawal symptoms, including: ̶ Agitation, ̶ Abnormally increased or decreased muscle tone, ̶ Tremor, ̶ Sleepiness, ̶ Feeding difficulty, and ̶ Respiratory abnormalities Tuesday, April 3, 2018 Hale T., M.D., Resident Physician 35
  • 36. Retinoids ̶ Inhibit neural-crest cell migration during embryogenesis, ̶ Result in a pattern of cranial neural-crest defects— termed retinoic acid embryopathy—that involve the central nervous system, face, heart, and thymus ̶ Specific anomalies may include • Ventriculomegaly, • Maldevelopment of the facial bones or cranium, • Microtia or anotia, • Micrognathia, • Cleft palate, • Conotruncal heart defects, and • Thymic aplasia or hypoplasia Tuesday, April 3, 2018 Hale T., M.D., Resident Physician 36
  • 37. Thalidomide and Lenalidomide ̶ The characteristic malformation is phocomelia—an absence of one or more long bones, which results in the hands or feet being attached to the trunk by a small rudimentary bone ̶ Cardiac malformations, gastrointestinal abnormalities, and other limb reduction defects are also common following thalidomide exposure. Tuesday, April 3, 2018 Hale T., M.D., Resident Physician 37
  • 38. Warfarin ̶ Exposure between the 6th and 9th weeks may result in warfarin embryopathy ̶ This is characterized by stippling of the vertebrae and femoral epiphyses and by nasal hypoplasia with depression of the nasal bridge ̶ Choanal atresia, resulting in respiratory distress ̶ The syndrome is a phenocopy of chondrodysplasia punctata, a group of genetic diseases thought to be caused by defects in osteocalcin ̶ agenesis of the corpus callosum; cerebellar vermian agenesis, which is the Dandy-Walker malformation; microphthalmia; and optic atrophy ̶ Affected infants are also at risk for blindness, deafness, and developmental delays Tuesday, April 3, 2018 Hale T., M.D., Resident Physician 38
  • 39. Recreational Drugs • Amphetamines ̶ Fetal-growth restriction and with behavioral abnormalities • Cocaine ̶ cleft palate, cardiovascular abnormalities, and urinary tract abnormalities ̶ fetal-growth restriction and preterm delivery ̶ Children exposed as fetuses are at increased risk for behavioral abnormalities and cognitive impairment Tuesday, April 3, 2018 Hale T., M.D., Resident Physician 39
  • 40. • Opioids–Narcotics ̶ Spina bifida, gastroschisis, and cardiac abnormalities ̶ Heroin-addicted pregnant women are at increased risk for preterm birth, placental abruption, fetal-growth restriction, and fetal death—in part due to the effects of repeated narcotic withdrawal on the fetus and placenta ̶ Neonatal narcotic withdrawal, which is called the neonatal abstinence syndrome, may manifest in up to 90 percent of exposed infants Tuesday, April 3, 2018 Hale T., M.D., Resident Physician 40
  • 41. Tobacco • Anomalies associated with Tobacco use: ̶ Poland sequence ̶ Cardiac anomalies ̶ Hydrocephaly, ̶ Microcephaly, ̶ Omphalocele, ̶ Gastroschisis, ̶ Cleft lip and palate, and ̶ Hand abnormalities Tuesday, April 3, 2018 Hale T., M.D., Resident Physician 41
  • 42. Reference 1. Robert K. Creas, et al., CREASY & RESNIK'S MATERNAL-FETAL MEDICINE Principles and Practice 7ed2014: Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc. 2. Gabbe, et al., Obstetrics: Normal and Problem Pregnancies 7ed2017: Elsevier, Inc. 3. CUNNINGHAM, et al., Williams Obstetrics 24 ed2014: McGraw-Hill Education. Hale T., M.D., Resident Physician 42 Tuesday, April 3, 2018
  • 43. Thank you for listening! 43 Hale T., M.D., Resident Physician Tuesday, April 3, 2018