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Music magazine analysis
I have chosen to analyse two different modern rock magazines, Rocksound and Kerrang!, as these are the
two main modern rock magazines in the UK. General conventions that can be identified in many modern
rock magazines are informal text, usually using sans serif text, and house styles. Darker colours are usually
used along with brighter colours to make text or a special feature stand out. The type of magazine I’m
analyzing can also be defined by the poses or expressions of the bands or artists on the cover. Rocksound and
Kerrang! Often opt for quite serious or crazy facial expressions with strong poses that show dominance. Also,
to do with the stars on the front, we can also define this type of magazine by the clothes they artists are
wearing, usually also darker colours; this applies for both the double page spread, contents page and front
Bands/artists are often listed or featured on the front cover to draw the readers in, the target audience are
looking for band’s they’re a fan to check for any features on them. A common puff/pug is offering free music
as a gift with the magazine or as a download, this is often advertised heavily on the front cover as it’s a main
selling point. Unlike many pop magazines such as ‘Top of the Pops’, rock magazines often stick to making
the magazine just about the music and less celebrity gossip. However, when modern rock magazines do talk
about ‘gossip’ or news its usually focused on how it’s affected the artist/band personally and their music.
My genre is aimed around the age of teenagers and young adult, this is show in the informality of the layout.
Often things are layered and use opposite colours on the colour wheel to make them stand out rather than
following with a mellowed colour scheme. Another identifier for my genre is the amount of content on a
page. Applicable to all pages, we can see that there’s a selection of fonts and heavily picture based, also large
chunks of text can be split into sections to hold the readers attention. This is comparable to a magazine like
Q, aimed at an older audience it often uses toned down colour schemes and also uses only a handful of
house texts throughout it’s editions.
Main image
Main coverline
Main coverline
Main image
Front cover analysis
Colour schemes: The magazines both use bold colours against a mainly black background, both created by the clothes
they are wearing which fits in as one of the signifiers of the modern rock genre. The colour red is used by rocksound
and yellow by Kerrang! as their main oppositional colour to prevent the magazine from being too bland. However,
both the yellow and red colours are used in both magazines. The preferred reading for this sign would be that rock was
a genre that was kind of edgy and something to stand out. However the oppositional reading of this would be how
yellow and red are both colours that can imply danger, although the colour choice could also be taken as an indexical
sign as red can be associated with romance and love, and yellow with sunshine and happiness. However, due to the
nature of the magazine and darker colours featuring heavilt this would not be the first reading for many people.
Font/Masthead: Both front covers use the informal serif font which is seen as an iconic sign of modern rock magazines
due to it’s target audience. Teens and young adults would generally not be so attracted to a more formal magazine than
to an informal magazine that invites them in. The cracked font that Kerrang! Magazine uses is in keeping with the
theme of the magazine as something edgy, however the oppositional reading of this would be that it was broken and
scruffy, maybe not cared about by the creators. The quick, almost scruffy theme is followed as a theme throughout the
front cover with the anchorage being in front of a seeming haphazard paint splash and the coverline reading
‘Download 2007’ is seemingly ripped out to create almost angsty and informal tone to match the masthead and the
anchorage, fitting in with the rock genre. The scruffy look could be described as a house theme as this tone is
commonly used in Kerrang! Magazine.
Main image: The main image of each of the magazines are not only in keeping with theme of the magazine but with
the genre of rock of the band. As muse is more of an alternative/space rock band they have chosen an image that’s in
keeping with many of their promo pictures with smart-casual wear, heavy shadow and serious undertones. However,
Fall out Boy are more pop punk than alternative and this has been shown through the less formal dress and less intense
shot; the shot’s bright and crisp but still uses black clothing to convey the genre. The fact that Patrick is slightly looking
up at the camera shows slight vulnerability, however this and his expression may be taken in an oppositional reading
that the band is almost confused, not showing a great sense of strong identity which appeals to many people but
intimidates others.
Front cover analysis
Puff/Pug: Both magazines have puffs which is a sign of a modern rock magazine as the target audience are usually
students, many of which are either to young to earn their own income and many others low on money as they’re
students. The idea of something free with the magazine would appeal to them because of their low income. Rocksound
(as is a regular feature) have their pug as a free CD with new music. This not only allows upcoming artists to get their
music out to a wider audience but would be one of the magazine’s key selling points, as said before, due to it’s target
audience. The puff/pug is an indexical sign as non rock fans would not understand the appeal. . The preferred reading
of the puff/pug would be that the magazine is good value for money and gives extra to their readers however the
oppositional reading could be that the magazine has nothing worth reading inside the magazine and needs an offer or
free gift to get people to buy it, implying content creators don’t spend time on their content.
Skyline: Both skylines are advertising the pug in the magazine, like the masthead is typically at the top of the magazine
this would be the first thing you would see of the magazine as magazines in shops are usually sold with only their top
third exposed. For someone looking to buy a magazine without knowing which one they’re going to go for, a puff/pug
is a great way for the editors to bring in new audiences with the promise of something free within the magazine making
people think they’re getting more for their money, and by putting this in the skyline at the top of the page is the first
thing a person would see. The skyline would be an indexical sign as for a non-rock fan the skyline wouldn’t be
understood what the skyline was trying to do as they’re not a fan of the genre. The preferred reading of the skyline
would be that the magazine was trying to let you know what the best features are in the issue before the reader had
even taken it off the shelf, however the oppositional reading of the skyline on Kerrang! Would be that red represents
immediate danger and could prevent people from buying it. Also, the colour red with the light yellow could have
connotations of blood and decay. On the rocksound magazine, although the colours used are blue and yellow invoking
images of sky and sun the font used is almost industrial expressing connotations of danger and that the magazine was
scruffily put together even though this is a house font and this is widely used throughout Rocksound’s issues.
Main image Headline Strapline
Block Quote Columns
Branding Strapline Main image Headline Block quote
Columns Secondary images
Double page spread analysis
Colour: The colours used are typical of the genre, dark colours (e.g grey and black) along with one or two brighter
colours to attract and keep the attention of the target audience with teenagers and young adults being know for having
short attention spans. The bright pink of the 'Pretty reckless' spread has a preferred reading of expressing something
about Taylor Momson's past, as once child star turns rocker. As well, pink is known as being a girly and dainty colour,
and this reading opposes the reading of the darker colours showing she's a girl with a twist. However the oppositional
reading of this would be that the magazine are stereotyping girls, and that even though Taylor Momson is clearly not a
stereotypical girly girl (as shown in the imaging of her in darker clothing and with heavy makeup) she is still being
pushed to be this very stereotypically girly character and is not respected in the rock genre as much as men. The red of
the My Chemical Romance double page spread could denote connotations of love (which is an indexical sign) and
being a rebel.T he red is a deeper red, almost blood like which is an indexical sign associated with the genre, this would
be a preferred reading. However, the oppositional reading of this is that red evokes connotations of danger as a
symbolic sign and the darker blood red colour expressing connotations of death and decay, pushing a secondary
audience away.
Imaging: The imaging of both is intense and has a strong theme of black throughout the clothing, makeup and edits on
the photographs. Both follow the typical layout of this style of magazine with one page of the double page spread taken
up with the imaging to catch the eye of the reader. The positioning of both main images (although different) are both
intense and show their style of music with their clothing and facial expressions both angry. The Pretty Reckless spread
supports the male gaze theory as the image is taken slightly from above to show the reader has dominance over the
person and the pose she's in is rather sexual and seems she isn't wearing anything under the leather jacket which is
another symbolic sign of the rock genre. The preferred reading of these covers would be that rock music is intense and
rebellious (shown through the dark colours and poses) however the oppositional reading of these magazines would be
that rock objectifies women, in the Taylor Momson spread, and that rock music is dark, dull and depressing as shown
in the My Chemical Romance cover by the effects put on the photo.
Branding: The My Chemical Romance cover uses anchorage on the strap line as branding by promoting their website.
The preferred reading of this would be that Kerrang! magazine have more to offer than just this and aren't just confined
to being a magazine. However the oppositional reading of this would be that the editors do not try hard enough to put
enough into the magazine, or are trying to make more money (through advertising) from the customer by getting them
to visit their website.
Double page spread analysis
Font/house style: Both spreads use house style layouts and fonts in the more informal sans serif fort, even the first one
using handwritten style font to create more of a connection between the audience and the band. The MCR (My Chemical
Romance) cover uses a scratched, derelict font which is typical of Kerrang! magazine as the preferred reading of this
would be that the band and genre is rebellious, this is a symbolic sign, which appeals to the target audience of
individualists. However the oppositional reading of this would be that the magazine looks scruffy and is therefore not
worth reading, driving away a secondary audience. On the other spread house style font is used on the strap line as the
text on a background is typical of both the rock genre and the magazine. The house style ties in the artist to the magazine
and shows how she's associated with the genre.
Strapline/block quote:
The strap line of both magazines are quite different. The first one has a preferred reading of how the strap line links to the
name of the band 'The Pretty Reckless' and how the lead singer (Taylor Momson) is linked with the rebellious nature of
the genre. However the oppositional reading of this would be that the magazine is promoting wild and reckless
behaviour, linking in to the block quote of 'I'm not one for advice, I'm one for mistakes' also promoting mistakes and
negative behaviour to a younger and more mouldable and suggestible audience.
The MCR cover however has the strapline as their block quote, encouraging the customer to read on and see why the
band has said this. The strapline is a positive one, promoting a preferred reading of 'be the best you can be' and showing
the band to be role models, going against the symbolic stereotype that all rock stars are rebellious and bad role models.
However, this could be taken as an oppositional reading that even though they are trying their hardest they're not quite
achieving the best.
Secondary images: The first spread does not contain any secondary images but the second does, and they are in keeping
with the positive strapline as their expressions are focused and passionate creating a positive preferred reading. However,
these images show the band to be quite relaxed perhaps inferring an oppositional reading that they don't work hard
enough or their jobs are easy. Many would see what they do as not a job and just a hobbie, so some would have a hard
time seeing this as work.
Main image
Branding/house style
Secondary images
Editors Letter
House style
Main image
Secondary Image
Contents page analysis
Colour: The colours of both magazines aim towards different audiences so therefore colour is different however both fit
into the categorical stereotypes of a rock music magazine. The first magazine is full of a bright, almost neon colour scheme
denoting a preferred reading of a fun and happy magazine that appeals to the target audience as it catches their eye.
However the oppositional reading of this may be that the black and the yellow of the font give off connotations of decay
and death, as well as also being the same colours used in many danger signs, this is a symbolic sign as it is culturally
learned. In the second magazine a completely different atmosphere and tone is created through the dark colour scheme
with greys, black and dark reds. The preferred reading of this fits with the genre of music that the artist creates as it would
be that rock stars are intense and still traditional as the dark colour scheme used by rock stars hasn't changed since rock
began. However the oppositional reading of the colour scheme used may relate to death and darkness, the lack of bright
colour communicates a negative secondary reading. The dark colours may be linked by some readers with darkness and
the unknown, it is human nature to fear the unknown so it may scare people who do not understand that magazine.
Main image:
There is one predominant, main image on both of the magazines that takes up most of the page, however, again, both
create different tones and atmosphere through the use of clothing, angles, body language and facial expression. The
preferred reading of the first cover would be that the angles and lighting of the main image suggest connotations of
innocence and happiness. Her expression is happy and she is wearing very little makeup as well as clothing typically
associated with the pop genre rather than the rock genre. This contents page has a positive preferred reading, leading
away from the rebellion and harshness of the stereotypical rock iconography and appealing to a wider audience. On the
other hand the secondary reading of the main image of this magazine would be that people may get confused as to what
type of magazine this is due to the happy and peppy imagery and bright colour scheme, as this has similarities to
stereotypical pop in clothing, facial expression and angle. Separately, the second cover is made of mostly dark colours that
match both the artists clothes, hair and style in general as well as matching the stereotypes for the rock genre. The
preferred reading of this contents page would be that the artist was edgy and confident as even though the picture is
taken from a slightly higher angle his facial expression still shows a confident smirk. The clothes and hairstyle shows he'd
edgy, and rebellious; relatable to the target audience of individualists however this is a symbolic sign as it must be
culturally learned. The oppositional reading for this would be however that the artist is trying to intimidate the reader
making them feel uncomfortable, a secondary audience who does not understand the ideas and fashions of the rock genre
may take the main image as too intimidating and arrogant.
Contents page analysis
Secondary images:
The secondary images on the first magazine are shots of what's inside the magazine to entice the reader in. The
preferred reading of this would be that the contents page was a way of showing the customer quickly what they can
expect in the magazine and to show off the bands that are inside it to get the customer excited about reading it.
However the oppositional reading of this would be that the editors have nothing better to put onto the front cover and
due to the cluttered nature of the contents page due the secondary images create messiness and a cluttered look.
Puff/pug: The puff on the contents page of the first magazine is there to entice the reader in, it is relevant to the genre
of rock to entice in a primary reader. The preferred reading of a puff/pug on the magazine would be that the magazine
gives more to the customer and tries to make more of an effort for the customer. However the oppositional reading of
this would be that the content of the magazine is not sufficient enough to attract an audience so they have to resort to
offers to entice an audience in.
House font headline/branding:
Kerrang! magazine is known for using it's ripped house font to fit in with the genre (an indexical sign that might not
be clear to all). The preferred reading of the font used for the headline would be that the magazine and it's content was
rebellious and edgy to fit with the individualist audience. However the oppositional reading for the house font would
be that it looks messy and the editors of the magazine have not taken time nor care about their content, pushing away
a secondary audience.
Rock sound magazine also has a house font that is used in the contents page of the second magazine, it too is like a
printed text that's bold and eye catching. The preferred reading of the house font is that it is there to catch the readers
attention and be something that recurring customers can relate to and recognise as soon as it's looked at. House font is
used throughout the rock sound magazine meaning that even the inside of the magazine is recognisable as that
particular brand. However, since the house font for rock sound is bold and almost industrial some may relate this to
scruffiness and dirtiness, creating a negative oppositional reading.

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Media magazine analysis

  • 1. { Music magazine analysis I have chosen to analyse two different modern rock magazines, Rocksound and Kerrang!, as these are the two main modern rock magazines in the UK. General conventions that can be identified in many modern rock magazines are informal text, usually using sans serif text, and house styles. Darker colours are usually used along with brighter colours to make text or a special feature stand out. The type of magazine I’m analyzing can also be defined by the poses or expressions of the bands or artists on the cover. Rocksound and Kerrang! Often opt for quite serious or crazy facial expressions with strong poses that show dominance. Also, to do with the stars on the front, we can also define this type of magazine by the clothes they artists are wearing, usually also darker colours; this applies for both the double page spread, contents page and front cover. Bands/artists are often listed or featured on the front cover to draw the readers in, the target audience are looking for band’s they’re a fan to check for any features on them. A common puff/pug is offering free music as a gift with the magazine or as a download, this is often advertised heavily on the front cover as it’s a main selling point. Unlike many pop magazines such as ‘Top of the Pops’, rock magazines often stick to making the magazine just about the music and less celebrity gossip. However, when modern rock magazines do talk about ‘gossip’ or news its usually focused on how it’s affected the artist/band personally and their music. My genre is aimed around the age of teenagers and young adult, this is show in the informality of the layout. Often things are layered and use opposite colours on the colour wheel to make them stand out rather than following with a mellowed colour scheme. Another identifier for my genre is the amount of content on a page. Applicable to all pages, we can see that there’s a selection of fonts and heavily picture based, also large chunks of text can be split into sections to hold the readers attention. This is comparable to a magazine like Q, aimed at an older audience it often uses toned down colour schemes and also uses only a handful of house texts throughout it’s editions.
  • 4. Front cover analysis Colour schemes: The magazines both use bold colours against a mainly black background, both created by the clothes they are wearing which fits in as one of the signifiers of the modern rock genre. The colour red is used by rocksound and yellow by Kerrang! as their main oppositional colour to prevent the magazine from being too bland. However, both the yellow and red colours are used in both magazines. The preferred reading for this sign would be that rock was a genre that was kind of edgy and something to stand out. However the oppositional reading of this would be how yellow and red are both colours that can imply danger, although the colour choice could also be taken as an indexical sign as red can be associated with romance and love, and yellow with sunshine and happiness. However, due to the nature of the magazine and darker colours featuring heavilt this would not be the first reading for many people. Font/Masthead: Both front covers use the informal serif font which is seen as an iconic sign of modern rock magazines due to it’s target audience. Teens and young adults would generally not be so attracted to a more formal magazine than to an informal magazine that invites them in. The cracked font that Kerrang! Magazine uses is in keeping with the theme of the magazine as something edgy, however the oppositional reading of this would be that it was broken and scruffy, maybe not cared about by the creators. The quick, almost scruffy theme is followed as a theme throughout the front cover with the anchorage being in front of a seeming haphazard paint splash and the coverline reading ‘Download 2007’ is seemingly ripped out to create almost angsty and informal tone to match the masthead and the anchorage, fitting in with the rock genre. The scruffy look could be described as a house theme as this tone is commonly used in Kerrang! Magazine. Main image: The main image of each of the magazines are not only in keeping with theme of the magazine but with the genre of rock of the band. As muse is more of an alternative/space rock band they have chosen an image that’s in keeping with many of their promo pictures with smart-casual wear, heavy shadow and serious undertones. However, Fall out Boy are more pop punk than alternative and this has been shown through the less formal dress and less intense shot; the shot’s bright and crisp but still uses black clothing to convey the genre. The fact that Patrick is slightly looking up at the camera shows slight vulnerability, however this and his expression may be taken in an oppositional reading that the band is almost confused, not showing a great sense of strong identity which appeals to many people but intimidates others.
  • 5. Front cover analysis continued Puff/Pug: Both magazines have puffs which is a sign of a modern rock magazine as the target audience are usually students, many of which are either to young to earn their own income and many others low on money as they’re students. The idea of something free with the magazine would appeal to them because of their low income. Rocksound (as is a regular feature) have their pug as a free CD with new music. This not only allows upcoming artists to get their music out to a wider audience but would be one of the magazine’s key selling points, as said before, due to it’s target audience. The puff/pug is an indexical sign as non rock fans would not understand the appeal. . The preferred reading of the puff/pug would be that the magazine is good value for money and gives extra to their readers however the oppositional reading could be that the magazine has nothing worth reading inside the magazine and needs an offer or free gift to get people to buy it, implying content creators don’t spend time on their content. Skyline: Both skylines are advertising the pug in the magazine, like the masthead is typically at the top of the magazine this would be the first thing you would see of the magazine as magazines in shops are usually sold with only their top third exposed. For someone looking to buy a magazine without knowing which one they’re going to go for, a puff/pug is a great way for the editors to bring in new audiences with the promise of something free within the magazine making people think they’re getting more for their money, and by putting this in the skyline at the top of the page is the first thing a person would see. The skyline would be an indexical sign as for a non-rock fan the skyline wouldn’t be understood what the skyline was trying to do as they’re not a fan of the genre. The preferred reading of the skyline would be that the magazine was trying to let you know what the best features are in the issue before the reader had even taken it off the shelf, however the oppositional reading of the skyline on Kerrang! Would be that red represents immediate danger and could prevent people from buying it. Also, the colour red with the light yellow could have connotations of blood and decay. On the rocksound magazine, although the colours used are blue and yellow invoking images of sky and sun the font used is almost industrial expressing connotations of danger and that the magazine was scruffily put together even though this is a house font and this is widely used throughout Rocksound’s issues.
  • 6. Main image Headline Strapline Block Quote Columns
  • 7. Branding Strapline Main image Headline Block quote Columns Secondary images
  • 8. Double page spread analysis Colour: The colours used are typical of the genre, dark colours (e.g grey and black) along with one or two brighter colours to attract and keep the attention of the target audience with teenagers and young adults being know for having short attention spans. The bright pink of the 'Pretty reckless' spread has a preferred reading of expressing something about Taylor Momson's past, as once child star turns rocker. As well, pink is known as being a girly and dainty colour, and this reading opposes the reading of the darker colours showing she's a girl with a twist. However the oppositional reading of this would be that the magazine are stereotyping girls, and that even though Taylor Momson is clearly not a stereotypical girly girl (as shown in the imaging of her in darker clothing and with heavy makeup) she is still being pushed to be this very stereotypically girly character and is not respected in the rock genre as much as men. The red of the My Chemical Romance double page spread could denote connotations of love (which is an indexical sign) and being a rebel.T he red is a deeper red, almost blood like which is an indexical sign associated with the genre, this would be a preferred reading. However, the oppositional reading of this is that red evokes connotations of danger as a symbolic sign and the darker blood red colour expressing connotations of death and decay, pushing a secondary audience away. Imaging: The imaging of both is intense and has a strong theme of black throughout the clothing, makeup and edits on the photographs. Both follow the typical layout of this style of magazine with one page of the double page spread taken up with the imaging to catch the eye of the reader. The positioning of both main images (although different) are both intense and show their style of music with their clothing and facial expressions both angry. The Pretty Reckless spread supports the male gaze theory as the image is taken slightly from above to show the reader has dominance over the person and the pose she's in is rather sexual and seems she isn't wearing anything under the leather jacket which is another symbolic sign of the rock genre. The preferred reading of these covers would be that rock music is intense and rebellious (shown through the dark colours and poses) however the oppositional reading of these magazines would be that rock objectifies women, in the Taylor Momson spread, and that rock music is dark, dull and depressing as shown in the My Chemical Romance cover by the effects put on the photo. Branding: The My Chemical Romance cover uses anchorage on the strap line as branding by promoting their website. The preferred reading of this would be that Kerrang! magazine have more to offer than just this and aren't just confined to being a magazine. However the oppositional reading of this would be that the editors do not try hard enough to put enough into the magazine, or are trying to make more money (through advertising) from the customer by getting them to visit their website.
  • 9. Double page spread analysis continued Font/house style: Both spreads use house style layouts and fonts in the more informal sans serif fort, even the first one using handwritten style font to create more of a connection between the audience and the band. The MCR (My Chemical Romance) cover uses a scratched, derelict font which is typical of Kerrang! magazine as the preferred reading of this would be that the band and genre is rebellious, this is a symbolic sign, which appeals to the target audience of individualists. However the oppositional reading of this would be that the magazine looks scruffy and is therefore not worth reading, driving away a secondary audience. On the other spread house style font is used on the strap line as the text on a background is typical of both the rock genre and the magazine. The house style ties in the artist to the magazine and shows how she's associated with the genre. Strapline/block quote: The strap line of both magazines are quite different. The first one has a preferred reading of how the strap line links to the name of the band 'The Pretty Reckless' and how the lead singer (Taylor Momson) is linked with the rebellious nature of the genre. However the oppositional reading of this would be that the magazine is promoting wild and reckless behaviour, linking in to the block quote of 'I'm not one for advice, I'm one for mistakes' also promoting mistakes and negative behaviour to a younger and more mouldable and suggestible audience. The MCR cover however has the strapline as their block quote, encouraging the customer to read on and see why the band has said this. The strapline is a positive one, promoting a preferred reading of 'be the best you can be' and showing the band to be role models, going against the symbolic stereotype that all rock stars are rebellious and bad role models. However, this could be taken as an oppositional reading that even though they are trying their hardest they're not quite achieving the best. Secondary images: The first spread does not contain any secondary images but the second does, and they are in keeping with the positive strapline as their expressions are focused and passionate creating a positive preferred reading. However, these images show the band to be quite relaxed perhaps inferring an oppositional reading that they don't work hard enough or their jobs are easy. Many would see what they do as not a job and just a hobbie, so some would have a hard time seeing this as work.
  • 12. Contents page analysis Colour: The colours of both magazines aim towards different audiences so therefore colour is different however both fit into the categorical stereotypes of a rock music magazine. The first magazine is full of a bright, almost neon colour scheme denoting a preferred reading of a fun and happy magazine that appeals to the target audience as it catches their eye. However the oppositional reading of this may be that the black and the yellow of the font give off connotations of decay and death, as well as also being the same colours used in many danger signs, this is a symbolic sign as it is culturally learned. In the second magazine a completely different atmosphere and tone is created through the dark colour scheme with greys, black and dark reds. The preferred reading of this fits with the genre of music that the artist creates as it would be that rock stars are intense and still traditional as the dark colour scheme used by rock stars hasn't changed since rock began. However the oppositional reading of the colour scheme used may relate to death and darkness, the lack of bright colour communicates a negative secondary reading. The dark colours may be linked by some readers with darkness and the unknown, it is human nature to fear the unknown so it may scare people who do not understand that magazine. Main image: There is one predominant, main image on both of the magazines that takes up most of the page, however, again, both create different tones and atmosphere through the use of clothing, angles, body language and facial expression. The preferred reading of the first cover would be that the angles and lighting of the main image suggest connotations of innocence and happiness. Her expression is happy and she is wearing very little makeup as well as clothing typically associated with the pop genre rather than the rock genre. This contents page has a positive preferred reading, leading away from the rebellion and harshness of the stereotypical rock iconography and appealing to a wider audience. On the other hand the secondary reading of the main image of this magazine would be that people may get confused as to what type of magazine this is due to the happy and peppy imagery and bright colour scheme, as this has similarities to stereotypical pop in clothing, facial expression and angle. Separately, the second cover is made of mostly dark colours that match both the artists clothes, hair and style in general as well as matching the stereotypes for the rock genre. The preferred reading of this contents page would be that the artist was edgy and confident as even though the picture is taken from a slightly higher angle his facial expression still shows a confident smirk. The clothes and hairstyle shows he'd edgy, and rebellious; relatable to the target audience of individualists however this is a symbolic sign as it must be culturally learned. The oppositional reading for this would be however that the artist is trying to intimidate the reader making them feel uncomfortable, a secondary audience who does not understand the ideas and fashions of the rock genre may take the main image as too intimidating and arrogant.
  • 13. Contents page analysis continued Secondary images: The secondary images on the first magazine are shots of what's inside the magazine to entice the reader in. The preferred reading of this would be that the contents page was a way of showing the customer quickly what they can expect in the magazine and to show off the bands that are inside it to get the customer excited about reading it. However the oppositional reading of this would be that the editors have nothing better to put onto the front cover and due to the cluttered nature of the contents page due the secondary images create messiness and a cluttered look. Puff/pug: The puff on the contents page of the first magazine is there to entice the reader in, it is relevant to the genre of rock to entice in a primary reader. The preferred reading of a puff/pug on the magazine would be that the magazine gives more to the customer and tries to make more of an effort for the customer. However the oppositional reading of this would be that the content of the magazine is not sufficient enough to attract an audience so they have to resort to offers to entice an audience in. House font headline/branding: Kerrang! magazine is known for using it's ripped house font to fit in with the genre (an indexical sign that might not be clear to all). The preferred reading of the font used for the headline would be that the magazine and it's content was rebellious and edgy to fit with the individualist audience. However the oppositional reading for the house font would be that it looks messy and the editors of the magazine have not taken time nor care about their content, pushing away a secondary audience. Rock sound magazine also has a house font that is used in the contents page of the second magazine, it too is like a printed text that's bold and eye catching. The preferred reading of the house font is that it is there to catch the readers attention and be something that recurring customers can relate to and recognise as soon as it's looked at. House font is used throughout the rock sound magazine meaning that even the inside of the magazine is recognisable as that particular brand. However, since the house font for rock sound is bold and almost industrial some may relate this to scruffiness and dirtiness, creating a negative oppositional reading.