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A Perspective for Retail Marketers 
By Scott Eagle, CMO – Conversant® 
A Growing Concern 
New Capabilities and New Urgency 
The Metrics Chosen to Measure 
The Motivations for Measurement 
The Channels Measured (and Not Measured) 
Allocating Credit Versus Measuring Impacts 
Test and Control Incrementality Measurement 
Our Test and Control Process 
Table of Contents 
As we all know, digital spending has grown incredibly rapidly. 
eMarketer reports that in 2014 global digital spending will hit 
$137.5B – just over a quarter of total marketing spend. With 
its increased importance in the marketing mix, brand leaders 
are naturally concerned with measuring and proving its 
efficacy. With Digital, there is no shortage of data to evaluate 
as part of this process. But all that data brings with it a new 
challenge – identifying which metrics we should care about, 
and how to best measure them. 
Digital ad spending worldwide, 2012-2018 
Source: eMarketer, March 2014 
This topic is clearly a growing concern for marketing leaders, 
and one that is contributing to the growth in marketing 
analytics spending at many brands. According to the 
February, 2014 CMO Survey, marketing analytics spending 
is expected to rise 72% in the next three years. 
Increased marketer 
attention is leading 
many brands to 
reconsider why, 
what and how they 
measure. Years ago, 
when digital marketing 
measurement began in 
earnest, measurement 
was seriously limited by the available technology. Now, 
there is growing recognition that some of our approaches to 
assessing marketing performance remain rooted to the limited 
measurement capabilities of the past. 
Marketing analytics spending: share of 
total marketing budgets 
Marketing analytics 
spending is expected 
to rise 72% in the next 
three years. 
Source: The CMO Survey, February 2014 
Current Levels Next 3 Years 
Digital Ad Spending % of Total Media Ad Spending 
23.2 25.3 27.0 28.4 $119B 29.8 31.1 
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 
But times have changed. Our industry can now focus on 
scientifically validated measurement methodologies. 
Methodologies that reveal the causal effects of digital 
marketing on what most brands are really interested 
in – total brand sales. More than that – not only can we 
measure more scientifically – we must if we are to deliver 
the sort of results that are expected of us now and in 
the future. Nearly every marketing leader is under more 
pressure than ever to drive additional impact with the 
resources we are allocated. 
This paper assesses the state of digital marketing 
measurement today and then advocates for a scientifically 
derived measurement approach that addresses its current 
shortcomings. We’ll review: 
• What’s wrong with how the industry measures 
performance today? 
• The more accurate and scientific alternative – 
test and control incrementality measurement. 
Not only can we measure more 
scientifically – we must if we are to 
deliver the sort of results that are 
expected of us. 
The most common approaches to 
marketing measurement today have the 
following characteristics in common: 
Many brands substitute surrogate metrics like clicks, 
visits and purchase intent rather than focusing on the 
overarching KPI – incremental sales effects. 
Many focus primarily on justifying past actions rather than 
determining the best courses of action for future success. 
When they DO focus on actual sales metrics, brands 
usually measure online sales only rather than calculating 
sales impacts across all channels. 
Most focus on crediting sales to tactics according to 
predetermined percentages rather than determining which 
sales were actually caused by each program. 
Let’s examine each of these in turn. 
Instead of focusing on true measures of performance against 
KPIs, many brands have traditionally chosen to focus on 
surrogate metrics. Clicks. Impressions. Page views. Interaction 
times. Why? 
• Because they are easy to measure. Years ago, when 
more sophisticated measurement tools and approaches 
were unavailable, most brands decided that these easy-to- 
measure surrogates were the best we could do – and 
that they provided at least some indication of marketing 
• Because brands have used these measures in the past. 
Precedent likely drives some of the decision to measure 
certain surrogate metrics like clicks. 
• Because they lack the analytics personnel necessary 
to improve their measurement approaches. Again, 
according to the same CMO Survey, many marketers feel 
that they don’t have the right people in place to maximize 
the effectiveness of their analytics investments. 
Many brands substitute surrogate metrics like clicks, visits and purchase intent 
rather than focusing on the overarching KPI – incremental sales effects. 
18.4% 18.0% 
Does your company have the right talent to 
fully leverage marketing analytics? 
Source: The CMO Survey, February 2014 
Does not have 
the right talent 
Has the 
right talent 
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 
Many brands focus their measurement and research efforts on 
providing rationale for past programs. In fact, a 2012 eConsultancy 
study done in partnership with Google revealed that the most 
important reason why marketers say they measure is to justify digital 
Goals for attribution 
“We did this and the results were that.” 
While such measurement has a valuable role for marketing 
accountability, I would argue that it plays an even 
more important role in helping us to optimize program 
performance in the future. This is a major distinction. When 
the core objective of a performance measurement system is 
to demonstrate the value of past performance, accuracy can 
become subordinate to the desire for big numbers. 
When our primary focus is instead on program optimization, 
the need for accurate measurement becomes paramount. 
When the core objective of a 
performance measurement system 
is to demonstrate the value of past 
performance, accuracy can become 
subordinate to the desire for 
big numbers. 
High Priority Medium Priority Low Priority 
57% 36% 7% 
47% 42% 11% 
62% 28% 10% 
36% 39% 25% 
Source: Google/eConsultancy, 2012 
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 
Many focus primarily on justifying past actions rather than 
determining the best courses of action for future success. 
The industry’s emphasis on justifying past 
actions versus improving future results is evident 
when we examine the attribution approaches 
currently in use. According to a 2013 survey 
of senior retail marketing leaders underwritten 
by Conversant, the most popular approach to 
measurement is last click. 
Does your brand use the 
following approach to digital 
marketing attribution? 
These survey results are disconcerting in light 
of the fact that marketers view last click as the 
least accurate method. See this data from the 
eConsultancy/Google study: 
Marketers’ assessment of the 
effectiveness of attribution models 
There are positive signs of change, however. 
Another Conversant industry survey of both 
agency- and brand-side professionals revealed 
that just under a third planned to adopt more 
accurate methodologies. 
As more brands change their approaches, I 
sincerely hope that they choose a methodology 
that is truly better – one that doesn’t rely on 
a rules-based or arbitrary allocation of credit 
to particular marketing events. Many of the 
attribution platforms currently getting attention 
in the marketplace simply use a more complex 
formula for arbitrarily allocating credit. And 
greater complexity is no guarantee of greater 
Percent of marketers/agency 
leaders who plan to change 
measurement approach in 2014 
68% 680= LAST CLICK 
17% 170= FIRST CLICK 
43% 430= LAST VIEW 
47% 470= MULTI-TOUCH 
Source: Conversant Survey, 2013 
(Numbers add up to greater than 100% because many 
companies use multiple attribution methods) 
Source: Conversant Survey, 2014 
Yes No Don’t Know 
Very Effective 
Somewhat Effective 
Somewhat Ineffective 
Very Ineffective 
Source: Google/eConsultancy, 2012 
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 
43% 26% 
29% 49% 17% 5 
27% 64% 9% 
23% 69% 8% 
14% 61% 25% 
14% 55% 18% 13% 
Most retail brands are only using online sales impact to evaluate and 
measure digital marketing effectiveness. Again, the primary reason why 
is that it is far easier to calculate the online sales that correlate with a 
marketing program than the offline sales. 
Measuring online sales 
impact only is fine for 
marketing programs 
designed to drive only 
online sales, like most 
affiliate marketing. But for 
omni-channel marketing 
strategies and programs, 
more comprehensive 
performance measurement 
is vital. 
In most categories, offline sales dwarf online sales. So, by limiting their 
measurement pool, brands artificially devalue the total impact of their 
digital marketing programs. Because most methodologies currently 
in use focus only on online results, total economic impact is often 
significantly understated. 
Most retail brands are 
using only online sales 
impact to evaluate 
and measure digital 
marketing effectiveness 
3% 60= HOME & DIY 
1% 20= GROCERY 
US eCommerce sales, by category: 
(2012, % of total) 
Source: Booz & Company, 2012 
When they do focus on actual sales metrics, brands usually measure online 
sales only rather than calculating sales impacts across all channels. 
Many marketing programs allocate credit for all sales to persons 
reached by marketing programs running at the time of the sale, even 
when the marketing itself was superfluous to their decisions to buy. 
The problem is that most online sales that are credited to a marketing 
program would have occurred anyway, without the marketing activity. 
Most? Really? Yes, really! Conversant conducted a massive study across 
25 leading retailers in multiple classes of trade and found that 67 to 90 
percent of sales that were credited to marketing exposure based upon 
cookie-centric attribution methodologies were actually NOT caused by 
that exposure. In other words, the shoppers that converted received 
the marketing program message, but would’ve made the conversion 
even if they hadn’t received the marketing message. 
Many people use attribution and measurement as interchangeable 
terms, but they aren’t the same. Measurement and analytics should 
be about taking scientific approaches to determining the sales 
impacts of a program. Attribution is focused on crediting a sale (or a 
portion of a sale) based upon a model. 
Cumulative Effects 
So one might ask, if standard measurement under-credits in some 
ways but over-credits in others, does it “all come out in the wash?” 
In other words, does our flawed methodology actually deliver a 
reasonable approximation of digital’s total economic impact? 
Absolutely not. Again, extensive Conversant research demonstrates 
that the flawed measurement approaches in use by many retailers 
do not provide a reasonable approximation of the true sales effects 
of marketing programs. In addition, these flawed approaches often 
don’t even reveal a correct ranking of the value marketing tactics 
bring to a given business. 
Most online sales that are credited to a 
marketing program would have occurred 
anyway, without the marketing activity. 
Many retailers focus on crediting sales to tactics according to predetermined 
percentages rather than determining which sales were actually caused by each. 
Earlier in this paper we identified some major flaws in the most 
commonly used measurement methodologies. I’d like to use 
the balance of this paper to outline an alternative approach that 
mitigates all of these problems. 
Test and Control Incrementality Measurement 
At Conversant, we believe in “incrementality” measurement and use a 
scientifically validated test and control methodology to provide precision 
performance measurement. 
The hallmark of this approach is an emphasis on “incrementality.” In 
other words, what incremental revenue did a program actually cause? 
This means we don’t take credit for sales that would have happened if 
a shopper wasn’t exposed to a particular campaign, or take credit for 
sales effects caused by tactics other than Conversant’s programs. 
To suss out incrementality, we conduct constant, scientifically based 
A/B testing, using statistically matched samples. One group sees 
the marketing messages in the Conversant program, one sees public 
service announcements (PSAs) instead. By calculating the sales made 
to each group, and then subtracting the PSA “control” cell sales from 
the “test” cell sales, we get a precise measure of the sales that were 
actually caused by the program. Furthermore, we track revenue across 
both online and offline sales channels to ensure we get an accurate 
view of the program’s total impact. By assessing incremental sales 
impacts across all channels including online, retail, catalog, call center, 
etc., we can provide a true indicator of a program’s performance. 
Track revenue across both online and 
offline sales channels to ensure you get an 
accurate view of total impact. 
Conversant uses a scientifically validated test and control 
methodology to provide precision performance measurement. 
To do all this, we follow a four-step process: 
1 Step 1: Create test and control 
groups. In order to identify the 
incremental sales driven by a 
campaign, we need to devise test and 
control groups. These groups are carefully 
developed using a scientifically validated 
method that matches both groups across 
a host of variables, including interests, 
shopping behaviors, demographics, 
marketing exposures and more. 
2 Step 2: Show the test group the 
campaign. Show the control 
group PSAs. Conversant shows 
the test group creative from your 
campaign, while the control group sees 
only public service announcements. Each 
group is exposed to similar amounts of 
other marketing communications. The 
only difference in their brand experience 
is whether or not they are exposed to the 
Conversant campaign. 
3 Step 3: Examine the online and 
offline sales to each group. 
The Conversant data platform 
doesn’t track only your website 
sales. It integrates with your POS systems, 
as well as your catalog and call center 
sales systems, to calculate total revenue 
for both online and offline. 
4 Step 4: Calculate the true 
incremental sales. Once we have 
the sales figures for each group, 
we calculate incremental sales by 
subtracting the control group sales from the 
test group sales. Because revenue from the 
control group reflects sales that would have 
occurred naturally, this calculation reveals 
the incremental sales that were truly driven 
by your campaign. We also have the ability 
to use the test/control methodology to 
measure key brand attributes and the positive 
or negative impacts of a given campaign. 
It’s critical for marketers to understand these 
effects as well. 
Scientifically based incrementality 
measurement not only measures the past 
performance of marketing tactics. It also 
provides the information necessary to 
optimize current and future programs – 
thereby driving incremental sales growth 
over time. 
Scientifically based 
measurement provides 
the information necessary 
to optimize current and 
future programs. 
Our approach to 
incrementality measurement 
Incremental Sales 
Chances are that your brand can and should make significant improvements in the way that it measures marketing 
effectiveness. Most brands know that this is something they need to do. But for many, fixing the problem tends to fall 
low on the priorities list – because the task can seem daunting – and the current situation doesn’t seem “that bad.” 
Make no mistake. It may well be “that bad.” Your role, and that of the marketing organization, depend on providing the 
best results possible. Flawed measurement leads to bad decision-making. Some may believe that instinct combined with 
existing flawed measurement data can drive great results. The reality is that flawed measurement is of little or no value 
in decision making. The sooner that you correct the problem, the faster you’ll be able to deliver great results for your 
I welcome your comments and ideas on this topic. Please write to me at: 
Scott Eagle leads Conversant’s global marketing function, including strategy and the integration of marketing 
programs across our solutions groups. An accomplished senior executive with a strong background in client-side 
digital marketing and consumer brand management, Mr. Eagle has over 25 years of experience as a marketing 
leader managing major Fortune 500 brands and building successful new companies. Mr. Eagle has served as CMO 
for Empowered Careers, eHarmony and Claria Corporation, and he has held management positions at Concentric 
Network Corporation, MFS Communications and P&G. Mr. Eagle holds a B.S. in economics from The Wharton 
School, University of Pennsylvania, and serves on the board of Akademos, Inc. 
Conversant, Inc. (Nasdaq: CNVR) is the leader in personalized digital marketing. Conversant helps the world’s biggest 
companies grow by creating personalized experiences that deliver higher returns for brands and greater satisfaction 
for people. We offer a fully integrated personalization platform, personalized media programs and the world’s largest 
affiliate marketing network - all fueled by a deep understanding of what motivates people to engage, connect and buy. 
For more information, please visit: 
Copyright 2014 Conversant, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 

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Measuring what Matters

  • 1. A Perspective for Retail Marketers By Scott Eagle, CMO – Conversant® MEASURING WHAT MATTERS
  • 2. INTRODUCTION A Growing Concern New Capabilities and New Urgency HOW THE INDUSTRY ASSESSES DIGITAL MARKETING PERFORMANCE TODAY The Metrics Chosen to Measure The Motivations for Measurement The Channels Measured (and Not Measured) Allocating Credit Versus Measuring Impacts THE MORE ACCURATE AND SCIENTIFIC ALTERNATIVE Test and Control Incrementality Measurement Our Test and Control Process CONCLUSION 3 4 10 12 Table of Contents 2
  • 3. As we all know, digital spending has grown incredibly rapidly. eMarketer reports that in 2014 global digital spending will hit $137.5B – just over a quarter of total marketing spend. With its increased importance in the marketing mix, brand leaders are naturally concerned with measuring and proving its efficacy. With Digital, there is no shortage of data to evaluate as part of this process. But all that data brings with it a new challenge – identifying which metrics we should care about, and how to best measure them. Digital ad spending worldwide, 2012-2018 INTRODUCTION Source: eMarketer, March 2014 A GROWING CONCERN This topic is clearly a growing concern for marketing leaders, and one that is contributing to the growth in marketing analytics spending at many brands. According to the February, 2014 CMO Survey, marketing analytics spending is expected to rise 72% in the next three years. Increased marketer attention is leading many brands to reconsider why, what and how they measure. Years ago, when digital marketing measurement began in earnest, measurement was seriously limited by the available technology. Now, there is growing recognition that some of our approaches to assessing marketing performance remain rooted to the limited measurement capabilities of the past. Marketing analytics spending: share of total marketing budgets Marketing analytics spending is expected to rise 72% in the next three years. Source: The CMO Survey, February 2014 7.1% 12.2% Current Levels Next 3 Years Digital Ad Spending % of Total Media Ad Spending $104B 20.8 23.2 25.3 27.0 28.4 $119B 29.8 31.1 $154B $171B $187B $204B $137B 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 3
  • 4. NEW CAPABILITIES AND NEW URGENCY But times have changed. Our industry can now focus on scientifically validated measurement methodologies. Methodologies that reveal the causal effects of digital marketing on what most brands are really interested in – total brand sales. More than that – not only can we measure more scientifically – we must if we are to deliver the sort of results that are expected of us now and in the future. Nearly every marketing leader is under more pressure than ever to drive additional impact with the resources we are allocated. This paper assesses the state of digital marketing measurement today and then advocates for a scientifically derived measurement approach that addresses its current shortcomings. We’ll review: • What’s wrong with how the industry measures performance today? • The more accurate and scientific alternative – test and control incrementality measurement. Not only can we measure more scientifically – we must if we are to deliver the sort of results that are expected of us. HOW THE INDUSTRY ASSESSES DIGITAL MARKETING PERFORMANCE TODAY The most common approaches to marketing measurement today have the following characteristics in common: THE METRICS CHOSEN TO MEASURE Many brands substitute surrogate metrics like clicks, visits and purchase intent rather than focusing on the overarching KPI – incremental sales effects. THE MOTIVATIONS FOR MEASUREMENT Many focus primarily on justifying past actions rather than determining the best courses of action for future success. THE CHANNELS MEASURED (AND NOT MEASURED) When they DO focus on actual sales metrics, brands usually measure online sales only rather than calculating sales impacts across all channels. ALLOCATING CREDIT VERSUS MEASURING IMPACTS Most focus on crediting sales to tactics according to predetermined percentages rather than determining which sales were actually caused by each program. Let’s examine each of these in turn. 4
  • 5. Instead of focusing on true measures of performance against KPIs, many brands have traditionally chosen to focus on surrogate metrics. Clicks. Impressions. Page views. Interaction times. Why? • Because they are easy to measure. Years ago, when more sophisticated measurement tools and approaches were unavailable, most brands decided that these easy-to- measure surrogates were the best we could do – and that they provided at least some indication of marketing effectiveness. • Because brands have used these measures in the past. Precedent likely drives some of the decision to measure certain surrogate metrics like clicks. • Because they lack the analytics personnel necessary to improve their measurement approaches. Again, according to the same CMO Survey, many marketers feel that they don’t have the right people in place to maximize the effectiveness of their analytics investments. METRICS Many brands substitute surrogate metrics like clicks, visits and purchase intent rather than focusing on the overarching KPI – incremental sales effects. 9.0% 24.5% 18.4% 18.0% 15.9% 8.2% 6.1% Does your company have the right talent to fully leverage marketing analytics? Source: The CMO Survey, February 2014 Does not have the right talent Has the right talent 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 5
  • 6. Many brands focus their measurement and research efforts on providing rationale for past programs. In fact, a 2012 eConsultancy study done in partnership with Google revealed that the most important reason why marketers say they measure is to justify digital spending. Goals for attribution “We did this and the results were that.” While such measurement has a valuable role for marketing accountability, I would argue that it plays an even more important role in helping us to optimize program performance in the future. This is a major distinction. When the core objective of a performance measurement system is to demonstrate the value of past performance, accuracy can become subordinate to the desire for big numbers. When our primary focus is instead on program optimization, the need for accurate measurement becomes paramount. When the core objective of a performance measurement system is to demonstrate the value of past performance, accuracy can become subordinate to the desire for big numbers. JUSTIFYING DIGITAL SPENDING UNDERSTANDING FUNNEL AND SALES CYCLE LENGTH TO PLAN CAMPAIGNS CREATE MOST EFFECTIVE MEDIA MIX BASED ON TRUE VALUE TOWARD CONVERSION CORRECTLY DETERMINING AFFILIATE PAYMENTS High Priority Medium Priority Low Priority 57% 36% 7% 47% 42% 11% 62% 28% 10% 36% 39% 25% Source: Google/eConsultancy, 2012 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% MOTIVATIONS Many focus primarily on justifying past actions rather than determining the best courses of action for future success. 6
  • 7. The industry’s emphasis on justifying past actions versus improving future results is evident when we examine the attribution approaches currently in use. According to a 2013 survey of senior retail marketing leaders underwritten by Conversant, the most popular approach to measurement is last click. Does your brand use the following approach to digital marketing attribution? These survey results are disconcerting in light of the fact that marketers view last click as the least accurate method. See this data from the eConsultancy/Google study: Marketers’ assessment of the effectiveness of attribution models There are positive signs of change, however. Another Conversant industry survey of both agency- and brand-side professionals revealed that just under a third planned to adopt more accurate methodologies. As more brands change their approaches, I sincerely hope that they choose a methodology that is truly better – one that doesn’t rely on a rules-based or arbitrary allocation of credit to particular marketing events. Many of the attribution platforms currently getting attention in the marketplace simply use a more complex formula for arbitrarily allocating credit. And greater complexity is no guarantee of greater accuracy. Percent of marketers/agency leaders who plan to change measurement approach in 2014 MOTIVATIONS (CONT.) 68% 680= LAST CLICK 17% 170= FIRST CLICK 43% 430= LAST VIEW 47% 470= MULTI-TOUCH 38% 380= INCREMENTALITY Source: Conversant Survey, 2013 (Numbers add up to greater than 100% because many companies use multiple attribution methods) Source: Conversant Survey, 2014 Yes No Don’t Know Very Effective Somewhat Effective Somewhat Ineffective Very Ineffective Source: Google/eConsultancy, 2012 CUSTOMIZED BY CHANNEL UNIQUE METHODOLOGY LINEAR FIRST CLICK LAST CLICK 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 43% 26% 32% 29% 49% 17% 5 27% 64% 9% 23% 69% 8% 14% 61% 25% 14% 55% 18% 13% 7
  • 8. Most retail brands are only using online sales impact to evaluate and measure digital marketing effectiveness. Again, the primary reason why is that it is far easier to calculate the online sales that correlate with a marketing program than the offline sales. Measuring online sales impact only is fine for marketing programs designed to drive only online sales, like most affiliate marketing. But for omni-channel marketing strategies and programs, more comprehensive performance measurement is vital. In most categories, offline sales dwarf online sales. So, by limiting their measurement pool, brands artificially devalue the total impact of their digital marketing programs. Because most methodologies currently in use focus only on online results, total economic impact is often significantly understated. Most retail brands are using only online sales impact to evaluate and measure digital marketing effectiveness 34% 680= ELECTRONICS & APPLIANCES 22% 440= ENTERTAINMENT & LEISURE 14% 280= APPAREL & FOOTWEAR 9% 180= CONSUMER HEALTHCARE 8% 160= BEAUTY (MASS & LUXURY) 4% 80= PERSONAL CARE 3% 60= HOME & DIY 1% 20= GROCERY US eCommerce sales, by category: (2012, % of total) Source: Booz & Company, 2012 CHANNELS When they do focus on actual sales metrics, brands usually measure online sales only rather than calculating sales impacts across all channels. 8
  • 9. Many marketing programs allocate credit for all sales to persons reached by marketing programs running at the time of the sale, even when the marketing itself was superfluous to their decisions to buy. The problem is that most online sales that are credited to a marketing program would have occurred anyway, without the marketing activity. Most? Really? Yes, really! Conversant conducted a massive study across 25 leading retailers in multiple classes of trade and found that 67 to 90 percent of sales that were credited to marketing exposure based upon cookie-centric attribution methodologies were actually NOT caused by that exposure. In other words, the shoppers that converted received the marketing program message, but would’ve made the conversion even if they hadn’t received the marketing message. Many people use attribution and measurement as interchangeable terms, but they aren’t the same. Measurement and analytics should be about taking scientific approaches to determining the sales impacts of a program. Attribution is focused on crediting a sale (or a portion of a sale) based upon a model. Cumulative Effects So one might ask, if standard measurement under-credits in some ways but over-credits in others, does it “all come out in the wash?” In other words, does our flawed methodology actually deliver a reasonable approximation of digital’s total economic impact? Absolutely not. Again, extensive Conversant research demonstrates that the flawed measurement approaches in use by many retailers do not provide a reasonable approximation of the true sales effects of marketing programs. In addition, these flawed approaches often don’t even reveal a correct ranking of the value marketing tactics bring to a given business. Most online sales that are credited to a marketing program would have occurred anyway, without the marketing activity. IMPACTS Many retailers focus on crediting sales to tactics according to predetermined percentages rather than determining which sales were actually caused by each. 9
  • 10. Earlier in this paper we identified some major flaws in the most commonly used measurement methodologies. I’d like to use the balance of this paper to outline an alternative approach that mitigates all of these problems. Test and Control Incrementality Measurement At Conversant, we believe in “incrementality” measurement and use a scientifically validated test and control methodology to provide precision performance measurement. The hallmark of this approach is an emphasis on “incrementality.” In other words, what incremental revenue did a program actually cause? This means we don’t take credit for sales that would have happened if a shopper wasn’t exposed to a particular campaign, or take credit for sales effects caused by tactics other than Conversant’s programs. To suss out incrementality, we conduct constant, scientifically based A/B testing, using statistically matched samples. One group sees the marketing messages in the Conversant program, one sees public service announcements (PSAs) instead. By calculating the sales made to each group, and then subtracting the PSA “control” cell sales from the “test” cell sales, we get a precise measure of the sales that were actually caused by the program. Furthermore, we track revenue across both online and offline sales channels to ensure we get an accurate view of the program’s total impact. By assessing incremental sales impacts across all channels including online, retail, catalog, call center, etc., we can provide a true indicator of a program’s performance. Track revenue across both online and offline sales channels to ensure you get an accurate view of total impact. THE MORE ACCURATE AND SCIENTIFIC ALTERNATIVE Conversant uses a scientifically validated test and control methodology to provide precision performance measurement. 10
  • 11. To do all this, we follow a four-step process: 1 Step 1: Create test and control groups. In order to identify the incremental sales driven by a campaign, we need to devise test and control groups. These groups are carefully developed using a scientifically validated method that matches both groups across a host of variables, including interests, shopping behaviors, demographics, marketing exposures and more. 2 Step 2: Show the test group the campaign. Show the control group PSAs. Conversant shows the test group creative from your campaign, while the control group sees only public service announcements. Each group is exposed to similar amounts of other marketing communications. The only difference in their brand experience is whether or not they are exposed to the Conversant campaign. 3 Step 3: Examine the online and offline sales to each group. The Conversant data platform doesn’t track only your website sales. It integrates with your POS systems, as well as your catalog and call center sales systems, to calculate total revenue for both online and offline. 4 Step 4: Calculate the true incremental sales. Once we have the sales figures for each group, we calculate incremental sales by subtracting the control group sales from the test group sales. Because revenue from the control group reflects sales that would have occurred naturally, this calculation reveals the incremental sales that were truly driven by your campaign. We also have the ability to use the test/control methodology to measure key brand attributes and the positive or negative impacts of a given campaign. It’s critical for marketers to understand these effects as well. Scientifically based incrementality measurement not only measures the past performance of marketing tactics. It also provides the information necessary to optimize current and future programs – thereby driving incremental sales growth over time. OUR PROCESS Scientifically based incrementality measurement provides the information necessary to optimize current and future programs. Our approach to incrementality measurement 1: CREATE 2: EXPOSE 3: MEASURE 4: CALCULATE Test Test Test Control Control Control PSA Incremental Sales 11
  • 12. CONCLUSION Chances are that your brand can and should make significant improvements in the way that it measures marketing effectiveness. Most brands know that this is something they need to do. But for many, fixing the problem tends to fall low on the priorities list – because the task can seem daunting – and the current situation doesn’t seem “that bad.” Make no mistake. It may well be “that bad.” Your role, and that of the marketing organization, depend on providing the best results possible. Flawed measurement leads to bad decision-making. Some may believe that instinct combined with existing flawed measurement data can drive great results. The reality is that flawed measurement is of little or no value in decision making. The sooner that you correct the problem, the faster you’ll be able to deliver great results for your brands. I welcome your comments and ideas on this topic. Please write to me at: ABOUT THE AUTHOR Scott Eagle leads Conversant’s global marketing function, including strategy and the integration of marketing programs across our solutions groups. An accomplished senior executive with a strong background in client-side digital marketing and consumer brand management, Mr. Eagle has over 25 years of experience as a marketing leader managing major Fortune 500 brands and building successful new companies. Mr. Eagle has served as CMO for Empowered Careers, eHarmony and Claria Corporation, and he has held management positions at Concentric Network Corporation, MFS Communications and P&G. Mr. Eagle holds a B.S. in economics from The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, and serves on the board of Akademos, Inc. ABOUT CONVERSANT, INC. Conversant, Inc. (Nasdaq: CNVR) is the leader in personalized digital marketing. Conversant helps the world’s biggest companies grow by creating personalized experiences that deliver higher returns for brands and greater satisfaction for people. We offer a fully integrated personalization platform, personalized media programs and the world’s largest affiliate marketing network - all fueled by a deep understanding of what motivates people to engage, connect and buy. For more information, please visit: Copyright 2014 Conversant, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 12