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By: Dr. Sejal D. Gamit
Assistant Professor / Consultant
Shalakya Tantra Department
SAMCH, Vadodara
For 1ST B.A.M.S Profession
स्वस्थ चतुष्क – Health Prevention
◦ Swastha chatushka, the tetrad of chapters on health, deals with the
preservation of health and prevention of disease.
◦ Important guidelines to be followed by healthy individuals to
maintain their health.
◦ अध्याय 5: मात्राशितीयाध्याय
◦ अध्याय 6: तस्याशितीयोऽध्या
◦ अध्याय 7: नवेगान्धारणीयोऽध्याय
◦ अध्याय 8: इन्द्रियोपक्रमणीयोऽध्याय
Matrashiteeya Adhyaya, covers two topics:
◦ various aspects of the proper quantity and quality of diet.
◦ various daily regimens that should be followed by a person for healthy living.
◦ The tenets of personal hygiene, Oro-dental hygiene and hygiene of sense
organs are described in this chapter.
◦ The routine procedures to preserve health like abhyanga (massage), dhumapana
(inhalation of smoke/vapors), nasya (nasal errhines), kavala and gandusha (
methods of gargling), karnapurana (applying oil in ears), anjana (collyrium) etc.
are described.
◦ Their methods of administration and positive health benefits.
◦ आहरशिषयक शिचार (Diet)
◦ स्वस्थिृत िर्णन (Personal Hygiene)
• अभ्यंग
• स्नान
• स्वच्छ वस्त्र धारण
• लेप माला धारण
• रत्न – आभूषण धारण
• िरीर िुन्द्रि
• क्षोर कमम
• पादात्र धारण
• द् ड धारण
• अंजन
• धूमपान
• नस्य
• दातौन
• शजह्वाशनलेखन
• मुख – सुगंशधत द्रव्य धारण
• स्नेह गंडुष
• शिर – तैल धारण
• कणमपूरण
औषधमौषधशिद्धो िा स्नेहो नाशिकाभ्ाां दीयत इशत नस्यम् |
- Su. Chi.40/21
नािायाां प्रर्ीयमानमोउषधां नस्यम्| नािनां नस्यकमेशत च िांज्ाां लभते||
- As.Sa.Su.29/2
ऊर्ध्णजत्रुशिकारेषु शििेषान्नस्यशमष्यते|
नािा शह शिरिो द्वारां तेन तद्व्याप्य हन्ति तान्|| - As. Hr. Su. 20/1
◦ Administration medicated oil , liquid, powders into the nose is
called Nasya.
◦ Synonyms:
◦ Navana, nastakarma [A.S. Sutra Sthana 29/2]
◦ Nasyakarma [Sha.Sa.Uttarakhanda 8/1]
◦ Nastaha prachardana[Cha.Sa.Sutra Sthana 1/85]
◦ Shirovireka, Murdhavirechana.
नस्य कमुणकता:
नािा शह शिरिो द्वारम्|
तत्राििेशचतमोउषधां स्रोतः- शृङ्गाटक
ां प्राप्य
व्याप्यच मूधाणनां नेत्रश्रोत्रकण्ठाशद-
शिरामुख़ाशन च
- As.Sa.Su.29/3
Nasya Dravya
Administrated through Nasal Route
Riches Shringataka Marma
Spread in Murdha
Reaches at junction place of Netra-
Karna- Kantha
Uttamang Dosh Apkarshan
Anatomical perspective,
◦ ‘Shringatakamarma’ is considered as the middle
Cranial fossa.
Nasal Mucosa
Olfactory Nerves through
Olfactory Epithelium
Cribriform plate to Ant. Cranial Fossa
Medial & Lateral olfactory Area of
cerebral Cortex
Stimulated Nasya Dravya Impluses
transferred through CNS
नस्य भेद:
चरक िुश्रुत िाग्भट्ट िाङ्ग
ण धर काश्यप
• नावन • शिरोशवरेचन • शवरेचन • शिरोशवरेचन • बृहंण
• अवपीड • स्नेहन • बृहंण • स्नेहन • कषमण
• ध्मापन/प्रधमन • िमन
• धूम
• प्रशतमिम
िमन शिरोशिरेचन स्नेहन
◦ Navan Nasya: Instillation of medicated oils.
1. Snehan
2. Sodhan
◦ Avapida Nasya: instillation of Swaras / Kwath (juice) extracted by pressing (peedana) fresh
herbs or its paste is instilled in the nose.
1. Sodhan
2. Stambhan
◦ Dhmapan / Pradhaman Nasya: the medicinal fine powder is blown into the nostrils.
◦ Dhum Nasya: instillation of medicated Fume.
1. Prayogik
2. Snaihik
3. Vairechanik
◦ Pratimarsh Nasya: Instillation of medicated oil every day for Oleating of nasal mucus.
1. Snaihik
2. Rechak
नस्य िे लाभ:
नस्येन रोााः िाम्यन्ति नरार्ामूर्ध्णजत्रुजाः | इन्तियार्ाां च िैमल्यां क
ु याणदास्यां िुान्ति च ||
हनुदिशिरोग्रीिाशत्रकबाहूरिाां बलम् | िलीपशलतखाशलत्यव्यङ्गानाां चाप्यिभवमिम् || - िु. शच. 40/54-55
◦ Pacify Udhwajatru Roga
◦ cleanliness of Indriya
◦ Mouth Freshening
◦ Hanu Pradesh- Dant – shiro- Griva- Kati- Bahu – Ura – baladhikya
◦ vali- palit- khalit – vyang : not arising
नस्यकमण यथाकालां यो यथोक्तां शनषेिते ||
न तस्य चक्षुनण घ्रार्ां न श्रोत्रमुपहन्यते |
न स्युः श्वेता न कशपलाः क
े िाः श्मश्रूशर् िा पुनः ||
न च क
े िाः प्रमुच्यिे िधणिे च शििेषतः |
मन्यास्तभवमः शिरःिूलमशदणतां हनुिङ्ग् ग्रहः ||
पीनिाधाणिभेदौ च शिरःकम्पश्च िाम्यशत |
शिराः शिरःकपालानाां िियः स्नायुकण्डराः ||
नािनप्रीशर्ताश्चास्य लभिेऽभ्शधक
ां बलम् |
मुखां प्रिन्नोपशचतां स्वरः शस्नग्धः न्तस्थरो महान् ||
ििेन्तियार्ाां िैमल्यां बलां भिशत चाशधकम् |
न चास्य रोााः िहिा प्रभिन्त्यूर्ध्णजत्रुजाः ||
े षु जरा न लभते बलम् ||६३||
According to Method – Time :
• Netra – Nasa – Krana roga Not occur
• white – Brown Hair / Beard colour
• No hair fall – Hair Grow
• Pacify Manyastambh – sirahshul –
ardit – hanugrah – pratisyay-
ardhavbhedak- sirahkampa
• Sirah kapal : shira-sandhi- snayu-
kandara Adhikbala
• Passan muka – masaupchit
• indriya Nirmalta – baladhikya
• Not occur Udrvajatrugat Roga
• Utaamang me jara lakshan nahi
अर्ुतैल नस्य :
िषे िषेऽर्ुतैलां च कालेषु शत्रषु ना चरेत् || प्रािृट्िरद्वििेषु ातमेघे नभस्तले |
चन्दनागुरुणी पत्रं दावीत्वङ्मधुक
ं बलाम् ||
ं सूक्ष्मैलां शवडङ्ग
ं शबल्वमुत्पलम् |
ह्रीबेरमभयं वन्यं त्वङ
् मुस्तं साररवां न्द्रथिराम् ||
जीवन्ीं पृशिपणीं च सुरदारु ितावरीम् |
हरेणुं बृहतीं व्याघ्ीं सुरभीं पद्मक
े िरम् ||
शवपाचयेच्छतगुणे माहेिे शवमलेऽम्भशस |
तैलाद्दिगुणं िेषं कषायमवतारयेत् ||
तेन तैलं कषायेण दिक
ृ त्वो शवपाचयेत् |
अिास्य दिमे पाक
े समांिं छागलं पयः ||
दद्यादेषोऽणुतैलस्य नावनीयस्य संशवशधः |
• Drugs should be boil with 100 times of pure
rain water of the oil in Quantity.
• boil till it reduces the 10 times of the oil.
• every time 1/10th part from the decoction use
for tail siddhi according to tail Pak vidhi for 9
times in raw.
• At the final stage 10th time of boiling equal
quantity of goat milk as oil should added and
boil it again.
◦ अस्य मात्राां प्रयुञ्जीत तैलस्याधणपलोन्तिताम् ||
Dose: Half pala (approximate 20 ml) of this oil should be administered.
◦ शस्नग्धन्तस्वन्नोत्तमाङ्गस्य शपचुना नािनैन्तिशभः |
त्र्यहात्त्र्त्र्यहाच्च िप्ताहमेतत् कमण िमाचरेत् ||
Method of administration: After Snehan and swedan of the head and face parts,
medicated oil instilled into the nostrils with a cotton swab, thrice every alternate day
and for seven such days.
◦ शनिातोष्णिमाचारी शहतािी शनयतेन्तियः |
Precautions: reside in a place which is warm and free from bolwing wind, taking
wholesome food and observing self control.
◦ तैलमेतन्तत्त्र्िदोषघ्नशमन्तियार्ाां बलप्रदम् ||
◦ प्रयुञ्जानो यथाकालां यथोक्तानश्नुते ाुर्ान् ||
Advantage: tridosha nashak, bala pradam
लाघिां शिरिो योाे िुखस्वप्नप्रबो
धनम् |
शिकारोपिमः िुन्तद्धररन्तियार्ाां म
नःिुखम् ||
◦ Shir laghuta
◦ Sukh swapna
◦ Vikar upshaman
◦ Indriya suddhi
◦ Man shanti
अयोाे िातिैाुण्यशमन्ति
यार्ाां च रूक्षता |
रोाािान्तिश्च तत्रेष्टां भूयो
नस्यां प्रयोजयेत् ||
◦ Vata vaigunya
◦ Indriya rukshata
◦ Roga ashanti
कफप्रिेकः शिरिो ाुरुतेन्ति
यशिभ्रमः |
लक्षर्ां मूर्ध्न्णशतशस्नग्धे रूक्षां त
त्रािचारयेत् ||
◦ Kapha prasek
◦ Shiro gurutwa
◦ Indriya vibhram
◦ Upchar : ruksh vidhi
िू. शच. 40/33-35
नस्य आयु
न नस्यमूनिप्ताब्दे नातीतािीशतित्सरे|
Age : 7 – 80 yr
नस्य काल
अनेन शिशधना पञ्च िप्त
नि िा शदनाशन दद्यादािम्यग्योााद्वा||
Duration: 5/7/9
नस्य शिशध:
Procedure of nasya in one session is done in three steps:
• Pre therapeutic (purvakarma)
• Therapeutic (pradhanakarma)
• Post therapeutic (pashchatkarma)
(Post therapeutic )
◦ Nasya is done after passing
natural urges, complete digestion
of meals and when the patient is
not too hungry.
◦ The patient is first asked to clean
his face and mouth. Then he lies
in supine position on a slanting
table with inclination towards
head end (head low position).
◦ After that proper Snehan and
swedan is done on head, face and
neck region. In some conditions,
the patient is asked to inhale
medicated smoke to clear
(Therapeutic procedure )
◦ swedan is done over the
face and neck region until
the secretions are reduced.
◦ Smoke inhalation is done
to reduce the kapha that is
aggravated during nasya
procedure and located in
the channels of head.
◦ Gargling with lukewarm
water is advised to clear
◦ The suitable medicine for nasal instillation
is made warm by placing in hot water.
◦ Eyes of the patient are covered with cloth
and the tip of the nose is raised. Medicine
is instilled in one nostril, while the other
nostril is closed. Same procedure is
repeated to instill medicine in both nostrils.
◦ If the medicine, comes to throat, the
patient shall hold it without spitting for 5 -
10 seconds.
◦ Slight rubbing or massage is done over
face, palms and soles.
◦ After that, patient should inhale slowly and
spit the contents coming to mouth till the
entire medicine is expelled.
(Pre therapeutic )
◦ Deep inhalation of Medicated Drugs powder/ Varti’s
smoke from mouth /Nostrils and exhale from mouth
only .
उच्छेदाय च जातानाां शपबेद् धूमां िदाऽऽत्मिान्||१||
धूमपान प्रकार:
क्रम चरक िुश्रुत िाग्भट्ट िाङ्ग
ण धर
1 प्रायोशगक प्रायोशगक शस्नग्ध िमन (प्रायोशगक -मध्य)
2 स्नैशहक स्नैशहक मध्यम बृंहण (स्नैशहक - मृदु)
3 वैरेचशनक शिरो वैरेचशनक तीक्ष्ण रेचन (िोधन - तीक्ष्ण )
4 कासघ्न कासहा
5 वामनीय वामन
6 व्रणधूपन
प्रयोगे, स्नैशहक
े त्वेक
ं , वैरेच्यं शत्रचतुः शपबेत् |
- च. सू. 5/36
धूमिशतण द्रव्य
◦ हरेणुकां
◦ शप्रयङ् गुं
◦ पृथ्वीकां
◦ क
े िरं
◦ नखम्
◦ ह्रीवेरं
◦ चन्दनं
◦ पत्रं
◦ त्वग
◦ एला
◦ उिीर
◦ पद्मकम्
◦ ध्यामक
◦ मधुक
◦ मांसी
◦ गुग्गुल
◦ अगुरु
◦ िक
म रा
◦ न्यग्रोध
◦ उदुम्बर
◦ अश्वत्थ
◦ प्लक्ष
◦ लोध्रत्वचः
◦ िुभाः
◦ वन्यं
◦ सजमरसं
◦ मुस्तं
◦ िैलेयं
◦ कमलो
◦ उत्पले
◦ श्रीवेष्टक
◦ िल्लकीं
◦ िुकबहममि
◦ श्वेता
◦ ज्योशतष्मती
◦ हररतालं
◦ मनःशिला
◦ गन्ध वगम
◦ अगरु
◦ पत्राद्या
◦ वसा
◦ घृत
◦ मधुरक
ै ः
धूमिशतण शनमाणर्
शपष्ट्वा शलम्पेच्छरेषीकाां ताां िशतिं यििशन्नभाम् ||२३||
अङ्ग् ाुष्ठिन्तिताां क
ु याणदष्टाङ्ग् ाुलिमाां शभषक
् |
िुष्काां शनाभािं ताां िशतिं धूमनेत्राशपणताां नरः ||२४||
स्नेहाक्तामशििम्प्लुष्टाां शपबेत् प्रायोशाकीांिुखाम् ||
◦ Make paste of above-mentioned drugs by grinding and adding
◦ Stick that paste on a shareshika (pipe like structure) such that it’s
width should be more in center and narrow at the ends just like
Yava Grain(जव).
◦ Pramana (measurements): Angushtha (thickness of thumb)
◦ Length: Eight angula (measurement by fingers approx. 14.08 cm)
◦ Dry that varti (wick) in shade and then remove it from shareshika
(pipe like structure).
◦ Before every use of Dhum varti it should dip in tail or Ghee.
8 Angul
धूमपान कालां :
प्रयोापाने तस्याष्टौ कालाः िम्पररकीशतणताः||३३|| िातश्लेष्मिमुत्त्र्लेिः कालेष्वेषु शह लक्ष्यते|
स्नात्वा भुक्त्वा िमुन्तिख्य क्षुत्वा दिाशन्नघृष्य च| नािनाञ्जनशनद्रािे चात्मिान् धूमपो भिेत्|
तथा िातकफात्मानो न भिन्त्यूर्ध्णजत्रुजाः||३५||
Eight specific times of administration of medicated smoke have been prescribed for daily use considering
the time of aggravation of vata and kapha dosha in body.
1. after taking bath
2. after taking bath
3. after scraping the tongue / vomiting
4. after sneezing
5. after brushing the teeth,
6. after nasya
7. after the use of eye-salve/collyrium
8. end of sleep.
• The self controlled man should resort to
inhalation of smoke in this specific time.
Thereby, Vata and Kapha borne diseases
affecting the body parts above the clavicle do
not afflict him.
धूमपान प्रयोा
रोाास्तस्य तु पेयाः स्युरापानान्तिियियः|३६|
परां शद्वकाल पायी स्यादह्नः कालेषु बुन्तद्धमान्||३६||
प्रयोाे, स्नैशहक
े त्वेक
ां , िैरेच्यां शत्रचतुः शपबेत्|
◦ Inhalation should be done thrice, in three puffs each time. (3*3*3 – through one
nostril after closing the other nostril, thrice in each round, thus for three rounds.)
◦ A wise man should practice Prayogik Dhumpana twice a day only, Snehik
Dhumpana once a day and Vairechanik Dhumpana three or four times a day.
धूमपान लाभ:
गौरवं शिरसः िूलं पीनसाधामवभेदकौ ||२७||
कणामशक्षिूलं कासश्च शहक्काश्वासौ गलग्रहः |
दन्दौबमल्यमास्रावः श्रोत्रघ्ाणाशक्षदोषजः ||२८||
पूशतघ्ामणास्यगन्धश्च दन्िूलमरोचकः |
हनुमन्याग्रहः कड
ू ः शक्रमयः पाडुता मुखे ||२९||
श्लेष्मप्रसेको वैस्वयं गलिुण्ड्युपशजशह्वका |
खाशलत्यं शपञ्जरत्वं च क
े िानां पतनं तिा ||३०||
क्षविुश्चाशततिा च बुिेमोहोऽशतशनद्रता |
धूमपानात् प्रिाम्यन्द्रन्.........................॥
◦ Shiro gaurav (heaviness in head)
◦ Shira shoola (headache)
◦ Peenasa (commong cold)
◦ Ardhavabhedaka (migraine)
◦ Karna shoola (earache)
◦ Akshi shola (ocular pain)
◦ Kasa (cough)
◦ Hikka (hiccups)
◦ Shwasa (asthma)
◦ Galagraha (sour throat)
◦ Danta-daurbalya (weakness in
◦ Shrotra-strava (ear discharge)
◦ Ghrana- strava (nasal discharge)
◦ Akshi-strava (lacrimal discharge)
◦ Pootighrana (foul smell from
◦ Aasayagandha (foul smell in
◦ Danta-shoola (pain in teeth)
◦ Arochaka (anorexia)
◦ Hanugraha (stiffness in jaw)
◦ Manyagraha (stiffness in Neck)
◦ Kandu (itching)
◦ Krimi (worm infestation)
◦ Mukha-panduta (pale face)
◦ Shleshma-Praseka (secretion from
◦ Vaiswarya (change in voice)
◦ Galshundi (uvulitis)
◦ Upjihvika (ranula)
◦ Khalitya (alopecia)
◦ Pinjaratva (white hair)
◦ Kesha-patana (hairfall)
◦ Kshavathu (sneezing)
◦ Atitandra (reduced acuity of
◦ Buddhhimoha (delusion)
◦ Murcha (dizziness)
◦ Atinidra (hypersomnia)
……………………..बलं भवशत चाशधकम् ||३१||
शिरोरुहकपालानाशमन्द्रियाणां स्वरस्य च |
न च वातकफात्मानो बशलनोऽप्यूर्ध्मजत्रुजाः ||३२||
धूमवक्त्रकपानस्य व्याधयः स्युः शिरोगताः ||३३||
◦ It augments the strength of the scalp hair roots, the senses and voice.
◦ Moreover, those who resort to smoke inhalation by oral route are not afflicted by
vata and kapha dosha affecting the upper part of the body or head, howsoever
strong the disease may be.
िम्यक धूमपान लक्षर्:
हृत्कण्ठे न्द्रियसंिुन्द्रिलमघुत्वं शिरसः िमः ||३७||
यिेररतानां दोषाणां सम्यक्पीतस्य लक्षणम् ||३८||
◦ Feeling of well-being and clarity in hridaya (cardiac region), throat and senses
◦ lightness of the head
◦ pacification of the vitiated dosha
अकाल/अशत धूमपान उपद्रि :
बाशधयणमान्ध्यमूकत्वां रक्तशपत्तां शिरोभ्रमम् ||३८||
अकाले चाशतपीतश्च धूमः क
ु याणदुपद्रिान् |
अकाल – other than Astakal
◦ Badhirya
◦ Aandhya
◦ Mukatva
◦ Rakta pitaa
◦ Shiro bhrama
अकाल/अशत धूमपान उपद्रि - शचशकत्सा:
तत्रेष्टां िशपणषः पानां नािनाञ्जनतपणर्म् ||३९||
ां धूमजे दोषे िायुः शपत्तानुाो यशद |
िीतां तु रक्तशपत्ते स्याच्छ्लेष्मशपत्ते शिरूक्षर्म् ||४०||
◦ Ghrita pana – Nasya – Anjana – Tarpan.
दोष दुशष्ट शिन्तद्ध द्रव्य
घृत पान – नस्य – अंजन - तपमण
वात – शपत्त शस्नग्ध
शपत्त – रक्त शितल
कफ – शपत्त रुक्ष
धूमपान अयोग्य रोाी :
परं त्वतः प्रवक्ष्याशम धूमो येषां शवगशहमतः | न शवररक्तः शपबेद् धूमं न क
ृ ते बन्द्रस्तकममशण ||४१||
न रक्ती न शवषेणातो न िोचन्न च गशभमणी | न श्रमे न मदे नामे न शपत्ते न प्रजागरे ||४२||
न मूच्छामभ्रमतृष्णासु न क्षीणे नाशप च क्षते | न मद्यदुग्धे पीत्वा च न स्नेहं न च माशक्षकम् ||४३||
धूमं न भुक्त्वा दध्ना च न रूक्षः क्र
ु ि एव च | न तालुिोषे शतशमरे शिरस्यशभशहते न च ||४४||
न िङ् खक
े न रोशहण्ां न मेहे न मदात्यये |
एषु धूममकालेषु मोहात् शपबशत यो नरः ||४५||
रोगास्तस्य प्रवधमन्े दारुणा धूमशवभ्रमात् ||४६||
◦ After virechana (therapeutic purgation),
◦ After basti (therapeutic enema),
◦ Rakta pitaa Rogi
◦ Vish pidit (afflicted with poison),
◦ Shok (grief),
◦ During pregnancy,
◦ Shram (fatigued ),
◦ Madonmat (intoxicated),
◦ Aam – Pitaa Rogi (disorders of ama or pitta),
◦ Ratri Jagran (Night vigil)
◦ Murcha (syncope),
◦ Bhrama (vertigo),
◦ Trushna (thirst),
◦ Rukshata (afflicted with dryness)
◦ Krodh (anger),
◦ Talusosh (dryness of the palate)
◦ Timira
◦ emaciation or trauma,
◦ head-injury
◦ Shankhaka
◦ Rohini
◦ Prameha
◦ Madatya (alcoholism)
◦ one who has just taken wine/milk/ honey/ Sneh,
◦ one who has taken food along with curd.
• If a person, out of ignorance, smokes in these instances or in an untimely condition, his
disorders will aggravate dreadfully due to complications of dhumapana.
धूमपान शिशध:
धूमयोग्यः शपबेद्दोषे शिरोघ्ाणाशक्षसंश्रये ||४६||
घ्ाणेनास्येन कण्ठथिे मुखेन घ्ाणपो वमेत् |
आस्येन धूमकवलान् शपबन् घ्ाणेन नोद्वमेत् ||४७||
प्रशतलोमं गतो ह्यािु धूमो शहंस्यान्द्रि चक्षुषी ||४८||
The person eligible for dhumapana:
◦ In diseases of the head, nose and eyes dhumapana is advised through nose.
◦ In diseases of throat dhumapana is advised through mouth.
◦ Inhalation of dhuma through Nose / Mouth shall exhale it by the mouth only and should not
exhale it through nose, because the smoke traversing in the reverse direction injures the eyes
ऋज्वङ्गचक्षुस्तच्चेताः िूपशिष्टन्तिपयणयम् ||४८||
शपबेन्तच्छद्रां शपधायैक
ां नािया धूममात्मिान् ||४९||
◦ Dhumpana should be done in
comfortable sitting position with straight
body and eyes with concentration of
◦ Cautiously inhale smoke through one
nostril after closing the other nostril,
thrice in each round, thus for three
• Person should sit in a comfortable posture and
breath normally.
• Place the dhumavarti in dhumanetra and ignite it.
• Then the person should inhale the smoke come
out from the dhumavarti through one nostril.
• Exhale the same through mouth.
• In one round three puffs should be taken.
• Do the same procedure through another nostril.
• Inhalation of smoke can be done by nostril or
mouth but exhalation should only be done
through mouth.
धूमनेत्र पररमार्:
ां नेत्रां स्वाङ्ग् ाुलीशभशिणरेचने ||४९||
द्वाशत्रांिदङ्ग् ाुलां स्नेहे प्रयोाेऽध्यधणशमष्यते |
ऋजु शत्रकोषाफशलतां कोलास्थ्यग्रप्रमाशर्तम् ||५०||
बन्तस्तनेत्रिमद्रव्यां धूमनेत्रां प्रिस्यते ||५१||
प्रकार प्रमार् (स्वाङ्ग् ाुली)
वैरेचशनक 24 अंगुल
स्नैशहक 32 अंगुल
प्रायोशगक 36 अंगुल
(ऽध्यधम = सअधम = 1+1/2= 3/2)
3/2 * 24 = 36
• Material- Should be made of the same material as basti
netra (Suvarna- gold, silver, ranga-tin, lead, copper,
bronze etc).
• Structure-
• It should have 3 kosha (Bulges/curves).
• Upper part should also have a hole as size of
kolasthi (Bor- Badar) pramana.
• Base should have a hole of angushtha pramana.
धूमनेत्र िे धूमपान में लाभ:
दू राशद्वशनाणतः पिणन्तच्छन्नो नाडीतनूक
ृ तः ||५१|| नेन्तियां बाधते धूमो मात्राकालशनषेशितः ||५२||
◦ Inhalation of dhum with dhumnetra having thin velocity(weakened) of dhum due to
passing through the thin pipe and intercepted by the Bulges/ Curves.
◦ Dhumpana taken with due consideration of Matra and Kala does not impair the senses.
मात्राित धूमपान लक्षर् :
उशचत मात्रा
◦ यदा च उरश्च कण्ठश्च शिरश्च
लघुतां व्रजेत् ||५२||
कफश्च तनुतां प्राप्तः सुपीतं धूम
माशदिेत् |
◦ Lightness in chest, throat and
◦ kapha is liquefied.
अल्प मात्रा
◦ अशविुिः स्वरो यस्य कण्ठश्च
सकफो भवेत् ||५३||
न्द्रस्तशमतो मस्तकश्चैवमपीतं धू
ममाशदिेत् |
◦ voice is not clear
◦ throat is filled with kapha
◦ Heaviness in head
◦ तालु मूधाम च कण्ठश्च िुष्यते पररतप्यते ||५४||
तृष्यते मुह्यते जन्ू रक्तं च स्रवतेऽशधकम् |
शिरश्च भ्रमतेऽत्यिं मूच्छाम चास्योपजायते ||५५||
इन्द्रियाण्ुपतप्यन्े धूमेऽत्यिं शनषेशवते ||५६||
◦ Palate-head-throat dryness-burning sensation
◦ feels thirsty,
◦ Fascination,
◦ bleeds profusely (Hemorrhage)
◦ head feels light and dizzy
◦ unconscious
◦ senses feel tormented.
Matrashitiya Adhyaya.pptx
Matrashitiya Adhyaya.pptx

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Matrashitiya Adhyaya.pptx

  • 1. मात्राशितीयाध्याय By: Dr. Sejal D. Gamit Assistant Professor / Consultant Shalakya Tantra Department SAMCH, Vadodara For 1ST B.A.M.S Profession
  • 2. स्वस्थ चतुष्क – Health Prevention ◦ Swastha chatushka, the tetrad of chapters on health, deals with the preservation of health and prevention of disease. ◦ Important guidelines to be followed by healthy individuals to maintain their health. ◦ अध्याय 5: मात्राशितीयाध्याय ◦ अध्याय 6: तस्याशितीयोऽध्या ◦ अध्याय 7: नवेगान्धारणीयोऽध्याय ◦ अध्याय 8: इन्द्रियोपक्रमणीयोऽध्याय
  • 3. Matrashiteeya Adhyaya, covers two topics: ◦ various aspects of the proper quantity and quality of diet. ◦ various daily regimens that should be followed by a person for healthy living. ◦ The tenets of personal hygiene, Oro-dental hygiene and hygiene of sense organs are described in this chapter. ◦ The routine procedures to preserve health like abhyanga (massage), dhumapana (inhalation of smoke/vapors), nasya (nasal errhines), kavala and gandusha ( methods of gargling), karnapurana (applying oil in ears), anjana (collyrium) etc. are described. ◦ Their methods of administration and positive health benefits.
  • 4. मात्राशितीयाध्याय ◦ आहरशिषयक शिचार (Diet) ◦ स्वस्थिृत िर्णन (Personal Hygiene) • अभ्यंग • स्नान • स्वच्छ वस्त्र धारण • लेप माला धारण • रत्न – आभूषण धारण • िरीर िुन्द्रि • क्षोर कमम • पादात्र धारण • द् ड धारण • अंजन • धूमपान • नस्य • दातौन • शजह्वाशनलेखन • मुख – सुगंशधत द्रव्य धारण • स्नेह गंडुष • शिर – तैल धारण • कणमपूरण
  • 5. नस्य औषधमौषधशिद्धो िा स्नेहो नाशिकाभ्ाां दीयत इशत नस्यम् | - Su. Chi.40/21 नािायाां प्रर्ीयमानमोउषधां नस्यम्| नािनां नस्यकमेशत च िांज्ाां लभते|| - As.Sa.Su.29/2 ऊर्ध्णजत्रुशिकारेषु शििेषान्नस्यशमष्यते| नािा शह शिरिो द्वारां तेन तद्व्याप्य हन्ति तान्|| - As. Hr. Su. 20/1 ◦ Administration medicated oil , liquid, powders into the nose is called Nasya. ◦ Synonyms: ◦ Navana, nastakarma [A.S. Sutra Sthana 29/2] ◦ Nasyakarma [Sha.Sa.Uttarakhanda 8/1] ◦ Nastaha prachardana[Cha.Sa.Sutra Sthana 1/85] ◦ Shirovireka, Murdhavirechana.
  • 6. नस्य कमुणकता: नािा शह शिरिो द्वारम्| तत्राििेशचतमोउषधां स्रोतः- शृङ्गाटक ां प्राप्य व्याप्यच मूधाणनां नेत्रश्रोत्रकण्ठाशद- शिरामुख़ाशन च मुञ्जाशदषीकामशििक्तामूर्ध्णजत्रुाताां िैकाररकीमिेषामािु दोषिांहशतमुत्तमाङ्गादपकषणशत|| - As.Sa.Su.29/3 Nasya Dravya Administrated through Nasal Route Riches Shringataka Marma Spread in Murdha Reaches at junction place of Netra- Karna- Kantha Uttamang Dosh Apkarshan
  • 7. Anatomical perspective, ◦ ‘Shringatakamarma’ is considered as the middle Cranial fossa. Nasal Mucosa Olfactory Nerves through Olfactory Epithelium Cribriform plate to Ant. Cranial Fossa Medial & Lateral olfactory Area of cerebral Cortex Stimulated Nasya Dravya Impluses transferred through CNS
  • 8. नस्य भेद: चरक िुश्रुत िाग्भट्ट िाङ्ग ण धर काश्यप • नावन • शिरोशवरेचन • शवरेचन • शिरोशवरेचन • बृहंण • अवपीड • स्नेहन • बृहंण • स्नेहन • कषमण • ध्मापन/प्रधमन • िमन • धूम • प्रशतमिम िमन शिरोशिरेचन स्नेहन
  • 9. ◦ Navan Nasya: Instillation of medicated oils. 1. Snehan 2. Sodhan ◦ Avapida Nasya: instillation of Swaras / Kwath (juice) extracted by pressing (peedana) fresh herbs or its paste is instilled in the nose. 1. Sodhan 2. Stambhan ◦ Dhmapan / Pradhaman Nasya: the medicinal fine powder is blown into the nostrils. ◦ Dhum Nasya: instillation of medicated Fume. 1. Prayogik 2. Snaihik 3. Vairechanik ◦ Pratimarsh Nasya: Instillation of medicated oil every day for Oleating of nasal mucus. 1. Snaihik 2. Rechak
  • 10. नस्य िे लाभ: नस्येन रोााः िाम्यन्ति नरार्ामूर्ध्णजत्रुजाः | इन्तियार्ाां च िैमल्यां क ु याणदास्यां िुान्ति च || हनुदिशिरोग्रीिाशत्रकबाहूरिाां बलम् | िलीपशलतखाशलत्यव्यङ्गानाां चाप्यिभवमिम् || - िु. शच. 40/54-55 ◦ Pacify Udhwajatru Roga ◦ cleanliness of Indriya ◦ Mouth Freshening ◦ Hanu Pradesh- Dant – shiro- Griva- Kati- Bahu – Ura – baladhikya ◦ vali- palit- khalit – vyang : not arising
  • 11. नस्यकमण यथाकालां यो यथोक्तां शनषेिते || न तस्य चक्षुनण घ्रार्ां न श्रोत्रमुपहन्यते | न स्युः श्वेता न कशपलाः क े िाः श्मश्रूशर् िा पुनः || न च क े िाः प्रमुच्यिे िधणिे च शििेषतः | मन्यास्तभवमः शिरःिूलमशदणतां हनुिङ्ग् ग्रहः || पीनिाधाणिभेदौ च शिरःकम्पश्च िाम्यशत | शिराः शिरःकपालानाां िियः स्नायुकण्डराः || नािनप्रीशर्ताश्चास्य लभिेऽभ्शधक ां बलम् | मुखां प्रिन्नोपशचतां स्वरः शस्नग्धः न्तस्थरो महान् || ििेन्तियार्ाां िैमल्यां बलां भिशत चाशधकम् | न चास्य रोााः िहिा प्रभिन्त्यूर्ध्णजत्रुजाः || जीयणतश्चोत्तमाङ्ग े षु जरा न लभते बलम् ||६३|| According to Method – Time : • Netra – Nasa – Krana roga Not occur • white – Brown Hair / Beard colour • No hair fall – Hair Grow • Pacify Manyastambh – sirahshul – ardit – hanugrah – pratisyay- ardhavbhedak- sirahkampa • Sirah kapal : shira-sandhi- snayu- kandara Adhikbala • Passan muka – masaupchit • indriya Nirmalta – baladhikya • Not occur Udrvajatrugat Roga • Utaamang me jara lakshan nahi
  • 12. अर्ुतैल नस्य : िषे िषेऽर्ुतैलां च कालेषु शत्रषु ना चरेत् || प्रािृट्िरद्वििेषु ातमेघे नभस्तले | चन्दनागुरुणी पत्रं दावीत्वङ्मधुक ं बलाम् || प्रपौडरीक ं सूक्ष्मैलां शवडङ्ग ं शबल्वमुत्पलम् | ह्रीबेरमभयं वन्यं त्वङ ् मुस्तं साररवां न्द्रथिराम् || जीवन्ीं पृशिपणीं च सुरदारु ितावरीम् | हरेणुं बृहतीं व्याघ्ीं सुरभीं पद्मक े िरम् || शवपाचयेच्छतगुणे माहेिे शवमलेऽम्भशस | तैलाद्दिगुणं िेषं कषायमवतारयेत् || तेन तैलं कषायेण दिक ृ त्वो शवपाचयेत् | अिास्य दिमे पाक े समांिं छागलं पयः || दद्यादेषोऽणुतैलस्य नावनीयस्य संशवशधः | • Drugs should be boil with 100 times of pure rain water of the oil in Quantity. • boil till it reduces the 10 times of the oil. • every time 1/10th part from the decoction use for tail siddhi according to tail Pak vidhi for 9 times in raw. • At the final stage 10th time of boiling equal quantity of goat milk as oil should added and boil it again.
  • 13. ◦ अस्य मात्राां प्रयुञ्जीत तैलस्याधणपलोन्तिताम् || Dose: Half pala (approximate 20 ml) of this oil should be administered. ◦ शस्नग्धन्तस्वन्नोत्तमाङ्गस्य शपचुना नािनैन्तिशभः | त्र्यहात्त्र्त्र्यहाच्च िप्ताहमेतत् कमण िमाचरेत् || Method of administration: After Snehan and swedan of the head and face parts, medicated oil instilled into the nostrils with a cotton swab, thrice every alternate day and for seven such days. ◦ शनिातोष्णिमाचारी शहतािी शनयतेन्तियः | Precautions: reside in a place which is warm and free from bolwing wind, taking wholesome food and observing self control. ◦ तैलमेतन्तत्त्र्िदोषघ्नशमन्तियार्ाां बलप्रदम् || ◦ प्रयुञ्जानो यथाकालां यथोक्तानश्नुते ाुर्ान् || Advantage: tridosha nashak, bala pradam
  • 14. अयोा लाघिां शिरिो योाे िुखस्वप्नप्रबो धनम् | शिकारोपिमः िुन्तद्धररन्तियार्ाां म नःिुखम् || ◦ Shir laghuta ◦ Sukh swapna ◦ Vikar upshaman ◦ Indriya suddhi ◦ Man shanti अशतयोा अयोाे िातिैाुण्यशमन्ति यार्ाां च रूक्षता | रोाािान्तिश्च तत्रेष्टां भूयो नस्यां प्रयोजयेत् || ◦ Vata vaigunya ◦ Indriya rukshata ◦ Roga ashanti कफप्रिेकः शिरिो ाुरुतेन्ति यशिभ्रमः | लक्षर्ां मूर्ध्न्णशतशस्नग्धे रूक्षां त त्रािचारयेत् || ◦ Kapha prasek ◦ Shiro gurutwa ◦ Indriya vibhram ◦ Upchar : ruksh vidhi िम्यकयोा िू. शच. 40/33-35
  • 15. नस्य आयु न नस्यमूनिप्ताब्दे नातीतािीशतित्सरे| Age : 7 – 80 yr नस्य काल अनेन शिशधना पञ्च िप्त नि िा शदनाशन दद्यादािम्यग्योााद्वा|| Duration: 5/7/9 नस्य शिशध: Procedure of nasya in one session is done in three steps: • Pre therapeutic (purvakarma) • Therapeutic (pradhanakarma) • Post therapeutic (pashchatkarma)
  • 16. Pashchatkarma (Post therapeutic ) ◦ Nasya is done after passing natural urges, complete digestion of meals and when the patient is not too hungry. ◦ The patient is first asked to clean his face and mouth. Then he lies in supine position on a slanting table with inclination towards head end (head low position). ◦ After that proper Snehan and swedan is done on head, face and neck region. In some conditions, the patient is asked to inhale medicated smoke to clear channels. Pradhanakarma (Therapeutic procedure ) ◦ swedan is done over the face and neck region until the secretions are reduced. ◦ Smoke inhalation is done to reduce the kapha that is aggravated during nasya procedure and located in the channels of head. ◦ Gargling with lukewarm water is advised to clear mouth. ◦ The suitable medicine for nasal instillation is made warm by placing in hot water. ◦ Eyes of the patient are covered with cloth and the tip of the nose is raised. Medicine is instilled in one nostril, while the other nostril is closed. Same procedure is repeated to instill medicine in both nostrils. ◦ If the medicine, comes to throat, the patient shall hold it without spitting for 5 - 10 seconds. ◦ Slight rubbing or massage is done over face, palms and soles. ◦ After that, patient should inhale slowly and spit the contents coming to mouth till the entire medicine is expelled. Purvakarma (Pre therapeutic )
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  • 21. धूमपान ◦ Deep inhalation of Medicated Drugs powder/ Varti’s smoke from mouth /Nostrils and exhale from mouth only . जत्रूर्ध्णकफिातोत्थशिकारार्ामजिने| उच्छेदाय च जातानाां शपबेद् धूमां िदाऽऽत्मिान्||१|| अ.ह.सू.21/1
  • 22. धूमपान प्रकार: क्रम चरक िुश्रुत िाग्भट्ट िाङ्ग ण धर 1 प्रायोशगक प्रायोशगक शस्नग्ध िमन (प्रायोशगक -मध्य) 2 स्नैशहक स्नैशहक मध्यम बृंहण (स्नैशहक - मृदु) 3 वैरेचशनक शिरो वैरेचशनक तीक्ष्ण रेचन (िोधन - तीक्ष्ण ) 4 कासघ्न कासहा 5 वामनीय वामन 6 व्रणधूपन प्रयोगे, स्नैशहक े त्वेक ं , वैरेच्यं शत्रचतुः शपबेत् | - च. सू. 5/36
  • 23. धूमिशतण द्रव्य प्रायोशाक ◦ हरेणुकां ◦ शप्रयङ् गुं ◦ पृथ्वीकां ◦ क े िरं ◦ नखम् ◦ ह्रीवेरं ◦ चन्दनं ◦ पत्रं ◦ त्वग ◦ एला ◦ उिीर ◦ पद्मकम् ◦ ध्यामक ं ◦ मधुक ं ◦ मांसी ◦ गुग्गुल ◦ अगुरु ◦ िक म रा ◦ न्यग्रोध ◦ उदुम्बर ◦ अश्वत्थ ◦ प्लक्ष ◦ लोध्रत्वचः ◦ िुभाः ◦ वन्यं ◦ सजमरसं ◦ मुस्तं ◦ िैलेयं ◦ कमलो ◦ उत्पले ◦ श्रीवेष्टक ं ◦ िल्लकीं ◦ िुकबहममि िैरेचशनक ◦ श्वेता ◦ ज्योशतष्मती ◦ हररतालं ◦ मनःशिला ◦ गन्ध वगम ◦ अगरु ◦ पत्राद्या स्नैशहक ◦ वसा ◦ घृत ◦ मधुरक ै ः
  • 24. धूमिशतण शनमाणर् शपष्ट्वा शलम्पेच्छरेषीकाां ताां िशतिं यििशन्नभाम् ||२३|| अङ्ग् ाुष्ठिन्तिताां क ु याणदष्टाङ्ग् ाुलिमाां शभषक ् | िुष्काां शनाभािं ताां िशतिं धूमनेत्राशपणताां नरः ||२४|| स्नेहाक्तामशििम्प्लुष्टाां शपबेत् प्रायोशाकीांिुखाम् || ◦ Make paste of above-mentioned drugs by grinding and adding water/Oil/Ghee. ◦ Stick that paste on a shareshika (pipe like structure) such that it’s width should be more in center and narrow at the ends just like Yava Grain(जव). ◦ Pramana (measurements): Angushtha (thickness of thumb) ◦ Length: Eight angula (measurement by fingers approx. 14.08 cm) ◦ Dry that varti (wick) in shade and then remove it from shareshika (pipe like structure). ◦ Before every use of Dhum varti it should dip in tail or Ghee. 8 Angul
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  • 26. धूमपान कालां : प्रयोापाने तस्याष्टौ कालाः िम्पररकीशतणताः||३३|| िातश्लेष्मिमुत्त्र्लेिः कालेष्वेषु शह लक्ष्यते| स्नात्वा भुक्त्वा िमुन्तिख्य क्षुत्वा दिाशन्नघृष्य च| नािनाञ्जनशनद्रािे चात्मिान् धूमपो भिेत्| तथा िातकफात्मानो न भिन्त्यूर्ध्णजत्रुजाः||३५|| Eight specific times of administration of medicated smoke have been prescribed for daily use considering the time of aggravation of vata and kapha dosha in body. 1. after taking bath 2. after taking bath 3. after scraping the tongue / vomiting 4. after sneezing 5. after brushing the teeth, 6. after nasya 7. after the use of eye-salve/collyrium 8. end of sleep. • The self controlled man should resort to inhalation of smoke in this specific time. Thereby, Vata and Kapha borne diseases affecting the body parts above the clavicle do not afflict him.
  • 27. धूमपान प्रयोा रोाास्तस्य तु पेयाः स्युरापानान्तिियियः|३६| परां शद्वकाल पायी स्यादह्नः कालेषु बुन्तद्धमान्||३६|| प्रयोाे, स्नैशहक े त्वेक ां , िैरेच्यां शत्रचतुः शपबेत्| ◦ Inhalation should be done thrice, in three puffs each time. (3*3*3 – through one nostril after closing the other nostril, thrice in each round, thus for three rounds.) ◦ A wise man should practice Prayogik Dhumpana twice a day only, Snehik Dhumpana once a day and Vairechanik Dhumpana three or four times a day.
  • 28. धूमपान लाभ: गौरवं शिरसः िूलं पीनसाधामवभेदकौ ||२७|| कणामशक्षिूलं कासश्च शहक्काश्वासौ गलग्रहः | दन्दौबमल्यमास्रावः श्रोत्रघ्ाणाशक्षदोषजः ||२८|| पूशतघ्ामणास्यगन्धश्च दन्िूलमरोचकः | हनुमन्याग्रहः कड ू ः शक्रमयः पाडुता मुखे ||२९|| श्लेष्मप्रसेको वैस्वयं गलिुण्ड्युपशजशह्वका | खाशलत्यं शपञ्जरत्वं च क े िानां पतनं तिा ||३०|| क्षविुश्चाशततिा च बुिेमोहोऽशतशनद्रता | धूमपानात् प्रिाम्यन्द्रन्.........................॥
  • 29. ◦ Shiro gaurav (heaviness in head) ◦ Shira shoola (headache) ◦ Peenasa (commong cold) ◦ Ardhavabhedaka (migraine) ◦ Karna shoola (earache) ◦ Akshi shola (ocular pain) ◦ Kasa (cough) ◦ Hikka (hiccups) ◦ Shwasa (asthma) ◦ Galagraha (sour throat) ◦ Danta-daurbalya (weakness in gums) ◦ Shrotra-strava (ear discharge) ◦ Ghrana- strava (nasal discharge) ◦ Akshi-strava (lacrimal discharge) ◦ Pootighrana (foul smell from nose) ◦ Aasayagandha (foul smell in mouth) ◦ Danta-shoola (pain in teeth) ◦ Arochaka (anorexia) ◦ Hanugraha (stiffness in jaw) ◦ Manyagraha (stiffness in Neck) ◦ Kandu (itching) ◦ Krimi (worm infestation) ◦ Mukha-panduta (pale face) ◦ Shleshma-Praseka (secretion from mouth) ◦ Vaiswarya (change in voice) ◦ Galshundi (uvulitis) ◦ Upjihvika (ranula) ◦ Khalitya (alopecia) ◦ Pinjaratva (white hair) ◦ Kesha-patana (hairfall) ◦ Kshavathu (sneezing) ◦ Atitandra (reduced acuity of perception) ◦ Buddhhimoha (delusion) ◦ Murcha (dizziness) ◦ Atinidra (hypersomnia)
  • 30. ……………………..बलं भवशत चाशधकम् ||३१|| शिरोरुहकपालानाशमन्द्रियाणां स्वरस्य च | न च वातकफात्मानो बशलनोऽप्यूर्ध्मजत्रुजाः ||३२|| धूमवक्त्रकपानस्य व्याधयः स्युः शिरोगताः ||३३|| ◦ It augments the strength of the scalp hair roots, the senses and voice. ◦ Moreover, those who resort to smoke inhalation by oral route are not afflicted by vata and kapha dosha affecting the upper part of the body or head, howsoever strong the disease may be.
  • 31. िम्यक धूमपान लक्षर्: हृत्कण्ठे न्द्रियसंिुन्द्रिलमघुत्वं शिरसः िमः ||३७|| यिेररतानां दोषाणां सम्यक्पीतस्य लक्षणम् ||३८|| ◦ Feeling of well-being and clarity in hridaya (cardiac region), throat and senses ◦ lightness of the head ◦ pacification of the vitiated dosha
  • 32. अकाल/अशत धूमपान उपद्रि : बाशधयणमान्ध्यमूकत्वां रक्तशपत्तां शिरोभ्रमम् ||३८|| अकाले चाशतपीतश्च धूमः क ु याणदुपद्रिान् | अकाल – other than Astakal ◦ Badhirya ◦ Aandhya ◦ Mukatva ◦ Rakta pitaa ◦ Shiro bhrama
  • 33. अकाल/अशत धूमपान उपद्रि - शचशकत्सा: तत्रेष्टां िशपणषः पानां नािनाञ्जनतपणर्म् ||३९|| स्नैशहक ां धूमजे दोषे िायुः शपत्तानुाो यशद | िीतां तु रक्तशपत्ते स्याच्छ्लेष्मशपत्ते शिरूक्षर्म् ||४०|| ◦ Ghrita pana – Nasya – Anjana – Tarpan. दोष दुशष्ट शिन्तद्ध द्रव्य घृत पान – नस्य – अंजन - तपमण वात – शपत्त शस्नग्ध शपत्त – रक्त शितल कफ – शपत्त रुक्ष
  • 34. धूमपान अयोग्य रोाी : परं त्वतः प्रवक्ष्याशम धूमो येषां शवगशहमतः | न शवररक्तः शपबेद् धूमं न क ृ ते बन्द्रस्तकममशण ||४१|| न रक्ती न शवषेणातो न िोचन्न च गशभमणी | न श्रमे न मदे नामे न शपत्ते न प्रजागरे ||४२|| न मूच्छामभ्रमतृष्णासु न क्षीणे नाशप च क्षते | न मद्यदुग्धे पीत्वा च न स्नेहं न च माशक्षकम् ||४३|| धूमं न भुक्त्वा दध्ना च न रूक्षः क्र ु ि एव च | न तालुिोषे शतशमरे शिरस्यशभशहते न च ||४४|| न िङ् खक े न रोशहण्ां न मेहे न मदात्यये | एषु धूममकालेषु मोहात् शपबशत यो नरः ||४५|| रोगास्तस्य प्रवधमन्े दारुणा धूमशवभ्रमात् ||४६||
  • 35. ◦ After virechana (therapeutic purgation), ◦ After basti (therapeutic enema), ◦ Rakta pitaa Rogi ◦ Vish pidit (afflicted with poison), ◦ Shok (grief), ◦ During pregnancy, ◦ Shram (fatigued ), ◦ Madonmat (intoxicated), ◦ Aam – Pitaa Rogi (disorders of ama or pitta), ◦ Ratri Jagran (Night vigil) ◦ Murcha (syncope), ◦ Bhrama (vertigo), ◦ Trushna (thirst), ◦ Rukshata (afflicted with dryness) ◦ Krodh (anger), ◦ Talusosh (dryness of the palate) ◦ Timira ◦ emaciation or trauma, ◦ head-injury ◦ Shankhaka ◦ Rohini ◦ Prameha ◦ Madatya (alcoholism) ◦ one who has just taken wine/milk/ honey/ Sneh, ◦ one who has taken food along with curd. • If a person, out of ignorance, smokes in these instances or in an untimely condition, his disorders will aggravate dreadfully due to complications of dhumapana.
  • 36. धूमपान शिशध: धूमयोग्यः शपबेद्दोषे शिरोघ्ाणाशक्षसंश्रये ||४६|| घ्ाणेनास्येन कण्ठथिे मुखेन घ्ाणपो वमेत् | आस्येन धूमकवलान् शपबन् घ्ाणेन नोद्वमेत् ||४७|| प्रशतलोमं गतो ह्यािु धूमो शहंस्यान्द्रि चक्षुषी ||४८|| The person eligible for dhumapana: ◦ In diseases of the head, nose and eyes dhumapana is advised through nose. ◦ In diseases of throat dhumapana is advised through mouth. ◦ Inhalation of dhuma through Nose / Mouth shall exhale it by the mouth only and should not exhale it through nose, because the smoke traversing in the reverse direction injures the eyes quickly.
  • 37. ऋज्वङ्गचक्षुस्तच्चेताः िूपशिष्टन्तिपयणयम् ||४८|| शपबेन्तच्छद्रां शपधायैक ां नािया धूममात्मिान् ||४९|| ◦ Dhumpana should be done in comfortable sitting position with straight body and eyes with concentration of mind. ◦ Cautiously inhale smoke through one nostril after closing the other nostril, thrice in each round, thus for three rounds. • Person should sit in a comfortable posture and breath normally. • Place the dhumavarti in dhumanetra and ignite it. • Then the person should inhale the smoke come out from the dhumavarti through one nostril. • Exhale the same through mouth. • In one round three puffs should be taken. • Do the same procedure through another nostril. • Inhalation of smoke can be done by nostril or mouth but exhalation should only be done through mouth. Method:
  • 38. धूमनेत्र पररमार्: चतुशििंिशतक ां नेत्रां स्वाङ्ग् ाुलीशभशिणरेचने ||४९|| द्वाशत्रांिदङ्ग् ाुलां स्नेहे प्रयोाेऽध्यधणशमष्यते | ऋजु शत्रकोषाफशलतां कोलास्थ्यग्रप्रमाशर्तम् ||५०|| बन्तस्तनेत्रिमद्रव्यां धूमनेत्रां प्रिस्यते ||५१|| प्रकार प्रमार् (स्वाङ्ग् ाुली) वैरेचशनक 24 अंगुल स्नैशहक 32 अंगुल प्रायोशगक 36 अंगुल (ऽध्यधम = सअधम = 1+1/2= 3/2) 3/2 * 24 = 36 • Material- Should be made of the same material as basti netra (Suvarna- gold, silver, ranga-tin, lead, copper, bronze etc). • Structure- • It should have 3 kosha (Bulges/curves). • Upper part should also have a hole as size of kolasthi (Bor- Badar) pramana. • Base should have a hole of angushtha pramana.
  • 39. धूमनेत्र िे धूमपान में लाभ: दू राशद्वशनाणतः पिणन्तच्छन्नो नाडीतनूक ृ तः ||५१|| नेन्तियां बाधते धूमो मात्राकालशनषेशितः ||५२|| ◦ Inhalation of dhum with dhumnetra having thin velocity(weakened) of dhum due to passing through the thin pipe and intercepted by the Bulges/ Curves. ◦ Dhumpana taken with due consideration of Matra and Kala does not impair the senses.
  • 40. मात्राित धूमपान लक्षर् : उशचत मात्रा ◦ यदा च उरश्च कण्ठश्च शिरश्च लघुतां व्रजेत् ||५२|| कफश्च तनुतां प्राप्तः सुपीतं धूम माशदिेत् | ◦ Lightness in chest, throat and head ◦ kapha is liquefied. अल्प मात्रा ◦ अशविुिः स्वरो यस्य कण्ठश्च सकफो भवेत् ||५३|| न्द्रस्तशमतो मस्तकश्चैवमपीतं धू ममाशदिेत् | ◦ voice is not clear ◦ throat is filled with kapha ◦ Heaviness in head अशतमात्रा ◦ तालु मूधाम च कण्ठश्च िुष्यते पररतप्यते ||५४|| तृष्यते मुह्यते जन्ू रक्तं च स्रवतेऽशधकम् | शिरश्च भ्रमतेऽत्यिं मूच्छाम चास्योपजायते ||५५|| इन्द्रियाण्ुपतप्यन्े धूमेऽत्यिं शनषेशवते ||५६|| ◦ Palate-head-throat dryness-burning sensation ◦ feels thirsty, ◦ Fascination, ◦ bleeds profusely (Hemorrhage) ◦ head feels light and dizzy ◦ unconscious ◦ senses feel tormented.