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What you need 
Two polystyrene cups 
Two large elastic bands 
Sticky tape 
1. Tape the two polystyrene cups together at the base. 
2. Tie the two elastic bands together. 
3. Hold one end of the elastic where the cups join and wind it around a few times until the 
other end of the elastic is at the bottom and pointing away from you. 
4. Hold the cups in one hand and stretch the elastic with the other. 
5. Fire the cups like a catapult. 
Results & explanation 
Once you've had a bit of practice, the cups will soon be looping in the air. 
This is because elastic makes the cups spin backwards as well as move forward through the air. 
This back spin creates lift, forcing the cups upwards. But air resistance soon slows the cups 
down and they fall towards the ground, completing the loop.
What you need 
A cone shaped party hat 
A soft ball 
A friend 
1. Cut the tip off the party hat to make a hole about 2cm in diameter. 
2. Wear the hat over your face. 
3. Try to play catch with your friend using a soft ball. 
Results & explanation 
When you’re wearing the hat you can only see with one eye at a time. Without your normal, 
two-eyed, binocular vision you can’t judge distances as well and it’s much harder to catc h the 
What you need 
A balloon 
An empty pop can (aluminium cans are best) 
Tell your friend you can make the can roll along without touching it or blowing it 
Place the can on its side on a flat surface 
Rub the balloon really fast against your hair or a woolly jumper. 
Hold the balloon close to the can. The can will start moving towards the balloon. 
Slowly move the balloon away from the can and the can will follow it. 
Results & explanation 
When you rub the balloon against your hair, electrons are transferred from your hair to the 
surface of the balloon, so that it becomes negatively charged. 
When you hold the balloon close to the can the negative charge causes the electrons in the can 
to move away ( they are repulsed by the negative charge, because they are negatively charged 
themselves). This creates a positive charge on the surface of the can, so that now the can is 
attracted towards the negative charge on the balloon.
This trick works well with a pop can because it's light, so it will move with a small force applied 
to it, and because in a metal it is easier for electrons to move around. 
What you need 
- Kitchen towels 
- Water 
- Non-permanent coloured felt tip pens 
1. Draw a dot in the centre of the kitchen towel with a felt tip pen. Black works well, but you can 
experiment with other colours. 
2. Add a few drops of water to the dot. 
Results & explanation 
As the water spreads through the tissue, the coloured pigments that make up the ink separate 
The differently coloured pigments are made up of different -sized molecules. This means that the 
water can carry them different distances across the paper.
What you need 
Two identical paper or plastic cups 
1. Take two empty cups and put one inside the other. 
2. Hold them quite close to your mouth and blow between the rims of the cups 
Results & explanation 
If you blow softly the inner cup rises up slowly. If you blow hard the top cup launches itself 
across the room. 
Moving air has a lower pressure than still air, so, as you blow, you lower the air pressure 
between the rims. As the still air in the bottom of the cup is at a higher pressure, it forces the top 
cup up and out.
What you need 
 uncooked rice 
 a pencil 
 a large empty jar with a narrow neck 
Fill the jar to the brim with uncooked rice (make sure you have a jar that narrows towards the 
Push the pencil right into the rice 
Stab the rice repeatedly, alternating between shallow and deep stabs. It could take up to 40 
stabs, but you'll start to feel the pencil gripping the rice. 
When you feel a firm grip, carefully lift the jar by the pencil. 
Results & explanation 
The pencil lifts the jar 
As you push it in, the pencil forces the grains sideways, but they fall back into the gap as you try 
to pull it out. The rice becomes more and more tightly packed until the friction between the rice 
and the pencil is so great you can lift the jar.
What you need 
1. A large clear, straight-sided glass 
2. water 
3. milk 
4. teaspoon 
5. torch 
6. darkened room 
1. Fill the glass about two thirds full of water 
2. Add half a teaspoon of milk and stir 
3. In a darkened room, shine the torch down onto the top of the water while looking 
through the side of the glass. Can you see the blue colour? 
4. Now try shining the torch through the side of the glass while looking through the 
opposite side. What colours can you see now? 
5. Finally, shine the torch up through the bottom of the glass and peer down through the 
Results & explanation 
While shining the light up through the bottom of the glass, you should see a 'homemade sunset'. 
The milk particles in the glass scatter the light in the same way that dust and particles in the 
Earth's atmosphere scatter light from the sun. The further the light has to travel through the 
water, the more of the blue light is scattered, leaving only red light for you to see, just like at 
What you need 
An empty fizzy drink can 
Some water 
1. Pour about 100ml of water into an empty fizzy pop can. 
2. Tip it slightly to one side and balance it so that the two parts of the bottom rim are 
touching the table. 
3. Once the can is stable, give it a gentle push and it will pirouette! 
Results & explanation 
For something to balance, its centre of mass has to be above its point of support. Water can 
flow which means that as the can pirouettes, the water moves and the centre of mass always 
stays above where the rim touches the table.
What you need 
1. Two very similar books, with at least 100 pages each. 
1. Carefully, and evenly, interweave the pages of the books son that they overlap to about 
the middle of the page. 
2. Hold the books by the spines and pull! 
Results & explanation 
Friction is the force that acts against the motion of two surfaces in contact. The friction between 
the just two pages is tiny, but with lots of pages in the books, the force becomes very 
What you need 
1. 2 litre plastic bottle 
2. Blue Tac 
3. a bowl of water 
4. a ketchup sachet 
Marvin says, "Today we are going deep sea diving with this ketchup sachet." 
1. Put the ketchup sachet into a bowl of water to see if it floats upright - if not then add a 
little Blue Tac to its bottom. 
2. Fill the 2 litre bottle with water right to the top. 
3. Push your ketchup diver through the neck of the bottle. 
4. Put the lid on tightly, squeeze the bottle hard and watch your diver dive. 
Results & explanation 
The diver sinks when you squeeze the bottle, and rises when you let go. 
Tip: if you diver doesn't dive, or sinks without rising, change the amount of blue tac on the 
Squeezing the bottle queezes everything inside it, including the air bubbles in the ketchup 
sachet. As the air molecules squash together, the sachet gets more dense than the water and 
itsinks. What happens when you stop squeezing?
What you need 
Marvin says, "Hey Milo, let's do some chicken impressions' 
1. a plastic cup or yoghurt pot 
2. a damp cloth 
3. smooth string 
4. pencil or biro 
1. Make a hole in the bottom of a plastic cup with a pencil or biro 
2. Cut a length of string, thread it through the hole, and tie a knot in the end inside the cup 
to stop it from slipping back through the hole. 
3. Take the damp cloth and hold it tightly around the string. Now pull the cloth firmly along 
the string to hear the cup cluck. 
Results & explanation 
Pulling the cloth along the string makes it vibrate and produce a faint sound. But the cup and air 
around it also vibrate so the sound is amplified enough for us to hear it.
What you need 
1. a paperclip 
2. water 
3. two identical glasses 
Marvin bets Milo that he can make the paperclip move without touching it. 
1. Put equal amounts of water in both glasses and stand them next to each other but not 
2. Straighten out the paperpclip into a straight wire, then bend it slightly (it should be 
shaped more-or-less like a boomerang), Balance it on the rim of one of the glasses. 
3. With a wet finger, rub around the rim of the other glass until it "sings" 
4. The paperclip moves! 
Results & explanation 
Rubbing the glass makes it vibrate at its natural frequency. Because the other glass is identical 
it has the same natural frequency and the sound waves from the other glass make it vibrate as 
well - so the paperclip moves.
What you need 
1. two apples with stalks 
2. two pieces of string about 30cm long 
3. some sticky tape 
1. Tie a piece of string to the stalk of each apple 
2. Use the tape to hang up the two apples so that they are about 6cm apart and free to 
3. Blow hard between the apples. What happens? 
Results & explanation 
The apples move toward each other. Blowing reduces the air pressure in the gap between the 
apples. The air pushing on the outer sides of the apples makes them move into the area of 
lower pressure, so they move towards each other.
What you need 
1. Water 
2. Clear plastic watertight bag ( e.g. watertight, resealable food bag) 
3. Some pencils 
1. Fill the plastic bag with water 
2. Push a pencil through the bag 
3. Then another... and another 
Results & explanation 
The bag doesn't burst because the plastic stretches rather than tears as the pencils are pushed 
through it. If you take a pencil out you can plug the leak simply by putting it back through the 
What you need 
1. small plastic drinks bottle 
2. some water 
3. drawing pin 
1. Use the drawing pin to make three small holes about 4mm apart at the bottom of the 
bottle and one near the neck 
2. Fill the bottle with water and put the top on (tip: cover up the top hole to stop the water 
shooting out of the bottom three). 
3. With the top hole uncovered, three water jets will shoot out of the bottom holes. What 
happens when you smear the jets together with your thumb, near the holes? 
Results & explanation 
Once the jets have been smeared together they stay together due to surface tension.
What you need 
1. a jug of water 
2. about 50cm of string 
3. A basin or sink 
1. Tie the string around the handle of the jug and pull it across the top and over the lip 
2. Hold the string tight at an angle, below the jug, and begin to pour. 
Results & explanation 
The water flows along the string. The friction betweemn the string and the water slows down the 
flow, pulling the water to the string and making it stick to it. Try creating an amazing route for the 
water by holding the string at different angles, even getting the water to turn corners as it goes 
down. But be careful, no sharp turns or the water falls off!
What you need 
1. Three straws 
2. a glass fo drinking water 
3. A drawing pin ( for making a small hole in one of the straws) 
1. Bet your friend that they can't suck up any of the water with two straws in their mouth 
2. The catch is that they have to have one straw outside of the glass, and one inside. 
What happens? 
3. Make a small hole 3 cm from the top of the other straw 
4. What happens when your friend tries to suck water using just this straw? 
Results & explanation 
It's impossible to suck water through the straws. In order for the water to be forced into your 
mouth, the pressure outside your mouth (atmospheric pressure) needs to be greater than the 
pressure inside. This means that no matter how you suck, a straw won't work if air can get into 
your mouth.
What you need 
1. a bendy straw 
2. water 
3. two small flat bowls 
4. food colouring 
1. Fill one bowl with water and a little food colouring 
2. Half fill the second bowl 
3. submerge the straw in water, making sure you get rid of any air bubbles, and tightly 
pinch the ends of the straw before you pull it out. 
4. Hold the straw with one end in each bowl, and release the ends when they're under the 
Results & explanation 
The bowl with the higher water level has more stored (potential) energy, so water moves 
through the straw to the lower level.
What you need 
1. a plastic container 
2. a metal frying pan 
3. 2 identical ice cubes 
1. Place the frying pan and the container upside down next to each other. 
2. Quickly put an ice cube on each. 
Results & explanation 
Heat can flow through the metal to the ice cube, but the plastic doesn't allow it to flow so freely.
What you need 
1. a drinking straw - cut in half 
2. a balloon 
3. a long piece of string 
4. a clothes peg 
5. sticky tape 
1. Blow up the balloon and peg the neck to keep the air in. 
2. Thread the straw with the string and then tape it lengthways to the balloon. 
3. Tie the string across the room. 
4. Now unclip the peg! 
Results & explanation 
As the air rushes out it pushes back on the balloon propelling it forward.
What you need 
1. an empty juice carton 
2. a piece of string 
3. a pair of scissors 
4. a washing-up bowl 
5. water 
1. Get an adult to poke a hole in the bottom left-hand corner of each face of the carton. 
2. Poke another hole in the top flap and thread the string through it. 
3. Put some water in the bowl, stand the carton in it, then fill it up to the top. 
4. Lift the carton out by the string. 
Results & explanation 
As the water shoots out it pushes back on the carton with an equal force. Because the holes are 
off-centre this force makes it spin around.
What you need 
1. a glass of water 
2. a piece of paper 
3. a marker pen 
1. Draw a column of short arrows. 
2. Hold the paper a little way behind the glass and look through the water at the arrows. 
Results & explanation 
The arrows should point in the opposite direction. The water acts like a glass lens, bending the 
rays of light and reversing the image of the arrows.
What you need 
1. a tennis ball 
2. a basketball 
3. a room without breakables 
1. Drop the tennis ball from waist height and see how high it bounces. 
2. Drop the basketball from the same height and see how high it bounces. 
3. Put the tennis ball on top of the basketball and drop them both at arms length from 
waist height. 
Results & explanation 
The tennis ball should bounce a lot higher than before. When the balls hit the ground, 
momentum from the basketball was transferred to the tennis ball making it go much higher than 
What you need 
1. a sheet of paper 
2. cotton thread 
3. scissors 
1. Cut a thick spiral shape in the piece of paper. 
2. Make a hole in the centre and thread the cotton through it. 
3. Hang the spiral above the radiator. 
Results & explanation 
The spiral should start to spin slowly. The radiator heats the air around it so the particles have 
more energy to spread out. This means the air is less dense and rises upwards. The rising air 
pushes on the paper causing it to spin.
What you need 
1. a plastic bottle 
2. some hot water 
1. Very carefully pour a little hot water into the bottle, or ask a grown-up to help 
2. Shake the bottle. 
3. Pour out the water. 
4. Put the lid on, put the bottle down and wait a few minutes. 
Results & explanation 
The hot water gives the air energy - the pressure increases and the molecules spread out 
(some leave the bottle). When the air cools, the pressure is lower than before because there 
are fewer molecules bouncing around. The air pushing on the outside of the bottle has more 
pressure, which crushes the bottle
What you need 
1. a television (turned on!) 
2. a rubber band 
1. Stretch the rubber band between your thumb and first finger. 
2. Holding the band between you and the television screen, pluck one side. 
Results & explanation 
You should see the band make zig zag shapes. The television picture is made up of tiny dots 
flashing on and off. It acts like a strobe light, freezing the band's vibrations at di fferent positions 
so it looks like it's moving in slow motion.
What you need 
1. a piece of foil 
2. scissors 
3. washing-up liquid 
4. a sink or bath 
1. Take your foil and cut a shape 4cm x 10cm. The shape should look like a house (or 
rectangle with a triangle on top) with the base of the house being the shortest side. 
From the base cut a slot with a circle on the top. 
2. Gently place your boat into a sink full of clean water. 
3. Carefully place a drop of washing-up liquid into the boat's hole. 
Results & explanation 
The boat moves! Water molecules are attracted to each other, creating "surface tension". The 
soap distrupts the surface behind the boat but the molecules in front are still pulling together, so 
the boat is pulled forward.
What you need 
1. a stick (1m long) 
2. a lump of clay 
1. Push a lump of clay about the size of your fist on to the stick 20cm from the end. 
2. With the clay-end closest to your hand, try balancing the stick. 
3. Now turn the stick upside down and try balancing it again. 
Results & explanation 
It's much easier to balance it the second way. The stick rotates slower when the clay is at the 
top, so there's more time to adjust and keep it balanced. The further the mass is from the centre 
of rotation (your hand), the slower it rotates.
What you need 
1. five wooden toothpicks 
2. a small sponge 
3. a plate 
4. a little water 
1. Snap the toothpicks in half but don't break them fully. 
2. Arrange the toothpicks on the plate so they are spaced out with their broken ends 
forming a small circle. 
3. Carefully squeeze a drop of water into the middle. Make sure it touches the end of each 
Results & explanation 
The toothpicks move. Just like synchronised swimmers! The water makes the wood expand, 
the broken ends press against each other and the toothpick opens out. The same thing 
happens to doors when it's humid - they swell and get jammed.
What you need 
An Alka-Seltzer tablet 
An empty film canister 
Old newspaper 
1. Put the tablet in the film canister. Add about 1cm of water. 
2. Put the lid on, lightly shake the canister. 
3. Quickly place it upside down on the newspaper and stand back! 
Results & explanation 
The Alka-Seltzer fizzes when in water, releasing gas. This gas builds up in the canister until the 
pressure is too great and the lid is forced off!
What you need 
1. a metal coat hanger 
2. two pieces of string 
3. a fork 
1. Tie a piece of string to each corner of the coat hanger and wrap the ends around your 
2. Put your fingers in your ears and ask your friend to tap the hanger with the fork. 
Results & explanation 
It sounds louder because vibrations travel through the metal and string more easily than through 
What you need 
1. a clear plastic bottle 
2. a pen 
3. a balloon (blow it up a few times beforehand) 
1. Make a hole in the bottom of the bottle with the pen. 
2. Push the balloon inside and stretch it over the mouth. 
3. Blow up the balloon. 
4. Notice air is coming out of the hole in the bottle. 
5. Cover the hole with your finger and stop blowing. 
Results & explanation 
The balloon stays inflated! As the balloon expanded, it pushed air out of the bottle. That made 
the pressure inside the bottle lower than the pressure inside the balloon, so it wasn't strong 
enough to squeeze the air out.
What you need 
1. a large glass 
2. lemonade (or fizzy water) 
3. peanuts (or raisins) 
1. Fill the glass with lemonade. 
2. Stir for 1 min or leave to go slightly flat. 
3. Drop some peanuts into the glass. 
Results & explanation 
The nuts float up to the top and fall back down again, like in a lava lamp. Gas bubbles grow on 
the peanuts, making them float upwards. When they reach the top the bubbles burst and the 
peanuts fall back down again.
What you need 
1. salt 
2. a cup of cold water 
3. 20cm of sewing thread 
4. an ice cube 
1. Float the ice cube in the cup of water. 
2. Lay one end of the thread (or a loop) on top of the ice cube. 
3. Sprinkle a little salt over the top. 
4. Wait one minute then gently lift the thread. 
Results & explanation 
Salt lowers the melting point of water so the ice melts. But the water quickly refreezes, trapping 
the string in place.
What you need 
1. a raw egg 
2. a hard-boiled egg 
1. First spin the hard-boiled egg. 
2. Stop it and let go immediately. 
3. Watch what happens. 
4. Now spin the raw egg. 
5. Stop it and let it go immediately. 
Results & explanation 
The egg starts spinning! The yolk and the white aren't attached to the shell so they carry on 
moving when you stop the raw egg. Get a friend to mix up the eggs and use the trick to tell 
them apart.
What you need 
1. a microwave 
2. a bar of quality soap 
1. Put the soap on a dish in the microwave. 
2. Heat it on full power for about 1 minute. 
3. WARNING: The soap may smell strongly so don't do this before heating food. 
Results & explanation 
Tiny pockets of gas in the soap expand in all directions, pushing the soap into strange and 
artistic shapes.
What you need 
1. a nylon comb 
2. a water tap 
1. Turn on the tap until you have a very thin stream of water. 
2. Now grab your comb. 
3. Run the comb through your hair several times. 
4. Slowly bring the comb towards the water, 10cm below the tap. 
Results & explanation 
1. When the comb is about 3cm away, the water bends towards it! 
2. Some objects, like hair and plastic, develop an electrical charge when rubbed together. 
3. The charge in your comb attracts tiny electrical charges in the water molecules, pulling 
them towards it.
What you need 
1. a drinking straw 
2. a friend 
3. a ruler 
4. Scissors 
5. sticky tape 
6. saucer of water 
1. The challenge is to lift the water from the saucer using a straw but without sucking. 
2. Get your ruler and cut your drinking straw into two pieces: one 3cm long and one 5cm 
3. Join the pieces together with sticky tape along one side so they form a 90 degree angle, 
but leave both ends open. 
4. Stand the smaller end of the straw in the saucer of water. 
5. Now blow hard! 
Results & explanation 
When air moves, its pressure falls. So when you blow, the pressure at the top of the straw 
drops. But the air over the saucer keeps the same pressure, so the water is pushed up the 

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  • 1. What you need Two polystyrene cups Two large elastic bands Sticky tape Instructions 1. Tape the two polystyrene cups together at the base. 2. Tie the two elastic bands together. 3. Hold one end of the elastic where the cups join and wind it around a few times until the other end of the elastic is at the bottom and pointing away from you. 4. Hold the cups in one hand and stretch the elastic with the other. 5. Fire the cups like a catapult. Results & explanation Once you've had a bit of practice, the cups will soon be looping in the air. This is because elastic makes the cups spin backwards as well as move forward through the air. This back spin creates lift, forcing the cups upwards. But air resistance soon slows the cups down and they fall towards the ground, completing the loop.
  • 2. What you need A cone shaped party hat Scissors A soft ball A friend Instructions 1. Cut the tip off the party hat to make a hole about 2cm in diameter. 2. Wear the hat over your face. 3. Try to play catch with your friend using a soft ball. Results & explanation When you’re wearing the hat you can only see with one eye at a time. Without your normal, two-eyed, binocular vision you can’t judge distances as well and it’s much harder to catc h the ball.
  • 3. What you need A balloon An empty pop can (aluminium cans are best) Instructions Tell your friend you can make the can roll along without touching it or blowing it Place the can on its side on a flat surface Rub the balloon really fast against your hair or a woolly jumper. Hold the balloon close to the can. The can will start moving towards the balloon. Slowly move the balloon away from the can and the can will follow it. Results & explanation When you rub the balloon against your hair, electrons are transferred from your hair to the surface of the balloon, so that it becomes negatively charged. When you hold the balloon close to the can the negative charge causes the electrons in the can to move away ( they are repulsed by the negative charge, because they are negatively charged themselves). This creates a positive charge on the surface of the can, so that now the can is attracted towards the negative charge on the balloon.
  • 4. This trick works well with a pop can because it's light, so it will move with a small force applied to it, and because in a metal it is easier for electrons to move around. What you need - Kitchen towels - Water - Non-permanent coloured felt tip pens Instructions 1. Draw a dot in the centre of the kitchen towel with a felt tip pen. Black works well, but you can experiment with other colours. 2. Add a few drops of water to the dot. Results & explanation As the water spreads through the tissue, the coloured pigments that make up the ink separate out. The differently coloured pigments are made up of different -sized molecules. This means that the water can carry them different distances across the paper.
  • 5. What you need Two identical paper or plastic cups Instructions 1. Take two empty cups and put one inside the other. 2. Hold them quite close to your mouth and blow between the rims of the cups Results & explanation If you blow softly the inner cup rises up slowly. If you blow hard the top cup launches itself across the room. Moving air has a lower pressure than still air, so, as you blow, you lower the air pressure between the rims. As the still air in the bottom of the cup is at a higher pressure, it forces the top cup up and out.
  • 6. What you need  uncooked rice  a pencil  a large empty jar with a narrow neck Instructions Fill the jar to the brim with uncooked rice (make sure you have a jar that narrows towards the top) Push the pencil right into the rice Stab the rice repeatedly, alternating between shallow and deep stabs. It could take up to 40 stabs, but you'll start to feel the pencil gripping the rice. When you feel a firm grip, carefully lift the jar by the pencil. Results & explanation The pencil lifts the jar As you push it in, the pencil forces the grains sideways, but they fall back into the gap as you try to pull it out. The rice becomes more and more tightly packed until the friction between the rice and the pencil is so great you can lift the jar.
  • 7. What you need 1. A large clear, straight-sided glass 2. water 3. milk 4. teaspoon 5. torch 6. darkened room Instructions 1. Fill the glass about two thirds full of water 2. Add half a teaspoon of milk and stir 3. In a darkened room, shine the torch down onto the top of the water while looking through the side of the glass. Can you see the blue colour? 4. Now try shining the torch through the side of the glass while looking through the opposite side. What colours can you see now? 5. Finally, shine the torch up through the bottom of the glass and peer down through the water. Results & explanation While shining the light up through the bottom of the glass, you should see a 'homemade sunset'. The milk particles in the glass scatter the light in the same way that dust and particles in the Earth's atmosphere scatter light from the sun. The further the light has to travel through the water, the more of the blue light is scattered, leaving only red light for you to see, just like at sunset.
  • 8. What you need An empty fizzy drink can Some water Instructions 1. Pour about 100ml of water into an empty fizzy pop can. 2. Tip it slightly to one side and balance it so that the two parts of the bottom rim are touching the table. 3. Once the can is stable, give it a gentle push and it will pirouette! Results & explanation For something to balance, its centre of mass has to be above its point of support. Water can flow which means that as the can pirouettes, the water moves and the centre of mass always stays above where the rim touches the table.
  • 9. What you need 1. Two very similar books, with at least 100 pages each. Instructions 1. Carefully, and evenly, interweave the pages of the books son that they overlap to about the middle of the page. 2. Hold the books by the spines and pull! Results & explanation Friction is the force that acts against the motion of two surfaces in contact. The friction between the just two pages is tiny, but with lots of pages in the books, the force becomes very noticeable.
  • 10. What you need 1. 2 litre plastic bottle 2. Blue Tac 3. a bowl of water 4. a ketchup sachet Marvin says, "Today we are going deep sea diving with this ketchup sachet." Instructions 1. Put the ketchup sachet into a bowl of water to see if it floats upright - if not then add a little Blue Tac to its bottom. 2. Fill the 2 litre bottle with water right to the top. 3. Push your ketchup diver through the neck of the bottle. 4. Put the lid on tightly, squeeze the bottle hard and watch your diver dive. Results & explanation The diver sinks when you squeeze the bottle, and rises when you let go. Tip: if you diver doesn't dive, or sinks without rising, change the amount of blue tac on the sachet. Squeezing the bottle queezes everything inside it, including the air bubbles in the ketchup sachet. As the air molecules squash together, the sachet gets more dense than the water and itsinks. What happens when you stop squeezing?
  • 11. What you need Marvin says, "Hey Milo, let's do some chicken impressions' 1. a plastic cup or yoghurt pot 2. a damp cloth 3. smooth string 4. pencil or biro Instructions 1. Make a hole in the bottom of a plastic cup with a pencil or biro 2. Cut a length of string, thread it through the hole, and tie a knot in the end inside the cup to stop it from slipping back through the hole. 3. Take the damp cloth and hold it tightly around the string. Now pull the cloth firmly along the string to hear the cup cluck. Results & explanation Pulling the cloth along the string makes it vibrate and produce a faint sound. But the cup and air around it also vibrate so the sound is amplified enough for us to hear it.
  • 12. What you need 1. a paperclip 2. water 3. two identical glasses Marvin bets Milo that he can make the paperclip move without touching it. Instructions 1. Put equal amounts of water in both glasses and stand them next to each other but not touching. 2. Straighten out the paperpclip into a straight wire, then bend it slightly (it should be shaped more-or-less like a boomerang), Balance it on the rim of one of the glasses. 3. With a wet finger, rub around the rim of the other glass until it "sings" 4. The paperclip moves! Results & explanation Rubbing the glass makes it vibrate at its natural frequency. Because the other glass is identical it has the same natural frequency and the sound waves from the other glass make it vibrate as well - so the paperclip moves.
  • 13. What you need 1. two apples with stalks 2. two pieces of string about 30cm long 3. some sticky tape Instructions 1. Tie a piece of string to the stalk of each apple 2. Use the tape to hang up the two apples so that they are about 6cm apart and free to swing 3. Blow hard between the apples. What happens? Results & explanation The apples move toward each other. Blowing reduces the air pressure in the gap between the apples. The air pushing on the outer sides of the apples makes them move into the area of lower pressure, so they move towards each other.
  • 14. What you need 1. Water 2. Clear plastic watertight bag ( e.g. watertight, resealable food bag) 3. Some pencils Instructions 1. Fill the plastic bag with water 2. Push a pencil through the bag 3. Then another... and another Results & explanation The bag doesn't burst because the plastic stretches rather than tears as the pencils are pushed through it. If you take a pencil out you can plug the leak simply by putting it back through the holes.
  • 15. What you need 1. small plastic drinks bottle 2. some water 3. drawing pin Instructions 1. Use the drawing pin to make three small holes about 4mm apart at the bottom of the bottle and one near the neck 2. Fill the bottle with water and put the top on (tip: cover up the top hole to stop the water shooting out of the bottom three). 3. With the top hole uncovered, three water jets will shoot out of the bottom holes. What happens when you smear the jets together with your thumb, near the holes? Results & explanation Once the jets have been smeared together they stay together due to surface tension.
  • 16. What you need 1. a jug of water 2. about 50cm of string 3. A basin or sink Instructions 1. Tie the string around the handle of the jug and pull it across the top and over the lip 2. Hold the string tight at an angle, below the jug, and begin to pour. Results & explanation The water flows along the string. The friction betweemn the string and the water slows down the flow, pulling the water to the string and making it stick to it. Try creating an amazing route for the water by holding the string at different angles, even getting the water to turn corners as it goes down. But be careful, no sharp turns or the water falls off!
  • 17. What you need 1. Three straws 2. a glass fo drinking water 3. A drawing pin ( for making a small hole in one of the straws) Instructions 1. Bet your friend that they can't suck up any of the water with two straws in their mouth 2. The catch is that they have to have one straw outside of the glass, and one inside. What happens? 3. Make a small hole 3 cm from the top of the other straw 4. What happens when your friend tries to suck water using just this straw? Results & explanation It's impossible to suck water through the straws. In order for the water to be forced into your mouth, the pressure outside your mouth (atmospheric pressure) needs to be greater than the pressure inside. This means that no matter how you suck, a straw won't work if air can get into your mouth.
  • 18. What you need 1. a bendy straw 2. water 3. two small flat bowls 4. food colouring Instructions 1. Fill one bowl with water and a little food colouring 2. Half fill the second bowl 3. submerge the straw in water, making sure you get rid of any air bubbles, and tightly pinch the ends of the straw before you pull it out. 4. Hold the straw with one end in each bowl, and release the ends when they're under the water Results & explanation The bowl with the higher water level has more stored (potential) energy, so water moves through the straw to the lower level.
  • 19. What you need 1. a plastic container 2. a metal frying pan 3. 2 identical ice cubes Instructions 1. Place the frying pan and the container upside down next to each other. 2. Quickly put an ice cube on each. Results & explanation Heat can flow through the metal to the ice cube, but the plastic doesn't allow it to flow so freely.
  • 20. What you need 1. a drinking straw - cut in half 2. a balloon 3. a long piece of string 4. a clothes peg 5. sticky tape Instructions 1. Blow up the balloon and peg the neck to keep the air in. 2. Thread the straw with the string and then tape it lengthways to the balloon. 3. Tie the string across the room. 4. Now unclip the peg! Results & explanation As the air rushes out it pushes back on the balloon propelling it forward.
  • 21. What you need 1. an empty juice carton 2. a piece of string 3. a pair of scissors 4. a washing-up bowl 5. water Instructions 1. Get an adult to poke a hole in the bottom left-hand corner of each face of the carton. 2. Poke another hole in the top flap and thread the string through it. 3. Put some water in the bowl, stand the carton in it, then fill it up to the top. 4. Lift the carton out by the string. Results & explanation As the water shoots out it pushes back on the carton with an equal force. Because the holes are off-centre this force makes it spin around.
  • 22. What you need 1. a glass of water 2. a piece of paper 3. a marker pen Instructions 1. Draw a column of short arrows. 2. Hold the paper a little way behind the glass and look through the water at the arrows. Results & explanation The arrows should point in the opposite direction. The water acts like a glass lens, bending the rays of light and reversing the image of the arrows.
  • 23. What you need 1. a tennis ball 2. a basketball 3. a room without breakables Instructions 1. Drop the tennis ball from waist height and see how high it bounces. 2. Drop the basketball from the same height and see how high it bounces. 3. Put the tennis ball on top of the basketball and drop them both at arms length from waist height. Results & explanation The tennis ball should bounce a lot higher than before. When the balls hit the ground, momentum from the basketball was transferred to the tennis ball making it go much higher than before.
  • 24. What you need 1. a sheet of paper 2. cotton thread 3. scissors Instructions 1. Cut a thick spiral shape in the piece of paper. 2. Make a hole in the centre and thread the cotton through it. 3. Hang the spiral above the radiator. Results & explanation The spiral should start to spin slowly. The radiator heats the air around it so the particles have more energy to spread out. This means the air is less dense and rises upwards. The rising air pushes on the paper causing it to spin.
  • 25. What you need 1. a plastic bottle 2. some hot water Instructions 1. Very carefully pour a little hot water into the bottle, or ask a grown-up to help 2. Shake the bottle. 3. Pour out the water. 4. Put the lid on, put the bottle down and wait a few minutes. Results & explanation The hot water gives the air energy - the pressure increases and the molecules spread out (some leave the bottle). When the air cools, the pressure is lower than before because there are fewer molecules bouncing around. The air pushing on the outside of the bottle has more pressure, which crushes the bottle
  • 26. What you need 1. a television (turned on!) 2. a rubber band Instructions 1. Stretch the rubber band between your thumb and first finger. 2. Holding the band between you and the television screen, pluck one side. Results & explanation You should see the band make zig zag shapes. The television picture is made up of tiny dots flashing on and off. It acts like a strobe light, freezing the band's vibrations at di fferent positions so it looks like it's moving in slow motion.
  • 27. What you need 1. a piece of foil 2. scissors 3. washing-up liquid 4. a sink or bath Instructions 1. Take your foil and cut a shape 4cm x 10cm. The shape should look like a house (or rectangle with a triangle on top) with the base of the house being the shortest side. From the base cut a slot with a circle on the top. 2. Gently place your boat into a sink full of clean water. 3. Carefully place a drop of washing-up liquid into the boat's hole. Results & explanation The boat moves! Water molecules are attracted to each other, creating "surface tension". The soap distrupts the surface behind the boat but the molecules in front are still pulling together, so the boat is pulled forward.
  • 28. What you need 1. a stick (1m long) 2. a lump of clay Instructions 1. Push a lump of clay about the size of your fist on to the stick 20cm from the end. 2. With the clay-end closest to your hand, try balancing the stick. 3. Now turn the stick upside down and try balancing it again. Results & explanation It's much easier to balance it the second way. The stick rotates slower when the clay is at the top, so there's more time to adjust and keep it balanced. The further the mass is from the centre of rotation (your hand), the slower it rotates.
  • 29. What you need 1. five wooden toothpicks 2. a small sponge 3. a plate 4. a little water Instructions 1. Snap the toothpicks in half but don't break them fully. 2. Arrange the toothpicks on the plate so they are spaced out with their broken ends forming a small circle. 3. Carefully squeeze a drop of water into the middle. Make sure it touches the end of each toothpick. Results & explanation The toothpicks move. Just like synchronised swimmers! The water makes the wood expand, the broken ends press against each other and the toothpick opens out. The same thing happens to doors when it's humid - they swell and get jammed.
  • 30. What you need An Alka-Seltzer tablet An empty film canister Old newspaper Water Instructions 1. Put the tablet in the film canister. Add about 1cm of water. 2. Put the lid on, lightly shake the canister. 3. Quickly place it upside down on the newspaper and stand back! Results & explanation The Alka-Seltzer fizzes when in water, releasing gas. This gas builds up in the canister until the pressure is too great and the lid is forced off!
  • 31. What you need 1. a metal coat hanger 2. two pieces of string 3. a fork Instructions 1. Tie a piece of string to each corner of the coat hanger and wrap the ends around your fingers. 2. Put your fingers in your ears and ask your friend to tap the hanger with the fork. Results & explanation It sounds louder because vibrations travel through the metal and string more easily than through air.
  • 32. What you need 1. a clear plastic bottle 2. a pen 3. a balloon (blow it up a few times beforehand) Instructions 1. Make a hole in the bottom of the bottle with the pen. 2. Push the balloon inside and stretch it over the mouth. 3. Blow up the balloon. 4. Notice air is coming out of the hole in the bottle. 5. Cover the hole with your finger and stop blowing. Results & explanation The balloon stays inflated! As the balloon expanded, it pushed air out of the bottle. That made the pressure inside the bottle lower than the pressure inside the balloon, so it wasn't strong enough to squeeze the air out.
  • 33. What you need 1. a large glass 2. lemonade (or fizzy water) 3. peanuts (or raisins) Instructions 1. Fill the glass with lemonade. 2. Stir for 1 min or leave to go slightly flat. 3. Drop some peanuts into the glass. Results & explanation The nuts float up to the top and fall back down again, like in a lava lamp. Gas bubbles grow on the peanuts, making them float upwards. When they reach the top the bubbles burst and the peanuts fall back down again.
  • 34. What you need 1. salt 2. a cup of cold water 3. 20cm of sewing thread 4. an ice cube Instructions 1. Float the ice cube in the cup of water. 2. Lay one end of the thread (or a loop) on top of the ice cube. 3. Sprinkle a little salt over the top. 4. Wait one minute then gently lift the thread. Results & explanation Salt lowers the melting point of water so the ice melts. But the water quickly refreezes, trapping the string in place.
  • 35. What you need 1. a raw egg 2. a hard-boiled egg Instructions 1. First spin the hard-boiled egg. 2. Stop it and let go immediately. 3. Watch what happens. 4. Now spin the raw egg. 5. Stop it and let it go immediately. Results & explanation The egg starts spinning! The yolk and the white aren't attached to the shell so they carry on moving when you stop the raw egg. Get a friend to mix up the eggs and use the trick to tell them apart.
  • 36. What you need 1. a microwave 2. a bar of quality soap Instructions 1. Put the soap on a dish in the microwave. 2. Heat it on full power for about 1 minute. 3. WARNING: The soap may smell strongly so don't do this before heating food. Results & explanation Tiny pockets of gas in the soap expand in all directions, pushing the soap into strange and artistic shapes.
  • 37. What you need 1. a nylon comb 2. a water tap Instructions 1. Turn on the tap until you have a very thin stream of water. 2. Now grab your comb. 3. Run the comb through your hair several times. 4. Slowly bring the comb towards the water, 10cm below the tap. Results & explanation 1. When the comb is about 3cm away, the water bends towards it! 2. Some objects, like hair and plastic, develop an electrical charge when rubbed together. 3. The charge in your comb attracts tiny electrical charges in the water molecules, pulling them towards it.
  • 38. What you need 1. a drinking straw 2. a friend 3. a ruler 4. Scissors 5. sticky tape 6. saucer of water Instructions 1. The challenge is to lift the water from the saucer using a straw but without sucking. 2. Get your ruler and cut your drinking straw into two pieces: one 3cm long and one 5cm long. 3. Join the pieces together with sticky tape along one side so they form a 90 degree angle, but leave both ends open. 4. Stand the smaller end of the straw in the saucer of water. 5. Now blow hard! Results & explanation When air moves, its pressure falls. So when you blow, the pressure at the top of the straw drops. But the air over the saucer keeps the same pressure, so the water is pushed up the straw.