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Marketing Paper
1. Analyze the reasons why the Chinese government hired a Western public relations firm to work on the 2008 Beijing Olympics. The Chinese
government felt it was necessary to hire a Western public relations firm for the 2008 Beijing Olympics in an effort to create a positive country image.
Creating this positive image also included reducing human rights concerns that were being addressed by groups such as Darfur and Tibet. The public
image of China could have negatively influenced international consumers' attitudes and purchasing intentions for certain products and brands. The
issues unfolding in China were going to be put under a microscope and magnified as media attention shifted to China because of the Olympics. The hot
button issues... Show more content on ...
The impact of the extensive exposure can be beneficial or harmful to companies and their brand depending on certain situations. Dow is an example of
a company who have received negative publicity during the Olympic Games. The company has been criticized for its alleged involvement with the
pesticide plant accident that killed thousands of people in India. Almost all publicity from Dow becoming one of the eleven major games sponsors
has been negative, and just about every story written about Dow associates the company's name with Bhopal, one of the world's worst industrial
disasters (MSNBC, 2012). Rights groups, athletes, and politician have spoken out against Dow and signed petitions against Dow's participation.
The company paid nearly $11 million for fabric panels to wrap around the London Olympic stadium, but to assuage public protest, Dow agreed not
to put its logo on the decoration (MSNBC, 2012). In this case the publicity was negative and possibly could have been avoided had Dow not opted
to join the other sponsors. Although there is a possibility for negative publicity, opportunity to reach global audiences greatly outweighs the potential
for negative publicity. Billions of dollars are spent by businesses to win the hearts and minds of a global audience. Visa paid around $100 million for
the privilege of being one of the London Games' top sponsors along with Coca–Cola, McDonald's, and Procter & Gamble (Ross, 2012). Although this is
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The Olympic Games : The World Cup, The Commonwealth Games...
Iconic events such as the Olympic Games, the FIFA World Cup, the Commonwealth Games and the Super bowl, have a significant relationship with
society. Iconic events also have various positive and negative impacts on society. All types of people, cultures and small business owners, living in host
city community neighbourhoods, are negatively impacted by neighbourhood refurbishments and being forced to leave. At the same time, iconic events
have negative and positive, employment and volunteering implications. Although iconic events can increase employment opportunities for the public,
there are sustainability concerns, relating to redundancies after an iconic event. Budgeting cuts in other industries and Olympic branding, severely
impact people working in these industries and the individuals, who sell non–licensed products in host cities. Iconic events have various positive
impacts, in connection to volunteering. Iconic event volunteering has many positive implications for individuals mentally. At the same time, iconic
events provide the opportunity for the public, to improve their education and employment opportunities. Finally, iconic events can increase an
individual's psychic income, by allowing them to experience happiness and joy. They also allow people, to attain a positive perception of their own
lives. Simultaneously, iconic events allow people from all cultures and races, to come together and forget about their own personal problems,
temporarily. Lastly, community
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The Birds Nest Stadium
1.0 Project Description
The Beijing National Stadium, better known as the Birds Nest Stadium is a sporting facility which was purposefully built for the Beijing Olympic
Games in 2008. This stadium is known for using tonnes of steel (up to 42,000 tonnes) to produce a stadium that resembles a Birds Nest as shown in
the figure below (Bell,2017). Figure 1– Birds Nest Stadium (Bell,2017)
The stadium could fit up to 91,000 people inside and clever design by the architectural firm Herzog & de Meuron allowed for this stadium to go
down as one of the architectural wonders of the world (Bell,2017). The project began in October of 2002 with an invitation for bidders opened by the
BDPC which allowed for companies to submit tender prices for the ... Show more content on ...
Other inputs to the estimate include Human Resource Plan, Risk Register and Organisational Process Assets (Peebles,2017). All these inputs that the
CITIC consortium used would help formulate the estimation of cost that would be supplied in the tender process to the BDPC.
2.2 Tools and Techniques
Using the inputs above combined with specialised tools and techniques, the CITIC Consortium came up with an outputted estimated cost to submit for
the tender. These tools are as follows. High quality personnel were trained for estimates and the company (CITIC Consortium) had a finance
department used for estimating projects (Chinyere,2013). This team was used throughout the whole project and because of their background in
estimating, this meant that they had expert judgement on what activities could be done and for what price. Other techniques the team used include
computer software which could generate estimates on prices using historical information and previous projects that the team had done (Chinyere,
2013). In regards to project cost management theory, analogous estimating and parametric estimating are seen to be better so using these might have
given the company a better estimate on the Birds Nest Stadium project (Hueber, 2015).
2.3 Outputs
Inputs and tools/techniques are used to come up with an
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Sample Finance Of Public Sector : Hosting Olympics Game,...
Name: Friezca Rara Juta
Subject: PPD 649 Finance of Public Sector
The Olympic games was firstly introduced in 776 BC in Olympia, Greece, as a religious celebration to honor Zeus, a god in Ancient Greek mythology.
It was a series of athletic competitions where representative from each city–state and then compete to become a winner. Nowadays, the modern
Olympic games has become one of the most prestigious sport event in the world. There are thousands of participants and athletes come from hundreds
of countries all over the world to compete in more than 50 sports. The first modern Games was held in Athens, Greece, in 1896 and then followed by
the winter games that were started in 1924. Each game is held quadrennial with two–year difference between summer and winter games. The Olympic
games is managed by International Olympic Committee (IOC) and there is also representative committee in several countries around the world which is
called National Olympic Games Committee (NOC).
Just like the others sport events, such as World Cup, the Olympic games is held in different cities and different countries. So that there must be a
special procedure to select the host city for the games, which is through an open–bidding process that is started seven years prior to the game. However,
the bidding process literally start earlier, it might be eight or nine years prior, since there will be also 'domestic competition' within a country to
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Developing Countries Mega Events
The Issues Developing Countries face when Hosting and bidding for 'Mega Events' [pic] [pic] Table of Contents Conclusion and Outlook based on
Selection Criteria..............................................P223 I.Introduction4 II.Developed Nations traditionally host 'Mega–Events'6 I.23 II.23 III.23
IV.Conclusion and Outlook based on selection criteria23 Findling, John, Pelle, Kimberly Encyclopedia of the modern Olympic movement,
Greenwood Publishing group, 200625 Gleeson, Mark. "SA faces $1bn World Cup stadium bill." Mail & Guardian [JOHANNESBURG] 1 Oct. 2006.
Print.25 Hall, Alan "10,000 hookers, mob wars, drugs and Pounds 10billion... the Mafia can 'twait for German World Cup 2006" :[Final 1 Edition]. "
The... Show more content on ...
Smaller European Cities such as Istanbul and Leipzig were also withdrawn from the running at the same IOC assembly in Singapore. (Wilson) Swiss
based Sports federations such as the IOC and FIFA have always tended to follow tactic similar to their country's banking systems, which is to be risk
averse. Developing nations seem to offer a whole host of challenges that hinder their bids being accepted. The aim of this paper is to analyze the
problems facing developing nations and trying to find ways to ensure that developing nations can compete on an even playing field with established
economically nations when competing for 'mega–events'. This will be achieved by analyzing the selection criteria that governing bodies use when
judging nations bids to host mega–events and by looking at the Olympic bid of Qatar, a developing nation with a strong economy. Qatar has superb
sports facilities that the government are attempting to leverage in its bids for both the World Cup and Olympics. However, as is the case with all
developing nations it faces a unique set of challenges that hinder its desire to host 'mega–events'. Table: Developed Nations traditionally host
'Mega–Events' [pic] The Selection Process Over the last few years the ways that federations such as the IOC and FIFA have selected cities and nations
for their flagship event has changed dramatically. For example, during the
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How To Write An Informative Essay On Gymnastics
Gymnastics is the most popular sport in China. Gymnastics can help people relax body and mind, enhance the coordination of the body can also edify
sentiment, is a kind of very good exercise. In our country, there are also many famous gymnasts who have won many places in the competition. I'm
going to introduce you to this kind of exercise so that you know enough about it.
Topic Sentences:
I don't think you know it well, but let me give you a brief introduction.
Supporting Details:
In the Olympic Games, there are many kinds of gymnastics competitions, such as light instrument gymnastics, Swedish gymnastics, European
gymnastics and other gymnastics competitions. This increases the audience's viewing rate, making more people who watch
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Olympic Housing Issues
Along with the money that must be spent on these new facilities, there must also be land for them to reside on. Because new land cannot be created,
scarcity again comes into effect. This is made apparent through the real–estate market. Often times, these Olympic construction projects take the space
of what would be housing developments or other building projects. This can cause rents to rise in the city and its surrounding areas. These cities are
also likely to experience the effects of crowding out (The Economic Impact 19). Because there is an abundance of people flooding the area and limited
space in hotels for them to stay, hotel prices skyrocket. This causes many of the people who would normally come visit the country without the games...
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In some cases, citizens of the host city are very opposed to certain aspects of facilities that are built to house the Games. For example, in the
Sydney Olympics, the citizens held a very hostile attitude toward the construction of the Bondi Beach Volleyball Stadium. They argued that the
development of that facility would close off a popular surfing beach for six months causing them an inconvenience. The people of Sydney also
thought that putting an arena on this stretch of beach might cause environmental problems (Cashman 6). The recent Rio Olympics especially
stirred up some controversy. The developers of these games built a golf course in a natural reserve, evicted hundreds of families to make way for
infrastructure, and even built their press center on a slave burial ground (Coston). These actions are all violations of universal ethical and moral
principles. As Catholics, we know that it is our job to care for the environment. When the maker's of the Rio Games, Sydney Game, and any other
Games for that matter, build a facility that disrupts a natural reserve or natural habitat of animals, it breaks that teaching. We also know that each and
every person is made in God's image and therefore deserves to be treated with respect and dignity. The people that were evicted from their homes or
dug up from their graves to allow development were not given that dignity that they deserve. Along with development, the initial bidding process also
brings up ethics issues. When a country enters into the bidding process to try to obtain the rights for hosting the Games, local communities often end
up being motivated and run by private business interests. This leads to the interests of the citizens of the city not being properly represented. It also
leads to the city spending billions of dollars just to have a chance to host the Games, which they may
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Costs And Benefits Of Hosting The Olympic Games
Is It Worth It?: Analyzing the Costs and Benefits of Hosting the Olympic Games It's a gorgeous early August day. You just want to be outside,
regardless of what you are doing. Are you? Nope. You are sitting in your car, stuck in traffic because your evening commute home has tripled in time
due to the traffic. This is a common side–effect of hosting the Olympic Games. On the other hand, the influx of people coming into the city does
wonders for the local economy. Every few years, countries throw mind–blowing amounts of money at the International Olympic Committee (IOC) for
the right to host the Olympic Games, but is it worth it for the country and its citizens? In 2015, Boston was in contention to host the 2024 summer
Games, but ultimately lost out to Paris, much to many Bostonians delight. Was their reaction justified, or did they just miss out on a great opportunity?
The monetary costs of hosting the Olympic Games are astronomical. The most evident cost of hosting the Olympic Games are the monetary costs that
come with hosting the Games. At the Summer Games in 2008, Beijing spent "at least US$100 million" on the Opening Ceremonies alone, according to
Rishav Bista, Assistant Professor of Economics at Marshall University. That is just where the costs start. At the time of their bid, many hopeful–host
cities do not have the stadiums or arenas needed to accommodate all the events or the amount of people who will be in attendance. The 2012 Olympic
Games ended up costing
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Essay on The Importance of Sports
Think of society as a living organism which every part of it contributes to its survival. This view is the functionalist perspective, which every parts of a
society are structured to maintain its stability. Functionalist regard sports as an almost religious institution that uses ritual and ceremony to reinforce
the common values of a society.
In 1968, Robert Merton made an important distinction between manifest and latent functions. Manifest functions of institutions are open, stated,
conscious functions that involve intended, recognized, consequences of an aspect of society. Taking sports as an example, manifest function of sports
is to keep people stay fit and healthy. It is an objective that widely and well known by everyone. In ... Show more content on ...
In other words, sports could stay us strong, good, and feeling well.
Apart from that, sports serve as a safety valve for both participants and spectators, who are allowed to shed tension and aggressive energy in a socially
acceptable way. It provides them an alternative way to consume their excess energy and spend their leisure time. Thus, avoid them from being involved
in activities that will go against the norms. It is better to do something useful than getting involve in terrible things like drug trafficking, drug abuse,
illegal car racing or prostitution.
Moreover, sports would be perfect as a choice for recreation. We can hang out with friends and family in a meaningful way. It would not be too costly,
since badminton racket and shuttlecocks are affordable. Besides that, since they could to be found in stores, it would not be a problem or a hardship
to get the related sports equipment. Practicing sports as a recreation would help in building up the relationship among friends and family members.
Since, badminton is a play that could be even performed by kids. It is suitable for a family recreation. Parents could enjoy the time spent with their
children. It is certainly a better choice of relaxing rather than shopping or fooling around and waste time. No doubt, it
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Ai Weiwei Contributions
Born in 1957, Ai Weiwei is an artist and activist, who is heavily influenced by his father's political thinking about China. He is well known for his
combination of art and society. Ai Weiwei began as a self
–taught artist and worked as a painter and cartoon designer in the Beijing Film Academy. In
1981, Ai went to America because he could not express freely in China. In the United States, he studied at the Parsons School of Design and Art
Student League. When Ai flew back to China, he brought back different ideas from the American Democratic system. He did several political
activities and was arrested in April 2011, and released in June 2011 (Lao). The museum will displayAi Weiwei's artworks for the winter season because
his works are valuable culturally, unique and going to be popular.
Ai Weiwei always tries to connect different subjects like, human rights, freedom and politics into the Chineseculture (Lucas). In his works, there is
always a meaningful message and is created to be remembered. Through art he can express his caring to the public. Therefore, there is cultural
significance in it. For example, he used the same type of marble that was used for Chairman Mao for "Surveillance Camera" for a historical purpose
(Lucas). To indicate the value of the present society, he collected the names of all the victims of the earthquake at Sichuan in 2008 and made people
read out those names on the media so that people can remember them. It has been printed out and put on the
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Essay On Project Management
The modern concept of project management had been introduced in China through "Lu Buge hydroelectric power station" project since 1982. Through
this modern management method, numerous of project resource had been saved, and the project planning become more accurate. Nowadays, it has
been used into numerous complex megaprojects. The national stadium is an eye–catching project in 2008 Beijing Olympics portfolio. However, it has
several vital project management issues occurred. This report will analyze the several issue if a project from the project management perspective,
which focus on project objective definition issue and project scope management issue and draw on past experience for improvement of future projects
at the ... Show more content on ...
90–91). The project proposed budget was 500 million dollars (Ren, 2008, p. 185). In the prediction, the originally predict accommodations was 91,000
visitors, including 10,000 temporary seats. The stadium dominated 258,000 square meters of space and was constructed with 36 km of unwrapped
steel, weighting about 45,000tonnes. The surface of the National stadium was designed by covering a colossal saddle–shaped elliptic steel, with a
hanging roof. The steel structure spend 42,000 ton high quality steel, After July in 2004, the project had been suddenly stopped by order of the
national government, during the construction break the whole project had been redesigned, and the roof was eventually removed. It took five years to
finish this project. The project closed out on June 2008(Ren, 2008, p. 175).
2.Analysis of Issues
The objective of the stadium can be considered as two levels including national level and project level. For the national level, the stadium is designed
for a landmark building by mixture of Chinese art and traditional cultures. This is also to increase the recognition and awareness of 2008 Beijing
Olympic. For the project level, the construction needs to meet all technical requirements and all athletes' demands. (Ke, 2014, p. 90–91). Also, the
objective of such a project should be aligned with the organization's strategic objective (Rodney, 2010, p. 39). The Chinese government, as the main
sponsor and
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Beijing 's National Stadium : A Modern Marvel And The
Imagine sitting in an arena or stadium full of fans awaiting the final play of an intense matchup of the league's best teams. The rush of adrenaline that
you get as your team celebrates after making the game winning shot or play is exhilarating and being there live to enjoy it is unforgettable. Aside
from the performances of the athletes, the sportscape or "physical environment in which a service is delivered", plays a significant factor in the overall
sporting event experience. Beijing's National Stadium ("Birds Nest") is one of the most intriguing and well–designed sportscape in world, while the
Arthur Ashe Stadium is one of the most poorly designed. There are stark differences between each sportscape and these differences make the... Show
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The stadium actually resembles a bird's nest. Really, it is quite fascinating how a structure of that size can be made to resemble something so ordinary.
Surprisingly, according to architects and engineers, the circular shape of the stadium is supposed to represent heaven and is inspired by Chinese–style
crazed pottery (Design–build, 2016). The walk from the parking lot to the stadium would be absolutely breathe taking. Aesthetically, not many stadiums
/arenas come close. Looks are not everything and next to aesthetics is accessibility.
Another key component to a sportscape is accessibility. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) "was passed in 1990, and gives mandates
about construction, design and renovation of public accommodations that allow access to people with disabilities (Clow, Fetchko and Roy, 2013).
Although, this law does not extend to stadiums outside the United States, the "Birds Nest" has set a new standard for other to follow. The stadium
has more than 200 wheelchair seats intended for the disabled, which "architectural experts think that it not only is a symbol building of the 2008
Olympics but also set a very good example to the world 's architectural history" (Travel China Guide, 2016). Not only is it a kind gesture to provided
ample space for the disable, more importantly, it shows how important attending live events are for those who are disable and how vital it is to meet
their needs.
The Oakland
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Costs And Benefits For The 2016 Olympics
The Olympic games originated in ancient Greece around the 8th century BC as a contest between city–states. The modern Olympics were re–started in
1896 by Baron Pierre de Coubertin as a competition between the best athletes from each country. Now countries and cities compete to host the
Olympic games, which are held every 4 years, with winter and summer games alternating every two years. In submitting their bids the countries are
required to show how hosting the games will deliver a positive economic gain. However, the track record of delivering this gain is not good,
sometimes the costs have outweighed the benefits for hosts. Yet cities continue to bid, why? The real motivation seems to be not economic but
political; proving that a country has arrived on the international stage or increasing the moral of the population. The 2016 Olympics will be held in
Rio but they are facing significant challenges to deliver either the economic or political benefits that have been promised. This paper will look at the
costs and benefits for the Rio Olympics and whether they are likely to be delivered? Originally an entirely amateur competition the Olympics have
developed into a unique opportunity for media exposure for athletes who would otherwise never have a chance to attain national or international fame.
The Games also constitute an opportunity for the host city and country to showcase themselves to the world and for their political leaders the
opportunity to polish their
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Rio Host Impacts Essay
Title Every four years the world goes into a clamor for the Olympic Games, and cities aggressively bid for the right to host these events. Cities literally
fight for the right to hold these games and spend exorbitant amounts of money in the hopes of bringing the worlds Olympiad's to their municipality.
But, is the prestige of being the host worth it for the host city? It is becoming more apparent that these endeavors are detrimental to the economy, if you
look at the five most recent summer Olympics; Rio de Janeiro, London, Beijing, Athens, and Sydney. Many of these cities apply with the hopes of a
positive long–term impact, many in recent times to be severely disappointed. Rio won it's Olympic bid in 2009, after several years of solid GDP
growth and was one of the most dynamic emerging economies at the time. The summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro were plagued by controversy
even before the games started, with concerns over the outbreak of the Zika virus as well as the concerns about the water in the area (Rapoza). After
Brazil announced that it would host the 2016 Olympics it has invested twelve billion dollars in infrastructure alone between 2009–2015, something that
had to be developed to support the influx of tourists and athletes (Rapoza). This investment in the infrastructure and public spending increased the debt
of Rio by 17%, and the state received a bailout from the government in June. In the investment phase there was
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Sports Architecture in Modern China: a Comparison Between...
Sports Architecture in Modern China
A comparison between 2008 Olympic venues and 1990 Asian Games venues
Hosting the 2008 Olympic Games is monumental in Chinese history, almost a century ago, Chinese scholars dreamed of the Olympics being staged
in China, which marks sovereignty and power of the country in a global view. Therefore, when the long time expectation is about to become real, the
primary goal for Chinese government and citizens is to show the best part of China to the world. This paper focuses on what and how the Chinese
have done in order to accomplish the mission of hosting a successful game. A number of Olympic architectures are reviewed in terms of their locations,
the cultural ... Show more content on ...
Selection of the National Stadium had been modified and second thought over and over. In the 1950th, Chinese government officials assigned
Wukesong area to be the future site for National Stadium. While the Asian Games Village and other stadiums were constructed, that area was saved for
National Stadium for China was planning to bid for the 2000 Olympic Games. On March 1999, an Olympic venue location selection committee was
founded, and the members brought up 3 plans, which are to build the primary venues on the north part, east part, or southeast of Beijing. The committee
eventually reached an agreement that is the center of 2008 Olympics (known as the Olympic Green) must be located on the north side, adjacent to the
central axis, by doing this China shows the world how Chinese people cares about the Olympics. One question was raised among experts though, which
regards with the extended central axis. For instance, Peng Peigen, a Canadian––nationality professor with Qinghua University, said the traditional
central axis of Beijing is a real one with large buildings on it, such as the Tiananmen Tower, the Forbidden City and the Drum Tower. Now the
extended axis does not have any landmark buildings on it, which doesn't comply with the designing style of Chinese cities. Other members of the
judging panel of the design competition for the Olympic Green, agreed that the
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Taking a Look at Ai Weiwei
Ai Weiwei, a Chinese contemporary artist as well as a political activist was born in Beijing on May 18, 1957. When Ai was only one year old him
and his family were sent to a labor camp. It was not for sixteen years later at the end of the Cultural Revolution until his family moved back to Beijing.
He studied animation at the Beijing Film Academy in 1978. After his studies he spent about twelve years in the United States and studied at the
Parsons School of Design where he soon dropped out. For income he became a street artist, doing drawings on the side. When his father had become
sick in 1993, Ai returned to Beijing from New York City. He then became the artist director and co
–founder of the China Art Achieves and Warehouse.
This is about the time when some controversial pieces are now starting to come about. In 1993, Ai Weiwei then had moved to the North side of China
in a town called Coachanghdi, this is where he started to do architectural work, including his studio house. This is when he founded the FAKE design,
which is an architectural studio. Ai's biggest controversial issue is when he was arrested on false tax evasions and detained for three months. After his
arrest Ai Weiwei is no longer permitted to leave China and is under tight security by the Chinese government. He is not allowed to leave the country
because he is under other criminal investigations, which include pornography, illegal exchange of foreign currency, and bigamy. Everyone in support of
him is
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The Benefits Of The Olympic Games
The Olympics have come up with a problem and need a solution fast. The problem is whether the Olympics should have a permanent home or even
multiple homes. Or should they stay the same where any country can host the Olympics? Before answering the question think of where and why the
Olympics started. Ancient Greece is the birthplace of Olympics about 800 BC and they were later revived in the late 19th century. The first modern
Olympics were in 1896 in Athen with 280 participants from 13 nations in 43 events. "The purpose of the modern Olympic Games is to promote peace
and unity within the international community through the medium of sports"( This quote is exactly right, permanent home deprives
countries the chance to show national pride. There are other bonuses to not having permanent homes. It can help a failing country's economy become
better and allows them to make history beyond sports. However permanent homes reduce cost of new facilities and it will reduce facilities being
abandoned after the games.But in the end hosting the Olympics in different countries allows them to show pride, make history and boost economies,
even with the expensive cost.
Having permanent Olympic villages diminishes the opportunity for countries to showcase national pride. Reading through one website it said that
national pride is a powerful motivator for athletes. For example, athlete Aminata Diouf, left her salon to compete for her country in track and field at
the Beijing
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Common Wealth Games in India
Commonwealth Games The Commonwealth Games is a multinational, multi–sport event. Held every four years, it involves the elite athletes of the
Commonwealth of Nations. Attendance at the Commonwealth Games is typically around 5,000 athletes. The Commonwealth Games Federation
(CGF) is the organization that is responsible for the direction and control of the Commonwealth Games. The first such event, then known as the British
Empire Games, was held in 1930 in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. The name changed to British Empire and Commonwealth Games in 1954, to British
Commonwealth Games in 1970 and assumed the current name of the Commonwealth Games in 1978. As well as many Olympic sports, the Games
also include some sports that are played ... Show more content on ...
Additionally, the Delhi Metro will be expanded to accommodate more people and boost the use of public transport during the 2010 games. By
then it will have the second longest network in the world and later the longest, which will be more than 420 km. To further support air travel, the
Indira Gandhi International Airport is being modernized, expanded, and upgraded. By the 2010 games, a new terminal (Terminal 3) will have
been constructed at a cost of nearly US$ 1.94 billion, with the capability to cater to more than 37 million passengers a year by 2010 and the
planned expansion program will increase its capacity to handle 100 million passengers by 2030. Terminal 3 will be a two tier building, with the
bottom floor being the arrivals area, and the top being a departures area. This terminal will have over 130 check in counters, 55 aerobridges, 30
parking bays, 72 immigration counters, 15 X–ray screening areas, duty free shops, and much more. The airport will also have a new runway to cater
more than 75 plus flights an hour; the runway will be more than 4400 meters long and one of Asia's longest. The entire airport will be connected to
the city via a 6 lane highway (National Highway 8) and the Delhi Metro. Tourism The true impact of the Commonwealth Games on tourism, scheduled
for October 2010, can be judged better if one is to look at the
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The Olympic Games Or A Party
The Olympic Games or a Party The Olympics are a special spectacle for everyone, and for sixteen days every two years we are witness to the best
athletes in the world. Only for the rare few the dream to compete are a reality, but for the billions of other people, this is an event of pride and
passion for their home country. The continuous cycle of new cities and different countries hosting the games brings out great nationalism. The
challenge to get a bid to host the Olympics has always been difficult but as the cost of the games rises the number of cities vying for it is decreasing.
The Olympics are the biggest sporting event in the world, and they are one of the most well known events across the world. Being host to an event
like this brings great revenue into a country 's economy through tourism and the need for jobs and construction. But the Olympics are becoming very
costly and countries are beginning to wonder if its worth it to host the "party" when they know they will not earn all the money back. The Olympics
ruin economies and the games tend to hurt countries more than help them. The games are played every two years alternating between the summer and
winter Olympics. It roughly plays host to about 90 countries all vying for one goal, the gold. The Olympics originated in ancient Greece with the first
ever recorded games occurring in 776 B.C. For the first thirteen Olympics only one event occurred, but now the number has risen to three hundred
events which puts great
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Capital Branding : City Branding
City and Branding
There is an ever increasing number of concerns regarding on the domain of the city branding. With the development of globalization, easier and faster
access to communicating and trading is provided for the world, leading to cultural, social and commercial blending. One of the results is that the lack
of place identity stimulates competition between districts. To compete in the international environment, city branding was utilized to enhance the
indigenous symbolic image and commercial value. This essay aims to investigate the branding strategies and their impacts on cites as well as discuss
the phenomenon concerning the utilization of city branding, based on the review of the existing strategies that a city could use to promote place and
analysis of a specific case of 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. Methods of literature review and case study were used in the research process, combining
theories with the existing application. The essay contains three parts. Firstly, related background is shown with city branding literatures. Then, a case
study demonstrates the branding strategies used and their impacts on the city. Lastly, a conclusion is drawn and critical discussion on the city branding
phenomenon is delivered.
When the globalization trend enriches the socio–cultural environment and expands the market scale, abundant goods in various categories emerge in
the view of the public. Meanwhile, companies, inhabitants and visitors are in a
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Environmental Issues Before / After Beijing 2008 Olympics
Environmental Issues Before/After Beijing 2008 Olympics
"Beijing organized the 2008 Olympic Games with the slogan, "Green Olympics, Hi–tech Olympics and People's Olympics". This slogan illustrates the
determination of the Chinese government to offer an environmentally friendly yet impressive Olympic event.The 2008 Olympics "helped shape and
foster a greater environmental awareness among the public and was an opportunity to showcase China's commitment to growing in an environmentally
sustainable manner. During the bid phase, Beijing set ambitious goals to improve the city 's environment. The goals ranged from addressing air and
water quality and waste management to introducing environmental considerations in the development of new ... Show more content on
Beijing also implemented an improved waste processing system throughout the city in preparation for the Olympics that still benefits the city today."
Info from website (http://www.economics––30/file):
A large setback was the problem of temporary vs long term plans...
Temporary Plans Implemented:
"Air Quality Guarantee Plan for the 29th Olympic Games in Beijing". In this plan, similar control measures were extended to surrounding areas,
including Tianjin, Hebei, Shanxi, Inner Mongolia, and Shandong. In Tianjin and Hebei, this policy was compulsorily and strictly implemented.
However, for Shanxi, Inner Mongolia, and Shandong, the plan was only implemented if air conditions became extremely serious. Wang et al.
(2010b) found that in June 2008, the daily emissions of sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen dioxide (NOx), and particulate matter (PM10) in Beijing
totaled 103.9, 428.5, and 362.7 tons, respectively. During the Olympic Games, the daily emissions of SO2, NOx, and PM10 in Beijing were reduced
to 61.6, 229.1, and 164.3 tons, which were 41, 47, and 55% lower than the respective June 2008 emission levels."
"To reduce the emissions of NOx, and PM10, traffic control measures were also enforced in Beijing in 2008. First, from July 1 to September 20, all
on–road vehicles (including trucks and passenger cars) that failed to meet the
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The Munich Massacre : A Survivor 's Story
International sporting events continually face political terrorism, bringing fear to those who gathered for entertainment. According to articles
published in the Guardian, Time Magazine, and CNN, the most detrimental disruption by politics in the Olympics occurred at the 1972 Germany
Summer Games. On 5 September 1972, the Palestinian group Black September broke into the Israeli athletes' quarters armed with guns. The 21
hour standoff, more famously known as the Munich massacre, resulted in 17 deaths. The Games were suspended for the first time in modern
Olympic history, but the Olympic Committee decided to continue days after. The Olympic Committee 's decision was met with harsh criticism
from the public (Burnton; Cosgrove; "The Munich Massacre: A Survivor 's Story"). During the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia attracted
terrorists who caused more social devastation. With the intention of inflicting fear and damaging Russia's image, jihadists frequently issued terrorist
threats before and during the Games. CNN presented a statement that two Al Qaeda linked suicide bombers made in an online video, "We 've
prepared a present for you and all tourists who 'll come over; if you will hold the Olympics, you 'll get a present from us for the Muslim blood that 's
been spilled" (Shoichet). The video foreshadowed a suicide bombing 400 miles away from Sochi that targeted a train station and a trolley bus, which
killed more than 30 people (Smith–Spark). Similar to Russia, China
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Japan 's Olympic Games Against Rio De Janeiro
Japan 's Olympic Win
Beads of sweat dripped down Tsunekazu Takeda 's forehead as he eagerly awaited the fate of his beloved city Tokyo. He glanced around nervously
to his fellow committee members as they had their eyes deadlocked on the 70 year old president of the International Olympic Committee Jacques
Rogge. The defeat in the previous biddings 4 years ago still lingered in everyone 's mind as a nervous chill ran down his back as he watched as
Rogge was handed the envelop. All was silent in the room all expect for the words "The International committee has the honor of announcing the
32nd Olympia games in 2020 are awarded to the city of Tokyo." A sigh of relive follow by a huge cheer or excitement filled the room as the
Tsunekazu and his fellow Japanese committee members bounced out of their seats applauding and waving their flag. They had failed to win the 2016
Olympic Games against Rio de Janeiro in 2009 but have redeemed themselves here in 2013 winning the 2020 Olympics. The minds of the Japanese
Olympic committee were unanimous; they had done it, on September 7th 2013, after 50 years the summer Olympics have been brought back to japan
once again. But the celebration was only temporary, like a sugar high that wouldn't last; hosting the Olympic Games is not an easy task. Years of
planning and preparation, venues, ceremonies, along with cost vs expenses budget control, public opinion, and fluctuating the economy are only the tip
of the iceberg of their worries. Tokyo is
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What Makes Usain Bolt A Hero
Life is full of series of curves, we may think we know where life is taking us but then it take us on a different path. Jamaican sprinter Usain Bolt
have experience a series of curve in his life, wanted to pursue a career in football was transformed in a matter of minutes. Usain St. Leo Bolt is a
retired Jamaican sprinter and world record holder in the 100 meters, 200 meters and 4x100 meter relay. Born and raised in sherwood Content in the
parish of Trelawny Jamaica. Due to his achievements and demiance in sprint competition he is widely considered to be the greatest sprinter of all time.
He is an eight–time Olympic gold medalist, eleven–time world champion. Although he was successful in track, it was not the path he was looking to
pursue. As a kids Usain used to enjoy... Show more content on ...
As a child he attended Wolderisa Primary, where he began to shown his sprint potential when he ran in his parish's annual national primary school
meat. By the age of 12, Bolt had become the second fastest runner over the 100 meter distance. When Usain reached high school at William Knibb
Memorial he focus on other sports, but his cricket coach noticed his speed and told him to pursue track. He took is coach advice and decided to
pursue tack a little more, he began training with Pablo McNeil, a former Olympic sprint athlete,and Dwayne Jarrett. Bolt won his first annual high
school championships medal in 2001; he took the silver medal in the 200 metres with a time of 22.04 seconds. Performing for Jamaica in his first
Caribbean regional event, Bolt clocked a personal best time of 48.28 s in the 400 metres in the 2001 CARIFTA Games, winning a silver medal.
The 200 meter also yielded a silver, as Bolt finished in 21.81 seconds. In 2001 he made his first apprencence on the world stage at the IAAF World
Youth Championships in Debrecen, Hungary. He failed to qualified for the finals but still set a personal best at 21.73 seconds. Bolt didn't take athletic
or even themselves
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Shawn Johnson Research Paper
Shawn Johnson is famous for her outstanding performance in the Olympic gymnastics games. Twenty–four year old gymnasts Shawn Johnson was
born on January 19, 1992 in Des Moines, Iowa. Shawn Johnson attended the Olympics at age 16 and won a gold medal in the balance beam event for
the U.S.A. Shawn Johnson participated on the show Dancing with the Stars with her partner Mark Ballas. Shawn Johnson is an influential person
because she was born in Iowa, went to the Olympics in 2008, and won a gold medal on the balance beam in the U.S Olympics. Shawn Johnson has a
very fascinating and captivating life. Terri Johnson and Doug Johnson's only child, Shawn Johnson was born on January 19, 1992 in Des Moines,
Iowa. Johnson's parents Terri and Doug Johnson enrolled her in gymnastics at age three because she was a very energetic child. After a couple of
years of gymnastics at her first gym her coach told Johnson's mom Terri, that Johnson was not full of talent, but was full... Show more content on ...
Shawn Johnson was selected after her marvelous performance in all of the events at the 2008 Olympic Gymnastics Team. Shawn Johnson competed in
Beijing in the summer of 2008 and earned four medals, one gold, and three silvers. By competing in the Tyson American Cup, Johnson was entered
into the Senior Division in 2007, because she did an outstanding performance in the all–around title. Shawn Johnson won herself a gold medal in
balance beam, floor, vault events, and she also won a silver in all around at the 2008 American Cup. Johnson was also voted the most famous living
sports figure by the Des Moines register in 2010. Shawn Johnson also participated in the American Television reality game show, 'The Celebrity
Apprentice 7' and was eliminated in task six. Johnson was skiing on January 2010, and tore her anterior cruciate ligament and was forced to withdraw
the Olympic Trials in 2012, and she later retired from
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The Olympic Games Is A Good Or Bad Thing Essay
Position Paper Whether hosting the Olympic Games is a good or bad thing is very complex. City officials need to take in a lot of factors when
determining whether or not to put forth the resources to submit a bid. One of the most crucial factors in deciding is determining what type of legacy
the Games would potentially leave on a city that hosted. Legacies can be defined as, " planned and unplanned, positive and negative, intangible and
tangible structures created through a sport event that remain after the event. (Kaplanidou & Karadakis, 2010)." Bid evaluations take into consideration
the projected long–term legacy that the Games leave on a city (Kaplanidou & Karadakis, 2010). The IOC looks for cities that will achieve a positive
legacy that benefits the host city and country. With a mega event like the Olympics, there are both economic and social legacies to consider when
looking at a host city. It is critical for bidding cities to accumulate and analyze all the information they can in order to make an informed decision,
because once a city agrees to host, there is no turning back (Lecture notes). Considering that the promises of economic legacies are generally
unfulfilled, Olympic hosts should focus on using the event to generate social legacies. In this paper, I will explain why the Olympic Games are so costly
to a city's economy and are an extremely risky investment. I will then proceed to explain some misconceptions about economic analyses, and conclude
by showing
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The Olympics Should Be Held At Boston
Are the Olympics beneficial to Cities? The Olympics show people that the greatest sporting event in the world is so much more than just a game.
The Olympics give people an opportunity to meet others from different countries despite their cultural, political, and religious differences. Also the
Olympics give people the sense of unity and hope. Therefore, by hosting an event like the Olympics, Boston has taken the right decision due to the
multiple benefits will occur to the city, the Olympics will contribute to the prosperity of the economy, bring a lot tourist, and shows the beauty of
Boston to the world. Therefore, the Olympics should be held in Boston. Some people believe that hosting the Olympics in Boston is a huge
responsibility for the city because of many things. For example, it's a huge risk because the country will invest a lot of money . So for some people
the Olympics is, economically, not worthwhile in the slightest, and the games are ridiculous expensive due to money that the government will spend
for the construction such as ; building stadiums, the construction of the infrastructure of the country to cater the needs of the athletes or sportspeople.
Also a lot of people think that Olympics will affect the population of the Boston for about a month or two because if lots of people go, the city will
be very crowded which creates lots of traffic and disrupts the daily life of the citizens. Besides that, some other people see that
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China Facts
The developments and introduction of Chinese Art dates back as far as 960 AD. Early forms of art in China were made from pottery and jade in the
Neolithic period. The gist of Chinese art encompasses fine arts, folk arts, and performance arts. The most common types/forms of arts and
entertainment in the Chinese culture and China are as follows:
1. Literature
2. Chinese Folk Art
3. Visual Art
4. Film
5. Chinese Music
6. Performing Arts
7. Gardening
8. Architecture
The start era for Chinese literature was the Spring and Autumn period. Chinese culture contains various groups of literature, including: Early Chinese
poetry, Han and Northern dynasties poetry, Golden Age of Chinese poetry, Li Bai and Du Fu, Late... Show more content on ...
In 2012, the country snagged the title of being the second–largest market in the world by box office receipts.
Magazines, journals, and internet sites are also three very common forms of entertainment in China, as well as other countries all over the world. The
Duzhe is China's most renowned magazine. It is a semi–monthly Chinese broad–spectrum interest magazine. The magazine holds information on
various subjects such as stories, celebrity's biography, jokes, anecdotes, quotations. The Duzhe, pictured below, is frequently recognized as the Chinese
version of The New Yorker.
Currently, 46.03% of nearly 1.4 billion of the world's largest population in China uses the internet. (Wong, 2014) This means that almost half of 1.4
billion people (.7 million people), whether they are using search engines, shopping, or just surfing the web use and utilize the internet everyday. The
Top 10 Websites in China by Traffic in 2014 are as follows: (Wong, 2014)
1. Baidu (Search)
2. QQ (Search)
3. TaoBao (Shopping)
4. Sina (Search)
5. Hao123 (Search)
6. Sina Weibo (Social)
7. Tmall (Shopping)
8. Sohu (Search)
9. (Search)
10. (Social)
Tourist Attractions
With a population of over 1.35 billion, China is the most populated country in the world. So, it is not difficult to imagine how many tourists desire to
see the intriguing and fascinating country. There
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Olympic Games A Waste Of Money
Are major sporting events like the Olympic Games a waste of money?
Are the Olympic Games a waste of money? The Olympic Games are an international event where athletes from every country come together to
compete. Many fans and spectators attend this event to cheer for their country. The number of spectators keeps on increasing every four years as the
event gets more popular. As this is an international event the cost of hosting it is huge. The total output of the 1976 Montreal Games was $1.48
billion whilst the 2012 London Games was a total of $14.6 billion. Stadiums are built for different disciplines, national representatives are invited to
perform in the opening and closing ceremony, as a result the stadiums need a high level of security. Where the hosting country receives the money
from, whom it will benefit and what it does to the country, will be the three main points I will be covering in this essay. Initially, to host theOlympic
Games, the country must have the money to afford them, but where does it come from? One could say it's from the public while another says it's from
sponsors. According to "The Guardian" both of these statements are correct, in the 2012 London Games the money came from the central ... Show more
content on ...
As the country is setting up everything, the money collected is used for the infrastructure. Not only are stadiums being built but other structures such as
bridges and highways are being upgraded to improve traffic conditions. Fans and spectators from around the world will be attending this event at that
venue causing the transportation systems (buses, taxis) to be chock–full and causing an upsurge in traffic problems in that city. During the 2008
Beijing Olympic Games, the government decreased the traffic problems by extending and broadening the roads, highways and bridges. One could say
there has been a long–term investment in the improving of the circulation infrastructure in that
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The Relations Between China And The Democratic Republic Of...
Introduction The trajectory of global politics has dramatically changed after the end the World War II and after the Berlin Wall came down in 1989. In
fact, many countries around the globe became economically competitive, politically stable, and culturally optimistic. As the result, many nations started
affirming themselves on the global arena while others continued to struggle internally and beyond the borders. The combinations of these factors have
perhaps led to interdependency.
Globalization has played a significant role in bringing nations together. In order to advance their interests, share their common experience, and
overcome their weaknesses, states constantly engage in bilateral or multilateral relationships. The bilateral relationships between China and the
Democratic Republic of Congo obey to these dynamic trends. The People's Republic of China and the Democratic Republic of Congo enjoy stable
diplomatic relations although there have been an increasing economic interests for one another since 1973.
The People's Republic of China and the Democratic Republic of Congo (Formerly Zaire) established their diplomatic relationships in 1973 during an
official visit to Beijing by Mubuto. Since, there have been intensifications despite the internal turmoil on each side. Before 1973 however, relations with
China became rocky when Zaire obtained its independence in 1960 from Belgium and established relations with Taiwan. As the result, the angry China
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Olympic Games Has Brought A Great Deal Of Economic,...
It has been witnessed that Olympic games has brought a great deal of economic, social, cultural, environmental and political changes to the host
country. From the perspective of economics, Olympic games can overall positively contribute the host country in its economic growth, urban
expandation, employment opportunities, households' welfare improvement, etc. For example, Korea and Japan have comparatively experienced
dramatic GDP growth after Olympics in Seoul in 1988 and Tokyo in 1964 with rates of 16.8% and 15.8%, respectively. In addition, developed
countries like Spain that host Olympic games in Barcelona in 1992 gained much domestic consumption with 11.1% growth rate, even thought the
average employment growth in Spain kept flat, which is mostly due to the economic recession in Europe at that time that has significantly offset the
economic benefits from Barcelona having Olympic games (Vegara, 1992). In theory, the net changes (positive changes minus negative changes) from
new economics activities in related to an event is defined as "Economic Impact" (Foster, Greyser & Walsh, 2006). In 2001, China was renowned for
holding 2008 Olympic games in Beijing. This event has economically brought a considerable of positive impacts in vary aspects such as domestic
demand improvement, employment rise, and so forth. However, 2008 Olympic games in Beijing also contains negative economic impact, such as the
expenses on bidding for hosting Olympic games (Shipway &
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Should Video Games For The World?
Should Video Games include in Olympic? Recently video games became the favorite topic on the Internet again, because eGame now is involved
in Olympic, and intend to take place during the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro, Basil (POETER). Athletics are being billed national pride
and medals as prizes, which means there is not prize money. Opponent ideas of Video Games should get in Olympic Population is not related Last
year, the finals of a nationwide Madden 25 tournament were held at the enormous AT&T Stadium in Dallas, home of the NFL 's Cowboys (POETER).
The BBC also noted that 40,000 fans recently crowded into Sangam Stadium in Seoul to watch a League of Legends final match on the e–sports circuit
(Evans). However, how many people focus on a competition does not mean it should play in Olympic. For example, Cricket, attracts nearly 2.5
billion fans to enjoy ("Most Popular Sports in the World."), is not an Olympic sport, and their fans do not have a hard push to get Cricket involved.
For Cricket fans, whether Cricket participates in Olympic or not is not a big deal. The most important thing is they can enjoy this sport. So drawing a
big–crowed does not mean it gets the ticket of Olympic. Besides, an NBA champion ring is much more meaningful to a basketball player rather than
an Olympic gold medal, and a FIFA champion is more worthy than Olympic football champion. So video games need gain confidence from holding its
tournaments rather than get
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China Beijing Olympic Games And The Environmental Impact...
As the development of the world, sustainable development is becoming more and more remarkable among the public. Meanwhile the environmental
impacts on worldwide mega sport events are catching an increasing attention. However the environmental impacts are complex and difficult to be
assessed quantitatively, in spite of event stakeholders often insist that it is as important as social and economic legacies (Collins, Jones, & Munday,
2009). In the recent decade, several significant mega sports events took place which related to issues of environmental impacts, sustainability and
greening events, such as several Olympic Games, Rugby World Cup, and FIFA World Cup. Since the Beijing Organising Committee for the Games of
the XXIX Olympiad defined the Beijing Olympic would be "People's Olympics, Green Olympics, and High–Tech Olympics" (2002). This essay
focuses on 2008 Beijing Olympic Game, and the environmental impact that the game faced.
At the beginning of this essay, a brief historic background of Beijing Olympic will be introduces, and a definition of environmental impact will be
presented with some discussions. In the following part, some more detailed discussion will be studied between Beijing Olympic and environmental
impact based on researches. The paper will reveal the environmental issues occurred during the game. Moreover, plans and solutions that proposed by
the host government also will be listed and analysed. After that, a list of recommendations will be
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The Olympics Is Not Worth The Investment
The ability to take risks is one of the most important characteristics of a successful businessperson. Of course, there is never any guarantee that an
investment will yield significant returns. An example of a very risky decision from an economic standpoint is a country deciding to host the Olympic
games. Host cities of the Olympics often promise that they can gain capital from tourism, attracting new investment from foreign entities, increased
trade, and returns on investment in infrastructure. Many countries have seen considerable success in gaining back the money invested into their
Olympic games. Salt Lake City's 2002 Olympics, Beijing's 2008 Olympics, and London's 2012 Olympics are all events that stimulated economic ...
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For instance, the 2002 Salt Lake City Winter Olympics were able to turn a profit. The Salt Lake Organizing Committee (SLOC), had to make last
minute extensions to security measures in the wake of the September 11 attacks. The security force for the games consisted of 12,000 people.
Regardless of this unexpected last–minute expense of $500 million USD, the U.S. was able to profit by $101 million USD from the games. This is in
part due to the fact that only three out of the fifteen venues used for the games were not already built. This means that the SLOC was able to cut
down on their overall costs. The games were broadcast to over 2.1 billion television viewers in 160 nations worldwide. The attendance averaged
70,000 people each day at the fifteen venues as 1.5 million tickets were sold. Each of the fifteen venues used in the games are still in use today.
These statistics show that the SLOC was very successful in their approach. Since a lot of capital was invested in security, people were able to feel
safe at the games and as a result, ticket sales met expected targets in spite of the September 11 attacks. In another example, China was able to make
unprecedented revenues from their 2008 Olympic Games held in Beijing. Their Olympic games cost a never–before–seen total of 19 billion Chinese
yuan, which was the equivalent to $44 billion
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Hosting The Olympics Game, Is It Worth It? Essay
The Olympic games were firstly introduced in 776 BC in Olympia, Greece, as a religious celebration to honor Zeus, a god in Ancient Greek
mythology. It was a series of athletic competitions where representatives from each city–state and then compete to become a winner. Nowadays, the
modern Olympic games have become one of the most prestigious events in the world. There are thousands of participants and athletes come from
hundreds of countries all over the world to compete in more than 50 sports. The first modern Games was held in Athens, Greece, in 1896 and then
followed by the winter games that were started in 1924. Each game is held quadrennial with a two–year difference between summer and winter games.
The Olympic games are managed by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and there is also a representative committee in several countries
around the world which is called National Olympic Games Committee (NOC).
Just like the others sports events, such as World Cup, the Olympic games are held in different cities and different countries. So that there must be a
special procedure to select the host city for the games, which is through an open–bidding process that is started seven years prior to the game. However,
the bidding process literally starts earlier, it might be eight or nine years prior, since there will be also 'domestic competition' within a country to select
which city that will represent their country to
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2016 Boston Olympics A Chance
Yiwei Wang
Nancye Araneo
ESL 155
23, Feb, 2015
Give Boston Olympics a Chance "Give 2024 Boston Olympics a chance!" people invoked on social network, after Mayor Marty Walsh announced
2024 Boston Olympic bid. Due to hundred years of development, Olympic spirits influenced and inspired generation after generation. Now, the
Olympics is not only a athletic match, but also a stage for the host to show up. Hosting the Olympics in Boston would provide a wonderful opportunity
to build a valuable legacy not only for Boston, but also for the Olympic movement. The 2024 Boston Olympic Games should be held to enhance life
quality of the residents in greater Boston region. Holding the Olympic games is a good chance to boost the public transportation ... Show more content
on ...
(28) The 2024 Boston Olympic games will bring intense development of underutilized areas in Boston and the utilization of open space will be
enhanced. Due to Boston is a port city and there are 6 international airports in greater Boston region, The 2024 Boston Olympic games council can
save more money for building large transport facilities and use the investment to improve the public transportation.That is a good news for the
residents who live in greater Boston region because the daily traffic will be more efficient and convenient. The infrastructure of the Olympic games
will be a legacy. The legacy of hosting the Olympic games is most visibly identified by the improved physical character of Greater Boston. Boston
2024 Olympics bid concept shows: Greater Boston region will take an exponential jump forward with a new Midtown multifunctional neighborhood
in the core of the city, a new student village at Boston's public university, a renewed public golf course at Franklin Park and Somerville will get a
opportunity to transform into the 'cycling capital of America.' (33) Boston 2024 committee also announced that Boston will also build more than 28
venues or renewed in a 10–kilometer radius of Boston urban area, and two major clusters for residences and stadiums will be established by the
Government of Boston.(29) As Grillo said in Boston Business journal, 3,000 to 4,000 new affordable workforce units of in midtown can solve Boston's
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Rome And Rome : Colosseum, Circus Maximus, And Hippodromes
History always finds its way to help shape our future. As an athlete looking back into the Greek and Roman facilities and how they were structured it
can be breath taking and offer a wealth of knowledge. Some of the greatest facilities still stand today and others are being built. Some of the most
famous facilities being in Greece and Rome: Colosseum, Circus Maximus, and Hippodromes.
The Colosseum is one of the greatest buildings ever built. It was built around A.D. 70–72 by Emperor Vespasian (Colosseum). In A.D. 80 the
Colosseum was opened up for games (Colosseum). Some of the games being played were gladiatorial combats and wild animal fights (Colosseum).
After going strong for four centuries about 2/3 of the Colosseum fell down (Colosseum). Yet, not much remains the Amphitheater still is a symbol for
Rome and a very popular place for tourist (Colosseum).
At one point the Circus Maximus was one of the largest facilities in Rome (Circus Maximus). Many people would go here for entertainment. They
were most commonly known for chariot races. "At one point the Circus Maximus could seat 250,000 people, one quarter of Rome's population"
(Circus Maximus). The early history of the Circus Maximus goes back to the sixth century (Circus Maximus). The fifth king of Rime, Tarquinius
Prscus, created a track between the Palatine and Aventine hills (Circus Maximus). " In 174 BC the gates were rebuilt..."(Circus Maximus). There was
a lot of rebuilding that had to be done because of a fire
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Developing Countries Entering A Bid For Host Major Sports...
There are an increasing number of less–developed countries entering a bid to host major sport events such as the Olympic Games or the FIFA World
Cup. Less–developed countries, also called developing countries or newly–industrialised countries, are defined according to the HDI (Human
Development Index), which is composed of some measurable elements such as GNP (Gross National Product) per capita, number of years schooling
and life expectancy (European Commission 2011). Some countries that are regarded as developing have experienced fast development (especially in
manufacturing and tertiary industries) in recent years. Simultaneously, a number of these countries such as China, Brazil and South Africa have held
major sports events . Hosting these events has brought a multitude of benefits to them. It is clear that hosting of major sports events has a significant
effect on less–developed countries. Although such an activity could be negative in terms of its environmental impact, because of carbon emissions
produced by overseas visitors travelling to the event, it is generally positive in terms of economy, culture and international status. This essay will focus
on the economic benefits and subsequent development opportunities of hosting major sports events, particularly in less–developed countries. Hosting a
major sports event is a significant opportunity to boost economic growth for the developing countries. Enormous funds are invested in various sectors,
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How Does The 2008 Games Affect The Economy
Economic Impact To see the impact of the 2008 Games on the Chinese economy, we must first look at how much money was spent and what it was
spent on. While $40 billion is the average number given when saying how much the 2008 Games cost, only a little more than $6 billion went to sports
related costs, (Gaines, 2015) including $500 million going to building the Bird's Nest, the Olympic track and field venue. The rest went to a new
airport terminal, a light rail, roads and other preparations such as security and the environmental clean up ("The cost of the Beijing Olympics"). Almost
every city that hosts the Olympics promises to use the new stadiums that are built well beyond when the Games end, but almost none actually do.
Beijing is no different.... Show more content on ...
The executive director of the International Olympic Committee, (IOC, the committee that votes on and awards who receives the honor of hosting the
Games, among other duties related to the games) said some people wanted to "close the door" on China because of their human rights abuses, but he
hoped that by awarding China the honor of hosting the games, "openness, progress and, development in many areas will improve the situation
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  • 1. Marketing Paper 1. Analyze the reasons why the Chinese government hired a Western public relations firm to work on the 2008 Beijing Olympics. The Chinese government felt it was necessary to hire a Western public relations firm for the 2008 Beijing Olympics in an effort to create a positive country image. Creating this positive image also included reducing human rights concerns that were being addressed by groups such as Darfur and Tibet. The public image of China could have negatively influenced international consumers' attitudes and purchasing intentions for certain products and brands. The issues unfolding in China were going to be put under a microscope and magnified as media attention shifted to China because of the Olympics. The hot button issues... Show more content on ... The impact of the extensive exposure can be beneficial or harmful to companies and their brand depending on certain situations. Dow is an example of a company who have received negative publicity during the Olympic Games. The company has been criticized for its alleged involvement with the pesticide plant accident that killed thousands of people in India. Almost all publicity from Dow becoming one of the eleven major games sponsors has been negative, and just about every story written about Dow associates the company's name with Bhopal, one of the world's worst industrial disasters (MSNBC, 2012). Rights groups, athletes, and politician have spoken out against Dow and signed petitions against Dow's participation. The company paid nearly $11 million for fabric panels to wrap around the London Olympic stadium, but to assuage public protest, Dow agreed not to put its logo on the decoration (MSNBC, 2012). In this case the publicity was negative and possibly could have been avoided had Dow not opted to join the other sponsors. Although there is a possibility for negative publicity, opportunity to reach global audiences greatly outweighs the potential for negative publicity. Billions of dollars are spent by businesses to win the hearts and minds of a global audience. Visa paid around $100 million for the privilege of being one of the London Games' top sponsors along with Coca–Cola, McDonald's, and Procter & Gamble (Ross, 2012). Although this is ... Get more on ...
  • 2. The Olympic Games : The World Cup, The Commonwealth Games... Iconic events such as the Olympic Games, the FIFA World Cup, the Commonwealth Games and the Super bowl, have a significant relationship with society. Iconic events also have various positive and negative impacts on society. All types of people, cultures and small business owners, living in host city community neighbourhoods, are negatively impacted by neighbourhood refurbishments and being forced to leave. At the same time, iconic events have negative and positive, employment and volunteering implications. Although iconic events can increase employment opportunities for the public, there are sustainability concerns, relating to redundancies after an iconic event. Budgeting cuts in other industries and Olympic branding, severely impact people working in these industries and the individuals, who sell non–licensed products in host cities. Iconic events have various positive impacts, in connection to volunteering. Iconic event volunteering has many positive implications for individuals mentally. At the same time, iconic events provide the opportunity for the public, to improve their education and employment opportunities. Finally, iconic events can increase an individual's psychic income, by allowing them to experience happiness and joy. They also allow people, to attain a positive perception of their own lives. Simultaneously, iconic events allow people from all cultures and races, to come together and forget about their own personal problems, temporarily. Lastly, community ... Get more on ...
  • 3. The Birds Nest Stadium 1.0 Project Description The Beijing National Stadium, better known as the Birds Nest Stadium is a sporting facility which was purposefully built for the Beijing Olympic Games in 2008. This stadium is known for using tonnes of steel (up to 42,000 tonnes) to produce a stadium that resembles a Birds Nest as shown in the figure below (Bell,2017). Figure 1– Birds Nest Stadium (Bell,2017) The stadium could fit up to 91,000 people inside and clever design by the architectural firm Herzog & de Meuron allowed for this stadium to go down as one of the architectural wonders of the world (Bell,2017). The project began in October of 2002 with an invitation for bidders opened by the BDPC which allowed for companies to submit tender prices for the ... Show more content on ... Other inputs to the estimate include Human Resource Plan, Risk Register and Organisational Process Assets (Peebles,2017). All these inputs that the CITIC consortium used would help formulate the estimation of cost that would be supplied in the tender process to the BDPC. 2.2 Tools and Techniques Using the inputs above combined with specialised tools and techniques, the CITIC Consortium came up with an outputted estimated cost to submit for the tender. These tools are as follows. High quality personnel were trained for estimates and the company (CITIC Consortium) had a finance department used for estimating projects (Chinyere,2013). This team was used throughout the whole project and because of their background in estimating, this meant that they had expert judgement on what activities could be done and for what price. Other techniques the team used include computer software which could generate estimates on prices using historical information and previous projects that the team had done (Chinyere, 2013). In regards to project cost management theory, analogous estimating and parametric estimating are seen to be better so using these might have given the company a better estimate on the Birds Nest Stadium project (Hueber, 2015). 2.3 Outputs Inputs and tools/techniques are used to come up with an ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Sample Finance Of Public Sector : Hosting Olympics Game,... Name: Friezca Rara Juta Subject: PPD 649 Finance of Public Sector HOSTING OLYMPICS GAME, IS IT WORTH IT? Introduction The Olympic games was firstly introduced in 776 BC in Olympia, Greece, as a religious celebration to honor Zeus, a god in Ancient Greek mythology. It was a series of athletic competitions where representative from each city–state and then compete to become a winner. Nowadays, the modern Olympic games has become one of the most prestigious sport event in the world. There are thousands of participants and athletes come from hundreds of countries all over the world to compete in more than 50 sports. The first modern Games was held in Athens, Greece, in 1896 and then followed by the winter games that were started in 1924. Each game is held quadrennial with two–year difference between summer and winter games. The Olympic games is managed by International Olympic Committee (IOC) and there is also representative committee in several countries around the world which is called National Olympic Games Committee (NOC). Just like the others sport events, such as World Cup, the Olympic games is held in different cities and different countries. So that there must be a special procedure to select the host city for the games, which is through an open–bidding process that is started seven years prior to the game. However, the bidding process literally start earlier, it might be eight or nine years prior, since there will be also 'domestic competition' within a country to ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Developing Countries Mega Events The Issues Developing Countries face when Hosting and bidding for 'Mega Events' [pic] [pic] Table of Contents Conclusion and Outlook based on Selection Criteria..............................................P223 I.Introduction4 II.Developed Nations traditionally host 'Mega–Events'6 I.23 II.23 III.23 IV.Conclusion and Outlook based on selection criteria23 Findling, John, Pelle, Kimberly Encyclopedia of the modern Olympic movement, Greenwood Publishing group, 200625 Gleeson, Mark. "SA faces $1bn World Cup stadium bill." Mail & Guardian [JOHANNESBURG] 1 Oct. 2006. Print.25 Hall, Alan "10,000 hookers, mob wars, drugs and Pounds 10billion... the Mafia can 'twait for German World Cup 2006" :[Final 1 Edition]. " The... Show more content on ... Smaller European Cities such as Istanbul and Leipzig were also withdrawn from the running at the same IOC assembly in Singapore. (Wilson) Swiss based Sports federations such as the IOC and FIFA have always tended to follow tactic similar to their country's banking systems, which is to be risk averse. Developing nations seem to offer a whole host of challenges that hinder their bids being accepted. The aim of this paper is to analyze the problems facing developing nations and trying to find ways to ensure that developing nations can compete on an even playing field with established economically nations when competing for 'mega–events'. This will be achieved by analyzing the selection criteria that governing bodies use when judging nations bids to host mega–events and by looking at the Olympic bid of Qatar, a developing nation with a strong economy. Qatar has superb sports facilities that the government are attempting to leverage in its bids for both the World Cup and Olympics. However, as is the case with all developing nations it faces a unique set of challenges that hinder its desire to host 'mega–events'. Table: Developed Nations traditionally host 'Mega–Events' [pic] The Selection Process Over the last few years the ways that federations such as the IOC and FIFA have selected cities and nations for their flagship event has changed dramatically. For example, during the ... Get more on ...
  • 6. How To Write An Informative Essay On Gymnastics Gymnastics is the most popular sport in China. Gymnastics can help people relax body and mind, enhance the coordination of the body can also edify sentiment, is a kind of very good exercise. In our country, there are also many famous gymnasts who have won many places in the competition. I'm going to introduce you to this kind of exercise so that you know enough about it. Paragraph1 Topic Sentences: I don't think you know it well, but let me give you a brief introduction. Supporting Details: In the Olympic Games, there are many kinds of gymnastics competitions, such as light instrument gymnastics, Swedish gymnastics, European gymnastics and other gymnastics competitions. This increases the audience's viewing rate, making more people who watch ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Olympic Housing Issues Along with the money that must be spent on these new facilities, there must also be land for them to reside on. Because new land cannot be created, scarcity again comes into effect. This is made apparent through the real–estate market. Often times, these Olympic construction projects take the space of what would be housing developments or other building projects. This can cause rents to rise in the city and its surrounding areas. These cities are also likely to experience the effects of crowding out (The Economic Impact 19). Because there is an abundance of people flooding the area and limited space in hotels for them to stay, hotel prices skyrocket. This causes many of the people who would normally come visit the country without the games... Show more content on ... In some cases, citizens of the host city are very opposed to certain aspects of facilities that are built to house the Games. For example, in the Sydney Olympics, the citizens held a very hostile attitude toward the construction of the Bondi Beach Volleyball Stadium. They argued that the development of that facility would close off a popular surfing beach for six months causing them an inconvenience. The people of Sydney also thought that putting an arena on this stretch of beach might cause environmental problems (Cashman 6). The recent Rio Olympics especially stirred up some controversy. The developers of these games built a golf course in a natural reserve, evicted hundreds of families to make way for infrastructure, and even built their press center on a slave burial ground (Coston). These actions are all violations of universal ethical and moral principles. As Catholics, we know that it is our job to care for the environment. When the maker's of the Rio Games, Sydney Game, and any other Games for that matter, build a facility that disrupts a natural reserve or natural habitat of animals, it breaks that teaching. We also know that each and every person is made in God's image and therefore deserves to be treated with respect and dignity. The people that were evicted from their homes or dug up from their graves to allow development were not given that dignity that they deserve. Along with development, the initial bidding process also brings up ethics issues. When a country enters into the bidding process to try to obtain the rights for hosting the Games, local communities often end up being motivated and run by private business interests. This leads to the interests of the citizens of the city not being properly represented. It also leads to the city spending billions of dollars just to have a chance to host the Games, which they may ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Costs And Benefits Of Hosting The Olympic Games Is It Worth It?: Analyzing the Costs and Benefits of Hosting the Olympic Games It's a gorgeous early August day. You just want to be outside, regardless of what you are doing. Are you? Nope. You are sitting in your car, stuck in traffic because your evening commute home has tripled in time due to the traffic. This is a common side–effect of hosting the Olympic Games. On the other hand, the influx of people coming into the city does wonders for the local economy. Every few years, countries throw mind–blowing amounts of money at the International Olympic Committee (IOC) for the right to host the Olympic Games, but is it worth it for the country and its citizens? In 2015, Boston was in contention to host the 2024 summer Games, but ultimately lost out to Paris, much to many Bostonians delight. Was their reaction justified, or did they just miss out on a great opportunity? The monetary costs of hosting the Olympic Games are astronomical. The most evident cost of hosting the Olympic Games are the monetary costs that come with hosting the Games. At the Summer Games in 2008, Beijing spent "at least US$100 million" on the Opening Ceremonies alone, according to Rishav Bista, Assistant Professor of Economics at Marshall University. That is just where the costs start. At the time of their bid, many hopeful–host cities do not have the stadiums or arenas needed to accommodate all the events or the amount of people who will be in attendance. The 2012 Olympic Games ended up costing ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Essay on The Importance of Sports Think of society as a living organism which every part of it contributes to its survival. This view is the functionalist perspective, which every parts of a society are structured to maintain its stability. Functionalist regard sports as an almost religious institution that uses ritual and ceremony to reinforce the common values of a society. In 1968, Robert Merton made an important distinction between manifest and latent functions. Manifest functions of institutions are open, stated, conscious functions that involve intended, recognized, consequences of an aspect of society. Taking sports as an example, manifest function of sports is to keep people stay fit and healthy. It is an objective that widely and well known by everyone. In ... Show more content on ... In other words, sports could stay us strong, good, and feeling well. Apart from that, sports serve as a safety valve for both participants and spectators, who are allowed to shed tension and aggressive energy in a socially acceptable way. It provides them an alternative way to consume their excess energy and spend their leisure time. Thus, avoid them from being involved in activities that will go against the norms. It is better to do something useful than getting involve in terrible things like drug trafficking, drug abuse, illegal car racing or prostitution. Moreover, sports would be perfect as a choice for recreation. We can hang out with friends and family in a meaningful way. It would not be too costly, since badminton racket and shuttlecocks are affordable. Besides that, since they could to be found in stores, it would not be a problem or a hardship to get the related sports equipment. Practicing sports as a recreation would help in building up the relationship among friends and family members. Since, badminton is a play that could be even performed by kids. It is suitable for a family recreation. Parents could enjoy the time spent with their children. It is certainly a better choice of relaxing rather than shopping or fooling around and waste time. No doubt, it ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Ai Weiwei Contributions Born in 1957, Ai Weiwei is an artist and activist, who is heavily influenced by his father's political thinking about China. He is well known for his combination of art and society. Ai Weiwei began as a self –taught artist and worked as a painter and cartoon designer in the Beijing Film Academy. In 1981, Ai went to America because he could not express freely in China. In the United States, he studied at the Parsons School of Design and Art Student League. When Ai flew back to China, he brought back different ideas from the American Democratic system. He did several political activities and was arrested in April 2011, and released in June 2011 (Lao). The museum will displayAi Weiwei's artworks for the winter season because his works are valuable culturally, unique and going to be popular. Ai Weiwei always tries to connect different subjects like, human rights, freedom and politics into the Chineseculture (Lucas). In his works, there is always a meaningful message and is created to be remembered. Through art he can express his caring to the public. Therefore, there is cultural significance in it. For example, he used the same type of marble that was used for Chairman Mao for "Surveillance Camera" for a historical purpose (Lucas). To indicate the value of the present society, he collected the names of all the victims of the earthquake at Sichuan in 2008 and made people read out those names on the media so that people can remember them. It has been printed out and put on the ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Essay On Project Management 1.Introduction The modern concept of project management had been introduced in China through "Lu Buge hydroelectric power station" project since 1982. Through this modern management method, numerous of project resource had been saved, and the project planning become more accurate. Nowadays, it has been used into numerous complex megaprojects. The national stadium is an eye–catching project in 2008 Beijing Olympics portfolio. However, it has several vital project management issues occurred. This report will analyze the several issue if a project from the project management perspective, which focus on project objective definition issue and project scope management issue and draw on past experience for improvement of future projects at the ... Show more content on ... 90–91). The project proposed budget was 500 million dollars (Ren, 2008, p. 185). In the prediction, the originally predict accommodations was 91,000 visitors, including 10,000 temporary seats. The stadium dominated 258,000 square meters of space and was constructed with 36 km of unwrapped steel, weighting about 45,000tonnes. The surface of the National stadium was designed by covering a colossal saddle–shaped elliptic steel, with a hanging roof. The steel structure spend 42,000 ton high quality steel, After July in 2004, the project had been suddenly stopped by order of the national government, during the construction break the whole project had been redesigned, and the roof was eventually removed. It took five years to finish this project. The project closed out on June 2008(Ren, 2008, p. 175). 2.Analysis of Issues The objective of the stadium can be considered as two levels including national level and project level. For the national level, the stadium is designed for a landmark building by mixture of Chinese art and traditional cultures. This is also to increase the recognition and awareness of 2008 Beijing Olympic. For the project level, the construction needs to meet all technical requirements and all athletes' demands. (Ke, 2014, p. 90–91). Also, the objective of such a project should be aligned with the organization's strategic objective (Rodney, 2010, p. 39). The Chinese government, as the main sponsor and ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Beijing 's National Stadium : A Modern Marvel And The Imagine sitting in an arena or stadium full of fans awaiting the final play of an intense matchup of the league's best teams. The rush of adrenaline that you get as your team celebrates after making the game winning shot or play is exhilarating and being there live to enjoy it is unforgettable. Aside from the performances of the athletes, the sportscape or "physical environment in which a service is delivered", plays a significant factor in the overall sporting event experience. Beijing's National Stadium ("Birds Nest") is one of the most intriguing and well–designed sportscape in world, while the Arthur Ashe Stadium is one of the most poorly designed. There are stark differences between each sportscape and these differences make the... Show more content on ... The stadium actually resembles a bird's nest. Really, it is quite fascinating how a structure of that size can be made to resemble something so ordinary. Surprisingly, according to architects and engineers, the circular shape of the stadium is supposed to represent heaven and is inspired by Chinese–style crazed pottery (Design–build, 2016). The walk from the parking lot to the stadium would be absolutely breathe taking. Aesthetically, not many stadiums /arenas come close. Looks are not everything and next to aesthetics is accessibility. Another key component to a sportscape is accessibility. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) "was passed in 1990, and gives mandates about construction, design and renovation of public accommodations that allow access to people with disabilities (Clow, Fetchko and Roy, 2013). Although, this law does not extend to stadiums outside the United States, the "Birds Nest" has set a new standard for other to follow. The stadium has more than 200 wheelchair seats intended for the disabled, which "architectural experts think that it not only is a symbol building of the 2008 Olympics but also set a very good example to the world 's architectural history" (Travel China Guide, 2016). Not only is it a kind gesture to provided ample space for the disable, more importantly, it shows how important attending live events are for those who are disable and how vital it is to meet their needs. The Oakland ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Costs And Benefits For The 2016 Olympics The Olympic games originated in ancient Greece around the 8th century BC as a contest between city–states. The modern Olympics were re–started in 1896 by Baron Pierre de Coubertin as a competition between the best athletes from each country. Now countries and cities compete to host the Olympic games, which are held every 4 years, with winter and summer games alternating every two years. In submitting their bids the countries are required to show how hosting the games will deliver a positive economic gain. However, the track record of delivering this gain is not good, sometimes the costs have outweighed the benefits for hosts. Yet cities continue to bid, why? The real motivation seems to be not economic but political; proving that a country has arrived on the international stage or increasing the moral of the population. The 2016 Olympics will be held in Rio but they are facing significant challenges to deliver either the economic or political benefits that have been promised. This paper will look at the costs and benefits for the Rio Olympics and whether they are likely to be delivered? Originally an entirely amateur competition the Olympics have developed into a unique opportunity for media exposure for athletes who would otherwise never have a chance to attain national or international fame. The Games also constitute an opportunity for the host city and country to showcase themselves to the world and for their political leaders the opportunity to polish their ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Rio Host Impacts Essay Name Prof. Class Date Title Every four years the world goes into a clamor for the Olympic Games, and cities aggressively bid for the right to host these events. Cities literally fight for the right to hold these games and spend exorbitant amounts of money in the hopes of bringing the worlds Olympiad's to their municipality. But, is the prestige of being the host worth it for the host city? It is becoming more apparent that these endeavors are detrimental to the economy, if you look at the five most recent summer Olympics; Rio de Janeiro, London, Beijing, Athens, and Sydney. Many of these cities apply with the hopes of a positive long–term impact, many in recent times to be severely disappointed. Rio won it's Olympic bid in 2009, after several years of solid GDP growth and was one of the most dynamic emerging economies at the time. The summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro were plagued by controversy even before the games started, with concerns over the outbreak of the Zika virus as well as the concerns about the water in the area (Rapoza). After Brazil announced that it would host the 2016 Olympics it has invested twelve billion dollars in infrastructure alone between 2009–2015, something that had to be developed to support the influx of tourists and athletes (Rapoza). This investment in the infrastructure and public spending increased the debt of Rio by 17%, and the state received a bailout from the government in June. In the investment phase there was ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Sports Architecture in Modern China: a Comparison Between... Sports Architecture in Modern China A comparison between 2008 Olympic venues and 1990 Asian Games venues Introduction Hosting the 2008 Olympic Games is monumental in Chinese history, almost a century ago, Chinese scholars dreamed of the Olympics being staged in China, which marks sovereignty and power of the country in a global view. Therefore, when the long time expectation is about to become real, the primary goal for Chinese government and citizens is to show the best part of China to the world. This paper focuses on what and how the Chinese have done in order to accomplish the mission of hosting a successful game. A number of Olympic architectures are reviewed in terms of their locations, the cultural ... Show more content on ... Selection of the National Stadium had been modified and second thought over and over. In the 1950th, Chinese government officials assigned Wukesong area to be the future site for National Stadium. While the Asian Games Village and other stadiums were constructed, that area was saved for National Stadium for China was planning to bid for the 2000 Olympic Games. On March 1999, an Olympic venue location selection committee was founded, and the members brought up 3 plans, which are to build the primary venues on the north part, east part, or southeast of Beijing. The committee eventually reached an agreement that is the center of 2008 Olympics (known as the Olympic Green) must be located on the north side, adjacent to the central axis, by doing this China shows the world how Chinese people cares about the Olympics. One question was raised among experts though, which regards with the extended central axis. For instance, Peng Peigen, a Canadian––nationality professor with Qinghua University, said the traditional central axis of Beijing is a real one with large buildings on it, such as the Tiananmen Tower, the Forbidden City and the Drum Tower. Now the extended axis does not have any landmark buildings on it, which doesn't comply with the designing style of Chinese cities. Other members of the judging panel of the design competition for the Olympic Green, agreed that the ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Taking a Look at Ai Weiwei Ai Weiwei, a Chinese contemporary artist as well as a political activist was born in Beijing on May 18, 1957. When Ai was only one year old him and his family were sent to a labor camp. It was not for sixteen years later at the end of the Cultural Revolution until his family moved back to Beijing. He studied animation at the Beijing Film Academy in 1978. After his studies he spent about twelve years in the United States and studied at the Parsons School of Design where he soon dropped out. For income he became a street artist, doing drawings on the side. When his father had become sick in 1993, Ai returned to Beijing from New York City. He then became the artist director and co –founder of the China Art Achieves and Warehouse. This is about the time when some controversial pieces are now starting to come about. In 1993, Ai Weiwei then had moved to the North side of China in a town called Coachanghdi, this is where he started to do architectural work, including his studio house. This is when he founded the FAKE design, which is an architectural studio. Ai's biggest controversial issue is when he was arrested on false tax evasions and detained for three months. After his arrest Ai Weiwei is no longer permitted to leave China and is under tight security by the Chinese government. He is not allowed to leave the country because he is under other criminal investigations, which include pornography, illegal exchange of foreign currency, and bigamy. Everyone in support of him is ... Get more on ...
  • 17. The Benefits Of The Olympic Games The Olympics have come up with a problem and need a solution fast. The problem is whether the Olympics should have a permanent home or even multiple homes. Or should they stay the same where any country can host the Olympics? Before answering the question think of where and why the Olympics started. Ancient Greece is the birthplace of Olympics about 800 BC and they were later revived in the late 19th century. The first modern Olympics were in 1896 in Athen with 280 participants from 13 nations in 43 events. "The purpose of the modern Olympic Games is to promote peace and unity within the international community through the medium of sports"( This quote is exactly right, permanent home deprives countries the chance to show national pride. There are other bonuses to not having permanent homes. It can help a failing country's economy become better and allows them to make history beyond sports. However permanent homes reduce cost of new facilities and it will reduce facilities being abandoned after the games.But in the end hosting the Olympics in different countries allows them to show pride, make history and boost economies, even with the expensive cost. Having permanent Olympic villages diminishes the opportunity for countries to showcase national pride. Reading through one website it said that national pride is a powerful motivator for athletes. For example, athlete Aminata Diouf, left her salon to compete for her country in track and field at the Beijing ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Common Wealth Games in India Commonwealth Games The Commonwealth Games is a multinational, multi–sport event. Held every four years, it involves the elite athletes of the Commonwealth of Nations. Attendance at the Commonwealth Games is typically around 5,000 athletes. The Commonwealth Games Federation (CGF) is the organization that is responsible for the direction and control of the Commonwealth Games. The first such event, then known as the British Empire Games, was held in 1930 in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. The name changed to British Empire and Commonwealth Games in 1954, to British Commonwealth Games in 1970 and assumed the current name of the Commonwealth Games in 1978. As well as many Olympic sports, the Games also include some sports that are played ... Show more content on ... Additionally, the Delhi Metro will be expanded to accommodate more people and boost the use of public transport during the 2010 games. By then it will have the second longest network in the world and later the longest, which will be more than 420 km. To further support air travel, the Indira Gandhi International Airport is being modernized, expanded, and upgraded. By the 2010 games, a new terminal (Terminal 3) will have been constructed at a cost of nearly US$ 1.94 billion, with the capability to cater to more than 37 million passengers a year by 2010 and the planned expansion program will increase its capacity to handle 100 million passengers by 2030. Terminal 3 will be a two tier building, with the bottom floor being the arrivals area, and the top being a departures area. This terminal will have over 130 check in counters, 55 aerobridges, 30 parking bays, 72 immigration counters, 15 X–ray screening areas, duty free shops, and much more. The airport will also have a new runway to cater more than 75 plus flights an hour; the runway will be more than 4400 meters long and one of Asia's longest. The entire airport will be connected to the city via a 6 lane highway (National Highway 8) and the Delhi Metro. Tourism The true impact of the Commonwealth Games on tourism, scheduled for October 2010, can be judged better if one is to look at the ... Get more on ...
  • 19. The Olympic Games Or A Party The Olympic Games or a Party The Olympics are a special spectacle for everyone, and for sixteen days every two years we are witness to the best athletes in the world. Only for the rare few the dream to compete are a reality, but for the billions of other people, this is an event of pride and passion for their home country. The continuous cycle of new cities and different countries hosting the games brings out great nationalism. The challenge to get a bid to host the Olympics has always been difficult but as the cost of the games rises the number of cities vying for it is decreasing. The Olympics are the biggest sporting event in the world, and they are one of the most well known events across the world. Being host to an event like this brings great revenue into a country 's economy through tourism and the need for jobs and construction. But the Olympics are becoming very costly and countries are beginning to wonder if its worth it to host the "party" when they know they will not earn all the money back. The Olympics ruin economies and the games tend to hurt countries more than help them. The games are played every two years alternating between the summer and winter Olympics. It roughly plays host to about 90 countries all vying for one goal, the gold. The Olympics originated in ancient Greece with the first ever recorded games occurring in 776 B.C. For the first thirteen Olympics only one event occurred, but now the number has risen to three hundred events which puts great ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Capital Branding : City Branding City and Branding Introduction There is an ever increasing number of concerns regarding on the domain of the city branding. With the development of globalization, easier and faster access to communicating and trading is provided for the world, leading to cultural, social and commercial blending. One of the results is that the lack of place identity stimulates competition between districts. To compete in the international environment, city branding was utilized to enhance the indigenous symbolic image and commercial value. This essay aims to investigate the branding strategies and their impacts on cites as well as discuss the phenomenon concerning the utilization of city branding, based on the review of the existing strategies that a city could use to promote place and analysis of a specific case of 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. Methods of literature review and case study were used in the research process, combining theories with the existing application. The essay contains three parts. Firstly, related background is shown with city branding literatures. Then, a case study demonstrates the branding strategies used and their impacts on the city. Lastly, a conclusion is drawn and critical discussion on the city branding phenomenon is delivered. Background When the globalization trend enriches the socio–cultural environment and expands the market scale, abundant goods in various categories emerge in the view of the public. Meanwhile, companies, inhabitants and visitors are in a ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Environmental Issues Before / After Beijing 2008 Olympics Environmental Issues Before/After Beijing 2008 Olympics "Beijing organized the 2008 Olympic Games with the slogan, "Green Olympics, Hi–tech Olympics and People's Olympics". This slogan illustrates the determination of the Chinese government to offer an environmentally friendly yet impressive Olympic event.The 2008 Olympics "helped shape and foster a greater environmental awareness among the public and was an opportunity to showcase China's commitment to growing in an environmentally sustainable manner. During the bid phase, Beijing set ambitious goals to improve the city 's environment. The goals ranged from addressing air and water quality and waste management to introducing environmental considerations in the development of new ... Show more content on ... Beijing also implemented an improved waste processing system throughout the city in preparation for the Olympics that still benefits the city today." Info from website (http://www.economics––30/file): A large setback was the problem of temporary vs long term plans... Temporary Plans Implemented: "Air Quality Guarantee Plan for the 29th Olympic Games in Beijing". In this plan, similar control measures were extended to surrounding areas, including Tianjin, Hebei, Shanxi, Inner Mongolia, and Shandong. In Tianjin and Hebei, this policy was compulsorily and strictly implemented. However, for Shanxi, Inner Mongolia, and Shandong, the plan was only implemented if air conditions became extremely serious. Wang et al. (2010b) found that in June 2008, the daily emissions of sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen dioxide (NOx), and particulate matter (PM10) in Beijing totaled 103.9, 428.5, and 362.7 tons, respectively. During the Olympic Games, the daily emissions of SO2, NOx, and PM10 in Beijing were reduced to 61.6, 229.1, and 164.3 tons, which were 41, 47, and 55% lower than the respective June 2008 emission levels." "To reduce the emissions of NOx, and PM10, traffic control measures were also enforced in Beijing in 2008. First, from July 1 to September 20, all on–road vehicles (including trucks and passenger cars) that failed to meet the
  • 22. ... Get more on ...
  • 23. The Munich Massacre : A Survivor 's Story International sporting events continually face political terrorism, bringing fear to those who gathered for entertainment. According to articles published in the Guardian, Time Magazine, and CNN, the most detrimental disruption by politics in the Olympics occurred at the 1972 Germany Summer Games. On 5 September 1972, the Palestinian group Black September broke into the Israeli athletes' quarters armed with guns. The 21 hour standoff, more famously known as the Munich massacre, resulted in 17 deaths. The Games were suspended for the first time in modern Olympic history, but the Olympic Committee decided to continue days after. The Olympic Committee 's decision was met with harsh criticism from the public (Burnton; Cosgrove; "The Munich Massacre: A Survivor 's Story"). During the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia attracted terrorists who caused more social devastation. With the intention of inflicting fear and damaging Russia's image, jihadists frequently issued terrorist threats before and during the Games. CNN presented a statement that two Al Qaeda linked suicide bombers made in an online video, "We 've prepared a present for you and all tourists who 'll come over; if you will hold the Olympics, you 'll get a present from us for the Muslim blood that 's been spilled" (Shoichet). The video foreshadowed a suicide bombing 400 miles away from Sochi that targeted a train station and a trolley bus, which killed more than 30 people (Smith–Spark). Similar to Russia, China ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Japan 's Olympic Games Against Rio De Janeiro Japan 's Olympic Win Beads of sweat dripped down Tsunekazu Takeda 's forehead as he eagerly awaited the fate of his beloved city Tokyo. He glanced around nervously to his fellow committee members as they had their eyes deadlocked on the 70 year old president of the International Olympic Committee Jacques Rogge. The defeat in the previous biddings 4 years ago still lingered in everyone 's mind as a nervous chill ran down his back as he watched as Rogge was handed the envelop. All was silent in the room all expect for the words "The International committee has the honor of announcing the 32nd Olympia games in 2020 are awarded to the city of Tokyo." A sigh of relive follow by a huge cheer or excitement filled the room as the Tsunekazu and his fellow Japanese committee members bounced out of their seats applauding and waving their flag. They had failed to win the 2016 Olympic Games against Rio de Janeiro in 2009 but have redeemed themselves here in 2013 winning the 2020 Olympics. The minds of the Japanese Olympic committee were unanimous; they had done it, on September 7th 2013, after 50 years the summer Olympics have been brought back to japan once again. But the celebration was only temporary, like a sugar high that wouldn't last; hosting the Olympic Games is not an easy task. Years of planning and preparation, venues, ceremonies, along with cost vs expenses budget control, public opinion, and fluctuating the economy are only the tip of the iceberg of their worries. Tokyo is ... Get more on ...
  • 25. What Makes Usain Bolt A Hero Life is full of series of curves, we may think we know where life is taking us but then it take us on a different path. Jamaican sprinter Usain Bolt have experience a series of curve in his life, wanted to pursue a career in football was transformed in a matter of minutes. Usain St. Leo Bolt is a retired Jamaican sprinter and world record holder in the 100 meters, 200 meters and 4x100 meter relay. Born and raised in sherwood Content in the parish of Trelawny Jamaica. Due to his achievements and demiance in sprint competition he is widely considered to be the greatest sprinter of all time. He is an eight–time Olympic gold medalist, eleven–time world champion. Although he was successful in track, it was not the path he was looking to pursue. As a kids Usain used to enjoy... Show more content on ... As a child he attended Wolderisa Primary, where he began to shown his sprint potential when he ran in his parish's annual national primary school meat. By the age of 12, Bolt had become the second fastest runner over the 100 meter distance. When Usain reached high school at William Knibb Memorial he focus on other sports, but his cricket coach noticed his speed and told him to pursue track. He took is coach advice and decided to pursue tack a little more, he began training with Pablo McNeil, a former Olympic sprint athlete,and Dwayne Jarrett. Bolt won his first annual high school championships medal in 2001; he took the silver medal in the 200 metres with a time of 22.04 seconds. Performing for Jamaica in his first Caribbean regional event, Bolt clocked a personal best time of 48.28 s in the 400 metres in the 2001 CARIFTA Games, winning a silver medal. The 200 meter also yielded a silver, as Bolt finished in 21.81 seconds. In 2001 he made his first apprencence on the world stage at the IAAF World Youth Championships in Debrecen, Hungary. He failed to qualified for the finals but still set a personal best at 21.73 seconds. Bolt didn't take athletic or even themselves ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Shawn Johnson Research Paper Shawn Johnson is famous for her outstanding performance in the Olympic gymnastics games. Twenty–four year old gymnasts Shawn Johnson was born on January 19, 1992 in Des Moines, Iowa. Shawn Johnson attended the Olympics at age 16 and won a gold medal in the balance beam event for the U.S.A. Shawn Johnson participated on the show Dancing with the Stars with her partner Mark Ballas. Shawn Johnson is an influential person because she was born in Iowa, went to the Olympics in 2008, and won a gold medal on the balance beam in the U.S Olympics. Shawn Johnson has a very fascinating and captivating life. Terri Johnson and Doug Johnson's only child, Shawn Johnson was born on January 19, 1992 in Des Moines, Iowa. Johnson's parents Terri and Doug Johnson enrolled her in gymnastics at age three because she was a very energetic child. After a couple of years of gymnastics at her first gym her coach told Johnson's mom Terri, that Johnson was not full of talent, but was full... Show more content on ... Shawn Johnson was selected after her marvelous performance in all of the events at the 2008 Olympic Gymnastics Team. Shawn Johnson competed in Beijing in the summer of 2008 and earned four medals, one gold, and three silvers. By competing in the Tyson American Cup, Johnson was entered into the Senior Division in 2007, because she did an outstanding performance in the all–around title. Shawn Johnson won herself a gold medal in balance beam, floor, vault events, and she also won a silver in all around at the 2008 American Cup. Johnson was also voted the most famous living sports figure by the Des Moines register in 2010. Shawn Johnson also participated in the American Television reality game show, 'The Celebrity Apprentice 7' and was eliminated in task six. Johnson was skiing on January 2010, and tore her anterior cruciate ligament and was forced to withdraw the Olympic Trials in 2012, and she later retired from ... Get more on ...
  • 27. The Olympic Games Is A Good Or Bad Thing Essay Position Paper Whether hosting the Olympic Games is a good or bad thing is very complex. City officials need to take in a lot of factors when determining whether or not to put forth the resources to submit a bid. One of the most crucial factors in deciding is determining what type of legacy the Games would potentially leave on a city that hosted. Legacies can be defined as, " planned and unplanned, positive and negative, intangible and tangible structures created through a sport event that remain after the event. (Kaplanidou & Karadakis, 2010)." Bid evaluations take into consideration the projected long–term legacy that the Games leave on a city (Kaplanidou & Karadakis, 2010). The IOC looks for cities that will achieve a positive legacy that benefits the host city and country. With a mega event like the Olympics, there are both economic and social legacies to consider when looking at a host city. It is critical for bidding cities to accumulate and analyze all the information they can in order to make an informed decision, because once a city agrees to host, there is no turning back (Lecture notes). Considering that the promises of economic legacies are generally unfulfilled, Olympic hosts should focus on using the event to generate social legacies. In this paper, I will explain why the Olympic Games are so costly to a city's economy and are an extremely risky investment. I will then proceed to explain some misconceptions about economic analyses, and conclude by showing ... Get more on ...
  • 28. The Olympics Should Be Held At Boston Are the Olympics beneficial to Cities? The Olympics show people that the greatest sporting event in the world is so much more than just a game. The Olympics give people an opportunity to meet others from different countries despite their cultural, political, and religious differences. Also the Olympics give people the sense of unity and hope. Therefore, by hosting an event like the Olympics, Boston has taken the right decision due to the multiple benefits will occur to the city, the Olympics will contribute to the prosperity of the economy, bring a lot tourist, and shows the beauty of Boston to the world. Therefore, the Olympics should be held in Boston. Some people believe that hosting the Olympics in Boston is a huge responsibility for the city because of many things. For example, it's a huge risk because the country will invest a lot of money . So for some people the Olympics is, economically, not worthwhile in the slightest, and the games are ridiculous expensive due to money that the government will spend for the construction such as ; building stadiums, the construction of the infrastructure of the country to cater the needs of the athletes or sportspeople. Also a lot of people think that Olympics will affect the population of the Boston for about a month or two because if lots of people go, the city will be very crowded which creates lots of traffic and disrupts the daily life of the citizens. Besides that, some other people see that ... Get more on ...
  • 29. China Facts Arts/Entertainment The developments and introduction of Chinese Art dates back as far as 960 AD. Early forms of art in China were made from pottery and jade in the Neolithic period. The gist of Chinese art encompasses fine arts, folk arts, and performance arts. The most common types/forms of arts and entertainment in the Chinese culture and China are as follows: 1. Literature 2. Chinese Folk Art 3. Visual Art 4. Film 5. Chinese Music 6. Performing Arts 7. Gardening 8. Architecture The start era for Chinese literature was the Spring and Autumn period. Chinese culture contains various groups of literature, including: Early Chinese poetry, Han and Northern dynasties poetry, Golden Age of Chinese poetry, Li Bai and Du Fu, Late... Show more content on ... In 2012, the country snagged the title of being the second–largest market in the world by box office receipts. Magazines, journals, and internet sites are also three very common forms of entertainment in China, as well as other countries all over the world. The Duzhe is China's most renowned magazine. It is a semi–monthly Chinese broad–spectrum interest magazine. The magazine holds information on various subjects such as stories, celebrity's biography, jokes, anecdotes, quotations. The Duzhe, pictured below, is frequently recognized as the Chinese version of The New Yorker. [pic] Currently, 46.03% of nearly 1.4 billion of the world's largest population in China uses the internet. (Wong, 2014) This means that almost half of 1.4
  • 30. billion people (.7 million people), whether they are using search engines, shopping, or just surfing the web use and utilize the internet everyday. The Top 10 Websites in China by Traffic in 2014 are as follows: (Wong, 2014) 1. Baidu (Search) 2. QQ (Search) 3. TaoBao (Shopping) 4. Sina (Search) 5. Hao123 (Search) 6. Sina Weibo (Social) 7. Tmall (Shopping) 8. Sohu (Search) 9. (Search) 10. (Social) Tourist Attractions With a population of over 1.35 billion, China is the most populated country in the world. So, it is not difficult to imagine how many tourists desire to see the intriguing and fascinating country. There ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Olympic Games A Waste Of Money Are major sporting events like the Olympic Games a waste of money? Are the Olympic Games a waste of money? The Olympic Games are an international event where athletes from every country come together to compete. Many fans and spectators attend this event to cheer for their country. The number of spectators keeps on increasing every four years as the event gets more popular. As this is an international event the cost of hosting it is huge. The total output of the 1976 Montreal Games was $1.48 billion whilst the 2012 London Games was a total of $14.6 billion. Stadiums are built for different disciplines, national representatives are invited to perform in the opening and closing ceremony, as a result the stadiums need a high level of security. Where the hosting country receives the money from, whom it will benefit and what it does to the country, will be the three main points I will be covering in this essay. Initially, to host theOlympic Games, the country must have the money to afford them, but where does it come from? One could say it's from the public while another says it's from sponsors. According to "The Guardian" both of these statements are correct, in the 2012 London Games the money came from the central ... Show more content on ... As the country is setting up everything, the money collected is used for the infrastructure. Not only are stadiums being built but other structures such as bridges and highways are being upgraded to improve traffic conditions. Fans and spectators from around the world will be attending this event at that venue causing the transportation systems (buses, taxis) to be chock–full and causing an upsurge in traffic problems in that city. During the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, the government decreased the traffic problems by extending and broadening the roads, highways and bridges. One could say there has been a long–term investment in the improving of the circulation infrastructure in that ... Get more on ...
  • 32. The Relations Between China And The Democratic Republic Of... Introduction The trajectory of global politics has dramatically changed after the end the World War II and after the Berlin Wall came down in 1989. In fact, many countries around the globe became economically competitive, politically stable, and culturally optimistic. As the result, many nations started affirming themselves on the global arena while others continued to struggle internally and beyond the borders. The combinations of these factors have perhaps led to interdependency. Globalization has played a significant role in bringing nations together. In order to advance their interests, share their common experience, and overcome their weaknesses, states constantly engage in bilateral or multilateral relationships. The bilateral relationships between China and the Democratic Republic of Congo obey to these dynamic trends. The People's Republic of China and the Democratic Republic of Congo enjoy stable diplomatic relations although there have been an increasing economic interests for one another since 1973. Background The People's Republic of China and the Democratic Republic of Congo (Formerly Zaire) established their diplomatic relationships in 1973 during an official visit to Beijing by Mubuto. Since, there have been intensifications despite the internal turmoil on each side. Before 1973 however, relations with China became rocky when Zaire obtained its independence in 1960 from Belgium and established relations with Taiwan. As the result, the angry China ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Olympic Games Has Brought A Great Deal Of Economic,... Introduction It has been witnessed that Olympic games has brought a great deal of economic, social, cultural, environmental and political changes to the host country. From the perspective of economics, Olympic games can overall positively contribute the host country in its economic growth, urban expandation, employment opportunities, households' welfare improvement, etc. For example, Korea and Japan have comparatively experienced dramatic GDP growth after Olympics in Seoul in 1988 and Tokyo in 1964 with rates of 16.8% and 15.8%, respectively. In addition, developed countries like Spain that host Olympic games in Barcelona in 1992 gained much domestic consumption with 11.1% growth rate, even thought the average employment growth in Spain kept flat, which is mostly due to the economic recession in Europe at that time that has significantly offset the economic benefits from Barcelona having Olympic games (Vegara, 1992). In theory, the net changes (positive changes minus negative changes) from new economics activities in related to an event is defined as "Economic Impact" (Foster, Greyser & Walsh, 2006). In 2001, China was renowned for holding 2008 Olympic games in Beijing. This event has economically brought a considerable of positive impacts in vary aspects such as domestic demand improvement, employment rise, and so forth. However, 2008 Olympic games in Beijing also contains negative economic impact, such as the expenses on bidding for hosting Olympic games (Shipway & ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Should Video Games For The World? Should Video Games include in Olympic? Recently video games became the favorite topic on the Internet again, because eGame now is involved in Olympic, and intend to take place during the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro, Basil (POETER). Athletics are being billed national pride and medals as prizes, which means there is not prize money. Opponent ideas of Video Games should get in Olympic Population is not related Last year, the finals of a nationwide Madden 25 tournament were held at the enormous AT&T Stadium in Dallas, home of the NFL 's Cowboys (POETER). The BBC also noted that 40,000 fans recently crowded into Sangam Stadium in Seoul to watch a League of Legends final match on the e–sports circuit (Evans). However, how many people focus on a competition does not mean it should play in Olympic. For example, Cricket, attracts nearly 2.5 billion fans to enjoy ("Most Popular Sports in the World."), is not an Olympic sport, and their fans do not have a hard push to get Cricket involved. For Cricket fans, whether Cricket participates in Olympic or not is not a big deal. The most important thing is they can enjoy this sport. So drawing a big–crowed does not mean it gets the ticket of Olympic. Besides, an NBA champion ring is much more meaningful to a basketball player rather than an Olympic gold medal, and a FIFA champion is more worthy than Olympic football champion. So video games need gain confidence from holding its tournaments rather than get ... Get more on ...
  • 35. China Beijing Olympic Games And The Environmental Impact... Introduction As the development of the world, sustainable development is becoming more and more remarkable among the public. Meanwhile the environmental impacts on worldwide mega sport events are catching an increasing attention. However the environmental impacts are complex and difficult to be assessed quantitatively, in spite of event stakeholders often insist that it is as important as social and economic legacies (Collins, Jones, & Munday, 2009). In the recent decade, several significant mega sports events took place which related to issues of environmental impacts, sustainability and greening events, such as several Olympic Games, Rugby World Cup, and FIFA World Cup. Since the Beijing Organising Committee for the Games of the XXIX Olympiad defined the Beijing Olympic would be "People's Olympics, Green Olympics, and High–Tech Olympics" (2002). This essay focuses on 2008 Beijing Olympic Game, and the environmental impact that the game faced. At the beginning of this essay, a brief historic background of Beijing Olympic will be introduces, and a definition of environmental impact will be presented with some discussions. In the following part, some more detailed discussion will be studied between Beijing Olympic and environmental impact based on researches. The paper will reveal the environmental issues occurred during the game. Moreover, plans and solutions that proposed by the host government also will be listed and analysed. After that, a list of recommendations will be ... Get more on ...
  • 36. The Olympics Is Not Worth The Investment The ability to take risks is one of the most important characteristics of a successful businessperson. Of course, there is never any guarantee that an investment will yield significant returns. An example of a very risky decision from an economic standpoint is a country deciding to host the Olympic games. Host cities of the Olympics often promise that they can gain capital from tourism, attracting new investment from foreign entities, increased trade, and returns on investment in infrastructure. Many countries have seen considerable success in gaining back the money invested into their Olympic games. Salt Lake City's 2002 Olympics, Beijing's 2008 Olympics, and London's 2012 Olympics are all events that stimulated economic ... Show more content on ... For instance, the 2002 Salt Lake City Winter Olympics were able to turn a profit. The Salt Lake Organizing Committee (SLOC), had to make last minute extensions to security measures in the wake of the September 11 attacks. The security force for the games consisted of 12,000 people. Regardless of this unexpected last–minute expense of $500 million USD, the U.S. was able to profit by $101 million USD from the games. This is in part due to the fact that only three out of the fifteen venues used for the games were not already built. This means that the SLOC was able to cut down on their overall costs. The games were broadcast to over 2.1 billion television viewers in 160 nations worldwide. The attendance averaged 70,000 people each day at the fifteen venues as 1.5 million tickets were sold. Each of the fifteen venues used in the games are still in use today. These statistics show that the SLOC was very successful in their approach. Since a lot of capital was invested in security, people were able to feel safe at the games and as a result, ticket sales met expected targets in spite of the September 11 attacks. In another example, China was able to make unprecedented revenues from their 2008 Olympic Games held in Beijing. Their Olympic games cost a never–before–seen total of 19 billion Chinese yuan, which was the equivalent to $44 billion ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Hosting The Olympics Game, Is It Worth It? Essay HOSTING THE OLYMPICS GAME, IS IT WORTH IT? Introduction The Olympic games were firstly introduced in 776 BC in Olympia, Greece, as a religious celebration to honor Zeus, a god in Ancient Greek mythology. It was a series of athletic competitions where representatives from each city–state and then compete to become a winner. Nowadays, the modern Olympic games have become one of the most prestigious events in the world. There are thousands of participants and athletes come from hundreds of countries all over the world to compete in more than 50 sports. The first modern Games was held in Athens, Greece, in 1896 and then followed by the winter games that were started in 1924. Each game is held quadrennial with a two–year difference between summer and winter games. The Olympic games are managed by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and there is also a representative committee in several countries around the world which is called National Olympic Games Committee (NOC). Just like the others sports events, such as World Cup, the Olympic games are held in different cities and different countries. So that there must be a special procedure to select the host city for the games, which is through an open–bidding process that is started seven years prior to the game. However, the bidding process literally starts earlier, it might be eight or nine years prior, since there will be also 'domestic competition' within a country to select which city that will represent their country to ... Get more on ...
  • 38. 2016 Boston Olympics A Chance Yiwei Wang Nancye Araneo ESL 155 23, Feb, 2015 Give Boston Olympics a Chance "Give 2024 Boston Olympics a chance!" people invoked on social network, after Mayor Marty Walsh announced 2024 Boston Olympic bid. Due to hundred years of development, Olympic spirits influenced and inspired generation after generation. Now, the Olympics is not only a athletic match, but also a stage for the host to show up. Hosting the Olympics in Boston would provide a wonderful opportunity to build a valuable legacy not only for Boston, but also for the Olympic movement. The 2024 Boston Olympic Games should be held to enhance life quality of the residents in greater Boston region. Holding the Olympic games is a good chance to boost the public transportation ... Show more content on ... (28) The 2024 Boston Olympic games will bring intense development of underutilized areas in Boston and the utilization of open space will be enhanced. Due to Boston is a port city and there are 6 international airports in greater Boston region, The 2024 Boston Olympic games council can save more money for building large transport facilities and use the investment to improve the public transportation.That is a good news for the residents who live in greater Boston region because the daily traffic will be more efficient and convenient. The infrastructure of the Olympic games will be a legacy. The legacy of hosting the Olympic games is most visibly identified by the improved physical character of Greater Boston. Boston 2024 Olympics bid concept shows: Greater Boston region will take an exponential jump forward with a new Midtown multifunctional neighborhood in the core of the city, a new student village at Boston's public university, a renewed public golf course at Franklin Park and Somerville will get a opportunity to transform into the 'cycling capital of America.' (33) Boston 2024 committee also announced that Boston will also build more than 28 venues or renewed in a 10–kilometer radius of Boston urban area, and two major clusters for residences and stadiums will be established by the Government of Boston.(29) As Grillo said in Boston Business journal, 3,000 to 4,000 new affordable workforce units of in midtown can solve Boston's housing ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Rome And Rome : Colosseum, Circus Maximus, And Hippodromes History always finds its way to help shape our future. As an athlete looking back into the Greek and Roman facilities and how they were structured it can be breath taking and offer a wealth of knowledge. Some of the greatest facilities still stand today and others are being built. Some of the most famous facilities being in Greece and Rome: Colosseum, Circus Maximus, and Hippodromes. The Colosseum is one of the greatest buildings ever built. It was built around A.D. 70–72 by Emperor Vespasian (Colosseum). In A.D. 80 the Colosseum was opened up for games (Colosseum). Some of the games being played were gladiatorial combats and wild animal fights (Colosseum). After going strong for four centuries about 2/3 of the Colosseum fell down (Colosseum). Yet, not much remains the Amphitheater still is a symbol for Rome and a very popular place for tourist (Colosseum). At one point the Circus Maximus was one of the largest facilities in Rome (Circus Maximus). Many people would go here for entertainment. They were most commonly known for chariot races. "At one point the Circus Maximus could seat 250,000 people, one quarter of Rome's population" (Circus Maximus). The early history of the Circus Maximus goes back to the sixth century (Circus Maximus). The fifth king of Rime, Tarquinius Prscus, created a track between the Palatine and Aventine hills (Circus Maximus). " In 174 BC the gates were rebuilt..."(Circus Maximus). There was a lot of rebuilding that had to be done because of a fire ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Developing Countries Entering A Bid For Host Major Sports... There are an increasing number of less–developed countries entering a bid to host major sport events such as the Olympic Games or the FIFA World Cup. Less–developed countries, also called developing countries or newly–industrialised countries, are defined according to the HDI (Human Development Index), which is composed of some measurable elements such as GNP (Gross National Product) per capita, number of years schooling and life expectancy (European Commission 2011). Some countries that are regarded as developing have experienced fast development (especially in manufacturing and tertiary industries) in recent years. Simultaneously, a number of these countries such as China, Brazil and South Africa have held major sports events . Hosting these events has brought a multitude of benefits to them. It is clear that hosting of major sports events has a significant effect on less–developed countries. Although such an activity could be negative in terms of its environmental impact, because of carbon emissions produced by overseas visitors travelling to the event, it is generally positive in terms of economy, culture and international status. This essay will focus on the economic benefits and subsequent development opportunities of hosting major sports events, particularly in less–developed countries. Hosting a major sports event is a significant opportunity to boost economic growth for the developing countries. Enormous funds are invested in various sectors, concurrently ... Get more on ...
  • 41. How Does The 2008 Games Affect The Economy Economic Impact To see the impact of the 2008 Games on the Chinese economy, we must first look at how much money was spent and what it was spent on. While $40 billion is the average number given when saying how much the 2008 Games cost, only a little more than $6 billion went to sports related costs, (Gaines, 2015) including $500 million going to building the Bird's Nest, the Olympic track and field venue. The rest went to a new airport terminal, a light rail, roads and other preparations such as security and the environmental clean up ("The cost of the Beijing Olympics"). Almost every city that hosts the Olympics promises to use the new stadiums that are built well beyond when the Games end, but almost none actually do. Beijing is no different.... Show more content on ... The executive director of the International Olympic Committee, (IOC, the committee that votes on and awards who receives the honor of hosting the Games, among other duties related to the games) said some people wanted to "close the door" on China because of their human rights abuses, but he hoped that by awarding China the honor of hosting the games, "openness, progress and, development in many areas will improve the situation (Longman, ... Get more on ...