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Persuasive Essay On The Olympic Games
The Olympic Games have never been perfect since the days of Ancient Greece and there the notion that they could ever be perfect is nothing short of
naГЇve. Fast forward to recent history where we have become witness to seemingly infinite scandals, whether they be due to the simple greed to win or
political conflict between multiple countries. The evidence establishes that the Olympic Games have never truly been able to truly create the
international peace they strive for. However, this does not mean that the future Games must continue the current trend. Should the LA2028 organizers
desire, they have the perfect opportunity to restore a great amount of honor to the Olympic Games. Organizers have the chance to put on Games that
will motivate every nation to want to host future Olympics, or at very least, be contributors to making the Olympics an event of good ethics and
integrity. Through the difficult process of improving environmental sustainability, organizers can make good on the failed promises of previous
Olympics, help tend to the negative impacts on nature and set a "golden standard" of how to drive the economy of a host nation. Accomplishment of
the three points established will not save the Olympics from blood doping or cheating, however it will provide an option to shift the current negative
environmental trend past Games have set. The LA2028 organizers also have the opportunity to create an environment where nations can band together
to fight a common enemy and
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The Olympics And Olympic Games Essay
The Olympics are a symbol of celebration of the entire world coming together in one city to celebrate sportsmanship and athleticism. However, one
very important question has been raised, especially in the new era of being aware of our global impact: how sustainable are the Olympics? Pulling
from the system thinking from Meadows, the purpose of the Olympics is to unify the world and celebrate hard work and dedication. The amount of
people that come to the city for the Olympics and the facilities that are built for the events are two elements of that system. Lastly, two
interconnections are how the facilities can help the city during the Olympics and the future; and how the people can create a new city based on new
sustainability ideals. The Olympics is not a sustainable practice itself, however the International Olympic Committee and the Olympic Movement
implement guidelines so the games can be as sustainable as possible. The Olympic Games are not a sustainable practice because of the amount of
changes a city has to make in order to host them. The Olympics brings in many different people from around the world. Approximately 10,000 athletes
participate with at least on coach to accompany them; 45,000 people volunteer their time to run the games; and there is a tourist influx much greater
than usual (Focus: Rio 2016 Sustainability, 3). This amount of people coming to the city is much greater to a normal population when the games are
not in session. With all these new people,
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Olympic Games And Its Impact On Society
Sports have played a major role in society for as far back as dated history goes. Today's greatest sporting events capture the interest of billions of
people. No one sporting event is greater than the Summer Olympic games, for it brings together athletes from all across the globe to compete and
represent their respected nations. Winning an Olympic gold medal can create a widespread feeling of patriotism and unite a nation. Unfortunately, the
events of the 1972 Olympic Games were a catastrophic disaster. Consequently, the following will reveal the 1972 MunichSummer Olympic Games
tragedy and the ramifications of its build up, the event, and the lasting effects on society.
The events that occurred at the 1972 Olympics were the result of a long conflict between Palestinian Arabs and Israeli Jews dating to the end of the
nineteenth century. The two nations have contrasting religious beliefs and conflict broke out between them for who had the ownership of a strip of
land that both states considered to be holy. From the end of World War I until 1948, the area that both groups claimed was known internationally as
Palestine. Following the war of 1948–1949, this land was divided into three parts: The State of Israel, the West Bank (of the Jordan River) and the Gaza
Strip. It is a small area–approximately 10,000 square miles, or about the size of the state of Maryland. Both nations cited historical religious evidence
for why the land should belong to them and no solution could be
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The Benefits Of The Olympic Games
The Olympics have come up with a problem and need a solution fast. The problem is whether the Olympics should have a permanent home or even
multiple homes. Or should they stay the same where any country can host the Olympics? Before answering the question think of where and why the
Olympics started. Ancient Greece is the birthplace of Olympics about 800 BC and they were later revived in the late 19th century. The first modern
Olympics were in 1896 in Athen with 280 participants from 13 nations in 43 events. "The purpose of the modern Olympic Games is to promote peace
and unity within the international community through the medium of sports"( This quote is exactly right, permanent home deprives
countries the chance to show national pride. There are other bonuses to not having permanent homes. It can help a failing country's economy become
better and allows them to make history beyond sports. However permanent homes reduce cost of new facilities and it will reduce facilities being
abandoned after the games.But in the end hosting the Olympics in different countries allows them to show pride, make history and boost economies,
even with the expensive cost.
Having permanent Olympic villages diminishes the opportunity for countries to showcase national pride. Reading through one website it said that
national pride is a powerful motivator for athletes. For example, athlete Aminata Diouf, left her salon to compete for her country in track and field at
the Beijing
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The Olympic Games Of The Olympics
The Summer Olympic Games is the leading international sporting event in which thousands of athletes from around the world participate in a variety
of competitions. According to existing historical manuscripts, the first ancient Olympic Games were celebrated in 776 BC in Olympia. They were
dedicated to the Greek god Zeus and took place in the same place every four years. This four year period became known as an "Olympiad"
(International Olympic Committee, 2012). The first modern games were held in Athens, Greece in 1896 with nine sports contested. The 2016 games
will consist of 28 sports. Although the actual event may last for only a few weeks, the preparations commence up to a decade beforehand and may
entail considerable investment expenditures that can have longer term economic significance.
In 2016, the Olympics will be held in Rio De Janeiro. When choosing the next country to host the Olympics, Rio had one of the biggest advantages. The
Olympic Games had never been held in South America. Additionally, the International Olympic Committee understood what the power of
transformation of these games would mean to Rio, Brazil and South America. To the Olympic and Paralympic Movements, this decision represented
the opening of a new and promising frontier, and the possibility of inspiring 65 million youths under 18 years of age in Brazil and 180 in the whole
There are many advantages of hosting the Olympic Games. First, is that the games always attract trade and
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Olympic is an international sport event which held each four year. Last Olympic was Rio Olympic in Brazil in 2016. The event has lots of effects on
countries involved the event. Japan is one of those countries. Tokyo, Japan was chosen as next host of summer Olympic games in 2020. Tokyo
Olympic definitely has impacts on Japanese economy. For instance, it will affect businesses in the Japanese tourism industry. Many Japanese
businesses in Japanese tourism industry will be related to Tokyo Olympic. This research explain what Tokyo Olympic is and discuss how it affects
businesses in the Japanese businesses. Also, the researcher focusses on tourism industry in Japan, especially inns business as one of those businesses.
1.2.Tokyo Olympic in 2020
Olympic games have two types of games which held in different seasons; summer Olympic games and winter Olympic games. Japan had summer
Olympic games in 1964 for the first time. It was also first summer Olympic games which hold in Asia (International Olympic committee, n.d.). Then,
Japan got another opportunity to held summer Olympic games in Tokyo, Japan in 2020 for the second time. The games will be hold from 24 July to
9 August, 2020. Some researchers expect that Tokyo 2020 Olympic will bring lots of positive effects on Japanese economy as same as Tokyo 1964
Olympic changed country radically.
2.Japanese businesses related Tokyo 2020 Olympic
Tokyo 2020 Olympic is expected to bring positive effects on Japanese economy.
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Positive Effects Of The Olympic Games Essay
Business opportunities for companies
Businesses in New South Wales won A$1bn worth of contracts from the Sydney games and an additional A$300mn was generated by local business.
Over 55,000 people received employment related training. If London hosted the Olympic games, thousands of UK firms could be involved in supplying
everything from construction to manufacturing, catering to merchandise.
Boost to tourism
The tourist industry won't just boom during the four weeks that the Olympic and Paralympic games actually take place, but for months and years
before and after the event.
Price Waterhouse Coopers believe the Sydney games gave Brand Australia A$6.1bn worth of additional publicity and more content...
With the incremental tax dollars generated by the Games and related activity, the province will have the financial ability to fund important social
programs and crucial public services like health care and education.
If Vancouver wins the right to host the Games, the province has pledged a total of $310 million over six years to fund the necessary facilities for the
Games. This investment is matched by $310 million from the federal government to cover the cost of construction of new athletic facilities such as a
speed skating complex at SFU, hockey arena at UBC and Olympic Villages, as well as upgrading existing facilities to world–class standards. Included
in this investment are $110 million in legacy funds to allow the facilities to be maintained and operated for public use after the Games, at no additional
cost to the community. The 2010 Olympic Games are fully supported by the provincial and federal governments and private sector. The costs of the
investment are shared, and so are the benefits В– by the entire province and country.
Tourism and Retail В–
The Games provided enormous benefit to Australia's tourism and retail sectors. Highlights in
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History And Purpose Of The Olympic Games
Diana Rubio Running and running with sweat dripping down your forehead; your focus is on winning this game. You hear next to you, your
opponents are right next to you trying to get past you on the final lap. It all comes down to this, less than half a second until it's all over. You finish
and win the game. How is the setting different from the first Olympics to the Olympics today? This speech will explore the history and purpose of the
Olympic Games, and how this has changed overtime.The Olympics were founded to bring together different cultures and to promote peace. However,
this isn't what happened at all; the games abused human rights and gave control to government that used it to advantage. Some people say the games
aren't political but actually they are. Over the past 75 years politics has let itself into the games and using it for their own advantages. Earlier I said
that the one the purposes for the games were to connect with other cultures but instead abused human rights. This is true; one big example of this is
when the games were held in China and the ruler of China was violent (Hoberman).Another purpose of the games today is to make money. Who makes
the money? Not us, not the players, but for the big corporations like Coca–Cola and McDonald's. In every game these types of corporations have
around 4 billion viewers and consumers. The first games were just for the athletes to compete but no the games are basically just for making money
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Ancient Olympics Essay
History of the Ancient Olympic Games
The Ancient Greek Olympics were not only sporting events, it was a celebration to honor the great and powerful Zeus. The Ancient Olympics were
held every four years at the famous Olympia, a district of Elis, here all free Greek men were allowed to compete. The first record of the Olympic Games
was held in 776 B.C. The main sports were the Pentathlon, the Equestrian Events, Pankration, and Boxing.
The Pentathlon was the name for the five events in Greek gymnastics: running, jumping, wrestling, discus throwing, and javelin throwing which began
with the 18th Olympiad. In the wrestling event, wrestlers were anointed with oil, dusted with powder, and forbidden to bite or gouge one another.
Wrestling more content...
The Jump weights also doubled as weight lifting equipment during training to help the competitor jump further.
The Equestrian Events included Chariot racing and Riding added to the Olympiad in 648 B.C. In The Chariot races there were both two horse
chariot and four horse chariot races. There were separate races for chariots drawn by foals. Another race was between carts drawn by a team of 2
mules. The course was 12 laps around the stadium track which was nine miles long. The Riding event had separate races for full–grown horses and
foals. Jockeys rode without stirrups. Only the wealthy upper class people could afford to pay for the equipment, training, and feed of both the driver
or jockey and the horses. As a result, the owner received the olive wreath of victory instead of the jockey. The course they navigated was six laps
around the track which was 4.5 miles.
Boxing was added to the Olympics in 688 B.C. It was held to honor Patroklos, the slain companion of Achilles. Originally the boxing gloves were
thongs wrapped around the hands and arms, but evolved into less time consuming oxen pre–wrapped thongs known as himantes, held in place by
leather straps wrapped around the forearm.
The Pankration was a punishing combination of boxing and wrestling. It was a battle where Punches were allowed, although the fighters did not wrap
their hands with the boxing gloves called himantes.
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In the more developed world, every industry in the rapid development. This is a high–speed development in the 21st century, especially tourism and
hospitality. It is a big trend in tourism industry, lots of people because Olympic Games, stars, attractions and movies are fascinated. Because of this
kind of industry, it will be a high salary in tourism and hospitality. Also, it will increase income tax, marking, local communities, great attractions,
historical staff and natural environment. This paper will talk about Olympic Games impact tourism and hospitality why they rise taxes and marketing,
and why impact local communities in order to increase their international tourism and hospitality in the local society.
Social Cultural impact Tourism
Olympic Games, as a global event, any Olympic Games will have a different impact on the environment, society, culture and economy of the host city
and country. Especially since the 1980s, with the scale continues to expand, the impact of the Games on the host city and country of more concern.
Another important issue will be social communities. For Olympic Games host city, it will has lots of change, like environment, social communities,
local economic, etc.... But the host city still got something attractions and cultural staff. For example, Canada Whistler Winter Olympic Games, First,
because of economic development, job opportunities increase, leading to increased consumer demand. Second, the Olympic Games will have a great
demand for
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Olympic Games A Waste Of Money
Are major sporting events like the Olympic Games a waste of money?
Are the Olympic Games a waste of money? The Olympic Games are an international event where athletes from every country come together to
compete. Many fans and spectators attend this event to cheer for their country. The number of spectators keeps on increasing every four years as the
event gets more popular. As this is an international event the cost of hosting it is huge. The total output of the 1976 Montreal Games was $1.48
billion whilst the 2012 London Games was a total of $14.6 billion. Stadiums are built for different disciplines, national representatives are invited to
perform in the opening and closing ceremony, as a result the stadiums need a high level of security. Where the hosting country receives the money
from, whom it will benefit and what it does to the country, will be the three main points I will be covering in this essay. Initially, to host theOlympic
Games, the country must have the money to afford them, but where does it come from? One could say it's from the public while another says it's from
sponsors. According to "The Guardian" both of these statements are correct, in the 2012 London Games the money came from the more
As the country is setting up everything, the money collected is used for the infrastructure. Not only are stadiums being built but other structures such as
bridges and highways are being upgraded to improve traffic conditions. Fans and spectators from around the world will be attending this event at that
venue causing the transportation systems (buses, taxis) to be chock–full and causing an upsurge in traffic problems in that city. During the 2008
Beijing Olympic Games, the government decreased the traffic problems by extending and broadening the roads, highways and bridges. One could say
there has been a long–term investment in the improving of the circulation infrastructure in that
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Essay On Olympic Games
Olympics were very important event.
Olympic games began in Ancient Greece from 776 BC and lasted to 393 AD. It is believed that they may have begun for hundreds of years before.
Games were every fourth year at Olympia, in southwest Greece.
The games took five days, when there was peace. Sacred truce announced before olympics and all the wars stopped. It ensure that athletes and
spectators could join safely in the Olympic Games.
Before the game messengers announced the Olympics throughout Greece. People all over Greece game to watch and take part of game.
The purpose of Olympic games were worship Zeus and for entertainment.
Beside religion, men's virility and fitness were measured. Also spiritual forces were important and there were presented poetry and philosophize.
If you won you would get a more content...
People honored Zeus in his temple. There was a huge statue of Zeus, which was made by gold and ivory. It is one of the Seven Wonders of the World.
The main event was sacrifice of 100 oxen and they were burned on the Zeus's altar.
In the third night of Olympics was always full moon and at that night everybody walked to temple of Zeus.
There were boxing, chariot racing, long jump, javelin, discus, pankration, running, pentathlon and wrestling.
On the first day of Olympics athletes and judges swore the vow and athletes sacrificed to Zeus. There was opening ceremony. Game began by boys`
running competition, but there was also wrestling and boxing contests.
On the second day horse races took over. There were normal horse races and chariot races. Beside these there was pentathlon, which consist of running,
discus, jumping, javelin and wrestling. End of the day the winners had a parade and hymns were sung in their honour.
On the third day there was a main sacrifice for Zeus and public fest. There were foot races like sprint and long distance races in the
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The Olympic Games Of The Olympics
Armani Battle
English 4A– 4th Pd.
The History of the Olympics
Have you ever wondered where the Olympic Games started? No one ever talks about it but it's pretty fascinating. People around the world don't take
the time out to do the research and well I 'm here to tell you. The Olympics are ranging from different sports around the world and they allow you at
home to look at the success of other and root them along during the Olympic process. Other than that I 'm Armani Battle and here 's the history of the
Olympic Games.
In the beginning of the Olympics , which was over 3,000 years ago it was created in the way of honoring the god Zeus.(history) The very first Olympic
games didn't happen until the 19th century which became more content...
The flag they created was rose and presented in the Antwerp Games which was held in 1920. The Olympics took a great toll and became a very
successful competition but it took a pause in the history until 2004. In 2004 when the Olympics came back to Athens, 11,000 competitors came to
compete which was over 201 countries.
A man whom was born on Aug. 21st, 1986 from Jennifer and Wellesley Bolt named Usain Bolt. As a kid he spent his time playing cricket and
football with his brother. He didn't start his career of track and field until he enrolled into Waldensia Primary and soon after he enrolled into
William Knibb Memorial High School. Usain Bolt became the world national record breaker known for track and field is one of the most
successful athletes over the course of two years to compete and get better each time. Usain uses his height and his stride to demolish the records
known to man in the 100 m dash and the 200 m dash. This all took place in Beijing 2008, which held over 10,000 participants in 302 events. Bolt
came from Jamaica, which is where he set high times and became known for his great speed in Kingston, Jamaica. People began naming him as the
new record beater after his ravishing time of 20.3 seconds at Catherine Hall. He then went a competed at the higher level and took home 4 gold
medals from a meet held in the Bahamas. Usain Bolt has been known to have put so much dedication into track and field which led to his success in
golds during the
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Olympic Games Essay
The Olympic Games were a vital part of Greek culture which was heavily influenced by athletics. Today, the Olympic Games are the world's largest
presentation of athletic skill and competitive spirit. Thousands of athletes and spectators participate in this universal event. Revived in 1896, the
Olympic Games had their beginnings in ancient Greece, and since then the event is very much comparable to modern Olympic events. In a city in
southwestern Greece, called Olympia, is the birthplace of the Olympic games. Created to offer thanksgiving and honor to Zeus, chief god, the first
record of the Olympics dates back to 776 bc and the event occurs every four years thereafter. The first day of the more content...
In wrestling, the object was to throw your opponent down three times to be the victor. Javelin hurling used a man–high length of wood with a
sharpened point that sometimes had an attached metal point. A thong on the javelin for athletes' fingers attached to its center of gravity and increased
its precision and distance. In the discus event a saucer–shaped discus made of stone, iron, bronze, or lead was thrown for distance. Ancient boxing had
fewer rules and no weight classes or rounds and opponents were chosen randomly. Boxers fought until the opponent was unconscious or admitted that
he has been beaten. In addition, boxers also wore leather thongs instead of gloves and could continue to hit the opponent while he was down. Jumpers
held lead or stone halteres or jump weights to propel the body further while jumping across the pit similar to long jump. Chariot racing included two
and four horse racing and 2 mule chariot racing. The winner finished twelve laps or nine miles around the track first. Horse riding was a six lap or 4.5
mile race around the track in which only the wealthy participated in because of the costly training involved. The pankration was a grueling and rigorous
combination of wrestling and boxing that continued until participants acknowledged defeat.. The rules only forbade biting, and gouging an opponents
eyes, nose or mouth with fingernails. The final event, the pentathlon, was a five event combination of discus, javelin, long
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Advantages Of Hosting The Olympic Games
Name : Kevalkumar Ambaram Chaudhari
The Olympic Games have a long history of promoting positive relationships and tolerances between countries. However, recently more people are
questioning its effectiveness and believe that their city should not host the Games.
Argue for or against this statement.
The Olympic Games is a mega–event in the world, it represent the spirit of relationship, peace and solidarity. In the symbol of the Olympic Games, it
represents the five Olympic rings means the five major regions of the world such as Africa, the America, Asia, Europe and Oceania, and all national
flag in the world indicates one of the five colours such as blue, yellow, black, green, and red. Many people believe that the Olympic Games cause a
significant number of issues. But, this essay will argue that cities should want to host the Olympic Games because it can lead to improvements to the
city's infrastructure and stimulate the city's economy.
One of the advantages of hosting the Olympic Game is that it often leads to improvements in infrastructure within and around the host city. In order to
deal with a large influx of people into the host city, improvements are made to the host city's transportation systems to increase efficiency. Walsh (2012)
states that ten railway lines and 30 new more content...
This is costly and can restrict freedom of the movement of local citizens during games. Thorton (2016) noted that last Olympic have tolerated from
terrorist assaults such as the bombing in Atlanta at the 1996 Games and the hostage taking and ultimate murder of Israeli athletes and instructors during
the 1972 Munich Games[2]. However, by increasing security, visitors and all participants would safe and live with freedom. Also, the chances of
terrorist attacks become negligible. Therefore, spending money on security system is often necessary to hosting global
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In this filed paper, I will focus on the impact of the modern Olympic Games on citizens' livelihood in two major aspects which are respectively
housing and employment. Firstly, a literature review will be given to each aspect, the methodologies of these research will be reviewed and analyzed
afterwards, followed by the identification of their limitations. At last, some recommendations on future research and conclusion will be included at the
end of the field paper.
Since the summer Olympic Games has been first held in Athens in 1896, this well–known sporting event gradually developed into a glorious world
festivity played every four years (Chalkey & Essex, 1999), bringing numerous opportunities to the host city to gain global interest (Preuss 2004). There
has long been a large body of research discussing and investigating how the Olympic Games impact on urban economic development including
investment, infrastructure construction, tourism and so forth (Chalkley & Essex 2003). Through the evolution of over a hundred years, some scholars
(Essex and Chalkley, 2004; Gold and Gold, 2008).)indicate that the Olympic Games has been regarded as a trigger to boost the urban development or
as an initiative to revitalize the host city for countries which attempt to host it, though from the research of some other literature, the effect of the
Olympics as an engine for economic development is questioned. One thing that cannot be denied is that the series of tangible
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What Are The Importance Of The Olympic Games
Olympic Games: In order to honor the Greek god Zeus, Greeks held what is known as the Olympic Games, they were held every four years. These
games attracted people from all over Greece, large crowds would gather to watch the many different sports. The largest and most important of the
Olympic games were held at Olympia. Olympia was very special to the Greeks because it was known as the most important sanctuary of Zeus. It
was very important to offer gifts, take oaths and make sacrifices in front of Zeus' statue as a sign that they would obey all rules. These customary
games were announced by couriers, who would travel to every major Greek city, and special provisions where even made to protect those who
traveled to see or participate in the games at Olympia. Equestrian Events: In a special arena called a hippodrome, the most popular sport of chariot
racing took place. Chariot racing was a sport that only the affluent took part in, as the costs of maintaining horses and a chariot was very expensive.
Chariots had other uses though; they were used to lead soldiers into battle, other sports events and even for the funerals of champions. The chariot vase
shown on in our reading perfectly depicts the authenticity of chariot racing. Horseracing came soon after, due to the popularity of chariot racing.
Combat Sports: Boxing, wrestling and another form of wrestling known as pankration (a mixture of boxing and wrestling) were very popular sports
events. It was the most violent
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Argumentative Essay On Olympic Games
The Olympic Games are recognized globally by billions of people. This event is the biggest sporting event not only because it comes once every
four years, but also because the world's best athletes come together to compete for world fame and glory. Hosting the games seems like an honor
for most people, however there is numerous risks involved When a country is selected to host the Olympics, they prepare years in advance for the
games. Many times new stadiums, housing complexes, and training facilities are built yet the games will only last a few weeks. Billions of dollars
are poured into assembling all the necessary components for this giant event but many people argue that all the money being spent on this event
could be used to better the nation. For example, when the Olympics were held in Athens, facilities were built from the ground up and looked amazing
while in use. However, after the games ended, the venues were hardly used and were just a burden to the country. As a result, countless Greek citizens
criticized the government for their poor use of money. To add insult to injury, the money gained from the games did not equal or surpass the money
spent, resulting in more criticism from various people. Same situation with Brazil, many areas inside of this country are populated, poor, and rundown
but the national government still decided to host the games. Billions of dollars were spent to ready the country instead of actually helping improve it
for DeCasas 2 future
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Olympic Games Pros And Cons
Hosting the Olympic Games is a massive risk that cities all around the world are willing to take. While many people assume that hosting the Games is
a way out a debt, it can also be just the opposite. There are many factors that contribute to the overall success and failure of hosting the Olympics. For
one, the results differ between cities. Cities within countries that are more economically stable seem to profit from hosting more than cities in countries
that are less developed and economically stable. Hosting the Summer versus Winter Games can also impact the end results. In general, the Summer
Olympics tend to make a more significant impact, as they are more popular among viewers (Dick and Wang). Regardless, both the Summer and Winter
Olympics unquestionably have both positive and negative impacts on the community and the citizens of its host city. While hosting theOlympic Games
in U.S. cities has both pros and cons, in the end, the pros drastically outweigh the cons.
Through the twenty–eight Summer Games and the twenty–three Winter Games, numerous cities have prospered from welcoming the Olympics.
Research found that in general within two days of the Olympics' arrival, there is a cumulative increase of two percent in the host cities' economies
(Dick and Wang). Across the globe, host cities have more content...
For U.S. cities, hosting the Olympic Games has both pros and cons, however customarily, the pros outweigh the cons. Many substantial profits come
from welcoming the Olympics, however, there is never protection from the Game. No matter how many cities prosper in the years before and after
the Olympics, there are never any guarantees as to what will happen. Holding the Olympics is a gamble that many cities are relying to pull them out
of their troubles. In the end however, it cannot be said that hosting the Games is a good or bad things, as there are many up and
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Persuasive Essay On The Olympic Games

  • 1. Persuasive Essay On The Olympic Games The Olympic Games have never been perfect since the days of Ancient Greece and there the notion that they could ever be perfect is nothing short of naГЇve. Fast forward to recent history where we have become witness to seemingly infinite scandals, whether they be due to the simple greed to win or political conflict between multiple countries. The evidence establishes that the Olympic Games have never truly been able to truly create the international peace they strive for. However, this does not mean that the future Games must continue the current trend. Should the LA2028 organizers desire, they have the perfect opportunity to restore a great amount of honor to the Olympic Games. Organizers have the chance to put on Games that will motivate every nation to want to host future Olympics, or at very least, be contributors to making the Olympics an event of good ethics and integrity. Through the difficult process of improving environmental sustainability, organizers can make good on the failed promises of previous Olympics, help tend to the negative impacts on nature and set a "golden standard" of how to drive the economy of a host nation. Accomplishment of the three points established will not save the Olympics from blood doping or cheating, however it will provide an option to shift the current negative environmental trend past Games have set. The LA2028 organizers also have the opportunity to create an environment where nations can band together to fight a common enemy and Get more content on
  • 2. The Olympics And Olympic Games Essay The Olympics are a symbol of celebration of the entire world coming together in one city to celebrate sportsmanship and athleticism. However, one very important question has been raised, especially in the new era of being aware of our global impact: how sustainable are the Olympics? Pulling from the system thinking from Meadows, the purpose of the Olympics is to unify the world and celebrate hard work and dedication. The amount of people that come to the city for the Olympics and the facilities that are built for the events are two elements of that system. Lastly, two interconnections are how the facilities can help the city during the Olympics and the future; and how the people can create a new city based on new sustainability ideals. The Olympics is not a sustainable practice itself, however the International Olympic Committee and the Olympic Movement implement guidelines so the games can be as sustainable as possible. The Olympic Games are not a sustainable practice because of the amount of changes a city has to make in order to host them. The Olympics brings in many different people from around the world. Approximately 10,000 athletes participate with at least on coach to accompany them; 45,000 people volunteer their time to run the games; and there is a tourist influx much greater than usual (Focus: Rio 2016 Sustainability, 3). This amount of people coming to the city is much greater to a normal population when the games are not in session. With all these new people, Get more content on
  • 3. Olympic Games And Its Impact On Society Sports have played a major role in society for as far back as dated history goes. Today's greatest sporting events capture the interest of billions of people. No one sporting event is greater than the Summer Olympic games, for it brings together athletes from all across the globe to compete and represent their respected nations. Winning an Olympic gold medal can create a widespread feeling of patriotism and unite a nation. Unfortunately, the events of the 1972 Olympic Games were a catastrophic disaster. Consequently, the following will reveal the 1972 MunichSummer Olympic Games tragedy and the ramifications of its build up, the event, and the lasting effects on society. The events that occurred at the 1972 Olympics were the result of a long conflict between Palestinian Arabs and Israeli Jews dating to the end of the nineteenth century. The two nations have contrasting religious beliefs and conflict broke out between them for who had the ownership of a strip of land that both states considered to be holy. From the end of World War I until 1948, the area that both groups claimed was known internationally as Palestine. Following the war of 1948–1949, this land was divided into three parts: The State of Israel, the West Bank (of the Jordan River) and the Gaza Strip. It is a small area–approximately 10,000 square miles, or about the size of the state of Maryland. Both nations cited historical religious evidence for why the land should belong to them and no solution could be Get more content on
  • 4. The Benefits Of The Olympic Games The Olympics have come up with a problem and need a solution fast. The problem is whether the Olympics should have a permanent home or even multiple homes. Or should they stay the same where any country can host the Olympics? Before answering the question think of where and why the Olympics started. Ancient Greece is the birthplace of Olympics about 800 BC and they were later revived in the late 19th century. The first modern Olympics were in 1896 in Athen with 280 participants from 13 nations in 43 events. "The purpose of the modern Olympic Games is to promote peace and unity within the international community through the medium of sports"( This quote is exactly right, permanent home deprives countries the chance to show national pride. There are other bonuses to not having permanent homes. It can help a failing country's economy become better and allows them to make history beyond sports. However permanent homes reduce cost of new facilities and it will reduce facilities being abandoned after the games.But in the end hosting the Olympics in different countries allows them to show pride, make history and boost economies, even with the expensive cost. Having permanent Olympic villages diminishes the opportunity for countries to showcase national pride. Reading through one website it said that national pride is a powerful motivator for athletes. For example, athlete Aminata Diouf, left her salon to compete for her country in track and field at the Beijing Get more content on
  • 5. The Olympic Games Of The Olympics The Summer Olympic Games is the leading international sporting event in which thousands of athletes from around the world participate in a variety of competitions. According to existing historical manuscripts, the first ancient Olympic Games were celebrated in 776 BC in Olympia. They were dedicated to the Greek god Zeus and took place in the same place every four years. This four year period became known as an "Olympiad" (International Olympic Committee, 2012). The first modern games were held in Athens, Greece in 1896 with nine sports contested. The 2016 games will consist of 28 sports. Although the actual event may last for only a few weeks, the preparations commence up to a decade beforehand and may entail considerable investment expenditures that can have longer term economic significance. In 2016, the Olympics will be held in Rio De Janeiro. When choosing the next country to host the Olympics, Rio had one of the biggest advantages. The Olympic Games had never been held in South America. Additionally, the International Olympic Committee understood what the power of transformation of these games would mean to Rio, Brazil and South America. To the Olympic and Paralympic Movements, this decision represented the opening of a new and promising frontier, and the possibility of inspiring 65 million youths under 18 years of age in Brazil and 180 in the whole continent. There are many advantages of hosting the Olympic Games. First, is that the games always attract trade and Get more content on
  • 6. 1.Introduction Olympic is an international sport event which held each four year. Last Olympic was Rio Olympic in Brazil in 2016. The event has lots of effects on countries involved the event. Japan is one of those countries. Tokyo, Japan was chosen as next host of summer Olympic games in 2020. Tokyo Olympic definitely has impacts on Japanese economy. For instance, it will affect businesses in the Japanese tourism industry. Many Japanese businesses in Japanese tourism industry will be related to Tokyo Olympic. This research explain what Tokyo Olympic is and discuss how it affects businesses in the Japanese businesses. Also, the researcher focusses on tourism industry in Japan, especially inns business as one of those businesses. 1.2.Tokyo Olympic in 2020 Olympic games have two types of games which held in different seasons; summer Olympic games and winter Olympic games. Japan had summer Olympic games in 1964 for the first time. It was also first summer Olympic games which hold in Asia (International Olympic committee, n.d.). Then, Japan got another opportunity to held summer Olympic games in Tokyo, Japan in 2020 for the second time. The games will be hold from 24 July to 9 August, 2020. Some researchers expect that Tokyo 2020 Olympic will bring lots of positive effects on Japanese economy as same as Tokyo 1964 Olympic changed country radically. 2.Japanese businesses related Tokyo 2020 Olympic Tokyo 2020 Olympic is expected to bring positive effects on Japanese economy. Get more content on
  • 7. Positive Effects Of The Olympic Games Essay Business opportunities for companies Businesses in New South Wales won A$1bn worth of contracts from the Sydney games and an additional A$300mn was generated by local business. Over 55,000 people received employment related training. If London hosted the Olympic games, thousands of UK firms could be involved in supplying everything from construction to manufacturing, catering to merchandise. ( Boost to tourism The tourist industry won't just boom during the four weeks that the Olympic and Paralympic games actually take place, but for months and years before and after the event. Price Waterhouse Coopers believe the Sydney games gave Brand Australia A$6.1bn worth of additional publicity and more content... ( COMMUNITY LEGACIES With the incremental tax dollars generated by the Games and related activity, the province will have the financial ability to fund important social programs and crucial public services like health care and education. ( FACILITIES If Vancouver wins the right to host the Games, the province has pledged a total of $310 million over six years to fund the necessary facilities for the Games. This investment is matched by $310 million from the federal government to cover the cost of construction of new athletic facilities such as a speed skating complex at SFU, hockey arena at UBC and Olympic Villages, as well as upgrading existing facilities to world–class standards. Included in this investment are $110 million in legacy funds to allow the facilities to be maintained and operated for public use after the Games, at no additional cost to the community. The 2010 Olympic Games are fully supported by the provincial and federal governments and private sector. The costs of the investment are shared, and so are the benefits В– by the entire province and country. (
  • 8. Tourism and Retail В– The Games provided enormous benefit to Australia's tourism and retail sectors. Highlights in Get more content on
  • 9. History And Purpose Of The Olympic Games Diana Rubio Running and running with sweat dripping down your forehead; your focus is on winning this game. You hear next to you, your opponents are right next to you trying to get past you on the final lap. It all comes down to this, less than half a second until it's all over. You finish and win the game. How is the setting different from the first Olympics to the Olympics today? This speech will explore the history and purpose of the Olympic Games, and how this has changed overtime.The Olympics were founded to bring together different cultures and to promote peace. However, this isn't what happened at all; the games abused human rights and gave control to government that used it to advantage. Some people say the games aren't political but actually they are. Over the past 75 years politics has let itself into the games and using it for their own advantages. Earlier I said that the one the purposes for the games were to connect with other cultures but instead abused human rights. This is true; one big example of this is when the games were held in China and the ruler of China was violent (Hoberman).Another purpose of the games today is to make money. Who makes the money? Not us, not the players, but for the big corporations like Coca–Cola and McDonald's. In every game these types of corporations have around 4 billion viewers and consumers. The first games were just for the athletes to compete but no the games are basically just for making money Get more content on
  • 10. Ancient Olympics Essay History of the Ancient Olympic Games The Ancient Greek Olympics were not only sporting events, it was a celebration to honor the great and powerful Zeus. The Ancient Olympics were held every four years at the famous Olympia, a district of Elis, here all free Greek men were allowed to compete. The first record of the Olympic Games was held in 776 B.C. The main sports were the Pentathlon, the Equestrian Events, Pankration, and Boxing. The Pentathlon was the name for the five events in Greek gymnastics: running, jumping, wrestling, discus throwing, and javelin throwing which began with the 18th Olympiad. In the wrestling event, wrestlers were anointed with oil, dusted with powder, and forbidden to bite or gouge one another. Wrestling more content... The Jump weights also doubled as weight lifting equipment during training to help the competitor jump further. The Equestrian Events included Chariot racing and Riding added to the Olympiad in 648 B.C. In The Chariot races there were both two horse chariot and four horse chariot races. There were separate races for chariots drawn by foals. Another race was between carts drawn by a team of 2 mules. The course was 12 laps around the stadium track which was nine miles long. The Riding event had separate races for full–grown horses and foals. Jockeys rode without stirrups. Only the wealthy upper class people could afford to pay for the equipment, training, and feed of both the driver or jockey and the horses. As a result, the owner received the olive wreath of victory instead of the jockey. The course they navigated was six laps around the track which was 4.5 miles. Boxing was added to the Olympics in 688 B.C. It was held to honor Patroklos, the slain companion of Achilles. Originally the boxing gloves were thongs wrapped around the hands and arms, but evolved into less time consuming oxen pre–wrapped thongs known as himantes, held in place by leather straps wrapped around the forearm. The Pankration was a punishing combination of boxing and wrestling. It was a battle where Punches were allowed, although the fighters did not wrap their hands with the boxing gloves called himantes. Get more content on
  • 11. In the more developed world, every industry in the rapid development. This is a high–speed development in the 21st century, especially tourism and hospitality. It is a big trend in tourism industry, lots of people because Olympic Games, stars, attractions and movies are fascinated. Because of this kind of industry, it will be a high salary in tourism and hospitality. Also, it will increase income tax, marking, local communities, great attractions, historical staff and natural environment. This paper will talk about Olympic Games impact tourism and hospitality why they rise taxes and marketing, and why impact local communities in order to increase their international tourism and hospitality in the local society. Social Cultural impact Tourism Olympic Games, as a global event, any Olympic Games will have a different impact on the environment, society, culture and economy of the host city and country. Especially since the 1980s, with the scale continues to expand, the impact of the Games on the host city and country of more concern. Another important issue will be social communities. For Olympic Games host city, it will has lots of change, like environment, social communities, local economic, etc.... But the host city still got something attractions and cultural staff. For example, Canada Whistler Winter Olympic Games, First, because of economic development, job opportunities increase, leading to increased consumer demand. Second, the Olympic Games will have a great demand for Get more content on
  • 12. Olympic Games A Waste Of Money Are major sporting events like the Olympic Games a waste of money? Are the Olympic Games a waste of money? The Olympic Games are an international event where athletes from every country come together to compete. Many fans and spectators attend this event to cheer for their country. The number of spectators keeps on increasing every four years as the event gets more popular. As this is an international event the cost of hosting it is huge. The total output of the 1976 Montreal Games was $1.48 billion whilst the 2012 London Games was a total of $14.6 billion. Stadiums are built for different disciplines, national representatives are invited to perform in the opening and closing ceremony, as a result the stadiums need a high level of security. Where the hosting country receives the money from, whom it will benefit and what it does to the country, will be the three main points I will be covering in this essay. Initially, to host theOlympic Games, the country must have the money to afford them, but where does it come from? One could say it's from the public while another says it's from sponsors. According to "The Guardian" both of these statements are correct, in the 2012 London Games the money came from the more content... As the country is setting up everything, the money collected is used for the infrastructure. Not only are stadiums being built but other structures such as bridges and highways are being upgraded to improve traffic conditions. Fans and spectators from around the world will be attending this event at that venue causing the transportation systems (buses, taxis) to be chock–full and causing an upsurge in traffic problems in that city. During the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, the government decreased the traffic problems by extending and broadening the roads, highways and bridges. One could say there has been a long–term investment in the improving of the circulation infrastructure in that Get more content on
  • 13. Essay On Olympic Games Olympics were very important event. Olympic games began in Ancient Greece from 776 BC and lasted to 393 AD. It is believed that they may have begun for hundreds of years before. Games were every fourth year at Olympia, in southwest Greece. The games took five days, when there was peace. Sacred truce announced before olympics and all the wars stopped. It ensure that athletes and spectators could join safely in the Olympic Games. Before the game messengers announced the Olympics throughout Greece. People all over Greece game to watch and take part of game. The purpose of Olympic games were worship Zeus and for entertainment. Beside religion, men's virility and fitness were measured. Also spiritual forces were important and there were presented poetry and philosophize. If you won you would get a more content... People honored Zeus in his temple. There was a huge statue of Zeus, which was made by gold and ivory. It is one of the Seven Wonders of the World. The main event was sacrifice of 100 oxen and they were burned on the Zeus's altar. In the third night of Olympics was always full moon and at that night everybody walked to temple of Zeus. There were boxing, chariot racing, long jump, javelin, discus, pankration, running, pentathlon and wrestling. On the first day of Olympics athletes and judges swore the vow and athletes sacrificed to Zeus. There was opening ceremony. Game began by boys` running competition, but there was also wrestling and boxing contests. On the second day horse races took over. There were normal horse races and chariot races. Beside these there was pentathlon, which consist of running, discus, jumping, javelin and wrestling. End of the day the winners had a parade and hymns were sung in their honour. On the third day there was a main sacrifice for Zeus and public fest. There were foot races like sprint and long distance races in the Get more content on
  • 14. The Olympic Games Of The Olympics Armani Battle Miexner English 4A– 4th Pd. The History of the Olympics Have you ever wondered where the Olympic Games started? No one ever talks about it but it's pretty fascinating. People around the world don't take the time out to do the research and well I 'm here to tell you. The Olympics are ranging from different sports around the world and they allow you at home to look at the success of other and root them along during the Olympic process. Other than that I 'm Armani Battle and here 's the history of the Olympic Games. In the beginning of the Olympics , which was over 3,000 years ago it was created in the way of honoring the god Zeus.(history) The very first Olympic games didn't happen until the 19th century which became more content... The flag they created was rose and presented in the Antwerp Games which was held in 1920. The Olympics took a great toll and became a very successful competition but it took a pause in the history until 2004. In 2004 when the Olympics came back to Athens, 11,000 competitors came to compete which was over 201 countries. A man whom was born on Aug. 21st, 1986 from Jennifer and Wellesley Bolt named Usain Bolt. As a kid he spent his time playing cricket and football with his brother. He didn't start his career of track and field until he enrolled into Waldensia Primary and soon after he enrolled into William Knibb Memorial High School. Usain Bolt became the world national record breaker known for track and field is one of the most successful athletes over the course of two years to compete and get better each time. Usain uses his height and his stride to demolish the records known to man in the 100 m dash and the 200 m dash. This all took place in Beijing 2008, which held over 10,000 participants in 302 events. Bolt came from Jamaica, which is where he set high times and became known for his great speed in Kingston, Jamaica. People began naming him as the new record beater after his ravishing time of 20.3 seconds at Catherine Hall. He then went a competed at the higher level and took home 4 gold medals from a meet held in the Bahamas. Usain Bolt has been known to have put so much dedication into track and field which led to his success in golds during the Get more content on
  • 15. Olympic Games Essay The Olympic Games were a vital part of Greek culture which was heavily influenced by athletics. Today, the Olympic Games are the world's largest presentation of athletic skill and competitive spirit. Thousands of athletes and spectators participate in this universal event. Revived in 1896, the Olympic Games had their beginnings in ancient Greece, and since then the event is very much comparable to modern Olympic events. In a city in southwestern Greece, called Olympia, is the birthplace of the Olympic games. Created to offer thanksgiving and honor to Zeus, chief god, the first record of the Olympics dates back to 776 bc and the event occurs every four years thereafter. The first day of the more content... In wrestling, the object was to throw your opponent down three times to be the victor. Javelin hurling used a man–high length of wood with a sharpened point that sometimes had an attached metal point. A thong on the javelin for athletes' fingers attached to its center of gravity and increased its precision and distance. In the discus event a saucer–shaped discus made of stone, iron, bronze, or lead was thrown for distance. Ancient boxing had fewer rules and no weight classes or rounds and opponents were chosen randomly. Boxers fought until the opponent was unconscious or admitted that he has been beaten. In addition, boxers also wore leather thongs instead of gloves and could continue to hit the opponent while he was down. Jumpers held lead or stone halteres or jump weights to propel the body further while jumping across the pit similar to long jump. Chariot racing included two and four horse racing and 2 mule chariot racing. The winner finished twelve laps or nine miles around the track first. Horse riding was a six lap or 4.5 mile race around the track in which only the wealthy participated in because of the costly training involved. The pankration was a grueling and rigorous combination of wrestling and boxing that continued until participants acknowledged defeat.. The rules only forbade biting, and gouging an opponents eyes, nose or mouth with fingernails. The final event, the pentathlon, was a five event combination of discus, javelin, long Get more content on
  • 16. Advantages Of Hosting The Olympic Games Name : Kevalkumar Ambaram Chaudhari ESSAY The Olympic Games have a long history of promoting positive relationships and tolerances between countries. However, recently more people are questioning its effectiveness and believe that their city should not host the Games. Argue for or against this statement. ANSWER The Olympic Games is a mega–event in the world, it represent the spirit of relationship, peace and solidarity. In the symbol of the Olympic Games, it represents the five Olympic rings means the five major regions of the world such as Africa, the America, Asia, Europe and Oceania, and all national flag in the world indicates one of the five colours such as blue, yellow, black, green, and red. Many people believe that the Olympic Games cause a significant number of issues. But, this essay will argue that cities should want to host the Olympic Games because it can lead to improvements to the city's infrastructure and stimulate the city's economy. One of the advantages of hosting the Olympic Game is that it often leads to improvements in infrastructure within and around the host city. In order to deal with a large influx of people into the host city, improvements are made to the host city's transportation systems to increase efficiency. Walsh (2012) states that ten railway lines and 30 new more content... This is costly and can restrict freedom of the movement of local citizens during games. Thorton (2016) noted that last Olympic have tolerated from terrorist assaults such as the bombing in Atlanta at the 1996 Games and the hostage taking and ultimate murder of Israeli athletes and instructors during the 1972 Munich Games[2]. However, by increasing security, visitors and all participants would safe and live with freedom. Also, the chances of terrorist attacks become negligible. Therefore, spending money on security system is often necessary to hosting global Get more content on
  • 17. 1)Introduction In this filed paper, I will focus on the impact of the modern Olympic Games on citizens' livelihood in two major aspects which are respectively housing and employment. Firstly, a literature review will be given to each aspect, the methodologies of these research will be reviewed and analyzed afterwards, followed by the identification of their limitations. At last, some recommendations on future research and conclusion will be included at the end of the field paper. Since the summer Olympic Games has been first held in Athens in 1896, this well–known sporting event gradually developed into a glorious world festivity played every four years (Chalkey & Essex, 1999), bringing numerous opportunities to the host city to gain global interest (Preuss 2004). There has long been a large body of research discussing and investigating how the Olympic Games impact on urban economic development including investment, infrastructure construction, tourism and so forth (Chalkley & Essex 2003). Through the evolution of over a hundred years, some scholars (Essex and Chalkley, 2004; Gold and Gold, 2008).)indicate that the Olympic Games has been regarded as a trigger to boost the urban development or as an initiative to revitalize the host city for countries which attempt to host it, though from the research of some other literature, the effect of the Olympics as an engine for economic development is questioned. One thing that cannot be denied is that the series of tangible Get more content on
  • 18. What Are The Importance Of The Olympic Games Olympic Games: In order to honor the Greek god Zeus, Greeks held what is known as the Olympic Games, they were held every four years. These games attracted people from all over Greece, large crowds would gather to watch the many different sports. The largest and most important of the Olympic games were held at Olympia. Olympia was very special to the Greeks because it was known as the most important sanctuary of Zeus. It was very important to offer gifts, take oaths and make sacrifices in front of Zeus' statue as a sign that they would obey all rules. These customary games were announced by couriers, who would travel to every major Greek city, and special provisions where even made to protect those who traveled to see or participate in the games at Olympia. Equestrian Events: In a special arena called a hippodrome, the most popular sport of chariot racing took place. Chariot racing was a sport that only the affluent took part in, as the costs of maintaining horses and a chariot was very expensive. Chariots had other uses though; they were used to lead soldiers into battle, other sports events and even for the funerals of champions. The chariot vase shown on in our reading perfectly depicts the authenticity of chariot racing. Horseracing came soon after, due to the popularity of chariot racing. Combat Sports: Boxing, wrestling and another form of wrestling known as pankration (a mixture of boxing and wrestling) were very popular sports events. It was the most violent Get more content on
  • 19. Argumentative Essay On Olympic Games The Olympic Games are recognized globally by billions of people. This event is the biggest sporting event not only because it comes once every four years, but also because the world's best athletes come together to compete for world fame and glory. Hosting the games seems like an honor for most people, however there is numerous risks involved When a country is selected to host the Olympics, they prepare years in advance for the games. Many times new stadiums, housing complexes, and training facilities are built yet the games will only last a few weeks. Billions of dollars are poured into assembling all the necessary components for this giant event but many people argue that all the money being spent on this event could be used to better the nation. For example, when the Olympics were held in Athens, facilities were built from the ground up and looked amazing while in use. However, after the games ended, the venues were hardly used and were just a burden to the country. As a result, countless Greek citizens criticized the government for their poor use of money. To add insult to injury, the money gained from the games did not equal or surpass the money spent, resulting in more criticism from various people. Same situation with Brazil, many areas inside of this country are populated, poor, and rundown but the national government still decided to host the games. Billions of dollars were spent to ready the country instead of actually helping improve it for DeCasas 2 future Get more content on
  • 20. Olympic Games Pros And Cons Hosting the Olympic Games is a massive risk that cities all around the world are willing to take. While many people assume that hosting the Games is a way out a debt, it can also be just the opposite. There are many factors that contribute to the overall success and failure of hosting the Olympics. For one, the results differ between cities. Cities within countries that are more economically stable seem to profit from hosting more than cities in countries that are less developed and economically stable. Hosting the Summer versus Winter Games can also impact the end results. In general, the Summer Olympics tend to make a more significant impact, as they are more popular among viewers (Dick and Wang). Regardless, both the Summer and Winter Olympics unquestionably have both positive and negative impacts on the community and the citizens of its host city. While hosting theOlympic Games in U.S. cities has both pros and cons, in the end, the pros drastically outweigh the cons. Through the twenty–eight Summer Games and the twenty–three Winter Games, numerous cities have prospered from welcoming the Olympics. Research found that in general within two days of the Olympics' arrival, there is a cumulative increase of two percent in the host cities' economies (Dick and Wang). Across the globe, host cities have more content... For U.S. cities, hosting the Olympic Games has both pros and cons, however customarily, the pros outweigh the cons. Many substantial profits come from welcoming the Olympics, however, there is never protection from the Game. No matter how many cities prosper in the years before and after the Olympics, there are never any guarantees as to what will happen. Holding the Olympics is a gamble that many cities are relying to pull them out of their troubles. In the end however, it cannot be said that hosting the Games is a good or bad things, as there are many up and Get more content on