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Intro to Startup Marketing:
                 – Top of the Funnel:
                    Starting Point

       Hello Mexico City! – 10/26/12
#s4s    @equintanilla
El cliente cambia.
       ¿Y su negocio?
       Todos éramos un cliente
       tradicional hace diez años.
       Compramos productos y servicios
       basados en el precio y el uso. Se
       comunicaba por medio de carta,
       teléfono y ocasionalmente, si era
       posible, por correo electrónico .
       Pero ese cliente cambio con el
       cambio social al comienzo del
       siglo. El cliente tomó las riendas
       del ambiente de negocio y se
       cambio para siempre.

#s4s                               @equintanilla
“ La conversación informal es probablemente el
        mecanismo mas antiguo con la cual se desarrolla,
       expresa y difunde opiniones acerca de productos y
                                                marcas “
                                              John Arndt

#s4s                                        @equintanilla
B2B Buyer’s Journey

                  Sales    Implementation

       Outbound                         Referrals

                  Social      Online
                  Media      Research

#s4s                                                @equintanilla
“To compete for consumers’ time and divided attention, brands must also find ways
                                                 to better resonate with their audiences.”

“Building  a successful multichannel marketing campaign
requires the right mix of channels that offer brands the
ability to reach and engage consumers!”

#s4s                                                                          @equintanilla
Common Marketing Goals

       1.   Implement foundational marketing improvements, including
            branding, messaging, website, content, and search to increase
            awareness and support future growth.

       2.   Build AWARENESS of ACME Products and Professional Services,
            and EDUCATE our Customers and Stakeholders.

       3.   Strengthen relationship with select partners to improve credibility,
            expand ACME sales force, and increase leads.

       4.   Present ACME as an industry thought leader - a proven, credible
            provider of TNT Products and Professional Services.

#s4s                                                                     @equintanilla
#s4s   @equintanilla
Marketing Funnel
        Awareness           Web Site & Search
                           Content/Core Materials

                         Media & Analysts Relations
                               Social Media

                            Database Marketing
       Lead Generation


         Automation             Nurturing

#s4s     Sales Funnel              Sales                      @equintanilla
#s4s   @equintanilla
#s4s   @equintanilla



#s4s         @equintanilla
Provide useful
       • Engage with
         your customer
       • Don't just sell.

         contenido útil
       • Es importante
         atraer y
         encajar bien
         con su cliente
       • No es cuestión
         de solo vender
#s4s            @equintanilla
Social Media Objectives: Opportunity to Generate Leads

#s4s                                                  @equintanilla
The New Marketing ….

                    Don’t expect
                    PRIVACY IN
                  SOCIAL MEDIA!!!

                      Source: John Jantsch

#s4s                               @equintanilla
All About SEO ….

        Researching Keywords
        Selecting the Domain
        On-site Optimization
        Off-Site Optimization

        Social Media
       Content Marketing

#s4s                                 @equintanilla
What are people searching   ¿Qué buscan las personas?
         for? (Keywords)           (Palabras clave)

       How does your website       ¿Qué posición ocupa su
         rank?                     sitio en la lista de
         • Monitor your search     resultados.
         engine rankings.
                                   • Supervise los cambios en
                                   su posición

#s4s                                                     @equintanilla
Keywords .. What is                Palabras clave… lo
       your biz?                          que abarca su negocio
       1.Write down your words related    1.Anote todas las palabras que
       to your business                   pueden definir o relacionarse con
                                          su negocio
       2.Use names and phrases your
       friends would use google to find   2.Utilice las palabras y frases que
       you.                               sus público usaría para encontrar
            Caterer – wedding catering,   su negocio con Google.
            party food provider, your         Florista – diseñadora floral,
            thoughts?                         decoradora, coordinadora de
                                              eventos, sus opiniones

#s4s                                                                  @equintanilla
Blog Elements
           ►Build   Thought Leadership

           ►Earn  People’s Trust: Use
            Meaningful “Non-salesy”
            content (71% say blogs
            are part of buying

           ►Be a Problem Solver:
            Highlight how you solve
            your customers problems

    #s4s                       @equintanilla
Blog Elements

    #s4s        @equintanilla

    #s4s    @equintanilla
Top 5 Blog Elements: Title aka your Headline.
►Blog           Title – Make sure your headline is “sticky” yet “POSITIVE”!

       •   Actionable, Clear and Direct, and Contains at least 1 Keyword
               People search the web by using keywords

       •   Create a Sense of Urgency or How To (or How Not To!)

       •   Newsworthy .. Or Cautiously Use Controversial Sensational titles
               Make sure you use solid points to back up your opinions

       •   BRIEF (8-9 words – do not exceed ~60 characters)!
               Twitter only allows for 140 character messages.

#s4s                                                                       @equintanilla
Top 5 Blog Elements: Title aka your Headline.

#s4s                                        @equintanilla
Top 5 Blog Elements: Content.
►Blog        Content – Length: 300 – 800 Words
       •   Who, what, when, where, how, and why .. Remember the reader

       •   Answer Common Customer Questions
       •   Conduct Interviews

►Thought         Leadership Content
       •   Industry/Market Data
       •   Industry Best Practices
       •   Reports based on industry research
       •   Educate the Reader
       •   Industry Case Studies
       •   Industry-related news topics and takeaways
#s4s                                                                @equintanilla
Top 5 Blog

#s4s     @equintanilla
Top 5 Blog Elements: Content.
►Blog    Content – Definitive
  •    Be clear, direct, take a stand, use strong word choices, BE THE EXPERT!

►Types     of Content:
  •    Text-based Copy (Common)
  •    Charts or graphs (Chip’s Slideshare)
  •    Audio Content (Rudy’s Podcast)
  •    Cartoons (What is IT thinking?)
  •    Infographics
  •    Guest Bloggers (Channel Partners)
  •    Curated Lists
  •    Industry book reviews
  •    Q&A’s
  •    Videos (Gartner Video)
  •    Employee Contributions .. Manufacturing, Inside Sales, Support
#s4s                                                                    @equintanilla
Top 5 Blog Elements: Calls To Action (CTA).
►Calls          To Action (CTA) – introduce & qualify reader to sales funnel
       •   Can be at the beginning, middle, or end of a post

       •   CTA: Calls to Action – Remember to Link Keywords
               To Anue Systems (….)

#s4s                                                                  @equintanilla
Social Media as a Lead Source

   Links are your social media Calls To Action (CTA)! Includ in all
      social messaging: Twitter feeds, Facebook Wall posts, Pins, etc.
   Ideally, the links will bring users to a landing page, with more CTAs.
   Use demand generation software’s URL builder so you can pass social
      media as a lead source, as well as measure the effectiveness of the
      social media aspects of your campaign.
   The URLs will be long. Shorten with Bitly or HootSuite, and for
      added marketing strength, consider a vanity URL – track analytics!

#s4s                                                                 @equintanilla
Top 5 Blog Elements: Calls To Action (CTA).

#s4s                                      @equintanilla
Top 5 Blog Elements: Images
►Images         are Important! Tell 1000+ Words at once
       •   Break up text into digestible chunks
       •   Convey post’s message with a helpful image

#s4s                                                            @equintanilla
Top 5 Blog Elements: Keywords.
►Keywords          – Critical and everything pivots from a keyword.

       •   Use Industry Keywords that people enter in Google to research vendors
       •   Pick a Keyword and write a post about that word .. Drive SEO
       •   Use Keyword in title, copy, images (filename and image description)
       •   Embed keywords into posts .. Remember to format appropriately to
           capture the readers attention:

#s4s                                                                   @equintanilla
E-mail Basics
      Opt-in mailing lists are now the preferred method for customers.
      Consider creating an online newsletter.
      Consider time-limited online "coupons" that can be redeemed at your site.
      Each email should also contain instructions for removed from the email list.
      Best email content should be shared. Forwards are nice, but most people want to
       tweet, Like, +1, post on LinkedIn, pin, or share on other social networks.
      Track everything: email open rates, clicks on the link provided in the email, the
       views on the landing page, and all social media shares.

#s4s                                                                          @equintanilla
#s4s   @equintanilla
5.   Calculate Costs
       6.   Align the social media initiatives with business goals
       7.   Don’t dismiss “soft metrics”
       8.   Allow for organic discussion to emerge
#s4s                                                     @equintanilla
Too often, social strategies start in the
                 wrong place--with a focus on a
        Facebook fan page or Pinterest board -

   1.    Define the People
   2.    Set the Objectives: What & how will you measure success?
   3.    Devise the Strategies
   4.    Determine the Tools, Technology & Tactics

#s4s                                                         @equintanilla
Earned, Owned, & Paid.

Social works best when you use the classic definition of
marketing: that it’s about relationships with customers
and the actual conversations.

 Tip: Don’t be a

#s4s                                                       @equintanilla
Penguin and Panda Google Update: Impact on SEO

►Algorithm changed keyword rankings for sites
►On-site SEO has changed devaluing Anchor tags
►Sources of Backlinks matter
►Social Signals (mentions, +1, Likes, and Shares) count

 #s4s                                                                                               @equintanilla
SEO and Social

       Source: Marketing Sherpa Webinar
#s4s                                            @equintanilla
Trigger Campaigns Based on Social Interactions
       Demand generation software has built-in automated activities based on user
          behaviors. Social media usage can be one of these triggers.
       If someone favorably tweets your company, invite that person to friend, follow,
            Like, Pin or join your company’s community sites.
       Send a thank-you message to someone who shares company info on Twitter,
          shares a presentation on SlideShare, or Likes a piece of content on Facebook

       Publicize the webinar by assigning it a Twitter hashtag, and then measure the
          volume and relevance of tweets referencing the hashtag.
       For registrants or attendees of the webinar who tweet, adjust their lead scoring

#s4s                                                                          @equintanilla
#s4s   @equintanilla
Content Tip: Bring Offline to
Touch Point:
interface of a product,
a service or a brand
with customers, non-
employees and other
stakeholders –
before, during and
after a transaction
respectively a
Don’t overlook the
 #s4s                                  @equintanilla
Express Yourself

#s4s          @equintanilla
Gaga Marketing ..

       Mind your P’s

  ►Place                                                                But Don’t
  ►Price                                                                Forget your

                                                                   ►    and Community!!

       Whether you like her or not she is .. loud, crisp and clear!!!

#s4s                                                                            @equintanilla
5 Marketing Wisdoms to remember:

   1. Have a great product or service

       2. Be selective

       3. Lead your followers

       4. Reward loyalty

       5. Inspire greatness

#s4s                                               @equintanilla
Everyone Has
       Something To Say

#s4s             @equintanilla
►Famous    for – being
       Kardashian Sisters:

                              "Your reputation is all that
                             you have, and if people
                             prejudge you over
                             something that you did, than
                             that kind of sticks with you a
                             long time."
                             – Kim Kardashian

#s4s                                                  @equintanilla
So Let’s Take Small Steps And
              Start The Conversation

#s4s                           @equintanilla
Tip: What to post ..

              Add Social
              Media Icons to
              your email
              campaigns and
              all landing

#s4s               @equintanilla
Tip: Connect with Objectives
                                                      ►E  - ENTERTAINING
                                                      ►I - INFORMATIONAL
                                                      ►E - EDUCATIONAL
                                                      ►I - INSPIRATIONAL
                                                      ►O – OBJECTIVE: What
                                                       was the point of doing
                                                       all the work?

#s4s                                                                                        @equintanilla
This and That ..

#s4s           @equintanilla

#s4s           @equintanilla
Tip: Schedule Posts

#s4s              @equintanilla
#s4s   @equintanilla
Social Media Information in the Leads Database

       Add custom fields for social contact information, such as
          Twitter handle and link to public LinkedIn profile.
       Integration with Klout exist, so that Klout scores can be
           assigned for each lead.
       Integrations with third-party software applications exist to
           provide additional social data.

#s4s                                                                  @equintanilla
Sales and CRM
►MarketingAutomation supports Social Integration
►Social CRM is supported in Salesforce & Nimble

#s4s                                               @equintanilla

Relevant (Timely                                                                  Time and resources are
and interesting)                                                               devoted to building a
                                                                               foundation – content,
   The audience cares
                                                                               community, feedback
about and enjoys this
content                                                                           The internal team is
                           Talkable: Have a                                    invested in the effort, helps
   Messages are on                                    Connection: Build
brand and reflect the
                         conversation               your community             generate conversation and
core benefits of the       People are interacting                              feels the benefits of a
                                                      Builds connections:      growing community
organization in audience more frequently, or more
                                                    People are sharing and
perspective              deeply                     make recommendations
                                                      People try things from
                                                    peer recommendations

#s4s                                                                                        @equintanilla
Marketing Takeaways

                                  ►Find  your niche
►Exposure  is critical            ►Promote yourself in the
►Control the news                  right venues
►Make consumers want              ►Contribute to the
 more                              discourse
►Be creative in your

People magazine paid $1.5
million for exclusive rights to
the Kardashian wedding

#s4s                                                  @equintanilla
#s4s   @equintanilla
Thank You!

       Elizabeth Quintanilla


#s4s                                     @equintanilla

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Marketing for Startups - A Sales for Startups Presentation at Mexican.VC

  • 1. Intro to Startup Marketing: – Top of the Funnel: Starting Point Hello Mexico City! – 10/26/12 #s4s @equintanilla
  • 2. El cliente cambia. ¿Y su negocio? Todos éramos un cliente tradicional hace diez años. Compramos productos y servicios basados en el precio y el uso. Se comunicaba por medio de carta, teléfono y ocasionalmente, si era posible, por correo electrónico . Pero ese cliente cambio con el cambio social al comienzo del siglo. El cliente tomó las riendas del ambiente de negocio y se cambio para siempre. #s4s @equintanilla
  • 3. “ La conversación informal es probablemente el mecanismo mas antiguo con la cual se desarrolla, expresa y difunde opiniones acerca de productos y marcas “ John Arndt #s4s @equintanilla
  • 4. B2B Buyer’s Journey Sales Implementation Outbound Referrals Social Online Media Research #s4s @equintanilla
  • 5. “To compete for consumers’ time and divided attention, brands must also find ways to better resonate with their audiences.” “Building a successful multichannel marketing campaign requires the right mix of channels that offer brands the ability to reach and engage consumers!” #s4s @equintanilla
  • 6. Common Marketing Goals 1. Implement foundational marketing improvements, including branding, messaging, website, content, and search to increase awareness and support future growth. 2. Build AWARENESS of ACME Products and Professional Services, and EDUCATE our Customers and Stakeholders. 3. Strengthen relationship with select partners to improve credibility, expand ACME sales force, and increase leads. 4. Present ACME as an industry thought leader - a proven, credible provider of TNT Products and Professional Services. #s4s @equintanilla
  • 7. #s4s @equintanilla
  • 8. Marketing Funnel Awareness Web Site & Search Content/Core Materials Media & Analysts Relations Social Media Database Marketing Lead Generation Events Advertising Marketing Lead Automation Nurturing #s4s Sales Funnel Sales @equintanilla
  • 9. #s4s @equintanilla
  • 10. #s4s @equintanilla
  • 12. Provide useful content: • Engage with your customer • Don't just sell. Ofrezca contenido útil • Es importante atraer y encajar bien con su cliente • No es cuestión de solo vender #s4s @equintanilla
  • 13. Social Media Objectives: Opportunity to Generate Leads #s4s @equintanilla
  • 14. The New Marketing …. Don’t expect PRIVACY IN SOCIAL MEDIA!!! Source: John Jantsch #s4s @equintanilla
  • 15. All About SEO ….  Researching Keywords  Selecting the Domain  On-site Optimization  Off-Site Optimization Linkbuilding  Social Media Content Marketing #s4s @equintanilla
  • 16. What are people searching ¿Qué buscan las personas? for? (Keywords) (Palabras clave) How does your website ¿Qué posición ocupa su rank? sitio en la lista de • Monitor your search resultados. engine rankings. • Supervise los cambios en su posición #s4s @equintanilla
  • 17. Keywords .. What is Palabras clave… lo your biz? que abarca su negocio 1.Write down your words related 1.Anote todas las palabras que to your business pueden definir o relacionarse con su negocio 2.Use names and phrases your friends would use google to find 2.Utilice las palabras y frases que you. sus público usaría para encontrar Caterer – wedding catering, su negocio con Google. party food provider, your Florista – diseñadora floral, thoughts? decoradora, coordinadora de eventos, sus opiniones profesionales? #s4s @equintanilla
  • 18. Blog Elements ►Build Thought Leadership ►Earn People’s Trust: Use Meaningful “Non-salesy” content (71% say blogs are part of buying decisions) ►Be a Problem Solver: Highlight how you solve your customers problems #s4s @equintanilla 1
  • 19. Blog Elements #s4s @equintanilla 1
  • 20. Reference #s4s @equintanilla 2
  • 21. Top 5 Blog Elements: Title aka your Headline. ►Blog Title – Make sure your headline is “sticky” yet “POSITIVE”! ►Tips: • Actionable, Clear and Direct, and Contains at least 1 Keyword  People search the web by using keywords • Create a Sense of Urgency or How To (or How Not To!) • Newsworthy .. Or Cautiously Use Controversial Sensational titles  Make sure you use solid points to back up your opinions • BRIEF (8-9 words – do not exceed ~60 characters)!  Twitter only allows for 140 character messages. #s4s @equintanilla
  • 22. Top 5 Blog Elements: Title aka your Headline. #s4s @equintanilla
  • 23. Top 5 Blog Elements: Content. ►Blog Content – Length: 300 – 800 Words • Who, what, when, where, how, and why .. Remember the reader ►Tips: • Answer Common Customer Questions • Conduct Interviews ►Thought Leadership Content • Industry/Market Data • Industry Best Practices • Reports based on industry research • Educate the Reader • Industry Case Studies • Industry-related news topics and takeaways #s4s @equintanilla
  • 24. Top 5 Blog Elements: Content. #s4s @equintanilla
  • 25. Top 5 Blog Elements: Content. ►Blog Content – Definitive • Be clear, direct, take a stand, use strong word choices, BE THE EXPERT! ►Types of Content: • Text-based Copy (Common) • Charts or graphs (Chip’s Slideshare) • Audio Content (Rudy’s Podcast) • Cartoons (What is IT thinking?) • Infographics • Guest Bloggers (Channel Partners) • Curated Lists • Industry book reviews • Q&A’s • Videos (Gartner Video) • Employee Contributions .. Manufacturing, Inside Sales, Support #s4s @equintanilla
  • 26. Top 5 Blog Elements: Calls To Action (CTA). ►Calls To Action (CTA) – introduce & qualify reader to sales funnel • Can be at the beginning, middle, or end of a post ►Tips: • CTA: Calls to Action – Remember to Link Keywords  To Anue Systems (….) #s4s @equintanilla
  • 27. Social Media as a Lead Source Links are your social media Calls To Action (CTA)! Includ in all social messaging: Twitter feeds, Facebook Wall posts, Pins, etc. Ideally, the links will bring users to a landing page, with more CTAs. Use demand generation software’s URL builder so you can pass social media as a lead source, as well as measure the effectiveness of the social media aspects of your campaign. The URLs will be long. Shorten with Bitly or HootSuite, and for added marketing strength, consider a vanity URL – track analytics! #s4s @equintanilla
  • 28. Top 5 Blog Elements: Calls To Action (CTA). #s4s @equintanilla
  • 29. Top 5 Blog Elements: Images ►Images are Important! Tell 1000+ Words at once • Break up text into digestible chunks • Convey post’s message with a helpful image #s4s @equintanilla
  • 30. Top 5 Blog Elements: Keywords. ►Keywords – Critical and everything pivots from a keyword. ►Tips: • Use Industry Keywords that people enter in Google to research vendors • Pick a Keyword and write a post about that word .. Drive SEO • Use Keyword in title, copy, images (filename and image description) • Embed keywords into posts .. Remember to format appropriately to capture the readers attention: #s4s @equintanilla
  • 31. E-mail Basics  Opt-in mailing lists are now the preferred method for customers.  Consider creating an online newsletter.  Consider time-limited online "coupons" that can be redeemed at your site.  Each email should also contain instructions for removed from the email list.  Best email content should be shared. Forwards are nice, but most people want to tweet, Like, +1, post on LinkedIn, pin, or share on other social networks.  Track everything: email open rates, clicks on the link provided in the email, the views on the landing page, and all social media shares. #s4s @equintanilla
  • 32. #s4s @equintanilla
  • 33. 5. Calculate Costs 6. Align the social media initiatives with business goals 7. Don’t dismiss “soft metrics” 8. Allow for organic discussion to emerge #s4s @equintanilla
  • 34. Too often, social strategies start in the wrong place--with a focus on a Facebook fan page or Pinterest board - @augieray 1. Define the People 2. Set the Objectives: What & how will you measure success? 3. Devise the Strategies 4. Determine the Tools, Technology & Tactics #s4s @equintanilla
  • 35. Earned, Owned, & Paid. Social works best when you use the classic definition of marketing: that it’s about relationships with customers and the actual conversations. Tip: Don’t be a NASTY NETWORKER!! #s4s @equintanilla
  • 36. Penguin and Panda Google Update: Impact on SEO ►Algorithm changed keyword rankings for sites ►On-site SEO has changed devaluing Anchor tags ►Sources of Backlinks matter ►Social Signals (mentions, +1, Likes, and Shares) count #s4s @equintanilla
  • 37. SEO and Social Source: Marketing Sherpa Webinar #s4s @equintanilla
  • 38. Trigger Campaigns Based on Social Interactions Demand generation software has built-in automated activities based on user behaviors. Social media usage can be one of these triggers. If someone favorably tweets your company, invite that person to friend, follow, Like, Pin or join your company’s community sites. Send a thank-you message to someone who shares company info on Twitter, shares a presentation on SlideShare, or Likes a piece of content on Facebook EVENTS & WEBINARS: Publicize the webinar by assigning it a Twitter hashtag, and then measure the volume and relevance of tweets referencing the hashtag. For registrants or attendees of the webinar who tweet, adjust their lead scoring accordingly. #s4s @equintanilla
  • 39. #s4s @equintanilla
  • 40. Content Tip: Bring Offline to Online Touch Point: interface of a product, a service or a brand with customers, non- customers, employees and other stakeholders – before, during and after a transaction respectively a purchase. Don’t overlook the obvious! #s4s @equintanilla
  • 41. Express Yourself #s4s @equintanilla
  • 42. Gaga Marketing .. Mind your P’s ►Product ►Place But Don’t ►Price Forget your ►Promotion C’s ►Content ►Context ►Connect ► and Community!! Whether you like her or not she is .. loud, crisp and clear!!! #s4s @equintanilla
  • 43. 5 Marketing Wisdoms to remember: 1. Have a great product or service 2. Be selective 3. Lead your followers 4. Reward loyalty 5. Inspire greatness #s4s @equintanilla
  • 44. Everyone Has Something To Say #s4s @equintanilla
  • 45. ►Famous for – being Kardashian Sisters: famous! "Your reputation is all that you have, and if people prejudge you over something that you did, than that kind of sticks with you a long time." – Kim Kardashian #s4s @equintanilla
  • 46. So Let’s Take Small Steps And Start The Conversation #s4s @equintanilla
  • 47. Tip: What to post .. Add Social Media Icons to your email campaigns and all landing pages. #s4s @equintanilla
  • 48. Tip: Connect with Objectives ►E - ENTERTAINING ►I - INFORMATIONAL ►E - EDUCATIONAL ►I - INSPIRATIONAL ►O – OBJECTIVE: What was the point of doing all the work? Source: #s4s @equintanilla
  • 49. This and That .. #s4s @equintanilla
  • 50. Entertain! #s4s @equintanilla
  • 51. Tip: Schedule Posts #s4s @equintanilla
  • 52. #s4s @equintanilla
  • 53. Social Media Information in the Leads Database Add custom fields for social contact information, such as Twitter handle and link to public LinkedIn profile. Integration with Klout exist, so that Klout scores can be assigned for each lead. Integrations with third-party software applications exist to provide additional social data. #s4s @equintanilla
  • 54. Sales and CRM ►MarketingAutomation supports Social Integration ►Social CRM is supported in Salesforce & Nimble #s4s @equintanilla
  • 55. Engagement Commitment Relevant (Timely Time and resources are and interesting) devoted to building a foundation – content, The audience cares community, feedback about and enjoys this content The internal team is Talkable: Have a invested in the effort, helps Messages are on Connection: Build brand and reflect the conversation your community generate conversation and core benefits of the People are interacting feels the benefits of a Builds connections: growing community organization in audience more frequently, or more People are sharing and perspective deeply make recommendations daily People try things from peer recommendations 55 #s4s @equintanilla
  • 56. Marketing Takeaways ►Find your niche ►Exposure is critical ►Promote yourself in the ►Control the news right venues ►Make consumers want ►Contribute to the more discourse ►Be creative in your marketing People magazine paid $1.5 million for exclusive rights to the Kardashian wedding photos. #s4s @equintanilla
  • 57. #s4s @equintanilla
  • 58. Thank You! Elizabeth Quintanilla @equintanilla #s4s @equintanilla

Editor's Notes

  1. 1. Capitalize on Your Mistakes – We first heard about the Kardashian sisters when sister Kim’s home-made film with ex-boyfriend and singer Ray-J was leaked to the public. Instead of cowering behind her indiscretions, Kim capitalized on them. Kim made appearances on talk shows, late night television and radio stations. Ultimately, the negative press ended up being the catalyst for the Kardashian’s fame.
  2. CampusLIVEpaid Lindsay Lohan about $3,500 for one tweet which resulted in 4,500 clicks to their website. This equates to $o.77 cent a click and at this price point celebrity tweeting competes with Google Adwords and Facebook advertising.Control the news: One of the best marketing tactics is to befriend others; groups, individuals and/or news organizations. Let people and organizations know what your business is about, how you benefit the community and upcoming events. Toot your horn so that the entire world may hear the music.Consumers are eager to be reminded of exciting events, have their minds taken off negative aspects of the economy and learn about savings or events that will benefit them. Vera Wang is rarely if ever photographed walking down the streets of NY. Wang did something unheard to promote the Kardashian wedding gown. About one week before Kim’s wedding, Vera and Kim were photographed together walking down a NY street.
  3. Low and Slow Conversational talk