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Blues, Classical, Country, Heavy Metal, Hip-Hop, Jazz, Opera, Rap, Rock and pop! And many more…
What music tastes are catered for already?

     Blues music          Classical music           County music          Heavy metal music

     Hip hop/rap                Jazz                      Indie                  Pop

Blues, Classical, Country, Heavy Metal, Hip-Hop, Jazz, Opera, Rap, Rock and pop! And many more…
Comparing the market…                      This type of magazine
                                                uses dark colours and
                                                bright gold and red
                                                titles. This is very eye-
This is a Heavy Metal                           catching but very much
music magazine. It shows                        suits its genre.
a very disturbing                                                           It displays on the front
dominant image on the                                                       cover that it has 116
front cover which is                                                        pages of heavy metal
conventional for this                                                       related subjects. This
genre. I would have                                                         would attract the reader
                                                                            to buy this particular
expected something like                                                     magazine as it may be
this. I think it is very full of                                            the one with the most
information for the reader                                                  pages.
which I like as it makes
the reader buy it. I hope
my music magazine will
be similar in the fact that                                                 This content is very
it has plenty of                                                            appropriate for this
information available.                                                      magazine the “top 25
                                                                            zombie metal songs”
                                                                            People who are
                                                                            interested in heavy
  The image on here is                                                      metal would like this
  very disturbing but very                                                  feature story as it is
  conventional for this                                                     different to their normal
  type of magazine. I                                                       heavy metal as it‟s a
  would expect this kind                                                    different type of heavy
  of image on this type of                                                  metal.

                                   Gripping stories to make
                                   the reader interested.
Comparing the market…
                                                             Bright girly colours that
This magazine is very                                        stand out and make it
well laid out, it is a very                                  look really eye-catching
busy cover, but doesn‟t                                      that will attract young
look messy. I think it is                                    teenage girls that like
very conventional for a                                      fashion and pop music.
girly pop music
magazine. I like the fact
that it gives away free
things and that it caters
for other interests as well
and not purely pop.

   Other interests included into
   the magazine so its not all
   samey. This is a very good
   way of attracting an
   audience and I think it
   would be good to do                                             By showing an
   something like this.
                                                                   interview with
                                                                   Jessie J on the
                                                                   front it makes
                                                                   Jessie J fans
                Free posters. This attracts audience as            want to buy this
                young girls love to pin up their favourite         issue.
                celebrity on their bedroom walls and
                free posters would make them buy.
                However when doing this you need to
                be careful that it is a popular celebrity.
Comparing the market…
                                                                                                 General style
                                                                                                 The „Pop‟ magazine uses
The title on the „Heavy                                                                          very girly and eye-
metal‟ magazine is very                                                                          catching colours where as
bold and in blood red and                                                                        the „Heavy metal‟
gold, as apposed to girly                                                                        magazine uses dark
pink, black and white on the                                                                     colours. This really
„Pop‟ magazine. Each are                                                                         emphasises moods of the
very different to each                                                                           magazines. The „Pop‟
other, but similarly they both                                                                   magazine is very bright
stick to a conventional style                                                                    and it creates a general
for their magazines.                                                                             happy mood, and the
Anything else?                                                                                   „Heavy metal‟ magazine
                                                                                                 creates a very dark and
The „Pop‟ magazine                                                Other stories                  gloomy atmospheric
advertises free posters of     Feature stories                                                   mood.
popular male celebrities                                          The „Pop‟ magazine has
                               These magazines both have a
and pop stars. This is a
                               main feature story. The „Heavy
                                                                  stories about celebrities      Dominant image
great way to attract an                                           and gossip about their
                               metal‟ magazine features “The                                     The dominant images are
audience as young                                                 lives. Whereas the „Heavy
                               top 25 zombie metal songs of                                      very different in comparison
teenage girls do like to pin                                      metal‟ magazine sticks to
                               all time” which is very relevant                                  to one another. The „Heavy
up their favourite stars in                                       general articles on their
                               to their genre and also ties in                                   metal‟ magazine shows a
their bedrooms. The „Heavy                                        specific music.
                               with their dominant image. The                                    man massacring a zombie
metal' magazine doesn‟t
                               „Pop‟ magazines feature is         The „Pop‟ magazine also        with blood splattered
advertise anything as free
                               “Exclusive interview with          goes onto other interests      around the cover, this is
but they advertise that it
                               Jessie J, the tears the bullies    such as teenage                conventional for this type of
has 116 pages which
                               and the voice” this is also very   fashion, this is a very good   magazine. The „Pop‟
attracts an audience and
                               relevant to their genre. Both      way of doing things as it      magazine shows a happy
may bring in more people
                               these magazines have put in a      attracts other audiences       Pop artist that is popular in
from different magazines of
                               feature relevant to what their     that like fashion as well as   the industry, and also ties in
the same genre because it
                               audience crave for so that it      music. The „Heavy metal‟       with the feature story. I like
has more pages which
                               drags in their audience and        magazine sticks with their     this idea for my music
means more value for
                               makes them purchase an             genre of music and doesn‟t     magazine.
                               issue of the magazine.             put anything else into it.
Comparing the market…
                                                                                The title looks like its
                                                                                been scribbled on free
                                                                                hand and loosely. This
This is a very typical                                                          ties in really well with
blues magazine. The                                                             the blues magazine, as
dominant image is a                                                             blues music is quite
perfect shot and shows                                                          smooth and free.
a blues artist that is old                                                      However, it does stick
and looks happy doing                                                           out to me as more of a
what he's doing. It                                                             rock font and colour
features the right stories                                                      then a blues magazine.
for the target audience                                                         I think it would suit
as it grips them in from                                                        more a blue colour.
it and it also has a big
stand out title so
people recognise what
magazine it is.

                                                                               The dominant image
                                                                               shows a man who
Big white subtitle of
                                                                               obviously is a blues
stories for this
                                                                               artist with his
magazine. I think it
                                                                               saxophone. The man
works really well for this
                                                                               on the cover is
type of magazine as it
                                                                               coloured which we
stands out and grips the
                                                                               usually link to blues
reader immediately by
                                                                               music as they are
these stories as they
                                                                               historically known for
stick directly to stories    “2012 living blues awards winners inside!” This   the existence of blues
on blues music, artists      shows that there is an interesting story inside   music.
and bands.                   that the audience will want to read and
                             therefore people will buy it from seeing this
Comparing the market…                                 The title is very conventional for this type
                                                      of magazine because its big and out
This magazine shows                                   their and ties in with the style of RnB.
everything you would expect
from an RnB music magazine.
The whole overall style looks
                                                                                           The colour use of
very hip hop and new. The
                                                                                           this magazine is
title is very stand
                                                                                           very bright and
outish, however for this type
                                                                                           busy which works
of magazine I would have
                                                                                           well as it doesn‟t
expected the title to be in a
                                                                                           look to busy but
graffiti font as when you think
                                                                                           looks effective.
of hop hop and the type of
people that listen to it you
always associate graffiti with
                                                                                     The dominant image is
  Feature stories                                                                    very conventional for
  stick to RnB music                                                                 this type of magazine it
  and                                                                                shows a group of what
  artists, doesn‟t                                                                   look to be youths
  drift onto other                                                                   dressed stereotypically
  areas and                                                                          how people would
  interests.                                                                         expect to see people
                                                                                     dressed that like to
  Sub title is larger then the                                                       listen to rap and RnB.
  actual title, it could confuse
  the audience as they may
  think this is a magazine
  called “Breaks out!” and         Gives a preview of what artists they are
  not “XXL” which isn't great      featuring. This is a great idea as it shows all the
  as the audience may not          upcoming and popular artists which makes
  buy this issue as they may       their target audience want to buy this
  not think its their magazine.    magazine.
Comparing the market…
                                                                                               General style
Titles                                                                                         I think the general styles of
In both these magazines                                                                        these magazines are very
they have gone against their                                                                   different. The blues magazine
convention but in different                                                                    has hardly anything on it and
ways the blues magazine                                                                        one musician this is
has used a free hand style of                                                                  conventional because the
title which does fit in with                                                                   music is smooth and not busy
their style of music as the                                                                    a lot like how the cover is set
blues are smooth and                                                                           out. Where as the hip hop
free, but the red doesn‟t                                                                      magazine is busy and in your
really tie in well with the                                                                    face a lot like their genre of
blues as red stands out as a                                                                   music.
harsh colour and not a                                         Other stories                   Dominant Image
smooth relaxing sound.             Feature stories             These magazines don‟t           The dominant image on
Whereas the colour on the
                                   These magazines again       focus on any other              these magazine covers are
hip hop magazine does work
                                   both use similar cover      interests they both rely on     very different to one another
well for its style of music, but
                                   story methods.              the fact that they have         but very conventional to their
I would have thought a
                                                               interviews with their artists   genre of music. The hip hop
graffiti style font would have     The blues magazine          and groups.                     magazine shows a gang of
fit in better to that particular   features interviews and
taste in music.                                                I think the downside to this    youths that are dressed in
                                   biographies on past and                                     hoodies and what we
Anything else?                     present blues               is there are only so many
                                                               interviews that can take        associate chavs and
These magazines are both           artists, where as the hip                                   gangsters to wear, and so this
                                   hop magazine does           place as there are only so
similar in the fact that they                                  many artists and groups of      image fits in well with hip hop
don‟t advertise anything           interviews with fresh and                                   as we also associate chavs
                                   upcoming artists and        these genres so they need
free or competitions to                                        to be careful when using        and gangsters to listen to. In
attract the audience in.           groups.                                                     comparison the blues
                                                               their stories, I think to
They both rely solely on the       I think this works well for make them better it would       magazine shows a just one
fact that their stories and        these magazines as they be good to include some             person this is usually the case
front covers are good              are well set out and it     other interests of these        for blues magazines as
enough to attract an               interests their audience. people who like their             usually blues artists are
audience.                                                      magazines.                      usually soloists.
So where are the gaps?
               Teenage boys pop magazine
               After researching what magazines are available within the market it has become clear
               that their aren‟t any magazines of this genre. I think it would be good for boys to have
               a magazine that is solely for them, as if there aren't any available to them in this
               category then what do they read? I need to do some primary research to find out from
               the audience, if this became available on the market would they buy it and if so what
               would they like to see in it? To attract the audience I would focus on other interests and
               free things as after looking at other magazines it seems an effective way to bring in the
               target audience.

Musical theatre magazine
After researching the magazines in different areas of the market, I also discovered that
there is no magazines in this particular genre. I think that this would be a really good
genre to be put in the market as it would be new and fresh, the downside I see to this is
not many people are into musical theatre anymore. Again, I need to do some primary
research to find out if people would be interested in this area and what they would like to
see within this magazine. To attract the audience I‟d do interviews and giveaway free
things that the reader would be interested in.

               Retro music magazine
               Again, not many magazines focus solely on music from past era‟s. I think it would be
               good to put a retro music magazine out there into the market about music throughout
               the era‟s and biography's on the artists and bands. I think it would be good and would
               target an older audience as its old music. To attract the audience I would advertise
               free things and put in pull out pages and demo CD‟s and DVD‟s of the retro artists and
               bands. To find out if people would buy this and what they would expect to see in this
               type of magazine I need to do some primary research.
So where are the gaps?

   Musical theatre magazine
   After thoroughly researching music magazines in all areas of the market. The market is
   lacking a musical theatre magazine for the younger generation from around 16-21 years
   of age, particularly those who like musical theatre that they study it at a university and
   would like a magazine for their studies. So that it stays for this age range I would make it
   bright and colourful so its fun and easy to read. I would like to call it a name with
   something to do with a theatre term, for example, “curtain call” I do like this name for it
   but I am going to put a multiple choice of names on my questionnaire and leave it to the
   target audience to decide. Also I would like to advertise giveaways, freebies and
   competitions in my magazine because I think it‟s a good way to sell your magazine as
   people will take anything if its free. I would also like to focus around other interests within
   this genre other than just the music. I would like to include stuff such as:
   • the top 10 songs from the west end,
   • Interviews with actors/actresses/directors.
   • Behind the scenes gossip.
   • Upcoming stars.
   • Behind the lyrics of the music
   • The lyrics.
   • Tributes to past stars of west end, and writers of productions.
   • Timetable of productions
   • Competitions
   • Fan mail answered.
   And much much more.
   I think my magazine will work well if I make the right decisions and publish things people
   want to see. I need to defiantly make a questionnaire to see what people would like in
   and listen to them when making my final piece.
Existing magazines for my genre
                                             This magazine is
                                             very bright an
                                             vibrant. The
                                             dominant image
                                             looks like to fun
                                             characters in
                                             contrast to the
                       This magazine is      other magazines. I
                       looking fairly plain like the fact that its
                       and boring. It        giving away
                       doesn‟t have a lot things. I‟d like
                       on this cover, I will mine to be similar
                       not be doing mine to this.
                       like this.

                        This magazine is
                        very bright an
                        vibrant again.
                        However this
                                                This magazine
                        character is very
                                                front cover is very
                        serious looking
                                                sophisticated and
                        which gives us the
                                                mature, it has a
                        representation that
                                                dominant image
                        this magazine is
                                                of one of the
                        quite serious.
                                                popular people
                                                end. I would like
                                                mine to be for a
                                                audience, and to
                                                be a lot brighter
                                                and interesting.
Existing magazines for my genre
                                                                                         I like the fact this is
                                                                                         giving away a free
                                                                                         theatre ticket, I will use
                                                                                         a similar tactic to this
                                                                                         to get my magazine
The title is very relevant
to this genre of
magazine. I hope to                                                                     I think the target
use a theatre                                                                           audience for this
terminology word for                                                                    magazine is an old
my magazine.                                                                            generation of people
                                                                                        from about 50+. I would
                                                                                        like mine to be for a
                                                                                        younger generation that
                                                                                        are into musical theatre.

                                                                                         This is also a good way
                                                                                         to attract an audience
                                                                                         by putting a how to
Shows the stars/                                                                         save money on the
characters as happy                                                                      front because
and having fun. This                                                                     nowadays people will
sets a happy tone for                                                                    do anything to save
the magazine and I                                                                       money.
think it‟s a very good
way to sell your             This magazines colour scheme is very bright and
magazine as it shows         eye-catching. It looks really good and readable. It
that it‟s a good fun         looks fun to read as its bright. If it was dull it would
magazine to read.            reflect the magazine as a dull boring magazine.
Existing magazines for my genre

This magazine cover looks quite serious
from the dominant image on the front as
the woman looks like she is upset. This is
obviously a photo from a production,
which is quite typical for this type of
magazine as it reflects more about the
stories on the actors/actresses and the
The colour scheme is very bright and
happy which attracts the audiences
eye and could distract them away from
another theatre magazine.
The anchorage for this genre of
magazine is appropriate to their target
audience as they have interviews, with
the actors/actresses, news of the
theatre, reviews on productions, theatre
gossip and chances to win things.
They don‟t advertise freebies within this
magazine but they do advertise how to
win a walk on part in a west end show
and how to save money on theatre
Existing magazines for my genre
                                  This magazine contents page looks very
                                  well set out and professional. The layout
                                  is a lot like a theatre programme which
                                  is very relevant to this particular genre
                                  and a good idea for my magazine.
                                  The colour scheme is a different colour
                                  the front cover. But it is still a
                                  bright, vibrant and happy colour which
                                  reflects the magazine as a happy and
                                  fun magazine as apposed to a dull and
                                  boring one.
                                  I like the fact that there isn‟t too much
                                  on the page and it looks neat and tidy.
                                  The pictures are edited to fit in with the
                                  colour scheme and proffessionalness of
                                  the magazine. It works well and I think
                                  mine will look similar as I don‟t like the
                                  overcrowded look as it makes your
                                  magazine look to busy and people will
                                  not want to read too much info on
                                  what's in the magazine they need a few
                                  key words and some photos.
Existing magazines for my genre
                                  The double page spread for this
                                  magazine is all black and white with blue
                                  titles. I think they could make this look a
                                  lot better by adding a bit more colour to
                                  the article. To look at this first off I would
                                  be reluctant to read it as there is so much
                                  writing and it doesn‟t look good to read
                                  If this article had more colour on it and
                                  maybe another photograph then I think it
                                  would look more enhancing to read.
                                  However, I do think the way they have
                                  done a biography on the character on
                                  stage and off stage then questions and
                                  answers is a good idea.
                                  I like the way they have set it out. Putting
                                  questions and answers on each side
                                  clearly, so its easy to read. Then the
                                  biography in the middle. This helps to just
                                  make it easier to read and understand it.
                                  I don‟t think I will be making my
                                  magazine‟s double page spread this
                                  busy as I wouldn‟t want to put the reader
                                  off with too much writing.
Existing magazines for my genre

 This magazine cover looks again quite
 fun and bright. I hope to use bright
 colours on my front cover as this attracts
 the audiences eye.
 The anchorage on this cover is very
 relevant to this genre. There are
 scandals, interviews, news, reviews, gos
 sip and chances to win things. It is
 important to get the correct anchorage
 on my magazine cover as this could
 send an audience away to another
 magazine with the anchorage in they
 want to read about.
 I like the fact that they are advertising
 to win tickets to some plays again this is
 relevant to this genre and I would like to
 do something similar on mine.
 In this issue of applause it advertises
 “inside 8 pages of great offers on
 theatre & travel” this is advertising other
 interests but that tie nicely with theatre.
Existing magazines for my genre

                                  This magazine‟s contents page is set out
                                  again like a production programme.
                                  This magazine seems to stick to this sort
                                  of house style.
                                  Again, they have stuck with a black
                                  and other colour that‟s bright and
                                  interesting. This makes it more fun to
                                  look at and more readable.
                                  They haven‟t used many photo‟s again
                                  which is good because then it‟s not too
                                  busy and hard to read. It has a picture
                                  of the lady who was on the front cover
                                  so that gives the audience a clear
                                  understanding that she is going to be
                                  one of the top stories in this particular
                                  I like the fact that they have put an
                                  advertisement for an upcoming
                                  production which drags the readers
                                  eyes to it straight away as its big and
Existing magazines for my genre
                                  This magazine double page spread is
                                  set out as a biography which looks
                                  professional and well laid out.
                                  They have used black and bright pink.
                                  The bright pink stands out and the words
                                  that are in pink are bold which are
                                  usually something within the article to
                                  get the readers attention and so they
                                  read it..
                                  I like the fact that they have done this
                                  with the colour scheme, I think it looks
                                  quite girly which could be reflecting the
                                  person they have written about.
                                  I also like the fact that they have used a
                                  black and white photo as it ties in with
                                  the colour scheme on this double page
                                  I don‟t like the fact that there are loads
                                  of writing. I would like to set mine out so
                                  it doesn‟t look this busy as I don‟t think
                                  my target audience would be prepared
                                  to sit and read through chunks and
                                  chunks of writing, they would just buy
                                  another magazine.
Conducting primary research

                         This is what my questionnaire
                         looks like. I have asked a vast
                         range of questions to get the
                         accurate answers I need for my
                         I have set it out so its easy to
                         read and to understand I hope
                         to get a positive response from
                         this questionnaire.

   The results!
   After handing out the questionnaire and taking in the feedback, they have
   decided that….
Working on a house style and colour scheme

    I would like my house style to be all different interesting colours. Mainly the
    colours I have used on this presentation as it looks fun and bright. Which reflects
    a happy mood to the reader. I have purposely used my house style I'm going to
    use on this presentation as its about my magazine therefore it ties in well with
    my magazine. I‟d like to use this font for my magazine also as it is easy to
    read, if I went for something more fancy, for example, this font for my
    magazine, it could be quite difficult for the reader to read therefore I'm going to
    stick to this style of font.

    In contrast this looks boring to read as its in a dull boring colour and it is hard
   This is tooread. an article.
    too small. For

 This is too big
 for an article.
Fonts and sizing

     When doing your magazine it is very important to get the font and the sizing of
     the font right so it is easy for your reader to read otherwise they wont bother
     reading it or buying your magazine, as it needs to be fun and exciting to read.

  Font  Fo   Font Font Font Font
    Font Fon Font Font Fon
  Font Font Font Font Font Font
           t              t
        Font           Font Font                            Font Font
  F o Font Font Font Font Font
  nThis sizing would be appropriate for the title or sub-titles but not for the article.
    The sizing for the article needs to be a lot smaller so I can fit it on the pages as it
    only needs to be a double page spread.
Potential names for my magazine


Above the title!
Final decisions

         After researching every detail of everything I would need to look at for a west
         end music magazine these are my final decisions:



                                                                  Article Font!

 This is the font I am using for title and subtitles in   This is the font I would like to use for
 my magazine, I am going to use all different             just my articles and smaller writing
 bright colours within my magazine to make it             as I feel that it compliments the title
 look bright and eye-catching.                            and subtitles font very well.
Photos for my front cover
Photos for my contents page
Photos for my double page spread
Draft of front cover

                        story                      £2.00


                       FREE STUFF!! FREE STUFF!! FREE
Draft of contents page

                    On the cover..
                    Story 2                                 Photo of
                    Story 5                                 being
                    Story 9                                 interviewed
                    Other stories..
                    Story 1
                    Story 3                       Posters              Posters
                    Story 4
                    Story 6
                    Story 7
                    Story 8
                    Story 10
                    Story 11                      Posters              Posters
                    Story 13
                    Story 14
                    Story 15
                    Story 16
                    Story 17
                    Story 18                     Posters               Posters
                    Story 19
                    Story 20
Draft of double page spread

                                                 ARTICLE ARTICLE
                                                 ARTICLE ARTICLE
                                                 ARTICLE ARTICLE
     ARTICLE ARTICLE                             ARTICLE ARTICLE
     ARTICLE ARTICLE                             ARTICLE ARTICLE
     ARTICLE ARTICLE                             ARTICLE ARTICLE
     ARTICLE ARTICLE                             ARTICLE ARTICLE
     ARTICLE ARTICLE                             ARTICLE ARTICLE
                                                 ARTICLE ARTICLE   ARTICLE ARTICLE
     ARTICLE ARTICLE                                               ARTICLE ARTICLE
     ARTICLE ARTICLE                             ARTICLE ARTICLE
                                                 ARTICLE ARTICLE   ARTICLE ARTICLE
     ARTICLE ARTICLE                                               ARTICLE ARTICLE
                                                 ARTICLE ARTICLE
     ARTICLE ARTICLE                                               ARTICLE ARTICLE
                                                 ARTICLE ARTICLE
     ARTICLE ARTICLE                                               ARTICLE ARTICLE
                                                 ARTICLE ARTICLE
                                                 ARTICLE ARTICLE   ARTICLE ARTICLE
                                                                   ARTICLE ARTICLE
Posters to recreate
Posters to recreate
Posters to recreate

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Market research powerpoint

  • 1. Blues, Classical, Country, Heavy Metal, Hip-Hop, Jazz, Opera, Rap, Rock and pop! And many more…
  • 2. What music tastes are catered for already? Blues music Classical music County music Heavy metal music Hip hop/rap Jazz Indie Pop Blues, Classical, Country, Heavy Metal, Hip-Hop, Jazz, Opera, Rap, Rock and pop! And many more…
  • 3. Comparing the market… This type of magazine uses dark colours and bright gold and red titles. This is very eye- This is a Heavy Metal catching but very much music magazine. It shows suits its genre. a very disturbing It displays on the front dominant image on the cover that it has 116 front cover which is pages of heavy metal conventional for this related subjects. This genre. I would have would attract the reader to buy this particular expected something like magazine as it may be this. I think it is very full of the one with the most information for the reader pages. which I like as it makes the reader buy it. I hope my music magazine will be similar in the fact that This content is very it has plenty of appropriate for this information available. magazine the “top 25 zombie metal songs” People who are interested in heavy The image on here is metal would like this very disturbing but very feature story as it is conventional for this different to their normal type of magazine. I heavy metal as it‟s a would expect this kind different type of heavy of image on this type of metal. magazine. Gripping stories to make the reader interested.
  • 4. Comparing the market… Bright girly colours that This magazine is very stand out and make it well laid out, it is a very look really eye-catching busy cover, but doesn‟t that will attract young look messy. I think it is teenage girls that like very conventional for a fashion and pop music. girly pop music magazine. I like the fact that it gives away free things and that it caters for other interests as well and not purely pop. Other interests included into the magazine so its not all samey. This is a very good way of attracting an audience and I think it would be good to do By showing an something like this. exclusive interview with Jessie J on the front it makes Jessie J fans Free posters. This attracts audience as want to buy this young girls love to pin up their favourite issue. celebrity on their bedroom walls and free posters would make them buy. However when doing this you need to be careful that it is a popular celebrity.
  • 5. Comparing the market… General style Titles The „Pop‟ magazine uses The title on the „Heavy very girly and eye- metal‟ magazine is very catching colours where as bold and in blood red and the „Heavy metal‟ gold, as apposed to girly magazine uses dark pink, black and white on the colours. This really „Pop‟ magazine. Each are emphasises moods of the very different to each magazines. The „Pop‟ other, but similarly they both magazine is very bright stick to a conventional style and it creates a general for their magazines. happy mood, and the Anything else? „Heavy metal‟ magazine creates a very dark and The „Pop‟ magazine Other stories gloomy atmospheric advertises free posters of Feature stories mood. popular male celebrities The „Pop‟ magazine has These magazines both have a and pop stars. This is a main feature story. The „Heavy stories about celebrities Dominant image great way to attract an and gossip about their metal‟ magazine features “The The dominant images are audience as young lives. Whereas the „Heavy top 25 zombie metal songs of very different in comparison teenage girls do like to pin metal‟ magazine sticks to all time” which is very relevant to one another. The „Heavy up their favourite stars in general articles on their to their genre and also ties in metal‟ magazine shows a their bedrooms. The „Heavy specific music. with their dominant image. The man massacring a zombie metal' magazine doesn‟t „Pop‟ magazines feature is The „Pop‟ magazine also with blood splattered advertise anything as free “Exclusive interview with goes onto other interests around the cover, this is but they advertise that it Jessie J, the tears the bullies such as teenage conventional for this type of has 116 pages which and the voice” this is also very fashion, this is a very good magazine. The „Pop‟ attracts an audience and relevant to their genre. Both way of doing things as it magazine shows a happy may bring in more people these magazines have put in a attracts other audiences Pop artist that is popular in from different magazines of feature relevant to what their that like fashion as well as the industry, and also ties in the same genre because it audience crave for so that it music. The „Heavy metal‟ with the feature story. I like has more pages which drags in their audience and magazine sticks with their this idea for my music means more value for makes them purchase an genre of music and doesn‟t magazine. money. issue of the magazine. put anything else into it.
  • 6. Comparing the market… The title looks like its been scribbled on free hand and loosely. This This is a very typical ties in really well with blues magazine. The the blues magazine, as dominant image is a blues music is quite perfect shot and shows smooth and free. a blues artist that is old However, it does stick and looks happy doing out to me as more of a what he's doing. It rock font and colour features the right stories then a blues magazine. for the target audience I think it would suit as it grips them in from more a blue colour. it and it also has a big stand out title so people recognise what magazine it is. The dominant image shows a man who Big white subtitle of obviously is a blues stories for this artist with his magazine. I think it saxophone. The man works really well for this on the cover is type of magazine as it coloured which we stands out and grips the usually link to blues reader immediately by music as they are these stories as they historically known for stick directly to stories “2012 living blues awards winners inside!” This the existence of blues on blues music, artists shows that there is an interesting story inside music. and bands. that the audience will want to read and therefore people will buy it from seeing this story.
  • 7. Comparing the market… The title is very conventional for this type of magazine because its big and out This magazine shows their and ties in with the style of RnB. everything you would expect from an RnB music magazine. The whole overall style looks The colour use of very hip hop and new. The this magazine is title is very stand very bright and outish, however for this type busy which works of magazine I would have well as it doesn‟t expected the title to be in a look to busy but graffiti font as when you think looks effective. of hop hop and the type of people that listen to it you always associate graffiti with them. The dominant image is Feature stories very conventional for stick to RnB music this type of magazine it and shows a group of what artists, doesn‟t look to be youths drift onto other dressed stereotypically areas and how people would interests. expect to see people dressed that like to Sub title is larger then the listen to rap and RnB. actual title, it could confuse the audience as they may think this is a magazine called “Breaks out!” and Gives a preview of what artists they are not “XXL” which isn't great featuring. This is a great idea as it shows all the as the audience may not upcoming and popular artists which makes buy this issue as they may their target audience want to buy this not think its their magazine. magazine.
  • 8. Comparing the market… General style Titles I think the general styles of In both these magazines these magazines are very they have gone against their different. The blues magazine convention but in different has hardly anything on it and ways the blues magazine one musician this is has used a free hand style of conventional because the title which does fit in with music is smooth and not busy their style of music as the a lot like how the cover is set blues are smooth and out. Where as the hip hop free, but the red doesn‟t magazine is busy and in your really tie in well with the face a lot like their genre of blues as red stands out as a music. harsh colour and not a Other stories Dominant Image smooth relaxing sound. Feature stories These magazines don‟t The dominant image on Whereas the colour on the These magazines again focus on any other these magazine covers are hip hop magazine does work both use similar cover interests they both rely on very different to one another well for its style of music, but story methods. the fact that they have but very conventional to their I would have thought a interviews with their artists genre of music. The hip hop graffiti style font would have The blues magazine and groups. magazine shows a gang of fit in better to that particular features interviews and taste in music. I think the downside to this youths that are dressed in biographies on past and hoodies and what we Anything else? present blues is there are only so many interviews that can take associate chavs and These magazines are both artists, where as the hip gangsters to wear, and so this hop magazine does place as there are only so similar in the fact that they many artists and groups of image fits in well with hip hop don‟t advertise anything interviews with fresh and as we also associate chavs upcoming artists and these genres so they need free or competitions to to be careful when using and gangsters to listen to. In attract the audience in. groups. comparison the blues their stories, I think to They both rely solely on the I think this works well for make them better it would magazine shows a just one fact that their stories and these magazines as they be good to include some person this is usually the case front covers are good are well set out and it other interests of these for blues magazines as enough to attract an interests their audience. people who like their usually blues artists are audience. magazines. usually soloists.
  • 9. So where are the gaps? Teenage boys pop magazine After researching what magazines are available within the market it has become clear that their aren‟t any magazines of this genre. I think it would be good for boys to have a magazine that is solely for them, as if there aren't any available to them in this category then what do they read? I need to do some primary research to find out from the audience, if this became available on the market would they buy it and if so what would they like to see in it? To attract the audience I would focus on other interests and free things as after looking at other magazines it seems an effective way to bring in the target audience. Musical theatre magazine After researching the magazines in different areas of the market, I also discovered that there is no magazines in this particular genre. I think that this would be a really good genre to be put in the market as it would be new and fresh, the downside I see to this is not many people are into musical theatre anymore. Again, I need to do some primary research to find out if people would be interested in this area and what they would like to see within this magazine. To attract the audience I‟d do interviews and giveaway free things that the reader would be interested in. Retro music magazine Again, not many magazines focus solely on music from past era‟s. I think it would be good to put a retro music magazine out there into the market about music throughout the era‟s and biography's on the artists and bands. I think it would be good and would target an older audience as its old music. To attract the audience I would advertise free things and put in pull out pages and demo CD‟s and DVD‟s of the retro artists and bands. To find out if people would buy this and what they would expect to see in this type of magazine I need to do some primary research.
  • 10. So where are the gaps? Musical theatre magazine After thoroughly researching music magazines in all areas of the market. The market is lacking a musical theatre magazine for the younger generation from around 16-21 years of age, particularly those who like musical theatre that they study it at a university and would like a magazine for their studies. So that it stays for this age range I would make it bright and colourful so its fun and easy to read. I would like to call it a name with something to do with a theatre term, for example, “curtain call” I do like this name for it but I am going to put a multiple choice of names on my questionnaire and leave it to the target audience to decide. Also I would like to advertise giveaways, freebies and competitions in my magazine because I think it‟s a good way to sell your magazine as people will take anything if its free. I would also like to focus around other interests within this genre other than just the music. I would like to include stuff such as: • the top 10 songs from the west end, • Interviews with actors/actresses/directors. • Behind the scenes gossip. • Upcoming stars. • Behind the lyrics of the music • The lyrics. • Tributes to past stars of west end, and writers of productions. • Timetable of productions • Competitions • Fan mail answered. And much much more. I think my magazine will work well if I make the right decisions and publish things people want to see. I need to defiantly make a questionnaire to see what people would like in and listen to them when making my final piece.
  • 11. Existing magazines for my genre This magazine is very bright an vibrant. The dominant image looks like to fun characters in contrast to the This magazine is other magazines. I looking fairly plain like the fact that its and boring. It giving away doesn‟t have a lot things. I‟d like on this cover, I will mine to be similar not be doing mine to this. like this. This magazine is very bright an vibrant again. However this This magazine character is very front cover is very serious looking sophisticated and which gives us the mature, it has a representation that dominant image this magazine is of one of the quite serious. popular people from Broadway/west end. I would like mine to be for a younger audience, and to be a lot brighter and interesting.
  • 12. Existing magazines for my genre I like the fact this is giving away a free theatre ticket, I will use a similar tactic to this to get my magazine sold. The title is very relevant to this genre of magazine. I hope to I think the target use a theatre audience for this terminology word for magazine is an old my magazine. generation of people from about 50+. I would like mine to be for a younger generation that are into musical theatre. This is also a good way to attract an audience by putting a how to Shows the stars/ save money on the characters as happy front because and having fun. This nowadays people will sets a happy tone for do anything to save the magazine and I money. think it‟s a very good way to sell your This magazines colour scheme is very bright and magazine as it shows eye-catching. It looks really good and readable. It that it‟s a good fun looks fun to read as its bright. If it was dull it would magazine to read. reflect the magazine as a dull boring magazine.
  • 13. Existing magazines for my genre This magazine cover looks quite serious from the dominant image on the front as the woman looks like she is upset. This is obviously a photo from a production, which is quite typical for this type of magazine as it reflects more about the stories on the actors/actresses and the productions. The colour scheme is very bright and happy which attracts the audiences eye and could distract them away from another theatre magazine. The anchorage for this genre of magazine is appropriate to their target audience as they have interviews, with the actors/actresses, news of the theatre, reviews on productions, theatre gossip and chances to win things. They don‟t advertise freebies within this magazine but they do advertise how to win a walk on part in a west end show and how to save money on theatre tickets.
  • 14. Existing magazines for my genre This magazine contents page looks very well set out and professional. The layout is a lot like a theatre programme which is very relevant to this particular genre and a good idea for my magazine. The colour scheme is a different colour the front cover. But it is still a bright, vibrant and happy colour which reflects the magazine as a happy and fun magazine as apposed to a dull and boring one. I like the fact that there isn‟t too much on the page and it looks neat and tidy. The pictures are edited to fit in with the colour scheme and proffessionalness of the magazine. It works well and I think mine will look similar as I don‟t like the overcrowded look as it makes your magazine look to busy and people will not want to read too much info on what's in the magazine they need a few key words and some photos.
  • 15. Existing magazines for my genre The double page spread for this magazine is all black and white with blue titles. I think they could make this look a lot better by adding a bit more colour to the article. To look at this first off I would be reluctant to read it as there is so much writing and it doesn‟t look good to read either. If this article had more colour on it and maybe another photograph then I think it would look more enhancing to read. However, I do think the way they have done a biography on the character on stage and off stage then questions and answers is a good idea. I like the way they have set it out. Putting questions and answers on each side clearly, so its easy to read. Then the biography in the middle. This helps to just make it easier to read and understand it. I don‟t think I will be making my magazine‟s double page spread this busy as I wouldn‟t want to put the reader off with too much writing.
  • 16. Existing magazines for my genre This magazine cover looks again quite fun and bright. I hope to use bright colours on my front cover as this attracts the audiences eye. The anchorage on this cover is very relevant to this genre. There are scandals, interviews, news, reviews, gos sip and chances to win things. It is important to get the correct anchorage on my magazine cover as this could send an audience away to another magazine with the anchorage in they want to read about. I like the fact that they are advertising to win tickets to some plays again this is relevant to this genre and I would like to do something similar on mine. In this issue of applause it advertises “inside 8 pages of great offers on theatre & travel” this is advertising other interests but that tie nicely with theatre.
  • 17. Existing magazines for my genre This magazine‟s contents page is set out again like a production programme. This magazine seems to stick to this sort of house style. Again, they have stuck with a black and other colour that‟s bright and interesting. This makes it more fun to look at and more readable. They haven‟t used many photo‟s again which is good because then it‟s not too busy and hard to read. It has a picture of the lady who was on the front cover so that gives the audience a clear understanding that she is going to be one of the top stories in this particular article. I like the fact that they have put an advertisement for an upcoming production which drags the readers eyes to it straight away as its big and bright.
  • 18. Existing magazines for my genre This magazine double page spread is set out as a biography which looks professional and well laid out. They have used black and bright pink. The bright pink stands out and the words that are in pink are bold which are usually something within the article to get the readers attention and so they read it.. I like the fact that they have done this with the colour scheme, I think it looks quite girly which could be reflecting the person they have written about. I also like the fact that they have used a black and white photo as it ties in with the colour scheme on this double page spread. I don‟t like the fact that there are loads of writing. I would like to set mine out so it doesn‟t look this busy as I don‟t think my target audience would be prepared to sit and read through chunks and chunks of writing, they would just buy another magazine.
  • 19. Conducting primary research This is what my questionnaire looks like. I have asked a vast range of questions to get the accurate answers I need for my magazine. I have set it out so its easy to read and to understand I hope to get a positive response from this questionnaire. The results! After handing out the questionnaire and taking in the feedback, they have decided that….
  • 20. Working on a house style and colour scheme I would like my house style to be all different interesting colours. Mainly the colours I have used on this presentation as it looks fun and bright. Which reflects a happy mood to the reader. I have purposely used my house style I'm going to use on this presentation as its about my magazine therefore it ties in well with my magazine. I‟d like to use this font for my magazine also as it is easy to read, if I went for something more fancy, for example, this font for my magazine, it could be quite difficult for the reader to read therefore I'm going to stick to this style of font. In contrast this looks boring to read as its in a dull boring colour and it is hard This is tooread. an article. too small. For This is too big for an article.
  • 21. Fonts and sizing When doing your magazine it is very important to get the font and the sizing of the font right so it is easy for your reader to read otherwise they wont bother reading it or buying your magazine, as it needs to be fun and exciting to read. Font Fo Font Font Font Font nt Font Fon Font Font Fon Font Font Font Font Font Font t t Font Font Font Font Font F o Font Font Font Font Font nThis sizing would be appropriate for the title or sub-titles but not for the article. t The sizing for the article needs to be a lot smaller so I can fit it on the pages as it only needs to be a double page spread.
  • 22. Potential names for my magazine MT G Above the title!
  • 23. Final decisions After researching every detail of everything I would need to look at for a west end music magazine these are my final decisions: Title: Font: Article Font! This is the font I am using for title and subtitles in This is the font I would like to use for my magazine, I am going to use all different just my articles and smaller writing bright colours within my magazine to make it as I feel that it compliments the title look bright and eye-catching. and subtitles font very well.
  • 24. Photos for my front cover
  • 25. Photos for my contents page
  • 26. Photos for my double page spread
  • 27. Draft of front cover story £2.00 story FREE STUFF!! FREE STUFF!! FREE
  • 28. Draft of contents page On the cover.. Story 2 Photo of person Story 5 being Story 9 interviewed Story12 ------------------------------------------------------------- Other stories.. Story 1 Story 3 Posters Posters Story 4 Story 6 Story 7 Story 8 Story 10 Story 11 Posters Posters Story 13 Story 14 Story 15 Story 16 Story 17 Story 18 Posters Posters Story 19 Story 20