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Marine Invertebrate Essay
Corals, sea anemones, sea urchins, molluscs, crustaceans and worms are all included in the large,
diverse group we call marine invertebrates. They are classed as an invertebrate as they all share one
common key feature; they do not have a backbone. Invertebrates seem like a simple life form but
they are truly beautiful, interesting and complex creatures that roam our oceans. But which is the
most interesting invertebrate? Would it be Porifera, Cnidaria, Bryozoans, Vermiforms, Mollusca,
Crustacea, Echinodermata or Chordata? With marine invertebrates making up around 97% of the
worlds described species it is open for a large debate (Arkive n.d).
I believe the most interesting marine invertebrate would the cnidarians. There are approximately
9,000 living species worldwide within the Cnidaria phylum (Bird 2007). The cnidarians are
classified into four main classes; Scyphozoa (purple jelly and moon jelly), Cubozoa (box jelly),
Hydrozoa (Portuguese man of war and hydra) and Anthozoa (anemones and coral). Cnidarians are
entirely aquatic – mainly marine, have a radical body plan with no head end, the coelenteron only
has one opening that serves as its mouth and anus and they are also diploblastic. These are just a few
of their interesting key features. According to fossil records, the cnidarians made their earliest
appearance around 600 million years ago (Shape of Life n.d). There are no immediate animals that
have been discovered, the earliest cnidarians could have formed from
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The Effects Of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons On The...
What are the effects of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons on the organ systems of aquatic
A study in Biology
Dusty Vincer, Advisor
by Shruti Gajbhiye
During the recent Deepwater Horizon oil spill, millions of gallons of oil were dispersed in the Gulf
of Mexico in the same area known as the Gulf of Mexico Hypoxic Zone. The hypoxic zone along
the Gulf Coast contains less than the normal amount of dissolved oxygen, at two parts per million.
The little to no oxygen is theorized to be caused by excess nutrients from the Mississippi River
along with the stratification of the Gulf waters. The excess nutrients create a growth of primary
consumers and when decomposing at the bottom, uses the oxygen. The layering of the water does
not allow for the water to mix the top and bottom layers, leaving a lack of oxygen at the bottom of
the Gulf of Mexico Hypoxic Zone and an oxygen–plenty top layer. The polycyclic aromatic
hydrocarbons from the petroleum, generally accepted to have mutagenic and carcinogenic effects,
and are mainly from anthropogenic sources and are considered environmental pollutants. The
nonpolar organic molecular are insoluble in the water, and are considered to be of utmost
importance in terms of environmental hazards. The combination of the burning of petroleum on the
top of the Gulf of Mexico Hypoxic Zone created a deadly effect, as evidenced by the several deaths
of animals and an unbalanced food web as secondary and tertiary consumers died
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Introduction To Invertebrate Palaeontology
In his book, Understanding fossils: an introduction to invertebrate palaeontology, Peter Doyle writes
this about the ongoing, and continuing formation of layers of the Earth:
"The bodies of countless millions of organisms, microscopic and macroscopic, form whole rocks;
the invaders of the land, plants and animals, have helped shape the landscape by both accelerating
and reducing erosion."
Doyle gives an introduction to the beginnings of two scientific areas of study by explaining the work
of a Danish doctor. He explains that palaeontology has its roots in two subjects, geology and
biology. A Danish physician Niels Stensen, also known as Steno, who lived from 1638–1638, is
arguably credited with originating geology and paleontology. Discovering that sharks teeth found in
Tuscany rocks were identical to modern shark's teeth, Stensen ... Show more content on ...
The remains of plants and animals, are part of the strata, or layers of the earth. Several articles
discuss Phytoliths and their impact on the strata that have formed over time. A University of
Washington publication defines Phytoliths: "Phytoliths are microscopic silica bodies that precipitate
in and around cells in many plants. When plant tissues decompose, the silica is deposited in the soil,
forming a record of past vegetation." They provide evidence of the plants found in the historic layers
of earth.
Work done previously by many scientists provides new information, generates new questions and
lays a foundation for continuing studies. Everything leaves a trail, or a history of itself, building
upon the history of the previous inhabitants on this planet. This makes me consider the impact I
have on the earth, my carbon footprint. I realize that I can have an impact on the history of our
planet by the choices I make. I hope my impact is positive, because I would like for the Earth to
remain fascinating for future
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Invertebrate Receptors
N acetylcholine Receptors Neuromuscular effects of ACh are typically mediated by post synaptic
nicotine acetylcholine receptors. These are so named because of their high–affinity for nicotine.
Structurally, nAChRs are members of the Cys–loop ligand–gated ion channel (LGIC) superfamily.
They form homo and Hetero pentameric structures, which are organized in a barrel shape around a
central ion–selective pore[39]. An important distinction between the vertebrate and the invertebrate
channel is that Vertebrate nAChRs are invariably cation–selective (Na+, Ca2+, K+) and mediate
excitatory responses while Invertebrates, on the other hand, have both cation and anion–selective
(Cl2) ACh–gated channels[40]. The invertebrate anion selective channel mediate Cl2 – driven
membrane hyperpolarization and therefore are believed to play a role in inhibitory responses to
ACh. One example of these unique invertebrate receptors is the acetylcholine–gated chloride
channel (ACC) of the snail, Lymnaea, which is structurally related to nAChRs, yet is selective for
chloride ions [41]. In addition, nematodes have an unusual type of ACC, which is a functional
acetylcholine–gated chloride channel but is more closely related to other chloride channels (GABA
and ... Show more content on ...
Each subunit has a long extracellular N–terminus, followed by 4 transmembrane helices (M1–M4),
which are separated by loops. The extracellular N–terminal domain comprises the agonist binding
site [38, 49]. In the pentameric structure the channel pore is formed by a bundle of five M2 helices,
each contributed by one the subunits. Residues within or in the vicinity of M2 are the basis of ion
selectivity. The presence of negatively charged residues such as glutamate/aspartate near the
cytosolic and extracellular transmembrane boundaries of M2 confer selectivity to cations whereas
the positively charged/polar or neutral residues are those that confer anion
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What Role Does Invertebrates Play A Role Of The Environment
Soil is one of the most diverse habitats on Earth and it contains one of the most diverse arrays of
living organisms, but soil is still one of the most poorly researched habitats of our planet.
Invertebrates are the majority of the living organisms found in the soil habitat and even make up 95–
97% of all animal species. These animals are characterized and known for lacking a backbone.
There are many living organisms in the soil. This is called biodiversity. Without biodiversity, life on
Earth would be impossible or will be significantly impaired. "Biodiversity encompasses all of the
species, food chains, and biological patterns in the environmental system as small as a microcosm or
large landscape or a geographic region" (Paoletti). The diversity of soil organisms is largely
determined by a number of abiotic and biotic factors. Invertebrates play significant roles. Animals,
plants, microorganisms and their complex interactions respond to human landscape management,
which help protect biodiversity and for ecosystem health. Invertebrates' highly complex and intimate
interactions also help give the soil high resistance and resilience. Studies with bioindicators, "a
species or ecological community that is so closely associated with particular environmental
conditions that its presence is indicative of these conditions in a particular environment"
(Bioindicator), apply biodiversity as a principal tool to evaluate the landscape and the quality and
function and to assess different
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Invertebrate Differences
Using the numbers from the table do you see obvious differences in the numbers and diversity of
invertebrate like found at the two sites? Increases and decreases in certain invertebrates can be seen
at the two sites. Upstream there were more Mayflies, Stoneflies, Caddisflies, Leeches, and
Earthworms. Downstream there were increases in Snails, Midges, Craneflies, and Blackflies and
decreases of the upstream invertebrates. Planaria was the only invertebrate that neither increased nor
decreased since there were none found at either site. Do you see any differences in the numbers
collected by the tow difference kinds of nets? Upstream the D Net seems to have caught more of
certain invertebrates, such as Caddisflies, Earthworms, and Leeches, ... Show more content on ...
Sampling inconsistencies due to different groups could cause the biggest differences in the data.
Personal techniques, experience, and motivation would all be seen in the groups, which could
change the samples. Sampling inconsistencies due to different individuals taking samples and
collecting in the groups could affect each group's samples, also. Another factor to consider could be
changes in temperature and weather on different sampling days, which could affect the environment,
water, and invertebrates. Do you think our sample size is big enough to be meaningful? What effect
would taking more samples have on the reliability of our data? I think our sample size is big enough
to begin formulating a data chart and analyzing the results, but overall it is not big enough to fully
support the given hypothesis. More samples could possibly help further support the hypothesis. The
more samples and data that can be presented, the more reliable the data becomes. Describe
something interesting related to this lab that you saw today For me, finding the various types of
invertebrates in general was interesting. I especially found the small invertebrates that were
camouflaged and attached to the rocks fascinating. I think it is amazing that so many life forms,
ones that are incredibly important to an entire ecosystem, can exist in such a small
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The Species Richness Of Aquatic Macro Invertebrates Among...
Figure 1. The species richness of aquatic macro–invertebrates among three stream types. The same
number of species was found in the forest and urban streams. There was an insignificantly higher
number of species found in the agriculture stream. Figure 2. The biotic index of the three types of
streams was calculated by the sum of total tolerance values divided by the sum of total number of
individuals. The forest stream had the lowest FBI value, followed by the urban stream and the
agriculture stream. Figure 3. The relative frequency of the functional feeding groups of each stream
type. The total number of individuals for each stream was 368, 1334, and 510 for the forest,
agriculture, and urban streams, respectively. The major ... Show more content on ...
Therefore, there is a trend in the number of species found in each stream type based on the riparian
habitat. As the amount of organic pollution increased, there should have been a decrease in the
species richness of the streams. Species richness also has an effect on the processing of leaf
material. Less species richness due to organic pollution forces the litter breakdown to be dependent
on microbial activity rather than shredders (Masese et al. 2014). In addition, microbial breakdown of
leaf litter is accelerated by the presence of nutrients, which is high in agricultural streams (Masese et
al. 2014). Therefore, the species richness of the agricultural stream should have been low and leaf
processing would be controlled by bacteria. Although the agricultural stream had the highest species
richness, the relative frequency of shredders was very low compared to the other functional feeding
groups shown in Figure 3. Likewise, due to the organic pollution present in urban streams, it would
be expected to have a low species richness and thus any leaf material would be processed by
microbes as well. Furthermore, the forest stream should have had the highest species richness,
which would in turn impact leaf processing by having the shredders drive leaf litter breakdown
rather than microbes. The Family Biotic Index describes the water quality of a stream by averaging
the tolerance values of all the individuals that were sampled (Hilsenhoff 1988). Based on the
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The Importance Of Fresh Water Invertebrates
Fresh water invertebrates rely on many things to help them survive in the river and other bodies of
water. The water quality must be the right pH, temperature, dissolved oxygen levels and
conductivity levels in the water for the invertebrates to survive. Fresh water invertebrates are
important for the ecosystem as they feed on mosses on the rocks and provide food for predators to
keep the ecosystem together. Water quality is important because if it is poor then the animals, not
only livestock but domestic pets, will be affected by it because they would drink from the river. Not
only do animals drink from it but water is also extracted from this river for human consumption as
drinking water, therefore if diseases get in to water it can also have consequences on humans as well
as animals. (find evidence) The quality of the water can affect the way in which the ecosystem can
change as if the water quality becomes poor then this can influence not only the invertebrates
themselves but those species that eat these invertebrates (Wren & Stephenson, 1991). Therefore, the
whole food chain would be broken as the predators would have nothing to eat so would then they
will also start to die. By monitoring what freshwater invertebrates are in each section of the river, we
can check what the water quality in the water is like as certain invertebrates survive in different
conditions (look up what invertebrates survive better in acid and alkaline water). The area around
the river Plym is
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Uhigh Creek Water Quality
The question being investigated is, what is the water quality of the UHigh creek based on
invertebrates found in the water? The water quality is determined by the dissolved oxygen, the pH
level, the nitrogen levels, and phosphorous level. The dissolved oxygen is the amount of oxygen
molecules mixed in with the water molecules. If the dissolved oxygen level is low, then the water
will become polluted. Dissolved oxygen range is 1–14 parts per million or milligrams per
liter(Riverwatch). The aquatic organisms need these dissolved oxygen molecules to breathe and
survive. Another factor for measuring water quality is the pH levels. This measures the acidity of
different solutions in the water. A pH range of 6.5–8.5 is considered safe for aquatic life. Another
factor for measuring water quality is nitrogen. It is found as ammonia and the content of nitrogen in
the water should be no more than 1.3–2.2 mg/L. If it is above this range it can ... Show more content
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There were 10+ pieces of trash laying around. Some wrappers, beer cans, and other trash that was
littered around the creek. The amount of trash can affect the water quality because the garbage can
contaminate the water source. That could affect the water and the organisms living in and or around
it. Another reason why the water quality is fair is because many dead organisms were found in and
out of the creek. The amount of pollution in the water is caused by the phosphorus which can affect
the water quality in a bad way. If the water is contaminated, the organisms can't breath in the oxygen
found in the water. Once that occurs many organisms can die off and affect the water quality. The
last reason why the water quality is fair is because of the amount of algae. There was not a ton of
algae found but there was enough to hurt the organisms. Some algae can hold toxins which can
affect the water quality if it provides harmful
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Micro Invertebrate Species Richness At Flinders Lake
The effect of latitudinal distance from shoreline on micro invertebrate species richness at Flinders
University Lake.
Species diversity is characterised by the diversity within an ecological community (McGinley, 2014)
that incorporates both the total number of species in a region and the degree to which the abundance
of each of the species is similar; these concepts are termed species richness and species evenness
respectively. The Simpson's Index of Diversity is a measure of the biodiversity within a community
and is derived the number of species and their relative abundances (Knox et al., 2014). The
Simpson's Index of Diversity score ranges from 0–1; the higher the score indicates a higher
Biodiversity of micro ... Show more content on ...
In total, there were six replicates for each habitat. The dependent variable was species richness.
The data suggests Habitat A (close to shore) had a greater species richness in comparison to Habitat
B (one meter from shore), whereby the mean scores are 5 ± 1.67 and 4.5 ±1.52 respectively (see
Table 1.0). Figure 1.0 compares the distribution of data for both datasets and graphically illustrates
the five number summary. Habitat A's graph has a greater range than Habitat B, whereby 50% of the
data from Habitat A obtained a species richness value from 5 to 8. Conversely, 50% of Habitat B's
dataset lies within 4 and 6.
Figure 2.0 further supports the notion above, where the Simpson's Index of Diversity is greater in
Habitat A in comparison to Habitat B, with a difference of 0.22. From Figure 3.0, it is evident the
species Copepod is most abundant in both Habitats A and B, whereby the proportional abundances
are 0.628 and 0.782 respectively.
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How Does Different Levels of Pollution in Streams or Ponds...
How does Different Levels of Pollution in Streams or Ponds Affect Macro invertebrate Species?
Organisms without back bones are Macro Invertebrate species (Seminole.Wateratlas.Usf.Edu ,2012)
. These organisms are small but can be seen without a magnifying glass (Waitakere.Govt.Nz , 2002)
. Size ranges from 3–20mm long (Waitakere.Govt.Nz , 2002) .Insects, crustaceans, mollusks,
worms, leeches, and anemones are classified a Macro invertebrate species (Waitakere.Govt.Nz ,
2002). Streams that are free from pollution will contain a variety of these animals. Streams that have
higher pollution levels will less of these animals. Macro invertebrates that live in the stream can
determine information about the stream. These organisms can ... Show more content on ...
Piping the stream is when the streams are piped underground to permit city expansion
(Waitakere.Govt.Nz , 2002). Piping the streams can cause the invertebrates to starve. The animals
will starve because algae need light to survive (Waitakere.Govt.Nz , 2002). In the pipes, algae are
not receiving any light causing the plant to die .Invertebrates can't eat leaves because there are no
trees in the pipes. Straightening the streams is when the streams are smoothed out or straightened
with concrete (Waitakere.Govt.Nz , 2002). This can cause the stream to lack objects such as rocks.
The invertebrates attach to these objects to prevent being washed down the
stream(Waitakere.Govt.Nz , 2002). If the stream lacks objects invertebrates will be washed down the
stream. The objects in the stream also used for protection from predators (Waitakere.Govt.Nz ,
2002). Fewer objects in the stream will result in less hiding places for invertebrates
(Waitakere.Govt.Nz , 2002). Therefore, predators will easily find them. Flow reduction is when
some water from the stream is taken and sent elsewhere (Waitakere.Govt.Nz , 2002). This can
happen in many ways. One way this can occur is when water is taken out of the stream for urban
supplies and agriculture (Waitakere.Govt.Nz , 2002). This can result in making the stream smaller or
destroying the steam entirely (Waitakere.Govt.Nz , 2002). If the stream gets reduced in sized or
destroyed most
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Thesis Statement On Sea Cucumbers
I aspire to be a scientist who makes real connections between seemingly disparate problems or
challenges and finds human value in scientific knowledge. For my doctoral research, I want to study
unfamiliar marine organisms in unfamiliar habitats to contribute to new knowledge and discover
new species. To these ends, I will connect my graduate thesis on sea cucumbers with my ongoing
research on mesophotic reefs. Sea cucumbers (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea) are diverse worm–
like organisms that evolved and diversified for over 400 million years. Mesophotic reefs are found
at 30 to 150 meter depths and developed after the last Ice Age, over 10,000 years ago. In my
country, the Philippines, these deep reefs offer something of a "last hope" for ... Show more content
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In the University of Florida, Prof. Gustav Paulay (my MSc reader and prospective PhD supervisor)
has been using an integrative taxonomic approach, combining morphological and molecular
analyses, for his research on marine invertebrate biodiversity, biogeography, and speciation. I saw
the need and opportunity to upgrade the facilities, techniques, and expertise (e.g. in molecular
genomics) in the Philippines. It is clear that UF's excellent PhD in Zoology program, its state–of–
the–art facilities, and distinguished faculty, can help me in my doctoral research and
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Health Of The Humber River Watershed By Collecting And...
Abstract This study was done to assess the health of the Humber River watershed by collecting and
analyzing benthic macro–invertebrates. It was predicted that most of the species collected would
have high tolerances, and that the percentages of the benthic macro–invertebrates would mostly fall
in the impaired or potentially impaired categories. Transects were measured out along the stream,
and the D–net was held along the bottom to catch the invertebrates. Once 100 or more were caught,
they were then counted and identified. The Hilsenhof Biotic Index was use to calculate the total
tolerance of the organisms collected. The results showed that the distribution of species fell into the
potentially impaired category, while the total tolerance was in the unimpaired range. This could be
an indicator of a disturbance in the ecosystem that is affecting certain organisms more than others.
The study was mostly consistent with the hypothesis. Introduction This study was done to determine
the health of the Humber river watershed by testing the water quality. A watershed is a geographical
area that drains precipitation and water sources into the same place. Watersheds are essential in
supporting ecosystems around them and are vital to both plants and animals. The results of this
study could be analyzed and used as an indicator of a healthy or an impaired ecosystem. There are
four main reasons that this study was done. Firstly, the study was done to check the quality
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Soil Invertebrate Diversity Lab Report
Effect of Woody Litter Mass on Soil Invertebrate Diversity
Hannah Willis After performing our experiment we came to the conclusion that the amount of
woody litter mass did not have a statistically significant effect on the amount of soil invertebrate
diversity of an area. In each of the different areas, the P–Values were above 0.05 meaning that there
was no significant correlation between woody litter mass and soil invertebrate diversity. There were
36 total invertebrates found between all the areas we measured with 8 different species. We also
found that species diversity between all the groups ended up being 1.27 which means the diversity
in the environments was very low. The evenness was 0.71 which is closer to 1, so the communities
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It is important that more studies are done so that we can make correlations between the two in order
to ensure ecosystem survival. In every ecosystem, every component from a gene to a species has a
role to fill in an ecosystem. If it is not understood how above ground components effect below
ground–diversity, we will not have the knowledge we need to better understand what keeps an
ecosystem thriving. Without this knowledge we would lack the tools we need to understand how to
keep biodiversity at high levels to ensure no extinction of a species or community. With pollution,
deforestation, and other harmful effects on the environment taking over areas, it is necessary to the
survival of life that we begin to make these correlations to understand biodiversity and the harm that
lack of above ground diversity can have on the base components of an
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The Quality Of Water Pollution
Keywords Phosphate Substance Regularly used within fertilizers providing nutrients for plants, also
being a negative source that is a main component of water pollution. Produces greater rates of algae
growth in ponds, streams, and lakes dissolving oxygen from water and eliminating aquatic
organisms (Regional Aquatics Monitoring Program). Benthic Invertebrates An organism without a
backbone or relating to other creatures without a backbone (Regional Aquatics Monitoring
Program). Profusion An abundance, larger quantities, plenty of a chosen thing Water quality
Characteristics that are relative and within water. A component that is tested regularly for safety of
human beings and the natural environment. The quality of water helps significantly understand and
be aware of positive or negative components of the waterbody (Lee, 1999). Pollution Unwanted
substances and contaminants within different environments (Lee, 1999). Introduction Water is a
basic need and survival source that is essential to any living organism. The quality of water is a vital
source to the environment in which both society and the natural environment depend on. Monitoring
the water quality is tested and done regularly in regards to maintain a constant, safe, and reliable
source. A knowledgeable approach to regulate and discover specific problems are done through
testing. It is significantly important to test the quality of water for intended purposes, may it be
irrigation, drinking water, or
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An Investigation Into the Effects of Varying Seawater...
An investigation into the effects of varying seawater concentrations on two marine invertebrates'
osmoregulatory abilities; Carcinus maenas and Arenicola marina. Introduction The concentration of
solutes in the bodily fluids of most marine invertebrates is roughly isosmotic to their environment
(Raven, 2008). Because there is no osmotic gradient there is no tendency for the net diffusion of
water away from the animal's cells to occur. When a change in salinity occurs some organisms have
the ability to maintain a constant internal homeostasis despite these external changes and are known
as osmoregulators (Oxford, 2008). Other animals lack this ability and as such are called
osmoconformers; their internal osmolarity matches that of their ... Show more content on ...
Values are mean ± SEM. N=7 for all groups. As seen in Figure 2 the haemolymph at each
concentration closely follows the equivalence line and each reading at the different seawater
concentrations is significantly different from every other data point (p<0.001). Figure 2.
Haemolymph chloride levels as a function of seawater chloride at 4 concentrations; 100%, 75%,
50% and 25%. Values are mean ± SEM. N=7 for all groups. After 3 days in the diluted seawater the
crab's haemolymph Sodium levels were significantly lower (p<0.001) than the crabs stored in full
strength seawater as seen in figure 3. There was no significant difference between the mean
haemolymph Sodium values of the three dilutions at 75%, 50% and 25%. Figure 3. Haemolymph
Sodium levels as a function of seawater Sodium at 4 concentrations; 100%, 75%, 50% and 25%.
Values are mean ± SEM. N=7 for all groups. Arenicola Marina There was no significant (p<0.05)
difference between the initial weights of the lugworms in the 4 sample groups, avoiding any bias in
treatments. As Figure 4 shows each sample group showed a large increase in weight after exposure
to the diluted salinities with the lugworms that were placed in full strength seawater not showing an
increase of more than 1.7%. Figure 4. Percentage increase in weight of Arenicola Marina over a
period of 90 minutes when exposed to varying dilutions of seawater. Values are mean ± SEM. N=6
for 75%
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Water Quality Lab Report
This lab report is based on the question, what is the water quality of the U–High creek based on the
invertebrates found? To answer the question there needs to be an understanding of the measures of
water quality. The pH range of healthy water is 6.5– 8.5. pH is used to measure the relative acidity
of solutions such as water. If there is too much of nitrogen and phosphorous it will increase the
growth of aquatic plants and algae, which leads to the bacteria decomposing the dead plant material.
The decomposition removes the dissolved oxygen from the water. Dissolved oxygen is the waste
product of photosynthesis. Dissolved oxygen affects organisms because some organisms cannot
tolerate too low or too high dissolved oxygen levels which lowers the diversity of organisms in the
water. (Riverwatch, 2013) Invertebrates can also measure the water quality based on how much
pollution is in the water. There are 3 types of invertebrate indicators of water quality, based on the
population of pollution tolerant, moderately tolerant, and pollution intolerant. This shows how
healthy the water is. If pollution tolerant invertebrates are living in the water then that infers that the
water quality is not good because it has a lot of ... Show more content on ...
There was some pollution found but not a lot, there was many pollution intolerant invertebrates
found which means that the water must be healthy enough to support those organisms, and the water
was clear enough to see the creek bed.. Water quality index is a number from 1–100 that measures
the overall quality of the water and it indicates if the water is healthy or not. If the water has a water
quality index of 10 or less than the water quality is poor. If it is 11–16 than the quality is fair. If it is
between 17–22 than the quality is good, and if it is 23 or more than the water quality is excellent.
The U–High creek was a 42, which means the quality is
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Invertebrates In Alzheimer's Essay
Invertebrates in Alzheimer's
Recent medical advances, such as gaining the ability to observe closely the genetic makeup of an
individual, have led to the discovery that some invertebrates are somewhat genetically similar to
humans. Organisms like Caenorhabditis elegans, nematode worm, and Drosophila melanogaster,
fruit fly, appear to have genes similar to humans, where Alzheimer's disease genes are found. These
similarities will help researchers learn more about this relatively unknown disease and potentially
save human lives. The DNA of C. elegans and Drosophila can be used as models for studying the
disease and for testing new drugs to be used later on humans. These advances may lead to
discoveries in medicine that can save human lives in the future.
C. Elegans is a non–parasitic round worm (nematode) found in locations rich with nutrients and
microorganisms, since it feeds on bacteria. This organism is commonly used as a model for testing
ideas related to aging, genetics, and drug response. This is because the genome sequence is very
similar to that of a human since according to McDonnell Genome Institute, "About ... Show more
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Dorsoplilia Melanogaster, or fruit fly, is a small insect that survives and reproduces on rotten fruit.
Scientists have been studying Dorsophilia for hundreds of years now, due to its abundance and the
simplicity of breeding and maintaining a large population. Because of this, scientists have been able
to observe closely their genetics. Many generations can be produced quickly for observation since
the life span of Dorsophilia is about months and a population can easily be sustained on just fruit. It
was discovered that "Humans have more genes than flies but about the same number of gene
families." This relation shows just how similar human genes are to a flies', which explains why they
are the perfect models to explain certain genetic diseases found in humans, like
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The Effect of Pollution on the Distribution of Organisms...
The Effect of Pollution on the Distribution of Organisms Along the River Roding System
Pond net
Pots and lids
Hand lens
Wellington boots
Specimen Pots
Freshwater Invertebrate Key
Scrap Paper (note pad)
Tape to cover cuts
I investigated how the quality, amount of dissolved oxygen, nitrates, phosphates and the temperature
of the water in the River Roding System affected the distribution of organisms in the river.
I chose six suitable sites along the river Roding System: Furze Ground, Pyrles Brook, Debdon
Brook Downstream, River Roding Upstream, River Roding Middle Stream, and River ... Show more
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We waited 1 minute. The colour on the pad was compared with the colour chart to see the nitrate
level. The nitrate level was recorded. Then a phosphate test was carried out. Firstly 5ml of the water
from the river was placed in a container. There were two reagents. 5 drops of reagent 1 and 1 micro
spoon of reagent 2 was added to the water. The lid was replaced and the container was shaken. We
waited 2 minutes and took the lid off. The colour of the mixture was compared with the colour chart
and the phosphate content was recorded. Then the oxygen test was carried out. The meter was set for
air and the probe was placed in the air. His was set as 100%. The probe was then placed in the river
and the reading went down or up comparing its oxygen content with the oxygen in the air. Finally
the temperature of the water was measured. This was done using a thermometer.
At each sight we also noted down descriptions of the site e.g. the surrounding land use, the
cleanliness of the water, the depth and width of the river. This was done so that the pollution of the
river could be explained.
While doing the freshwater fieldwork there were a few safety hazards. There was a chance of
infection occurring e.g. Weils Disease. Therefore I had to take precautions: 1) small cuts covered
with tape, 2) gloves worn, 3) no eating or drinking in the field, 4) no fooling
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Pill Bugs And Crickets Lab Report
The purpose of this experiment was to measure the metabolic rate of pill bugs and crickets. I
indirectly measured the metabolic rate of each organism by calculating their respiration rates. In
crickets, gas exchange is accomplished via a tracheal system [Contreras, Bradley, 2010]. Pill bugs
have pleopods, gill–like respiratory organs [Gibbs, Smigel, 2008]. My hypothesis was that the
crickets will have a faster respiration rate than the pill bugs. I used a respirometer to measure the
oxygen consumption of pill bugs and crickets. After plotting the data, I used the slope to obtain the
respiration rate. The respiration rate per gram of organism for the pill bugs was 0.0025 mL/min./g.
The respiration rate per gram of organism ... Show more content on ...
Pill bugs, Armadillidium vulgare, are terrestrial isopods [Gibbs, Smigel, 2008]. Thus, they are not
very well adapted to land [Gibbs, Smigel, 2008]. Water loss is a reoccurring theme because
terrestrial isopods lack "cuticular lipids and the elaborate spiracular apparatus of insects" [Gibbs,
Smigel, 2008]. Most of the water loss is evaporation from the respiratory organs [Gibbs, Smigel,
2008]. The respiratory organs are called pleopods, and are gill–like organs "located on the ventral
abdominal segments" [Gibbs, Smigel, 2008]. Interestingly, pill bugs are capable of conglobation, the
ability to roll up in a ball [Gibbs, Smigel, 2008]. In addition to protection from predation,
conglobation may also conserve water [Gibbs, Smigel, 2008].
In this experiment, I will be comparing the metabolic rates of two different species. Because they
are two different species, and differ in physiology, I will expect to see a difference in metabolic rate.
More specifically, I expect crickets to have a higher metabolic rate, due to their efficient respiratory
Materials and Methods:
The lab handout provided by the instructor was used as a guideline to conduct this experiment. The
only difference was the organism used and data collection period. For this experiment, pill bugs and
crickets were utilized. Also, data was collected for a period of 12 minutes.
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Yeast Invertebrate Scientific Report
DATE : 7TH MARCH, 2013
Respiration is one of the characteristics of ALL LIVING THINGS. In the simplest terms,
"respiration" simply means "breathing". But more formally, the term depends on what type of
respiration been referred to. Essentially, "respiration" refers to gaseous exchange of unwanted
carbon dioxide and much–needed oxygen for the body's use. In direct terms, oxygen is ... Show
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The product of this process is energy in the form of ATP (adenosine triphosphate), by substrate–level
phosphorylation, NADH and FADH2
Simplified reaction: C6H12O6 (s) + 6O2 (g) → 6CO2 (g) + 6 H2O (l) + heat
ΔG = –2880 kJ per mole of C6H12O6
The negative ΔG indicates that the reaction can occur spontaneously.
The reducing potential of NADH and FADH2 is converted to more ATP through an electron
transport chain with oxygen as the "terminal electron acceptor". Most of the ATP produced by
aerobic cellular respiration is made by oxidative phosphorylation. This works by the energy released
in the consumption of pyruvate being used to create a chemiosmotic potential by pumping protons
across a membrane. This potential is then used to drive ATP synthase and produce ATP from ADP
and a phosphate group. Biology textbooks often state that 38 ATP molecules can be made per
oxidized glucose molecule during cellular respiration (2 from glycolysis, 2 from the Krebs cycle,
and about 34 from the electron transport system). However, this maximum yield is never quite
reached due to losses (leaky membranes) as well as the cost of moving pyruvate and ADP into the
mitochondria's matrix and current estimates range around 29 to 30 ATP per glucose. Cellular
Respiration is split into 4 distinct aspects that occur at different parts of the cell. These are
glycolysis, Oxidative decarboxylation of pyruvate, Kreb's Cycle and Oxidative phosphorylation.
Glycolysis is a metabolic
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Critical Analysis Of Consider The Lobster By David Wallace
In his essay "Consider the Lobster", David Wallace focuses on a long simmering debate of lobster
killing for human pleasure. This article, published in Gourmet magazine in 2004 begins with the
author participating at the annual Maine Lobster Festival, where significant controversy surrounding
morality and ethical duties are raised. The author chose to attend this venue precisely for these
issues and to raise a discussion on a topic discarded by participants and Gourmet's audience. The
article centers around human eating experience at the lobster's expense by cooking it alive; leading
to lobsters feeling debilitating pain. Whether this is true or not, this is the crux of Wallace's
intention. Rather than focus on pain receptivity between vertebrate and invertebrate creatures,
Wallace maintains a soft stance by choosing to be influenced by personal belief. By ignoring the
complex dynamics of pain receptivity in invertebrate animals, Wallace proposes arguments bringing
the issue to attention but balks by making his message appear the topic can be delayed or neglected
in pursuit of human pleasure.
"Consider the Lobster" brings readers to attention by raising the topic, that is often deliberately
neglected by many of Gourmant's audience during meals associated with lobster cooking. This call
to awareness is targeted to culinary aficionados– both cooks, customers and researchers, to engage
in dialogue, highlighting whether it is suitable to boil a creature alive for culinary
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Global Environmental Change In Glaciers : The Impact Of...
An international team of scientists evaluated more than one million invertebrates that thrive in
rivers. These people analyzed and evaluated invertebrates from several regions affected by shrinking
glaciers with the goal to determine the impact of the global environmental change in related
Glaciers and Inhabitants
Earth is now facing a big thaw as the world continues to warm up. Glaciers in various cold regions
are melting due to the rise of global temperature, a result of climate change caused by the
accumulation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. One of many locations dominated by glaciers
is the Glacier National Park in Montana, USA. It used to have at least 150 glaciers during the early
1900s. Today, glaciers in the ... Show more content on ...
– Patagonian glaciers in Chile are home to the stoneflies. People can easily spot them on ice surfaces
of glaciers. Collembolas and snow fleas were also reported in the area.
Invertebrates are not the only animals living in glacial regions. There are several larger animals that
live in ice and snow including polar bears and ringed seals in the Arctic region, flow ice penguins
and Antarctic silverfishes in Antarctica, and harbor seals in the Arctic region. According to
EarthSky, icy glaciers and perennial snow patches support least 19 species of birds and 16 species of
mammals. Bird species include songbirds, passerines, and the white–winged diuca finch or the
glacier bird that builds a nest on glacial surfaces in the Andes. Mammalian species include bison,
mountain goats, musk oxen, and snow leopards that also live in cold regions.
Mapping the Global Impact of Melting Glaciers
The findings from the latest study indicated a persistent pattern on how river invertebrates respond
to the decreasing number of glaciers. The researchers plan to apply the same method to track the
impact of environmental changes on other ecosystems.
"By combining river invertebrate records from all over the world, we are able to map functional
traits shared by species, such as body size, movement, life cycle length and eating habits. So while
New Zealand does not have the exact same river invertebrate species as the USA, those species that
are present
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The Influence of Macroinvertebrates Communities in Water...
Structure of macroinvertebrates communities may change with seasons because most environmental
factors change with seasons. This process can directly influence water quality parameters such as
Dissolved oxygen, turbidity, conductivity, temperature, nutrients, and pH. (McCulloch, 2009).These
parameters appears to have direct influence on the macroinvertebrate life cycles (Sporka et al.
2006). In other words physical and chemical parameters of a catchment will ultimately determine
what breed should live in it (ANZECC & ARMCANZ 2000) for example in the figure 1,2,3 and 5
that three higher taxa Cnidaria, Nematoda ,Turbellaria were instinct or either in very low abundance
in most of the sampling site during summer and spring season. In nature these taxa commonly occur
in similar habitats at stream sites throughout the region (Dostine, 2014).
The examination of model macroinvertebrate for all sampling round shows that in summer there is
always less diversity and abundance among key higher taxa of the wetland as compared to early
spring. This is because of suitable temperature, water chemistry and flow. Similarly according to a
study conducted by Leigh( 2012) in dry summer water level or depth may decrease which is worst
situation for most surface dwelling species of macroinvertebrates(for example in summer sampling
round 1 only five tax were recorded). Higher temperature has several effects on macroinvertebrates
such as the less availability of oxygen for respiration,
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Leeches Research Paper
Leeches are found all over the world and are found in freshwater. The closest worm to a leech is an
earthworm. Certain types can grow up to 16 inches in length. Leeches have suckers on both parts of
their body and when you are bitten by a leech, their saliva causes blood to increase and it prevents
blood clots. They have very sharp teeth, but small jaws. A leech has 32 brains and most of them
sucks blood. Not just humans get bit by leeches, but also animals. A leech can take in the amount of
blood 5 times more than they weigh. Since leeches eat so much, they can go without food for a
whole year. Digestion in a leech is very slow because it gives room for the leech to live and can last
up to several months. Leeches have saved several lives
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Spring Lake Creek And Its Effects On Water Quality And...
Spring Lake Creek is located off of County road E in Sawyer County. The Spring Lake creek has a
culvert that goes under County road E to Spring Lake. The culvert has the water flowing from
Spring Lake into Spring Lake creek. With the road right by Spring Lake creek, one would think how
much of the runoff from the road affect the water quality and invertebrate life. That is exactly the
hypothesis a group from the Fresh Water Ecology class had come up with and wanted to experiment
by testing two pools and two riffles. One set closest to the bridge and another away from the bridge.
Historic events might have played a role in the conclusion of the experiment.
Introduction Spring Lake Creek can be found on county road E off of ... Show more content on ...
That mink ranch has caused DDT to runoff into Spring Lake from the mink farmers washing out the
mink pens. That DDT runoff eventually made its way to spring Lake creek. (Heim, 2016). DDT is
no longer legal in the United States of America since 1972. It was banned in the United States
because DDT was very persistent in the environment and can travel long distances in the upper
atmosphere (DDT Ban takes effect, 2015). DDT was first used in World War II to control typhus,
malaria, and body lice (epa, 2015). Around the year 2000, The Wisconsin DNR washed out their
firefighting foam in Spring Lake creek killing off many clams and possibly different kinds of
species. It is also very possible that there were species in Spring Lake creek that are no longer in
there due to that event (Heim, 2016). Spring Lake creek initially had beaver dams in it too. In the
1920's, the beaver dams were removed by dynamite. Once the beaver dams started to show up again
in the 1990's, the beaver dams were removed manually (Heim, 2016). Spring Lake is also a part of
Red Cedar lake watershed (Integraded resources management plan 2010, 2010).
 Thermometer
 D–Net
 Pans
 SICI Sheets
 Waders
Methods The day the experiment was conducted was on April 18th 2016 at Spring Lake creek.
Spring Lake Creek is located on county road E about less than a quarter mile from Williams road. In
order for the fresh water ecology class to conduct
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Wildfire On Invertebrate Community
I have been an avid outdoorsman for as long as I can remember. I grew up hiking the Appalachian
Trail in Pennsylvania and fly–fishing on some great trout waters. I was fortunate enough to spend
my college years in Colorado, where I continued to fish incredible rivers. And, even if I were not to
catch anything at all, I would still spend the day in some of the most serene environments that I had
ever seen. My passion to obtain a Master's degree and eventually a doctorate arises from my love of
the outdoors and my desire to contribute meaningfully to protecting the environment for the
enjoyment of future generations.
While at Colorado College, I studied German Language and Culture and minored in Philosophy.
During my senior year, I wrote a thesis ... Show more content on ...
Eric Larson, we have identified a topic that will fit into these broader research interests. I will
develop a project to better understand the links between laboratory behavior and field function of an
invasive species, the rusty crayfish. I have communicated with Dr. Larson via phone and email over
the last several months and have discussed the possibility of collaborating with an incoming doctoral
candidate. Dr. Larson has submitted an NSF proposal that would investigate population crashes of
this same invasive crayfish and, if funded, would mean the selected student will be working in the
same system that I plan on working in. I believe that being able to work together and having this
vertical connection within the lab will be beneficial to both of us, and that we will be able to
produce meaningful publications as a result. I am excited to help determine whether or not
laboratory behaviors of an invasive species can tell us anything about their field function, including
how they fit into the aquatic food web and whether controlled lab experiments might be a useful tool
in determining how we manage invasive
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Invertebrate Biodiversity
Comparison of invertebrate biodiversity in vegetated and open–water areas of an urban lake
Interrelationships and interdependence between species in biological communities plays a major
role in the survival of ecosystems (Hafernik, 1992). Biodiversity refers to the variety of life forms
and species biodiversity relates to the varieties of species in a particular habitat (Flinders University,
2015). The greater the biodiversity in a habitat, the more complex are the interactions between
species and the higher the productivity of the ecosystem (Long, et al., 2007). This experiment
looked at the biodiversity of invertebrates in vegetated and open–water areas of a freshwater system
and the Simpson's Diversity Indices were used as mathematical indicator of the invertebrate species
diversity. ... Show more content on ...
The standard deviation was approximately the same for both habitats, which indicates that the
variation in the data was the same. This suggests that the vegetated area is more biologically diverse
than the open–water area. Simpson's index of diversity is also higher for the vegetated area, 0.82,
compared to the open–water area, 0.68 (Table 1). A higher value of Simpson's index of diversity also
indicates higher diversity in the vegetated habitat.
From figure 1 it can be seen that open–water area of the north side of Flinders University Lakes was
more populated with a high number or organisms present than the vegetated area. However, this
larger population is mainly attributed to the large number of copepods (~750) present in the open
water area (shown in red in Figure 1). The vegetated area had a higher species richness with 17
species present compared to 13 species in the open–water area. This implies that the vegetated area
had a higher level of invertebrate biodiversity than the open water area of the
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Water And Water Pollution
~Introduction~ This lab will answer the question whether or not the water in the U–Creek is polluted
using invertebrates as in indicator? Although there are many ways of measuring water quality,
invertebrates are good indicators because the number of invertebrates indicates the ability to sustain
life. Invertebrates will thrive in better quality water, whereas in poor quality water, invertebrates will
not survive as well. Other indicators of water quality such as dissolved oxygen, pH, nitrogen and
phosphorus. Dissolved oxygen is oxygen found in water. A high dissolved oxygen content is helpful
for aquatic life. Also, pH and measure water quality, a pH of 6.5 and 8.5 is healthy. Nitrogen can
measure water quality, more than 2.2 mg per liter is unhealthy. Phosphorus is necessary for life,
however too much phosphorus is unhealthy. Bottom dwelling invertebrates are the "canaries" of
rivers and lake when indicating pollution. When recovering invertebrates from bodies of water you
can see traces of pollution. Invertebrates live for a long time so that means that the pollution can be
traced over a long period of time. If the water were to be polluted than invertebrates that can tolerate
said pollution, therefore there is pollution. Invertebrates are animals without backbones. There are
many different kinds and the help with many things in ecosystems. They can be classified into
different functional feeding groups based on what and how they eat. Energy flows from the sun
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Studying The Chemistry And The Types Of Macro Invertebrates
In previous studies, studying the chemistry and the types of macro invertebrates that live in a pond
or stream can indicate how clean the water is; according to the North Carolina State university water
quality group, stoneflies like water rich in dissolved oxygen, cold in temperature and flowing
through rocks (Osmond watersheds page 1). In this lab, we went to two streams, cherry creek and
bear creek. We took physical Measurements like the width, depth, description of substrate and the
site. This was done for the upper, middle, and lower transect. and chemical measurements of the
streams like measuring pH, temperature, phosphate, nitrite, nitrate, ammonia, dissolved O2, and
dissolved solids. We also counted the macro invertebrates we found and then we Identified the ones
we found. With the data that we collected, we hope to find out how does the water affect the types of
macro invertebrates found in the stream which brings up my hypothesis which is The more
dissolved O2 found in the water, we will find bioindicators that indicate clean water. I predict if
there is high amounts of O2 dissolved, then there will be presence of bio indicators that only live in
clean water. Our variables are water quality as our independent and our dependent is the macro
To start off the lab, we went to cherry creek first, which is located on Speer and larimer. Then the
following week, went to bear creek which was located on Estes St. The controlled
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Argumentative Essay: The Evolution Of Invertebrate Organisms
Since the dawn of time, man has believed that there is a higher power, an all–powerful, all–knowing
being that controls everything. Christians refer to this being as God, and believe that He is orderly,
loving, and rational. They also believe that He created the modern world and everything in it. All
that they believe is true. However, many dislike this belief because God holds them responsible for
their actions. Therefore they have turned to the false belief of evolution, which claims that there is
no Creator and that the world came into being through natural processes. It says that life came into
being through spontaneous generation and "evolved" from so–called simple invertebrate organisms
into fish, which evolved into amphibians, which evolved into reptiles, which evolved into birds,
which evolved into mammals, ... Show more content on ...
Each individual kind or family of animals has an amazing amount of variety within itself, but no
kind has ever changed into another kind. To counter this claim, evolutionists have made several false
claims, displaying creatures with certain unique features to be transitional forms. One such animal
was the coelacanth. This fish was thought to be extinct, and because extinct animals cannot be
studied, it became the perfect specimen for evolutionists to exploit. They claimed that the fleshy
lobe–shaped fins were early forms of feet that coelacanths used to "walk" along the bottom of
shallow bodies of water. This animal was used as a prime example of evolution for several years,
until a group of fisherman caught a live coelacanth off the coast of Madagascar. This put several
holes in the evolutionists' theory. The animal was no longer extinct, so natural selection could not
have wiped it out in favor of a fit species. Also, after studying the fish, they discovered that it lives
deep in the ocean and does not walk on the ocean
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Summary: Complex Life Cycles Of Common Marine Invertebrates
Bennett K, Hiebert, L. 2010. Complex life cycles of common marine invertebrates. Science
Activities, 46(4): 18–25. This article describes in the abstract how most people are unaware of the
complex life cycles that are very prevalent in marine environments, and how such marine
invertebrates have a microscopic larval stage that looks nothing like the familiar adult form. While
this is not particularly helpful for my lesson plan because it is a very specific and technical article, it
did provide some quality information on sea stars, sea urchins and crabs. The article contained many
pictures of these animals, specifically in different cycles of life, which could be used in my lesson
plan to teach students about how animals have various life cycles. It also included information on
the basic anatomy of crabs and how a single organism can live in different habitats during its life.
Garrison, Tom. 2009. Oceanography: an invitation to marine science. 7th edition. Belmont (CA)
Cengage Learning. ... Show more content on ...
It includes specific sections on how marine organisms live in communities, how marine
communities change as time passes and examples of these marine communities, like the rocky
intertidal communities. It also has a chapter on the ocean and the environment, which discusses how
marine pollutants can be natural or human generated, as well as how organisms cannot thrive if their
habitat is disturbed. While these topics are broad and less specific to tide pools, this textbook could
still be implemented into my lesson plan when introducing larger themes and ideas. Each chapter in
the textbook contains a study plan and the main concepts that will be covered, and also various
maps, charts and pictures. These would all be helpful to use in my lesson plan because it outlines
particular topics I could relate to tide pools in a larger
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Salmonid Waters: The Effects Of Climate Change In Water
Average global temperatures have risen 0.6°C in the last century (Walther, 2002). Warmer water
temperature has been shown to kill fish such as trout (Huntsman, 1942) North American summers
are predicted to become warmer and drier. The effects of climate change are predicted to have more
impact in freshwater than in the ocean. Salmonid fishes will potentially be strongly affected by the
predicted climate change. Water temperature effects the rates of biochemical reactions in fishes that
are ectothermic. The average upper thermal limit that salmonid species can tolerate is approximately
23.8°C. Thermal limits are influenced by the individual fish's size, age, and physiological state.
(Jonsson & Jonsson, 2009) With the predicted climate change, ... Show more content on ...
We assessed changes in the breakdown of allochthonous materials, by the detritus consuming
invertebrate community. To qualitatively measure the potential changes in freshwater ecosystems
that may be caused by future climate change, we assessed the differences in the rate of decay in
detritus, and the change in the total area of invertebrate functional feeding groups. Our null
hypothesis was that the additional nutrient input would have no effect on the rate of detritus
breakdown or effect the invertebrate community. Our alternative hypothesis was that additional
nutrient input will cause a change in the rate of detritus breakdown, and a shift in the composition of
the aquatic invertebrate
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Assessment Of Stream Health At Conley Run Through The...
Assessment of Stream Health at Conley Run Through the Sampling of Benthic Macroinvertebrates
C.J. Laurin, C.J. Hess, M.C. Taddeo
Located near Cowan, Pennsylvania, Conley Run is a tributary of Buffalo Creek that has experienced
severe degradation due to agricultural activity. Specifically, the deposition of large amounts of
animal wastes, pesticides, and fertilizers has resulted in significant eutrophication throughout the
stream. Furthermore, bank degradation associated with the movement of livestock has caused the
displacement of foreign sediments into stream habitats. These factors, among many others, have
caused the lake to be considered "impaired" by PA–DEP. In response, the Buffalo Creek Watershed
Alliance, the the Union County Conservation District, and the Department of Environmental
Protection and Fish and Boat Commision have partnered in an effort to restore stream habitat and
create a riparian buffer to protect the stream.
A separate tributary of Buffalo Creek, known as Stony Run, lies upstream from Conley Run. Since it
is located in a dense wooded area with little to no agricultural interference, Stony Run has
experienced very little degradation in comparison to Conley Run. However, Stony Run also shares a
number of similar physical characteristics with Conley Run, such as discharge, watershed area,
elevation and slope. Therefore, it will serve as a reference stream for this study.
The objective of this study was to assess the stream habitat quality
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Jellyfish: An Ideal Model
A sizzling dish of sesame jellyfish, sprinkled with a dab of black pepper and white sugar– What's
not to like? Unfortunately, modern culture and society fail to retrieve a complete image of these
innocent creations of Mother Nature, struggling to venture beyond the topic of food. The story
begins to unfold 650 million years into the distant past during the Proterozoic Era–a time period that
marked the birth of this ancient species of invertebrates, or the population of living organisms
without a spinal column. The first coelenterates never left the water, and have since evolved through
multiple cases of genetic mutation to pure marine creatures that call the treacherous seas of our
planet "home." Ironically, a rewarding experience of scientific investigation and research involves
uncovering mysteries blocked from the visions of humanity–the jellyfish an ideal model, as it ...
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Consequently, society has become exceedingly critical and judgmental of life and matter beyond its
boundaries, often confronting the misunderstood. In spite of their vulnerability to human nature,
invertebrates boast an impressive 97% of all animal species on Earth, surpassing its counterpart,
vertebrates, by nearly 33 times in terms of population. The 7 divisions that form this queer, yet
powerful union are known as phyla, and include the orders Coelenterata, Annelida, Porifera,
Echinodermata, Mollusca, Arthropoda, and Platyhelminthes. While all invertebrate species share
some common characteristics and behaviors, each is unique and different to its own extent.
Furthermore, invertebrate paleontologists have concluded through their studies of fossil evidence
that the history of these spectacular creatures is just as impressive– One thing to remember: Not
even the Tyrannosaurus Rex was as
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Laurel Creek In Water Essay
Assessing rising invertebrate indicator species presence using the kick–and–sweep method at Laurel
Creek in Waterloo
Graham Mantha 20553752
Benthic Invertebrate: commonly used to provide information on the status of a water system.
Having a short life span and a limited range of motion, this organism can do little to avoid pollution
and therefore provides significant data concerning anthropogenic impacts. (Beatty et al., 2006)
Indicator Species: an organism that provides information on the environmental condition of a region
with its presence, either depicting positive or negative changes. (Carignan & Villard, 2002)
Kick–and–sweep method: a low cost, high result method of extracting invertebrates from the floor
of a water system ... Show more content on ...
(Johnson, 2004)
Stream Morphology: used to describe the shape of water channels and how they change over time
through erosion, vegetation, and the availability and rate of sediment transport. (Hogan & Luzi,
Introduction Through the city of Waterloo flows a stream named Laurel Creek that originates from
well north of the city, and as it flows into Silver Lake, it provides a home for many organisms both
on land and in the water. This stream has been heavily influenced by human construction, and has a
number of reservoirs along its path. As the water moves downstream towards more populated areas,
it becomes a sink for waste coming from many sources along the way. To monitor the health of
Laurel Creek, indicator species such as benthic invertebrates that reside in the water are collected to
determine the current status of the stream. The purpose of this study is to determine the best location
to collect samples of invertebrates in relationship to the stream morphology of Laurel Creek. The
results from this study could then be used on other locations suffering the same problem in
Waterloo. These areas can then be observed to determine if a solution can be found to decrease
pollution, therefore decreasing the
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Research Paper On Freshwater Invertebrates
While most people thinking of invertebrates for the aquarium are thinking of marine invertebrates,
there are a surprising number of freshwater invertebrates that make excellent tank inhabitants. Many
freshwater invertebrates do not require large amounts of space, making them ideal for Nano tanks or
even goldfish bowls. Some eat algae or uneaten fish food, while others are stunningly beautiful.
Sometimes such useful attributes even belong to the same creature. However, freshwater
invertebrates don't always have the same requirements as fish and the requirements differ
considerably between different species.
Freshwater Shrimp
Freshwater shrimp are probably the most decorative freshwater invertebrates. There are many
species, each with its own color pattern and mode of life. As most species are small, they do not
require much space. Freshwater shrimp are harassed or eaten by many fish species so tank mates
must be considered carefully. I tried keeping Cherry Shrimp with a Pygmy Gourami and regretted
the decision. The Gourami harassed my shrimp and probably caused the death of two of the five.
Endler's Livebearers, however, coexisted peacefully with the shrimp.
Different species have different temperature and pH tolerances, but some of them, like the Amano
shrimp, tolerate cool water very well. The ... Show more content on ...
This means they need a filter or at least an air stone. They are are best kept one to a tank as they are
likely to fight with each other. Crayfish are larger than most of the other invertebrates we are
discussing here and large adults will need considerable space. Ten gallons is enough for an adult of
most of the North American species, but some of the Australian species can reach 16 inches and
would need a 30–50 gallon tank. There are a few dwarf species such as the Dwarf Cajun Crayfish,
Cambarellus schufeldtii, that can be kept in a smaller tank or in a group in a 10 gallon tank if there
are enough hiding
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Invertebrates And Star Fish Comparison Essay
In the Discovery Education video about sea invertebrates, there were many similarities and
differences that make each of the invertebrates unique. Each of the invertebrates had different forms
of achieving nutrients and sourcing their food. In addition to finding different sources of food, they
also have different growth and reproductive rates and styles and how they respond to their
environment also depends on their environment and their physical abilities they have as a species.
One of the most essential keys to maintaining life is sourcing ways to obtain nutrients. Like many
other marine invertebrates, both the Krill and Diablo Rojo Squid come to eat at night. The Krill prey
on plankton near the top of the water, but as a result for leaving the security of the deep sea they
themselves become prey to other animals like fish. El Diablo Rojo Squid, also swimming near the
shore use the fish, lured in by the Krill, consume the fish as their main source of food. In addition to
Krill, Jellyfish also consume plankton. Larger Jellyfish, like the egg yolk Jellyfish (Phacellophora
camtschatica), eat larger prey by stinging them to immobilize ... Show more content on ...
While some invertebrates unique traits are commonly known, like how a starfish can regenerate an
arm in about a week, other abilities like regenerating shells are equally as interesting. Spider Crabs
have the ability to grow a new shell underneath their old shell before moving to warm water where
they are able to crack their old shell open and 'back out' with a new one. Marine animals that live in
the frigid waters of Antarctica like the Red Starfish, Sea Urchins, and Nemertine worms move are
very slow; they have a slow metabolism, slow growth rate, and move very slow across the sea floor.
One explanation of their slow movements is their need to conserve energy. Carcasses, their main
food source, are not abundant, so they need to conserve energy they receive from their
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The General Analysis Of Invertebrate Richness And...
The general analysis of invertebrate richness and diversity prove that shallow leaf litter is more
biodiverse than deep leaf litter. From graph 2, shallow leaf litter is proven to be more biodiverse
where the spread of invertebrate richness is higher with a relatively low rate of error denoted by the
low standard deviation. Similarly, figure 6 also shows a similar trend where the mean of shallow leaf
litter diversity was greater than deep leaf litter. The mean results of invertebrate abundance also
show shallow leaf litter to be more abundant, however this is affected by the extreme outlier seen in
figure 2, where there is a large leeway for error due to the high standard deviation. This may be due
to human error due to transcription, an error in counting the amount of species or the designated
shallow leaf litter contained species that were extremely common, providing a large abundance
value. However, figure 1 and the comparison of boxplots in graph 1, show the overall values of deep
leaf litter are centred higher, indicating that deep leaf litter has greater abundance, excluding
Similarly, the analysis of richness and diversity indicate that deep light traps are more biodiverse
than shallow light traps and are quite trustworthy as shown by the low standard deviations.
According to figure 6, the mean of both habitats were very similar but deep light traps had a slightly
higher mean. Abundance of deep light traps also proves to be greater if we
... Get more on ...

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Marine Invertebrate Essay

  • 1. Marine Invertebrate Essay Corals, sea anemones, sea urchins, molluscs, crustaceans and worms are all included in the large, diverse group we call marine invertebrates. They are classed as an invertebrate as they all share one common key feature; they do not have a backbone. Invertebrates seem like a simple life form but they are truly beautiful, interesting and complex creatures that roam our oceans. But which is the most interesting invertebrate? Would it be Porifera, Cnidaria, Bryozoans, Vermiforms, Mollusca, Crustacea, Echinodermata or Chordata? With marine invertebrates making up around 97% of the worlds described species it is open for a large debate (Arkive n.d). I believe the most interesting marine invertebrate would the cnidarians. There are approximately 9,000 living species worldwide within the Cnidaria phylum (Bird 2007). The cnidarians are classified into four main classes; Scyphozoa (purple jelly and moon jelly), Cubozoa (box jelly), Hydrozoa (Portuguese man of war and hydra) and Anthozoa (anemones and coral). Cnidarians are entirely aquatic – mainly marine, have a radical body plan with no head end, the coelenteron only has one opening that serves as its mouth and anus and they are also diploblastic. These are just a few of their interesting key features. According to fossil records, the cnidarians made their earliest appearance around 600 million years ago (Shape of Life n.d). There are no immediate animals that have been discovered, the earliest cnidarians could have formed from ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. The Effects Of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons On The... What are the effects of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons on the organ systems of aquatic invertebrates? A study in Biology Dusty Vincer, Advisor by Shruti Gajbhiye During the recent Deepwater Horizon oil spill, millions of gallons of oil were dispersed in the Gulf of Mexico in the same area known as the Gulf of Mexico Hypoxic Zone. The hypoxic zone along the Gulf Coast contains less than the normal amount of dissolved oxygen, at two parts per million. The little to no oxygen is theorized to be caused by excess nutrients from the Mississippi River along with the stratification of the Gulf waters. The excess nutrients create a growth of primary consumers and when decomposing at the bottom, uses the oxygen. The layering of the water does not allow for the water to mix the top and bottom layers, leaving a lack of oxygen at the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico Hypoxic Zone and an oxygen–plenty top layer. The polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from the petroleum, generally accepted to have mutagenic and carcinogenic effects, and are mainly from anthropogenic sources and are considered environmental pollutants. The nonpolar organic molecular are insoluble in the water, and are considered to be of utmost importance in terms of environmental hazards. The combination of the burning of petroleum on the top of the Gulf of Mexico Hypoxic Zone created a deadly effect, as evidenced by the several deaths of animals and an unbalanced food web as secondary and tertiary consumers died ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Introduction To Invertebrate Palaeontology In his book, Understanding fossils: an introduction to invertebrate palaeontology, Peter Doyle writes this about the ongoing, and continuing formation of layers of the Earth: "The bodies of countless millions of organisms, microscopic and macroscopic, form whole rocks; the invaders of the land, plants and animals, have helped shape the landscape by both accelerating and reducing erosion." Doyle gives an introduction to the beginnings of two scientific areas of study by explaining the work of a Danish doctor. He explains that palaeontology has its roots in two subjects, geology and biology. A Danish physician Niels Stensen, also known as Steno, who lived from 1638–1638, is arguably credited with originating geology and paleontology. Discovering that sharks teeth found in Tuscany rocks were identical to modern shark's teeth, Stensen ... Show more content on ... The remains of plants and animals, are part of the strata, or layers of the earth. Several articles discuss Phytoliths and their impact on the strata that have formed over time. A University of Washington publication defines Phytoliths: "Phytoliths are microscopic silica bodies that precipitate in and around cells in many plants. When plant tissues decompose, the silica is deposited in the soil, forming a record of past vegetation." They provide evidence of the plants found in the historic layers of earth. Work done previously by many scientists provides new information, generates new questions and lays a foundation for continuing studies. Everything leaves a trail, or a history of itself, building upon the history of the previous inhabitants on this planet. This makes me consider the impact I have on the earth, my carbon footprint. I realize that I can have an impact on the history of our planet by the choices I make. I hope my impact is positive, because I would like for the Earth to remain fascinating for future ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Invertebrate Receptors N acetylcholine Receptors Neuromuscular effects of ACh are typically mediated by post synaptic nicotine acetylcholine receptors. These are so named because of their high–affinity for nicotine. Structurally, nAChRs are members of the Cys–loop ligand–gated ion channel (LGIC) superfamily. They form homo and Hetero pentameric structures, which are organized in a barrel shape around a central ion–selective pore[39]. An important distinction between the vertebrate and the invertebrate channel is that Vertebrate nAChRs are invariably cation–selective (Na+, Ca2+, K+) and mediate excitatory responses while Invertebrates, on the other hand, have both cation and anion–selective (Cl2) ACh–gated channels[40]. The invertebrate anion selective channel mediate Cl2 – driven membrane hyperpolarization and therefore are believed to play a role in inhibitory responses to ACh. One example of these unique invertebrate receptors is the acetylcholine–gated chloride channel (ACC) of the snail, Lymnaea, which is structurally related to nAChRs, yet is selective for chloride ions [41]. In addition, nematodes have an unusual type of ACC, which is a functional acetylcholine–gated chloride channel but is more closely related to other chloride channels (GABA and ... Show more content on ... Each subunit has a long extracellular N–terminus, followed by 4 transmembrane helices (M1–M4), which are separated by loops. The extracellular N–terminal domain comprises the agonist binding site [38, 49]. In the pentameric structure the channel pore is formed by a bundle of five M2 helices, each contributed by one the subunits. Residues within or in the vicinity of M2 are the basis of ion selectivity. The presence of negatively charged residues such as glutamate/aspartate near the cytosolic and extracellular transmembrane boundaries of M2 confer selectivity to cations whereas the positively charged/polar or neutral residues are those that confer anion ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. What Role Does Invertebrates Play A Role Of The Environment Soil is one of the most diverse habitats on Earth and it contains one of the most diverse arrays of living organisms, but soil is still one of the most poorly researched habitats of our planet. Invertebrates are the majority of the living organisms found in the soil habitat and even make up 95– 97% of all animal species. These animals are characterized and known for lacking a backbone. There are many living organisms in the soil. This is called biodiversity. Without biodiversity, life on Earth would be impossible or will be significantly impaired. "Biodiversity encompasses all of the species, food chains, and biological patterns in the environmental system as small as a microcosm or large landscape or a geographic region" (Paoletti). The diversity of soil organisms is largely determined by a number of abiotic and biotic factors. Invertebrates play significant roles. Animals, plants, microorganisms and their complex interactions respond to human landscape management, which help protect biodiversity and for ecosystem health. Invertebrates' highly complex and intimate interactions also help give the soil high resistance and resilience. Studies with bioindicators, "a species or ecological community that is so closely associated with particular environmental conditions that its presence is indicative of these conditions in a particular environment" (Bioindicator), apply biodiversity as a principal tool to evaluate the landscape and the quality and function and to assess different ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Invertebrate Differences Using the numbers from the table do you see obvious differences in the numbers and diversity of invertebrate like found at the two sites? Increases and decreases in certain invertebrates can be seen at the two sites. Upstream there were more Mayflies, Stoneflies, Caddisflies, Leeches, and Earthworms. Downstream there were increases in Snails, Midges, Craneflies, and Blackflies and decreases of the upstream invertebrates. Planaria was the only invertebrate that neither increased nor decreased since there were none found at either site. Do you see any differences in the numbers collected by the tow difference kinds of nets? Upstream the D Net seems to have caught more of certain invertebrates, such as Caddisflies, Earthworms, and Leeches, ... Show more content on ... Sampling inconsistencies due to different groups could cause the biggest differences in the data. Personal techniques, experience, and motivation would all be seen in the groups, which could change the samples. Sampling inconsistencies due to different individuals taking samples and collecting in the groups could affect each group's samples, also. Another factor to consider could be changes in temperature and weather on different sampling days, which could affect the environment, water, and invertebrates. Do you think our sample size is big enough to be meaningful? What effect would taking more samples have on the reliability of our data? I think our sample size is big enough to begin formulating a data chart and analyzing the results, but overall it is not big enough to fully support the given hypothesis. More samples could possibly help further support the hypothesis. The more samples and data that can be presented, the more reliable the data becomes. Describe something interesting related to this lab that you saw today For me, finding the various types of invertebrates in general was interesting. I especially found the small invertebrates that were camouflaged and attached to the rocks fascinating. I think it is amazing that so many life forms, ones that are incredibly important to an entire ecosystem, can exist in such a small ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. The Species Richness Of Aquatic Macro Invertebrates Among... Figure 1. The species richness of aquatic macro–invertebrates among three stream types. The same number of species was found in the forest and urban streams. There was an insignificantly higher number of species found in the agriculture stream. Figure 2. The biotic index of the three types of streams was calculated by the sum of total tolerance values divided by the sum of total number of individuals. The forest stream had the lowest FBI value, followed by the urban stream and the agriculture stream. Figure 3. The relative frequency of the functional feeding groups of each stream type. The total number of individuals for each stream was 368, 1334, and 510 for the forest, agriculture, and urban streams, respectively. The major ... Show more content on ... Therefore, there is a trend in the number of species found in each stream type based on the riparian habitat. As the amount of organic pollution increased, there should have been a decrease in the species richness of the streams. Species richness also has an effect on the processing of leaf material. Less species richness due to organic pollution forces the litter breakdown to be dependent on microbial activity rather than shredders (Masese et al. 2014). In addition, microbial breakdown of leaf litter is accelerated by the presence of nutrients, which is high in agricultural streams (Masese et al. 2014). Therefore, the species richness of the agricultural stream should have been low and leaf processing would be controlled by bacteria. Although the agricultural stream had the highest species richness, the relative frequency of shredders was very low compared to the other functional feeding groups shown in Figure 3. Likewise, due to the organic pollution present in urban streams, it would be expected to have a low species richness and thus any leaf material would be processed by microbes as well. Furthermore, the forest stream should have had the highest species richness, which would in turn impact leaf processing by having the shredders drive leaf litter breakdown rather than microbes. The Family Biotic Index describes the water quality of a stream by averaging the tolerance values of all the individuals that were sampled (Hilsenhoff 1988). Based on the equation, ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. The Importance Of Fresh Water Invertebrates Fresh water invertebrates rely on many things to help them survive in the river and other bodies of water. The water quality must be the right pH, temperature, dissolved oxygen levels and conductivity levels in the water for the invertebrates to survive. Fresh water invertebrates are important for the ecosystem as they feed on mosses on the rocks and provide food for predators to keep the ecosystem together. Water quality is important because if it is poor then the animals, not only livestock but domestic pets, will be affected by it because they would drink from the river. Not only do animals drink from it but water is also extracted from this river for human consumption as drinking water, therefore if diseases get in to water it can also have consequences on humans as well as animals. (find evidence) The quality of the water can affect the way in which the ecosystem can change as if the water quality becomes poor then this can influence not only the invertebrates themselves but those species that eat these invertebrates (Wren & Stephenson, 1991). Therefore, the whole food chain would be broken as the predators would have nothing to eat so would then they will also start to die. By monitoring what freshwater invertebrates are in each section of the river, we can check what the water quality in the water is like as certain invertebrates survive in different conditions (look up what invertebrates survive better in acid and alkaline water). The area around the river Plym is ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. Uhigh Creek Water Quality The question being investigated is, what is the water quality of the UHigh creek based on invertebrates found in the water? The water quality is determined by the dissolved oxygen, the pH level, the nitrogen levels, and phosphorous level. The dissolved oxygen is the amount of oxygen molecules mixed in with the water molecules. If the dissolved oxygen level is low, then the water will become polluted. Dissolved oxygen range is 1–14 parts per million or milligrams per liter(Riverwatch). The aquatic organisms need these dissolved oxygen molecules to breathe and survive. Another factor for measuring water quality is the pH levels. This measures the acidity of different solutions in the water. A pH range of 6.5–8.5 is considered safe for aquatic life. Another factor for measuring water quality is nitrogen. It is found as ammonia and the content of nitrogen in the water should be no more than 1.3–2.2 mg/L. If it is above this range it can ... Show more content on ... There were 10+ pieces of trash laying around. Some wrappers, beer cans, and other trash that was littered around the creek. The amount of trash can affect the water quality because the garbage can contaminate the water source. That could affect the water and the organisms living in and or around it. Another reason why the water quality is fair is because many dead organisms were found in and out of the creek. The amount of pollution in the water is caused by the phosphorus which can affect the water quality in a bad way. If the water is contaminated, the organisms can't breath in the oxygen found in the water. Once that occurs many organisms can die off and affect the water quality. The last reason why the water quality is fair is because of the amount of algae. There was not a ton of algae found but there was enough to hurt the organisms. Some algae can hold toxins which can affect the water quality if it provides harmful ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. Micro Invertebrate Species Richness At Flinders Lake The effect of latitudinal distance from shoreline on micro invertebrate species richness at Flinders University Lake. Introduction: Species diversity is characterised by the diversity within an ecological community (McGinley, 2014) that incorporates both the total number of species in a region and the degree to which the abundance of each of the species is similar; these concepts are termed species richness and species evenness respectively. The Simpson's Index of Diversity is a measure of the biodiversity within a community and is derived the number of species and their relative abundances (Knox et al., 2014). The Simpson's Index of Diversity score ranges from 0–1; the higher the score indicates a higher diversity. Biodiversity of micro ... Show more content on ... In total, there were six replicates for each habitat. The dependent variable was species richness. Results: The data suggests Habitat A (close to shore) had a greater species richness in comparison to Habitat B (one meter from shore), whereby the mean scores are 5 ± 1.67 and 4.5 ±1.52 respectively (see Table 1.0). Figure 1.0 compares the distribution of data for both datasets and graphically illustrates the five number summary. Habitat A's graph has a greater range than Habitat B, whereby 50% of the data from Habitat A obtained a species richness value from 5 to 8. Conversely, 50% of Habitat B's dataset lies within 4 and 6. Figure 2.0 further supports the notion above, where the Simpson's Index of Diversity is greater in Habitat A in comparison to Habitat B, with a difference of 0.22. From Figure 3.0, it is evident the species Copepod is most abundant in both Habitats A and B, whereby the proportional abundances are 0.628 and 0.782 respectively. ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. How Does Different Levels of Pollution in Streams or Ponds... How does Different Levels of Pollution in Streams or Ponds Affect Macro invertebrate Species? Organisms without back bones are Macro Invertebrate species (Seminole.Wateratlas.Usf.Edu ,2012) . These organisms are small but can be seen without a magnifying glass (Waitakere.Govt.Nz , 2002) . Size ranges from 3–20mm long (Waitakere.Govt.Nz , 2002) .Insects, crustaceans, mollusks, worms, leeches, and anemones are classified a Macro invertebrate species (Waitakere.Govt.Nz , 2002). Streams that are free from pollution will contain a variety of these animals. Streams that have higher pollution levels will less of these animals. Macro invertebrates that live in the stream can determine information about the stream. These organisms can ... Show more content on ... Piping the stream is when the streams are piped underground to permit city expansion (Waitakere.Govt.Nz , 2002). Piping the streams can cause the invertebrates to starve. The animals will starve because algae need light to survive (Waitakere.Govt.Nz , 2002). In the pipes, algae are not receiving any light causing the plant to die .Invertebrates can't eat leaves because there are no trees in the pipes. Straightening the streams is when the streams are smoothed out or straightened with concrete (Waitakere.Govt.Nz , 2002). This can cause the stream to lack objects such as rocks. The invertebrates attach to these objects to prevent being washed down the stream(Waitakere.Govt.Nz , 2002). If the stream lacks objects invertebrates will be washed down the stream. The objects in the stream also used for protection from predators (Waitakere.Govt.Nz , 2002). Fewer objects in the stream will result in less hiding places for invertebrates (Waitakere.Govt.Nz , 2002). Therefore, predators will easily find them. Flow reduction is when some water from the stream is taken and sent elsewhere (Waitakere.Govt.Nz , 2002). This can happen in many ways. One way this can occur is when water is taken out of the stream for urban supplies and agriculture (Waitakere.Govt.Nz , 2002). This can result in making the stream smaller or destroying the steam entirely (Waitakere.Govt.Nz , 2002). If the stream gets reduced in sized or destroyed most ... Get more on ...
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  • 23. Thesis Statement On Sea Cucumbers I aspire to be a scientist who makes real connections between seemingly disparate problems or challenges and finds human value in scientific knowledge. For my doctoral research, I want to study unfamiliar marine organisms in unfamiliar habitats to contribute to new knowledge and discover new species. To these ends, I will connect my graduate thesis on sea cucumbers with my ongoing research on mesophotic reefs. Sea cucumbers (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea) are diverse worm– like organisms that evolved and diversified for over 400 million years. Mesophotic reefs are found at 30 to 150 meter depths and developed after the last Ice Age, over 10,000 years ago. In my country, the Philippines, these deep reefs offer something of a "last hope" for ... Show more content on ... In the University of Florida, Prof. Gustav Paulay (my MSc reader and prospective PhD supervisor) has been using an integrative taxonomic approach, combining morphological and molecular analyses, for his research on marine invertebrate biodiversity, biogeography, and speciation. I saw the need and opportunity to upgrade the facilities, techniques, and expertise (e.g. in molecular genomics) in the Philippines. It is clear that UF's excellent PhD in Zoology program, its state–of– the–art facilities, and distinguished faculty, can help me in my doctoral research and ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Health Of The Humber River Watershed By Collecting And... Abstract This study was done to assess the health of the Humber River watershed by collecting and analyzing benthic macro–invertebrates. It was predicted that most of the species collected would have high tolerances, and that the percentages of the benthic macro–invertebrates would mostly fall in the impaired or potentially impaired categories. Transects were measured out along the stream, and the D–net was held along the bottom to catch the invertebrates. Once 100 or more were caught, they were then counted and identified. The Hilsenhof Biotic Index was use to calculate the total tolerance of the organisms collected. The results showed that the distribution of species fell into the potentially impaired category, while the total tolerance was in the unimpaired range. This could be an indicator of a disturbance in the ecosystem that is affecting certain organisms more than others. The study was mostly consistent with the hypothesis. Introduction This study was done to determine the health of the Humber river watershed by testing the water quality. A watershed is a geographical area that drains precipitation and water sources into the same place. Watersheds are essential in supporting ecosystems around them and are vital to both plants and animals. The results of this study could be analyzed and used as an indicator of a healthy or an impaired ecosystem. There are four main reasons that this study was done. Firstly, the study was done to check the quality ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. Soil Invertebrate Diversity Lab Report Effect of Woody Litter Mass on Soil Invertebrate Diversity Discussion Hannah Willis After performing our experiment we came to the conclusion that the amount of woody litter mass did not have a statistically significant effect on the amount of soil invertebrate diversity of an area. In each of the different areas, the P–Values were above 0.05 meaning that there was no significant correlation between woody litter mass and soil invertebrate diversity. There were 36 total invertebrates found between all the areas we measured with 8 different species. We also found that species diversity between all the groups ended up being 1.27 which means the diversity in the environments was very low. The evenness was 0.71 which is closer to 1, so the communities ... Show more content on ... It is important that more studies are done so that we can make correlations between the two in order to ensure ecosystem survival. In every ecosystem, every component from a gene to a species has a role to fill in an ecosystem. If it is not understood how above ground components effect below ground–diversity, we will not have the knowledge we need to better understand what keeps an ecosystem thriving. Without this knowledge we would lack the tools we need to understand how to keep biodiversity at high levels to ensure no extinction of a species or community. With pollution, deforestation, and other harmful effects on the environment taking over areas, it is necessary to the survival of life that we begin to make these correlations to understand biodiversity and the harm that lack of above ground diversity can have on the base components of an ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. The Quality Of Water Pollution Keywords Phosphate Substance Regularly used within fertilizers providing nutrients for plants, also being a negative source that is a main component of water pollution. Produces greater rates of algae growth in ponds, streams, and lakes dissolving oxygen from water and eliminating aquatic organisms (Regional Aquatics Monitoring Program). Benthic Invertebrates An organism without a backbone or relating to other creatures without a backbone (Regional Aquatics Monitoring Program). Profusion An abundance, larger quantities, plenty of a chosen thing Water quality Characteristics that are relative and within water. A component that is tested regularly for safety of human beings and the natural environment. The quality of water helps significantly understand and be aware of positive or negative components of the waterbody (Lee, 1999). Pollution Unwanted substances and contaminants within different environments (Lee, 1999). Introduction Water is a basic need and survival source that is essential to any living organism. The quality of water is a vital source to the environment in which both society and the natural environment depend on. Monitoring the water quality is tested and done regularly in regards to maintain a constant, safe, and reliable source. A knowledgeable approach to regulate and discover specific problems are done through testing. It is significantly important to test the quality of water for intended purposes, may it be irrigation, drinking water, or ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. An Investigation Into the Effects of Varying Seawater... An investigation into the effects of varying seawater concentrations on two marine invertebrates' osmoregulatory abilities; Carcinus maenas and Arenicola marina. Introduction The concentration of solutes in the bodily fluids of most marine invertebrates is roughly isosmotic to their environment (Raven, 2008). Because there is no osmotic gradient there is no tendency for the net diffusion of water away from the animal's cells to occur. When a change in salinity occurs some organisms have the ability to maintain a constant internal homeostasis despite these external changes and are known as osmoregulators (Oxford, 2008). Other animals lack this ability and as such are called osmoconformers; their internal osmolarity matches that of their ... Show more content on ... Values are mean ± SEM. N=7 for all groups. As seen in Figure 2 the haemolymph at each concentration closely follows the equivalence line and each reading at the different seawater concentrations is significantly different from every other data point (p<0.001). Figure 2. Haemolymph chloride levels as a function of seawater chloride at 4 concentrations; 100%, 75%, 50% and 25%. Values are mean ± SEM. N=7 for all groups. After 3 days in the diluted seawater the crab's haemolymph Sodium levels were significantly lower (p<0.001) than the crabs stored in full strength seawater as seen in figure 3. There was no significant difference between the mean haemolymph Sodium values of the three dilutions at 75%, 50% and 25%. Figure 3. Haemolymph Sodium levels as a function of seawater Sodium at 4 concentrations; 100%, 75%, 50% and 25%. Values are mean ± SEM. N=7 for all groups. Arenicola Marina There was no significant (p<0.05) difference between the initial weights of the lugworms in the 4 sample groups, avoiding any bias in treatments. As Figure 4 shows each sample group showed a large increase in weight after exposure to the diluted salinities with the lugworms that were placed in full strength seawater not showing an increase of more than 1.7%. Figure 4. Percentage increase in weight of Arenicola Marina over a period of 90 minutes when exposed to varying dilutions of seawater. Values are mean ± SEM. N=6 for 75% ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Water Quality Lab Report This lab report is based on the question, what is the water quality of the U–High creek based on the invertebrates found? To answer the question there needs to be an understanding of the measures of water quality. The pH range of healthy water is 6.5– 8.5. pH is used to measure the relative acidity of solutions such as water. If there is too much of nitrogen and phosphorous it will increase the growth of aquatic plants and algae, which leads to the bacteria decomposing the dead plant material. The decomposition removes the dissolved oxygen from the water. Dissolved oxygen is the waste product of photosynthesis. Dissolved oxygen affects organisms because some organisms cannot tolerate too low or too high dissolved oxygen levels which lowers the diversity of organisms in the water. (Riverwatch, 2013) Invertebrates can also measure the water quality based on how much pollution is in the water. There are 3 types of invertebrate indicators of water quality, based on the population of pollution tolerant, moderately tolerant, and pollution intolerant. This shows how healthy the water is. If pollution tolerant invertebrates are living in the water then that infers that the water quality is not good because it has a lot of ... Show more content on ... There was some pollution found but not a lot, there was many pollution intolerant invertebrates found which means that the water must be healthy enough to support those organisms, and the water was clear enough to see the creek bed.. Water quality index is a number from 1–100 that measures the overall quality of the water and it indicates if the water is healthy or not. If the water has a water quality index of 10 or less than the water quality is poor. If it is 11–16 than the quality is fair. If it is between 17–22 than the quality is good, and if it is 23 or more than the water quality is excellent. The U–High creek was a 42, which means the quality is ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. Invertebrates In Alzheimer's Essay Invertebrates in Alzheimer's Recent medical advances, such as gaining the ability to observe closely the genetic makeup of an individual, have led to the discovery that some invertebrates are somewhat genetically similar to humans. Organisms like Caenorhabditis elegans, nematode worm, and Drosophila melanogaster, fruit fly, appear to have genes similar to humans, where Alzheimer's disease genes are found. These similarities will help researchers learn more about this relatively unknown disease and potentially save human lives. The DNA of C. elegans and Drosophila can be used as models for studying the disease and for testing new drugs to be used later on humans. These advances may lead to discoveries in medicine that can save human lives in the future. C. Elegans is a non–parasitic round worm (nematode) found in locations rich with nutrients and microorganisms, since it feeds on bacteria. This organism is commonly used as a model for testing ideas related to aging, genetics, and drug response. This is because the genome sequence is very similar to that of a human since according to McDonnell Genome Institute, "About ... Show more content on ... Dorsoplilia Melanogaster, or fruit fly, is a small insect that survives and reproduces on rotten fruit. Scientists have been studying Dorsophilia for hundreds of years now, due to its abundance and the simplicity of breeding and maintaining a large population. Because of this, scientists have been able to observe closely their genetics. Many generations can be produced quickly for observation since the life span of Dorsophilia is about months and a population can easily be sustained on just fruit. It was discovered that "Humans have more genes than flies but about the same number of gene families." This relation shows just how similar human genes are to a flies', which explains why they are the perfect models to explain certain genetic diseases found in humans, like ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. The Effect of Pollution on the Distribution of Organisms... The Effect of Pollution on the Distribution of Organisms Along the River Roding System Method Equipment Pond net Tray Pots and lids Spoons Hand lens Wellington boots Specimen Pots Freshwater Invertebrate Key Scrap Paper (note pad) Gloves Tape to cover cuts Pencil I investigated how the quality, amount of dissolved oxygen, nitrates, phosphates and the temperature of the water in the River Roding System affected the distribution of organisms in the river. I chose six suitable sites along the river Roding System: Furze Ground, Pyrles Brook, Debdon Brook Downstream, River Roding Upstream, River Roding Middle Stream, and River ... Show more
  • 38. content on ... We waited 1 minute. The colour on the pad was compared with the colour chart to see the nitrate level. The nitrate level was recorded. Then a phosphate test was carried out. Firstly 5ml of the water from the river was placed in a container. There were two reagents. 5 drops of reagent 1 and 1 micro spoon of reagent 2 was added to the water. The lid was replaced and the container was shaken. We waited 2 minutes and took the lid off. The colour of the mixture was compared with the colour chart and the phosphate content was recorded. Then the oxygen test was carried out. The meter was set for air and the probe was placed in the air. His was set as 100%. The probe was then placed in the river and the reading went down or up comparing its oxygen content with the oxygen in the air. Finally the temperature of the water was measured. This was done using a thermometer. At each sight we also noted down descriptions of the site e.g. the surrounding land use, the cleanliness of the water, the depth and width of the river. This was done so that the pollution of the river could be explained. Safety While doing the freshwater fieldwork there were a few safety hazards. There was a chance of infection occurring e.g. Weils Disease. Therefore I had to take precautions: 1) small cuts covered with tape, 2) gloves worn, 3) no eating or drinking in the field, 4) no fooling ... Get more on ...
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  • 40. Pill Bugs And Crickets Lab Report Abstract: The purpose of this experiment was to measure the metabolic rate of pill bugs and crickets. I indirectly measured the metabolic rate of each organism by calculating their respiration rates. In crickets, gas exchange is accomplished via a tracheal system [Contreras, Bradley, 2010]. Pill bugs have pleopods, gill–like respiratory organs [Gibbs, Smigel, 2008]. My hypothesis was that the crickets will have a faster respiration rate than the pill bugs. I used a respirometer to measure the oxygen consumption of pill bugs and crickets. After plotting the data, I used the slope to obtain the respiration rate. The respiration rate per gram of organism for the pill bugs was 0.0025 mL/min./g. The respiration rate per gram of organism ... Show more content on ... Pill bugs, Armadillidium vulgare, are terrestrial isopods [Gibbs, Smigel, 2008]. Thus, they are not very well adapted to land [Gibbs, Smigel, 2008]. Water loss is a reoccurring theme because terrestrial isopods lack "cuticular lipids and the elaborate spiracular apparatus of insects" [Gibbs, Smigel, 2008]. Most of the water loss is evaporation from the respiratory organs [Gibbs, Smigel, 2008]. The respiratory organs are called pleopods, and are gill–like organs "located on the ventral abdominal segments" [Gibbs, Smigel, 2008]. Interestingly, pill bugs are capable of conglobation, the ability to roll up in a ball [Gibbs, Smigel, 2008]. In addition to protection from predation, conglobation may also conserve water [Gibbs, Smigel, 2008]. In this experiment, I will be comparing the metabolic rates of two different species. Because they are two different species, and differ in physiology, I will expect to see a difference in metabolic rate. More specifically, I expect crickets to have a higher metabolic rate, due to their efficient respiratory system. Materials and Methods: The lab handout provided by the instructor was used as a guideline to conduct this experiment. The only difference was the organism used and data collection period. For this experiment, pill bugs and crickets were utilized. Also, data was collected for a period of 12 minutes. To ... Get more on ...
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  • 42. Yeast Invertebrate Scientific Report UNIVERSITY OF PORT HARCOURT COLLEGE OF NATURAL AND APPLIED SCIENCES FACULTY OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES DEPARTMENT OF ANIMAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL BIOLOGY A REPORT ON RESPIRATION IN INVERTEBRATES COMPILED & PRESENTED BY DEPARTMENT OF ANIMAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL BIOLOGY 2012/2013 SESSION COURSE: FSB201 (CELL BIOLOGY) COURSE LECTURER: DR. NOUTCHA DATE : 7TH MARCH, 2013 INTRODUCTION Respiration is one of the characteristics of ALL LIVING THINGS. In the simplest terms, "respiration" simply means "breathing". But more formally, the term depends on what type of respiration been referred to. Essentially, "respiration" refers to gaseous exchange of unwanted carbon dioxide and much–needed oxygen for the body's use. In direct terms, oxygen is ... Show more content on ... The product of this process is energy in the form of ATP (adenosine triphosphate), by substrate–level phosphorylation, NADH and FADH2 Simplified reaction: C6H12O6 (s) + 6O2 (g) → 6CO2 (g) + 6 H2O (l) + heat ΔG = –2880 kJ per mole of C6H12O6 The negative ΔG indicates that the reaction can occur spontaneously. The reducing potential of NADH and FADH2 is converted to more ATP through an electron transport chain with oxygen as the "terminal electron acceptor". Most of the ATP produced by aerobic cellular respiration is made by oxidative phosphorylation. This works by the energy released in the consumption of pyruvate being used to create a chemiosmotic potential by pumping protons across a membrane. This potential is then used to drive ATP synthase and produce ATP from ADP and a phosphate group. Biology textbooks often state that 38 ATP molecules can be made per oxidized glucose molecule during cellular respiration (2 from glycolysis, 2 from the Krebs cycle, and about 34 from the electron transport system). However, this maximum yield is never quite reached due to losses (leaky membranes) as well as the cost of moving pyruvate and ADP into the mitochondria's matrix and current estimates range around 29 to 30 ATP per glucose. Cellular Respiration is split into 4 distinct aspects that occur at different parts of the cell. These are
  • 43. glycolysis, Oxidative decarboxylation of pyruvate, Kreb's Cycle and Oxidative phosphorylation. GLYCOLYSIS Glycolysis is a metabolic ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Critical Analysis Of Consider The Lobster By David Wallace In his essay "Consider the Lobster", David Wallace focuses on a long simmering debate of lobster killing for human pleasure. This article, published in Gourmet magazine in 2004 begins with the author participating at the annual Maine Lobster Festival, where significant controversy surrounding morality and ethical duties are raised. The author chose to attend this venue precisely for these issues and to raise a discussion on a topic discarded by participants and Gourmet's audience. The article centers around human eating experience at the lobster's expense by cooking it alive; leading to lobsters feeling debilitating pain. Whether this is true or not, this is the crux of Wallace's intention. Rather than focus on pain receptivity between vertebrate and invertebrate creatures, Wallace maintains a soft stance by choosing to be influenced by personal belief. By ignoring the complex dynamics of pain receptivity in invertebrate animals, Wallace proposes arguments bringing the issue to attention but balks by making his message appear the topic can be delayed or neglected in pursuit of human pleasure. "Consider the Lobster" brings readers to attention by raising the topic, that is often deliberately neglected by many of Gourmant's audience during meals associated with lobster cooking. This call to awareness is targeted to culinary aficionados– both cooks, customers and researchers, to engage in dialogue, highlighting whether it is suitable to boil a creature alive for culinary ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. Global Environmental Change In Glaciers : The Impact Of... An international team of scientists evaluated more than one million invertebrates that thrive in rivers. These people analyzed and evaluated invertebrates from several regions affected by shrinking glaciers with the goal to determine the impact of the global environmental change in related ecosystems. Glaciers and Inhabitants Earth is now facing a big thaw as the world continues to warm up. Glaciers in various cold regions are melting due to the rise of global temperature, a result of climate change caused by the accumulation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. One of many locations dominated by glaciers is the Glacier National Park in Montana, USA. It used to have at least 150 glaciers during the early 1900s. Today, glaciers in the ... Show more content on ... – Patagonian glaciers in Chile are home to the stoneflies. People can easily spot them on ice surfaces of glaciers. Collembolas and snow fleas were also reported in the area. Invertebrates are not the only animals living in glacial regions. There are several larger animals that live in ice and snow including polar bears and ringed seals in the Arctic region, flow ice penguins and Antarctic silverfishes in Antarctica, and harbor seals in the Arctic region. According to EarthSky, icy glaciers and perennial snow patches support least 19 species of birds and 16 species of mammals. Bird species include songbirds, passerines, and the white–winged diuca finch or the glacier bird that builds a nest on glacial surfaces in the Andes. Mammalian species include bison, mountain goats, musk oxen, and snow leopards that also live in cold regions. Mapping the Global Impact of Melting Glaciers The findings from the latest study indicated a persistent pattern on how river invertebrates respond to the decreasing number of glaciers. The researchers plan to apply the same method to track the impact of environmental changes on other ecosystems. "By combining river invertebrate records from all over the world, we are able to map functional traits shared by species, such as body size, movement, life cycle length and eating habits. So while New Zealand does not have the exact same river invertebrate species as the USA, those species that are present ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. The Influence of Macroinvertebrates Communities in Water... Structure of macroinvertebrates communities may change with seasons because most environmental factors change with seasons. This process can directly influence water quality parameters such as Dissolved oxygen, turbidity, conductivity, temperature, nutrients, and pH. (McCulloch, 2009).These parameters appears to have direct influence on the macroinvertebrate life cycles (Sporka et al. 2006). In other words physical and chemical parameters of a catchment will ultimately determine what breed should live in it (ANZECC & ARMCANZ 2000) for example in the figure 1,2,3 and 5 that three higher taxa Cnidaria, Nematoda ,Turbellaria were instinct or either in very low abundance in most of the sampling site during summer and spring season. In nature these taxa commonly occur in similar habitats at stream sites throughout the region (Dostine, 2014). The examination of model macroinvertebrate for all sampling round shows that in summer there is always less diversity and abundance among key higher taxa of the wetland as compared to early spring. This is because of suitable temperature, water chemistry and flow. Similarly according to a study conducted by Leigh( 2012) in dry summer water level or depth may decrease which is worst situation for most surface dwelling species of macroinvertebrates(for example in summer sampling round 1 only five tax were recorded). Higher temperature has several effects on macroinvertebrates such as the less availability of oxygen for respiration, ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. Leeches Research Paper Leeches are found all over the world and are found in freshwater. The closest worm to a leech is an earthworm. Certain types can grow up to 16 inches in length. Leeches have suckers on both parts of their body and when you are bitten by a leech, their saliva causes blood to increase and it prevents blood clots. They have very sharp teeth, but small jaws. A leech has 32 brains and most of them sucks blood. Not just humans get bit by leeches, but also animals. A leech can take in the amount of blood 5 times more than they weigh. Since leeches eat so much, they can go without food for a whole year. Digestion in a leech is very slow because it gives room for the leech to live and can last up to several months. Leeches have saved several lives ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Spring Lake Creek And Its Effects On Water Quality And... Spring Lake Creek is located off of County road E in Sawyer County. The Spring Lake creek has a culvert that goes under County road E to Spring Lake. The culvert has the water flowing from Spring Lake into Spring Lake creek. With the road right by Spring Lake creek, one would think how much of the runoff from the road affect the water quality and invertebrate life. That is exactly the hypothesis a group from the Fresh Water Ecology class had come up with and wanted to experiment by testing two pools and two riffles. One set closest to the bridge and another away from the bridge. Historic events might have played a role in the conclusion of the experiment. Introduction Spring Lake Creek can be found on county road E off of ... Show more content on ... That mink ranch has caused DDT to runoff into Spring Lake from the mink farmers washing out the mink pens. That DDT runoff eventually made its way to spring Lake creek. (Heim, 2016). DDT is no longer legal in the United States of America since 1972. It was banned in the United States because DDT was very persistent in the environment and can travel long distances in the upper atmosphere (DDT Ban takes effect, 2015). DDT was first used in World War II to control typhus, malaria, and body lice (epa, 2015). Around the year 2000, The Wisconsin DNR washed out their firefighting foam in Spring Lake creek killing off many clams and possibly different kinds of species. It is also very possible that there were species in Spring Lake creek that are no longer in there due to that event (Heim, 2016). Spring Lake creek initially had beaver dams in it too. In the 1920's, the beaver dams were removed by dynamite. Once the beaver dams started to show up again in the 1990's, the beaver dams were removed manually (Heim, 2016). Spring Lake is also a part of Red Cedar lake watershed (Integraded resources management plan 2010, 2010). Materials  Thermometer  D–Net  Pans  SICI Sheets  Waders Methods The day the experiment was conducted was on April 18th 2016 at Spring Lake creek. Spring Lake Creek is located on county road E about less than a quarter mile from Williams road. In order for the fresh water ecology class to conduct ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. Wildfire On Invertebrate Community I have been an avid outdoorsman for as long as I can remember. I grew up hiking the Appalachian Trail in Pennsylvania and fly–fishing on some great trout waters. I was fortunate enough to spend my college years in Colorado, where I continued to fish incredible rivers. And, even if I were not to catch anything at all, I would still spend the day in some of the most serene environments that I had ever seen. My passion to obtain a Master's degree and eventually a doctorate arises from my love of the outdoors and my desire to contribute meaningfully to protecting the environment for the enjoyment of future generations. While at Colorado College, I studied German Language and Culture and minored in Philosophy. During my senior year, I wrote a thesis ... Show more content on ... Eric Larson, we have identified a topic that will fit into these broader research interests. I will develop a project to better understand the links between laboratory behavior and field function of an invasive species, the rusty crayfish. I have communicated with Dr. Larson via phone and email over the last several months and have discussed the possibility of collaborating with an incoming doctoral candidate. Dr. Larson has submitted an NSF proposal that would investigate population crashes of this same invasive crayfish and, if funded, would mean the selected student will be working in the same system that I plan on working in. I believe that being able to work together and having this vertical connection within the lab will be beneficial to both of us, and that we will be able to produce meaningful publications as a result. I am excited to help determine whether or not laboratory behaviors of an invasive species can tell us anything about their field function, including how they fit into the aquatic food web and whether controlled lab experiments might be a useful tool in determining how we manage invasive ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Invertebrate Biodiversity Comparison of invertebrate biodiversity in vegetated and open–water areas of an urban lake INTRODUCTION Interrelationships and interdependence between species in biological communities plays a major role in the survival of ecosystems (Hafernik, 1992). Biodiversity refers to the variety of life forms and species biodiversity relates to the varieties of species in a particular habitat (Flinders University, 2015). The greater the biodiversity in a habitat, the more complex are the interactions between species and the higher the productivity of the ecosystem (Long, et al., 2007). This experiment looked at the biodiversity of invertebrates in vegetated and open–water areas of a freshwater system and the Simpson's Diversity Indices were used as mathematical indicator of the invertebrate species diversity. ... Show more content on ... The standard deviation was approximately the same for both habitats, which indicates that the variation in the data was the same. This suggests that the vegetated area is more biologically diverse than the open–water area. Simpson's index of diversity is also higher for the vegetated area, 0.82, compared to the open–water area, 0.68 (Table 1). A higher value of Simpson's index of diversity also indicates higher diversity in the vegetated habitat. From figure 1 it can be seen that open–water area of the north side of Flinders University Lakes was more populated with a high number or organisms present than the vegetated area. However, this larger population is mainly attributed to the large number of copepods (~750) present in the open water area (shown in red in Figure 1). The vegetated area had a higher species richness with 17 species present compared to 13 species in the open–water area. This implies that the vegetated area had a higher level of invertebrate biodiversity than the open water area of the ... Get more on ...
  • 58.
  • 59. Water And Water Pollution ~Introduction~ This lab will answer the question whether or not the water in the U–Creek is polluted using invertebrates as in indicator? Although there are many ways of measuring water quality, invertebrates are good indicators because the number of invertebrates indicates the ability to sustain life. Invertebrates will thrive in better quality water, whereas in poor quality water, invertebrates will not survive as well. Other indicators of water quality such as dissolved oxygen, pH, nitrogen and phosphorus. Dissolved oxygen is oxygen found in water. A high dissolved oxygen content is helpful for aquatic life. Also, pH and measure water quality, a pH of 6.5 and 8.5 is healthy. Nitrogen can measure water quality, more than 2.2 mg per liter is unhealthy. Phosphorus is necessary for life, however too much phosphorus is unhealthy. Bottom dwelling invertebrates are the "canaries" of rivers and lake when indicating pollution. When recovering invertebrates from bodies of water you can see traces of pollution. Invertebrates live for a long time so that means that the pollution can be traced over a long period of time. If the water were to be polluted than invertebrates that can tolerate said pollution, therefore there is pollution. Invertebrates are animals without backbones. There are many different kinds and the help with many things in ecosystems. They can be classified into different functional feeding groups based on what and how they eat. Energy flows from the sun through ... Get more on ...
  • 60.
  • 61. Studying The Chemistry And The Types Of Macro Invertebrates In previous studies, studying the chemistry and the types of macro invertebrates that live in a pond or stream can indicate how clean the water is; according to the North Carolina State university water quality group, stoneflies like water rich in dissolved oxygen, cold in temperature and flowing through rocks (Osmond watersheds page 1). In this lab, we went to two streams, cherry creek and bear creek. We took physical Measurements like the width, depth, description of substrate and the site. This was done for the upper, middle, and lower transect. and chemical measurements of the streams like measuring pH, temperature, phosphate, nitrite, nitrate, ammonia, dissolved O2, and dissolved solids. We also counted the macro invertebrates we found and then we Identified the ones we found. With the data that we collected, we hope to find out how does the water affect the types of macro invertebrates found in the stream which brings up my hypothesis which is The more dissolved O2 found in the water, we will find bioindicators that indicate clean water. I predict if there is high amounts of O2 dissolved, then there will be presence of bio indicators that only live in clean water. Our variables are water quality as our independent and our dependent is the macro invertebrates. MATERIALS AND METHODS To start off the lab, we went to cherry creek first, which is located on Speer and larimer. Then the following week, went to bear creek which was located on Estes St. The controlled ... Get more on ...
  • 62.
  • 63. Argumentative Essay: The Evolution Of Invertebrate Organisms Since the dawn of time, man has believed that there is a higher power, an all–powerful, all–knowing being that controls everything. Christians refer to this being as God, and believe that He is orderly, loving, and rational. They also believe that He created the modern world and everything in it. All that they believe is true. However, many dislike this belief because God holds them responsible for their actions. Therefore they have turned to the false belief of evolution, which claims that there is no Creator and that the world came into being through natural processes. It says that life came into being through spontaneous generation and "evolved" from so–called simple invertebrate organisms into fish, which evolved into amphibians, which evolved into reptiles, which evolved into birds, which evolved into mammals, ... Show more content on ... Each individual kind or family of animals has an amazing amount of variety within itself, but no kind has ever changed into another kind. To counter this claim, evolutionists have made several false claims, displaying creatures with certain unique features to be transitional forms. One such animal was the coelacanth. This fish was thought to be extinct, and because extinct animals cannot be studied, it became the perfect specimen for evolutionists to exploit. They claimed that the fleshy lobe–shaped fins were early forms of feet that coelacanths used to "walk" along the bottom of shallow bodies of water. This animal was used as a prime example of evolution for several years, until a group of fisherman caught a live coelacanth off the coast of Madagascar. This put several holes in the evolutionists' theory. The animal was no longer extinct, so natural selection could not have wiped it out in favor of a fit species. Also, after studying the fish, they discovered that it lives deep in the ocean and does not walk on the ocean ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Summary: Complex Life Cycles Of Common Marine Invertebrates Bennett K, Hiebert, L. 2010. Complex life cycles of common marine invertebrates. Science Activities, 46(4): 18–25. This article describes in the abstract how most people are unaware of the complex life cycles that are very prevalent in marine environments, and how such marine invertebrates have a microscopic larval stage that looks nothing like the familiar adult form. While this is not particularly helpful for my lesson plan because it is a very specific and technical article, it did provide some quality information on sea stars, sea urchins and crabs. The article contained many pictures of these animals, specifically in different cycles of life, which could be used in my lesson plan to teach students about how animals have various life cycles. It also included information on the basic anatomy of crabs and how a single organism can live in different habitats during its life. Garrison, Tom. 2009. Oceanography: an invitation to marine science. 7th edition. Belmont (CA) Cengage Learning. ... Show more content on ... It includes specific sections on how marine organisms live in communities, how marine communities change as time passes and examples of these marine communities, like the rocky intertidal communities. It also has a chapter on the ocean and the environment, which discusses how marine pollutants can be natural or human generated, as well as how organisms cannot thrive if their habitat is disturbed. While these topics are broad and less specific to tide pools, this textbook could still be implemented into my lesson plan when introducing larger themes and ideas. Each chapter in the textbook contains a study plan and the main concepts that will be covered, and also various maps, charts and pictures. These would all be helpful to use in my lesson plan because it outlines particular topics I could relate to tide pools in a larger ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. Salmonid Waters: The Effects Of Climate Change In Water Average global temperatures have risen 0.6°C in the last century (Walther, 2002). Warmer water temperature has been shown to kill fish such as trout (Huntsman, 1942) North American summers are predicted to become warmer and drier. The effects of climate change are predicted to have more impact in freshwater than in the ocean. Salmonid fishes will potentially be strongly affected by the predicted climate change. Water temperature effects the rates of biochemical reactions in fishes that are ectothermic. The average upper thermal limit that salmonid species can tolerate is approximately 23.8°C. Thermal limits are influenced by the individual fish's size, age, and physiological state. (Jonsson & Jonsson, 2009) With the predicted climate change, ... Show more content on ... We assessed changes in the breakdown of allochthonous materials, by the detritus consuming invertebrate community. To qualitatively measure the potential changes in freshwater ecosystems that may be caused by future climate change, we assessed the differences in the rate of decay in detritus, and the change in the total area of invertebrate functional feeding groups. Our null hypothesis was that the additional nutrient input would have no effect on the rate of detritus breakdown or effect the invertebrate community. Our alternative hypothesis was that additional nutrient input will cause a change in the rate of detritus breakdown, and a shift in the composition of the aquatic invertebrate ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Assessment Of Stream Health At Conley Run Through The... Assessment of Stream Health at Conley Run Through the Sampling of Benthic Macroinvertebrates C.J. Laurin, C.J. Hess, M.C. Taddeo Introduction Located near Cowan, Pennsylvania, Conley Run is a tributary of Buffalo Creek that has experienced severe degradation due to agricultural activity. Specifically, the deposition of large amounts of animal wastes, pesticides, and fertilizers has resulted in significant eutrophication throughout the stream. Furthermore, bank degradation associated with the movement of livestock has caused the displacement of foreign sediments into stream habitats. These factors, among many others, have caused the lake to be considered "impaired" by PA–DEP. In response, the Buffalo Creek Watershed Alliance, the the Union County Conservation District, and the Department of Environmental Protection and Fish and Boat Commision have partnered in an effort to restore stream habitat and create a riparian buffer to protect the stream. A separate tributary of Buffalo Creek, known as Stony Run, lies upstream from Conley Run. Since it is located in a dense wooded area with little to no agricultural interference, Stony Run has experienced very little degradation in comparison to Conley Run. However, Stony Run also shares a number of similar physical characteristics with Conley Run, such as discharge, watershed area, elevation and slope. Therefore, it will serve as a reference stream for this study. The objective of this study was to assess the stream habitat quality ... Get more on ...
  • 70.
  • 71. Jellyfish: An Ideal Model A sizzling dish of sesame jellyfish, sprinkled with a dab of black pepper and white sugar– What's not to like? Unfortunately, modern culture and society fail to retrieve a complete image of these innocent creations of Mother Nature, struggling to venture beyond the topic of food. The story begins to unfold 650 million years into the distant past during the Proterozoic Era–a time period that marked the birth of this ancient species of invertebrates, or the population of living organisms without a spinal column. The first coelenterates never left the water, and have since evolved through multiple cases of genetic mutation to pure marine creatures that call the treacherous seas of our planet "home." Ironically, a rewarding experience of scientific investigation and research involves uncovering mysteries blocked from the visions of humanity–the jellyfish an ideal model, as it ... Show more content on ... Consequently, society has become exceedingly critical and judgmental of life and matter beyond its boundaries, often confronting the misunderstood. In spite of their vulnerability to human nature, invertebrates boast an impressive 97% of all animal species on Earth, surpassing its counterpart, vertebrates, by nearly 33 times in terms of population. The 7 divisions that form this queer, yet powerful union are known as phyla, and include the orders Coelenterata, Annelida, Porifera, Echinodermata, Mollusca, Arthropoda, and Platyhelminthes. While all invertebrate species share some common characteristics and behaviors, each is unique and different to its own extent. Furthermore, invertebrate paleontologists have concluded through their studies of fossil evidence that the history of these spectacular creatures is just as impressive– One thing to remember: Not even the Tyrannosaurus Rex was as ... Get more on ...
  • 72.
  • 73. Laurel Creek In Water Essay Assessing rising invertebrate indicator species presence using the kick–and–sweep method at Laurel Creek in Waterloo Graham Mantha 20553752 Keywords Benthic Invertebrate: commonly used to provide information on the status of a water system. Having a short life span and a limited range of motion, this organism can do little to avoid pollution and therefore provides significant data concerning anthropogenic impacts. (Beatty et al., 2006) Indicator Species: an organism that provides information on the environmental condition of a region with its presence, either depicting positive or negative changes. (Carignan & Villard, 2002) Kick–and–sweep method: a low cost, high result method of extracting invertebrates from the floor of a water system ... Show more content on ... (Johnson, 2004) Stream Morphology: used to describe the shape of water channels and how they change over time through erosion, vegetation, and the availability and rate of sediment transport. (Hogan & Luzi, 2010) Introduction Through the city of Waterloo flows a stream named Laurel Creek that originates from well north of the city, and as it flows into Silver Lake, it provides a home for many organisms both on land and in the water. This stream has been heavily influenced by human construction, and has a number of reservoirs along its path. As the water moves downstream towards more populated areas, it becomes a sink for waste coming from many sources along the way. To monitor the health of Laurel Creek, indicator species such as benthic invertebrates that reside in the water are collected to determine the current status of the stream. The purpose of this study is to determine the best location to collect samples of invertebrates in relationship to the stream morphology of Laurel Creek. The results from this study could then be used on other locations suffering the same problem in Waterloo. These areas can then be observed to determine if a solution can be found to decrease pollution, therefore decreasing the ... Get more on ...
  • 74.
  • 75. Research Paper On Freshwater Invertebrates While most people thinking of invertebrates for the aquarium are thinking of marine invertebrates, there are a surprising number of freshwater invertebrates that make excellent tank inhabitants. Many freshwater invertebrates do not require large amounts of space, making them ideal for Nano tanks or even goldfish bowls. Some eat algae or uneaten fish food, while others are stunningly beautiful. Sometimes such useful attributes even belong to the same creature. However, freshwater invertebrates don't always have the same requirements as fish and the requirements differ considerably between different species. Freshwater Shrimp Freshwater shrimp are probably the most decorative freshwater invertebrates. There are many species, each with its own color pattern and mode of life. As most species are small, they do not require much space. Freshwater shrimp are harassed or eaten by many fish species so tank mates must be considered carefully. I tried keeping Cherry Shrimp with a Pygmy Gourami and regretted the decision. The Gourami harassed my shrimp and probably caused the death of two of the five. Endler's Livebearers, however, coexisted peacefully with the shrimp. Different species have different temperature and pH tolerances, but some of them, like the Amano shrimp, tolerate cool water very well. The ... Show more content on ... This means they need a filter or at least an air stone. They are are best kept one to a tank as they are likely to fight with each other. Crayfish are larger than most of the other invertebrates we are discussing here and large adults will need considerable space. Ten gallons is enough for an adult of most of the North American species, but some of the Australian species can reach 16 inches and would need a 30–50 gallon tank. There are a few dwarf species such as the Dwarf Cajun Crayfish, Cambarellus schufeldtii, that can be kept in a smaller tank or in a group in a 10 gallon tank if there are enough hiding ... Get more on ...
  • 76.
  • 77. Invertebrates And Star Fish Comparison Essay In the Discovery Education video about sea invertebrates, there were many similarities and differences that make each of the invertebrates unique. Each of the invertebrates had different forms of achieving nutrients and sourcing their food. In addition to finding different sources of food, they also have different growth and reproductive rates and styles and how they respond to their environment also depends on their environment and their physical abilities they have as a species. One of the most essential keys to maintaining life is sourcing ways to obtain nutrients. Like many other marine invertebrates, both the Krill and Diablo Rojo Squid come to eat at night. The Krill prey on plankton near the top of the water, but as a result for leaving the security of the deep sea they themselves become prey to other animals like fish. El Diablo Rojo Squid, also swimming near the shore use the fish, lured in by the Krill, consume the fish as their main source of food. In addition to Krill, Jellyfish also consume plankton. Larger Jellyfish, like the egg yolk Jellyfish (Phacellophora camtschatica), eat larger prey by stinging them to immobilize ... Show more content on ... While some invertebrates unique traits are commonly known, like how a starfish can regenerate an arm in about a week, other abilities like regenerating shells are equally as interesting. Spider Crabs have the ability to grow a new shell underneath their old shell before moving to warm water where they are able to crack their old shell open and 'back out' with a new one. Marine animals that live in the frigid waters of Antarctica like the Red Starfish, Sea Urchins, and Nemertine worms move are very slow; they have a slow metabolism, slow growth rate, and move very slow across the sea floor. One explanation of their slow movements is their need to conserve energy. Carcasses, their main food source, are not abundant, so they need to conserve energy they receive from their ... Get more on ...
  • 78.
  • 79. The General Analysis Of Invertebrate Richness And... DISCUSSION The general analysis of invertebrate richness and diversity prove that shallow leaf litter is more biodiverse than deep leaf litter. From graph 2, shallow leaf litter is proven to be more biodiverse where the spread of invertebrate richness is higher with a relatively low rate of error denoted by the low standard deviation. Similarly, figure 6 also shows a similar trend where the mean of shallow leaf litter diversity was greater than deep leaf litter. The mean results of invertebrate abundance also show shallow leaf litter to be more abundant, however this is affected by the extreme outlier seen in figure 2, where there is a large leeway for error due to the high standard deviation. This may be due to human error due to transcription, an error in counting the amount of species or the designated shallow leaf litter contained species that were extremely common, providing a large abundance value. However, figure 1 and the comparison of boxplots in graph 1, show the overall values of deep leaf litter are centred higher, indicating that deep leaf litter has greater abundance, excluding outliers. Similarly, the analysis of richness and diversity indicate that deep light traps are more biodiverse than shallow light traps and are quite trustworthy as shown by the low standard deviations. According to figure 6, the mean of both habitats were very similar but deep light traps had a slightly higher mean. Abundance of deep light traps also proves to be greater if we ... Get more on ...