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Shaping the Destiny
of Papua New Guinea
Marcel Ezra Mapai
Acknowledgement 4
Preface 6
Introduction 7
Chapter 1: Time for Change 9
Chapter 2: Authority of God’s Word 74
Chapter 3: Faith 100
Chapter 4: True Sons of God 113
Chapter 5: Kings and Priests 128
Chapter 6: Prayer and Fasting 133
Chapter 7: Praying for the Nation 147
Chapter 8: Righteousness Exalts a Nation 154
Chapter 9: Love for God 162
Chapter 10: Love for Nation 167
Chapter 11: Love for Neighbor 173
Chapter 12: Steps to Revival 185
Conclusion 196
To my loving parents (George and Philo) who have brought me into this world. You are my role
models, “You are the best parents God has given me.” This book is the sum total of all your great
efforts in bringing me up from my babyhood, up to the stage I am now. Your single concern was
to bring me up to be the kind of man, fully fledged, that our loving and awesome God wants me
to be.
To all my siblings: Elizabeth (deceased), Charles, Steven, Margaret and Alphonse.
To my nephew Junior Marcel and my niece Theresa.
To all the aspiring leaders of Papua New Guinea, you are the main reason I wrote this book.
Personalize it!
Thank you my Heavenly Father for giving me this special ability and potential to write. We all
know that every good and perfect gift comes from our Father above. A man can receive nothing
unless it has been given to him from above. Without His love and mercy, we wouldn’t be where
we are now. Without Him, this book would not be in your hands. I mean that from my heart. All
honor and glory goes to you my heavenly Father.
I would like to show my gratitude to the following people who supported me; not only in writing
this book but for everything they are and mean to me. Without you, I would not be where I am.
The kind of person I am now is the result of your love, support, mentorship and parenting.
My namesake senior Marcel Efi Afa for been my mentor. His authentic spiritual influence had a
profound impact on me. It was him that God used to usher me toward Himself. Without him, I
would not know God and profess faith in Him. God used him to shape and prepare me for my
My spiritual parents and mentors, Pastor Chris Kopyoto and Susan Kopyoto (Riwo Foursquare
Church, Madang) for having invested a great deal of spiritual input toward my spiritual growth
and development. Without your spiritual covering and mentoring, truly, I would not be where I
am today. May God bless you Kopyoto’s abundantly, and enlarge the boarders of your ministry
for His own glory!
Senior Pastor, Ps. Nini and Ps. Scott Suvi and faithful congregation of Riwo Foursquare Church.
Elijah Komahe and Maggie Pil for having had raised me as your own son. I cannot express the
immense gratitude I have in my heart for all that you are, and have done in my life. Thank you
for putting me on the good foundation in my initial stages of my ministry. Your effort in raising
me is worth it. This is the sum total of all your inputs toward my progress. May God bless you
“mums and paps.”
Businessman Stanley Pil, Ellison Pil and the family in Madang Province for their continuous
support, love and care.
Ps. Sam Petali and Mr. and Mrs. Walo for providing spiritual covering over my life when I was
the President of TSCF, 2014-2015 at Divine Word University, Madang Province.
Pastor and Evangelist, Israel John (Bethel Worship Center Ministry, Madang) for your lively and
continuous exuberant encouragements. You always stirred and stimulated me not to give up in
the process of wheeling this book toward its completion even in the face of many personal
challenges in the course of writing this book. Thank you for pushing me to unleash the potential
God has placed on the inside of me.
Andrew Mark Ghewala for mentoring me in my humble beginnings. It was Andrew who
introduced me to the world of “books” at Divine Word University. I never understood the
importance and value of books until I met Andrew. Having written this book and bringing it its
final stage now, is solely, the result of your great, awesome and loving input.
There were many special godly individuals who have encouraged and tapped me on my back to
usher this book to its final stage of completion. God places special people on the road to cheer us
along; these are some people who had contributed great spiritual input for my spiritual progress.
They comforted me when I was down and weary from the battles of life. Special thanks to Ps.
Robert (Mt. Alpha PNG Christian Fellowship Church, Mt. Hagen), Ps. Aluis (Mt. Hagen), Ps.
Masi Trimas (Bundaira Foursquare Church, Kainantu, EHP), Raunu Gebo, Edward Mase, Elliott
Dawea, Elijah Paru, Samuel Ray, Israel Warambukia, Emmanuel Manda, Hobra Ken, Ian Labiti
and Weina Rirona.
There are some “great people” in the Lord whose names may not appear in the pages of this
book. Nevertheless, they are my “unsung heroes.” In my spiritual life, there were many great
people, who had poured into me great spiritual jewels. They kissed me and hugged me with tears
in their eyes as God used my weak sermons on the pulpit to change their lives. Their loving and
thoughtful acts are locked up in the permanent section of my heart never to be forgotten. My
being here is the result of their lasting input. God knows the great contributions they made
toward my spiritual progress and growth in life; He will reward them in His own special ways in
this life and in the next life to come.
May God bless your loving and gracious hearts!
Before an author embarks on the tedious task of writing a book, more or less, he has figured out
in his mind “as to why he is writing the book.” That applies to me. I wrote this book with one
specific reason in mind. The main reason why I wrote this book is particularly and solely the
love for my nation, which made this book come into being. The love I have for my nation Papua
New Guinea greatly moved me to sacrifice countless hours on the anvil, just to put this book
together so as to share with you what God has impressed upon my heart for our nation, Papua
New Guinea.
This book will deal with the title “how to shape the destiny of Papua New Guinea.” I have
arranged each chapter in their systematic order as necessary steps or keys to shaping the destiny
of our nation Papua New Guinea. These keys, roadmaps and guides are placed in the hands of
the leaders of our nation. They can use these keys to open the door of change for our nation or
ignore it.
The subjects of “change, leadership and management” are the three main themes which are
discussed throughout this book. To shape the destiny of our nation Papua New Guinea, these
three important themes cannot be overlooked. The shaped-destiny of our nation demands good
leadership and management. These two pillars must be seriously considered, embraced and set in
the center of our nations “change vision” so as to bring the needed change come into fruition.
This book you are holding in your hands is a reminder that you are leader. God created you and
fashioned you with greatness within you. Our dying nation is in need of what you carry on the
inside of you. Your greatness is not yours. It’s for others; it’s for our nation Papua New Guinea.
Your skills, competencies, talents, gifts and qualifications are not your own, it’s for others; it’s
for our nation. Our nation needs your strong voice. You cannot be silent. Like Esther, you cannot
be silent. Your people, your nation needs your courageous voice.
When you reach the conclusion part of this book, it is my prayer that you will shift from being a
follower to being a leader. Your mindset will shift. Your attitude will change. Your heart will be
transformed. Your language will change. You will see something about you that you have never
seen. Gideon didn’t even realize the person he was until the angels announced to him who he
really was. He was a mighty warrior. But he acted like a worrier a bigger part of his life. God
charged His angels with the express assignment to unmask the nature he possessed before his
eyes. When he came to the realization of his ability, he discovered his area of leadership. He had
military strength. His declining nation, be it politically, socially and spiritually needed what he
had within him. They were oppressed and threatened. They needed deliverance and freedom. The
situation around him made him to be necessary. You are necessary.
I have diligently groped for answers on how to shape the destiny of our nation Papua New
Guinea. The main question which preoccupied my mind is: “What can we do to see our nation
inundated with unthinkable social issues along with moral decline change?” The good news
is that “every problem has a solution.” That is enough right there to launch us out into the deep to
fish out the most “appropriate and competent” solutions to address our nations insurmountable
It fits appropriate in this introductory section to launch ourselves out in our quest for answers
from our thesis; “What can we do to see our nation inundated with unthinkable social issues
along with moral decline change?” by taking upon ourselves few questions. Your questions, it
may be somehow in line with the one which preoccupied my mind above, are some that we must
attempt or seek to answer to provide us with the corresponding foundational solutions, which
would be our roadmap and guideline in shaping the destiny of our nation Papua New Guinea. All
the chapters in this book, which are mostly our feedback to the above bolded question, will be
contingent upon this one foundational question: “Is it possible for a nation to shape its own
I deduce many people may agree with “yes” for an answer. For the ones who say “no” claiming,
it is not possible for a nation to shape its own destiny, may not find this book be of much help.
As for those whose answer is “yes”, and that any nation can shape its’ own destiny would
somewhat find this book rather helpful. I believe the destiny of our nation Papua New Guinea
can be shaped. How can we shape our nations destiny? It is never about what we can accomplish
by our own sheer efforts, rather it is all about what God can do through and in us, provided we
follow the ultimate patterns set out in the Scriptures as well as taking into consideration the
accounts of the subsequent history of certain nations which have shaped their own destinies.
History leaves markers along with principles that we can emulate to shape our nation’s destiny.
Principles are universal, fixed and are unchangeable. If we can appropriate the principles, we
will surely apprehend the corresponding results.
God has wired us with necessary abilities and gifts that we can employ to set on course the
destiny of our own lives as well as the destiny of our wonderful nation, Papua New Guinea. The
authority was pinned into us at the very beginning when God created Adam, and gave him the
mandate to rule and dominate the earth. It has been reaffirmed, if not, established to a higher
plane when Jesus Christ gave up His sinless life on the cross purposefully for us. The main thing
here is not anything to do with the issue of authority. The authority has been given to us already.
Now, the main emphases we can place rests’ entirely upon rightfully using our God given
authority, as children of God, to positively and dynamically influence our God assigned arena.
But it all strips down to the bare essential of our belief system. If you believe, Bible explicitly
affirms, you do well. The constitution of our lives’ is so wired, such that, the results of what we
believe in will eventually be brought into the open. Our belief, whether real or professed, cannot
be hidden no matter how we may attempt to keep it a matter of secrecy; it will always come to
the surface. Faith is cannot be hidden. It is meant to be expressed.
It may be that many people may not go with the notion that our nations destiny can be shaped.
To such, I would like to make this point; what we believe drives, motivates and inspires us to a
larger extend. Admittedly, many people believe in their inabilities and shortcomings. They put
their trust and confidence in the wrong wheel. Thus it propels them downwards on a slippery
slope—ultimately to their utter destruction. They magnify their present condition and back off
thinking not having what it takes to do the noble will of God. My friend, believe in the God
whom you and I are serving! He is the Lord God Almighty! Also, believe in your God given
potential that He has divinely planted on the inside of you. Our God has covenanted Himself to
hear the cries of His dear children who walk humbly before Him seeking to please Him. If your
motive and desire is to please Him, you can trust Him for greater things. Rest assured, He will be
your strength.
If you are a passionate and an aspiring leader crying out to see the great move of God sweep
through our wonderful nation in all its facets; if your deepest desire is to see our nation change
for God’s honor and glory, it is to this very end this book came into being.
There are two phases in this book:
• Chapter 1 is allotted to the theme of “Change”.
• The rest of the Chapters hang on the Chapter 1 providing us with necessary principles,
guidelines and steps to procure the necessary change.
Most of us fear change. Even when our minds say change is normal, our stomachs quiver at
the prospect. But for strategists and managers today, there is no choice but to change.
—Robert Waterman Jr.
We leaders and people must know where we want to go before we can decide how we should
get there. Before a driver starts a car, he should first decide on his destination. Otherwise his
driving will be without purpose, and he will achieve nothing. We Papua New Guineans are now
in the driving set. The road which we should follow ought to be marked out so that all we know
the way ahead.
(Constitutional Planning Committee (CPC) Report, 1974, Chapter 2, Section 4)
The needs of our nation
Our country needs leaders of character, leaders with passion, and optimistic to lead change. We
surely need leaders who are always working, praying and hoping to see the positive change
permeate our nation in its entirety. Vibrant God fearing leaders’ is what our nation needs
desperately in this point of time. We need passionate and dedicated leaders who are driven with a
sense of responsibility, and who will identify with our nations’ insurmountable plight, such
leaders will be counted in and looked upon to lead the “change movement.” Now is the time for
I want to ask you these two questions:
• What do you think about our nation’s present state of moral decay along with socio-
political and socio-economic instability?
• Are you comfortable with the mounting injustice and wickedness every day?
• Are you satisfied with the current trend of management and leadership of our nation?
If you are not content and pleased with our nation’s current stage, you are the unique person who
bears the call of God on your life; you are destined and wired to stand up for change that our
nation needs. People who realize the need for change for our nation are the people who are
needed for this move of change. Join me as we embark on the boat of “shaping the destiny of
Papua New Guinea.”
Current Trend
There has been so much abuse of power, wealth and resources from the dawn of our nations’
independence—right up to this present time. There seems to be so much complains poised by the
populace especially on the government’s overall performance in the rendering of the nations’
basic infrastructure and development. Some people are complaining that our government is not
doing enough in the rendering of the basic services. Others go to the extreme by criticizing our
government and the authorities that God has established. Criticizing and judging those who are
in authority is not a good attitude in the sight of God. Bible emphatically condemns such an
attitude toward those who are in authority. Paul told us in Romans Chapter 13 to honor and
respect those who are placed in the area of authority. Paul knew very well that this theme is of
such tremendous importance that he devoted the seven verses to get his point across:
Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority
except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been
established by God. Consequently, he who rebels against the authority is rebelling
against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on
themselves. For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do
wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is
right and he will commend you. For he is God's servant to do you good. But if you
do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword for nothing. He is God's
servant, an agent of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer. Therefore, it is
necessary to submit to the authorities, not only because of possible punishment but
also because of conscience. This is also why you pay taxes, for the authorities are
God's servants, who give their full time to governing. Give everyone what you owe
him: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect;
if honor, then honor (Romans 13:1-7, NIV).
Paul is telling us to submit to the governing authorities as God Himself has established it, for the
authorities are God’s servants, who give their full time governing. He is not telling us to rebel
here. Those who rebel against the authority are rebelling against God Himself. For what we do to
man, that is what we exactly we are doing to God. Jesus taught us this in the gospels. Those who
are rebelling against the authority, Paul says, even your consciences’ alarms you that what you
are doing is not right. Our conscience is our moral sense of right and wrong. Paul knew that the
people are likely to complain too much about our government imposing too much tax and
introducing other monetary and fiscal policies, that he took time to clear this part. We owe them
tax. Without paying tax, our nations’ economy will crumble. If they are charging too much for
their personal gains and interests is, it is their own business, they will be accountable to God for
their acts. But our responsibility is to pay taxes, revenue, and respect and honor because that is
what we owe them. In verse 8, Paul went on and said; Let no debt remain outstanding, except the
continuing debt to love one another. If we are rebellious, we have outstanding debts that we
would one day answer before God. God loved us despite our situation, He expect us to love
others in turn. If we fail, we owe this debt of love. Can you honestly say that you are well
prepared to answer God on this matter at the end of your life? I don’t think many of us are ready.
We all know that the decisions our leaders make determines the direction of our nation; whether
positive change, development and progress or vice versa. Some decisions made by our leaders
are purely for personal gain and interests, which is sometimes disguised in the name of the
unheard citizens. This contributes to the corruption that is so prevalent in our nation. I thank God
for our nations’ leaders; I am not criticizing our leaders here. I am just pointing out where we are
going wrong. Before we address such issues, truth must be brought to the forefront. Then, we
will have the clear picture to do something about it. Truth brings things out into the open; it
shows us things in their true nature.
Avoid power-hungry attitude
As long as it is your passion and determination to get into power you might be able to get into
power, but with a wrong motive. You are driven and motivated by a passion not to serve the
people, but to serve your own unbridled desire for power, all at the expense and in the name of
the innocent people. Our motivation underpins everything we do in life. If our motivation in
leadership is not to serve others, we are in the wrong position. You cannot be a leader and serve
yourself; your own needs, pursue your own vision and dreams, and build your own empire. The
leadership law and nature doesn’t harmonize with such an attitude. You must know why you are
doing what you are doing. Before you try to embark on leadership roles and positions, make sure
you define your motives, intention and objectives right. If not, it is inevitable you will go with
the mainstream.
As PNG is a developing country, the temptation to look to the other developed countries for
opportunities may seem overwhelming. The lure to accumulate wealth so as to prosper and
increase our buying power may have a strong and tenacious pull on us. We need wealth to go to
other places that are on dream list. We need wealth, especially money to enable us to do what we
are dreaming of doing. There are many more “things to obtain” you can think of. This temptation
and loophole, all the leaders must be aware of and seek to avoid them when the opportunity to
fall prey to presents itself. Know your enemies status before you face them in the battle. In the
battlefield, you may be badly wounded. Wealth, money and power are not evil in themselves.
But they can be devastating powerful weapons, and can be used for evil purposes if it falls in the
hands of a warped and corrupted heart.
Nowadays, many a leaders are enslaved by what we would call “power hungry”. Power hungry
mindset puts the leaders in the position of negligence; hence they do not live up to their assigned
roles and responsibilities. Ultimately, they fail to model the kind of leadership expected of them
by the populace. It all starts by graving for more power. Apostle John termed it as “pride of life.”
The deadly landmine which so destroys those who are not careful in life. It destroys those who
are blindly led to it. The unredeemed man is liable to fall to the temptation of graving for more
power, wealth and fame. Human nature graves for these things. Sadly, though, some leaders run
after “wealth and luxury”─ therefore plunge themselves into misusing and misappropriating the
resources that are strategically allocated toward our nations’ basic infrastructure development. In
this vast and rapid competitive world we are living in, leaders seemed to be swayed by the beat
of the current trend. They are not satisfied and content with what they have. They are always on
the lookout wanting more. Furthermore, what we call “people based leadership” is losing its
vocabulary as leaders pursue their own vain ambitions, trying to feed their own greed at their
whim, doing so at the expense of the populace. All these factors, along with many other factors,
builds up the solid block of corruption, which, eventually lead to chaos in the leadership, in all
the arenas of our nation. The buck, however, has to be stopped somewhere.
Only a responsible leader will feel the thread, and the weight of the insurmountable moral
obligation resting on his shoulders. He sees the condition of the nation and feels he has to get
involved, and do something to help the nation progress and develop positively. You must feel
something on the inside of you. Something must move you and cause you to do what you are
doing. Great leaders feel the pain others are feeling. A responsible person will get involved for
the good of our nation PNG. We must get involved, stand together with one voice and do
something to correct these twisted values, norms and morals which are celebrated and deemed
acceptable. As I stated earlier, our people need educated God fearing leaders to move into all the
arenas for change. My friend, you are the answer for our nation!
Our nation is standing on the sinking sand
Our nation is not progressing holistically, it’s regressing. The onus is on us. Are we going to let
our nation sink, or we intervene to stop our nation from sinking further?
We must be brought to the awareness and realization that our nation is actually standing on the
sinking sand. It is sinking right before our eyes. We cannot just sit on the sidelines, spectate and
shrug our shoulders saying it is none of our business. Only an unthinking person would react this
way. We have to get involved for the betterment of our wonderful nation Papua New Guinea.
You have to be involved. We need you! You cannot conquer what you do not confront. Victory
means there has to be a fight! You have to go to the battle to claim victory. Change means, we
must fight for it. In fact, enormous price and a great deal of sacrifice would be involved so as to
see the needed change that we are longing for, and desiring so much come into fruition. The fact
of the matter is that, we will have to pay a great deal of price for change. We have to be willing
to sacrifice for the next generation. Are you willing to commit yourself to sacrifice? This is the
question every one of us must resolve to answer.
Nowadays, many aspiring leaders are highly motivated and are so passionate to see change. In
preparation for change, more and more seminars, and conventions are held as the platform to
instill into leaders of Papua New Guinea competent skills and knowledge underpinning quality
leadership. Leslie B. Mamu in his first book—Living Your Dreams said; change is a popular
issue discussed in homes, schools, churches and conferences. I agree! Change is of course the
popular subject in our nation. People want the new and godly government to lead the nation
forward. People are fed up with the prevalent misappropriation of power and influence. God
created us as moral beings. Our inner nature loves what is right and fair. God has so created us
and made us that way. However, it comes back to us to make the decision to follow or not to
follow Christ.
Leaders of today who are passionate to see change materialize are using their influence,
exercising their God given mandate and authority unlike never before for change. Churches are
offering their prayers for the national well-being, progress and prosperity of our nation. Churches
that are awakened spiritually are also pleading in prayer before God to see the revival sweep
across our land and evacuate all the social issues that are pulling our nation downwards. All of
these stirrings and rolling’s going on around us are a sure indication that our nation is surely
moving toward a major period of transformation in all the facets of life. Actually, this is really a
good sign. It implies clearly that people are involved, and are doing everything they can in their
power to see the positive change!
In the setting of a company or an organization, making change happen from the bottom of an
organization by introducing it at the top is quite tough. Of course one has to be recognized before
his ideas are accepted. This might be true on the physical plane; but in the spiritual dimension,
quite the opposite is true. In the spiritual dimension; thank God, all of us have the same privilege.
Our background, race, creed or status does not count in the sight of God. God sees us with equal
privileges and opportunities. Where we come from does not count in the eyes of God, whom we
believe matters most! As long as we believe in Him, we qualify for His blessings.
What will bring change?
Again, is it possible to shape the destiny of our nation Papua New Guinea? The answer is “yes.”
There are mighty and dynamic spiritual weapons that God has provided for us that we can
engage to shape the destiny of our nation. These weapons existed when God laid the foundation
of the world in the beginning. They are still as much available now as they were in the biblical
times. They are still locked safely away in the “armaments storehouse” in heaven. Our God is
immutable! Now, our only major responsibility lies herein is to learn about these weapons; have
a clear picture of the reason they are given, and how they are to be used; and then, we could use
them for the purpose to which God has assigned.
The Prophets of the Old Testament revealed to us in their writings that God is a man of war.
Does this sound strange to you? Well, this is the single title the Major Prophets such as Isaiah,
Jeremiah, Ezekiel and other minor prophets ascribed to God; they referred to Him as the “Lord
of Hosts.” There is a reason why they used this title. What is the word “host” means by the way?
Host here is the old English word or archaic for the word “army.” Since we are at war with the
enemy of our souls, that is Satan, God has provided us the necessary armaments to wage war
victoriously and triumphantly. God has given us the weapons of:
1. Prayer
2. Fasting
3. Armor of God
4. Proclamation of His infallible and inerrant word with boldness and faith
In utilizing these powerful atomic and dynamic weapons coupled with faith, we will see the
change we are envisioning materialize. In the following chapters, we will discuss these three
weapons in debt. This is just an outline to help us lay the foundation to the next themes which we
will address in this chapter of change.
God has given us these necessary weapons in order to mount up victorious. We cannot blame
God for what our nation is facing currently. It is our responsibility to use what He has given us
already. Take, for example; a soldier who is not using his weapon in the war frontier cannot
blame his lieutenant general, captain or major general for his own foolishness and failure. He has
been drafted into the military as a soldier, and has been thoroughly trained to handle the military
weapons. His failure of not using his weapon does not give him the rights or grounds by any
means to lay the blame on others! Do you get the picture?
Similarly, when we have repented, and accepted Jesus Christ as our personal Lord and Savior,
that very moment, we are automatically drafted into the military. We are in the Lord’s army
automatically at war with Satan. Be assured that Christian life is not a playground, conversely, it
is indeed a battlefield. Christian life is not a bed of roses; it is a bed which has real thorns.
Therefore, believers must learn to use these weapons that God has provided, or would otherwise,
end up as casualties or as victims. We are created to be victors and not victims! Some people
wag their fingers at God when they are wounded and downtrodden forgetting the fact that they
are the very ones ought to be blamed, not God, who is absolutely innocent and blameless!
If we are going to fight for change for our nation, we must be thoroughly trained and equipped to
lead the change movement. That is why I have employed military analogy here to drive home the
point. You must have certain skills and qualities to fight for change. As we go on further in this
chapter, we will see some of the key principles change leaders must have or develop in order to
lead change.
Sow seeds for change
No gardener ever clears the bush and abandons it to grow the food by itself. Only a foolish and
insane person can do that. We all know the process of gardening. After burning and clearing the
bush, one starts planting. Here’s the simple process: clearing…..planting…..harvesting.
Here’s the Key: Without planting or sowing, there can be no harvest.
Seeds for change has to be sown now if there will be a bountiful harvest of change for our nation
in the future. No seeds sown; no harvest. This is the basic principle for success, progress and
development in any arena. We must know that the next generation will reap what this present
generation sows. If we sow to the flesh, corruption will flourish and we are going to lose the next
generation in the muck and mire of corruption. We cannot afford to let that happen. If we sow to
the spirit, we will reap the corresponding spiritual benefits. The blessings of God in the Bible are
rightfully ours, as His dear sons and daughters; yet they are conditional. Blessings of God are
only unleashed and apprehended when the preceding conditions set forth in the Scripture is
appropriated. God sets the condition upon which He releases His blessings. We must meet His
standard before He ever blesses us. As we go on further, we will look at some conditions that
God has set forth in the Scriptures that we will have to appropriate or act upon so as to see the
needed change come into fruition.
Learn from history
History is the “story” of God’s dealings with the nations. Across the canvas of time, God was
working out His purposes for the nations. He built up the humble nation, and He brought down
the arrogant and prideful nation. He blessed the nations that humbled themselves before Him. He
left the nations to their utter detriment that had forsaken His ways. We must learn from history
and have a clear picture of the dealings of God for the nations. History provides us with good
examples, which we can emulate. Learn from the mistakes and failures of the nations in history
avoid repeating them. What made God to bless some nations with His favor? What made God to
abhor some nations and left them to their own harm?
God didn’t just create the world, stand at a distance, and let it to thrive on its own. He is a
“involve” God who cares and has deep concern for the world He created. God is concerned with
the nations as much as He is concerned with an individual. He is concerned with the world as
much as He is concerned with a person. He is concerned about the social welfare of humanity as
much as He is concerned about the social welfare of an individual.
In the history, God has so blessed United States of America with power, privilege and material
tremendously. Why? Simply because the founding fathers of USA have established their nation
on God’s Word. The fathers’ sowed the seed; the children are now reaping it. It was not that they
were some kind of special people, they just believed in God and His Word, and relegated the first
place to the Word of God. If our nation has to change, to achieve vision 2050, we must give the
Word of God preeminence.
Leaders are sowers
We cannot talk about change if we are not prepared to sow the seeds for change. Change does
not happen by random chance, it takes seed sowing, watering, and careful preparations. Change
takes process and time. What are the seeds you are planting for change? Paul reminds us in
Galatians 6:
Don't be deceived. God is not mocked, for whatever a man sows, that he will also
reap. For he who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption. But he
who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life (Galatians 6:7-8, WEB).
All leaders are gardeners, we are sowers. We sow good things into those we are leading and
mentoring. We plant good seeds and remove unwanted weeds. We look after the garden; we
water it, we keep wild animals away from it, so we can reap a good harvest.
We are planters. As leaders, as vision carriers, “What are we going to plant for change for our
country?” PNG Vision 2050 will not come into fruition if nothing is sowed today. The vision is
just a direction, it’s a foresight plan, and it’s our roadmap. But if it is not propelled with
corresponding necessary action of sowing, we won’t achieve “change vision” and Vision 2050.
If all of us would contribute our quota toward positive change, only then, Vision 2050 will
become a reality.
Principles are fundamental truths or proposition serving as the foundation for a belief or action.
The world around us is subject to the influence of change, but principles are unchangeable.
Principle is that which guides and regulates almost everything in life. When we disobey the
principles whether intentionally or unintentionally, our lives would not amount to anything.
Principles, if followed and obeyed accordingly will surely lead us to our success. There are
number of principles of change, however, we will not look at them in depth as we are only
interested in change in spiritual perspective. They are:-
1: Change is a normal part of life
~ Nothing is permanent in this world except God
2: Change is pervasive
~ Change is sometimes unwelcome
3: Change is complex
~ Change is never easy
4: Change can cause tension & resistance
~ Some people fight and resist change
5: Change is sometimes rapid
~ Some change happens at a short notice
6: Change is sometimes incremental
~ Change that happens regularly
Change is something which is a normal part of life. We always experience change irrespective of
our race or creed. Sadly, we cannot avoid nor wish it away. Things around us are changing over
time. Even the entire human race is subject to the demands of change. We are all affected
tremendously by it. Change comes in diverse perspectives such as biological, political, spiritual,
and cultural and so forth.
In taking about bringing change into fruition, leadership is inevitable. Someone must rise up and
lead change. Otherwise, change will not become a reality. Oh, we may plan about it. We talk
about it. We may write about change. More and more seminars may be held, talking about the
different kinds of changes that so confront today’s world, but all these would be worthless. This
introduces us to one of the most important theme, which is “leadership.”
In leading change; in all the arenas, leadership is indispensable. John C. Maxwell once said; “A
leader knows the way, goes the way and shows the way.” In other words, a leader is one who
shows the direction. He shows direction through his exemplary life and speech. It is vitally
important that you as a leader must know where you are going (vision and mission), so as to
lead, and show the way. I have learnt that you can only lead people to where you have been
yourself. A leader must be a person with a sense of direction. People would not buy into a person
who is going nowhere. One day, one of our Lecturers talked about Abraham. He said Abraham
was a leader who did not have a vision and mission for his company. He was a leader that we
would not want to follow. He left his family; he left his people and his country. Abraham what
are doing? “I don’t know.” Abraham where are you going? “I don’t know.” Abraham believed
on God to answer all these questions.
Change will never eventuate unless someone with the decisive character and sound leadership
skills stands up to take the lead. Someone has to sacrifice voluntarily to carry the banner at the
front line. This would definitely denote a life of sacrifice, and self-denial for the common good
of our wonderful nation. Many people only love talking things through, but when it comes to
sacrificing, they shrink back.
In leadership, the issue is not of quantity; rather, it is of quality. Any nations’ success and
progress hinges entirely on the quality of its leaders. A God fearing leader with character and
sound quality leadership skills is worth more than hundred professing leaders whose standard,
character, and motivation is so low a watermark, lack the sense of purpose and direction. Such
leaders will only cause problems and frustration. That is why all the leaders must strive
strenuously to raise up quality leaders. You can count on quality leaders.
I am very impressed with Joseph’s story in the Bible. Joseph had no Bible beside him. Bible
shows no record of whether or not he ever prayed. Bible never states that Joseph ever attended
prayer meetings. He never sat in the pews of the church. But what made him not to give in to the
pleas of the immoral and seductive Egyptian (worldly) woman? It was his referential fear toward
God that made him to run away from the Satan’s entrapments. He loved God so much that he
would not afford to go against his moral conscience by doing the wrong thing. Truly, we need
more Joseph’s to lead our nation, PNG. There are many leaders in our nation who do not run
away from women; rather, they run wildly eyeing out woman who is not theirs. What a shameful
Vision must be driven from the top
As I have mentioned previously, the success, development, and the progress of any company and
organizations’; hinges entirely on its top management level. Of course, everyone contributes for
the success of the organization, but it’s the top management that sets the pattern for success. Top
management lead and manage the company; they give directions, make decisions, and issue
orders to the ones below. In the same way, the success and progress of a nation hinges entirely
on its leaders. Vision cannot be driven from the bottom, it is impossible. Vision is always driven
from the top. If leaders are committed and are willing to sacrifice all in the name of making the
“change vision” a reality, they can influence their followers. It’s when top leaders lose their
vision that they lose the trust of their followers. Where the head goes, the tail simply follows.
The tail doesn’t drag the head; the head drags the tail along. Likewise, a church spiritual
condition also vests on its’ church leaders. If the leaders in the church are compromising, and are
playing with sin, it rubs off to the entire congregation. You cannot have a dead Pastor and have a
live church. It’s impossible! Same equally applies to other areas of leadership.
Everything, to a larger degree, falls and rises on leadership! Leaders are a critical people. They
can either build up or destroy the people, one of the two. They can inspire, build, direct and
motivate or mislead, deceive and discourage the people that they are leading. People are graving
for good leadership. Cruel and dishonest leadership undermines and demeans man’s value and
worth. Godly leadership maximizes man’s value and worth. Godly leadership attracts God’s
favor and blessing for a nation. We need God’s favor and blessing to change the course of our
All throughout the Scripture, we see snapshots of man and woman of God who were great
leaders by God’s grace. Admittedly, they were fallible men and women like us. It was never
about what they did, but what they became before God and men. They stood up tall for
righteousness, and justice, and wrestled against the prevailing corruption of their time with the
Word of God. They served God with wholeheartedness, faithfulness and loyalty. As the result of
their faithfulness, loyalty and humility before God, God trusted them with bigger things.
Price has to be paid so as to see positive change that we are longing for and desiring so much
come into fruition.
1: Greatness, God’s way
The world defines greatness using many standards and criteria. People from different cultures
and different walks of life have different perceptions of greatness. God has His standard through
which He measures greatness. The world’s standard of greatness is only temporary, which does
not have any vital view of eternity. But greatness from God’s standpoint reaches past the
temporal plane of time and reaches into the realm of eternity. It has eternal benefits.
I believe there is something on the inside of us, which gnaws within us, and makes us dissatisfied
still even in the face of many of our achievements, successes and accomplishments. Why I am
not satisfied? Is there more than where I am now? It is the inclination that we are created to do
more. It is a signal that where we have stopped from our last progress, is not, where we should
remain. In the Bible, there was an issue which arose between the disciples as to who is the
greatest amongst them. Surprisingly, Jesus did not rebuke them for having this idea. He did not
wag his finger at them, and lush out, “Guy’s you are wrong!” He did not yell at them saying,
“Guys you’ve followed me all this time but haven’t changed.” Rather, He took the issue at hand
by expounding to them the subject of greatness in its’ truest, and simplest nature. Of course, the
disciples represented all of us, and asked Jesus with this issue of greatness. There is a passage
that Luke wrote which accounts this story:
There arose also a contention among them, which of them was considered to be
greatest. He said to them, the kings of the nations’ lord it over them, and those who
have authority over them are called benefactors. But not so with you. But one who
is the greater among you, let him become as the younger, and one who is
governing, as one who serves (Luke 22:24-26, WEB).
Jesus tells us that whoever wants to be great must humble himself; and be a servant to all. Jesus
is telling us that true greatness is what we become in the eyes of God, not what we are before
man. We must form all perceptions from God’s standpoint. Because He is the one we are
accountable to. Not man! You see, this corrupt, sickly and twisted world cannot accept this very
important truth. It demeans, writes-off and belittles man’s dignity. Many people cannot accept
anything which belittles their ego. Today’s world sees this as something insulting. Well, God
does not need your standard. He’s got His own standard.
Besides, we all must know that no one is created to be a mediocre; rather, we are created to do
great and mighty exploits for God! You will never ever come across a person with an ambition to
be a mediocre. Admittedly, all of us want to be great. Conversely, you will only see few people
rejuvenated with the passion and determination for greatness. Many people see their inabilities
and shortcomings; magnify them; make excuses and settle where they are with no pretext of
rising to the next level. Such attitude must be eliminated if our nation will produce fruitful and
change leaders tomorrow! We are the handiwork of a great and intelligent Creator! We are the
head and not the tail; we are from above and not beneath! We are the powerful children of the
Most High God, eternal and all-powerful God!
Servant leadership
Servant leadership is the highest form of leadership. It is the most profound and noblest form of
leadership. To be a servant leader, there are three criteria that you have to meet. You must deny
yourself, carry your cross and follow Jesus. Servants live a life of self-forgetfulness. In a world
of “me-first”, servant leadership is the most difficult of all leadership. Great servants are tough
Viewing leadership trend in the light of Luke’s account, however, brings out the vital fact that
leadership in the kingdom of God is one which is really upside-down in nature. Jesus Himself
introduced this philosophy that we become great by becoming a servant to all. We lead by
serving, because the true nature of leadership is servanthood. The world reaches up, the kingdom
of God stoops down! This is the principle, the founder of Christianity taught us. Majority of
Papua New Guineans think of a leader in terms of someone with a chest out, bossy, aggressive,
manipulative and domineering attitude. Well, I have a simple comment to offer to this kind of
leadership standpoint. This is an “old fashion cultural mindset and standpoint” of leadership
which is completely wrong and does not harmonize with the scriptural teaching. In the past, our
ancestors view leadership in this perspective. Someone with wealth and many wives was highly
respected. They highly respected people who had many sons; they respected warriors and chiefs
and viewed them as leaders. The time frame in which they lived accepted and celebrated these
beliefs and standards. However, the time frame in which we live now differs drastically from the
time frame in which they lived. They had tribal fights; therefore they respected great warriors,
and saw them as their leaders. They used black powers and customs; therefore, they esteemed
highly the people who possessed these magic powers. They had no hospitals and clinics;
therefore they relied on witchdoctors for cure to their illnesses. That is the past. We are not
interested in traditional view of leadership as it is misleading; we are only interested in God’s
standpoint of leadership, which the scripture teaches us.
2: Imitate Paul’s attitude
I was walking with one of my course mates to attend a lecture. This guy turned around and
whispered an amazing statement to me. He said; “It’s attitude which characterizes the lives of
good managers.” I didn’t say anything in reply. In fact, I pondered about this statement in my
mind and muttered to myself, “You are right.”
Apostle Paul is one of the greatest leaders who had ever lived. I am amazed and greatly
challenged when I see his leadership attitude, whenever I study his letters. I believe Paul is one
of the great leaders whose life is an inspiration that we ought to take note of, and whose godly
examples are worth emulating. Nowadays, media has a very great influence on this young
generation. They seem to imitate whatever media puts before them. They are imitating the wrong
set of values and beliefs which the media portrays. If we can influence this young generation for
change, we must point them to the Bible, which is full of influential characters. We must do this,
if not, media will have a very devastating “grip” on this young generation. Don’t underestimate
the influence of media. Media is a very powerful tool. Paul, whose life is an inspiration, is worth
emulating. Writing to the Philippians, he said:
Not that I have already obtained, or am already made perfect; but I press on, if it is
so that I may take hold of that for which also I was taken hold of by Christ Jesus.
Brothers, I don't regard myself as yet having taken hold, but one thing I do.
Forgetting the things which are behind, and stretching forward to the things which
are before, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the high calling of God in
Christ Jesus (Philippians 3:12-14, WEB).
Paul made four confessions, which, I believe are so important that we need to take careful note
here. Let us see Paul’s confessions of faith systematically:
• Not that I have already obtained
• Not that am already perfect
• I don't regard myself as yet having taken hold
• Forgetting the things which are behind
After making all these bold confessions, he comes up with these astounding words: “But I press
on, stretching forward to the things which are before; I press on toward the goal for the prize of
the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.” What a leader! What a man of God! Paul teaches us
something very important in the above passage.
Not that I have already obtained
He is reminding us that the biggest mistake we can ever make is to convince ourselves thinking
that we have arrived. This kind of attitude sabotage all progress and advancement in any arena of
leadership. Like Paul, we must never settle where we are; rather we must always move forward,
in everything we are doing. When something is done, it is already frozen; we need to move
forward. Brooding on frozen things is very dangerous; it will stop us from progressing any
further. Move forward and do more of what God has called you to do. Forget the past; stretch
forward to the things which are before you. Paul experienced God in a deeper level, yet his
words tell us clearly that he still hungered and yearned for more of God. Really an amazing
character! Why? Because he came to grips with the fact that if he ever stops growing, he will
surely become stagnant and settle in complacency, which is undoubtedly, one of the greatest
enemies of success in any area.
Many races were not completed because people fooled themselves thinking they have arrived.
We must never stop growing, and doing what God calls us to do till God calls us home. Heaven
is our resting place.
Not that am already perfect
As Christian leaders, we must know that we are not perfect. We were formed from the clay and
therefore, we are morally frail, weak and impure. We have not reached the benchmark that God
has set. We have fallen far short from it. We have misrepresented and dishonored Him by our
dead works. God knows that we are not perfect; therefore He looks past our flaws and embraces
us still. Our “perfectness” comes from God. We must draw all our strength from God who is our
source of all blessings. Paul is a man who lived so close to God but he saw himself as “imperfect
still.” Because he came to the end of himself; and relied on the “perfectness and purity” of God.
His utter reliance and dependence on God made him to be one of the Christians heroes whose
life is a twinkling and sparkling star. You never know the legacy and inspiration your life can be
as a result of your committing your life to God in utter reliance and dependence.
I don't regard myself as yet having taken hold
Paul had done many things and had achieved many great things in his spiritual service and
ministry. His dire efforts paid off by making the unchurched find hope and profess faith in
Christ. His preaching brought many to Christ. He labored establishing churches so as to edify the
ones who had newly found faith in Christ. His ministry had been very fruitful. All these were
enough to make him sit back and marvel at his great success. Conversely, he didn’t settle in
comfort, stagnancy and complacency. He never thought of himself having grasped and detained
the secrets of God and ways of God. God has poured amazing revelations to Paul because he had
this humble attitude in his heart. He was well-prepared and well-suited for this noble task. He
came to the end of his own life. His eyes were fixed on the finish line. His single goal was to
finish the race successfully and on a high note. This was his motivation.
Forgetting the things which are behind
As leaders, there are some things we must rather forget. They cannot do us any good at all. It
may be a nasty comment from an immature person in our church, in our ministry, or group. It
may be a false accusation. It may be a judgmental comment. It may be a blunt lie. We need to
say goodbye to these things, and focus our gaze on Jesus. In the course of writing this book,
Satan used other people to ruin my name and my ministry. People began to talk about some
things that I never did. It was a very humbling experience. God used this to push me higher. It
could be some horrible memories of our past that we need to let it go. What we have become in
Christ matters most. We must not let our past cloud our future. God knows our past but He is not
surprised. You can tell Him the worse thing about you, and He will tell you, “I knew all about
that but I just waited for you to admit it, and turn from it.” That’s the beauty about God’s love for
us. Our eyes must be on the goal, the finish line. That is, to finish the race. Jesus has a price
ready for us and He is standing on the finish line. These four Pauline leadership attitudes might
not seem attractive, popular and appealing compared to many “easy steps to great leadership”
and “quick fix” manuals available on the shelves. But these are biblical steps, they are proven,
tested and are found to be working.
What makes a good leader?
We must begin with God as the foundation for everything in life. If we take God out of mention
or out of our vocabulary, we are liable to fall into error and misconception. With this key thought
in mind, let’s ask: What makes a good leader?
It is God who makes a good leader! He calls; He anoints, and rises up a leader. We do not make
ourselves; it is God’s grace, love, mercy and kindness alone that make us to be who we are.
Remember, we are clothed with Jesus’ righteousness, not our own self-righteousness, which is
but only filthy rags! God is the giver of all the good and most noble things in life. Glory to God!
Here’s the Key thought to begin with: It’s easy for people to follow a leader of character.
I believe “character” makes a godly leader. This is the ingredient and substance every godly
leader has, it is “character”. It is easy for people to follow the leader that they know and trust.
Character holds this world together. Character makes this world a better place to live. In our
nation, people perceive leadership in terms of someone’s educational background, wealth, title
and etc. As our nation is a developing nation, people often esteem highly a person who is well
developed and highly cultivated. They don’t give a second thought to his character and personal
standing, which is of paramount importance. Wealth, title, position and education become a lure
to bribe and win people over to do what we want them to do.
The quality of a leader hinges entirely on his character. Now, what is character? I would define
character this way; it is “who we really are on the inside”. Character is the real you and me.
Many people only care about their reputation but they never realize their need for character
development. Such attitude is a tragedy because character alone makes a leader, not reputation.
Furthermore, God appoints his servants on the basis of their character. If we can do great exploits
for the Kingdom of God, we must be man and woman who are adorned and clothed with godly
character. People sometimes see and focus a lot on reputation, but God sees our inner person, He
looks deep into our character. Bible accounts that mighty Prophet Samuel made a mistake, and
was about to anoint Eliab, had God not intervened that very hour. Samuel was drawn towards
Eliab due to his physical appearance and stature. It is human nature. Conversely, God chose
David simply because He saw the wonderful shepherd’s heart in David. David had the spirit of
shepherd in him which was the great asset for leadership. The word “shepherd” is closely
associated with the word “pastor” or “overseer.” They mean the same thing. In simple terms,
David had a wonderful pastor’s heart. He loved his sheep dearly as the Bible tells us. No one
recognized and applauded him, but God knew what He has put in the heart of David. When I was
appointed as the president of DWU TSCF ministry, one of my brothers in Christ said to me; “I
did not expect you to be the President of the ministry.” He admitted; he expected something less
from me than President. Yes, we humans do not determine what people become. Only God
determines the destiny of a person. He chooses and calls us according to His will. That’s good
news because we do not need people’s approval and appointment to become the kind of person
He wants us to become. God is the only One who chooses and appoints people for His divine
purposes. People may undermine, and label you, and give you all kinds of names, but God sees
you with entirely different set of lenses. If you can become all that God has created you to be,
you must train yourself to rise above people’s opinion and approval. Focus only on what God
says about you, and not on what other people say about you. People will always magnify our
flaws. They may not give us the benefit of the doubt. But God only magnifies our abilities.
People will see and judge by our outward appearances and stature. But God sees our heart.
People may applaud and magnify only our strength. But God loves us despite our weaknesses.
He loves us just the way we are. Had David dwelt on people’s opinion, we would not have the
book of Psalms in the Bible. We would not have the books of Proverbs and the Songs of
Solomon as well. It was through David’s line that Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior came
through. There are many heroes, whom the Bible accounts, who were once rejected, despised and
undermined, but God used them rather in the mighty way to reveal His strength and power. Paul,
the apostle, knew this secret very well, and writing to the Corinthians believers, he came up with
these astounding words; for when I am weak than I am strong. He knew the secret! Yes, God
reveals His strength, power and wisdom to those who are weak and foolish in the eyes of man.
That is how God works. God does not need man’s strength. He does not need man’s wisdom.
Why? Because, He has His own strength, He has His own wisdom. We depend so much on our
own strength that we do not qualify for God’s strength. We laud and applaud our own wisdom
that we do not qualify for God’s wisdom.
God has made divine provisions and has restored us to our original domain. Having fallen from
His glory, He has resurrected us again, and has adopted us into His family through His Son,
Jesus Christ. All of God’s purposes that the Scripture unfolds are synchronized toward moving
man back to where he was initially in the Garden of Eden. God knows that man’s character and
nature is far more important than what his works. If a man is unregenerate or not born again, his
works will be the mere result of who he is on the inside. He will spread the sin disease due to his
inherent sinful nature within him which is not dealt with accordingly. A born again person will
emanate life out of the new nature and the reservoir of God’s very own nature within him. Thank
God, through Jesus Christ, we are made anew! We are restored to our original domain and
position! We have what it takes to live like Christ here and now!
Change yourself first
In my own spiritual pilgrimage, I have learnt this principle which is of vital importance. God
increased His use of me when I focused on myself and sought God to change my life. Doors
began to open to reach other people’s lives. Jesus told us to remove the blank in our eyes before
we attempt to remove it from somebody’s eyes. It always starts from us. The moment you quit
looking at others, and wholeheartedly focus on yourself and your need for change, you are on the
way to spiritual greatness.
Sometimes, God will put you in a position where your leadership will go through tough and dry
times. So that He will humble you and change you. God will put some people across your path,
just so He can show what’s in your heart. God will put some people along your way, who won’t
seem to buy into you; He is doing this so that he can show you your attitude. He allows
circumstances so that we may change and be effective as leaders. God uses changed and
transformed leaders as instruments and channels to change others. That is what Jesus did. He
took disciples to Himself, he taught them, He changed them and sent them out to spread that
change to others. We must be changed by God before we can be change agents.
A leader who is passionate for positive change must first and foremost change himself. Work
with your own life and seek to improve your life as a leader, through God’s grace given us.
Correct your misconceptions and perceptions and align them to God’s Word. The better you are
as a person, and as a leader, God will use you to touch other people’s lives. Get busy with
yourself. Don’t try to fix other people’s problems to the point where you forget about yourself,
and your need for change. Leaders judge no one except themselves. They examine their own
lives and correct their own flaws.
Leadership is who you are
If leadership is calculated by “what we do”, then the world at large will be swollen with pride
and ignorance.
In reality, leadership is first being, and then it culminates in doing. In other words, who you are
is more important than what you do. Even an uneducated person can understand this fact clearly.
Every change begins within, then without. You cannot go around laboring to change others
except yourself. The only person you can change is yourself. You know yourself; you know your
strengths and weaknesses. We don’t change people, it’s God who change people inside out.
Bible asserts that we must first remove plank in our own eyes before we reach out to change
someone. That is why; you must allow God to work in you before He works through you.
Leadership can be a blessing, at the same time, it would be a curse. When you are placed in an
influential position, be careful you become a blessing to others.
A leader who is passionate about change must first and foremost, change himself; as leader-
ship is first being, and then, it culminates in doing.
Based on my personal observation, I deduce that the three important and mostly discussed
subjects in our nation are change, management and leadership. In fact, these three subjects are
interlinked and interwoven. They are inseparable. When you talk about management, you will
also include leadership. When you talk about leadership and management, you will have to
consider the indispensable subject of change.
I am persuaded that leadership is doing the “right thing” while management is doing “things
right.” A leader does the things he was born and called by God to do. Manager simply does
things right. To put it in simpler terms, a leader “leads”, a manager “manages.” In the business
and management arenas, there may be a slight distinction between the two due to technical
explanations. But in practicality, I believe these two subjects go together. Like I said, they are
In leading change, leadership and management are inevitable. A leader is a manager as well, but
a manager on the other hand has to learn to the art of leading. Myles Munroe once said;
“Whatever you mismanage, you lose it.” This may sound very simple, but by implication, it is so
profound. A leader has to know how to manage, so as to be competent, and excel in what he is
doing. Take, for example, corporate sectors experience bankruptcy and chaos when their leaders
mismanage the company. Family’s falls apart when a father fails in his leadership to model the
standard of leadership expected of him. Many families are disoriented, and are in chaos, because
the father does not live up to his level of leadership that God has so designed.
Below are some roles and responsibilities of managers and leaders. However, we will not see
these managerial and leadership functions, roles and responsibilities in broader scope, as we are
interested only in the spiritual view of change. It is imperative a leader must have or develop
these credentials or qualities so as to be effective and competent in his leadership. The list below
is not exhausted; you can add some of your own as well.
Leadership: A Leader:
1. Establishes direction
2. Aligns people
3. Motivates
4. Inspires
5. Produces change
Management: A Manager:
1. Plans
2. Budgets
3. Organizes
4. Staffs
5. Controls
6. Problem solver
7. Produces predictability
8. And establishes order
Blend the two
To be effective in leadership, a leader has to acquire “managerial skills” and “competencies”
and apply them in his leadership. Skills are vitally important. Don’t neglect developing skills.
We must integrate a good heart with a good head, which is a formidable combination. David had
a good heart, and he also had a skillful hands. Daniel had a good heart, and he also had a good
mind which made him to be an excellent official for the two kingdoms. In the Bible, God also
gifted specific individuals with special wisdom to carry out what He wanted. Whatever He
demanded, He provided. He gave skills to the individuals for the task he wanted to be done. With
all the skills, qualifications and competencies we can possess, we must know that without God’s
grace, we cannot accomplish anything worthwhile. Our skills and competencies must not drive
us to the place of arrogance.
Our nation is suffering from a disease called, “trust.” Leaders are not trustworthy. We are also in
need of good management. Good leadership and good management are two things that our nation
needs. We cannot progress if these two things are missing. We need good managers to manage
our natural resource. We also need good human developers to develop our nations’ human
resource and human capital. Our nation is richly and abundantly blessed by God, and yet, we are
not seeing it tangibly. Development is slow because the resources are not allocated to their right
place. Leaders and managers must be trained by God to manage the wealth of our nation
successfully. Many managers and leaders have qualifications and education, but they are not
trained to handle roles and responsibilities practically. That is why when they are entrusted the
role and responsibility to manage the nations resources, they fail in their responsibility.
Education and knowledge can be a deadly tool in the hands of man, if it is not guided by godly
Have problem solving skills
Many people will come to you for advice, help and direction. You as a leader must be prepared
to meet these needs. That is why you must develop certain skills and competencies, and be better
prepared for this task. Learn from your life lessons and use it to help others who will come your
When leading change, people will either try to avoid it or actively attempt to discourage it by
causing inconveniences. You as the change leader must know how to approach such problems,
and solve them decisively. Many complicated issues are arising in our government, churches,
homes and societies simply because people do not know how to solve the problems effectively
and decisively. The wisdom to solve such issues, and make it a win-win situation for both parties
seems to be absent. We are moving towards a world where whatever satisfies and makes people
“happy” is what matters despite its negative outcome in the aftermath.
As long as humans exist, there will never be a shortage of problems. Therefore, you must be
good problem solver. People around us need help for their problems. They need our advice and
insight. They need direction for their lives. Therefore we must be ready and well prepared to
meet this need. It’s good to develop problem solving skills, but ultimately, we must give space to
the Holy Spirit, He is our counselor. In my own life, I have experienced what it means to be used
by the Holy Spirit to help solve problems. When the Holy Spirit speaks, light comes on.
Sometimes in an attempt to solve a problem, people unwittingly make it very complicated for it
to be solved. Some people are experts and gifted in making problems hard to solve. They walk
into a situation, and turn the problem worse than it was in its initial stage. Many times we think
that our experiences, expertise and qualifications are all we need to be successful leaders. We
live God out of the equation. But this is all wrong! Whenever you leave God out of the equation;
you unwittingly sign up for utter failure. Ben Carson, a renowned Neurosurgeon, was successful
in most of the operations he performed because he acknowledged God and gave Him the place of
preeminence. He didn’t rely on his own expertise and knowledge. By his own admission, he
glorified God by saying that it was Him behind his success in the operations he performed. He
would not be successful had he relied on his own knowledge and expertise. God can do the same
to you if you would decide to shine the spotlight on Him in whatever area He has put you. God
sometimes limits His use of us because we have something in us that He sees that would destroy
us if He continues to use us still. Therefore, He uses us without putting us in a place where we
would kill ourselves. When He sees pride and arrogance in us, He withdraws His hand and
chastens us before blessing us.
I read a short story which fits perfectly to what I want to say. It was sent to me via email from
Ray Stedman daily devotional. This short story is a typical example of not having “problem
solving skills and competencies” in leadership.
I heard of a church that got into an argument over whether they ought to have a
Christmas tree at their Christmas program. Some thought that a tree was fine; others
thought it was a pagan practice, and they got so angry at each other and even got
into fist fights over it. One group dragged the tree out, then the other group dragged
it back in. They ended up suing each other in a court of law and this was spread in
the newspapers for the entire community to read. What else could non-Christians
conclude other than that the gospel consists of if you have a Christmas tree or not?
We all know that church is a place where we gather and worship God our Creator and learn of
His ways. It is a place where there should exits acceptance, friendship and peace. It is a place
where peace should prevail; not fist and verbal fights, lushes and quarrels. This story is a typical
example of failure in solving the existing problem decisively. As a result, the relationship
amongst the believers was marginalized and the entire congregation was divided. Division is the
work of the evil one, which Paul said; works of the flesh or carnality. If there was at least one
wise leader amongst them, this issue should have been dealt with accordingly, calmly and solved
decisively for the equal good of everyone. In such settings, the presence of one wise person will
make a tremendous difference. A wise person has discernment and understanding, he has the
ability to weigh things proportionally, rationally and genuinely consider both parties standpoint,
and come up with a sound consensus. His wisdom does not come from himself, but it comes
from God. He knows exactly what to do in such settings. I have witnessed such issues several
times in the Church and as such; I think I have at least little insight on how to solve problems in
such settings. Paul addressed this issue in 1 Corinthians chapter 6. He took at least eight verses to
get across this important truth to the believers of Corinth. He was urging them not to go to the
circular authorities to solve their minor problems, rather, to have the maturity to solve their
smallest matters in the church. Paul said; I say this to move you to shame. Isn't there even one
wise man among you who would be able to decide between his brothers? But brother goes to law
with brother and that before unbelievers! (See 1 Corinthians 6:5-6, WEB). Notice the bold and
underlined emphases. Paul clearly affirms what I am trying to get across to you! Church must
have the wisdom to handle such problems decisively and not go to the circular authorities.
Frankly, people in the church do not know how to handle the problems effectively. We have
drifted so far away from Paul’s message.
God’s wisdom in solving problems
We can infer that there was failure both in management and leadership in this particular church.
In fact, a good leader is actually a good manager as well. As we have seen earlier, these two are
interlinked and are inseparable. I have learnt that it takes insight, understanding and discretion to
solve such problems effectively and decisively. Knowing what to say, how to say it and the right
timing is very critical. We may have the right words for the occasion but wrong timing is one
important factor that we have to consider before opening our mouths to say something. Or the
timing may be right but wrong choice of words is another important factor that we must
consider. We can either build others up with our words or destroy them instead. The book of
Proverbs speaks much of how we use our mouth, lips and tongue. Read through the book of
Proverbs and note the verses that speak of the sins we commit with our lips, tongue and mouth.
You will be surprised to see out of 31 chapters; King Solomon devoted over fifty verses to talk
about the great havoc these three little members of our body cause. These three members cause a
lot of trouble and start up disastrous and sinister fires in the church, homes and etc.
You can know much about a person by his words. Words reveal a man! You can know about a
person whether or not he or she fears the Lord through his words and actions! If one uses
obscene languages and curses all the time, you do not need further observations or speculations
to see whether or not such a one fears the Lord. We can infer that this person does not have the
fear of the Lord! Simple as that! Bible says in the gospel; out of the abundance of the heart, the
mouth speaks.
I have suffered a great deal from verbal abuse, and I know the adverse effects that verbal abuse
can have on a person. If a child hears negative words spoken over him many times, he will
eventually believe them and convince himself that what people say of him is what he is really.
Faith comes by hearing; not only the spiritual side, psychological side is also very disastrous. If a
person hears a word long enough, he will eventually believe it. Verbal abuses have devastating
psychological consequences on a person. Usually, people who have suffered as a result verbal
abuse almost always end up having to struggle with the problem of low self-esteem. Many
people are the victims of verbal abuse. They are tied to the words spoken over them. Such people
really need our helping hand to get back to track.
Here’s the Key: Leadership begins at home where nobody else is watching except our home
Leadership begins at home
The old axiom; “home sweet home,” not only reassures us of the awaiting peace and joy at
home, it also waves before our round eyes our “roles and responsibilities” at home. Home is
simply where we live. Therefore, it is imperative people living with us, under the same room,
must first know the kind of person we are before anybody else knows about us. We cannot
bypass this first unit. Leadership begins at home where nobody else is watching except our home
mates. Many people treat leadership like a jewel. Leadership is not a jewel that we can wear on
the outside to impress others when we are away from home, and take it off when we are with our
own family. Remember we cannot cheat God! That is why God has a plan of action for each one
of us. He lets us cross the dry deserts and makes us climb rugged mountains so as to teach us
through experience. In my own life, I have learnt so much having gone through the hard times
that God has put me through. There are some things in life that you cannot otherwise learn them
anywhere else. Someone once said; “The school of suffering is the best school.” This is very
true. When we go through a situation, we come out stronger, and tougher than we were initially.
There are many people who do not know the purpose of suffering. They do not see the other side
of it. Suffering and pain are actually blessing in disguise but a lot has to do with our responds to
it, which is critically important. That is why Scripture tells us emphatically time and again not to
despise the chastening of the Lord. For whom the Lord loves, He rebukes and corrects. If we are
without chastening, we are illegitimate. Hard times play a significant part in our lives; it works
for us, it works for our own good. God uses these situations and trials to frame, shape, mold,
refine, groom and prepare us for His greater calling and the noble purposes He has for our lives.
If our nation has to change, it is imperative the family unit must win. Family is a sacred and
crucial unit that can either build up a society, or pull it down. Godly home sets the pace for godly
society. The breakdown of our societies is mere reflection of the breakdown of families.
Much of Pauls’ advice in appointing elders for the work of the ministry was wholly singled out
on the “home life”. No doubt, Paul had something in mind when he set down the criteria. Paul
wrote to Titus who was in Crete:
I left you in Crete for this reason, that you would set in order the things that were
lacking, and appoint elders in every city, as I directed you; if anyone is blameless,
the husband of one wife, having children who believe, who are not accused of loose
or unruly behavior. For the overseer must be blameless, as God's steward; not self-
pleasing, not easily angered, not given to wine, not violent, not greedy for dishonest
gain; but given to hospitality, as a lover of good, sober minded, fair, holy, self-
controlled (Titus 1:5-8, WEB).
Notice the underlined word in this passage. It’s the word “order.” Paul visualized this word in his
mind before he charged young Titus with this solemn task of appointing elders. The first
condition or criteria, so to speak, that Paul eyed above all else is the “home life.” Paul reminded
Titus to appoint elders in every city with the following four credentials:
• One who is blameless
• The husband of one wife
• Having children who believe
• And children are not accused of loose or unruly behavior.
If we are to summarize all the above credentials, we can conclude that Paul is informing Titus to
appoint elders who “leads or manages” his home business effectively. Remember, our thesis is,
“leadership begins at home.” Home is the first unit which is a company and ministry of its’ own.
Therefore, God expects us to be orderly in this area. God is a God of order, and therefore He
would have us first and foremost to be good leaders at home. Sadly, home management is where
many a man mess it up. You cannot fail at home and expect to be successful away from your
own home. It is impossible! You have to be systematic and be orderly. God ordained man to be
the head of the family. Every man must live up to this original standard which God has set. A
father who fails in his leadership at home cannot be successful in the church. Church is simply
families coming together to worship the Lord. If the man manages his home well, he will surely
manage the church affairs well. Better and orderly home management puts one in a better
position to be better able to manage the other areas apart from home. This is the area where all
the man must seek to excel in before all else.
It’s always easy to talk about change, but asserting change in any arena is never an easy task, due
to a number of inherent factors, or obstacles involved that we will uncover here. There are many
factors which obstruct change in our nation; but we will focus on two factors here which are
“fear of unknown” and our “culture and tradition”. Before we uncover certain things or skills a
change leader must apprehend, it is imperative we see the lurking issues or probable factors
which could hinder change:
1: Fear of unknown
One of the main factors’ which resists change is the “fear of unknown”. Fear is one of those
paralyzing and strongest emotion which prevents us from becoming all that God made us to be.
If we cannot rise above our fears and do what God wants of us, it will push us down, keep us
small and confined. We must keep our gaze on God, and draw courage from Him. Many “change
visions” never became a reality. Some lack tenacity and perseverance to push hard to make it
happen. Some failed to implement it because of much opposition and conflict encountered along
the way. Whatever reasons may be, change is never easy.
It is the fear of unknown that coils; inks and irons people to such a degree that they become
paralyzed and rigid to change. This is the reason people do not pursue the convictions they have
in their hearts. The unknown is uncertain, seems blurry at a distance. That is why people become
ingrained psychologically believing the ceiling has been reached, with little to no prospect for
furtherance. Porsche, one of the management gurus once said something to this effect, especially
referring to change; “There is nothing more difficult to carry out, more doubtful of success, nor
more dangerous to handle, than to initiate a new order of things.” Initiating new order of things
comes with its’ number of risks and uncertainties. In the natural, we all are afraid of taking risks
because it involves a lot of uncertainties. The future on the other hand is vastly unknown and
unpredictable. Consequently, we only do the things which are seemingly comfortable to us. We
do things that we are accustomed to, especially the things that do not involve taking great risks.
Great risks’ often comes with great blessings.
Risks and uncertainties render people with little to no prospect of introducing new ways of doing
things. This factor obstructs change to a great degree.
2: Our culture and tradition
“We cannot accept nor tolerate anything new; we have always done things this way!” This is one
of statements which kill and sabotage change.
The society and culture in which we are bred and raised, to a certain degree, frames our whole
outlook and perception on life. That is why people can see your conduct, your face, and your
speech and tell where you come from. Our tradition and culture stays with us no matter where we
go. We are born into it, and we have lived in it.
Our cultural and societal practices influences’ and frames our perceptions in a far greater way.
These practices’ traded down from our forefathers to us has become part of our identity. This
defines and identifies us to a certain degree. This sometimes becomes a barrier to the positive
change we are longing for come into fruition. People who embrace traditional beliefs still try
ways to maintain these beliefs in this fast changing society. However, those who live by God’s
standard, the cultural practices no longer characterize their lives. To such people, positive change
is seemingly welcoming and not a threatening issue. Our main hindrance to change is those who
labor strenuously to maintain traditional beliefs, these ones will be our major obstacles. But
through God’s grace, we will remove these rigid walls of culture and traditions! Our God does
not conform Himself to the culture of man. When God comes, He comes with His Kingdom
culture. Through God, we will nullify and eradicate the cultures which are destructive, and are
contradictory to God’s Kingdom culture.
We must know that culture and tradition will not change overnight. Our cultural practices has
been accepted and practiced for centuries, therefore has put down its roots. But praise God,
Kingdom culture is the solution. As I said earlier, people will seemingly resist and fight the new
in their odds to keep the old. Some people never want anything new. These ones will be our
major obstacles. The way I see it, it will take the passionate, dedicated and single minded leaders
with decisive character to lead change nowadays for our nation.
To introduce something new, whether it might be of ideas or conventions, it must incorporate
certain number of approaches or means so as to be successful. A change leader must be well
aware of the hindrances to change before moving forward for change. As we have seen, our
“culture and tradition” along with “fear of unknown” are the two main hindrances and barriers
to positive change.
A change leader must be well aware of the hindrances to change before moving forward
for change.
Having seen the two main factors which obstruct or hinder change, I want to give you twelve
important guidelines here, which are keys; I believe change leaders must lay hold of so as to lead
change. As a change leader, you must be better prepared and equipped for change. Without
thorough preparation and equipping, you cannot lead change.
1: Knowing God’s Word
In identifying with God, He has “instruction manual” for us.
A leader must have God’s Word as his source of inspiration, motivation and standard. It is of
utmost importance that Gods’ Word must govern and regulate all the facets of a leaders’ life. A
leaders’ heart must continuously feed on the strong meat of God’s inerrant and infallible Word.
The Word of God contains the creative and dynamic power of God; therefore, you must receive
it with humility and allow it to work in you. If you receive it with openness and meekness, it will
ink within you goodies to give away to the lost and dying generation. It will instill in you
necessary expertise, credentials and qualities to lead change. Remember, you cannot give what
you do not have. We only give as much as we have, no more, no less. Word of God performs this
very role; but the condition is we must open our hearts and receive it in faith knowing it is God’s
Word, and will surely work in us as God Himself had promised. Many people do not receive it
with meekness, rather they question its’ infallibility and authority. They use the words of Satan;
Did God really said thou shall not? Such an attitude is simply irreverential and hypocritical! Yes
Bible is what God said; it is God breathed, inspired by God Himself. If we cannot receive His
Word with an open and humble heart, we cannot receive Him.
Bible will never be outdated
All the secular books will be outdated; but the Bible will never ever be outdated by any means. It
is the most relevant, up-to-date book in the world, although its existence dates back centuries and
millenniums. One scientist remarked to my amazement; “Bible is an amazing book because it
never becomes outdated.” He said; science books have a maximum shelf life of ten years, and
are quickly forgotten, but Bible is never outdated.” What an amazing comment! It’s a good
complement and good news for those who treasure the fallibility and inerrancy of the Bible. Just
imagine a scientist posing this astounding comment! Who knows, he might not be in any way
have associations or dealings with Christianity. If he is not a Christian, yet posing this
astounding comment, you better take seriously what he is saying. This is really a serious
A leader surely needs this book because without it, there can be no godly leadership. Why? Bible
alone clearly portrays the pattern and roadmap for firm and God anchored leadership. Bible
shows us the kind of leadership God wants from us. Bible shows us God’s standard leadership. If
a person asserts of himself as a leader without any basic understanding of the Scriptures, his
leadership is questionable. He will surely be an oppressor, manipulator and a dominator. God has
not called us to be dictators and manipulators! He has called us to lead by our exemplary lives.
He wants our lives to be the message. A leader without any godly standards cannot lead, because
sensible people will never buy into such a leader. If you are aspiring to rise up for change for our
nation PNG, I would encourage you to spend some quality time in the Word of God. We want
godly leaders to lead this nation. If God’s Word is not hidden in your heart, you will likely add to
the prevailing corruption that is dragging our nation downwards, and eating up the moral fiber of
our nation! You need God’s Word, as much as I need it! Psalmists David said; Your Word I have
hidden (stored) in my heart that I may not sin against you. God’s alone will keep us from the
deadly entrapments of sin that the enemy of souls uses to make us fall, messed up and not to get
God’s will done.
People who caused great impact…knew God’s Word
People who had caused great impact in history knew God’s Word. They loved God’s Word.
Catherine Booth, the wife of Salvation Army founder, William Booth, read the Bible through
twelve times while in her teenage years. Martin Luther said, “I am betrothed to the Paul’s epistle
to the Galatians. George Muller determined not to read any other book apart from the Bible, he
read the Bible over two hundred times. Smith Wigglesworth allowed no circular books and
newspapers into his home except Bible. Derek Prince read Bible over hundred times and taught
the Scripture with clarity and simplicity. They internalized and personalized God’s Word. They
took in God’s Word and lived it out. They have seen God’s Word work in their lives in their
Christian pilgrimage. They have seen the trials that so confronts us as a result of having the
Word in our hearts. They held onto God’s Word in highs and lows of life. They believed God’s
Word on the mountain, they believed God’s Word in the valley. They prevailed because they
knew God’s Word, and had treasured it a place of prominence in their hearts.
Consider this question, “How can God use someone who does not have any working knowledge
of His Word?” God cannot use an empty drum, because, it will make a lot of noise. It was said of
George Muller that he read the Bible from end to end almost two hundred times. He had prayed
for millions of dollars (in today's currency) for the Orphans and never asked anyone directly for
money. He never took a salary in the last sixty eight years of his ministry, but trusted God to put
in people's hearts to send him what he needed. He never took out a loan or went into debt. And
neither he nor the orphans were ever hungry. Bible teacher, Derek Prince, also read the Bible
from end to end hundred plus times. This explains in large measure the triumphs of their faith
and the fruitfulness of their ministry. If you follow their example, only God knows where you
will end up. Don’t limit what God can do through you and in you. Bible is the book that all the
leaders must acquaint themselves’ with. Lester Sumrall once said; “It is the most important to
learn in the world. It will guide us in this life and it will influence us in the life to come.”
2: God’s power in our hands
Do you know that we have the power of God to do what He has called us to do? Yes, the power
of God has been made available to us through Jesus Christ triumphant victory on the cross on our
behalf. Candidly, the church is failing to live up to its’ latent responsibility by imparting this
cardinal truth plainly to the believers. This failure, for the most part, causes insurmountable, if
not disastrous problems in the body of Christ due to the church’s ignorance and blindsight.
Ministers of God must seek to study the Word of God, and teach it the way it is presented in the
We are like Moses not realizing that the very rod we are holding is the thing that will deliver our
people from the mud and mire of corruption and bondage. Church leaders must extend this God
given rod so as to see positive change influence our nation. Without exercising this rod’s
authority, it will be valueless, it will never accomplish anything. Only when this rod is exercised
can God’s power be released into our nations’ affairs. We have the rod of God in our hands; the
very rod that Moses used to deliver the nation of Israel out of Egypt is in our hands here and
now. Now, what is that rod I am referring to here? It is the Word of God, it is your Bible! I want
to ask you now, how much time do you give to your Bible?
I call upon all the sons and daughters of Papua New Guinea to rise up. It is about time we
exercise the authority and mandate that God has given us. We cannot blame God if we are not
using our authority that He has already given us. Remember, there is no such thing as neutrality
in the kingdom of God. You can choose to serve God or the world with its’ passing pleasures.
Remember, silence promotes and encourages evil; it never drives back nor confront evil. We
must never be silent and allow evil things to happen right before our eyes. We must get up, and
out, and fight against the evil forces wherever we find it, bind it and loose the power of God to
saturate our nation in its entirety!
What is in your hands? Use it to change the destiny of our nation. You have education and
expertise, use them. You have gifts and potentials loaded in you, use them. You are placed in an
influential position; use your influence to contribute to the change quota for our nation. Like
Esther, you have come to leadership for such a time as this….
3: Know your place
It is imperative we must know our place or our calling in the body of Christ. Our calling will
give us a sense of purpose and stability to live. Having identified our calling, we can use the gifts
and the talents God gave us serve Him in the specific area He has put us. Again, Myles Munroe
said something to this effect; your gifting’s and talents is the area of your leadership. This holds
very true! This is the lane we were originally destined and engineered by God to take. A person
who does not know his domain of leadership will be all over the place and waste his time, energy
and effort doing wrong things. Having identified our place God has placed us; we can serve,
doing so using the Word of God as our ultimate guide. Paul shedding more light on this theme
went on to employ the analogy of the human body to set out this cardinal truth in 1 Corinthians
12. You are a member in the body of Christ; therefore you are so unique, vitally important and
irreplaceable. You have a bigger part to play in the body of Christ for the expansion of the
kingdom of God here on earth in the now.
God created us and put in every one of us the innate potential and ability to get things done that
which He has predestined for us before allowing us to exist on this earth. God is our Maker, and
He knows best what we are born to do. But first of all, it will take time for your gifts to manifest
or for you to come to realize the gifts that you possess on the inside of you. You have to seek
God patiently and study His Word and dwell in His awesome presence always. He will cause the
doors to be open and engineer the opportunities and avenues so that He can have you to unleash
what He has originally deposited in your life. In the course of time, you will begin to discover
yourself; this is the domain or the area of your leadership.
Another simple thing you can do, though it is not Scriptural, get started by noting down what you
love doing. What is the specific thing that you always love doing? Maybe this is where God is
taking you. Then, try to invest your time to develop these potentials of yours. In the natural, we
all know that it takes cultivation and watering so as to see a seed germinate. Same is true with
our giftings and talents. God reveals Himself to those who diligently seek Him, and He also
reveals to those who seek Him to themselves. You will know your true self if you seek God of
His will and His plan for your life. Unless we realize our place, our calling, life would turn out
for us a trial and error transaction. God did not create us to involve in “trial and error” business.

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  • 1. 1 Shaping the Destiny of Papua New Guinea Marcel Ezra Mapai
  • 2. CONTENTS Page Acknowledgement 4 Preface 6 Introduction 7 Chapter 1: Time for Change 9 Chapter 2: Authority of God’s Word 74 Chapter 3: Faith 100 Chapter 4: True Sons of God 113 Chapter 5: Kings and Priests 128 Chapter 6: Prayer and Fasting 133 Chapter 7: Praying for the Nation 147 Chapter 8: Righteousness Exalts a Nation 154 Chapter 9: Love for God 162 Chapter 10: Love for Nation 167 Chapter 11: Love for Neighbor 173 Chapter 12: Steps to Revival 185 Conclusion 196
  • 3. 3 DEDICATION To my loving parents (George and Philo) who have brought me into this world. You are my role models, “You are the best parents God has given me.” This book is the sum total of all your great efforts in bringing me up from my babyhood, up to the stage I am now. Your single concern was to bring me up to be the kind of man, fully fledged, that our loving and awesome God wants me to be. To all my siblings: Elizabeth (deceased), Charles, Steven, Margaret and Alphonse. To my nephew Junior Marcel and my niece Theresa. To all the aspiring leaders of Papua New Guinea, you are the main reason I wrote this book. Personalize it!
  • 4. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Thank you my Heavenly Father for giving me this special ability and potential to write. We all know that every good and perfect gift comes from our Father above. A man can receive nothing unless it has been given to him from above. Without His love and mercy, we wouldn’t be where we are now. Without Him, this book would not be in your hands. I mean that from my heart. All honor and glory goes to you my heavenly Father. I would like to show my gratitude to the following people who supported me; not only in writing this book but for everything they are and mean to me. Without you, I would not be where I am. The kind of person I am now is the result of your love, support, mentorship and parenting. My namesake senior Marcel Efi Afa for been my mentor. His authentic spiritual influence had a profound impact on me. It was him that God used to usher me toward Himself. Without him, I would not know God and profess faith in Him. God used him to shape and prepare me for my calling. My spiritual parents and mentors, Pastor Chris Kopyoto and Susan Kopyoto (Riwo Foursquare Church, Madang) for having invested a great deal of spiritual input toward my spiritual growth and development. Without your spiritual covering and mentoring, truly, I would not be where I am today. May God bless you Kopyoto’s abundantly, and enlarge the boarders of your ministry for His own glory! Senior Pastor, Ps. Nini and Ps. Scott Suvi and faithful congregation of Riwo Foursquare Church. Elijah Komahe and Maggie Pil for having had raised me as your own son. I cannot express the immense gratitude I have in my heart for all that you are, and have done in my life. Thank you for putting me on the good foundation in my initial stages of my ministry. Your effort in raising me is worth it. This is the sum total of all your inputs toward my progress. May God bless you “mums and paps.” Businessman Stanley Pil, Ellison Pil and the family in Madang Province for their continuous support, love and care. Ps. Sam Petali and Mr. and Mrs. Walo for providing spiritual covering over my life when I was the President of TSCF, 2014-2015 at Divine Word University, Madang Province. Pastor and Evangelist, Israel John (Bethel Worship Center Ministry, Madang) for your lively and continuous exuberant encouragements. You always stirred and stimulated me not to give up in the process of wheeling this book toward its completion even in the face of many personal
  • 5. 5 challenges in the course of writing this book. Thank you for pushing me to unleash the potential God has placed on the inside of me. Andrew Mark Ghewala for mentoring me in my humble beginnings. It was Andrew who introduced me to the world of “books” at Divine Word University. I never understood the importance and value of books until I met Andrew. Having written this book and bringing it its final stage now, is solely, the result of your great, awesome and loving input. There were many special godly individuals who have encouraged and tapped me on my back to usher this book to its final stage of completion. God places special people on the road to cheer us along; these are some people who had contributed great spiritual input for my spiritual progress. They comforted me when I was down and weary from the battles of life. Special thanks to Ps. Robert (Mt. Alpha PNG Christian Fellowship Church, Mt. Hagen), Ps. Aluis (Mt. Hagen), Ps. Masi Trimas (Bundaira Foursquare Church, Kainantu, EHP), Raunu Gebo, Edward Mase, Elliott Dawea, Elijah Paru, Samuel Ray, Israel Warambukia, Emmanuel Manda, Hobra Ken, Ian Labiti and Weina Rirona. There are some “great people” in the Lord whose names may not appear in the pages of this book. Nevertheless, they are my “unsung heroes.” In my spiritual life, there were many great people, who had poured into me great spiritual jewels. They kissed me and hugged me with tears in their eyes as God used my weak sermons on the pulpit to change their lives. Their loving and thoughtful acts are locked up in the permanent section of my heart never to be forgotten. My being here is the result of their lasting input. God knows the great contributions they made toward my spiritual progress and growth in life; He will reward them in His own special ways in this life and in the next life to come. May God bless your loving and gracious hearts!
  • 6. PREFACE Before an author embarks on the tedious task of writing a book, more or less, he has figured out in his mind “as to why he is writing the book.” That applies to me. I wrote this book with one specific reason in mind. The main reason why I wrote this book is particularly and solely the love for my nation, which made this book come into being. The love I have for my nation Papua New Guinea greatly moved me to sacrifice countless hours on the anvil, just to put this book together so as to share with you what God has impressed upon my heart for our nation, Papua New Guinea. This book will deal with the title “how to shape the destiny of Papua New Guinea.” I have arranged each chapter in their systematic order as necessary steps or keys to shaping the destiny of our nation Papua New Guinea. These keys, roadmaps and guides are placed in the hands of the leaders of our nation. They can use these keys to open the door of change for our nation or ignore it. The subjects of “change, leadership and management” are the three main themes which are discussed throughout this book. To shape the destiny of our nation Papua New Guinea, these three important themes cannot be overlooked. The shaped-destiny of our nation demands good leadership and management. These two pillars must be seriously considered, embraced and set in the center of our nations “change vision” so as to bring the needed change come into fruition. This book you are holding in your hands is a reminder that you are leader. God created you and fashioned you with greatness within you. Our dying nation is in need of what you carry on the inside of you. Your greatness is not yours. It’s for others; it’s for our nation Papua New Guinea. Your skills, competencies, talents, gifts and qualifications are not your own, it’s for others; it’s for our nation. Our nation needs your strong voice. You cannot be silent. Like Esther, you cannot be silent. Your people, your nation needs your courageous voice. When you reach the conclusion part of this book, it is my prayer that you will shift from being a follower to being a leader. Your mindset will shift. Your attitude will change. Your heart will be transformed. Your language will change. You will see something about you that you have never seen. Gideon didn’t even realize the person he was until the angels announced to him who he really was. He was a mighty warrior. But he acted like a worrier a bigger part of his life. God charged His angels with the express assignment to unmask the nature he possessed before his eyes. When he came to the realization of his ability, he discovered his area of leadership. He had military strength. His declining nation, be it politically, socially and spiritually needed what he had within him. They were oppressed and threatened. They needed deliverance and freedom. The situation around him made him to be necessary. You are necessary.
  • 7. 7 INTRODUCTION I have diligently groped for answers on how to shape the destiny of our nation Papua New Guinea. The main question which preoccupied my mind is: “What can we do to see our nation inundated with unthinkable social issues along with moral decline change?” The good news is that “every problem has a solution.” That is enough right there to launch us out into the deep to fish out the most “appropriate and competent” solutions to address our nations insurmountable problems. It fits appropriate in this introductory section to launch ourselves out in our quest for answers from our thesis; “What can we do to see our nation inundated with unthinkable social issues along with moral decline change?” by taking upon ourselves few questions. Your questions, it may be somehow in line with the one which preoccupied my mind above, are some that we must attempt or seek to answer to provide us with the corresponding foundational solutions, which would be our roadmap and guideline in shaping the destiny of our nation Papua New Guinea. All the chapters in this book, which are mostly our feedback to the above bolded question, will be contingent upon this one foundational question: “Is it possible for a nation to shape its own destiny?” I deduce many people may agree with “yes” for an answer. For the ones who say “no” claiming, it is not possible for a nation to shape its own destiny, may not find this book be of much help. As for those whose answer is “yes”, and that any nation can shape its’ own destiny would somewhat find this book rather helpful. I believe the destiny of our nation Papua New Guinea can be shaped. How can we shape our nations destiny? It is never about what we can accomplish by our own sheer efforts, rather it is all about what God can do through and in us, provided we follow the ultimate patterns set out in the Scriptures as well as taking into consideration the accounts of the subsequent history of certain nations which have shaped their own destinies. History leaves markers along with principles that we can emulate to shape our nation’s destiny. Principles are universal, fixed and are unchangeable. If we can appropriate the principles, we will surely apprehend the corresponding results. God has wired us with necessary abilities and gifts that we can employ to set on course the destiny of our own lives as well as the destiny of our wonderful nation, Papua New Guinea. The authority was pinned into us at the very beginning when God created Adam, and gave him the mandate to rule and dominate the earth. It has been reaffirmed, if not, established to a higher plane when Jesus Christ gave up His sinless life on the cross purposefully for us. The main thing here is not anything to do with the issue of authority. The authority has been given to us already. Now, the main emphases we can place rests’ entirely upon rightfully using our God given authority, as children of God, to positively and dynamically influence our God assigned arena.
  • 8. But it all strips down to the bare essential of our belief system. If you believe, Bible explicitly affirms, you do well. The constitution of our lives’ is so wired, such that, the results of what we believe in will eventually be brought into the open. Our belief, whether real or professed, cannot be hidden no matter how we may attempt to keep it a matter of secrecy; it will always come to the surface. Faith is cannot be hidden. It is meant to be expressed. It may be that many people may not go with the notion that our nations destiny can be shaped. To such, I would like to make this point; what we believe drives, motivates and inspires us to a larger extend. Admittedly, many people believe in their inabilities and shortcomings. They put their trust and confidence in the wrong wheel. Thus it propels them downwards on a slippery slope—ultimately to their utter destruction. They magnify their present condition and back off thinking not having what it takes to do the noble will of God. My friend, believe in the God whom you and I are serving! He is the Lord God Almighty! Also, believe in your God given potential that He has divinely planted on the inside of you. Our God has covenanted Himself to hear the cries of His dear children who walk humbly before Him seeking to please Him. If your motive and desire is to please Him, you can trust Him for greater things. Rest assured, He will be your strength. If you are a passionate and an aspiring leader crying out to see the great move of God sweep through our wonderful nation in all its facets; if your deepest desire is to see our nation change for God’s honor and glory, it is to this very end this book came into being. There are two phases in this book: • Chapter 1 is allotted to the theme of “Change”. • The rest of the Chapters hang on the Chapter 1 providing us with necessary principles, guidelines and steps to procure the necessary change.
  • 9. 9 1 TIME FOR CHANGE Most of us fear change. Even when our minds say change is normal, our stomachs quiver at the prospect. But for strategists and managers today, there is no choice but to change. —Robert Waterman Jr. We leaders and people must know where we want to go before we can decide how we should get there. Before a driver starts a car, he should first decide on his destination. Otherwise his driving will be without purpose, and he will achieve nothing. We Papua New Guineans are now in the driving set. The road which we should follow ought to be marked out so that all we know the way ahead. (Constitutional Planning Committee (CPC) Report, 1974, Chapter 2, Section 4) The needs of our nation Our country needs leaders of character, leaders with passion, and optimistic to lead change. We surely need leaders who are always working, praying and hoping to see the positive change permeate our nation in its entirety. Vibrant God fearing leaders’ is what our nation needs desperately in this point of time. We need passionate and dedicated leaders who are driven with a sense of responsibility, and who will identify with our nations’ insurmountable plight, such leaders will be counted in and looked upon to lead the “change movement.” Now is the time for change! I want to ask you these two questions: • What do you think about our nation’s present state of moral decay along with socio- political and socio-economic instability? • Are you comfortable with the mounting injustice and wickedness every day? • Are you satisfied with the current trend of management and leadership of our nation? If you are not content and pleased with our nation’s current stage, you are the unique person who bears the call of God on your life; you are destined and wired to stand up for change that our nation needs. People who realize the need for change for our nation are the people who are needed for this move of change. Join me as we embark on the boat of “shaping the destiny of Papua New Guinea.”
  • 10. Current Trend There has been so much abuse of power, wealth and resources from the dawn of our nations’ independence—right up to this present time. There seems to be so much complains poised by the populace especially on the government’s overall performance in the rendering of the nations’ basic infrastructure and development. Some people are complaining that our government is not doing enough in the rendering of the basic services. Others go to the extreme by criticizing our government and the authorities that God has established. Criticizing and judging those who are in authority is not a good attitude in the sight of God. Bible emphatically condemns such an attitude toward those who are in authority. Paul told us in Romans Chapter 13 to honor and respect those who are placed in the area of authority. Paul knew very well that this theme is of such tremendous importance that he devoted the seven verses to get his point across: Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. Consequently, he who rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves. For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and he will commend you. For he is God's servant to do you good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword for nothing. He is God's servant, an agent of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer. Therefore, it is necessary to submit to the authorities, not only because of possible punishment but also because of conscience. This is also why you pay taxes, for the authorities are God's servants, who give their full time to governing. Give everyone what you owe him: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor (Romans 13:1-7, NIV). Paul is telling us to submit to the governing authorities as God Himself has established it, for the authorities are God’s servants, who give their full time governing. He is not telling us to rebel here. Those who rebel against the authority are rebelling against God Himself. For what we do to man, that is what we exactly we are doing to God. Jesus taught us this in the gospels. Those who are rebelling against the authority, Paul says, even your consciences’ alarms you that what you are doing is not right. Our conscience is our moral sense of right and wrong. Paul knew that the people are likely to complain too much about our government imposing too much tax and introducing other monetary and fiscal policies, that he took time to clear this part. We owe them tax. Without paying tax, our nations’ economy will crumble. If they are charging too much for their personal gains and interests is, it is their own business, they will be accountable to God for their acts. But our responsibility is to pay taxes, revenue, and respect and honor because that is what we owe them. In verse 8, Paul went on and said; Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another. If we are rebellious, we have outstanding debts that we would one day answer before God. God loved us despite our situation, He expect us to love others in turn. If we fail, we owe this debt of love. Can you honestly say that you are well prepared to answer God on this matter at the end of your life? I don’t think many of us are ready. We all know that the decisions our leaders make determines the direction of our nation; whether positive change, development and progress or vice versa. Some decisions made by our leaders
  • 11. 11 are purely for personal gain and interests, which is sometimes disguised in the name of the unheard citizens. This contributes to the corruption that is so prevalent in our nation. I thank God for our nations’ leaders; I am not criticizing our leaders here. I am just pointing out where we are going wrong. Before we address such issues, truth must be brought to the forefront. Then, we will have the clear picture to do something about it. Truth brings things out into the open; it shows us things in their true nature. Avoid power-hungry attitude As long as it is your passion and determination to get into power you might be able to get into power, but with a wrong motive. You are driven and motivated by a passion not to serve the people, but to serve your own unbridled desire for power, all at the expense and in the name of the innocent people. Our motivation underpins everything we do in life. If our motivation in leadership is not to serve others, we are in the wrong position. You cannot be a leader and serve yourself; your own needs, pursue your own vision and dreams, and build your own empire. The leadership law and nature doesn’t harmonize with such an attitude. You must know why you are doing what you are doing. Before you try to embark on leadership roles and positions, make sure you define your motives, intention and objectives right. If not, it is inevitable you will go with the mainstream. As PNG is a developing country, the temptation to look to the other developed countries for opportunities may seem overwhelming. The lure to accumulate wealth so as to prosper and increase our buying power may have a strong and tenacious pull on us. We need wealth to go to other places that are on dream list. We need wealth, especially money to enable us to do what we are dreaming of doing. There are many more “things to obtain” you can think of. This temptation and loophole, all the leaders must be aware of and seek to avoid them when the opportunity to fall prey to presents itself. Know your enemies status before you face them in the battle. In the battlefield, you may be badly wounded. Wealth, money and power are not evil in themselves. But they can be devastating powerful weapons, and can be used for evil purposes if it falls in the hands of a warped and corrupted heart. Nowadays, many a leaders are enslaved by what we would call “power hungry”. Power hungry mindset puts the leaders in the position of negligence; hence they do not live up to their assigned roles and responsibilities. Ultimately, they fail to model the kind of leadership expected of them by the populace. It all starts by graving for more power. Apostle John termed it as “pride of life.” The deadly landmine which so destroys those who are not careful in life. It destroys those who are blindly led to it. The unredeemed man is liable to fall to the temptation of graving for more power, wealth and fame. Human nature graves for these things. Sadly, though, some leaders run after “wealth and luxury”─ therefore plunge themselves into misusing and misappropriating the resources that are strategically allocated toward our nations’ basic infrastructure development. In this vast and rapid competitive world we are living in, leaders seemed to be swayed by the beat of the current trend. They are not satisfied and content with what they have. They are always on the lookout wanting more. Furthermore, what we call “people based leadership” is losing its vocabulary as leaders pursue their own vain ambitions, trying to feed their own greed at their whim, doing so at the expense of the populace. All these factors, along with many other factors, builds up the solid block of corruption, which, eventually lead to chaos in the leadership, in all the arenas of our nation. The buck, however, has to be stopped somewhere.
  • 12. Only a responsible leader will feel the thread, and the weight of the insurmountable moral obligation resting on his shoulders. He sees the condition of the nation and feels he has to get involved, and do something to help the nation progress and develop positively. You must feel something on the inside of you. Something must move you and cause you to do what you are doing. Great leaders feel the pain others are feeling. A responsible person will get involved for the good of our nation PNG. We must get involved, stand together with one voice and do something to correct these twisted values, norms and morals which are celebrated and deemed acceptable. As I stated earlier, our people need educated God fearing leaders to move into all the arenas for change. My friend, you are the answer for our nation! Our nation is standing on the sinking sand Our nation is not progressing holistically, it’s regressing. The onus is on us. Are we going to let our nation sink, or we intervene to stop our nation from sinking further? We must be brought to the awareness and realization that our nation is actually standing on the sinking sand. It is sinking right before our eyes. We cannot just sit on the sidelines, spectate and shrug our shoulders saying it is none of our business. Only an unthinking person would react this way. We have to get involved for the betterment of our wonderful nation Papua New Guinea. You have to be involved. We need you! You cannot conquer what you do not confront. Victory means there has to be a fight! You have to go to the battle to claim victory. Change means, we must fight for it. In fact, enormous price and a great deal of sacrifice would be involved so as to see the needed change that we are longing for, and desiring so much come into fruition. The fact of the matter is that, we will have to pay a great deal of price for change. We have to be willing to sacrifice for the next generation. Are you willing to commit yourself to sacrifice? This is the question every one of us must resolve to answer. Nowadays, many aspiring leaders are highly motivated and are so passionate to see change. In preparation for change, more and more seminars, and conventions are held as the platform to instill into leaders of Papua New Guinea competent skills and knowledge underpinning quality leadership. Leslie B. Mamu in his first book—Living Your Dreams said; change is a popular issue discussed in homes, schools, churches and conferences. I agree! Change is of course the popular subject in our nation. People want the new and godly government to lead the nation forward. People are fed up with the prevalent misappropriation of power and influence. God created us as moral beings. Our inner nature loves what is right and fair. God has so created us and made us that way. However, it comes back to us to make the decision to follow or not to follow Christ. Leaders of today who are passionate to see change materialize are using their influence, exercising their God given mandate and authority unlike never before for change. Churches are offering their prayers for the national well-being, progress and prosperity of our nation. Churches that are awakened spiritually are also pleading in prayer before God to see the revival sweep across our land and evacuate all the social issues that are pulling our nation downwards. All of these stirrings and rolling’s going on around us are a sure indication that our nation is surely moving toward a major period of transformation in all the facets of life. Actually, this is really a good sign. It implies clearly that people are involved, and are doing everything they can in their power to see the positive change!
  • 13. 13 In the setting of a company or an organization, making change happen from the bottom of an organization by introducing it at the top is quite tough. Of course one has to be recognized before his ideas are accepted. This might be true on the physical plane; but in the spiritual dimension, quite the opposite is true. In the spiritual dimension; thank God, all of us have the same privilege. Our background, race, creed or status does not count in the sight of God. God sees us with equal privileges and opportunities. Where we come from does not count in the eyes of God, whom we believe matters most! As long as we believe in Him, we qualify for His blessings. What will bring change? Again, is it possible to shape the destiny of our nation Papua New Guinea? The answer is “yes.” There are mighty and dynamic spiritual weapons that God has provided for us that we can engage to shape the destiny of our nation. These weapons existed when God laid the foundation of the world in the beginning. They are still as much available now as they were in the biblical times. They are still locked safely away in the “armaments storehouse” in heaven. Our God is immutable! Now, our only major responsibility lies herein is to learn about these weapons; have a clear picture of the reason they are given, and how they are to be used; and then, we could use them for the purpose to which God has assigned. The Prophets of the Old Testament revealed to us in their writings that God is a man of war. Does this sound strange to you? Well, this is the single title the Major Prophets such as Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and other minor prophets ascribed to God; they referred to Him as the “Lord of Hosts.” There is a reason why they used this title. What is the word “host” means by the way? Host here is the old English word or archaic for the word “army.” Since we are at war with the enemy of our souls, that is Satan, God has provided us the necessary armaments to wage war victoriously and triumphantly. God has given us the weapons of: 1. Prayer 2. Fasting 3. Armor of God 4. Proclamation of His infallible and inerrant word with boldness and faith In utilizing these powerful atomic and dynamic weapons coupled with faith, we will see the change we are envisioning materialize. In the following chapters, we will discuss these three weapons in debt. This is just an outline to help us lay the foundation to the next themes which we will address in this chapter of change. God has given us these necessary weapons in order to mount up victorious. We cannot blame God for what our nation is facing currently. It is our responsibility to use what He has given us already. Take, for example; a soldier who is not using his weapon in the war frontier cannot blame his lieutenant general, captain or major general for his own foolishness and failure. He has been drafted into the military as a soldier, and has been thoroughly trained to handle the military weapons. His failure of not using his weapon does not give him the rights or grounds by any means to lay the blame on others! Do you get the picture?
  • 14. Similarly, when we have repented, and accepted Jesus Christ as our personal Lord and Savior, that very moment, we are automatically drafted into the military. We are in the Lord’s army automatically at war with Satan. Be assured that Christian life is not a playground, conversely, it is indeed a battlefield. Christian life is not a bed of roses; it is a bed which has real thorns. Therefore, believers must learn to use these weapons that God has provided, or would otherwise, end up as casualties or as victims. We are created to be victors and not victims! Some people wag their fingers at God when they are wounded and downtrodden forgetting the fact that they are the very ones ought to be blamed, not God, who is absolutely innocent and blameless! If we are going to fight for change for our nation, we must be thoroughly trained and equipped to lead the change movement. That is why I have employed military analogy here to drive home the point. You must have certain skills and qualities to fight for change. As we go on further in this chapter, we will see some of the key principles change leaders must have or develop in order to lead change. Sow seeds for change No gardener ever clears the bush and abandons it to grow the food by itself. Only a foolish and insane person can do that. We all know the process of gardening. After burning and clearing the bush, one starts planting. Here’s the simple process: clearing…..planting…..harvesting. Here’s the Key: Without planting or sowing, there can be no harvest. Seeds for change has to be sown now if there will be a bountiful harvest of change for our nation in the future. No seeds sown; no harvest. This is the basic principle for success, progress and development in any arena. We must know that the next generation will reap what this present generation sows. If we sow to the flesh, corruption will flourish and we are going to lose the next generation in the muck and mire of corruption. We cannot afford to let that happen. If we sow to the spirit, we will reap the corresponding spiritual benefits. The blessings of God in the Bible are rightfully ours, as His dear sons and daughters; yet they are conditional. Blessings of God are only unleashed and apprehended when the preceding conditions set forth in the Scripture is appropriated. God sets the condition upon which He releases His blessings. We must meet His standard before He ever blesses us. As we go on further, we will look at some conditions that God has set forth in the Scriptures that we will have to appropriate or act upon so as to see the needed change come into fruition. Learn from history History is the “story” of God’s dealings with the nations. Across the canvas of time, God was working out His purposes for the nations. He built up the humble nation, and He brought down the arrogant and prideful nation. He blessed the nations that humbled themselves before Him. He left the nations to their utter detriment that had forsaken His ways. We must learn from history and have a clear picture of the dealings of God for the nations. History provides us with good examples, which we can emulate. Learn from the mistakes and failures of the nations in history
  • 15. 15 avoid repeating them. What made God to bless some nations with His favor? What made God to abhor some nations and left them to their own harm? God didn’t just create the world, stand at a distance, and let it to thrive on its own. He is a “involve” God who cares and has deep concern for the world He created. God is concerned with the nations as much as He is concerned with an individual. He is concerned with the world as much as He is concerned with a person. He is concerned about the social welfare of humanity as much as He is concerned about the social welfare of an individual. In the history, God has so blessed United States of America with power, privilege and material tremendously. Why? Simply because the founding fathers of USA have established their nation on God’s Word. The fathers’ sowed the seed; the children are now reaping it. It was not that they were some kind of special people, they just believed in God and His Word, and relegated the first place to the Word of God. If our nation has to change, to achieve vision 2050, we must give the Word of God preeminence. Leaders are sowers We cannot talk about change if we are not prepared to sow the seeds for change. Change does not happen by random chance, it takes seed sowing, watering, and careful preparations. Change takes process and time. What are the seeds you are planting for change? Paul reminds us in Galatians 6: Don't be deceived. God is not mocked, for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. For he who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption. But he who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life (Galatians 6:7-8, WEB). All leaders are gardeners, we are sowers. We sow good things into those we are leading and mentoring. We plant good seeds and remove unwanted weeds. We look after the garden; we water it, we keep wild animals away from it, so we can reap a good harvest. We are planters. As leaders, as vision carriers, “What are we going to plant for change for our country?” PNG Vision 2050 will not come into fruition if nothing is sowed today. The vision is just a direction, it’s a foresight plan, and it’s our roadmap. But if it is not propelled with corresponding necessary action of sowing, we won’t achieve “change vision” and Vision 2050. If all of us would contribute our quota toward positive change, only then, Vision 2050 will become a reality. PRINCIPLES OF CHANGE Principles are fundamental truths or proposition serving as the foundation for a belief or action. The world around us is subject to the influence of change, but principles are unchangeable. Principle is that which guides and regulates almost everything in life. When we disobey the principles whether intentionally or unintentionally, our lives would not amount to anything.
  • 16. Principles, if followed and obeyed accordingly will surely lead us to our success. There are number of principles of change, however, we will not look at them in depth as we are only interested in change in spiritual perspective. They are:- 1: Change is a normal part of life ~ Nothing is permanent in this world except God 2: Change is pervasive ~ Change is sometimes unwelcome 3: Change is complex ~ Change is never easy 4: Change can cause tension & resistance ~ Some people fight and resist change 5: Change is sometimes rapid ~ Some change happens at a short notice 6: Change is sometimes incremental ~ Change that happens regularly Change is something which is a normal part of life. We always experience change irrespective of our race or creed. Sadly, we cannot avoid nor wish it away. Things around us are changing over time. Even the entire human race is subject to the demands of change. We are all affected tremendously by it. Change comes in diverse perspectives such as biological, political, spiritual, and cultural and so forth. In taking about bringing change into fruition, leadership is inevitable. Someone must rise up and lead change. Otherwise, change will not become a reality. Oh, we may plan about it. We talk about it. We may write about change. More and more seminars may be held, talking about the different kinds of changes that so confront today’s world, but all these would be worthless. This introduces us to one of the most important theme, which is “leadership.” LEADERSHIP In leading change; in all the arenas, leadership is indispensable. John C. Maxwell once said; “A leader knows the way, goes the way and shows the way.” In other words, a leader is one who shows the direction. He shows direction through his exemplary life and speech. It is vitally important that you as a leader must know where you are going (vision and mission), so as to lead, and show the way. I have learnt that you can only lead people to where you have been yourself. A leader must be a person with a sense of direction. People would not buy into a person who is going nowhere. One day, one of our Lecturers talked about Abraham. He said Abraham was a leader who did not have a vision and mission for his company. He was a leader that we would not want to follow. He left his family; he left his people and his country. Abraham what are doing? “I don’t know.” Abraham where are you going? “I don’t know.” Abraham believed on God to answer all these questions.
  • 17. 17 Change will never eventuate unless someone with the decisive character and sound leadership skills stands up to take the lead. Someone has to sacrifice voluntarily to carry the banner at the front line. This would definitely denote a life of sacrifice, and self-denial for the common good of our wonderful nation. Many people only love talking things through, but when it comes to sacrificing, they shrink back. In leadership, the issue is not of quantity; rather, it is of quality. Any nations’ success and progress hinges entirely on the quality of its leaders. A God fearing leader with character and sound quality leadership skills is worth more than hundred professing leaders whose standard, character, and motivation is so low a watermark, lack the sense of purpose and direction. Such leaders will only cause problems and frustration. That is why all the leaders must strive strenuously to raise up quality leaders. You can count on quality leaders. I am very impressed with Joseph’s story in the Bible. Joseph had no Bible beside him. Bible shows no record of whether or not he ever prayed. Bible never states that Joseph ever attended prayer meetings. He never sat in the pews of the church. But what made him not to give in to the pleas of the immoral and seductive Egyptian (worldly) woman? It was his referential fear toward God that made him to run away from the Satan’s entrapments. He loved God so much that he would not afford to go against his moral conscience by doing the wrong thing. Truly, we need more Joseph’s to lead our nation, PNG. There are many leaders in our nation who do not run away from women; rather, they run wildly eyeing out woman who is not theirs. What a shameful attitude! Vision must be driven from the top As I have mentioned previously, the success, development, and the progress of any company and organizations’; hinges entirely on its top management level. Of course, everyone contributes for the success of the organization, but it’s the top management that sets the pattern for success. Top management lead and manage the company; they give directions, make decisions, and issue orders to the ones below. In the same way, the success and progress of a nation hinges entirely on its leaders. Vision cannot be driven from the bottom, it is impossible. Vision is always driven from the top. If leaders are committed and are willing to sacrifice all in the name of making the “change vision” a reality, they can influence their followers. It’s when top leaders lose their vision that they lose the trust of their followers. Where the head goes, the tail simply follows. The tail doesn’t drag the head; the head drags the tail along. Likewise, a church spiritual condition also vests on its’ church leaders. If the leaders in the church are compromising, and are playing with sin, it rubs off to the entire congregation. You cannot have a dead Pastor and have a live church. It’s impossible! Same equally applies to other areas of leadership. Everything, to a larger degree, falls and rises on leadership! Leaders are a critical people. They can either build up or destroy the people, one of the two. They can inspire, build, direct and motivate or mislead, deceive and discourage the people that they are leading. People are graving for good leadership. Cruel and dishonest leadership undermines and demeans man’s value and
  • 18. worth. Godly leadership maximizes man’s value and worth. Godly leadership attracts God’s favor and blessing for a nation. We need God’s favor and blessing to change the course of our nation. All throughout the Scripture, we see snapshots of man and woman of God who were great leaders by God’s grace. Admittedly, they were fallible men and women like us. It was never about what they did, but what they became before God and men. They stood up tall for righteousness, and justice, and wrestled against the prevailing corruption of their time with the Word of God. They served God with wholeheartedness, faithfulness and loyalty. As the result of their faithfulness, loyalty and humility before God, God trusted them with bigger things. Price has to be paid so as to see positive change that we are longing for and desiring so much come into fruition. THE PATTERN OF LEADERSHIP 1: Greatness, God’s way The world defines greatness using many standards and criteria. People from different cultures and different walks of life have different perceptions of greatness. God has His standard through which He measures greatness. The world’s standard of greatness is only temporary, which does not have any vital view of eternity. But greatness from God’s standpoint reaches past the temporal plane of time and reaches into the realm of eternity. It has eternal benefits. I believe there is something on the inside of us, which gnaws within us, and makes us dissatisfied still even in the face of many of our achievements, successes and accomplishments. Why I am not satisfied? Is there more than where I am now? It is the inclination that we are created to do more. It is a signal that where we have stopped from our last progress, is not, where we should remain. In the Bible, there was an issue which arose between the disciples as to who is the greatest amongst them. Surprisingly, Jesus did not rebuke them for having this idea. He did not wag his finger at them, and lush out, “Guy’s you are wrong!” He did not yell at them saying, “Guys you’ve followed me all this time but haven’t changed.” Rather, He took the issue at hand by expounding to them the subject of greatness in its’ truest, and simplest nature. Of course, the disciples represented all of us, and asked Jesus with this issue of greatness. There is a passage that Luke wrote which accounts this story: There arose also a contention among them, which of them was considered to be greatest. He said to them, the kings of the nations’ lord it over them, and those who have authority over them are called benefactors. But not so with you. But one who is the greater among you, let him become as the younger, and one who is governing, as one who serves (Luke 22:24-26, WEB).
  • 19. 19 Jesus tells us that whoever wants to be great must humble himself; and be a servant to all. Jesus is telling us that true greatness is what we become in the eyes of God, not what we are before man. We must form all perceptions from God’s standpoint. Because He is the one we are accountable to. Not man! You see, this corrupt, sickly and twisted world cannot accept this very important truth. It demeans, writes-off and belittles man’s dignity. Many people cannot accept anything which belittles their ego. Today’s world sees this as something insulting. Well, God does not need your standard. He’s got His own standard. Besides, we all must know that no one is created to be a mediocre; rather, we are created to do great and mighty exploits for God! You will never ever come across a person with an ambition to be a mediocre. Admittedly, all of us want to be great. Conversely, you will only see few people rejuvenated with the passion and determination for greatness. Many people see their inabilities and shortcomings; magnify them; make excuses and settle where they are with no pretext of rising to the next level. Such attitude must be eliminated if our nation will produce fruitful and change leaders tomorrow! We are the handiwork of a great and intelligent Creator! We are the head and not the tail; we are from above and not beneath! We are the powerful children of the Most High God, eternal and all-powerful God! Servant leadership Servant leadership is the highest form of leadership. It is the most profound and noblest form of leadership. To be a servant leader, there are three criteria that you have to meet. You must deny yourself, carry your cross and follow Jesus. Servants live a life of self-forgetfulness. In a world of “me-first”, servant leadership is the most difficult of all leadership. Great servants are tough people. Viewing leadership trend in the light of Luke’s account, however, brings out the vital fact that leadership in the kingdom of God is one which is really upside-down in nature. Jesus Himself introduced this philosophy that we become great by becoming a servant to all. We lead by serving, because the true nature of leadership is servanthood. The world reaches up, the kingdom of God stoops down! This is the principle, the founder of Christianity taught us. Majority of Papua New Guineans think of a leader in terms of someone with a chest out, bossy, aggressive, manipulative and domineering attitude. Well, I have a simple comment to offer to this kind of leadership standpoint. This is an “old fashion cultural mindset and standpoint” of leadership which is completely wrong and does not harmonize with the scriptural teaching. In the past, our ancestors view leadership in this perspective. Someone with wealth and many wives was highly respected. They highly respected people who had many sons; they respected warriors and chiefs and viewed them as leaders. The time frame in which they lived accepted and celebrated these beliefs and standards. However, the time frame in which we live now differs drastically from the time frame in which they lived. They had tribal fights; therefore they respected great warriors, and saw them as their leaders. They used black powers and customs; therefore, they esteemed highly the people who possessed these magic powers. They had no hospitals and clinics; therefore they relied on witchdoctors for cure to their illnesses. That is the past. We are not
  • 20. interested in traditional view of leadership as it is misleading; we are only interested in God’s standpoint of leadership, which the scripture teaches us. 2: Imitate Paul’s attitude I was walking with one of my course mates to attend a lecture. This guy turned around and whispered an amazing statement to me. He said; “It’s attitude which characterizes the lives of good managers.” I didn’t say anything in reply. In fact, I pondered about this statement in my mind and muttered to myself, “You are right.” Apostle Paul is one of the greatest leaders who had ever lived. I am amazed and greatly challenged when I see his leadership attitude, whenever I study his letters. I believe Paul is one of the great leaders whose life is an inspiration that we ought to take note of, and whose godly examples are worth emulating. Nowadays, media has a very great influence on this young generation. They seem to imitate whatever media puts before them. They are imitating the wrong set of values and beliefs which the media portrays. If we can influence this young generation for change, we must point them to the Bible, which is full of influential characters. We must do this, if not, media will have a very devastating “grip” on this young generation. Don’t underestimate the influence of media. Media is a very powerful tool. Paul, whose life is an inspiration, is worth emulating. Writing to the Philippians, he said: Not that I have already obtained, or am already made perfect; but I press on, if it is so that I may take hold of that for which also I was taken hold of by Christ Jesus. Brothers, I don't regard myself as yet having taken hold, but one thing I do. Forgetting the things which are behind, and stretching forward to the things which are before, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus (Philippians 3:12-14, WEB). Paul made four confessions, which, I believe are so important that we need to take careful note here. Let us see Paul’s confessions of faith systematically: • Not that I have already obtained • Not that am already perfect • I don't regard myself as yet having taken hold • Forgetting the things which are behind After making all these bold confessions, he comes up with these astounding words: “But I press on, stretching forward to the things which are before; I press on toward the goal for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.” What a leader! What a man of God! Paul teaches us something very important in the above passage. Not that I have already obtained He is reminding us that the biggest mistake we can ever make is to convince ourselves thinking that we have arrived. This kind of attitude sabotage all progress and advancement in any arena of
  • 21. 21 leadership. Like Paul, we must never settle where we are; rather we must always move forward, in everything we are doing. When something is done, it is already frozen; we need to move forward. Brooding on frozen things is very dangerous; it will stop us from progressing any further. Move forward and do more of what God has called you to do. Forget the past; stretch forward to the things which are before you. Paul experienced God in a deeper level, yet his words tell us clearly that he still hungered and yearned for more of God. Really an amazing character! Why? Because he came to grips with the fact that if he ever stops growing, he will surely become stagnant and settle in complacency, which is undoubtedly, one of the greatest enemies of success in any area. Many races were not completed because people fooled themselves thinking they have arrived. We must never stop growing, and doing what God calls us to do till God calls us home. Heaven is our resting place. Not that am already perfect As Christian leaders, we must know that we are not perfect. We were formed from the clay and therefore, we are morally frail, weak and impure. We have not reached the benchmark that God has set. We have fallen far short from it. We have misrepresented and dishonored Him by our dead works. God knows that we are not perfect; therefore He looks past our flaws and embraces us still. Our “perfectness” comes from God. We must draw all our strength from God who is our source of all blessings. Paul is a man who lived so close to God but he saw himself as “imperfect still.” Because he came to the end of himself; and relied on the “perfectness and purity” of God. His utter reliance and dependence on God made him to be one of the Christians heroes whose life is a twinkling and sparkling star. You never know the legacy and inspiration your life can be as a result of your committing your life to God in utter reliance and dependence. I don't regard myself as yet having taken hold Paul had done many things and had achieved many great things in his spiritual service and ministry. His dire efforts paid off by making the unchurched find hope and profess faith in Christ. His preaching brought many to Christ. He labored establishing churches so as to edify the ones who had newly found faith in Christ. His ministry had been very fruitful. All these were enough to make him sit back and marvel at his great success. Conversely, he didn’t settle in comfort, stagnancy and complacency. He never thought of himself having grasped and detained the secrets of God and ways of God. God has poured amazing revelations to Paul because he had this humble attitude in his heart. He was well-prepared and well-suited for this noble task. He came to the end of his own life. His eyes were fixed on the finish line. His single goal was to finish the race successfully and on a high note. This was his motivation. Forgetting the things which are behind As leaders, there are some things we must rather forget. They cannot do us any good at all. It may be a nasty comment from an immature person in our church, in our ministry, or group. It
  • 22. may be a false accusation. It may be a judgmental comment. It may be a blunt lie. We need to say goodbye to these things, and focus our gaze on Jesus. In the course of writing this book, Satan used other people to ruin my name and my ministry. People began to talk about some things that I never did. It was a very humbling experience. God used this to push me higher. It could be some horrible memories of our past that we need to let it go. What we have become in Christ matters most. We must not let our past cloud our future. God knows our past but He is not surprised. You can tell Him the worse thing about you, and He will tell you, “I knew all about that but I just waited for you to admit it, and turn from it.” That’s the beauty about God’s love for us. Our eyes must be on the goal, the finish line. That is, to finish the race. Jesus has a price ready for us and He is standing on the finish line. These four Pauline leadership attitudes might not seem attractive, popular and appealing compared to many “easy steps to great leadership” and “quick fix” manuals available on the shelves. But these are biblical steps, they are proven, tested and are found to be working. What makes a good leader? We must begin with God as the foundation for everything in life. If we take God out of mention or out of our vocabulary, we are liable to fall into error and misconception. With this key thought in mind, let’s ask: What makes a good leader? It is God who makes a good leader! He calls; He anoints, and rises up a leader. We do not make ourselves; it is God’s grace, love, mercy and kindness alone that make us to be who we are. Remember, we are clothed with Jesus’ righteousness, not our own self-righteousness, which is but only filthy rags! God is the giver of all the good and most noble things in life. Glory to God! Character Here’s the Key thought to begin with: It’s easy for people to follow a leader of character. I believe “character” makes a godly leader. This is the ingredient and substance every godly leader has, it is “character”. It is easy for people to follow the leader that they know and trust. Character holds this world together. Character makes this world a better place to live. In our nation, people perceive leadership in terms of someone’s educational background, wealth, title and etc. As our nation is a developing nation, people often esteem highly a person who is well developed and highly cultivated. They don’t give a second thought to his character and personal standing, which is of paramount importance. Wealth, title, position and education become a lure to bribe and win people over to do what we want them to do. The quality of a leader hinges entirely on his character. Now, what is character? I would define character this way; it is “who we really are on the inside”. Character is the real you and me. Many people only care about their reputation but they never realize their need for character development. Such attitude is a tragedy because character alone makes a leader, not reputation. Furthermore, God appoints his servants on the basis of their character. If we can do great exploits for the Kingdom of God, we must be man and woman who are adorned and clothed with godly
  • 23. 23 character. People sometimes see and focus a lot on reputation, but God sees our inner person, He looks deep into our character. Bible accounts that mighty Prophet Samuel made a mistake, and was about to anoint Eliab, had God not intervened that very hour. Samuel was drawn towards Eliab due to his physical appearance and stature. It is human nature. Conversely, God chose David simply because He saw the wonderful shepherd’s heart in David. David had the spirit of shepherd in him which was the great asset for leadership. The word “shepherd” is closely associated with the word “pastor” or “overseer.” They mean the same thing. In simple terms, David had a wonderful pastor’s heart. He loved his sheep dearly as the Bible tells us. No one recognized and applauded him, but God knew what He has put in the heart of David. When I was appointed as the president of DWU TSCF ministry, one of my brothers in Christ said to me; “I did not expect you to be the President of the ministry.” He admitted; he expected something less from me than President. Yes, we humans do not determine what people become. Only God determines the destiny of a person. He chooses and calls us according to His will. That’s good news because we do not need people’s approval and appointment to become the kind of person He wants us to become. God is the only One who chooses and appoints people for His divine purposes. People may undermine, and label you, and give you all kinds of names, but God sees you with entirely different set of lenses. If you can become all that God has created you to be, you must train yourself to rise above people’s opinion and approval. Focus only on what God says about you, and not on what other people say about you. People will always magnify our flaws. They may not give us the benefit of the doubt. But God only magnifies our abilities. People will see and judge by our outward appearances and stature. But God sees our heart. People may applaud and magnify only our strength. But God loves us despite our weaknesses. He loves us just the way we are. Had David dwelt on people’s opinion, we would not have the book of Psalms in the Bible. We would not have the books of Proverbs and the Songs of Solomon as well. It was through David’s line that Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior came through. There are many heroes, whom the Bible accounts, who were once rejected, despised and undermined, but God used them rather in the mighty way to reveal His strength and power. Paul, the apostle, knew this secret very well, and writing to the Corinthians believers, he came up with these astounding words; for when I am weak than I am strong. He knew the secret! Yes, God reveals His strength, power and wisdom to those who are weak and foolish in the eyes of man. That is how God works. God does not need man’s strength. He does not need man’s wisdom. Why? Because, He has His own strength, He has His own wisdom. We depend so much on our own strength that we do not qualify for God’s strength. We laud and applaud our own wisdom that we do not qualify for God’s wisdom. God has made divine provisions and has restored us to our original domain. Having fallen from His glory, He has resurrected us again, and has adopted us into His family through His Son, Jesus Christ. All of God’s purposes that the Scripture unfolds are synchronized toward moving man back to where he was initially in the Garden of Eden. God knows that man’s character and nature is far more important than what his works. If a man is unregenerate or not born again, his works will be the mere result of who he is on the inside. He will spread the sin disease due to his
  • 24. inherent sinful nature within him which is not dealt with accordingly. A born again person will emanate life out of the new nature and the reservoir of God’s very own nature within him. Thank God, through Jesus Christ, we are made anew! We are restored to our original domain and position! We have what it takes to live like Christ here and now! Change yourself first In my own spiritual pilgrimage, I have learnt this principle which is of vital importance. God increased His use of me when I focused on myself and sought God to change my life. Doors began to open to reach other people’s lives. Jesus told us to remove the blank in our eyes before we attempt to remove it from somebody’s eyes. It always starts from us. The moment you quit looking at others, and wholeheartedly focus on yourself and your need for change, you are on the way to spiritual greatness. Sometimes, God will put you in a position where your leadership will go through tough and dry times. So that He will humble you and change you. God will put some people across your path, just so He can show what’s in your heart. God will put some people along your way, who won’t seem to buy into you; He is doing this so that he can show you your attitude. He allows circumstances so that we may change and be effective as leaders. God uses changed and transformed leaders as instruments and channels to change others. That is what Jesus did. He took disciples to Himself, he taught them, He changed them and sent them out to spread that change to others. We must be changed by God before we can be change agents. A leader who is passionate for positive change must first and foremost change himself. Work with your own life and seek to improve your life as a leader, through God’s grace given us. Correct your misconceptions and perceptions and align them to God’s Word. The better you are as a person, and as a leader, God will use you to touch other people’s lives. Get busy with yourself. Don’t try to fix other people’s problems to the point where you forget about yourself, and your need for change. Leaders judge no one except themselves. They examine their own lives and correct their own flaws. Leadership is who you are If leadership is calculated by “what we do”, then the world at large will be swollen with pride and ignorance. In reality, leadership is first being, and then it culminates in doing. In other words, who you are is more important than what you do. Even an uneducated person can understand this fact clearly. Every change begins within, then without. You cannot go around laboring to change others except yourself. The only person you can change is yourself. You know yourself; you know your strengths and weaknesses. We don’t change people, it’s God who change people inside out. Bible asserts that we must first remove plank in our own eyes before we reach out to change someone. That is why; you must allow God to work in you before He works through you.
  • 25. 25 Leadership can be a blessing, at the same time, it would be a curse. When you are placed in an influential position, be careful you become a blessing to others. A leader who is passionate about change must first and foremost, change himself; as leader- ship is first being, and then, it culminates in doing. MANAGEMENT VERSUS LEADERSHIP Based on my personal observation, I deduce that the three important and mostly discussed subjects in our nation are change, management and leadership. In fact, these three subjects are interlinked and interwoven. They are inseparable. When you talk about management, you will also include leadership. When you talk about leadership and management, you will have to consider the indispensable subject of change. I am persuaded that leadership is doing the “right thing” while management is doing “things right.” A leader does the things he was born and called by God to do. Manager simply does things right. To put it in simpler terms, a leader “leads”, a manager “manages.” In the business and management arenas, there may be a slight distinction between the two due to technical explanations. But in practicality, I believe these two subjects go together. Like I said, they are inseparable. In leading change, leadership and management are inevitable. A leader is a manager as well, but a manager on the other hand has to learn to the art of leading. Myles Munroe once said; “Whatever you mismanage, you lose it.” This may sound very simple, but by implication, it is so profound. A leader has to know how to manage, so as to be competent, and excel in what he is doing. Take, for example, corporate sectors experience bankruptcy and chaos when their leaders mismanage the company. Family’s falls apart when a father fails in his leadership to model the standard of leadership expected of him. Many families are disoriented, and are in chaos, because the father does not live up to his level of leadership that God has so designed. Below are some roles and responsibilities of managers and leaders. However, we will not see these managerial and leadership functions, roles and responsibilities in broader scope, as we are interested only in the spiritual view of change. It is imperative a leader must have or develop these credentials or qualities so as to be effective and competent in his leadership. The list below is not exhausted; you can add some of your own as well. Leadership: A Leader: 1. Establishes direction 2. Aligns people 3. Motivates 4. Inspires
  • 26. 5. Produces change Management: A Manager: 1. Plans 2. Budgets 3. Organizes 4. Staffs 5. Controls 6. Problem solver 7. Produces predictability 8. And establishes order Blend the two To be effective in leadership, a leader has to acquire “managerial skills” and “competencies” and apply them in his leadership. Skills are vitally important. Don’t neglect developing skills. We must integrate a good heart with a good head, which is a formidable combination. David had a good heart, and he also had a skillful hands. Daniel had a good heart, and he also had a good mind which made him to be an excellent official for the two kingdoms. In the Bible, God also gifted specific individuals with special wisdom to carry out what He wanted. Whatever He demanded, He provided. He gave skills to the individuals for the task he wanted to be done. With all the skills, qualifications and competencies we can possess, we must know that without God’s grace, we cannot accomplish anything worthwhile. Our skills and competencies must not drive us to the place of arrogance. Our nation is suffering from a disease called, “trust.” Leaders are not trustworthy. We are also in need of good management. Good leadership and good management are two things that our nation needs. We cannot progress if these two things are missing. We need good managers to manage our natural resource. We also need good human developers to develop our nations’ human resource and human capital. Our nation is richly and abundantly blessed by God, and yet, we are not seeing it tangibly. Development is slow because the resources are not allocated to their right place. Leaders and managers must be trained by God to manage the wealth of our nation successfully. Many managers and leaders have qualifications and education, but they are not trained to handle roles and responsibilities practically. That is why when they are entrusted the role and responsibility to manage the nations resources, they fail in their responsibility. Education and knowledge can be a deadly tool in the hands of man, if it is not guided by godly principles. Have problem solving skills Many people will come to you for advice, help and direction. You as a leader must be prepared to meet these needs. That is why you must develop certain skills and competencies, and be better
  • 27. 27 prepared for this task. Learn from your life lessons and use it to help others who will come your way. When leading change, people will either try to avoid it or actively attempt to discourage it by causing inconveniences. You as the change leader must know how to approach such problems, and solve them decisively. Many complicated issues are arising in our government, churches, homes and societies simply because people do not know how to solve the problems effectively and decisively. The wisdom to solve such issues, and make it a win-win situation for both parties seems to be absent. We are moving towards a world where whatever satisfies and makes people “happy” is what matters despite its negative outcome in the aftermath. As long as humans exist, there will never be a shortage of problems. Therefore, you must be good problem solver. People around us need help for their problems. They need our advice and insight. They need direction for their lives. Therefore we must be ready and well prepared to meet this need. It’s good to develop problem solving skills, but ultimately, we must give space to the Holy Spirit, He is our counselor. In my own life, I have experienced what it means to be used by the Holy Spirit to help solve problems. When the Holy Spirit speaks, light comes on. Sometimes in an attempt to solve a problem, people unwittingly make it very complicated for it to be solved. Some people are experts and gifted in making problems hard to solve. They walk into a situation, and turn the problem worse than it was in its initial stage. Many times we think that our experiences, expertise and qualifications are all we need to be successful leaders. We live God out of the equation. But this is all wrong! Whenever you leave God out of the equation; you unwittingly sign up for utter failure. Ben Carson, a renowned Neurosurgeon, was successful in most of the operations he performed because he acknowledged God and gave Him the place of preeminence. He didn’t rely on his own expertise and knowledge. By his own admission, he glorified God by saying that it was Him behind his success in the operations he performed. He would not be successful had he relied on his own knowledge and expertise. God can do the same to you if you would decide to shine the spotlight on Him in whatever area He has put you. God sometimes limits His use of us because we have something in us that He sees that would destroy us if He continues to use us still. Therefore, He uses us without putting us in a place where we would kill ourselves. When He sees pride and arrogance in us, He withdraws His hand and chastens us before blessing us. I read a short story which fits perfectly to what I want to say. It was sent to me via email from Ray Stedman daily devotional. This short story is a typical example of not having “problem solving skills and competencies” in leadership. I heard of a church that got into an argument over whether they ought to have a Christmas tree at their Christmas program. Some thought that a tree was fine; others thought it was a pagan practice, and they got so angry at each other and even got into fist fights over it. One group dragged the tree out, then the other group dragged it back in. They ended up suing each other in a court of law and this was spread in
  • 28. the newspapers for the entire community to read. What else could non-Christians conclude other than that the gospel consists of if you have a Christmas tree or not? We all know that church is a place where we gather and worship God our Creator and learn of His ways. It is a place where there should exits acceptance, friendship and peace. It is a place where peace should prevail; not fist and verbal fights, lushes and quarrels. This story is a typical example of failure in solving the existing problem decisively. As a result, the relationship amongst the believers was marginalized and the entire congregation was divided. Division is the work of the evil one, which Paul said; works of the flesh or carnality. If there was at least one wise leader amongst them, this issue should have been dealt with accordingly, calmly and solved decisively for the equal good of everyone. In such settings, the presence of one wise person will make a tremendous difference. A wise person has discernment and understanding, he has the ability to weigh things proportionally, rationally and genuinely consider both parties standpoint, and come up with a sound consensus. His wisdom does not come from himself, but it comes from God. He knows exactly what to do in such settings. I have witnessed such issues several times in the Church and as such; I think I have at least little insight on how to solve problems in such settings. Paul addressed this issue in 1 Corinthians chapter 6. He took at least eight verses to get across this important truth to the believers of Corinth. He was urging them not to go to the circular authorities to solve their minor problems, rather, to have the maturity to solve their smallest matters in the church. Paul said; I say this to move you to shame. Isn't there even one wise man among you who would be able to decide between his brothers? But brother goes to law with brother and that before unbelievers! (See 1 Corinthians 6:5-6, WEB). Notice the bold and underlined emphases. Paul clearly affirms what I am trying to get across to you! Church must have the wisdom to handle such problems decisively and not go to the circular authorities. Frankly, people in the church do not know how to handle the problems effectively. We have drifted so far away from Paul’s message. God’s wisdom in solving problems We can infer that there was failure both in management and leadership in this particular church. In fact, a good leader is actually a good manager as well. As we have seen earlier, these two are interlinked and are inseparable. I have learnt that it takes insight, understanding and discretion to solve such problems effectively and decisively. Knowing what to say, how to say it and the right timing is very critical. We may have the right words for the occasion but wrong timing is one important factor that we have to consider before opening our mouths to say something. Or the timing may be right but wrong choice of words is another important factor that we must consider. We can either build others up with our words or destroy them instead. The book of Proverbs speaks much of how we use our mouth, lips and tongue. Read through the book of Proverbs and note the verses that speak of the sins we commit with our lips, tongue and mouth. You will be surprised to see out of 31 chapters; King Solomon devoted over fifty verses to talk about the great havoc these three little members of our body cause. These three members cause a lot of trouble and start up disastrous and sinister fires in the church, homes and etc. You can know much about a person by his words. Words reveal a man! You can know about a person whether or not he or she fears the Lord through his words and actions! If one uses obscene languages and curses all the time, you do not need further observations or speculations
  • 29. 29 to see whether or not such a one fears the Lord. We can infer that this person does not have the fear of the Lord! Simple as that! Bible says in the gospel; out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. I have suffered a great deal from verbal abuse, and I know the adverse effects that verbal abuse can have on a person. If a child hears negative words spoken over him many times, he will eventually believe them and convince himself that what people say of him is what he is really. Faith comes by hearing; not only the spiritual side, psychological side is also very disastrous. If a person hears a word long enough, he will eventually believe it. Verbal abuses have devastating psychological consequences on a person. Usually, people who have suffered as a result verbal abuse almost always end up having to struggle with the problem of low self-esteem. Many people are the victims of verbal abuse. They are tied to the words spoken over them. Such people really need our helping hand to get back to track. Here’s the Key: Leadership begins at home where nobody else is watching except our home mates. Leadership begins at home The old axiom; “home sweet home,” not only reassures us of the awaiting peace and joy at home, it also waves before our round eyes our “roles and responsibilities” at home. Home is simply where we live. Therefore, it is imperative people living with us, under the same room, must first know the kind of person we are before anybody else knows about us. We cannot bypass this first unit. Leadership begins at home where nobody else is watching except our home mates. Many people treat leadership like a jewel. Leadership is not a jewel that we can wear on the outside to impress others when we are away from home, and take it off when we are with our own family. Remember we cannot cheat God! That is why God has a plan of action for each one of us. He lets us cross the dry deserts and makes us climb rugged mountains so as to teach us through experience. In my own life, I have learnt so much having gone through the hard times that God has put me through. There are some things in life that you cannot otherwise learn them anywhere else. Someone once said; “The school of suffering is the best school.” This is very true. When we go through a situation, we come out stronger, and tougher than we were initially. There are many people who do not know the purpose of suffering. They do not see the other side of it. Suffering and pain are actually blessing in disguise but a lot has to do with our responds to it, which is critically important. That is why Scripture tells us emphatically time and again not to despise the chastening of the Lord. For whom the Lord loves, He rebukes and corrects. If we are without chastening, we are illegitimate. Hard times play a significant part in our lives; it works for us, it works for our own good. God uses these situations and trials to frame, shape, mold, refine, groom and prepare us for His greater calling and the noble purposes He has for our lives. If our nation has to change, it is imperative the family unit must win. Family is a sacred and crucial unit that can either build up a society, or pull it down. Godly home sets the pace for godly society. The breakdown of our societies is mere reflection of the breakdown of families.
  • 30. Much of Pauls’ advice in appointing elders for the work of the ministry was wholly singled out on the “home life”. No doubt, Paul had something in mind when he set down the criteria. Paul wrote to Titus who was in Crete: I left you in Crete for this reason, that you would set in order the things that were lacking, and appoint elders in every city, as I directed you; if anyone is blameless, the husband of one wife, having children who believe, who are not accused of loose or unruly behavior. For the overseer must be blameless, as God's steward; not self- pleasing, not easily angered, not given to wine, not violent, not greedy for dishonest gain; but given to hospitality, as a lover of good, sober minded, fair, holy, self- controlled (Titus 1:5-8, WEB). Notice the underlined word in this passage. It’s the word “order.” Paul visualized this word in his mind before he charged young Titus with this solemn task of appointing elders. The first condition or criteria, so to speak, that Paul eyed above all else is the “home life.” Paul reminded Titus to appoint elders in every city with the following four credentials: • One who is blameless • The husband of one wife • Having children who believe • And children are not accused of loose or unruly behavior. If we are to summarize all the above credentials, we can conclude that Paul is informing Titus to appoint elders who “leads or manages” his home business effectively. Remember, our thesis is, “leadership begins at home.” Home is the first unit which is a company and ministry of its’ own. Therefore, God expects us to be orderly in this area. God is a God of order, and therefore He would have us first and foremost to be good leaders at home. Sadly, home management is where many a man mess it up. You cannot fail at home and expect to be successful away from your own home. It is impossible! You have to be systematic and be orderly. God ordained man to be the head of the family. Every man must live up to this original standard which God has set. A father who fails in his leadership at home cannot be successful in the church. Church is simply families coming together to worship the Lord. If the man manages his home well, he will surely manage the church affairs well. Better and orderly home management puts one in a better position to be better able to manage the other areas apart from home. This is the area where all the man must seek to excel in before all else. CHANGE IS NEVER EASY It’s always easy to talk about change, but asserting change in any arena is never an easy task, due to a number of inherent factors, or obstacles involved that we will uncover here. There are many factors which obstruct change in our nation; but we will focus on two factors here which are “fear of unknown” and our “culture and tradition”. Before we uncover certain things or skills a
  • 31. 31 change leader must apprehend, it is imperative we see the lurking issues or probable factors which could hinder change: 1: Fear of unknown One of the main factors’ which resists change is the “fear of unknown”. Fear is one of those paralyzing and strongest emotion which prevents us from becoming all that God made us to be. If we cannot rise above our fears and do what God wants of us, it will push us down, keep us small and confined. We must keep our gaze on God, and draw courage from Him. Many “change visions” never became a reality. Some lack tenacity and perseverance to push hard to make it happen. Some failed to implement it because of much opposition and conflict encountered along the way. Whatever reasons may be, change is never easy. It is the fear of unknown that coils; inks and irons people to such a degree that they become paralyzed and rigid to change. This is the reason people do not pursue the convictions they have in their hearts. The unknown is uncertain, seems blurry at a distance. That is why people become ingrained psychologically believing the ceiling has been reached, with little to no prospect for furtherance. Porsche, one of the management gurus once said something to this effect, especially referring to change; “There is nothing more difficult to carry out, more doubtful of success, nor more dangerous to handle, than to initiate a new order of things.” Initiating new order of things comes with its’ number of risks and uncertainties. In the natural, we all are afraid of taking risks because it involves a lot of uncertainties. The future on the other hand is vastly unknown and unpredictable. Consequently, we only do the things which are seemingly comfortable to us. We do things that we are accustomed to, especially the things that do not involve taking great risks. Great risks’ often comes with great blessings. Risks and uncertainties render people with little to no prospect of introducing new ways of doing things. This factor obstructs change to a great degree. 2: Our culture and tradition “We cannot accept nor tolerate anything new; we have always done things this way!” This is one of statements which kill and sabotage change. The society and culture in which we are bred and raised, to a certain degree, frames our whole outlook and perception on life. That is why people can see your conduct, your face, and your speech and tell where you come from. Our tradition and culture stays with us no matter where we go. We are born into it, and we have lived in it. Our cultural and societal practices influences’ and frames our perceptions in a far greater way. These practices’ traded down from our forefathers to us has become part of our identity. This defines and identifies us to a certain degree. This sometimes becomes a barrier to the positive change we are longing for come into fruition. People who embrace traditional beliefs still try ways to maintain these beliefs in this fast changing society. However, those who live by God’s
  • 32. standard, the cultural practices no longer characterize their lives. To such people, positive change is seemingly welcoming and not a threatening issue. Our main hindrance to change is those who labor strenuously to maintain traditional beliefs, these ones will be our major obstacles. But through God’s grace, we will remove these rigid walls of culture and traditions! Our God does not conform Himself to the culture of man. When God comes, He comes with His Kingdom culture. Through God, we will nullify and eradicate the cultures which are destructive, and are contradictory to God’s Kingdom culture. We must know that culture and tradition will not change overnight. Our cultural practices has been accepted and practiced for centuries, therefore has put down its roots. But praise God, Kingdom culture is the solution. As I said earlier, people will seemingly resist and fight the new in their odds to keep the old. Some people never want anything new. These ones will be our major obstacles. The way I see it, it will take the passionate, dedicated and single minded leaders with decisive character to lead change nowadays for our nation. To introduce something new, whether it might be of ideas or conventions, it must incorporate certain number of approaches or means so as to be successful. A change leader must be well aware of the hindrances to change before moving forward for change. As we have seen, our “culture and tradition” along with “fear of unknown” are the two main hindrances and barriers to positive change. A change leader must be well aware of the hindrances to change before moving forward for change. IMPORTANT KEYS FOR CHANGE Having seen the two main factors which obstruct or hinder change, I want to give you twelve important guidelines here, which are keys; I believe change leaders must lay hold of so as to lead change. As a change leader, you must be better prepared and equipped for change. Without thorough preparation and equipping, you cannot lead change. 1: Knowing God’s Word In identifying with God, He has “instruction manual” for us. A leader must have God’s Word as his source of inspiration, motivation and standard. It is of utmost importance that Gods’ Word must govern and regulate all the facets of a leaders’ life. A leaders’ heart must continuously feed on the strong meat of God’s inerrant and infallible Word. The Word of God contains the creative and dynamic power of God; therefore, you must receive it with humility and allow it to work in you. If you receive it with openness and meekness, it will ink within you goodies to give away to the lost and dying generation. It will instill in you necessary expertise, credentials and qualities to lead change. Remember, you cannot give what you do not have. We only give as much as we have, no more, no less. Word of God performs this
  • 33. 33 very role; but the condition is we must open our hearts and receive it in faith knowing it is God’s Word, and will surely work in us as God Himself had promised. Many people do not receive it with meekness, rather they question its’ infallibility and authority. They use the words of Satan; Did God really said thou shall not? Such an attitude is simply irreverential and hypocritical! Yes Bible is what God said; it is God breathed, inspired by God Himself. If we cannot receive His Word with an open and humble heart, we cannot receive Him. Bible will never be outdated All the secular books will be outdated; but the Bible will never ever be outdated by any means. It is the most relevant, up-to-date book in the world, although its existence dates back centuries and millenniums. One scientist remarked to my amazement; “Bible is an amazing book because it never becomes outdated.” He said; science books have a maximum shelf life of ten years, and are quickly forgotten, but Bible is never outdated.” What an amazing comment! It’s a good complement and good news for those who treasure the fallibility and inerrancy of the Bible. Just imagine a scientist posing this astounding comment! Who knows, he might not be in any way have associations or dealings with Christianity. If he is not a Christian, yet posing this astounding comment, you better take seriously what he is saying. This is really a serious business. A leader surely needs this book because without it, there can be no godly leadership. Why? Bible alone clearly portrays the pattern and roadmap for firm and God anchored leadership. Bible shows us the kind of leadership God wants from us. Bible shows us God’s standard leadership. If a person asserts of himself as a leader without any basic understanding of the Scriptures, his leadership is questionable. He will surely be an oppressor, manipulator and a dominator. God has not called us to be dictators and manipulators! He has called us to lead by our exemplary lives. He wants our lives to be the message. A leader without any godly standards cannot lead, because sensible people will never buy into such a leader. If you are aspiring to rise up for change for our nation PNG, I would encourage you to spend some quality time in the Word of God. We want godly leaders to lead this nation. If God’s Word is not hidden in your heart, you will likely add to the prevailing corruption that is dragging our nation downwards, and eating up the moral fiber of our nation! You need God’s Word, as much as I need it! Psalmists David said; Your Word I have hidden (stored) in my heart that I may not sin against you. God’s alone will keep us from the deadly entrapments of sin that the enemy of souls uses to make us fall, messed up and not to get God’s will done. People who caused great impact…knew God’s Word People who had caused great impact in history knew God’s Word. They loved God’s Word. Catherine Booth, the wife of Salvation Army founder, William Booth, read the Bible through twelve times while in her teenage years. Martin Luther said, “I am betrothed to the Paul’s epistle to the Galatians. George Muller determined not to read any other book apart from the Bible, he read the Bible over two hundred times. Smith Wigglesworth allowed no circular books and
  • 34. newspapers into his home except Bible. Derek Prince read Bible over hundred times and taught the Scripture with clarity and simplicity. They internalized and personalized God’s Word. They took in God’s Word and lived it out. They have seen God’s Word work in their lives in their Christian pilgrimage. They have seen the trials that so confronts us as a result of having the Word in our hearts. They held onto God’s Word in highs and lows of life. They believed God’s Word on the mountain, they believed God’s Word in the valley. They prevailed because they knew God’s Word, and had treasured it a place of prominence in their hearts. Consider this question, “How can God use someone who does not have any working knowledge of His Word?” God cannot use an empty drum, because, it will make a lot of noise. It was said of George Muller that he read the Bible from end to end almost two hundred times. He had prayed for millions of dollars (in today's currency) for the Orphans and never asked anyone directly for money. He never took a salary in the last sixty eight years of his ministry, but trusted God to put in people's hearts to send him what he needed. He never took out a loan or went into debt. And neither he nor the orphans were ever hungry. Bible teacher, Derek Prince, also read the Bible from end to end hundred plus times. This explains in large measure the triumphs of their faith and the fruitfulness of their ministry. If you follow their example, only God knows where you will end up. Don’t limit what God can do through you and in you. Bible is the book that all the leaders must acquaint themselves’ with. Lester Sumrall once said; “It is the most important to learn in the world. It will guide us in this life and it will influence us in the life to come.” 2: God’s power in our hands Do you know that we have the power of God to do what He has called us to do? Yes, the power of God has been made available to us through Jesus Christ triumphant victory on the cross on our behalf. Candidly, the church is failing to live up to its’ latent responsibility by imparting this cardinal truth plainly to the believers. This failure, for the most part, causes insurmountable, if not disastrous problems in the body of Christ due to the church’s ignorance and blindsight. Ministers of God must seek to study the Word of God, and teach it the way it is presented in the Bible. We are like Moses not realizing that the very rod we are holding is the thing that will deliver our people from the mud and mire of corruption and bondage. Church leaders must extend this God given rod so as to see positive change influence our nation. Without exercising this rod’s authority, it will be valueless, it will never accomplish anything. Only when this rod is exercised can God’s power be released into our nations’ affairs. We have the rod of God in our hands; the very rod that Moses used to deliver the nation of Israel out of Egypt is in our hands here and now. Now, what is that rod I am referring to here? It is the Word of God, it is your Bible! I want to ask you now, how much time do you give to your Bible? I call upon all the sons and daughters of Papua New Guinea to rise up. It is about time we exercise the authority and mandate that God has given us. We cannot blame God if we are not using our authority that He has already given us. Remember, there is no such thing as neutrality
  • 35. 35 in the kingdom of God. You can choose to serve God or the world with its’ passing pleasures. Remember, silence promotes and encourages evil; it never drives back nor confront evil. We must never be silent and allow evil things to happen right before our eyes. We must get up, and out, and fight against the evil forces wherever we find it, bind it and loose the power of God to saturate our nation in its entirety! What is in your hands? Use it to change the destiny of our nation. You have education and expertise, use them. You have gifts and potentials loaded in you, use them. You are placed in an influential position; use your influence to contribute to the change quota for our nation. Like Esther, you have come to leadership for such a time as this…. 3: Know your place It is imperative we must know our place or our calling in the body of Christ. Our calling will give us a sense of purpose and stability to live. Having identified our calling, we can use the gifts and the talents God gave us serve Him in the specific area He has put us. Again, Myles Munroe said something to this effect; your gifting’s and talents is the area of your leadership. This holds very true! This is the lane we were originally destined and engineered by God to take. A person who does not know his domain of leadership will be all over the place and waste his time, energy and effort doing wrong things. Having identified our place God has placed us; we can serve, doing so using the Word of God as our ultimate guide. Paul shedding more light on this theme went on to employ the analogy of the human body to set out this cardinal truth in 1 Corinthians 12. You are a member in the body of Christ; therefore you are so unique, vitally important and irreplaceable. You have a bigger part to play in the body of Christ for the expansion of the kingdom of God here on earth in the now. God created us and put in every one of us the innate potential and ability to get things done that which He has predestined for us before allowing us to exist on this earth. God is our Maker, and He knows best what we are born to do. But first of all, it will take time for your gifts to manifest or for you to come to realize the gifts that you possess on the inside of you. You have to seek God patiently and study His Word and dwell in His awesome presence always. He will cause the doors to be open and engineer the opportunities and avenues so that He can have you to unleash what He has originally deposited in your life. In the course of time, you will begin to discover yourself; this is the domain or the area of your leadership. Another simple thing you can do, though it is not Scriptural, get started by noting down what you love doing. What is the specific thing that you always love doing? Maybe this is where God is taking you. Then, try to invest your time to develop these potentials of yours. In the natural, we all know that it takes cultivation and watering so as to see a seed germinate. Same is true with our giftings and talents. God reveals Himself to those who diligently seek Him, and He also reveals to those who seek Him to themselves. You will know your true self if you seek God of His will and His plan for your life. Unless we realize our place, our calling, life would turn out for us a trial and error transaction. God did not create us to involve in “trial and error” business.